Characteristics of pirates in the game GPC which are better. Corsairs: City of Lost Ships. pantheon of indian gods

" Chapter: GIC

This article contains all the information you need to create a new character in the game Corsairs: City of the Lost Ships.
So, let's begin. First we need a model of our future character, as well as 4 icons of different sizes. The model can be made using Avtodesk Maya 5 or edit an existing one TOOL. Icons must be 4 sizes: 64x64, 128x128, 256x256, and small version 32x32 for a portrait next to the health indicator. Once all of the above is ready, you can safely proceed to the introduction of your hero into the game. I note that of all the playable characters, no more than five are available as the main characters. You can try to add others to this list without resorting to creating new models and icons.
Now we need to edit the file responsible for the list of main characters. It is located at: root folder of your game\Resourse\Ini\texts\russian\HeroDescribe.txt. Let's open it and find the lines:

» Fragment 1

hero_qty (3)
ps_hero_qty (20)

The numbers in brackets may differ slightly from those shown here - it depends on the version of your game. The first line indicates the number of heroes that can be played, and the second - the number of "free privateers" that you can meet in the game. Below is, in fact, a list of heroes, according to serial numbers who are being selected for heroes and free privateers. That is, in our case, the first three heroes will be the main ones, and the twenty first ones will be free. Let's look at the code fragment responsible for the first hero:

» Fragment 2

heroName_1 (Peter)
heroNameGen_1 (Peter)
heroNameDat_1 (to Peter)

heroLastname_1 (Blood)
heroLastnameGen_1 (Blood)
heroLastNameDat_1 (Blood)

heroFace_1 (221)

heroModel_1 (Blad_0,Blad_1,Blad_2,Blad_3,Blad_4,Blad_5,Blad_6,Blad_7,Blad_8)

heroType_1 (Corsair)

heroNation_1 (England)

sex_1 (man)
animation_1 (man)

He was a successful doctor in the Old World, but circumstances made him a slave on the plantations of Barbados. Now he needs to regain his social status and, with your help, at the prompt of Sabatini, restore the position in society that his ambitions, temperament and intellect deserve.

Let's copy all this text and place a copy of it two lines below. We need to edit: first name, last name, portrait number, model names, status, nationality, gender and biography of our new hero. We enter in the first three lines the name of our hero in the nominative, genitive and dative cases, for example like this:

» Fragment 3

heroName_1 (Ivan)
heroNameGen_1 (Ivana)
heroNameDat_1 (to Ivan)

We do the same with the following three lines, intended for the name of the hero:

» Fragment 4

Lastname_1 (Pupkin)
LastnameGen_1 (Pupkina)
LastnameDat_1 (to Pupkin)

Next, we have to dig into the icon number for our hero. You need to come up with any number (preferably in the range from 600 to 999) for the portrait. For example, I will choose 800. Let's change the line responsible for the portrait:

» Fragment 5

heroFace_1 (800)

Now let's find 4 prepared icons of our character and rename each one to 800. Let's move them to the following folders located in the root folder of the game:
64x64: Resource\Textures\Interface\Portraits\64
128x128: Resourse\Textures\Interface\Portraits\128
256x256: Resource\Textures\Interface\Portraits\256
32x32: Resource\Textures\BattleInterface
Attention: the 128x128 icon must be separately written in another script. We will do it at the very end. And now we need to find our model (or several of its variations) and move it (them) to the address:
Now let's enter the name of the model, or several names separated by commas, into the script:

» Fragment 6

heroModel_1 (MyModel1,MyModel2,MyModel3)

The next three lines determine what status your hero will have by default, what nation he will represent, and his gender. Possible statuses: Corsair, Merchant, Adventurer. From the nations available: England, Spain, France, Holland (and the Coastal Brotherhood for version 1.3.2.AT and higher). There are only three sexes (Man, Woman, Skeleton), but it is better not to use the last one at all, as there will be terrible glitches that can only be fixed by reinstalling the game; and Woman will only work with version 1.3.AT and higher. Example:

» Fragment 7

heroType_1 (Adventurer)

heroNation_1 (Spain)

The next line will have to be pretty tricky - here you need to drive in the name of the animation used by your character. All animations are stored in a subfolder of the game's root folder called Animations. If you made your own animation, paste it into this folder. When the desired animation is selected, type in its name in the required line:

» Fragment 8

animation_1 (man_kvl)

And, finally, the last line is responsible for the biography of the hero. Change it to your liking, for example:

» Fragment 9



Now we have the longest and most painstaking work ahead - as you can see, the serial numbers of the first and second (our) hero are the same (heroName_1 (Peter) - heroName_1 (Ivan)). We need to change the numbers of our hero, but if we change them to 2, then they will match the numbers of the next hero, and so on. Therefore, we have two options:
The first option is long
Change the numbers of our hero to 2, the next - to 3, and so on until the list of heroes ends. In this case, we will need to increase the numbers in brackets by 1 in the hero_qty (3) and ps_hero_qty (3) lines.

" Result:

heroName_2 (Ivan)
heroNameGen_2 (Ivana)
heroNameDat_2 (to Ivan)

heroLastname_2 (Pupkin)
heroLastnameGen_2 (Pupkin)
heroLastNameDat_2 (Pupkin)

heroFace_2 (800)


heroType_2 (Adventurer)

heroNation_2 (Spain)

sex_2 (man)
animation_2 (man_kvl)

True Caribbean. Fanatically devoted to the idea of ​​violence. Cruel, ruthless, fundamentally inexorable.
Merciless to the enemies of the Coastal Brotherhood. He has more crimes to his credit than all the convicts in Barbados put together. Drinking rum and swearing around the clock. Uncontrollable. He has no education, but in a fight - for four.
An example to all pirates. Neat. Modest at home. He has a hobby - he collects a collection of cuirasses made to order from the arrows of the compasses of the ships he ruined.

The second option is fast.
Let's just move all the lines of our hero to the end of the script, changing the hero's serial number to "the number of the character above him + 1" (in our case - 21). In this case, we will need to increase the number in brackets by 1 in the ps_hero_qty (3) line, and set it equal to the number of the previous line in the hero_qty (3) line, not forgetting to take into account the changes in it. This option has a side effect: all freelancers will be available to you as main characters, and your new character will be the last on their list.

  • Corsair - Corsair is able to drink everything that flows, drown everything that floats, waste everything that rings and kill everything that squeaks. Such deeds do not add love to neighbors, but sometimes they prolong life.
  • Adventurer Adventurers are not born, they are made. The irrepressible thirst for gold and adventure can lead representatives of this venerable profession into such holes, where no luck can equate with death in the rights to life.
  • Dealer - Finding a profitable product for sale is only half the battle. You also need to not drown it on the way to the client. And forget about it "Bang-Bang-Oh-Oh-Oh, the risk is justified only in commercial matters."


Video - the passage of the famous Russian game Corsairs: City of the Lost Ships by DirDash. In fact, let "s play. The first part of the passage of a special line ...

  • England . If anyone is destined to push Spain into the New World, it is the British. While France in the Old World is actively weakening Escorial with another war for the Spanish inheritance. England systematically captures one Spanish colony after another. The greatest maritime power in history. At the beginning is in the war with Spain and Holland.
  • France . With the accession to the French throne, Louis XIV is actively increasing its military presence in the New World. A great colonial power that does not consider anyone's interests other than its own. At the beginning is at war with Spain.
  • Spain - a great colonial power that owns most of the New World. It is subjected to constant pressure from two other great powers - England and France, actively striving to snatch their piece of the New World. In the beginning it is at war with most nations - with England and France. And the only nation in the world - Holland - actively helps France in the fight against it.
  • Holland . The newly formed Republic of the United Provinces, a young nation aspiring to trading power. And therefore, competing in this with England. The rest is a neutral power. It is at war with England.

Game settings


  • Affects the speed of development of the hero, the strength of opponents, income and much more. In total, the game has 10 difficulty levels:
    • Sailor
    • Boatswain
    • Skipper
    • Lieutenant
    • Captain
    • Corsair
    • Commander
    • Admiral
    • master of the seas
    • Impossible

Experience gain rate

  • The setting allows you to set the speed of gaining experience for the main character and his officers. The higher the speed, the faster the skill points will be obtained, which means new levels and abilities.


  • hardcore game - the ability to save only in churches.
  • Reloading pistols - Pistols are reloaded even during combat. If the mode is turned off, then the pistols are reloaded only when the saber is removed (that is, the battle mode is turned off).

Event frequency

  • The frequency of events in the game, especially the number of ships on the global map.
    • Rarely
    • Usually
    • Often

Swimming mode

  • The speed and dynamics of battles at sea. Quick maneuver, speed and reloading guns or leisurely thinking about your tactical move. Reduces or increases the speed of playing time, and hence the game process.
    • Dynamic Combat
    • Tactical Combat

I don’t understand one thing, at best, the growing energy perk is taken at the third rank, then we have the energy of 179 at rank 52 (which is what we see on the screen), and the growing life perk is taken at rank 6, which gives 499 life at rank 52 - why on screen life 503? Where?
Another question. Of the 34 undiscovered ship perks, only 21 can be opened, i.e. 13 perks will remain unopened - what 13 perks do you think can be left out / not needed?
And one more question. Growing Energy and Growing Life perks require 150 Personal Skill Upgrades. How to do it at the beginning of the game? Clean out some cave every day, spending the night in a tavern, until you get the right amount on a sword and pistols?

How strange you distribute PIRATES In luck, why throw? It gives a little more gold and gear from corpses and slightly increases the chance that opponents will miss a shot.
strength 5-6 points to carry the weight norms.
attentiveness - 3 does not give anything sensible.
reaction 10 one of the most important skills - gives energy, which is always scarce (especially on high difficulty)
leadership - 4-5 no more - 10 officers are enough even for a full squadron.
learnability 4-7 here for an amateur, I always play with max pumping speed. (selected at the beginning of the game with a slider)
stamina 10 always! the growth of the maximum health of the Persian depends on the endurance (on the difficulty above, the admiral is generally unreal without max endurance)
luck 3, as I wrote above, from the extra 10-20 gold on corpses, you can completely do without. eventually, even on the hardest difficulty, earn IZI gold by trading or raids.

I never set the reloading of pistols because it is evil.
At the beginning of the game, I immediately swim around the map, collect all the totems (it’s difficult without them on high difficulty at first)
Then I sail to Tortuga - there is a dungeon under the city - easy pumping of personal skills (if the difficulty is high - you can take out 1 ghoul at a time and re-enter the location)
immediately download energy growth, berserk, cuirass, experience exchange, experienced fighter. the rest of the skills are not really needed.
in total, at rank 12, I have a fairly strong fighter (sometimes the weapon also drops from the undead), you can start swimming to catch pelvises for barrage.
Then the game goes more or less normal - the main thing is to start normally and not get screwed by the initial stats.

Although if you play on the minimum difficulty, you can download anything) These are tips for difficulty above the cap.

Everything has already been calculated for us. The best combination possible.

Certainly not a fountain. Instead of catching the dead, I first go to the fort and stupidly bring down the guards until I get the Growing Energy and Growing Life, and then I swim where I want.

mb and the best, although with 3 strength you will only carry your own weight) T10 is not for all ices - as for me it’s a bit too much - it’s not interesting to run in 1/3 of the game already with level 40.

ABOUT the guards in the fort - not too many of them there? after all, there won’t be enough stamina for everyone, or can you hide somewhere and catch a few? + for killing the guards, after all, they can give penalties to the attitude of the nation + a reward for the head.
While you pump what you need - there will be a reward of half a lama for you at the beginning of the game)) - you go out into the city and a dozen pumped thugs will go to you constantly, in the sea a whole squadron will swim behind you endlessly)
Although if the guards are weaker than the ghouls and without mb pistols, it’s easier to upgrade them, but the reward for the head is too much to start the game.

Skills (RMB)

Skills- these are the characteristics of the main character in the game Corsairs 2: Pirates of the Caribbean, which can be developed as you progress through the game. The character can upgrade 10 different skills. With each new level, the character receives two bonus units that can be spent on developing any of the skills.

Some items affect the characteristics of the hero. Most of them are bonus and give extra points to the skill, but there are also items that negatively affect the characteristic.

Skills Edit

Reputation Edit

It is a separate character parameter. Depending on the player's actions, Nathaniel's reputation will change.

With negative actions, say, unjustified cruelty, deceit or a thirst for money, the reputation will decrease. If the player behaves loyally and fairly, then the reputation will increase.

List: Edit

List of reputation levels in ascending order.

  • Sea storm
  • Bloody killer
  • Scammer
  • Scoundrel
  • Ordinary sailor
  • Honest Captain
  • Defender of the oppressed
  • noble knight
  • Hero

Note:with a low reputation, some quests will not be available to you, the opposite effect with a good reputation.

Reputation Up/Down: Edit

Reputation can be increased in the following ways:

  • Fulfill orders of shop owners for cargo transportation.
  • Carry out escort of merchants and delivery of passengers.
  • Complete quests ("Saving Toff's Daughter", "Helping the Church", "Strange things are happening in the archipelago").
  • Rescue girls in the jungle from rapists.
  • Donate money to the church and complete the tasks of the priest for the repose of evil spirits.
  • Give alms to the poor.

Note:remember that reputation rises (and falls) gradually, and the corresponding text does not change immediately. Also, the higher the reputation, the more difficult it is to raise it further.

Reputation deteriorates if:

  • Do smuggling.
  • Complete quests for the pirates.
  • Refuse to help the girls in the jungle.
  • Blaspheme in church
  • Rob trading caravans.
  • Kill civilians and in general: to do all sorts of indecent things.

Corsairs GPK reputation

Discussion and advice on pumping and developing all the skills and abilities of the Main Hero in the game, as well as his officers and team.

Comments on Post #3.

At the beginning of the game, when the GG is weak, the passage of the game becomes difficult. Your skills largely depend on the PIRATES stats you set up when you start the game. But this does not mean that the rest cannot be developed. This is for those who have problems in the game itself.
1. Authority - helps during boarding and dialogue with enemies, affects the morale of sailors and the loyalty of officers. It develops when performing various tasks with the governor and during boarding.
2. Light weapons - affects the possession of rapiers. It develops in combat with the use of light weapons.
3. Medium weapons - affects the possession of sabers, swords. Develops in battle with the use of medium weapons.
4. Heavy weapons - affects the possession of swords, axes. Develops in battle with the use of heavy weapons.
5. Pistols - affects the power and accuracy of your shots. They develop well with successful hits in battle.
6. Luck - affects the discovery of unique items in treasures. Develop in gambling and piracy.
7. Stealth - Helps to keep you from 'burning out'. It develops when selling contraband and infiltrating an enemy port.
8. Navigation - helps to control the 'big' ships. Develops during a storm naval battle and when performing portmant tasks.
9. Accuracy - affects the accuracy of your guns. Develops in battles with successful hits.
10. Guns - affects the reload time and the unity of the volley. Develops in battles.
11. Boarding - affects the distance of taking and the success of the boarding. Develops when you abortion others.
12. Protection - affects the safety of the crew in battles. It develops during boarding and battles.
13. Repair - affects the repair time of the ship. Develops when you 'yourself' repair a ship at sea.
14. Trade - affects the prices of goods. It develops when buying / selling goods.
You can specifically pump GG yourself or just play. In any case, your character will become a TERMINATOR when you complete all the quests.

Corsairs GPK reputation

Registered: 26.10.2003

Wow, how far the thread has sunk. But there are questions.

1. Who needs a "blunderbuss"? Is it not destiny for the player to fuck him?
Twice I found it on the dead musketeers during the boarding, but both times after taking it from the corpse and closing the exchange window, the game crashed with an error. The fact that he comes across on corpses is a bug?

2. How to increase the performance of the game? The computer is more powerful than stated in the recommended requirements in the manual, but with the number of ships in the visibility zone of more than 3 fps, no higher than 15, and if there are nearby squadrons storming forts, in general 9 and terrible brakes.

3. How to minimize the number of game crashes? As far as I understand, they mostly happen due to the sound processing in the game. On a clean Windows, there are fewer crashes, but still there.

4. Where can I find the "royal manovar"? Hunting for its parameters to see and capture, if possible.

5. What is the coolest and most versatile ship in the game? What squadron does a player need to stop pirates and patrols from attacking me? All and sundry climb, even if they obviously have no chance against a corvette.

6. Does it make sense to engage in trade in the game at all? The income is so low that no desire to bother with resale has ever arisen (boarding ten times more money is obtained for sold ships).

7. What is the best reputation to play with? How to increase the loyalty of officers? Even with loyalty above average, they still try to fade away, you have to spend a lot of money on them.

8. Are there ships available to the player in the game with 42 pound guns?

9. What determines the accuracy of guns? The gunner has guns and an accuracy of 98, and the chances of hitting the enemy from a long distance with cannonballs are near zero. The cores fall in a wide strip, 1-2 cores from all fall into the ship’s zone (on the corvette, 13 cannons fire from the side), and then either undershot or overflight.

I started the game about 5 times, each time it was too difficult (they kill with 1 shot or 1 swing with a sword). Then I gradually realized that it’s not worth starting as Blood if you’re playing Corsairs for the first time in general. And the average difficulty "captain" is insane hardcore. Even on the lightest, they still quickly fell down. Later I guessed to slow down the time by 2 times when fighting with swords, it became already easier. I immediately raised 100k on skeletons in the grotto and upgraded my combat skills.

The boats at the beginning of the game, of course, are all frail, 1 step from the starting city to the side - they drown everyone and sundry (either enemy patrols or pirates, they always intercept).
After buying a Corvette at the shipyard, it became much easier, it became possible to swim far without fear of enemies
32 cannons of 32 pounds each make it possible to fill up almost any enemy ship, Bermuda even managed to capture a Spanish frigate and battleship and sink a brigantine and frigate. I was happy as a deer. Especially the music in the pirate town was on topic when captured ships with broken masts were visible from the shore

But the guns of the frigate did not please, 24 pounds against 32 on the corvette somehow not very good.
The minus of the corvette is that the “road” is not visible, when you sail with all sails and look from the deck, the front sail closes the entire view, as they sailed in real life - xs.

Captured the Blue Bird, reloaded several times to get her parameters more or less, but still she is very far from the corvette (few guns), so there was no point in changing.
It didn’t immediately “drive in” that the sails need to be folded into a firing position when fired from bow guns, otherwise the front sail would make holes in the sieve
This problem is especially acute on the blue bird and corvette.
Channel Rating: 10(1375)
Reputation: 342
Messages: 24878

Registered: 26.10.2003

Any As far as I understand, such ships are not only in the quest, but also in patrols. Only I have not met yet (probably because I mostly drape from them).

How to get a letter of marque? With a bad turnip, even the townspeople attack for no reason. I thought that you need to be a hero in order to fulfill the governor's tasks. No need? All quests can be completed with a low turnip?

By the way, here are some new questions. In several quests, the player is deprived of everything he has. But it does not matter, you can get around, except for officers. It's really a pity to lose a musketeer officer. Will he be hired back later?
And why does his loyalty quickly fall with the positive actions of the player?

Where to get them? Can you at least give his stats here?
Channel Rating: 10(1375)
Reputation: 342
Messages: 24878

Registered: 26.10.2003

And a personal perk that hides a turnip (with a mask) will work for governors?

"Ordinary Sailor" written

So the musketeer-officer is a quest officer (soak the “arrow” and find a double-barreled musket), and not hired in a tavern.
Maybe he'll be back at his home in Port of Spain later? Nobody checked?

Manowars are easy to find - golden Spanish caravans are always guarded by manowars (in any case, mine was like that). And in general, the Spaniards love these boats.

added after 1 minute:

Will not. If the quest is lost, then alles kaput.

Last edited by Finist on 03-11-2009 19:49; edited 1 time in total
Channel Rating: 10(1375)
Reputation: 342
Messages: 24878

Registered: 26.10.2003

Does this mean that officers are not fired from ships left in ports?
This is good

Those. personal turnip does not count? And what kind of turnip should the state have? Will neutral work?
In general, because of what turnip falls / rises in states?
How many times I drowned the Spanish and Dutch patrols that attacked me - the turnips of these states remained neutral. And when trying to sell smuggling, an English patrol turned out to be nearby (I play for England myself), so when I shoot at them, the turnip immediately drops to hostile, I had to reload.

I'll go hunting..

By the way, where can you find havch in decent quantities? In English ports, it’s not even enough for the corvette crew for 1 day, there are also practically no provisions on the ships captured by boarding (even their crew is not enough for 1 day, how they swim like that - xs). In French ports it seems to happen sometimes, so you have to immediately take 5k havcha “for the future”.

Aside from Bermuda, are slaves anywhere else a legal commodity?

As for trading, I accidentally found 2 ports with the price of gold and silver with a difference of almost double, I bought everything that was there and resold it - the trading skill immediately jumped by 50 points and raised my money from 700k to 2 million

Look for food for export (trade journal), there is a lot of it if the port has not been robbed recently. It is exported in Espanyel, in Cuba, if I'm not mistaken, in Guadeloupe (again, if I'm not mistaken, I played it for a long time) and somewhere else

added after 4 minutes:
And ordinary sailors may also not like the hero, they are not like that
All asteroids cannot be counted!

Last edited by Armankessilon on 22:05 03-11-2009; edited 1 time in total

I don’t remember right now, but you need to look at the trading table (in which cities I have been - all the markets you have will automatically show the demand / supply of goods).

added after 2 minutes:
PS Look at Temko on KVL (Corsairs: the return of the legend) there you will find a lot of interesting things
You can say a lot of different things about moderators, but you can’t write about them.
Channel Rating: 10(1375)
Reputation: 342
Messages: 24878

Registered: 26.10.2003

But how to raise their loyalty then?
You do a good deed - loyalty falls. Bad - also falls. Dismiss them?

Then a new problem got out - today I tried to load yesterday's save - half of the keys, the mouse, do not plow, when I exit to world map the bug flag is displayed. Campaign saved kaput. I had to roll back ten saves, where everything works (sort of), but there is no certainty that they will fall too
Is there any information on this matter? Maybe some quests drop saves if they are delayed with execution or are not performed as intended by the authors? My quest with the governor was overdue, where he asked to find pirates operating in nearby waters, but I never saw a single ship with “colored sails” (a sign of a quest) there in the allotted 17 days. There were a huge number of ordinary pirates, I got sick of drowning.
Well, of course, the quest failed, but it remained active in the journal (it didn’t go to the archive even after talking with the governor). Other governors do not give tasks, they say - you already have a task.
In general, I rolled back to the moment where the task had not yet been taken.

And another question - how does the difficulty level affect the game? Well, in a sense, it gives concessions in battles in the form of a cheating reduction in damage to enemies on me, or does it also reduce my damage to enemies? The fact that it’s easier to fight with swords at an easy level was immediately evident, but it’s also “not fast” for me to kill enemies even with maxed out combat skills. Those. for a very long time they have to "cut", however, like me. At sea, there doesn’t seem to be any particular cheating, well, except for the fact that I made a squadron of Spaniards with a corvette from 2 frigates, 1 battleship and some other ship, I didn’t have time to see it, it drowned quickly

If there was some way and certainty that the saves would “suddenly” die, then I would start again at the “captain” (medium) level, and so it’s achingly something Too much torment initial development it is not clear why.
Channel Rating: 10(1375)
Reputation: 342
Messages: 24878

Registered: 26.10.2003

So, I still haven’t figured out who is more convenient to play - a frostbitten pirate with a low turnip (plus, ships surrender without a fight when boarded, sailors are saved), or a “hero” with a high reputation.

Difficulty level is now minimal, and the speed of gaining experience is maximum. The frequency of events is rare (anyway, they attack too often at sea, but there are much fewer bandits on land, it’s more difficult to download combat skills).
I think if the difficulty level is “captain”, then it will be problematic to bring down the enemy squadron with a corvette, which means you will need to increase your squadron, and this is an increase in brakes.
Lots of controversial stuff here.

Here in more detail - where to get it and when. If, for example, you start as Blood - where does this quest come from? There, at the shipyard, you can scare one person and he gives 55k money, the turnip drops to “scammer”.
But for Blood, I couldn’t go further than the escape from the island (when I drowned both luggers). There xs where to swim then - everywhere the enemies are catching up and drowning mine

add: And who-thread played with neo-patch 1.2.4?

Patch for the game Corsairs: City lost ships.
Patch version: 1.2.4
Type: update previous version
For which version of the game: Russian version

Straight ahead of the Spanish squadron, captain!

Thousand devils! All hands on deck! Guns to battle! Prepare grappling hooks and muskets! I'll personally feed the underpants to the fish, and the rest will get gold from the hold of that fat Spanish galleon! Starboard, fire!

More than six months after The Return of the Legend, the Seaward team pleased us with an addition (which, by the way, was talked about back then, in February last year). Frankly, after the success of the "Legend" thoughts about new game there were a lot. What game will it be? What will change? What will remain the same? However, there was no doubt that the addition would be no worse than the original. Are you ready to return to the Caribbean, to an archipelago of new secrets and mysteries? Then we catch the wind - and full speed ahead!

The recipe is simple

To make a good addition, you need to repeat the success of the original game. In other words, to do everything the same, but even better, even bigger, more exciting, and in our case even more mysterious. In fact, the "City of Lost Ships" is still the same "Legend", but with a large piece of new features. For example, a whole bunch of new items appeared - these are not just magic pots, but quite real idols. indian gods. Add new ones to the piggy bank unique ships, new storyline for pirates and a lot of mini-quests. All innovations and do not count; I even doubt that original game learned one hundred percent. Well, why not find clues to the “old” secrets along with new adventures?

Worth mentioning separately storyline Peter Blood. The similarity with the creation of Sabatini is so great that it is possible to find solutions to some gaming problems right in the book! But these are only flowers, because there are more main character- The City of Lost Ships. However, I am not going to reveal all the cards yet, otherwise the intricate puzzles in the spirit of the first Corsairs will lose their unique charm.

"Stormy" sea

As an unknown player said: "the graphics of veterans are not embarrassed." No matter how great Storm draws the sea, the sun and the sky, ships, characters and landscapes come out disgusting. Judge for yourself, for the first time we saw a game heart in "Pirates caribbean and that was almost five years ago. On the other hand, the poor capabilities of the motor force us to find another way out of the situation. Instead of rich detail and shaders, the player is invited to connect their own imagination. Look at a pirate in a tavern or a simple passerby. Yes, for the most part they do not represent gaming interest, but at the same time they are not “furniture”. This thug is not just walking around the city (although in fact he is just walking), but lives his own life. Maybe he just got off the ship after a long hunt at sea? However, what exactly he did is up to you. Whether a pirate, a merchant, a usurer or a governor - they are all in your hands, like the whole archipelago.

Back to specifics

The evaluation part ends here, let's now look at the goodies. To begin with, I think it is worth understanding the main thing: what has changed? The English line was removed so that there were no conflicts with the new pirate one. There is a new game character, Peter Blood. The main difference from the rest is that the game starts differently, that is, in England. If you remember, Blood was not immediately exiled to Barbados, so first you have to deal with the affairs of Lord Gilroy's estate.

I have already talked about a whole set of idols and statues, we will look at them in more detail later.

New quests are everywhere: finding the captain, capturing pirates and more. These tasks are randomly generated, but well-written, so they don't get boring.

Be sure to visit the shipyard, almost all the vessels have been reworked, and new and unique vessels have appeared. You can’t buy them, you can only get them for a quest or take them away in battle.

And perhaps the most important change artificial intelligence became much smarter. Local grunts no longer rush at you like a herd of zerglings, interfering with each other. No, a fight with one opponent is already a test, with two is a difficult task, and three or more is certain death! And if a simple sailor is relatively easy to defeat, then a captain or officer is much more difficult. Usually, a novice adventurer needs two or three hits to give up his breath, and one bullet is enough! Frankly, when starting the game on the difficulty of "Lieutenant" (it's a little easier than "medium"), I did not expect such a agility from the enemy, because the last time everything was completely different. Be that as it may, the work on AI was not in vain, the game became more interesting and realistic. The bulletproof hero from The Return of the Legend has already somehow become boring.

pantheon of indian gods

Totem Shochiketsal- Goddess of flowers and love. It is not clear what relationship love and flowers have to luck, but a good idol adds as much as twenty units to luck and does not require anything in return. In addition, in the market you can get a tidy sum for it.

Totem of Mictlantecuhtli- the god of the kingdom of the dead with a completely unpronounceable name. Adds twenty to stealth. Indispensable for the British and French, if you desperately need to go to a hostile port. It costs even more than the idol Shochiketsal. If you can’t disguise yourself, you can get a good price in the store.

Totem of Quetzalcoatl- the god of the morning star and the lord of the elements. His image adds twenty points of protection to the owner. It will not be superfluous, because it is quite difficult to develop protection.

It is interesting: Quetzalcoatl is one of the most famous Indian gods. He is one of the main deities of ancient Mexico - "a snake with precious feathers." In mythology, he has many names, for example: Tezcatlipoca white, Eektal, Shopotl.

Totem Mixcoatl- God of the hunt. His totem endows the owner with a keen eye and a steady hand. In digital terms, this is twenty points of accuracy. Mixcoatl means "Cloud Serpent". In mythology, he personifies the Milky Way, and especially the North Star.

Totem Tezcatlipoca- the patron god of priests, punishing criminals. The totem adds twenty points to pistol proficiency.

It is interesting: According to the Aztecs, Tezcatlipoca symbolized winter, cold and the night sky. Therefore, to be honest, it is not very clear why the totem improves the possession of pistols.

Totem of Chalchiuitlicue Goddess of fresh water, rivers, seas and lakes. A totem depicting a goddess adds twenty prestige points. And now try to pronounce her name without hesitation, which, by the way, translates as "she is dressed in jade."

Totem of Huitzilopochtli- the god of the blue clear sky, the sun, war and hunting. The owner of the totem receives an increase of twenty points to the proficiency of medium weapons.

It is interesting: Huitzilopochtli is one of the sons of Mixcoatl. His name translates roughly as "left-handed hummingbird." It is curious that the hummingbird often personified the sun among many tribes of Central America.

Tlaloc Totem- the god of rain and thunder, the lord of all edible plants. The totem adds twenty to light weapon proficiency.

It is interesting: Tlaloc is mostly a beneficent god, but could cause deadly hail, floods, droughts, and lightning strikes.

Totem Mayahuel- the goddess of fertility, who gave people an alcoholic drink. The totem adds twenty points to the Heavy Weapons skill. Apparently, alcoholic drinks led to brawls using heavy clubs.

Totem of Tonacatecuhtli God is the creator who gives food to people. The totem adds twenty trade points. Useful, not worth selling.

It is interesting: Tonacatecuhtli and his wife Tonacasioual are considered the creators of the world and the first human couple. Moreover, they were considered the lords of Omeyokan - the uppermost sky.

Totem Camashtli- god of hunting, stars, war and fate. It does not add skills, so it is only suitable for sale.

Totem of Sinteotl- the god of young corn. The totem adds twenty navigation points. A very useful totem, as it allows you to control ships a couple of ranks higher than the character's skill.

It is interesting: Sinteotl was considered the patron saint of farmers and goldsmiths.

Totem Tonatiu- the god of the sky and the sun. In the game, it acts as a commodity, like planks, precious stones and bars of gold.

It is interesting: Tanatiu means "Sun" in Aztec.

Xipe-Toteku Totem- God of crops and harvest. Adds twenty to the ability to repair a ship at sea.

It is interesting: all the peoples of Central America had a holiday during which sacrifices were made to Xipe-Totec. The priests dressed in the skin of the sacrificed people and solemnly danced with the warriors.

Totem Tlasolteotl- the goddess-devourer of dirt, cleanses from illicit passions. It does not add characteristics, therefore it is only suitable for sale.

And what do we have at the shipyard?

    Barquentine- when the Spanish merchants realized that they were becoming easy prey for pirates, they began to massively convert their clumsy galleons into barquentines. Thanks to the mixed sailing armament, the barquentine can move quite quickly in any direction. Although the transatlantic journey takes longer, the barquentine will surely get away from the pirate. A good, and most importantly, cheap alternative to the brigantine. Extended hold and excellent maneuverability - what else does a trader need?

    royal manowar- an improved version of the "floating fort". Even more guns, even thicker armor, luxurious hull finishes. The price of the vessel is such that hardly any power can afford more than one such handsome man.

    Flying Dutchman- You cannot buy this vessel, but you can get it as a reward. It cannot be said that the "Dutchman" is very strong, but compared to other ships of its class, it has excellent maneuverability and driving performance.

    sea ​​wolf- a unique brig, piece work of the master Alexus. High speed and excellent manoeuvrability make this brig a pirate's dream, and excellent close-hauled action guarantees a safe retreat. Nine guns from each side will help in the destruction of the enemy team.

    Arabella- Former frigate Cinco Llagas. It was him that Peter Blood took away from the port of Bridgetown right from under the noses of the Spaniards. Great ship, you just need to find a very good navigator.

    Corvette- a ship, equal to which it is impossible to find. An outstanding work of shipbuilding. Strong hull, large hold, thirty-two pound guns. Add to this excellent sailing equipment and a great close-hauled move. Don't forget about four dozen guns on board. This corvette is the best in its class.

    Blue bird - This bird terrorizes the merchants of the Caribbean. No wonder - thanks to the fully oblique sailing armament, this xebec develops a very high speed, besides, it is very good in badewind. Add fantastic maneuverability to this and you have the perfect sailboat for fast boarding.

Captain Blood

I already mentioned that one of the starting characters is Peter Blood. He's got a starter quest line, and if you're going to play as England, there's no better contender.

Oglethorpe Manor

On the doorstep you will meet Jeremy Pitt. He will say that the lord is seriously injured and you need to urgently give him first aid. Rise to the second floor, the bedroom will be on the left hand.

It is interesting: Peter Blood is a medical doctor with a bachelor of medicine. On a call for help, he rushed to the Oglethorpe estate, and was then caught by Colonel Kirk's dragoons. Gilroy assisted the rebel Monmouth, and Blood just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Some dragoons are invulnerable, so there is no point in running from them.

And the key is here, quietly lying on the table.

Now you need to take the saber, it is on the balcony in the chest. But the chest is locked, and first you need to find the key. While browsing the City of Lost Ships forums, I noticed that the key is usually the first major obstacle. Go down to the first floor and turn right. There is a table next to the stairs, on which you will find the key. The humor is that when you first enter the house, the key is not yet on the table, and Pitt does not say where it is.

We open the chest and arm ourselves, in a few seconds dragoons will descend on the estate. No matter what you say, you will still be accused of aiding the rebels. And when they find Pitt in the fireplace ... In general, a fight cannot be avoided.

It is interesting: at Sabatini's, Jeremy was hiding in the linen closet.

No matter how skillfully you wield a sword, the dragoons will still prevail (some of them are immortal), but do not rush to load, as it should be. Peter Blood will wake up in prison, and after a short process, he and Jeremy Pitt will be sent to the "southern colonies of his majesty", or rather, to the island of Barbados.


Feel free to rummage through the chests on the plantation and in the city, you can sell the good later.

Welcome to His Majesty's southern colonies!

Welcome to Barbados. Peter Blood is a slave and extracts sugar cane, but he is an unusual slave. Whatever one may say, he is a qualified doctor, and intelligent doctors in the archipelago can be counted on the fingers. Therefore, Blood is allowed to move freely around the island and the city. Unless trading is prohibited, as well as carrying weapons, of course.

It is important: if the guard sees your weapon, he will ask you to hand it over. Do not resist, as fighting with the whole island is a disastrous occupation.

The first task is to help Mrs. Steed, the wife of the governor. By the way, this is one of the ways to earn some money. Chat with her, and then ask the governor for two and a half thousand to buy a "very expensive potion." He will promise to check everything, but in fact he will forget about the money as soon as you leave his residence. The migraine medicine can be found in the house of Mr. Dan, the pharmacist, on the second floor.

A little later, Dr. Wacker, one of the other two doctors on the island, will come up to you and offer to... run away. Peter Blood is the only slave who can go beyond the plantation and roam the city calmly, so he will be able to prepare an escape without difficulty and special suspicions. Only first you need to assemble a team, get weapons and buy a ship. Wacker promises to help with the ship, everything else will have to be mined personally. Well, Pitt will run away with us of his own accord, and three other officers still need to be recruited.

Preparing to escape

Wacker wants to get rid of Blood so much that he is ready to help him escape.

Outside the city of Winterwood, it is easiest to defeat, the main thing is to dodge the shot.

So, we have three officers, and everyone is holding something on the island. Hagthorpe, who served in the Royal Navy, demands to kill a certain Stuart Winterwood. This man took it and sold it into slavery. Hagthorpe does not disclose details, but is not going to leave without proof of Winterwood's death. Junior officer Nicholas Dyck agrees to run, but right before the escape Bishop sells him. Slaves are a living commodity; what to do, you have to somehow help Dyck. The last one is artilleryman Ogl. He owes a decent amount of money to the moneylender, and until he gives it back, he is not going to leave.


Let's start in order. Stuart Winterwood can be found in the tavern, sitting at one of the tables. Invite him to meet outside the city; he will agree and also give you a weapon. If you run into him in the tavern, you will most likely die. Unless you hid a dusak somewhere ...

After an hour, go out into the jungle (there is a second exit from the city, to the right of the residence) and wait for the enemy. Keep in mind that he is very strong, so I recommend saving before the fight. After the victory, do not forget to remove the ring (along with the finger) and a thousand piastres from the body. The ring must be presented to Hagthorpe, and the thousand gold pieces will still come in handy.

Nicholas Dyck

As I said, Deyk wants to buy, we need to break the deal. Visit the merchant and the bartender, go to the port authority, and you will find out that a merchant from Jamaica has recently arrived in the city. He is located in one of the houses of the city (his home is next to the tavern), let's visit him.

So Weston decided to buy Dyck on the cheap. Bishop - his old friend and wants to give him a discount. To break the deal, you need to rob a Jamaican merchant. Wait until he turns away and rummage through his chest. There you will find six thousand piastres, an idol and a letter of marque. Now Weston will have nothing to buy Dyck, which means he can run with us. Yes, and a large amount of money, no doubt, will come in handy.


The last one on our team is the one-eyed gunner Ogle. He owes a large debt to the moneylender, and we need to pay for him. The usurer gave Oglu five thousand piastres. If you have already robbed Weston, paying you will not be difficult.


If there is not enough cash, you can try to get weapons with the help of a smuggler, but this is much more dangerous.

The team has been assembled. Now we need to take care of the weapons and the ship. Go to the tavern and chat with the bartender; he will tell you that Mr. Griffin deals with weapons in the city. Let's go to him.

This is the guideline: Griffin lives in a white stone house, next to the residence, on the left hand side.

Griffin got robbed! Some Spanish thug ordered weapons from him, but, without waiting for the order, tore the collectible sabers from the wall. Everything would be fine, but they are engraved by the master, which means that if the Spaniard is caught, both will be hanged. We cannot allow this, so we set off in pursuit of the Spaniard - he went to the fisherman Hells (his house is to the right of the residence).

Entering the house, we will see that the stern fisherman has already dealt with the invader himself. It remains only to pick up the "marked" weapon and take it to Griffin. By nightfall, he will have made the required number of sabers and pistols without any markings.

This is the advice: bargain. Throw off the price for the work up to a thousand piastres, the money will still come in handy.


The main preparations are over, it remains only to get the ship. Wacker gave out only eighteen thousand instead of the required twenty-five. Nothing to do, you need to get another seven thousand.

It is important: you can't sell anything, so money can only be earned. If you strictly followed the manual, you need to find not seven thousand, but less.

We leave for the city. The moneylender will be the first - he will ask you to get money from the scammer. He is sure that the debtor has not yet left the island, because no one has set sail today.

Don't forget that Blood is a slave. You will have to return to the plantation every day.

Buddy! Let's have a drink... and then you can tell me where you fish.

Visit the innkeeper - he certainly knows where to find the debtor, but you will have to pay five hundred gold for the information. The bartender will tell you that Rafael Guinness somewhere got the money for the ship and went to the shipyard to make a deal. This is our "client", you just need to catch him and threaten him with the gallows in order to get the money. After deducting the innkeeper's remuneration, the reward is two and a half thousand.

The next opportunity to make money is to find out where Hells' competitor is fishing. The fact is that Summerlight has found a fishing spot, but, of course, is in no hurry to share information. It should be noted that Summerlight likes to drink, you could see him in the tavern. He hasn't gone anywhere, just sour in the corner. We sit down to him and carefully elicit information. I advise you not to ask direct questions, otherwise Summerlight will suspect something is wrong and will not say anything.

As a reward, you will receive two thousand piastres. Total four and a half thousand.

Last day in captivity, need to rest before escaping.

The last opportunity to get money is a meeting with Jacques Sparrow.

It is interesting: in fact, there are plenty of opportunities to get money, and that's not all. However, if you followed the guide exactly, then after completing at least these three quests, you will have enough money for the ship.

Entering the store, instead of the seller you will see a pirate. He introduces himself " Captain Jacques Sparrow”, and then ... However, I will not spoil the fun. Agree to help Jacques sail to Tortuga and go to the shipyard. The shipbuilder will tell you about the captain who has just bought a corvette. Oh, and don't forget that you must keep Jacques' identity a secret. Find John Miner on the streets of the city, he will agree to deliver Jacques to Tortuga. We pick up one and a half thousand piastres and go to Wacker. The deed is done, there should be enough money to buy a ship.

Now you need to transfer the money to James Nattalu so that he buys the ship without suspicion. By evening, you will find out that Nettal deceived you, and Bishop figured out Pitt.

Escape and the Spaniards

The big ship that had been so quietly allowed to enter Carlisle Bay under a false flag was a Spanish privateer. He chose the time for the raid when there was not a single warship in Carlisle Bay.

His cunning remained so unrevealed that, without arousing suspicion, he calmly entered the bay and saluted the fort with a side salvo from twenty guns point-blank. Literally in a few moments, two hundred and fifty Spaniards landed on the shore and took possession of the city.

The weapon lies in this chest, next to the woodpile.

Come in from the back. While the Spaniards are fighting with your team, you can tickle them with a saber with almost impunity.

And we need to get Jeremy Pitt free first. Beware of patrols. If one Englishman is easily defeated, then two or three are almost impossible. I advise you to avoid meeting with the soldiers, first you need to get a more impressive weapon.

Right at the entrance to Bridgetown you will meet a Spanish officer. I recommend saving before the fight, as he has a gun, and fencing skills are also on top. After defeating him, you can remove a good saber and a long-barreled pistol from your body.

Our team is waiting at the shipyard, there is no more business in the city, so go to the beach and enter the water. The door is barricaded, and you can get inside only through the slipway. You will also have to swim to the frigate, there is a ladder from the sea.

The fight with the soldiers will be relatively easy, but with the captain you will have to work hard. Perhaps, after the key in the estate, this is one of the most "dead end" moments. The point here is this: the captain kills our hero with one shot from a pistol. Therefore, do not rush to grab a saber, but run up close. In this case, the captain will not shoot, but will immediately go into close combat. Then everything depends on you.

sea ​​battle

It remains only to break away from this lugger, and that's it - freedom!

Frigate captured. It would seem that this is freedom. But it was not there. To begin with, you naturally have a low "navigation" score. Pitt, of course, is a navigator, but he only has a skill level of 50. And to control a frigate without penalties, you need at least 80 points. Receive penalties on all characteristics (-4 for each), while all skills will fall to the level of 1.

And now the surprise. There are two Spanish luggers on the road. I think there is no need to explain that with such indicators of skills you will not be able to shoot accurately, and the boarding will end in tears. Therefore, immediately throw everything overboard that you can, and keep your nose strictly into the wind. Luggers, of course, are nimble ships, but they cannot catch up with the frigate. Remember, you have no chance in battle.

This is where the game really starts. Instead of a small barque or brig, Blood immediately has a frigate. Fulfill trade orders - you have a large hold, you will get a lot of money for transporting goods. By the way, do not forget to fire the entire team, it is simply not needed. First you need to save up for a fourth-class ship so that there are no fines, and deposit the frigate in the first friendly port.

This concludes the introductory part. I deliberately did not begin to give out all the secrets of the game, but next time I will tell you where to find the City of the Lost Ships and how to capture Panama with Henry Morgan. In addition, I would like to put a glass to Andrey Larionov, who, like an old sailor, led me between the underwater rocks and reefs of this wonderful game.


The character interface is called by the F2 key. You can view the parameters of all the characters that will cooperate with you during the game, as well as manage the parameters of the main character and his officers.

Any resident of the game, like a hero, has basic characteristics, skills, personal and ship abilities.

Stats affect how quickly you gain skill points, and skills, in turn, affect how you gain rank and abilities.

The rank of the hero is an indicator of the level of development of the character in the game. The rank changes stepwise with the acquisition of experience. Along with the hero's Rank, the hero's Life also increases by an amount depending on Stamina. As the hero's Rank increases, he will more often come across stronger opponents and new items.

Role system PIRATES

The development of the hero directly depends on his initial characteristics.PIRATES.

Characteristics are measured by values ​​from 1 to 10, the player is given the opportunity to distribute values ​​at the beginning of the game from 3 to 10 out of a total of 42 points (6 points each in 7 characteristics). Somewhere you can set the maximum 10, somewhere the minimum 3, thereby setting a unique development for your hero to suit your playing style.

( power) Strength is needed in order to hit hard, throw far and drag a lot. Affects carry weight and hit points. Defining characteristic for skills that require a lot of physical effort, especially heavy and medium weapons, weapon skills.

( impression) Perception is the ability to see and hear. Without a good eye, the cannon balls are unlikely to fly towards the enemy. Accuracy and stealth have a particularly strong effect on skills.

( reaction) Reaction - coordination of movements and agility of hands. An awkward person will have a saber stuck in its scabbard, and a grappling hook will catch on the pants of its owner.Requiredfor such skills as light and medium weapons, pistols, boarding. Affects the amount of maximum energy.

( Authority) Leadership is the result of a combination of a masculine, wounded physiognomy and a well-suspended tongue. The leader does not need to resort to force to take possession of the goods of a successful merchant - he will give it himself. The best people will follow him, and the most beautiful women will wait in every port. Leadership is a necessary attribute for such skills as authority and commerce. Affects the number of joining officers.

( talent) Learnability- knowledge, wisdom and the ability to make decisions quickly. For a smart character will not belaborhow to quickly reload weapons, and reset prices in the store. Handling navigational devices also requires intelligence. Affects commerce, guns, navigation and, most importantly, the rate at which a hero's rank grows and he acquires new abilities.

( Endurance) Endurance is essential for the survival of people in a difficult pirate profession. Not lessneedand their potential clients. Repair and defense are the most affected by this stat, as are hit points gain and carry weight.

( success) Luck. What can you say about luck? We are gentlemen if there is luck, and without luck there are no gentlemen. It helps where everything else is useless. The bullet will fly past, and the enemy will pass nearby and not notice. Affects the skills of pistols, luck, stealth.

Character skills are dividedon thepersonal and ship. Obtaining a skill point threshold increases the corresponding ability (personal or ship).

Abilities (perks) playerin lawdistribute it yourself, choosing from the list the most interesting for the formation of your character.

Ship skills can be increased by hiring knowledgeable officers, personal ones - only through the efforts of the hero.

Below is a list of skills from the game, in parentheses shows the influence of PIRATES characteristics on the growth rate of the skill.

Skills are measured from 1 to 100, the starting value is determined by the characteristics and the average will be 5-10 points. Skills grow by themselves from the accumulated experience of applying these skills. For example, repairing a ship at sea affects the growth of the Repair skill, andpiercingrapier of enemies - on light weapons.

Personal skills

When people see that you will not get lost in any trouble with you, they begin to believe in you, and now the taverns are full of people who want tojointo you on campaigns, and enemy ships surrender as soon as they see your flag. And if the Authority is high, you can be sure that your people will board the sea devil himself. Depends on LeadershipLearnability. (A*0.9+T*0.1)

Light weapons

Proficiency with light weapons - mainly rapiers and small killing tools. Depends on Reaction and Perception. (R*0.9+I*0.1)

Medium weapon

The ability to handle sabers - a weapon that requires not only strength, but also a certain skill. Depends on Strength and Reaction. (P*0.6+R*0.4)

heavy weapons

Possession of heavy broadswords, axes and swords requires remarkable physical strength. Depends on Strength and Stamina. (P*0.9+E*0.1)


The ability to use high-tech devices capable of sending small lead balls over long distances. Requires skill and some luck. Who knows where this bullet will fly? Depends on Reaction and Luck. (R*0.5+S*0.5)


Fortune. She is luck. Needed everywhere. Depends on Luck.(S)


Unnoticed to pass by enemy guards, hide in the endless ocean desert from pursuers, or fall on a careless enemy like a bolt from the blue - a good captain must master this skill. This is impossible without high luck and observation. (S*0.5+I*0.5)

Ship skills


The ability to bring the ship intort welloz storm and fog. Ability to use navigational instruments and manage squadrons. The largest and most formidable ship will fly like a bird, easily obeying the firm hand of an experienced skipper. Depends on perception andLearnability. (I*0.2+T*0.8)

To effectively control a ship of a certain class, a certain minimum level of Navigation is required:

class 1 - requires 95

class 2 - requires 80

class 3 - requires 65


class 5- requires 25

class 6- requires 1

The lack of Navigation leads to minuses in all the skills and characteristics of the hero. The difference between the current and required navigation value will be the minus value of the ship class.


One of the essential qualitiesforplowing the seas. A real captain will not waste gunpowder and cannonballs to scare away all the fish in the area, each volley is right on target! And when the salty wind dispels the powder smoke over the captain's bridge, the horizon must be clear of enemy pelvises! Perception and a certain amount of luck are indispensable here. (I*0.8+S*0.2)


Quickly equip the gun, quickly roll up, and while the echoes of the shot have not yet subsided among the bulkheads - again clean, hammer, direct, do not forgetin timedouse the cannon with water so that it does not overheat ... Amid the roar and flames of a deadly battle - nothing more - load, roll up, volley! Requires knowledge and strength. (T*0.6+P*0.4)


Skillmore expensivesell what you bought yesterday for less. Knowledge of profitable trade routes, business acumen and friendly relations with shop owners - all this fills the pockets with a pleasant heaviness and allows you not to think about such trifles as the salary of the team or the lack of canvas in the hold. Intelligence and a certain charm of a leader are required. (T*0.8+A*0.2)


When the enemy brings down on your ship a hail of cannonballs, smashing the sides into chips and turning the sails into a sieve, when the hull cracks under the blows of a squall, and the wind tears the tackle like threads, repair becomes the most important of the ship's skills. The main thing here is endurance, but you can’t do without observation. (E*0.8+I*0.2)


Accurately bring the ship to the enemy board, from the first time throw crampons and fall like an avalanche on the trembling enemy, sweep across the decks like a hurricane and take the enemy ship as a well-deserved prize - all this requires considerable skill and experience, but rich booty will easily pay off all efforts.Needreaction and ingenuity. (R*0.7+T*0.3)


Day after day, the team grows together with its ship, and now each sailor is already worth a dozengreenhornfrom the tavern. Protecting your people during the battle, preventing them from dying stupidly and senselessly is the task of a good captain.Endurance and sensitive leadership of the leader are equally important in mobilizing the crew to protect the ship.(E*0.5+A*0.5)

Note: The value of skills can be increased by assigning officers whose corresponding skills are greater than that of the hero, or by items with properties +10 and others. Skills can be reduced bystv pritems from -10, a penalty to the class of the ship, illness of the hero, overload of more than the maximum weight carried by the hero.

Other hero parameters

Rank - This is an indicator of the level of character development in the game. The rank changes stepwise with the acquisition of experience. Along with the hero's Rank, the hero's Life also increases by an amount depending on Stamina. As the hero's Rank increases, he will more often come across stronger opponents and new items.

Life - This is an indicator of the character's resistance to physical damage. The more life of the character, the more stab, cut, chopped and gunshot wounds must be inflicted to kill him. Each increase in rank increases the amount of life by an amount depending on the Endurance characteristic.

Health - This is an indicator of the general physical condition of the hero. The worse the health, the worse the hero's performance in the game becomes. Health deteriorates if the hero receives a lot of wounds, and is restored if the hero does not engage in hand-to-hand combat for a long time.

Energy - this is an indicator and a character's stamina in hand-to-hand combat. All attacking actions in hand-to-hand combat cost the character's energy. In other words, during the fight, the character gets tired and needs a break to replenish his strength.

The maximum value of Energy depends on the character's current Reaction value.

Gold - the amount of cash piastres that the character has. The hero can keep the money in his pocket, with the officers, in the cabin, or in a bank deposit with the pawnbroker.

Reputation - This is an indicator of how other characters treat the hero. Reputation can be high (positive), neutral and low (negative). It is earned by the actions of the character and affects how the character is perceived by other actors in the game. The fame of the hero melts over time, the actions are erased from the memory of people. Bad things are forgotten slowly, good things are forgotten faster. If you do nothing, then the hero’s reputation will eventually roll back to the “ordinary sailor” mark.

Carried weight - this is the maximum possible total weight of the load that the character can carry without losing his motor functions and maintaining the level of skills. Depends on Strength and Stamina.

Rank - This is an indicator of how much benefit the character has brought to the power in whose service he is.

Loyalty - the parameter is not a hero, but his officers. The loyalty of an officer is determined by the actions of the hero. Officers with a good reputation will not be able to work for longscoundreland swindlers will not endure an honest life for long.

Nation - the flag of the nation is displayed in the corner of the portrait of the main character, this is his base nation, that is, the nation selected at the beginning of the game or the current letter of marque. There is a difference between flag raised on a ship (cm. form of "Nation") and the base nation of the hero himself. The flag allows you to mislead other captains at sea or soldiers in the port, but the true attitude towards the hero will be built on his base nation and bounty on his head.

Experience Threshold shows how many points are in the selected in this moment skill, rank, ability accumulated and how much is left until the next point is received.

Skills grow from actions. For each, for example, a well-aimed shot from a pistol, experience points are awarded in the Pistols skill. Received skill points, in turn, fall into the experience of the rank and personal / ship abilities (depending on the type of skill). Passing the threshold of rank experience and abilities gives a new rank, which means that the hero’s life and ability points increase, which the player can distribute at his discretion.


Abilities (perks) are additional character parameters that will help you specialize in a certain area. You can become a professional swordsman, navigate your ship more efficiently, or trade more profitably. Some abilities are not immediately available, because in order to learn them, the character must have other perks. Abilities are divided into personal and ship abilities, ability points are awarded when the threshold value of the hero's personal and ship skills is reached, respectively. Most ship abilities can work if an officer of a certain position has them.