Review of the game «The Settlers Online. Game review «The Settlers Online Settlers game review

Blew up the charts, broke fates (you know how long it took to build royal palace?) and led the penultimate victorious march of the strategic format; it is rare that a monitor did not display the life of pot-bellied men carrying fish in a cart. After a few optional games, Settlers started metamorphoses - the third part of the series powerfully moved away from the roots, and the subsequent ones had nothing to do with the original concept at all - they rather resembled a children's Warcraft. At the same time, the industry was changing: difficult, monotonous economic strategies retreated to the periphery, giving way to hundred-million-dollar shooters. After a brief nostalgic act ( Settlers 10 Anniversary, a remake of glorious Settlers 2, approximately 2007), it became clear that the series can be put an end to - when any cultural unit reaches postmodernism, there are no more development options. This has already happened with all popular media formats: be it cinema, literature, or, I don’t know, theatrical art - apparently, it came to games, only within the framework of one genre. However, the Germans Blue Byte they found a way out - if someone is lucky, many smart books will be written about this, but now we can already talk about the successful reincarnation of the embalmed series.

Recall what was famous Settlers: The player took custody of a group of settlers and led them along a path of technological progress. Concerns about infrastructure and the economy were complicated by "indirect control" - you could not personally send a little man to build a hut; it was necessary to create conditions for the construction and hope that everything was done correctly. The meditative process was interrupted by unwashed bandits and aggressive boars - they had to quit their business and save the village. As you can see, the mechanics are almost ideal for online entertainment: other users can be aggressive boars, leisurely development successfully forms the basis of an MMO - half an hour a day. And yet the decision to go online was clearly shaped by a successful Stronghold Kingdoms; it's interesting that at one time, it was the original Settlers inspired firefly on the simulator of the citadel - a bizarre boomerang described an arc ten years long, but the circle closed.

We built, we built

Settlers Online contains almost no barriers between the user and the game: you download a meager client, choose an “avatar” (they are all stupid, don’t think for a long time) and compose a sonorous name - voila, you are already in the game. At first, you are severely limited - at your disposal is only a piece of land, a town hall, two handfuls of resources and a dozen settlers. There is no hypergoal - you personally prioritize and assign tasks. Don't forget that "indirect control" hasn't gone away; the main thing is not to accumulate five hundred thousand gold, but to effectively optimize production chains. It will take about a week for these construction-foreman affairs - everything is like in the good old days.

Having erected the basic buildings (sawmill, sailor's hut, brothel), it's time to pay attention to the extraction of resources, because they are in Settlers Online- a great many. The gifts of nature, interacting with each other, form such a system that graduates of "biochemists" never dreamed of - starting, for example, deforestation, you will soon find out what an extensive production chain you have laid the foundation for. Wood is needed in the production of coal, bronze and copper; those, in turn, are needed for forging weapons, money, and about a hundred more strategically important things. Do not forget that all types of resources are divided into several types. For example, spruce boards are much worse than oak ones, oak ones are inferior to baobab, and they, taken together, give in to larch. But there is also iron, and bronze, and marble - also with their own hierarchy. Honestly, if not for the "details" tab built into the menu of each building, Settlers would stimulate more headaches than bus conductors.

social insight

For those who are especially lazy and slow-witted, there is a small indulgence - a kind of analogue of spells, in the manner of large MMORPGs. By enchanting a building, you will improve its work: bakeries will produce bread twice as fast, a blacksmith will supply more powerful weapons, and a fisherman will permanently pull out meter-long catfish. Spells are given out for successful housekeeping, or an active social life - so don't sit around.

As the town develops, the character gains experience and grows in level, gaining access to new buildings and missions. The development is done quite cunningly: the first seventeen levels are gained quickly, but then the hero stops developing at all - as if he got into a swamp. This is due to a sharp reduction in the streams that carry experience - now you will not be flooded with gifts for the construction of one mill; From now on, you can only grow in level through active military operations. The reception, of course, is mossy (we recall about all fantasy MMORPGs), but it is effective: after 17 levels you have time to get used to the game, and it is not so easy to quit it.

When all the main buildings are built, the economy is stable, processes are optimized, you straighten your shoulders and proudly look around at an unexplored, in general, island: what is there - behind the black "fog of war"? In the original Settlers a geologist and scouts were responsible for the expansion; here the rock connoisseur has turned into a phantom investigating the soil at the click of your mouse, but the Boy Scouts are presented in all their glory. They explore the island, clear the fog of war, and get, um, quests - perhaps the only new addition to The Settlers Online. To take the quest - send a hard worker to distant lands and wait for him to return with a special card. There will be some simple task: clear the village of bandits or save the hostages.

Here comes the eternal problem Settlers- fights. Not only will the soldiers not go anywhere without their general (who is one and no more), but they also eat up half of the resources - go broke on shields and beer alone. You won’t really see the military operations themselves: the little men give each other a cuff, swing their sword in a funny way and disappear in case of defeat. The battles are commanded by the general, you act as a spectator from the sixteenth row. There are no PvP battles, but the developers promise - although I have little idea how it might look like.

If you strain your memory and try to remember anything about the last parts Settlers the first thing that comes to your mind is good graphics. Indeed: no matter what cataclysms happened to the series, technically it always looked great - especially the penultimate one, with a spectacular change of seasons. The online version keeps the brand, and, probably, can be called the most beautiful game for browsers. The corporate style has been preserved: rounded, slowly walking little men, pot-bellied, like CRT monitors, at home, funny, albeit aggressive, wild boars. The action does not stop for a second - mills are spinning, pine trees are falling, foxes are running and fish are swimming; this is exactly what the old Settlers looked like, only waves without shaders.

Here, as in any browser game, there is a paid currency - it is called "gems". They allow you to buy resources, decorations, additional skills, instantly complete construction, and, in general, everything. If you hoped to use money to turn Settlers into unpretentious entertainment - in vain. Almost all items - weapons, food, raw materials - are produced and processed independently; no one will build the mentioned chains instead of you. In the end, gems are just a way to speed up the process a little, to apply pressure, but by no means a panacea for all ills. It's for the best - the whole point Settlers it consisted precisely in the painstaking laying out of paths, breweries and mints; to lose it, and even with one's own hand, is rather stupid.

Blue Byte for the first time in a long time, they did what they needed: they moved the mechanics in a convenient direction, following the trends, slightly simplified the economy and construction, masterfully played on nostalgic feelings, finally. You can (and should) specify Settlers Online on primitive social aspects, the lack of PvP and funny fights - especially since the patch will most likely not fix this. But who cares when ... although, what I'm telling you - you yourself understand everything perfectly.

Online game review The Settlers Online

The Settlers - Browser online game in the genre of military economic strategy, the essence of which is the development of a small settlement, consisting at the beginning of the game of one building and a group of settlers, a powerful state.
As befits a military economic strategy, in the online game The Settlers the player will have to both raise the economy of the settlement by developing chains of interconnected industries, and conduct military operations in order to expand the boundaries of their kingdom.

In the online game The Settlers, nine different combat units are available, differing in characteristics and abilities. Battles in the online game take place without the direct participation of the player. The result of the battle must be viewed in the report. Nevertheless, the outcome of each battle depends on the actions of the player,and more specifically on how the troops will be placed on the battlefield before the battle.Battles go step by step - the troops go in turn, so the result is sometimes unpredictable.

The online game The Settlers will not leave anyone indifferent, as only here exciting games are perfectly combined. game process, a unique military-economic component and amazing graphics! Good luck in battle!

Other materials on the online game The Settlers online:

Video for the game The Settlers Online :

"The Settlers online" - building guide. Help for newbies.

1. Where to start construction:
Once in the game world "The Settlers online", follow all the proposed quests - by fulfilling their conditions, you will receive experience points and gold. However, remember that quests will not teach you how to fully play, for example, they will not indicate how many buildings of a certain type you need to build, how many troops to send into battle, which resources are more valuable.
During the game, you will need 3 important resources - stone, fir boards, and tools.
Using the services of a geologist, you can find minerals (stone, coal, marble, etc.). When you find a stone deposit, start building a stone cutter building.

Stonecutter requires a lot of resources, therefore, on initial stage game, you should build no more than 3 buildings of this type. Stonecutters should be located between the town hall and stone deposits (preferably closer to the deposits in order to save space for the construction of subsequent buildings), which will speed up the construction process as much as possible.

The second important resource is spruce. For a successful, balanced extraction of spruce boards, you should adhere to such a scheme: order 3 foresters for 2 lumberjacks (the forester plants trees, then the lumberjack cuts them down) and build 2sawmills (produced from logs boards). Other buildings are built from the resulting boards. At the initial stage of the game, 2 lumberjacks, 3 foresters and 2 sawmills are enough, because you need to reach the production of tools as quickly as possible.

The extraction of tools requires a rather complex production chain, but it is necessary to organize it, because the tools will be used in the construction of all buildings in The Settlers online, and the more advanced the buildings are, the more tools they require. This chain begins with the extraction of copper ore in mines - a mine can only be built on a copper deposit found by a geologist. After the mine, the ore enters the smelter, combined with coal, becomes a copper ingot. To obtain coal, you need to build a coal burner, which requires 2 lumberjacks (supplying logs). In a charcoal burner, logs are turned into coal. Tools are obtained by smelting copper ingots in a tool shop. At the initial stage of the game, it is highly recommended to build 2 tool shops.

2. Tips for the location of buildings in "The Settlers online":
Production buildings should be placed closer to the warehouse or the town hall.
Build houses, mansions farther from warehouses, because they take up quite a lot of space, interfering with production processes.
Build buildings of the same type closer to each other - it will be much more convenient to keep track of them. Also leave a place near your buildings for the same type of buildings for the future.
Do not build many warehouses at the initial stage of the game - one for each sector will be enough. (Later, by level 36, you will need 4-5 warehouses additionally on the first island, in those places where there are a large number of zones for construction).
Build warehouses in such a way that 6-10 buildings can be built around them as close as possible. You can organize a square with sides 3x3, and at the same time leave two more places for buildings on the sides of the warehouse.

When you need more stone, build more stonecutters, but remember that stonecutters can be built as much as you want, unlike copper mines, which can only be built on top of copper ore deposits.
It will be more profitable to have a level 1 marbler/oak cutter than a level 2 stonecutter/slim cutter. In the same way, a level 2 marbler/oak-cutter is more profitable than a level-3 stonecutter/bare-cutter, and so on.
While the building is being improved, it does not work, does not produce resources. At the same time, from the 3rd to the 4th level, the improvement of the building takes place in a day, and from the 4th to the 5th level - in a whole week.
Allocate a certain place for building water wells - you will need a lot of them in the future, and do not place them near the warehouse. It will take about 70 working wells, therefore it is much more convenient to put them in one place than to scatter them around the map, because they quickly dry out, which implies the constant construction of new wells.
After the well collapses / depletes, the worker who pumped out the water will become a free settler - he can be used for other things.

"The Settlers online" - a guide to the development of the settlement. Useful information, tips for the game.

Such a guide can help you with tips and good tips.

If you started mining tools, then you need to increase the production of stones and boards. Tools, stones and boards are the main resources in the game.

When you reach level 17, you will need much less bread and fish, you will need bread a little later. For now, you need to take care of the supply and production of copper to the armories. Archers will require a lot of logs, but you don’t really need to concentrate on them, it will be enough to create 60-90 archers, and then turn off the plant, or you can demolish it altogether.

You need to get used to taking losses, in the game Settlers online there is no way to resurrect troops or heal. You need to try to attack opponents so that the total number of your own soldiers is 2 times more than that of opponents. You can also use the battle calculator.

When you start mining oak planks, as well as marble, which will be useful to you in all advanced buildings, you will have the opportunity to upgrade the building to the 2nd and 3rd levels. I do not advise you to upgrade houses to the 3rd level. You will simply waste your time and resources, as well as upgrading to level 2. This is because all the houses in will be replaced with “mansions”. Here are the mansions and improve. At the same time, you will save a large number of boards and marble.

When you reach level 17, you need to build a building - the Merchant's Guild. With this building, you can get a lot of resources in exchange with the players.

Also remember that newcomers are given gold for completed tasks, and gold is very well valued in the market. So you can easily buy yourself as many marbles and boards as you need.

After reaching level 17, the tasks will be almost the same - to destroy the robbers. After all, this the only way Get experience up to level 26. - Don't skip the bandit camps (you should kill the regular camps first, and then the main boss tent), because when you kill the boss, you will not be able to get loot from those normal camps that you missed, they will simply disappear. Loot drops randomly, you can get 100-300 gold.

Try to be independent of the market, do not skip links in the production chain or resolve the missing link. You can also go bankrupt due to a market crash. You cannot sell or buy an army on the market.

Here are the main tips. Good luck in the game!

Classic real-time strategy in your browser!

Among the online games that involve wars for resources, the construction and development of their own small civilizations, there are not so many truly high-quality and interesting projects.

Some sin openly weak graphics and bulky tables with numbers that you constantly need to keep in front of you. Others, on the contrary, trying to delight the players with their fanciful graphics, create bulky clients that require many hundreds of megabytes to download.

But the browser game The Settlers Online, which I will tell you in detail today, is not one of those.

From the very first seconds, the game impresses with the thoroughness of the study of everything and everyone. The interface and graphics made using Flash technology evoke only positive emotions.

Everything from buildings to units is drawn very carefully. I have seen such beautiful strategy games only in offline projects before.

Everything here is like in the good old military-economic strategies, only now you are dealing not only with flat artificial intelligence, but also with live opponents.

Otherwise, everything is the same: you develop agriculture and resource extraction, complete quests, explore the territory, house by house, gradually building your medieval empire. The game is played in real time, it is free, not demanding on computer resources and does not force you to download anything.

In the game, you can equally easily make friends and enemies. Engage in mining and trade, enter into alliances, compete with others in the power of your kingdoms, show off your achievements, exchange useful information. The famous German strategy The Settlers is a whole world transferred online. Now it is inhabited by thousands of live players, which makes it incredibly alive.

If you have never played such strategies, you have lost a lot. If you have played, then you should even try Settlers, because this project is quite solidly different from the others for the better, which, I hope, this review will convince you of. So let's go.


Build the city of your dreams!

The name The Settlers is translated as Settlers, which is consistent with the spirit of the game. The developers of this world-famous series from the German company Ubisoft tried to make the game as reminiscent of the classic strategy as possible. Initially, the player is given a handful of settlers and an island on which there is only one dull building - the Mayor's House. Then everything is as it should be: you expand your lands, extract resources, build new buildings, build fortifications, hire troops, etc.

In short, the game process can be described as follows - you start with a small village, gradually develop it in breadth and height, until it grows into a huge city with a very complex and intricate infrastructure. During all this time, you must use the mind and skill to properly organize the system of production chains.

This system is the real feature of this game. Any task that is trivially solved in ordinary games in Settlers requires building entire manufacturing clusters. For example, to harvest timber, you first need a forester's house to plant trees, then a lumberjack's house to deliver wood, then you need a sawmill to cut logs, and so on.

After you set up the extraction of resources, you should think about building production workshops. For example, to start forging swords, you first need to build an ore mine, then a wood processing plant, then a smelter, and finally an armory. Moreover, each type of weapon has its own armory (Damascus swords, bows, longbows, crossbows, cannons, etc.) In addition to weapons, you will need many more tools for which you need to build the appropriate workshops. In general, the path from mining to the final product is quite tricky, but this only makes the game more interesting.

Another feature of the Settlers Online game is the Universal Workshop, in which you can create a variety of bonuses from the resources available to you. For example, you can create a picnic basket. If you feed her, say, workers in a marble quarry, then this will give a double increase in productivity for 6 hours. The workshop itself, like any other building, can be improved. For example, if a mug of beer is produced in a workshop of the first level in 15 minutes, then in a workshop upgraded to the second level, the same mug will be produced in 7.5 minutes.

Grain farming.

All buildings in Setlers can and should be completed and expanded. Of course, with each upgrade, the building changes its appearance, becomes cooler, bigger, more beautiful. So a modest mayor's house can gradually be turned into a chic town hall, and a small brewery into a brewery.

The game is addictive very quickly, because with each new level you will open up more and more types of resources and technologies, new types of buildings and types of troops, new opportunities for improving buildings and everything else. At the same time, each future level does not stop teasing even more exciting features, so it is almost impossible to abandon the game.

The economic and economic component is directly related to the military - after all, starting from a certain point, without an army you will not be able to develop the economy, and without the economy you will not be able to develop the army. To maintain and expand your kingdom, you will need more and more resources, which are easiest to get by raiding the cities of your neighbors. But first of all, you should think about your own safety, for which you need to constantly bake over defense. It would also be useful to join one of the existing alliances or clans, since it is much easier to resist enemies together.

Strategy games tend to be fraught with difficulty and high entry barriers, but The Settlers Online has nothing to worry about for beginners. You will get the maximum support from the game. At the first levels, numerous tooltips will allow you to quickly understand the interface, and auxiliary tasks will instantly introduce you to the essence of the game. You will not notice how you master all the necessary knowledge. And then it will be possible to unite with other players in an alliance and expand their possessions together, attacking other people's kingdoms and resisting aggressors from outside.

It is necessary to constantly monitor that resources are never in short supply, as this is fraught with big problems. Lack of food in the warehouses leads to the extinction of the settlers, the lack of building materials leads to the collapse of buildings, and so on. To ensure that resources are always in abundance, you need to fight a lot. And this will require a large and well-equipped army.

You will need troops in any case, since the main goal of the game is to expand your territory on the island. And only for participation in battles you can get the coveted experience, without which development is impossible.

The island is divided into nine segments, which you need to capture. This is not easy to do, because the island is simply teeming with robbers, led by powerful leaders. You can occupy this or that territory only by retaking it from the robbers. Moreover, the richer the territory with resources, the more difficult it is to recapture it. To do this, you need to hire a general, build and develop all the production chains necessary to create weapons, and recruit soldiers.

In addition to the general, which is needed to lead troops into battle, you will need a geologist to search for deposits of iron, stone, coal and titanium, as well as a scout to explore distant territories, search for treasures and spy on the enemy.

If you do everything right, then with due diligence, taking control of the entire island will not be difficult. But the fun is just beginning. Having solved problems with your island, you will probably want to profit from the islands of other players, and there is nothing criminal in this. Gather an army and boldly attack your neighbors. Yes, you can make blood enemies this way, but what online strategy does without it?


Mining of coal, copper and iron ore.

In the world of Settlers Online, you are not alone. There are a lot of neighbors around you, players like you, friendly and not very friendly, who want to expand their possessions and seize lands rich in resources. Of course, sooner or later, the territories belonging to you may become the object of someone's close interest. To the question of what to do in such a situation, there is only one answer - to create and develop an army as soon as possible. To make the soldiers fight better, they should be pleasing with various bonuses, for example, drinking beer, which they love very much.

There are nine types of troops in the Setlers: Recruit, Archer, Longbowman, Militia, Cavalryman, Soldier, Elite Soldier, Crossbowman, Gunner. An additional type of combat units is big berta- These are guns that can be used to defeat enemy fortifications.

There is also a special unit - general. The task of the general is to lead the troops into battle. At the same time, each general is capable of leading no more than two hundred warriors, so if you need a larger army, then you will need more generals.

At the beginning, your army will fight with the robbers. By destroying their camps, you can profit from various trophies, as well as earn experience and conquer the territory necessary for the extraction of resources.

Before the start of the battle, the player must place the troops on the battlefield. You need to do this wisely, especially since you can no longer control the course of the battle itself, so the outcome of the battle may depend on how the troops are deployed. At the end of the battle, you get a detailed report on the outcome of the battle, the number of casualties, resources won, etc.


Various production and processing facilities.

It would be incomplete without a description of its most important component - the economy.

As in any game, the economy in "Settlers" is based on resources. Types of resources here at least heaps. I have not seen such a large number of them in any other strategy. The matter here is not limited to the most typical stone, wood, fish, etc. Each resource, as in reality, has many subspecies. For example, a tree is more or less valuable, it can be oak, spruce or mahogany. The stone used in construction also varies in value, it can be a simple stone, marble or granite. What can we say about metals, they are simply unmeasured here: copper, gold, steel, even titanium. You can't list everything. But most of all in the game there are types of food from the simplest to extremely delicious dishes: water, kvass, beer, bread, meat, sausage, etc.

Despite the fact that the economy in the kingdom is complex and intricate, managing it is surprisingly simple. By clicking on the tabs, you can immediately see how long it takes to produce the respective products, where the product will go after production is finished, etc. Complete statistics on all aspects of economic activity in your city are at your service.

You will quickly figure out what needs to be built exactly in this moment, guided by the data of the increase and decrease of certain resources. For example, if you see that the production of bread does not cover your needs, build an additional mill. However, to provide the mills with raw materials, more wheat fields are needed, and in order for the wheat to be harvested, additional farmers' houses need to be built. Finally, to increase the production of bread, it may be necessary to increase the bakery.

In general, the economic bias in the game is very developed. It is enough to guide mines and sawmills in ordinary strategies to start calculating profits. Here, as in life, everything matters - not only the time of production of this or that thing, but also the time it takes for the worker to get to the warehouse and bring the necessary material, and then take the finished product to the warehouse. All these small nuances must be taken into account.

Buildings and construction

There are 4 types of different buildings in Settlers - standard, advanced, improved and skillful. The first buildings may include buildings of prime necessity, that is, residential buildings, sawmills, quarries, a forester's house, sawmills, and a number of others. Also, these buildings are valued quite cheaply. An improved building can include bakeries, mills, mines. The remaining groups of buildings include those structures that will make it possible to create only skillful materials, teach the most powerful warriors and study updates.

It should be noted that the buildings in this strategy are built quite quickly and in real time, while the largest number of buildings that can be in the queue for construction is only three.

Each building requires some resources to build. It is clear that different buildings need different amounts of resources, so you need to be careful about what you spend your resources on, since the process of obtaining them is very slow.


Is it worth playing?

Extraction and processing of gold.

So let's sum it up review The Settlers Online, outlining all the pros and cons of this game.

In my opinion, the biggest plus is the graphics. "Settlers" can rightfully be called the most beautiful browser-based strategy. The second plus is a very developed economic system, which gives the richest opportunities for the development of their empire. The third plus is the ability to perform joint tasks together with other players, which is much more interesting than acting alone.

Of the minuses, I will single out the dampness of the game. The developers promise to introduce a very important element - PvP (player versus player), but so far everything is limited to promises. Another minus is the lack of races, which makes Settlers very different from such well-known browser-based strategies as, say, Travian or My Lands. On the one hand, this allows you to better balance the gameplay, on the other hand, it deprives the game of racial diversity. However, this minus is quite forgivable, given the flexible possibilities for the development of your kingdom.

You can play Setlers Online in any browser, in any operating system, free of charge and without client installation. The game is fully translated into Russian. Anyone can try right now. To do this, you just need to go through a short registration on the project website. That's all. Write reviews and follow the news of MMOGlobus!

In the former "peaceful-cartoon" course.

AT classic games series, the player took custody of a group of settlers and led them on a path of technological progress. In addition to worries about infrastructure and the economy (extremely realistic - long production chains were subsequently borrowed, for example, by the series), worries about protecting the village also fell on his head.

While the related Stronghold and stormed the Network, the "Settlers" did not go online, and even more so in browsers. This omission was corrected by the permanent authors of the original series, Blue Byte, releasing "The Settlers Online", the successor of the ideas of the very first "Settlers".

The subtleties of manufactory production

At the beginning of the game, we are invited to choose a prettier avatar and a sonorous, unoccupied name, and in a minute we are already landing on a small piece of our personal island, not occupied by evil natives.

At first, the player has only a town hall with a certain amount of simple resources and five settlers at his disposal. We cannot personally manage them - we can only give orders for the construction of buildings. The main task is not to accumulate more wealth, but to use them as efficiently as possible to create a powerful industry and reach the pinnacle of manufacturing production. Therefore, for the first two hours, we build ourselves out as a foreman and methodically build basic structures like a sawmill or a fisherman's hut.

Similar to the fog of war from typical RTS. The scout will have to disperse it - step by step.

There are a lot of resources in The Settlers Online. Production and resource chains are the basis of the entire economic model of the game. Having started the process of accumulation with a banal cutting of spruce, you will soon discover what an extensive production chain you have laid the foundation for. Spruce will be needed to produce coal, which, in turn, is needed to convert copper into bronze, and then - to produce bronze swords. The same wood can also be used to build houses, having previously processed it at a sawmill.

As you develop, you operate with more advanced types of resources. For example, spruce boards will eventually give way to oak, marble will replace stone, and iron will replace bronze, and so on. Difficult? Only at first.

The game itself suggests how to use this or that structure more efficiently. By clicking on the building, we can read in the “Details” tab where the produced goods go and how much time it takes to produce a unit of material. Let's say a farmer harvests wheat from a field at twelve minute intervals. And the miller grinds this crop in six minutes. Therefore, to maximize efficiency, there should be two wheat fields and two farms per mill.

But flour is far from the pinnacle of cereal art. After building a bakery, you will see that bread from flour is baked at intervals of three minutes. In order for the production of bread not to stand idle, the bakery must already be provided by two mills, which means four farms and four wheat fields. And in a good way, you need to take into account the time that the worker needs to transport the goods produced. The nuances, as you can see, are innumerable, and you need to study them without delay if you want to build a strong and stable economy.

There are some kind of analogues of enchantments from MMORPG - amplifiers that are made in a special workshop. They double the output of all buildings for a short time. And if a friend decides to help you in this way, the same effect will last twice as long.

With the development of the village, the player gains experience and grows in level, unlocking new buildings and quests. The first seventeen levels are gained quickly, and then things stop so abruptly that you wonder: “How did it happen that I reached level 17 in a day, and up to level 18 in three more?” The salt is in a certain moment experience, previously flowing like a river for simple tasks like “build a mill”, is issued only for combat sorties. And for the next campaign, you will have to wait until a sufficient army is gathered.

The Big Three and Guild Affairs

The population of the island is not limited to settlers alone. Shortly after the rebuilding of the base buildings, we have at our disposal geologist. We will not see him live, visually his adventures are not displayed in any way. With the help of a geologist, we will look for resources - for this we just need to give him the “face” command, and after a while we will be notified of his success. At first, of course, this workaholic will find nothing but deposits of stone. But gradually the search abilities of a geologist develop to a level that makes it possible to find, say, titanium or saltpeter.

Another "hero" of the settlement - general, who leads the motley defense forces of our settlement, is not hiding anywhere, and he can (and should) be moved around the map along with the detachments of recruits assigned to him in order to clear the surrounding lands from robbers. Without a general, lazy soldiers won’t lift a finger, even though it’s not so easy to train them - you need barracks, weapons from foundries, beer from breweries, and a mountain of raw material chains arising from here.

Unfortunately, the battles are at the mercy of the general. For the player, the battle is not much different from what we saw in, say, in: armies exchange blows and shots, and we only watch. The sequence of moves and attacks is subject to strict laws (for example, melee troops cannot attack archers while other melee troops remain in the enemy squad), but there is only one universal recipe for victory - mass. Whoever has thicker and more numerous fighters wins. There are no PvP battles in the game yet, but the developers promise them soon. Probably with some changes in combat.

Almost in parallel with the geologist and the general, he enters our service scout. He explores the island, dispelling the fog of war, finds treasures and, most importantly, Adventure- original quests, one of the cornerstones of The Settlers Online. In order to find an adventure, we contract a scout for this business for a bribe - he, like a geologist, does not show us his face. Where this comrade staggers - only God knows, for global map the world is not here, but he always returns with an adventure card. Next, we land troops at their destination and clear the territory from barbarians and other romantics from the main road, receiving resources and experience as a reward. Some adventures can be played with friends - especially dangerous thugs are easier to destroy in a bunch.

In the new "Settlers", as in any self-respecting online game, there are guilds. In them, players can exchange resources and produced amplifiers. In the near future, an update will be released that will give "clan" players some benefits - special buildings, boosters and special adventures.

The game looks good, especially for a browser. The corporate identity of the "Settlers" has not gone anywhere: rounded, waddling men, pot-bellied buildings and deer, badgers and other living creatures cheekily walking around your property. The sound design is also sustained: a geologist and a scout shouting rubbish and the noise coming from a working workshop, if you select it with the mouse, evoke sharp nostalgia for the distant nineties.

* * *

The developers did exactly what was required of them. We simplified the mechanics a bit, lightened the economic model quite a bit, and then carefully transferred the updated Settlers to our browsers. Of course, one could poke The Settlers Online's nose at the virtual absence of a multiplayer component at the beginning of the game, apart from the chat window in the lower left corner, or the excessive slowness of tuning and development. But this is the same as the nit-picking of a harmful teacher to a student who has completed the task entrusted to him with a solid “good”.

Gameplay interesting: 7/10

Graphics, visual style: 9/10

Variety of tactics 6/10

Atmosphere: 8/10

Interface, control: 8/10

thoughtfulness game mechanics: 9/10

Play The Settlers Online

Initially, in 1993, The Settlers was not created as online strategy. Games like Cultures and Stronghold were considered the best of their kind. But BlueByte broke the stereotypes and released The Settlers Online browser game, which was a continuation of the cult The series Settlers. It was the delay in the creation of the online project that made a great contribution to its development. The game turned out great.

Game process

At the beginning, as in principle in all games, we start from the bottom. We have only the main building - the town hall, on a small plot of land, some resources and a couple of settlers. From this, we will have to develop a large and powerful state. But our goal is not a stupid collection of resources, but a competent putting them into circulation for the development of the village. Moreover, the more we develop, the more varieties of resources we will receive, and there are oh so many of them in the game, believe me.

Each type of resource in the game makes up a certain chain. For example, spruce - coal - bronze - weapons. We see that by cutting down wood, we make coal from it, and it, in turn, will be needed to smelt bronze, from which we will eventually be able to make weapons. With the development, we will have other resources, for example, we will burn to make wood from oaks, and not from spruce. And instead of bronze, use iron.

Reading the article, you start to think "... a creepy game, build and build, no action, no war ... I'd rather go play Panzar or The Seventh Element ...". But even here the developers never cease to amaze us. The game has a very developed military economy. >We need beer to recruit troops. Yes, yes, beer. So don't forget to build a couple of breweries. At first, you can send anyone you see fit for reconnaissance (the laziest, for example). Well, when you already stumble upon colonies with monsters, then choose the best of the best. Over time, you will be able to control the general and the geologist, but not the scout. This guy knows his stuff even without you. He will bring you treasure cards and quests.


Summing up, we can say: the game is cool, the style of the Settlers is noticeable everywhere, funny hard workers who are always flickering in search of work, colorful and vibrant nature, original buildings. You can immediately feel the quality of German developers, thanks to which the online game The Settlers has taken its firm position among competitors.