Pirate fun. Review of the game LEGO Pirates Of The Caribbean. Pirate Fun Lego Reviews on Pirates of the Caribbean

The LEGO licensed series of games is one of the most diverse and at the same time the same, depending on your outlook on life. The difference between LEGO mechanics Star Wars, LEGO Batman and LEGO Indiana Jones is about the same as between Mafia, LA Noir and GTA. All LEGO games are dominated by the co-op mode and you need to destroy and collect bricks to complete the levels, but each time it looks different. If LEGO Star Wars Clone Wars tried to experiment with the RTS genre for three, then LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean Returns to the LEGO Indiana Jones style of puzzle adventure with a few tweaks.

The game is based on the history of all four parts of the movie universe "Pirates of the Caribbean" with an emphasis on the hero Johnny Depp and strange jokes from the developers of the game. And if the antics of the main characters with donkeys can be understood, then jokes about carrots and pigs are of the type limited for perception by developers and their families. Another innovation of the game is very long story cutscenes. The characters in them are still devoid of human speech, but small sketches on unknown reason turned into five-minute narratives. However, the basic mechanics for LEGO games remained the same. You need to cut down bad characters, destroy the environment and build important objects all from the same LEGO bricks.

As in most games from Traveller's Tales, each of the heroes has its own specialization. Someone fights well with swords, others throw knives well, can move weights, forge steel and can destroy objects created from special silver cubes. Most puzzles the game involves the interaction of two characters, followed by the destruction of one object and the construction of a new one, necessary to complete a limited level.Sometimes the heroes need to roll a barrel to activate the door mechanism.

Designed for cooperative passage, LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean is too focused on just one character. Jack Sparrow is here main character, for which the second player is only an unwitting assistant, bringing shells and opening the door for Mr. splendor. Jack uses his compass in special places of power to find important objects and easily travels long distances using tethered lines. Captain Sparrow was a success for the developers from movements to facial expressions in intermediate videos that were meager in emotions. Probably, too much focus on Johnny Depp's alter ego strongly set off other characters, who, against the backdrop of the main character of the story, seem faded and flat. For example, the character Orlando Bloom can be distinguished from Davy Jones (unlocked later in the game) only by the type of clothing. They move and act the same.

One of the major advantages of "Pirates" over the same Star Wars Clone Wars is the logic of the story and, oddly enough, the small size of the levels. It was the large levels of Star Wars Clone Wars that torn the brains of players in the cooperative game mode, when the screen was constantly divided in different proportions, changing scales depending on the movements of the characters. At small levels, the separation is almost imperceptible and it is almost impossible for two players to get lost.

If we talk about the significant shortcomings of LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean, then in addition to focusing on one hero, which reduces the interest of the second player, there are two unpleasant moments in the story. Firstly, these are unsuccessful platform levels with a naughty camera and inconvenient controls, and, secondly, not too obvious puzzles with barrels at the beginning of the game. If you can overcome these obstacles, then LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean will leave the most enjoyable experience. Until the release of the next part, of course.

Tested version for Xbox 360

I would like to start this text with a moment of fantasy. Imagine a LEGO Titanic game: DiCaprio, sweating, holds a plastic Kate Winslet to a lyrical symphony, a Kate figurine falls to the lower deck to the accompaniment of off-screen laughter and the sound of Lego coins disintegrating. Imagine the LEGO Saw: a self-possessed, nameless plastic character hacks away at his own leg to break free of his restraints and stay alive, only then does he realize that all of the lego man's limbs can be easily detached without the aid of a saw. LEGO Matrix: puppet Neo, realizing himself as the Chosen One, for fun, begins to turn Agent Smith into an R2D2 droid from " star wars”, Shorty from Indiana Jones or Dobie from Harry Potter. And this, to be honest, is not so much funny as scary: because, judging by, all this may become a reality in the near future.

Since 2005, the ratio of plastic parts and more or less realistic backs has shifted somewhat. And that's a plus.

Traveler's Tales turned out to gaming industry something like Kurt Cobain - they invented a whole genre of Lego games in which movie operas with multi-million dollar budgets are played out in the form of a penny pantomime of little plastic men. But they invented something, but there seems to be no one to develop and promote the genre, except for Traveller's Tales themselves. And if in the case of the founder of grunge this was prevented by a shotgun shot to the head, then in the case of TT they are hindered only by their own laziness, fear of cardinal changes and a tight work schedule that leaves no time for creativity.

Emptiness LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean especially acute due to the recent release LEGO Star Wars 3. We are offered to buy the same game, only with changed scenery: instead of lightsabers, the heroes frantically wave ordinary ones, instead of blasters - antediluvian pistols, instead of futuristic vehicles like AT-ST - donkeys and goats. Sometimes the feeling of deja vu just drives you crazy: 2005 is felt in the characters’ antics that have long been bored, and in almost unchanged mechanics, and in the same sound with which a billion small Lego coins fill your virtual wallets.

Calypso clearly does not fit into the patterns of Lego men.

And all this could be forgiven if Traveller's Tales made at least some attempts to develop a series of their own Lego games. However, from LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean, a six-year-old amber smells from a kilometer away. With each new game from TT reviews of their games are like a short list of those microscopic changes that the developers had the courage and time to make. So, levels appeared here where the heroes need to swim under water, Jack Sparrow can use his compass to find hiding places at some stages, and Will Turner can throw axes. Frankly, sometimes a comparison of two latest games Traveller's Tales is more addictive than a kindergarten 'spot the difference' puzzle.

The most annoying thing is that this list of changes is desperately missing something that the series really needs. This is especially acute in the absence of a network cooperative regime. It is critically important to play Lego games not in splendid isolation, but with a friend by your side. And the lack of online co-op support, even in the light of the split-screen that debuted in LEGO Star Wars 3, is very annoying: after all, it’s not always your partner who ends up in the same room with you to pass a couple of hours on the same keyboard or in front of the same TV with the console.

However, all this grumbling should not leave you with the wrong idea about LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean. Still, this is a Lego game made according to all Traveller's Tales GOST standards: there are simple puzzles with assembling and disassembling Lego equipment; there's a drug-addicting collection of billions of Lego coins and hundreds of new characters; there is a simple and heartily enjoyable platformer using features unique characters. In the end, there is Johnny Depp, who jumps into the mouth of a huge Kraken not with a sword in his hands, but with a toothbrush.

But still this is not enough. A joke repeated twice doesn't get twice as funny, and game mechanics, which has been operated almost unchanged for six years, and even more so.

Here he is, the main character of LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: the video Game

Name of the game: LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game
Genre: Arcade
Developer: Traveler's Tales
Publisher: Disney Interactive Studios
Similar games: LEGO Indiana Jones, LEGO Star Wars
Platforms: PC, PS3, PSP, Xbox 360, Wii, NDS, N3DS
Release date: May 12, 2011
Official site: http://www.lego.com/piratesofthecaribbean/

"...because the pirate drinks gin..."
m / f "Treasure Island"

Forge of your own happiness...

For more than 60 years, several generations of children of all nationalities, joyfully squealing, connect the bricks of the most famous designer in the world, creating new worlds, developing their imagination and ingenuity along the way. A little later, the LEGO Gruppen company began to produce reduced sets of their designers dedicated to sensational films or simply within the framework of popular trends. Fantasy in this case was already subject to limitation - the children were directly recommended what to play, and many of them, despite the complete compatibility of the sets, were already too lazy to invent new adventures for themselves. The appearance computer games LEGO series suggested new level comfort: now good manufacturers also explain in detail how to play the sets recommended for purchase.

Citizens, why don't we clap a glass?

In this case, "profitable juices" began to be squeezed out of the famous Disney film series - "Pirates of the Caribbean". The Traveller’s Tales team took this task seriously and put a lot of effort into ensuring that players stay longer in the plastic skin of game characters. But they had to act, it seems, within the strict framework of marketing conditions, so the end result, perhaps, is not entirely on their conscience.

Looks like it will hit...

The plot of the game incarnation of "Pirates" does not surprise and is based on all four films of the series at once. First of all, you are invited to participate in the story of the Curse of the Black Pearl, after which you are already free to go through the episodes in any order. Traditionally for LEGO games, the script avoids moments of violence, sometimes replacing them with jokes, as you can see by watching at least the introductory video for the game. The presentation of the plot is somewhat controversial: the characters cannot speak, they only express their emotions with short monotonous sounds and facial expressions, which, in turn, are completely unable to explain the ups and downs of the story to players who are not familiar with the original source. It would seem logical if the game was not calculated on them, but, as always, there is one “but”, which will be discussed later. Each film-episode is divided into several locations, within which the characters under your control operate. The principle is simple, known since the dawn of computer games and does not claim to be innovative.

For some reason, vinyas are also an integral part of LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: the Video Game

Matching the description gameplay, I would like to repeat what was written at the beginning of the article: we are obsessively explained how to play the LEGO series constructors. Game characters, consisting, of course, of plastic parts, run through the levels and solve simple puzzles, resulting, as a result, in assembling different, but completely the same type of mechanisms, all from the same parts and bricks. As an option - the search for keys (gears, cups, etc.) with their subsequent combination with the appropriate device. Oh yes, you can still turn levers with sabers and hit targets with firearms and throwing weapons. The complexity of these "puzzles" does not grow with the passage of the game, so the player can be sure that if he managed to pass the first level, then he will be able to go through the whole game to the end. The intrigue lies in the fact that some "bricks" are subject only to certain characters, according to their skills. And the main intrigue is this: with all your desire, when passing the game for the first time, you will not see even half of the locations, not to mention the collection of valuables. For everywhere on the levels you will encounter mechanisms that are not ready to interact with the plot characters and they will reveal their secrets only in the “free play” mode, when you return to the “places of military glory” with heroes not provided for in the original scenario. On the one hand, the idea is not bad, on the other hand, it is clear that for re-passing game levels you must be an avid fan of rogue pirate movies and LEGO sets: award-winning collected artifacts you will be served with new costumes, accessories and the joy of the collector - boats in bottles.

Why not retrain as a fisherman?

Something, however, can be purchased for banal coins, the most expensive of which are not gold at all, but for some reason blue. In terms of their generous prevalence in the levels, the game can compete with super mario: money is pouring even from exploding fireworks. By the way, there is also a certain criterion of pirate greed: having collected a certain percentage of all the coins in the location, you get the title of “true pirate” (with, uh ... piastres) and, apparently, deep moral satisfaction.

This is the house that Jack would have built ... If he had not been a pirate

Using the skills of various characters is the key point of the game. Without the help of his comrades, Captain D. Sparrow cannot even leave the dungeon in the initial location. By the way, he himself can only get a wonderful compass from his wide trousers, unmistakably pointing to treasures hidden underground. The rest, however, also do not amaze with a variety of skills: someone owns a sledgehammer as a blacksmith, someone knows how to dig (these skills are just compatible), “armed” characters can climb on panels specially designated for this purpose, all sorts of mystics induce witchcraft , and a few ladies own a rope with a “cat” at the end. Every skill has a use, all professions are important.

And along the road the dead stand ...

Some plot opponents do not want to fall apart after a couple of blows with a broadsword and require special treatment: the game has a duel system. Seemingly curious at first, it quickly becomes boring due to its monotony: we watched non-committal lunges and parries of them, waited for the sabers to cross, then (when the indicator appears) quickly press the “B” button; "overpowered" the opponent - follow the screen further: three buttons will appear on it in sequence, which you must press. If this succeeds, your character strikes the enemy and everything repeats again. Two or three wounds - and now the villain's legs are parting and he repents of sins. Losing a duel is almost impossible.

A box of gold ... Trite, but a game about pirates

Mini-games add a little variety to the process, participation in some of them is even mandatory for passing. You can, for example, ride a boat among the buoys (something like a “snake” when passing a driving test at the traffic police), shoot a cannon at wooden boxes, or, say, corny pout into bones (you are a pirate or someone, after all ?). And sometimes the game will be revived by our smaller brothers - a dog, a parrot or a monkey. In order to enlist their support, you will need to provide the animals with a food base, after which they will be filled with confidence in you and allow themselves to be completely controlled, getting the required artifacts from hard-to-reach places. It's funny. The parrot is especially amusing, which, in addition to actually flying, can also move on the ground, making amusing jumps.

A duel for life and death...

The graphics in the game are quite utilitarian, given the large number of platforms. On the one hand, plastic pirates, to put it mildly, will not amaze with their beauties and effects, on the other hand, the little men assembled from the LEGO set are supposed to look angular and simple, you won’t undermine. The same applies to other objects in the environment. The latter, by the way, are interactive and, for the most part, amenable to destruction, leaving behind all sorts of useful gizmos. When playing on the Nintendo 3DS platform, you can admire the pseudo-three-dimensional picture, which is very well executed.

Is it convenient to eat with tentacles on the chin?...