Board game skyfall. Review of Spyfall - a board game about cheating. Do you have any weird questions?

Rules of the game

"Don't talk on the phone, talker is a godsend for a spy!" - a well-known and not unfounded slogan of the Soviet era. On what German saboteurs did not pierce -

on stainless steel clips of military IDs and square nail heads used to tuck the soles of boots... In this game, everyone will be able to play both in the shoes of a spy close to failure and a special agent on his trail.

Game Composition

240 cards (30 sets of 8 cards each)

30 bags for cards

Rules of the game

You will also need to keep track of time during the game, so prepare a timer in advance. It's probably on mobile phone one of the party members.

Game Review

The game party consists of a sequence of short rounds. In each round, players find themselves in some location, each with their own status. One inevitably turns out to be a spy who doesn't know where he is. His task is to talk other players, determine the location and not expose himself. Each non-spy, in turn, tries to make it clear to “their own” that he knows where he is and therefore is not a spy. Observation, composure, endurance, cunning - everything is useful in this game. Be alert!

Purpose of the game

The goal of the spy is not to reveal himself until the end of the round or to determine the location in which everyone is located.

The goal of the non-spies is to unanimously name the spy and therefore expose him.

Before the first round

Before the first round of Spy Find, sort the location cards into sets - each set should contain 7 cards with the same illustrations and 1 spy card. Put each set of cards in a separate bag:

all cards of the set must lie in a pile face-

howl side down and so that the top card was the spy card.

All locations are shown on the following pages. Before the start of the round, let the players study this spread carefully. This will help "future spies" understand which locations they will have to choose from during the game. We do not advise the spy to peep into this reversal directly during the game - in this way he will give himself away with his head.

Start of the game round

The game consists of a sequence of short rounds, the number of which is determined by the players before the game starts - for the first time we recommend playing 5 rounds (it will take about an hour of your time).

In each round, a new dealer is chosen, who plays on an equal footing with everyone else. In the first round, the one who looks the most suspicious becomes the dealer. That player draws all packs of card sets from the box, flips them face down, shuffles, and then chooses 1 random pack. From the selected package, he carefully takes out all the cards, in no way

Location map

Spy card

case without turning over. Then the dealer removes cards from the pile according to the number of players, shuffles them and distributes a card to each participant. Thus, if there are five players, five cards are dealt. The remaining cards are not turned over and are carefully set aside - you will not need them. Each player secretly looks at the received card from the others.

and lays it face down in front of you.

AT each subsequent round, the dealer becomes the player who was the spy in the previous one. He chooses a new set and deals cards according to the rules described above.

The dealer starts the timer and then starts the game. He asks a question to any other player, addressing him by name: "Tell me, Rita ..." As a rule, questions relate to the mysterious location indicated on the card: this is desirable, but not necessary. The question is asked once and without clarification. The answer can also be anything. Then the one who answered the question asks a question to any other player, except for the one who previously asked him a question (i.e., you cannot ask in response). The order of the survey will be built by the players themselves - this will depend on suspicions based on questions and answers.

Note: if you are not a spy, then your location card will also indicate your status in the location. Before the start of the game, agree on whether you will follow statuses and play roles in conversations or not (we strongly

We advise you to win back - it's more interesting). For example, if you are a professor at a university, then when asked “Why did you skip our little corporate party?” you can refer to your “sick old bones”, and if you are a student, you can be indignant why “the big uncles didn’t invite you”.

The status is usually masculine, but this does not mean that your character is male. So, a steward on an airplane can become a flight attendant, and a salesman in a supermarket can become a saleswoman.

Game round example

Anna, Ivan, Maria and Dmitry ended up in the army of the crusaders. However, Anna does not know about this, since she got the spy card. Accordingly, Ivan got a knight, Mary - a squire,

a Dmitry is a pilgrim. In the game, they will play their roles, trying to figure out the spy,

a Anna's task is to guess what location she is in, and at the same time not give herself away.

The squire Maria is the first to ask a question: “Don’t you remember, Dima, in which sea we swam yesterday?” Pilgrim Dmitry, of course, calls the Mediterranean, and spy Anna takes note of his answer: perhaps the location you are looking for is a beach or pirate ship. Meanwhile, Dmitry cannot ask Maria (you cannot return the question), so his question is addressed to Ivan: “Vanya, when do we get our salary - at the beginning or at the end of the month?” Other players tensed: a similar question could mean that Dimitri is a spy. Dmitry just probes the opponent, but Ivan is a knight, not a spy, so he easily answers the question: “Come on, come on. When the commander becomes generous, then we will have money. Spy Anna is completely confused: now she assumes a partisan detachment or a military unit. And Ivan’s next question is addressed to her: “Anya, tell me, what did you have for dinner yesterday? And then I missed it." Anna hesitates: “Yes, potatoes

normal, nothing special. It was then that she was suspected of espionage: the crusader players are well aware that they will live another three hundred years before Columbus with his root crops ...

End of game round

The round ends in one of three cases.

1.after 8 minutes;

After that, the players must announce who they suspect of espionage. The dealer in turn offers to vote for all the players, starting with himself and going clockwise. If necessary, players can discuss their suspicions and then vote. If everyone votes for a spy,

except for the suspect - the spy lost. In all other cases, the spy won.

Important! By agreement between the players, the duration of the rounds can be changed. Before the start of the game, determine how much time to allocate for one round. For beginners, we recommend recording more time - 12-15 minutes.

2. on suspicion of the player;

Any player at any time (but only once per round) can stop the game, name one of the players as a suspect, and ask the others to vote. If all players unanimously voted for that suspect, the round ends (even if they voted for a non-spy). It is beneficial for the players to stop the game: after all, if the spy is identified in this way, then the player who initiated the vote will receive an additional +1 point. But it is also beneficial for the spy to accuse someone of espionage during the round in order to divert suspicion from himself.

If not all players supported the initiator of the vote, then the round continues according to the usual rules from the place where the game was interrupted.

Important: we do not advise players to discuss the candidacy of a spy during the voting (“I think that he is a spy because he wears a pink nightgown, but he should have green!”). With similar pros and cons, players can inadvertently give out a location to a spy.

3. at the request of the spy.

He can stop the game at any time by revealing a spy card. The spy can then consult the list of locations in the middle of the rules and is then required to name

current location. If the location is guessed - the spy won, if not - the rest won.

Important: when one of the players stopped the game and suspected a spy of espionage, he can no longer try to guess the location. His chance is missed - if everyone votes for him, the spy loses the round.

At the end of the round, the cards are returned to the dealer and are no longer involved in this game - remove the package with them in the box.

Tasks and strategies of players

A task non-spy players- not only to calculate the spy, but also try not to give out the location. Therefore, when asking questions, it’s better for non-spies to avoid very specific formulations (“Don’t you remember how much the robbers took from us yesterday from the cash register?” the security cashier asked, and the spy sitting next door immediately guessed the location - the bank). But it’s also not worth giving very general or obscure questions and answers: such a player may be suspected of espionage, and then the real spy will win.

The task of the spy is to listen as carefully as possible to other people's answers, try not to give himself away and at the same time calculate the location before the end of eight game minutes. A spy who waits for the end of the round takes a risk: it is likely that the opponents, thanks to discussion and voting, will figure him out.

game over

The winner is the player who scores the most points in a given number of rounds.

Game creators

Game development: Hobby World team Illustrations: Uildrim, Sergey Dulin General direction: Mikhail Akulov, Ivan Popov Editorial management: Vladimir Sergeev

Rule text and editing: Alexander Kiselev, Valentin Matyusha Design and layout: Ivan Sukhovey Proofreading: Olga Portugalova Game publishing issues: Nikolay Pegasov ( [email protected])

Special thanks go to Ilya Karpinsky.

Reprinting and publication of the rules, components and illustrations of the game without the permission of the copyright holder is prohibited.

© 2014 World of Hobby LLC. All rights reserved.

Hello dear friends. Today we are gathering with you for a glass of pi ... that is, tea, we sit down at the table and start a new rubric with a loud cackle. It is fun and provocative, to the best of our ability, we will share with you our impressions of games for a large and not so company that you can play with friends, acquaintances, strangers, but, preferably, people. Most importantly, they will give you a reason to take your mind off the TV and spend the evening in good company. Ladies and gentlemen, Game2Day presents a section on board games: "Smash the cards on the table."

The first participant in our small meeting will be a world hit, translated into 25 languages. This fact itself already suggests that the game does not require special skills, the main thing is to join the company. It is called Spyfall or, as they often say in Russian, Chatterbox - "A find for a spy."

A small box contains 240 cards, 30 bags and instructions. “Why such a huge set of cards?” - you ask. It's simple: three packed piles - not a deck, but 30 modest sets, which correspond to the bags. Each set represents a specific location: for example, a guerrilla unit or a cruise ship. Their meaning will become clear as the game progresses, but for now it is worth discussing the roles of the players.

There are only two categories of participants in the game: ordinary citizens and one spy. Inconspicuous residents receive cards with the image of the location face down. The cunning guerrilla gets a spy card that has no useful information. His task is to find out to what unknown corner of the world the hardship has brought him this time. Players must figure out which one of them is actually a rat and is only pretending to be a smiling friend. They can determine this by asking leading questions, but not too detailed. Otherwise, a spy who pricks up his ears will easily guess what is at stake.

Three to eight people take part in the game, and they ask questions in any order. You can't just ask for answers. Imagine that the table gathered: Petya, Sasha, Kolya and Marina, and Sasha is a girl, well, it doesn’t matter. It is always the most suspicious who gives out, let him be Petya, since they started with him. Four cards are laid out in front of the players, each languidly looked into his own and quickly returned it to the tabletop. Kolya got the spy card, but the dealer always asks first. Petya knows that they have gathered at a corporate party, so he casually asks Marina: “Mary, tell me, is it loud here?” Marina, having the same card, answers without hesitation: "Of course." It was her turn to torture the next member. She runs her eyes over the remaining two and, deciding at the last moment, says: “Sash, what are you wearing?”. She's not sure what that question means. On the one hand, Marina answered correctly, but on the other hand, she answered too briefly, she could say at random. After thinking, Sasha cautiously replies: “Yes, in a dress.”

All this time, Kolya, sitting with a spy card, was thinking tensely: where do people come in dresses and where is it quite loud at the same time? Maybe in a casino? Or not, in the theatre. Or maybe in a restaurant? His thoughts are interrupted by Sasha and asks the question: “Why are people here so joyful?”. Completely panicked, he stops at the casino and replies: "Because they win." It becomes clear to everyone that he has no idea where he ended up.

Needless to say, the outcome may be quite different. If the guerrillas or corporate employees are too talkative, the spy will immediately know what they mean. He will only have to fall into the general tone of the conversation, and then reveal his card and guess the location - then he wins. Playing as a spy is very difficult: your hands sweat, your hair stands on end from incomprehensible questions, and when suddenly someone calls your name and asks about something ambiguously ... Oh, you have to think quickly so as not to give yourself away with your slowdown. The secret of a spy is to keep a low profile and play by the rules, bluffing confidently as you go. It doesn't happen all the time and not for everyone.

The rules change at the request of the players. On each card, in addition to the place, there is also a role. It is not necessary to play it, but for notorious role-players it can increase interest in the game. The moment with the map of locations is also important. Usually they put it away so that no one cheats, but everything has back side. An inept spy, running his eyes over the pictures, on the contrary, will give himself away and it will be easier to catch him in a lie.

Not everyone is born the deadpan James Bond, but everyone can wear his costume in Spyfall. Any composition of participants will provide hilarious fun with dozens of funny and suspicious situations. After several games, no one will trust anyone, and this becomes especially fun.

We thank the publisher hobby world for the games provided to us.

Imagine that you are on the beach. And one of you is a spy. Went on a mission, but don't know where he got to. You do not know who the spy is, so you are suspicious of all players, trying to check everyone in order to figure out the agent and turn him over to the authorities. And the spy tries to guess in which of the thirty locations he is based on your questions. This is not even the Mafia, this is an adventure movie with a passion!

As many as 30 locations?

Yes, there is an orbital station, and a party in a club, and an army of crusaders, and a hospital. Each of them can have up to 7 "locals", and there will definitely be one spy. Each of the regular players has a map with a shared location that even shows their profession or status in that location. Players ask each other questions, for example: “Tell me, what are we giving today?” And a spy on such an issue may begin to suspect, for example, that this is a restaurant. And the other player replies, “It seems to be something foreign, like yesterday,” then the spy already begins to doubt: what if this is a theater or a circus? Now he would not sleep when it was his turn to answer.

Human factor

Built on bluffing, intuition and mindfulness, the Spy's Find board game is a game where what players say and think matters most. Each round is given 8 minutes (but you can decide how much time you need). If the Spy manages to figure out the location early, he can stop the game, reveal himself and get extra points if he is right. If he made a mistake in the answer or asked an inappropriate question himself, he may be suspected of espionage, and if everyone together votes that he is a spy, he will be expelled, even if he turns out to be a simple resident.

The board game Star Wars: Spyfall is an offshoot of the Spy Find game series, which is a parlor-type conversational game. Basically, the changes have only affected the setting, which makes this game a real gift for both fans of previous games and fans " Star Wars".

Here, as in original game, one player will take on the role of a Rebel Agent (Spy), whose goal is to capture the secret schemes of the Death Star, and the rest will take on the role of the Imperials, who need to figure out this spy as quickly as possible. The role of the spy shifts between players, and the locations in which the game takes place also change. The goal of the Agent is to ask the other players for their location in such a way as not to reveal their disguise. The Imperials, on the other hand, try to expose the Spy by asking tricky questions, usually about locations.

Players will visit the classic locations where the events of Star Wars unfold: in the swamps of Dagobah, in Cloud City, in the Ewok Village, on Jabba the Hutt's sailing yacht. It is worth remembering that the spy needs to know not only the planet on which he is located, but also the exact location ...

Feel like heroes of a galaxy far, far away, show observation, endurance, composure... and may the Force be with you!

About "Find for a Spy"

In the board game "Find for a Spy" you will be able to be in the shoes of a spy of a certain government, and a special agent, a counter-spy, following his trail. This game belongs to the parlor game genre, that is, it resembles the well-known "Mafia", but does not require a separate player for the role of host - everyone will play! Time limit, many locations for the spy to figure out, and the general heat of passion during the game guarantee you an incredibly exciting pastime!

Game process

The game consists of advance determined by the players number of rounds, and the winner will be the one who scores the most points in total.

Each round begins with a draw. The dealer takes a special bag containing location cards and spy cards. The cards are dealt face down and it turns out that one player gets the role of a spy, and the other players get a location card for this round.

As mentioned above, the game takes place in a conversation format. The task of the spy is to find out where he is. He doesn't know this because he doesn't get any location cards. Other players know her, but they don't understand which of those present at the table is a spy, because the cards were dealt face down!

A certain amount of time is allocated for one round, for example, five minutes. How can players find out the location or identify the spy? By asking each other questions, of course! The first player can ask a question to any player. As a rule, the question will concern the location known to him. It is desirable that the question be worded in such a way that the spy does not understand what kind of place he is talking about, and everyone else immediately realizes that the person asking the question is "their own". The answer to the question can be anything. After that, the respondent can already ask his question to any player, with the exception of the one who asked him the question - this restriction is necessary so that all players can take part in the discussion.

"Dancing" in this way around the bush, the players feel for the ground, trying to understand which of the players is a spy and begin to suspect each other. Here the spy will need to improvise, what if someone asks him a question? Or will he decide to ask around to get some information or to divert suspicion from himself? The spy must, during all discussions, understand where he is and make a statement about this before he is seen through!

Observation, composure, endurance, cunning - everything is useful in this game. Be alert!

Who has won?

The game consists of rounds, the round lasts for several minutes. At the end of the round, the winners are determined and victory points are awarded. The player with the most points in all rounds is declared the winner.

Each round can end in three ways:

  • At the end of the timer, all players must unanimously vote for the suspected spy, thereby identifying him and winning the game. If the players are wrong, the spy wins.
  • Any player (even the spy himself) once per party can start voting for any candidate, and if everyone unanimously votes for one player, then the party ends in one or another favor
  • The spy can stop the game and name the current location - if he guessed right, then victory is his

Per different variants wins are awarded a different number of points. For example, a spy can earn as much as 4 points per round if he himself stops the game and correctly names the location.

Game features

Why "Find for a Spy" became a real boom in 2014, was in the top twenty best games according to versions of prestigious sites, has been translated into many languages? Yes, very simple, because this is a really amazing and unique game:

  • Simple rules and captivating game process allow people of different age groups and with different interests to sit at the same table
  • Unique parlor-style conversational gameplay - there is no host in the game, the spy must figure out the location and remove all suspicions from himself, while other players try to figure out who the spy is by asking each other leading questions about the location. The game of cat and mouse lasts until someone makes a mistake or makes a correct guess!
  • The spy theme will not leave indifferent any man, and the courageous and romantic image of Bond will not leave any girl!
  • In addition to all of the above, the game perfectly trains memory, logic, deductive thinking, sharpness of mind, reaction, ingenuity, public speaking, bluffing and many other skills useful for a real spy!

Please note that for this game, in addition to the recommended ones, protectors with a size of 66x91 mm are also suitable.

We remind you that this is a standalone game, so the presence of the base game is not necessary.

Each of us dreamed of becoming a spy. Meet pretty girls and ride an Aston like Bond. James Bond. Perform incredible stunts like Ethan Hunt. Save the world, after all, like Sam Fisher and Solid Snake. But the everyday life of a real spy is not always associated with such things as girls, cars and weapons. First of all, you need to convince everyone that you are not a spy at all, but the most ordinary, unremarkable person. It is the presence of this ability that the game will check. Spyfall: find for spy».

"Spyfall: a find for a spy" - conversational game in the spirit of the Mafia, developed by Alexander Ushan and published by the World of Hobby publishing house.

The idea of ​​the game is extremely simple: there is a spy among us, but he does not know where we are. The goal of the spy is to find out what location he is in, our goal is to find him. But with a simple idea, this is a very interesting, exciting and sometimes difficult game.

The game goes as follows: players are dealt cards - most of them will show the same location, but different roles (for example, in a supermarket there will be the roles of a cashier, merchandiser, promoter, security guard, etc.), and one player will certainly get spy card. After that, the dealer starts the timer and starts the game by asking a question to any player. With questions, we are trying to find out which of those present does not know the location, and the spy is trying to understand based on the questions where he is. Then the person who answered the question asks the next player a question, but the question cannot be returned back.

The round ends in three cases:

  1. Time is running out. The players then vote on who they consider the spy. If they guessed right, the spy lost, otherwise he won. The duration of the round should be changed depending on the number of players;
  2. Player suspicion. Any player can call someone a spy once during a round. If everyone agrees, the round is over. If not everyone voted, then the game continues.
  3. Confession of a spy. The Spy can stop the game at any time, except for voting for the suspect, and name the location. If he guesses correctly, he wins; if he doesn't guess, the others win.

After the end of the round, this location leaves, and the former spy begins a new round by distributing a new location.

Alexander Straub

This game will appeal to all fans classic Mafia, and at the same time can attract new players who have not yet tried this kind of game. Spyfall is easy to learn, but it will take a bit of effort on the part of the players to memorize a lot of locations, as it's easy to give yourself away by constantly looking at the instructions.

I personally am not a fan of games where you have to cheat and dodge, but this game interested me, because. it trains memory, requires self-confidence, the ability to correctly build questions and be able to analyze information. Playing as a spy is difficult, but possible. And the harder it is to play, the less people there are. If you already have a spy, you need to have a certain impudence: confidently answer questions; often look at your map, pretending that there is a well-known location there and you are studying it in detail; look at the instructions as little as possible, but at the same time, as soon as you have a more or less clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhere you are, shout: “ My name is Bond, James Bond”, i.e. reveal your true face and you can safely explore all the locations and put forward your version *.

*The rules say that the spy can say during the round that he is a spy - explore the locations - put forward his guess.