What to put on Emil 2. Historical background of the Swedish Emil II

It was not possible to make a brief historical note, the prototype is very interesting, and I think many will be curious to know its history, and the rest can scroll down to the actual model.

During preparations for the invasion of Great Britain - Operation Sea Lion - the German command took into account the possibility of a collision with heavy British tanks. First of all, the Mk IV Churchill tanks caused concern, a number of modifications of which were equipped with serious 76-mm guns. These armored vehicles posed a serious threat to most of the German armored vehicles of the early years of World War II. In addition, the Churchills had solid armor - up to 100 millimeters on the forehead. To deal with such a serious enemy, appropriate equipment was required.

At the beginning of 1940, such requirements resulted in work to determine the appearance of a promising anti-tank self-propelled artillery mount. The country's command requested the creation of two self-propelled guns armed with 105-mm and 128-mm guns. Such weapons were supposed to ensure the guaranteed defeat of all existing tanks in service with European countries, and also have a certain reserve in the direction of destroying tanks in the near future. Nevertheless, after a few months it was decided that one self-propelled gun was enough. The program of work on the subject of the 128-mm self-propelled gun was closed, and as a result of the second program, the Dicker Max self-propelled guns were created. In the first months of the next 1941, the German command ceased to actively prepare for war with Great Britain. The current target was the Soviet Union. A few days before the attack, both Dicker Max prototype self-propelled guns were sent to the troops for trial operation. The project of self-propelled guns with a 128-mm gun was no longer remembered.

But then the day came for the start of Operation Barbarossa. Wehrmacht tanks went on the offensive and met with very uncomfortable opponents. These were soviet tanks T-34 and KV. It was then that the almost forgotten developments in self-propelled guns with a 128 mm caliber gun came in handy. Just a few weeks after the start of the war, Rheinmetall and Henschel were given the task of developing a full-fledged self-propelled gun. It is worth noting that the development of Dicker Max was relatively simple - a gun of the required caliber was installed on an almost unchanged chassis of the PzKpfw IV tank. With the new self-propelled guns, things were worse. First of all, the weight of the gun affected. The PaK 40 gun weighed over seven tons. Not every armored chassis of German production could pull such a "burden", not to mention the return. I had to go back to old projects. The basis for the new self-propelled guns was the experimental tank VK3001 (H), which at one time could become the main medium tank in Germany.

The suspension of the VK3001(H) chassis easily withstood the calculated loads when firing from a 128-mm cannon. However, the experimental tank had insufficient dimensions. It was possible to install an armored wheelhouse with a gun on it, but in this case there was almost no room for the crew. There was no question of any ergonomics, even tolerable. I had to urgently lengthen the original chassis. To do this, the stern of the car was increased and, as a result, the transmission was reconfigured. The engine was left unchanged - Maybach HL116 with a capacity of 300 hp. Two additional track rollers from each side had to be introduced into the chassis. In view of the Knipkamp system used on the VK3001 (H) tank, this did not give a particularly large gain in the length of the supporting surface, although it helped to correct the alignment of the entire self-propelled gun.

The first (they, as it turns out later, and the last) copies of the 128-mm self-propelled gun, which received the official name 12.8 cm PaK 40 L / 61 Henschel Selbstfahrlafette auf VK3001 (H) and the unofficial nickname Sturer Emil ("Stubborn Emil"), it was planned to remake from the manufactured chassis of the VK3001 (H) tank. Therefore, the armor of the self-propelled gun remained the same: the forehead and sides of the hull were 50 and 30 mm thick, respectively. In the rear of the hull, right on its top plate, an armored wheelhouse was mounted. It was assembled from steel sheets of the same thickness as the body sheets - 50 and 30 mm. There were few frontal panels of the hull and cabin with a thickness of only five centimeters. For this reason, at the front, the Stubborn Emil self-propelled guns received additional protection in the form of hulls suspended on their foreheads and cutting sections of caterpillar tracks.

A 128-mm PaK 40 cannon with a barrel length of 61 calibers was installed along the central axis of the vehicle. Its mounting system made it possible to carry out horizontal aiming within seven degrees from the axis. The vertical guidance sector, in turn, was much larger - from -15 ° to + 10 °. Such a discrepancy in the vertical guidance angles had a simple and understandable basis. Raising the barrel of the gun above ten degrees was not allowed by its large breech, resting on the floor of the fighting compartment. As for lowering the barrel, it was limited only by the front of the machine body and expediency. Carried gun ammunition was 18 shells. It is sometimes mentioned that, due to the long range of confident destruction of most Soviet tanks, the Sturer Emil could work in tandem with a truck carrying shells. However, it is unlikely that such a "tactical scheme" was used in practice - unlike at least somehow armored self-propelled guns, the ammunition truck is not protected in any way and is a very attractive target.

The crew of the 128-mm self-propelled gun consisted of five people: a driver, a commander, a gunner and two loaders. The jobs of four of them were in the wheelhouse, so the increase in chassis size was more than necessary. In case of unforeseen circumstances, as well as to combat enemy infantry, the crew had at their disposal an MG 34 machine gun, several MP 38/40 submachine guns and grenades.

Six chassis of the VK3001 (H) tank were idle at the Henschel plant. Two of them became platforms for the manufacture of new self-propelled guns. Therefore, even taking into account the serious alterations to the case, the production of Sturer Emil did not take much time. The first copy was ready by the fall of the 41st, and the second had to wait until the spring of next year. First of all, two prototypes went to the landfill. There they showed good fire performance. However, the large caliber and excellent armor penetration performance were offset by low engine power and the resulting lack of mobility. Even on the highway, Stubborn Emily, as if justifying their nickname, did not accelerate faster than twenty kilometers per hour.

After field tests, both Sturer Emil self-propelled guns were sent to the front for testing in real combat conditions. The test gunners were soldiers of the 521st battalion of anti-tank self-propelled guns. Almost immediately after the arrival of the self-propelled guns received another nickname, this time "personal". The soldiers nicknamed them "Max" and "Moritz", after two hooligan friends from a poem by Wilhelm Busch. Probably, the reason for the emergence of such nicknames was the constant breakdowns that plagued both Stubborn Emils. However, these self-propelled guns spoiled the lives of not only mechanics. The 128-millimeter gun really reliably hit all Soviet tanks, including heavy ones. The difference was only in the range of the shot. According to reports, "Max" and "Moritz" destroyed at least 35-40 Soviet tanks.

In W. Bush's poem, the fate of hooligans turned out to be not at all rosy: they were ground at a mill and fed to ducks, which no one was upset about. With self-propelled "Max" and "Moritz" something similar happened, but adjusted for the peculiarities of the war. One of the self-propelled guns was destroyed by the Red Army in the middle of 1942. The second one reached Stalingrad, where it became a trophy for Soviet soldiers. Starting in 1943, one of the Stubborn Emils participated in exhibitions of captured German equipment. On the barrel of his guns, 22 white rings were counted - according to the number of destroyed armored vehicles. One can imagine the reaction of the Red Army soldiers to a trophy with such a military history.

A weak engine, overweight design, low ammunition capacity, as well as insufficient gun pointing angles caused doubts about the advisability of serial production of self-propelled guns. In addition, the 42nd year was already in the yard - it was necessary to decide the fate of the heavy tank PzKpfw VI Tiger. Since the Henschel company could not assemble both a tank and a self-propelled gun at the same time, its leadership, together with the Wehrmacht command, decided to start mass production of the Tiger. The Sturer Emil project was closed and no longer resumed, but the need anti-tank self-propelled guns it didn't cancel.

We decided to reproduce prototype No. 1, its traces are lost in the summer of 1942 in the expanses of the Don steppes, it is not known for certain how its career ended, unlike No. 2, which became a participant in trophy exhibitions and stands in Kubinka.
We assumed that prototype No. 1 was damaged in battle, abandoned by the Germans during the counterattack, captured by the Red Army, and later destroyed during the retreat.

The model was assembled by Pavel Cherepanov:
The construction of the model took almost a year, many additions were involved in the work on the model, in particular, three sets of Aber etched, turned barrel and shells, metal tracks, and so on, full list at the end of the article. Needless to say, assembling with Aberian etching can take a lot of time and nerves, even if you use it at 50%. in places the photo-etching was soldered, in places glue was used, especially the problematic assembly of the shell boxes, which are made partially open so that the shells inside can be seen.

I simulated minor damage - dented wings, holes in the wheelhouse, hits in the mask of a gun, a broken or dropped tool, but there was no task to make the destroyed Emil, rather, it was abandoned in a combat-ready state, but having seen the scenes. For example, one of the road wheels lost its rubber bandage, and the left slat was torn off.

The model was painted by Roman Vorobyov. First, the model was primed with Tamiya primer from a can, painted in the base color, XF-63 German Grey, tinted with filters, washes, oil dots (502 Abteiluung), MIG pigments (dust, rust, soot).

The model was then handed over to Vladimir Yashin for final effects.

Vladimir Yashin added an inscription on the side of the self-propelled gun, "This fascist tank has been captured by Lieutenant Yegorov." The inscription is made with a white pencil imitating chalk. It was logical to assume that such an inscription in a combat situation is unlikely to be made by someone with paint, but chalk could be at hand.

Vladimir added some small things to the "salon" - a bottle of vodka and a PPSh machine gun - traces of the presence of the legendary Lieutenant Yegorov, who immediately noted his success with the guys and walked away for a minute, leaving the machine gun inside. Also added footprints on the body, drips of oil and fuel, corners and edges are processed with a pencil lead for a natural shine.

If I missed something, Volodya and Roman will supplement the article!


Trumpeter - 00350 12.8cm Selbstfahrlafette L/61 ‘Sturer Emil’ - set itself
Armorscale - B35-021 128mm Kanone 40 - Gun Barrel for German SPG (Pz.Sfl.V) - turned barrel
Armorscale - A35008 Ammo 128mm Gun 40 "Sturer Emil" 1/35 - turned shells and shells
Aber-35180 12.8 cm Sf. L/61 (Pz.Sf.V) "STURER EMIL" Vol.1 Basic - photo-etched basic set
Aber - 35181 12,8 cm Sf.L/61 (Pz.Sf.V) "Sturer Emil" Vol.2 - Additional set (fenders) - photo-etched fenders
Aber - 35182 12.8 cm Sf.L/61 (Pz.Sf.V) "Sturer Emil" Vol.3 - Additional set (ammo holders and boxes) - photo-etched ammo boxes
Aber - 35P-06 German ammunition for "Sturer Emil" - turned shells
Friulmodel - ATL-86 STURER EMIL - metal tracks
RB Model - 35A02 - 2 cm antenna for military vehicles - brass antenna
RB Model - 35A15 German aerial mount - brass antenna gland

The work was carried out intermittently throughout 2012, and was started back in 2011.

The model was built to order and is now in a private collection. If you like it - get in touch! We will build the same or similar one for you.

Vladimir Yashin, Pavel Cherepanov, Roman Vorobyov
Novosibirsk 2012

Emil II Swedish heavy tank 9 World level of Tanks has successfully started testing at the SuperTest. Tactical and technical characteristics not final, but only preliminary.

Historical background of the Swedish Emil II

Tank model EMIL II is a variation of the previous model Emil 1, however, it is heavier and overall, its weight ranges from 34 to 39 tons, which of course depends on the armor and engine weight. As for the engines themselves for this model, two options were offered here - this is the 540th or 665th. This is a more modernized model of the Emil tank, more in demand in terms of its potential, in the production of which a Swedish engine was used, however, when production put on stream even more powerful engines, the Emil 2 also faded into the background, like its predecessor Emil 1, and in In 1952, it was completely removed from the assembly line. Here it was presented next model- this is Emil 3, but here things were somewhat incomprehensible: the most powerful tank with a mass of up to 42 tons was simply unrealistic, since there was no most suitable Swedish-made engine for this. Everything changed when American-made motors became available. Thus, creating the third model, there was something from the Emil 2 - this is a 150 mm gun with a smoothbore body. Armor was immediately added on the sides and front, so the Emil 2 and Emil 1 were completely forced out, and the third model was taken as the main one.

The performance characteristics of Emil II

The Swedish Emil II is sent for testing with the following characteristics:

Equipment for Swedish Emil II

The first thing to note about this drum Swedish tank is its firepower, which is paramount for the Emil 2. There are also excellent tilt angles, so when choosing modules, it is best to rely on the following algorithm:
« improved ventilation"- this module will speed up the reloading of the drum system, especially if you add the skills of the Emil 2 crew with the "brotherhood in battle";
« vertical stabilizer"- with this module it will be possible to narrow the range of guidance of the gun and thereby increase the accuracy of hitting the target;
« reinforced pickup drives» - this module also improves the efficiency of the weapon.

Skill sniper» is especially important for such a tank model, as it can cause critical damage to the enemy. Skills smooth running" and " smooth turn of the tower» are also very important for the crew, as their combination significantly increases the shooting skill on the move. It is also worth paying attention to the ability off road king", which will increase the maneuverability of the machine, but the ram in this case will be completely useless. To improve the overview, it is worth installing " Eagle Eye" and " radio interception». « Non-contact ammo rack” also will not be superfluous.

Brief summary of the Emil II tank

Appearance of Emil II Swedish heavy tank 9 WoT level very similar to the French heavy tank AMX 50 120, on the plus side, you can see that the declination of the Swede’s gun is very suitable for play because of cover, but penetration and the gun itself has worse characteristics. What is worth only reloading inside the drum loading system equal to 5 seconds, and the total loading of the drum is more than 38 seconds.

Hello tankers and welcome to the site! Today we have something hot on the agenda again, we will talk about a new heavy tank of the ninth level from Sweden - this Emil II guide.

Initially, many expected that the top Swedes would become very similar to French heavyweights, but the biggest similarity here is visual. In fact Emil II TTX have a lot of differences and special features, this car, without a doubt, can be called very strong, and now you will see it.


The first feature that I would like to draw attention to will be disappointing, because this unit has the smallest margin of safety among all TT-10s, as well as a mediocre basic view of 380 meters.

And now let's consider Emil II specifications booking and pay attention to the collision model. In terms of survivability, we are clearly different from the French heavies, and the turret can rightly be considered the most outstanding part of the tank. In the frontal projection, it is really difficult to break through this element, thanks to the initial thickness and rational inclination, the front here in some places reaches 270 millimeters, which allows us to compete on equal terms even with top-end equipment.

As for the forehead of the hull, it is also capable of delighting us with ricochets, but mostly thanks to the slopes of the armor plates and the likeness of a pike nose. However, the body Emil II WoT it's still better to hide, because tanks of level 9 and 10 will penetrate us here without any problems, especially in the NLD.

If we talk about the side armor of our Swede, then it is rather mediocre. Of course, thanks to the fact that in patch 9.17 the rule of three calibers will be abolished, substituting the bead at a good angle heavy tank Emil II will be able to tank, but driving into our side, the enemy will not have problems with breaking through.

By the way, this unit has a high silhouette, which is why you should always act very carefully, especially when taking a position, you need to pay attention to the dimensions.

In addition to strong frontal armor, our heavyweight has another pleasant quality - good mobility. As you can see in the picture with general performance characteristics, Emil II World of Tanks there is an excellent maximum speed, decent dynamics for a heavy tank, and only weak maneuverability, especially if you want to turn around at high speed.


The armament of our heavies is another reason for pride, as a top-end gun with a caliber of 120 millimeters is installed on board.

The main feature is that Emil II gun equipped with a loading drum for 4 shells, each of which has a very noticeable alpha strike. Our internal reload is faster than the French AMX 50 120 and this allows us to deal 1600 damage in just 12 seconds, a very impressive result for a tier 9. But do not forget that our drum is fully recharged in as much as 40 seconds, this is a very long time.

With armor penetration parameters Emil II World of Tanks everything is in perfect order again, the top gun allows you to feel very comfortable in battles at the bottom of the list, but still it’s worth buying a few gold drums, the situations are different.

As for accuracy, the initial dispersion of our heavy is large, and everything is not very good with stabilization, for this reason it is unlikely that it will be possible to realize the drum in motion (only at short distances). Reduced Emil II tank of Sweden also not fast, but these parameters can be improved and the battles will be more comfortable.

However, there is one more nuance worthy of respect - the vertical aiming angles. Cannon Emil II WoT drops down by 12 degrees, this is an excellent indicator, but there is back side medals, it’s impossible to lift the muzzle up strongly, we have only 8 degrees at our disposal.

Advantages and disadvantages

The car in front of us is new, and although this heavy has a certain similarity with the French classmate, there are much more differences. For this reason, the gameplay on Emil II World of Tanks will be fundamentally different, and in order to understand it, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of the strengths and weaknesses tank.
Good mobility (maximum speed and dynamics);
Strong frontal armor (especially towers);
Powerful drum for 4 shells;
Fast recharge inside the drum;
Comfortable negative vertical aiming angle.
Small margin of safety;
Mediocre review;
Weak Armor boards;
Mediocre accuracy;
Long reloading of the drum.

Equipment for Emil II

Installation additional modules we can strengthen our tank, making its advantages more tangible, or smoothing out the disadvantages. In our case Special attention you need to pay attention to the comfort of dealing damage and visibility, so for Emil II equipment should be set like this:
1. - the most important module that will improve our stabilization, which in turn will make the accuracy more comfortable.
2. - due to the obvious lag behind most of the classmates in the review, this option looks quite logical.
3. - will increase the overall reload speed of the drum, improve mixing and spur the review, in other words, it will give everything we need.

I consider the above list of equipment to be optimal, but if you feel severe discomfort due to the duration of mixing, especially with an unpumped crew, you can replace the third item with, it's up to you.

Crew training

The most important aspect of playing on any car is the correct distribution of skills among the crew members, of which we have only three at our disposal. Here we will pursue the same goals as when choosing equipment, but do not forget about increasing survivability, which means Emil II perks distribute in the following order:
Commander (radio operator, loader) - , , , .
Gunner (loader) - , , , .
Driver mechanic - , , , .

Equipment for Emil II

With the choice of consumables, the situation is much simpler, first of all, you will have to focus on your reserves of silver or gold, and if now you need to save money, take , , . But we still recommend not to skimp and bet on reliability, in this case, for Emil II gear will consist of , , . Regarding the last option, it can be replaced with, our heavy rarely burns.

Tactics of the game on Emil II

For unexplained reasons, heavy swedish tank Tier 9, like its top counterpart, received an unthinkable combination of excellent mobility, strong armor, and powerful guns with comfortable airframes.

Of course, the characteristics of the tank before the release may still change, but now we have a real imba in our hands, and if we talk about what Emil II tactics warfare, the answer will be - varied.

Indeed, this unit can try on many roles, but there is no doubt that your main task will be to use the strengths of the machine and leveling its shortcomings. Thus, on Emil II World of Tanks should take advantage of the terrain, implementing an owl drum due to excellent vertical aiming angles.

There is one more serious plus in such a strategy - it is extremely difficult to break through our tower even top cars so the risk is minimal. But there is also a reverse side of the coin in this - a drum for 4 shells, which imposes its own style of play.

The fact is that while the store is loaded, Emil II tank of Sweden poses a very serious threat, few will want to clash with us in open battle if favorable conditions are on our side. However, as soon as the drum is empty, we become very vulnerable, so you have to feel the game very well and constantly analyze the situation around.

Do not forget about mobility, because Emil II heavy tank able to very quickly change not only the direction of attack, but even the flanks. If used correctly, you can get a significant tactical advantage.

Otherwise, you should be aware of your vulnerable sides, not expose them, and also try to hide the hull in close combat. Always keep an eye on the mini-map and watch out for artillery. Emil II WoT a very formidable beast, the main thing is to cope with it, and this requires experience and skill.