Purpose of outdoor play for children. Recall childhood Russian folk games outdoor games. The game "Popinuha" with a patchwork ball

Summer is a time of non-stop fun. The main advantage of this time of year is that in order to have a good time, you just need to go outside. We all have a yard or cottage, but nothing more is needed. Here, too, you can have a great time and arrange a real holiday for your and neighbor's children. You just need to have a pair of relatively straight arms and a supply of enthusiasm.

1. Street twister

It's cool, right? You decide the size playing field and the size of the colored circles depending on the age of the participants. To make it more comfortable for children, the circles can be made smaller. All this is prepared in an elementary way: it is easiest to draw on the pavement with colored crayons (in order not to get your hands dirty, just outline the outlines of the circles, and do not paint over them completely). If you're willing to risk your lawn, there are water-based paints on the market that will wash off in the rain. A cardboard box will help to draw circles of the same size, in the bottom of which a corresponding hole is cut out.

2. Sleight of hand

A step-by-step master class that is understandable without translation will help you prepare everything you need in no time. The rules are simple: players take turns drawing sticks, trying to do it so that all the balls remain in place. The winner is the one who ends up with fewer dropped balls. You will find inventory at home or in a hardware store, since all this is cheap. Sticks can be taken bamboo, they are often used as a support for flowers.

3. Leaning tower


Everything is also clear here: we remove the blocks in turn, whose tower collapses, he lost. Actually, only blocks are needed for the game. Approximate length - 25 cm, total number - 48 pieces. In a hardware store, you buy thick enough boards, saw them and sand them, and then there are options: you can leave them in their original form, or you can paint them (only the ends, entirely or even paint with patterns).

4. Canvas bouncers

The game requires a steady hand and remarkable accuracy, and for its preparation you need only a piece of tarpaulin and colored tape. In the tarpaulin, cut holes of various shapes and sizes (the smaller, the more interesting), glue their edges with colored tape and assign your value in points to each hole. The winner is the one who scores the maximum number of points in 10 throws.

5. Throw a ring


Make a ring stand yourself or just use what is around, even tree branches. Remember: the farther from the goal the player is, the more interesting.

6. Downhill racing

For this game you will need noodles - sticks for swimming and water aerobics. They are sold in sporting goods stores. Buy such a stick and carefully cut along. It is not necessary to completely separate the halves from each other, it is enough that they open in the manner of a book. Then, even more accurately, cut longitudinal grooves on each half. Mark the start and finish lines with flags - the track is ready! Both toy cars of the appropriate size and just glass balls can ride on it.

7. Treasure Hunt


Unfortunately, today children spend little time on fresh air but this game will fix it. We are compiling a list of treasures that players will need to collect. cones, different types flowers, leaves, twigs of an unusual shape, something round, triangular or square, objects of red, green or yellow color. We print out these lists and stick them on paper bags, and hand the bags to the trackers. The winner is the one who first collected all the items from the list.

8. Accurate throw

Using a drill and screws, we attach a couple of buckets of different sizes to a long board, and put it vertically (you can just lean it against the wall). For hitting the ball in each of the buckets, a certain number of points are awarded. The smaller the bucket, the more points.

9. Obstacle Course


This is where you can let your imagination run wild! To create a full-fledged obstacle course, you can use everything that comes to hand: old tires, ladders, ropes, buckets ... The children have fun, and you relax while waiting for them at the finish line with a stopwatch.

10. Bottle bowling

Great game for both kids and adults. What you need: 10 plastic bottles, paint and a tennis ball. Paint the bottles and the ball (to make it look just like the real thing), let them dry thoroughly. Then fill the bottles with water - the skittles are ready.

11. Sticks in business

Here again, you need noodles. With their help, children should throw as much as possible balloons into a plastic basket. Simple, but quite fun.

12. Tic-tac-toe


Unlike the usual paper version, the street version provides much more freedom in choosing inventory. You can take large pebbles or wooden dice and paint them, or you can get by with any improvised items.

13. Stick Olympics

And noodles again. The main advantage of these pieces is that you can do anything with them. Even bend, even roll into a ring - they will withstand any treatment. For the construction of improvised sports facilities, there is no better material to be found.

14. Accurate shot 2.0

Improved version of the game. We throw balls into tin cans, which are attached to a branch with a chain. The rules are the same: for hitting each jar, a certain number of points are given, whoever scores more - well done. Banks are swinging, so hitting the target is not so easy.


The usual game becomes much more interesting if the participants do not stand on the ground, but on inverted milk crates or stumps. Here you need to show not only strength, but also a fair amount of dexterity.

16. Ice riches

In the heat, this will cause the children to be completely delighted. Freeze water with toys and all sorts of little things in a large container. This must be done in layers so that the treasures do not sink to the bottom. Give the children a hammer and a screwdriver - in the next half hour they will have something to do.

17. Darts with balloons


The name speaks for itself. Inflate the balloons and tape or staple them to the board. There is a lot of noise, but even more fun.

18. Outdoor games

The rules are the same as in traditional board games, but instead of toy figures, there are people here, and a bigger cube. By the way, it can be made from an ordinary box pasted over with colored paper. Draw with chalk the path you need to go, and put all the necessary marks: one step back, two steps forward, return to the start.

19. Accurate shot 3.0

More difficult, more interesting. The stepladder comes to replace buckets and banks. The remaining conditions are the same: each step is assigned a value in points, you need to score as many as possible. A ball will not work here, so sew a small bag and fill it with beans, rice or buckwheat. Even an old sock will do to save time.

20. Playing with light


If it gets dark, this is not a reason to go home. Neon sticks, which are sold in the holiday stores, will help prolong the fun. Attach them to the edges of buckets or jars, so you and your children can play even late at night.

What do you play with your kids in the summer? We are waiting for your stories in the comments.

Group games (without division into teams)


1. Fifteen is one of the most popular games. The players scatter around the site, and the tag (leader) catches them. The one he tarnishes becomes the "tag". A number of additional rules and complications can be introduced into this game, then it will become even more interesting. Here is some of them:

2. If the tag is chasing one of the players, and another player crosses the road, then he must chase the one who crossed the road.

3. Fifteen can only tarnish a running player. It is worth the escaping to sit down - and he is already safe.

4. The player can escape from the tag if he stands near the tree and hugs him with his arms.
Fifteen cannot tarnish that player who, in a moment of danger, joins hands with another player.

5. Fifteen cannot spot players who are standing on one foot and holding the other foot back with both hands.

6. All players, except for the tag, have a ribbon behind their belt. Fifteen, catching up with the escaping, pulls out a ribbon from him and plugs it into his belt. The one left without a ribbon becomes a tag, raises his hand and says: “I’m a tag!”

7. Two players hold a rope in their hands (by the ends) and run together. Stained replaces tag.

8. Fifteen gets the ball and throws it at the runner. The one he hits becomes a tag, but if the driver misses, any player can pick up the ball from the ground and start tossing with other players. To regain possession of the ball, the tag must take it away (intercept) or stain the player at the moment when he holds the ball.

9. The site is divided into two, three and even four sections. Each site has its own tag (they must have decals). The rest of the players can run around the entire court. One circle is drawn on each site, this is a rest house for players tired of running. The player touched by the tag becomes the driver only in the area where he was overtaken.

10. If there are few players, you can offer this version of the game. Of the players, one is chosen as a shepherd, two as wolves and 4-5 as sheep. The wolves try to tag the sheep, and the shepherd - the wolves. The salted ones are out of the game. The shepherd wins if he tagged two wolves, the wolves - if they tagged all the sheep.

Salki in two circles

The participants of the game form two circles: one is internal, the other is external. Both circles move in opposite directions. On a signal from the leader, they stop, and all the players in the inner circle try to knock down the players in the outer circle (i.e., touch someone with their hand) before they have time to sit down. Those caught stand in the inner circle, and the game starts over. The game ends when there are few players left in the outer circle (5-6 people).


The children form three large circles. Everyone standing in the inner circle is given paper hats (visors, kokoshniks). Holding hands, the guys with the song move in a circle: the outer circles in one direction, and the inner one in the other. Suddenly, a whistle is heard, according to which the players of the two outer circles join hands in pairs, trying to take one of the players from the inner circle into the ring. If a player from the inner circle managed to sit down, they do not touch him. Those who fell into the trap are taken away the cap. So the game is played several times. All the guys who managed to keep their hats are considered winners.


The players form a circle and stand two steps apart, facing the center. Every 6th or 8th player (at the discretion of the leader, depending on the number of players) joins hands with his neighbor on the right. They raise their hands up, forming collars - traps, and turn so that the gates are above the line of the circle. At the command of the leader, the players turn to the right and start running in a circle. At the same time, they must run through all the traps that come across along the way. On a whistle (or other prearranged signal), the traps close (the couples holding hands lower them down) and the players who are caught (stuck in the traps) go into the middle of the circle. New pairs are formed from them, which, holding hands, stand in different places of the circle, increasing the number of traps. The game continues until 5-6 players remain uncaught. They are considered winners.

Kite and mother hen

10-12 children participate in the game. One of the players is chosen as a kite, the other as a mother hen. All the rest are chickens. They stand behind the hen, forming a column. Everyone holds on to each other, and the one in front - to the hen. The kite becomes three or four steps from the column. On a signal from the leader, he tries to grab the last standing chicken. To do this, he needs to go around the column and attach himself behind. But this is not easy to do, since the mother hen constantly turns to face him and blocks the way, stretching her arms out to the sides, and the whole column deviates in the opposite direction from him.

The game continues for several minutes. If during this time the kite does not manage to grab the chicken, a new kite is chosen, and the game is repeated.

Hunter and watchman

A hunter and a watchman are selected from among the players. The watchman stands in the middle of the platform. A circle with a diameter of 2 m is drawn near it. The rest of the players (animals) scatter around the site in different directions. The hunter is chasing them, trying to tarnish someone. Those caught are taken to the circle under the protection of the watchman. They can be rescued. To do this, it is enough to hit the person standing in the circle on the outstretched hand (those caught cannot cross the line of the circle). But if the watchman or the hunter stains the rescuer, he himself goes into the circle.

The rescued animals run away and join the rest. The game is terminated at the discretion of the leader.

jumping sparrows

A circle of such size is drawn on the floor or on the court so that all the players can freely fit around its circumference. One of the players is a cat, he is placed in the center of the circle. The rest of the players - sparrows - stand outside the circle, at the very line. At the signal of the leader, the sparrows begin to jump inside the circle and jump out of it, and the cat tries to catch one of them at the moment when he is inside the circle. The one who is caught becomes a cat, and the cat becomes a sparrow, and the game is repeated.

In the future, you can establish a rule: jump in and jump out only on one leg.

Better get a seat

The players form a circle and are calculated in numerical order. The driver takes a place in the center of the circle. He loudly calls any two numbers. The numbers called must immediately change places. Taking advantage of this, the driver tries to get ahead of one of them and take his place. If he succeeds, then the one who is left without a place goes to drive.

The numbers assigned to the participants at the beginning of the game should not change when one or another of them temporarily becomes the leader.

Find yourself a mate

The players stand in pairs in one common circle. The driver is in the middle of the circle. At the command of the head "Face to face!" the players in each pair turn to face each other, then the command “In place!” Follows. At the command "Back to back!" they turn their backs on each other. At the command "Change in pairs!" everyone is looking for a different partner. At this time, the driver tries to become a couple with someone. The one who is left without a pair becomes the leader.

Animals, prick up your ears

The children stand in a circle, holding hands. The leader goes around the circle and disconnects it in several places. Small circles are created from the links formed - houses of bunnies, squirrels, foxes, bears.

To the music, the leader passes by the animals standing in the houses, and invites them to follow him. Squirrels move quickly, scurrying with their feet, hares with small jumps, bears with heavy steps, shifting from foot to foot, fox cubs with a soft, insinuating gait. Having formed a common circle, everyone dances.

Suddenly, the leader gives the command: “The hunters are coming!” The animals rush to their places and try to form circles (houses) as soon as possible. The group that does it faster than the others wins.

The guys stand in a circle, in the middle of which the driver enters. He is blindfolded. The players walk in a circle after the leader, repeating his movements (gymnastic or dance), then stop and say:

We played a little
Now we are in a circle.
You solve the riddle
Who called you - find out!

The leader silently points to one of the players, who exclaims: “Find out who I am!” The driver must say his name. If he guessed correctly, the recognized one becomes the driver, if he made a mistake, the game is repeated. When the guys begin to distinguish the voices of their comrades, you can allow them to change their voice to complicate the game.

Ball in the air

The players form a circle, stand at a distance extended to the sides, the leader is in the middle of the circle. Those standing in a circle begin to throw the ball to each other, preventing the driver from touching it. The driver, running in the middle of the circle, seeks to touch the ball when it is in the air, on the ground or in the hands of one of the players. If he succeeded, the player takes his place, after the throw of which the ball was touched.

Fortress defense

Draw a big circle on the ground. All players stand behind the circle line, facing the center. Only one driver remains in the circle. Five maces or pins are placed in the middle of the circle. This is a fortress that the driver must protect.

The game requires a volleyball. The players, throwing the ball between themselves, try to catch a convenient moment when: the defender of the fortress gapes, and knock down the clubs with a ball.

The defender has the right to hit the ball in any way. The one who manages to destroy the fortress becomes the new defender.

The fortress can also be made in the form of a tripod from sticks tied at the top. A ball is placed on the tripod.


The game can be played by 10 to 20 people. The players are located in a circle at arm's length, facing the center. The ball rolls inside the circle on the ground. Those who play with their hands beat the ball away from themselves, trying to hit the other with it. The ball is a bumblebee. If someone does not have time to hit the ball and will be touched by it (not above the knees), then it is considered stung. He turns his back to the center of the circle and does not take part in the game until the next one is touched. Then the first one stung again comes into play, and the second one turns his back to the center. You cannot catch the ball and beat it with your feet.


A line is drawn on the ground, behind which all the players become. At 40 m from it, a second line is drawn. At the signal of the leader, everyone starts walking, trying to reach the finish line as quickly as possible. It is necessary to ensure that no one’s step turns into running or jumping.

The winner is the one who, without violating the rules, reaches the finish line first.


The players become in a circle. A rope is lying on the ground, forming a ring (the ends of the rope are tied). The guys pick it up from the ground and, holding on to it with their right (or left) hand, walk in a circle with the words:

Barely, barely, barely
The carousels are spinning
And then around and around
All run, run, run.

The players move slowly at first, and after the words "run" they run. At the command of the head "Turn!" they quickly take the rope with the other hand and run in the opposite direction.

Hush, hush, don't rush!
Stop the carousel.
One and two, one and two
So the game is over!

The movement of the carousel gradually slows down and stops with the last words. The players put the rope on the ground and scatter around the site. On a signal, they rush to sit on the carousel again, that is, take hold of the rope with their hands, and the game resumes. You can take seats on the carousel only until the third bell (clap). A latecomer does not ride the carousel.


The guys become in a circle. One of the players goes to the middle of the circle, he will portray an owl, and all the rest - bugs, butterflies, birds. At the command of the host: "The day is coming - everything comes to life!" all the bugs, butterflies, birds run in a circle, flapping their wings, the owl is sleeping at this time, that is, it stands in the middle of the circle with its eyes closed. When the host commands: “The night is coming - everything freezes!”, The birds, bugs and butterflies stop and stand motionless, hiding, the owl runs out to hunt at that moment. She looks out for those who move or laugh, and takes the guilty to her nest - the middle of the circle; they also become owls and when the game is repeated, they all fly out to hunt together.


This is one of the most common and favorite games among kids.

All the players, with the exception of one, hide. When they hid, the driver comes out with a lifesaver. His task is to find everyone who hid. He announces his arrival by hitting a stick on a tree, bench or other object near which it will lie (the place should be known to everyone). At the same time, he says: “A lifesaver, our game is ahead, a lifesaver, whoever misses - drive!” - and, leaving the wand in place, he goes to look for the hidden ones. Noticing someone, he runs to the stick, hits it and shouts that such and such has been found, he is there. Then again, putting the wand in place, he goes to look for the others, but he himself is afraid to move far from the wand, since each of those not found can come running, knock with a wand and say: “Wand, help me out!” After that, everyone (and those who were found) should hide again, and the driver should look. Seeing that one of the players that he did not find runs to the stick, he should try to get ahead of him, run up to the stick and, before it is grabbed, hit it and say that such and such has been found.

Team games

Better get a skittle

The players line up in two lines and stand facing each other. The distance between them is 10 m. The players of each of the lines are calculated in numerical order. Between the lines (at an equal distance from them) they put a pin. The leader calls a number. Players with this number run out. Everyone strives to be the first to grab the skittle. The one who manages to do this runs away into his line, and the enemy tries to tarnish him. If the bowler returns to the line without being spotted, his team gets two points, and if he gets spotted, one point. Then the leader calls another number, and other players run. The team with the most points wins.

knock down the ball

The players line up in two lines and stand facing each other at a distance of 10-15 m. Both teams are calculated in numerical order. A line is drawn in front of the socks of the players in each line. A chair is placed between the lines at an equal distance from them and a ball is placed on it. The leader calls a number. Players with this number run out. They must run to the opposite line, step on the line with their foot and knock the ball off the chair on the way back. The team whose representative does this, ahead of the opponent, is given a point. The team with the most points wins.

Running for flags

The players are divided into two equal teams and line up opposite each other at opposite ends of the court. Parallel to these lines in the middle of the site, a strip 1.5-2 m wide is indicated, on which flags are laid out. At the signal of the leader, the players of both teams quickly run out to the transverse strip and try to collect as many flags as possible, and then with the flags they return behind their lines and line up. Team captains collect and count the flags brought by their players. For each flag the team is given one point. The team with the most points wins. Each player can collect any number of flags. Flags cannot be taken away, for each violation of this rule the team receives a penalty point. You can't run into the lane with flags.

Drag in a circle

The players are divided into two equal teams and are located one outside and the other inside the line of the circle facing each other. The task of the players in the circle is to drag their opponents into the circle, and the players standing outside the circle are to pull the opponent out of the circle. The game is played in the form of short fights, lasting 1-2 minutes. Drawn into the circle and pulled out of the circle are out of the game. You can pull only by grabbing a partner by the hands or by the belt. The team with the most players left after 4-6 bouts wins.


A line is drawn in the middle of the site dividing it into two equal parts. At 20-30 steps from this line, one more line is drawn on each side - captivity.

The players are divided into two teams. Each team is freely placed on its field. The leader, standing in the middle of the court, tosses the ball. The first team to enter the game is the one on whose side the ball falls. A shootout begins. Each team aims to hit the other team's players with the ball. Salted go beyond the line of captivity (on the side of the enemy).

Players do not have the right to cross the middle line on the opponent's field. A player is not considered tagged if he catches the ball on the fly, and also if the ball hits him after bouncing off the ground. Running with the ball and holding it in your hands is not allowed. In case of violation of the rules, the ball is transferred to the other team. Prisoners can be rescued. To do this, you need to throw the ball to the prisoner (through the opponent's field) so that he catches it without crossing the line of captivity. The one who succeeds is considered liberated and returns to his place.

If the ball hit the line of captivity, it is thrown from there by the prisoners in the direction of their team (and if they are not there, any participant in the game who is nearby).

You can also play against the clock. In this case, by the end of the game (after 10-15 minutes), the number of players in each team is counted. The team with the most of them wins.

Race with the ball in a circle

10-12 people play. They stand in a circle at arm's length from one another, and then they count on the first and second numbers. This is how two teams are formed: one with even numbers, the other with odd numbers.

The leader gives volleyballs to two players standing side by side, i.e., the first and second numbers. On a signal, they run in opposite directions, going around the circle from the outside. Each of this pair, returning to their place, immediately throws the ball to the nearest teammate. This player, having caught the ball, immediately runs around the circle, takes his place and from here throws the ball further through one person, etc.

The winner is the team in which all the players run the ball around the circle faster.

Passing the ball around

The two teams line up behind each other's heads in two separate circles. Each team chooses a captain. Captains receive a volleyball. On a signal, each captain raises the ball over his head, passes it to the one standing behind, and then the ball passes in a circle from hand to hand. When, having gone around the circle, the ball returns to the captain, he directs it to the one standing in front (i.e., in the opposite direction). After that, at the command of the captain, everyone turns their backs to the center of the circle and passes the ball from hand to hand to the right, then everyone turns to face the center and passes the ball in the opposite direction. When the ball returns to the captain, he lifts it over his head. The team that gets the ball back to the captain the fastest wins.

The leader first conducts the game, building everyone in one common circle. When the players learn the rules of the game (how to pass the ball, when and where to turn), he divides the players into two teams and holds a competition between them.

Ball average

The players form 3-4 circles. They should have an equal number of guys. Inside each circle is a leader. He receives the ball and must throw it in turn to each of the players standing in the circle, without missing anyone, and catch it back. If the ball is not caught, then the one who missed runs after him, returns to his place, and the throw is repeated. When the ball returns to the driver from the last player, he raises it above his head. The team that finishes the toss first wins.

Changing places

Two teams of 8-10 people line up in ranks facing each other, at opposite ends of the site, behind the city lines (distance 10-12 m) and diverge to the width of outstretched arms. At the leader's signal, they run towards each other, trying to be outside the opposite city as quickly as possible, turn to face the center of the site and line up. The team that does it faster wins. When running across, the players, in order not to interfere with each other and not to collide with those running towards them, must stick to the right side.

When repeating the game, you can change ways, movements: move by jumping on two legs, on one leg, jumping with a rope, etc.

relay games

Among team games relay races take a special place. Conducting them does not require much preparation, and the content, depending on the age and composition of the players, can vary: it can be simplified and complicated. In relay races, the competitive start is very high and the results are clear, so they always arouse great interest not only among the participants, but also among the spectators, which, of course, is also very important.

Teams for participation in relay games can be created arbitrarily from among those who wish, but they can also represent various children's groups: stars, groups, classes. In this case, each of the participants has a special responsibility to the team he represents, in connection with which his activity, interest in the game and the will to win especially increase.

To participate in relay games, two (or 3-4) teams are created, equal in number of participants and, if possible, equal in strength. Teams line up in parallel columns one by one at a distance of 2-3 m from one another (other formations are possible). Each team should have no more than 8-10 people. To monitor the strict observance of the rules (do not run out ahead of time, put all the items in their places, etc.), the leader can appoint assistants who are attached to the teams and monitor the actions of the players. The assistants have the right to return the player to the starting line in order to repeat the action if he has violated the established rules.

Before starting the competition (especially with younger students), it is necessary to conduct a rehearsal without offsetting the results, so that everyone learns well what is required of him and adapts to the game.

We give a description of relay races of various content, which can be included in the program of games. You can also hold a special evening of fun relay races with preliminary preparation and training of the participants, with the awarding of the winners. Such an evening will be remembered for a long time by both participants and spectators.

What does the word "relay" mean? The kids are definitely interested in learning about it.

In ancient times, when there were no railroads, no cars, no planes, letters and other urgent papers were delivered by relay mail. From one postal station to another, the coachman drove a trio of horses. At the stations, the horses were harnessed, and the new postal troika raced on. People said just that - “send the papers by relay”, “delivered by relay”.

And even earlier (700-800 years ago) in some countries the mail was delivered by runners. They ran from one station to another. Bells hung from the belt warned with their ringing about the approach of the postman. Replacing each other, the messengers quickly delivered the news.

Now the word "relay race" has lost its former meaning. A relay race is such a game in which each of the participants at the appropriate stage must pass some object to another (baton, ball, hoop) or do some actions one after the other, while trying to get ahead of their opponents from the other team in speed.

bumpy running

In front of each team, from the start line to the finish line, at a distance of 1-1.5 m from each other, circles with a diameter of 30-40 cm are drawn (in a straight or winding line). At the leader’s signal, the first numbers, jumping from circle to circle, reach the end line, after which the shortest way come back and pass the baton to the next players. Having handed the baton to the next number, each player stands at the end of the column. The team that finishes the game first wins.

Relay with hoops

For the game you need hoops and baton according to the number of teams. A flag is placed in front of each team 10-15 steps from the start line. In the middle of the distance is placed on the hoop. The first numbers in the teams receive baton.

At the leader’s signal, the first numbers run to the hoops lying on the ground and, without releasing the sticks, raise the hoops, climb through them, put them in their place (it should be indicated) and run further to the flags. Having rounded the flags, they return, again crawl through the hoop and hand over the baton to the second numbers, and themselves stand at the end of their column. The second numbers do the same and pass the baton to the third, etc. The team that finishes the game first wins.

planting vegetables

Two or three teams line up in columns one at a time. In front of the teams at the opposite end of the site, 5 circles are drawn. The first players are each given a bag with items that conditionally designate vegetables (garlic, onions, beets, carrots, potatoes). On a signal, the children run, lay out all the “vegetables” in their mugs and pass the empty bag to the second numbers. The second numbers run, collect "vegetables" and pass the bag with "vegetables" to the third, etc. The team that finishes the game first wins.

Centipede running

The players are divided into two or three teams of 10-12 people. Each team gets a long rope. Players are evenly placed on both sides of the rope, which they hold on to, respectively, with their right or left hand. On a signal, the teams run to the finish line (distance of 30-40 m), all the while holding on to the rope. The team that runs to the finish line first wins, provided that none of its participants threw the ropes.

This game can be played in another way. Each team lines up one by one. Everyone raises their right hand and holds on to the cord stretched along the column. On a signal, both teams go to the finish line (10-15 m) and return. The team that returns first wins.


In teams of 6-7 people. Each team lines up one by one. On a signal, the one standing first quickly turns around, after which the second one takes him by the belt and they rotate together, then three of them, etc. The game ends as soon as the last member of one of the teams joins his column and all the guys turn around the axis.

Express train

Flags are placed 6-7 meters from each team. At the command "March!" the first players with a quick step (it is forbidden to run) go to their flags, go around them and return to the columns, where the second players join them, and together they again make the same path, etc. The players hold each other by the elbows and while walking, they move their hands like a locomotive connecting rod. When the locomotive (front player) returns to its seat with at full strength, he should give a long beep. The first team to arrive at the station wins.

To a new place

Two teams line up in columns one at a time. A line is drawn at a distance of 15-20 m from them. At the signal of the leader, the first and second numbers of each team, holding hands, run over the line. The first numbers remain in a new place, and the second ones return, join hands with the third players and again run to the line. Then the second numbers remain, and the thirds return to unite with the fourths, and so on. The team wins, all of whose players are the first to be on the other side.

Relay with balls

For the game you need volleyballs according to the number of teams. A chair is placed in front of each team 6-7 steps from the start line. The first numbers, having received the ball, run to their chairs, stand behind them and from this place throw balls to the second numbers, after which they return and stand at the end of their column. The second and subsequent numbers, having caught the ball, do the same. If the next player did not catch the ball, he must run after it, return to his place and only after that continue the game. The team that wins the ball, having bypassed all the players, will return to the first number earlier.

Passed - sit down

The players are divided into several teams of 5-6 people each, choose captains and line up at the line in columns one at a time. Captains stand in front of each column facing it at a distance of 5-6 steps. The captains get the ball. On a signal, each captain throws the ball to the first player in his column. Having caught the ball, the player returns it to the captain and sits down on the ground (in the gym - on the gymnastic bench). The captains throw the ball to the second, then to the third players, etc. Each of them, returning the ball to the captain, sits down. Having received the ball from the last player of his column, the captain lifts it up, and all the players of his team jump up.

The team whose captain picks up the ball first and whose players jump up first wins.

If during the game one of the players drops the ball, he must pick it up and throw it to the captain, having previously taken his place.

Relay with the puck

Team members line up in columns one at a time. In front of each team at 10-12 meters, they put a flag (or a chair). The 11 first numbers in the teams receive a stick and a puck. On a signal, they must, knocking the puck with a stick, circle it around the flag and return it back to the start line. The stick is then passed to the second player, who in turn circles the puck around the flagstick, and so on. The first team to complete the game wins.

When repeating the game, you can set the task of driving not one, but two pucks at the same time and returning both to the start line.

Cancer moves back

Teams are built in columns one at a time. Before each team at 10-15 meters put a flag. On a signal, the first players turn around and go to the flags with their backs forward, go around them to the right and, in exactly the same way - with their backs forward - return to their place. As soon as they cross the start line, the second players go into puts, then the third players, etc. The team that finishes the competition first wins.

You are not allowed to look back while driving.

Passing balls

The players are divided into two teams and line up one against the other. The first in each line is given a ball. On a signal from the leader, they pass the ball to their neighbors, who then pass it on. When the ball reaches the last player, he must hit the ball on the floor, catch it and return it to the neighbor. Then the ball is passed from hand to hand in the opposite direction. When the ball returns to the first player, he must lift it over his head. The team that finishes passing the ball first wins.

Needle and thread

To play, you need to prepare two fake needles (100-120 cm long) and two balls of colored cord (thin rope).

The players line up in two lines (10-12 people each) one against the other. The first numbers of each line are given a needle, and the last numbers are given a ball of cord.

On a signal, unwinding the ball (the player does not release it from his hands), the end of the cord is passed from hand to hand along the line. When it gets to the first player, he threads it through the eye of the needle and returns it to the second, who passes it further along the line in the opposite direction. When the end of the cord returns to the last player and the cord threaded through the needle is folded in half, everyone turns to the right (or left) and follows the leader, holding on to the thread (as the Russian proverb says: “Where the needle is, there the thread is”), quickly walk around the site along the perimeter (the boundaries must be marked) and return to their original place. The team that completed the task first (if all the rules were observed exactly) wins.

Competitions - fights


The players stand opposite each other on one leg, keep the other leg bent, hands folded on the chest. Jumping on one leg, everyone tries to push the opponent with his shoulder, make him lose his balance and lower his other leg - then the battle is won.

You can also play while sitting. The belt (braid) is connected by a ring. The players squat and put the ring on their knees so that the legs cannot be straightened. The hands are tucked under the knees. Jumping in this position on their toes, the players try to push each other with their shoulders. The one that does not keep balance loses.

The game "Cockfight" should take place within a small area, beyond which it is impossible to go.

Don't lose your balance

The players stand facing each other at arm's length. Their feet are closed. Raising their hands to chest level, each alternately strikes with one or both palms on the palms of the opponent. You can dodge the blow by suddenly spreading your arms. Whoever moves with at least one foot, loses.

Who will hit the puck

Two circles with a diameter of 40-50 cm are drawn on the ground. The center of one should be about 80 cm from the center of the other. Two players become behind the circles. Each of them receives a stick. A puck is placed in the center of each circle. It is necessary to knock the puck out of the opponent's circle and keep your own.

pull the cord

A rope is laid on the ground, to the ends of which sandbags are tied. At the ends of the rope, two players stand with their backs to each other. Before each of them in 5-6 steps a flag is placed. On a signal, the players run to their flags and, returning, try to pull the rope in their direction, ahead of their comrade. The one who manages to do it wins. The competition is repeated three times.

Racket fight

There are two players in this game of skill. Each player receives a racket. Rackets can be from table tennis or homemade. A cube or a small flat toy is placed on each of them.

The players, taking the racket in their left hand, take it to the side. On a signal, moving freely, they try to take the cube from the opponent's racket without dropping their own.

The winner of the duel is the one who manages to remove the cube from the partner's racket three times in a row.

Big game with a small ball

Ball games that people of different ages are fond of are very diverse. But in childhood, and especially in younger age, the most common is the "ball school". This is the name of the system of exercises with a small ball in order of increasing complexity.

You can start with the simplest.

- Who can throw the ball high up and catch it with both hands? the teacher asks the children.

There are many who wish, everyone can and. ready to prove it. Then the leader offers the children other, more difficult tasks: toss the ball and catch it only with the right hand, only with the left hand; toss the ball, make a full turn on the spot and catch it, etc.

These exercises are not for everyone. But one of the pre-trained guys will perform them easily and freely. And all children will understand that training is needed to perform the exercises.

Naming the days of the week

Several players use a counting rhyme to set up a queue. The beginner of the game throws the ball high and catches it, while naming all the days of the week in sequence: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc. (there is one throw for each day). When all the days of the week are called (or in case of misses), the player passes the ball to the next player, and he steps aside. When all participants complete this exercise, they count how many misses they have. The winners are those who played without misses or who had fewer of them.

The next time, when tossing the ball, you can agree to name not the days of the week, but the months: January, February, March, etc. Each cycle in this game no longer consists of 7, but of 12 throws.

You can also offer to throw the ball on all the letters of the alphabet in a row. It is very difficult to do this without a miss (such a game helps children learn the alphabet better).

Don't miss the ball

Two players stand side by side. One of them has a ball. He must, by hitting the ball with his palm, make it bounce off the floor 10 times in a row, and on the 11th pass (without stopping the game) to the second player. He, having made 10 strokes, must return the ball to the first. And so on until one of them misses the ball. Dropping the ball is out of the game. Instead, another player is appointed, and the competition continues. The one who stays in the game the longest wins.

It can be agreed that the player leading the ball does not stand still, but walks around with him some object, such as a chair, and, returning, passes it to the second.

You can play the game simultaneously with several pairs of players. The pair that manages to keep the ball in play the longest wins.

jump rope

Just like the “ball school”, exercises with a short and long rope have always been childhood companions. And this is no coincidence. They have; important for health promotion and physical development children and occupy an important place in outdoor games.

Rope jumping develops and trains such qualities that everyone needs, such as fast, light and elastic movements, endurance and attention, a sense of rhythm. Many honored masters of sports, preparing for competitions in athletics, boxing, various sports games, during training exercise in jumping rope. This helps them to better prepare for competitions, make their movements faster, more accurate and confident, legs stronger. And what interesting, complex and beautiful exercises with a rope are included in rhythmic gymnastics competitions!

All this is worth telling the children in order to arouse their greater interest in jumping rope.

All (or almost all) girls can jump with a rope school age, but not all boys, and it is also very important to captivate them with games with a rope.

Usually, children perform only the simplest, most primitive exercises with a rope. The teacher must complicate the task all the time: jump not only while standing still, but also on the go, on the run, on the right, on the left leg, jump once, and skip the rope under your feet twice, jump together (standing facing each other and in the back of the head ), three of us with two ropes, etc. Jumps should be soft, springy and performed on toes.

A short rope should be appropriate for the height of the child. Everyone can determine the desired length himself in the following way: stand in the middle of the rope, spread your legs shoulder-width apart, pull the rope along the body. Its ends should reach the waist.

For a long rope, you need a rope 10-12 mm thick and 5-6 m long.

Relay race with ropes

Two are drawn parallel lines at a distance of 15-20 m from one another. At the first line, two or three teams line up in the back of the head. Players standing in front of the column hold a rope in their hands. On the opposite line, in front of each team, put a flag. At the signal of the leader, the first numbers start running, jumping over the rope, and, having rounded the flag, come back and pass the rope to the next player. He, without stopping, jumps over the rope and rushes forward. The last participant, having reached the finish line, raises his hand with the rope up. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Relay with a long rope

The players line up in two columns one by one at the start line at a distance of 4-5 steps, one column from the other. Two players with a long rope stand in front of each team in 5-6 steps. At the signal of the leader, they begin to evenly twist the rope in the direction of their teams. At the same signal, the first numbers run forward. Their task is to run under the rope without hitting it, go back, touch the second players with their hand and stand at the end of their column. After that, the second numbers run forward, followed by the third, etc. The one whom the rope touched must return and repeat his attempt.

The team that finishes jumping first wins.

When the game is repeated, those who twisted the rope are replaced by others.

Card file

outdoor games

for preschoolers.

Prepared by the educator MBDOU DS No. 40

Davydova Anastasia Gennadievna


Target: learn to stand still for a while, listen carefully.

Game progress: Players are free to sit on the court. To the side (“in the hollow”) sits or stands “Owl”. The teacher says:"The day comes - everything comes to life." All players move freely around the court, performing various movements, imitating with hands the flight of butterflies, dragonflies, etc.

Unexpectedly says:"Night comes, everything freezes, the owl flies out." Everyone should immediately stop in the position in which these words found them, and not move. "Owl" slowly passes by the players and vigilantly examines them. Whoever moves or laughs, the "owl" sends to his "hollow". After a while, the game stops, and they count how many people the "owl" took to itself. After that, a new "owl" is chosen from those who did not get to it. That "owl" wins, which took more playing.

"Homeless Bunny"

Target: run fast; navigate in space.

Game progress: A "hunter" and a "homeless hare" are chosen. The rest of the "hares" are in hoops - "houses". The "homeless hare" runs away, and the "hunter" catches up. The "hare" can get into the house, then the "hare" standing there must run away. When the "hunter" has caught the "hare", he himself becomes him, and the "hare" - the "hunter".

"Fox in the chicken coop"

Target: learn to jump gently, bending your knees; run without hitting each other, dodge the catcher.

Game progress: On one side of the site, a "chicken coop" is outlined. In it, “hens” sit on a perch (on benches).

On the opposite side of the site is a fox hole. The rest of the place is a yard. One of the players is designated as the “fox”, the rest are “hens”. At a signal, the "hens" jump off the perch, walk and run around the yard, peck grains, flap their wings. On a signal: "Fox!" - "hens" run away to the chicken coop and climb onto the perch, and the "fox" tries to drag the "hen" that did not have time to escape, and takes it to its hole. The rest of the "hens" jump off the perch again, and the game resumes. The game ends when the "fox" catches two or three "hens".

"Run Silently"

Target: learn to move silently.

Game progress: Children are divided into groups of 4-5 people, divided into three groups and lined up behind the line. A driver is chosen, he sits in the middle of the site and closes his eyes. On a signal, one subgroup silently runs past the driver to the other end of the site. If the driver hears, he says "Stop!" and the runners stop. Without opening his eyes, the driver says which group ran. If he correctly indicated the group, the children step aside. If they make a mistake, they return to their places. So alternately run through all the groups. The winner is the group that ran quietly and that the driver could not detect.


Target: teach ease of movement, act after the signal.

Game progress: Everything must be shown before the game. game movements. Children stand on one side of the playground. The teacher says “Ready to fly. Start the engines!" Children make rotational movements with their hands in front of the chest. After the signal "Let's fly!" spread their arms to the sides and scatter around the room. At the signal "To land!" The players go to their side of the court.

"Hares and the wolf"

Target: learn to jump on two legs correctly; listen to the text and perform movements in accordance with the text.

Game progress: One of the players is chosen as the "wolf". The rest are rabbits. At the beginning of the game, the "hares" are in their houses, the wolf is on the opposite side. "Hares" come out of the houses, the teacher says:

Hares jump hop, hop, hop,

To the green meadow.

Grass is pinched, eaten,

They carefully listen to see if the wolf is coming.

Children jump, perform movements. After these words, the "wolf" comes out of the ravine and runs after the "hares", they run away to their houses. Caught "hares" "wolf" takes to his ravine.

"Hunter and Hares"

Target: learn to throw the ball at a moving target.

Game progress: On one side there is a “hunter”, on the other in drawn circles there are 2-3 “hares”. "Hunter" goes around the site, as if looking for traces of "hares", then returns to his place. The teacher says: "Hares ran out into the clearing." "Hares" jump on two legs, moving forward. At the word “hunter”, the “hares” stop, turn their backs to him, and he, without moving, throws a ball at them. The “hare” that the “hunter” hit is considered shot, and the “hunter” takes him to himself.


Target: learn to listen carefully to the text; develop coordination in space.

Game progress: Blindfold is selected with the help of a counting rhyme. They blindfold him, take him to the middle of the site, and turn around him several times. Conversation with him:

- Cat, cat, what are you standing on?

- On the bridge.

- What's in your hands?

- Kvass.

- Catch the mice, not us!

Players scatter, and blind man's blind man catches them. The blind man's blind man should recognize the caught player, call him by name, without removing the bandage. He becomes a creep.

"Fishing rod"

Target: learn to bounce correctly: push off and pick up your legs.

Game progress: Children stand in a circle, in the center - a teacher with a rope in his hands, at the end of which a bag is tied. The teacher twists the rope, and the children must jump over.

"Who is more likely to the flag?"


Game progress: Children are divided into several teams. Flags are placed at a distance of 3 m from the starting line. At the signal of the teacher, it is necessary to jump on two legs to the flag, go around it and run back to the end of your column.

"The Birds and the Cat"

Target: learn to move on a signal, develop dexterity.

Game progress: A “cat” sits in a large circle, “birds” sit behind the circle. The "cat" falls asleep, and the "birds" jump into the circle and fly there, sit down, peck at the grains. The "cat" wakes up and starts to catch the "birds", and they run away around the circle. The cat takes the caught “birds” to the middle of the circle. The teacher counts how many there are.

"Don't get caught!"

Target: learn to jump on two legs correctly; develop dexterity.

Game progress: The cord is laid in the form of a circle. All players stand behind him at a distance of half a step. The leader is chosen. He becomes inside the circle. The rest of the children jump in and out of the circle. The driver runs in a circle, trying to touch the players while they are inside. After 30-40 seconds. The teacher stops the game.



Game progress: With the help of a counter, a trap is selected. He becomes the center. The children are on the same side. On a signal, the children run across to the other side, and the trap tries to catch them. Caught becomes a trap. At the end of the game, they say which trap is the most dexterous.

"Run to the named tree"

Purpose: to train in quickly finding the named tree; fix the names of the trees; develop fast running.

Game progress: the driver is selected. He names a tree, all children should listen carefully to which tree is named, and in accordance with this, run from one tree to another. The driver carefully watches the children, whoever runs to the wrong tree takes them to the penalty box.

"Find a leaf, like on a tree"

Target: learn to classify plants according to a certain attribute; develop observation.

Game progress: The teacher divides the group into several subgroups. Everyone offers to take a good look at the leaves on one of the trees, and then find the same ones on the ground. The teacher says: "Let's see which team will find the right leaves faster." The kids start looking. The members of each team, having completed the task, gather near the tree whose leaves they were looking for. The team that gathers near the tree first, or the one that collects the most leaves, wins.

"Who rather collect

Target: learn to group vegetables and fruits; to cultivate speed of reaction to words, endurance and discipline.

Game progress: Children are divided into two teams: "Gardeners" and "Gardeners". On the ground are dummies of vegetables and fruits and two baskets. At the command of the educator, the teams begin to collect vegetables and fruits, each in their own basket. Whoever collected first raises the basket up and is considered the winner.


Target: learn to act on a verbal signal; develop speed, agility; practice dialogue.

Game progress: All children are bees , they run around the room, flapping their wings, buzzing: “Wh-zh-zh”. A bear (chosen at will) appears and says:

The bear is walking

The bees will take away the honey.

bees answer:

This hive is our house.

Go away, bear, from us,


bees flapping their wings, buzzing, driving away the bear.


Target: develop coordination of movements; develop orientation in space; exercise in rhythmic, expressive speech.

Game progress: Beetle children sit in their houses (on a bench) and say: “I am a beetle, I live here, buzz, buzz: w-w-w.” At the signal of the teacher, the "beetles" fly to the clearing, bask in the sun and buzz, at the signal "rain" they return to the houses.

"Find yourself a mate"

Target: learn to run fast without interfering with each other; fix the names of the colors.

Game progress: The teacher distributes colored flags to the players. At the signal of the teacher, the children run around, at the sound of a tambourine they find a mate according to the color of the flag and hold hands. An odd number of children must take part in the game so that one is left without a pair. He exits the game.

"Such a leaf - fly to me"

Target: develop attention, observation; exercise in finding leaves by similarity; activate dictionary.

Game progress: The teacher with the children examines the leaves that have fallen from the trees. Describes them, says what tree they are from. After a while, he gives the children leaves from different trees located on the site, and asks them to listen carefully. Shows a leaf from a tree and says: “Whoever has the same leaf, run to me!”

"Wintering and Migratory Birds" (Russian traditional)

Target: develop motor skills; reinforce the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe behavior of birds in winter.

Game progress: Children wear bird hats (migratory and wintering). In the middle of the playground, at a distance from each other, there are two children in hats of the Sun and Snowflake. "Birds" run in all directions with the words:

Birds fly, grains are collected.

Little birds, little birds ».

After these words, "migratory birds" run to the Sun, and "wintering" - to the snowflake. Whose circle gathers faster, he won.

"Bees and Swallow" (Russian traditional)

Target: develop dexterity, speed of reaction.

Game progress: Playing children-"bees" squat. "Swallow" - in its nest. "Bees" (sitting in a clearing and humming):

Bees fly, honey is collected!

Zoom, zoom, zoom! Zoom, zoom, zoom!

Martin: - The swallow flies and catches the bees.

Flies out and catches "bees". Caught becomes a "swallow".

"Dragonfly Song"

Target: develop coordination of movements; exercise in rhythmic, expressive speech.

Game progress: Children become in a circle, pronounce the words in chorus, accompanying them with movements:

I flew, I flew, I didn’t know I was tired.

(Wave hands gently.)

She sat down, sat down, flew again.

(Get down on one knee.)

I found my friends, we had fun .

(Smooth wave of hands.)

She led a round dance, the sun shone.

(They lead a round dance.)

"The Cat on the Roof"

Target: develop coordination of movements; develop rhythmic, expressive speech.

Game progress: Children become in a circle. In the center is a cat. The rest of the children are mice. They quietly approach the “cat” and, shaking their fingers at each other, say in unison in an undertone:

Quiet mouse, quiet mouse...

The cat is sitting on our roof.

Mouse, mouse, watch out.

And don't get caught by the cat!

After these words, the "cat" chases the mice, they run away. It should be noted with a line the mouse's house - a mink, where the "cat" has no right to run.

"Crane and Frogs"

Target: develop attention, dexterity; learn to navigate by signal.

Game progress: A large rectangle is drawn on the ground - a river. At a distance of 50 cm from her, “frogs” children sit on bumps. Behind the children, a “crane” sits in its nest. "Frogs" sit down on the bumps and begin their concert:

Here from the hatched rotten

The frogs splashed into the water.

And puffed up like a bubble

They began to croak from the water:

"Kwa, ke, ke,

Kwa, ke, ke.

It will rain on the river.

As soon as the frogs utter their last words, the "crane" flies out of the nest and catches them. The "frogs" jump into the water, where the "crane" is not allowed to catch them. The caught “frog” remains on the bump until the “crane” flies away and the “frogs” get out of the water.

"Hare hunting"

Target: develop attention, dexterity, fast running.

Game progress: All the guys are “hares” and 2-3 “hunters”. "Hunters" are on the opposite side, where a house is drawn for them.

Educator: -

There is no one on the lawn.

Come out, bunny brothers,

Jump, somersault! ..

Riding in the snow!

"Hunters" run out of the house and hunt for hares. Caught "hares" "hunters" take home, and the game is repeated.

"Zhmurki with a bell"

Target: to entertain children, to help create a good, joyful mood in them.

Game progress: One of the children is given a bell. The other two kids are morons. They are blindfolded. The child with the bell runs away, and the buffaloes catch up with him. If one of the children manages to catch the child with the bell, they switch roles.



Game progress: Children (sparrows) sit on a bench (in nests) and sleep. In the teacher's words:Sparrows live in the nest and everyone gets up early in the morning ”, the children open their eyes, say loudly:"Click-chick-chick, chirp-chick-chick! They sing so merrily." After these words, the children scatter around the site. In the teacher's words:« They flew into the nest! - return to their seats.


Target: develop dexterity, fast running.

Game progress: 2 children are selected: "bunny" and "wolf". Children form a circle holding hands. Behind the circle - "bunny". In the circle "wolf". Children lead a round dance and recite a poem. And the "bunny" jumps around the circle:

A little bunny jumps near the mound,

The bunny jumps fast, you catch him!

The "wolf" tries to run out of the circle and catch the "bunny". When the "bunny" is caught, the game continues with other players.

"Fox and chickens"

Target: develop fast running, agility.

Game progress: At one end of the site are chickens and roosters in a chicken coop. On the opposite side is a fox. Chickens and roosters (from three to five players) walk around the playground, pretending to peck at various insects, grains, etc. When a fox creeps up on them, the roosters shout: “Ku-ka-re-ku!” At this signal, everyone runs into the chicken coop, followed by a fox that tries to stain any of the players.

If the driver fails to stain any of the players, then he leads again.

"Hares and Bears"

Target: develop dexterity, the ability to reincarnate.

Game progress: The "bear" child squats and naps. Children- "hares" jump around and tease him:

brown bear, brown bear,

Why are you so gloomy?

"Bear" gets up, answers:

I did not treat myself to honey

That's where everyone got angry.

1,2,3,4,5 - I start to drive everyone!

After that, the "bear" catches the "hares".

"Where we were"

Target: develop motor skills and abilities; develop observation, attention, intelligence, breathing.

Game progress: The driver is selected by the counting room. He goes out to the veranda. The remaining children agree on what movements they will do. Then the driver is invited. He says:"Hello children! Where were you, what were you doing?" Children answer: “Where we were, we will not say, but we will show what we did!” If the driver has guessed the movement performed by the children, then a new driver is selected. If he couldn't guess, he drives again.

"At the bear in the forest"

Target: learn to navigate in space; develop attention.

Game progress: A line is drawn at one end of the site. This is the edge of the forest. Behind the line, at a distance of 2-3 steps, a place for a bear is outlined. At the opposite end, the children's house is indicated by a line. The teacher appoints one of the players as a bear (you can choose a rhyme). The rest of the players are children, they are at home. The teacher says: "Go for a walk." Children go to the edge of the forest, pick mushrooms, berries, i.e. imitate the corresponding movements and say: "At the bear in the forest,

I take mushrooms, berries, And the bear sits and growls at us.

The bear gets up with a growl, the children run away. The bear tries to catch (touch) them. He takes the one he catches to himself. The game is restarted. After the bear catches 2-3 players, a new bear is appointed or selected. The game is repeated.

"Bird Flight"

Target: learn to move in one direction, quickly run away after the signal.

Game progress: Children stand in one corner of the site - they are birds. In the other corner are benches. At the signal of the teacher: “The birds are flying away!”, The children, raising their hands, run around the playground. On a signal: “Storm!”, they run to the benches and sit on them. At the signal of an adult: “The storm is over!”, the children get off the benches and continue to run.

"Cucumber ... cucumber ..."

Target: to form the ability to jump on two legs in the forward direction; run without bumping into each other; perform game actions in accordance with the text.

Game progress: At one end of the hall is the teacher, at the other the children. They approach the trap by jumping on two legs. The teacher says:Cucumber, cucumber, don’t go to that tip, The mouse lives there, it will bite your tail off. After the end of the chants, the children run away to their house. the teacher pronounces the words in such a rhythm that the children can jump twice for each word. After the game is mastered by children, the role of the mouse can be entrusted to the most active children.

"Trap, take the tape!"

Target: develop dexterity, cultivate honesty, fairness in evaluating behavior in the game.

Game progress: The players stand in a circle, choose a trap. Everyone, except for the trap, takes a colored ribbon and lays it behind the belt or behind the collar. The trap stands in the center of the circle. At the signal of the teacher "Run!" children run around the playground. The trap catches up with them, trying to pull the ribbon from someone. The one who has lost the ribbon temporarily steps aside. At the signal of the teacher "" One, two, three. Run into the circle!" the children gather in a circle, the trap counts the number of ribbons and returns them to the children, the game restarts with a new trap.

"Colored Cars"

Target: teach, in accordance with the color of the flag, perform actions, navigate in space.

Game progress: Children are placed along the edges of the playground, they are cars. To each his own colored circle. The teacher is in the center, he has three colored flags in his hands. He picks up one, the children who have a circle of this color scatter in different directions. When the teacher lowers the flag, the children stop. The teacher raises a flag of a different color, etc.

"Potatoes" (Russian folk game)

Target: introduce the folk game; learn to throw the ball.

Game progress: Players stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other without catching it. When a player drops the ball, he sits in a circle (becomes a "potato"). From the circle, bouncing from a sitting position, the player tries to catch the ball. If he catches, then he again becomes the players, and the player who missed the ball becomes a potato.
The game continues until one player remains or gets bored.

"Birds and car"

Target: develop motor skills and abilities; develop auditory attention; the ability to move in accordance with the words of the poem.

Game progress: Children stand in a circle. These are "birds" in nests. On the opposite side is the teacher. He represents a car. After the words of the teacher:

Birds jumped, small birds,

They galloped merrily, pecked at the grains.

Children - "birds" fly and jump, waving their arms. At the signal of the teacher: “The car runs along the street, puffs, hurries, the horn is buzzing. Tra-ta-ta-ta, beware, step aside. Bird children run away from the car.


Target: develop dexterity, the ability to act after a signal.

Game progress: The players are divided into two unequal groups. A smaller group of children, holding hands, form a circle. They represent a mousetrap. The remaining children (mice) are outside the circle. Depicting a mousetrap, they begin to walk in a circle, saying:

Oh, how tired the mice are,

Divorced them - just a passion.

Everyone ate, everyone ate

Everywhere they climb - that's an attack.

Beware, cheaters

We will get to you.

Let's close the mousetrap

And we'll catch you right away!
Children stop, raise their clasped hands up, forming a gate. Mice run into and out of the mousetrap. At the signal of the teacher “Clap”, the children standing in a circle lower their hands, squat - the mousetrap slams shut. Mice that do not have time to run out of the circle (mousetraps) are considered to be caught. Those caught become in a circle, the mousetrap increases. When most of the children are caught, the children switch roles and the game resumes. The game is repeated 4-5 times. After the mousetrap is closed, the mice should not crawl under the hands of those standing in a circle or try to break the clasped hands. The most dexterous children who have never fallen into a mousetrap should be noted.

"Run and don't hit"

Target: develop movement dexterity.

Game progress: From large snowballs lay out a chain. The task of the players is to run between the snowballs and not hit them.

"Snow Woman" (Russian folk game)

Target: develop motor activity.

Game progress: "Snowman" is chosen. She squats down at the end of the platform. Children go to her, trampling,

Baba Snow is standing,

Dozes in the morning, sleeps during the day.

Quietly waiting in the evenings

At night, everyone is going to be scared.

At these words, the "Snow Woman" wakes up and catches the children. Whoever he catches becomes the "Snow Woman".

"Duck and Drake" (Russian folk game)

Target: introduce Russian folk games; develop speed.

Game progress: Two players represent a Duck and a Drake. The rest form a circle and hold hands. The duck becomes in a circle, and the Drake behind the circle. The Drake tries to slip into the circle and catch the Duck, while everyone sings:

Drake, catches a duck,
The young one catches the grey.
Go duck home
Go, gray, home.
You have seven children

Eighth drake.

"Get in the Hoop"

Target: develop accuracy, eye.

Game progress: Children throw snowballs into a hoop from a distance of 5-6 m.

"Snowballs and wind"

Target: develop motor skills.

Game progress: Children stand in a circle holding hands. At the signal of the teacher: “The wind blew strong, strong. Fly away, snowflakes! - they scatter in different directions around the site, spread their arms to the sides, sway, spin. The teacher says: “The wind has died down! Come back, snowflakes in a circle! The children run into a circle and hold hands.

"Watch out, I'll freeze"

Target: develop dexterity.

Game progress: All the players gather on one side of the playground, the teacher is with them. “Run away, beware, I’ll catch up and freeze,” says the teacher. Children run to the opposite side of the playground to hide in the house.

"Empty place"

Target: develop speed of reaction, dexterity, speed, attention.

Game progress: Children hold on to the hoop with their right hand, and move clockwise, and the leader goes in the opposite direction with the words:

I walk around the house

And I look out the window

I will go to one

And softly knock:


All children stop. The player, near whom the host stopped, asks: “Who came?” the host calls the name of the child and continues:

You stand with your back to me

Let's run with you.

Which of us is young

Will you hurry home?

The leader and the child run in opposite directions. The winner is the one who first takes an empty place near the circle.

"Shaggy Dog"

Purpose: to develop attention, fast running; learn how to designate objects in the game in different ways.

Game progress: Children stand on one side of the playground. The driver - the dog - is on the other side. Children quietly approach him with the words:

Here lies the shaggy dog,

Burying your nose in your paws.

Quietly, quietly he lies,

Not dozing, not sleeping.

Let's go to him, wake him up,

And let's see what happens !

After these words, the dog jumps up and barks loudly. Children run away, and the dog tries to catch them.

"We are funny guys"

Target: develop dexterity, attention.

Game progress: Children stand on one side of the playground beyond the line. A line is also drawn on the opposite side - these are houses. There is a trap in the center of the site. The choir players say:

We are funny guys, we love to run and jump

Well, try to catch up with us.

1,2,3 - catch!

After the word "Catch!" the children run across to the other side of the playground, and the trap tries to catch them. The one whom the trap manages to touch to the line is considered caught and moves aside, skipping one dash. After two runs, another trap is selected.


Target: learn to move and speak at the same time, to act quickly after a signal.

Game progress: The players stand in a circle. A rope lies on the ground, the ends of which are tied. They approach the rope, lift it from the ground and, holding it with their right (or left) hands, walk in a circle with the words:

Barely, barely, barely, barely

The carousels are spinning

And then around, around

Everyone run, run, run.

The players move slowly at first, and after the word "run" they run.

At the command of the head "Turn!" they quickly take the rope with the other hand and run in the opposite direction. In words:

Hush, hush, don't rush

Stop the carousel

One and two, one and two

Here the game is over.

The movement of the carousel gradually slows down, and stops with the last words. The players put the rope on the ground and scatter around the site. On a signal, they rush to sit on the carousel again, that is, take hold of the rope with their hand, and the game resumes. You can take places on the carousel only until the third bell (claps). A latecomer does not ride the carousel.

"Kittens and Puppies"

Target: learn to move beautifully on toes, combine movement with words; develop dexterity.

Game progress: The players are divided into two groups. Children of one group depict "kittens", the other - "puppies". "Kittens" are near the bench; "puppies" - on the other side of the site. The teacher offers the “kittens” to run easily, gently. To the words of the teacher: “Puppies!” - the second group of children climbs over the benches. They run after the "kittens" and bark: "Av-av-av." "Kittens", meowing, quickly climb onto the bench. The teacher is there all the time. "Puppies" are returning to their houses. After 2-3 repetitions, the children change roles and the game continues.


Target: teach children to form a circle, changing its size depending on game actions; develop the ability to coordinate actions with spoken words.

Game progress: Children, together with the teacher, holding hands, form a circle and pronounce the words:

Inflate a bubble, inflate a big one.

Stay like this and don't break.

The players, in accordance with the text, step back holding hands until the teacher says “The bubble has burst!”. Then the players squat down and say "Clap!". And they go to the center of the circle with the sound “shhhh”. then again become in a circle.

"Cat Vaska"

Target: develop attention, dexterity.

Game progress: Children lead a round dance, in the middle the cat “sleeps”.

Mice dance
A cat is napping on a couch.
Hush, mice, don't make noise,
Don't wake the cat Vaska.
How Vaska the cat wakes up
Will break our round dance.

The cat wakes up, catches mice. The mice run into the houses.

"Cabbage" (Russian folk game)

Target: develop dexterity.

Game progress : The circle is a vegetable garden. In the middle, shawls are folded, denoting cabbage. The "master" sits down next to the cabbage and says:

I'm sitting on a pebble, amusing pegs of crayons,

I amuse the pegs of crayons, I am building my own garden.

So that the cabbage is not stolen, they did not run into the garden

Wolves and tits, beavers and martens,

Mustachioed hare, clubfoot bear.

Children try to run into the "garden", grab the "cabbage" and run away. Whoever the "owner" catches is out of the game.

"Who lives where"

Target: learn to group plants according to their structure; develop attention, memory, orientation in space.

Game progress: Children are divided into two groups: "Squirrels" and "bunnies". "Squirrels" are looking for plants behind which they can hide, and "bunnies" - under which they can hide. "Squirrels" hide behind trees, and "bunnies" behind bushes. They choose the driver - the "fox". "Bunnies" and "squirrels" run around the clearing. On a signal: "Danger - a fox!" - "squirrels" run to the tree, "hares" - to the bushes. Whoever completed the task incorrectly, those "fox" catches.

"Children and the wolf"

Target: develop motor skills and abilities; learn to understand and use past tense verbs and imperative verbs in speech.

Game progress: On one side of the playground, children stand in front of the drawn line. On the opposite side, behind a "tree" (a chair or a column), sits a "wolf" - the leader. The teacher says:

Children walked in the forest, picked strawberries,
There are many berries everywhere - both on the bumps and in the grass.

Children disperse around the playground, run. The teacher continues:

But here the branches crackled ...

Children, children, don't yawn
Wolf behind the spruce - run away!

Children scatter, the "wolf" catches them. The captured child becomes the "wolf", and the game starts over.

"Butterflies, Frogs and Herons"

Target: develop motor activity, attention.

Game progress: Children run freely on the playground. At the signal of the educator, they begin to imitate the movements of butterflies (waving "wings", spinning), frogs (down on all fours and jumping), herons (freeze, standing on one leg). As soon as the teacher says: “Let's run again!”, They again begin to run around the site in random directions.


Target: develop coordination of movements, orientation in space; practice pronunciation of sounds.

Game progress: Children choose "hawk" and "hostess". The rest of the children are pigeons. The "hawk" stands aside, and the "hostess" drives the "pigeons": "Shoo, shoo!" "Doves" scatter, and "hawk" catches them. Then the “hostess” calls: “Guli-guli-ghuli” - and the “pigeons” flock to the “hostess”. The one whom the “hawk” caught becomes the “hawk”, and the former “hawk” becomes the “mistress”.

"Move Items"

Target: develop coordination in space, dexterity, speed of reaction.

Game progress: On the ground on opposite sides draw 2-4 circles. Different objects are placed in one circle (skittles, cubes, toys), the other remains free. Children stand in two lines (or one column) and, at the signal of the teacher, begin to transfer objects one by one from another circle.

"Squat Traps"

Target: develop dexterity and speed.

Game progress: Players choose a driver, and they themselves scatter around the court. The driver catches up with them, trying to tarnish. The player who is being overtaken by the driver can crouch down and touch the ground with his hand. In this position, it cannot be stained. However, the driver can stand a stone's throw from the crouched one and count to five. If the player does not run away with a count of "five", the driver can stain him. The game is played within the area, the border of which is not allowed to leave. Anyone who breaks this rule becomes a leader. The winner is the one who has never been in the role of a driver. "Who's got the ball?" With the help of a counter, the driver is selected, who becomes the center of the circle. Children stand in a circle tightly with their shoulders to each other, hands behind their backs. The driver must guess who has the ball. The instructor starts the game, he has a small ball in his hand. Walking in a circle, the instructor gives the ball into the hand of one of the players, and the children must pass this ball in one direction or another in a circle so that the driver does not notice. "Find and shut up" The physical education instructor starts the game. He shows the children some toy, the children remember it. The instructor invites everyone to squat at the end of the playground facing the wall, and he quickly hides the toy and warns the children that the one who finds the toy first should not point at it and say out loud where it is hidden. At the command of the instructor: “We are looking. "" the children get up, walk calmly and search. Whoever found it first approaches the instructor and speaks so that the others do not hear. The game continues until most of the children find the toy. The most attentive and resourceful player who found the toy first is noted He hides it next.The game is repeated 2 times. "Make a Shape" At the signal of the physical education instructor, the players assume the figure or pose of some fairy-tale hero, animal, insect, etc. The music stops, the instructor marks the most interesting figure. The game is repeated 3-4 times. "Fishing rod" Players stand in a circle, in the center is a physical education instructor. He is holding a rope with a bag of sand tied to it. At the command of the instructor: “Begin! he starts spinning the rope in circles above the floor. As the rope approaches, the players jump over it with both feet together, jumping high so that the rope does not touch their legs. Having described 3-4 circles, the instructor stops and counts the number of players hitting the bag. The game continues 2-3 times. "Flies, does not fly" Children stand in a circle or in a line, the instructor stands so that everyone can clearly see and hear him. He begins to name animate and inanimate objects that fly and do not fly. Names an object and raises his hands up. Children should raise their hands up if a flying object is named, for example:

Physical education instructor:

Parachutist (raises hands up).

Children raise their hands up.

Children raise their hands up.

Children raise their hands up.

"Take it fast" The physical education instructor lays out cubes, balls, sandbags, small rubber toys, cones throughout the site, which should be 1-2 less than the number of children playing. To the music, children run around, between objects. As soon as the music stops, the children take one object at a time and raise it above their heads. The one who did not have time to pick up any object is considered the loser. The game is repeated 2-3 times. "Entertainers" With the help of a counting rhyme, an entertainer is chosen, who stands in the center of the circle formed by the children. Holding hands, the children go in a circle to the right, then to the left and say:

In an even circle one after another

We go step by step.

Stay where you are!


Let's do it like this.

The children stop, lower their hands, and the entertainer shows some kind of movement. Everyone must repeat it. The one who repeats the movement best of all becomes the new entertainer. The game is repeated 2-3 times. "Don't get caught" From the players with the help of a counter, 2-3 drivers are selected, they become in the center of the circle. The rest of the children stand in a circle and, at the signal of the instructor, begin to jump into and out of it with both feet as the drivers approach. The fastest driver is noted, who caught the most players, and the dexterous player who has never been caught. The game is repeated with a change of drivers 2 times. "Don't Stay on the Floor" With the help of a counting rhyme, a driver is selected who runs around the hall with the children. As soon as the instructor says: “Catch! ", Everyone runs away from the driver and, as he approaches, they climb some kind of hill (bench, cubes, stairs, chair, and the driver tries to catch those who are running. Those whom he touches step aside. At the end of the game, the caught players are counted. The game continues with a new driver.The driver who caught the most players is noted. "Swan geese" On one side of the hall, the house in which the "geese" are located is indicated. On the opposite side of the hall is a "shepherd". On the side of the site is the lair of the "wolf". The rest of the place is a meadow. With the help of a counter, “wolf” and “shepherd” are selected, the rest of the children are “geese”. The "shepherd" drives the "geese" to the "meadow", I run for a walk.

Shepherd: Geese, geese!

Geese (in chorus): Ha-ha-ha!

Shepherd: Do you want to eat?

Geese (in chorus): Yes, yes, yes!

Shepherd: So fly here!

Geese (in chorus): We can't! The gray wolf under the mountain does not let us go home.

Shepherd: So fly as you like, just take care of your wings.

The "geese" run home through the lair of the "wolf", and the "wolf" runs out of the lair and tries to catch the "geese". There are “geese” who ran away from the “wolf” and returned home safely. The game continues with another "shepherd" and "wolf". "Flies, does not fly" Children stand in a circle or in a line, the physical education instructor stands so that everyone can clearly see and hear him. He begins to name animate and inanimate objects that fly and do not fly. Names an object and raises his hands up. Children should raise their hands up if they named a flying object, for example:

Physical education instructor: Skydiver (raises hands up).

Children raise their hands up.

Physical education instructor: Airplane (raises hands up).

Children raise their hands up.

Physical education instructor: Helicopter (raises hands up).

Children raise their hands up.

Physical education instructor: House (raises hands up).

Children do not raise their hands up, etc.

At the end, the instructor counts those players who never made a mistake and were attentive.

"Firemen in training" Children are built in two columns at the starting line at a distance of 4-5 m from the gymnastic ladder. A bell is hung on the gymnastic ladder at the top. At the command of the instructor: “March! "The first children run, climb the stairs, ring the bell, go down, run back, passing the baton with a clap on the shoulder to the next" fireman ". The team of "firefighters" that completes the task faster wins. "Edible - inedible" Children stand in a circle or in a line. In the center of the circle or in front of the line is a physical education instructor with a large ball in his hands. This game can also be played by one of the children. The driver throws the ball, naming edible-inedible, for example: Physical education instructor: Pasta with meat. The child catches the ball and throws it back. Physical education instructor: Cake. The child catches the ball and throws it back. Physical education instructor: Ice cream. The child catches the ball and throws it back. Physical education instructor: Dom. The child does not catch the ball. Physical education instructor: TV. The child does not catch the ball. Physical education instructor: Machine. The child does not catch the ball, etc. "Third wheel" Children are divided into pairs, standing in the back of the head one after the other, while forming a large circle. Two drivers remain outside the circle, and at the command of the instructor: “Run! » one catches up with the other, running in a circle after all standing couples. In this case, the evader can at any time stand in front of some pair, and the third in this pair runs away from the catcher. If the pursuer catches the evader, they switch roles. "Tops, roots" Children stand in a circle or in a line. In the center of the circle or in front of the line is an instructor with a large ball in his hands. This game can also be played by one of the children. The driver throws the ball, calling the tops or roots, for example:

Physical education instructor: Eggplant.

Child; Vershki (catches the ball and throws it back).

Physical education instructor: Radish.

Child: Roots (catches the ball and throws it back).

Child: Roots (catches the ball and throws it back).

Physical education instructor: Strawberry.

Child: Tops (catches the ball and throws it back).

Physical education instructor: Garlic.

Child: Roots (catches the ball and throws it back).

Child: Tops (catches the ball and throws it back), etc.

Children who have never made a mistake are noted.

"Frost - Red Nose" With the help of a counting rhyme, the driver is selected - “frost”, which stands in the center of the site, and on the side is his house. The rest of the players stand on one side of the court with a line.

Frost: I'm Frost - Red Nose, Who among you will decide to set off on a path.

Children (in chorus): We are not afraid of threats and we are not afraid of frost!

After the words, the children should run across to the opposite side of the site beyond the line "where" frost "does not have the right to run across. The distance from the starting line to the finish line is 3-4 m. Whoever the “frost” caught during the run, leads to his house. Those "frosts" are noted, which caught more players in one run. The game is repeated with another "frost". "Vegetables and fruits" Children stand in a circle or in a line. In the center of the circle or in front of the line is an instructor with a large ball in his hands. This game can also be played by one of the children. The driver throws the ball, naming a vegetable or fruit, for example:

Physical education instructor: Carrot.

Physical education instructor: Cabbage.

Child: Vegetable (catches the ball and throws it back).

Physical education instructor: Orange.

Physical education instructor: Grapes.

Child: Fruit (catches the ball and throws it back).

Physical education instructor: Pineapple.

Child: Fruit (catches the ball and throws it back).

Physical education instructor: Cucumbers.

Child: Vegetables (catches the ball and throws it back).

Physical education instructor: Potato.

Child: Vegetable (catches the ball and throws it back).

Physical education instructor: Pear.

Child: Fruit (catches the ball and throws it back).

Children who have never made a mistake are noted.

"Hunters and Hares" With the help of a counter, a “hunter” is selected, the rest of the children are “hares”. On one side of the hall - the house of the "hunter", on the other - the house of the "hares". At the beginning of the music, the “hunter” comes out and looks for traces of the “hares”, then returns to himself. "Hares" jump out of their house and jump across the clearing on two legs in different corrections. At the command of the instructor: “Hunter! The "hares" run away to their house, and the "hunter" throws small balls at the "hares" as if he were firing a gun. The one whom the "hunter" hit with the ball is considered killed and goes to the "hunter's" house. The game is repeated with a new "hunter". The most accurate "hunter" is noted, with the majority of the "hares" killed. "Counting" Children to preparatory group know a lot of counting-check. All the players stand in a circle, one of the guys - the driver, who stands behind the circle, begins to pronounce the counting rhyme, pointing - in turn to each player. On whom the counting ended, he becomes the next driver. One of the children is noted who correctly divides words into syllables, who has good memory and who told a lot of rhymes. The funniest and most interesting rhyme is also noted.


Grandma was sowing peas.

He was born thick

We will rush - you are empty!

Bunny running down the road

Yes, my legs are very tired.

Bunny wanted to sleep

Come out - you look!

A heron walks through the swamp

Can't find a job.

She sat on the stumps

Ate five frogs at once.

One, two, three, four, five,

Come out - you look!

Our Tom wanted to eat,

He went into the refrigerator.

Sour cream in the fridge

Meat, fish, eggplant,

Cucumbers and grapes.

Zucchini and lemonade.

When you want to eat,

So come out soon!

Jerry is having fun

Jerry sings songs!

One, two, three, four, five,

Come on, Jerry, sing again!

"Witch" With the help of a counter, a “sorcerer” is selected, who stands in the center of the circle built by the rest of the players. Players walk in a circle saying:

We are funny guys

We love to jump and jump

Well, try to catch up with us!

All the children run away. The one to whom the "sorcerer" touched is considered bewitched. The child who has been bewitched stands in place, feet shoulder-width apart. Other children can disenchant him if they crawl on all fours between the legs of the bewitched. Bewitched children are not allowed to stand close to the wall. The game continues with the change of "sorcerer" 3 times. Those children who ran away from the "sorcerer" are noted, and those who bewitched the most children. "Who was named, he catches" One driver is selected, who stands in a hoop lying on the floor in the center of the site. At the command of the instructor: “Begin! » children run, jump, walk. The driver throws the ball up, loudly speaking someone's name, for example, Vasya, and runs away. Vasya runs, catches the ball, gets into the hoop, also calls the name. Throws the ball, runs away, etc. "Mice and Houses" With the help of a counter, the leader is selected. The rest of the children stand in rings or circles drawn on the floor and take places in them - “mice in houses”. The driver comes up to some house and says: “Mouse, mouse, sell the house! » She refuses. Then the driver goes to another "mouse". At this time, the "mouse", which refused to sell the house, calls one of the players and changes place with him. The driver seeks to take the place of one of the running ones. If he succeeds, then the one left without a place becomes the leader. Beli fails, then he goes from house to house with a request to sell the house. If the driver says: “The cat is coming! ", then everyone should change places, and the driver seeks to occupy someone's house. "Guess by touch" With the help of a counter, the leader is selected, he becomes in the center of the circle blindfolded. The rest of the children stand in a circle. The instructor slowly turns the driver, who approaches the player and determines by touch who it is. The most attentive driver is noted. The game continues with another driver 3-4 times. "Four forces" The players stand in a circle. The physical education instructor explains that there are 4 elements: water, air, earth, fire. For example, fish, frogs, crayfish live in water, people, animals, insects, etc. live on earth, but no one lives in fire. If the driver throws the ball and says: “Water”, “Earth” or “Air”, then the player to whom the ball was thrown must catch it, name the one who lives in this element, and throw the ball back to the driver. If the driver says: “Fire! ", then you can not catch the ball. For an incorrect answer or a ball caught on the word "fire", the player is out of the game. Play until the last remaining participant. "Carp and pike" On opposite sides of the playground, the “crucian” houses are marked with lines. The driver is chosen as a counting room - “pike”. All other children are "carp". "Karasi" are divided into two teams and disperse to their homes, and the "pike" is in the middle of the site. At the instructor's signal, all "carp" run (swim) to the opposite side. "Pike" catches those who cross. The one who is caught stands aside. After 2-3 runs, when there are 5-6 caught "carp", they form a network: they stand in one line in the middle of the site and hold each other's hands. Now, at the signal of the instructor, the “carp” run to the other side through the net (under the arms, and the “pike” stands behind the net and catches those running out of it. The caught “carp” also join the net. The game ends when all the “carp” are caught. Then a new driver is selected or the last caught “crucian” becomes the “pike.” The instructor can, after 2-3 runs, appoint one of the children as the “pike”. "Seasons, months and days of the week" Children stand in a large circle. The phase-culture instructor, for example, gives Olya a big ball and asks her to name the months of summer. Olya takes the ball, goes to the center of the circle, hits it on the floor with both hands and calls: June, July, August and passes the ball to whomever she wants, for example, Andrey. The instructor asks him to name the days of the week. Yura - 4 seasons, Alina - the months of spring, Katya - how many days are in a week, Pavlik - what season is it, etc. Those who answered the question incorrectly or think for a long time are eliminated from the game. The last one left wins. "Shander-mander" All players stand in a large circle. With the help of a counter, a leader is selected, who becomes in the center of the circle with a large ball in his hands. The leader beats si "on the floor with two or one hand and says:

Shander-mander lippopander (children run, and stop at the end of words).

I twist, I twist, whom I want, It will be. (name of player)

The driver says loudly how many steps to the one he called, for example, to Sasha. There are 3 giant steps before him (large, wide steps, 5 ordinary, 7 ant (minching steps) and 2 hare (jumping on two legs). The driver performs these steps and reaches Sasha. He throws the ball to him, Sasha catches and starts the game again. If Sasha does not catch, then the same child remains leading.You can name 2 or 3 types of walking, you can all 4. "What changed?" The physical education instructor puts small rubber toys in front of the children, offers to carefully look at and remember them. On command: “Close your eyes! » children close their eyes, and the instructor quickly swaps toys or removes one. On command: “Open your eyes! » children open their eyes and answer what has changed or what has not become. The most attentive children are noted. The game is repeated 2-3 times. "Fortification Defense" Children become in a circle. With the help of a counter, a defender is selected who protects the pin, standing in a small drawn circle in the center of a large one. Players try to knock down the pin with the ball. The ball can be thrown, but the thrower cannot leave the general circle and change place. The one who manages to knock down the pin takes the place of the defender. "Brook" Children become pairs, holding hands, stand with each other and form a long “corridor”, hands are raised up. One child, left without a couple, starts the movement of a stream. He goes into the brook from the end of the "corridor" and goes to the beginning of the brook, taking the hand of a comrade from you couple, whom he wants. Left without a couple child | away from the brook to the end of the "corridor", then enters the brook, taking whoever he wants by the hand, etc. Thus, the brook slowly flows, moving forward. "Riders and Runners" A playground 3x3 or 5x5 m is outlined. Children are divided into two teams: horses and runners. On one side of the site - the house of horses. Runners scatter around the playing area within its boundaries. The horses send one of their team into the field (to the site). The horse catches runners by jumping on one leg. The physical education instructor calls the horse: “Home! ". He returns, and instead of him, the next player in turn jumps into the field. And so the horses change all the time. Caught runners are captured by the horses. The game ends when all players in the field have been caught. Then the teams switch roles. The game is repeated. "Sweet words" Children stand in a circle and, passing the ball in any direction, say affectionate words, for example, Sasha says: “Darling” and passes the ball to Katya, she says: “Sunny” and passes the ball to Kristina, etc. Those whose words are repeated, are considered losers and are out of the game. The one who utters the most affectionate words wins.

All that remains of our childhood is a few old toys, a battered diary and countless treasures in the form of badges or wrappers from Turbo and Donald Duck chewing gum. When you look at them, you feel a slight sadness. Is it really all gone and nothing can be returned? .. No matter how! There are also games that we played as children.

Yes, the rules are slightly forgotten. Well, let! Going to barbecues or just to nature, you can (and even need to) allow yourself to fall into childhood. For you and your kids - the best outdoor games for children in the fresh air of the 1980-90s!

rubber bands

Now this game is not so popular among girls. And in our time, everything was different. Let's remember? So, the main and only inventory is an ordinary linen elastic band about 2.5 meters long, tied into a ring. However, now sold and specially designed for jumping. At least three people participate in the game. Two pull the elastic band, putting it on their feet, and the third performs various combinations of jumps through it.

Start the game with the simplest and gradually complicate them. Each combination is worked out at several levels: on the bones, on the ankles, on the knees, on the buttocks. If the participant made a mistake, it's the turn of another. Some jumps have names - "pedestrians", "bows", "birch". The simplest exercise is as follows: you need to jump with both feet over one rubber band, then over the other.

beat out

For this fun, you need a light soft ball, otherwise, getting into the kids, it can simply knock them down. So, for starters, they choose two knockouts, which stand along the edges of the clearing against each other. The rest of the players are in the center. Their task is to dodge the flying ball. If the beater manages to hit someone, he is out of the game. But even if this happened, his comrades can save him. To do this, you need to catch the ball on the fly and give it to any retired. The game is considered over when all players are "knocked out".

This is a very useful fun for adults (they lose hated kilograms) and for kids (improves coordination).


The number of players must be odd. Everyone breaks into pairs and stand one after another, holding hands and raising them high. The driver enters this living corridor, chooses one of the players for himself and stands at its end. And the released player becomes the driver. The faster the stream "flows", the more fun.

Such simple game turns out to be very funny too. After all, it is not easy for adult uncles and aunts to pass under the bridge from small children's hands. This fun unites the participants perfectly


This game is also known as catch-up, tags, sorcerers. In order for the strengths of the participants to be equal, it is better to play it either only for adults, or exclusively for children. First, a leader is chosen. He counts up to the agreed number (usually up to 10), and the rest of the players scatter in different directions (not too far). The leader's task is to catch up and touch each of them. Those he touches freeze in place. When all players are "tagged", the last one is declared the leader.

There is also an easier version of the game. But it is much more dynamic. The leader becomes the one whom the sorcerer caught up with and touched first.

If you see that the baby cannot “bash” anyone for a long time, then you should intervene and change the leader. Sometimes the little ones break the rules: they run, although they have been touched; hide behind trees so that they cannot be seen; pushing comrades. Adults should explain to their sons and daughters that this way the game turns into a mess and after a while everyone will become uninteresting.

The sea is worried

The leader pronounces a magic spell: “The sea is worried - one, the sea is worried - two, the sea is worried - three”, and then calls which figure should freeze in place. For example, sea. If he guessed all the figures, a new leader is selected, and if not, he will have to drive again.

Fishermen and fish

Are the kids frolicking with might and main? Give the adults a little rest, and invite the kids to play fisherman and fish. Take one end of the rope in your hand, bend over and start spinning in place so that the rope sweeps low above the ground. The kids have to jump over it. Whom she touched is caught. The winner is the last "fish".

edible - inedible

Everyone becomes in a circle. The host (in the center) throws the ball to one of the players, saying a word. If it means something edible, the ball should be caught and returned. If the named object cannot be eaten, the ball, accordingly, does not need to be caught. The game can be made harder or easier. For example, name only flowers, trees or animals.

It's like this fun Hot potato". Let one of the adults begin to sing any children's song. At this time, the participants will throw the ball to each other. When the song stops, whoever has the "hot potato" is out of the game. If the kids are very upset about being eliminated, do not take them out of the circle. Just have fun all together by throwing the ball. By the way, not only adults can sing a song ...


There are many games that use a plastic flying saucer. It can shoot down objects at a distance (like towns), or throw it between all participants. If you take two plates, you can practice your dexterity by quickly throwing them to each other one after the other.

Leader, leader, give me a pioneer!

If adults participate in the game, then they will have to succumb to the kids. After all, the forces are unequal. The rules are as follows: players are divided into two teams and line up against each other. The distance between them should be at least 4-5 m. Team members join hands. It is better if at least one hand of the child is held by one of the adults. For safety!

The first team shouts: “Counselor, counselor, give a pioneer!” The second in response: "Whom?" First: "Vasya!"

The boy leaves his line and runs to the "enemies", intending to break the chain. If successful, he takes either of the two players whose hands he broke. If the attempt was in vain, then he remains in a strange team, lengthening the row. The game ends when there are no more players left on one of the teams. The children may ask who the pioneers are and why the leaders should serve them. Get ready to answer!


Is your company located in an open space? You can please the kids by flying a kite. It is better to do this together. Place yourself so that the wind blows in the back of the one who holds the rope, and, accordingly, in the face of the assistant. When unwinding the rope, move away from your friend by 20-25 meters. Having taken a position, pull it. Pull on it when you feel a gust of wind, and the assistant at this time should release the kite, slightly tossing it up with its nose.

If the launch was successful, the toy will rise into the sky and soar there. Does the wind weaken and the kite starts to fall? Pull the rope towards you. In order to lower the kite, you just need to wind it on the coil.

tug of war

Again, you need to split into two teams. It is desirable that the forces in them are approximately equal. Players of both groups grab hands at opposite ends of a long rope or rope. Those who manage to pull the opponent over the line passing in the middle of the rope win. This game also has restrictions. So, it is not allowed to wrap a rope around the body or make it easier for yourself by squatting. It is better for crumbs not to participate in this fun - there is a risk of injury. Suddenly, someone falls on the child or steps on it?

Adults love to pull the rope. Play this game "at will". Which? For example, the losing team together depicts chickens. Here the kids will have fun!

In spring, summer and autumn it is very convenient to organize various outdoor games and exercises in the fresh air. Physical exercises in nature are extremely favorable for the improvement of many movements of children, the development of their motor qualities. Wide space allows you to move actively, freely, naturally, which contributes to the development of dexterity, dexterity, endurance of the child. On open lawns, children can move freely.

Every time you are going for a walk or planning a field trip, consider what games your child will play and take everything you need: balls, ribbons, hoops, etc.

Some of them:

1. We ride a bike, a scooter

For the development of coordination, a bicycle or a scooter is very suitable for a child. It should fit the baby in size and age. Cycling strengthens the muscles of the child's legs. You can draw a pedestrian crossing with chalk, where a pedestrian mother will walk, draw a traffic light. So the child will learn the rules of the road in an interesting way. And if you organize bicycle races with friends, then an interesting competition

you are guaranteed!

2. Playing in the sand

Not one child will miss the sand. And it is very useful for hand motility. What just doesn’t happen in the sandbox: castles, tunnels are built, cars drive by, pies are molded, giant towers are erected. Sand games can develop not only little fingers, but also logical thinking, memory, attention. When we make Easter cakes, we find the largest, the smallest.

3. Play with the ball

Take a ball with you for a walk. Ball games develop hand-eye coordination in children. The ball can be thrown to each other, rolled down a hill, rolled on the ground, thrown at a target or a basket. Show your baby that you can kick the ball with your foot - maybe you will grow up a future football player! Teach your baby to kick the ball with both the right and left foot.

4. We play with a hoop.

The hoop can not only be used for its intended purpose. Play with him Interesting games: Place the hoop on the floor and throw objects at it.

The hoop can turn into a steering wheel - the child will come up with a fun ride by train, car or plane. If you put several hoops on the path, you can jump over them, like over bumps, depicting a frog. The hoop can be a house in which the mouse will hide, running away from the cat. Put a few hoops on edge - you get a great tunnel for a child. Invite him to crawl inside it.

7. We play with a skipping rope.

The child will not learn to jump over the rope right away, but closer to school. But this does not mean at all that it is impossible to come up with a lot of interesting educational games with it. Put the rope on the floor, invite the child to jump over it. Gradually raise it higher and higher - you can crawl through it below, so as not to hurt, step over. From the rope you can add interesting objects - a cup, a typewriter, a square, etc.

8. Outdoor games.

When the child gets tired of sculpting Easter cakes or riding a bicycle, you can play outdoor games with him in the fresh air:

Cossack robbers.

Children are divided into two teams. The robbers run away, and the Cossacks catch up with them. While running and hiding, the robbers draw arrows with chalk in the direction they are running. The task of the Cossacks is to find the robbers by the arrows.


Children line up in pairs. The last one goes through

"tunnel" and becomes the first. Thus, we are moving forward.

1-2-3- stop.

The leader, standing with his back, says - 1-2-3-stop. Members

moving towards him at a rapid pace. They stop at the word "stop". The leader turns and guesses how many steps to each player.

Fisherman game

With the help of a counting rhyme, choose a "fisherman" from the players. Blindfold him. All other children are fish players. They should, clapping their hands, walk or run around the "fisherman". He will try to catch them. If there is any obstacle in the way of the "fisherman", a wall, a bench, etc., the children must warn the "fisherman": "Small".

When the "fisherman" catches any "fish", he must guess who it is. If he guesses correctly, then the unlucky "fish" becomes the "fisherman", and the game continues. If he does not guess correctly, then he releases the victim and begins to catch again. If the "fisherman" failed to guess three times, you must define a new "fisherman".

ball game

This outdoor game is for two kids. To play, you will need a small ball and a metal or plastic can. The playing field must be drawn, placing the lines at a distance of about thirty centimeters from one another. A bank is placed in the middle. The player who hits the jar with the ball moves it one line closer to himself. The one of the children who moves the jar closest to himself in this way becomes the winner.

Push out of the circle

Draw a circle on the street with a diameter of three meters. Two children should enter it and take the starting position for the game, standing on one leg, the right hand holds the left leg, and the left hand is bent in front and pressed to the body. The task of the players is to push the opponent out of the circle or make him stand on two legs, pushing him with his shoulder.

drag game

This outdoor game is for two kids. Draw a line on the pavement or on the sand. On both sides at an equal distance half a step away from each other, holding hands, two players should stand up, each of whom tries to force the opponent to step on the line with his foot or cross it. Jerks in the game are not allowed, tugging must be smooth.

Salochki or tags in a circle

This game is suitable for two children aged four and over. Draw a circle with a diameter of one and a half meters on the sand or on the asphalt.

Two players must stand on opposite sides of it. At the signal "One, two, three!" they begin to jump around on the right foot or on the left in a clockwise direction, trying to catch up and spot each other.

Almost classics

Draw on the sand or on the asphalt eight ten circles at a distance of thirty to fifty centimeters from one another, arranged in a closed circle.

Ask the child to jump from one circle to another on one leg straight or sideways. If two or more children take part in the game, then the one who lasts the longest on one leg wins.

The game is going in circles

This game is played outdoors or in a spacious room with a large number of players, because they must form two circles - external and internal. The outer circle is large, the inner circle consists of only three or four people. The guys, who make up a large circle, stand in place. The host stands in a small circle and, together with the players, walks in a circle, saying: "We walk in a circle and carry sweets with us." In response to this, the large circle players must quickly name something sweet, such as sugar. The one who first named the desired item goes to the inner circle, and the game continues.

The host and the players of the small circle pronounce its different variants “we take with us soft, liquid, sour, hard”, etc. Gradually, all players move into a small circle. And the one who was the last in the former large circle becomes the loser and must complete some "fant" task.

Merry, healthy summer to you and your children!