Full walkthrough of Assassin's Creed II. What can be cooked from squid: fast and tasty How to get through the crypt of the auditora family

The Renaissance is an amazing era. There is a place for both secret conspiracies and brutal murders - a real paradise for any self-respecting assassin. You can silently jump on the roofs, instilling fear with your shadow on the cowardly guards, and administer justice to the snickering city officials.

However, the punishment of conspirators is not the only entertainment for a professional killer. Each of them dreams of becoming an explorer and collector of treasures, so that later with redoubled energy they will scatter all enemies on the way. Renaissance Italy is the ideal place to realize these aspirations.

  • Cache for the killer
  • Every killer should know...
  • Cthulhu, there you are!

In Assassin's Creed 2, treasures lie literally at every turn. Already at the very beginning of the game, an inexperienced teenager from the Auditore family, under our leadership, will jump on the balconies and clear the trunks of the city nobility, heavy from florins.

But as we progress, our ward grows up, simple robberies are no longer a joy for him, and the soul of an assassin requires real adventures, deadly traps and truly royal awards. The thirst for research needs to be quenched, and if you are unable to find all the secrets of the game, then this article is especially for you. Let's start with the main thing.

Cache for the killer

The dream of every warrior is to become cooler than others. And when petty theft ceases to satisfy, there is a need to get deeper and find something of value. In our case, it will be the armor of Altair (the legendary assassin), locked behind six locks in a villa in Monteriggioni.

All locks can only be opened with the help of seals hidden in the tombs. We will now look for them.

    Novella Mystery. We will get into the first cache only thanks to the plot (4th sequence, 4th memory), and unlike the others, we will not be able to go through this test again by selecting a memory from the "DNA" section.

    Inside we are waiting for a bunch of guards, as well as the need to jump often and accurately. However, this tomb is plot and introductory - you should not expect real difficulties.

    On a note: in each of the tombs you can find two secret places where additional chests with money are hidden.

    The passage can be divided into two stages: first we jump on the beams and pull on different levers. If you want to find the first secret place, jump down, instead of grabbing the first bar, turn around, jump forward and go into a small room on the right. The second stage: massacre of the guards and interaction with the mechanisms that will help us get to the goal. The second secret area can be accessed immediately after getting acquainted with the first mechanism - just jump into a small depression nearby.

    Toward the end, we will have to chase after the courier - if you wish, you can catch up with him and kill him before he warns the others, in order to avoid an unnecessary fight with the guards. Having overheard the conversation of the Templars, we can go into the crypt with peace of mind and pick up the first seal.

Everyday life of a city manager

Collecting figurines is a fascinating business
Noe, but financially unjustified.

With proper management of finances, the problem with a lack of money will disappear already in the middle of the game. This is largely due to the competent arrangement of the family villa of the Auditore family in Monteriggioni.

The key rule of a city philanthropist is that the more money is invested in the city now, the greater the income will be later. Therefore, first of all, strive to build and improve everything trading shops. The second most important are the renovations of the city - the restoration of the well, mines, barracks, etc.

As you build upgrades, you will also get the opportunity to climb into places that were previously inaccessible - some treasure chests can be reached when you restore the well or the barracks.

Another local attraction that is unique to this area is the collection of figurines that need to be inserted into pedestals in the villa. For each pair of statues placed, you will receive 2,000 florins.

It is a myth: There are rumors on the net that after collecting all twelve figurines, Uncle Mario will give Ezio some kind of treasure map, but this is not true. For collecting these gizmos, the player is rewarded only with money.

    The secret of the cathedral. Santa Maria del Fiore is a continuous long labyrinth of beams, ledges and chandeliers. Unlike the previous temple, in the cathedral the crypt with the seal is located at the top, under the very dome of the building.

    Before jumping on board
    form, go to the left - there you will find one of the secret places.

    First go up the door. Then you need to move not only towards the target marker, but also gradually upwards, the road here is not straight, but the only one, just carefully inspect the location for all sorts of ledges and crossbars.

    After winding a little at the beginning and throwing down one staircase, you need to continue on your way to the opposite part of the cathedral, jumping on the chandeliers. When we drop down the second ladder, the camera will hint that you need to climb further only up. It is important not to get confused - from the stairs we jump to the parapet and go along it from left to right, jumping to platforms and chandeliers along the way (do not jump to the cross by the window - this is a dead end).

    Now we have an easy way up - we will have to climb the walls a little and carefully jump along the beams. Difficulties should not arise, just move carefully - the fall is fatal. Before jumping onto the hanging platform, look to the left for a chest of money. You can turn left and down, use the jump back (LMB + spacebar) to grab the chandelier, and then jump into the secret area.

    As you reach the red wall with ledges, go down a level - there is a second secret area, take the money and climb up, and then boldly jump forward - Ezio will hook on the platform. Take the seal and leave the cathedral through the window.

    Mystery of Torre Grossa. Our next stop is San Germignano, or rather, the tallest tower in the city. Again, we have to travel from the bottom up, the fight against the guards and the insidious camera.

    This is what they call a concept camera. Successfully jumping from such a position is another test!

    The beginning is predictable - we move along the wall, and then we open the door. In the wine cellar, we kill the guards and run to the other side of the room. There are a lot of unnecessary beams and platforms here, you can find the right way, focusing on the tricks of the game camera. If you notice a limitation in the viewing radius, then you are on the right track.

    Having risen one level up, kill the archer and climb onto the chandelier; if you now jump to the right into a small opening, you will fall into a secret area. We go to the library and deal with the crowd of armed "readers". On the wall and chandeliers we climb to the upper tiers, dodging the arrows of archers. Under the very ceiling of the library is the second secret area.

    The further path is straightforward - we climb the tower, killing lone guards along the way. In the end, there may be some inconvenience with the camera, but this should not prevent us from taking the third seal.

    Mystery of Ravaldino. Rocca di Ravaldino is a fortress in Romagna, here we will look for the next print in our collection. The place is wet, first we swim a little, and then we jump using the bounce back. The first difficulty is the mechanism blocking the gate. When we interact with him, we will have a few seconds to slip through the bars. I advise you to keep to the right side when moving, otherwise, due to the inconvenient camera, you can easily push Ezio into the wall, past the target passage.

    Rocca di Ravaldino. To get to the barracks, jump on this shield and make another jump back.

    Immediately after that, turn the corner to the left - the level above the first chest with money; use the jump back to get into the secret area. Then again there is a small swim where you need to dive (wait and hold the "Space" and press W). We deal with the guards, find a shield nailed to the wall and go upstairs.

    We again have to race against the clock, but not difficult - by pulling the lever, we just run forward along the beams. Now, if you turn left and make some difficult jumps to the side, you can get to the second secret place, and then exit through the secret door. If you do not want to be distracted by the chests, then pull the second lever and take another run. In the barracks, crush the resistance and go into the crypt (the camera will kindly show the place where you need to jump).

    Finally, we have one more time trial left. The road is not straight, and even the camera will provoke uncomfortable movements and jumps all the time. It is difficult to advise something here - you just need to get used to the situation and move carefully. After completing the test, we will immediately enter the crypt with the seal.

Secrets of the Templars

Templar Hideouts are additional exclusive locations available to owners of the Collector's Edition of the game (one of the Hideouts is available in the DVD-box). In fact, these are analogues of tombs, but here the labyrinths are even more intricate, the jumps are not easy, and at the end, instead of a seal, a treasury awaits us.

Here it is, the safe deposit box of the great Templars.

In total, three shelters can be found on the map; to visit them, it is not at all necessary to go through the whole game, they appear as new areas are opened. The first cache is in Palazzo Medici(Florence) - You need to save Lorenzo, who is being held by the Templars in his own house, which is full of secret passages. Two more shelters in Venice - one in the docks, in naval arsenal, the second - in the church Santa Maria dei Frari.

It is a myth: the hideouts also have two secret areas with hidden treasures, but in the Medici house, one of the secret places contains two chests at once. This gave rise to a rumor that the second cache did not exist.

Exclusive locations include family Crypt Auditore(it can be unlocked as content on Yuplay) - according to many eyewitnesses, this is the most difficult labyrinth in the game, full of jumps of varying degrees of difficulty interspersed with awkward camera angles. Unfortunately, its passage does not represent any plot or material value, only "sporting" interest.

    Secret of San Marco. We will look for the fifth seal in Venice, but not immediately, but when we complete one of the sequences. The entrance to the tomb is located on the roof of the Doge's Palace, it will not be difficult to find it.

    We get inside a huge temple - you don’t need to run for a long time and look for the tomb, the entrance to it is located below, but it will open only when we complete the four tests. The task is to climb the upper tier of the palace to the lever in the allotted time and pull it. If the timer ends, the lever is hidden and you need to start over.

    The palace is divided into four wings - each of them has one test. The difficulty is not in abstruse jumps, but in finding the way. Before activating the mechanisms, I would advise you to study the possible routes along which our hero will move.

    We'll start with the northern challenge, where Ezio activated stone slabs. When we step on the nearest ledge in the floor, the game camera will kindly show the place where we can climb, and then the lever we need to get to. This run is the easiest - gradually rise along the only possible way up, but when you are on the same level with the upper tier - jump in the opposite direction from the one where the lever is located. Then we move along a peculiar path of statues and crosses to the other side, run to the lever, climb even higher and jump onto it.

    We go to the east wing. After activating the mechanism, we will see how the lever will appear at a high altitude next to the well-lit round window. We gradually move up, once on the upper platform, we find that the direct path is littered. We need to get over to the opposite side along the massive hanging crosses. We run closer to the lever, climb the yellow window to the very limit, press the "Interact" and "Go" keys - Ezio will jump back and hang on the lever.

    The third test is the most vile and is located in the west - its path is not obvious and involves several difficult jumps. At the same time, we climb the structures in the center and fight with an uncomfortable camera, jump to the platform located under the lever. We move to the right and grab the ledge, move in the same direction and make a jump to the right, grabbing the ledge of the same shape. We go up, climb the rings almost to the ceiling and jump back to be on the beam. We jump on the lever.

    The last run is very short, but again you need to jump carefully. First, we climb onto small platforms on the left, jump from them and grab onto a small ledge, make a difficult jump to the right and overcome the path of conveniently spaced beams, climb to the upper tier. Now all that remains is to climb the window in the shape of a cross to failure and make the traditional bounce back, hanging on the lever.

    There are two secret places here, just like everywhere else. The first area is in the south wing; You can get to the chest using the jump pull-up technique (hold down the left mouse button and W, press Space, and then Shift). The second chest is in the west wing, on one of the lower platforms - you can open it by going down from the upper tiers. When all the tests are passed, the door to the crypt will open, and we will only have to pick up the seal.

    Mystery Visitazione. To gain access to the last tomb, you first need to pretty much run around the Venetian story quests. The entrance to the cache is located near the shipyard, and this area is initially closed.

    Visitatione. To get here, you need to run up the wall and jump back.

    In this tomb, a difficult test awaits us, although the beginning does not portend trouble. We jump down, kill the thug guard and make a small forced march, chasing the frightened courier. He can be overtaken and killed at the very end of the route by jumping on the fugitive from above.

    In the room in front of the large hall (where the showdown with the guards is coming), there is a secret area. You can get to the chest by making a series of tricky jumps (the second secret place you will find it if you approach the mechanism with a lever near the temple and turn left). Having dealt with the guards, we go to the picturesque underwater temple.

    The location of the tomb has been established, but the trouble is that the entrance to the temple is closed, and in order to reach the goal, you need to activate the mechanism (the beams will turn around and create a kind of “path” so that Ezio can reach all the target levers), take a dangerous walk, jumping on all kinds of ledges , and pull all four levers in turn, thereby opening the door to the tomb with the seal.

    The second misfortune is that you can get to some places only by using a special key combination, which you will have to learn here. Time is limited, you can not hesitate, and any careless movement will lead to the fact that the assassin will flop into the water and the race will have to start over.

    Before starting the test, I would advise you to set the control to “keyboard + mouse (two buttons)” in the settings - it will be easier. In total, you need to make four jumps on the route. increased complexity- push off the wall and jump in the right direction. The first of them, the easiest, at the beginning of the race: quickly run up the wall (W + "Space" + "left mouse button"), release all the keys, and then simultaneously press the key combination D + "Space" + LMB, where D - this is the direction of the jump. When you need to jump to the left, press A instead.

    The most difficult jump in the Visitation is to push off from the statue and jump right here.

    It is important: all three keys must be pressed clearly and simultaneously - if you click only on D + "Space", then Ezio can jump back (most likely into the water) and the test will have to start over. In theory, the jump is possible without clicking the mouse, but it is more reliable.

    The most difficult jump will be number 2: it is next to the first, but in this case you need to push off not from the wall, but from a stone statue of an unpleasant rounded shape. You need to carefully run into it (it's better not to rush too much, because of the camera and sudden movement, you can easily fall into the water) and jump to the left (this means that instead of D we press A).

    The rest of the jumps are simple: the third one is waiting for us after a short run along the beams and ledges - you need to push off to the right, and the last one will be near another statue - we run to the wall and push off to the left. After that, it remains only to pull the last lever, and the gates of the temple will open. We jump into the water, go inside and pick up the last seal.

When all the seals are collected, our assassin with a sense of accomplishment can return to the Auditore's villa and place the seals near each of the statues. New equipment for Ezio not only looks great, but also adds health!

Call of Cthulhu

The monster has found adventures on its tentacles, but they won't let you fight it.

The game pleases with an abundance of secrets, but none can compare with what will be discussed now. During the passage of one of the tombs of the assassins, you will not only visit the underwater temple, but also get the opportunity to see one of its mysterious inhabitants. Remember the test in the Visitation with heavy jumps? We'll go right there.

After the fight with the guards, open the gate and go to the temple. Activate the mechanism, but do not rush to run to the obstacle course, but immediately go to the water and lean down a little. Now just wait and pay no attention to the running time.

In a few seconds, a game video will begin, where we will see how a huge monster swims past our assassin under the surface of the water, very reminiscent of Cthulhu in shape and appearance. But that's not all! When the video ends, go to the mechanism and pull the lever again, and then return to the place where you just stood, or walk along the water.

If everything is done correctly, then you will again see a cutscene where a huge tentacle emerges from the water and tries to hurt Ezio. Such monsters live in the Venetian waters...

On a note: the secret does not work on a clean boxed version of the game from Akella; to play the easter egg, you must first activate in the game additional content.

Every killer should know...

    All riddles of "Truth" are not tied to certain signs and are opened in strict order. For example, the last, twentieth riddle will always be about hieroglyphs, no matter what sign you open.

    Blacksmiths in the game have healing properties. At the same time as repairing your armor, your entire health bar will be restored.

    Knowing tricky tricks is never superfluous. For example, this point cannot be climbed without pulling up in a jump.

    When playing as Altair, in order to jump onto the beam, you need to climb onto the balcony railing, stand directly under it, press the left mouse button and "Space" - the assassin will grab the beam, and then the way up will not be a problem.

    To see more spectacular scenes where Ezio kills enemies, use a counterstrike.

    You cannot replay story missions, but the most spectacular episodes can be replayed by visiting "special memories" (they are displayed on the map after you are accepted into the order of assassins).

    The guards blocking the passage can be bribed. You just need to throw money, and the main one will let you through.

    Knocked out weapons can be picked up in the armory in the villa in Monteriggioni. If, after you have lost your weapon in battle, you pick up an enemy one, it will not disappear after a while, and Ezio will hang it on his belt.

    Poisoned Blade is great in situations where you need to not give yourself away or kill someone without being noticed. We just poison one of the guards, he attracts attention, and in the meantime we can quietly pass through a protected place or get to the desired goal.

    During the carnival in Venice, you can steal money from passers-by with impunity, the alarm level will not increase, just like at the beginning of the game.

The Renaissance is an amazing era. There is a place for both secret conspiracies and brutal murders - a real paradise for any self-respecting assassin. You can silently jump on the roofs, instilling fear with your shadow on the cowardly guards, and administer justice to the snickering city officials.

However, the punishment of conspirators is not the only entertainment for a professional killer. Each of them dreams of becoming an explorer and collector of treasures, so that later with redoubled energy they will scatter all enemies on the way. Renaissance Italy is the ideal place to realize these aspirations.

Cache for the killer Every killer should know... Cthulhu, there you are!

In Assassin's Creed 2, treasures lie literally at every turn. Already at the very beginning of the game, an inexperienced teenager from the Auditore family, under our leadership, will jump on the balconies and clear the trunks of the city nobility, heavy from florins.

But as we progress, our ward grows up, simple robberies are no longer a joy for him, and the soul of an assassin requires real adventures, deadly traps and truly royal awards. The thirst for research needs to be quenched, and if you are unable to find all the secrets of the game, then this article is especially for you. Let's start with the main thing.

Cache for the killer

The dream of every warrior is to become cooler than others. And when petty theft ceases to satisfy, there is a need to get deeper and find something of value. In our case, it will be the armor of Altair (the legendary assassin), locked behind six locks in a villa in Monteriggioni.

All locks can only be opened with the help of seals hidden in the tombs. We will now look for them.

Novella Mystery. We will get into the first cache only thanks to the plot (4th sequence, 4th memory), and unlike the others, we will not be able to go through this test again by selecting a memory from the "DNA" section.

Inside we are waiting for a bunch of guards, as well as the need to jump often and accurately. However, this tomb is plot and introductory - you should not expect real difficulties.

On a note: in each of the tombs you can find two secret places where additional chests with money are hidden.

The passage can be divided into two stages: first we jump on the beams and pull on different levers. If you want to find the first secret place, jump down, instead of grabbing the first bar, turn around, jump forward and go into a small room on the right. The second stage: massacre of the guards and interaction with the mechanisms that will help us get to the goal. The second secret area can be accessed immediately after getting acquainted with the first mechanism - just jump into a small depression nearby.

Toward the end, we will have to chase after the courier - if you wish, you can catch up with him and kill him before he warns the others, in order to avoid an unnecessary fight with the guards. Having overheard the conversation of the Templars, we can go into the crypt with peace of mind and pick up the first seal.

Everyday life of a city manager

Collecting figurines is a fascinating business
Noe, but financially unjustified.

With proper management of finances, the problem with a lack of money will disappear already in the middle of the game. This is largely due to the competent arrangement of the family villa of the Auditore family in Monteriggioni.

The key rule of a city philanthropist is that the more money is invested in the city now, the greater the income will be later. Therefore, first of all, strive to build and improve all the trading shops. The second most important are the renovations of the city - the restoration of the well, mines, barracks, etc.

As you build upgrades, you will also get the opportunity to climb into places that were previously inaccessible - some treasure chests can be reached when you restore the well or the barracks.

Another local attraction that is unique to this area is the collection of figurines that need to be inserted into pedestals in the villa. For each pair of statues placed, you will receive 2,000 florins.

It is a myth: There are rumors on the net that after collecting all twelve figurines, Uncle Mario will give Ezio some kind of treasure map, but this is not true. For collecting these gizmos, the player is rewarded only with money.

The secret of the cathedral. Santa Maria del Fiore is a continuous long labyrinth of beams, ledges and chandeliers. Unlike the previous temple, in the cathedral the crypt with the seal is located at the top, under the very dome of the building.

Before jumping on board
form, go to the left - there you will find one of the secret places.

First go up the door. Then you need to move not only towards the target marker, but also gradually upwards, the road here is not straight, but the only one, just carefully inspect the location for all sorts of ledges and crossbars.

After winding a little at the beginning and throwing down one staircase, you need to continue on your way to the opposite part of the cathedral, jumping on the chandeliers. When we drop down the second ladder, the camera will hint that you need to climb further only up. It is important not to get confused - from the stairs we jump to the parapet and go along it from left to right, jumping to platforms and chandeliers along the way (do not jump to the cross by the window - this is a dead end).

Now we have an easy way up - we will have to climb the walls a little and carefully jump along the beams. Difficulties should not arise, just move carefully - the fall is fatal. Before jumping onto the hanging platform, look to the left for a chest of money. You can turn left and down, use the jump back (LMB + spacebar) to grab the chandelier, and then jump into the secret area.

As you reach the red wall with ledges, go down a level - there is a second secret area, take the money and climb up, and then boldly jump forward - Ezio will hook on the platform. Take the seal and leave the cathedral through the window.

Mystery of Torre Grossa. Our next stop is San Germignano, or rather, the tallest tower in the city. Again, we have to travel from the bottom up, the fight against the guards and the insidious camera.

This is what they call a concept camera. Successfully jumping from such a position is another test!

The beginning is predictable - we move along the wall, and then we open the door. In the wine cellar, we kill the guards and run to the other side of the room. There are a lot of unnecessary beams and platforms here, you can find the right way, focusing on the tricks of the game camera. If you notice a limitation in the viewing radius, then you are on the right track.

Having risen one level up, kill the archer and climb onto the chandelier; if you now jump to the right into a small opening, you will fall into a secret area. We go to the library and deal with the crowd of armed "readers". On the wall and chandeliers we climb to the upper tiers, dodging the arrows of archers. Under the very ceiling of the library is the second secret area.

The further path is straightforward - we climb the tower, killing lone guards along the way. In the end, there may be some inconvenience with the camera, but this should not prevent us from taking the third seal.

Mystery of Ravaldino. Rocca di Ravaldino is a fortress in Romagna, here we will look for the next print in our collection. The place is wet, first we swim a little, and then we jump using the bounce back. The first difficulty is the mechanism blocking the gate. When we interact with him, we will have a few seconds to slip through the bars. I advise you to keep to the right side when moving, otherwise, due to the inconvenient camera, you can easily push Ezio into the wall, past the target passage.

Rocca di Ravaldino. To get to the barracks, jump on this shield and make another jump back.

Immediately after that, turn the corner to the left - the level above the first chest with money; use the jump back to get into the secret area. Then again there is a small swim where you need to dive (wait and hold the "Space" and press W). We deal with the guards, find a shield nailed to the wall and go upstairs.

We again have to race against the clock, but not difficult - by pulling the lever, we just run forward along the beams. Now, if you turn left and make some difficult jumps to the side, you can get to the second secret place, and then exit through the secret door. If you do not want to be distracted by the chests, then pull the second lever and take another run. In the barracks, crush the resistance and go into the crypt (the camera will kindly show the place where you need to jump).

Finally, we have one more time trial left. The road is not straight, and even the camera will provoke uncomfortable movements and jumps all the time. It is difficult to advise something here - you just need to get used to the situation and move carefully. After completing the test, we will immediately enter the crypt with the seal.

Secrets of the Templars

Templar Hideouts are additional exclusive locations available to owners of the Collector's Edition of the game (one of the Hideouts is available in the DVD-box). In fact, these are analogues of tombs, but here the labyrinths are even more intricate, the jumps are not easy, and at the end, instead of a seal, a treasury awaits us.

Here it is, the safe deposit box of the great Templars.

In total, three shelters can be found on the map; to visit them, it is not at all necessary to go through the whole game, they appear as new areas are opened. The first cache is in Palazzo Medici(Florence) - You need to save Lorenzo, who is being held by the Templars in his own house, which is full of secret passages. Two more shelters in Venice - one in the docks, in naval arsenal, the second - in the church Santa Maria dei Frari.

It is a myth: the hideouts also have two secret areas with hidden treasures, but in the Medici house, one of the secret places contains two chests at once. This gave rise to a rumor that the second cache did not exist.

Exclusive locations include family Crypt Auditore(it can be unlocked as content on Yuplay) - according to many eyewitnesses, this is the most difficult labyrinth in the game, full of jumps of varying degrees of difficulty interspersed with awkward camera angles. Unfortunately, its passage does not represent any plot or material value, only "sporting" interest.

Secret of San Marco. We will look for the fifth seal in Venice, but not immediately, but when we complete one of the sequences. The entrance to the tomb is located on the roof of the Doge's Palace, it will not be difficult to find it.

We get inside a huge temple - you don’t need to run for a long time and look for the tomb, the entrance to it is located below, but it will open only when we complete the four tests. The task is to climb the upper tier of the palace to the lever in the allotted time and pull it. If the timer ends, the lever is hidden and you need to start over.

The palace is divided into four wings - each of them has one test. The difficulty is not in abstruse jumps, but in finding the way. Before activating the mechanisms, I would advise you to study the possible routes along which our hero will move.

We'll start with the northern challenge, where Ezio activated the stone slabs. When we step on the nearest ledge in the floor, the game camera will kindly show the place where we can climb, and then the lever we need to get to. This run is the easiest - gradually rise along the only possible way up, but when you are on the same level with the upper tier - jump in the opposite direction from the one where the lever is located. Then we move along a peculiar path of statues and crosses to the other side, run to the lever, climb even higher and jump onto it.

We go to the east wing. After activating the mechanism, we will see how the lever will appear at a high altitude next to the well-lit round window. We gradually move up, once on the upper platform, we find that the direct path is littered. We need to get over to the opposite side along the massive hanging crosses. We run closer to the lever, climb the yellow window to the very limit, press the "Interact" and "Go" keys - Ezio will jump back and hang on the lever.

The third test is the most vile and is located in the west - its path is not obvious and involves several difficult jumps. At the same time, we climb the structures in the center and fight with an uncomfortable camera, jump to the platform located under the lever. We move to the right and grab the ledge, move in the same direction and make a jump to the right, grabbing the ledge of the same shape. We go up, climb the rings almost to the ceiling and jump back to be on the beam. We jump on the lever.

The last run is very short, but again you need to jump carefully. First, we climb onto small platforms on the left, jump from them and grab onto a small ledge, make a difficult jump to the right and overcome the path of conveniently spaced beams, climb to the upper tier. Now all that remains is to climb the window in the shape of a cross to failure and make the traditional bounce back, hanging on the lever.

There are two secret places here, just like everywhere else. The first area is in the south wing; You can get to the chest using the jump pull-up technique (hold down the left mouse button and W, press Space, and then Shift). The second chest is in the west wing, on one of the lower platforms - you can open it by going down from the upper tiers. When all the tests are passed, the door to the crypt will open, and we will only have to pick up the seal.

Mystery Visitazione. To gain access to the last tomb, you first need to run pretty much through the Venetian story quests. The entrance to the cache is located near the shipyard, and this area is initially closed.

Visitatione. To get here, you need to run up the wall and jump back.

In this tomb, a difficult test awaits us, although the beginning does not portend trouble. We jump down, kill the thug guard and make a small forced march, chasing the frightened courier. He can be overtaken and killed at the very end of the route by jumping on the fugitive from above.

In the room in front of the large hall (where the showdown with the guards is coming), there is a secret area. You can get to the chest by making a series of tricky jumps (you will find the second secret place if you approach the mechanism with a lever near the temple and turn left). Having dealt with the guards, we go to the picturesque underwater temple.

The location of the tomb has been established, but the trouble is that the entrance to the temple is closed, and in order to reach the goal, you need to activate the mechanism (the beams will turn around and create a kind of “path” so that Ezio can reach all the target levers), take a dangerous walk, jumping on all kinds of ledges , and pull all four levers in turn, thereby opening the door to the tomb with the seal.

The second misfortune is that you can get to some places only by using a special key combination, which you will have to learn here. Time is limited, you can not hesitate, and any careless movement will lead to the fact that the assassin will flop into the water and the race will have to start over.

Before starting the test, I would advise you to set the control to “keyboard + mouse (two buttons)” in the settings - it will be easier. In total, on the route you need to make four jumps of increased complexity - push off from the wall and jump in the right direction. The first of them, the easiest, at the beginning of the race: quickly run up the wall (W + "Space" + "left mouse button"), release all the keys, and then simultaneously press the key combination D + "Space" + LMB, where D - this is the direction of the jump. When you need to jump to the left, press A instead.

The most difficult jump in the Visitation is to push off from the statue and jump right here.

It is important: all three keys must be pressed clearly and simultaneously - if you click only on D + "Space", then Ezio can jump back (most likely into the water) and the test will have to start over. In theory, the jump is possible without clicking the mouse, but it is more reliable.

The most difficult jump will be number 2: it is next to the first, but in this case you need to push off not from the wall, but from a stone statue of an unpleasant rounded shape. You need to carefully run into it (it's better not to rush too much, because of the camera and sudden movement, you can easily fall into the water) and jump to the left (this means that instead of D we press A).

The rest of the jumps are simple: the third one is waiting for us after a short run along the beams and ledges - you need to push off to the right, and the last one will be near another statue - we run to the wall and push off to the left. After that, it remains only to pull the last lever, and the gates of the temple will open. We jump into the water, go inside and pick up the last seal.

The game pleases with an abundance of secrets, but none can compare with what will be discussed now. During the passage of one of the tombs of the assassins, you will not only visit the underwater temple, but also get the opportunity to see one of its mysterious inhabitants. Remember the test in the Visitation with heavy jumps? We'll go right there.

After the fight with the guards, open the gate and go to the temple. Activate the mechanism, but do not rush to run to the obstacle course, but immediately go to the water and lean down a little. Now just wait and pay no attention to the running time.

In a few seconds, a game video will begin, where we will see how a huge monster swims past our assassin under the surface of the water, very reminiscent of Cthulhu in shape and appearance. But that's not all! When the video ends, go to the mechanism and pull the lever again, and then return to the place where you just stood, or walk along the water.

If everything is done correctly, then you will again see a cutscene where a huge tentacle emerges from the water and tries to hurt Ezio. Such monsters live in the Venetian waters...

On a note: the secret does not work on a clean boxed version of the game from Akella; in order to play the easter egg, you must first activate additional content in the game.

Every killer should know...

All riddles of "Truth" are not tied to certain signs and are opened in strict order. For example, the last, twentieth riddle will always be about hieroglyphs, no matter what sign you open.

Blacksmiths in the game have healing properties. At the same time as repairing your armor, your entire health bar will be restored.

Knowing tricky tricks is never superfluous. For example, this point cannot be climbed without pulling up in a jump.

When playing as Altair, in order to jump onto the beam, you need to climb onto the balcony railing, stand directly under it, press the left mouse button and "Space" - the assassin will grab the beam, and then the way up will not be a problem.

To see more spectacular scenes where Ezio kills enemies, use a counterstrike.

You cannot replay story missions, but the most spectacular episodes can be replayed by visiting "special memories" (they are displayed on the map after you are accepted into the order of assassins).

The guards blocking the passage can be bribed. You just need to throw money, and the main one will let you through.

Knocked out weapons can be picked up in the armory in the villa in Monteriggioni. If, after you have lost your weapon in battle, you pick up an enemy one, it will not disappear after a while, and Ezio will hang it on his belt.

Poisoned Blade is great in situations where you need to not give yourself away or kill someone without being noticed. We just poison one of the guards, he attracts attention, and in the meantime we can quietly pass through a protected place or get to the desired goal.

During the carnival in Venice, you can steal money from passers-by with impunity, the alarm level will not increase, just like at the beginning of the game.


How can I find additional content in Assassin's Creed 2?


Please note that this article contains minor spoilers.

Extra Throwing Knives
You can get access immediately, as soon as you get the skill of throwing knives (3 sequence / 4 memory).
You can buy a bag of extra knives from any tailor.
The big bag is given free of charge, and will allow you to carry 25 knives instead of 20.

Altair suit
Will be available upon completion of the 1st sequence / 10 memories (once you received the Giovanni suit in his office).

1. Get a suit from any tailor.
2. Go to the Animus desktop (Main menu of the game).
3. Select Inventory / Equipment.
4. Select the Altair Suit.

Auditore family tomb
Will be available upon completion of the 4th sequence.
Once the loading of the 5th sequence is complete, you can head to Monteriggioni.
The family tomb is located on the site of the Assassin icon on your map.

Templar Hideouts - Only available in the Deluxe Edition.
Palazzo Medici

The map of the Palazzo Medici will be available to you upon completion of the 4th sequence / 4th memory segment (Catacombs of Santa Maria Novella), when you are in Florence.

To replay a map after it's completed (or check if it's completed), bring up the Main Menu and select "DNA". Scroll the DNA helix to the right until you see " Secret locations and select Templar Caches - Home Invasion.

Santa Maria dei Frari

The Santa Maria dei Frari map will be available at the end of the 7th sequence, when you are in Venice.

To replay a map after it's completed (or check if it's completed), bring up the Main Menu and select "DNA". Scroll the DNA helix to the right until you see "Secret Locations" and select "Templar Caches - Above Beams, Under Stone".

Arsenal of Venice

The map will be available at the end of the 10th sequence, and when you are in Venice.

To replay a map after it's completed (or check if it's completed), bring up the Main Menu and select "DNA". Scroll the DNA helix to the right until you see "Secret Locations" and select "Templar Caches - Castaways».

Battle of Forli (Sequence 12)
Will be available upon completion of the main storyline.

Bonfire of the Vanities (Sequence 13)
Will be available after the completion of the 12th sequence.

The main secret of the Villa Auditore in Monteriggioni is the Sanctuary, where light and durable armor of Altair. Mario after some time will decide to show them to Ezio. To obtain the equipment and armor of Altair, stored behind bars, you need to find six seals-keys of the legendary assassins - Kulan-Gala, Darius, Wei Yu, Amunet, Iltani and Leonius - buried in Italy. Uncle, no matter how much he tried, could not find them, but he still does not lose hope, although he has long abandoned active searches. The locations of the tombs of the assassins with seals are marked on the map with special black icons in the form of the letter A. The icons appear immediately or after visiting the viewpoints, starting from the fourth sequence.

Before receiving each seal, you have to pass a test, proving the seriousness of your intentions. Trials consist of overcoming obstacles against the clock or finding a path. An unpleasant surprise during the hunt for seals will be the behavior of the camera, which will choose bad angles and viewing angles at key moments, leading to offensive breakdowns, snags and marking time. Each location, in addition to the main reward, hides one or two secret areas where treasure chests are hidden. It is not necessary to look for them, in this case only a reward will be missed - several hundred gold coins (re-passing the tombs of the assassins in AC2 is available through the "Cashes" in the "DNA" section in the main menu of the game). The collected seals are placed in slots on the Assassin statues in the Sanctuary in the basement of Villa Monteriggioni. All seals can be collected in the ninth sequence, before the carnival in Venice.

Legendary Assassins:

  • Mongol Kulan-Gal- shot Genghis Khan's horse with a bow.
  • Persian Darius- killed Xerxes with a hidden blade.
  • Chinese Wei Yu- killed the first emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang with a spear.
  • Egyptian Amunet- killed Cleopatra with a snake.
  • Babylonian Iltani- Poisoned Alexander the Great.
  • Roman Leonius- stabbed Caligula with a dagger.

The location of the tombs of the assassins in Assassin's Creed 2:

  • Seal of Darius (story mission"Mystery of the Novella", sequence 4.4):
    • Florence: Catacombs under the Cathedral of Santa Maria Novella in the quarter of the same name in the eastern part of the city, entrance through a guarded courtyard from the east side of the building.
  • Seal of Iltani(task "The Secret of the Cathedral"):
    • Florence: Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore in the San Giovanni quarter in the central part of the city, entrance at the north wall.
  • Seal of Wei Yu(task "The Secret of Torre Grossa"):
    • Tuscany / San Gimignano: At the base of the Torre Grossa on the south side of central square with the Church of Santa Maria Assunta.
  • Seal of Kulan-Gala(task "The Secret of Ravaldino"):
    • Forli: Behind the northern wall of the Rocca di Ravaldino fortress in the southwestern part of the city.
  • Seal of Amunet(task "The Secret of San Marco"):
    • Venice [

Founded back in the 80s BC, Florence has quickly grown from a small Roman settlement to a bustling market center. Located on fertile land and on the main trade routes between Rome and northern Italy, Florence experienced a difficult period after the fall of the Roman Empire, when the Ostrogoths and the Byzantines fought for control of the region. However, the city began to flourish under the rule of the Longobards in the 7th century and then continued to expand under Charlemagne a century later.

By the end of the Middle Ages, Florence had become an important commercial and banking center, primarily famous for its wool production. In the middle of the 13th century, the city began minting its own currency, the florin, and many famous bankers began to call Florence home. Economic growth contributed to the creation of merchant guilds in the city and to attract large numbers of immigrants. At the turn of the 15th century, Florence became one of the largest and most prosperous cities in Europe.
Florence was the birthplace of many famous artists such as Giotto, Dante and Donatello, becoming the cradle of the Italian Renaissance. During the reign of the Medici family, the culture of Florence continued to flourish, not least thanks to Lorenzo de' Medici, who patronized the arts, philosophy and science. Michelangelo, Machiavelli, Botticelli, Raphael and Leonardo da Vinci, as well as the famous Auditore family, continued this tradition. Thanks to them, the city justified its good reputation until the 16th century.

However, shortly after the death of Lorenzo de' Medici, the city was ruled by Girolamo Savonarola, who used the Piece of Eden to bend the city's population to his will. Fortunately, Ezio Auditore freed the citizens of Florence in 1498 by killing Savonarola and taking the Apple from him. Despite brief periods of upheaval, Florence remained one of the most prosperous cities during the Renaissance.


Located in the Italian province of Siena, the city of Monteriggioni, founded in 1213, served as a strategically important defensive point in the war against the expansion of Florence. In the 14th century, the main well of the city was drained, deepened and equipped with traps, and then one of the Pieces of Eden, known as the Shroud, was hidden under the ground of the fortress.
In 1454, Florence attacked Monteriggioni in an attempt to capture the ancient artifact. However, Mario Auditore, the new head of the city and the leader of the Brotherhood of Assassins, managed to uncover the impending plot, prepare for the attack and, in the end, defeat the enemy. Soon after, he found a cache of the Piece of Eden in Monteriggioni and sent it to his brother Giovanni. Once the Mote was done away with, Mario concentrated entirely on the war with the Templars, leaving the city unattended, which led Monteriggioni to a significant decline and affected the well-being of its inhabitants.
Fortunately, thanks to Ezio Auditore, who arrived at the villa in 1476 and invested a huge amount of money earned in the city's economy, Monteriggioni began to prosper again. Despite the attacks and sieges of the city by the Templars, such as Cesare Borgia, as well as the betrayal of the garrison of guards loyal to the Medici, Monteriggioni remained under the rule of the Auditore family

Villa Auditore

In 1290, the ancestor of the Auditore family, Domenico, acquired and rebuilt the Villa, surrounded by fortified city walls. For its inhabitants, the Villa served as both a home and a fortress and consisted of many secret passages, secret rooms and training grounds. For generations, Domenico and his descendants used the Villa as their headquarters, developing plans for waging war against the Templars. Centuries later, under the management of Mario, the condition of the villa deteriorated, but soon after the arrival of Ezio Auditore, the city began to flourish again.

The Auditore family crypt was built immediately after Villa, and once served as an escape route during its siege by the Borgia army. Immediately after the death of Domenico Auditore, he was buried in the crypt, and the history of the family's origin was depicted in frescoes installed on the walls of the crypt. Several members of the Auditor family visited the crypt centuries later: Giovanni and Ezio the Auditor, as well as Desmond Miles, who had to wade through the crypt to find his way to the Sanctuary.


Region of central Italy. From the north it is surrounded by mountains and the main part is covered with vast fields that are used to grow various fruits, including grapes, thanks to which some of the best wines are produced in Tuscany. It is also famous for its incredibly beautiful landscapes, a fairly rich creative population and a great influence on culture.

Tuscany has many beautiful cities such as Florence and Siena, and small towns such as Monteriggioni and San Gimignano. Ezio Auditore lived in Florence until his father and brothers were executed, and then was forced to move to Monteriggioni.

Tuscany is the birthplace of the Italian Renaissance and was home to some of the most influential figures in the arts and sciences such as Dante, Botticelli, Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci.

San Gimilano

The city of San Gimignano, founded in the 3rd century, was named after Saint Geminian, who supposedly created a thick fog to save the city of Modena from Attila. Beginning in the 10th century, the city began to grow as a resting place for pilgrims on their way to Rome.

In 1199, when the inhabitants of the city became rich, San Gimignano left the power of the bishops of Volterra and became self-governing. Wishing to flaunt their wealth, the inhabitants of the city built high towers; at its peak, San Gimignano had 72 towers.

Everything changed after the plague of 1348. The population of the city has drastically declined, and without money for current repairs, the buildings began to fall apart. The city council turned to Florence for help, and since then San Gimignano has been under the control of the Florentines.


Romagna is located in the east of central Intalia. On the western side, Romagna is trimmed by the Apennine Mountains, and in the east by the Adriatic Sea, as a result of which Romagna was one of the places from where one could get to Venice. Among the famous cities of Romagna: Cesena, Ravenna, Forli. Also there is the dwarf state of San Marino.

Middle Ages
The name of the city directly indicates a connection with Rome, but Romagna did not particularly look towards the Holy See, as it was self-governing, and was not eager to part with this fact.

In 1488, the Assassins took possession of the Apple of Eden and later handed it over to Countess of Forlì Katirina Sforza. But by the time the Auditore, along with Niccolò Machiavelli, met Katerina at the walls of Forli, it turned out that the Orsi brothers had attacked the city. Threatening the death of Katerina's children, the brothers demanded an artifact, an apple of Eden. As a result of Ezio's actions, the brothers were dead, and Caterina's children remained unharmed, but Ezio was seriously injured and Girolamo Savonarola took possession of the apple. Romagna was later taken over by the Borgia family.


A settlement on this site was founded around 798 BC. cavemen of the Paleolithic era, who mined flint here. Since then, Forli has been an important industrial center. The modern name comes from Forum Livii - this is how the Romans called the fortified city, built in 188 BC. v Via Emilia - full of looog. laid in this area after the pacification of the Gallic tribes. After the fall of Rome, the city came under the control of the Lombards, and then - the church, but in 889 the inhabitants of Forlì declared independence. This caused the utmost displeasure of the Vatican, which spent the next 400 years trying to recapture the city.

In addition, Forli for several centuries had to repulse the attacks of the Goths, Byzantines, Lombards and Franks. A lot of trouble brought the residents of the city and annual floods, until in 1050 the channels of the surrounding rivers were changed. At the end of the thirteenth century, power in Forli, as happens in most independent republics, passed into the hands of dictators, and then the Ordelaffi family subjugated the city. The coat of arms of Ordelaffy depicts a cheerful lion sticking out his tongue, but they themselves were not at all so funny and good-natured.

In 1480, when the Ordelaffi family was mired in internecine strife, the Pope intervened in the fate of the city - he gave Forli to his nephew, Girolamo Riario. However, the calculations of the pontiff did not materialize: Girolamo was killed, and his wife, Caterina Sforza, began to rule the city. She fought fiercely with the Vatican for the independence of Forli, but in the end she was defeated, and the city again fell under the rule of the pope.


Venice, located in northern Italy, was built on the islands of the Adriatic Sea. During the Renaissance, the city was the cultural, political and financial center of La Serenissima Republica di Venezia - the Most Serene Venetian Republic. Both the economic dominance and the formidable navy made Venice the site of a war between the Templars and the Assassin Order, who fought for control of the city.
The six arrondissements of Venice tended to spring up around large structures serving a particular political purpose. Thus, the District of Castello, which is the largest in Venice, was created by settlers who fled from the invasion of the Longbards in the second half of the 6th century. Another county was created when the Templars rebuilt the Arsenal in 1320. By this time, Venice had expanded to the size of the Republic and wielded enormous political and economic influence throughout the world.

In the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, Venice reached its apogee of development. In 1309, the construction of the Palazzo Ducale, the political "heart" of the city and the residence of the Venetian Doges, began in the city. Located in the district of San Marco, away from the "spiritual" influence of the Church of San Pietro di Castello, Palazzo Ducale has become a symbol of the Doge's independence from the Pope. In the 15th century, the Doge's Palace became the subject of conflicts between the Assassins and the Templars more than once. In 1485, the Templars poisoned Doge Giovanni Mocenigo.

Mocenigo's death marked the beginning of a period of political instability as the Templars and Assassins fought for control over the Palazzo Ducale. The Templars, instead of the dead Doge, put at the head of their agent - Marco Barbarigo, whose reign lasted less than a year. In 1486, the Assassins killed Marco Barbarigo and replaced him with one of their men, Augustine Barbarigo. However, Augustine proved to be an unreliable ally, soon becoming the servant of the Borgia family as soon as they came to power. The Assassins poisoned him in 1501.

The sixteenth century was the century of the decline of Venice and the decline of its political influence. The League of Cambrai, which included France, Spain, the Habsburg family and the Papacy, joined forces against Venice. In the spring of 1509, in 15 days, the League defeated Venice at the Battle of Agnadello and captured all of its mainland territories.


How can I find additional content in Assassin's Creed 2?


Please note that this article contains minor spoilers.

Extra Throwing Knives
You can get access immediately, as soon as you get the skill of throwing knives (3 sequence / 4 memory).
You can buy a bag of extra knives from any tailor.
The big bag is given free of charge, and will allow you to carry 25 knives instead of 20.

Altair suit
Will be available upon completion of the 1st sequence / 10 memories (once you received the Giovanni suit in his office).

1. Get a suit from any tailor.
2. Go to the Animus desktop (Main menu of the game).
3. Select Inventory / Equipment.
4. Select the Altair Suit.

Auditore family tomb
Will be available upon completion of the 4th sequence.
Once the loading of the 5th sequence is complete, you can head to Monteriggioni.
The family tomb is located on the site of the Assassin icon on your map.

Palazzo Medici

The map of the Palazzo Medici will be available to you upon completion of the 4th sequence / 4th memory segment (Catacombs of Santa Maria Novella), when you are in Florence.

To replay a map after it's completed (or check if it's completed), bring up the Main Menu and select "DNA". Scroll the DNA helix to the right until you see "Secret Locations" and select "Templar Caches - Home Invasion".

Santa Maria dei Frari

The Santa Maria dei Frari map will be available at the end of the 7th sequence, when you are in Venice.

To replay a map after it's completed (or check if it's completed), bring up the Main Menu and select "DNA". Scroll the DNA helix to the right until you see "Secret Locations" and select "Templar Caches - Above Beams, Under Stone".

Arsenal of Venice

The map will be available at the end of the 10th sequence, and when you are in Venice.

To replay a map after it's completed (or check if it's completed), bring up the Main Menu and select "DNA". Scroll the DNA helix to the right until you see "Secret Locations" and select "Templar Caches - Castaways».

Battle of Forli (Sequence 12)
Will be available upon completion of the main storyline.

Bonfire of the Vanities (Sequence 13)
Will be available after the completion of the 12th sequence.

Brief background:

Desmond Miles and Lucy escape from the Abstergo laboratory and find a new hideout where our hero will continue to study the memory of his ancestors. This time, with the help of the Animus, we will be transported to the beautiful Italy of the Renaissance. We are waiting for a fascinating journey through the most beautiful cities, acquaintance with Leonardo da Vinci, Niccolo Machiavelli, the Medici family, and, of course, a new Character.

Meet: Ezio Auditore da Firenze

Born in Florence, June 24, 1459, in a noble family. His father, Giovanni Auditore- a well-known banker who has connections in all the highest circles of the nobility and is on friendly terms with the Medici family, an assassin.

Ezio's mother Maria, a writer, is passionate about art and willingly purchases paintings from a family friend - Leonardo da Vinci. Ezio has two brothers - the eldest Frederico, the same rake and fighter, like Ezio, and the younger - Petruchio- does not differ in special health, but is very fond of collecting eagle feathers. The truth is not recognized for what he needs them.

Ezio's sister Claudia, very pretty, and, which is quite logical for a young person, is busy with love experiences.

Ezio was unaware of his future fate until the age of seventeen, but the conspiracy against the Auditore family and the further execution of his father and brothers did their job. Ezio becomes an assassin, and goes on the path of a long and bloody revenge. Actually, this is where the main events of the Assassin's Creed II game begin.

Sequence #1: Florence, 1476

Ezio and his friends decided to "settle scores" and measure their strength with Vieri Pazzi - one of the representatives of a family that has long been at enmity with the Auditore family. The exchange of "courtesies" ends with the fact that Ezio receives a stone in the face (this scar is a hallmark of all Desmond's ancestors) and a fight begins. Fists. During the battle, you can master the control of the character in battle (how to attack, counterattack, how the "capture" works, etc.). During the battle, Ezio will be joined by his brother - Federico - and "will help." When the fight is over, Patzia will run away. Now you need to search the pockets of all the fallen - in total, you can collect about 400 florins.

You should have seen another guy
We run after Federico to the doctor, climbing the walls and jumping from beam to beam. We give the doctor money in exchange for medical care.

Rival Brothers
We run further in a race with Federico to the roof of the church. This is our first viewpoint in ACII. Further, the brother advises to return home as soon as possible, but Ezio has another idea: he intends to spend the night in the arms of a lovely Christina Vespucci .

A glass before bed
Let's synchronize. We jump from the ledge of the tower into a haystack, wait for the Pazzi to pass by, get out of the haystack. Christina's house is very close, on the next street. We run to the right to the boxes against the wall, then to the roof and down. Having reached the place under the windows of Christina, we watch a romantic scene, we wait for the morning. In the morning, Ezio will be caught at the scene of the crime by Christina's father and will have to "do his feet". Through the window, in a roundabout way, trying not to catch the eye of the guards, we run home.

After that, they become available Additional tasks Category "Race"

We return to the father. After a little thrashing for night adventures, we get the task: to deliver Giovanni's letter to his friend - Lorenzo Medici . Avoiding the guards who are still looking for Ezio, we run to the yellow mark on the map. It is more convenient to run along the roofs - there are no archers there yet. It turns out that the Medici and the whole family left the city for a few days. Nevertheless, the order is completed, we return home, and get acquainted with a certain Uberto Alberti . I didn’t like him right away ..) Oh well. The father says that Ezio was looking for his mother and sister, we will fulfill their instructions, we will need to return to Giovanni.

From now on, additional tasks of the "Courier" category become available.

Family friend.
Maria asks Ezio to help her in one matter. In this quest, Ezio meets Leonardo da Vinci , who in the future will become one of his closest friends and will help in missions, and at the same time will allow him to test his own inventions. Well, that's later. And now - we take away the box with paintings from the artist and carry it home.

Secrets of Petruchio.
Ezio's younger brother dreams of climbing onto the roof and collecting eagle feathers. This is where Ezio comes to the rescue. We run through the rooftops and collect 3 feathers in two and a half minutes. Petruchio happy.

From now on, you can collect eagle feathers all over the world. Collecting them all - you can get a bonus and a present. More details - a little later.

Payback for treason
Ezio finds Claudia and the sister talks about her lover - Duccio - who cheated on her with another. The sister's honor demands vengeance! We find Duccio not far from the cathedral, we beat the face, we return home.

From this moment on, additional tasks of the “Fight” category become available.

Special delivery.
Having dealt with the instructions of the sister and mother, we return to the father. Giovanni again asks to deliver letters to his trusted people. Here you need to act carefully and not get into a fight with the guards. In this mission, we get acquainted with representatives of the guild of thieves, mercenaries and courtesans. In addition, we run into the dovecote and pick up a secret letter for Giovanni.

We return home and find out that the father and brothers have been arrested and are in prison, in the Signoria Palace. Ezio's task is to get them out of there. The matter is complicated by the fact that the guards are actively looking for and Ezio will have to be extremely careful.

We get to the square with the scaffold and climb to the top of the Signoria tower (Town Hall with a clock). Giovanni's cell is almost at the very top, but getting there is not difficult - you can use the hands of the tower clock. Save Giovanni does not work, but the father gives Ezio the last instruction about the hiding place in the house. We jump off the roof into a haystack and run home.

Once at home, use the "eagle vision" and find a secret door. In the room is a chest with an assassin's attire, weapons, and documents. The documents must be taken to Uberto Alberti: the one he met the day before. Since Ezio now has a sword, the guards are much easier to deal with.

The last Hero
Uberto is a traitor. Despite letters proving the innocence of Giovanni and the brothers, Uberto seeks to accuse them of treason in court. Close Ezio sentenced to death. Alas, Ezio does not have time to save them. Fighting armored tanks in gold armor is also unrealistic, so the only thing left is to run away.

Flashback sequence 2 "Escape Plans".

Florentine Republic, 1476.

Ezio escaped from the guards and took refuge in the city, where Annette finds him and invites him to move to her sister's house, as well as to meet with Claudia and Maria. The auditore agrees, but Annette's offer to bring him to the right place is refused and insists on going the other way so as not to put Annette in danger.

Ezio goes to the house of Anetta's sister (I advise you to go through the roofs, because Ezio does not have any weapons, and he still cannot mix with the crowd and generally move covertly, so the guards will quickly find him) and, going inside, he sees a real brothel in front of him . For a moment, Ezio thought that he had entered the wrong doors, but there is no mistake, and Anetta introduces the Auditore to her sister Paola, the head of the Florentine courtesans.

Ezio intends to kill Uberto Alberti, but his skills do not allow him to achieve what he wants, so Paola takes on his training.

First of all, the Auditore must learn to blend in with the crowd; first, Paola allows him to practice with the courtesans, then he gives him a more difficult task: Ezio has to follow Paola through the streets of Florence (in full view of the guards), mixing with the crowd so as not to get caught. In fact, you can hide not only in the stream of people, but also, as in the previous part, on the benches; sometimes it's better to sit down than try to catch a wave.

Having successfully walked through the city with Paola, but at the same time remaining unnoticed, Ezio learns to steal; as in the case of the disguise, Poala lets you work with the courtesans first, and then the Auditore goes into the city and steals money from the local population (be careful not to get caught by the city dweller whom Ezio robbed, otherwise you risk attracting unnecessary attention and arrange street fights) .

Trump in the sleeve.
Ezio has learned to hide, but he can't sit in the shadows forever, and he'll need a weapon. In the chest of his father, the Auditore found, in addition to documents and a mantle, parchment and a broken bracer - Paola advises Ezio to go to Leonardo da Vinci and show him these things.

Ezio is still wanted, but now he knows how to blend in with the crowd and can make his way to Leonardo's workshop undetected (although you can go over the rooftops if you want to save some time).

In the artist's house, Ezio shows Leonardo a scroll and a bracer - at first the maestro spreads his arms, but soon notices that the text of the parchment is encrypted; he sets about deciphering the text and eventually gets the guidance to create the Assassins' traditional weapon, the hidden blade. After spending a couple of hours assembling it, Leonardo showed the blade to Ezio. It will be possible to test the weapon soon, as the guards are knocking on the door, accusing the artist of contacts with Ezio Auditore. In the backyard, after a short conversation, the guard beats Leonardo, and then Ezio will have to let the blade go. Auditore kills the guard, says goodbye to Leonardo and returns to Paola.

Judge, Jury, Executioner.
Now that Ezio has a weapon, he can find Uberto and kill him. Paola reveals that he is on his way to the Santa Croce exhibition and Auditore goes there to find his target.

Ezio climbs onto the roof of one of the buildings near the square next to the cathedral and sees how Uberto, arguing with Lorenzo de' Medici, enters the courtyard where the exhibition of paintings is being held. The auditor should not notice until he has carried out his plan, so you need to proceed carefully.

First of all, forget about the main entrance, because it is guarded, and it will not work to crawl between two guards through a narrow archway - you can get inside only through the roofs; there are two options: either immediately go along the rooftops, quietly eliminating the archers so that they do not notice Ezio in the future, or jump down, blend into the crowd and climb onto the building closest to the cathedral, so as not to bother with opponents on the rooftops. When the Auditore finds himself in Santa Croce, he will only have to brutally avenge Uberto for the death of his family. After the murder, Ezio will naturally be discovered and will have to flee from the guards.

In the shelter.
Despite the fact that Ezio killed Uberto Alberti, he, his sister and mother cannot stay in Florence, so the Auditore decides to take the family to a villa in Tuscany.

However, before Ezio can leave the city, he must deal with his fame; Paola explains that there are three ways to calm the guards: tear down posters depicting a criminal (they are hung, mostly closer to the roofs), bribe heralds (by the way, you can immediately take your money with theft) or kill slanderers. Posters reduce fame by 25%, heralds by 50%, and killing witnesses by 75%.
Since Ezio is now on the wanted list, it is likely that one of the slanderers is wandering somewhere nearby - kill him, and then tear off the poster, since there are a lot of them in relation to heralds and witnesses. However, no one prevents the Auditor from peacefully getting rid of the drawings with his image.

When Ezio lowers his fame to the limit and becomes incognito in the city, he can return to the brothel.

After destroying Uberto Alberti and regaining his incognito status, Ezio can travel with his family to Villa Auditore.

Paola brings Maria and Claudia to Ezio, after which he says goodbye to Paola and leaves with his mother and sister, at the same time telling them about the tragedy.

Ezio leads Claudia and Maria to the city gates past the guards, who are no longer paying attention to the Auditor (of course, if he does something illegal, a conflict cannot be avoided), and uses groups of courtesans to distract patrols blocking the way out of Florence.

The Auditore family leaves the city and heads to Monteriggioni

Sequence #3. "Rest in peace"
Tuscany, Villa Monteriggioni and the city of San Gimignano, 1476-1478

Help on the road
After leaving Florence, Ezio with his mother and sister go to Uncle Mario's villa in Monteriggioni. Nothing of note happens along the way, except for a meeting with the Pazzi mercenaries near the place of arrival. After several threats and nasty remarks against the Auditore, a fight breaks out. Uncle Mario comes to the aid of Ezio with his mercenaries. Vieri Pazzi flees in fear from the battlefield, and Uncle Mario hands Ezio a sword and offers to take a walk to the villa.

Home Sweet Home
The villa is in a semi-abandoned state - Mario has neither the time nor the money to put this place in order. Along the way, the uncle talks about the relationship of the city with Florence, about the people living here, and so on. On the threshold of the house, Mario tries to find out Ezio's further intentions. When he says that he wants to go even further, Mario is somewhat surprised. It turns out that Ezio knows absolutely nothing about the "other" side of his father's life, except for the banker's occupation. While Mario is thinking, Ezio can walk the streets of the villa - visit the blacksmith and the doctor to buy equipment and medicine. The necessary places are marked on the map, and even without that, artisan shops are located on the same street, next to the house.

I still recommend walking around the entire villa, running around the roofs: one of the secrets of the villa is the collection of figurines of ancient gods. Figurines are scattered throughout the villa - there are 8 of them in total. Every 2 pieces open one of the caches in the backyard of the estate. The search for figurines helps "eagle vision".

Repetition is the mother of learning.
Having bought equipment, Ezio returns to the house. He really wants to go away, but Mario won't let him go. At least until the guy learns how to use weapons well in order to protect his sister and mother on the road. Mario is ready to act as an instructor. We go to the "arena" next to the house.

Ezio learns to dodge attacks, counterattack, tease the enemy, get out of combat. In addition to practice, Ezio learns details about the Assassins, the Templars, the Code. When the training is over, Ezio has a duel with Mario.

Despite everything, Ezio still intends to leave. Mario gets angry and, waving his hand, disappears from the estate. One of his men reports that Mario and several mercenaries decided to deal with Vieri's henchmen and went to the city of San Gimignano. Ezio decides to follow him.

Before leaving, you can go to Mary. A box appeared in her room in which you can put the found feathers.

The inevitability of punishment
We find Mario on the outskirts of the city. In San Gimignano, you need to find Vieri Pazzi and kill him. The main gate is well guarded, so we follow Mario to another entrance to the city. While he and his men distract the guards, Ezio must climb over the wall, sneak into the city, take the archers off the roofs with throwing knives, and open the gates. Let's go for Mario. Next, you need to distract the guards and give Mario time to get to Vieri. We take a group of mercenaries with us and deal with the first group of guards (10 people). Next you need to get to the Cathedral of Santa Maria Asunta. Help map. On the way, it is desirable to get rid of the guards and archers on the roofs. Near the church, we help Mario deal with Vieri's people.

After the victory, you need to find Vieri himself and kill him. We go to the marker and observe an interesting scene of the meeting of the Pazzi family and the same Lord, whom Ezio had already noticed earlier in the house of the traitor Uberto. When Mario appears on the square, a mess begins, and Vieri and his people hide on the upper platform of one of the fortress towers. Next is the matter of technology. Vieri is not much of a problem, cowardly and fights much worse than Ezio.

It is done. We get one page of the Code and a letter, then we return to the villa. The inhabitants rejoice at the deliverance from Vieri Pazzi and celebrate the victory.

New plans
Ezio changes his mind and is going to continue his father's work and, like him, fight the Templars. Before you go to Florence in search of adversaries, you need to look at the villa and find four pages of the codex. All of them are marked on the map: three in the city, and another on a farm outside the walls. Mario will explain the meaning of the Code. After deciphering all the pages, you can get access to a certain secret, because of which the Auditore family died, after decrypting by Leonardo's forces, the pages will add Ezio "cubes" of health and improve equipment.

Among other things, Mario shows Ezio the treasury, which contains the armor of Altair, the legendary mentor of the brotherhood of the times crusades. You can get to the armor by finding six keys in tombs located in cities throughout Italy.

From Claudia we receive a report on the affairs of the estate. From now on, sister Ezio will take on the role of manager of the villa and will monitor the financial well-being. The more comfortable life in the estate, the greater the income. Profits will accumulate in the safe in Claudia's room. Thus, in case of need, you can always go home and pick up a hundred or two florins. The Architect, who will settle right next to Claudia, will help improve the estate.

Flashback sequence 4 "The Pazzi Conspiracy".

Live example.
After killing Vieri Pazzi and finding the pages of the code, Ezio returns to Florence to decipher the texts of the found parchments and deal with Vieri's father, Francesco Pazzi.
The Auditore arrives at his friend Leonardo's and shows him the scrolls. Last time the text of the codex page contained instructions for creating a hidden blade, but this time there are only a few drawings, a guide for assassins. However, Leonardo comes up with a wonderful idea - to supply Ezio with a second hidden blade! While the artist is working on the new weapon, the Auditore can learn a few lessons from the pictures on the codex page.
Ezio goes to the backyard of Leonardo's workshop and, after practicing on the mannequins, learns three new moves: Ledge Kill, which allows you to silently stab enemies with your blade and throw them down by grabbing onto a ledge, or simultaneously climb up and kill them; assassination from cover, which makes it possible to pierce opponents with a blade and drag them into haystacks, wells, benches and other shelters to hide the traces of the crime, or jump out of the urkty and get rid of the guards in the process; an in-flight kill that allows Ezio to jump off a high ground directly onto an enemy and kill them upon landing (let's note that Ezio never takes any damage when landing this way).
Having finished learning new techniques, the Auditore returns to Leonardo and receives a hidden blade on his right hand.

Fox hunting.
Ezio wants to find Francisco Pazzi and end him, but he cannot do it alone. Leonardo advises him to turn to a certain La Volpe (a thief about whom legends are composed). Foxes are usually found in the market.
Auditore goes to the market; for a moment he stopped, and his wallet was already in the hands of some thief! Ezio runs after him and ends up catching up. He decides to talk to the robber, but their conversation is interrupted by La Volpe, who sent the thief to attract the attention of the Auditore. The fox returns Ezio his money and discusses with him plans for further action.

See you.
Under Santa Maria Novella, in the catacombs, a secret meeting of the Templars is to take place, so Ezio is obliged to get there and find out everything about their plans.
La Volpe offers to run across the rooftops to the cathedral, and together they run to their destination. You have limited time, so you should hurry up (perhaps saying that if Ezio falls to the ground, you will have to restart, I think it’s not worth it).
Ezio and La Volpe stand on the roof opposite the secret entrance to the catacombs - the Fox explains how to use the secret lever, but then the Auditor will have to go alone. Ezio goes down to the entrance, activates the mechanism and goes down into the dungeon.

Novella Mystery.
Ezio says goodbye to La Volpe and descends into the catacombs under the Cathedral of Santa Maria Novella through a secret door to eavesdrop on the conversations of the Templars.
Ezio runs through the corridors to a large room with beams and uses them to move forward, using levers to clear his way (they are hard to miss, as they stand in the way of the Auditore). Activating the mechanism of the last lever, Ezio makes a leap of faith, and a room opens up in front of him with unpretentious guards and a pool in the middle.
The auditore waits for the Pazzi men to leave, then climbs up the statue and climbs even higher over the beams and hanging sarcophagi until he finally reaches the lever that opens the gate to the next room. Ezio jumps down, straight into the pool, while the guards, noticing the gates that have opened, decide to inspect the area.
The auditore can either kill all the guards except for the dodger, or immediately go after him (if you choose the first option, you can use the same pool as cover; remember: Pazzi's men will attack Ezio a couple of seconds after they see it). The trickster is very fast, and Ezio is not able to keep up with him, so do not even think about catching him: run after him as fast as you can and do not pay attention to the surroundings so that the guard does not slip away. The Trickster is heading towards the guardhouse, and at the very end of the path, events can unfold in two ways:

  1. Ezio never caught up with the guard, and he was able to raise the alarm, causing the Auditora to deal with all the Pazzi soldiers;
  2. Ezio realized that he could not overtake the trickster, so the Auditore used throwing knives to finish off the guard, and thus the trickster did not raise the alarm.
Whatever the chase turns out to be, climb higher and open the next door. There is an opening in the wall from where you can see and hear the Templars discussing plans to kill the Medici family. They are well armed and are about to go into action. Having learned about the intentions of the Templars, the Auditore sneaks into the room with the sarcophagus of one of the six assassins buried in Italy, takes the seal (do not forget to loot the chests as well) and gets out to the surface.

Wolves in sheep's clothing.
At a meeting of the Templars, Ezio learned that an assassination attempt was being prepared on the Medici brothers. Getting out to the surface in the dead of night, Auditore sees La Volpe in front of him and tells him about everything. After exchanging encouraging phrases, they came to the conclusion that it was necessary to save the Medici at all costs.
The next morning, Ezio goes to the place of the procession at the cathedral and sees a huge crowd in front of him. A little later, he notices the Medici brothers, as well as their ladies, but not Francesco with the rest of the Templars.
As it turned out, it didn’t take long to look for them, because they ran out of the crowd and attacked the Medici. They manage to kill Giuliano, but not Lorenzo - Ezio steps in to save him. Auditore kills Pazzi's men, but Francesco himself, having been seriously injured, disappeared from view. Ezio would have followed him if Lorenzo had not needed help; Auditore leads the Medici to the hideout of his loyal soldiers and protects along the way. The Pazzi and Medici units fighting on the streets of the city have their hands full, so it's better not to join the battle unnecessarily.

Farewell, Francesco.
Auditore rescues Lorenzo and takes him to a hideout where he reveals his identity. A little later, the Medici people report that Pazzi thugs are storming the Palace of the Signoria. Lorenzo gives Ezio the task of finding and destroying Francesco Pazzi.
Ezio gets to the Palace, but climbing it is quite difficult. The building itself is designed in such a way that it will be difficult for a parkour player to climb on it (there are few ledges on the walls), however, the Palace has an unfinished area - go to the houses closest to that part of the building, climb onto the roofs and get over to the Palace.
Francesco is sitting on the upper tier of the building - go up to him, clearing the road from the guards along the way, and when Francesco sees the Auditore, he will jump down in fear into a haystack. Pazzi won't die from a fall, so also take a leap of faith, give chase and kill Francesco.
Ezio and Francesco find themselves in the corridor of memory, and after a while the scene starts: the people gathered for a demonstration at the Palace of the Signoria, Jacopo Pazzi incites people, but after a second, the allies of the Auditore hang Francesco's body on the wall of the Palace - the people fall silent, and Jacopo runs in fear .. .

Memory Sequence 5 "End Meet".
Republic of Florence, 1478.​

Four victims
Some time after the death of Francesco Pazzi, Ezio meets Lorenzo at one of the bridges. Both of them want to get even with the conspirators who killed Giovanni Auditore and Giuliano Medici. In addition to Jacopo and Francesco Patzia, Bernardo Baroncelli, Antonio Maffei, Francesco Salviati and Stefano de Bagnone took part in the attack.
In the end, Lorenzo gives Ezio a page of the code found in Francesco Pazzi, and they say goodbye.

Biting blade.
From Lorenzo, Ezio received a codex page found in the archives of Francesco Pazzi. The Auditore decides to talk to Leonardo about deciphering another parchment.
This time, the artist will be able to create a modification of the hidden blade for Ezio - the poisoned blade. It works in the same way as the hidden one, with only one feature: when it is used, the victim will not die immediately, but will fall into an uncontrollable fit of rage, brandishing the weapon in all directions, and then fall to the ground and never again.
won't get up.

bypass maneuver.

Having received a poisoned hidden blade from Leonardo, Ezio goes to a villa in Monteriggioni, since he will not be able to go on the trail of Jacopo Pazzi on his own.
The Auditore arrives at the villa and talks to Mario about the four accomplices of Pacia who can lead Ezio to Jacopo. They don't have the same tools as Jacopo, so finding them will be much easier.
However, before you go into battle, you need to learn a couple of tricks. Mario shows Ezio how to dodge enemy attacks if a counterattack is not possible, as well as how to disarm enemies.
With the knowledge gained, the Auditore leaves Monteriggioni and travels to San Gimignano to put an end to the Pazzi once and for all.

Come out to play.

Ezio found Bernardo Baroncelli, he is hiding in the market and knows that the assassins are coming for him, so he surrounded himself with guards.
The first option is to act quietly: hide in a haystack and with the help of other shelters (crowd, wells) get close to Baroncelli, and then kill him by talking to him in the corridor of memory, and start running. The second option is more radical: run headlong to Bernardo, put some kind of weapon into him, talk to him in the corridor of memory and disappear from view.

City crier.
Antonio Maffei took refuge on the tower of San Gimignano and watered the people below equally with arrows and prophecies.
Before you can deal with Maffei, you need to deal with the archers firing from the neighboring towers. Ezio climbs to the top of the nearby buildings and eliminates the archers (otherwise the Auditore will get under fire), then climbs up to Antonio and kills him, and they both fall into the corridor of memory.

A man in a cassock is not yet a monk.
Stefano de Bagnone has taken refuge in the abbey behind San Gimignano, and not far from him, Ezio enters into a dialogue with one of Mario's mercenaries, who gives him smoke bombs.
Sneak into the abbey courtyard unnoticed (through the roof or with the help of a crowd of monks) and, using cover, get close to Stefano and kill him. However, no one bothers to use a smoke bomb and finish off the target in the confusion.
After talking with Stefano in the corridor of memory, Ezio runs away from the abbey (to quickly disappear from view, you can use the same smoke bombs).

Behind closed doors.
Francesco Salviati has locked himself in his villa and is ready for the appearance of the Auditore. Well, let's not keep him waiting. As in the case of the rest of the victims, here you can go ahead or do everything more or less quietly.
If you want to deal with Francensco quickly, then you can climb the wall of the villa and, using a smoke bomb, stun Salviati, as well as his people, in order to quickly kill the target. But Ezio can arrange a full-scale attack on Francesco's house: talk to the mercenaries that Mario sent to help the Auditore, open the gate (you need to get behind the walls) and join the battle; Francesco will also come out to fight - then finish him off.
After talking to Francesco in the corridor of memory, Ezio gets more information about Jacopo and leaves.

With such friends...
After collecting information from Pazzi's accomplices, Ezio learns that Jacopo will come out at night near the church. The Auditore climbs onto one of the rooftops and identifies Jacopo and his guards with his eagle vision and follows them. You can walk through the crowd, hiding in the stream of people from the eyes of the Templars, or you can walk along the rooftops and eliminate the archers along the way.
Ultimately, Ezio will follow Jacopo to the Roman theater, where Pazzi has an appointment with two Templars: the master of the order, Rodrigo Borgia, and the Venetian merchant Emilio Barbarigo. Due to Pazzi's failure in Forrencia, Rodrigo decides to punish Jacopo and runs him through with a sword. A little later, the Borgia people suddenly find the Auditore, and Rodrigo says that the surveillance was quite expected. The Templars leave, leaving the dying Jacopo lying on the ground and ordering Ezio to be killed. The auditore, of course, does not allow them to carry out their plan: he kills the guards, and then sends Pazzi on his last journey in the corridor of memory.

Sequence #6: "The Hard Way"
Republic of Florence, 1480

On the road
Ezio returns to Florence and informs Lorenzo de' Medici of the death of the last of the Pazzi family. As a reward, the ruler of the republic gives the assassin a Medici cloak: an identification mark, thanks to which Ezio will not be put on the wanted list either in Florence or in Tuscany: the guards will look at Ezio’s petty tricks “through the fingers”.

Ezio is about to travel to Venice to continue his search for the conspirators. We go to visit Leonardo, talk before leaving, but we find out that our friend got an advantageous place in Venice (lucky coincidence) and left the house some time ago. You can catch up with him shortly after leaving the city gates towards the mountains: Leonardo is trying to fix the wagon and briefly shows Ezio his "miracle invention" - a flying car. Ezio and his friend decide to continue the journey together.

Holidays in Romagna
Of course, the journey will not be easy! Ezio is on the hunt! Our task is to get safe and sound to Venice: not to kill Leonardo and not to smash our wagon into pieces, dodging fire arrows and pushing stubborn dodgers from Rodrigo's gang from the wagon. We try to drive turns as carefully as possible, trying not to roll over, and not crash into boxes with junk on the road. We are guided by the mini-map, preparing for the next turn. Sooner or later, with grief in half, we get to the outskirts of Venice and send Leonardo further into the city. Ezio bravely remains to fight his pursuers, and when the last of them is killed, he rushes after Leonardo.

A friend is already waiting for our assassin near the ferry in the town of Forli. But here's the problem: Ezio doesn't have a ferry pass...

Tutti a bordo
And then ... As they say, "look for a woman." Some lady somehow ended up on an island in the middle of the water and persistently asks ... or rather, requires help. Well, Ezio, of course, can not pass by. We take the first available gondola and set off to save the girl. Along the way, our womanizer does not miss the opportunity to get to know her: the name of the beauty is Katerina. We deliver her to the shore and she, in gratitude for the rescue, helps Ezio with a pass and invites her to visit. Ezio is fascinated, and Leonardo's friend warns: this lady - Caterina Sforza - the daughter of the Duke of Milan, Baroness Forli, is a very influential and dangerous person. However, this does not bother our hero at all. We go on board and go to the city on the water - Venice.

In the meantime, Ezio is sailing towards the city, we are transported to reality: Desmond is brazenly pulled out of the Animus and ... Lucy wants to check what our Object-17 managed to learn during the "communication" with the Auditore. We go down to the warehouse.
You need to activate the alarm (4 points) of the warehouse by jumping on the beams and climbing the walls. In general, nothing complicated - everything is clear at the level of intuition. We deal with this and go to sleep.

Sequence #7 "The Merchant of Venice"
Republic of Venice, 1481

Upon arrival in the city, we meet our guide - Alvise, and look around. In addition to two or three sights of Venice, you can pay attention to the tension and "special laws" that reign in this area of ​​the city. Dark deeds run by a certain Emilio Barbarigo. We should see his palace - the most guarded place in this quarter. We run to the marker on the map to get acquainted with Rosa.

Mark for memory
Ezio's task is to help Rosa get to a conditional place near one of the canals. Rosie is injured and unable to fight. She will somehow pass part of the way herself, and then she will have to carry her in her arms. We work as a bodyguard. If it's going to be hard, groups of thieves who meet along the way can help. On their own, without orders and money. We get to the place and transfer the Rose "into the hands" of Hugo. Next is the second part of the assignment. It is necessary to take the boat with Hugo and Rosa to the shelter, simultaneously removing the archers from the balconies along the canals. The main thing is not to lose sight of our wards. It is much more convenient and easier to go through the episode with full "pockets" of throwing knives. We get to the shelter of the thieves guild and get acquainted with Antonio - the local chief. We agree on cooperation and begin to restore order in the ranks of the gang.

By personal example
Rosie shows Ezio a new move: the assassin now has the ability to pull himself up while jumping, making it much easier to travel over rooftops and climb towers. We try in the courtyard, and go to the Frari Cathedral - to take the exam.

Huge Leap Forward
Our task, using a new skill, is to climb the bell tower of the cathedral and descend from it in less than 5 minutes. More than enough time. Down we jump "Leap of Faith" into a haystack, we speak with Rosa and move on to Hugo. His new task is to free his comrades from prison. Stock up on knives!

The escape
At three points in the area marked on the map, there are cages with prisoners. We act quietly and carefully, without raising a panic. The main task is to bring at least one thief from each group, safe and sound, to Hugo. Although thieves are great at climbing walls and jumping, they can accidentally simply fall off the roof. We try not to go fast, without fanaticism and excessive playfulness. We shoot archers with knives. When all three groups of thieves are free, we get a new task from Hugo. I'm going to the pier.

Met by clothes
To get into Emilio's palace, the thieves will need the armor of the guards as a disguise. Ezio's task is to steal the armor from three chests, put the good in the boat and drive it to the thieves' hideout. Groups of thieves will help in the task. We hire them while they distract the guards, we clean the chests. We bring the boat to a conditional place and return to Antonio.

Cleaning the house
Antonio will ask you to find three traitor thieves and send them to the next world. We go to the green areas and use "eagle vision" to hunt down the victim. In fact, all three are killed in the same way: we hide, hovering on the ledge of roofs (or on board the ship) and dragging us into the water at the most unexpected moment. No noise and no blood. A thief in the market can be watched in a haystack, and no guard will save him.

Decisive assault
First things first, get rid of all the archers around the perimeter of the building. Then - we speak with Antonio and go for Emilio. You can also climb into the courtyard of the palazzo through the roof, and from the side where "our" archers stand, otherwise you can run into shooting and fall off the wall. We quietly finish off the remaining guards, trying not to throw their bodies into the courtyard in order to avoid panic. We get to the balcony and jump "on the head" of Emilio. If it didn’t work out right away, we catch up and finish it off. Everybody is here. Now Antonio and the team will settle in this house, and we are going to get acquainted with the next victim.

Sequence #8 "Need is the mother of ingenuity."
Republic of Venice, 1485.​

One field of berries.
Soon the Templars should meet in order to discuss plans for their actions in Venice, and, of course, Ezio should be present at the meeting.
First, the Auditore finds Silvio Barbarigo and Carlo Grimladi, who will lead him to their brethren. Along the way, it becomes clear from the conversation of the Templars that they want to win over the Doge of Venice to their side. Ezio follows his targets (hidden in the crowd or walk on the rooftops) until they meet Marco Barbarigo, who announces the death of Emilio, and his bodyguard Dante.
Soon the Spaniard himself joins the crowd, determined to kill the Doge, despite the persuasion of Carlo. Ezio continues to follow the Templars and during the surveillance he learns all the details; the murder will happen in just a few hours with the help of cantarella. However, knowledge will not save the ruler of Venice, so Auditore hurries to Antonio for help.

If it doesn't work right away...
Ezio alone cannot defeat the Templars, so he again turns to Antonio for support, who has moved with his thieves to Emilio's former home.
Together, Auditore and Antonio go to the Doge's Palace to inspect and strategize. After examining the fortress from all sides, they came to the conclusion that it would not be possible to enter through the main entrance, it was impossible to climb the wall due to the lack of ledges, and the path through the nearest cathedral to the courtyard was closed, since the roofs of these buildings were separated by a partition. Unable to find the obvious and non-obvious ways to get inside, Ezio remembers one invention of Leonardo, and a brilliant idea comes to his mind...

Who does not take risks does not drink marsala.
Ezio hurriedly runs to his friend Leonardo and asks about the working capacity of the flying machine, which he saw in the artist's wagon. Without thinking twice, the Auditore decides to test this device in practice, and, lo and behold, it works, but, unfortunately, it was not enough for the flight to the palace, and Ezio descended to the sinful earth halfway through.

A good start is half done.
Ezio, Antonio and Leonardo, dissatisfied with the range of the car, gathered at the artist's house in order to quickly come up with something, but no matter how hard Leonardo tries, the distance that this thing can cover cannot be increased. Suddenly, seeing how the paper hovered over the fire in the fireplace, the inventor quickly figured out how to achieve the desired.
Leonardo offered to kindle fires throughout the quarter so that Ezio could fly. Auditore goes to the city and destroys the detachments of guards marked on the map, after which the thieves kindle a fire in the cleared place.
So, the flame is burning, the smoke and steam are already in the sky, and the car is ready - the only thing left is the small thing ...

Courageous flyer.
With little time left, Ezio uses a flying car to get to the palace.
The auditor will have to fly from bonfire to bonfire, and in different ways (for the bonfires were made from the heart) at the choice of the player, but something must go wrong, right? The guards have not dealt with flying monsters before, therefore, having climbed onto the roofs, they will try to bring down the "winged demon", holding a bow in one hand and a cross in the other; you can kill them if you want, but the memory can be synchronized without it.
Arriving at the palace and sending the car into the ocean, Ezio quietly makes his way to the doge (do not raise the alarm; I advise you to first get rid of the guards on the roof, and then you can immediately jump to the doge's balcony), playing chess with Carlo. Unfortunately, the Auditor fails to save him. Well, then at least we'll kill Grimaldi, or what? Carlo gathered around him city ​​guard, however, he himself is defenseless, so you can freely kill Carlo, ignoring everyone else. After speaking with the Templar in the Corridor of Memory, Ezio flees the fortress through the front door and out of sight.

Sequence #9 Carnival
Republic of Venice, 1486

Knowledge is power
Ezio has another page of the code, therefore - we go to Leonardo. It turns out that the secret of a new deadly toy is hidden in this scroll: the assassin now has a pistol that can easily be hidden "up his sleeve", as well as hidden blades. His ammunition is bullets, and they are bought, like knives, in a weapons shop. I advise you to immediately take care of a bigger bag, especially for bullets. You can practice using a pistol near Leonardo's house. The procedure is simple: aim at the dummy victim, hold down the "Weapon" button, wait two or three seconds until Ezio takes aim, release the button. We "kill" three mannequins and return to Leonardo.
Ezio was accused of killing the Doge, and therefore - he is wanted everywhere. Luckily, we were lucky: Carnival time has come in Venice. Leonardo gives his friend a mask - now it will be easier for Ezio to get lost in the crowd of the same "masks". Let's go... to the brothel to meet Antonio.

The girls are in trouble.
Ezio cannot relax for a moment, and even in a brothel surrounded by beauties. One of the girls was wounded by a certain "client", and our task is to catch up with him and take revenge. At the same time, we will practice shooting with a pistol. This "client" is a real maniac! We run after him and at the moment when he slows down to "engage" in another victim, we fix him as a target and kill him with a pistol. You can, if you want to, of course, chase him around the block, trying to get within striking distance and finish him off in the traditional way. We return to the brothel.

wise nun
The hostess of the institution - Theodora - once lived in a monastery, and wisely believes that the occupation of a courtesan does not contradict the destiny of the Lord's bride. Rather the opposite. But... more to the point. An ordinary mask will not help you get to the holiday, which will be honored by the presence of the newly-minted Doge himself - Marco Barbarigo. We need a special, golden mask, which will serve as a pass to the fun. Theodora offers to take part in the games, the winner of which, according to tradition, receives such a mask as a reward.
Attention here: I will warn you in advance that we will need medicines. A lot of. We buy and follow Theodora to the "carnival" quarter. We have four contests.

Collection of ribbons
The simplest task is the game "Collect the ribbons". The bigger, the better. You need to collect 25 pieces of ribbons from the girls walking near the square. We just go around the neighborhood, look for "blue markers" and steal tapes. This must be done quickly and without getting into fights.

The race has started
The usual task for the race around the quarter. You need to run through all the points in the allotted time. Nothing complicated.

Capture the Flag.
Here the task is more complicated: our task is to get to the Flag before the opponent, capture it and return with the flag "to the base". Medicines will come in handy here, as you will have to jump off the roofs in order to overtake the dodgy rival. Health is lost by more than half - be careful. Each time the opponent will run faster. No need to run the same way as he: the roofs are at your service - you can easily "cut" the path.

You won't get good by cheating...
The fourth test is for strength and ability to fight with bare hands. However, sensing something unkind, Dante and Silvio bribe the organizers of the competition, and they bring warriors armed to the teeth into the arena. But Ezio, even without weapons, will perfectly cope with all adversaries. If anything, the dagger can simply be pulled out of the hands of an opponent.
Ezio should by all rights be declared the winner, but... Dante gets the mask.

Stormy fun.
Dante's mask must be taken away! With the help of courtesans, mingling with the crowd, we steal the right thing from the deceiver and run to the main square of the holiday. Dante will go berserk when he realizes what happened and will move after us. Ezio has very little time!
We come to the square and show miracles of disguise: we move from crowd to crowd, leaving the field of view of the guards and Dante. You need to hold out for exactly a minute. Then a large gondola will come to the pier, the doge will come out to people to greet them ... and then we use the gun and send Marco into the corridor of time.
Further - as usual: legs in hands and running from the square. The easiest way is to jump into the water and swim across to the other side of the canal.
We return to the brothel.​

Memory sequence 10 "Sentry".
Republic of Venice, 1486.​

An unfortunate set of circumstances.
Marco was eliminated, and a new man loyal to the Assassins took the place of the Doge. But this is no time to rest on our laurels, for Silvio Barbarigo is still alive and causing problems. He occupied the arsenal and took refuge inside, so it will not be so easy to get there and deal with him. However, Ezio is not alone in this battle: a man named Bartolomeo d'Alviano is fighting the people of Barbarigo, and it is likely that the Auditore can bring him to his side...

Fighter in a cage.
Ezio finds a dying mercenary who served under Bartolomeo on the roof of a building in Venice. The warrior reveals that Bartolomeo has been attacked by Barbarigo's men and needs help. After paying the last respects to the fallen soldier, the Auditore goes after Bartolomeo.
Our future friend is in a cage (marked on the map); while he pours insults on his enemies, Ezio will have to send them to the next world. How you do it, quietly or with a breeze, does not matter.
After freeing Bartolomeo, the Auditore goes with him to the headquarters of the mercenaries. At the very entrance to the building, two guards are waiting for them - get rid of them. Ezio and Bartolomeo go inside to prepare to fight Silvio.

Nobody is forgotten.
Ezio has freed Bartolomeo, but many mercenaries are still languishing in captivity. Throw them to be eaten by Barbarigo? By no means! The auditore goes to the places marked on the map, finds the captives, frees them, and then takes them to a safe place. It is worth paying attention to the fact that you do not need to make a lot of noise, so it is better to use a distraction with the help of allies (courtresses, thieves, mercenaries), quickly do your job and hide...

To battle!
Ezio and Bartolomeo decided to attack the arsenal in order to deal with Silvio once and for all, however, Barbarigo has a significant numerical superiority on the side, so it is necessary to arrange a diversion.
According to the plan, Ezio is to place Bartolomeo's men at specific locations in the block so that they can cause havoc in the streets when the signal to attack is given. Auditore takes soldiers with him and leads them to the right points; Ezio will have to do three approaches. Please note that when completing this task, you don’t have to worry about unnecessary attention, since the Auditore has his own army behind his back (but I don’t advise walking on rooftops, since mercenaries don’t climb walls).
After completing the task, return to Bartolomeo.

With one sword, two birds with one stone.
The time has come to strike at Silvio and his men. Ezio climbs the highest tower in the quarter and arranges fireworks (Bartolomeo knows how to signal), after which the mercenaries take to the streets and begin to dismantle the guards - the path to the arsenal is free.
Ezio notices that Bartolomeo has stumbled upon Dante and his men and rushes to help. Together they manage to defeat Dante, but he, having received serious injuries, runs to the arsenal. This thug will lead Ezio straight to his master - follow him.
Having reached the arsenal, the Auditore kills a couple (dozens) more guards and goes outside the arsenal gate to get to Silvio and Dante, who were already ready to sail, but found that the ship had already sailed. After killing them (it is not necessary to kill them at the same time: you can first kill one, then proceed to the second) and after talking with them in the corridor of memory, Ezio learns that the Templars are going to Cyprus, but for what purpose is unknown...

Sequence #11: "Alter Ego"
Republic of Venice, 1488

It's our Ezio's birthday! He is 29 years old.. But the Assassin's mood is not at all celebratory... 10 years ago he lost his father and brothers, and in all these 10 years he has hardly come close to the main mystery. Answers to the questions "For what and why?" still no. Even Rosa is not able to brighten up Ezio's mood... However, the situation is saved by a gift: the trade declaration of the cargo, which arrives by ship from Cyprus the next day. Apparently, this cargo is very important. Ezio must check it, but first we go to Leonardo.

Da Vinci is in a panic. He managed to decipher 2 pages of the Code and find out something about a certain "Prophet". Altair's prophecy says roughly that "Only the Prophet can unravel the mystery of the Particle of Eden" ... and it also mentions the "City on the Water", i.e. Venice. Ezio realizes that the ship is carrying one of the Pieces of Eden to the city, and none other than Rodrigo Borgia will meet her in the city. The first step is to wait for the ship to arrive at the port and follow the courier.

Patience is rewarded
We go to the port and observe the transfer of the parcel to the courier. The courier will go to the meeting point with Rodrigo, but his path will be terribly confused. He will walk around the same block several times, breaking his tracks; now and then go from step to run and back ... Ezio will not be easy. In my opinion, it is wiser to walk on the roofs and beams above the streets, otherwise you can just accidentally stumble upon a messenger and be discovered. There are practically no courtesans and a special crowd along the way, so we rely on ourselves. Sooner or later, the courier will reach the courtyard, where the Borgia soldiers will be waiting to move on as part of the escort. The task of the assassin is to quickly and quietly kill the courier and take his clothes. All for a minute and a half.

There are two ways here. First: get on the roof, take out the archers with a pistol or knives, jump into a haystack, wait for the courier to turn his back on Ezio and use the hidden blade. Second: get down from the roof along the stairs to the platform above the courtyard and jump right on the head of the courier.

We change clothes, take the box in our hands and go, accompanied by an escort to Rodrigo. Along the way, you need to carefully choose the road to look believable. If you turn too far from the path, the guards accompanying Ezio will suspect a trick and exposure will follow. The desired location is marked on the map with a yellow marker.

On the spot, Ezio passes the box to Rodrigo... but he is not a fool and understood everything perfectly. Rodrigo calls himself the same prophet and declares his own invulnerability... We'll have to prove to him that he is cruelly mistaken. We start the fight.

Of course, Borgia does not fight alone: ​​he has a crowd of guards of different levels with him. The best option is to pull out heavy weapons from one of them and start crushing skulls. Rodrigo himself is an ordinary armored thug tank. We break through badly, so we simply hit with weapons endlessly, respond to attacks with a counterattack and hit again. When it seems that the forces are running out, help arrives - Ezio's friends: Mario, Theodora, Antonio, Fox ... Rodrigo will be defeated, but ... as always, he will run away. The contents of the box - the precious Apple of Eden is now in the hands of Ezio. And Paola makes the assumption that our assassin is the same Prophet.

The time has come for the official initiation into the Brotherhood. Ezio and his Assassin friends arrive at the appointed place at night, and we observe a beautiful initiation scene. When others are busy searching for the truth, remember: nothing is true.

We jump from the tower in a leap of faith and go to Forli to meet with the mentor of the order - Niccolo Machiavelli.

Another birthday present can be considered a Venetian cloak, which the newly elected doge will present to Ezio. The action is the same as that of the Medici cloak, but it is valid in Venice and Forli.

Sequence #12 "Forli in Trouble".
Republic of Venice, 1488.​

Warm welcome.
The apple must be hidden in a safe place, which is the fortress of Forli, which is controlled by an ally of the Assassins - Caterina Sforza.
Arriving in Romagna, Ezio meets Caterina, her bodyguards and Nicolo Machiavelli. Approaching Forli, they see a crowd of people running away from the city: Forli is under attack! Approaching the walls of the city, Katerina sees that the gates are closed. Hoping that the enemy soldiers will open the doors is pointless, so Ezio decides to find another way inside: he swims to the pier located close to the walls (swim a little to the right of the gate and you will notice it), then gets to the exit from the city for ships. The grate blocks Ezio's path, but you can easily swim under it by diving into the water.
Once inside, the Auditore climbs the wall, kills the enemy soldiers and opens the gate.

Entering the city, Caterina, Ezio and Nicolo saw that Forli was engulfed in chaos, and the streets had become the scene of hostilities. The Auditor will take Katerina and Nicolo to the Rocca di Ravaldino, a fortress in Forlì.
You will have to clear your way with a sword: follow Katerina and Nikolo, killing all the Borgia soldiers that the group will meet on the way (Katerina's people will help you with this).
In the end, Ezio, Caterina and Nicolo reach the citadel.

Fortress defense.
Have you reached the fortress and hope that all problems are behind you? Yeah, how! The Borgia soldiers are already storming the fortress, and Ezio and his friends will have to fight them off and defend the citadel.
The assassin must kill all enemies until they run out, and our arsenal is now truly unlimited, because inside the castle there are points where you can endlessly replenish Ezio's ammunition. In other words, the Auditore may not even draw a blade, but simply shoot all enemies with a pistol or throw smoke bombs and quickly get rid of opponents (use what you like).
When all the people of Borgia are killed, Cecco and Ludovico Orsi, whom Rodrigo hired to get the Apple of Eden, will appear. The two inform Katerina of the kidnapping of her children and demand the artifact as well as a map of the Codex pages for them.

The Orsi brothers have kidnapped Caterina's children, Octavian and Bianca, and will only release them after she gives them the Apple of Eden and a map of the Codex pages. Neither Caterina nor Ezio agree to these terms and decide to save the children on their own.
First, the Auditore goes to a small village at the entrance to the city (the area is marked on the map), where, with the help of eagle vision, he finds Bianca, cracks down on the guards holding her captive, and learns from her that Octavian is being held at the lighthouse. The assassin runs to the sea, deals with the guards at the tower (believe me, it’s better to get rid of them right away, otherwise your ascent to the lighthouse will turn into shelling with stones) and climbs to its top, where Octavian and Ludovico Orsi are captured. Ezio kills Ludovico and saves the second child.
It should be noted that no more than ten minutes are given to complete this task. With the right level of skill, you can synchronize a memory much faster.

Ezio saved Caterina's children, however, upon returning to the fortress, he discovers that the Apple was stolen (the Auditore left it in Ravaldino for safekeeping) by Cecco Orsi. Assassin goes after him.
Finding Chekko is not difficult, but catching and killing him is much more difficult. Once Ezio is located, the enemy will go on the run with the artifact, and the Auditor will have to run after him until he stops and tries to defeat the assassin (of course, with the support of his people). However, it is quite possible to kill Cecco during the chase: use a horse, a gun, or something else.
After killing Checco, Ezio takes him to the corridor of memory, where he pierces the enemy's neck with a hidden blade, but the opponent is cunning and ready to fight to the last: Checco manages to stab Ezio in the stomach. Exhausted, Ezio falls to the ground and sees the nine-fingered monk take the Apple...

An apple from an apple tree.
Some time after the death of Cecco Orsi, Ezio recovered from his wounds and got back on his feet, ready to find the monk who had taken possession of the Apple. Caterina advises the Auditore to ask around at the abbey in Romagna, and he follows her advice.
Ezio heads out of town and arrives at the abbey (marked on the map), where he finds a monk surrounded by guards. The matter, alas, comes to a fight, and the assassin has to fight with the guards. After dealing with the soldiers, the Auditore asks the priest about the nine-fingered monk, and it seems that the only priest who fits this description can only be found in Forlì.
Assassin comes to the local abbey, however, the monks, remembering who killed Antonio Maffei, rushed to the run. Ezio is only interested in one priest, who, in fact, provoked all this action. Having caught up with him and calmed him down (turn on eagle vision to identify among the steel if you lose him in the crowd), the Auditore learned that the nine-fingered name was Girolamo Savonarola and that he was now in Florence.
The path of the assassin leads Ezio home again...​
First of all, we get rid of fame by tearing down posters and bribing the herald: the extra attention of the guards will only hurt. Next - we buy medicines, knives, bullets, smoke bombs. The main tactic for all nine kills is stealth. Or a push attack. Who likes what). You can kill adversaries in any order. So…

Still life
Ezio's victim is a deceived artist. He destroys all "tasteless" and "obscene" works of art by burning them in flames. The artist is well protected. On the roof we leave to the right, we jump into the haystack. We wait. When the victim passes by, you can strike. If the artist does not want to pass by the stack, we get closer to it, using the crowd and benches as cover. We approach the distance of the shot and use the pistol.

Judgment Day
You need to stop the priest from preaching. Everything is simple here: we climb onto the roof of the church, remove the archers before they raise the alarm and look around. Clearly above the place where the preacher stands, there is a canopy. Jumping from there on the head of the victim is not difficult. We run away, check the equipment and move on.

Sworn enemy
The bridge of Porto-Vecchio is blocked by a condottiere - a fanatic of Savonarola. He is surrounded by bodyguards - mostly halberdiers and dodgers. You can’t kill them with one blow with a knife - they will immediately raise a fuss. Although ... this is also an option: in the confusion, the victim is easier to catch up, or maybe he will fall off the roof himself, as happened with me.

You need to quietly climb onto the dome of the Frari Cathedral (finally!) And kill the monk. Here the main task is to remain unnoticed, quietly pulling the archers from the roofs. Further, the second task is not to fall off the dome.
The monk can be killed by simply pushing him off the balcony. Don't forget to look around: the dome of the Cathedral is one of the highest points in the game, and the view of the city from there is simply gorgeous. Carefully get off the dome!!! You can't see the haystacks from there, and you can miss if you try to jump off. If you still jump - focus on the pigeons.

chiseled intervention
You need to deal with the doctor, who offers his help and healing in exchange for loyalty to the new ruler - Savonarola. You need to kill him quietly, so we again use the crowd and benches to get closer, within a shot distance. We follow in the society of monks to the bench behind the doctor, wait for the moment, and use the gun

Ezio was lured into a trap. You need to deal with the henchmen of the commander of the guard and kill him himself. Here you just have to fight and catch up with the victim, running on the roofs. Nothing complicated. The main thing is to have enough medicines.

Forward and upward
Ezio quarreled with one impudent nobleman, and he was offended and ran to complain to Savonarola. Will have to chase. The tactics of action are the same as with thieves and couriers: run quickly and not lose sight of your comrade.

port authorities
In my opinion, the most "problematic" lieutenant of all. Ezio's victim is a merchant, a miser who does not want to share provisions with the city until people recognize the power of Savonarola. He sits on the ship, surrounded by bodyguards, who represent the main difficulty. My tactic of action: jump off the roof of the building, killing two guards in the air. Next, into the water. Using the “kill from the ledge” method, remove some of the guards from the stern of the ship. Quietly approach the steering wheel and kill a couple more, immediately aim at the merchant and jump on his head. Tank guards will not have time to figure out what's what.

in the hayloft
Stealthily kill the farmer guarding the hay. Here again, the ability to hide in the crowd and get close to the victim unnoticed comes in handy. Shelters - heaps of hay - everywhere. You just need to find a place next to which the farmer will pass.

Power to the people
So, all 9 followers of the mad monk are killed. The people yearn for revenge and freedom, and sentence Savonarola to be burned at the stake. He does not have time to use the Apple - it is knocked out of his hands, and immediately falls into the clutches of a nimble guard. We catch up and take the artifact.

We go to the square in front of the Signoria Palace. Exactly 22 years ago, Ezio's father and brothers were executed here.

Death in the fire. Such "justice" is not to Ezio's liking, and the assassin alleviates the monk's suffering with a blow of the blade.

To the cheers of the crowd, Ezio accepts the congratulations of Mario and friends. The case isn't over yet. Although the Apple belongs to the assassin again, its mystery is still to be solved.​

After discussing everything with the assassins, Ezio decides to take the Apple, go to Rome and find the Treasury, and deal with Rodrigo.

Ezio arrives in Rome. Stopping on the river at the walls of the castle of Sant'Angelo, the Auditore climbs the wall and makes his way to St. Peter's Basilica.
The assassin goes through several posts, killing all the guards, and uses the levers to open his way forward.

Next, Ezio steals a horse and gallops along the city wall to his destination. Here you can do different things: if you are dexterous enough to control the horse, then you can quickly jump to the watchtower (there are several of them on the wall, and each of them will lower the grate blocking the path), climb onto it before the guards get to you with their damned stones, and repeat this process until Ezio reaches the Cathedral; if you feel that you can’t cope, then just kill everyone (but here you should also be careful; it is recommended to stock up on first-aid kits before going to Rome) in a row and, without worrying about anything, climb the watchtowers.

At the end of the wall there will be a garrison of elite guards - Ezio gets to them, destroys them and enters the Cathedral. Now the Auditor should not get caught, otherwise desynchronization awaits us. There is only one piece of advice here: try with all your might to quietly get rid of all the guards, as clearing your way to the doors without getting rid of the enemies will be quite problematic.
Having made his way into the great hall of the Cathedral, Ezio sees a crowd of monks and Rodrigo, doing his usual business for the Pope (prayers and sermons). The Auditore sneaks up the beams towards the Spaniard and jumps on him to kill him. They find themselves in the corridor of memory, but Rodrigo does not intend to give up and takes out the Staff of Eden in order to kill everyone in the room. The only one not affected by the Staff is Ezio, who wields the Apple. With it, the Assassin will use the trick once used by Al Mualim - cloning.

In fact, the Spaniard is not so much dangerous as a very tenacious opponent, and you can kill him quickly only with the help of chiselling with a sword and throwing knives or bullets. By the way, with copies of Ezio, the situation is slightly different: they die pretty quickly and they do little damage, so without the help of the original, they won’t last long. Seriously injured, Rodrigo turns invisible with the Staff and knocks the Apple out of Ezio's hands, then stabs him in the stomach for the second time in his life and leaves for the Treasury, taking the Apple and the Staff.

The auditor was lucky that the armor stopped the blade - Ezio gets up, finds a secret path to the Treasury with the help of eagle vision (there are two switches in the hall, located on the wall symmetrically from each other). Inside, he sees Rodrigo trying to get past the last gate. The final battle will take place... on fists: Ezio and Rodrigo chose to resolve the issue like a man. After beating the old man, Ezio uses all the Pieces of Eden and enters the Treasury, where he enters into a dialogue with Minerva, a representative of the ancient Forerunner race...

Monteriggioni is a town and comune in Tuscany, Italy. Built in the 13th century by the lords of Siena, Monteriggioni took an active part in the defense of Tuscany from Florentine encroachments on its territory. An important role in this conflict was played by the Auditore family, whose members later became the rulers and defenders of the city. They built the famous walls of Monteriggioni and the largest structure within them, the Villa Auditore. Cesare's Attack At the very beginning of the game, the Monteriggioni are besieged by the troops of Cesare Borgia, who destroys the city, kills Mario Auditore and steals Ezio's Apple. Modernity In modern times, the city is being restored. By 2012, this is one of the last Assassin bases in Italy. Desmond Miles arrives there in the same year along with Sean Hastings, Lucy Stillman and Rebecca Crane to search for an apple. Interesting FactsIn AC2, eight figurines of some gods can be found in the city ancient rome. They must be put on pedestals, two figurines each. In each of the pedestals you can find 2000 florins. The Crypt of the Auditore Family can be purchased from uPlay. A document about the history of the Auditor family can be found in the crypt. In the ACB, the player can exit the Animus at any time and examine Monteriggioni, but only for ten minutes. For the first time, Desmond takes the watch and wireless headphones to keep in touch with Lucy, Rebecca, and Sean. In modern Monteriggioni, with Eagle Vision, red footprints can be found that lead from the back entrance of the Villa Auditore to the fountain. After sequence 6, these traces disappear. In the Divine Comedy, Dante Alighieri mentioned the walls of Monteriggioni (Inferno, Canto 31, Well of the Giants, line 40). This indicates that Dante was an assassin. There are several types of Monteriggioni and none of them correspond to the real prototype. There is one fortress that, according to appearance very similar to the Auditore Estate, and it is located near Tuscany. In modern Monteriggioni, you can find 5 artifacts: Mario's sword, Ezio's belt, Claudia's book, Medici's cloak and Maria's box with feathers