Mystery in Skyrim on the first mission. Walkthrough The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Passage of the quest: "Fallen"

A useful guide to the main storyline of one of the most popular quests role playing we'll start with a short introduction and talk about the game's interface. Immediately what you should pay attention to is the compass, which is located at the top of the screen. A gray arrow mark on the compass shows which direction you need to move in order to get to the story quest or the marker you have chosen on the map. It may also turn out that you will find a similar icon above the head of some character in the game, this indicates that he is the key and the quest will begin only after talking with him.

The icon in the form of an arrow is a kind of initial and final landmark for any task in the game. By opening the map by pressing the "M" key on the keyboard, with just a mouse click, you can put your own mark in the form of a gray arrow, which will be smaller in size than the mark responsible for the main story quests.

Using the "J" key on the keyboard, you will open a journal in which all available tasks will be visible and short descriptions to them. With the help of the journal, you can remove the marks in front of unnecessary tasks and leave marks only near the priority quests.

Passage of the main storyline of Skyrim

As usual, each part of the game series The Elder Scrolls begins with a prologue in which you need to help the protagonist escape from prison custody. The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim is no exception and begins with a wagon scene where main character along with other prisoners is delivered to the execution. Upon arrival at the destination, the first story quest begins, called "Freedom!"

To freedom!

On the way to the destination, we are allowed to listen to the dialogue of the prisoners, from which it becomes clear that they want to be executed for revolutionary deeds against the Empire in Helgen. Each prisoner in the wagon is a member of the rebellion who calls themselves the Stormcloaks. But our protagonist clearly ended up on the bench by mistake.

Upon arrival in Helgen, the character creation editor becomes available to the player, in which a very fine-tuning of the hero's appearance and race selection is available. It is very important to know that the name for your main character can be entered after character creation is complete. It is also worth considering that if you are playing the Russian version of the game, then it is better to enter the name in Latin, because. in some dialogues in the game, the name will not be displayed correctly in Cyrillic.

After creating the main character, you will be shown a small scene in which one of the prisoners is beheaded in front of your eyes. Your character is next in line. But you should not be very worried and afraid, but it is better to direct all your emotions to prepare for the escape, because. literally in a moment, a huge dragon will attack Helgen, which will become for your main character a kind of “ticket” to freedom. After the dragon begins to destroy and destroy everything in its path, do not panic, but strictly follow the pointer on your compass at the top of the screen. He will lead you to the Nord guard, who will subsequently lead you to a safe place and along the way will teach you how to open locks with a master key, shoot from a bow and move silently. On the way to freedom, Nord will take you to places where you can settle down in uniforms, as well as meet a couple of allies. But do not try to beat the first characters you meet on your way, because. they may attack you in defense of themselves.

As you already understood, the first story quest "Freedom" is a kind of training. The completion of your first successful mission will be the exit from the cave, which will lead you to a completely open world games, from where a long and incredible adventure will begin.

Before the storm

Before you had time to leave the cave, the next task “Before the Storm” was already prepared for you, which will be displayed as the main one and will appear in the journal. One of the most deceptive aspects of this quest is that your trusty partner Nord will tell you that it's time for him to leave you. Do not listen to him and rush into the open world for joy, follow him along the path, he will lead you to three stones, one of which you need to activate. The stones are responsible for increasing the "pumping" of the three main industries by 20% - thief, mage, warrior.

If you continue to follow Nord further, he will lead you to a cute village called Riverwood, where he will introduce you to his family, feed and provide accommodation for the night. Do not rush to leave the tavern in which you were sheltered and talk to all available NPCs, they will tell you a lot of interesting things about what is happening in the world. Also at the end of the conversation with Nord and his family, you will be asked to go to Whiterun and bring the meager news that the dragon has attacked Helgen. But if you stay in the village for a while, then the head of the local tavern and forge, Alvor, will introduce you to the basic knowledge of blacksmithing, which will be useful to you in the future to create unique weapons and armor.

After proceeding to Whiterun, referring to the pointer on the compass, go to the guard at the gate, and say that you came from Riverwood with bad news to the Jarl. The guard will let you inside the city, where you need to go to the high castle Dragon's Limit, standing on top. There in the main hall, on the throne, you will find Jarl. You need to talk to him.

windy peak

After a long conversation with the Jarl about what is happening in the vicinity, he will direct you straight to Farengar - a magician and alchemist who has been studying dragons for many years, he will help to sort out the problem. In Farengar's room, you can find Alchemy and Enchantment tables. After talking with Farengor, a new quest "Wind Peak" will appear in the journal, which will send you to a new location where you will need to get Dragonstone.

In order to find that same Windy Peak, you still have to work closely with a map and compass. The temple is located at the top of the mountain. On the rise, two groups of opponents will be waiting for you, which will not be difficult to deal with. As soon as you stumble upon a large round gate, then boldly go in, which means that you are in place. Once inside, it becomes clear that the place was once very rich and beautiful. From the rock paintings and all kinds of frescoes, it becomes clear that dragons were worshiped here a long time ago. In the first room, bandits will be waiting for you by the fire, deal with them. The deeper you go, the more dangerous the enemies will become. On the way to Dragonstone, you will have to fight spiders and skeletons.

Also on the way to the stone you will meet two puzzles, the principles of which are almost the same. What is in the first, what is in the second, you need to arrange the drawings in the correct order. The first puzzle is not difficult at all, and if you look at the room in which it is located more carefully, then you can easily find the right drawings. The second puzzle is more difficult and the path to it lies through spiders and numerous corridors covered with cobwebs. After you deal with the spiders, do not forget to free the bandit from the web. Do not listen to what he says, immediately send him to the next world and take the item you need to solve the second puzzle - the dragon claw. To solve the second puzzle, it is enough to carefully examine the claw that you took, and the desired combination of drawings that you need to put on the door with an unusual lock will be right on it.

Behind the door, you will stumble upon a lot of enemies that guard the path to your main goal. Having dealt with all the troubles, you will eventually find a large beautiful room that looks like a cave, in the middle of which you will find a semicircular stone on which ancient dragon writings are carved. Read the passage by touching the inscription, after which you have to fight the Draugr Lord. The fight will be hard enough, but if you don't panic and fight carefully, then victory will be yours. The Dragonstone will drop from the fallen Skeleton Lord and the quest will be completed. It is not worth going back through the entire location. Not far from the place of the last battle, you will find a second exit that leads to Skyrim. From here, travel back to the Dragon's Reach via fast travel, which can be accessed by opening the map. Talk to Farengor and give him the stone. Get ready for your first dragon fight.

dragon in the sky

After the conversation, follow Farengor, he will tell you a lot of interesting things along the way. After some time, a guard will burst into the castle and say that a dragon attacked one of the watchtowers. After that, you need to exit the castle and follow the squad leader named Arijlet. You and a few other soldiers will go to the tower to fight the dragon. As soon as you stumble upon a dragon, then run inside the tower and hide in it from its fiery attacks. While the dragon is in the air, shoot it with arrows. Once the dragon is on the ground, try to stay close to its tail and strike from behind. Do not forget about other guards who will often distract the dragon, take advantage of these moments of weakness and finish off the winged opponent. If everything is done correctly, then the battle will be very simple. After killing the dragon, the first dragon cry will become available to you along with its absorbed soul. The scream will be called "Unrelenting Force".

Now return to Jarl and tell about your victory. The reward for this quest will be the title of Thane, a house in Whiterun, as well as the first personal mercenary named Lydia, who will accompany you on your adventures until she dies.

The path of the voice

Your next task will be to get to the Greybeards - ancient sages living far to the east, in the mountains. Getting into the temple of these sages will not be easy, because. the road to them lies along a winding path high up the mountain. The path on the map is not displayed in the most convenient way, so all that remains for you is to follow the road to the East from Whiterun with the help of a compass until you stumble upon a couple of trolls, which can turn out to be deadly opponents for you. Therefore, if you are not sure of the strength of your hero, then it is better to flee and constantly move uphill.

When you reach the temple, talk to one of the gray-robed sages. After they find out that you defeated the dragon, they will offer you an initiation, after which your hero will need to prove that he is able to properly handle the screams. After a couple of simple tutorial challenges, you'll get a new shout - Swift Charge, which will allow you to instantly move short distances. After finishing the first test of the greybeards, the last test will become available to you - get the horn of Jurgen.

Horn of Jurgen

Obtaining the horn will not be an easy task. It is located in the tomb of Ustengrav, in the marshland of Hjaalmarch. We check the map and rush straight to the tomb. The tomb is a complex dungeon, with its own secrets and traps. Along the way, you will come across several puzzles, which you can easily solve with the help of the recently received shout - Swift Dash, and banal attentiveness.

As soon as you pass all the tests on your way and get to the tomb of Ustengrav, you will find that someone has already taken Jurgen's horn. The quest will fail, but instead of the horn, there will be a note in which a certain friend will invite you to visit the tavern in Riverwood.

After returning to Riverwood, go to the tavern and rent a room in the attic for the night. As soon as you enter your room, Delphine will join you and ask you to follow her. She will lead you to a secret room, where a very confusing dialogue will begin, which must be completed, otherwise the new story quest will not appear in the journal. Talk to Delphine until she says something like "OK, I'm ready to go." After that, an additional task will begin, which will affect the main storyline.

Blade in the Dark

Delphine is one of the representatives of the blades, which has long puzzled over the cause of the appearance of dragons. Her main argument is the fact that dragons do not appear out of nowhere, but are simply reborn with the help of dark magic. To find out about the mystery of the resurrection, you will travel with Delphine to Kynesgrove.

After arriving at the grove with Dolphin, a strange picture will await you - before your eyes, one of the dragons will resurrect another, after which another battle with a fire-breathing enemy lies ahead. After you defeat the dragon in the usual way, Delphine will no longer doubt that you are the Dragonborn and will give you the Horn of Jurgen, as well as provide a new task. But before you take on the new task of Delphine, it is better to go to the greybeards and complete your training.

Horn of Jurgen (End)

Move to High Hrothgar, to the Temple of the Greybeards, and find the head sage there, who is somewhere inside the temple (the compass sometimes does not point to him exactly, so you have to look). After giving Jurgen's Horn, the sage will proclaim you Dragonborn and teach you a new cry - Unrelenting Force. After receiving the shout, we again return to the Dolphin task.

Diplomatic immunity

Perhaps one of the most confusing, but, nevertheless, interesting tasks in the game. After returning to Riverwood, Delphine will direct you to the Thalmor embassy, ​​where you will need to learn more about the return of the dragons. The embassy is located in the city of Solitude, not far from which you will meet Melbourne, who will help you get into the embassy as a guest. This quest is unique in that it is better to complete it in stealth mode, because. with weapons and heavy armor, the guards will not let you inside the embassy. Everything you need in your inventory can be handed over to Melbourne, who will make sure you find it on the embassy grounds upon arrival.

After talking with Melbourne, we again go to Delphine, who will take you to the embassy and look after the remaining things. After arriving at the embassy, ​​show the guard the pass received from Melbourne and go to the main hall where the banquet is taking place. Talk to the bartender who is already waiting for you and he will advise you to distract the guards so that he can sneak you through the kitchen and deeper into the embassy. In order to distract the guards, buy a drink for a drunk guest, after which he will agree to make some noise and attract the attention of the guards. During the confusion, follow the bartender to the kitchen, where you will find the gear Melbourne left behind. Then the bartender will open the passage further.

Now move around the location, clearing all the guards on the way. It's better to do it in secret. Then go out into the courtyard, where another portion of enemies awaits you again. After you clear the yard, go down to the torture room, neutralize a few opponents and don't forget to check a couple of chests along the way. There are no indicators on the map in this location, so just talk to the person who is behind bars. After the release of the prisoner, he will offer you to get out of the embassy along shortcut and on the way will tell the necessary information on your main task.

A rat cornered

Go to Riverwood and share the information received from the prisoner with Delphine. After that, she will give you a task - to find Esbern, who is located in the city of Riften. Riften is a unique and very beautiful location, somewhat reminiscent of Venice. Riften is also a city of thieves.

In order to find Esbern, you first need to find Brynjolf in the Bee and Sting Inn. After a short conversation, Brynjolf will offer you to join the Thieves Guild and pass several tests. The main task is directly related to completing quests for the Thieves Guild, so you have no other choice but to accept Brynjolf's offer. After completing the task of Brynjolf and pumping your thief skill a little, you will open the way to the dungeon system under Riften, where there will be a lot of rooms and paths in which you can kill all the enemies in your path. The path will not be easy and long, but at the end of the path, the last room awaits you, in which Esbern is located. Talk to him, tell him who sent you and he will open the door for you, and also tell you a lot of interesting things. After Esbern opens the door, a new task will begin.

Alduin's Wall

Now is the time to get to the surface, but during the escape, the Thalmor guards will burst into the room, with whom you will have to fight. Despite the fact that Esbern is great with magic and helps in combat, keep an eye on his health bar and protect him by any means, because. if he dies, the mission will fail.

After you get out of the dungeons, take Esbern to Riverwood to talk with Delphine. After the conversation, your hero and two companions will go to Alduin's wall. The road to this location is random and very long, so get ready for adventure and stock up on supplies. Having reached the Alduin's Wall location, you will stumble upon two simple riddles. The first is very simple, if you are as attentive as possible and look around for drawings of three symbols that need to be placed on a stone panel near the bridge. After you pass the bridge further, you will find the second puzzle, which can be called a trap. Dealing with this riddle is even easier than the first one. To do this, you only need to step on the panels on the floor, which depict the symbol of the Dragonborn. Stepping on last panel, the trap will be deactivated.

At the end of the task, Esbern will conduct a whole digression into the history of the world, after which long dialogues will begin, of which, most likely, you will not understand much. Therefore, after completing the task, go to the temple to the Greybeards.

Throat of the world

One of the most boring tasks, in which there are simply a huge number of dialogues from which you can easily fall asleep. In order to make life easier for you, let's say right away that the dialogue branch needs to be developed to the topic "Paarthurnax".

The road to Paarthurnax is in an unusual and very thick fog, which negatively affects the hero. But after talking with the Greybeards, they will teach you a new cry that will help clear the mist. At the end of the path, at the very top, get ready for a meeting with the main "Greybeard". A very unexpected and important event will take place in this place. plot twist, which we will be silent about.

ancient knowledge

We go back to Alduin's Wall to Esbern, and tell him about the ancient scroll that Paarthurnax told you about. Esbern will send you to the college of mages to find the scroll, as only they in Skyrim know what it is about, because they have the oldest library. The guild is located very far away, so it's better to ride a horse. Having reached the doors of the guild of magicians, you can join the college of magicians, otherwise you won’t get inside. Agree to the terms of entry and demonstrate the skill required of you. After the demonstration, you will be let through and you can get to the library of mages, or you can continue the branch of exciting additional quests for mages. Talk to the head of the guild - Urag gro-Shubam, tell him about the scroll in order to take the task "Shalidor's Works".

Works by Shalidor

Follow the sign to go to the next dungeons, where you will need to get the necessary records. In the location, already familiar puzzles and traps are waiting for you, which are passed in the same way as those encountered on the way earlier.

Also in the location you will meet one very strong enemy in the face of a skeleton, which will constantly resurrect. There is no tactic or special secret of the battle with him. Just kill him a few times until he finally dies. Take Shalidor's notes and return to the Mages Guild. Urag gro-Shubam will say that he needs a couple of days to sort out the records. Go to bed or complete additional tasks, then return to Urag gro-Shubam and read the book on his desk, after which a new task will begin.

Beyond the ordinary

The book will focus on a scientist who studied the technology of an ancient race - the Dwemer. You need to find this scientist. On the map, closer to the north, a point will be marked, to which you need to go on a mission.

Near the Dwemer dungeons you will find a scientist, after talking with him you will receive a Dwemer cube and an orb, as well as a new direction in which to move. Next, you have to overcome the system of Dwemer dungeons, full of dangers and very valuable things.

At the very end of the path, you will find a huge room with an incomprehensible device that obviously works with the help of a mechanism. Climbing up the stairs, you will find the device control panel, into which you need to insert the cube received at the beginning of the mission. Now, using the "trial and error" method, you have to learn how to play a very unusual, but quite logical "instrument". After a successful “game”, the sounds you need will be recorded on the surface of the cube, as if on an audio cassette. Return the cube to the mad scientist and the mission will be completed.

Curse of Alduin

The scientist helped us restore the writing on the scroll, now we need to go to the top in the Throat of the world, where we will need to read the scroll. After reading the scroll and watching a short video, you will have to fight with Alduin himself - the leader of the dragons. But do not be afraid, the battle with him is quite easy. Before the battle with Alduin, a new shout will become available to you - Dragonbreaker, with which you can lower Alduin from heaven to earth in every sense. The battle tactics are very simple - use a shout while the dragon is in the air, then finish it off after falling already on the ground with your most powerful weapon or magic. After the bar of Alduin's lives runs out, he will fly away and tell you after that that it is impossible to kill him.


Immediately after the battle with Alduin, talk to Paarthurnax, who will tell you how to defeat the dragon once and for all. To win, you will need the help of the Jarl, to which you need to go further.

Endless time

And again, a rather simple quest, but saturated with a huge number of dialogues that are worth listening to very carefully. Talk to the Jarl about what happened and he will help you, but only after the war stops in Skyrim. Next, you have to do the impossible - try on two warring factions. In order to end the war, you have three options - to side with the Imperials, the Stormcloaks, or remain neutral. If you remain neutral, then everything will end in the most peaceful way, so we go to the Greybeards and announce the start of peace negotiations. Then we go to the rulers of the two sides and force them to sit down at the negotiating table. Then again we return to the Greybeards in the temple and observe the meeting. Negotiations are held in a raised tone, but still lead to a truce between the two sides, after which the task will be successfully completed. But everything is not so rosy, after the conclusion of peace, Delphine will come up to you and say that Paarthurnax needs to be killed. You can deal with Paarthurnax at will after completing the main storyline.

Fallen (Continued)

Next, you need to catch the dragon Odahviing, who can take you to Alduin's lair - the House of the World Eater. To catch Odahviing, you will need the help of the Jarl, who has already prepared a trap for the dragon. We follow the Jarl to the right place and use the new learned cry - Summon the Dragon. After being summoned, Odahviing will start flying around you, which you need to shoot down with the help of the Dragonbreaker shout. After you take down Odahviing, you don't need to finish him off, but gradually step back towards the Jarl, using the Dragonbreaker to keep the dragon on the ground. Odahviing will have no choice but to follow you until he falls into the trap prepared by the Jarl.

House of the World Eater

While the dragon is trapped, talk to him and offer a deal. The dragon will agree, after which you need to let him go by telling the guard on the balcony to open the gate. Climbing up to the balcony, sit on Odahviing and he will send you to Skuldafn.

In Skuldafn, a very difficult location awaits you, which you need to clear out of the Draugs and solve several puzzles. Riddles will not be any problem, because. you have already encountered similar ones, but enemies can significantly ruin your life. Therefore, it is worth going to this task well prepared.

As soon as you open the door with spinning rings, a portal will open behind it, but do not rush to enter it, but first fight the tough enemy Nakrin. After killing Nakrin, you will receive a unique mask, wearing which you will use 20% less magic. After receiving the trophy, step into the portal.


You have entered the world of the dead - one of the most beautiful locations in the game. Follow the sign until you come across Tsuna, he will ask you to pass the test in order to get into the hall of the ancients. Agree.


Do not be nervous and gather all your will into a fist, you have reached the final chapter of the main storyline. Ahead of you is the last battle with Alduin, which will not be very difficult if you use the shout - Clear sky capable of clearing the fog. After defeating the main dragon, talk to Tsun and he will return you back to the world of the living. At this point, the game will continue, and you will be able to complete all additional tasks in the game.

The Game Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim begins with a cutscene that begins with a wagon ride in which you ride to your execution. Several people ride in the wagon with the main character. Arriving in a small village called Helgen, the hero learns that he is not on the list of those condemned to execution, but the guards want to execute all criminals. No matter what. The first criminal was executed, and the turn of the protagonist is coming. During the execution of the hero, a dragon flies into the village and began to pour fire on everyone. This video ends and the main character begins the passage of the mission. Without wasting time, avoiding pillars of flame, we penetrate the destroyed tower and through the hole in the wall we jump down and follow forward, then we move after Ralof (who goes to the right), or, choosing another option, we follow the soldier of the Empire. Having penetrated into the room, where we remove all items and weapons from the killed villager. Then, having received the weapon, you need to fight with two imperials. Following Ralof, who opens the door, we follow him further, we go down, we fight with two imperial soldiers. We search the corpses and then follow the allies. We go through the cave, killing the Imperials, poisonous spiders and other creatures along the way. At the end of the cave is a sleeping bear, which you can either kill or slip past him unnoticed, at the player's discretion, then go outside.

Video walkthrough of the quest: "To freedom!"

Passage of the quest: "Before the storm."

Ralof further tells the hero that he has a sister named Gerdur living in the village of Riverwood, who can help the hero. We follow the city, guided by the compass located at the top of the screen or by the map (key "M"). Having met Ralof's sister, we tell her about the dragon, after which Gerdur asks the hero to proceed to Whiterun to the Jarl of Whiterun, with a request to send soldiers to defend Riverwood. We follow to Whiterun, finding the way on the map, along the way we deal with the imperial soldiers escorting prisoners. Near the gate to Whiterun, the guards will stop the hero, we talk about the purpose of the visit, they let us through and explain how to get to the jarl. We cross the city and go through the steps to the Dragon's Reach. We pass to the limit and talk with the jarl about the dragon that has appeared and the danger threatening Riverwood.

Video passage of the quest: "Before the storm"

Passage of the quest: "Wind Peak".

Together with the jarl we go to the court magician, we talk with him, then we get from him the task of bringing the dragon stone with windy peak. Reaching the Windy Peak and destroying the opponents at the gate to the temple. We pass into the temple and follow forward, killing everyone who meets on the way. Next, there will be a locked gate, on the left side of them there are three obelisks with images of animals. To open the gate, you need to turn the obelisks in the following order - snake, snake, fish. (In the Skyrim game, there are many caves with similar locks, the unlocking order of which is determined in the tips. Images on the walls or nearby there is a book with the lock unlocking order, or we use the selection method, which is long and not interesting, there are many gates to open which are used in in the form of claws to open the gate, the drawings of animals depicted on them must be set in the prescribed manner, which is depicted on the inner surface of the claw). We open the gate and follow further. We kill malevolent, we go down the stairs, having reached the web, we cut it and follow further forward. Then we fight with a giant frosty spider, rummage through its corpse and meet with Arvelius, who is entangled in the web. When we rescue Arvelius, he immediately runs away from us, we overtake him and kill him or the skeletons will kill him, then we search his body and find a golden claw. We pass forward, bypassing the traps, and through the corridor with pendulums in the form of axes. We go into the sanctuary and destroy everyone there, go upstairs and go into the iron door. Next, the next puzzle castle awaits the player, we set the sequence of images in the following order: a large circle is a bear, a middle one is a moth and a small circle is an owl. We press the button in the center, insert the golden claw, the gate opens. Having passed further, we go into the room where the statue is located, and we fight with the leader of the Daugr. After searching his corpse, we find a dragon stone. In addition, in this room you can learn one of the shouts. Having taken all the items, we follow to the Dragon's Reach and pass the stone to the court magician.

Video walkthrough of the quest: "Wind Peak"

Passage of the quest: "Dragon in the sky."

Airileth approaches and says that there is a dragon near the city. With Ayrileth we pass to the jarl and prepare a plan of action. Then, with Airileth and a few soldiers, we advance to the western watchtower. When a dragon appears, we kill it with a bow or magic, you can also destroy the dragon with a sword. After the death of the dragon, the hero absorbs the soul of the dragon, which can only be absorbed by Dovakin - the dragonborn, with the help of which the hero can learn screams, you can apply these screams by pressing the "Z" key. After searching the corpse of the dragon, we pick up the loot and go to the jarl and tell him about the victory over the dragon.

Video walkthrough of the quest: "Dragon in the sky"

Passage of the quest: "The Way of the Voice".

When word spreads that you can use your voice and are a Dragonborn, they call you to High Hrothgar. We rise to them to the top of the mountain, which is called the Throat of the World. Climbing the mountain, we go into the fortress and speak with Arngeir, use a shout at him, and then talk with Einart, he teaches us to shout, or rather increases the power of the Ruthless Force shout. At the end of learning this cry using the "Z" key, you need to destroy 3 images created by the gray beards. Then we go out into the courtyard and talk to Borri, who will teach the shout "Swift Rush". Then we pass the test. It is necessary, using the shout "Rapid dash", pressing "Z", go through the gate, open for a few moments.

Video walkthrough of the quest: "The Way of the Voice".

Passage of the quest: "Horn of Jurgen".

After these trials of the cry, the greybeards are tasked with obtaining Jurgen Windcaller's horn. We head to the swamps of Hjaalmark, determining the direction of movement on the map, we go out to the tomb map of Ustengrav. After destroying the opponents at the gate, we go inside and move forward, destroying the skeletons and various bandits. After passing through another door, we descend even deeper. Having reached the three closed gates, we use the shout "Rapid dash" and quickly go through all three doors at once with a jerk. Moving further, you can hear the sound of metal, this is the sound of a fire trap. We try to walk on stones that you can step on and wait until the spiders die in the fire. We destroy the web, open the door to the cave, for which we take the ring on the chain. Passing over the bridge, we pick up things, and do not forget to pick up a note located in the middle of the room. We pass through the next door and find the chest, examine it. Reading the note, we understand that the horn has already been taken before us, and it is kept by a person who is waiting in the Sleeping Giant tavern in Riverwood. We leave the cave and follow to Riverwood. We rent a room in a tavern in the attic. From the room we go with Delphine and reach the basement, where we pick up the horn of Jurgen Windcaller. With a horn, we are transferred to the elders, we teach them a cry until the end of the "Ruthless Force".

Video passage of the quest: "Horn of Jurgen".

Passage of the quest: "A blade in the darkness."

To continue the task, we move with Delphine to the Keene Groves. Talking with local residents, we find out that they are frightened by the appearance of a dragon. Going with Delphine, we are looking for a dragon named Salonir and destroy him and absorb his soul. We talk with Delphine, asking all the questions on the list.

Video passage of the quest: "A blade in the dark."

Passage of the quest: "Diplomatic Immunity".

Over the course of the game, we learn that the dragons came from the Thalmor, and that the dragons not only returned to Skyrim (and this is not enough), but in addition to this, they revive dead relatives. Delphine undertakes to assist in the penetration of the Talmar embassy. In Riverwood we meet with Delphine, and for a meeting with a liaison we follow to Solitude. Having arrived in Solitude, we head to the Laughing Rat tavern, talk to the contact Malborn, tell that we are following from a mutual friend, transfer to the contact all the items that may later be useful in the embassy, ​​since the weapon itself cannot be dragged there. Near the Katla farm, taking an elegant costume from Delphine, we put it on, before that we remove the armor, even gloves and a helmet. We take away the invitation to the embassy from Delphine, give her the weapon that we want to leave. At the embassy, ​​at the invitation, presenting it to the guard standing near the entrance, we go inside the building. Inside, we meet with Elenwen, introduce ourselves and speak with Malborn, then, taking a glass, we follow Razelan, treat him and ask him to make some noise, diverting attention. We approach Malborn, who opens the door to the kitchen. We go there and take our things, which were previously handed over to him. Then he leaves the room, and we kill the enemies and follow to the courtyard, where we kill a few more opponents. Then we get into Elenven's room, kill the guards, in the chest we find a note and several books. After reading them, we follow to the basement where the prisoner is located, kill the soldiers there, read the book found there and then go to the aid of Malborn. Having found the key from the guard, we follow into the smoking cave, after freeing Etienne Rarnis. Leaving, we deal with the ice troll inside the cave or, running away from it, we follow to Riverwood, where we report to Delfina all the information we have obtained.

Video passage of the quest: "Diplomatic Immunity".

Passage of the quest: "A rat driven into a corner."

Next, you will have a task to find the connoisseur of the manners of the "blade" dragons, whose name is Esbern. The search begins with the city of Riften. We persuade the guards to run into the city, we find the "Bee and Sting" tavern there. We meet with Brynjolf, we are trying to find out from him information about Esbern, if it doesn’t work out, then you complete his side tasks, if you don’t want to go through them, then go to the hostess in the tavern and take information from her. Next, we follow into the slums called "Rat Hole". There, on the way, we deal with all the opponents, we reach the traps, here are the options to go through them or bypass the traps, unlocking the gate with a lock of "expert" difficulty. Then we get to the "Rampant Flask" tavern, try to force him to give the necessary information, if it doesn't work, then we bribe him. Further through the storage we pass into the "anthill", where a meeting takes place with the Thalmorians. We are looking for the room in which Esberna is located, we say a conditional phrase from Delphine, the old man will open the door, you explain the situation to him, say that you are Dovakin and need his help. The old man is getting ready and you are going to Riverwood.

Video passage of the quest: "A rat cornered."

Passage of the quest: "Alduin's Wall".

Arriving with Esbern in Riverwood, we follow the tavern and go into secret room. There we listen to Esbern, pick up the book on the table. We read it and follow the temple sky harbor with Delphine and Esbern. We go outside, where the dragon attacks you, deal with the dragon and move on. On the way you will repeatedly come across dragons. Having reached the vicinity of the Kartsspire cave, we destroy the robbers. Then we follow into the cave, destroy the opponents, go further, rest against the raised bridge, to lower it, set the symbols with arrows so that the arrows point down. Then we look for the most safe way, for which we follow in accordance with the pointers in the form of arrows. We put the chain into action, follow further and thus go to the temple. In order to get into the temple, we stand in a circle in front of the big head and activate the circle by spilling blood on it. We go forward up the stairs, follow to the left, and look at Alduin's Wall, trying to understand the method of destroying the dragons, then we talk with Delphine about the new cry that Esbern learned about by looking at the wall. During the passage of the mission, we inspect the chests and take things from them.

Video walkthrough of the quest: "Alduin's Wall".

Passage of the quest: "The Throat of the World."

Next, we follow the elders, leaving Esbern and Delphine in the temple to find out from the elders about the scream that knocks down the dragon, which is in the air. Arriving with a gray-beard, we speak with Arngeir, we ask you to teach you the "Dragonbane" cry. Arngeir does not agree, we wait a bit, as a result he agrees (but he himself is not trained in this cry). Arngeir agrees to provide information about who owns the "Dragonbane" cry and can teach it. The elder is called Paarthurnax, and he lives on the top of the mountain, and it is possible to reach him only by using the cry "Clear Sky". Arngeir will teach you the "Clear Sky" cry. We follow in the indicated direction, dispersing the wind on the top of the mountain with the help of the cry "Clear Sky". Having reached the top, we find a huge dragon there (but don't be afraid of it), which turned out to be Paarthurnax. But it turns out that he is not trained in the cry of "dragonslayer". Instead of this cry, he will teach you the "Fire Breath" cry and explain that the Nords were able to send Alduin to the future a long time ago. We arrive in Upper Hrothgar and speak with Arngeir, then follow to Winterhall to the college of magicians. We follow the bridge to the college, we run into closed doors and in order to go through them, you need to take the key to them from Faralda, but she will not give it to you until you demonstrate the Ruthless Force skill to her. Entering the college of magicians, on the left we will see the doors to the Arcaneum and we enter there. In the Arcaneum, we talk with the librarian Urag gro-Shubom and are interested in his ancient scrolls, introducing ourselves as Dovakin. He will give you two books, after reading which you will learn about the notes of a madman, we talk about him with the librarian. He tells you about Septimius Segonius and where to look for him. We go out to look for housing Septimius, which is located in an ice cave. In order to get into the cave we go down the bridge, then turn left and go down. Septimius is in an inadequate state, but you will still complete the task that he asks. Septimius gives you a quest item, an orb to copy. To complete this task, follow to Alftand, enter the icy ruins and, killing opponents, go further and deeper. Having descended to the end, we follow the Alftand Cathedral. We kill the Falmer and activate the lever, then follow the stairs up. We destroy the Dwemer machine (centurion), we find in it the key to the lifting device. Moving on, we destroy Sullui Trebatia and Umana. We turn on the mechanism and find ourselves in the Black Limit. From the crossbow-type device on the right, you can break the Dwemer sphere. Having strayed along the Black Limit, we find the Mzark tower, which is located near the Dwemer pumping station. Entering the tower, we enter the door and follow up, go up the spiral path and approach the device with buttons. We put the sphere of Septimius on the stand. Then we turn on the two right buttons until the left button is activated, click on it twice, then another button on the left is activated, click on the button. The mechanism opens. We take the ancient scroll and the sphere for copying and get out of the tower. We follow to the Throat of the World, we are looking for a special place where we use the scroll that we found in the Black Limit. Under its influence, we are transported to the past and see how someone destroys the dragon, and Alduin is expelled.

Video walkthrough of the quest: "The Throat of the World".

Passage of the quest: "The Curse of Alduin."

Returning to your time, you must personally destroy Alduin. To do this, by shouting "Dragonbreaker" we knock him down and then finish him off on the ground. Before that, stock up on a healing potion. We use the "Dragonbreaker" carefully so as not to damage Paarthurnax.

Video passage of the quest: "The Curse of Alduin".

Passage of the quest: "Fallen".

After the fight, Alduin runs away, you talk to Paarthurnax, then proceed to Dragonreach. Having reached the limit, we meet with Jarl Balgruuf, whom we ask to assist in the search and capture of Alduin by luring him to the Dragon's Reach. Balgruuf agrees to this on the condition that the Elders arrange a truce between the Stormcloaks and the Imperials. We follow the gray-bearded and participate in the negotiations. We talk with Arngeir, who instructs you to meet with General Tullius and Jarl Ulfric. We follow General Tullius in Solitude and Jarl Ulfric in Windhelm, urging them to come to the elders in High Hrothgar to participate in the negotiations. After that, we return to High Hrothgar, and participate in negotiations, after which we meet with Esbern. Esbern reveals that Paarthurnax was once an ally of Alduin, and stipulates that if you want him and Delphine to help you, you must kill Paarthurnax. We follow to the Dragon's Reach, we speak with Balgruuf, we call the dragon Odavin from the gallery using the cry "Dragon Call". We start the battle with Odavin, and when the level of his health is half, we catch him in a trap. We talk with the dragon, who tells where Alduin is hiding. At the end of the conversation, you can release the dragon by telling the guards to loosen the belts, Odavin will assist on the way to Skuldafn.

Video passage of the quest: "Fallen".

Passage of the quest: "The House of the Eater of the World."

Arriving in Skuldafn, we follow forward, destroying daugrs and dragons along the way. We go into the temple, destroying enemies along the way, and proceeding further, we will appear in front of three columns with drawings of animals applied to them, we type the cipher in the following order bird-snake-bird, looking at the lever, from left to right. We pass through the gate, follow further and pass into the cave, cracking down on frosty spiders and daugrs. We rest against the following columns in the amount of three pieces, the combination for opening is on the lower column of the snake, and on the upper columns from left to right the fish-bird. We open the gate, follow forward and, having passed through the gate, we fight with the daugr - the lord, then we take the diamond claw from the corpse, which unlocks the other gates, the cipher is on the inner surface of the claw (from the outer circle to the inner: wolf - moth - dragon.). We follow through the gate and go upstairs and follow through the portal and find ourselves in Sovngarde.

Video passage of the quest: "The House of the Eater of the World."

Passage of the quest: "Sovngarde".

We follow the road through the fog, clearing the way using the cry "Clear Sky". We meet with Tsun, talk to him and then the battle starts. The enemy is serious, we must take down the health to half the level (we should not kill him). Then we follow to the Hall of Valor and speak with Ysgramor, who introduces you to Hakon One-Eye, Felldir the Old and Gormlith Goldenhandle, who are his most experienced warriors. Together with them, you have to disperse the fog and face off against the main enemy, Alduin.

Video passage of the quest: "Sovngarde".

Passage of the quest: "Dragon Slayer".

We head to the bridge, use the cry "Clear Sky", after the application of which, Alduin appears. We fight with Alduin, as with an ordinary dragon, the cry "Dragonbreaker" will slow down the dragon, and allied warriors will help to kill the enemy. Defeating him ends the passage of the main storyline of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. After that, if you want, follow to Skyrim and start passing side quests. There are a lot of such quests in the game.

Video passage of the quest: "Dragon Slayer".

First, a little introduction to the basics of completing tasks. A compass is located at the top of the interface, and an inverted triangle icon indicates the direction in which you need to move on the current task:

If the same icon is "hanging" over the NPC you need to move towards him (or behind him):

Having opened the map (M) the same icon will indicate on the map the point where you need to go. And by opening the journal (J) read the description of the tasks, and select (if there are several) the one that you want to go to this moment(at the current time, only one task is marked on the map and compass).

These basic knowledge will help you complete tasks in the Skyrim game.


In the tradition of The Elder Scrolls, we start the game as a prisoner. And now, just appearing in the game, you see yourself among the prisoners who are being taken to execution.

To freedom!

While we are being transported in a cart, we hear the conversation of other prisoners, from which it becomes clear that there is now an uprising in Skyrim, led by the Stormcloaks. The Imperials have mistakenly thought we were one of them, and we are being taken to Helgen for execution.

Upon arrival, the character editor will be available it is quite advanced, and you can make the appearance of your character exactly the way you want.

Important: 1) the field for entering the name will appear after confirmation 2) we recommend that you specify the name in Latin, in order to avoid problems in dialogues with Cyrillic.

You see how one of those caught is executed, and the next one is you. But already under the executioner's ax, a dragon flies, and panic begins in the city. At this point, you become available to control the character.

Although everything around will collapse and burn, there is nothing complicated, the main thing is not to fuss and look at the compass and pointers above the NPC. Almost immediately, a choice will be given follow Nord who checked you on the list, or follow his wagon neighbor. There is practically no further difference in the choice. It's just that if you go with a rebel then along the way all the people you meet will be your enemies. And if you choose the side of the Imperial, then along the numerous corridors and rooms you will meet allies carefully, do not beat them. But if you still hit them a few times (on the first hit, they say “Who are you for anyway?”), And they start attacking you put away your weapon, they will stop.

As you follow your new partner, you'll find chests with equipment, learn how to pick locks, shoot from stealth, and more. In fact, the task "Freedom!" is educational. It ends with how you exit the cave. From now on, the whole world of Skyrim is open to you. And where to go, what to do only you can choose!

Before the storm

As soon as you left the cave, a new task will begin "Before the Storm", the most difficult moment in this task is related to the fact that your partner will say "Now we must split up", but in fact you do not need to split up follow him. On the way, he will show the stones of power (or whatever they are called) by activating one of them (mage, thief, warrior), the skills of the corresponding direction will be pumped 20% faster.

Continuing to follow your partner, you will come to Riverwood a small village. The partner will take you to his family, where you will be offered food and lodging for the night. In the course of the conversation, they will tell us that we need to go to Whiterun and report what happened in Helgen. But do not rush to leave, the head of the family Alvor, is a blacksmith, with his own forge. He has side quests to help you learn blacksmithing.

You can also find other side quests in the village. And to continue the main task go to Whiterun (follow the pointer on the compass, and you can also open the map and estimate the distance to the city).

In Whiterun, a guard will come up to you tell him that you are from Riverwood, to the Jarl you will be let through. In the city you need more building at the very top Draconic redistribution. And Jarl sits in the main hall, on the throne. Talk to him.

windy peak

During a conversation with the Jarl, after you tell him about the dragon attack, he will take you to Farengar. This magician and alchemist has long been engaged in dragons, and he will undoubtedly be interested in the incident you told. He can also find tables for Alchemy and Enchantment.

Farengar will give you a new task go to Windy Peak and find the Dragonstone there.

Windy Peak a temple high on a rock (still use a map and compass to find it). On the way you will meet two groups of bandits. Having found the temple on the top of the rock - go inside (large semicircular doors), according to its greatness, and it becomes clear to the interior that dragons were once worshiped in it. Initially, there will be a few bandits, but the deeper, the more dangerous opponents you will meet.

Windy Peak has two puzzles. The first one is that you need to place stone figures that can be rotated. The correct location, after which, by pulling the lever, the door will open:

Go further, kill draugs and spiders. You will encounter a web to get through it, you first need to shoot it down with a weapon (just attack on the web). In the room with the big spider there will be a bandit in the web. He has the subject of interest to us, the dragon claw. You can kill him, and if he ran away, then not far, going a little further you will find his corpse. Be sure to search it for the Dragon Claw.

The second puzzle is similar to the first, here you need to place three circles in the correct position:

The hint is on reverse side dragon claw (items in the inventory can be rotated with the mouse).

Go further and further until you end up in a large room, in the center of which there will be a semicircle with text in the language of dragons. Going up to this wall you will read one passage. At this time, the Lord of the Draugr will come out of one grave behind your back you will have a hard fight. Having dealt with him, take the Dragonstone from his corpse, now find the passage to the exit (no need to go back, you will find the second exit from the dungeon ahead).

Once in Skyrim, open the map and fast travel to the Draconic Realm. Head to Farengar and give him the stone.

We discuss all questions with this task on the golden claw page.

dragon in the sky

Do not rush to leave Farengar, and even more than that follow him. You will hear an interesting conversation, at the end of which a guard will come running and tell you that a dragon attacked the western watchtower. Now you need to follow the woman Ariylet. She will take a few soldiers with her and head towards the western watchtower. There you will have your first fight with the dragon.

  • Shoot the dragon with a bow while it flies;
  • When he sits down, try to approach him from the side or from behind to hit him;
  • Take advantage of the moments when the dragon will be distracted by other guards.

After the victory, you will absorb the soul of the dragon, and the first dragon cry Unrelenting force will be available to you.

Return to Jarl and tell what happened.

Reward: Thane title, buyable personal home in Whiterun, personal mercenary Lydia.

The path of the voice

Now you need to get to the Greybeards, which are high, high on a cliff east of Whiterun.

Important: Getting there straight on the compass is almost impossible. Follow the road to the east, which, after going around the mountain, will lead you to their temple. On the way, I met two trolls (very strong opponent, sprinted Alt key) and a saber-toothed tiger (strong opponent, but managed). And also a dragon attacked (scripted event, or a random meeting xs). In general, you will not be bored on the road, save more often.

In the temple itself, you will first need to prove that you can use your voice use the shout Unrelenting Force, and also teach you a new one Swift Dash, with which you can instantly move a short distance.

At the end of the training, you will be given the next test.

Horn of Jurgen

The Greybeards send you on your final test - retrieving Jurgen Windcaller's horn from his tomb in Ustengrav, in the swamps of Hjaalmarch.

We look at the map and go to the tomb, which is essentially another, large dungeon, with regular riddles. I'll go straight to them:

Riddle #1

You rest against the passage, which is closed by three sections of gratings, and in front of them are three magical stone, approaching which, one of the gratings rises, but it is worth moving away and the grating goes down. You can’t run with a regular run, what to do?

You stand exactly opposite the passage, in front of the stones, put “Swift Dash” on the active shout, hold down the left alt and start running towards the passage as soon as you are next to the third stone, and it activates press Z make a quick jerk, after which it remains to run a little and that's it. I got it right the first time.

I didn’t check how painfully they fry, in general, this stage is also passed with the help of the Swift Dash Shout.

And at the end, an unexpected plot twist will await you, it turns out that someone has already taken the horn before you (a message will appear that the quest has failed), but left a note on a large chest:

The search for the horn will be marked as failed, this is normal.

We leave for Riverwood, find a tavern, and rent a room in the attic from Delphine. She will say that there is no room in the attic, but "you go there." Entering the room that she says (I was guided by the sign), Delphine will follow you and say that she left you a note, and offer to follow her. He will take you to his secret room and tell you that she needs you.

At this stage, we are faced with a crooked dialogue, I will not go into details ... in general, ask Delphine without leaving her room until there is a phrase like "I'm ready, let's go", after which the additional task begins.

Blade in the Dark

Delphine is the last of the blades, and just like you, unraveling the reason for the appearance of dragons in Skyrim. Her belief is that dragons don't come back, they "resurrect". And to make sure of this, and possibly prevent the resurrection, you go to the Keen Grove.

You can go with her, or get there yourself. I chose the first option because I didn’t want to think about what and where to go. And so just run after Delphine and that's it.

At the point of arrival, you will see how one dragon brings another to life, and the battle begins.

After killing the dragon, Dolphin will make sure that you are a Dovakin and tell you about a new task. But before proceeding to him, I went to complete the test of the greybeards.

Horn of Jurgen (end)

We make a quick transition to High Hrothgar. We find the “main” gray-beard (this can cause problems, because the compass sometimes turns on when pointing at a person, in general, run around their temple until you find it). And we give him the horn. He will say that now you need to officially recognize you as a Dovakin, and at the same time teach you a new word.

We go through the recognition procedure, at the same time studying the third word in the cry "Ruthless Force". Now you can return to the Dolphins task.

Diplomatic immunity

One of the most incomprehensible tasks on the first playthrough. But, I assure you, with repeated passages, you will get pleasure from it.

Returning to Riverwood, we speak with Delphine. She will tell you that you need to get into the Thalmor embassy and find out from them about the dragon. And you don’t actually have to make your way she organizes everything for you. Your task is to go to Solitude and meet Malborn there.

In order for you to survive, Malborn can carry a few items for you while you enter through the "front door" without weapons and armor. In a conversation with him, it is important to know one thing in Skyrim, you can transfer items to companions by pressing R when the corresponding window appears. It is enough to hand over the weapons to Malborn.

Passed now we go to Delphine, she is already nearby, outside the city at the stable (we look at the compass and no problems). She will give you formal clothes, and she will ask you to transfer all weapons and armor to her, for safety. You can give it to her, or you can throw it somewhere nearby. We give away things, put on formal clothes, say that we are ready and ... you are already “at a festive party”.

We approach the guard, we pass the invitation, we pass. In order for Malborn to lead you to the kitchen, you need something to distract the vacationers. To do this, we take a drink from him (in the dialogue “I want to drink), after which we start a conversation with this friend:

Give him a drink, then ask for one favor -> make some noise.

Then we approach Malborn. It is not necessary to start a dialogue. When Razelan starts to rage, he himself will open the door to the kitchen, and lead him to the chest, where the things that you gave him will lie. Next to the chest is a door you go there. From now on, you can chop everyone in a row.

You will need to clear one building, then go out into the courtyard, kill everyone there, go into the torture building, kill everyone there and loot 2 chests, after which the signs disappear (which again puts you in a stopper), but you just need to talk to the person who was tortured (the key to the camera is removed from the magician), free him, and then offer to get out. He will approach the hatch, ask him why he was tortured and you will find out what you need on the assignment. Now it remains only to get out, and the hatch is closed, what should I do? Around this time, or maybe you will need to wait a bit the guard will enter the house with the words “surrender, we took your accomplice” kill them (the elf who helped you will die quickly ... apparently there is no way to save him), and from one of the new arrivals guards you remove the key from the hatch ready, it remains only to go out through the dungeon (carefully, there is a troll), and meet with Delphine.

As a result, when you come to the "tough guys" in one shirt, you leave with pockets full of armor, weapons, potions, and other junk. And also good pumping!

A rat cornered

We return to Riverwood, and tell Delphine everything we learned about dragons. The next task is to find Esbern. To do this, we go to Riften (the city of thieves and robbers), and find Brynjolf there (in my case, he was in the Bee and Sting inn), who, by the way, is the head of the thieves guild. I don't know why the main storyline is connected with thieves, but you will have to complete one thief task in order to advance in the search.

For a detailed walkthrough of this quest, see the Thieves Guild page. A little advice if pickpocketing is not pumped save before the theft itself so that in case of failure, immediately boot up and try again.

After completing the task of Brynjolf, we go down to the dungeons under Riften (we go to the water, we find the stairs down, and there is a door), the dungeons are deep, consist of several sublevels:

  • Level 1 - robbers, kill everyone boldly;
  • Level 2 - the headquarters of the guild of thieves (if you wish, you can continue to complete their tasks);
  • Level 3 - Thalmor agents, kill everyone;
  • Level 4 is the level where you finally find the room with Esbern.

Talk to him, tell him who you are from and who you are he will open the door. And tell interesting things. At this point, this task ends, and immediately a new one begins.

What to do if Esbern does not say:

1. Open the console (~), enter the tcl command, go through the door and talk to esbern
2. He will start clicking the door wait
3. If he clicked and calmed down, but the door did not open, we speak again. And so on until the door opens.

Alduin's Wall

The old man will collect his things, and it's time to get out of this hole ... but it wasn't there, Thalmor agents break into the room and the battle begins. The old man turns out to be an excellent magician, and gives the enemies a good rebuff.

There is nothing complicated to the passage to it, except for the fact that it is very far to go, plus three dragons attacked along the road. And I won’t tell about Alduin’s wall itself, so as not to spoil the first impression, I’ll only tell you about the next riddles (this time not difficult):

Riddle #1

To go through one stage, you will need to lower the bridge, for which you need to deploy the stone figures as shown in the screenshot.

Riddle #2

A room with a fire trap (it fries very painfully), and stoves that react to the advance. Solution go only along the plates that represent the dragon (see screenshot), you will reach the fiery installation, pull the lever, and the trap will turn off.

At the end, you will be given an excursion into history, then a dialogue from which it becomes clear that nothing is clear. And you need to go to the gray-beards again.

I would like to say a special thank you to the developers for the behavior of partners in this task. How living people comment, view the environment, discuss puzzles, etc.

Throat of the World

In this task, get ready for excruciatingly long dialogues.

We return to the gray-bearded. Look for their leader again, and start a dialogue. You need to strive for the theme "Paarthurnax" -> "I want to meet him." After that, you will be taught a new cry, and they will show the way.

The whole road to Paarthurnax is in some kind of strange fog, which somehow has a bad effect on the character (I didn’t experiment what would happen if I stood in it), but with a new Shout this fog accelerates a long distance forward, so with the help of a shout and move to the top, to the most important "graybeard".

At the top, you will find an interesting plot twist, a new cry, and a choice of further path greybeards or blades.

ancient knowledge

On assignment, there is a choice to turn to the gray-beards, or to Esbern (blades). I chose the option with Esbern (although judging by the comments, there is not much difference between this choice) go back to the wall (he will be at the “back” exit) and tell him about the ancient scroll.

He will say that you need to turn to the magicians, because. they have a large library and centuries of knowledge. And he will send you to the College of Winterhold, it is also the guild of magicians (mark it on the map), it is located ... at the end of the world. We get there, at the entrance they will tell you that you can’t just enter you have to join the guild. And to enter show that you can use magic. You will be asked to demonstrate one of the spells, if you do not have it then the NPC will offer to sell it to you. We buy, demonstrate magical skills ready, you are even taken to the building. We are looking for the main thing in it Urag gro-Shuba. We talk with him about the scroll, knock out information from him until he gives an additional task "The Works of Shalidor".

Works by Shalidor

Note: This quest can be completed in different locations.

We need to find the records of one scientist we go to the marked dungeon. In the dungeon there will be one, already familiar puzzle a lever, rotating statues and a trap triggering when selected incorrectly. A clue to which statue to turn which side look on the opposite side. Two statues will show which figure needs to be deployed.

Then there will be another unexpected moment you will meet a strong dead man, after the murder he is reborn to life again. But in fact, there is no mystery in this case kill him several times, and he will stop resurrecting. Take the scientist's notes and return to the College of Winterhold.

We meet with Urag gro-Shuba and give him the found notes. He will say that it takes time to decipher. Scroll through two days and talk again. The manuscripts are deciphered, and a book will appear on the table to be read:

After that, we again speak with Urag gro-Shuba, and another additional task begins.

Beyond the ordinary

The conversation will be about the fact that there was one scientist who was very interested in the Draemer, and then went north and disappeared. You need to look for it. A little to the north, a point will be marked go there.

We find a scientist there, and after a long dialogue, we get two items - a dremer cube and a ball, and a new marked point on the map. Huge dremer dungeons await us there. By the way, in them, you can find an amulet with a 15% bonus to alchemy.

The dungeons are large, but there are no special mysteries. Of course, without traps and locked doors, you can’t do without a lever “you’ll find where” you can’t do it, here is one of the most difficult searches for a lever:

The grate is at the bottom, and the lever that opens it is at the top.

As a result, we will reach a room with an interesting device. Find the "control panel" there and install the cube:

Then the task ancient knowledge” will be completed, but we still need to write our “game” to the ball. To do this, simply remove the cube that you installed on the panel, and return it to the raving scientist.

We discuss this task separately on the Dwemer mechanism page.

Curse of Alduin

There will be a fight with the main dragon Alduin, but before that the Dragonbreaker cry will become available. The main villain himself does not sit down on the ground, you need to shoot him down with a dragon slayer, then chop / fry / freeze, on rollback using the dragon slayer cry (if you don’t use "he will fly away again and circle around).

We defeat him, but he says that it is impossible to kill him, and flies away.


After the victory, talk to the parthurnax. He will tell his plan how to finally defeat the villain. To do this, we need the help of the Jarl, we go to him.

Endless time

The task itself is not difficult, but you will find a lot of dialogues.

We speak with Jarl about the dragon and the end of the world. He will agree to help you, but only after the war in Skyrim is stopped. Now we need to do the impossible to reconcile the two sides that are not going to be reconciled, and each thinks only of its own victory. I did not join any side, so I acted neutral. I don’t know how the dialogues unfold there if you took the side of the Empire or the Stormcloaks.

We go to the gray-beards, we speak with Arpgeir, we ask him to announce a meeting on the conclusion of peace.

We go to the imperials, we speak with Tullius, we convince him to negotiate.

We go to the rebels, we speak with Ulfric, we convince him to negotiate.

We return to the gray-beards, the meeting is just beginning there, and our old familiar blades will also come without an invitation. And what is going on in the negotiations (if you delve into) generally horror. Everyone thinks only of his own, but somehow we (although I think that there is no bad outcome, but the situation is tense) persuade them to establish a temporary peace.

After the conclusion of peace, the task will be completed, but Delphine will also put in her five cents says that the parturnax must die. Your conversation will unlock the new quest Paarthurnax.

Fallen (continued)

With the temporary peace concluded, it's time to set a trap for Odahviing. To do this, we return to the Dragon Redistribution, and speak with the Jarl. He will say that everything is ready, everyone is waiting for your decision.

We say that we are starting, and we follow him. How to summon and catch Odahviing? Go out onto the balcony, use the "Dragon Challenge" shout (don't forget to hold it down so that the shout is complete), the dragon flies in, we shoot it down with the "Dragonbreaker", after which (no need to kill it!) gradually retreat into the depths of the "balcony", along rollback using dragon slayer so that he does not fly away. He will follow you into the depths, and then he will fall into a trap.

House of the World Eater

Talk to Odahviing. Now you need to let him go. To do this go upstairs and talk to the guard.

After that, we wait for him to come out to the edge of the balcony, talk to him again, and go on the dragon to Skuldafn.

We have to clear the territory and dungeons full of Draugs, as well as new puzzles:

The first puzzle with movable plates, the first position opens the right grate (there is a chest with junk), the second the left one, along which we continue to explore the dungeon:

And the third riddle, with a door with spinning rings, there will be a draug in front of it, after killing it, we remove the “Diamond Claw” from it, on the back of which a hint is given:

After that, we go outside, to the portal, but do not rush to teleport, somewhere nearby there will be a cool representative of the underworld Nakrin. After killing him, we remove his mask (+50 to magic, spells of destruction and restoration consume 20% less magic) and staff. The staff will be needed to start the portal again (stand on the place indicated by the task and press E), then jump into it.


Welcome to the realm of the dead. A very beautiful place, but blackened by Alduin. We go along the arrow, meet with Tsun, pass the test, and get into the hall of the ancients.


Congratulations, you have reached the very end.

After the victory, talk to Tsun to return to the mortal world.


The storyline is great. For a long time, the storylines in games have not been so impressive. The main thing play on the highest possible difficulty for you, so that "winning" would feel like a real victory.

Now, by using the "Dragon Call" shout on open area, the dragon Odahviing will fly to your aid.

Simple dragons will still be caught as simple monsters.

It took 40 hours to complete the main storyline, only slightly distracted by something else.

The description of the passage was written after one passage, of course, it may somewhere be incomplete or subjective. Ask questions, add I will make amendments. With the exception of the plot itself I tried to say as little as possible about it, so as not to spoil your first impression of a personal passage.

Walkthrough |

In this walkthrough, spoilers are found at every turn. I warned you.

Walkthrough of the main story

Walkthrough of the main story

To freedom!

You start in a wagon as a prisoner. And so throughout all the parts, how much is possible? Look around and get to know your "cellmates". A little later we learn that we are being taken to the execution.

Upon arrival, we get off the wagon and introduce ourselves. At this point, we choose a race. It all depends on your preferences. After we have chosen a race, we watch a scene during which the Nord's head is cut off, and we are next in line, but then a dragon arrives and scares everyone away. Taking advantage of the turmoil, we run.

Walkthrough of the main story

Walkthrough of the main story

We jump to the roof of the tavern, and from there we jump down, hiding from the fire of the dragon. And then we decide with whom to run. FROM Halford(Empire) or Ralof(The Storm Brothers). After that, we try on armor, kill a couple of imperial soldiers and run away deep into the castle.

After that, we kill a couple more imperial soldiers, and our squad is replenished with new fighters. Here we find master keys and break open our first lock in Skyrim.

After that, we again fight with the soldiers and observe a collapse that blocked the retreat path. In the cave we fight with spiders, and a little deeper we fight with a bear or bypass it. I decided to shoot him.

Walkthrough of the main story

Walkthrough of the main story

Before the storm

Once you exit the cave, follow your companion. After a while, you will find Guardian Stones that increase your abilities. There are only three stones: magician, warrior, thief. After choosing your stone, go further: to Riverwood. On the outskirts of the village, you will have to wipe your weapons against a couple of representatives of the local fauna in the face of wolves.

Walkthrough of the main story

Walkthrough of the main story

After that, we get acquainted with the relatives of our comrade-in-arms and, after a little chat, we go to Whiterun with a message.

On the outskirts of Whiterun we see how "Companions" beat the spirit out of the giant, who suddenly appeared on the farm. We help them and go to Whiterun, where a guard stops us in front of the gate. We tell him that Riverwood is in danger, and he lets us through.

We immediately head to the jarl in Dragonreach and report the situation in Helgen.

windy peak

We follow the jarl to the court magician Farengor he sends us to Windy Peak behind the dragon tablet.

On the outskirts of Windy Peak, we will take down more than one bandit's head. There will also be bandits in the building: two by the fire, one by the room with a riddle.

Blow everyone's heads off and solve the puzzle.

Walkthrough of the main story

Walkthrough of the main story


After that, go further, kill the rats, and also cut through the web to go to the next room, where you will fight with a huge spider. After that, free the dark elf from the web, and watch how he ingloriously perish under the onslaught of the draugr. Or you can end his "suffering" yourself by hitting him with an ax... on the head. Remove from his body golden claw, which will also come in handy for a side quest with the same name. After that, two more locations are waiting for us: with draugrs, traps, and a troll (depending on the level of the character). Having passed all the tests, we finally reach the door on which we can apply Golden Key, the sequence can be seen on the key itself, in inventory.

Having solved the riddle, we pass on and admire the majestic hall. Here we can learn the first cry ( "Ruthless Force"), then comes out of the coffin Draugr Lord. We kill him and remove the tablet from him. Now you can return to Whiterun and give the dragon tablet to Farengor.

dragon in the sky

Anxiety! A dragon was seen at one of the outposts. We go up the stairs to the top floor, and listen to the guard. It turns out that the dragon was seen on Western outpost. We move out there.

On the spot we see one ashes. We are looking for survivors, and we find one guard, he screams that the dragon is returning. At the dragon, you can cast spells or shoot from a bow, and also get involved in fist close combat. After the victory, the soul of the dragon will pass to you, and the guards will groan and groan, and shout that you are the Fool Dovakin.

Walkthrough of the main story

Walkthrough of the main story

Do you remember that you were called by the Greybeards? So what are you worth? Dress up in your best armor, sharpen your steel sword and embark on an exciting new journey. Move north from whiterun and go around the mountain. After a while you will find yourself in a village Ivarstead.

Walkthrough of the main story

Walkthrough of the main story

Here you can help the locals in the study of the catacombs that were flooded with "ghosts". Once you've dealt with that, head up the numerous steps to Hrothgar Keep. As I thought, they are already waiting for us with open arms and prophesying a great future, but for starters, we will be shown two new screams. But at first there will be a long and tedious conversation. After that, talk to the monk Einart and he will "spit out" a new syllable for shouting "Ruthless Force". Memorize it and practice: we will be offered three times to bring down one of the monk's emanations. We shoot down, after that we follow Borri, and memorize the cry "Rapid Rush", test this shout and complete the task.

Horn of Jurgen

Walkthrough of the main story

Walkthrough of the main story

The Greybeards ask to bring us a powerful artifact: "Horn of Jurgen". By this you will prove that you are a powerful Dovakin and that you can rely on. Let's go to Ustengrav and watch a fun fight. Almost everyone fights here: necromancers, bandits, draugrs. You can leave them and go down further along the location, killing only those who really interfere. After a while, you will enter a room with a riddle. It is solved with the help of a new cry. The essence is this: go past three stones (more precisely, run on a sprint), and as soon as the gate opens, use a shout "Rapid Rush". We pass fire traps, kill vile spiders and come to the place. And we see that we were furnished, and on the pedestal there is a note with the meeting place. Heading to riverwood.

Blade in the Dark

Upon arrival in Riverwood, go to a local tavern and rent an apartment in the attic. Go into it and go to bed: Delphine will come up to you. She will give you the horn and offer to go with her on business. We need to go to "Kin's Grove" and kill the dragon that revives Alduin.

There are no questions, having forged armor, we go to this grove. Thankfully it's not very far away.

Upon arrival, a girl stops us and asks us to turn back. Everything is clear, the process has begun. We run onto the cliff, and we see that Alduin is resurrecting his brother. We take out the bow and shoot it. Or chop into cabbage. Or throw lightning. In general, we send back to a slightly inanimate state.

Walkthrough of the main story

Walkthrough of the main story

After his death, we learn that Delphine is a blade, a former bodyguard of the emperor and a dragon slayer. This is where the task ends.

Diplomatic immunity

We need to get into Thalmor Embassy. First we go to Solitude, to the tavern "Laughing Rat", we give the things that will be useful to us on the mission to Malborn, after that we go to the stable, give Delphine all the things that we don’t need, pick up elegant clothes, put them on, get into the wagon and go to the reception.

We give the invitation to the Aldmer "security" and get into the hall where we are met by Elenwen. Now we need to distract all the guests. We take the Colovian brandy from the servant and give it to the drunk, for which he distracts everyone present, and you enter the kitchen. Or you can convince an Aldmeri lord that you need help and that he is also a distraction when he picks on Razelan.

Walkthrough of the main story

Walkthrough of the main story

Taking a weapon, we chop everyone into cabbage (or pretend to be a chameleon, but going through everything covertly, given the narrow corridors - a non-trivial task) and go out to Fresh air. There, too, we chop everyone into small slices (or again a chameleon, it will be easier here) and go into the building.

Once in the building, you can eavesdrop on a conversation between two people, or you can immediately rudely interrupt their conversation. After that, go down to the basement. There you kill the guards, you can free Etienne Rarnis- This is a guild thief. After that, climb into the chest, and rake in all the dossiers, but we only need one thing: Dossier on Esberna.

As soon as you gather, you will be hailed by 3 elves who have captured Malborn. In a fit of rage, you tear off enemy scalps, take the keys to the hatch and, together with Etienne and Malborn, dump out of this hole into the cave. In the cave, kill the troll and go out into the fresh air.

Don't forget to take your items from Delphine's chest.

A rat cornered

Now we need to find Esbern. We run or teleport to Riften and immediately go down to "Rat Hole". The thieves' guild is located there, and there we learn that Esbern is already being hunted by the Thalmor squad, so be careful.

Walkthrough of the main story

Walkthrough of the main story

After you fight your way through the Thalmor to Esbern's door, he won't want to open it for you. We tell him the password: "Remember the 30th Beginnings of Frost". And he lets us through, and after he finds out that you are Dovakin, he asks to bring him to Delphine.

Alduin's Wall

But happiness did not last long, another Thalmor detachment is standing outside the door. I had to prove to them whose swords are sharper.

After that, go to riverwood, and get a new task after a long conversation between Delphine and Esbern. After that we go to "Camp Kartspire", and there we fight off a whole camp of outcasts, and after that, from the arrived dragon. Although you can set enemies against each other and watch this spectacle while eating a sweet roll.

After the battle, we go to the "Heavenly Temple". There we kill the dragon, go through two puzzles and finally get into the central hall.

Walkthrough of the main story

Walkthrough of the main story

In order to open the door to the central hall, you donate some of your blood. We go further: we are waiting for "Alduin's Wall". After "reading" this wall, it becomes clear that Alduin was defeated with a scream, but which one is unknown. Well, when it comes to screaming, there is no better advice than to suggest that you turn to the Greybeards.

Throat of the World

Once we get to the Greybeards, they will turn on us for working with the Blades.

Walkthrough of the main story

Walkthrough of the main story

We give them a rebuff, ask about the cry. It turns out that they also do not know anything, but they will send us to their teacher: to Parthurnax. And for this they will teach us a new cry: "Clear sky".

We scatter the clouds and make our way to the main peak of all Tamriel. It turns out that Paarthurnax is a dragon. Do not panic, he is friendly and even understands human speech. He also knows nothing about this cry, but asks us to find Elder Scroll, and swears that from it we will learn everything that we need.

Upon entering the College, head to Arcanum, there you will learn that a mad scientist studied the Elder Scrolls, but now he is in hiding.

Walkthrough of the main story

Walkthrough of the main story

Beyond the ordinary

Having learned the location of this scientist, run to him through the ice floes and sand, ignoring the burning frost. After a while you will find yourself in a cave to Septimius Segonius. He will tell you where the "Elder Scrolls" are located, and also give a Dwemer dictionary, which must be filled out on a special stand.

We need to get to the Dwemer ruins "Alftand". To do this, we exterminate the bandits, marauders and all evil spirits that have taken their place in front of the entrance to the ruins.

We find ourselves in typical Dwemer ruins. Centurions, mechanical spiders, dead or crazed adventurers.

Through all this miracle we make our way to the second level of the ruins. Falmers are waiting for us there, plus everything that was on the first level, that's how things are. So just exterminate everything alive and just moving. Before entering the next location, we will see adventurers who have not shared something. Kill them (it will not work to reconcile) and go down to the hall of indescribable beauty.

Walkthrough of the main story

Walkthrough of the main story The hall may be beautiful, but it is also dangerous, as Falmer roam here, who can, without any scruples of conscience, shoot you with an arrow in one place. We need to clear our way to "Mzark Tower". There is a huge machine there. We put a dictionary on it, we poke the first 2 buttons in turn, and then the 2 buttons that open. With this we fill in the dictionary and open the cell in which the "Ancient Scroll".

Walkthrough of the main story

Walkthrough of the main story

My charm

Curse of Alduin

This is probably the easiest and fastest quest, apart from the fight with Alduin. Just stand on the highest point of Skyrim, go to inventory and apply "Ancient Scroll".

Walkthrough of the main story

Walkthrough of the main story

A script cutscene is activated, in which we see 3 heroes fighting against Alduin and using a shout "Dragonbreaker". Just what we were looking for. As soon as you learn how to scream, Alduin will fly in and begin to "arise". Shout at him with another shout, he descends to the ground, and you hit him. Repeat until you win. After that, Alduin will fly away.

After Alduin has flown away, we turn to Paarthurnax and find out that only a single dragon can lead us to this "worm". We go to Jarl Balgruuf (Whiterun) and ask for help in capturing the dragon. But he asks to negotiate a truce, otherwise he will not help.

Walkthrough of the main story

Walkthrough of the main story

There is nowhere to go, we are negotiating.

After negotiations, we return to the jarl and say that we are ready to catch the dragon. After that, we go to the location "Dragon's Reach". We call on the dragon, wait, shout at him with "Dragonbreaker", and bring him to a trap. Whoops! Bird in a trap.

We talk with the dragon, conclude an agreement with him, release him from the shackles and after that we fly on it to the shelter Alduina.

Walkthrough of the main story

Walkthrough of the main story

Endless time

We come to Arngeir, so that he negotiates. At first he refuses, but then he agrees and asks for no negotiations. General Tullius(Solitude) and Jarl Ulfric(Windhelm). At first they also break down, but when you give them weighty arguments, they agree to sit at the same table. After that we return to "High Hrothgar". By the way, representatives of the blades arrived at the negotiations: Delphine and Esbern.

Walkthrough of the main story

Walkthrough of the main story

What is TES without Blades?

Finally, everyone gathered and sat down, waiting only for you. Sit down and listen to the people gathered, for the most part Tullius and Ulfric will speak, the latter will jump up from the table, but under the gaze of Dovakin, he immediately sits down and calms down. For the most part, they will discuss to whom, which city to give, and which to leave.

Walkthrough of the main story

Walkthrough of the main story

You decide. The results of the negotiations will come back to haunt you when you complete the Civil War questline. Personally, I gave Ulfric Markarth and Falkreath, and I gave Tullia Riften.

After negotiations, Esbern will teach Dovakin a new cry that can lure Odavinga

At this level, we again kill the draugr, go into the room, pull the lever and open the door.

After that we kill Dragon Priest and remove the diamond claw from it, which will help us open the door.

Walkthrough of the main story

Walkthrough of the main story


After you open the door, you will see a tablet on which you can learn a new shout "Thunder Call". It is useful if you are surrounded by a lot of enemies.

After that, we go out into the fresh air, kill the draugr, the dragon and the dragon priest, from which you can remove one of the eight magical masks. We remove the mask and his staff from the priest. We leave the mask to ourselves, and use the staff to open the portal to sovngarde.

Sovngarde and Dragonslayer

Walkthrough of the main story

Walkthrough of the main story

Finally, the final is not far off. Follow the path and after a while you will meet brother of the storm, which will ask you to guide him through the fog. We blow the fog with the help of a cry and move on.

At the entrance to the local analogue of "Valhalla" you will be met by an overgrown Nord Tsun, and in order to get there, you will have to fight him. Remember the saying: "The big closet falls loudly." There is a similar situation here.

After the battle, you find yourself in Shor's Hall, and you see that the heroes of the past who fought Alduin are ready to fight him again. It's in our hands.

We go out into the street, and disperse the fog with common efforts. Repeat three times, after that Alduin will appear, and then he will take skill up. I hope you stocked up on potions and properly enchanted and improved your armor and weapons, because the fight will be serious.

Walkthrough of the main story

Walkthrough of the main story

After the battle, you will be sent back to reality. And also give a spell that calls warrior of Sovngarde help you.

Walkthrough Skyrim

Let's start the passage of Skyrim. Today we will look at the passage of the main missions. The game begins with your character's journey to the execution along with the Stormcloaks. They, like you, broke the law, and now you have to go to the gods. A dragon who attacked the Imperials saves you from a sad end. His fiery breath can harm not only your enemies, so quickly run to the tower, which will protect you from fire. Next, together with Hadward, whom you find at a neighboring house, go to the fortress. After emptying all the chests and killing the Storm Brothers along the way, exit the fortress along the bridge and walk along the river bank. Be prepared for the attack of spiders, bears and other animals.

After that, go to Uncle Hadvar, and from him to the city with an assignment to report a dragon attack. The jarl will send troops to deal with the monster, and you will be asked to complete several tasks for his court sorcerer.

Mage Farengar will ask you to find a Dragonstone for him. To do this, go to the temple, which is located on the top of the mountain, deal with the bandits here, go to the Windy Peak Sanctuary and take the stone from Draugr the Lord. After that, return back to the jarl and receive your reward.

Now you have to defeat the winged monster that was seen nearby. After the dragon is defeated, you will receive a new title, housecarl and weapons. The meeting with the housecarl will take place on the way to High Hrothgar, where the Greybeards are waiting for you to talk. Along the way, take training from Arngeiner and take a new assignment from him, which is to bring Jurgen's horn to Arngeiner. It is located in Ustengreve. To complete this mission, you will have to dodge through the swamps for quite some time, fight bandits and necromancers, and bypass several traps. As a result, you will enter the hall, but you will not find the horns here. Instead, there will be a note from which you will learn that your friend took the artifact. To meet him, head to the Sleeping Giant Tavern in Riverwood. Take the horn from Delphine and take a new task from her. Before proceeding with its implementation, take it to the mountain to the Greybeards. Next, go to the Grove of Keene, where there is another dragon. You need to kill him, and then you will receive any information you need from Delphine. Here you will meet Iddra, who will report that the dragon has already managed to fly outside the city to call a new dragon to life. Destroy the freshly baked demon and absorb its soul to convince Delphine that you are Dragonborn and get answers to your questions.

After that, at the request of Delphine, go to the Laughing Rat in Solitude to meet with the elf Malborn. Give him the weapon and go to meet Delfina at Katla's farm. Change into the clothes that she will offer, and go to the embassy for a holiday. Find Malborn inside, persuade Razelan to arrange a small brawl, and sneak out of the hall under the guise. Take the weapons from the pantry and go in search of information in the room of Elenwen, the local ambassador.

After that, return to the expanses of Skyrim, meet Delphine, tell her about your discoveries and go in search of Esbern. First go to meet Brynjolf in Riften. Try to complete a task for him - steal the ring. If all else fails, head to the Ragged Flagon, where you can pay some money to the bartender to find out about Esbern's location. Find him, find out about the black dragon you saw, and escort the old man to Delphine. You can also go straight to Sky Haven Temple instead of Delphine, where Esbern will inspect Alduin's wall and make a verdict on how to defeat the winged monster.

Next, go to Arngeir to pass extra education and meet with his leader Paarthurnax. The leader of the Greybeards tells you where you can find the description of the Shout "Dragonbreaker" - the only one that can kill a black dragon. Head to Arngeir to discuss the information you've just received. He will send you to the College of Winterhold, where you will need to find the orc Uraga gro-Shuva. He will tell you something new about dragons there and send it further - to Septimius Segon, the author of one of the books on the topic that interests you. The scientist, as usual, will agree to help you in exchange for a certain service. After you make notes on behalf of the scientist, go to Alftand. Beware of deadly traps as you walk through the Animatorium and Alftand Cathedral. In the tower of Mzark, take the Elder Scroll, which contains the description of the Shout "Dragonbreaker". You can read it in the Throat of the World on a time gap. After that, you can start attacking the black dragon. During the battle, the dragon will try to fly away from you, and you will need to find a place where he will hide. To do this, go to the Dragon's Reach, ask the local jarl to help you catch and extort from some dragon where the black dragon is hiding. In order to achieve what you want, you will first have to complete the assignment of the Jarl to reconcile the Imperials and the Stormcloaks. Pay a visit to General Ulfik Berevestnik and General Tullius, persuade them to come to the Greybeards. After that, go to the Imperials and get them to agree to participate in the negotiations.

Now you can capture some dragon and lock it in a dungeon in Dragonsreach. From him you will learn where the dragon you are looking for is hiding. Now you need to travel to Skuldafn by air on a captured dragon, and from there to the portal to Sovngarde. Along the way, you will need to destroy the draugs and their master.

In the Soul City of Sovngarde, go to the Hall of Valor where the Nord Heroes are located to ally with them. All you need after that is to get rid of the fog and attack the black dragon that has arrived. After he is killed, return to Skyrim. This will complete the main mission.

Beginning of the game:

(carriage ride from the 4th minute; dragon attack from the 16th minute; action starts from the 18th minute).

Dragonstone Hike:

(watch from the beginning).

Quest "Horn of Jurgen":

(start watching from the 1st minute).

Main quest "Dragon Slayer":

(the most interesting starts from the 2nd minute; the fight with the dragon - from the 4th minute).

general information

Health, magic, stamina

Health, Magic and Endurance are the three most important parameters of your character. They increase each time you level up, but you can only choose one of their parameters.

The health boost increases the time you can fight without using healing potions and spells, or before being killed.

The number of points invested in Magic determines the number of spells you can use.

The Stamina parameter, in turn, affects the use of enhanced attacks and two-handed weapons. This is a very important indicator, which is often underestimated.


As in previous projects The series Elder Scroll, at the beginning of the game you will have to create a character, which means choosing one of the available races for him.

Each of the races featured in Skyrim has strengths and unique specializations. But keep in mind - no matter which race you choose, at the beginning you will receive two standard spells:

Flames - A ball of fire that deals 8 damage per second to the target.

Healing - Heals the caster at a rate of 10 HP per second.

Bretons, Dark Elves and High Elves get one more spell at the start - individual for each of them - Conjure Familiar (Breton), Sparks ( dark elves), Fury (high elves).



Living in the deadly swamps that are home to these intelligent reptiles has made the Argonians resistant to disease. In addition, representatives of this people have the ability to breathe underwater, and the Histskin ability allows them to quickly restore health.

Racial Bonuses:

  • Lockpicking +10
  • Alteration +5
  • Light armor(Light Armor) +5
  • Sneak +5
  • Racial skills:
  • Thick skin (Histskin) - 10 times the acceleration of health recovery for 60 seconds;
  • Resist Disease 50%
  • Breathing under water (Underwater Breathing).



Bretons are masters of magic. They quickly learn and master new spells, and the Dragonskin ability gives them additional protection from enemy mages.

Racial Bonuses:

  • Conjuration +10
  • Alchemy +5
  • Illusion Mastery +5
  • Restoration +5
  • Alteration +5
  • Communication (Speech) +5

Racial skills:

  • Dragon skin (Dragonskin) - absorption of 50% magic damage for 60 seconds
  • Magicka Resistance 25%
  • Additional starting spell:
  • Conjure Familiar - Summons a companion to help you for 60 seconds.


Dark elves

In my homeland - in Morrowind - the dark elves are called Dunmer. Representatives of this people are known for their talents in magic and penchant for covert actions. In addition, the dark elves have a pronounced predisposition to fire - they have an innate resistance to this element. In a critical situation, dark elves are able to call upon the powers of their ancestors and surround themselves with a fiery aura.

Racial Bonuses:

  • Destruction +10
  • Alchemy +5
  • Illusion +5
  • Alteration +5
  • Light Armor +5
  • Sneak +5

Racial abilities:

  • Fire resistance 50%
  • Ancestor's Wrath - A fiery aura lasting 60 seconds that deals 8 damage per second to all nearby enemies.
  • Sparks - A lightning strike that deals 8 damage to health and magic per second.


high elves

The High Elves, or Altmer, are even more adept at the art of magic than their dark cousins, and are in fact the best mages in Tamriel. Art and innate powers allow them to quickly restore magical energy.

Racial Bonuses:

  • Illusion +10
  • Magic Mastery (Conjuration) +5
  • Destruction +5
  • Alteration +5
  • Enchanting +5

Racial abilities:

  • 50 additional magic points
  • Highborn (Highborn) - accelerated recovery of magic for 60 seconds

Additional starting spell:

  • Rage (Fury) - within 30 seconds, all people and creatures of level 6 and below begin to attack nearby targets.



The natives of Cyrodiil are born diplomats and merchants. No matter how much they earn, they always want more. This desire made them good warriors and magicians - the roads of Tamriel are dangerous. And if the situation is not in favor of the Imperials, they can calm the enemies with the Voice of the Emperor.

Racial Bonuses:

  • Restoration +10
  • Destruction +5
  • Enchanting +5
  • Heavy Armor +5
  • Block +5

Racial abilities:

  • Voice of the Emperor - Calms nearby enemies for 60 seconds.
  • Imperial Luck - Getting more money.



Khajiit are naturally smart, agile, and swift, making them ideal thieves. All Khajiit see perfectly in the dark, and their fingers end in claws that allow them to successfully attack without weapons.

Racial Bonuses:

  • Sneak +10
  • Alchemy +5
  • One-handed weapon (One-Handed) +5
  • Shooting (Archery) +5
  • Lockpicking +5
  • Pickpocketing (Pickpocket) +5

Racial abilities:

  • Claws - Deal 15 damage.
  • Night Vision - Improves visibility in the dark for 60 seconds.



The natives of Scarim are tall and blond, strong and hardy. Among their other talents, the Nords are renowned for their resistance to cold and martial prowess. Their furious battle cries put the opponents to flight.

Racial Bonuses:

  • Two-handed weapons (Two-Handed) +10
  • Smithing +5
  • Block +5
  • One-handed weapon (One-Handed) +5
  • Light Armor +5
  • Communication (Speech) +5

Racial abilities:

  • Battlecry - Makes the target flee for 30 seconds.
  • Cold resistance 50%.



Humanoid barbarians from the rugged mountains are prized in Tamriel for their martial prowess. Ork units clad in heavy armor are considered among the best in the Empire. When Orcs go berserk, no one can stop them.

Racial Bonuses:

  • Heavy Armor +10
  • Enchanting +5
  • Smithing +5
  • Block +5
  • Two-handed weapons (Two-handed) +5
  • One-handed weapon (One-Handed) +5

Racial abilities:

  • Berserker (Beserker) - for 60 seconds, orcs attack twice as hard and take half as much damage.



The most gifted warriors of Tamriel, the Regards of Hammerhell, are stocky and immune to poison. The adrenaline rush in combat keeps them from feeling fatigued for longer.

Racial Bonuses:

  • One-handed weapon +10
  • Destruction +5
  • Alteration +5
  • Smithing +5
  • Block +5
  • Shooting (Archery) +5

Racial abilities:

  • Adrenaline Rush - For 60 seconds, stamina regenerates 10 times faster.
  • Poison resistance 50%.


Wood elves

The third elven branch of Tamriel call themselves the Bosmer. From wood elves they make excellent scouts and thieves, and in the art of archery they have no equal at all. Innate resistance makes them immune to poison and disease, and living in the forest has taught them to call on animals for help.

Racial Bonuses:

  • Archery (Archery) +10
  • Alchemy +5
  • Light Armor +5
  • Sneak +5
  • Lockpicking +5
  • Pickpocketing (Pickpocket) +5

Racial abilities:

  • Poison and disease resistance 50%.
  • Command Animals - Makes an animal an ally for 60 seconds.


Combat system

There are three types of combat in Skyrim - melee, ranged, and magical. New control and character development features debuting in Skyrim allow for more precise and variable customization of the hero to suit your play style.

Crimes and punishments

The life of Skyrim heroes is often associated with crime. But for every violation of the law, if you, of course, get caught, the inevitable punishment will follow.
Each city has its own criminal chronicles, so having a good legacy in one place, you can trade relatively safely in another.
Not every action is considered a crime. For example, no one will punish you for violence in self-defense. Also, duels are not considered crimes.

Penalties for crimes are:

  • unrest - 5 gold;
  • pickpocketing - 25 gold;
  • stealing a red item - half the cost of the item;
  • horse theft - 50 gold;
  • attack - 40 gold;
  • vampirism - 40 gold;
  • cannibalism - 40 gold;
  • jailbreak - 100 gold;
  • killing - 1,000 gold;
  • werewolf - 1,000 gold;
  • vampirism 4th stage - death.


Enchanting will help you make the hero's equipment stronger and customize it to the specific needs of the character.

To successfully enchant you need to know a few things:

1 - To learn an enchantment, you must first learn the enchanted item. This requires the actual item and Arcane Enchanter. Choose something cheaper - the subject will be destroyed in the process of studying.

2 - Soul Gems

To enchant, you need a full spirit stone. Such stones can be found on travels or bought from merchants. To infuse the stone, use the Soul Trap spell. Please note that some opponents, such as skeletons, do not have a soul. Also, in most cases, Soul Trap cannot be used against humanoid creatures.

3 - Enchantment

When enchanting an item, it should be borne in mind that the “higher quality” the soul, the more charge the weapon will receive, which directly affects the strength of the enchantment effect.

4 - Recharge

Enchanted weapons have a charge that is consumed while the weapon is being used. Follow this indicator. With the help of the Spirit Stone, you can recharge an item when its charge is reduced or ends completely.



Vampirism is a serious disease that can affect a resident of Skyrim. It develops in several stages over three days and ends with the transformation into a vampire. Every day you will receive a notification that you are infected. To delay the transformation, you need to drink a cure disease potion (Cure Disease), visit the Sanctuary (Shrine) or drink blood (for this you need to sneak up on a sleeping victim).
To cure vampirism, you need to turn to a magician named Falion (Falion) from Morthal (Morthal). The ritual requires a filled Black Soul Gem.

Benefits of vampirism:

  • complete immunity to diseases;
  • complete immunity to poisons;
  • 25% Illusion spell amplification;
  • 25% quiet movement improvement;
  • cold resistance +25% per stage.

Disadvantages of vampirism:

  • stages 1-3 - others notice your pallor;
  • stage 4 - others attack for no reason;
  • rejection of sunlight - from 5 am to 7 pm life, magic and stamina are not restored;
  • stage 1 - decrease in the number of points of life, magic and endurance by 15%, 25% vulnerability to fire;
  • stage 2 - decrease in the number of points of life, magic and endurance by 30%, 50% vulnerability to fire;
  • stage 3 - decrease in the number of points of life, magic and endurance by 45%, 75% vulnerability to fire;
  • stage 1 - decrease in the number of points of life, magic and endurance by 50%, 100% vulnerability to fire.

Vampire abilities


Stage 1

  • Vampire Vision - improved vision in the dark for one minute;
  • Vampiric wither - a special destruction spell, the target loses 2 health points per second;
  • Servant of the Vampire - Resurrects a dead creature of level 6 or lower as a defender once a day for 60 seconds.

Stage 2:

  • Vampire Seduction - Creatures and people of level 8 and below do not attack and avoid the vampire for 30 seconds;
  • Vampiric Withering - damage increases to 3 health points per second;
  • Servant of the vampire - begins to affect creatures up to level 13.

Stage 3:

  • Vampiric wither - damage increases to 4 health points per second;
  • Servant of the vampire - begins to affect creatures up to level 21.

Stage 4:

  • Embrace of the shadow - once a day, vampire vision and invisibility for 3 minutes;
  • Vampire wither - damage increases to 5 health points per second;
  • Servant of the vampire - begins to affect creatures up to level 30.

Part 1. Free (Unbound)

Like most games, Skyrim starts with learning the basics. Once you gain control of the character, follow the soldier. He will teach you how to run and jump. Then Hadvar will explain the basics of combat. Once you get to the armory, search both chests and pick up light imperial armor and an iron sword.


Arm yourself and go to the gate. When they open, you will have to fight a couple of soldiers.

Follow Hadvar. After the battle between legionnaires and soldiers, read the books lying on the tables nearby. This will earn you extra skill points. And in the box nearby there are master keys.


Hack the cage nearby. Inside there is magic potion, a few coins, a book with a spell of Sparks (Sparks) and the body of a magician. If you pick up the corpse, you will receive the quest of the magical path of development.

Inspect other cells and cages, and then go down to the next hall, where you will have to fight with four more soldiers.

Keep moving down. After a skirmish with five more soldiers, turn left and walk until you find a sleeping bear. At this point, you will receive a bow and arrows. Sneak past the bear or kill it with Hadvar.


The exit is just a stone's throw away. This is the last chance to change anything in your character. If everything suits you - go ahead, to freedom.

Part 2. Before the storm (Before the Storm)

After the escape, Hadvar will offer to go with him to Riverwood (Riverwood) and meet with his uncle Alvor (Alvor). If you agree, you will learn more about the Legion and get your first companion.
Go to a small town at the foot of the hill.

When you enter Riverwood, look for Alvor. His house is the first on the left. Talk to the blacksmith. Ask about supplies, and then talk about what happened in Helghan. Be sure to ask about Whiterun and Jarl Balgraaf during the conversation.


In Riverwood, you can find another companion - Sven (Sven) or Faendal (Faendal). They're both predominantly archers, so there's not much difference. Both will ask you to take the fake letter to Camilla Valerius. You can find her on the streets of the town or in her brother's shop. Give her the letter, but lie about who the author is. After you return to the real author, he will become your partner.

In Valerius' shop, talk to the older brother Lucan and learn about the missing golden claw. A marker will appear on your map indicating the location of the Barrow Falls Barrow. If you talk to Camille, she will take you to the mounds. The search for the golden claw begins.

Part 3. The Golden Claw

Passing through the mountains in the north, you will come to the Barrow Falls (Bleak Falls Barrow). Enemies will be waiting for you along the way in Barrow itself, but it will be quite easy to deal with them, especially if you arm yourself with a shield or healing magic. When you see the door on the right, go in and get inside the Barrow. In the first room you will come across two bandits and several chests and boxes where you can find interesting and useful things.


Climb down, destroying all the oncoming bandits along the way. You will see a riddle, the answer to which is on the nearest columns. Rotate them so that the images of two snakes and a fish are facing you. This will open the gate leading to the basement. Gather spirit stones and loot chests until local rats attack you. They are quite easy to deal with - a serious battle lies ahead when you go down the spiral staircase and cut through the cobwebs on the left. In a fight with a giant spider, beware of poison - it is much stronger than that of ordinary arachnids.


After the death of the creature on the left you will find Arvil, tangled in the web. Release him, but don't let him go, but kill him. He has a golden claw, but he does not want to part with the relic, so it is much easier to deal with him right away.

Keep moving down, where there will be new opponents - undead Draugrs (Undead Draugrs). They are vulnerable to fire, so it's a good idea to switch to destruction magic.


Move on, beware of traps along the way. At the end of the hall you will find a chest with potions and arrows. Pull the chain next to it to open the gate. Behind them you will find two chests and the way further - to the north into another cave. There you will meet another strong opponent, and then two more weak ones in the next room. Climb the stairs on the right and follow the left wall until you reach a bridge. Soon you will see a door with a lock in the form of a clawed paw. If you look at the claw in your inventory, you will see a clue - a bear, a butterfly, an owl. Collect the combination and attach the claw to the notch - the door will open.


Climb down and enter the tomb. On the wall you will see a phrase in dragon language that will teach you the first Shout - Unrelenting Force. Learning words of power will revive a particularly strong Draugr. After defeating him, you will receive a Dragon Stone. Explore the area carefully - there are many valuable things around.


Nothing else holds you in this place - you can return to Riverwood. Take the Golden Claw to Lucan for a reward. The next destination is Whiterun.

Part 4: Dragon Rising

Head out of Riverwood to the northwest. The city of Whiterun is located there. True, the guards will not want to let you inside - pay for the passage, persuade them or report that you have arrived to meet with the jarl.

Once inside, find the jarl and tell him about what happened in Helghan. He will send you to the magician Farengar, who will ask you to look for the Dragonstone at the waterfall. But we've been there before, right? So we just give the stone and find out that the dragon attacked the western watchtower.


Go outside and follow Ireleth to the tower. Your first fight with a dragon is waiting for you.
After the victory, you will be able to absorb the soul of the dragon. By combining it with the word of power learned from the waterfall, you will be able to use the first Shout. Show it to the Whiterun guards and they will be recognized as a Dragonborn.


Return to the jarl and tell about what happened. Your path will now take you to High Hrothgar. The last thing you can do in Whiterun is to call another companion with you - Lydia.

High Hrothgar is on top of a tall mountain to the south. It will be very difficult to climb it ahead - it is much easier to go through the village of Ivarstead, located on the northeastern slope of the mountain.

After passing through the village, you can go to the top. Along the way, you will meet wolves, tigers, and even ice trolls. In the latter case, it's a good idea to head back to Ivarstid's gate and enlist the help of the guards.


After reaching the top, go inside Hrothgar. The Greybears living there will teach you how to use the Voice. You have to pass several tests before you learn a new Shout.


Once you have mastered this power, the Greybeards will give you a new task - to find the Horn of Jurgen Windkeller. It is worth starting the search from Ustengrav - an area far to the north near Solitude (Solitude).

Part 6. Horn of Jurgen Windkeller (Horn of Jurgen Windkeller)

Jurgen's grave is located far to the north-west - under Astengrav. You can go there on foot or use transport, but it will cost quite a lot of gold.

Inside, you will first meet three necromancers and two bandits. After dealing with them, go down the tunnel on the left. Soon you will have to engage in a battle between mages and Draugr. It's a good idea to deal with the undead first, and then finish off the remaining mages.

Keep moving forward, carefully inspecting the boxes, chests, etc. encountered along the way. To the northeast you will find a passage to the second floor.


Move to the left, cross the bridge - forward, into the depths of Astengrav. Beware of traps and undead that dwell here.

On the lower floor in the southern part, you will find two levers that will open the gate. Behind them you will find a chest, but you will have to fight several opponents before you can open it.

Then head west and north. Dealing with various aggressive undead along the road, go through the bridge. You will see three runes on the ground. Before activating them, go up the stairs on the right and kill the skeleton archer. Then quickly click on the runes and run through the opened gate.


The next room is your destination. However, the horn is no longer there. But you will find a note offering to rent a room at the Riverwood Inn. Before leaving, do not forget to search the room in the east - you can find a lot of useful things there.


Return to Riverwood.

Part 7. Blade in the night (A Blade in the Dark)

In Riverwood, the first thing to do is visit the Sleeping Giant Inn and ask for a room in the attic. It turns out that there are no such rooms in the hotel, but, nevertheless, you will be provided with a place to sleep. Stay overnight.

Delphine will wake you up in the morning. She will explain why she left the letter, and will give the Horn of Jurgen Windkeller. It's time to chalk up another dragon to your account.


You can find a malicious creature in the town of Kynesgrove (Kynesgrove) - far to the east.

The road is going to be long. It's a good idea to visit the Valtheim Towers along the way.

When you get to Kingsgrove, you will have to fight the dragon Sahloknir. This fight isn't too different from the one you've already been through near Whiterun.


As soon as the creature is finished, return to Riverwood and meet Delphine again. If it suddenly does not appear in place - just wait.

For victory, you will receive the Blade (Blade), and the next point of your journey will be the Thalmor Embassy in Solitude.

Part 8. Diplomatic Immunity

Solitude is located far to the northwest. You can get there on foot or by quickly moving to Ustengrav. In Solitude, go to the Winking Skeever and talk to Malborn. He will offer to pick up your equipment. Don't be afraid, it's not a scam - you'll get your stuff back. After negotiations, go outside and meet Delphine. Change into the clothes she gives you, take the wagon and go to the party.


When you get to the place, give the letter to the guard to get inside.

First, talk to Ambassador Elenwen (Ambassador Elenwen), and then with Razelan sitting on the bench.

It will ask you to bring a drink, so you have to be distracted by looking for a waitress. Then ask him to make a scene and when everyone's attention is on him, find Malbourne at the bar. He will lead you through the kitchen and give you the equipment.


Make your way forward, bypassing or killing the guards. Get to the second floor, and then through the courtyard, go to the interior of the embassy. When you deal with the guards, go into the small room in the northwestern part and search the chest. You will find Dragon Investigation and the Interrogation Chamber Key. Also here you can find a dossier on Delphine and Ulfric. Climb up the northern stairs, open the door with the key and go inside. In the chest in the north you will find a dossier on Esbern. On the left you will find a cell where Etienne Rarnis is locked up. Talk to him and learn a lot of interesting things.


Repel the attack of the guards, then return for Etienne and get out of this place. Delfina will meet you at the exit. Talk to her and go to Riften.

Part 9. A Cornered Rat

Riften is located far to the southeast. The distance is really quite significant, so it makes sense to use transport. You need to find Esbern, but your only lead is a man named Brynjolf. It can be easily found during the day in the market and at night in the tavern. Talk to him and learn about the hideout of the Thieves Guild near Riften. Looks like they're the ones protecting Esbern, so go underground to the Ratway Warrens.


Make your way forward carefully - the inside is full of traps and bandits. Sooner or later you will find yourself in the “Broken jug” (Ragged Flagon) - the refuge of all local thieves and bandits.

Go to the local bar and talk to Vekel the Man). Ask him about Esbern - find out, win or knock information out of him. Head east - deeper into the Warrens. After another wandering through the corridors and rooms, you will finally get to Esbern. Mention Delphine and the 30th of Frostfall. When you call yourself Dragonborn, Esbern will agree to join you.


Head back to Riverwood, where Esbern will finally meet Delphine, and you'll recognize your next target - Sky Haven Temple.

Part 10. Alduin's Wall

Another long journey - this time to the southwest. The closest place to the Temple is Soljund's Sinkhole, but you still have to walk for a while. To get to the Temple, you also have to fight through Karthspire mountain. However, with the help of Delphine and Esbern, this shouldn't be a problem.

In the northwest you will find three pillars - place them so that the symbol of the dragon's rebirth is visible on each.


In the next room, fire traps will lie in wait for you, but even here the symbols of rebirth guarantee safety. Pull the chain to secure the path completely and lower the next bridge. Soon you will reach the stone head. Wait for Esbern to finish his speech and activate the blood seal. In the next room, examine the fresco on the north wall. Talk to Delphine and she will admit that the Greybeards' help is required. Return to High Hrothgar.

Part 11. Center of the World (The Throat of the World)

Returning to High Hrothgar, give Jurgen's Horn to the Greybeards and your training will be completed. Talk to Arngeir and learn how to defeat Alduin.

The Greybeards will tell you about Paarthurnax. Go out into the yard and there you will learn a new cry.


Head south and climb higher into the mountains. After reaching the Center of the World (The Throat of the World), talk to Paarthurnax. You have to find the Elder Scroll, but even the head of the Greybeards doesn't know where it is. Before you leave, talk to Paarthurnax again and he will boost one of your Shouts.


Return to the mountains and speak with Arngeir again. He will offer to go to the College of Mages in Winterhold.

Winterhold is located far to the northeast. When you arrive there, the College will be closed. To get inside, you will have to join the Guild, and to do this, find Faralda (Faralda).

Once inside, talk to Urag gro-Shub and get a book on the Elder Scrolls by Septimus Signus. You can find the author in the north of the College. He will give you a magic cube and a sphere, and then tell you that the Elder Scroll can be found in Alftand.


Part 12 - Elder Knowledge

Alftand is located southwest of Signus' camp. When you get to the crest of the mountain, cross some bridges and find the entrance to the ice caves. Going deeper, you will soon hear two Khajiit talking and find several broken dwarven spiders. When you find a blocked gate, turn west.


Moving in this direction, you will sooner or later notice a torch on the ground and almost immediately after that you will have to fight one of the Khajiit.

Keep heading north until you spot platforms on the left. Overcome them and you will be rewarded with very valuable finds.

Go back and go through the hall. Move forward, go up a level and go through the corridor with moving walls. After passing through it, you will reach the Dwemer sanctuary - Animonculory.


Get inside. Along the way, you will come across several enemies, chests and the corpse of Endrast (Endrast). Ahead of you are waiting for several rooms with traps - beware of plates that are activated by pressing. Walk forward until you find a room with wild elves and a switch - it opens a gate, behind which a dwarven centurion will be waiting. In the room to the west, you will encounter two more named enemies - when they are dead, activate the mechanism in the center of the room. Climb up the stairs that appear and move forward until you reach the Tower of Mzark.


On its top you will find a mechanism. Press the second button four times, the third button twice, and the farthest left button once. Take the Elder Scrolls and the Runed Lexicon.


Return to Paarthurnax in High Hrothgar.

On the way, you can give the Lexicon to Signus - get side mission with a good reward.

Part 13. The death of Alduin (Alduin's Bane)

Returning to the Throat of the World, stand in the middle of the area and use the Ancient Scroll. This way you will learn a very strong Shout, and then you will be attacked by Alduin.


After the victory, talk to Paarthurnax, and then go to Whiterun to Jarl Balgruuf. It won't be easy to get him to help as there is a war going on, so you can take your time and make things easier.

When an agreement is reached, return to Hrothgar to the Greybeards. They will agree to negotiate, but you will have to invite Ulfric and Tillius.

Visit Solitude and Windhelm.

Return to Hrothgar and negotiate.


When an agreement is reached, Esbern will tell you about another dragon - Odahviing.

He will also ask you to kill Paarthurnax, but this condition is not necessary.

Part 14. Nest of the Eater of Worlds (The World-Eater's Eyrie)

Travel to Dragonreach and inform the Jarl that you are ready to set a trap. Use a Dragon Summoning Shout of maximum power and Odahviing will appear. Fight him and then lure him into a trap.


Talk to the dragon and agree to let him go. Give the order to the guards or free him yourself. Talk to the dragon again and he will take you to Skuldafn. Be aware that your companions will not follow you, so stock up on everything you need.

Make your way to the Temple and go inside. Walk forward until you reach a room with pedestals.

Stand on the north side. Three birds will open a room with a chest. A bird, a snake, a bird will allow you to go further deep into the temple.


The code for the next door is wolf, butterfly, dragon.


Part 15. Sovngarde

Talk to the ghost. Carefully make your way through the fog - Alduin is nearby and watching you. Your destination is further down the road and slightly to the west.


Talk to Tsun. He will help you get into the Hall of Valor if you pass the test of strength. Having won, cross the bridge and enter the Hall. Speak with Ysgramor, then enlist the support of the heroes of the past and enter the final battle. To start it, use Shout that clears the sky three times.

Once Alduin is defeated, talk to Tsun again and he will teach you the Cry of Valor.


Return to Skyrim. Congratulations, you have completed the main storyline of the game.


There weren't enough 10 Daedric Princes in TES: Oblivion, and the Arbor decided to make as many as 15 in TES: Skyrim. Of course, finding them and completing all the tasks is not as easy as it seems, but with a pinch of diligence and patience, everything will work out. Well, if something doesn’t work out or just laziness, then feel free to resort to reading and watching the passage of Daedra quests below.

call of the moon

This quest is available on any difficulty level. Nothing complicated awaits us. To start the task, we go to Falkreath, where we go to the Barracks.


Behind one of the cells we find Sinding imprisoned forever. Start a conversation with him. It is he who will give us the task.


Sinding will ask you to kill Hircine - a deer, which is the Incarnation of Hircine. As soon as we kill the deer, his spirit will appear - Hircine.


He instructs us to kill Sinding, as he is already losing his human form. We leave for a cave called "The Grotto of the Drowned". It will be marked on the map. Once in the cave, we have to make a choice. Which one? Look at the video.

After our choice, we should kill the hunters in the cave and talk with Sinding. For his salvation, he will promise us his help in difficult situations. We leave the cave and stumble upon Hircine.


He will remove the curse from his ring and it will remain with us.

Alternative: You can kill Sinding. In this case, Hircine will give us armor - the Skin of the Savior, and take the ring for himself.

crazy mind

To obtain given level, you need to talk to Dervenin in Solitude. He constantly hangs around near the Blue Palace in the city. You can find it somewhere nearby. For example, the video demonstrates finding Dervenin and taking the quest from him.

We leave for the Blue Palace. Here you need to talk with the maid or Jarl's assistant. They will all be right in front of us. One of them will give us the key to the location of the Wing of Pelagia. Let's go there. Inside, going forward (the only road), we will get to Sheogorath, who is visiting Pelagius.


After a short conversation, Sheogorath offers us to go in three directions and pass three tests. How to pass all three tests using the staff, look at the video.

Then we talk again with Sheogorath and get a reward - the staff of Wabbajack. Just as crazy as his master.

Dawn dawn

To start the quest, you can either come to the statue yourself, or, we will accidentally get the Star of Meridia, which will automatically start the quest. Well, let's say we come to the statue ourselves. Please note that you need a level of at least 15, otherwise the statue will not speak to us. She will instruct us to find the very Star of Meridia.


When we find the star, we will have to put it on the altar next to the statue.


Next we go to the dungeon. You can enter it immediately under the statue, a little lower. We will meet the Meridian Star on a pedestal that needs to be activated. After activating it, a beam of light will appear towards the next star.


Thus, we will reach Malcorn, who must be killed. First we kill him in the form of a man, and then he will be reborn in the form of a shadow, which must also be killed.


After that, it remains to receive a reward - the sword Radiance of Dawn.


Walking nightmare

So, to get this task, you need to go to the tavern in Dawnstar. It is here that we can see a dispute between people and a certain priest, who will give the task. Let's watch the video.

Then we follow him and get to the tower. We go with him to the temple and kill the local orcs. In the library we are looking for the book "Dreamwalking" (marked on the map), and then we are looking for a potion of Vermina's Apathy (also marked on the map). All this can be easily found on a shelf in the same dungeon. It is, fortunately, small. Please note that inside it will be possible to find 2 Daedra hearts on the shelf next to the Apathy potion.


Then we drink Vermina's Apathy and get into the past. We quickly find the chain that releases the miasma and activate it. A little further on, Erandur (our priest) will meet his two old friends.


They will attack us. We kill them and observe the ritual. At this moment, the goddess Vermina will speak to us. She will ask you to kill him. If we kill him, then we will get the Skull of Corruption artifact, otherwise the artifact will be destroyed, and Erandur will become our companion. You have to admit, he's pretty strong.

cursed tribe

To complete the quest, you need to find the orc village - Largashbur. The location is marked on the screenshot.


Here the fortress is attacked by a giant. We can help kill him, after which we speak with Atub (she, most likely, is on the watchtower).


We talk to her. She will ask for help. She needs to perform a ritual that requires a troll life and a daedra heart (it can be easily taken from the shelf during the quest A Walking Nightmare). As for the fat of the troll, it is easy to steal it from one of the small tents in the Largashbur camp itself. We bring her the ingredients, and she performs the ritual. Now we need to go with the leader of the orcs and kill the leader of the giants. Just follow the leader and he will lead you to the right place. The giant is strong, but there is nothing fundamentally difficult in the battle with him.

Note one interesting point. Before the fight with the giant, you will talk to the leader of the orcs. You can either send him alone into battle (then he will die, and we will kill the giant), or kill the giant together, but after that the orc will attack us. Whatever happens there, we take the giant's club and bring it to the altar, where our reward will appear - Volderang.


Black Star

To get this quest, you just need to find the Shrine of Azura. His location is marked on the screenshot.


Then we talk with the priestess of Azura. She will ask you to find a star and bring it to her, but first you need to talk with Nelasar in the tavern of Winterhold. A dungeon will be marked on the map, in the depths of which we will find a star. She will be on the knees of a skeleton sitting on a throne.


Now you need to make a choice who to bring the star. If we bring it to Nelasar, we will get the Black Star, which absorbs the souls of people. If we return the priestess of Azura, we will get the so-called. "White" Star of Azura. She absorbs the souls of mobs.

We chose to whom we attribute the Star. After we bring it, we need to get inside and kill the mage Meilin Varen.


He will also summon two Dremora. Be sure to search the bodies of the Dremora and kill them first, you will find a Daedra heart in them. Since the author took the Star to Nelasar, he received a black one.


How to use the star: To use it, you need to learn the soul capture spell. Then we impose it on a person literally before death. After that, the Star is automatically filled and works like a regular soul stone - you can charge some object. The trick is that Azura's Star is infinite, unlike soul stones.

The dog is a friend of the Daedra

Love dogs? I love huskies, but not about that. Level must be at least 14th. The task must be received in Falkreath.


The guard will also ask us, they say, have we met a dog? Blacksmith Lod lost his dog. We speak with him and go in search. You don't have to go very far. The video will help you find it.