The passage of MGS. Passage of all missions to rank S in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Passage of tasks for the evacuation of animals

The story of Raiden was published at the very beginning of 2013. And it took another year for the game to finally make it to our personal computers. It is worth noting that for the first time Kojima decided to import a game of his series onto a computer - maybe he was afraid of piracy, or maybe the proximity to the Sony Playstation made itself felt - a series metal gear has always been among the best exclusives for this console.

So, about Revengeance itself. The story of this part takes place after the events of the fourth part of the saga of the noble warrior Solid Snake. Snake himself in this story, we will not meet. But this part will allow us to get to know another bright person of the epic - the cyber-warrior Raiden, yes, the one who walked around in the second part in the mask of Snake himself. This time we have to go once again to reveal the terrible project called Metal Gear - a project whose main goal is to create the perfect controllable killing machine for the cause of conquering the world: the cherished dream of every dictator for the past 30 years of the series. But now this process has changed markedly - Raiden does not need to hide: he and his sword are always ready to face evil opponents.

The plot is presented to us in an abundance of really high-quality and well-directed video tie-ins, as well as with the help of a communication device - everything is as Grandpa Kojima ordered: he always did it - it always rolled. And this time the fans were satisfied and new fans increased noticeably. A separate conversation is the gameplay in the game. The model destruction system is top notch here - any enemy can be cut with a sword into hundreds of pieces of different sizes: a technology that has only been used in this game so far. This became the hallmark of the game - of course, where else can you see free sword control, and even at this level of implementation?

Also, the authors decided to pay tribute to the old games of the series and added a stealth mode, but here it is useless, since it is much easier to catch up and chop enemies than to hide in a coveted cardboard box, waiting for the right moment. But still, for completing missions in a special way, different perks are given, which, as usual, do not affect the gameplay, but the soul is pleased. Summing up, we can say with confidence that the guys from Konami made a good project this time, which sold with a bang and became an indispensable attribute of the arsenal of explosive action fans. This bright slasher can be safely ranked among the icons of this genre. P.s.: There is no way to install the game on a working computer? Play the most popular online browser games Igropa! Large quantity, excellent quality, and most importantly absolutely free!
Metal gear solid. Passage. metal Gear Solid: Revengeance.

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Some subtleties Forced first-person mode MGS can be played as a regular 3D Action. To do this, quickly press the “First Person View” button twice quickly. Playing in this mode is inconvenient, but sometimes very useful, because in this case you


Guides and Walkthroughs

Some subtleties

Forced First Person Mode

MGS can be played like normal 3D Action. To do this, quickly press the “First Person View” button twice quickly. Playing in this mode is inconvenient, but sometimes very useful, because in this case you can see further than when looking from above.

Shooting on the run

Under normal circumstances, the Serpent (Solid Snake - that's the name of the protagonist of the game) can shoot only by stopping. But if you hold down the "Fire" and "Crouch" keys at the same time, then the Serpent will aim and shoot right on the run. In many cases, this tactic can decide the outcome of the battle in your favor.

hand-to-hand combat

If you remove your weapon, sneak up close to the enemy from behind and press the "Fire" key, then the Serpent will strangle the unlucky soldier a little. However, he will not kill him to the end, and the soldier, lying on the floor, recovers in a couple of seconds.

The same thing happens in the case of beating unfortunate enemies with your hands and feet (press the "Action" key several times in a row quickly).

In general, hand-to-hand combat is needed only in a few cases when fighting bosses. In all other cases, rely on your trusty pistol.

Items and their application

Ratio- dry ration, restores the health of the Serpent. Please note: if you select a dry ration as an active item (the corresponding icon will appear in the lower left corner), then the Serpent will be automatically healed as soon as his health level drops to zero.

binoculars- binoculars, allows you to view enemies and traps from afar. Scaling is enabled by the "Action" key.

Cigarettes- cigarettes. When applied, they reduce the health of the Serpent (the Ministry of Health warned!), However, the smoke allows you to detect the laser beams of the alarm system.

Thermal Goggles- Infrared goggles. Allows you to see invisible enemies (such as cyber ninjas), floor hatch traps, Claymores mines, and alarm system laser beams.

N.V.G. (Night Vision Goggles)- night-vision device. The purpose is clear from the title.

Body armor- body armor. Slightly reduces the damage received by the Wyrm in combat.

Box A- a cardboard box, you can hide and crawl in it. In addition, if the Serpent hides in a box in the back of a truck, he will automatically be taken to the place at the base, the name of which is written on the box. For example, box A says "Heliport". This means that the Serpent will be transported to the airfield for helicopters. The advantages of this method of movement are that precious time is not wasted and no one sees the Snake.

Box B- sitting in this box, the Serpent with all the amenities will move to the storage warehouse for nuclear warheads (Nuclear Building).

Box C- and with the help of this box, the Serpent will be on a snowy field (Snow Field).

Diazepam- a drug that temporarily stops hand trembling in the application mode sniper rifle.

Medicine- a medicine that cures a cold. Serpent catches a cold if he can't resist Ocelot's torture. A cold Serpent will sneeze and thereby attract the attention of the guards.

Mine Detector- mine detector. Can detect Claymore mines hidden in the snow (mines can be seen on radar map).

Handkerchief- handkerchief. If used, the dogs (Wolf-Huskies) in the cave will not attack the Serpent.

Ketchup- spicy ketchup, the Snake needs to escape from the cell (after torture).

rope- rope. Needed to descend from Comms Tower A.

MO Disk– a magneto-optical disk containing information about the course of Metal Gear testing. The game is not needed.

Level "x" Card– an electronic card that opens doors with a level “x” clearance (the tolerance level is a number on the door).

PAL Key- the key of the locking system. Needed to run Metal Gear.

Camera- camera. With it, you can take photos (i.e. screenshots).


socom- a pistol with a laser sight. To aim, press the "Fire" key while close to an enemy. As soon as you see a red dot, release "Fire" and your hero will shoot.

Shoots a pistol single, so it is very economical. In addition, over time, you will find a silencer (Suppressor) for it. Now it will be possible to calmly shoot the guards without fear of raising the alarm.

FAMAS– French assault rifle. Shoots in bursts. The last three bullets in the clip are tracers. They deviate slightly from a straight path to hit the enemy.

PSG-1- Russian-made sniper rifle. As soon as you take it in your hands, the shooting mode from the optical sight will turn on.

Very effective thing, especially at long distances. Support the local manufacturer!

grenades- cumulative grenades. Explode (otherwise you didn't know!).

Chaff Grenades– temporarily disable electronic systems.

Stun Grenades- Temporarily paralyze living enemies.

C4- Remote controlled explosives. With the "Fire" key you install it, with the "Action" key you blow it up.

Claymores- mines. They must be placed under the feet of enemies.

Nikita Missiles- guided missiles. After firing a rocket, you can then control it in flight with the cursor keys. You can also control the rocket by switching to first-person mode.

Stinger Missiles- surface-to-air missiles. They can "lock" the target.

Replenishment of ammunition

Dry rations, cartridges, grenades, explosives and rockets are scattered around the base. Remember where you found them, and periodically return there - all the items you picked up will respawn.

Frequencies for radio communication

Serpent communicates with his "tech support team" via radio. Some frequencies are stored automatically by its CODEC radio transmitter, and some you have to enter manually. This is done elementarily with the help of the cursor keys "left / right".

To successfully complete the game, you will need to contact Colonel Campbell, his niece Meryl and a scientist named Otacon several times. You have the colonel's frequency from the very beginning of the game, Otacon's frequency will be given to you by the scientist himself, but Meryl's frequency ... There is one trick here. The fact is that this frequency is indicated on the branded box with the game. Of course, I know that you all have branded boxes with the game, because you do not use pirated products. However, just in case, I will indicate the correct frequency.

Don't forget to contact Mei Ling from time to time - you can save the game in a new slot.

All other dialogue participants will simply give you prudent advice or provide information related to the plot of the game.

Campbell/Naomi - 140.85

Mei Ling - 140.96

Master Miller - 141.80

Otacon - 141.12

Meryl - 140.15

Nastasha - 141.52

Deep Throat - 140.48

unknown frequency

The last frequency, the eighth, is unknown. According to rumors, a sound message from the authors of the game is recorded at this frequency. Unfortunately, all my attempts to find out something more concrete were unsuccessful.


On the way to the base

At the very beginning, you find yourself in a huge hall with containers. Three boxes of dry rations (Rations) are scattered around the hall, but it makes sense to take only the box that lies in the water next to the place where the Serpent gets out of the water after the cutscene. It’s better not to climb behind the rest of the boxes: the risk is great, but the result is not, because for now the Serpent can only carry two boxes of rations at the same time. And remember a simple truth: not all items that you see are worth taking. Don't take unnecessary risks.

But back to the Serpent. Clinging to the wall on the left, crawl to the passage along which the soldier walks.

Watch him carefully and remember the route and time of movement. However, do not rush to follow the soldier, for now it is useless, because the freight elevator (the final goal of our journey) has not yet been lowered. Wait a bit, and another soldier will descend on the elevator. Now there are three soldiers in the huge hall. Your task is to follow the first soldier, then quickly slip into the elevator until the third soldier approaches. We must act quickly. In principle, you can jump up to the soldiers, knock them down with kicks (Action key) and immediately run into the elevator. However, I was only able to do this at the two lowest difficulty levels of the game. So I advise you to act quietly and cunningly.

After taking the elevator, you will find yourself in front of the helicopter airfield. Watch another cartoon with a flying Mi-24 (or, using the NATO name of our rotorcraft, Hind). After the cartoon, control of the Serpent will return to you again.

Take a good look around with binoculars. Your task is to get into the ventilation system of the base. This can be done through two hatches: one is located at ground level to the left of the gate, the second is on the second floor of the building.

Theoretically, you can use any of the hatches. However, in practice, the hatch on the second floor looks much more attractive. You can get to it in the following way: we crawl along the right edge of the map (it’s necessary to crawl: if the Serpent walks, then there will be traces in the snow, along which the guard will certainly notice you) up until we see a ladder and a surveillance camera. We wait until the camera turns to the side, crawl close to the wall on which the camera is fixed (in this case, the Snake is not visible), then we crawl onto the stairs.

However, you should not rush to the second floor. First, crawl to the left of the surveillance camera. Next to the closed gate to the base you will see a cargo all-terrain vehicle. Climb into its back, and there you will find your first weapon - the Socom pistol. You can also look into a small shed at the left edge of the map, there is another tracking system camera and Chaff Grenades. On the way there, you will see a guard dozing right at the combat post next to the hatch of the ventilation system. Do not try to use this hatch - no matter how hard you try, the Serpent will hit the guard and raise the alarm. The guard can be killed, but this will also alarm the enemies, since you do not yet have a silencer for the pistol.

Therefore, climb the stairs to the second floor, wait until the guard patrolling there goes the other way, and crawl after him. Somewhere in the middle of the second floor, you will stumble upon the hatch you need. Get in there.

Base, building complex 1

Crawl through the ventilation shaft. The snake will overhear the conversation of two soldiers. In the end, your hero will be on the gallery of the second floor of the hangar with tanks. In the room on the right, take the infrared goggles (Thermal Goggles). Go around the entire gallery, go down. After waiting for a moment, jump into a huge elevator and go to floor B1.

Once there, go down the corridor (you are not able to open any of the doors on this floor yet). Climb the stairs and climb into the air duct (the soldiers spoke about it, whose conversation you overheard earlier). In the right branch, you can peep through the "window" behind the guard sitting on the toilet and find cartridges for the pistol. Go back a little and turn left this time. Through the "window" below, the Serpent will see (switch to first person mode) Meryl practicing in her cell.

Crawl further and look into the next chamber. After that, the Serpent will automatically jump down and will be next to the first hostage - the head of DARPA. After talking to him, the Serpent will receive a Level 1 (LV 1) key card and a special PAL key to launch Metal Gear. Then something strange will happen to the prisoner, and he will kind of die (what actually happens, you will find out later, at the end of the game).

Crawl under the bed, take a ration there. Then exit the cell into the corridor. There you will meet Meryl, after which there will be a rather lengthy shootout with enemies. Stand to the left of the girl so that the soldiers running through the door will automatically hit you at the front sight. There is nothing particularly difficult about this fight.

After the shootout ends, Meryl will run away and you will encounter Psycho Mantis for the first time. Check the open security rooms and take the elevator down to floor B2.

There are six in the great hall storage facilities, however, you can only enter three rooms so far. Be careful, because there are trap hatches hidden in the narrow passages between the warehouses. It is necessary to overcome them either by running, or by pressing close to the walls on the sides.

The three rooms that you can access contain C4 explosives, grenades, and Socom ammo. Explosives can blow up passages in the walls - the places of such passages are easy to find if you look at the walls in first-person mode. Two passages are located to the right and left of the elevator, and the third is in the southwest corner of the hall. There, go down the corridor and blow up the passage in the lower right corner. Enter and get ready to fight the first boss.

Boss 1 - Revolver Ocelot

Destroyed: Socom Pistol (10 hits)

Approximate time required: 1-3 minutes

In the center of the hall, a hostage is tied to an iron truss - the president of ArmsTech. Wires are strung around him, connected to explosive charges. If you inadvertently touch them or your stray shot hits the charges (Ocelot's shots never hit there), then everything will explode to hell and you have to start the fight again. Therefore, be careful and better not pick up cartridges lying next to the wires: in the heat of battle, you can accidentally miscalculate movements. Do not rush to shoot, aim accurately first. And do not try to make a lot of shots in a row - quickly waste ammo.

In general, you can finish off Ocelot very simply. Switch to forced first-person mode and run after him, aiming as you go. As soon as he stops to shoot you, shoot yourself.

Base, building complex 1

After Ocelot escapes, talk to ArmsTech President Kenneth Baker, who will give Serpent a Level 2 Access Key Card (LV 2). After that, he suddenly dies from what appears to be a heart attack.

Return to the large hall with six storage rooms. Keep in mind that now the hall is already patrolled by soldiers. Look into the room in the southeast. There you will find the French FAMAS assault rifle and ammo for it. Be careful - there is a laser alarm system around the rifle. To get around it, put on infrared goggles or smoke cigarettes - laser beams will become visible.

Go to the elevator and go up to the first floor (to the hangar with tanks). In the northwest corner of the hangar (do not go up the gallery) in the room, take the silencer (Suppressor) for the Socom pistol. Now you can calmly shoot enemies - the shots will not attract the attention of other soldiers. Now go up to the gallery and grab grenades, Cardboard Box A and Mine Detector in the side rooms.

Go down to the hangar, go to the gate next to the elevator. Contact Meryl by radio. After the conversation, she will open the gate leaves. Come inside. Another trap awaits you - a system of moving laser beams. If you touch any of them, the room will be filled with poisonous gas. Wear infrared goggles and crawl through the alarm system. Do not rush, wait for an opportunity when the next beam starts to rise up, and only then crawl over. Please note that different beams move at different speeds. Be extremely careful!

When you go out into the open space, a certain mysterious person named Deepthroat will contact you. After listening to him, immediately turn on the mine detector (Mine Detector). On the radar map you will see the location of Claymores anti-personnel mines. To neutralize the mine, the Serpent must carefully crawl on it from the side where it "does not look." if you have free place, then the mine will be in your "backpack".

Having stocked up on mines, carefully move forward towards a new test.

Boss 2 - Vulcan Raven in the tank (first encounter)

Destroyed by: HEAT grenades (2 accurate hits on Very Easy difficulty, 3 grenades on other difficulty levels)

The enemy acts as follows: at a great distance, the Serpent is fired upon from a large cannon, but close by, a soldier leans out of the hatch and begins to water our hero with machine-gun bursts. Plus, the tank itself does not stand still and all the time strives to run into the Serpent with caterpillars.

The tactic is simple: knock out the big cannon of the Chaff Grenade, quickly run up to the tank and, when the machine gunner shows up, throw grenades at him. Just do not get carried away and do not stand in one place, otherwise the tank will wrap you on the tracks. In fact, the battle is not very difficult, the main thing is not to rush to throw grenades, otherwise you will not have time to look back, as you will be left without ammunition. On easy difficulty levels, additional grenades can be picked up behind the iron tank in the upper right corner.

By the way, if you are annoyed by the tank's ability to drive fast, you can install Claymores mines you have selected on its way. This will not cause damage to the shooter, but the tank will not drive so briskly.

Base, building complex 1

After defeating the tank, you will receive a key card of the third level of clearance (LV 3). Return to floor B2 of the first complex of buildings (where there are six storage rooms). Now you can get into new rooms where Nikita's rocket launcher lies.

Go to the snowy field where the tank was recently destroyed. From there go north.

Base, building complex 2

After going a little forward and crawling under the raised gate, you will find yourself in a new hall. You can’t use weapons here, because there is a danger of getting into nuclear warheads, which lie calmly to the left of the entrance. Your task is to get to the elevator on the gallery. To do this, move to the left, climb the stairs and, when the soldier patrolling the gallery goes the other way, quickly call the elevator and jump inside. Go to floor B2.

Look around. A window to the left of the elevator reveals a generator powering floor traps in the long corridor below. Your task is to destroy the generator. To do this, enter through the opening doors, immediately stop and pull out the Nikita rocket launcher and shoot. The rocket can be controlled using the cursor keys (or better yet, switch to first-person mode after firing). Spend the rocket first down to the fork, from there to the left, then up and finally turn right. If you definitely can’t get in, don’t be discouraged - you can replenish ammunition for Nikita either by returning to the armory in the building complex 1 (where you took Nikita herself), or by going up one floor (the missiles are in one of the rooms in the hall opposite the elevator ).

However, the whole thing is complicated by the fact that the corridor where you are standing is filled with gas, so the Serpent will have to hold his breath (the remaining oxygen in his lungs will be displayed as a blue bar). When there is very little oxygen, go back through the doors.

After destroying the generator, look into the southeast room (be careful with machine guns on the walls). There is a gas mask there. Take it and go down to the fork. Turn right and open the door. Behind it will be a corridor, downright strewn with corpses. This is the job of the cyber ninja.

Go along the corridor, open the door to the laboratory and get ready for the most, in my opinion, interesting (though not difficult) duel in the game.

Boss 3 - Cyber ​​Ninja

Destroyed: Melee (60 hits)

The ninja is constantly moving, running up to the Serpent only to slash him with his sword.

Shooting at him is useless at first - with his sword he deflects bullets. Ordinary grenades are also useless - your opponent will simply dodge them.

Put away your weapons and fight hand to hand (when you are close to the enemy, quickly press "Action" several times).

You can use Chaff Grenades, this knocks out the ninja for a few seconds. Approach him and hit him with your hands.

When you hurt him badly enough, the ninja's tactics will change - he will start to disappear. Use infrared goggles to find it.

After missing a few more hits, the ninja will move on to action. Having run up to the Serpent, he disappears to appear behind our hero and strike. Our actions: as soon as the ninja disappears, we run back a little to the side. Then we wait until he strikes, we run up and beat ourselves.

When the ninja's health bar is completely reduced, a force field will appear around his body. Now take out the FAMAS and shoot the enemy from a distance.

Base, building complex 2

After the ninja escapes in an unknown direction, talk to the scientist hiding in the closet. He will tell you a lot of interesting things, including the story of his love for Japanese cartoons about giant robots. In addition, the scientist will give you a key card of the fourth level of clearance (LV 4), and a new “subscriber” will appear among the radio frequencies of your Codec - Otacon.

Return to the corridor where the generator was previously blown up. Open previously inaccessible doors and stock up useful things, among which be sure to grab a night vision device (Night Vision Gogles).

Go up to floor B1. Stand at the column to the right of the elevator and wait until the guard passes into the toilet nearby. If you look closely at him, it is not difficult to recognize a woman. This is our old friend Meryl. As soon as she enters the door, run after her and go to the far booth.

There will be a long conversation between the main characters, as a result of which a decision will be made to act together. Meryl will undertake to show the way to Metal Gear Rex.

But do not rush to follow the girl. First, visit the large hall opposite the elevator. There, look through all the opening doors and pick up ammo, Cardboard Box B and Stun Grenades (required!).

Now follow Meryl. In the end, you will have another meeting with the elite of the enemy.

Boss 4 - Psycho Mantis

Destroyed: SOCOM or FAMAS (20 rounds)

Approximate time required: 5-10 minutes

From the very beginning, Meryl will fall under the influence of Mantis' telepathic abilities and will attack the Serpent. Can't shoot at her. fighting girlfriend all the same.

Either choke her a few times, or immediately knock out the Stun Grenade.

But then the most interesting thing will begin - Mantis will begin to read the thoughts of the Serpent. In the "native" console version, it looked like this: Mantis constantly dodged bullets and grenades, knowing exactly all the actions of the Serpent. To stop this outrage, it was necessary to get in touch with Colonel Campbell several times until he revealed the secret: it was necessary to switch to the second controller of the PlayStation.

When porting the game to the PC, all these subtleties were lost. Indeed, if you're playing Metal Gear Solid with a joystick, then Mantis will dodge your shots. But if you go through the game on the keyboard, then Mantis will not succeed in any tricks. The fact is that in the PC version of the game, the keyboard just plays the role of the second controller. It's a shame that such an elegant moment is gone - after all, in Russia not everyone has gamepads, and controlling the Serpent with an ordinary joystick is not very convenient.

So, control your hero using the keyboard. Dodge pieces of furniture that Mantis will throw at you. If the telepath starts to disappear, put on infrared goggles.

When your shots greatly reduce Mantis' life bar, he will once again decide to take advantage of Meryl. Well, you once again throw Stun Grenade. Remember - the girl must stay alive.

Base, building complex 2

Before his death, Mantis will tell the Snake the story of his life and, driven by the desire to do something good for once, will open a secret door. Go there.

Next, you have to overcome the cave with wolves. Since it's dark in there, use your night vision goggle. Carefully inspect the cave and remember the way to the exit. Keep in mind that there is a passage near the exit of the cave that you can crawl into. You will find yourself in a small hall, where many interesting little things lie.

After collecting everything you can, open the last door and go out into a new area.

Meryl will show you safe way through a minefield. Follow her quickly, otherwise the footprints in the snow will disappear and you will have to rely on your memory.

When you pass the minefield, get ready for another surprise. Meryl will be hit by sniper shots from Wolfe, who has positioned herself far ahead on a slight rise.

You can't help Meryl yet. To fight Wolf on equal footing, you need the right weapon. Talk to the colonel on the radio and go to building complex 1.

Base, building complex 1

You need to go down to floor B2, to the armory (where they once took the FAMAS assault rifle and the Nikita rocket launcher). Look behind the only door that has not been opened before - there is a PSG-1 sniper rifle. However, do not lose vigilance, because an alarm is installed around the rifle. Put on infrared goggles and the laser beams will become visible. Now you can carefully crawl towards the rifle. After receiving the rifle, return to the place where you left Meryl.

By the way, when passing through the cave with wolves, be sure to rummage through all the nooks and crannies - you will find cartridges for PSG-1.


Base, on the way to the first communications tower

Meryl was gone, leaving only a bloodstain on the snow. Get close to the corner of the wall and take out the PSG-1.

Boss 5 - Sniper Wolf (first encounter)

Destroyed: PSG-1 (5 shots)

Approximate time required: 4-5 minutes

Avoid moving around open space, because the sniper can easily shoot you at this moment. Use the corner of the wall as cover from the female sniper's bullets (left or right, it doesn't matter). Once you've got it in your sight, swallow Diazepam. This will save you from trembling in your hands.

If Wolfe herself hides behind the wall, then the easiest way to find her is with the help of infrared glasses.

Take good care of your health. When it reaches a critical point, hide around the corner and heal.

Base, on the way to the first communications tower

After you finish with the sniper, go forward. However, you can take your time and go back first to restore ammunition, although this is not essential.

When you reach the place where Wolfe fired at you, turn right and go to the door. Here the Serpent will be surrounded and taken prisoner.

Plot fork

After the Serpent is captured, he will be tortured by Ocelot. At this point, the plot of the game forks. If the Serpent does not withstand torture and breaks down (press the “Select” key), then at the end of the game Meryl dies, and as a prize we will then be given the Stealth optical camouflage system (invisibility).

If the Serpent survives the torture (quickly press the "Action" key to restore health, you will have to withstand three series of "impact"), then Meryl will remain alive, and at the end we will get a bandana (endless ammo).

Remember, you can replay Metal Gear Solid as many times as you want, so both of these prizes will be yours in the end.

Base, building complex 1

After being tortured, the Serpent will be placed in a cell. There he will see the corpse of the head of DARPA (remember the first Negro hostage?). Talk on the radio with Otacon (he will promise to help), then contact the authorities.

After some time, the Serpent will again be taken to torture. The rules of the game are the same as last time. However, now, after our hero withstands the next portion of electricity, Ocelot will give birth to a long speech. From it we learn that Oselot is Russian by origin and got involved in this whole adventure not for the sake of money, but for ideological reasons. He hopes that the Russians will buy Metal Gear Rex and Russia will once again take its rightful place in the world. Honestly, I even wanted to help him, but alas, the game was made by the “correct” Japanese with an eye on the “good” Americans, so the “bad” Russians cannot count on winning.

After the Serpent is returned to the cell, watch the guard outside the window (switch to first-person mode). The guard will soon get a stomach ache and run to the toilet. That's when Otacon shows up. He will give Snake a Level 6 Clearance Keycard (LV 6), a sniper's handkerchief, and a bottle of ketchup.

Before the Serpent has time to talk properly with his assistant, the sound of footsteps of the returning guard will soon be heard. Otacon will run away, and you need to get out of the cell. This can be done in two ways: quickly crawl under the bed or pour ketchup and lie down in a pool of "blood". In both cases, the guard will open the door and come closer. Jump up and run out of the cell (if you do not have time to escape, then the guard will block the door). When the guard runs out after you, beat him with your hands and feet until you knock him out.

Now go through the door where the guard came from. A little further you will see a torture machine. Near it is a large box. It contains things and weapons taken from you by the guards.

Be careful! Once you get your belongings back, check your inventory! Often, among the things comes across a certain object, the purpose of which is unknown, but which has a timer. It's a bomb planted by Oselot just in case. Throw it away immediately if found. By the way, if you forgot to check your belongings, then at the lowest difficulty levels of the game, your mysterious benefactor Deepthroat will remind you of this. He will get in touch and tell about the bomb.

In addition to the bomb, one more surprise sometimes awaits you - the Serpent can catch a cold and get sick. In this case, he will often sneeze and this will attract the attention of the guard. The cold needs to be cured.

But first, go down to level B2 of building complex 1 (it is in this building complex that the torture chamber is located). Be careful, because now homing machine guns are attached to automatic surveillance cameras. Go to the place where your first meeting with Oselot took place. Without directly entering the room where you fought, look at the wall on the right. Yeah, it can also be undermined with C4.

The opened passage will lead you to two new rooms where you can take Chaff Granedes and a camera (Camera).

Building complex 2

Here, take the elevator to floor B2. Walk along the corridor, the floor of which was previously energized (you were still shooting from the Nikita Launcher here, remember?). At the fork, turn left and open the previously inaccessible door. Take the Body Armor in the room.

Now I need to get over my cold. Go to level B1 (where you spoke with Meryl in the toilet).

Enter the hall to the south opposite the elevator and look into the middle room on the left. Here's your cold medicine.

When passing through the cave with wolves, use the sniper's handkerchief and the wolves will not touch you.

Inside the first communications tower

Prepare FAMAS. Enter the door where you were captured. Walk along the corridor, be sure to take the rope (Rope) in the room. Here comes the guard. Put them down and immediately run out the other door.

You will find yourself on the stairs leading to the top of the first communication tower (Comm Tower A). Soldiers will constantly follow you - do not waste time on them, because you still cannot kill them all. Just use your body armor and run up, sometimes shooting enemies in front and behind. On the way, you will come across a door. Try to open it - Otacon will get in touch and explain that the door is jammed from the cold. We'll have to keep going up.

Eventually you will reach the very top.

On the roof

Take a breath, go to the roof and watch a cartoon about how Liquid can control the Mi-24.

Stand at the very railing and use the rope. Next, you need to be able to go down without dying under the fire of a helicopter and without being boiled in the steam released by the pipes. With the "Shift" key, you push off the wall, then press "down" and slide along the rope. Keep in mind that the right and left keys allow you to "walk" along the wall from side to side, thus dodging helicopter shots and steam from pipes.

When you reach the bottom, do not rush to move. Restore your health, put on a bulletproof vest. Without leaving the door, pick up a sniper rifle and look to the north. See the three soldiers? They must be removed from the PSG-1, otherwise they simply will not let you get closer. If there is too little ammo for PSG-1, use Nikita Launcher.

Once you're done with the soldiers, take C4 on the right. Detonate a couple of charges at the door, then it will be possible to open it (remember what Otacon told you?). Once inside the tower, you can pick up ammo scattered on the stairs.

Inside the second communications tower

Move forward, grab the Stinger rocket launcher and rockets for it.

Try calling the elevator. You will not succeed, but this is how it should be according to the plot of the game. Climb down the stairs until you come across an exploded flight. Go back to the elevator, talk to Otacon (in principle, you can talk to him right away without calling the elevator and going down to the flight).

At the end of the conversation, go up the stairs. On the way you will meet automatic machine guns. They can be destroyed with the Stinger, or you can just run past (don't forget to wear a bulletproof vest!). In the latter case, the Serpent will be hit several times, but you will save rockets. By the way, you can also use Chaff Grenades to disable the machine guns for a while.

At the end of the path you will reach the attic. Collect ammo and go to the roof.

Boss 6 – Hind D (Mi-24)

Destroyed: Stinger Missiles (15 shots)

Approximate time required: 10-15 minutes

The key to this fight is patience.

Put on Body Armor. When the helicopter fires, hide behind the containers at the entrance. Immediately after the volley, jump out of cover, release the Stinger and hide behind the containers again. You can replenish the supply of Stingers on the platform at the bottom right.

At a certain point in the fight, Liquid will fire a rocket at the platform on the bottom right. Be careful and don't get shot.

When the helicopter's health bar is greatly reduced, Liquid will disappear from view. Use the "lock on" ability of the Stingers and, as soon as Liquid shows up again, immediately shoot.

Inside the second communications tower

Your assistant Otacon will report that everything is in order with the elevator. But as soon as the Serpent enters the cockpit, an unpleasant surprise will await him - four invisible enemies. You can put on infrared goggles, and the enemies will immediately become visible, after which it will not be difficult to deal with them using FAMAS or Socom.

After finishing a little disassembly, exit the elevator and take the ammo nearby. Then leave the communication tower for fresh air.

Boss 7 - Sniper Wolf (second encounter)

Destroyed: PSG 1, Nikita Missiles (8 shots), Stinger Missiles

Approximate time required: 3-5 minutes

You have three ways to finish off the sniper.

The first is "plot", with the help of a sniper rifle. Ammo for PSG 1 can be picked up from the tree on the left and against the wall on the right. When your hands begin to tremble, swallow Diazepam.

The second is to use Nikita missiles. Hide behind the rocks in the lower left corner, release Nikita and switch to first-person mode to aim the rocket at the target.

The third way is to fire Stinger missiles at the sniper.

A conversation will take place between the Serpent and the mortally wounded Wolfe, from which we learn the tragic story of a female sniper. War always cripples someone's fate, and its victims deserve more pity than hatred.

snow covered field

Check all small buildings. In them you will find Diazepam, ammo, grenades, dry rations and Cardboard Box C. But be careful - there are Claymores mines on the floor. So use your mine detector.

Behind the door in the north (central) you will enter a corridor that will lead you to a new area. Note that there are a couple of machine guns in this room.

Base, building complex 3

You are in a room with a smelting furnace. Finish off the guard staggering nearby, pick up the cartridges and go along the iron bridge to the left. When you reach the end, press against the wall and move sideways to the north (keys "left" and "up"). In no case do not release the "left" key, otherwise the Serpent will fall down into the boiling metal. A crane rides along the ledge, which can push the Serpent. To prevent this from happening, squat. When you reach the end of the ledge, go down. Grab all the items and look through the door to the south.

You are in the boiler room. Be careful, otherwise the steam emissions can seriously damage the Serpent's health. After collecting all the ammo in this room (there is ammo for PSG-1 here too), go west and crawl under the pipes.

You will find yourself on a platform with two machine guns. Blow up machine guns with Stinger missiles or use the Chaff Grenade. Pick up the rockets and return to the boiler room, and from there - to the main hall of the smelter.

Exit through the north door.

After walking a little ahead, you will see a freight elevator platform. Tinker with the control panel (you need to stand next to the remote control and press the "Action" key), and the elevator will begin to descend.

But there will be no easy journey - three guards will jump onto the platform. Put on your flak jacket and have your FAMAS ready. Don't stand in one place and don't let the enemies get close to you, otherwise the Serpent will be knocked down and he will become an easy target. Focus your fire on one of the enemies until his body disappears completely.

When the elevator reaches the end of the descent, do not rush to move. Switch to first person mode and look around. There is a machine gun on the wall to the east. Destroy it with the Stinger.

Put on infrared goggles. The fact is that Claymores mines are placed ahead, which you will not be able to detect, because your radar does not work and, accordingly, the mine detector does not work either. However, with infrared glasses, you will see mines. You can crawl through the mines and get to the second freight elevator. By the way, I strongly recommend that you replenish the supply of mines, because in the very near future they will come in handy.

Turn on the second freight elevator and go down. On the way, many crows will join you, and the air temperature will drop significantly. By the way, if you stay in a cold room for a long time, then your dry ration will freeze and you will not be able to use it (i.e., be treated). To defrost dry rations, go to the room with the melting furnace and stand there for a while.

Pick up all the items in the cold room and go north, towards the next test of strength.

Boss 8 - Vulcan Raven (second encounter)

Destroyed: Nikita Missiles, Stinger Missiles, Claymores

Approximate time required: 5-7 minutes

Switch between dry rations and body armor as needed.

The Raven has a very wide field of view, but the crates placed make it difficult for him to see you. Use this factor to your advantage.

Do not catch his eye, but run behind him and fire a rocket. Remember - the rocket will only hit if Raven can't see it.

When the enemy starts running (after losing about 25% of his life), try placing Claymores mines in his path. Just don't fall for them!

Base, building complex 3

At the end of the duel between Raven and the Serpent, a conversation will take place, during which some secrets will be clarified. When Raven is "reunited with nature", head north.

Ahead of you is a hall with several hatches-traps in the floor, and further - a lot of machine guns mounted on the walls. Most simplest way bypass them - leave Chaff Grenade, and then quickly run north to the door.


You are in front of Metal Gear Rex. Go right, climb up the stairs. Then go a little more along the walkways and climb onto the roof of the combat vehicle. Talk to the authorities on the radio, then climb down the stairs to the left and go to the control room. On the way you will come across a guard. If you do not have time to finish him off quickly and quietly, then the alarm will rise. To stop it, climb back onto the roof of the Rex or climb the steps of the small ladder next to the control room.

Once at the entrance to the control room, you can eavesdrop on the conversation between Liquid and Ocelot. At the end of their conversation, the Serpent will be noticed, and Ocelot accurate shot will knock the PAL key out of our hero's hands.

Run back to Rex, climb onto the roof and wait for the alarm to subside. Then go down and climb into the water for the key. In most cases, it simply lies at the bottom of the drain on the left, which is guarded by an automatic machine gun. But sometimes you have to fumble in the drain on the right, next to the stairs leading to Rex. There were cases when a rat took possession of the key and you first had to beat the key out of it. By the way, if you wander on the water for a long time, then there is a high probability of inadvertently picking up a bomb - like the one that Ocelot planted in the Serpent's things (after torture). Therefore, be sure to check all items and weapons properly.

Go back upstairs to the control room. Before you go inside, throw a Chaff Grenade. Otherwise, you will be detected by surveillance cameras, the door will close, and the room will fill with gas and the game will end there.

After running into the control room, stand at the leftmost laptop (with a yellow symbol on the screen) and prepare a PAL key. The first code has been entered. Now you need to enter the other two. To do this, you have to run. The fact is that the PAL key is made of a heat-sensitive alloy. When the key temperature changes, its shape also changes. The first laptop was turned on with a key heated to room temperature.

The second laptop (in the middle, with a blue symbol on the screen) is turned on with a chilled key. To cool the key, you need to return to the hall where the fight with Vulcan Raven took place and stand there for a while. Periodically look at the key, and you will soon see that its color has changed. Return to the control room and enter the second code.

The third code (the rightmost laptop with the red symbol) requires a heated key. You can heat the key in the boiler room (room with a melting furnace). There you also need to stand a little and wait.

During all these wanderings, your superiors will contact you. Several shocking moments will be revealed, and the plot of the game will become even more twisted.

Back in the control room, enter the third code. Something completely unexpected will happen. Next, the doors will close, and the room will be filled with gas. Put on a gas mask and communicate with Otacon by radio. After a while, he will open the door. Exit and go right. You will see Liquid ahead. An important conversation will take place between the two tough guys, finally explaining all the dark places in the game's plot, and then the next battle will begin.

Boss 9 - Metal Gear Rex (first phase)

Approximate time required: 5 minutes

Use body armor. Throw the Chaff Grenades and immediately shoot the Stingers at the dish on the antenna on the monster's left shoulder.

Another option: shoot at the "plate", then run between the legs of the car (the rocket salvo does not hit the target). Wait for the enemy to turn around and shoot again, and then run between the legs. But be careful and don't get close to the right leg of the steel monster, otherwise you will be crushed.

By the way, you can try to run between the legs of the car by putting a cardboard box on the Snake. For some unknown reason, this confuses the enemy.

After the Serpent damages the "plate" enough, he will come to the rescue old friend. There will be another story scene, after which you will have to fight again.

Boss 10 - Metal Gear Rex (second phase)

Destroyed by: Stinger Missiles (7 shots)

Approximate time required: 3 minutes

Liquid will open the cabin to see you. It is in this cabin that you shoot the Stingers.

The battle tactics are the same as before.

Rooftop Metal Gear Rex

The blast wave throws the Serpent aside, he hits the wall and loses consciousness. Liquid drags him onto the roof of the cabin of the defeated steel monster. After a long conversation and several important messages over the radio, Liquid explains the rules of their last (what he believes) duel to Snake. Our hero has three minutes to defeat the enemy. If the Serpent does not have time, the bomb will explode. However, due to the fact that after the start of the countdown, Liquid continues to talk a little more, then in reality a little more than two and a half minutes are allotted for the battle.

Boss 10 - Liquid Snake (first fight)

Destroyed: Melee (65 hits)

Time limit: 2 minutes 30 seconds

The hardest challenge in the entire game.

This is a one on one fight. No weapons, only fists. Moreover, it is better not to fall from the platform - in Hard and Expert modes, these falls are fatal.

Run up to Liquid, hit him and run away. Do not hesitate, because immediately after your attacks, Liquid becomes invulnerable for a few seconds.

Don't try to choke him from behind - he'll just throw you away. From time to time, Liquid begins to growl. This means that in the next moment he will rush at the Serpent. You can dodge these running attacks only by falling to the floor (Crouch key).

get away

This is where the plot twist happens. If earlier during the torture by Oselot you surrendered, then Meryl dies and Otacon will help the Serpent. If you survived the torture, then Meryl will come to her senses. There will be no love scene between the characters, because the hangar floors will begin to collapse. You have to take your feet.

As soon as control returns to you, run to the left. Be sure to pick up a dry ration, otherwise you won't be able to win!

After running into the garage, turn down. Without getting involved in a fight with the guards (you don’t have weapons), run to the left. Play for time and maneuver until Meryl (or Otacon) starts the jeep. Climb into it and fire a machine gun at the barrels next to the door. Don't waste your time on security.

The barrels will explode and the jeep will race through the underground tunnel. Turn the machine gun to the right in advance. At the first roadblock, first of all, shoot the barrels again - this way you will quickly destroy the guards.

The first checkpoint will be followed by another. There are no more barrels, so pour lead on enemies, focusing on one goal.

After passing the second checkpoint, turn the machine gun back. Soon the headlights of another car will appear from behind ...

Boss 11 - Liquid Snake (last encounter)

At the last moment, Liquid will try to destroy your jeep. Just pour fire on him, moving the barrel from side to side: you have endless ammo.

The final

After all the story cutscenes have been completed, your assistant will give you a special item. If Meryl is with you, then it will be a bandana, and if you finished the game in the company of Otacon, then you will get his invisibility suit.

And don't forget to wait until the end of the credits - you're in for a surprise (although, provided that you understand English properly).

Secrets and jokes

Stealth- to get optical disguise (invisibility), you need to surrender to Oselot during torture. In this case, Meryl will die, and Otacon will give you his cloaking device. Start the game again on top of the old save and Stealth will be among the Serpent's items from the very beginning of the game. Stealth makes our hero invisible to all enemies except bosses and wolves.

In addition, battles that are important for the development of the plot (for example, a shootout after the “death” of the first hostage) you still have to go through in the standard way.

bandanna- to get the bandana, you need to endure the torture of Ocelot. Then Meryl will be alive. If after that you start new game over the old save, then the bandana will be among the Serpent's things from the very beginning of the game. The bandana gives infinite ammo for the selected weapon (as long as the bandana itself remains as an active item)

Camera- the camera allows you to take pictures during the game (i.e. take screenshots). You can get it this way: when the Serpent has a level 6 key card, return to the room where you first fought with Oselot (Second Floor Basement, Hangar). Do not enter it, look to the right. You will see a closed passage in the wall. Place C4 there and blow it up. You will gain access to new rooms. One of them will contain a camera.

Tracer cartridges for FAMAS- first you will need to get a bandana (see above). Next, find FAMAS and fire all the bullets except for the last three. Wear a bandana and your assault rifle will now only fire tracer rounds.

peaceful wolves- There are two methods to get through the cave with wolves without resorting to weapons.

First method- use the scarf of sniper Wolfe.

Second- enter the cave after Meryl, kill all the wolves, except for the wolf cub. Then prepare a cardboard box (any) and shoot Meryl. Hide in the box here. Meryl will order the puppy to attack you. He will come up, sniff the box and ... take a “natural need” on it. After that, when entering the cave, put this box on yourself, and no one will touch you.

Offended Mei Ling- if you get in touch with Mei Ling ten times in a row and do not save the game, then the girl will be offended by the Serpent and will not talk to him anymore, but will only show him her tongue.

Meryl is exercising- when the Serpent climbs through the ventilation pipes to free the first hostage (the head of Darpa), then along the way he will come across another grate in the floor. If you switch to first-person mode and look down, you will see Meryl doing physical education. If you go back, climb into the ventilation pipe again and look at Meryl again, then she will perform a different exercise. Repeat this two more times, and you will see Meryl in her underwear (alas, nothing special will be there).

Meryl without pants- Later in the game you will meet with Meryl in the women's room (just before the battle with Mantis). If you jump into the toilet right behind her (you can recognize Meryl disguised as a soldier by her walk - no form will ruin such hips) and run to the last stall, then you can catch Meryl by surprise. As a result, she will spend the entire subsequent long conversation with the Serpent without pants. Again, nothing special, but nice to look at.

Meryl blushes- if you look at Meryl for a long time in the first person mode, then she will begin to be embarrassed, ask stupid questions, and finally blush.

View from Meryl's eyes- just before the battle with Mantis begins, you will find yourself in the base commander's room. Switch to first person mode. You will see the world around you through Meryl's eyes.

1 2 All

A few secrets in MGS


I will try to describe as many possible features of this game as possible, most of them have long been known, but maybe someone will learn unknown facts.


  1. "Ghosts" Hidden Easter eggs in the form of developer photos are scattered throughout the game. How to find them is shown in.
  2. Shooting on the run in MGS, shooting is carried out from a standing position, while Snake can only turn. But there is a way to shoot while moving, you need to press approximately simultaneously (or alternately quickly) the shoot and crouch (crawl) and direction buttons. If everything is done correctly, then Snake will run with his weapon raised. In order for this stance to be constant, you need to hold the crouch key while moving, but you can press the shoot key at any time. This helps a lot in some situations: a fight near the detention cells with Meryl, a fight with Ocelot, a run on communication tower A at the time of detection, two fights in elevators if you need to quickly break through the guards.
  3. Trick with rations (rations) if you equip rations in your inventory during the battle, then when Snake's life drops to zero, one ration is automatically spent to restore part of HP. Thus, it is impossible to die.
  4. Cigarettes In game, they can be used to stabilize the hands when firing the PSG-1 rifle and to detect infrared rays without a thermal imager.
  5. Kamikaze soldiers for this trick you will need C-4, approach the soldier from the back in tight and attach explosives to him. If everything succeeds, then the soldier will turn into a living bomb that can be used to undermine other soldiers, security equipment, and just for fun.
  6. Infrared glasses (thermal imager) By equipping this item in your inventory, you will be able to see enemies in stealth camouflage (Cyber ​​Ninja, Psycho Mantis, 4 soldiers in the elevator), infrared rays, floor-hole traps and Claymore mines.
  7. Enemy capture if you do not have a weapon in your hands, then when you press the shoot key, Snake will be able to grab enemies by the neck or throw them to the ground. To grab the neck, approach the enemy from the back and press and hold the attack key, if at this moment you continue to press the key, Snake will be able to strangle the enemy and he will fall unconscious. If you press the key ten times, Snake will quietly break the enemy's neck. To throw, it does not matter which side you approach the enemy from, just run up and hold the direction key once, press the attack key once, Snake will throw the enemy to the ground. Two or three such throws will knock him out.
  8. EMP Grenades grenades that disable electronics affect not only cameras and machine-gun turrets, they can be used to fight bosses, namely: Tank, his main caliber sight gets lost; Cyber ​​ninja (Grey Fox), from a grenade paralyzes him for the entire time while the explosion effect is in effect; Rex, like a tank, shoots down the sights of guns, but the grenade does not affect the rockets that he fires.
  9. SSH grenades flashbang grenades affect all types of infantry, including bosses. They especially make fighting Ocelot and Raven and Liquid in Rex easier. They slow down the Ocelot for a short time, making it easier to shoot him. And it’s better to run away from Raven at this moment. Liquid, with the cockpit open, is also affected by this grenade.
  10. First person control of Nikita's missiles After firing Nikita, press and hold the POV button. This will allow you to more accurately control the course of the rocket, and you will also see enemies nearby.
  11. Stinger this rocket launcher allows you to fire not only at enemies, but also at cameras, wall-mounted machine guns, crows, rats and in general everything in a row.
  12. SOCOM muffler to install it on a pistol, you need to select it in the inventory and at the same time the pistol in the weapon. The silencer will automatically be bolted to the pistol.
  13. Fast travel between locations To do this, you must have boxes A, B, C in your inventory. There are three trucks in the locations of the heliport, storage of nuclear warheads and snow field. If you get into one of the trucks and equip the box, then you will be transported to the location that is written on the box.
  14. How to fool the wolves in the cave There are two ways. The first is to equip Sniper Wolf's scarf until the wolves attack in your hands. The second way is more difficult, when you go through the cave for the first time, then approach Meryl next to the entrance. Hit her and immediately hide in a box (any one you like), if everything is done quickly, a puppy will run up to you and urinate on the box. Now, if you run around the cave in a box, then the wolves will not touch you, the main thing is not to forget which box is marked with a puppy.
  15. Blushing Meryl When you run with her, look at Meryl in first person for a while. Gradually, she will blush and shyly let out phrases like “what are you looking like that?”, “what’s the matter with Snake?” etc. And if at the same time you get close and look at her chest through binoculars or a camera, then Meryl will give Snake on the scoreboard.
  16. Women's toilet if you are in the women's restroom and call other characters by codec, they will express their opinion on this matter, and Mei Ling will call Snake a pervert)
  17. Pantsu Meryl There are a couple of moments in the game to observe Meryl in her underwear. To do this, at the beginning of the game, when you find the fake DARPA chief on the second floor of the tank hangar, climb into the ventilation. Crawling to Meryl's cell, look down, she must be doing some kind of exercise. Next, get out of the ventilation and climb up again, look at Meryl again, she should do another exercise, get out again. Climb again, Meryl will change the action again, get out. When you climb into the ventilation for the fourth time and look at it, Meryl will be doing the first exercise, but already in her shorts. If you repeat the previous steps two more times, Meryl will do other exercises in this form. Another time you can see this beauty at the moment when Meryl must be found on the second floor of the storage of nuclear warheads. As soon as she runs to the women's restroom, follow her, you will only have five seconds to get to the last stall, if everything worked out, about half of the next video Meryl will be flaunting in a T-shirt and pants)
  18. Mantis reads the past At the beginning of the fight with Psycho Mantis, he will read the "past" on your memory card. To do this, you need to have saved games from Konami (for example, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Suikoden, Nagano Winter O1impics "98, Contra:
    Legacy of War, etc.), he will speak separately if you have saves from the Policenauts and Snatcher games (Kojima's first games).
  19. How to get rid of Mantis control Psycho Mantis can control the operation of the controls in the game and annoy in every way in other ways, in order to get rid of this, you can do this trick. Just switch the controller from one port to another and Mantis can't do any more harm.
  20. How to destroy the statues of Mantis during the fight with him in the office where the battle with this boss takes place there are two statues wrapped in belts (ribbon or something like that) in the form of busts. They are invulnerable until a certain moment, if you type Colonel Campbell's codec several times during the battle, he will tell you in one of the dialogues that Mantis needs these statues for control (perhaps this dialogue will turn on if you die once during the battle, plus the colonel must first talk about the trick with controllers described above). After that, the statue can be broken and Mantis will lose control.
  21. Mask is needed to reduce oxygen consumption in the gas corridor, but there is one more point with it. If you enter Mantis in a gas mask, he will comment on this.
  22. frozen rations During the fight with Raven, your rations may freeze and be unusable for a while. To prevent this, equip them for the entire duration of the battle. If they are still frozen, then run to the blast furnace in a heated room and stand there for a while. Either stay in any other non-frozen room, just longer, or go back to the men's room in the storage of nuclear warheads and heat it up with a hair dryer (or something like that).
  23. Opening high-level doors without a card if you do not have an access card of the required level, you can try to open the door with the help of a guard. Grab one and bring it to the door. If its level is sufficient, the door will open. But he must be very close and face her.
  24. Mei Ling sticks out her tongue if you call it several times by codec, but do not save at the same time, Mei Ling will show you the language.
  25. Liquid in Rex can be defeated with a sniper rifle when you destroy the radar on the Rex and the cockpit opens, take the PSG-1 and shoot Liquid, the masochist way really.
  26. Nikita for Sniper Wolf During the second fight with her, select Nikita as your weapon and attack from the safe area until the boss is dead.
  27. Meryl codec frequency - 140.15
  28. PS1 in the lab In Otacon's lab where the cyber ninja fight took place, you can find the first playstation on a table in the middle of the room.
  29. Animal rights if you manage to kill a few crows and rats, you will be contacted by codec and told that this is wrong and Snake is not paid for this.
  30. Evil Raven when you go down the second freight elevator to the warehouse where you will fight Raven, kill all the crows flying there. Raven will be enraged by this and will chase you with a vengeance.
  31. Parachute- you can find a parachute at the location of the snowy field, if you look at it and contact the colonel, Snake and he will begin to wonder if Liquid could have survived after the helicopter crash.
  32. Claymores can be used against a tank, hitting a mine will pause it.
  33. Subject Tips if you hold an object or weapon in your hands, and then contact the characters using the codec, you can get their description, tips on how to use it, or just a funny dialogue. For example with a box
  34. Advice to use stereo was tested on a set-top box with a TV. During the battle with the helicopter, the Colonel advises Snake to determine the position of the helicopter by the sound of its propeller. However, if the sound settings are set to mono, Campbell and Mei Ling will sympathize with the player for not being able to buy a TV with a stereo system.
  35. 4 wall by contacting Miller by codec, you can hear advice related more to the player than to Snake.
  36. Jail break There are several ways. The first is to wait until the guard grabs his stomach, and he runs to the toilet, then crawl under the bed and wait for him to return. If he does not see you in the cell, he will go inside, at this moment he can be knocked out and run away. The second method will work if called by the Otacon codec. When the guard runs to the restroom, Dr. Emerich will appear and give you ketchup and Wolf's handkerchief. While the guard is in the toilet, we lie down on the ground and apply ketchup, we are waiting for the guard. He must run into the cell and, accordingly, must be knocked out. The last way I know is to do nothing. Just survive a few tortures and Gray Fox will save you.
  37. Snake has a cold while sitting in the cell, you can catch a cold from the guard. Just don't run right away, but constantly run next to the guard and Snake can catch a cold. From this, he will begin to sneeze (or cough, I don’t remember exactly), at such moments the enemies can hear him. A cold is treated with a medicine that can be found on the second floor of the storage of nuclear warheads, in the same place as Nikita.
  38. Box is needed to freely travel between locations and hide from the guards. Just equip the box and don't move, the guard will leave. Different boxes must be used in different locations, the names of which are written on them when viewed in the inventory. Also, while sitting in the box, Snake is not detected by cameras, unless he moves, of course.
  39. How early to get Nikita- To get Nikita in the early stages of the game, go through the first three sections, then return to the truck in the airstrip area. Find the rocket launcher in the back of the truck.
  40. Laser FAMAS This rifle has the last three rounds of tracer rounds. For this trick you need a bandana (I'll tell you how to get it later). Load up to those three rounds, equip your bandanna and fire off the brightly colored ammo. Although there is no additional effect from this, it just looks funny.
  41. See through the eyes of Meryl and Mantis When Meryl falls under the control of Mantis, when pressing a key in first person, we will see the world through the eyes of Meryl. And during the fight with Psycho Mantis, we will observe his eyes. Mantis can be found this way even without a thermal imager.
  42. Different title screen (Japanese ver.) press the D-pad on the controller on the title screen to change the background color.
  43. James Bond costume- complete the game with both endings as Meryl and Otacon so that on the third playthrough you get the costume, it will be worn after the first elevator.
  44. Red Gray Fox (cyber ninja)- similar to the previous paragraph, only to see him like this, you need to get to Otacon's laboratory in a DB suit.
  45. stealth camouflage complete the game with the ending as Otacon, i.e. surrender to torture. Grants complete invisibility, but bosses and dogs can see Snake.
  46. Bandana complete the game with the ending as Meryl, i.e. endure torture. Gives unlimited ammo.
  47. First-person view is given after beating the game once, or on the easiest difficulty level right away. By double-clicking the first-person view key, it will be possible to play like in an FPS. But it won't work that way.
  48. Camera is given after beating the game once or if you find it in a secret armory near the place where the fight with Ocelot was. You can see how to find.
  49. Endless machine available only on the easiest difficulty level and not in all versions. It is given immediately at the beginning of the game.
  50. Frequency 140.7 secret frequency, works in areas with interference (where the radar jams), type it in the codec and listen to the message (I'm not sure about this, but I think it is only in the Japanese version of the game).
  51. mine detector Shows the location of claymore mines on the radar, and can also be used to search for a lost map key in a moat near Wrex. The rat that grabbed it is visible on the radar as a red dot.
  52. Fast reload any weapon in the game reloads instantly if it is removed and immediately picked up.

If you are having problems with Walkthrough of Metal Gear Solid, you can always use our advice and information for action. We detail the steps you need to follow to complete the game. Metal Gear Solid. In the most difficult places, we add pictures that can help you. Walkthrough Metal Gear Solid read on our website.

Mission 1. Doc

Climb under the pipe, it is on the left. Without falling into the eyes of the guards, go to the elevator from above. Your boss will call you. Hide in the boxes on the right, the elevator will still go. Get into it.

Mission 2. Helipad

To begin with, there will be a briefing of the task, they will talk about why we are here. We have a new assistant, Mei Ling, her frequency is 140.96. After all this, move on, get into the truck and take the weapon. But know that you rarely need to shoot. Only as a last resort. Crawl into the ventilation, which is located near the main doors.

Mission 3. Tank hangar

Miller's frequency is 141.80.

Move through the tunnel further, behind the mice. Call again.<Теперь влево и ступеньками поднимайтесь на второй этаж, заходите в комнатку. Тут вы обнаружите термические очки. Они помогут вам видеть в слишком темных комнатах. На балконе подберите гранаты. Теперь идите к лифту и в нем нажмите на B1.

Mission 4. Prison

Call. Get down the corridor and move to the right. One more call. Climb up. Move to the left through the tunnel, there will be stocks of cartridges. Now go to the main passage and move on. At the end to the left. Call. Get down, click on the bars in the cell. There you will talk to Anderson, he will give you a key card. Then he will die unexpectedly. Another call. Go out of the cell, kill the guards. There will be supplies behind the doors. Run to the elevator and press B2.

Mission 5. Armory

Wear thermal goggles. You can see the tiles, you don't need to step on them. Move to the main building using the card. Take C4 there. Blow up the wall with a huge blue spot. Crawl into the hole.

Mission 6. Armory 2

Blow up the wall on the top right. Crawl in there. Now there will be a fight. We will fight with Revolver Ocelot. Run after him in a circle, because he threatens to blow up the hostage. When you kill him, the hostage will give you another key card and also die. Call. Return to the armory. The path to other armories is now open to you. Take more. Climb into the elevator and click on the unit. Here, go right to the room. Immediately kill the guard and pick up a gun silencer. It does not even need to be put on, he will already be on it. Call Meryl, it's frequency 140.15. Climb to the second floor. Ring. Go down and there to the huge door in the corner. Put on your goggles again so you can see the rays. Do not hurt them. A call, after which open the door with a second-level access card.

Mission 7. Canyon

In order not to step on the bombs, attach a mine detector to yourself. Head up and to the left. Here you will find another enemy - Vulcan Raven. She is in the tank, so he can’t do anything with ordinary attacks, in order to somehow resist him, you need to use a grenade against electronics. Now throw regular grenades at his tank. After defeating him, another key card will be available to you.

Mission 8. Building with warheads

Move on and climb under the door. Call. Don't use weapons. Enter the elevator, press B1. Follow to the right corner of the map and into the second office below. Pick up a bazooka and supplies for it. Get back into the elevator and press B2. Go through two doors, blow up the electrical box, then the floor will no longer be energized. Call. To undermine, use a rocket launcher, but first blow up the machine guns that are nearby. Then follow down. Don't go to the crossroads, go into the room on the right. There will be ammo.

Move on, passing to the right along the intersection, you will stumble upon a fancy ninja. Enter into hand-to-hand combat with him, you can see him in an invisible suit with the help of glasses. Already at the end of the battle, you can just shoot him with a pistol. Call. You will see a new ally - Otacon (141.12), he will also give you a key card. Go back to the elevator and click on B1. Head to the office. The guard will see you, he will run to the right. Follow him to the door above. This will be the ladies' room. Meryl will meet you here. She will have a key card already at the fifth level, she will also give it to you. Move to the door to the left of the elevator.

Mission 9. Command center

In a room with a mirrored floor, your next enemy is already waiting for you, his name is Psycho Mantis. Try to dodge his attacks and shoot him. He owns Meryl's mind, so she attacks you, but don't try to kill her. Beat the enemy, he will be closed with the help of your girlfriend. But deal with the boss quickly, because the girl can commit suicide. Call. Move towards the door. Crawl into the hole. Wear glasses to see dogs. But don't bother with them, run through them. Crawl into the rock hole again. There you will see Meryl. Follow her steps.

Mission 10. Underground bunker

You should be shot. After that, you need to return. To the armory, it'll take quite some time. There we need to get ourselves a sniper rifle and again run back to that sniper. Kill Sniper Wolf "a. It will not be so easy. Call. Go through the right door. They will tie you up, and you will wake up already in the operating room.

Here you can decide what the ending will be. If you choose to give up, you will get a bad ending, but if you press the action button with all your might, you will get a good one. Then you will find yourself in prison. But they will torture you a few more times, act in the same way as before. Call. Come to the cell doors, there you will see Otacon "a. He will offer you ketchup and a scarf.

Choose ketchup and lie down on the floor with ketchup. The guard will think that something has happened to you and when he runs into your cell, beat him. Take your things from the camera. Go to the right doors, and take the elevator to the first floor and go to the gate. Back to where you were tied. You will be informed that there is a bomb on you. Take the bomb in inventory and throw it away. Near the tower, go to the right door. Call.

Mission 11. Communication tower

Go down the corridor to the left. There you will be detected by a security camera. Take everything you have and kill the guards. Climb up the stairs. Otacon will send you a message. Then go up the stairs. Climb onto the roof with a fire escape. Here the brother of the protagonist, Liquid Snake, appears in front of us. Watch out for helicopter shots and approach the edge of the roof. Use the rope to go down. There, using the rocket launcher, kill the three guards on the bridge. After that, move to another tower.

Get down to the very bottom, there will be a destroyed staircase. Using the elevator, go upstairs, there will be a meeting with Otacon.

Now you can go to the roof. Get higher. Here you will need to deal with machine gunners. Shaff grenades will help a lot in this matter. Shoot down the helicopter with a rocket launcher. Call. Go to the elevator and go down to the first floor. Call. Get rid of the enemies in the elevator. After the elevator, move to the right. After passing through the tunnels, you will be in a field. Field, Russian field. Again a sniper. Take it out with a sniper rifle or rocket launcher. Run, dodging bullets, run through the door, go down.

Mission 12. Smelter

Get down to the very bottom. First, kill the guard on the right, shoot the metal partition. And along the edge, climb to the opposite side, going down to the bottom. Follow the elevator. Click on the console, get down. Kill the guards. Upon arrival, move to the right. Another elevator, it will take you even longer to go.

Mission 13. Frozen warehouse

There will be a fight with Vulkan Raven. Get behind the crates and shoot him with the rocket launcher. So you will get another key card.

Mission 14. Underground base

Head towards the door, but be careful as you will encounter a huge number of turrets along the way. Metal Gear Rex will be located here. You need to get on it. Climb up using the ladder on the right. Call. Now at the top, climb over the robot's head, and drop down to the bottom. Come into the room. There you will hear a conversation between Liquid Snake and Revolver.

Our goal now is to install the card into three computer slots. To find the card, go down, it should be in the water. But don't stay in it for long. Be careful, a mouse can grab the card, or a bomb can stick to you, you need to throw it away right away. Insert the card into the left computer. To install in the second slot, we need to go into the freezer compartment, where our last battle was, stand there by selecting this card. Now it will turn blue. Now use it on your computer.

Run to the smelter again, there this card turns red and run with all your might to the computer, this is the last connector. Now the room will be filled with gas, call Otacon, he will open the doors for you. Exit to the right. Now the battle with the same robot will begin. Run into his legs and shoot the radar that is on Rex's right shoulder.

Now aim at his mouth. Now we will fight with Liquid. The fight will take place without weapons. Also keep in mind that there will be only two and a half minutes to win, otherwise, a loss will follow. After defeating Liquid, there will be the final part, it depends entirely on that choice in the conclusion. In a good ending, Meryl will survive, but in a bad ending, she will be dead. In a good ending, you still have to chase Liquid, finishing him off in a jeep.

The past year turned out to be rich in immense, huge games. We managed to live in the third "The Witcher", now we spend sleepless nights in Fallout 4, happy Wii U owners explore the planet Mira in Xenoblade Chronicles X, and someone still can't tear himself away from Snake's adventures in Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain.

Surprisingly, Hideo Kojima's series of chamber action about moral torment turned into a real open-world action movie, and below we will give advice on how to behave in "story" missions, of which there are a good fifty. Unfriendly Afghanistan or gloomy Africa - let's figure out where to go and what to do.


To understand the plot - one of the main episodes. It is completely different from the main part of the game, neither stylistically nor in terms of mechanics. The action begins after numerous cut-scenes, which make no sense to describe, and spoilers are useless to us.

Having received control, crawl to Ishmael at the door - you need to follow this comrade. Once in a room with screens, hide in the one that the enemy has just checked (they will not re-examine). Then just do not get caught by the enemies, look for the stairs and go down.

Once you get the gun, aim and shoot the fire extinguisher. The first enemies are defeated. Kill opponents from the balcony without going down. They die from one shot to the head. The main thing is that the hero is not noticed, otherwise it will be more difficult to “fight”. After the cutscene with the burning man, run away from him. Further video and shootout on horseback.

Chapter 1. Revenge

Episode 1: Phantom Limbs

Afghanistan is in front of us, and Soviet soldiers are all around (the Russian language in the game is correct, understandable; the negotiations of the enemies are perfectly perceived by ear). We enter the iDroid (analogous to a pocket PC, only from the 80s) and see the target, the village of Gvandai Khar. We listen to Ocelot and look through binoculars. We request intelligence data, we get information about the village of Vialo. That's where we need to be. Don't run on foot, take a horse. We meet the post, deal with two guards. Here is your first capture! There will be many more in the future.

Next, you need to find a good observation point (any hills will do) and look around the village with binoculars. We will find out where the enemies are (they will be immediately marked), what cars are there and so on.

We need to go to the building with the red flag. Inside is the location of Kazuhiro Miller (Kaz) who needs to be rescued. He is in the main village, in the building that is marked in yellow. There you need to go up to the second floor, take Kaz on your shoulders and run (or better ride) to the place of evacuation. You will meet with a new kind of enemies, reminiscent of the living dead. They shouldn't be seen. When you find yourself in a helicopter, the mission will end.

Episode 2: Diamond Dogs

We approach Ocelot, listen, we get the Fulton system (for the evacuation of everything and everyone, and most importantly - a soldier for your team). Let's practice using it. We open iDroid, deal with the intricacies of managing the base and your army. We get information about the basics of creating items, various units. The mission as a whole is teaching. Listen carefully, everything is clear and simple, but there is quite a lot of data.

When you realize that practice is enough, indicate the helicopter landing zone and sit inside. From the helicopter we choose missions - at first three are available.

Episode 3: The Hero's Journey

We select the landing zone, equipment, the start time of the mission. It is better to operate at night - less likely to be detected, although visibility is reduced for everyone. We need to get rid of the commander of the special forces. After reaching the desired point, examine the camp and find your target (in the red beret). Eliminate the soldiers on the towers carefully: it is not necessary to kill, it is better to put them to sleep and send them to the team. The commander can either be killed or evacuated, the choice is yours. Get in the helicopter and fly away.

Episode 4: Information War

Once on the ground, we begin to look for communication equipment. When you find the base, examine it with binoculars. Find three satellite dishes. They should either be destroyed or the radio transmitter found. He's in one of the buildings with an antenna on top.

Episode 5: Beyond the fence

The mission is best done at night. You need to take a prisoner to your base, who planned to escape from the Wah Sind barracks. They are well guarded. If you want to shoot - your right, however, you can go unnoticed if you choose the path on the opposite side of the road with a barrier.

We take the data from the house with the guard, then we go to the barracks. Let's go up to the security station (it's better to bend down), go up the stairs and jump onto the rock. There is a prisoner sitting on the edge. We evacuate him.

Additionally: again we go to the barracks, but to the destroyed building, to the right of which there is a building. There will be an engineer down there who needs to be evacuated. We can fly away.

Episode 6: Where is the sting hiding?

We are required to seize the weapon, the Sting system. Here you have to run, as the helicopter will land quite far. We get to the Smasei fort, go to its back, we see a cave with candles there. The tunnel leads down to the hall with water. We go through the door on the left, and there - to the back room, where the Sting lies. Next we will meet with the "Skulls" detachment. It is better to destroy them with the help of newly acquired weapons. It is worth shooting when they are close to each other. Conserve your ammo to earn rewards for both Sting and its ammo. However, you can run away from the "Skulls"!

There are other goals in this mission - the evacuation of the captive Hamid (if you do not intercept him before the convoy reaches the Sting, the hostage will be killed) and the destruction of the helicopter (again, with the help of the Sting).

Episode 7: Blood Copper

Commanders must be evacuated or killed. The ringleaders meet in Vialo village. One is there immediately, the other two will arrive a little later. Decide for yourself whether to kill or take in your squad. The main thing is not to raise the alarm, because besides them there are a lot of other fighters here.

Of the additional goals: the evacuation of the soldiers and the commander right on the car and wiretapping the conversation of the commanders (they talk in a tent when they get together).

Episode 8: Occupation Forces

There are two stages of the task. First you need to remove the colonel in the village of Shahra Ye, find his papers, and then destroy two tanks. On the way, you can evacuate the hostage.

It is important to prevent tanks from approaching the fortress. The best way to use airstrike is by calling it through your iDroid. A lead shot to where the tanks will be in 10-15 seconds.

Episode 9: Help and departure

We improve the strength of the air attack and fly on a mission. We see enemy combat vehicles. They need to be destroyed while they are within the mission area. According to the assignment, it is enough to blow up one, but to achieve an additional goal, it is better to get rid of at least five.

An ammo truck will also appear on the map. It is advisable to capture them.

Episode 10: Angel with Broken Wings

We arrive at the ruined palace. There are several hostages that can be rescued. One of them will say that Malak (the target of the mission) has been moved to another location. We go to the Yaho Obu base (at the top of the map), clear the territory and go inside the fortress. We search the rooms there. One of them with a red door is the one we need. We pull out Malak, put him in a helicopter and fly away.

Side mission: Contact with Emmerich

To progress through the story, you will have to complete the additional mission "Contact with Emmerich". To do this, we go to the Yaho Obu base, from there up to the ruins of Aabe Shifap. The storyline will begin there.

Episode 11: Surrounded by Silence

One of the most interesting episodes in the game. You will have a boss fight, the sniper Quiet. It is worth fighting against her with a sniper rifle, tracking down the location through the scope. However, you can deal with it easier - find her on the map and drop an ammo box on her head. You can also use a tranquilizer (easier when Quiet jumps into the water and plays with the rainbow).

Next, Snake is faced with a choice: kill Quiet (as Kaz advises) or leave him alive (Ocelot's version). Better, of course, to leave - she is a very important plot character and scenes and missions are associated with her. In addition, Quiet as a partner surpasses both the dog and the horse, and even the Walking Gear robot.

Plot episode: A visit to Quiet

If Silent is still alive, this quest will spawn at the main base. After completion, the girl can be taken with you on assignments.

We continue the task "Contact with Emmerich"

We go to the Serac power station, to its very end. There are two options: kill all enemies or sneak quietly. It is important to understand that in case of alarm the door will not open. We get inside, watch the video.

Episode 12: Road to Hell

We go to the big gate, neutralize the soldiers on the left. We rise to the platform on the right and study the documents. Now you need to get to the camp of the central base in Afghanistan. A helicopter will appear here, there will be many strong enemies. We need to find Emmerich. Again, inside the hangar where he sits can only be entered if the alarm is not raised or all enemies are dead. Entrance is through one of the side doors.

We grab this unpleasant character and drag it to the evacuation point. Then we run back, hide from the giant robot, call the helicopter to another place. We sit in it and fight with Sahelanthropus using a machine gun on board.

Episode 13: Darkness

Here we are in Central Africa. The first step is to burn the oil field. We go to the base (to go for a long time), where you need to destroy the tank and turn off the pumps. The tank can be blown up with a grenade, and the pumps can be disabled through the console panel.

Episode 14: Common Language

We head to the indicated point, find the suitcase, watch the video. It is required to save the Viscount. We inspect the territory, find an interpreter, follow him without raising the alarm. He will provide an opportunity to reach a group of hostages with the Viscount: we watch how the linguist enters the building with a soldier. The prisoners will be brought here. You can intercept them along the way with a night vision device.

Then the translator should also be evacuated in order to understand what the locals are talking about.

Episode 15: Ghost Tracks

We go to the village. Destroy or capture robots. There are 4 of them in total. Two are located at the tents to the right of the buildings, two more are a little higher.

Episode 16: Traitor Caravan

There are two options for passing the mission: either pump Fulton and evacuate heavy loads, or destroy all the guards and take the truck out of enemy territory.

In any case, first we neutralize the guards at the post. Then in the tent we find information about the truck, the route is indicated there. In the middle you will find the airport. Here are our goals.

When we reach the truck, a detachment of "Skulls" will appear, which must be defeated. The easiest way to do this is with a tank and an armored personnel carrier. Shoot enemies one by one.

Episode 17: Scout Rescue

We go to the yellow dot in the forest. There is a hostage there. Along the way, you should study the scout's walkie-talkie, and the owner of the device can be found between the stones on the ground. He needs to be evacuated. We go to the next yellow zone, there is the second "patient". It is near two cages in a pit with wooden boards. He's injured, so he should be flown back to base by helicopter, not by Fulton.

Episode 18: Ties of Blood

Here you have 6 goals. We go to the first location, kill the soldier, then - to the opposite mountain, there are also enemies. There are children in the mine. They must be taken to the place of evacuation. One wounded boy will have to be dragged along, ordering the children to keep up along the way. We put all the children in a helicopter. All! More videos and talks...

Episode 19: On the Trail

As usual, we go to the marked point on the map. There, with binoculars, we study the base, where we need to find the assistant major. He sits inside a tent with two guards. When it comes out, you can "scan" it. We look where he sits down (he will change the car) - he will go where we need. Major and assistant can either be killed or evacuated.

We jump to the control point, which is high. You need to go through the base, find the grate and the door. Further we go along the road to one more door. There is also a broken bridge. Go to the waterfall, and then to the left. Further - through the tunnel to the white building. Find the boy inside and watch the video.

Now the Fire Man will appear (the one from the prologue). After running out of the building, we head to the tunnel through which we came, but it has already been destroyed. We call the helicopter through iDroid (preferably away from you). Now we find tanks with water. They need to be blown up when the boss is next to them. So you can neutralize it, but not kill it. When he begins to accumulate energy, run up to the helicopter and fly away.

Episode 21: War Economics

We leave for the airport, then - to the runways. There is also a heliport nearby. There will fly an arms dealer. He will enter the building, go up to the second floor and meet with your target, which must be eliminated. There will be talks and videos again. Something unexpected will happen.

Episode 22: Platform Liberation

We leave the room where the robot is being made. We call the helicopter, we take the task, then we go to the left along the second floor to the goal. We destroy opponents. Until we get to the top.

Episode 23: White Mamba

We need to track down and evacuate the boy, the White Mamba. However, everything is not so simple. He is surrounded by a whole gang of children who will attack you. You can't kill anyone, only stun. You will find the leader on the broken ship. You will have a fight with him, tied to counterattacks. Mamba will move around the ship, so run after him. When you win, fly to the base together.

Episode 24: Close Encounter

We need to save two people. We go to the goal. We pass through the outpost, then through another one. We look through binoculars, we find a hostage in the car. We follow him. We save the girl. We go to the area marked in yellow. The second hostage is among the stones.

Episode 25: Avenger's Faithful Hand

It is required to save the leader of the children of the commanders and the chief of staff. To make it easier, take Silent with you with a sniper rifle equipped with a tranquilizer.

Fulton doesn't work here. Helicopter only, so you have to run...

Important: next you will find a story mission related to the disease at the base. We need to quarantine those employees who speak the Kikongo language. This is the only way to stop the spread of the disease! We do this through the personnel management window. It can take a long time, as there are hundreds and hundreds of sick fighters.

Episode 26: The Hunt

We need to get rid of the slaver. We see the marked areas, we go first to a small circle near the village. In the tent next to the antenna, you need to study the information. After we find out the route of the target. It is necessary to kill him and the guards before he reaches the Kiziba camp (not critical, but highly desirable).

Episode 27: Root Cause

It is necessary to save a soldier of the reconnaissance detachment. He is not at the first post, he is located at the top, lies on the ground. Study the big yellow circle, you will find it. We evacuate by helicopter.

Episode 28: Code Talker

The plot task related to the search for the old man in the mansion. We go to the goal, we see the fog. Bosses from the Skull squad appear. This time they are sniper girls, and they all aim at the same time. You can find them by the sights of rifles. We capture the target with binoculars and attack. It's easier to shoot from some kind of rocket launcher, it takes more energy.

After we find the mansion, go around it and find the door, here is the entrance. We go to the basement, we see barrels of wine. We go even lower, we find the old man. If there is no anxiety, watch the video. If there is, we interrupt everyone and still watch the video.

Now we rise with the grandfather on our shoulders, we meet with the "zombie". They are not too strong, so you can handle it. The old man needs to be delivered to the helicopter. And again the plot, the plot.

Episode 29: Metal Archaea

The mission is not easy! You need to defeat 4 Skulls. First you need to "remove" their protective layer, and then deal damage to the enemies themselves. When fighting, focus all your attention on one opponent. Shoot from rocket launchers, grenade launchers. Call for a weapon drop if needed. After the victory, take the old man and again drag him to the aircraft. There will be many videos.

Episode 30: Skull

Now we can take revenge on the villain! We are at its base. There will be a lot of walking and a lot of videos, and then a long drive with the Skull in a car with an amazing song. The mission is more contemplative, there is practically no need to act here.

Episode 31: Sahelanthropus

Here is the main boss, the local Metal Gear, the mighty robot Sahelanthropus. Normal weapons in a fight with him do not roll. At the bottom there is a tank and an installation with a cannon. They are suitable for dealing damage to the enemy. When the giant is running at you, it's best to try to move out of the zone. However, powerful versions of rocket launchers in the fight against Sahelanthropus will also work (I destroyed it that way).

When everything around turns red (and this happens when the enemy has less than half HP), you need to get out of the affected area and hide, otherwise there is a chance to die from one shot. In the end, when the enemy has almost no energy, the robot starts one-shot again. He will be on a hill, sit down, two beams will show the direction of the shot. Hide and shoot from cover. Most often, I died at the last stage of the battle.

Chapter 2

So, we watched a lot of videos, and now you can start doing new tasks. However, not all of them are really new... Many of the missions of the second chapter are a repetition of those already completed, only with new conditions and an increased level of difficulty. It makes no sense to describe them again in detail.

Episode 32: Too Much Knowledge

Once on the map, capture an outpost nearby. Further we go to the purpose, we see Walker Gear. It is not necessary to destroy them. You can just wait until they leave. You need to save the CIA agent lying in the grass by the rocks.

Bonus Story Mission: Trial of Eli

We meet the White Mamba again - a boy whose name is Eli and who will later play a key role in the entire Metal Gear Solid saga. In this task, you will have to fight with him again. The battle is the same, built on counterattacks.

Episode 33

This episode was already in the first chapter. Only this time, all items and weapons must be obtained on the spot, you can’t take anything with you to the mission. Companions are not available. The rest of the task is the same.

Episode 34: Help and departure (condition - extreme)

Another episode with an increased level of difficulty. We destroy war machines.

Bonus Objective: AI Pod Evacuation

It is required to fly to Afghanistan and pick up the capsule with Artificial Intelligence. No, this is not The Boss. When you get it, the suspicions regarding the most annoying character in the game, Emmerich, will be confirmed. On the spot, you need to either get rid of all the enemies, or sneak in unnoticed. Inside the building is a computer with red lights. Activate it and run away.

Bonus Objective: Capturing the remains of a burning man

Remember what happened to the burning man at the end of the last chapter? Now we need to collect his remains. However, finding him at the base is not so easy. There are rooms on both sides, but you don't need to go inside. We go to the center of the base on the street, we find a platform, there we see a corpse on a litter! Let's go and watch the video. Unexpected, right?

Episode 35: Cursed Legacy

The task of the old man Code Talker "a. We go to the same house where we once found him. There are a lot of very strong enemies. Better avoid them. You need to catch one enemy and interrogate him, finding out where the containers are. We go into the house, there important information about the containers on the table.During interrogation, you can find out how many fighters are guarding them.Sending one of them to the base will begin the countdown until the helicopters appear.Act quickly and have time to escape earlier.

Episode 36: Ghost Tracks (Requirement - Invisible)

In this episode, you need to do everything the same as before, only with the condition that you should not be detected by enemies.

Episode 37: Traitor Caravan (condition - Extreme)

A difficult version of the completed mission from the first chapter.

Episode 38: An Unusual Phenomenon

We go to the fortress, getting rid of the enemies. Now we open iDroid, look at the "tasks", study the description of the goals. Below is their photo. True, the frames are blurry and it is not so easy to understand something. After some time, Ocelot will send a normal picture. You need to go to the southern part of the ruins. Here are the columns. On the side of one of them is a container with a film. He must be taken away.

Search for Runaway Children 01

We go to the base, we go down from the cliff, there is a fence, it must be climbed over. To find out where someone is (both the enemies and the target), take a dog or Quiet with you. Walk towards the target quietly, without causing the fire of soldiers and a helicopter flying in the sky. Taking the child, get into the car and drive away from enemy territory.

Search for runaway children 02

We go to the Code Talker's house, where the child is. How to find out where? Interrogate the soldier! Then we pick up the boy and the job is done.

Search for runaway children 03

Before the start of the mission, Fulton must be upgraded so that it would be possible to evacuate the children. To do this, your scientific department must be at least level 24. Then we go to the location where we fought with Quiet and complete the mission.

Search for runaway children 04

We go to the half-destroyed building, deal with the enemies. There is a car with a radar on the street. It must be destroyed, then the enemies will not be able to call for reinforcements. Then we go into the building and go up to the 3rd floor. The floor is destroyed, but you can still walk along the ceilings. There you will see a child.

Search for runaway children 05

Snake wanders through caves in the rock. Silence is also useful here - she will find a child, show where the zombie soldiers are. We go to where the reservoir is. From here, a tunnel leads up, where a boy sits.

Everything, with the children figured out!

Episode 39: Behind the fence (condition - Invisible)

The mission must be completed undetected. True, if you call for shelling from the air, the task will still be completed. There will be a lot of story ahead.

Episode 40: Surrounded by Silence (condition - Extreme)

Again the same mission, only with the condition that Quiet kills with one shot. You can act as before, or you can just call the tank and shoot at the girl from it.

Episode 41: Proxy War

It is necessary to destroy the equipment of the enemy. Aerial bombardment, rocket launcher and tank are your best helpers in the mission. When all enemy vehicles are blown up, a helicopter will fly to the map. It also needs to be knocked down.

Episode 42: Metal Archaea (condition - Extreme)

These guys were strong without "extreme". Now they do more damage, and they themselves have become even more powerful. What to do? Take Silent with the most powerful rifle and the best rocket launcher, use air strikes.

Episode 43: Everlasting Light

Probably the most dramatic chapter in Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain. We will learn the truth about the new epidemic... At the base we go to the indicated point, there we communicate with Ocelot and get into the infected compartment. The game turns into a uniform Survival Horror with the appropriate atmosphere. We go upstairs, open the doors, watch the video. After we go down, we kill all the infected. In order to determine who is sick, you need to wear glasses. Next, go to the room where there are a lot of fighters. You need to kill almost all but one. We will try to save him and carry him to the exit ... But, alas.

Episode 44: Invisible Darkness (Requirement - Invisible)

Everything is the same as last time, only you need to go unnoticed. Silence help! As well as shelling from the air.

Episode 45: Silent Exit

To activate this mission, you need to have the maximum level of relations with Quiet. To do this, you need to take her on missions more often, pay attention to her at the base.

You should also complete Extra Mission 150 (Capture Quiet) by finding out where the girl is being held. For this side mission to appear, you need to listen to all the important audio cassettes in MGS 5 (the important ones are marked in yellow).

When all conditions are met, mission 45 begins. Quiet is captured by Soviet soldiers near the ruined palace. The slaughter begins. Many vehicles and fighters are trying to stop Snake and his partner. You can do it if you take a rocket launcher with you and call for air strikes.

We are waiting for the sandstorm to begin, and we take the heroine to the helicopter. Here Snake is bitten by a snake. Quiet handles the evacuation. Waking up, Snake does not see the heroine, but finds an audio message on a hill near a tree.

It is important to understand that if you complete this task, Quiet will no longer be on your team. She left forever. Think carefully before you act.

Episode 46: The Truth: The Man Who Sold the World

This is a repeat of the prologue. Complete and unconditional. The only difference is that the true background of events is revealed to you. After passing, you will be given an excellent reward and will be shown a movie that turns the story of the entire Metal Gear Solid series.

We also have missions 47, 48, 49 and 50 in stock.

Episode 47: War economy (condition - Invisible)

The honest fulfillment of this mission is very problematic. It's easier to take a powerful rocket launcher with you and shoot enemies from afar. If you still have Quiet, then it will also come in handy.

Episode 48: Code Talker (condition - Extreme)

Episode 49: Occupying Forces (condition - Autonomy)

This is episode 8, only with the condition that all weapons have to be found on the spot.

Episode 50: Sahelanthropus (condition - Extreme)

Another boss fight. He does the same thing, only now he has become even stronger. Choose your own tactics, but you can win by acting the old fashioned way.

This completes the passage of Metal Gear Solid 5!

Episodes with Paz

To further expand the story and restore the memory of the heroine Paz (from Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes), who is located on the first deck of the medical platform (it is easy to miss), you need to find photos with memories. This requires evacuating soldiers in certain missions. There are 10 such photos. These photo soldiers can be found in missions 51-60. There is also an 11th photo available after collecting the first 10. It appears outside of Paz's room on the wall.