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The game can be played as three characters: Peter Blood, Ian Stace and Diego Espinoza, each with their own unique storyline.

Storyline for Peter Blood

You appear at Oglethorpe's estate, England. In the yard on January 1, 1665. Servant Jeremy Pitt informs you that Lord Gilda is wounded. Enter the house, talk to the servant Andrew James and proceed to the bedroom, in the west wing on the second floor. Approach the bed with the dying lord. A servant will appear and report that he has brought everything necessary for treatment. You find yourself in your office. Talk to Andrew James. The second servant, Jeremy Pitt, will appear and report that the royal dragoons are jumping here. He will advise you to take a sword from the balcony and run away to hide. exit the office, take the key from the table on the left and go up to the second floor. Open the chest on the balcony and take Brett's sword, pistol and ammo. Captain Gobart will soon appear and a dragoon will attack you. If you kill him, two more will attack you. You can't kill all of them. As soon as they defeat you, you will be captured and, according to the plot, will be imprisoned.

You will appear at hard labor. April 1, 1665. Jeremy Pitt will tell you that Colonel Bishop wants to see you. Exit the room. Talk to Colonel Bishop. Go home, you might find something useful. But do not take a weapon - the guards will take it away from you at a meeting. Leave the plantation and run along the path to the right. Find yourself on the streets of the city of Bridgetown. Head to the governor's residence. Talk to the governor sitting at the table, go through the door next to him and go up to the second floor to his wife's bedroom. Talk to Mrs. Steed. Talk to the governor. Tell him that you went looking for Mr. Dan and you need money to buy medicine. Take 1000 piastres. Go outside and turn right. There you will find Mr. Dan's house. Dan himself is not in it, but there is your competitor - Dr. Wacker. He asks you to come the next day to the tavern for an important conversation. Leave the house and you will meet Mr. Dan. Tell him you've come for a cure from the governor's wife. He will give it to you absolutely free of charge. Return to the residence and give the medicine to Mrs. Steed.

You will appear in the tavern the next day. Mr Wacker is gone. Ask the tavern owner where you can find Dr. Wacker. Head to the tavern room. There you will find Dr. Wacker, who promises to give you a loan of twenty thousand piastres to help organize your escape. Return to the plantations and find Jeremy Pitt. Tell him that he is the only navigator and the fate of the escape depends on him. After he agrees, you will need to find three slaves: Hagthorp, Ogle and Nicholas Dyke.

Nicholas Dyke will tell you that Colonel Bishop wants to sell it. Talk to Colonel Bishop. You will find him at his plantation residence. Head to the tavern and have a drink with one of the drunkards. He will tell you that an important merchant, a friend of Colonel Bishop, has recently arrived in the city. It's probably Vernon. Find his home. Exit the tavern to the right, go past the usurer's house, you need to - the next one. Wait for Vernon to go up the stairs and search the chest that is directly below her. Take everything that is in it and go outside. Talk to Nicholas Dyke and inform him that the deal will not go through and he can safely prepare to escape.

Find also a slave in a spotted bandanna - Levays Moyer. He will complain about headache and asks you to bring him medicine. Return to the city to Mr. Dan's house. He doesn't exist right now. Go to the second floor and take the medicine in the box next to the scales. Go back and give the medicine to Levays. In return, he will give you a light dagger that the guards will not be able to detect.

Now find the one-eyed slave Ned Ogle in one of the houses. Return to the city, find the usurer's house and pay him the debt of 5000 piastres.

Talk to Pitt and report that you have found a weapon and a team.

You will find yourself the next day in your hut. Go to the tavern and talk to Dr. Wacker. Instead of the promised 25,000 piastres, he gave you only 18,000. The rest must be obtained somewhere. Go to the moneylender, he has a business for you. After talking with him, return to the tavern and talk to his owner. Give him 500 piastres otherwise he will refuse to speak. Head to the shipyard. Talk to the impostor. Tell him that he is your old debtor.

He will get scared and give 55000 piastres instead of 30,000, although this will negatively affect your reputation. Now you can either nobly return the money to the moneylender, or leave it for your own needs. Now that you have the required amount on hand, return to the tavern and talk to the carpenter at one of the tables. Exit the tavern. A soldier will come up to you and order you to go to the plantation. Return to the plantation. On the way, Nathaniel Hagthorp will meet you and inform you that Pitt was captured by the guards. After the conversation, you will find yourself at the gates of the city at night.

Run to the plantation. You will need to quietly sneak past the guards to the edge of the plantation and take weapons from the chest. Please note that each guard has his own patrol zone. The visibility zone in the dark is small, so the main thing is not to pass directly on their path. Get to the longest white building. In the near corner of the plantation you will see a bunch of logs and planks. Among them is a chest with weapons. Unfortunately, you will have to be content with only a saber and a few healing potions. Fighting the guards is almost useless. near the colonel's house you will see a captured Pitt and two guards near him. You will see the guards somewhere around the corner and deal with them. Then talk to Pitt. He will say that Natal escaped on your sloop.

Now leave the plantation past the guards, trying not to engage them in battle. Enter the city. kill all the Spanish guards, drawing them out one at a time, and a lady will come up to you to thank you for saving her. She will tell you that the Spaniards have captured the city. Head to the shipyard. Swim around the shipyard on the side of the sea and find your comrades. Swim to the ship. Climb onto it and kill the guards. Then go to the cabin and fight one on one with the captain. The ship is yours. Exit the cabin and talk to Pitt. Talk to the team. Only Ogle will agree to serve you faithfully, the rest will be asked to be landed at the first port. This is where the uniqueness of Blood's storyline ends.

To start a national storyline in the game, you need to get a letter of marque (if you want to pass pirate line, You need to talk to Morgan in Port Royal). To do this, you need to complete about 10 small assignments from the governor of the city belonging to the line you need. Described below possible options these tasks.

1) Destroy a gang of thugs in the jungle. Run through the jungle, find a couple of thugs, destroy them, soon you will come across the head of the gang. After defeating him, you can return to the governor for a reward.

2) Search for an enemy infiltrator in the city. Look for it in the houses. As soon as you enter the desired house, a conversation with him will immediately take place, after which the battle will begin. After killing the scout, you can return to the governor for a reward.

3) Destroy the smugglers.

4) Get into the enemy fort (city) and take the documents from the messenger. The task is not easy. You will have to make your way under the cover of darkness, from the nearest beach through the jungle. Soldiers in the dark see only in front of them and not very far. Therefore, you have a chance to get through unnoticed.

Dutch national storyline.

The Governor-General of Holland, from whom you will take tasks, is located in the city of Willemstad.

1) The first task is to deliver the head of the Jansenists Chumakeiro to Curacao, to this moment It is located on San Martin Island. Having sailed to the island, go to the tavern keeper and ask about Chumakeyro, he says that he took a house for himself, which is located near the residence of the governor. As soon as you enter the house, two people will attack you. After killing them, enter the room on the second floor where Chumakeyro stands. Now sail to Curaçao, where at the residence of Peter Stezzant, Chumaqueiro will give you 30,000 piastres.

2) The second task is to purchase a shipment of coffee, black, red and sandalwood from Fort Orange for Curacao. You will be given papers for the purchase of goods at a special price and the amount of money. The entire cargo will take 6800 centners, be prepared for this. Goods must be delivered to Stavesant within 2 months. Sail to Jamaica, dock at Cape Negril and go to Fort Orange. First, go to the governor and give papers to get preferential prices, then go to the store. After purchasing the goods, come back. For completing the task, you will receive 75,000 piastres.

3) The third task is to obtain information about the plans of the British in relation to Holland in connection with the trade war. Go to Hispaniola and talk to the head of the city of La Vega. The head is Edward Mansfield, but in fact, his surname is Mansvelt, he is Dutch by nationality. He is also Modyford's confidant in the robberies of the Spaniards. But Mansfield cannot tell Vaschet of the plans of the British, but recently an English envoy from Modyford came to him with a proposal to attack Curaçao, naturally Mansfield refused. Edik will also say that Vaschet's plans for the British are best learned from the great and terrible Henry Morgan. Go to Jamaica and there you will find out that Morgan is in Antigua. Go there and talk to him. He will say that if you help him, then he will help you too. We must find out if his companion Pierre Picard is honest. He is located in Tortuga, then ask the moneylender, the owner of the shipyard, the owner of the store, in the tavern and in the brothel. It turns out that he spent a lot of money. Now go to Morgan, he says that Vaschet knows nothing about plans, but one of his officers, who was imprisoned, knows about Modiford's plans, head to the Prison, kill the guards. You will learn that the British want to attack Fort Orange. Swim to the governor general and he will pay 50,000 piastres.

4) The fourth task is to intercept the British and save Fort Orange from ruin. Sail to Jamaica as quickly as possible. A small squadron consisting of 3 English ships will cruise around the island. Sink them and land in the bay. Kill all the English in the bay and in the next location. Mission completed. You can go to Stevesant, he will pay 100,000 piastres.

5) The fifth task is to escort three flutes to the La Vega pirate settlement and back. Swim to La Vega, disembark. It turns out that the Spaniards attacked the settlement and killed Mansild. Buy provisions and go to sea. The more ships survive, the greater the reward. If all the ships survive, it will be 60,000 piastres.

6) The sixth task is to find Morgan and inform him that the Dutch are out for revenge. Swim to Jamaica, sneak into the city and go to Morgan's residence. Henry will say that the attack was organized by the Spanish Governor of Santiago, Jose Sancho Jimenez, and we need to conduct reconnaissance to find out if Don Jose will be in the city in the near future. Sail to Santiago and dock at the lighthouse. Make your way into the city and go to the tavern. Ask the owner about the governor, under the pretext that you want to enter the service. Several Spanish officers will enter. Kill them and run to the ship. The task is completed, you have learned that a holiday is coming soon in the city and the governor must attend it. Return to Jamaica to Morgan. Quest completed. Sail to Curacao to the governor and get 200,000 piastres.

7) The seventh task is to deliver a dispatch to the governor of Tortuga Bertrand d "Ogeron. Sail to Tortuga in order to deliver the dispatch to d'Ogeron, then he will ask you to walk for two hours while he writes a letter to Stezzant. After two hours, you will receive a letter. At the port A messenger will meet you and say that a messenger from the governor of Holland is waiting for you in the tavern. Go to the tavern and go up to the room, then you will be stunned and the letter will be taken away. left the port in the near future.It turns out that the brig La Rochelle has left the port, which is going to San Juan.Head there and board the ship off the coast of San Juan.The captain will say that Antonio, who took the letter from you, left the ship and moved to the galleon Isabella, which is going to Santa Catalina.Catch up with the galleon, board it and Antonio will surrender.Take the letter and head to Stezzant, he will issue 150,000 piastres.

8) The eighth task is a business trip at the disposal of Aaron Mendez Chumakeyro. His house is located in the city, not far from the residence. Aaron will give the task to find an ancient book that some English privateer tried to sell in a pirate settlement in Bermuda. Go to Bermuda and go to Jackman's residence. After talking with him, swim to Martinique, to the local brothel. Ask all the girls there, one will give you new information, for a fee, the filibuster who wanted to sell the book, in an incomprehensible language, was called Laurent de Graf, he usually lives in Tortuga. Swim to Tortuga. In the local tavern, you will find out that now de Graf has been on a raid to Cartagena for two weeks now. Swim there. Near Cartagena, Laurent, fighting against the superior forces of the Spaniards. Sink the enemy squadron without letting it sink the Frenchman's ship. Send a boat to Laurent de Graaf's ship. Ask him about the item you are looking for, he will offer to buy a buried treasure map from him for 235,000 gold. Pay the required amount. The treasure is hidden on Turks Island. Swim to the Turks, go into the cave and find the chest. You will find a holy book there, as well as a blunderbuss gun, a couple of good pistols, an expensive cuirass, 200 gold bars, rings, brooches, and a couple of idols, including a very useful idol - the rat god. Sail to Curacao to Chumaqueiro and give him the bible. As a reward, you will receive 1,000,000 piastres. Then go to the residence to report on the success of the mission.

9) The ninth task is to capture four battleships of the first class, namely manovars. They are usually found in large trade caravans, military squadrons and gold caravans. For each ship you will be given 50,000 piastres.

10) The tenth task - the defense of Curacao from the attack of the Spanish squadron, consisting of 8 ships, including manowars. Go to the port and go out to sea, there the fort is already fighting the invaders, help him defeat the Spaniards. After the last Spaniard goes under water, the mission to protect Curacao will be completed. Return to the residence for a reward of 200,000 piastres.

11) The eleventh task is to repel the attack of the Spaniards on San Martin. Put out to sea and sail to Marigot as quickly as possible. When you get to San Martin, join the battle against 8 enemy ships. After sinking their fleet, return to Willemstad and receive a reward of 200,000 piastres again. Governor-General, says it's time to take retaliatory action against Spain.

12) The twelfth task - the capture of Maracaibo. The fort there is not so powerful and it will not be difficult to smash it. After capturing a colony for Holland, you will receive 300,000 piastres and the opportunity to capture English and Spanish colonies for yourself or Holland.

French national storyline

1) The first task is to escort the French privateer Per Legrand, who captured a military galleon with rich booty on a lugger and now wants to return to France. Go to the tavern and talk to Pierre, he will become our passenger. Now head to the island of Martinique, the bay of Le Marne. Five thugs who need Legrand's gold will be waiting for you on the shore. Engage in battle with them, trying to save Pierre. After defeating them, you will receive the promised reward of 20,000 piastres. Swim to Tortuga and report on the mission.

2) The second task is to deliver a letter to the Governor-General of the Dutch Republic, Peter Stezzant. After arriving in Curacao, go to the residence of the governor. You will be imprisoned, mistaken for one of the pirates who killed the envoy D'Ogeron. After some time, the jailer will pass in the prison. Talk to him. It turns out that his relative is one of the officers in this colony. Persuade him to ask his relative to search our ship, where there is a French corsair patent. The jailer will want to take some things from the ship in exchange for help. Peter Stezzant will come and apologize. Now we need to find out Vaschet of this story with the pirates in more detail. Go to the tavern. There you will overhear a conversation between two people in a tavern. Then you have to follow them. And so, having reached the bay, it turns out that these are not pirates at all, but sailors from the Spanish galleon, who, under a pirate flag, robbed ships in the local waters. Next will be a fight with the Spaniards. Now go to the port. A Spanish galleon is waiting for you there. Take him on board, then the captain of the ship at death will tell you everything. Go to Stezzant and tell about the fact that the filibusters are not to blame for anything, you will receive 20,000 piastres. Go to Tortuga, tell everything to the governor and get the title of Commander of the French Fleet.

3) The third task is to find a way to bring Donna Anna to Tortuga. For this mission, you will be given a Spanish trade license and a ring by which the wife of the commandant of the fort will know that we are the envoy of D'Ogeron. There are three ways to get into Havana. The first. Having raised a flag friendly to Spain, enter the port and moor. Second. Land at the lighthouse and then go to the city. Third. If the license has expired, then go to the city at night, landing at the Lighthouse. Next, go to the tavern and ask the maid to take the ring to Donna Anna. After 3-4 days, the maid will say that she took the ring and Donna Anna will wait for you at night, opening the door. Enter the house and kill the soldiers waiting for you. Go into the bedroom and talk to Donna Anna. Now run to the ship and sail to Tortuga. And there you will receive 25,000 piastres.

4) The fourth task is to escort a first-class battleship to the island of Dominica. Rumor has it that the Spaniards are already hunting for this ship, in 3-4 galleons, under the command of Juano Galeno. Near Dominica, the ship should connect with the squadron of the island of Guadeloupe. Go to the Port Authority and take command of the Soleil Royal. Now your course lies on Dominica. Near Dominica, 4 galleons will be waiting for you, but there will be no French squadron. After the sinking of the squadron of Juano Galeno, you need to go to Guadeloupe and find out why the promised squadron did not meet you. The governor of the city of Basse-Terre will justify himself by saying that he received a letter about the nomination of your squadron only yesterday and did not have time to prepare anything. He will take the royal manowar and thank you for the mission you completed. Return to the Governor General. As a reward, you will receive 28,000 piastres. Also talk to d "Ogeron again and get a promotion.

5) The fifth task is to protect Donna Anna. It turns out that the relatives of the murdered commandant of Fort Havana want revenge. Go to Havana to find out the details of Vaschet's revenge from Donna Anna's friend, Iness de Las Sierras. Land near the lighthouse and run to the city, there as quickly as possible run to the house of Ines, ignoring the guards. It turns out that relatives go somewhere in the jungle. You will find them at the lighthouse, followed by a fight with relatives. Then sail to Tortuga, where you will receive 5,000 piastres from D'Ogeron, at the same time go to Donna Anna, and receive gratitude from her.

6) The sixth task is to deliver a letter to Francois Olone. Under no circumstances should the letter fall into the wrong hands, and if you get into trouble, before you die, you must first destroy the package. Put out to sea and head for Guadeloupe. On the approach to Guadeloupe, you will be attacked by a Spanish warship. Having dealt with the ship, moor in the port and go to the house of the French filibuster, which is located almost opposite the governor's residence. Francois will not receive you in the best way at first, but as soon as he finds out the purpose of your visit, his attitude will change. Then you can choose one of the options:

1) Refuse to attack Cumana and receive the promised reward of 10,000 piastres.

2) Agree to participate in the proposed adventure to participate in the attack on Kumana, but there is one condition, there should be only 1 ship in your squadron.

The squadron will include yours and 3 other ships, a frigate and two corvettes. Keep heading for Cumana and hurry up. Having defeated the fort, land and after a fight in the city, go to the residence and demand money from the local governor. Then you can either share everything honestly and get a legal share equal to 50,000 piastres, or keep the money for yourself, but then you will have to fight Olone and his comrades. Now head for Tortuga and talk to the governor.

7) The seventh task is to release Rock the Brazilian from prison. He is kept in Santiago. Land at the lighthouse, then go to the church, ask the priest for Vaschet of the Inquisition, then exit the church. There is a door under the stairs. Enter there, then ask the prisoners where Rock the Brazilian is located and kill the guard guards, then together with Rock, who cannot hold weapons, leave the city. Sail further to Tortuga, where the Governor General will give you 30,000 piastres, and Rock will hint that he has something hidden in Martinique, namely an expensive cuirass that can withstand 35% of the blows.

8) The eighth task is to go to the disposal of the Marquis Bonrepos. Monsieur Bertrand d "Ogeron asks you to report to Guadeloupe, to the naval commandant of France, the Marquis of Bonrepos. Sail to Guadeloupe and moor at Basse-Terre. Go to the residence and talk with the Marquis. He will devote you to the details of politics and give you his own task. It consists in the persuasion of well-known pirates (in Jamaica, Jackman in Bermuda and Morris in Trinidad and Tobago) not to participate in the war against the Dutch.The funds for this operation will not be given to you.Sail to Bermuda, to Jackman, he was not even going to get involved in this matter.More sail to John Morris, to Trinidad and Tobago, tell him about the upcoming events.He does not like to attack the Dutch, but for this, he will require you to complete a small task for him - to deliver Captain Gay's logbook to him.Sail to Jamaica and go to the local tavern , ask the owner where to find Captain Gay. He rents a room. Enter the room and kill Captain Gay. Search the body and take the ship's log and personal belongings. Enter the residence to Henry Morgan, but he's not there. The servant will say that he is at his house in Antigua and warn that Morgan's house is always closed. Now make your way back to Maurice, give him the ship's log and in return get what was required of him, his agreement not to attack the Dutch. It's time to go to Antigua, visit the famous English pirate Henry Morgan. The door to the house is locked, go around his dwelling, behind the house there is a hatch to Morgan's basement. Go to his house and talk about non-aggression against the Spaniards. Henry does not want to attack the Dutch and will demand 250,000 piastres. Give him the money. The task is completed, it's time to go to the Marquis of Bonrepos. Instead of a yellow award, you are given a baronial title. Return to Tortuga, where you will receive congratulations from Bertrand d "Ogeron, and the next title.

9) The ninth task is to repel the attack of the Spaniards on Port-au-Prince. For this task, you will be given the Soleil Royal, however, it must stay afloat. Next comes the battle with the Spanish ships. Go to Tortuga, where you will receive 5,000 piastres.

10) The tenth task is the capture of Santo Domingo and its transfer to the possession of France. Sail to Hispaniola, defeat the fort and land troops. After the fight inside the city, go to the residence and embrace the Spanish colony with the French. Return to Tortuga and receive a reward of 40,000 piastres.

11) The eleventh task is the capture of Santa Catalina. The city is located on the Main and controls the New World pearl industry. After defeating the fort and landing troops, having dealt with the soldiers in the city, go to the residence and declare Santa Catalina a French colony. Return to the Governor-General Bertrand d "Ogeron. As a reward, you are given everything that you plundered in Santa Catalina. Now you should go back to Guadeloupe to the Marquis of Bonrepos.

12) The twelfth task is a meeting with the Marquis of Bonrepos. Head to Guadeloupe, where you will find out that peace has been concluded with Spain, the Soleil Royal is being withdrawn from your squadron, the Louvre knows about you and that's it. Do not forget to visit D'Ogeron, he will make you an admiral, and now you can seize colonies for yourself or for France.

Spanish national storyline.

1) The first task is to free three Spanish citizens who were taken prisoner by Henry Morgan, a famous English pirate. For the release of prisoners, he demands an amount of 500,000 coins. You are required to infiltrate the Port Royal prison and free the Spaniards. The term is one month. Swim to Jamaica and moor in Portland Bay, then through the jungle, make your way to the enemy fort, if you have an English trade license and the flag of a friendly nation to England, calmly go through the guards to the prison. If not, you will have to break through with a fight, or just run a little. In prison, kill all the soldiers and free the captives. The way back will be easy if you run out of the prison and run to the bay. Return to Havana. Oregon-and-Gascon will thank you for the successfully completed task and give you 50,000 piastres.

2) The second task is work for the Holy Inquisition. The meaning of the task is this: a high-ranking Jesuit António de Suosa arrived in the archipelago. You are being sent to him. Go to Santiago, the residence of the Inquisition is located under the church building. Find Suoza and get data from him on the second task. It is as follows: you need to collect an indulgence, which is 50,000 piastres from three merchants: Joao Ilhaio, Josef Nunen and Jacob Lopez de Fonseca, if they refuse, then you need to kill them. You can find them in Curacao. They organize a sect there called the Janensints. In the port, a priest will come up to you and say that it is highly undesirable to kill them. Go to Curacao. First, go to the tavern and ask the owner about the three Jansenists. Get information from him that Joao Ilhayo and Jacob Lopez run the store, and Josef Noonen is a moneylender. Go to the store first and talk to Joao. He will say that he does not have that kind of money. When asked where his partner, Jacob Lopez, is, he will answer that he does not know. He will offer a deal. If you find Lopez, their families will collect 100,000 piastres and be able to buy indulgences. Agree. Sail to Panama, go to the store, and ask about Lopez. It turns out that he was supposed to come in a month ago, but never came. Now walk through the houses of Panama and run into bandits in one. Kill them and go up to the second floor, where you will find the missing person. He will ask you to render him a service, which is to search for the stolen Gospel of Judas Iscariot. The thief was last seen at a shipyard in Bermuda, from where he never returned. This request is not required. But if you have taken up the execution, sail to Bermuda, go to the shipyard. Talk to Alexus, he will open the door for you. Next, go to the dungeon, kill a few skeletons. In one of the chests you will find a treasure and a Gospel. Now return to Curacao to Joao Ilhayo. He will give the promised amount of 100,000 piastres, tell him about the gospel for Jacob. He will issue a reward of 1,000,000 piastres. Go now to the usurer, he will refuse to talk to you. Go to the tavern. Ask the waitress about the pawnbroker's son. It turns out that he sailed off to piracy near Jamaica, to Fort Orange. Swim there, board his ship, take your son prisoner, and give your son for a ransom in the form of an indulgence, now the task is completely completed. Swim to Suosa and get a reward that depends on the timing of the task. Then report to the Governor General.

3) The third task is to capture Rock the Brazilian and hand him over to the Inquisition. Rock lives in Tortuga. swim there, sneak into the city and go to the tavern for information. It turns out that he is not on Tortuga now, he is pirating near Maracaibo. Keep heading for Maracaibo. Board his ship, Rock the Brazilian will surrender. Take him to the hands of the Holy Inquisition, to Monsignor de Suosa. António will send you to the Governor General. Oregon-and-Gascon will tell you to come to him in a few days. Return to the residence in a few days and get the task to find the treasures of Brazilian rock, which are located in Cuba, Hispaniola and near Belize, in Maine. The exact location of the treasures is unknown. The first will be a treasure located in Cuba. Swim to the bay of Ana Maria, moor, then turn left and then straight ahead, go into the cave and open the chest, which contains 150,000 piastres and several idols. Then sail to Hispaniola, to Samana Bay, go straight and find a well that serves as the entrance to the cave, find in it a chest with a treasure that will amount to 150,000 piastres, diamonds, gold bars, gold rings, gold brooches. Now head for Maine, towards Belize. Dock at the port, exit the city gates, turn left and then right, go into the cave and search the chest, which will contain 150,000 piastres. Return to Don Francisco and give him the money, 500,000 piastres (you will have to fork out more than was in the chests) and get 100,000 piastres.

4) The fourth task is to investigate the murder of the commandant of Havana, Jose Ramirez de Leyva. Go to the commandant's house, then on the second floor in the room you will find an unfinished letter, then go to the tavern, where you will find out from the waitress that she gave the letter to the commandant's wife from some kind of ladron. Now go to Oregon-and-Gascon, get a trade license. Then swim to Tortuga, talk to the owner of the tavern. After talking, he will tell about D'Ogeron's passion, a Spaniard by nationality Donna Anna, one of the trusted officers of the Governor-General, Henri d'Estre, brought her. Next, go to Henri's house. The servant will say that the owner is talking near the house, then Henri will run run after him into the dungeon in the bay, where he will stop you and ask why you are chasing him, then kill the ladron.Now to the governor general for a reward of 120,000 piastres.

5) The fifth task is a business trip to Santiago. Go to Santiago and go to the residence, on behalf of the local governor. The task will be to completely destroy the pirate settlement of La Vega on Hispaniola. Swim to Hispaniola, moor in La Vega Bay, go to the next location, the assault will begin, kill all the pirates and enter the city, where the massacre will continue. After destroying everyone in the settlement, go to the residence, there you will have to fight with the leader of the filibusters of La Vega, Edward Mansfield. Kill him and exit the residence. The task is completed, you can return to Jose Jimenez. Don Jimenez will present an award of 100,000 piastres. Return to the Governor-General, and receive gratitude from him.

6) The sixth task is to intercept the general-governor of Holland in Tortuga. You will be issued a trade license. Go to Tortuga, go to the port authority there, the boss will agree to send a messenger when the Dutch messenger ship arrives, then rent a room in the tavern for a week, wait a couple of days, then you will be informed that the Dutchman has arrived. Next, lure the orderly into the tavern room, where you take the dispatch from him. Receive a reward of 50,000 piastres.

7) The seventh task is to help Manuel Rivero Pardal. We urgently need to go to Antigua, to help the Spanish corsair Manuel Rivero Pardal, who is in search of British merchant ships in the waters of the island. French filibusters went to intercept him, under the command of Moses Vauquelin. Sail to Antigua as fast as possible and join the battle between unequal forces Spanish corsair and a French pirate squadron. After sinking the last ship, go for a reward of 25,000 piastres.

8) The eighth task is to protect Cumana from the attack of the combined French-English squadron of pirates. Swim to Cumana, sink the enemy squadron and get 100,000 piastres in Havana.

9) The ninth task is the task of the governor of Porto Bello to escort the ships. Sail to Porto Bello where Governor Cabral will brief you in detail. You need to deliver 4 galleons loaded with gold to desert island Cayman, where it is necessary to transfer the squadron to the powerful Spanish fleet sent to Europe. Take command of a squadron of 4 galleons loaded with 10,000 quintals of gold. Near Cayman, instead of Spanish ships, pirate ships will be waiting for you. The galleons entrusted to you must stay afloat in order to receive the maximum reward. Having sunk the last pirate, head to Havana, where tell the governor-general about the strange events that happened to you. He cannot understand at all why the meeting place was Cayman if it was necessary to escort ships to Belize. He will promise to look into this situation and reward you for saving all the galleons in the amount of 220,000 piastres.

10) The tenth task is to protect Maracaibo from the invasion. Don Francisco will say that the problems in the previous task were the result of inconsistent actions, this will not happen again. And you need to go to Maracaibo to repel enemy attacks. Head for Maracaibo, go to the local governor and then go out into the street, where you will meet a Spanish officer carrying bad news: an English pirate squadron attacked the city. Go to the governor again, he will order to start repelling the attack. Go out to sea and start a battle against 8 ships, among which there will be several manowars. There will be a fort on your side. Having sunk all the ships, dock and go to the residence, where you will receive a reward from the saved city, in the amount of 70,000 piastres. Return to Cuba, where you will receive gratitude from the Governor General.

11) The eleventh task is the ruin of the Dutch colonies. Returning after a while, Don Francisco will ask if you are ready to attack the fortified cities. The task will be to plunder 2 Dutch colonies in the archipelago, on the islands of Curacao and San Martin. Sail first to Curacao, defeat the fort, and capture the city. Then attack San Martin. Having captured the city, you can return to Havana. The reward will be all the booty looted by you. Oregon-and-Gascon will ask to see him in about a month.

12) The twelfth task - the capture of Port-au-Prince. In a month you will be assigned to capture the French Port-au-Prince. All trophies are your property, the time of the task is not limited. After destroying the fort and killing the French soldiers in the fort and the city, go to the residence and declare the colony a Spanish possession. Return to Governor General Francisco Oregon y Gascon. All tasks are completed and you can act in the interests of Spain.

Pirate storyline

Sail to Bermuda. There, contact Jackman with a job offer. Jackman will say that at the moment he has no assignments, but Captain Goodley, who is currently in Puerto Principe, in Cuba, needs help, and will offer to meet with him and discuss the details.

Go to Cuba in Puerto Principe and find Captain Goodley in the tavern. When talking with him, it turns out that you need to take one type named John Bolton, who is waiting in the port of Puerto Principe, to Port Royal in Jamaica to Henry Morgan. Agree, saying that serving with him is an honor for you. Go to the port of Puerto Principe and meet John Bolton there, take him on board and head to Jamaica.

In Port Royal, Jamaica, escort John Bolton to Morgan's house (Morgan's house with columns is on the left side of the city if you go from the port). On the way to the house you are stopped by English soldiers. The commander of the soldiers says that you and John Bolton have been charged with piracy. You are put in jail until the circumstances are clarified. However, you are released by Morgan himself, who says that he has paid a ransom for you and is waiting in his residence, after which he leaves.

At the residence, Morgan instructs Edward Low, who lives somewhere in Martinique, to hand over the black mark. Head to Martinique at Le Francois. Upon arrival, ask the tavern owner about Edward Lowe. It turns out that the owner of the tavern knows Lowe and he lives not far from the tavern. Exit the tavern and go right to the boarded house where Lowe lives. Enter the house and when talking to Edward, give him the black mark. Lowe will say that all the problems with Morgan have already been resolved and will ask to return the black mark back to Henry Morgan. Go back to Jamaica to Morgan.

After listening to the story, Morgan becomes furious and says that Lowe deceived you. To remedy the situation, Morgan instructs you to track down and deal with Low personally without any black marks. Therefore, quickly return to Le Francois and go to Edward Low's house. However, he had already left the house in an unknown direction. Go to the owner of the tavern and ask him about Lowe. The owner will confirm that Edward recently left the settlement, left things for his safety, and where he himself could go, the owner of the tavern does not know. Go to the store and ask about Lowe. The trader says that Edward came, he was interested in a place where it would be possible to purchase a ship, but it is his business to trade goods, not the ships that are sold at the shipyard. There is no shipyard in Le Francois, the nearest shipyard is in Fort-de-France. Either go there on foot across the island, or land on a ship at the port of Fort-de-France.

First, go to the shipyard and ask the owner if Lowe has come. It turns out that Lowe really came in and wanted to buy a ship (brig), but he didn’t have money for such a ship and Edward went to the moneylender. Since then, the owner of the shipyard Low has not been seen again.

Head to the moneylender. He will say that Edward Low really came in and tried to borrow money, but the moneylender immediately sees crooks and deceivers, and therefore Low did not give a loan. Where Edward Low went next - he does not know.

From the moneylender, head to the port authority. Ask a question about Edward Lowe to the head of department. He asks why you are interested in Edward Lowe. Answer that Low is your close friend and you should inform him about the serious illness of his mother, but it’s just that you can’t catch up with Edward. The Port Authority Chief pecks at this ploy and says that Lowe boarded a passing ship that went to Bermuda.

In the settlement in Bermuda, head to the tavern, where its owner says that Lowe was here and was interested in the local shipyard. Go to the shipyard to the master Alexus. To the question of the master about who you are to Low, answer that you want to catch up with him in order to settle scores with him. The master begins to complain that the fraudster Lowe forged Jackman's signature, and he (Alexus) gave Lowe the ship - the brig "Sea Wolf" with unique characteristics, which was built by order of Jackman. Go to Jackman. He is in a state of quiet fury from what happened and asks for only one thing when we kill Lowe to convey hello to him from Jackman. But where Lowe went on the stolen brig is unknown.

Ask people in the taverns in the archipelago about the rumors until someone tells you that attacks on mail ships have become more frequent in the Cumana area, which is located on Maine. Head towards Kumana. If the ship is more powerful than class 6, then it must be parked at the Kumane Port Authority and any class 6 ship can be bought at the shipyard. After that, on this ship, go to sea and sail to the Trinidad and Tobago region. There you will meet Lowe on the brig. Board the brig, talk to Low, who says that Morgan's power will soon change. Kill him. Go to Morgan with a report on the work done.

Morgan proposes to conduct an operation, the result of which will overshadow all of Sharp's cases. Namely, Morgan proposed to rob the pearl divers, who on tartans would collect pearls for a month on Turks Island in North Bay. Morgan offered to deliver at least 1,000 small and 500 large pearls. Profit - in half.

Get to the North Bay of the Turks. There, pearl divers are already fishing on tartans under pirate flags. At the sight of you, they flee in all directions. You need to catch up with them and line up side by side with each tartan, then the pearls will be automatically reloaded into your inventory. Collect the required amount and return to Port Royal to Morgan, where you will hand over half of the booty.

At the exit from Morgan's residence, Captain Goodley meets you and offers you a job as a bounty hunter for a good reward. The target is John Avory, who was last seen in Willemstad (Kurorosau Island). Head there and go to the moneylender. The pawnbroker confirms that John Avory was here recently, but is no longer in town. He heard that John was going to Port of Spain, in Trinidad and Tobago. Go there. There contact the moneylender. The moneylender of Port of Spain says that Avory did work for him in the city, but after doing so, he left the city and went to the Spaniards on Maine in the city of Maracaibo. Maracaibo's pawnbroker confirms that John was in the city, but according to rumors he overheard in the brothel, Avory went to the French in the city of Port-au-Prince, in Hispaniola. In Port-au-Prince, first go to the tavern. The owner of the tavern says that John was here a couple of days ago and killed the card sharper. You need to visit the moneylender. The pawnbroker will tell you that Avory has done some work for him. But where John went next - one can only guess. Although the moneylender has a suggestion that John could go to Willemstad, because. a moneylender was recently robbed there. The moneylender of Willemstad is still experiencing what happened, but this is not surprising, because an unknown person stole 50,000 piastres from him. He hired John Avory to find the burglar. The moneylender will also promise to pay you 5,000 piastres for being the first to bring gold to the moneylender. John Avory himself went to Bermuda. The owner of a tavern in Bermuda confirms that John Avory is now on the island, or rather in the house of Orry Bruce, apparently this is a loan shark robber. The house is next to the tavern, go there. In the house you will meet John Avory and Orry Bruce, who are sorting things out. Tell them that you have an order for both of them, then kill them and take valuable things from the corpses, and also take 50,000 piastres from Orry Bruce. You can return for a reward to the moneylender and report to Captain Goodley about the completed order.

Give the moneylender of Willemstad money, he pays you 5,000 piastres in return. You will find Captain Goodley in the Port Royal tavern and receive a reward from him, also tell him that you will now go to report to Morgan about your successes, to which Goodley only smirks. Go to Morgan's residence.

After hearing the story, Morgan says that John Avory was his confidant and you finished him off. You explain that this was the order of Captain Goodley. Morgan immediately calls the captain to sort out the situation. Goodley, who came, says that he did not give you any orders. To understand what happened, Morgan appoints a duel between you and Captain Goodley. Kill Goodley. Morgan says you've proved your innocence in this case.

Henry Morgan will ask you to go to Jackman in Bermuda and tell about Goodley's death.

When Jackman sees you, he is very surprised and says that you allegedly captured and handed over to the Spaniards his captain Sid Bonnet. Will have to figure this out. Jackman directs you to the Bay of Cozumel, on Maine, where John Leeds anchored on the frigate Antwerp, with whom you need to talk. Head to the Bay of Cozumel.

There you are met by John Leeds on his frigate. Launch the boats into the water and climb onto his ship. After a conversation with Leeds, it turns out that the crew and the captain of the corvette sunk by Leeds landed in Cozumel Bay. By the way, the captain of the corvette is very similar to you and, accordingly, all the sins of this captain are blamed on you. Therefore, you need to deal with your double. Land in the bay, where destroy part of the crew of the sunken corvette, but the captain is not among them. Go to the next location from the bay and meet a captain there who really looks like you. The double says that he will tell everything if he and the team are released from the encirclement and allowed to leave quietly. Kill him and the rest of his team.

After that, return to the ship and keep your way to Bermuda to Jackman. Jackman, after listening to the story, sends you to Morgan with a report on what happened. Report the situation to Morgan.

Morgan will send you to catch up with the pirate Steve Linnaeus, whom he sent to La Vega, in Hispaniola, to find out a series of oddities taking place in recent times in the Coastal Brotherhood. Go to La Vega.

Upon arrival, turn to the innkeeper for help. He says he hasn't seen Steve Linnaeus in a while, but his buddy just went to sea. You need to capture him. Go out to sea and catch up with your friend Linnaeus, who really did not have time to go far, and climb aboard. When talking with Steve's friend, a strange story is revealed. According to him, Steve recently left with two strangers in an unknown direction and disappeared. And his schooner "Swallow" seems to be sold at the shipyard of Santo Domingo. Linnaeus, according to a friend, would never have sold his ship of his own free will. Therefore, a friend of Linnaeus weighed anchor and went to sea, so that the history of Linnaeus would not be repeated with him. In any case, you need to check the shipyard of Santo Domingo.

The owner of the shipyard of Santo Domingo said that the deal for the sale of the "Swallow" was the most successful, because it was given to him for nothing. Under some pressure, the owner also says that he bought the "Swallow" from a type that did not introduce himself, but the servant of the owner of the shipyard saw him go to sea on the frigate "Leon". According to the owner of the shipyard, the frigate should still ply in the waters of Hispaniola. Go out to sea global map, there you will see a ship with purple sails - this is the Leon frigate, take it on board.

The captain of the "Leon" offers you to go over to the side of HIS admiral. This is Richard Soukins. He also says that their brotherhood needs people like you, and Henry Morgan himself was promoted to admiral of the Coastal Brotherhood and no one elected him. In addition, the captain of the Leon reports that Steve Linnaeus is already at the bottom of the sea. Refuse the captain's offer and kill him. Head to Morgan.

After the report, Morgan directs you to Puerto Principe, where, according to rumors, Richard Soukins is planning some kind of operation against the Spaniards, which must be thwarted. This will damage Sawkins' reputation among the pirates.

In Puerto Principe, go to the tavern and ask the owner of the tavern about the operation. He will answer that something is really planned now, but Sawkins keeps all the details in the strictest confidence even from his close associates and sits at home almost without a break. You need to get into the house of Richard Soukins and steal documents. Go to the Soukins' house, grab the papers from the table and run out of the settlement. Because everyone becomes an enemy. The Soukins papers set out a plan for the upcoming operation against the Spaniards. Soukins learned that the Spaniards started the transportation from Panama of the largest batch of precious stones. To carry out this operation, the Spaniards abandoned the overland delivery of jewelry from Panama to Porto Bello and sailing along caribbean. Only one ship of the line should round Cape Horn, rise to the fortieth parallel, then turn right and reach Lisbon in a straight line.

Soukins gathers a squadron and is going to meet the Spaniard in two weeks at San Martin. We need to get ahead of them and intercept this ship below San Martin, sink it or board it. Go out to sea and sail to San Martin.

In two weeks, a ship with purple sails appears at San Martin - this is your goal. Board the ship. In the chest, in the captain's cabin, you will find a large number of gems. That's it, mission accomplished, you can report to Morgan.

Morgan will ask about the details of the operation, but evading the answer, say that there was nothing particularly interesting on the ship.

Morgan will offer us to make a trip to Panama. Morgan's plan is to take Porto Bello and reach Panama by land. The Spaniards will definitely not wait for this. Morgan offers to take a more powerful ship (if the squadron consists of more than one ship, then the rest must be placed in the port authority) and gives 20 days to prepare. During these days, hire people, buy provisions, medicines, weapons, cannonballs, bombs, gunpowder and return back to Morgan by the agreed date.

It turns out that by this time Morgan had already assembled a squadron of 5 powerful ships of the 1st class. He gives you the task to speak and immediately take Porto Bello. Move towards Porto Bello, attack the fort and capture the city. Go to the governor's house and talk to the governor. The governor is already aware of the plan to march on Panama and was ready for your attack on his city and therefore was very surprised that you took the city so quickly. Besides, he said that you will die in the jungle on the way to Panama. Tell this news to the approaching Morgan. He believes that Richard Soukins managed to secretly warn the Spaniards about the plan to march on Panama. Morgan is not going to refuse the campaign and offers to split up. You will command the second squad, which will include Sawkins. You are instructed to land in the Gulf of Darien within two days and proceed to Panama. On the way to Panama, you need to quietly shoot Sawkins, because. Morgan does not want to see him at the city walls.

Go out to sea and get to the Darien Bay. Drop off there. Soukins will come up to you and say that he is ready for the upcoming operation.

On the way to Panama, your squad will be attacked three times by the Spaniards and the local population.

The last battle will be at the walls of Panama. Morgan comes up and gives the task to find the governor of Panama, because. the Spanish forces were exhausted by ambushes in the jungle, then no one was left in the city.

Go to the house of the governor of Panama, find him in the next room and interrogate him. According to him, Escorial's gold is in a closed chest in the same room, but the key is with the commandant of Panama, who participated in the defense of the city and most likely died. We need to find the key. When you leave the governor's house, you will meet Morgan. He gives the order to find the key, and he goes to interrogate the governor.

Go to Panama Fort. There in prison on the commandant's table lies desired key, take it and return to the governor's house. Open the chest - there is Escorial's gold (50,000,000 piastres). At this moment, Morgan comes up and takes the gold with the words that now he will collect the gold from all the sailors, and in the evening he will divide it, according to the laws of the Coastal Brotherhood. He also says that the governor could not stand the torture and died, however, he managed to tell about another chest, which is located on the outside of the fort. Morgan sends you there to check the given words. Go to the fort. In front of the fort there is a narrow path that goes around it from the outside. Follow it, at the end of the path there is indeed a chest, but there is nothing valuable in it. Return to the city.

At the entrance to the city, a sailor meets you and says that Morgan collected gold from everyone, loaded it onto a galleon in the port, and secretly left Panama in an unknown direction. The sailors refuse to go back with you and continue to rob the city, so you will return to the ship alone.

On the way to the Darien Gulf, you will be attacked by the Spaniards, but it is not necessary to fight with them, you can run around them.

Board the ship and head to Port Royal, Morgan's residence. Morgan's secretary says that Morgan himself is in London and will not arrive until a year later. Return a year later to Morgan and demand your share of the booty. However, Morgan says that the Coastal Brotherhood has come to an end, he himself is now a planter, and he bought his forgiveness and forgiveness of other surviving pirates from the English crown for Escorial's gold. End of the pirate storyline.

main quest

To start the main quest of the game - the quest of the game City of the Lost Ships, you must first complete the so-called quest about killing beggars. It is taken in the main city of the country of which the hero is a citizen. (for example, for Jan Spains, this is Willemstad).

Oliver Trust will stop you on the street and offer you to kill all the beggars in the archipelago for a reward of 1,000,000 piastres. You can either agree or refuse the offer, this will have little effect on the further denouement. Now you should look for beggars (a man in rags, usually sits on the ground, can move around the city) in cities, and talk to them, find out why they are being hunted. You need to interview at least three beggars. One of them will send you to a tramp who lives on one of the islands of the archipelago. If he is not in the city, spend the night in a tavern, he will be found soon. The tramp suggests that the governor-general of Curaçao, Peter Stevesant, was involved in this case. Head to Curacao, to the colony of Willemstad.

Enter the residence and go into the room (the door opposite the entrance), go to the chest near the round table. The chest is locked and you don't have the key. Leave the residence and go to the tavern. Ask the owner about the key keeper, the tavern keeper will tell you to contact the key maker, Hill Corner, who is sitting at a table near the bar. The master of keys, will agree to make a copy of the key from the chest in the residence for a decent amount of money, agree to his offer, and wait 2 nights in the tavern. After that, go to the house to the key keeper. Enter the house. An officer and 2 soldiers will come, kill them and go up to the second floor and take the key from the table. Now go to the residence to the chest. When the soldier turns away, open the chest and take away all its contents, the letter (Stavesant's correspondence with the Dutch West India Trading Company) and the treasure. Return to the beggar.

It turns out that Teaser Dan really visited the Island of Justice. You, again, need to go back to Willemstad, to Stevezant and talk to him. Dock in the sweat of Willemstad, go to the tavern and ask the tavern keeper about Teaser, where Den disappeared, the tavern owner does not know, also, he will advise you not to get involved in the affairs of the Governor General and the Dutch West Indies Company. Now go to the residence and start a dialogue with Staveson. But as soon as you mention Teaser's name, the governor will become sharply alert. Say that you are writing a book, but you won’t be able to really learn anything. We need to find a representative of the Dutch West India Company in the archipelago.

Get to the nearest pirate colony. When you get to the nearest diplomat, ask him about the representative, but the diplomat refuses to give the location of the representative of the Dutch Trading Company. Give the agent the name Oliver Trust, and he says the customer can be found in San Martin. Swim to this island.

Having moored in one of the bays of San Martin, make your way to Marigot and go to Oliver's house, which is located just opposite the local moneylender. After a short dialogue, kill Thrust, search the corpse and take the letter from the table. From the letter you will learn the location of that very mythical island of Justice, which turns out to be by no means mythical. Return to the ship and swim to the familiar beggar.

The tramp will give you the key of Diffindur, which will come in handy in the future.

Before heading to town lost ships, leave your ship at the port authority and change to a tartan. Give the money to the moneylender. Seat the officers on boats and also leave them at the head of the port. Since you will lose everything when you enter the City.

Swim to the upper left corner of the map. You will go out to sea. After the “swim” command, a video will play, and then the hero finds himself in the City. The sea is raging, wild storm. A local resident named George Stokes comes up to you and says that he saw the death of your ship. You are the only one who survived. He will guide you a little. The city consists of many wrecked ships connected in an incomprehensible way. You are on the galleon "Velasco", which is inhabited by one of the established criminal clans - narwhals. On the barque "San Gabriel" there is a second clan - Caspers. Neither one nor the other spares anyone who dares to disturb them. Stokes will also say that you need to visit the head of this God-forgotten place, Admiral Chad Capper, on the San Augustine warship before the end of the storm. As it turned out, this is the same missing privateer who went out three years ago for the prize and disappeared without a trace. And now he's an admiral and head of the city.

Turn around and jump into the water. You need the Fernando Diffindur flute, which contains the very chest that opens with the Diffindur key. The ship has a rift roughly in the middle. Having found the ship, swim around it and go into the gap. Chest on the right. Put all your things there and calmly go to the admiral.

You will be officially declared a "Citizen of the City". The City has almost everything that is inherent in an ordinary port: a tavern, a shop, a church, a moneylender. The pawnbroker has a different story. Everyone will tell you that he is a terrible, terrible man, a warlock. The debtor will be obliged to return to him an amount five times greater than this. It turns out that Brahms gave his soul to Miclantlecuhtli, the Aztec god of the dead. If the debt is not repaid, after a while, when moving to any location, you will be transported to the sacrificial temple, to Tenochtitlan. God will come to you and demand your money back. If you don't have them, you won't get out of there. This will happen even after you get out of the City.

Now go to the caravel "Fleron", to the owner of the tavern Hill Brunner and ask him about Teaser Dan (the same missing beggar). Everyone thinks he drowned. Hill asks you to keep quiet about the fact that Teaser managed to get to the mainland, because the admiral should not know about it in any case. The law of the City says that no one can build rafts and boats to sail away. Hill will ask you to visit him later, he must think over the information received.

After a while, return to Hill. He will make an appointment for you after twelve o'clock at night in his wine cellar (this is one of the cabins on the same ship, you need to go on deck and go to the stern of the ship). After the conversation, you will need to visit the Fernando Diffindur flutes, where Teaser often swam. Hill needs proof that you're right.

Now your task is to find Andre Labor, a carpenter, in the city. According to Brunner, it was he who helped Dan build a swimming facility. Labor appoints you a meeting in the cabin of the Protector corvette. The carpenter betrays you. He brings a policeman with him. Kill them. Tell Hill about what happened. He offers to cover up the traces of the crime and substitute one of the clans, namely the "narwhals". To do this, you need to lie in wait for one of the "narwhals" in the bow of their base (the galleon "Velasco"), take the clan amulet from him and take it to the admiral, and thus avert suspicion of murder from you. After doing this, you will be instructed to destroy all the "narwhals". Officers will be available to help. After killing everyone, go to the barrels opposite the entrance. Between them lies an ordinary key for chests. Report to the admiral on the successful completion of the mission. Now go back to Hill Brunner and tell him what happened. He will ask you to come to him later. Spend the night in the tavern for a few days, then go to the Hill. He says that today at midnight in the tavern there will be a meeting of Kapper with a certain person. You must eavesdrop on the conversation by hiding behind a pillar in the wine cellar (stand sideways and don't move or you'll be detected). The information turned out to be really important. It turned out that Kapper and the leader of the Kasperov clan (and it was he) were in the same bunch. It turns out that it’s not you, the admiral, but he circled you around his finger. With your hands I destroyed the "narwhals". In addition, they mentioned a certain Mechanic. Report everything to Brunner. He will express his thoughts on this matter and try to remember who has already lived here before him. This is necessary in order to find out who this Mechanic is.

You won't learn anything more from Hill. After a while, he is killed. Tavern waitress Armo Dyulin will tell you that she found Brunner's corpse in the wine cellar, and noted that before his death, he asked her questions about the man who lived here before him.

Go to the admiral. He will tell you not to get involved in this matter. Try to find the oldest inhabitants of the City. One of them is Cecile Galard, who lives in the Eva galleon. Going to her, you will see three "Caspers" trying to kill the unfortunate woman. Kill them and you will receive information about the Mechanic as a thank you (if you fail to save the elderly lady, Aurelie Bertin will tell everything). His name is Henrik Wedeker, and it was he who came up with the method of securing the ships of the City. It looks like the admiral has isolated him on the barque San Gabriel, the base of the Casper clan. You need to get to him. You will have to destroy the entire clan alone.

Talk to Henrik. It turns out that the city rests on only three skeletons of ships and can be destroyed by any storm. Fortunately, he has a ship to sail away from here. But: firstly, he will sell it to you, and only for a million and a half, and secondly, the ship still needs to be freed from the wreckage. But this can only be done with the gear that Henrik dropped into the water. Your task is to go down into the water in a special suit (you can do this only from 10.00 to 19.00) and get the gear. The supply of air in the suit is only six minutes, and terrible voracious creatures have wound up under the City.

The suit hangs on the wall inside the Phoenix platform. He puts on (and takes off) automatically, you just need to approach him.

Get down under the water. The location of the gear is randomly generated. You will have to fight with huge crabs. You can only fight with a saber. You won't be able to run either, and the time is only six minutes.

After finding the gear, go back to the Mechanic. The corvette must be provided with all the necessary goods for sailing. These are cannonballs, buckshot, knippels, bombs, canvas, medicines, boards, provisions, gunpowder and weapons. Go to the tavern waitress Armo Dulin. So, shells for guns can be obtained from housewives. They are Lea Tooors, Aurelie Bertin, Alice Taylor and Eliza Calvo. Elise will need a lute, 10 bunches of grapes and 3 bottles of wine, Leah - 10 bags of salt. Provisions, boards and canvas can be bought from the owner of the store. Padre Angel will give you medicine. For gunpowder and weapons, you need to contact policeman John Workman. He will help with the condition: take him with you.

It remains to recruit a team of at least 15 people. After completing the set, go to the Mechanic, the storm has already begun. But Capper arrested him. We need to rescue the scientist.

Go to the residence. There is no mechanic here. He's in jail on the Tartarus. Run there as fast as you can. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to free Vedeker - he is in a cage, and there is no time to look for the key. The mechanic will send you to the second mast of the Fernando Diffindur flute, to the very place where Teaser Dan hid his chest.

Having reached the indicated place, go out to the open sea through the "open" icon. Quest completed.

to be continued...

A year has passed. Morgan is back in the Caribbean, and damn it, I paid him the first visit. The pirate admiral just laughed in my face. There is no brotherhood, but he offered me to get out in all four directions. Be that as it may, I have long since reconciled myself to his betrayal and have resolved to keep a good relationship. The governor of Jamaica could still be useful to me.

On one of my trips, a map accidentally fell into my hands. The captain of the pirate brig fought for her as if he were possessed by the devil. It took a long time to decipher the map, but it was worth it. Tenochtitlan... A famous but long lost city.

In the footsteps of Cortes

Chief Montezuma II himself.

By the evening of the twentieth day we arrived at Mosquito Bay. This is where our journey should begin, according to the map. Although the long journey was not easy for us, the blood boiled in anticipation of the treasure. I will never forget the fire that flared in the eyes of the boatswain after the cry: "Earth!" Cortes was here a good hundred years ago, but, according to rumors, Tenochtitlan is fraught with many more secrets. I disembarked with only a couple of my most loyal officers. I decided to leave the team on the ship, because who knows how a person will behave when his mind is dominated by the thirst for gold...

I hadn't even gone a foot from the water when a man ran up to me. He was very frightened and kept his eyes on my ship, but he managed to control himself and tell what had happened. Some time ago he was hired by a certain Don Esteban. The Spaniard was looking for a second El Dorado, and, in his opinion, the ancient Indian city kept many treasures. But something went wrong, as the enterprising captain had planned. The stranger said that they were all "devoured by the flames," and of the fifty who landed, only he remained alive. "Hellfire" appeared on the stone bridge and, most likely, was some kind of ingenious trap, but this can only be verified on the spot. Fortunately, my companions were not at all embarrassed when they heard this story, but just in case, I ordered them to stay a little behind.

It seemed that we made our way through the jungle for an eternity, but then the dense thickets suddenly parted. The city itself was not visible from here, but we were on the right track. Not only traces spoke of this, but also an Indian with a club. Traces of blood on it testified that it was this "guard" that Esteban's people met. And it was he who crushed their heads. With the worst of foreboding, I tightened my grip on the butt of the pistol, but the Indian was surprisingly friendly. In broken English, he explained that he only killed those people because they were trying to rob him. The Indian was called Montezuma, in honor of the great leader, and contrary to my guesses, he did not guard the city, but only lived next to it. He kept his story, which he told me.

Meshitli, one of the living Aztecs. Works for Miclantecuhtli to secure his afterlife.

Centuries ago, Montezuma's ancestors came to the shores of Lake Texcoco. They called themselves Mexica, and the leader of the tribe was called Tenoch. Other tribes also lived around the lake, some of them were very hostile to the newcomers. But the gods punished Tenoch to settle in these places, and no one dared to contradict their will.

Koshkoshtli, the leader of the city of Kulakan, decided to exterminate the tenochki, but the tribe managed to move to a small island in the middle of the lake. Over time, the tenochki strengthened a piece of land and even built a dam. Itzcoatl became their leader, and after a while all the lake tribes united. The new people began to be called the Aztecs, after the name of their distant ancestral home - the country of Astlan. The fertile time has come, everyone paid tribute to the Aztecs, and the waters of Texcoco turned red from the blood of the victims ...

This went on for more than a hundred years, but the Spaniards, led by Cortes, ravaged the Aztec capital and destroyed the ancient civilization. Now the city is ruled by the god of the dead - Miklantecuhtli. He raised warriors to guard the temples, and living Aztecs settled here, distant relatives of those who died a hundred and fifty years ago at the hands of Cortes.

For some reason, Montezuma was expelled from the city, but he wants to return. To do this, he needs the jade skull of Miklantecutli, and in return he is ready to tell where the weapon is hidden, "which has no equal." There is only one problem - a dam with a fire trap...

Pantheon indian gods

Aztec altar. The place is creepy, but very beautiful.

I found two ways to disable the trap on the dam. The first is to cross, risking your life, and place the totem of Camaxtli on the sacrificial stone. The second is to place two totems on the altar in front of the dam. I chose the second option, since I had all the idols with me. Unlike the deceased Don Esteban, I prepared in advance for the campaign and searched the entire archipelago and most of Maine, gathering, in my opinion, all the Aztec gods.

I installed the totem of Tlazolteotl in the niche on the left, and on the right I placed the totem of Tonatiu. Whether the trap has turned off is unknown, and what is most annoying is that there is no way to check. I decided to take the risk myself, because it was I who conceived the expedition, and not someone else. Squeezing my eyes shut, I walked very slowly across the bridge, but the fire did not appear. Montezuma did not deceive, the trap really turned off. I passed the dam and entered the city. Mechitli, another Aztec, met me at the gate. He said that there were only two people alive in Tenochtitlan: he and his brother. In addition, he warned me that Miclantecuhtli was following me and offered to make a sacrifice for him. Savage customs always seemed terrible to me, and I went on to the temple of the Great Vitality.

The heavy stone door did not budge. Even the three of us could not move her an inch. I returned to Montezuma, and he remembered that to open the temple, you need ten totems. I wanted to hit him over the head with his own club. He also told how to open the temple. You need to place all ten totems in small temples on the sides, which is against the far wall. The point is small - to return the relics to their proper places and open the damned door.

View of Tenochtitlan from the highest pyramid.

It is important: I would be happy to tell you where to look for totems, but they are randomly placed around the world. In general, follow the instructions of Montezuma, he knows where everything is. Although the places are described very vaguely.

In each of the ten temples, I was not very welcomed by the Aztec warriors. I did not expect such a reception and almost paid with my head in the first sanctuary. But where are the savage clubs before a pistol and gunpowder ... I dealt with my opponents, though not without difficulty, and placed all ten totems. The Temple of the Great Vitality is now open, and I have to visit Miklantecuhtli himself.

Advice: hide behind the columns. Enemies attack in threes, but their clubs are perhaps the best heavy weapons. It is famous for its high damage and huge stamina consumption. Try to block and dodge in time, only then attack. By the way, don't forget about Berserk.

Temple of the Great Life Force

To get to the other side, you have a little more than a minute!

I don’t know if those who guarded the temple were alive or not, but they definitely died from a rapier prick. The Aztec wars could not boast of excellent health, but they were taken in quantity. There were at least two dozen of them! And all with unearthly fire in their eyes. They did not think about protection and were eager to fight.

At the end of the path, I saw a skull on an altar in the form of a coin and took it. At the same moment, a low, muffled voice came from behind: “How dare you, mortal?” and I saw a dark figure with a skull for a head. Miklantecuhtli himself came for me, but he saw me deal with the temple guards and gave me a chance to survive. You just have to fight him, otherwise - death.

The fight was heated, each blow of the jade sword of Miklantecuhtli against my rapier reverberated through my body. It seemed that strong steel would now break like a match, although I reflected the blows of the god casually. Jumping back about half a meter, I managed to grab a pistol and fire a shot. The god of death didn't even notice the hit and swooped down on me like a hurricane. But I was not going to die and repelled the blows as best I could, sometimes I even had time to counterattack.

The forces were already leaving me when the god of death stopped. "You passed the test, you can take the jade skull." Before he disappeared, he told me that the Indian by the lake was Chief Montezuma II. Nearly a hundred and fifty years ago, he turned his back on the gods and wanted to convert to Christianity in exchange for his life. But the deal fell through, and Montezuma was cursed. Until the end of eternity, he must walk the banks of Texcoco, but with the help of a jade skull, he may be able to find eternal rest. After meeting with the god of death, I was no longer surprised by anything.

Altar of Miklantecuhtli and a jade skull on a plinth.

It is important: God has about five thousand hit points. Stock up on health bottles and be sure to learn a critical hit. It is best to use a critical weapon. Judge for yourself: you can make four or five hits heavy, no more. Easy - at least ten. It does not matter that the damage from the rapiers is less, but the chance of landing a critical hit is higher.

I found a ceremonial jade dagger in a chest near the altar of Miclantecuhtli. What is it for? Maybe it is them, like a key, that opens the entrance to the temple of the White Gods?

Climbing the endless stairs, I walked around the temple and saw the image of some god. Instead of a mouth, he had a slit that matched the size of a dagger blade. I inserted the weapon and heard a soft click. The door of the temple opened, and behind it the notorious "most powerful weapon" was waiting for me. Montezuma did not disappoint.

Here is the god of the dead. Something is wrong with his figure, don't you think?

On a note:“that weapon” is a shotgun. Where he came from is unknown. But it shoots with ordinary bullets, reloads almost instantly and takes up to two and a half thousand hits. Well, how?

On the way out of the city, I met Montezuma. He needs a skull to resurrect the Aztecs and conquer all nations. Naturally, I refused to give the skull. Then the former chief attacked me, but the fight did not last long. Just one shot from a miracle weapon sent him to the realm of eternal rest. The jade skull gives power over the dead, so I was able to deprive Montezuma of immortality. Yes, and curses too.

We sailed at dawn. All the valuables found in Tenochtitlan, I gave to the team. Or rather, we divided the treasures fairly, but I don’t need a few idols, even if they are pure gold. In the ancient city of the Aztecs, I got much more - the confidence that there are still so many mysteries and wonders in the Caribbean Sea that more than one generation of daredevils will suffice.

City of lost ships

Returning to Port-Royal, I decided to take a break for a couple of weeks. The return journey from Tenochtitlan was very difficult. We were exhausted by the heat, and the wind seemed to have something against the Sea Wolf. For several days we dangled on the water, like an empty trough, in complete calm. On the tenth day, a storm came up and literally pulled out one of the masts. Several sailors were swept out to sea and we lost sight of them. The Sea Wolf reached Port Royal a month later - without supplies, almost without water, with a leak that the ship's carpenter could not find, although the water arriving in the hold indicated that there was still a hole. I instructed the ship to be repaired at the nearest shipyard, and I myself went to the tavern. After paying for a whole week in advance, I fell asleep.

The next day, rested and well slept, I decided to go to the shipyard and shop. At the same time, it was worth visiting the governor and reporting on his privateering activities. But on the way to Mr. Mediford, a man intercepted me. Bald, with a black bandage on his head - a spitting image of a pirate. He introduced himself as Oliver Trust, a merchant, and offered me a deal. For a million doubloons, I must kill all the beggars and beggars in all the cities of the archipelago. It's tempting, but something seemed strange to me. Well, what kind of resistance can a tramp put up? The trust could easily recruit thugs, take even the smallest ship, buy trade licenses, and sweep the colonies with a punishing sword. Even according to the most conservative estimates, this action would not require more than half a million. But no, he hired me. Something is not clean here...

Three days later we sailed from Port Royal and headed for Havana. I decided to methodically explore the cities and ask the beggars about this Trust. In the Pirate Settlement, luck awaited me. A tramp told me that another beggar in Martinique might know what was going on. In a slight bewilderment, I headed for Martinique. Where did the tramp get such information? I bet - these ragamuffins are not as simple as they seem at first glance.

Arriving in Martinique, I easily found the right beggar. Or rather, he himself found me, as soon as I got off the ship. The beggar said that Peter Stevesant, the Governor-General of Holland, was involved in the order. An unexpected turn, but after a trip to Panama and adventures in the Indian capital, I was not afraid to ask questions even to the sea devil himself ...

In the evening of the same day I sailed for Curaçao, and on my arrival at night secretly searched the governor's residence. Everything was clean. Just in case, to secure an alibi for myself, I asked the innkeeper to wake me up at dawn and locked myself in my room in front of him.

In the residence of Stavesant, one chest turned out to be very curious. Its lock was so cunning that I could not open it no matter how hard I tried. In the end, I even tried to break it by firing a pistol, but it was of little use. On the lock, as, indeed, on the chest, there was not a scratch left. In addition, security came running to the noise, but they did not have time to catch me. We need to come up with something, but what?

key keeper

Over a glass of bourbon drawn from my own stock, I contemplated how to steal something from the chest. The second time they won’t let me conjure over the lock, so you either need to find the key or drag the whole chest. The first was not possible, because Stevesant is not just anyone, but the governor general. The second option also fell away, because the chest simply would not fit through the door. Yes, and it does not look like a fluff. My sad thoughts were interrupted by the bartender.

“Mr. Frost, you have been drinking alone for several hours now, and I know from experience that a person who drinks alone is either a miser or is very puzzled by something. Captain, can I help you with something?

- There is one thing. Maybe you know who can make the key? I've lost the key to the box, and I don't want to break it open - it's too expensive.

- Yeah, that's a problem. But I think there is a solution. See that drunkard? This is the best key keeper in the entire archipelago. Just wait until he sobers up.

After listening to the advice of the bartender, I sat down with the drunkard and struck up a conversation. Hill Corner, that was the name of the master, confirmed that he can make any key at all, but it also costs a lot of money. I had to agree, because I really had no other choice.

It is important: the master of keys takes three quarters of all your money. Having lost thirty million, I decided to boot up and put the money in the officer's pocket. Leaving a hundred doubloons, I turned to the key keeper and honestly paid two-thirds. If there are no officers at hand (which is very likely), give the money to the moneylender for safekeeping.

Two days later I went to order. But in the house, not only the key keeper was waiting for me, but also four soldiers who were extremely unhappy with my request. So dissatisfied that they decided to deal with the client right on the spot. Well, so much the worse for them. The short fight ended in my favor, and I took the key. It remains only to open the chest and find out what's the matter.

In the chest I found documents: a letter from Oliver Trust to the authorities. It said that the beggars would soon be destroyed (by no other than me) and would no longer spread rumors about the island. Unfortunately, the letter was cut off approximately in the middle, and there was no exact information in it. I decided to return to Martinique and find out what this mysterious “Island” is and what is going on here. A beggar under pressure said that the missing Teaser Dan was talking about some kind of Island of Justice. But where it is, he does not know exactly. But he gave me the key of Teaser Dan, but what it is for is not clear. I'm going back to Curacai to Mr. Peter Stuevesant.

A trip to Curaçao yielded nothing. Stevesant pretended not to know anything and sent me on my way. I decided to go the other way: find a representative of the Dutch West India Trading Company and find out from him how they are connected with this strange story.

If you want to find a person for a deal, go to the pirate settlements. A sort of islands, free from politics. From the first diplomat, I learned that a sales representative can be found in the city of Marigot, on San Martin. But what surprised me the most was that his name was Oliver Trust. Are bosses and subordinates the same person? Very strange, but I have a thread. I'll ask Mr. Trust better.

Arriving on Marigot, I found Trust's house, but we did not manage to talk. He attacked me and I had to kill him. After searching the house, I found the second part of the letter indicating the location of the Island. Well, thank you, Mr. Trust.

Justice Island

I went to where the Island is supposed to be, but I got caught in a storm. Survived miraculously. Half of the crew was washed into the sea by the first wave, and the second turned my brig into a pile of boards.

It is important: sailing to the GPC is best on the cheapest ship, without a team and supplies. Do not forget to give the money to the moneylender. Keep at least two hundred thousand with you, and deposit the rest.

Mr. Oliver Trust offers a million for the destruction of all the beggars in the archipelago.

Overcoming the walls of waves, I swam to some silhouette in the distance. It was a ship, and not one. Many broken, half-sunk ships. On one of them I saw a man and swam up to him. Maybe someone got saved? Swimming closer, I realized that this man was not from my ship. His name was George Stokes, and he told me that this was the Isle of Justice, but this name has not been used for a long time. Now this place is called the City of Lost Ships. And, like any city, there are laws and rules. You can’t kill the inhabitants, you can’t steal from them, you can’t dismantle sunken ships in order to build something. Apparently, I'm a prisoner here, but first you need to register and talk with Chuck Capper, the head of the city. I didn't expect such a reception... The captain, miraculously saved, who lost his entire team, and here - about the laws and the mayor...

Looking around the not very hospitable city, I wandered into a tavern, where I learned why no one should leave the "island". The fact is that the ring of shipwrecks is kept afloat only when all its components are interconnected. It is worth removing at least one ship, and that's it - the city will lose stability. It will start moving, all bridges and ladders will break. In addition, it is not known how the remaining ships will behave. Some can sink or capsize, and people live inside broken pelvises.

I learned from the innkeeper that Teaser Dan was here, but it's not worth talking about him, you can get a lot of problems on your head. Dan was the first who managed to escape from the city, and even get to the mainland! Kapper was simply furious and forbade even his name to be pronounced. I decided to personally talk to the authorities, and it would not hurt to register. Overcoming unstable ladders and suspension bridges, I went to the San Augustin, to the admiral's residence of Capper.

The Greatest Man

The island is not so fair as they say about it. Kapper's beautiful words "everyone has the right to life" crashed against the wall of robbery in a big way. He confiscated my weapons and money, leaving only a fiftieth of the available doubloons. Good thing I hid the best weapon earlier, on one of the ships.

The residence of Admiral Kapper is, in fact, two ships grappled with each other.

It is important: hide the weapon in the chest on the Fernando Diffundura. It's better to hide everything in general. Chad does not take totems, letters and keys. The rest - spyglasses, pistols and sabers - will be taken away without batting an eyelid. By the way, I had Morgan's rapier, so I decided to find a secluded place to hide it. The cuirass should also be covered.

After the "expropriation" (one of the laws of the City: "what was yours became common"), I went back to the tavern. All the same, I have little money left, which means that I have the opportunity to rest for a few days. Although a bed on a half-flooded vessel somehow does not fit in with comfort, the Fleuron, converted into a tavern, cannot be blamed for the lack of comfort.

Four days later, the storm subsided, and although the clouds still clouded the sky, the wind drove them to the east, so good weather was a matter of a couple of days. I carefully climbed aboard the Esmeralda galleon and made my way to the local shop. Even here, isolated from the world, people buy and sell. In addition, the bartender Hill mentioned in passing that the merchant had a map of the city, and for me it would not be superfluous. After telling Sandra Gomez that Jost was demanding a huge amount of money for the card, I received a promise of a discount. You just have to wait a day, and tomorrow come to the store.

It is important: the card is very expensive, so you need to necessarily talk to Sandra Gomez. Judge for yourself: Eric Yost wanted to sell it for almost two hundred thousand, and gave it away for one and a half the very next day.

Here on this "Caspers" wanted to sail away from the City. Did not have time.

Hill called me to the tavern and suggested that I go down to the cellar to talk privately. The meeting will take place at midnight, because the Teaser case is extremely important, but it does not fit well with the laws of the City. Extra ears, in general, to anything. Brunner said that Dan often visited the Fernando Diffundur flute, which stands on the outskirts, separate from the city. What he did there is unknown. The ship is not connected to the city, because it has broken into two parts and, most likely, is about to sink. Apparently, he caught on a reef, but still no one dares to visit it. Why not a convenient hiding place? And yes, I have the key. We need to see what Teaser was hiding there.

And he hid, I must say, a lot. In the gap, right between the halves of the ship, I found a decent supply of potions, as well as weapons (very handy!), bullets and a pistol. In addition, there was also a letter proving that Teaser had arrived on the mainland. He took the key to the chest with him! But Dan himself could not build a ship, which means that someone helped him. Hill thinks it was Andre Labore, the carpenter.

Advice: in order not to roam all over the city, ask the townspeople where they saw the person you need.

After the conversation, I returned to my room and slept almost until morning. It was necessary to find Labor, and other cases appeared. For example, a certain Pedro Hurtado offered me to make good money by breaking into the Esmeralda, and Dominique Legros asked me to give a bottle of wine to his friend on the Tartarus. It is very fortunate, by the way, that in Dan's hiding place I found as many as ten such bottles. At the same time, by the way, I will find out where Leighton Dexter disappeared. Royel Haag said that he and the admiral had some disagreements, and then the pirate disappeared. Haag thinks that Capper killed him, but he only noticed that the pirate was guarding the gold he wanted to steal. Gold is on Tartarus, that is, in prison.

We meet Hurtado at noon on the deck of the Esmeralda, which means I still have plenty of time. I’ll just have time to visit the guard on the Tartarus, and maybe even find the candles for the parish that Padre Angel asked me to find.

big conspiracy

Mechanic Henrik Wedeker, master of all trades.

I couldn't find Layton in prison. The guards refused to talk and, of course, they did not open the only closed door. But this is a ship, not a house. I decided to examine the outer side of the ship for holes, as the prison was fairly flooded. I dived into the sea directly from the side of the Tartarus and, rounding the ship, found what I was looking for. A hole in the hull led to the same locked chamber. Inside, I found a corpse, or rather, not a corpse, but already a skeleton, chained to the wall. Apparently, Dexter has been "guarding" Capper's gold for a very long time. The chest, by the way, also stood in the cell, but locked with a key. Later in the city, I learned that Capper had recently lost a key of some kind and was now prowling all over the city.

It is important: the key appears in a random place. But pay special attention to Fury, Protector, Carolina and San Augustine. Running around is worth it, there is a solid jackpot in Capper's cache.

As for the two friends, I handed a bottle of wine to Thomas, but instead of being happy, he asked me to tell Dominic that he would cut off his ears. After studying the problem, I found out that Thomas thinks that Dominic molested his young lady ... In general, a quarrel over stupidity. Having run as a courier, I was able to reconcile my friends and received a simple key as a reward.

On a note: all chests in the City are locked. In addition, they are divided into three types: simple, medium and complex. The higher the level of the chest, the better the items in it. Once you receive the key, you do not need to look for a new one - it will not disappear after opening the box.

With this key, by the way, I opened the chest in the store, where I found the candles for the parish. Only now I couldn’t take everything away right away, I had to return more than once. And every time I had to wait until the attentive shopkeeper turned his back on me. Theft is punishable by death. As a reward for a good deed, the padre blessed me, and I did not expect a material reward.

It is important: the priest does not give the reward, he only activates "fast transition". Considering the labyrinths of the City, this skill is literally worth its weight in gold.

After dealing with minor matters, I met with Labor, and we decided to talk about Teaser away from the witnesses in the cabin on the Protector corvette. However, Labor betrayed me. He came to the meeting not alone, but with a "policeman". I had to kill them here. Luckily they didn't tell the admiral about me. Now we need to do something, otherwise, sooner or later, Capper will figure me out and send me to the bottom with a load around my neck.

I returned to the tavern and told Hill about everything. The situation has become very unpleasant. It is practically impossible to hide the corpses imperceptibly, it remains only to shift the blame on someone. But to whom? Brunner offered to steal one of the Narwhal Clan's amulets and put the blame on them. It remains only to go to the Velasco and set up an ambush in the back room at the bow of the ship.

I didn't have to wait long. Literally immediately, one of the “narwhals” showed up and began to threaten me. Oh, if he knew in advance why I'm here, he would come with a whole gang. However, he was alone, and the first bullet hit him on the spot. I removed the five-pointed star sign and took it to Capper.

The admiral took the bait, and I sighed more calmly. In addition, he talked about how the clans appeared. The sea did not choose who entered the City. Some were decent people, others were pirates. The latter did not get along very well with the former, so Capper decided to give them two ships in full ownership. So there were two clans - "Narwhal" and "Casper". What these groups do inside their ships is of no concern to anyone. They have their own laws there, and all the inhabitants know about it. Some do not interfere in the affairs of others, and the clans observe the laws of the city "above". Having finished his story, Capper instructed me to destroy the "narwhals". I did not count on such a turn of affairs, but in order to maintain a reputation, I will have to get my hands dirty. Three of Capper's men are already waiting for me at the Velasco.

This is the advice: stock up on healing potions and load the gun. Inside "Velasco" there are a lot of aggressive "narwhals". However, if you've already been to Tenochtitlan and haven't given the shotgun to Capper, this fight will seem very easy. However, like everyone else.

So, "narwhals" in the past. I returned to Capper and reported on the mission. There are no suspicions now, and I also received a good reward for the raid.

It is important: the reward is given depending on the losses. If one is killed, get ten thousand, and if everyone survives, as much as a hundred!

Phoenix platform. Diving suit lies in a room opposite the faucet.

I told Hill about everything, and he offered to rest for a couple of days for now. And he still has to find out something. For some reason, the bartender is sure that nothing good will come from the destruction of the Narwhal to the City, but he says nothing more.

A few days later, Brunner shared his suspicions. He thinks that something incomprehensible is going on in his tavern, some kind of conspiracy or something. In general, he advised me to come to the wine cellar at midnight and hide behind a column there. It's not uncommon for the Admiral to talk to someone, but Hill can't find out what. As soon as he approaches, they immediately fall silent.

At ten minutes to twelve I was already behind the column. The secret conversation, however, was really interesting. Chad Capper and an unknown from the Casper clan discussed the "case". He guessed that the carpenter was killed by someone else, and not by the "narwhals". I have become a convenient tool in his hands, and now no one will prevent Kapper and the Caspers from sailing away from the City. Here is a bastard, what to expect from a pirate ...

However, I killed their carpenter and now they have resources but no ship. In addition, the stranger mentioned some kind of mechanic. Maybe he is our salvation? Whatever the case, I won't let Capper's dreams come true. He should not be governor of the Caribbean.

I told Hill about everything, and he promised to find out who this mechanic was, but when I went into the tavern, another person was in charge of the counter. Florence Slot, the new bartender, told me that Hill was found dead in the very wine cellar where I had been hiding that night. It was discovered by waitress Armo Dulin. In tears, she told me that before she died, Hill asked her about the mechanic, but she did not know who it was. Then he went to the cellar, and two hours later he was found dead.

It was like a mast had been dropped on me. So what's now? It so happened that Hill was the only guide in this city, and now I'm on my own ... But so much has already been done. I think that the murder is the work of Chad himself. Apparently, someone informed him that Brunnen was sniffing around something, and Kapper killed him.

reverse action

Local crabs bite very painfully. I do not recommend sticking fingers in claws!

I went to Chad to sort out the Hill case. But he only advised not to get into it, hinting unambiguously that you can pay with your health. Now everything has finally fallen into place. Also, right before the meeting, I dropped in on the Eva and saved Cecile Galard from three Caspers. She said that she had been living in the City for almost ten years. When she appeared, there were only four ships and five people. The city was floating, but a mechanic named Henrik Wedecker was able to connect the ships together and make sure they didn't move. However, then he began to scream about some kind of danger. And since he was a little out of his mind, no one believed him. Later, Kapper set the laws, and the mechanic and everyone who knew about him began to disappear. But no one asked questions. The San Gabriel passed into the hands of the Caspers, and it became dangerous to talk about Wedecker. You need to pay a visit to the master, but first deal with the "caspers". First, as promised, I told Armo that Hill's death was the work of the clan.

However, the first beauty of the City is a brave girl. She offered to lure the "Caspers" one at a time, appointing dates for them at night. Naturally, instead of her, I will come to the meetings.

The first "date" went well. I met Denis Hopfer aboard the Ceres Smitty and put a bullet in his chest. Although the ship is standing next to the Casper base, no one heard anything. Back at the tavern, I told Armo that everything worked out. She promised to call someone else, so I think the Casper clan will soon thin out a lot.

It is important: stand on the stern of the Ceres Smitty, otherwise the Caspers will run to the noise of the fight.

The second date went according to the same scenario, but on the third, instead of one "Casper", several people came to the meeting at once. I wanted to remind them of decency - the third one is superfluous - but in response I received a confession from one of them - Juan Cabo. Armo is dead and he killed Hill Brunner. In addition, the arrogant "Casper" decided to deal with me and brought two friends to the meeting. The faithful rapier did not disappoint, and the Caspers remained lying on the deck of the Ceres Smitty. Now you need to tell about the death of Armo to her boyfriend Thomas.

Together with Thomas Boyle, we went to the San Gabriel to take revenge on the Caspers and destroyed them all to one. Unfortunately, Thomas did not survive the assault. Several robbers shot at him at once, but he fought bravely, despite severe injuries.

After dealing with the clan, I found Wedeker and told him everything that had happened recently. In addition, I suggested that he arrange for the election of a new admiral - naturally, with my person as a candidate - but the mechanic cut me off in mid-sentence. The fact is that the City can sink to the bottom at any moment. All ships are held only by three hooked on the reef. None of them can swim on their own, so in a big storm we can all drown!

However, the mechanic is not so simple. He does not want to do anything for nothing and demands a million and a half doubloons for the ship. The amount for the City is not too big, but you still have to carefully climb the ships in search of chests.

The very next day I collected the necessary gold. It was difficult, several times I almost got caught, but I had the money with me and I went to Wedeker. Having paid for the ship, I learned that it still needs to be freed from the captivity of other pelvises. Henrik already has a winch ready to pull the frigate, but he dropped the gear into the water, and is afraid to go down to the bottom. He says that some creatures have bred there that eat people, and offers me to go down to the bottom. There is nothing to do, there is no other way.

Dressed on the platform "Phoenix" in the invention of Wedecker, I went down under the water. It turns out that the creatures eating people are huge crabs. And they did not fail to try to bite me. A pistol does not work underwater, but it is quite possible to wield a rapier. I dealt with the crabs and found a gear behind one of the piles of rocks.

It is important: the gear appears in a random place. Look - you can dive several times, but an additional descent into the water costs thirty thousand. I note that the first chest will justify the costs. And don't forget that you only have six minutes before you run out of air.

Going upstairs, I gave the missing part to Wedeker and went to collect everything necessary for the trip: provisions, medicines, bombs, cannonballs, knipples, buckshot, gunpowder and weapons. I bought canvas and boards from Jost, and I arranged with the housewives about the cores. They don't care about this crap. There was one problem left - Chad Kapper has weapons and gunpowder, and he is unlikely to give them up.

It is important: to collect everything you need, you will need three bottles of wine, fifteen bunches of grapes and ten bags of salt. The latter is very tight, but you can find it on the Fury.

Chad Capper has only a few moments left to live. Now he will attack me.

As I expected, Capper refused to give me what I needed, but one of the "policemen" - John Workman - agreed to move everything where necessary, but took a promise that I would take him with me. With the preparations finished, now you need to assemble a team. Fifteen people, I think, is enough.

Bypassing the inhabitants of the city, I was able to somehow recruit a minimal team. Many refused and did not believe me, but still the majority were already tired of such a life, and they did not doubt the words of the mechanic. I tried to warn Capper, but he only threatened me with death. All those who refuse to be rescued think that the City will weather another storm.

When I returned to the San Gabriel, I was met by Mendoza and told that Wedeker had just been taken away by two "policemen". We'll have to rescue the mechanic, because without him we won't be able to free the ship. What's the use of him if he goes down to the bottom with the whole city? I ordered Felix to go to the corvette, and I myself went to Capper.

As soon as I entered his residence, Capper hit me like a hurricane. He prepared an ambush, but together with Workman, we quickly put an end to his power in the City. It remains only to save Wedeker, and he is on the Tartarus.

It is important: in the last stage of the Cities of the Lost Ships quest, you will be blocked from fast travel.

After killing the head of the prison, I tried to open Wedecker's cage, but I couldn't. We must find the key! However, the mechanic said he was staying here in the City. He, as a scientist, really wants to test his theory. But even if the city does not sink, it will start a new life here with those who remain. But already without the admiral, clans and other villains.

I decided to leave Wedeker here, because it is his right. I need to get on the corvette. To do this, you need to swim to the second mast of the Fernando Diffundur, and as quickly as possible. The storm is gathering strength, there is no time.

When I got out of the bowels of the Tartarus, more than half of the city lay under water. Unfortunately, the mechanic was right. I gathered all my strength and sailed to the Diffundur, and there I got over to the corvette War Dog and set sail from the Isle of Justice. Who knows, maybe over time it will again “overgrow” with ships?

The evening wind easily drove the corvette. Such days in the Caribbean are not uncommon. No wonder many believe that this is paradise ... Andrew Frost, standing at the helm, ordered the team "to do anything, just do not interfere." Wind, sails, taut shrouds and the quiet creak of wood... Andrew always considered the ship to be an extension of his body, but this time he himself became the "extension". Corvette "Dog of War" went to new adventures, cutting through the blue-green expanse of the Caribbean Sea...

Nerevar, hmm, but did not try to parry? He never shot at me, because. I shredded him into barbecue, so that he could not even put a block, not to mention a gun!

Lioncourt Apparently you are playing on ur difficulty low. On the impossible, he stupidly shoots at you on cooldown no matter what distance you are from him, and there is clearly not enough energy for constant “shredding”.

At lvl 21 with about 190hp, I still killed him. For the first time, it didn’t work out, so he stupidly takes out more from a pistol than he recovers with an elixir, and it’s sooo difficult to constantly dodge bullets hiding behind a corner.
The second time he came, he immediately after the shot ran to the column, and, in general, it turned out such a situation that we fought through the column. Thanks to her, he could not shoot at me, and sitting in the block and waiting for the berserker to reload, I slowly put him to death. True, he pierced with antidotes: he still pierced through the block and poisoned me, but, thank God, there were enough cures. Pumped light weapons from 85 to 97 while hitting those 5000hp! Killed him with Bretta.
We must give him his due, he is an excellent swordsman, while he adapted to him, he used to block and parry me so much that I did not deliver a single blow in the whole berserk.
As a result, this whole thing took about half an hour of real time.

Weribl, Nerevar, here the topic of passing the Tenochtitlan quest, and not discussing pirates. Pirates can be discussed for example in the topic "Characteristics of the hero, Pirates".

tell me if I lost totems during the passage quest gpc I can find or buy them somewhere

To remove a fire spell from a bridge:
1. Tonatiu, the god of the sky and the sun. - Main, from the exit from Port-au-Bello, twice to the left and along the right wall.
2. Tlazolteotl, the goddess, the devourer of dirt, cleanses from illicit passions. - Main, in the location in front of Tenochtitlan, in the corner.
3. Camashtli, the god of the stars, hunting, war and fate, the creator of fire. - Maine, Tenochtitlan on the left side by a huge stone, in the water.

To open the Temple of Vitality:
1. Huitzilopochtli, god of the blue clear sky (+5 medium weapons). - Curacao, in the residence of Willemstad on the railing.
2. Mixcoatl, god of hunting (+5 accuracy). Trinidad and Tobago, behind the church.
3. Tezcatlipoc, patron of priests who punish criminals (+5 pistols). - Martinique, in the dungeon under the balcony, next to the ski lift.
4. Quetzalcoatl, god of the morning star, lord of the elements (+5 defense). - San Martin, the entrance to the cave through the well, in the first hall from the entrance near the pillar.
5. Shochiketsal, goddess of flowers and love (+5 luck). - Bermuda, in the bay of the broken trough behind the ship.
6. Tlaloc, god of rain and thunder, master of all edible plants (+5 light weapons). — Hispaniola, lighthouse of Santo Domingo, on the window.
7. Chalchicitlicue, goddess of the sea and lakes (+5 prestige). - Tortuga, to the left of the church near the house - the totem is located at the porch.
8. Tonacatecuhtli, creator god who gives people food (+5 trade). - Maine, Inca temple on the right side under the bush closest to the water.
9. Mictlantecuhtli, god of the realm of the dead (+5 stealth). - Main, San Juan Del Norte Bay, in the first hall from the bay along the right wall to the end.
10. Mayahuetl, goddess of fertility, who gave people an alcoholic drink (+5 heavy weapons). - Cuba, Santiago, Inquisition (entrance near the church under the stairs), in a living room with under one of the beds.
For the cool gun you need this:
To open chests in the Temple of Vitality:
Sinteotl, young god of corn (+5 navigation). - Maine, Tenochtitlan, on the left side of the main pyramid there is an underwater labyrinth, through it and in the chest there is a totem.
PS Enjoy

Go to the global network - and there you will check it yourself and report back when they appear. Your business is either to quickly come to the village or shoot him, or buy a license.

The fact is that the totem is with him, he does not want to be activated, he took it miraculously in the inventory. At the expense of the sentry and the villagers, they did not appear for about a month, on the global for a week and a half it was, alas, an officer was needed to hand over the quarter to the spy, he already did it through Amatica, but still the actual issue is the totem of Tlaloc, which is not put in its place.

Noticed this error:
While I was playing the game, I bought the necessary totems from the traders (I personally bought 3-5 pieces).
When I approached the quest, I swam around the archipelago and collected the missing totems. As a result (although I didn’t notice at what exact moment of the game) I lost some of the totems I bought. I did not immediately notice this, and was extremely surprised that one totem was not placed. Well, I guessed to look at the images of the Gods above the doors in the temple and compare them with the ones I have. As a result, I had to ride around the archipelago again.
Of course, I don’t know, maybe my game just got stuck, but I decided to unsubscribe, suddenly it will come in handy for someone) (when I was scrolling through this topic, I didn’t find such a situation for anyone)

And at the same time, tell me please, in the temple itself there are two chests that open with totems, something very good falls from them?
otherwise Askold's quest really doesn't want to go through

Alexander Corsair thank you very much for the detailed answer
but somehow a large number of rat gods are not very attractive 🙂

Tired, rolled back a bug with totems, rolled back, it seems that the totem of Tlaloc no longer appears miraculously (appeared most likely due to several 2 totems that were given for square Jah.) Now there is not a single totem (except for the totem for the chest), the rest sold. I have been asking traders for several months, the totem does not loot, there is an Askold quest for powder, in theory they are not connected in any way, which means they do not interfere with each other. Can you give some good advice for this situation?

Corsairs gpc tenochtitlan totems

The quest is taken on the Mosquito Coast, it is located between Belize and Santa Catalina on the coast of Maine.

Shotgun is the most powerful firearms in the game (in mod-pack- revolver "Necklace"), a jade skull that can revive dead boarders and is necessary to complete the quest "Enchanted City", many valuable artifacts.

Having landed on the shore, you see a man running towards you, he will tell you that their team decided to explore the jungle, they discovered an ancient city, but they couldn’t get into it, everyone died, he alone managed to escape. You are interested in this city and you go to the jungle, having reached it, you see that the city is surrounded on all sides by water and the only road to it is a stone bridge. The Aztec Montezuma, who looks like a leader, runs up to you, he tells you about the city of Tenochtitlan, about himself and offers you a deal, you get him a Jade Skull from the temple of the city, and he will make you rich for it. But not everything is so simple, you still need to go into the city, and as soon as you step on the bridge, it will light up, and you won’t get into the temple so easily. Montezuma explains what is required for this. The bridge can be passed in two ways, insert two totems into the rectangular recesses in front of it, or run quickly through the fire part of the bridge, restore life on the segment without fire and run further, at the entrance to the city there is a temple near its wall, you can insert another totem (you will find it in the water not far from the bridge) and also block the fire. You can run through the fire only if you have enough hit points and stocked up with wine, I advise you to go through the first way and not suffer.

I recommend that you collect all the totems before talking with Montezuma, because after the conversation it may glitch and some totems may disappear from their places. (by Old_Nick).
Montezuma will give you a tip where to find three totems for fire, but you will need 10 more totems to get to the temple, where he does not know where to get them, he only says what they are called: Xochiquetzatl, Mitclantecutli, Quetzalcoatl, Mixcoatl, Tezcatlipoc, Chalchihuitlicue, Huitzipochtli, Tlaloca, Mayahuel, Tonacatecuhtli and offers to look for them all over the world. I will make it easy for you, all totems can be bought from merchants, although they are very rare, but they can be drained, and totems can also be found in various places in the game.

If you have in your inventory, for example, the Mayahuel totem, then you will never meet it with merchants until you transfer it from your inventory. You cannot put two identical totems in a chest or an officer, one will disappear, if you want to collect several sets, store them in different places. If you found a totem, and you already have one in your inventory (purchased from a merchant), then one will remain that way if you don’t move it.
Places where totems lie:

To make it easier to find totems, turn off the grass in the game settings.

1. Cuba Island, the totem is located in the inquisition of Santiago (the entrance is under the stairs leading to the church), there you need to go to the right, the totem lies under one of the beds ( Mayahuel +20 Heavy CP).

2. Hispaniola Island, the totem is located in the lighthouse of Santo Domingo, you need to climb the stairs, go along the board and go down the wooden tiers, the totem lies on the window ( Tlaloc +20 Light XP).

3. Tortuga Island, the totem lies at the porch of the house, which is located to the left of the entrance to the church, ( chaltiwithlicue +20 Authority).

4. Bermuda Island, the totem lies in the Bay of Broken Trough, you need to go behind the broken ship and carefully examine the sand ( Shochiketsal +20 Luck).

5. San Martin Island, the totem is in a cave, you need to enter it through a well in the jungle, there will be pillars on the left side of the entrance, the totem lies to the right of one of them ( Quetzalcoatl +20 Defense).

6. Martinique Island, the totem is located in the dungeon of Fort-de-France, you need to go down the second staircase to the lower floor and reach the place where the balcony ends on top, the totem lies on the left against the wall ( Tezcatlipoca +20 Pistols).

7. Trinidad and Tobago, the totem lies near the fence post behind the church ( Mixcoatl +20 Accuracy).

8. The island of Curacao, in the residence of the governor of Willemstad, the totem lies on the railing of the stairs at the entrance ( Huitzilopochtli +20 Average XP).

9. The coast of Maine, the totem is located in the jungle between Porto Bello and Panama, from the gates of the city of Porto Bello you need to go two locations to the left, the totem lies against the wall on the right side in the grass, before moving to the third location ( Tonatiu - 0 for passing through the bridge).

10. The coast of Maine, the totem is located in the bay of San Juan del Norte, between Santa Catalina and Porto Bello, in the grotto located on the right side of the location, in it you need to go past the passage to the left almost to the end, the totem lies between the stones ( Mictlantecuhtli +20 Stealth).

11. Maine Coast, Mosquito Coast between Belize and Santa Catalina, the totem lies in the second jungle location from the sea, on the right side in the grass against the wall ( Tlasolteotl - 0 for passing through the bridge).

12. Maine Coast, Mosquito Coast between Belize and Santa Catalina, the totem is located in the Tenotchitlan location on the left side of the bridge, you need to go to the end of the location to the rock, the totem lies near it in the water ( Camaxtli - 0 for passing through the bridge).

13. Maine Coast, Mosquito Coast between Belize and Santa Catalina, the totem is located in the location of Tenotchitlan, you need to swim through the underwater maze, which is located on the left side of the main temple, the totem is in the chest ( Sinteotla +20 Navigation) — .

14. The coast of Maine, Amatiche Bay between Belize and Santa Catalina, the totem is located in the location of the Inca temple, to the right of the temple under the fern near the rock ( Tonacatecuhtli +20 Trade).

15. The coast of Maine, Amatiche Bay between Belize and Santa Catalina, the totem is located in the Inca temple, but it will open only when passing the quest "Find the mummy powder" (Askold), after finding the inventory list. ( Xipe Toteku +20 Repair - opens a chest on the 2nd floor in the main temple) — This totem CANNOT be purchased from merchants .

AT mod-pack instead of +20 there is only an increase +5 for each totem.
Having collected all the necessary totems, go to Teno, insert two totems in front of the bridge and remove the fire, entering the city you will be met by an Aztec. Talk to him and go to the underwater labyrinth for the Sinteotl totem, save before entering, you will have only 80 seconds to swim through it. Now you need to enter the main temple, to the left and right of it there are two more temples, they have five doors on top, you need to enter each and insert a totem in the center.

If totems are not inserted:

1. Totems should be in your inventory at the time of entering the Teno location, if the boarders had them, then go to the bay and return, the totems will work.
2. You set yourself totems with cheat codes (A-Y-YAY), you need to sell the totems to any merchant and buy them back, so the totems will become workers.
3. You are missing the required totem.
In each room you will be met by warriors, they need to be killed and remember, if you are killed or you forget to insert a totem, then with each re-entry the warriors will become even stronger, and they are not weak anyway. Having inserted all the totems, you have opened the main temple, head to it, do not forget to take the healers with you. At the entrance you will immediately be met by a group of warriors, you will meet quite a few such groups on the way to the main goal, bring down everyone, there are no special difficulties, in the temple there is where to run and stretch these groups to kill them one by one, and if you are well pumped, then spinning berserk to help you.
On the 2nd floor of the temple you will find a chest, if you completed the Askold quest before this quest (Find mummy powder), then you have a Shipe-Toteku totem, with which you can open it a little later, there are a lot of goodies, there are more than a dozen Rat Gods alone , at one time you won’t take everything away, you can then return, but you will again have to fight with the soldiers. If you do not have a totem, then you can also return to the temple later, after you have inserted the totems, it will always be open.
Having fought your way to the second exit from the temple on the first floor, you will find a round altar, next to it lies the desired Jade Skull. I advise you to save, the battle with the god of the dead will not be easy. As soon as you take the skull, it will immediately appear and in a conversation will offer you to fight with it. Having slammed this monster, you need to open the chest that stands in the right wing of the temple, if you stand with your back to the altar. To do this, again on the right before the exit, you need to insert the totem into the floor. If you have a Shipe Toteku totem, then to open the chest on the 2nd floor, you need to insert it into the floor on the left side of the exit. In the chest you will find buns and the Sacrificial Knife - this is also a key, it opens another temple opposite the main one. Follow there, climb the stairs and insert a knife behind the temple, in the temple you will find the most powerful weapon in the game - Shotgun (in the Mod-pack, the Collier revolver). Return to the bridge, Montezuma is waiting for you there and wants to pick up the skull. Send it to the forest and go to hell, the skull will still be useful to you to complete the quest "Enchanted City", and can also be used to revive your boarders.

I advise you not to use the skull to revive boarders, as you may experience the following problems:

Guaranteed Issues:
1. The additional Energy and Life points gained by the "Growing Energy" and "Growing Life" perks will be reset.
2. The current experience in Rank and Perks will be reset to zero, because. "Skills" remain unchanged - the maximum rank and the possible number of officer perks are reduced.
3. The quest officer turns into an ordinary one, i.e. “Loyalty” starts to work, up to possible leaving and begging for money.

Possible problems:
1. The icon of the revived officer is replaced with another “left icon”; you can assign such an officer to the position.
2. The revived officer's ship is not displayed in the F2 - "Ship" tab, the officer himself is a worker, his ship does not disappear, it floats nearby.
3. The animated officer himself is not available, he is visible as a passenger, but he cannot be appointed to a position.
4. After reviving one officer, other officers may become inaccessible, although they were not revived with a skull.
5. An animated officer does not take weapons, cuirasses and clothes. This problem arises not only because of the skull, but it is he who exacerbates it.
(by Old_Nick)
Naturally, the leader is not happy and is trying to kill you, but where is he against you, after the battle in the temple, so you quickly send him to heaven and return back to Teno. There you will need to talk to the Aztec, whom you met at the entrance to the city, the quest ends here, you can return to the ship.

Corsairs gpc tenochtitlan totems

‘ /> Guests: 14

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‘ /> New user: CLIPER

taken: in Tenochtitlan itself.

Swim to Mosquito Bay on Main (above Santa Catalina). Disembark and see the sailor Silvio Ricci on the shore. He will tell you that the captain and the crew of the ship explored the mainland and found an abandoned city, but most burned in the fire when passing through the dam, and the rest were killed by the Aztec. After the conversation, go through the jungle to the city.

The Aztec Montezuma meets you in the city. After talking with him, you will learn the details about the city, and he will offer a deal - in exchange for the jade skull, which is located in the temple of the Great Vitality, he will give you the weapons of the gods. Naturally, you agree and he says that you can only get into the city through the dam, and the curse of fire lies on it. To remove the curse, you must insert two totems into the slabs in front of the entrance to the dam or one totem, but in the city itself (for this you need to run through the fire).

Locations of the three totems:

The Camashtli totem is located in the location with the Aztec, run in the opposite direction from the place where he stands (Montezuma), go into the water and there he lies next to the stones;

The Tlasolteotl totem is located in the previous location, look for the edges of the hills (to make the search easier, I advise you to turn off the grass in the settings, then the totems will be visible from afar);

Totem Tonatiu is abandoned between the cities of Porto Bello and Panama. After leaving Porto Bello, run to the location on the left, there again to the leftmost location and that's where the totem is located (again, look along the edges of the hills).

After finding the totems, return to Tenochtitlan and remove the curse from the dam. After that, talk to Montezuma. He reports that the curse has been lifted and now you need to open the temple of the Great Life Force, for this you will need to find 10 totems (Xochiquetzal, Mictlantecutli, Quetzalcoatl, Mixcoatl, Tezcatlipoca, Chalchicitlicue, Huitzilopochtli, Tlaloca, Mayahuel, Tonacatecuhtli). They can either be bought from street vendors, in a store, from people in a church (jungle), or found (they can be in absolutely any place).

After talking with Montezuma, you can go to the city if you wish. There you will meet two Aztec brothers. Talk to them.

In the city, on the edges of the temple of the Great Vitality, there are two buildings with columns, inside the entrance to the water. Enter the water (it's better to save before that), find yourself in a labyrinth under water, swim to the opposite exit (the first turn to the left, and you'll find it yourself, just hurry up, time is limited). And now the main thing, after swimming through the labyrinth, you will find yourself in a closed space inside the temple of the Great Life Force. In one of the two places you will take away a closed chest, take away the totem of Sinteotl from there (just don't sell it later, you will still need it).

So, after a long search for 10 totems (and you won’t get it quickly), you found them all. Head back to Tenochtitlan (be sure to load up on plenty of healers and antidotes beforehand). To the left and right of the Temple of Great Vitality (near buildings with columns) there are two tall buildings, go up and you will take 5 doors away. You need to go through each door and place the desired totem in the slab on the floor. Behind each door, 3 Aztecs will attack you, so it's better to save before each entry. After installing all 10 totems, your path lies in the temple of the Great Vitality.

In the temple you will again have to fight (by the way, you will fight alone, the officers will not enter the temples) with the Aztecs. After passing through the temple and killing everyone, you will see a pedestal, and on it a large gold coin, a jade skull will lie nearby. Take it away and the god of the dead appears. He says that it will be possible to get out of here only by defeating him in battle. Okay, let's start fighting. After defeating him, he says that you are a good warrior and you can keep the skull, he also reveals who Montezuma really is.

Everyone, you can leave. But don't rush. In the opposite corner from the place where the skull lay, there is an exit, and next to it is a stove. Insert Sinteotl's totem into this slab (it will open a chest). To the left of the pedestal at the end of the corridor there is a chest, take the sacrificial knife from it and exit the temple.

After that, rise to the round building (it is the only one in the city). The door to the temple will be closed, go around it and you will see a small hole in the wall, a hand will appear, insert a knife into it and the door will open. Come inside and take the shotgun.

On the way out of the city, talk to the brothers, they will congratulate you and wish you good luck, they will tell you to take care of the skull.

It remains to talk with Montezuma. He is waiting for you at the dam. In the conversation, it turns out that he decided to revive the dead Aztecs and conquer the world. Of course, you don’t like such a prospect and with a clear conscience you kill him. Exit the location, a new entry will appear in the ship's log. Quest completed.

Important: Do not sell the jade skull. You will need it to complete another quest.

Corsairs gpc tenochtitlan totems

Quest discussion "Tenochtitlan",
by following the link.






Gold - 0

Clay jug - 15

Gold - 120100,
Rat God - 12

Ancient Censer - 7

Painted Vessel - 13

Word structure: Tōnatiuh

Composition of the word: Tlazol + teōtl

Word composition: Camaxtli

Word compound: Mix + cōātl

Base word: Cōātl: snake, snake /ent./ - (snake, the)

Base word: Quetzal: quetzal feather (a type of bird), feather /subs./ - (quetzal, quetzal feather, the)

Word structure: Tlālōc

Basic word: Tēcutli: lord, god / being / - (lord, the).

Word composition: Mayahuetl

Word compound: Cin + teōtl
Base word: Teōtl: god / beings / - (god, the)

Xipe Toteku / Xipe Totēc

Composition of the word: Xipe + Totēc

Corsairs gpc tenochtitlan totems

Quest discussion "Tenochtitlan",
you can watch the walkthrough on our website,
passing through [You must register to view this link] link.

AT: How to join this quest?
O: It is necessary to land on the Mosquito Coast (it is located in the Santa Catalina area).

AT: In the main building in Teno, there are 2 chests - one contains an obsidian knife, and the other is closed and requires a key. Where to get it?
O: The chest is opened by the Shipe-Toteku totem, which lies in the Inca temple (you can get to the temple after completing the Askold quest)

AT: Where is the totem of Sinteotl?
O: On the sides of the temple of the Great Life Force there are two temples with columns. There, each has a descent into the water, and inside there is a labyrinth. After the labyrinth, there is a chest containing a totem.

AT: Why totems are not placed, a hand does not appear.
O: Most likely you "stole" these totems from the game with a special cheat and the quest simply does not see them, the problem is solved by selling all the "read" totems to any merchant and instantly buying them back

AT: Why didn't I find totems in the places mentioned below?
O: These places are guaranteed to have totems.

Chest on the lower floor of the pyramid: (opened by the totem Cineotl):
Gold - 0
Obsidian ceremonial knife - 1, needed to open the doors to the Temple of the White Gods (-30 pistols and stealth, -20 all other weapons)
Charm of Tlalchitonatiu - 5 (+10 authority and stealth, -20 pistols)
Frightening figurine - 7 (-10 prestige)
Jade mask - 11 (+10 trade)
Clay jug - 15
Double mask - 4 (+10 stealth)
Amulet of Xiucoatl 16. (+10 medium weapons)

Chest on the second floor of the pyramid (opened by the Shipe-Toteku totem):
Gold - 120100,
Rat God - 12
Amulet of Ehecatl - 11 (+20 pistols, +10 accuracy, -20 stealth),
Tepeyollotl Totem Cup - 15 (+10 heavy weapons)
Ancient Censer - 7
Olaliuka Chalice - 9 (+20 Trade, -20 Authority)
Basalt head - 4 (+10 prestige and defense, -10 luck)
Painted Vessel - 13
Body amulet - 8 (+10 stealth)
Idol of Atlaua - 6 (+20 navigation, -20 stealth)
Statuette of Tlaloc - 12 (+20 hit, +10 guns, -20 stealth)
Ceremonial knife - 4 (+20 prestige, -10 luck)
Ceremonial vessel - 7 (+20 prestige, -10 stealth)
Head of a Mayan warrior - 11 (+20 defense, +10 light weapons, -10 prestige and luck)

Translation of the names of all totems in K:GPK, taking into account the spelling of the Nahuatl language and checking the source for the accuracy of the translation.

The composition of a compound word is indicated (separation into separate words), if possible, individual words are reduced to their initial form (infinitive, im. case, etc.), proper names that cannot be translated are also separately marked.

Word structure: Tōnatiuh
Base word: Tōnatiuh: sun /noun/ - (sun,the)

Composition of the word: Tlazol + teōtl
Base word: Tlazolli: dirt /ess./ - (dirt, the; waste, the) (doubtful source)
Base word: Teōtl: god / beings / - (god, the)

Word composition: Camaxtli
Base word: Camaxtle / Camaxtli: not subject to separate translation. (since property name)

Word compound: Huitzil + ōpōchtli
Base word: Huītzilin: hummingbird / creatures / - (hummingbird, the)
Base word: ōpōchtli: left side /*/ - (left-hand side, the) (doubtful source)

Word compound: Mix + cōātl
Base word: Mixtli: cloud /ess./ - (cloud, the)
Base word: Cōātl: snake, snake /ent./ - (snake, the)

Word compound: Tēzcatli + pocā
Base word: Tēzcatl: mirror /ess./ - (mirror, the)
Base word: Pōctli: smoke, mist /ess./ - (smoke, the; mist, the)

Word compound: Quetzal + cōātl
Base word: Quetzal: quetzal feather (a type of bird), feather /subs./ - (quetzal, quetzal feather, the)
Base word: Cōātl: snake, snake /ent./ - (snake, the)

Word compound: Xōchi + quetzal
Base word: Xōchitl: flower / creatures / - (flower, the)
Base word: Quetzal: quetzal feather (a type of bird), feather /subs./ - (quetzal, quetzal feather, the)

Word structure: Tlālōc
Base word: Tlālli: earth / beings / - (earth / land / ground, the)

Word compound: Chālchiuhtli + cuē
Base word: Chālchihuitl: jade /ess./ - (jade, the)
Basic word: Cuēitl: 1. skirt, blouse - (skirt / blouse)
As a form of Cuēitl, part of the word Cuē means: one who wears (wears) a skirt from.

Word compound: Tōnacā + tēcutli
Base word: Tōnacā : Pertaining to sun / sunlight
Base word: Tōna: to shine /verb/ - (to shine)
Basic word: Tēcutli: lord, god / being / - (lord, the).

Word compound: Mic + tlān + tēcutli
Basic word: Mictlān: dead land /literally-literally/, hell /ess./ - (dead land, underworld, the; hell, the).

At the same time, the main words are: Mic + Tlan, of which:

Base word: Mic: dead /adjective/ - (dead, the) from Miqui: die /verb/ - (to die)
Base word: Tlan: /ess./, it is also possible to merge with the ligature -ti, that is, it forms part of the word: -titlan;

In addition, the meaning of the word -Tlan: on, near, about (when designating the area) - (on, in, beside, among, at); also
as part of the name of a city or locality, it usually has a meaning as: city / existent / - (town, city); for example in the name of the capital
the Aztec city of Tenochtitlan.

Basic word: Tēcutli: lord, god / being / - (lord, the).

Word composition: Mayahuetl
Base word: Mayahuetl: not subject to separate translation (because proper name)

Word compound: Cin + teōtl
Base word: Cintli: corn, ear of maize /ess./ - (maize, the; ear of maize)
Base word: Teōtl: god / beings / - (god, the)

Xipe Toteku / Xipe Totēc

Composition of the word: Xipe + Totēc
Base word: Xipe: not subject to separate translation.
Main word: Totēc: our god /literally-literally/ /ess./ - (our lord, the /literally translated/)


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taken: in Tenochtitlan itself.

Swim to Mosquito Bay on Main (above Santa Catalina). Disembark and see the sailor Silvio Ricci on the shore. He will tell you that the captain and the crew of the ship explored the mainland and found an abandoned city, but most burned in the fire when passing through the dam, and the rest were killed by the Aztec. After the conversation, go through the jungle to the city.

Aztec Montezuma meets you in the city. After talking with him, you will learn the details about the city, and he will offer a deal - in exchange for the jade skull, which is located in the temple of the Great Vitality, he will give you the weapons of the gods. Naturally you agree and he says that the only way to get to the city is through the dam, and the curse of fire lies on it. To remove the curse, you must insert two totems into the slabs in front of the entrance to the dam or one totem, but in the city itself (for this you need to run through the fire).

Locations of the three totems:

The Camashtli totem is located in the location with the Aztec, run in the opposite direction from the place where he stands (Montezuma), go into the water and there he lies next to the stones;

The Tlasolteotl totem is located in the previous location, look for the edges of the hills (to make the search easier, I advise you to turn off the grass in the settings, then the totems will be visible from afar);

Totem Tonatiu is abandoned between the cities of Porto Bello and Panama. After leaving Porto Bello, run to the location on the left, there again to the leftmost location and that's where the totem is located (again, look along the edges of the hills).

After finding the totems, return to Tenochtitlan and remove the curse from the dam. After that, talk to Montezuma. He reports that the curse has been lifted and now you need to open the temple of the Great Life Force, for this you will need to find 10 totems (Xochiquetzal, Mictlantecutli, Quetzalcoatl, Mixcoatl, Tezcatlipoca, Chalchicitlicue, Huitzilopochtli, Tlaloca, Mayahuel, Tonacatecuhtli). They can either be bought from street vendors, in a store, from people in a church (jungle), or found (they can be in absolutely any place).

After talking with Montezuma, you can walk into the city if you wish. There you will meet two Aztec brothers. Talk to them.

In the city, on the edges of the temple of the Great Vitality, there are two buildings with columns, inside the entrance to the water. Enter the water (it's better to save before that), find yourself in a labyrinth under water, swim to the opposite exit (the first turn to the left, and you'll find it yourself, just hurry up, time is limited). And now the main thing, after swimming through the labyrinth, you will find yourself in a closed space inside the temple of the Great Life Force. In one of the two places you will take away a closed chest, take away the totem of Sinteotl from there (just don't sell it later, you will still need it).

So, after a long search for 10 totems (and you won’t get it quickly), you found them all. Head back to Tenochtitlan (be sure to load up on plenty of healers and antidotes beforehand). To the left and right of the Temple of Great Vitality (near buildings with columns) there are two tall buildings, go up and you will take 5 doors away. You need to go through each door and place the desired totem in the slab on the floor. Behind each door, 3 Aztecs will attack you, so it's better to save before each entry. After installing all 10 totems, your path lies in the temple of the Great Vitality.

In the temple you will again have to fight (by the way, you will fight alone, the officers will not enter the temples) with the Aztecs. After passing through the temple and killing everyone you will see a pedestal, and on it a large gold coin, a jade skull will lie next to it. Take it away and the god of the dead appears. He says that it will be possible to get out of here only by defeating him in battle. Okay, let's start fighting. After defeating him, he says that you are a good warrior and you can keep the skull, he also reveals who Montezuma really is.

Everyone, you can leave. But don't rush. In the opposite corner from the place where the skull lay, there is an exit, and next to it is a stove. Insert Sinteotl's totem into this slab (it will open a chest). To the left of the pedestal at the end of the corridor there is a chest, take the sacrificial knife from it and exit the temple.

After that, rise to the round building (it is the only one in the city). The door to the temple will be closed, go around it and you will see a small hole in the wall, a hand will appear, insert a knife into it and the door will open. Come inside and take the shotgun.

On the way out of the city, talk to the brothers, they will congratulate you and wish you good luck, they will tell you to take care of the skull.

It remains to talk with Montezuma. He is waiting for you at the dam. In the conversation, it turns out that he decided to revive the dead Aztecs and conquer the world. Of course, you don’t like such a prospect and with a clear conscience you kill him. Exit the location, a new entry will appear in the ship's log. Quest completed.

Important: Do not sell the jade skull. You will need it to complete another quest.