Tch passage. Passage of the mod “The Last Stalker. Water Rat at STP

Walkthrough - the mystery of the Chernobyl Zone

Stalker Marked is the only survivor of a car accident when a truck exploded from a lightning strike and crashed into a ditch in the northern Cordon area. Only the driver was unlucky - the other passengers in the back were not affected by the explosion, as they were already dead. The traumatic brain injury led to amnesia. The hero has no name and no memories. All that connects him to the past is the tattoo "S.T.A.L.K.E.R." and a pocket computer with a photo and a laconic task: "Kill Strelok!". I would like to know who this Strelok is ...

Now our hero is a guest at the merchant Sidorovich, whose bunker is located on the southern outskirts of the Zone next to the army checkpoint. Sidorovich does not get into the personal affairs of Marked, but the debt must be paid off. And the merchant gives the first task - to help free the stalker captured by the bandits in order to return a valuable flash drive with information.

Note: follow the story quests and even complete the first task is not necessary. You can at any time go on a free hunt or do side quests. Remember - the more often and more actively you move away from the main storyline, the more you explore the world of the Zone, the easier it will be to pass the later stages of the game, when you will have valuable artifact samples of weapons and armor.


So, tutorial mode. Get out of the bunker, get comfortable with the controls, read the basic information and go to the farm where the stalkers settled. Here you can talk to people, steal some food from the basement, listen to jokes and finally talk to a stalker named Wolf. He will give you a pistol and ammunition, saying that the bandits are holding a prisoner at the motor-tractor station and three stalkers are already hiding nearby, not daring to take the MTS by storm.

Past the skeleton of the bus, go out onto the big road. On the right is a military checkpoint, you don't need to go there. On the left, next to the car and concrete blocks, in front of the bridge lies the wounded stalker Tolik. Help him with a first aid kit (it lies nearby) and listen to the radio communications of a helicopter flying around.

Now - the first mission. She is very difficult to teach, so brace yourself. Stalkers are waiting for you by the road - here you will have a choice: go on the assault with everyone or try to deal with the bandits alone, in the style of Rambo. The first option is easier, the second is more interesting.

The bandits are armed with pistols and shotguns. Defeat them all and talk to Swift. I wonder where he kept the drive that the bandits did not find it? To celebrate, the released prisoner will share with you the location of a valuable cache.

Note: here, Nimble can give the first side quest - the search for the "perfect" suit. The suit (a unique gangster jacket with sewn-in elements of body armor) lies where the arrow points on the map - in the depths of the tunnel to the right near the wall. The pseudo-dog guards the treasure. You can return the costume to Shustrom or put it on yourself.

Return the flash drive to the merchant and don't forget to check in with the Wolf along the way.

The merchant will reward you with some information about the Strelok and what is happening in the Zone. It turns out that the central regions of the Zone, the richest in artifacts, are inaccessible to the public due to the mysterious radiation that makes the brain boil.

Note: you can get some more from the merchant side missions. Many have a time limit, so it makes sense to take one at a time.

A briefcase with secret documents will help to reveal the secret of mysterious events. It is hidden on the third floor of the Agroprom Institute. The problem is that the institute is in the hands of the military, and it is very difficult to take it by storm. Let's start small - how to get into the northern region of Cordon, behind the military checkpoint under the destroyed bridge?

There are two ways to go north behind the destroyed bridge. First, on the advice of the merchant - to the left of the bridge through a narrow tunnel with electrical anomalies. At the dead stalker in the PDA, you will find notes that these anomalies are flashing around the system. Apparently, the owner of the PDA caught the system incorrectly. The second option is to go to the right of the bridge through the hole in the fence. There it is very important not to take to the right, so as not to fly into the radiation spot. Finally, the soldiers can simply be shot down.

North Cordon

Pleased with your success, Sidorovich will get in touch and offer to talk with a stalker named Fox - he just wandered somewhere nearby and fought off mutants with varying degrees of success. You will find the fox in one of the dilapidated houses. He killed a lot of blind dogs, but he himself got it. I hope you have a first aid kit? Help Fox deal with a large pack of dogs.

He himself knows nothing about Strelka, but his brother, Gray, who lives in an abandoned factory two kilometers to the north, may know. Forward! You need to get through the checkpoint occupied by the bandits in order to go to the dump area.

Cemetery of technology

It will not be so easy to visit Gray - the bandits have flooded the district. They shoot at stalkers and for some reason try to seize the radioactive cemetery of equipment, which is defended by stalkers led by Bes.

The demon will offer you help in the defense of the camp - it's up to you whether you agree or not. Here you can get hold of submachine guns and AKS-74U. In any case, you will have to stock up on ammo and first aid kits in order to break through the fortifications of the bandits on the road north to the factory. If you are confident, you can sit in the tech graveyard and try to protect it. First, the bandits will go from the east, then from the south and from the north. Ammunition will quickly run out - you will not only have to collect them from the bodies, but also shake them out of the weapon lying on the ground.

Once you decide that there is nothing else for you to do here, follow the road to the north. Don't miss the Gray's habitat - you will be asked on the radio to help protect the building from bandits advancing from the east. And here is Gray himself. He will transfer you to another friend - a stalker nicknamed Mole, who, it seems, unearthed a cache where the Strelok kept his things.

Before you go to the Mole, stock up on ammunition, bandages and first aid kits. On the way to the east, to the Scientific Research Institute of Agroprom, bandits sat behind concrete slabs. You can try to fire at them under the protection of half-open iron gates.


The NII area is controlled by soldiers - on the road you will constantly encounter patrols. Outside the gates of the institute, stalkers are fighting with the military. Help Mole's group and he'll show you the entrance to the sewer system where the Gunslinger once kept his valuables.

This dungeon will also lead you to the research center, where the briefcase that the merchant needs is stored on the third floor.

Note: in the center of a small lake in the northwest of the area, you can talk to a character - a non-aggressive soldier, who will tell you that the only way to get into the research center without noise is through the catacombs. Don't forget to find at least one silent pistol before climbing into the dungeon - very soon you will need stealth.


Below you will be warmly welcomed by the bandits. Do not go where electrical anomalies flare up - go down the spiral staircase to the lower level, into the realm of the cheerful green lights of the witch's jelly, to the inquisitive bloodsuckers.

After dealing with the mutants and a few stray soldiers, climb the stairs in the pipe to the cache. There are two interesting things here. First, the rapid-fire AK-74, the one and only. Secondly, a flash drive with information about Strelok. He will lead you to a stalker named Ghost, one of Strelok's associates.

Carefully move further along the dungeon and get ready to meet the first controller in the game. If you have grenades - good. If not, you can also live. Hide from him around the corner and fire at him in quick bursts so that he does not have time to capture the attention of the stalker.

After waiting for the evening (you may have to go to drink tea), come out from under the ground. You are inside the perimeter of the research center, and your goal is to steal the coveted suitcase from the third floor.

Research Center

It will not work to pass it entirely in stealth mode, no matter how you hide from sentries. A suitcase with documents is on the third floor in a room with a wonderful-looking appliances. You will have to fight your way to the exit. Fortunately, the helicopter is here just like that, no one is going to fire at the character from the air.

There is another way to get to the suitcase - brute force. Having indicated your presence, immediately run to the house across the road and, when the soldiers jump out into the open, fire at them through the window. In the building of the research center it is convenient to take positions in the stairwells.

With a suitcase in hand, return to the landfill area and go north, to the Debt checkpoint. They will let you in there when they find out that you are carrying a suitcase to the bartender. If Duty asks you to help with the hordes of those fleeing from the Dark Valley region, from the east, do not refuse - and the bartender will then give you a fee.

It is best to run past a pack of furious dogs with a bottle of energy drink. The Duty post will shoot the dogs if they chase you in a fit of courage. You are in Bar. This is the central area where stalkers come to relax, chat, have a drink at the bar or fight in the Arena.

The bartender will be your next quest giver. The documents speak of a secret X-18 base somewhere in the Dark Valley area. The door to the laboratory is opened by two keys. One bartender will give you, the other will have to be obtained from a bandit named Borov, who set up his camp near the entrance to the laboratory.

dark valley

To get to the valley, you have to run through an area of ​​​​high radiation, so prepare an antidote. You will be met by an unfamiliar debtor named Bullet, interrogating a wounded bandit (he will be here even if you make your way into the area without a quest). The stalker will offer you to help him with an ambush - two bandits are leading a captive comrade, a stalker named Semyon, on the way to the factory.

Once in place, sit behind the stop, wait for the bandits to pass, and open fire when the stalker starts shooting. Having rescued Senya, you will receive a PSO-1 sight and a new task - to free other captured stalkers.

At this level, a partially hidden passage is also implied - and here you will get to the factory where the bandits settled, also through the sewer pipe. Do not climb on the eyes of the sentries, find the place where the ZIL half fell into the repair pit, and, having guessed the time, jump into the basement. Carefully and quietly go through the basement to the next building. This is where things get a lot more difficult, so save often. Bandits stand on the floors and patrol them. Be aware of the ability to drag bodies (action key with left Shift).

The hog sat at the far end of the building on the lower floors. Take the key from him (by then you will probably be discovered, so get the most powerful guns). If you want, free the stalker in the basement and in the house outside the gate. Now you have both keys. You can get out of the factory along a long passage that starts in a brick building (to the south of the building) and leads to the valley.

Now you need to storm another factory building - the one next to which you sat in ambush with Bullet. Get ready to shoot a lot or break through. You need to enter the room on the left from the courtyard, turn right and go down to the basement. There you will find a locked door.

Laboratory X-18

First of all, you need to find the code in order to open the door to the lower level of the laboratory. The code is 1243, but until you find it on the body of a scientist in the back room, you cannot use it. The main enemy here is fiery anomalies (watch out for the swaying air). A couple of snorks can also spoil the fun. Dodge flying boxes.

On the lower floor, you will again need to find the key. The local corridors are teeming with poltergeists and flying boxes, and in the large hall, where another dead scientist is lying around, a lone pseudo-giant is running around - it is better to shoot him through the doorway while he is jumping around the hall, warming up. Don't forget to climb the stairs and examine the treasure chest. There is nothing interesting in the refrigerator.

Save and open the door with code 9524. Kill another poltergeist, take a look at the mysterious flasks with amazing creatures inside and go up to the control room, where you will be overtaken by the first flashback - a memory from the past.

Don't forget to pick up the folder from the table. Get back the same way. Four soldiers should not be a big problem for you. The army attacked the factory, so once you are on the surface, it is better to try to get out the other way - to the second floor and down through the roof.

The documents must be taken to the bartender, but the passage to the dump is blocked. You will have to make a detour and return to Cordon. Show the documents to Sidorovich, and then take them to the north, to the bartender.

The next stop is Amber Lake, where the X-16 laboratory turns unwary stalkers into zombies.

wild lands

You will have to make your way to Amber Lake through the Wildlands (directly from the northern checkpoint). This huge train station is under the control of mercenaries, and they do not like strangers. Very soon you will witness how mercenaries shoot down a helicopter in which scientists flew peacefully to their bunker. You will have the opportunity to save one of the scientists by escorting him to the lake. To do this is not as difficult as it seems - the scientist tries not to go on the rampage.

Behind the bridge with fiery anomalies you will meet the first zombies. They roam slowly, but shoot accurately. On the way you will find yourself in the vicinity of the dried-up lake Yantarnoe.

Amber Lake

In the vicinity of the lake, exterminate all local zombies, but do not approach the buildings yet. Your goal is the bunker and Professor Sakharov, who can provide you with protection from psi-radiation in exchange for the services of a bodyguard. You need to accompany the scientist Semyonov and protect him while he makes measurements of the field strength.

The secret is to run ahead of Semyonov and exterminate the zombies. Sooner or later, psi-radiation will cut down the hero, but you will not turn into a zombie. Sakharov will give you a sample of protection for the brain. Again, you have to climb underground ...

Psi-radiation is successfully shielded by the device, but in the eyes of the hero it is still gray-gray. In the yard, well-aimed zombies (not dangerous) and bouncy snorks (and these will cause problems) are waiting for you. Get down to the laboratory.

Laboratory X-16

The usual population - zombies, snorks - for some reason does not affect these radiation, but a slow staggering snork would be a very convenient opponent. Go down the stairs to the lower floor and, shooting half-dead living creatures, move along the level. Save - in the large hall you have to run up the stairs in a race against time. Too powerful radiation, the protection will not last long.

Exterminating the zombies as quickly as possible, turn off the three levers in succession on three levels (don't miss the very first one). Once at the very top, turn right, save and pull the lever on the control panel. Hurray, there is no more radiation, the danger has passed, the zombie career will no longer shine for us. The hero will again remember passages from his past. I wonder who is this powerful old man with a dog?

It remains only to go into the far room, deal with the sad controller, search the body of the Ghost. You are primarily interested in an artifact suit with a regeneration effect, and only then - documents from the X-16 laboratory. To your right in the stone floor is a hole. Jump into it and get out through the tunnel. The first pair of snorks will meet you behind a pile of dirt. Be careful around the bend - the snork hid behind a curved piece of pipe lying near the left wall. Another one will jump out from behind the turn, where the jet of flame hits. At the fork where you will kill the zombies (on the left is a grate, on the right is a pile of earth), try to throw a couple of grenades behind a pile of earth with a piece of pipe lying on it - two funny snorks are waiting for you right behind the hill. They think they can take you by surprise, but they didn't!

Get ready to fire bursts at the pseudo-giant, who, having scattered the boxes, will run towards you, but, of course, will not run. On the left are zombies on duty - they can be ignored. Run straight ahead and take two turns up the stairs to the surface. The helicopter will not do anything to you - it will fire a couple of missiles at the laboratory and quickly fly away from harm. Report to Sakharov and return to the Bar.

The bartender explicitly suggests that you visit the Monolith and disable their psionic field in order to open the way for the stalkers to the north. And, it would seem, now that you have radiation protection, nothing (except for dozens of evil Monoliths, of course) prevents you from setting off. But don't rush. The Ghost's notes contained information about the Guide, who was supposed to meet with a certain Doctor. Why not try to find out who they are - the Guide and the Doctor?

We will find the first one in the south, in the Kordon area in front of the destroyed railway bridge - in the very place where you once spoke with the Fox. The guide is laconic: “The doctor is waiting in a secret place. If you are in the subject, you know where it is.

Of course, we are in the subject! Return to the northwest to the Agroprom area and dive into the sewer manhole again - into the very catacombs where you were looking for information about Strelok. After defeating the bandits and bloodsuckers, go up the familiar stairs... The doctor (the same old man from the visions) really doesn't want the player to start shooting at him out of fright and spoil the acquaintance, so without further ado, he will hit the hero on the top of his head and tell him everything, until he will give you a headache. And then he disappears, leaving information about a cache hidden in the Pripyat hotel, in room 26.

Let's remember this information and, armed to the teeth, we'll head north to storm the Monolith's lands.

Army warehouses

Army warehouses, which are controlled by the "Freedom" group, are a buffer area between Bar ("Duty") and the Red Forest (under the control of "Monolith"). Here you can join one of the organizations, choose a side in the conflict. If you become "Free", you will no longer be allowed into the Bar in a good way, and for those who join the "Debt", it will become more difficult to cross the border between the Warehouses and the Red Forest - there is a checkpoint near the "Freedom".

Helping the commander of the "Freedom" to repel the attack of the "Monolith" is nevertheless worth it. So you will learn the habits of stalker sectarians.

red forest

Stay on the road - there is high radiation along the roadsides in many places. You will have to fight to advance along the road to the north. Ignore the first turn to the right - there is a dead end (I wonder what was planned to be done there initially?). The second turn is to Pripyat, but even with brain protection they will not let you in there. Move forward and uphill towards the radar station. It is the radar that is the source of psi-radiation.

In addition to the Monoliths, here your enemies will be phantoms appearing from the ground. Shoot them on the way - they will die easily, which cannot be said about the Monolith stalkers. At the top of the hill, they will try to roll barrels of fuel under your feet - try to blow them up as soon as possible. Be careful approaching the wall - there are snipers on the towers behind it. They can be shot in a duel or ignored by running into a dead zone.

Ahead is a broken section of the wall. If you wait a long time, the Monoliths themselves will jump out of the hole towards you. The more Monolith stalkers you shoot outside, the less you have to fight inside. The entrance to the laboratory X-10 is hidden. Climb up the ramp into the car that sticks out in the tunnel and clear the last meters to the laboratory. The phantoms will not leave you until you go inside.

Laboratory X-10

Inside the laboratory is empty - only a few unconscious bloodsuckers roam the dusty corridors. Yes, no matter how the Monolith guards its secrets. There will be no forks - just run along the corridors and rooms, from time to time knocking the spirit out of the bloodsuckers. After going through several rooms with metal balconies and huge cylinders, do not miss the passage at the end to the room with the switch. Save. One movement of the switch - and the brain burner is turned off, the passage to the north, to Pripyat and the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, is free for everyone. Look at the next vision of the main character and return the same way.

The path to the cellars will be difficult - dozens of angry Monoliths are blocking your way out, lying in wait literally around every corner.

Outside, the landing party is having fun and rejoicing. The military stalkers are surprised at the weak resistance and correctly assume that someone has already been here before them. Soldiers in armor are very dangerous enemies, but as soon as you break through the gate, stalkers will come to the rescue. There are many of them here - and free stalkers, and "Duty", and "Freedom", and even mercenaries - all as one rushed to the north.

The path to Pripyat is open to everyone, including Tagged.

Advice: bring a suit with the highest protection against radiation. In the vicinity of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, it will be very useful to you.

Walkthrough S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl


At the entrance to the city you will be met by a group of stalkers who will be aware of your arrival. They will help you get into the central Pripyat. I advise you to arm yourself with sniper weapons at this place - enemies will appear on the roofs of the Khrushchev houses on the left and right and emerge from the windows. After crushing the resistance at the end of the street, turn right and try to shoot the enemies on the balcony and in the window of the two-story building as quickly as possible.

The stalkers will help you clear the dark underground parking lot - then you will have to go alone. It's not as scary as it might seem. You just need to get rid of the sniper on the roof opposite very quickly - he has an electromagnetic rifle. Hiding in shelters, shoot enemies in the lobby of the hotel and go inside, jump from the narrow window to the roof of the passage and climb into the window of the neighboring hotel building. Your goal is number 26, where the key to the secret of the Zone is hidden.

This is a record. If you play it on a tape recorder, you will find out that there is a secret door at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which Strelok once discovered. What is behind this door? We will reveal this secret soon. In the meantime, let's play shooting range. The windows of the hotel are great for shooting bad guys on the street. Pay special attention to the window at the end of the corridor - the one that overlooks the Ferris wheel. To the left of the wheel is a low round building with exposed brickwork in places. On its roof sits a Monolith man with an RPG-7. It is hard to see through the branches - use an optical sight. He will never understand what killed him.

To be in the Chernobyl area, you just need to jump out of the window and run a hundred meters to the north, to the entrance to the Avangard stadium. But before you dive under these vaults, save yourself.

It is important: ahead is the point of no return, a place from where you cannot return to the Zone, to the monsters and bandits that have become so familiar. Ahead is a large-scale finale of the game, and no matter how it ends, the way back will be closed to you forever.

Chernobyl nuclear power plant

The main problem here is that everyone wants to kill you. "Monolith", defending approaches to the station. Military stalkers storming nuclear power plants from several sides. Mi-24 helicopters, generously scattering bullets and rockets. And even an infantry fighting vehicle, which will spur the player at the entrance with a machine gun.

The goal here is to climb into the building in the area of ​​​​the fourth power unit. Prepare a sniper rifle and turn left after the pipe. When the helicopters fly overhead and fire at the entrance (you hear the radio communications of soldiers, snipers and pilots), shoot a few Monolith stalkers in front of the gate and dive inside as quickly as possible. If you linger at the brick building of the substation, you will attract the attention of both helicopters and infantry fighting vehicles, as well as military stalkers armed with silent machine guns.

You can climb into the trailer to take a breath, but you should not linger here. Run across the road - and carefully move along the long building, hiding behind concrete structures, pipes and fittings. Niches in concrete blocks are your best friend, you can hide in them if it gets hot. Helicopters and military stalkers will distract the "Monolith" to themselves, but you will also get it. Watch carefully if a stalker with a machine gun is running ahead - the gray form on the gray concrete is very poorly visible.

When military stalkers enter the yard, harbingers of a future release will appear. This means that you have only five minutes to get inside the building before the blowout kills the hero. There is not much time, but it is enough not to rush too much.

Note: the release only affects the main character and only if he is near the ground. This means that you can run freely on the roofs during the ejection, which we will soon do.

Fourth power unit

Inside is dark, radioactive and a lot of "Monolith". The Monolith itself gets on your nerves, every few seconds promising the fulfillment of desires with a voice in your head.

Before the first turn to the right, be careful - a sniper with an electromagnetic gun sat down at the far end of the corridor. When you reach the end, turn left and go along the corridor. Turn left into the passage with a metal mesh and very carefully, looking out through the hole in the wall, shoot the Monolith stalkers. In the hall you can hide behind the boxes.

After passing the corridor lined with boxes, you will see a staircase. There are many enemies on the flights of stairs. And a few more Monolith stalkers are waiting for you at the very top, behind a doorway with a warning sign. Behind this doorway you will be able to choose the ending. Turn left and go into the destroyed reactor - there will be a false ending. Turn right and find an inconspicuous niche with a staircase leading up to a creaking emergency light bulb - there will be a true ending.

False ending

On a heap of concrete and graphite, climb the stairs to the broken roof of the reactor. You can get to the Monolith shimmering in a niche if you enter the white rings of the teleporter. You will only need to carefully walk along the metal structures to the next room, climb onto the concrete reinforcement along the iron sheets and jump to the Monolith.

He will grant the hero's wish. And what exactly the hero will guess depends on many things. For example, on how much money he has in his pockets. On what kind of reputation he has, and also on whether he killed, by chance, the leader of "Debt" or "Freedom".

End of the game. However, we also have a true ending.

true ending

Climb up the stairs and go to the secret door at the end of the corridor. Before opening it, prepare your weapon and save yourself - for thirty seconds, while the code is being selected for the door, Monolith stalkers will appear out of nowhere behind you. Once the door opens, run inside. You are in a secret laboratory.

Secret laboratory

Close corridors, the Monolith crowd - everything is as usual. Only there is no radiation and voices in my head. Enemies lurk literally around every corner and in every room. At first, you can not stick out of the room into the corridor, luring stalkers towards you and shooting through metal bars.

Then go left down the hallway and after a few turns you will find yourself in front of a room with electronic "cabinets". There are several stalkers here, you can deal with them if you throw grenades into the room and carefully shoot bursts, looking out from around the corner. Your goal is a dark room with a green holographic image of the Monolith in the center and six pairs of glass tori around the perimeter.

Solving the riddle is not so difficult - start crushing the pieces of glass. On every second, a poltergeist with a branded burning flame will jump out into the room. Get rid of them as they come.

When the sixth pair of tori explodes, a green hologram depicting a scientist will descend before talking with Marked. The Ghost will explain why the Zone was formed and who the Bullseye is, and will offer a choice in the style of "red or blue pill".

If the player agrees with the hologram's arguments, the game will end with the first true ending. If not, he will again be on the street, and his heart will burn with a thirst for revenge.

Chernobyl nuclear power plant

The ejection continues, so it is in the character's interests to jump into the white rings of the teleporter as quickly as possible without touching the Monoliths that have appeared around. Climb up the ladder to the roof and hide behind a bunch of pipes.

Note: from time to time the hero will noticeably shake - it is impossible to conduct aimed shooting at these moments, hide. On your enemies, interestingly, "shaking" does not work.

The gameplay at this level is quite straightforward - without going down to the ground, you need to jump from teleporter to teleporter in order to get to the culprits of the Zone and have a heart-to-heart talk with them. There are many snipers on the roofs, but you can also hunt well on the vast expanses of the Chernobyl roofs.

Climb the two stairs to the sarcophagus, run along it and go down the other stairs. Do not look at the wooden stairs, but run to the edge of the roof and go down to the long concrete walkway. You need to run along it to the next teleporter.

After two jumps, you are back on the roof. Run across the roof diagonally to the next teleporter. You are at the very top of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, on the roof of the sarcophagus. Climb up the stairs to the burning helicopter and the pipe. Near the very foot of the pipe - another teleporter. Two jumps - and you are on the pipelines. Turn around, climb the stairs to the ledge and, ignoring the Snork, dive into another teleporter.

The stalker sitting in front with an RPG-7 can be killed, or you can run past him while he understands what is happening, removes the grenade launcher and takes out a pistol. Jump again! There are two snorks around the corner, but you can ignore them - turning right, run forward to the gap in the railing and boldly jump from the roof! You are again at the concrete crossing between two pipes. Ahead is a rift. What to do? Jump straight from the pipe to the roof on the right and, hiding between two tanks, get rid of the snipers and shooters on the nearby rooftops. To climb a meter high, you must first jump onto the railing. You will pass the gap on the roof and jump from the ladder to the pipe again. Ahead is another teleporter. Pay attention - at the top, to the right of the pipe, two monoliths run. Destroy them so that you won't be nose to nose with them the next time you jump. Three more jumps without interference.

And now get ready for the fact that again you will have to fight your way to the teleporters. It is good that before the battle you can usually prepare and be the first to open fire. Shootout, we run around the corner, remove the stalker lurking behind the pipe. Bounce. Fight among the boxes. Bounce. Hello Sidorovich! Bounce. Hide in the labyrinth of pipes and tanks (you can fire at the iron bridges from below), climb the stairs and run to the next teleporter. But don't enter it until you save.

Ahead is the final battle. There will be no monsters here - just a lot of Monolith stalkers, rooftop snipers and RPG shooters. In addition, enemies simply teleport to you several times. If you immediately rush to the roof to the last teleporter, there is no chance of surviving in the crossfire.

The secret is not to climb the stairs to the iron bridges, but to run down the roof. The one below can hide behind the tanks and pipes. The one on the bridges is open and defenseless. Eliminate the two shooters on the sides first, then carefully eliminate the snipers on the roof ahead. When a new batch of enemies arrives, deal with those who run next to you on the roof first, then take care of those who walk on the bridges. A Monolith with an RPG-7 will sit on an elevation between the bridges in the center of the roof.

After making sure that there are no more enemies (at least available to you), climb the stairs to the bridges and cross the rubble from the containers. Now you just have to climb onto the roof and sprint to the last portal, ignoring the Monoliths teleporting towards you.

Evil is defeated. Good triumphs. And that means you've completed the game. Congratulations.

Complete walkthrough of the game Stalker: Call of Pripyat. Detailed description completing all story and side missions.


You appear in the forest and your main task is to find the fallen helicopters and find out the reason for their fall. But you still cannot do without money and good ammunition with weapons. And so we begin to pour into Wednesday. You just start walking straight and suddenly on the way you meet two stalkers. You can ask them about the Zaton location, what is where.

If you ask them for a safe place they will give you the exact location and you go there. You are approaching a cargo ship called "Skadovsk". You go inside, but keep in mind they won’t let you in with weapons, and don’t dare to kill anyone, you will immediately become enemies of the people.

When you enter, you can chat with the stalkers and get tasks from them. I recommend starting with the task of the Sultan.

He will offer to attack the base of stalkers on another Shevchenko barge. We agree. Now there are two options. First: hand over the bandits and get stalkers as friends, the next task will open. Second: together with the bandits, kill the stalkers, get the bandits as friends, the next task will open. What you choose doesn't affect the plot. I advise you to approach Knuckles or Spartak after completing the task to receive a reward. In Skvadovsk, after sleeping, to the Sultan or Beard to get a new task "Deal". You can get the quest "A Strange Phenomenon" from the beard.

We go to the mark and see the ship. We need to get into the captain's cabin. This can be done if you climb the stairs and jump over the anomaly, and then I just won’t write. When you take the artifact we go down. At the bottom you will meet a stalker. He will say that his friend needs this artifact. THIS IS A DIVORCE!!! We bring down him and his friends. I'm going to take the quest.

You can still work on the beard by bringing an artifact to order, it is not necessary to climb anomalies, wait for others to find it and go shoot them. Each artifact costs approximately 26,000 rubles. On Skvadovsk, you can take more tasks from Owl (Find information from mercenaries), Cardan (Two friends), Gonta (Search for Magpies, hunting for a chimera, after destroying the lair of bloodsuckers), Capercaillie (Lair of Bloodsuckers), Driftwood (Inaccessible cache). With Koryaga, everything is simple: we go to the gas station and jump carefully into the abyss (it’s hard not to notice), we take a box from the trunk of the Cossack and wind it from there, there are a lot of snorks, and you will go to the place of anomalies, by the way, you can find a jellyfish there (for a start, it gets rid of radiation), when we come to hand over the task, Koryaga will offer to divide it equally, we take the medical kit and the Soul artifact, if you want, then take the Helmet, modernized AKSU (+10 rounds), or Fort. We take the quest "Two Friends" from Cardan, where you can find them on the screenshots.

By the way, the Barge is located in the caves under the Burning Farm. They can find an upgraded suit and a gas mask. It’s easy for Sych, we bring down all the hires and take a laptop, EVERYTHING.

Gonta will give the task to find the stalker on the key of Magpie. You can find him on Yanov. Capercaillie will ask you to find the lair of bloodsuckers. More precisely, he will find it himself, but he will ask you to help him. We follow him. Along the way, two awake bloodsuckers will meet, one on the first floor, the other in the basement. The basement will be their lair. If you do not touch them, they will continue to sleep. After that, Capercaillie will say that it is necessary to destroy the lair and that he will be contacted later. We go to the beard and inform him about the lair. He will tell you that you need to destroy him. We go to Sych and buy information about poisonous gas. Here is a screenshot of where to look for it.

We take a balloon and go to poison the creatures. The balloon should be placed here. And bring down, otherwise the angry creatures will tear you apart. We return to Beard for a reward and to Sych to sell the documents that you found on the bridge. Then we go to the "Port Cranes" and go into a small building. There we see Tremor (a local doctor), who "eats" the Capercaillie. We need to talk to him and then he will shoot himself. Then we go to the beard and get a reward.

Now I'll tell you how to get through story quests on Zaton.


Go to the Old Barge. There we will meet a Free Stalker with a Pseudo Dog. But do not run right away, after you try to open the door, he will shoot at you after confusing with the monster. Do not rush to kill him and his dog. He's just a little out of touch with his head.

Approach him and talk to him about the crashed helicopters and at the end ask him to guide you. After the conversation, you will appear on the Burnt Farm. He shows you how to get to the first crashed helicopter. You repeat all his movements and go through the anomalies, then jump into the teleport and find yourself in an unknown place. Look at the map and immediately understand where you are.
This will be South Farm. You are not far from the helicopter, but be aware of the snorks' lair there. We examine the helicopter.

Evacuation Points

We immediately go to Skvadovsk and ask Beard about the military on Zaton. He says that they were never here. We're going to inspect other helicopters.


Fell in the swamp. Come get some information. All. By the way, if you go to the Sawmill, you will find there tools for rough work in the attic of the house.


Now we go for the Skat-2 helicopter. A poltergeist is flying next to the helicopter, we bring it down. We receive information. Along with it, you will receive a map of the area. It can be given to the conductor in Skvadovsk.

When we return to Skvadovsk, we give the guide a map of the area, thanks to which he gives us a discount for transitions between locations from 3000 to 1000. We pass to Yanov.

We get to Yanov. We are immediately met by Azot and hints about the task after which you will have a discount on repairs and upgrades. From now on, I will stop talking about side quests because they are easy, and talk about the main quests. I can only tell you where and from whom to get quests. These are: Uncle Yar, Vano, Flint (aka magpie), Azot, Baggage and Bear (arguing at the table), Surviving Monolith, St. John's Wort, and ask around for scientists in the bunker.

I will only talk about difficult side quests.

Find Magpie

As I said, this is Flint, but in order to prove it, you need to find and talk with the dying stalker Sliver here.

After we go to Flint and talk to him, but he does not recognize, then we go to Freedom or Duty and hand him over with fucks. The next difficult quest is "Search for the Oasis". We go along railway and there we will see the entrance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: How and where to find Koryaga? (in the game Stalker: Call of Pripyat)
Answer: From the very beginning of the game, Koryaga is at Skladovsk in a bar at the table. When we start the Reputation quest, Snag hides from us. You can find him near the Yanov station, but for this you need to start the Theft quest.

Question: where to find tools? (in the game Stalker: Call of Pripyat)
Answer: The location of all tools for Cardan and tools for Nitrogen is indicated in the corresponding "Tools" quests. Calibration tools can only be found in the last stage of the game in the city of Pripyat.

Question: why can't I crawl under the pipe? (in the game Stalker: Call of Pripyat)
Answer: In Stalker, you can simply crouch (Ctrl key), or you can crawl (Ctrl + Shift keys). In some places you can only go crawling.

Question: Cement factory. Where is Strelka's cache? (in the game Stalker: Call of Pripyat)
Answer: From the factory we go north to the swamp. On the shore of the swamp there is an underground channel, we enter the extreme right tunnel of the channel, we find a cache in a box. Location of all Stalker caches on the map.

Question: how to upgrade the exoskeleton? (in the game Stalker: Call of Pripyat)
Answer: You can improve the exoskeletons at the technician Cardan, but for this you need to bring him a set of tools.

Question: how and where to find Magpie? (in the game Stalker: Call of Pripyat)
Answer: Stalker Soroka changed his name and grouping, now his name is Flint, and he serves "Freedom". But this assumption still needs to be proven. For this, a witness Sliver is needed. A detailed exposure of the Magpie is described in the quest "In Search of the Magpie".

Question: how to find an oasis? (in the game Stalker: Call of Pripyat)
Answer: The location of the Oasis is indicated in the passage of the quest "Oasis".

Question: how to get through the ventilation complex? (in the game Stalker: Call of Pripyat)
Answer: Described in the passage of the quest "Oasis".

Question: How to join the group Duty? (in the game Stalker: Call of Pripyat)
Answer: In the third part of the Stalker, you cannot join groups. But there are a couple of additional quests, after which one of the factions ("Debt" or "Freedom") will become our allies. It is necessary to complete the quests: Warehouse "Debt" (you need to save Morgan's PDA from the mission "Deal" in the Forestry), History of "Debt" (you need to complete the quest of scientists "Anomalous activity") and "Survivor" Monolith "".

Question: how to get to ramp-4? (in the game Stalker: Call of Pripyat)
Answer: The SKAT-4 helicopter fell right into the building of the Jupiter plant. To get inside, you need to go to the southeast workshop, go down to the underground floor and go to the neighboring western workshop to the helicopter.

Question: where to find the Joker? (in the game Stalker: Call of Pripyat)
Answer: In his second task, technician Cardan asks us to find two of his comrades: Joker and Barge. Their location on the map can be seen in the description of the Three Comrades quest.

Question: where to find the Kolobok artifact? (in the game Stalker: Call of Pripyat)
Answer: Artifacts "Gingerbread man" and "Chunk of meat" asks to find the military in the bunker of scientists. "Kolobok" can be found in anomalies -, and "Chunk of Meat" in anomalies -.

Question: how to get to Pripyat? (in the game Stalker: Call of Pripyat)
Answer: To do this, you need to ask the guide Pilot, search the entire Jupiter plant, assemble a detachment for a hike, go through an underground overpass. All this is described in detail in the passage of the story mission "Pripyat-1".

Question: how to get all the achievements? (in the game Stalker: Call of Pripyat)
Answer: You won't be able to get all the achievements in "Stalker: Call of Pripyat" in one playthrough, as some achievements are given for supporting factions. Completing quests from one faction will earn that faction's achievement, but you'll lose access to the achievement from the opposite faction. List of all achievements (achievements).

After reading this topic, you will know all the secrets of passing the game, of course, we could not describe all 100% of the missions, but there are those in which you may have difficulties. Side quests which do not affect the passage, but are created only for extra time in the game, we will not describe, and there are no special difficulties there.

So, to begin with, let's define the main tactics of the game, which will be useful to you and with which you can confidently move forward.

1. Collect all first-aid kits and cartridges near the corpses;

2. We unload their weapons and throw them away;

3. We buy the same first-aid kits, cartridges and bandages from all the merchants.

Stalker, start, get a flash drive from Shustroy. You woke up in front of a man named Sidorovich and you owe him for salvation, and debts must be repaid. Sidorovich is the first merchant with whom you will communicate and sell swag, but far from the last in the game. Keep in mind that you are buying at a obviously higher price than you will be selling. We receive the first task from Sidorovich.

We go to the Wolf, we take weapons. We go to the scouts, talk to them and raise them to storm the ATP. We take out the bandits to the ATP. We take a shotgun with cartridges. We find Nimble, take a flash drive and take Sidorych.

Stalker, taking documents at the Research Institute Agroprom. We buy bandages, cartridges. Sidorych gives the task to go to his stalker, who will lead him through the cordon. We run to the conductor. That one is dead. We bring down the dogs around him and carefully, with the help of throwing bolts, we pass through the tunnel with anomalies so as not to fall into the anomalies.

On the radio they give the quest to meet with the Fox. We run to him (the Fox has no more than three minutes left to live). We fight off the Fox from the dogs. Fox gives out information about Gray - he knows about Strelok. We run to Gray. Meanwhile, the remaining dogs kill the Fox.

At the entrance to the Dump location we see three bandits, holding a stalker at gunpoint. Bandits on the charge of shots in the head. We accept the quest to recapture the landfill from the bandits. We run to the dump to the leader of the stalkers, talk to him, fight off the dump from the bandits, accept the reward from the leader of the stalkers. We run to the locomotive depot. We beat off the depot from the bandits. We are looking for Gray, we speak with him. We get the quest to talk with the Mole (not the Mole, which is from the Strelka group).

We search the corpses - we collect cartridges, getting ready to meet the Mole. We go to the Research Institute Agroprom. We accept the quest to fight off the soldiers, fight back. We accept the quest "Repel the Mole". We fight off. Special Forces landed, we do not touch it. We run after the Mole to the hatch. We speak with the Mole, we get the quest "Search Strelka's cache".

We go down to the dungeon near the Mole We won't see him again. We break down the spiral staircase. We find according to the plan the hiding place of the shooter. We jump into it, standing on the box. We search the cache, pick up a flash drive, an improved AK, be sure to have cartridges, get the quest "Learn about the Ghost". Let's not go back! We go further through the tunnel. In front of the stairs in the Research Institute Agroprom, the controller will appear behind and the quest "Arrow's Cache" will close - we do not touch the controller.

We run to the entrance to the research institute building, in which the documents are two grenades to the entrance. We run inside. We make our way to the third floor. We grab documents in the hall. We run out of the building. At the exit, we bring down special forces from a grenade. Do not try to bring down the special forces slowly - it will not work. We run away, those who run behind are killed quickly.

We run to the location of the Landfill. Then to the base of Duty and to the bartender. We return the docks, accept the quest for the laboratory x18 and a normal suit. We run to the Wild Valley through the Landfill, do not touch anyone. In the Wild Valley, we see Dolgovets at the entrance, holding a bandit at gunpoint. Do not shoot Dolgovets in the head. We accept the quest to save Dolgovets. We save. We get an optical sight and cling to our AK.

We make our way to the base through the sewer from the side of the fence. We go into the bandits' building. We are looking for Borov, we bring him down, we take the key to x18. We go down to the prison, find the Dolgovets suit, put it on ourselves. Next, go to x18.

In the laboratory x18. We search the floor, find the corpse of a scientist, enter the code into the door, press "Enter". We search the next floor, find the corpse, enter the code, open the door again. Let's move on to the arrow. We run to the left, knock out windows, collect ammunition and first-aid kits. We run to the right to the second floor, we take away the docks. We find a running anomaly, we bring it down. The door opens. SWAT is running.

We bring down the special forces, we run out through the southern exit to Cordon. We go to Sidorych, we get a reward, we buy first-aid kits. I'm going to the bartender. We get the quest for x16. We buy all the information from the information merchant.

We're going through the Wild Territory. We get the quest "Save Kruglov" from the bandits. We bring down the bandits, we take away their optics.

We go with Kruglov to the location "lake amber". We see zombies, shoot zombies in the head from optics single, switching 0. We go into the building behind Kruglov. We receive quests from comrade. Sakharov: "Escort Kruglov."

We take Kruglov, run ahead clearing the zombies. We also run forward in the tunnel. With a successful sweep, Kruglov will be alive. After the ejection, we run up to Kruglov, pick him up and run to Sakharov. Save.

We get a protective psi-garbage. We get the quest "Disable installation". We are not going to the installation, but to the swamp, looking for the corpse of prof. Vasiliev, we search, we complete the quest "Info about the Ghost".

Cleaning up the area we go down to the laboratory and turn off the installation by moving up 4 levels along the spiral staircase.

Then we carefully go up, we catch the controller, we throw 2 grenades at his feet, then we run up and shoot a line in the head. Controller killed. We carefully search the corpse of a ghost, we do not take documents. We get the quest "Meet the Guide". We take documents from the corpse of the Ghost, we take the costume of the Ghost. We drag this good to Sakharov.

We take the quest from Sakharov "Ghost Costume". We hand over the suit, we get the ecologist's suit - it is the best.

We hand over the quest to the Bartender at the location of Debt, we take the quest "Turn off the burner".

We go not to the burner, but to Cordon. After entering Cordon, the Guide has two minutes left to live. We run, on the way to the Conductor we shoot in the head the dogs that are eating it. Need to get it done quickly. We get the quest to meet the Doctor in Strelka's cache.

We run to the Research Institute Agroprom, again we climb into the cache from the side of the fence. We meet the Doctor, we get the quest "Find the decoder in Pripyat". We return back, as we came, the only controller remaining in the Zone wanders ahead.

We run through the base of Debt to the Army warehouses. We take Vintorez at the Svoboda base and buy cartridges for it. We beat off the checkpoint from the Monoliths, renew barrels and cartridges.

We pass through the Radar directly to Pripyat. We run 20 m of the burner action on first-aid kits, the quest "Turn off the burner" is counted.

With the group "Debt" We make our way to the underground parking lot. Next, we go to the hotel, find the decoder, get the quest "Open the encrypted door."

We run to the stadium in Pripyat, we get the task "get to the Sarcophagus". In 7 minutes we get by dashes near the wall to the Sarcophagus, there is no time to fight, there is an outburst ahead.

Save. We carry out special forces in the Sarcophagus Monolith, pick up the gauss gun and FN-2000. We go to the Monolith - false endings. We do not go to the Sarcophagus to the "Wish Maker Monolith". We climb up to the coded door in the Sarcophagus location.

Let's decode the door, go to the location "Management of the monolith". We bring down everyone. We get to the flasks. We shoot the flasks. We get answers to all questions. Who is the Shooter, etc. We join - the true ending. We refuse to join in the realization.

We get to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. We run on first-aid kits to the heat pipe, climb on it. We run through the teleport system to the last teleport. On the way we bring down everyone. Breaking down the control system. True ending.

The walkthrough of Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl is over, and if you still have questions, watch the walkthrough video, with the possibilities that you might not have guessed about:

Walkthrough "Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl"

The passage of "Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl" begins with an introductory video that tells the background of the events. The first tasks can be obtained from Sidorych - the main huckster and guardian of all newcomers to the Zone. In the course of their implementation, we recommend that you explore the settlement if possible, paying special attention to cellars and attics. You won't leave here without finds.

After the quest from Sidorych, we take the task from the Wolf, helping the wounded stalker along the way. A new quest requires you to join a group of stalkers across the road. They will ask you to help them deal with the bandits at the ATP. After cleaning the buildings, talk to the prisoner, who is in a two-story building. At the same time, do not forget to examine all the rooms that come across to you on the way. Found junk can be sold to Sidorych. But do not forget about yourself - leave some good gun. For the time being, it is better not to give the found artifacts to anyone, but to store them in a backpack. After returning to the base and talking with the mentor, if desired, we take a few more tasks from Sidorych and Volk.

Mission "To Agroprom!" will require you to find and provide Sidorych with documents from this very Agroprom. Take a lot of medical supplies with you, because the task is not easy: on the way to the only entrance you will meet a whole gang of angry bandits. After you go out to the Garbage, new scumbags will attack you. Saving everyone at the same time good characters and finding out all sorts of information from them, we move forward. Finally, we are approaching Agroprom. After you enter the building, a new mission of the Research Institute Agroprom will begin, which will turn out to be no less bloody than the previous one. Find new weapons and some useful artifacts in the yard. Go to the dungeon to start a new mission "Agroprom Dungeons". Find Strelka's cache and take the flash drive there, which lies behind the logbook. Head back down the central corridor.

The mission "For Documents" starts from the western part of the Agroprom complex. Move as quietly as possible, as sentinels surround you from all sides. Your main task is to get to the main building and pick up the documents from the room on the third floor. At the exit from the research institute, the bandits will again be waiting for you. Quickly run away from them or, on the contrary, help other stalkers to deal with him. We take the next task from the Bartender. It consists in bringing documents from the X8 Laboratory. The bartender will not tell you the exact location of the object. Therefore, first you need to talk with the Hog, the path to which again lies through the Garbage. Here again exciting adventures with bandits await you.

Finally, we go to the X8 Laboratory itself. There are a lot of snorks here, so prepare accordingly. Poltergeists also live in several rooms here. In the Laboratory, you have to find several bodies and search them. Some of them will contain clues to the codes on the doors. Winding through the back streets of the laboratory and fighting all sorts of monsters, you will reach a hall with semicircular flasks where you will lose consciousness. After you wake up, search the hall for items of documentation you are interested in and start getting out of the Laboratory.
After that, you can optionally take on a few more additional quests or replenish your supplies.

The next main mission is called "Search for Lab X16". In these same searches, you will be accompanied by scientists who more or less know where this object is located. On the way to the building, new bandits will be waiting for you. Use a few grenades to clear your way. Opponents here take not quantity, but quality, so each step must be done thoughtfully. First you get to the railway station, where you need to help Professor Kruglov, otherwise you simply won't be able to complete the quest. Take him to Yantar, shooting zombies along the way, and he will provide you with very valuable information.

The mission "Amber" begins with an overview of the new location. Here, from negotiations with scientists, you will find out how to get to the X16 Laboratory. Get on the road, remembering to grab a new suit from PSI-study. Rather, you will stumble over the body of another scientist, in whose pockets you will find the exact coordinates of the Laboratory. After that, in proper uniforms, penetrate the Yantar plant and further to the X16 Laboratory. Climb into the control cabin and clear the rooms from monsters. After that, find the body of the Ghost and take the documents from him. After completing this task, it is recommended to visit the Doctor, then proceed to the mission "Cordon Research Institute" Agroprom ".

Go to Cordon in the usual way. Talk to the Guide you met. Go inside the building and start moving towards Strelka's hiding place. In one place you will fall into a stretch, after which the Doctor will pick you up. After you come to your senses, get out and go towards the Spring, to the Bar. The bartender will send you to General Voronin for the next quests. For them, you will need new uniforms and weapons.

The mission "Radar" begins with the entrance to the location. Here you should be most wary of snipers and zombies. Go forward, destroying opponents on the towers. The task of the mission is to get into the tunnel that connects the location with the X10 Laboratory. In the Lab you will faint again. After waking up, go look for a cache of documents and a decoder. After completing the task, you can immediately send to Pripyat.

It is in Pripyat that you will find yourself in the hottest mess. You cannot complete this quest alone, so take a few professional stalkers with you. Look for the path to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant from Pripyat through the upper floors and lower tiers of buildings. After tough skirmishes, we finally get to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. At the beginning of the passage of this mission, you will turn from an experienced military man into a victim of numerous enemies, driven by emission timers. But towards the end, the roles will change: now you will become a predator catching up with the frightened military. After you have dealt with the opponents, enter the control room and destroy the power units one by one. After that, the scientists who oversee the Zone will contact you. This is your chance to get all your questions answered and finish the game right. By the way, this part of "Stalker" also has an alternative, very curious ending ... Check it out for yourself.
Some examples of missions

An example of the passage of the mission "Dump" see here (from the 1st minute)

An example of the passage of the mission "NII" Agroprom "see here (from the 1st minute)

Completed final mission posted here (the most interesting starts from 3-1 minutes)

Passage of the plot modification "Stalker: Back streets of Truth"

The main advantage of the Stalker game series lies in the variety of plot modifications. Today we invite you to get acquainted with the Back Streets of Truth mod.

Let's start walking. We communicate with the conductor and follow him to the Cordon. In the new location, we speak with this character again, and then we go to Malakhov. We draw your attention to the fact that this mod has even more alternative scenarios than others. Therefore, much of how events will unfold depends on your actions. So, during a conversation with Malakhov, you need to try to correctly answer his questions, otherwise the bank simply will not continue. On Cordon we get the first quest in this mod. It is given to us by Sidor, who asks to find the box. This mission is quite simple, so we will not dwell on it in detail. Let's just say that it also provides for several options for the development of the plot. After the task with the search for the box, you get a new task - to kill the merchant. It is fashionable to kill him very carefully, without injuring his accomplices, or you can kill half of the mercenaries in addition, but in this case you will additionally have to fight with a detachment of avengers. The outcome in both cases is the same - you go to Sidor and report on the completed mission.

Areian warehouses . To begin with, we go to inspect the corpse itself. On the body of the dead we find a flash drive, pick it up and hide it until the end of the game. After we receive a message from Max, we talk to him and get a PDA. We return to the bar and give the PDA to Voronin. You can also give him a USB flash drive, but in this case, the information from it should first be copied. We get a new task from Voronin and go to Dark Valley.

Dark Valley . We meet with the sentry, we persuade him to let us through. We meet with Tkachenko and shoot back from the flesh. Here we take a new task - to resolve the issue with the Somovskiye. As before, the game provides two options for action. You can report all this to Shulga at the base and attack the Borovites, or you can negotiate with both, but in this case you will have to sacrifice all your belongings and money (Borov will take them away) and sit in captivity. In both warrants, in order to move to the next level, you need to capture X18 and talk with Matushkin.

X18 . We examine the location in search of documents. The first ones are behind the nearest door, the second ones are in the room with the pseudo-giants, the third ones are in the blue box. After that, we return to the TD.

Dark Valley . Almost immediately after the exit we run into a mine. After waking up, we teleport to X20.

X20 . We find PKM, cartridges and first-aid kits, making our way to the exit, we kill everything and everything in its path.

Dark Valley . We talk with all the available characters and go to the warehouses.

Army warehouses . In the new location we meet with Max and Lukash. The latter gives us a new task - to resolve the issue with the mercenaries. And again, you can choose one of two options for the development of events. The first is to take out all the hirelings, the second is to kill the Master on behalf of Rusak. In the latter case, we get an additional task to kill Sparrow. We carry it out and report to Rusak and Lukash. Finally, we get one more task to deliver the observer's box in the Bar. This task is optional, and its implementation is preceded by a short introductory video.

Agroprom . In the new location, we speak with the sentry, the Shaman, the Tsar and Dartanyan. We kill all the evil spirits in the location and search the corpses that come across during the task. On one of them we find a PDA. We tell the Tsar about the work done, give him the find and leave for the Scientific Complex.

Scientific complex . We get a new task from Nekrasov. It consists in accompanying a scientist. We carry out, report and receive a new task to search for a device in the laboratory.

X16 . We clean all the rooms below, go up, inspect the rooms, find the radar, go down and jump into the teleport.

Scientific complex . We give the finds to Nekrasov and get a new task: this time we need to accompany not one, but several scientists at once. We carry out the building and get into the Dead City.

Dead city . We meet with a warrior and a fang. We find the installation in COOP Torg, turn on the timer and hastily leave the city. We explain with Fang and find him several artifacts. After that, we go to the edge and further to the teleports.

Generators . We meet with Strelok, we eliminate the sniper and the first wave of the monolith. For a while we find ourselves a safe haven, wait for the second wave and kill it too. We leave for the village, deal with the third wave. We stop in the building at Glukhar, check the messages and set off in pursuit of the rest of the stalkers.

Army warehouses . We meet Strelok again and receive a text message from Lukash. To fulfill it, he goes to the Wild Territory.

Wild Territory . We speak with Chip (if he is still alive) and Dale, take a new task and go in search of the PDA. The reference point in the search is a helicopter that fell on the rails.

Bar . After a short conversation with a ghost in the Army warehouses, we go to a bar, talk with Voronin and become a witness of how, after a certain time, everyone becomes enemies to each other. You will have to find the cause of what happened on your own.

Examples of the passage of the game can be viewed at the following links:


(watch from 0:40).

Laboratory X20

(watch from the beginning).

Dead city

(watch from the first minute).


(watch from the first minute).

We come to our senses in the basement, with Sidorovich, a local seller. We communicate with him. Here we get a personal PDA to keep track of the map, the list of tasks and more. Sidorovich conducts training on the use of the communicator.

After training, we communicate with him and get the first task.

We go to the Wolf in the yard and communicate with him, he also gives us a task. Next, we go to meet the people of the Wolf. We communicate with Petrukha and agree to help them. We run to an abandoned house and kill the bandits. We go around their house from the side, there is a hole, we kill all the bandits and search the corpses, then we find Shustroy, we communicate with him, we take the flash drive from him and return it to Sidorovich. Do not forget to pick up all the important things, we will then sell everything. We also take the next task from Sidorovich.

We are moving to a new location. We must meet Sidorovich's friends. Do not get lost, as there is a landmark on the map. At the exit from the location, Sidorovich will send to help the dying stalker. We communicate with him, give him a first aid kit, ask about the stalker we are looking for, and then fight off the dogs that attack us.

At the exit we will be met by bandits, we kill them. We take everything from them. You can chat with Yurik, who was also attacked by them. Next, we go to the demon, side by side, he was also attacked by bandits. We communicate with him, and then help fight back.


We wait until they come running from the far side of the "iron" cemetery and kill them. Then again we go to Bes and chat with him. Don't forget to search the corpses.

Next, we go to a point on the map. We run into a warehouse. We must now help Gray fight off the bandits. There will be a lot of them here from the railroad tracks. We also help the stalker and give him a first aid kit so that he does not get embarrassed. Then we return to Gray again, talk and get a trace. exercise.

dark valley

We need to get into the lair of bandits and pick up documents from there. Along the way, you can also help the debtor, save his friend from bandits on the road, for which we will get good bonuses.


We penetrate the base of the bandits. There will be a lot of enemies, so stock up on ammo, first aid kits and weapons in advance. We kill Borov and search his corpse. We can also save another debtor who was locked in the basement. We save him and then we get out and head to the X-18 laboratory and go into it. Here we need to find documents.

Laboratory X-18

X Inside you need to open the door, and for this you need to find a dead scientist in an orange suit, find out the code from him and enter it. Let's say the code right away: 1243. Open the door and emit even lower. There will be poltegreists in the basement. Feel free to shoot the flying balls to kill the poltergeists.


Next, we find a ladder and go down it, we get into a large room, where we meet a huge pseudo-giant. We shoot him and in the same room we find the corpse of a scientist in an orange suit, from whom we take new code: 9524.

Next, we rise higher, as we came, go to the second door, and enter the stake. We go further. We get into the building with capsules. We climb the stairs, as a fiery poltergeist will fly out at us, which must be killed, after which we lose consciousness and watch the video. We wake up and go up to the booth and pick up the necessary documents. On the way back, the military will be waiting for us. We leave the laboratory.


We get out. We will leave the location through the southern gate, which are indicated on the map. There will also be a lot of soldiers at the exit - we kill them.


We return to Cordon. We go to Sidorovich. We communicate with him, give him the documents and get a new task. We are sent to the military, from whom we need to steal some kind of case.

We go to the indicated point on the map. Let's go through the military post, there will be a lot of them here. We pass further, we go into the building and pick up a case with documents. We return to Sidorovich. We communicate with him, then we go to the bar, where we will have to give the documents that we took from the laboratory. We use fast travel so as not to pull and give the documents to the Bartender. We get a new job from him.

Watch the video walkthrough:

We continue to move towards the laboratory, it will be necessary to move from the base of Debt to a new location. There will be many mercenaries on the way. After passing a little forward, we then a helicopter of scientists, which is shot down by mercenaries. Next, we search one of the corpses of a scientist near a crashed helicopter.

Next, we meet with the scientist according to Kruglov. He will be in a swamp-colored suit. He will ask us to help him lead him to Amber. Of course, you have to protect him, because he can be killed. Along the way, Kruglov will stop in dangerous places, but we will have to kill the mercenaries around and clear the way. Then we pass through the tunnel, in which there will be many fire traps. Don't worry, they won't hurt Kruglov. Then we communicate with Kruglov, get a flash drive and return to the bar to the bartender.

Then we go to a new location. There will be a lot of zombies and snorks here. We go to the station of scientists, kill the zombies around and go inside. We communicate with Sakharov. Next, Kruglov and I must measure the background radiation.


We go to the indicated point and wait while he takes measurements. Next, we go into the tunnel and run through it. Kill zombies along the way. We reach a new point and then an ejection occurs. We are losing consciousness.

We wake up, get off the bus. We help Kruglov get up. We return to Sakharov. Next, we go to the fallen helicopter and search the corpse of Vaska. Next, listen to the dialogue. We return to Sakharov and get a new task.

Laboratory X-16

We go to the specified point. There will be a lot of snorks here.


We kill them. Before going to the laboratory, be sure to stock up on a mass of first-aid kits, cartridges and necessary ammunition. We find the stairs, go down and go to a new location. There are a lot of zombies in the basement.

We move forward until a timer for 4 minutes appears. We need to turn off 4 power supplies, and turn off the Psi-radiation. Power supplies are marked on the map, and there is nothing complicated. We kill zombies, turn off the first power supply, then we rise above, turn off the second, then the third and fourth. Then we turn off the psi-radiation and watch the video again.

After the video, we continue to move forward to a point on the map. In the room there will be a controller further, hide behind the doors so that he cannot influence us, we shoot him. There will be a ghost corpse here. We search his corpse, take the documents. Next, we jump into the gap in the ground and exit through the tunnel. We reach the stairs and climb up. We go to Sakharov and communicate with him.

Watch the video walkthrough:

So, now we need to turn off the brain burner. On the way, we will be met by Monoliths, crazy fanatics, armed to the teeth.


We move along the path forward, along the road, killing reptiles. Also on the way will come across grenade launchers and snipers. We get to the antennas, penetrate the base, and then penetrate the tunnel, which is located not far from the cars.

We get inside, into the laboratory. We need to disable the brain burner. We run through the languid tunnels. The arrow on the map indicates the direction, so you are unlikely to get lost. We will also be met by a bloodsucker. Then we go down the stairs. We get to the lever and turn off the brain burner. Then we lose consciousness again and watch the video.

Now let's get outside. There will be many monolith fighters around. Now we are going to Pripyat.

We appear at the location, and here is a collection of stalkers in exo-skeletons. We communicate with them, and then we make our way through the city together.


On the streets of the city, we will be shot from the rooftops, so get ready. They will also be in windows. We get with them to their base, communicate with their leader and move on. At the exit, we will be met by a reptile on the roof with a gauss gun. After killing him, he will drop the cannon and it will fall towards the house. You can pick her up.

We can watch the final video:

Stalker: Apocalypse

The first part of this mod is a great gift for everyone who loves communication. To collect more quest tasks, it is recommended that you first of all sit on all the inhabitants of the checkpoint and the Village of beginners with conversations. The list of persons for contact is as follows: Shustry, Yaroslavkin, Volk, Tolik, Fox, Tolik, German, technician. From these characters we get several tasks to search for objects, clean up the area and the final mission - to select the zones. We speak with Yaroslavkin and set off on his behalf to Yantar. There we talk with Sakharov and take another quest. We stomp in x16, talk to Pinochet and go to the Ghost. He loads us with an additional task, for which we need to inspect several zombified corpses near the bunker and on the road to the laboratory. We do what the Ghost instructed, report on the work done and stomp to the Bar for the necessary information.

Here again we enter into a dialogue with everyone who comes across on the way. From the bartender we get the task to find Timokha Merck. To do this, we go to the "Search" group, which is based right there, we talk with its members. As soon as the last of the stalkers tells about what lies in his soul, the desired character will appear in the location. Move closer to the fire in the hangar, and you will literally run into him head-on.

We take the next task from Ermol. He instructs us to find a modified MP-5 in the tunnel in the Garbage. We go to the indicated place, find the weapon and bring it to the customer. The third task can be taken from Gena Hacker. Again we go in search of useful tools, this time we will be instructed to find and bring a case with a laptop that was lost somewhere in the Landfill. We go to the crane near the hangar and take Genya his order.

We chat with Merck, Bartender, the leader of Freedom on the AC, Max, Curmudgeon, Lukash. During a conversation with the latter, we receive an invitation from Voronin. In the Bar, we take a new task and prepare for a trip to x18 in the Dark Valley.

Our mission is to find secret code. First, we inspect several places, the obligatory of which are the senior's room at the Base, a room with a safe in one of the gas station buildings, a farm on the way to Cordon, the entrance to the lab. The information that we will receive during these sorties will allow us to understand who our informant will be. We go to him and agree on the provision of the code. In exchange for this service, the informant will require us to find the Black Soul artifact at Agroprom. We go to the corpse of Mole at Agroprom and help Hitler along the way. We search the corpse of the stalker and find the right little thing. If you wish, you can still climb here to inspect the cache of the Strelka group. Finally, we return to the informant, give him the artifact, get the code and get into X18.

Inside we find any rubbish that will not be useful to us in any of the subsequent quests, as well as the case itself with information. We tell about the find first to the informant, then to the Bartender, after which we take the order to the general. We take new quest and we stomp to the captive scientist, from whom we learn about the base of the Apocalypse members in the Radar area. We stomp in this direction, having previously asked Sidorovich to turn Strelok into a merchant.

Meet with Number 11, talk to him to complete the current task. If Number 11 is dead by the time you arrive, it will be enough to search his corpse to count towards the lab check. We inform Voronin about the completed task and take a new quest, which will lead us to the Swamp Doctor. This character will invite us from Charon to Pripyat for a meeting. And already there together it will be possible to attack the Apocalypse Grouping. You can also get a task from the Doctor to search for detectors. In total, you need to find three of these gizmos at the Agroprom and then deliver them to Voronin. After this quest counted, the detectors can be sold.

Negotiating with groups

To organize an attack on the Apocalypse, first of all, it is necessary to agree on support with the factions. To do this, we enter into negotiations in turn with Voronin, Lukash, Yaroslavkin, Petrukha, Charon. The latter will be available only after completing the quest from Slaven.

Getting ready for a breakthrough

First, we speak with Slaven himself. He agrees to join our campaign, but he wants to get six daggers for this. We go to the Bartender, from him - to Sidorovich, Ermola and Grisha Budulai. Yermol gives a new case, which is to find and bring a case from the Behemoth in the Dark Valley. To complete the task, it is enough to find and examine the corpse of the character you are looking for. We return to the customer, take a new case from Grisha Budulai. He also sends us to the corpse of his friend to pick up a valuable item. We carry out the assignment, we report. We take a case from a Fan, for the completion of which we get some kind of reward. Finally, we collect the amount necessary to buy daggers, stomp to Slaven with weapons, distribute them to the team members and move towards Cordon, where the German is waiting for us. We take a flash card from him to launch a teleport to Pripyat. The teleport itself is located in a hollow to the east of the checkpoint. A fallen trunk serves as a reference point during the search. We move to a new location.

You can see an example of the passage of the mod below:

Stalker: Gladiator 2 - Alliance Time

The mod begins with our arrival at the base and a dialogue with the commissioner. In principle, everything is in place, as usual: stalkers are crowding in the bar, groups are resting near the fire ... After watching the screensaver, we begin to complete tasks.

We stomp to the commander and learn from him that suspicious activity was recorded at the dump. We go there to reconnoiter the situation. We examine the road to the dump and reach the place with a mark. We find the corpse, search it and take everything of value, first of all - papers. We report on the completed task and stomp to the Mechanic.

We find the quest giver, talk to him and get a new task - to visit agents in the north. We run to the north of the location, kill all the agents, take the valuables. When searching the main agent, be prepared for the appearance of a squad of mercenaries. They will demand to give them the PDA. Naturally, you should not do this. There is only one way out - turn around and give a tear. As soon as you run, the mercenaries will automatically move into the ranks of your enemies. Stalkers lurking behind the neighboring Kamaz will help suppress their aggression. After the massacre of the enemy, we run to the Mechanic and report on the completed quest.

After a little breath, we run to southern checkpoint, we bring down all the mutants here with the support of all the same friendly stalkers. This quest is very simple, you don't even have to spend your ammo on the monsters: the stalkers will clear the area themselves. After the end of the battle, we read a message from the commander of Duty. We run to the commissioner and get money from him for RPGs. We buy weapons and shells from the merchant, return to the checkpoint and blow up the helicopter from the underground room. It is best to take a position near the entrance, shoot and finish off the helicopter in the room itself.

We go to the technician and undertake to find his tools, which, allegedly, were dragged away by some cat. Tools should be sought in one of the towers. We return the equipment, not only the tools, but also the cat itself and close the mission.

In the next quest, we will need to protect the northern checkpoint from the influx of mutants. We take a tank and wet all the monsters on the ground, without being distracted by the turntables. After the mutants are finished, the helicopters will fly away by themselves. The mission is completed, we take a new quest. We climb into the armored personnel carrier and wait for a whole detachment of alpha bionics to come out on us. We deal with them and stomp to the turntable to close the last quest to protect the base. First we go south, to the transition to the landfill and destroy two armored personnel carriers and one helicopter there, after that we fly north, where we also blow up 2 armored personnel carriers. Mission accomplished, back to base.

To get a new task, we go to the bar and find a character who sends us to Limansk. You can recognize the right stalker by the exoskeleton put on him. After the conversation, we go into the building, teleport to the arena room and enter the code three times 30.

The next mission starts by talking to the leader of the Monolith. We stomp from it to the center, clearing the road from alpha bionics. On the way to the center we meet doubles, which can only be put down with a sniper. well, or from assault rifle if it exists. We move on until we have the opportunity to kill the creator of the project. We climb to the second floor and kill the villain. Be careful, because the burers will be waiting for you at the top, and do not forget to take the documents and the key from the building. After completing the task, we go to the Red Forest. We encounter an ambush near the tunnel, deal with the opponents, despite their numerical superiority, and return to the base.

We take a new task - to capture Limansk and find a secret teleport. We jump into the teleport and move to the roof of the building. Look for the starting point in front of the house with mutants. We move forward, but extremely slowly so as not to fall down. On the spot we take out the detector and find a teleport. To complete the second part of the task and capture Limansk, with the help of a knife we ​​turn off the installations on the first three floors. We move slowly and quietly so as not to draw attention to ourselves. We use a knife as a murder weapon. We sneak up on opponents from the back or from the side, avoiding frontal attacks. So, turn off the installation, capture the parking lot. The last one will have a lot of mutants - keep your eyes peeled. After cleaning the location, we stomp to the leader of the Monolith and get a chic bonus from him.

We are waiting for a message from the commissioner and stomp to him for a new task. He sends us first to the technician, then to the Dark Hollow. The technician says that he needs a silencer from the cache, and to get there, you need to find a secret code. The activation code is 1408. We enter it in a cache in the basement and pick up the silencer. Using the teleport, we go to the bar, pick up bonuses from Tim and go to the Dark Hollow. For those who don't remember, the activation code is three times 40.

In the new location, we immediately take out powerful weapons and shoot at everything that moves. Especially a lot of enemies near the rocks. Our main task here is to find and save a group of scientists from their dimensional bubble. We first go to the gas station, next to which the bubble we need should appear. We speak with the leader of scientists and take his squad under our care on the way to the base. After completing the mission, we receive a small gift from scientists, as well as new missions, for example, a task to help the Freedom Squad.

This mission will be somewhat more difficult than the previous one, since in addition to clearing the territory, the main character will need to avoid turning on the psi-antenna in any way. First, we stomp to the tunnel, talk to the soldiers and take the position of a sniper and help the squad fight off the hordes of enemies. The easiest way to deal with the horde is to start shooting at those to the left of you. After that, it will be enough from time to time to shoot those who come too close to the generator.

Examples of the passage of the mod can be viewed at the following links:

Stalker: People's Solyanka

We start the game with a dialogue with the Astrologer. Then we stomp into the building located to our left and search it for supplies. We stomp to the farm and find a box of vodka on it. We'll need it to get past the bridge. You should look for it on the right under the wall. While we are carrying out these simple buildings, we try, if possible, to observe a truce with other characters. We do not open fire in vain, in no case do we climb onto the checkpoint, otherwise the village will have to be very, very bad.

We finish the sorties and go to the village. On the way we find the corpse, as expected, search it and take away everything of value. In the village we speak with the doctor, we drink the medicine and instantly we are transported to the cave. Don't despair, everything is fine. A pile of rubbish is lying under your feet, and no, no, valuable things come across. We look around, we equip ourselves, we clean the premises. By the way, this time it is not necessary to kill everything that moves, there will be other possibilities. The main thing here is not to get confused and get out alive to the top, to the miner. We kill bloodsuckers with a shot in the head, preferably from the top position. Gradually we rise to the upper levels, meet with the miner, talk to him, drink medicine - and oops, we are again at the cordon.

Mission "Search for the Lost Expedition"

We find the corpse of a certain commando, who was called Andrei during his lifetime. It lies on Codon near the viaduct. We search it well. This is a necessary quest for completing other missions, so do not put it on the back burner. After searching the body, we go to the bandit in the dump to find the commando's PDA. The bandit does not have a device, and we continue to search for him. We find another bandit named Fraer, and bring with him the necessary equipment and Brom's assault abakan. Fraer eludes persecution, you will have to work hard to find him again.

We go to Prapor to the landfill and find out who can help us fix the broken PDA. It turns out that Bartender's people in exchange for the restoration of the Tear of Fire artifact. We fulfill our part of the deal and upon returning we find out that the Bartender's people not only did not fix the PDA, but broke it even more. Now the device seems completely unusable, and the storyline with it is lost. Don't give up, let's keep playing.

We take the quest from Lukash concerning the traitor Pavlik. We kill a certain Aru, who was connected with Pavlik, and look through his PDA. We find information about the missing scientists. We move to the Wild Territory, meet with the Sivoy fighters and learn from them that Sakharov may have information about the expedition. He, of course, in exchange for it, will require you to complete a number of tasks on the Fang and turn off the burner. We fulfill the conditions, get a tip from the scientist and stomp to the X-10 laboratory.

Although we have already checked there, we will have to check again - Sakharov promises an interesting discovery. On the spot we find two corpses of environmentalists and one still living scientist who is dying. We will have to stop his suffering and finish him off, but what to do, we still can’t achieve anything worthwhile from the survivor. After completing the task, we go to the Ghost and inform him about what happened. He shares his suspicions with us about the exits from the laboratory. Allegedly, there are several of them, and in addition to the well-known ones, there is one more. But where does it lead?

We speak with Freeman and learn that he found a mention of the operation to capture the Monolith in the documents of one of the mercenaries. We go to the dump, talk to Tomaz and take the capture plan from him. It contains information about a secret passage from the laboratory to the sarcophagus. Using the new information, we find the missing expedition, after which we return to the Ghost to get a new simple quest regarding the Golden Chunks. They just need to be brought from the Chernobyl-2 location. We drag Chunks to the quest giver and get a nice bonus in the form of additional information about the secret passage from the laboratory. We take a new task and go in search of three parts of the diary at Chernobyl-2. We promptly complete the quest and return to the Ghost.

Mission "Argali Notebook"

We speak with Dan. In the past, this character constantly hung out on Cordon, but in latest versions games, he migrated to the Swamps. From Dan, we stomp to Agroprom in order to complete one of the main tasks of the Stalker in this mod - to steal secret documents. On the way, we look into the Bar and talk with Zakhar. If desired, here you can get hold of several additional quests, for example, take the task of protecting Dan. We speak with Dan again and learn that Agroprom is in recent times very restless. Again we take the stealth task from Dan. This time our goal is to send the military to Agroprom. As the quest progresses, the task to deal with a group of Avengers will also become available, but it is better to postpone it until better times, when there will be good equipment and, possibly, a few good allies.

On the way to Agroprom, we meet with Arkhara, talk with him and arrange a military assault in full. We win back the parcel and take it to Dan. What exactly we delivered to our friend is unknown. Perhaps we will reveal this secret a little later. We go to Arkhara and get a task from him to find a notebook. It will lead us to the Agroprom dungeon to the corpse of the former Arkhara fighter. We search the body and take away what we were sent for. We give the order to Arkhara and get a new task - to visit Dan and bring back the laptop. We take from Dan additional quest. We bring him a drive from the X-18 laboratory and in exchange for it we get a chic psi-helmet. We go to the Radar, where Arkhara's laptop is located, pick up the item and bring it to the owner in the Warehouses of Yakuta.

Examples of the passage of the game can be viewed at the following links.

First steps

As soon as you select the difficulty and start the game, a cutscene will start, in which you will see the prologue of the story of the Bullseye. After the video, you will enter the hideout of Sidorovich, the main merchant in the area, who buys and sells everything that lies within the Zone.

This person saved you, and therefore you will have to do him a favor. During your first conversation, if you are not familiar with the STALKER series, ask Sidorovich to address you as a beginner so that he brings you up to date and explains the basics of control.

The first task during your work for the huckster will be to find a man nicknamed Nimble, who stole a carrier with important data.

After finishing the conversation, leave the shelter and chat with the stalkers outside, and specifically with the Wolf, who will hand you the first weapon.

Before leaving, inspect the starting village, the houses of which are mostly open. It is especially important to look behind the back of the Wolf, where there is a staircase leading to the attic - there are boxes with provisions inside.

Moreover, from the attic you can move to the outer ledge of the house, in order to then jump to the building opposite (you can only jump up to one house from there) and find a box there. Attack him with a pistol to move him closer to the crevice - then the cargo will break, and you can get the equipment of the mercenary.

According to the quest from the Wolf, go to the stalkers on the other side of the road, whose group is marked on your PDA. On the way, you can hear the groans of a wounded man - give him a first aid kit if you want to get your first friend in the Zone, as well as increase the respect of stalkers.

Examine the wagon for ammunition and keep moving. Together with a group of stalkers, you have to attack the base of the bandits - do not run to them in the open, even if you play on the average difficulty level, as an enemy with a sawn-off shotgun can kill you instantly.

Get into the territory through a hole in the fence and start the battle. If you are confident in your abilities, you can tell Petrukha that you can handle the battle alone, for which he will eventually give you a good Fora 12 pistol.

Perebeyte all the bandits in the buildings, and then go to the two-story building, inside of which lies the bound Nimble. Take a flash drive, collect swag from corpses and boxes, and then return to Sidorovich.

After turning in the task, you can immediately proceed to the next story mission. However the best option will be the completion of side quests, as now you need to get cooler equipment.

Be sure that the tasks of clearing the territory from monsters, bandits or searching for an artifact can always be handed to you by the nearest NPCs like Wolf and Nimble.

N a Agroprom!

When you feel that you are ready to continue the story, take an assignment from Sidorovich, who will ask you to find important information. According to him, they must be located somewhere on the territory of the Research Institute Agroprom, which is guarded by armed fighters.

Before sending, do not forget to buy first-aid kits, bandages and cartridges if you do not want to get into a mess. The armor of a mercenary or equipment for the Nimble quest will be especially useful here.

To get to Agroprom, you have to pass the cordon of soldiers near the bridge. You can solve the problem in several ways: unfasten five hundred coins to the boss (for this you need to go up to him without shooting, quietly and calmly) in order to go in one direction (they won’t take money from you when you try again - they will start shooting right away), or immediately deal with them.

An open fight with the military will not be so easy, since these guys are armed with the first word of technology: there are six of them in total, and each of them has shortened “Kalash” and a lot of first-aid kits in their hands.

In addition to the above options, you can also try to bypass the cordon along the radioactive embankment or through the tunnel on the left, full of electrical anomalies.

In the first case, you will receive a considerable dose of radiation, while in the second you will have to carefully bypass anomalies that kill instantly (use the bolts to defuse the trap and go a little forward).

After passing the outpost, you will receive a message from Sidorovich, who will tell you about a certain stalker nicknamed the Fox. The fox is in trouble and you can help him if you want to make another friend.

Moreover, the guy will tell you about Strelka - a person who managed to get into the epicenter of the Zone. Kill the flock surrounding the Fox's shelter to get one and a half thousand rubles.

If you have a grenade - use it to smoke out the opponents who have settled in the building. When the firefight is over, collect swag in the area and, most importantly, do not forget to pick up the Viper-5 - a great assault rifle in the early stages of the game.


A new location will immediately push you into another danger. The bandits pinned down a neutral stalker that you can save. By the way, no one will forbid you to dress up as a bandit and just walk by, because in STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl you can side with any factions, including bandits, simply by killing their enemies.

After the mess, you will receive information on the PDA, which contains information about the attack of the bandits directly to the landfill (not the location, but the landfill). On the spot you will find Bes - the leader of the neutrals, who asked for help.

He will tell you that in the past the landfill was owned by bandits, but then they (Bes and his comrades) managed to win back this place. Now the guys are reaping the benefits of constant attacks, and they are asking you to help them deal with the threat.

Before the battle, explore the junkyard for Viper ammo, which is in the crates at the top of the turret. During the battle, try to protect the Bes, who, like any other NPC, can die. If successful, he will give you rubles and an artifact that can be sold.

Gather ammo for the AK-74U, which will come in handy directly in the battle on the territory of Agroprom (as it is there that you will find a particularly difficult mess, for which you will need something more powerful than the Viper-5).

Next, go to the hangar in the middle of the location where Gray is located - this person knows something about the Strelok. On the way to this place, you will again receive a message about the attack of bandits who are simply besieging the Garbage.

A battle between stalkers and bandits will take place in the hangar - help the latter if you want to contact netrals in the future. In battle, don't stand in the center, as you can get hooked on both sides.

To clear the hangar, go head-on, as you can climb onto the wagon along the direct path, or get over to the stalkers and fight with them shoulder to shoulder.

Another option is also available to you - then you will have to go in from the side in order to get to the rear and take the attack by surprise.

After the firefight, talk to Gray, who will inform you about the Strelka's "nick", as well as about another stalker who may know the approximate location of your main target.

Search the district and go to Agroprom, taking the path to the left of the railway. On the road, you will have to defend yourself a few more times, but nothing serious will happen.

NII "Agroprom"

On the way, you will meet a neutral who knows that Krot (the same stalker with new information about Strelka) was attacked by the military. Next, you will see a small cut-scene with the landing of fighters who will start attacking the stalkers.

For now, don't waste time collecting resources, as the battle is in real time and every second counts.

Pass the fence and, once on the territory of the Agroprom, start shooting the military. Be sure that it is extremely difficult to fight them in the open - you need to kill opponents from behind covers.

Soon you will reach the central part of the base, where the Mole itself is defending. This guy can die very quickly, so act very quickly and deal with all the military, if possible, exposing yourself to the bullets intended for the Mole.

Also here you can use grenades and blow up barrels, but be careful with this, as there is friendly fire in the game.

When the battle is over, the Mole, if he survived, will take you to the building and tell you about Strelok's cache, which is located on the lower level of the Agroprom.

Before leaving, you should look north of Agroprom, to the swamps, where there is a valuable artifact, as well as an interesting character nicknamed the Deserter, with whom you can chat.

Dungeons of Research Institute "Agroprom"

After going down to the lower level, examine the first corpse. Next, slowly get to the stairs down, near which there is an open room (between the columns).

Throw a grenade there or open fire if you haven't been spotted yet, as there are enemies inside. Also inside there is an incendiary barrel that can be blown up.

After the battle, step into the corridor, dotted with electrical traps, which you could see in the tunnel near the cordon of the military. Having passed the anomalies with the help of a bolt, go into the next room, from where you can go down even lower - into the tunnels leading to the Strelok's cache.

If you can't get through the "electra", in this case, look into the nearest room and use the spiral staircase. It will lead you to another corridor with more benign anomalies - acids that open heavy bleeding.

Pat yourself with bandages and quickly get to the end of the path to then get out into the main hall. Here, try to move slowly while sticking to the wall, as there is a dangerous creature called the Bloodsucker nearby, which for the most part remains invisible.

If you do not let yourself be detected, then soon the monster will face the military (otherwise, the grenades located in the box against the wall on the right will help you).

By the way, by holding down the use key (default F), you can highlight objects at a distance of up to three meters to simplify your task of finding supplies.

In the same room there is an artifact "Hedgehog", which must be picked up, but only after the battle. Pass the crevice in the wall, bypass the corridor and turn left, where there is lighting.

Here you will find many valuable things like an improved Kalash, stalker armor, various artifacts and, most importantly, a data carrier (located by the map).

You must now leave the dungeon: go through the main tunnel to reach a shaft with a spiral staircase. The latter will take you to the top, but along the way you have to constantly fight.

With documents!

After leaving the dungeon, you will find yourself within the western part of the Agroprom, where the military settled. Here you will have to act carefully, as the opponents have taken up positions on the towers and are generally patrolling the entire district.

If you are noticed, then in this case, hide somewhere in a building or behind another strong cover, then play defensively and do not attack yourself. Ultimately, you need to get to a tall building (at the entrance you will find a loudspeaker that you should shoot at).

Inside the house, prepare for resistance - soldiers will be standing around every corner. On the third floor you will stumble upon a diplomat white color where the information you are looking for lies. When you take it, Sidorovich will contact you, who will inform you about the next military attack on their base.

Accordingly, for some time you will not be able to meet with him, so he will send you to another knowledgeable person - the Bartender.

The latter, by the way, introduced you to Debt and asked this group to open the way to the Rostock plant for you.

Now you need to get out of here, because after the conversation, even more military men will descend on the territory of Agroprom. Leave through the far entrance, as there are the fewest opponents.

As for the eastern part of Agroprom, soldiers also live there. There is no valuable loot there, so immediately go to the Garbage. Before leaving the location, it makes sense to explore the area around the research institute, since artifacts are guaranteed to be there.

R stock

After leaving the research institute, you will stumble upon bandits that you don't have to kill. However, if you deal with the whole gang and help the local stalkers, you will get the recognition of the Bartender, as he is in charge of this territory.

Continue walking towards the outpost of Duty, near which you will witness the attack of monsters on their base. You can help Duty, and then you will be given the stalker armor. One way or another, you will be allowed inside.

At the Bar location, take the right path. Soon a pack of dogs will attack you, from which, if you wish, you can run away, having reached the next outpost of Duty. Inside the base is safe. Now visit the Bar directly, where the Bartender is located, to whom you must hand over the information.

Sell ​​the swag to the merchant and talk to him. After the conversation, do not rush to proceed to the next task, as there are many interesting things at the base.

You can ask the locals about such a thing as the Arena, where stalkers fight for big profits, risking their lives in the process. When passing the Arena, you will receive more than ten thousand rubles, as well as the recognition of all stalkers.

With reference from X-18

The bartender will hand you the next story mission, associated with the search for information from the X-18 laboratory. The task itself is different from a trip to the territory of the Agroprom, since the location of the laboratory is unknown to the Bartender.

Moreover, the first thing you have to do is find the second part of the key, which opens access to the lab. The key is located at the leader of the bandits, nicknamed Borov, on the soul of which you have to go first.

The boar lives in its own base in the Dark Valley location, where you can get through the Garbage. You will have to go back and again pass a lot of monsters and bandits.

Before moving on to the Dark Valley, explore the end of the Scrapyard. Very often in this place (on the right near the hill) there are anomalies, among which lies an artifact for five thousand rubles.

Dark Valley

At the start of a new location, you will meet a debtor Bullet, who is interrogating a shot bandit. From their conversation, you will learn that the Bartender's reconnaissance group was ambushed, and now Bullet wants to save them.

Not far from here, you can find an artifact lying by a boulder. It " Mother's Beads”, which increase resistance to gunshot wounds.

Naturally, Poole will need your help - he will ask you to rescue another stalker held by bandits.

You can refuse to ambush with the debtor if you do not want to increase reputation with this faction. As a reward for completing it, you will receive a sight for 74 and interesting information about the state of the Valley.

After that, go to the base of the bandits, where you can get in two ways - in the forehead, but then you have to withstand an incredibly strong fire, or through the sewers, the road along which is marked on the map with marks. In the second case, you will have to move while sitting, not using a night vision device or a flashlight, otherwise you will be noticed.

Not only that, the enemy can even hear how you change the gun or the shooting mode (this also applies to reloading), so prepare in advance.

As a result, you should calmly get to the garage, from where you can get to the pipes, and then to the window, where the mess will finally begin. Neutralize opponents quickly using the surprise effect.

Under the van, you can accidentally fall into the pit where the "heat" anomaly is located. Before jumping away from there, pick up Abakan - an analogue of "Kalash", but with slightly more damage and higher accuracy.

After killing all the bandits in the yard, proceed to clear the houses. Operate from the largest hangar, in which there is a path to the top floor, and then - the opportunity to go to the roof of the neighboring house, where the largest number of enemies are located.

In the same red building you will find a grate behind which a debtor is imprisoned (he can be saved to increase his reputation).

There is no need to deal with all the thugs - the ultimate goal of the task is in the office building, where the leader of the bandits is located.

Naturally, it will be safer to deal with everyone. Finally, you will reach the Hog - kill him and examine the corpse to get the missing part of the key.

By the way, during the quest you can stumble upon a bandit in a raincoat, who is armed with an Abakan with a grenade launcher. This powerful weapon can be returned to one of the debtors who lost it.

Laboratory X-18

Inside the laboratory, examine the corpse of a neutral, and then go into a room with a secure door. To open it, you need to get the code, which is from one of the researchers (at the end of the corridor with "heat" and snorks).

To simplify the battle with snorks and poltergeists, take the powerful Monolith armor, which lies in one of the lockers on the same floor.

After picking up the key, return to the door and enter it. At the lower level, your only guide will be the elevator opposite - you need to remember it.

Here, the poltergeist will start attacking you again, throwing various utensils - dodge flying objects and shorten the distance, since you need to kill these bunches in melee.

To the right of the elevator is a corridor leading to another locked door. Behind the elevator is another corridor, ending in an empty room, from where you can go into a room with a hole. Go to the last one.

After that, you will find yourself in a huge room with a small amount of light, but in the center you will find something - a pseudo-giant. This creature will give you a huge amount of problems, as it has a huge amount of health and deals a lot of damage.

Don't let him get close to you and keep shooting - after the battle, examine the researcher's body, which is in the corner of the room. Having received the key, search the room (IL 86 and RPG-7 lie here) and return to the right corridor.

During the opening, someone will start to break in the door, but in the end there will be no one behind it. Next, a new battle with poltergeists awaits you. In the hall, move on the left side to open door, which will slam shut in front of your nose.

A battle will begin with a fiery poltergeist, who is slightly stronger than his "blue" counterparts (he creates a mark under your feet, which soon bursts into a pillar of fire). After the battle, get to the control room and take the information to trigger a cut-scene.

After waking up, it turns out that you are not alone here - soldiers have visited the hall. Now you have to get back, of course, with a fight, but if you want, you can try to move on the sly.

Outside, you will be contacted by Sidorovich, who will be glad that you are alive and will tell you about the closure of the Junkyard. Because of this, you will have to go through the old tunnels leading to Kordon.

To the return

You will find yourself in the territory of Cordon, but on the other side, which was attacked at the beginning of the game. Take the information from the lab to Sidorovich and sell all the swag.

Before doing the next story mission you can complete the secondary ones: the merchant will ask you to steal information from the military base, and the Fan will ask you to kill the mercenaries. Next, you need to reach the Garbage to get to the Bar. Follow the same path, which was again captured by the military.

In the bar, chat with the Bartender, who will continue the storyline. Also here you can transfer the Abakan found in the past to one of the debtors, if you wish.

To laboratory X-16

According to Bartender, the researchers know where you can get to X-16, so you need to go to them. You have to go through the Wild Zone, where a hidden passage to a new location will appear - on the spot you will hear the negotiations of thugs with whom you will have to fight.

Inside the house, deal with the remaining opponents and exit on the other side. Outside, you will also have a fight, so do not relax. After the battle, go to the railway, where a cut-scene will start, after which you will have to protect the researchers from the attack of thugs.

Get to Dr. Kruglov, who needs help. If you help him, you will advance along the main storyline even faster, as his subordinates will become loyal to you.

Reach the point with the fallen pinwheel while cutting out the enemies in parallel, and then talk to the researcher. Now Kruglov will need to be escorted all the way to Yantar, where their hideout is located. Soon you will be attacked by two powerful units of the Wolfhound at once - from behind and in front.

At the Change House you will have one more battle, and then - a battle at the construction site. After that, a group of scientists will begin to pass the zone with anomalies - follow them, as these guys know the safe way.

Immediately, you can be attacked by zombies that do not differ in special intelligence, speed and damage, but are devoid of cowardice.

Having overcome the danger zone, you will receive a gift from Kruglov - a carrier with valuable information, which is worth giving to the Bartender. From here, scientists will reach the base on their own.

I am ntar

You will find yourself in a scorched expanse, once filled with water. Now this cavity is a swamp with a powerful background, anomalies, snorks and other creatures that crave your flesh. In the center of the lake is the base of researchers, where you need to go.

Inside the base, a cut-scene will start with a conversation between Kruglov and Sakharov. After that, talk with the latter - you can shake off all the swag for him (especially artifacts, for which he pays more than ordinary traders); the scientist will also reward you for accompanying Kruglov with an excellent protective suit, which is useful for bypassing anomalies (it is useless in battle).

According to Sakharov, you can get into the X-16, but first you will have to calibrate the equipment, since the last group, without assessing all the dangers, died due to incredibly high psi radiation. Kruglov will personally correct the state of the background, but he will not go there himself - it is you who will have to accompany him.

If your inventory is full, throw off unnecessary things in the box of the scientists' base, as after this mission you will return here. However, be sure to grab both regular armor and a spacesuit.

On the way, look for Snorks, moving ahead of the curve, as they will try to attack the explorer, whose health is limited. On the spot, the scientist will begin to study the environment - the earth will tremble for the first time.

Inside, act in the same way, moving ahead of Kruglov. During the second study, the vibration will begin again, and during the third study, the ejection will begin.

After that, a crowd of monsters will attack you, which are guaranteed to devour Kruglov if he received a lot of damage before. By the way, after the fall, the researcher will drop the cannon, which you can pick up and throw at his feet - then he will pick it up.

At the base, talk to Sakharov, who will mark the location of the X-16 on your PDA and give you a suit with protection against the PSI background. Go to the marked point, moving near the fence.

In the swamps, deal with the zombies that stand on the islands of land, because when you step into the water, they will immediately attack you.

But before that, you should examine the helicopter crash site, where the researcher's body lies with information about the laboratory. His notes will also mention a certain Ghost, who was in the Strelka group.

After that, return to the base to the scientists and equip yourself as you should, as you will visit the Yantar factory. When wearing a protective science suit, move carefully and don't step in, as it has very little physical resistance.

In place, go to the van, to the left of which lies a dilapidated building with supplies. From there, you can also bypass the zombies and just throw grenades at them. Having reached the treasured entrance, go down to the laboratory.

Complex Kh-16

Inside the laboratory, a snork will attack you - kill him and climb into the elevator shaft. After the descent, immediately run to the control booth, which can be reached by the stairs (to the left of the elevator).

Move quickly, as snorks can visit your soul. Step forward from the cockpit, dealing with the monsters in parallel.

Tackle through the corridors, examining the shelves for provisions and medical supplies, until you finally reach a room with a barrel-filled hole. It is worth throwing a grenade there, as there are opponents behind them.

After that, step into a large room where the psi device is located - you need to turn it off within five minutes by deactivating the power.

It is necessary to cut down four knife switches, which are located around the perimeter of the room. The allotted time should be enough for you if you do not stop and fight enemies for a long time.

After completing the task, the hero will pass out again. After waking up, get out of the laboratory (turn to the right, leading to the corridor). Deal with the zombies and get ready to open the massive door behind which is the controller.

After the battle, examine the corpse of the Ghost with valuable information about the Gunslinger and powerful armor. Next, use the hole in the right cage, which will lead you into the tunnels.

Inside, you will have to fight with the snorks, who will get out right from the ground. Go straight until you come across a pseudo-giant - kill him and go outside. After that, Sakharov will contact you.

Finally, you just have to get to the base of researchers. Sakharov will thank you very much for turning off the "burner" and will give you an excellent spacesuit.

Also give him the Ghost's vest to get money, and take on the task of finding even cooler stalker armor. Now you just have to return to the Bartender.

K ordon and Agroprom

After completing the above task, you should not immediately proceed to the storyline, as a Conductor will appear on Cordon, who has information about the whereabouts of the Doctor.

Get to your destination through the Junkyard. Soon you will reach a dilapidated building, near which the Guide sits (earlier you saved the Fox here).

The Explorer himself, by the way, is considered one of the most skilled stalkers, as he arrived here one of the first and is still alive. According to him, the Doctor hid in Strelok's hideout, so you need to go there - to Agroprom.

Inside the complex, get ready to fight the bandits. Further, making your way to the destination, in any case, you will stumble upon a tripwire that will trigger a cut-scene. The doctor will lift you to your feet, after which you will finally realize that you were hunting for yourself (the Shooter is the Bullseye).

Next, the chiropractor will inform you about the Monolith: this is indeed, as Strelok (that is, you) previously believed, a sample from under the Chernobyl nuclear power plant itself, where you can only get with a rare key. The latter is hidden in Pripyat. Finally, return to the Bartender.

B armen

In the Bar, the owner will inform you about the Debt, the head of which (Voronin) wants to chat with you. Also, the key quest will now be turning off the next “burner”, but already at the Radar location, which is particularly difficult.

Voronin will ask you to find a unique optic at the mercenary base, for which you will receive Vintar. Also, if you are looking for good armor (and if Seva does not suit you), then you can visit the base of Freedom - the opposite faction of Duty, which also has mass additional tasks. Raise your reputation with it and eliminate the traitor to get powerful light armor.

After completing the secondary quests, return to the Freedom cordon blocking the path between the warehouses and the Radar. You have to repel the attack of the Monolith, after which you can go to the next location.


The new location will be limited due to the strong background around the perimeter, so you will not be able to approach the rocks and cars. Step immediately in a straight line to the military post and clear it, then continue moving.

In this case, Vintar or another long-range cannon will help you, since you won’t be able to get close to the sniper. Follow the main road past the Red Forest and don't shine too much as the Monolith camp is nearby.

Examine the supply boxes near the tank - a few grenades will come in handy. Clear out the patrol in front and climb the hillock, behind which there will be a turn, where the enemy sat down with an RPG.

You need to spot it first or choose a particularly protected position, as this weapon has a large hit radius. In parallel, deal with the remaining adversaries and clear the camp.

Next, new snipers await you: one hid right in the GAZ (look at the body), the other - on the balcony to the left of the road. Although they can be in other positions! After the hill, you will constantly encounter small units that are easy to deal with.

The closer you get to the "burner", the more it will start to glitch - ghostly monsters will appear in the area that do not cause damage. If you shoot one of these, you will lose some HP.

Closer to the destination, keep killing enemies until you reach the base with a sniper and simple military. Perebeyte them all, and then run to the tunnel fenced by the wagon and go inside.

Laboratory X-10

The new laboratory will be more civilized and illuminated than the previous ones. Pass the corridor to get into a large room. Move carefully here, as bloodsuckers prowl all over the lab. This time you will not need to look for codes or passwords - go straight to the marked point.

Soon you will stumble upon the controller - kill him and go down the stairs to get to the boiler rooms. Go to the other side of the room and climb into the corridor, from where you can get to the control panel "Scorcher". Using the lever, you will lose consciousness.

When you wake up, a mysterious voice will turn to you, the owner will be the real Black Stone, or the Wishmaster, who, in fact, is engaged in turning people's various requests into reality. As you remember from the words of the doctor, this voice is glitches from the lab under the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Now come back. Along the way, you will encounter units of the Monolith, whose fighters are equipped with exoskeletons. Shoot them in the head to conserve ammo, as the rest of the bodies of these enemies are incredibly tough.

Once outside, you will notice a change in the situation - the fuss has begun, as the military arrived at the Radar with the task of clearing the Monolith. Go to the camp not far from the base with the Lab.

There you will find a wagon with a great Liberty costume. After that, advance to the forked road, where the broken UAZ is located.

Here you have to witness the battle of Svoboda and Dolgovtsy, during which you can help one of the parties or simply wait out. Finally, you only have to return to the Bar if there is a need to recuperate. In the end, you should visit Pripyat.

P ripat

In the town overgrown with myths, an amusing scene awaits you from the very beginning - you will meet seasoned mercenaries who can accompany you to the garages. There is an option to refuse, since in reality they are of little use.

After passing the streets and reaching the bare area with the statue, look around, as there are snipers sitting on the rooftops with Gauss cannons - an incredibly powerful weapon that kills with one shot. From below, no less formidable opponents await you - the Monoliths.

Ultimately, you need to get to the hotel, where it is more or less calm. When you get to your destination, you will find out the number of the required room - 26 (April 26, there was a disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant).

It is not worth running to the room, as enemies with gauss guns are waiting for you on the way. Collect valuable information on the spot and leave the building, leaving through the stadium. After that, you can reach the overpass at the end of the map, which leads to the station.


First you have to fight off numerous attacks from opponents, while moving fast enough, since the time before the release is limited. During the passage, you should not stop, as many of the bodies ahead will turn out to be simple models without loot.

Behind the concrete fence you will find the railway - from there run to the station, shooting back from the enemies. Kill them all will not work, so just make your way along the wall to the gate.

An armored personnel carrier will approach you on the spot, from which you immediately need to hide, as it breaks through any armor. Jump into the hatch to get to the next level.

The entrance to the lab is somewhere nearby, and you need to find it. By the way, no one will forbid you to find the sarcophagus directly in order to complete the Monolith ending, but they will turn out to be negative. Move forward, clearing the rooms.

After the corridor, go down to the lower level and go through a crevice in the wall, where about seven enemies have settled. Then find the stairs up, which is guarded by the Monoliths at the end. In order not to give yourself away, rise without light.

On the next floor, you will find corridors that can lead to both the laboratory and the sarcophagus. Step into the corridor with the red beacon to find the stairs. If you choose the right path, then the game itself will inform you about this, indicating in the tasks that you have found a lab.

Finally, you just have to go through the door, which you first have to open. During the decryption, you will have to fight off the Monoliths, after which you will be able to go inside.

After the first part of the encounter, you will go into rooms with lanterns and the Monolith symbol in the middle - destroy everything to interrupt the signal. With each destroyed lantern you will be attacked by fiery poltergeists.

As a result, when you complete the task, you will be contacted by a mysterious scientist with whom you can talk. Ask him about everything that interests you and maybe you will understand what the Zone really is.

At this stage, you can accept the offer of this person to join them, after which the game will end with one of the good endings.

If you refuse, then another level awaits you, during which you will jump through the portals, until you eventually get to the room with these scientists who are in stasis. Kill them or spare them - it's up to you, since there is no right or wrong option here.

Video: walkthrough STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl

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