Game-journey "safe route". "Extracurricular activity. Quest "Safe path Interactive game I choose a safe path

Quest game for younger students with the involvement of parents
"Safe way!"
Authors: Petukhova Tatyana Pavlovna,
Konovalova Ludmila Yuozasovna,
teachers primary school,
MAOU "School № 21"
Name of the event "Safe Path"
Purpose Prevention of child road traffic injuries and promotion of the basics of safe behavior on the road.
Tasks We develop the ability to solve project problems
We develop

Checking knowledge of the rules traffic and safe behavior on the roads through the game.
Test your knowledge of road signs.
Forms, methods and techniques Forms: a quest game.
Methods and techniques: conversation, solving riddles, mini-quiz; theatrical elements; modeling, observation; clash of views and positions; design and research activities.
Material and equipment Route sheets, special visual and didactic material, multimedia, computer presentation, laptops, camera, posters, lego constructor, traffic signs,
Registration Is issued in accordance with the specifics of the educational event
Event progress
Organizing time
Organized team building.
The game begins with the question: "What is a quest?"
Quest (adventure game) is a narrative computer game in which a player-controlled hero moves through the story and interacts with the game world through the use of objects, communication with other characters, and decision logical tasks;
- task in role playing, which is required for the character (or characters) to achieve the game goal. After completing the characters, they gain experience, money, reputation, items, clothes, weapons, etc. Most often, quests are a task to go somewhere to a certain place (not always indicated) and kill a certain number of monsters.
-an intellectual game in which players are locked in a room from which they must escape in time, looking for objects and solving puzzles.
Quest (urban orientation) is an intellectual-extreme type of games on the streets of the city and beyond.
The participants of the game set the goal of the event and tasks, determine the skills necessary to complete the quest.
At each stage, the participants receive the next task and an element of the final product (the road sign "Children" made of reflective elements)


Team captains are offered route sheets.
Main part
Quest "Safe Path"
Road "traps" 17 cab.

We develop the ability to make the right choice based on the information heard and seen.
Each team member takes a seat at an individual computer. To complete the task, participants are invited to watch a video.
Choose and mark what are road traps based on the video you watched:
open area
closed review
distracted attention
moving transport
Apparent Security

In conclusion, each participant checks their work by comparing it with the standard.

Quest "Safe Path"
Safe city 19 cab.

An interactive "Own game" is being held

Quest "Safe Path"
Lego-city Recreation near 19 cab.

We develop the ability to solve design problems.
The team is invited to build a city on the playing field from a Lego constructor according to the algorithm and in accordance with the rules of the road.

City building plan:
1.Select the necessary elements to build a city in our area.
2. Define and locate residential and industrial (enterprise) areas.
3. Arrange transport, city residents, road signs in accordance with the rules of the road and safe behavior on the road.

Quest "Safe Path"
Mini-street Recreation near room 11

We develop
- the ability to independently solve practical problems according to the rules of the road;
- the ability to define a social role.
mini street
Signs: "Pedestrian crossing", "Bus stop", "Bicycle path", " Road works”, “Children”, “Biking is prohibited”
Roles: pedestrian, driver, cyclist, worker.

In accordance with the rules of the road, the team members were asked to determine the places of road signs on the mini-street. Each participant chooses a social role for himself and finds his place on a certain section of the road.

Quest "Safe Path"
Funny rules 18 cab.

We check knowledge of traffic rules and safe behavior on the roads.
A game is played with a choral response.

That everything was in order, guess the riddles: if yes, shout in unison- It's me, it's me, these are all my friends! if the answer is “no”, you are all silent in response:

Which one of you is moving forward?
Where is the transition? (It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!)

Which of you is in the cramped carriage
Did you give up your seat to the old lady? (It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!)
To get some air in the trolley bus,
Who stuck his head and torso out the window? (Children are silent)

Who knows that the red light -
Does that mean there is no move? (It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!)

Who runs forward so soon
What does not see a traffic light? (Children are silent)

Who knows what green light means:
On the road, let everyone boldly walk? (It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!)

Who near the roadway
Having fun chasing a ball? (Children are silent)

Who the traffic police helps
Is he keeping order? (It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!)

Quest "Safe Path"
Road sign 16 cab.

Check your knowledge of road signs.
-Road alphabet is not so simple! Road signs repeat for now!
I want to ask about the sign
The sign is drawn like this.
Guys in the triangle
They are running with all their might. ("Careful, children!")
We walked home from school
We see a sign on the pavement:
Circle, inside the bike,
There is nothing else! ("Bicycle lane")
Cars rush at full speed,
And suddenly towards the sign:
It has a fence on it.
I rub my eyes, look straight ahead,
The highway is closed for constipation.
And what is this sign? ("Railway crossing with a barrier")
Here is a circle with a red border,
There is no drawing inside.
Maybe a beautiful girl
Should there be a portrait inside?
The circle is empty in winter and summer,
What is this sign called? ("Movement Prohibition")
Man walking in black
Crossed out with a red line.
And the road, like, but
It is forbidden to walk here! ("No Pedestrians")
In a triangle - two brothers
Everyone is rushing somewhere, rushing.
The most important sign in the world -
It's just around... ("Children")
Pedestrian in the blue circle
Don't rush, go.
The path is safe
Here he is not afraid. ("Footpath")
What kind of sign is this?
Stop - he tells the cars ...
A pedestrian! Go boldly
Along the tracks in black and white. ("Crosswalk")
You can find a sign like this
On the fast road
Where is the big hole
And it's dangerous to walk straight
Where the district is being built,
School, house or stadium. ("Road works")
Walk boldly young and old,
Even cats and dogs...
Only here is not a sidewalk -
It's all about the road sign. ("Footpath")
Roman's stomach hurt
Don't get him home.
In a situation like this
We need to find a sign.
Which? ("Point of First Aid")
Final part
Well, this is the end of the road, let's remember the traffic rules that were used in the quest today. Name the skills that helped you safely complete the quest. Add up the resulting elements and guess what it could be.
Sign "Children" made of reflective elements. What is it for? For a safe path.
Presentation of certificates to the teams for the manufacture of a reflective sign "Children".

Interactive game according to traffic rules "From childhood it is necessary to know the rules of the road" for primary school students

Ignatieva Yulia Yuvinalievna, primary school teacher, MBOU "Secondary School No. 30", Cheboksary.
Description: an interactive game developed on the basis of a Microsoft Power Point presentation. The game can be used in working with children different ages primary school teachers, teachers of additional education, students of pedagogical educational institutions, parents.
Topic: Interactive game according to traffic rules "From childhood, it is necessary to know the rules of the road"

Target: consolidate knowledge of the rules of the road.
- repeat and consolidate the rules of the road;
- to instill skills of safe behavior on the street;
- develop logical thinking, cognitive abilities and memory in younger students.
Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, Microsoft Power Point presentation.

The participants of the game are offered a scoreboard with four topics: "Crossword", "Road signs", "Puzzles", "Quiz".

Crossword on traffic rules
Task: solve a crossword puzzle about the basic concepts of traffic rules. To get the correct answer, you must click on the red arrow. To move to the next question, click on the blue arrow.

1. Does not fly, does not buzz,
The beetle runs down the street.
And burn in the eyes of the beetle
Two blinding lights. (Automobile)

2. Our bus was driving, driving,
And drove up to the platform.
And people miss her
Silently transport awaits. (Stop)

3. The bus does not roll here.
Trams will not pass here.
Pedestrians are calm here
They walk along the street. (Sidewalk)

4. There are no police caps,
And in the eyes of a glassy light,
But any machine will say:
You can go or not. (Traffic light)

5. Steering wheel, wheels and pedals.
Did you know the transport for driving?
The brake is there, the cab is not.
Rushing me ... (Bicycle)

6. Girded stone belt
Hundreds of cities and villages. (Highway)

7. If you are in a hurry on the way
Walk across the street
Go where all the people
Where there is a sign ... (Transition)

8. Here he is on the road
and look at the traffic light.
You tell me children
what is his name? (Chauffeur)

9. A strange house rushes along the road -
Round rubber feet.
Filled with passengers
And the tank is full of gas. (Bus)

Puzzles according to traffic rules "Modes of transport"
Task: solve puzzles according to traffic rules about transport.

1. Metro
2. Train
3. Car
4. Bus
5. Tram
6. trolleybus

Test on traffic rules "Road signs"
Task: choose the correct road sign from the given options.

1. Which sign on the road tells the driver that a school is nearby, or Kindergarten Does that mean you should slow down?
2. What sign on the road informs a pedestrian that further movement is prohibited?
3. Which sign tells you not to ride a bike?
4. Which sign says that there is an underground pedestrian crossing nearby?
5. Choose the sign "Pedestrian path"

Quiz "SDA in fairy tales and cartoons"
Task: Give the correct answer.

1. What vehicle did the postman Pechkin use?
2. What did the bunnies ride in the work of K. Chukovsky "Cockroach"?
3. What was the nickname of the traffic controller Uncle Styopa - a policeman?
4. What did Emelya ride from the fairy tale “By the Pike’s Command”?
5. How did Cinderella go to the ball?
6. What vehicle was arriving from Romashkino?

Presentation on the topic: Interactive game according to traffic rules "From childhood, it is necessary to know the rules of the road"

Interactive game "Safety Route"

(preparatory group for school)

Program content:

1. Clarify children's ideas about the characteristic features of health and healthy lifestyle.

Teach children to take care of their health. To consolidate the ability to establish a connection between the causes of the disease and personal hygiene, using visual aids.

2. To teach children to answer the teacher's questions coherently and lively, without deviating from the topic. Enrich children's vocabulary, broaden their horizons.

3. Continue to develop memory, attention, imagination, logical thinking.

To consolidate in children the skills of walking in a column one at a time with performing tasks on a signal, exercise in drill training, exercise in jumping and landing on both feet, crawling under an arc, stepping over reduced support points moving forward, throwing stuffed bags into a hanging and lying goal with rules.

4. To form the ability to analyze, generalize, draw conclusions,


5. Cultivate interest in the world around.

Enrichment of the social (communicative and moral) experience of children;

development of tolerance, patience, the ability to show sympathy and humanity.


banners on plastic racks according to the number of stations,

stand for bench game,

stuffed bags,

plastic track-transformer,

light balls of medium diameter,

climbing arch,

plastic mortars with reduced footprint,


cardboard thermometer,

demonstration handout: photographs on a cardboard basis on the subject of the event,

reflexive-accumulative material: "bag of knowledge" and "pebbles of knowledge",

gymnastic bench.

Preliminary work:

- studying the principles of conducting an interactive game and active methods of teaching preschoolers in distance courses of the educational portal "My University",

Collection and study of material based on the recommendation of the journal "Modern preschool education"No. 3 2011 (Popova S.I.),

Selection and production of visual materials,

Reading in a group of fairy tales on healthy lifestyles "In the country of wadded blankets", "The Tale of Clean and Dirty Hands", "The Tale of the Vredilus Virus", G.Kh. Andersen "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", V. Kataev "Flower-Semitsvetik",

Conducting classes of the cycle "Fundamentals of life safety",

Learning to throw stuffed bags at a target (E.N. Vavilov's learning cards, "We teach preschoolers to run, jump, climb, throw", M., 1983).


(Children, to the music, enter the hall in a column one at a time, go around the hall and line up)

IFC : Today, I suggest you go on an unusual journey, a journey along the “Safety Route”. And what should real travelers take with them when going on a hike?(Answers of children). That's right, backpacks. We take our makeshift backpacks in our right hand and hit the road! And lead us on a journey today...!(IFK chooses a host)

Team: “To the right!”, “Bypassing the hall, with the usual step, march!

(Children move around the hall with a ball in their hands, following commands)


    "Normal step"

    "Bumps" - walking on heels,

    "On tall grass" - walking on toes,

    "Tired of carrying a backpack" - walking on bent legs,

    "It's raining" - easy running the ball on straight arms up,

    “We run around puddles” - easy snake run, ball in right hand,

    "Normal step."

(In the direction of travel, the children put the ball back in the basket and go to the first station, line up in a semicircle)

Station #1: "Hello my friends!"


(Children on command stop at banner No. 1).

Children, what do people do when they meet?(Answers of children).

Quite right, they say hello or wish each other health. So the first thing we will do now is introduce ourselves to each other. Let's play the game "Introduce yourself or Hello my friends."

One two Three! Hurry up, go!(Children on command line up in a circle).

Game "Introduce yourself or Hello my friends."

IFC : Rules of the game: As you pass the flower around, you must state your full name and your best character trait or physical quality which you think is the best for you. I'll start first! Olga Fedorovna! I am an interesting person!

(Children continue)

Well, what about such friendly, courageous, resourceful and inquisitive people during the campaign, it will be interesting for us.

Command: “To the right!”, “Around the hall in a side gallop, facing in a circle, march!”.

Station No. 2: "Dunno" or what we know or do not know about our health

IFK: “Stop, one or two!”, “To the right!”, “Semicircle - become!”(Children on command stop at banner number 2)

Children, listen to the story.

Long ago, the Gods lived on Mount Olympus. They got bored, and they decided to create a man and populate the planet earth. For a long time they thought about what a person should be.

One said: "A man must be strong!"

Another said: "A person must be healthy!"

The third said: "A person must be smart!".

But one of the gods said this: "If a man has all this, he will be like us."

And they decided to hide the main thing that a person has - his health.

They began to think, to decide where to hide their health.

Some said to hide in the blue sea.

Others are for high mountains.

And they hid...

Children, what do you think, where did the gods hide their health?

Children answer:

Quite right, one of the gods said so: "Health must be hidden in the person himself."

This is how a person lives for a long time, trying to find his health. Yes, not everyone can find and save the priceless gift of the gods! It means that health, it turns out, is hidden in me, and in you, and in you. In each of us.

Children, are you healthy?(Answers of children). We will check this now, we will play the game "Measure the temperature and pass the thermometer to another."

IFK: Team: "Left!" "In one column, stand up!"(Children follow the command).

sedentary game"Take your temperature and pass the thermometer to someone else"

Purpose of the game: to consolidate knowledge about the correct temperature measurement and find out the correct temperature value of a healthy person.

IFK: You have taken your temperature. Tell me are you healthy? What are you doing to be healthy?(Answers of children).

Correctly, to be healthy, you need to eat right, temper yourself, play sports, gymnastics, take vitamins, walk more on fresh air... And, of course, perform various special exercises.

We have gymnastics.

Very light and simple!

Movements slow down

The tension is gone!

And it becomes clear

Relaxation is nice!

Let's do our gymnastics complex.

IFK: Team: "Right!"(Children perform rebuilding in a column of three).

Qigong gymnastics complex or Slavic gymnastics complex (duration time 3-4 min.)

(Children perform together with IFC).

Upon completion of the complex:

IFK: Command: "Around the hall in a column in one regular step march."

(Children advance to the next station).

Station No. 3: "Non-Sickness or Vredilus Viruses"

IFK: “Stop, one or two!”, “To the right!”, “Semicircle - become!”(Children on command stop at banner number 3)

IFK: We arrived at the station "Neboleyka or Viruses-Vredilus". Children, do you sometimes get sick? And why is this happening?(Answers of children).

IFC : That's right, different microbes or viruses enter the body. Do you know what viruses and microbes are?(Answers of children).

There are such viruses, viruses - pestilus! If they get into a child's mouth, their stomach will ache!

Viruses are the smallest living organisms that can enter the body of a person, settle inside and cause various serious diseases.

Do you think a person can fight viruses and prevent infection?(Answers of children).

IFK: Of course it can! What should a person do for this?(Answers of children).

Yes, you need to observe hygiene, fight viruses. To defeat viruses requires training, strength, endurance. Therefore, in order to get to the next station and defeat the "virus - vredilus", you must show dexterity and skill. Overcome the obstacle course.

Team: "To the right, through the obstacles - march!".

Obstacle course:

jumping over objects,



(Children overcome the obstacle course).

IFC : Commands: "Normal step march."

Station No. 4: "Sportlandia or Sun, Air and Water"

IFC : Team: "On the spot! Stop!”, “Left!”

(Children on command stop at banner number 4)

We arrived at the station "Sportlandia or the Sun, Air and Water" to defeat the virus - the pestilus. But, first I want to ask you what sayings and proverbs about health do you know?(Answers of children).

    Sun, air and water are our best friends!

    Temper your body for the benefit of the cause!

    Don't be afraid of the cold, wash yourself up to your waist!

    Those who play sports gain strength!

    The sun, air and water always help us!

    Who loves sports is healthy and cheerful!

    Ingenuity is needed and hardening is important!

    In a healthy body healthy mind!

    Start a new life not from Monday, but from morning exercises!

    Strong in body, rich in deed!

    Walking - live long!

    Give time to sports, and in return get health!

IFK: You already know a lot about a healthy lifestyle, so I suggest you play the game "Defeat the pestilus virus!".

(In front of the children, there is a “Virus-Vreedilus” stand, a “Health” basket and throwing bags. Children take one photo with a certain plot, look at it and take turns talking about the plot. Depending on the plot, the children make a throw on the “Virus-Vreedilus” or to the health basket).

IFK: Well done, you did a great job, let's go further on the road.

IFK: Team: "Stand one by one in the column! Bypassing the hall "on all fours" march!

Station No. 5: "The Steadfast Tin Soldier or Tsvetik-Semitsvetik"

IFK: Team: Stop! One-two!”

We arrived at the station "The Steadfast Tin Soldier or Tsvetik-Semitsvetik". Children, let's sit down and talk a little.(The boys bring a bench. The children sit down next to the banner number 5).

In the group, the teachers read you the fairy tales "The Steadfast Tin Soldier" and "Flower-Semitsvetik". Let's remember who wrote the fairy tale about the tin soldier?(Answers of children).

IFC : That's right, Hans Christian Andersen.

Children, tell me: How did the 25th tin soldier differ from the rest? Why didn't the boy throw out the 25th soldier? Did the absence of a leg make the soldier better or worse than other soldiers? Has he forgotten how to live, love, make friends and protect his neighbor? Do you think G.H. Did Andersen love his hero, the tin soldier? Would you like to have such a friend and why?(Answers of children).

And in the fairy tale "Flower-Semitsvetik", what did you learn special about?(Answers of children).

IFC : A girl helped a boy who could not walk because his legs hurt. She showed kindness.

We know that people with disabilities live among us.

I will tell you one story.

During the Great Patriotic War pilot Alexei Maresyev, while performing a combat mission, shot down 4 enemy aircraft, but still his plane was hit by the Nazis, and the pilot himself was seriously wounded. 18 days on wounded legs, crawling, hungry and freezing, he made his way to the front line. Barely alive, he was found by the inhabitants of one of the villages in that district. When he was taken to the hospital, his legs had to be taken away, but the pilot did not want to give up. They made him good prostheses (artificial legs) and he managed to return to the army again and fight and defeat the enemy of the Fatherland to the bitter end.

Listen to another story.

Athletes with disabilities in Russia, who had prostheses instead of legs, conquered the mountain peak. At the Paralympic Games, Russian athletes with disabilities win many awards for victory.

This story is about a boy.

The boy Oleg Akkuratov was born blind, but when he was very young, he learned to play the piano perfectly. At the age of 3, he played the piano better than a student of the 1st grade of a music school.

How hard it is for such people in life, but they cope and live a full and interesting life.

I offer you the game "The Blind and the Guide".

Sedentary game "Blind and guide".

(At the end of the game, the IFC asks the children about their feelings).

IFC : Such people deserve respect and support.

It's time for us to move on, to the last station.

Team: “Stand in one line! Right! Bypassing the hall, it’s easy to run with the shin whipping back, march!”

(Children advance to the next station)

Station #6: "My affirmations and reflection."

IFK: Team: Stop! Right! Get in the circle!"

(Children on command stop at banner number 6 and stand in a circle) .

IFK: Children, we have arrived at the terminal station. In order to complete our journey along the "Route of Safety", let's do exercises that will set us up for health, friendliness and self-confidence.

Close your eyes slightly, calm down. Quietly but firmly repeat after me the words of the mood:

I am healthy, nothing hurts me.

I am happy, I am in a good mood.

I love everyone and don't wish harm on anyone.

IFC : Here is your "Knowledge Bag". You have already started to fill it. The bag has already accumulated a lot of knowledge that you have acquired in the classroom in kindergarten. And today we will replenish this bag with new knowledge acquired in our journey. Take a pebble from the box, tell what exactly you learned new today and what you liked or didn’t like, and then put the pebble of knowledge into the bag.(Children do).

I thank you for your participation.

Command: “To the right!”, “From the hall to the group, right shoulder forward, march!”

MADOU d \ s No. 37 "Crane" of the combined type

Department of Education Orekhovo-Zuevsky

municipal district


GCD of the integrated lesson:

Interactive exhibition-game "Safety route"

Prepared by: IFC Lebedeva O.F.



Natalia Kartashova
Summary of the lesson using the interactive game on road safety for preschoolers "Station" Safe "

Target: To form children's knowledge about road safety and traffic rules.

The relevance of the manual: designed for educators preschool institutions , parents and children.

Work form: individual; group.

Age: 6 - 7 years (preparatory group)

Game and didactic equipment: interactive board, laptop, presentation games« Station« Safe» .

Interactive the manual will help the children to get acquainted with the rules traffic and road safety.

Game progress:

Interactive road safety game for preschoolers« Station« Safe» (slide number 1).

caregiver: We live in a beautiful city, with wide streets, along which a lot of trucks and cars move, a lot of people walk. And no one bothers anyone! This is because there are strict rules for drivers and pedestrians. (slide number 2).

The game "Questions and answers" (slide number 3)

Questions: (slide number 4)

Where do you need to cross the street?

Where should pedestrians walk?

Can you play on the road?

What sign hangs near schools and kindergartens?

What are the names of the people who walk down the street?

What are the names of the people who ride the bus?

What is the name of the person who drives the car?

What is the name of the part of the street where cars drive?

caregiver: I suggest you play the following game "Riddles and Riddles" (slide number 5).

caregiver: Listen first riddle: (slide number 6 - a riddle) On the back of my flasher. It's obvious that I'm in a hurry. In yards, porches, parks - I put things in order. I blink my blue eyes

and in pursuit of food immediately.

Children give the answer: Police car.

caregiver: That's right, you guessed it! Look at the screen! (slide number 7 with a picture of a police car).

caregiver: (slide number 8 - riddle) At the transition strip on the side of the road roads, a three-eyed one-legged beast, weather unknown to us. With multi-colored eyes - talking to us! Red eye - looking at us! Stop! Says his order. Yellow eye - looking at us! Carefully!

And the green eye is for us! Can! This is how the silent one conducts his conversation ....

Children give the answer: Traffic light.

caregiver: Check it out! (slide number 9 with a picture of a traffic light) Well done! Guessed, of course, the traffic light!

caregiver: (slide number 10 - riddle) There are markings on it, but there are countless signs along it.

Different cars drive along it - trucks, cars, small and large! Can't be

there are many options here! One answer is...

Children give the answer: Road.

caregiver: Check it out! (slide number 11 with a picture roads and cars) . That's right, this road!

caregiver: (slide number 12 - riddle) They stand on the roadside, silently talking to us. Everyone is ready to help. The main thing is to understand them.

Children give the answer: Road signs.

caregiver: Check it out! (slide number 13 with a picture road signs) . it road signs that help both drivers and pedestrians on road.

caregiver: (slide number 14 - riddle) Drinks gasoline like milk, can drive far. Carries cargo and people, you can ride in it.

Children give the answer: Car (automobile).

caregiver: Check it out! (slide number 15 with a picture of a car). That's right, it's a car! Cars are different, a lot of them travel around the city. Pedestrians need to be very careful and attentive when crossing roads and streets.

caregiver: (slide number 16 - riddle) I'm sitting at the wheel I look at the road. Guessed! Tell. What they call me...

Children give the answer: Driver (chauffeur).

caregiver: Check it out! (slide number 17 with a picture of the car and the driver). You guessed it, well done guys! It's the driver!

caregiver: (slide number 18 - a riddle) If you are not in a car, but go on foot forward. So, remember that from now on you are not a driver, but ...

Children give the answer: A pedestrian.

caregiver: Check it out! (slide number 19 with a picture of a pedestrian on "zebra"). That's right, pedestrian!

caregiver: (slide number 20 - a riddle) Commanding the rod, he directs all. And the whole crossroads - one manages. He is like a magician, a machine trainer. And his name is.

Children give the answer: traffic controller (police officer).

caregiver: Check it out! (slide number 21 with the image of a policeman - traffic controller). Yes, you guessed it! Policeman standing on road called a regulator.

caregiver: (slide number 22 - a riddle) Striped pointer, like a wand from a fairy tale.

Children give the answer: Police baton.

caregiver: Check it out! (slide number 23 with a picture of a police baton.) Correct answer! It's a traffic controller's baton! If not on road traffic light, then the policeman helps to regulate the movement of cars - a rod.

caregiver: (slide number 24 - a riddle) Reply to my question: what animal helps us to cross the street?

Children give the answer: Zebra!

caregiver: Check it out! (slide number 25 depicting a pedestrian crossing - zebras). Well done, it's a zebra!

caregiver: (slide number 26 - a riddle) Reply to my question: Everyone knows stripes: children know, adults know. On the other side leads, pedestrian ...

caregiver: Check it out! (slide number 27 with the image of a pedestrian crossing). Of course it's a crosswalk, guys! He helps us to move road! And only in this place, where a pedestrian crossing is indicated, it is necessary to cross the carriageway!

caregiver: (slide number 29) Our guys are going to kindergarten, our guys are in a hurry! Even though you have no patience, wait! Red light. Yellow light on the way - get ready to go! Green light on the way - here, now go! And now I propose to play mobile games!

The game "Merry Traffic Light" (slide number 30)

Game - relay race « Road signs» (slide number 31)

The game "Pedestrians and Drivers" (slide number 32)

caregiver: And we will finish our stay on stations« Safe» poems. Poems about rules traffic(slide number 33).

1. Girls and boys,

All, without exception,

Learn the rules


2. The traffic light helps us

Tells all passers-by

Red light - no move.

Yellow - wait

Green - go.

3. Striped transition

We are waiting for you on your back

Through him road

You can move forward.

4. We must remember every hour:

At it's dangerous to play

Gotta choose a place

Where not afraid to play.

5. To live without grief,

Run, swim and fly

We must traffic rules

Observe always and everywhere.

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