Tabletop simulator how to choose color

computer programTable Top Simulator(hereinafter referred to as the gaming table or just a table) quickly became the most popular among those who are seriously interested in board games, as it allows you to try "in action" popular games: enthusiasts scan real games or take official pnp versions and make so-called game modules out of them. On the gaming table of your monitor, the module with the game looks as if it were located in front of you. real game. You can watch the game yourself, moving all its components and making moves for all players, or you can play it online with friends. About how to join this hobby - Comrade tells below. Pard.

First you need to install on your computer the free Steam system, which is designed to run the most different games, paid and free, and register in the system. The password should be chosen complex - with numbers, and with uppercase-capital letters.

After that, you will have to spend money once - on the program itself. You can buy it. Payment is possible different ways, including SMS from your phone.

Games for which modules for the table have already been created can be found in the official list. To be able to immediately add the games you need, log in (on the page, top right), indicating your account and password:

In the "sort" menu, it is most convenient to select the "new" item to find out which games have been added for recent times. Or you can use the search by the name of the game you are interested in. Here, for example, what result will give a search by letter ENG, which users often tag games in Russian:

Finding desired game, open its page and click on the "Subscribe" button - the game will be automatically downloaded and added to your program the next time it is launched, and will also be automatically updated if the author of the module has made a new version:

To launch the gaming table, first launch itself Steam. Its icon will appear at the bottom of the screen, and by selecting the “settings” item, immediately uncheck the box to download Steam every time you start the system. Then select from the menu Table Top Simulator:

When you first start the table, you will be asked to undergo training - you will be taught how to move all the game elements, as well as change the viewing angle of the gaming table itself. This can be done later by selecting from the menu tutorial, and to start personal game(offline) must be selected single player:

A menu will open for selecting the ones sewn into the program. classic games- checkers, chess, backgammon, mahjong and more. And to launch the game module that you noted on the official website, click on the button Workshop:

A list of all the games you have marked will open. If it is very large, you can use sorting or the search box to find the game you need:

We select the game and it starts - the latest version created by the author of the module. The control buttons in the gaming table are simple and, if you forgot them, you can always check them by clicking on Esc and selecting their scheme from the menu:

The complete control scheme looks like this:

For all its seeming complexity, in practice, most actions with the components of the game can be performed using the mouse (both buttons and the wheel), and only sometimes using the keyboard (most often alt for close viewing of maps, and the famous keys A-W-S-D to move the camera).

Games for which there are modules in the table, I enter in the regularly updated table of contents of my list of games. Now 585 games are marked in it that have a TTS module - such games have a word written between the number of players and their genre table:

12 days(2011) 12 holidays 3-5 table for parties 15 min

And in the list itself on BGG similar game there is a corresponding icon and a link to its module:

Rights holders sometimes delete modules on the official website, and after that it is impossible to download them through links, but there are self-made collections of all game modules that were posted on the website on the network. The kit as of 09/23/2015 can be taken (and this is a list of the games in it). The downloaded module must be copied to the folder with other modules - ...\My Documents\My Games\Tabletop Simulator\Mods\Workshop - the location of the files is configured in the program. In this case, the game will be available from the regular menu, but the module will not be updated.

With the game loaded on the table, you can do anything, just like with a regular game - the program does not monitor the execution of any rules. Thus, you can customize it to your taste by changing any of its elements (for example, making a Russian version or a variant with house rules that imply a special layout of game components) and saving the result either in a save file (it will be available only to you), or sending it for publication on the official website (paragraph Workshop Upload in the menu) to make your version of the game available for download for all board game lovers. But this is a topic for a separate article.

We play X-wing miniatures sitting at the computer.

Tabletop Simulator is a simulator of any board game. AT this moment time it is quite mature in order to play X-wing in it.

But from scratch to figure out how to do it is not commonplace. So I decided to write instructions.

For starters, I suggest watching a short video where I "show the goods with my face":


Then here is the instruction "what to do to play".

1. Preparation

Actually, you will need Steam if you don't already have it. We go to , download the client with the button on the top right.

We install, set up an account, link a card to pay for Tabletop Simulator.

1.1 Purchase, installation of the simulator

AT Steam client looking for Tabletop Simulator:

We go to his page, buy, install.

In general, everything.

Unless I would run it once after installation, before further actions.

1.2 Subscribe to mods that add X-wing components

UPD. dated February 2017 - since the article was written, the links are outdated, here is the current mod

We are interested in the "Subscribe" button.

Now ignore the next three subsections.

1.2.1 X-Wing Miniatures Game - Complete Collection - Star Wars

First, let's add a mod that contains everything in itself. Ships, tokens, cards, templates, etc.

We find it by searching in the Steam workshop by name, or simply follow the link

We are interested in the "Subscribe" button:

(you must be logged into your steam account in the browser)

Now in the simulator you can do something like this:

(the blue dream of any fan at the same time star wars and board games :)

Pay attention - this is a subscription, in the sense that updated version The mod will be installed automatically for you. So read the changelog and be prepared for changes. For example, I encountered a significant change right in the course of writing the instructions :))

Wangyu that one day the convenience of updating will bring problems - like a mod, it may disappear, at the request of the copyright holder. Wait and see.

1.2.2 X-Wing table (with Automated Movement)

In the same way, add the second and latest mod, which is a convenient table, with a set of necessary maneuvers and tokens.

Most importantly, he is specially trained to automate the movement of ships, this is very valuable.

1.2.3 Component Collections

Ships, upgrade cards, maneuver discs, all of this, preferably divided into factions.

All this, though one-time, but hemorrhoids, so you can do it easier than a lot of poking your hands.

loading archives.

Unpack these archives here:

C:\Users\ <каталог пользователя> \Documents\My Games\Tabletop Simulator\Saves\Chest

It should look something like this:


And, I congratulate you, we have finished all one-time actions.

2. Game, for the first time and not only. As well as the basics of playing in Tabletop Simulator

So, what actions will you perform each time (some not every time, but regularly).

2.1 Starting a game server to which an opponent can connect

Launch Tabletop Simulator:

We are interested in Multiplayer-> host server(Our rival, obviously, Server Browser) -> enter some server name and password (we will tell our opponent about them) -> Create Server.

(when someone connected to our server, his nickname was displayed in the upper right corner. Click on it right click mouse and select Promote, otherwise he will not be able to participate in the game.)

A window will open with the choice "what kind of game do we want to run." We are interested in the pictogram Steam Workshop in the upper left corner:

A list of "mods" you are subscribed to will open.

You, if you followed only these instructions of mine, will have two mods. We need X-wing table, click on it:

So, we are at the gaming table. It has two playing fields(both will be useful to us at once except for a game of four, but each pair is independent). The field pattern can be changed - read the text in notebook(icon in the top menu), it contains a memo on the main points (in English):

What do we see here:

  • in the center, between the fields - a set of tokens needed in the game, as well as cubes;
  • right and left - maneuver patterns, distance ruler, asteroids;
  • the colored rectangles above and below (gray, red, green, blue) are the player's "private area". There should be placed what should be hidden from the eyes of the opponent. In the X-wing, this is the maneuver disk;
  • the rectangle (here with the symbol of the Resistance on the near side, and the Empire on the far side) between the private area and the field is our part of the table.
    In it we will place the cards of ships, pilots, count the removed shield tokens and received damage cards.

Quick reminder:

  • while holding the mouse wheel - move around the table. The same can be done with WASD;
  • mouse wheel zooms in and out;
  • double clicking with the wheel quickly zooms to the area of ​​the table where the cursor is now. Or the Z button;
  • with the right button pressed, turn the camera;
  • take objects with the left button;
  • if it's a deck of cards, click and drag to take the top card.
    Clicking, waiting a second or two and pulling - we take the entire deck;
  • you can frame and select several objects;
  • the object on which the cursor is hovered (or several objects selected together) can be deleted with the Del button or the context menu item;
  • Erroneously deleted objects can be restored with Ctrl+Z. All other actions are also canceled in this way;
  • Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V also work.

Well, or, if there is nothing to get yet, we will assemble a detachment for ourselves.

2.2 Saving the "build"

The concept is as follows:

  1. We put the ship on the table (several copies are placed, according to the number of pilots, each with its own pilot ("cookie")).
    We transfer the ship with the desired pilot and his card to our table area.
    Rename large (Large) ships - add "LGS" to their name at the end, this is a requirement of the mod. The script for automatic movement of ships handles large and small ships differently, but it can only distinguish between large and small ships by these three letters at the end, we must add them manually.
  2. We call the decks of upgrades, we are looking for desired cards in them, we transfer them to our table area.
  3. We call maneuver disks for the necessary ships, transfer them to our table area.
  4. We count the shields for each ship, transfer them to our table area.

For all this, we need to open the "Chest":

Host(top menu) -> Chest-> Saved Objects and see further

2.2.1 Ship selection

This is what the complete chain looks like:

Button Saved Objects opens collections. In the list you see the collections added in paragraph 1.2.3.

In addition, we will expand this list at the end of this paragraph.

Pay attention to the triangular arrow on the right side of the line (here - Imperial Ships). Here Imperial Ships is a folder. Hovering over it with the mouse cursor, we will see this arrow, clicking on it (exactly on it, this is important), we will reveal the contents of the directory. Here they are gray lines, each corresponding to one ship. For example, Decimator. Here we will click on this gray line-button.

Several ships of the selected type will appear on the field:

Here we have 4 Decimators, each with a different pilot (his name is displayed on hover), and a deck of Decimator pilot cards.

(on this table, the deck falls among the tokens and dice, because of this it often gets up "on the butt", and then it is easy to miss it, be careful. Alternatively, you can build your own build on some simpler table).

we need three actions:

  1. We drag the ship with the desired pilot to our table area.
  2. (if it is a large ship) We call the context menu for it, the penultimate line in the menu is the name of the ship. Add at the end LGS.
  3. Call the context menu for the deck -> Search-> Private Search

Then select extra ships and maps -> Delete.

We repeat for each ship of our detachment.

2.2.2 Selecting an upgrade

in a very similar way Host-> Chest-> Saved Objects -> Upgrade Cards(open with an arrow) - > [deck of the chosen type, for example Crew].

A deck will fall on the field, right click -> Search-> Private Search. A window appears with the cards of this deck, from it we drag the desired card.

If there are many cards, use the search.

If we need several copies of the map - drag one, and then Ctrl + C Ctrl + V.

(I made myself one deck with all, all upgrades (because of the number of elements, it is displayed as a bag) to add one, and then just search for the right one inside it)

One way or another, we lay out the necessary cards on our table area.

Then select extra decks and cards -> Delete.

2.2.3 Choice of maneuver discs

in a very similar way Host-> Chest-> Saved Objects -> X-wing Auto Duals(open with an arrow) - > [line with the right ship] (search is also available here, top line).

The disk of maneuvers is represented by a specific scattering, but it is necessary. Drag it somewhere closer to the rest.

2.2.4 Shields

Shield tokens are in the center.

Move the cursor over their stack, left-click and, without releasing, right-click as many times as you need shields for one of your ships. How many tokens you will take.

Put them somewhere on the table, select them, context menu -> group.

Drag the resulting single column onto the ship map.

Repeat for each ship.

Uff, everything.

2.2.5 Saving a build

There are now several ships, cards, and tokens in your table area.

Select them all -> context menu -> Save to Chest.

A window will appear for saving your set of objects, in our case, the build.

Specify an adequate name, and click on the button Folder to choose in which directory you will save this unit.

It makes sense to create separate directories like "Scam Builds", "Imp Builds", "Rebel Builds". If there are none now, create (as usual Host-> Chest-> Saved Objects -> Create Folder).

Save the build in the correct folder.

2.3 Start and play

We will have one-time actions at the beginning of the game, and actions every turn. Let's start in order.

2.3.1 Start of the game

Everything is not at the computer:

  1. Scattered asteroids.
  2. The ships were laid out.
  3. Shuffled the damage deck.
  4. They connected the maneuver disk with the ship (it's not like not at the computer, but oh well). Asteroids

Asteroids and wilds are located along the edges of the fields. Pull something out of the pile/bag. Two heaps of asteroids - from the original starter and from the new one.

And now, using the numbers 1..6 on the keyboard, change the pulled out asteroid / jungle to an asteroid of the desired configuration / size. Ships

We take the mouse and put.

Q,E or mouse wheel will allow you to rotate the ship. Damage deck

Located in the right corner of the field.

Right click on it -> Shuffle. Communication of the ship with the maneuver disk

Spreads the ship's maneuver disk (in the form of a bunch of maneuvers) in his private area of ​​​​the field (the opponent will not see them, i.e. will not see which one we have chosen).

We put the ship in the center of this group of objects. Our goal is for each maneuver to be at a distance of 1 from the ship:

We call the context menu for the ship -> the bottom line -> we write the sd command in it -> without pressing Enter or something else, we poke the mouse somewhere to the side to close the menu.

In the chat on the left, something like "eleven maneuvers tied successfully" should be written. We check if the number in the log matches the number of maneuvers for this ship. If not, some of the maneuvers are far away, drag them closer and repeat.

We transfer the ship to the field, we leave the disks in this area invisible to rivals.

2.3.2 Game progress

The most interesting are the maneuvers:

  1. Hover over the desired maneuver, turn it over with the button F.
  2. We put it upside down on the field near the ship.
  3. PROFIT!!!111

But seriously, there will be buttons on the disk Delete and Flip. The first is needed if you change your mind and want to replace the maneuver, the second is for maneuvering.

Click it, a button will appear move, press it and the ship will perform the maneuver itself:

The button on the disk will change to Delete, by pressing we will return the disk to its place, to our private zone.

(After moving the ship is locked. To unlock the context menu -> Toggle-> uncheck lock)

for a barrel, use the commands (on the bottom line of the context menu):

xe = Barrel Roll left
xr = Barrel Roll right
xef = Barrel Roll left forward
xrf = Barrel Roll right forward
xeb = Barrel Roll left back
xrb = Barrel Roll right back

cs = decloak straight
ce = decloak left
cr = decloak right
cef/ceb = decloak left front/back
crf/crb = decloak right front/back

Choose the ship that shoots.

The distance and the arch can be measured "classically" by taking the distance ruler. But often this is inconvenient.

So we call the context menu for the ship, enter the letter r in the bottom line -> close the menu by clicking somewhere outside it. A tool for determining the distance and sector of fire will appear:

As you can see, now the Tie Fighter is in the shooting sector at Ghost, and at the third distance from him.

Delete this thing with the button Remove at its base, directly below the ship.

In order to shoot everything is simple:

  1. We take the red cubes from the slide in the center of the table. We take the first one with the left button, holding it with the right button we get the required number of cubes.
  2. We take them to the field.
  3. Highlight, press the button r, one or more times - so we throw them.
    In fact, it can be easier - while we hold them down with the mouse button, just shake them with the same mouse movement, and then release. (you can shuffle a deck of cards in the same way - holding and shaking it, in x-wing, this is useful for the damage deck at the beginning of the round)
  4. If you need to transfer them (Predator there or target capture) - transfer by highlighting and pressing r(or again just "shaking" the mouse).
    If you need to change the value by changing the eye to a hit by throwing off a focus token, or there is a sensor hit on the eye with a jammer - move the cursor over the cube and press the numbers 1..8 on the keyboard, each number corresponds to some face.

Well, in the same way, the opponent operates with green cubes.

We then manually count hits, remove shield tokens, draw cards from the damage deck, and place them on the appropriate ship cards.

It seems to be the main thing.

Tabletop Simulator is a simulation of popular board games. The peculiarity of this simulator is that it allows you to create your own own games thanks to realistic physics. That is, the player can move objects as he wants, thereby gaining complete freedom in action. This simulator contains 15 variants of classic board games (chess, checkers, card games, backgammon, dominoes, etc.). The presence of multiplayer will allow you to play board games with different people around the world, collecting funny companies at the virtual table. There is also a single player game that is perfect for solitaire lovers.

Tortuga 1667
- Pillars of Eternity: Lords of the Eastern Reach
- Darkest Night
- The Red Dragon Inn: The Great Dinosaur Rush
- The Red Dragon Inn: Battle For Greyport
-Three Kingdoms Redux
- Kickstarter Pointer
- Kickstarter Gold
- superfight
- Cosmic Encounter Connector
- Euphoria
- Superfight: The Orange Deck
- Cosmic Incursion
- Mistfall
- Superfight: The Red Deck
- Darkest Night
- Tiny Epic Galaxies
- Battle For Souls
- Cosmic Conflict
- Scythe
-Tiny Epic Kingdoms
- In the Name of Odin
- Indonesia
- Scuttle!
- Warfighter
- Spirits of the Rice Paddy
- The Captain Is Dead
- Zombicide
- Mr. Game!
- Cosmic Alliance
- Simurgh
-Wizard's Academy
- Three Cheers For Master
- Cosmic Storm
- Tiny Epic Defenders
- Darkrock Ventures
-Tiny Epic Western
- Xia: Legends of a Drift System
- Cosmic Dominion
- Abraca...What?
- Khronos Hunter
- Cavern Tavern

System requirements:
Operating system: Windows XP (SP2), 7, 8, 10
✔ Video card: Integrated
✔ Disk space: 4 GB

Genre: simulation
Developer: Berserk Games
Platform: PC
Version: 12.1 + All DLC
Interface language: English

Size: 1.15 GB

Download Tabletop Simulator v12.1 + All DLC - full version- torrent

All of these achievements can be obtained in single player as well as in multiplayer. They are easier to get in single player if you are not the host of the room.

Attack of the Figurines!
One RPG figure must attack another.

Select "Games", then "Classic", and after that "RPG". Move one figure to another. While this figure is selected (hover over it), press the number 2 on your keyboard or numeric keypad to perform an attack.

Be Social
You wrote a message to the global chat, hooray!

In the main menu (as well as in single and multiplayer modes) there is a chat window at the bottom left of the screen. If it is not there, then click on the small dialogue cloud to make the chat appear again. Select the "Global" tab, press Enter, type something, and then press Enter again to send the message.

color me pretty
Recolor 1000 objects in different colors.

Right click on the object and select "Color Tint". Then choose a color from the palette.
- Most fast way to do this: start a game that has many objects (Chinese checkers, RPG, etc.), select as many objects as possible at the same time. Then right click, choose "Color Tint" and choose different colors from the palette.
- You CAN NOT paint an object, rewind time and paint the same object again. It won't count.

Use your personal color page in your notebook.

At the top of the screen, select "Notebook". When the notebook appears, click on the cell labeled "White" (or any other color) to open your personal notebook page.

Don't Touch!
Block 5000 objects at all times.

To lock an object, hover over the object to highlight it. Then press the L key to lock it. You can also right-click on an object and select the "Lock" checkbox found in the "Toggles" list.
- The fastest way to do this: start a game that has a lot of objects (Chinese checkers, RPG, etc.), select as many objects as possible at the same time. Then right-click, and press the "Lock" button non-stop until you get the achievement.
- You CAN NOT fix the object, rewind time back and fix the same object again. It won't count.

money, money, money
Spawn 10,000 poker chips!

The fastest way to get this achievement is to start a game of "Poker" and select all the chips, and then use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V to copy and paste them until the achievement is obtained.
- A stack of chips counts as one chip, so it's better to split the stack into individual tiles to get the achievement a little faster.

Rage Quit
Flip the table in absolute rage... 100 times.

Ultimate Rage
Flip the table 1000 times.

The easiest way to get both table flip achievements is to select one of the listed classic games in Games. Then click on "Flip table" and repeat until you get the achievement.
- Table flips will count even if you keep pressing "Flip Table" after you have already flipped one table. The chat will still say that the table is turned over.

Space Time Fun
Play a game in zero gravity.

Select "Host", then "Options". Set the "Gravity Multiplier" to 0. Save the whole thing with the "Save & Exit" button.

You've spawned special developer figurines!

Select "Host", then "Chest". Then choose "Figurines". Click on all the figures until you get the achievement.

Treasure Trove
Store 100 objects in the chest.

To save an object to a chest, right-click on the object and select "Save to Chest". A window will appear asking for the name of the object. Enter something (if this name has not been used before) and select "Save".
- To access an object saved in a chest, select "Host", then "Chest", then "Saved Objects" in the lower right corner.

Change your color 50 times.

Select "Menu", then "Change Color". Click on one of the color circles that appear to change the color.