Passage of the quest ancient knowledge in Skyrim. Passage of the quest ancient knowledge in Skyrim How to complete the task in

How to Complete All Missions of The International 2017 Battle Pass in Dota 2

Small tips for completing The International 2017 Battle Pass missions in the Dota 2 client

Some tips for completing The International 2017 (Battle Pass) quests in the Dota 2 client.

We note right away that the so-called compendium or Dota 2 battle pass is purchased in the game client and gives a lot additional content. Part of it is missions that earn points that level up your Battle Pass.

Path of the Navigator (
Path of the Navigator)

Mind Magic - Win 1/3/5 games of heroes with intelligence attribute.
A very simple task. Just choose any heroes with intelligence attribute and win.

deep roots - Place a root effect on 10/20/30 enemy heroes.
Apply the "Root" effect to enemies (stupor - approx. editions). There is such an effect Crystal Maiden, Treant Protector, Underlord, Ember Spirit, Meepo, Naga Siren and Techies. You can also use the item Rod of Atos for this.

Fatal Mirage - Deal 1500/3000/4500 damage while under the effect of Glimmer Cape.
Use Glimmer Cape on yourself and deal damage. Pairs perfectly with Crystal Maiden's ultimate.

Change attack - Turn an enemy into an animal for 20/30/40 seconds by any means.
Heroes Lion and Shadow Shaman are great choices for this quest. Or use the item Scythe of Vyse.

Like Swimming - Slow enemy heroes for 30/60/90 seconds with Shiva's Guard.
Buy item Shiva's Guard and use on enemies.

lookout - Install 20/40/60 ObserverWard for your team.
Choose any support and furiously set wards.

Muffler - Kill or help kill 2/4/6 enemy heroes stunned by you.
The main thing is to choose a hero who has a camp. Heroes such as Lion, Wraith King, Chaos Knight, Gyrocopter, Kunkka, Lina, Magnus, Mirana, Earthshaker, Sand King, Tidehunter and Slardar would be great choices to complete this task.

Can't escape the noose - Deal 1000/3000/5000 damage to enemy Heroes while in Ethereal Form.
Morphling and Pugna will help you complete this task. You can also buy an Ethereal Blade item and actively use it.

Without prey there is no profit - Earn 4000/8000/10000 gold for your team.
Just collect 10,000 gold. Alchemist will be the best choice for this task.

Sudden gybe - Stun 8/12/16 enemy heroes after using Blink Dagger.
Choose any hero with a stun and buy Blink Dagger. Earthshaker, Sand King, Sven, Lion, Wraith King, Tidehunter, Slardar and Centaur Warrunner will be a great choice.

Evasive Action - Absorb 3/6/9 enemy abilities withLinken's Sphere orLotus Orbs.
Buy Linken's Sphere or Lotus Orb and fight more.

Dry Powder - Deal 2000/4000/6000 or more true damage to enemy heroes.
Axe, Bloodseeker, Invoker, Pudge, Omniknight, Timbersaw, Tinker and Templar Assassin help you in complete this task.

Plug in each barrel - Heal 3 allies at the same time 3/6/9 times with Mekanism.
Buy Mekanism and use about three allied heroes. At the same time, it is advisable to play for a support, for example, for Omniknight .

press gang - Hit three or Bolshevik heroes with a single spell 10/30/50 times.
Spells with a large scope will be good here. Spells LegionCommander, Jakiro, Zeus, Queen of PainShadow Shaman, Meepo and Underlord will help you.

Sailor's Fortune - Hit an enemy hero with your club 50/100/150 times and trigger the Fireblast or Ignite jackpot on enemies 10/20/30 times.
Choose Ogre Magi and attack enemy heroes. Try to use Fireblast and Ignite on enemies more often.

Path of the Wave Breaker

Master At Arms - Win 1/3/5 games playing as a hero with strength attribute.
It's simple: choose any heroes with the strength attribute and win.

Boarder - Win 1/3/5 games of a hero with the agility attribute.
And here everything is very simple: choose any heroes with the dexterity attribute and win matches.

Unsinkable - Die at least 5/3/1 before the end of the game.
Just try not to die. Choose heroes with invisibility, such as Riki.

you have a gap - Keep enemies under the effects of Medallion Of Courage or Solar Crest for 30/60/90 seconds.
Buy a Medallion Of Courage or Solar Crest as soon as possible and use it on enemies.

Lubber's Fate - Kill the same enemy 2/3/4 times.
Choose Riki or Bounty Hunter and hunt down the target you need.

Rum Punch - Stun an enemy hero with an attack 12/24/36 times.
The Skull Basher and Monkey King Bar items will help you complete this quest. Best Heroes for passing: Alchemist, Troll Warlord and Antimage.

Body Triple - Clear 5/10/15 effects with Manta Style.
Buy a Manta Style and use it after an enemy hero throws its effect at you. This quest can also be completed using Manta Style after being rooted by an ancient Moroder Shaman creep.

Submariner - Kill or help kill 3/6/9 enemy heroes while protected by your tower.
Try to kill enemies near the other tower. Try to do it with the support of your creeps.

Riverview Gusher - Deal 2000/4000/6000 damage with critical attacks.
PhantomAssasin, Juggernaut and Bounty Hunter critical attacks will help you with this.

Full stroke - Use Moon Shard on yourself or your allies 2/4/6 times.
Buy a Moon Shard item and use it on yourself or allies.

Chum in the water - Dial15/20/25 chargesbloodstone.
Buy a Bloodstone item and kill enemy heroes by gaining item charges. This item looks good on many heroes like Death Prophet, Timbersaw and Lina.

Burial at BKB - Get 2/4/6 kills or assists on enemy heroes after using BlackKing Bar.
Just use Black King Bar in team battles.

Loyal Crew - Deal 2000/4000/6000 damage to controlled creatures.
Suitable heroes that can summon creatures: Visage, Invoker, Chen, Lone Druid, Shadow Shaman, Nature`sProphet, Enchantress. Or buy Helm of theDominator, use it on creeps and damage enemies with them.

Freeboot Haul - Reach 7500/10000/12500 current gold before 25:00 min.
Choose Alchemist and go to the middle lane. You shouldn't have any problems getting through.

night watch - Cast an enemy hero's Lucent Beam in any way 20/40/60 times and kill 10/15/20 creeps in 30 seconds.
Choose Luna and cast 20/40/60 Lucent Beam skills on enemy heroes. Ask your supports to make stacks of creeps for you and farm them calmly, or wait until a large number of enemy creeps gather in the lane.

Arcana drawing of your choice - click the link

Path of the Rising Tide

Immediately make a reservation that the tasks of this path imply the right game the whole team. Some of them cannot be passed alone. Try to complete the tasks of this path with friends.

predawn mission - Destroy 2/3/4 towers before your opponent destroys even one.
Choose heroes who can quickly destroy towers: Nature`sProphet, Lycan, Meepo, Broodmother, Chen, ChaosKnight, Clinkz, Lone Druid, Terroblade, Enigma, Venomancer, Tinker, Shadow Shaman.

On all fronts - Destroy 2 enemy towers with a gap of no more than 90/60/30 seconds before 30:00.
In this task, you also need to choose heroes who can break buildings well. Lycan, Meepo, Broodmother, Chen, ChaosKnight, Clinkz, Lone Druid, Terroblade, Enigma, Venomancer,Nature`sProphet, Tinker and Shadow Shaman will be a great choice.

Give mooring lines - You and your team must disable enemy heroes for 250/350/450 seconds.
choose Bane, Sven, Tiny, Tidehunter, Enigma, Mirana, Outworld Devourer and disable as often as possible.

all hands on deck - With your team, help kill 25/35/45 times before 25:00.
Try to provoke team fights from the very beginning of the game and win them. Heroes like Zeus and Specter are the easiest to complete this quest.

In a healthy team... - You and your team must heal each other for 10000/15000/20000 health.
Choose healing heroes: Oracle, Omniknight, Lycan, Wraith King, Winter Wyvern, Witch Doctor, Necrophos, Pugna, Treant Protector. You can also use the Urn of Shadows item and heal allied heroes with it.

The fog is coming - After using Smoker of Deceit with 2 allies, kill an enemy hero 1/2/3 times.
Use Smoker of Deceit and attack enemies.

Battle Cup Buccaneer - Win a Battle Cup match 1/2/3 times.
Create a group of five people or join an existing one in the Battle Cup and just win.

pioneers - Your team must draw first blood, destroy the tower first, and kill the first Roshan.
This quest can be completed solo if you choose Ursa or Troll Warlord.

Take no prisoners - Your team must get 10/12/14 kills by 3pm.
Try to provoke team fights from the very beginning of the game and win them. To complete this task, it is better to take a carry with good damage in the early game, for example: Phantom Assassin, Ursa, Bounty Hunter, Wraith King, Troll Warlord.

All for boarding - Work with a team to deal 20000/40000/60000 or more physical damage to enemy heroes.
One of the most simple tasks in this path. It is easy to pass if the match lasts from 40 minutes. PhantomAssassin, Ursa, Bounty Hunter, Wraith King and Troll Warlord will help you with this.

Rune Armada - Together with your team, pick up or place in the bottle 20/30/40 runes before 30:00.
Ask your teammates to buy the Bottle item and collect runes. The same task that you can’t complete without friends.

Tailwind Aura - Be affected immediately by 6/9/12 auras of your team.
There are many different auras in the game, being under the effect of which you can go through this building.
Aura from items:Vladmir'sOffering, Helm of the Dominator, Pipe ofInsight, Mekansm, Headress, Ring of Basillus or Ring of Aquilla , AssaultCuirass, Drums of Endurance, Guardian Greaves.
Aura from heroes: Luna,Outworld Devourer, Vengeful Spirit & Wraith King, CentaurWarrunner, Crystal Maiden, Drow Ranger . It is important that your teammates choose these heroes.
Aura from creeps: Centaur (attack speed aura), Satyr (health regeneration aura), Wolf leader (damage aura), Owl Ripper (armor aura), Elder Kobold (movement speed aura), Troll Priest (mana regeneration aura).

A day at the helm - Win in Captains Mode 1/2/3 times.
Just win in the Captains Mode game mode.

Weekend on the nose and nowhere to go? Every weekend is an opportunity to have a great time. Everyone knows this. And having a great time with friends is just an obligatory goal for everyone who plans a weekend away from home and in an active way.

What to do on the weekend?

Lots of options for what you can do - and most often the basis of each activity is the game. Game activity, especially in a team with people you know well, is not only a way to relax and get away from the dullness of everyday life. Sometimes it is also a way to pump some knowledge and even develop some aspects of your personality. Pleasant with useful in the atmosphere of a chase, a detective, a scientific experiment, anything, and most importantly in the company of friends - all this is a quest. And now we will tell you how to complete quests perfectly and how to become the best in passing this type of game. If interested, read on.

How to pass the quest? Did you ask? We answer!

  • First, never forget that you are in the game. Any circumstances you will be placed in are simulated. Any outcome of the game will be in your favor, because the passage in any case will teach you something and simply strengthen the team spirit. Therefore, do not worry too much, but just have fun and have fun.
  • An important point in understanding how to complete quests is attention to detail. Always pay attention to every inch of the task room, as well as to any cue from the host or any features of the text in the prompts.
  • And now the reverse side of attentiveness to every detail. Don't let yourself be confused! Try to apply any find in relation to the task, and if it doesn’t work out, don’t waste time and look for new clues!
  • If you are not playing with friends, try to act in concert with other participants. In order to understand how to complete the quest, it is important to know what it is. This is the principle of “together to the goal”, and not “to the goal alone”.
  • Memorize problem solving. Because they never repeat themselves, and it's not worth trying to repeat what has already happened. The organizers always strive to diversify the game, so you need to understand: "always new, always unsolved" - this is almost the motto of every quest. Look for new ways.
  • Pay attention to what level of the quest is selected. It is advisable to follow the gradations of difficulty. That is, if the team has little experience, then it is better to postpone the pro level for the next time. Beginners or specialists - the choice is yours, but there is also a difficulty in how to complete the quest at the specialist level without any experience at all.
  • Teams are formed from several people for a reason. Split and solve tasks in parallel, so you will save a lot of time and you will reach the goal faster.
  • How to complete the quest without complicating it from the very first entry? Be sure to remember that the main thing in the quest is most often the search for the illogical. Try to put everything in its place, and this will lead to a solution.
  • Don't use force. There is always a risk of breaking something in the room with the task, and probably no one wants to pay for breakages. Therefore, do not complicate, if the key is not inserted into the lock, put it aside and look, for example, for a picture frame with a shape into which this key can be inserted. Be careful.

Organizational matters

And now a couple of tips on how to properly organize a visit before taking the quest alone or with a group of friends:

  • The game must be booked in advance: by phone, on the organizer's website or through the operator. It is also necessary to confirm the reservation: without confirmation, you can be deployed already on the spot, be careful and do not get caught.
  • Be sure to arrive on time! All the knowledge about how to complete the quest may be unnecessary if you are late. The standard time for the quest is 60 minutes, so come ten to fifteen minutes before the start to have time to ask the necessary questions and hand over your outerwear to the wardrobe, if there is one.


  • Persons under the influence of drugs or alcohol are not allowed to participate in the game, so it is better to postpone visiting the bar for later. In any case, paying for damaged property is not the best ending to the evening, so try to follow this rule.
  • Also, be aware of health restrictions. Some quests, such as horror quests, are best not visited by people with cardiovascular or nervous systems. Pay attention to this when choosing a game.
  • And of course, attentiveness, attentiveness and once again attentiveness. Listen to the operators before the start of the game, remember important points.


All of the above is true for online quests. Attentiveness, reaction, teamwork - and soon you yourself will be able to tell how to pass the trollface quest, for example.

And most importantly, enjoy everything that happens! After all, the quest is not a difficult mandatory task, but entertainment and intelligence training. We wish you a good game, and may luck be on your side!

We hope that the article was interesting for you and you were able to find the answer to your question.

First, a little introduction to the basics of completing tasks. A compass is located at the top of the interface, and an inverted triangle icon indicates the direction in which you need to move on the current task:

If the same icon is "hanging" over the NPC you need to move towards him (or behind him):

Having opened the map (M) the same icon will indicate on the map the point where you need to go. And by opening the journal (J) read the description of the tasks, and select (if there are several) the one that you want to go to this moment(at the current time, only one task is marked on the map and compass).

These basic knowledge will help you complete tasks in the game Skyrim.


Traditionally The Elder Scrolls we start the game as a prisoner. And now, just appearing in the game, you see yourself among the prisoners who are being taken to execution.

To freedom!

While we are being transported in a cart, we hear the conversation of other prisoners, from which it becomes clear that there is now an uprising in Skyrim, led by the Stormcloaks. The Imperials have mistakenly thought we were one of them, and we are being taken to Helgen for execution.

Upon arrival, the character editor will be available it is quite advanced, and you can make the appearance of your character exactly the way you want.

Important: 1) the field for entering the name will appear after confirmation 2) we recommend that you specify the name in Latin, in order to avoid problems in dialogues with Cyrillic.

You see how one of those caught is executed, and the next one is you. But already under the executioner's ax, a dragon flies, and panic begins in the city. At this point, you become available to control the character.

Although everything around will collapse and burn, there is nothing difficult, the main thing is not to fuss and look at the compass and pointers above the NPC. Almost immediately, a choice will be given to follow the Nord who checked you on the list, or to follow his neighbor in the wagon. There is practically no further difference in the choice. It's just that if you go with a rebel then along the way all the people you meet will be your enemies. And if you choose the side of the Imperial, then along the numerous corridors and rooms you will meet allies carefully, do not beat them. But if you still hit them a few times (on the first hit, they say “Who are you for anyway?”), And they start attacking you put away your weapon, they will stop.

As you follow your new partner, you will find chests with equipment, learn how to pick locks, shoot from stealth, etc. In fact, the task "Freedom!" is educational. It ends with how you exit the cave. From now on, the whole world of Skyrim is open to you. And where to go, what to do only you can choose!

Before the storm

As soon as you left the cave, a new task will begin "Before the Storm", the most difficult moment in this task is related to the fact that your partner will say "Now we must split up", but in fact you do not need to split up follow him. On the way, he will show the stones of power (or whatever they are called) by activating one of them (mage, thief, warrior), the skills of the corresponding direction will be pumped 20% faster.

Continuing to follow your partner, you will come to Riverwood a small village. The partner will take you to his family, where you will be offered food and lodging for the night. In the course of the conversation, they will tell us that we need to go to Whiterun and report what happened in Helgen. But do not rush to leave, the head of the family Alvor, is a blacksmith, with his own forge. He has side quests to help you learn blacksmithing.

You can also find other side quests in the village. And to continue the main task go to Whiterun (follow the pointer on the compass, and you can also open the map and estimate the distance to the city).

In Whiterun, a guard will come up to you tell him that you are from Riverwood, to the Jarl you will be let through. In the city you need more building at the very top Draconic redistribution. And Jarl sits in the main hall, on the throne. Talk to him.

windy peak

During a conversation with the Jarl, after you tell him about the dragon attack, he will take you to Farengar. This magician and alchemist has long been engaged in dragons, and he will undoubtedly be interested in the incident you told. He can also find tables for Alchemy and Enchantment.

Farengar will give you a new task go to Windy Peak and find the Dragonstone there.

Windy Peak a temple high on a rock (still use a map and compass to find it). On the way you will meet two groups of bandits. Having found the temple on the top of the rock - go inside (large semicircular doors), according to its greatness, and it becomes clear to the interior that dragons were once worshiped in it. Initially, there will be a few bandits, but the deeper, the more dangerous opponents you will meet.

Windy Peak has two puzzles. The first one is that you need to place stone figures that can be rotated. The correct location, after which, by pulling the lever, the door will open:

Go further, kill draugs and spiders. You will encounter a web to get through it, you first need to shoot it down with a weapon (just attack on the web). In the room with the big spider there will be a bandit in the web. He has the subject of interest to us, the dragon claw. You can kill him, and if he ran away, then not far, going a little further you will find his corpse. Be sure to search it for the Dragon Claw.

The second puzzle is similar to the first, here you need to place three circles in the correct position:

The hint is on reverse side dragon claw (items in the inventory can be rotated with the mouse).

Go further and further until you end up in a large room, in the center of which there will be a semicircle with text in the language of dragons. Going up to this wall you will read one passage. At this time, the Lord of the Draugr will come out of one grave behind your back you will have a hard fight. Having dealt with him, take the Dragonstone from his corpse, now find the passage to the exit (no need to go back, you will find the second exit from the dungeon ahead).

Once in Skyrim, open the map and fast travel to the Draconic Realm. Head to Farengar and give him the stone.

We discuss all questions with this task on the golden claw page.

dragon in the sky

Do not rush to leave Farengar, and even more than that follow him. You will hear an interesting conversation, at the end of which a guard will come running and tell you that a dragon attacked the western watchtower. Now you need to follow the woman Ariylet. She will take a few soldiers with her and head towards the western watchtower. There you will have your first fight with the dragon.

  • Shoot the dragon with a bow while it flies;
  • When he sits down, try to approach him from the side or from behind to hit him;
  • Take advantage of the moments when the dragon will be distracted by other guards.

After the victory, you will absorb the soul of the dragon, and the first dragon cry Unrelenting force will be available to you.

Return to Jarl and tell what happened.

Reward: The title of Thane, the opportunity to buy a personal house in Whiterun, a personal mercenary Lydia.

The path of the voice

Now you need to get to the Greybeards, which are high, high on a cliff east of Whiterun.

Important: Getting there straight on the compass is almost impossible. Follow the road to the east, which, after going around the mountain, will lead you to their temple. On the way, I met two trolls (a very strong opponent, sprinted Alt key) and a saber-toothed tiger (a strong opponent, but managed). And also a dragon attacked (scripted event, or a random meeting xs). In general, you will not be bored on the road, save more often.

In the temple itself, you will first need to prove that you can use your voice use the shout Unrelenting Force, and also teach you a new one Swift Dash, with which you can instantly move a short distance.

At the end of the training, you will be given the next test.

Horn of Jurgen

The Greybeards send you on your final test - retrieving Jurgen Windcaller's horn from his tomb in Ustengrav, in the swamps of Hjaalmarch.

We look at the map and go to the tomb, which is essentially another, large dungeon, with regular riddles. I'll go straight to them:

Riddle #1

You rest against the passage, which is closed by three sections of gratings, and in front of them are three magical stone, approaching which, one of the gratings rises, but it is worth moving away and the grating goes down. You can’t run with a regular run, what to do?

You stand exactly opposite the passage, in front of the stones, put “Swift Dash” on the active shout, hold down the left alt and start running towards the passage as soon as you are next to the third stone, and it activates press Z make a quick jerk, after which it remains to run a little and that's it. I got it right the first time.

I didn’t check how painfully they fry, in general, this stage is also passed with the help of the Swift Dash Shout.

And at the end, an unexpected plot twist will await you, it turns out that someone has already taken the horn before you (a message will appear that the quest has failed), but left a note on a large chest:

The search for the horn will be marked as failed, this is normal.

We leave for Riverwood, find a tavern, and rent a room in the attic from Delphine. She will say that there is no room in the attic, but "you go there." Entering the room that she says (I was guided by the sign), Delphine will follow you and say that she left you a note, and offer to follow her. He will take you to his secret room and tell you that she needs you.

At this stage, we are faced with a crooked dialogue, I will not go into details ... in general, ask Delphine without leaving her room until there is a phrase like "I'm ready, let's go", after which it begins additional task.

Blade in the dark

Delphine is the last of the blades, and just like you, unraveling the reason for the appearance of dragons in Skyrim. Her belief is that dragons don't come back, they "resurrect". And to make sure of this, and possibly prevent the resurrection, you go to the Keen Grove.

You can go with her, or get there yourself. I chose the first option because I didn’t want to think about what and where to go. And so just run after Delphine and that's it.

At the point of arrival, you will see how one dragon brings another to life, and the battle begins.

After killing the dragon, Dolphin will make sure that you are a Dovakin and tell you about a new task. But before proceeding to him, I went to complete the test of the greybeards.

Horn of Jurgen (end)

We make a quick transition to High Hrothgar. We find the “main” gray-beard (this can cause problems, because the compass sometimes turns on when pointing at a person, in general, run around their temple until you find it). And give him the horn. He will say that now you need to officially recognize you as a Dovakin, and at the same time teach you a new word.

We go through the recognition procedure, at the same time studying the third word in the cry "Ruthless Force". Now you can return to the Dolphins task.

Diplomatic immunity

One of the most incomprehensible tasks on the first playthrough. But, I assure you, with repeated passages, you will get pleasure from it.

Returning to Riverwood, we speak with Delphine. She will tell you that you need to get into the Thalmor embassy and find out from them about the dragon. And you don’t actually have to make your way she organizes everything for you. Your task is to go to Solitude and meet Malborn there.

In order for you to survive, Malborn can carry a few items for you while you enter through the "front door" without weapons and armor. In a conversation with him, it is important to know one thing in Skyrim, you can transfer items to companions by pressing R when the corresponding window appears. It is enough to hand over the weapons to Malborn.

Passed now we go to Delphine, she is already nearby, outside the city at the stable (we look at the compass and no problems). She will give you formal clothes, and ask you to transfer all weapons and armor to her, for safety. You can give it to her, or you can throw it somewhere nearby. We give away things, put on formal clothes, say that we are ready and ... you are already “at a festive party”.

We approach the guard, we pass the invitation, we pass. In order for Malborn to lead you to the kitchen, you need something to distract the vacationers. To do this, we take a drink from him (in the dialogue “I want to drink), after which we start a conversation with this friend:

Give him a drink, then ask for one favor -> make some noise.

Then we approach Malborn. It is not necessary to start a dialogue. When Razelan starts to rage, he himself will open the door to the kitchen, and lead him to the chest, where the things that you gave him will lie. Next to the chest is a door you go there. From now on, you can chop everyone in a row.

You will need to clear one building, then go out into the courtyard, kill everyone there, go into the torture building, kill everyone there too and loot 2 chests, after which the signs disappear (which again puts you in a stopper), but you just need to talk to the person who was tortured (the key to the camera is removed from the magician), free him, and then offer to get out. He will approach the hatch, ask him why he was tortured and you will find out what you need on the assignment. Now it remains only to get out, and the hatch is closed, what should I do? Around this time, or maybe you will need to wait a bit the guard will enter the house with the words “surrender, we took your accomplice” kill them (the elf who helped you will die quickly ... apparently there is no way to save him), and from one of the new arrivals guards you remove the key from the hatch ready, it remains only to go out through the dungeon (carefully, there is a troll), and meet with Delphine.

As a result, when you come to the “tough guys” in one shirt, you leave with pockets full of armor, weapons, potions, and other junk. And you're doing well too!

A rat cornered

We return to Riverwood, and tell Delphine everything we learned about dragons. The next task is to find Esbern. To do this, we go to Riften (the city of thieves and robbers), and find Brynjolf there (in my case, he was in the Bee and Sting inn), who, by the way, is the head of the thieves guild. I don't know why the main storyline is connected with thieves, but you will have to complete one thief task in order to advance in the search.

For a detailed walkthrough of this quest, see the Thieves Guild page. A little advice if pickpocketing is not pumped save before the theft itself so that in case of failure, immediately boot up and try again.

After completing the task of Brynjolf, we go down to the dungeons under Riften (we go to the water, we find the stairs down, and there is a door), the dungeons are deep, consist of several sublevels:

  • Level 1 - robbers, kill everyone boldly;
  • Level 2 - the headquarters of the guild of thieves (if you wish, you can continue to complete their tasks);
  • Level 3 - Thalmor agents, kill everyone;
  • Level 4 is the level where you finally find the room with Esbern.

Talk to him, tell him who you are from and who you are he will open the door. And tell interesting things. At this point, this task ends, and immediately a new one begins.

What to do if Esbern does not say:

1. Open the console (~), enter the tcl command, go through the door and talk to esbern
2. He will start clicking the door wait
3. If he clicked and calmed down, but the door did not open, we speak again. And so on until the door opens.

Alduin's Wall

The old man will collect his things, and it's time to get out of this hole ... but it wasn't there, Thalmor agents break into the room and the battle begins. The old man turns out to be an excellent magician, and gives the enemies a good rebuff.

There is nothing complicated to the passage to it, except for the fact that it is very far to go, plus three dragons attacked along the road. And I won’t tell about Alduin’s wall itself, so as not to spoil the first impression, I’ll only tell you about the next riddles (this time not difficult):

Riddle #1

To go through one stage, you will need to lower the bridge, for which you need to deploy the stone figures as shown in the screenshot.

Riddle #2

A room with a fire trap (it fries very painfully), and stoves that react to the advance. Solution go only on the plates that represent the Dovakin (see screenshot), you will reach the fiery installation, pull the lever, and the trap will turn off.

At the end, you will be given an excursion into history, then a dialogue from which it becomes clear that nothing is clear. And you need to go to the gray-beards again.

I would like to say a special thank you to the developers for the behavior of partners in this task. How living people comment, view the environment, discuss puzzles, etc.

Throat of the World

In this task, get ready for excruciatingly long dialogues.

We return to the gray-bearded. Look for their leader again, and start a dialogue. You need to strive for the theme "Paarthurnax" -> "I want to meet him." After that, you will be taught a new cry, and they will show the way.

The whole road to Paarthurnax is in some kind of strange fog, which somehow has a bad effect on the character (I didn’t experiment what would happen if I stood in it), but with a new Shout this fog accelerates a long distance forward, so with the help of a shout and move to the top, to the most important "graybeard".

At the top, you will find an interesting plot twist, a new cry, and a choice of further path greybeards or blades.

ancient knowledge

On assignment, there is a choice to turn to the gray-beards, or to Esbern (blades). I chose the option with Esbern (although judging by the comments, there is not much difference between this choice) go back to the wall (he will be at the “back” exit) and tell him about the ancient scroll.

He will say that you need to turn to the magicians, because. they have a large library and centuries of knowledge. And he will send you to the College of Winterhold, it is also the guild of magicians (mark it on the map), it is located ... at the end of the world. We get there, at the entrance they will tell you that you can’t just enter you have to join the guild. And to enter show that you can use magic. You will be asked to demonstrate one of the spells, if you do not have it then the NPC will offer to sell it to you. We buy, demonstrate magical skills ready, you are even taken to the building. We are looking for the main thing in it Urag gro-Shuba. We talk with him about the scroll, knock out information from him until he gives an additional task "The Works of Shalidor".

Works by Shalidor

Note: This quest can be completed in different locations.

We need to find the records of one scientist we go to the marked dungeon. In the dungeon there will be one, already familiar puzzle a lever, rotating statues and a trap triggering when selected incorrectly. A clue to which statue to turn which side look on the opposite side. Two statues will show which figure needs to be deployed.

Then there will be another unexpected moment you will meet a strong dead man, after the murder he is reborn to life again. But in fact, there is no mystery in this case kill him several times, and he will stop resurrecting. Take the scientist's notes and return to the College of Winterhold.

We meet with Urag gro-Shuba and give him the found notes. He will say that it takes time to decipher. Scroll through two days and talk again. The manuscripts are deciphered, and a book will appear on the table to be read:

After that, we again speak with Urag gro-Shuba, and another additional task begins.

Beyond the ordinary

The conversation will be about the fact that there was one scientist who was very interested in the Draemer, and then went north and disappeared. You need to look for it. A little to the north, a point will be marked go there.

We find a scientist there, and after a long dialogue, we get two items - a dremer cube and a ball, and a new marked point on the map. Huge dremer dungeons await us there. By the way, in them, you can find an amulet with a 15% bonus to alchemy.

The dungeons are large, but there are no special mysteries. Of course, without traps and locked doors, you can’t do without a lever “you’ll find where” you can’t do it, here is one of the most difficult searches for a lever:

The grate is at the bottom, and the lever that opens it is at the top.

As a result, we will reach a room with an interesting device. Find the "control panel" there and install the cube:

After that, the task "Ancient Knowledge" will be completed, but we still need to record our "game" on the ball. To do this, simply remove the cube that you installed on the panel, and return it to the raving scientist.

We discuss this task separately on the Dwemer mechanism page.

Curse of Alduin

There will be a fight with the main dragon Alduin, but before that the Dragonbreaker cry will become available. The main villain himself does not sit down on the ground, you need to shoot him down with a dragon slayer, and then chop / fry / freeze, on rollback using the dragon slayer cry (if you do not use "he will fly away again and circle around).

We defeat him, but he says that it is impossible to kill him, and flies away.


After the victory, talk to the parthurnax. He will tell his plan how to finally defeat the villain. To do this, we need the help of the Jarl, we go to him.

Endless time

The task itself is not difficult, but you will find a lot of dialogues.

We speak with Jarl about the dragon and the end of the world. He will agree to help you, but only after the war in Skyrim is stopped. Now we need to do the impossible to reconcile the two sides that are not going to be reconciled, and each thinks only of its own victory. I did not join any side, so I acted neutral. I don’t know how the dialogues unfold there if you took the side of the Empire or the Stormcloaks.

We go to the gray-beards, we speak with Arpgeir, we ask him to announce a meeting on the conclusion of peace.

We go to the imperials, we speak with Tullius, we convince him to negotiate.

We go to the rebels, we speak with Ulfric, we convince him to negotiate.

We return to the gray-beards, the meeting is just beginning there, and our old familiar blades will also come without an invitation. And what is going on at the negotiations (if you delve into) generally horror. Everyone thinks only of his own, but somehow we (although I think that there is no bad outcome, but the situation is tense) persuade them to establish a temporary peace.

After the conclusion of peace, the task will be completed, but Delphine will also put in her five cents says that the parturnax must die. Your conversation will unlock the new quest Paarthurnax.

Fallen (continued)

With the temporary peace concluded, it's time to set a trap for Odahviing. To do this, we return to the Dragon Redistribution, and speak with the Jarl. He will say that everything is ready, everyone is waiting for your decision.

We say that we are starting, and we follow him. How to summon and catch Odahviing? Go out onto the balcony, use the “Dragon Challenge” shout (do not forget to hold it down so that the shout is complete), the dragon arrives, we shoot it down with the “Dragonbreaker”, after which (no need to kill it!) gradually retreat into the depths of the “balcony”, along rollback using dragon slayer so that he does not fly away. He will follow you into the depths, and then he will fall into a trap.

House of the World Eater

Talk to Odahviing. Now you need to let him go. To do this go upstairs and talk to the guard.

After that, we wait for him to come out to the edge of the balcony, talk to him again, and go on the dragon to Skuldafn.

We have to clear the territory and dungeons full of Draugs, as well as new puzzles:

The first puzzle with movable plates, the first position opens the right grate (there is a chest with junk), the second the left one, along which we continue to explore the dungeon:

And the third riddle, with a door with spinning rings, there will be a draug in front of it, after killing it, we remove the “Diamond Claw” from it, on the back of which a hint is given:

After that, we go outside, to the portal, but do not rush to teleport, somewhere nearby there will be a cool representative of the underworld Nakrin. After killing him, we remove his mask (+50 to magic, spells of destruction and restoration consume 20% less magic) and staff. The staff will be needed to start the portal again (stand on the place indicated by the task and press E), then jump into it.


Welcome to the realm of the dead. A very beautiful place, but blackened by Alduin. We go along the arrow, meet with Tsun, pass the test, and get into the hall of the ancients.


Congratulations, you have reached the very end.

After the victory, talk to Tsun to return to the mortal world.


The storyline is great. For a long time, the storylines in games have not been so impressive. The main thing play on the highest possible difficulty for you, so that "winning" would feel like a real victory.

Now, using the "Dragon's Call" shout on open area, the dragon Odahviing will fly to your aid.

Simple dragons will still be caught as simple monsters.

For the passage of the main storyline, only a little distracted by another took 40 hours.

The description of the passage was written after one passage, of course, it may somewhere be incomplete or subjective. Ask questions, add I will make amendments. With the exception of the plot itself I tried to say as little as possible about it, so as not to spoil your first impression of a personal passage.

Passage |

Many players are interested in how to complete a mission in GTA 5 Online in one direction or another.

This is especially true for beginners who have only recently joined the multiplayer mode. The world of San Andreas is so big that it's easy to get lost in it.

This introductory article will explain a number of mechanics that are related to the most important aspects. The material is recommended for review.


In GTA 5, tasks have always been taken for the soul interesting stories or unexpected turns of events. In multiplayer mode, the only difference is that there are many more such missions. Some of them are simple with a small fee and are ideal for the player. Before you take on tasks, it is better to join a gang.

Biker gang attack

These are formations of players for joint entertainment and pumping in the world of San Andreas. If you go on missions with allies, then the reward will be much higher. This applies to both regular missions and store robberies. Passing missions is necessary to accumulate money, gain reputation and master the mechanics of the game world.

The craziest races that won't make you relax

All funds that will be received during the execution of tasks must be transferred to a bank account. Many users have fun in multiplayer mode by wreaking havoc on the streets of Los Santos. Death will lead to the loss of cash, and this cannot be allowed.

A little about racing

An important part gameplay in GTA Online are racing different kind. Some of them were created by the developers themselves, while others were added by the players, but pre-checked. All this makes a huge variety for those who like to compete in driving. Initially, the user must choose a car for themselves, as well as a winning pose.

If the user wins, then a scene will run that will demonstrate this moment. In multiplayer mode, being the first is much more difficult than it was in single player GTA 5. Firstly, here other players will try to actively take each other out of the competition through collisions.

GTA Online famous for its unrealistically cool races

You also need to be able to do this so as not to lose speed or go to the side. This is a plus for experienced riders. Secondly, the machine must be upgraded to the maximum, otherwise there will be no victory. Thirdly, the user must not only get used to the controls, but also be able to use some tricks.

For example, if the opponent goes first, then cuts through the air, getting some resistance. When driving behind him, you can get a certain bonus to speed due to empty space. It is also important to know that at the start it is better to press the gas pedal by 80%, then a bonus to acceleration will appear.

Tuning cars and buying clothes

In the single player game of GTA 5, there were no problems with racing and buying clothes. According to the scenario, the player was led to the site of the first battle in cars, after which Lamar sent one of the main characters to the store for a change of clothes. In multiplayer mode, this aspect works in the same way. It is enough for the player to have money with him and visit a store where clothes are sold. Items are stored in personal home player.

By purchasing items to decorate the character, the easiest way is to earn an achievement that will pleasantly replenish the collection of achievements. Things are more complicated with car tuning. If in a single player game the player is initially provided with some upgrade details for free and there is an opportunity to use the special ability of the main character, then in GTA Online this will not happen.

The world of GTA is diverse in its tuning for various kinds of cars

When going to Los Santos Customs, stock up on funds, especially if we are talking about an expensive car. Initially, you should decide how the transport will be used.

If it is intended for racing, then it is best to improve the engine, as well as the elements that are responsible for handling and maneuverability. When traveling through the streets of Los Santos, you should also consider additional armor. Several times the car is guaranteed to be fired upon.

Preparing for robberies

Many players after the introduction of the new mode were puzzled by how to complete robberies in GTA Online. Users are advised to approach this with all seriousness, because the successful completion of the case promises huge profits. First of all, the player must find at least three more players to form a team. The group must also have a leader who will direct the actions of the allies, engage in planning, and incur expenses.

Plus, he should have the best apartment with a special room where preparations for the robbery take place. It is equally important for players to start pumping a character according to various parameters. In various robberies and preparatory missions, stealth, shooting, driving, flying vehicles and more come in handy. This needs to be given Special attention Because everyone on the team should be equal in terms of skills. If a group is formed, then you should not immediately look for a way to start a robbery in GTA Online.

The organizer of robberies in GTA V Online

It is best to experience team interaction in challenging missions. Mutual understanding between allies plays a paramount role in success. You also need to replenish your personal arsenal with all types of weapons. Quiet weapons are especially welcome, as well as RPGs for destroying helicopters and planes. The rest of the funds players will receive in the preparatory missions.


To know how to complete missions in GTA 5 Online related to robberies, the player should initially read other important information. First of all, this concerns the beginning of an adventure in this direction. The user can wait for a call from Lester or call him himself. At the same time, the character level must be at least 12, although in reality this will not be enough for the team. If the player receives an offer to join through the lobby in the smartphone, then the level restrictions are disabled. In any case, quickly go to Lester at his personal garment factory. After arriving, this character will tell you that he has a job, and the first training robbery will become available.

Even to start it, the player must have an apartment, because all the preparatory missions begin from there, as well as the main scenario. The player can also independently join open cases by going to the "Quick Job" section on the phone. There you can select the "Join a robbery" item and immediately start working with an unfamiliar partner. It should be understood here that it is rare to pass scenarios using this method. The players simply do not understand each other, which is why the case fails.

First robbery

As mentioned above, robberies are a fairly difficult mode with a decent reward for the successful completion of the entire scenario. Even in the trial first case called "Flick's Job" for two people (in the other cases from the list there are four), you can get a decent amount of dollars.

It is also important to pass it in order to gain practical teamwork skills. For example, in the preparatory mission to steal the Kuruma car, one player must be the driver, and the second one must shoot back from the Koreans.

When entering the bank, in the main scenario, you need to synchronously turn off the cameras. It is also important not to forget about the distribution of roles. The driller must learn to barely noticeably press the keys when breaking the safe. The driver at this time is responsible for crowd control, which can raise the alarm and fail the mission.

The player can miss the voltage strip and then the police will arrive, the other one will not be able to cope with the overheating of the drill due to difficulties with the control. At first, such difficulties will certainly arise, but this is practical experience, and without it it is impossible to reach victory in robberies. Plus, this is just the starting script. The rest of the cases in this mode are dozens of times more difficult and the team interaction there is of a completely different level.

ancient knowledge is a task of the main plot of the game Skyrim, in which you will search for the Elder Scroll. During a long mission, you must find out where ancient scroll and most importantly, find him in the Dwemer ruins. In this article, we will tell you the whole process of passing the ancient knowledge of Skyrim, starting from a conversation with the College of Winterhold and ending with a complex study of the ruins of Alftand.

Obtaining information about an ancient scroll

During the passage of the previous task called "The Throat of the World" you met with the dragon Paarthurnax, who will tell you that in order to defeat Alduin you need to find an ancient scroll. Unfortunately, Paarthurnax does not know where this scroll is located, but suggests asking Esbern or Arngeir about it. After the end of this task, you need to go to one of these people, it does not matter which one. After talking with one of them, they will tell you that the magicians from the College of Winterhold know about the location of the ancient scroll, in particular the librarian Urag gro-Shuba, to whom you need to go.

If you have not yet passed the line of the College of Winterhold, then the task will be longer. At the entrance to the college, you will be stopped by Faralda, who will say that no one is allowed into this place. To go further, tell Faralda that you are Dragonborn and demonstrate the most common cry near her. Next, go to the library of the college, there will be an orc Urag gro-Shuba, with whom you need to talk. Tell Urag that you are looking for an ancient scroll, after which he will give you two books with the necessary information. After reading both books, you will notice a few sentences talking about the notes of a madman, to learn more about them, go back to the librarian and talk to him. During the conversation, Urag will tell you that Septimius Setonius, who is on post north of the College of Winterhold, may know about the scroll.

Having reached the post and met with Septimius, he will tell you that the ancient scroll is in the ruins of Alftand and in order to get it he will give you a tuning sphere and an empty dictionary.

Entrance to the Dwemer ruins of Alftand

Go to the Dwemer ruins of Alftand, you can enter there through the ruined entrance at the bottom of the cliff. Entering Alftand, you will run into a passage closed by a grate that cannot be opened. Ignore him, just turn back and go to the narrow passage leading deep into the Dwemer tunnels. Next, you just need to go and destroy all the Dwemer spiders and spheres until you reach the large door leading to the Alftand Animatorium.

Almost at the very beginning of the Animatorium there is a trap that is activated using pressure plates. If you step on one of these slabs, spinning blades will emerge from the floor that can kill with one blow. In order not to activate the trap, go along the left side of the stairs, as there pressure plates missing. After that, turning the lever, lower the grate and go into a huge and deep room. Going down, you will have to fight with a large number of Falmer, ranging from archers to mages. At the end of the Animatorium, a Dwemer centurion will attack you, and an unusual mechanism will stand behind him. To go further, activate the mechanism and go down the resulting stairs to the door to the Black Limit.

Black Limit

Once in the black limit, you will see a whole underworld with dwemer buildings, lakes, waterfalls, and gigantic luminous mushrooms. To get to the goal you need, just follow the stone path, destroying all the Falmer and Centurions along the way. At the end of the cave there will be a Mzark tower, and in order to go up to the top floor, you need to turn the lever of the Dwemer elevator.

Climbing the elevator, you will find yourself in the location where the ancient scroll is located. To pick it up, climb onto the top of the Dwemer apparatus, put the dictionary in the desired cell and press all the buttons. After that, a crystal will appear in the middle of the Dwemer apparatus, in which the ancient scroll will lie. Next, you just need to take the scroll and the task "ancient knowledge" will be completed.

Summing up

Now you know everything skyrim ancient lore walkthrough. To get out of the Dwemer ruins, return to the elevator and turn the lever. This time the elevator will take you outside, right next to the entrance to Alftand. It is worth noting that the next task is automatically activated for you, in which you need to read this ancient scroll in the Throat of the World. Well, then you will have to wait for the battle with Alduin, in which you must emerge victorious. Good luck!