Children's outdoor games. Recall childhood Russian folk games outdoor games. Nuts, cones and mushrooms

- has long been a well-known entertainment for children. All folk traditional games can be divided into two groups: 1) winter Games- games indoors, in a hut, 2) spring and summer games- games on fresh air. All these games belong to the group of games with rules. And they are very important for the health of the child, and for his preparation for school. After all, it is in the game with the rules that the child learns to control his behavior, be guided by the rules in his activities, and this is the development of arbitrariness of behavior - the most important condition for the success of schooling.

Many of these old outdoor games are now forgotten. I want to tell you a little about them. In this article you will find both outdoor games that can be played by two, as well as games for a large campaign of children - for a children's group or a parent-child group.

Outdoor games: playing with children on a walk

Outdoor games: ball games.

I know.

This outdoor game develops children's memory and attention. It can even be played by two - a mother with one child.

Game option number 1.

We hit the ball, beating it off the ground or asphalt. For each beat, we pronounce a new name, repeating the previous one. For example:

I know one girl Alena.

I know two girls - Alena and Olya.

I know three girls - Alena, Olya and Vera.

I know four girls - Alena, Olya, Vera, Sveta ...

The main thing is not to lose count and correctly repeat the entire sequence without confusing the names in their order.

If a player has lost, he passes the ball to the next player. If he could never go astray, then he is a winner!

Similarly, trees, cities, flowers, vegetables, fruits, minerals and any other names can be called.

Game option number 2.

This version of the game is much more difficult, as it requires a shift in attention. And it is also necessary not to lose count and repeat the names in the chosen sequence.

Line up two parallel rows of names. For example.

I know one girl Alena. I know one boy, Petya.

I know two girls - Alena and Olya. I know two boys - Petya and Vova.

I know three girls - Alena, Olya and Vera. I know three boys -

Petya, Vova and Yura.

I know four girls - Alena, Olya, Vera and Masha. I know four boys - Petya, Vova, Yura and Seryozha and so on.

Such games are very useful for developing the memory and attention of the child, preparing him for school, develop the ability to quickly switch, focus.

Big ball.

To play, you will need a large ball that can be kicked. All players stand in a circle and hold hands. The driver stands in the center of the circle and tries to roll the ball out of the circle with his feet. The players don't let him do it. If one of the players missed the ball, he becomes the driver. But the second round of the game is different. Players now stand facing out of the circle and hold hands. The task of the driver is to roll the ball back into the circle. If this succeeds, then the player who missed the ball becomes the driver.

Again, the children stand facing in a circle and the game is repeated.

The rule of the game is that you cannot pick up the ball, you can only roll it with your feet.

This game can be played even by three people. Then a couple of players stand facing the leader and form a gate. Their task is not to let the ball into the goal, that is, among themselves.

Ball up

  1. Everyone is standing in a circle. The driver throws the ball up with the words: “Ball up!” (in some versions, in this game, fictitious words are pronounced that are not in the Russian language, such a word - a signal can be thought up together with the children and shouted out in this game). At this time, all players scatter from the driver as far as possible.
  2. The driver catches his ball and shouts at this time: "Stop." All players who run away must stop and freeze in place.
  3. The task of the driver is to throw the ball and hit it - to stain one of the players with it. If he managed to tarnish the player, then this player becomes the driver in the next game. If it was not possible to tarnish the player, then the same driver will have to drive again.

Rules of the game:

  1. The driver throws the ball up as high as possible.
  2. The driver catches the ball either from the air or from one rebound from the ground.
  3. If the player did not stop at the “Stop” signal, then he needs to take three big steps towards the driver.
  4. Players should not hide behind objects, trees.

Outdoor games: play on the swing.

The game "Popinuha" with a patchwork ball.

Previously, on Easter days, they made large swings on which many people fit, and not only kids, but also adults swung on such swings.

Now in our yards the swing is designed for only one child. What if there are a lot of people who want to swing on a swing and there is an eternal dispute: who is the first? The traditional “give way to the little one” or “give way to the girl” is usually taken with resentment: “Why should I give in again, because I also really want to swing, even though I’m a boy and only a year older.” Of course, you can choose the order of the rhyme or lot, so that no one is offended.

But there is another way - very fun and interesting. This is a traditional Russian swing game "Popinukha" - fun game so that no one stays on the swing for too long and everyone can ride it. Previously, both children and teenagers played this game. The game develops coordination of movements and dexterity, ingenuity, the ability to observe. After all, to win, you need to predict the trajectory of the ball and throw it correctly to the leader. This is how this game is played outdoors.

What do you need to play on a swing?

Previously, girls sewed a special ball for this game - a “popinuha” with a diameter of up to 20 cm. The ball was stuffed with rags, tow, sawdust and decorated with ribbons and braid. Instead of a ball, they used a bunch of straw, a mitten, an old bast shoe, or another item that was at hand.

Now the booty ball is easiest to make from an unnecessary sock or colored children's tights.

1. Cut off the "pipe". On one side, pull the hole with a strong thread.

2. Fill the resulting "bag" with padding polyester or rags (old unnecessary things cut into small pieces). Out-of-use women's nylon tights are also well suited as stuffing - the ball will turn out to be elastic.

You can sew it differently: make a bag out of bright colored cotton fabric, stuff it with rags and tie it. It will also turn out to be a pop. You can use a disused potholder-mitt, stuffed with rags and decorated with buttons and bows. See what items you have in a different way, they will all fit in order to become a booty in this game.

In the middle of the ball - popinukhi always put a sounding object. These days, it could be a rustling flower wrapper or a bell. You can fill a plastic box from Kinder Surprise with peas. Or put small peas in walnut shells. In the folk tradition, a birch bark tube with peas inside was placed inside the popinukha.

How to play poop.

Game option number 1.

  1. One child swings on a swing (we choose him according to the counting rhyme). Other children stand facing the swing. Swinging on a swing sings 1-2 verses of the song (this is agreed in advance).
  2. Players take turns throwing a popinukh ball sitting on a swing (they throw a popinukh at the feet of a child swinging on a swing so that he can hit the ball, that is, kick it). To make the kick stronger, it is better to throw the ball when the swing moves towards the thrower.
  3. After the kick, all players rush to catch the kick ball. The goal is to catch the ball before it hits the ground.
  4. If the player managed to catch the ball, then he sits on the swing instead of the previous child and swings on them. He starts to sing his 1-2 verses, then they throw him a butt, he pushes her away from himself, and so on as the game progresses.
  5. If the swinger could not hit the ball from his knees or feet, he leaves the swing. Then the child who threw this ball sits on the swing.
  6. If the swinger hit the ball, but the players did not catch it, then it remains to swing on the swing.

Game option number 2.

  1. One child sits on a swing (we will choose him according to the counting rhyme). All other children who also want to ride the swing stand near the swing facing the swinging child.
  2. The baby swinging on a swing sings a song (they agree in advance how many verses he will sing). You can say poetry, sing ditties or count to 20 - any task will do. You will find a few swing ditties for this game below.
  3. After listening to the ditties (song, poem, score, etc.), the players take turns throwing a pop-ball to the one sitting on the swing. If the child swinging on the swing was able to catch the ball, then it remains to swing. If not, then he gives way to the player who threw the popinuha.

Poems for swing games

Swing choruses - "profits" for playing on a swing

swing ditties

Outdoor games: outdoor games with a group of children.


it dance game. All children stand in a circle. And Zarya-Zaryanitsa stands behind the circle and holds a handkerchief in her hands. The round dance goes in one direction in a circle, and the Zarya-Zaryanitsa goes in the other direction around the round dance.

Children sing or say:

"Dawn-dawn - to these words, the round dance and Zaryanitsa move in a circle in different directions.
red maiden,
Walked across the field
Dropped the keys
golden keys,
blue ribbons,
Rings twisted.

"One two Three,
Don't raven!
Run like fire!"

At these words, Zaryanitsa and the child, who was put a handkerchief on his shoulder, run in different directions around the round dance and run around a full circle. Whoever runs around the round dance faster and gets into it, taking a place, he will play in the round dance. The one who did not have time becomes Zaryanitsa and the game continues.


How to play burners:

Children stand in pairs one after another in a column. In front of this column, the driver stands facing the children - the “burner”.

Children chant the words:

"Burn, burn bright,
To not go out!
Stay at the bottom
Look at the field.
There are trumpeters
Yes, they eat kalachi.
Look at the sky
The stars are burning
Cranes cry:
- Gu-gu, I'll run away,
One, two
Don't crow
Run like fire!"

At these last words, the children from the last pair in the column unhook their hands and run forward along the column to its beginning. Each player runs on their own side. And the burner is trying to stain them.

If the players managed to run and stand as the first pair in the column, then the burner drives again and “burns”. If the burner has stained the player, then this player becomes the burner in the next horse of the game and the game is repeated.


Children have been playing this game outdoors for many decades and centuries in different regions of Russia - Vyatka, Tobolsk, Astrakhan, Vladimir. It is also known that this game was played by children in Europe. For example, in France it existed under the name "Four Corners", and in France, instead of a mouse, the driver was called "open" or "pot".

We used to play this game in a log house at home. Then - in my childhood - we also played this game, and we invented it ourselves, but instead of a log house, we used a square sandbox with sides in our yard. Instead of a log house or a sandbox, you can simply draw a square on the ground or on asphalt with a side of about 2.5 meters.

How to play corners?

You can play from 5 people or more. Four people stand in the corners, and the fifth player is the mouse. The mouse is in the center of the square.

The mouse says: "From corner to corner!".

On these words, the children change places. You need to run across and take a place in another corner. The mouse also tries to occupy the vacated corner. Whoever is left without a corner becomes a mouse, stands in the middle of a sandbox or a square and leads in a new game.

In another version of the game, not the mouse says words, but the players say the words to the mouse:

"Mouse, mouse,
Sell ​​a corner.
For the awl, for the soap,
For a white towel, for a mirror!”

and change places.


This wonderful and very interesting folk old outdoor game is often used in modern psychological trainings for children and adults. It is very useful in order to rally people, remove barriers, bring a joyful mood. This game can be played indoors, in the gazebo, on the veranda, at a birthday party, with guests, in the park or in the forest, in the country house or in the yard. And everyone plays this game together - adults and children.

How to play confusion.

Mother and daughter are selected from the players. Mom leaves. All players join hands with each other in a circle. The daughter confuses this round dance - you can crawl under your hand like under a gate, step over your hands, turn around. The main condition is to do this without disengaging your hands. When the players are completely confused with each other, they call for mom: “ Mom, unravel the thread!Just don't break it!"

Mom is trying to unravel the confusion and get everyone in the circle back to their place. The rule is the same - the players must not disengage their hands when unraveling.

If the mother has unraveled the confusion, then a new mother and daughter are selected. If not, then mom leads another con of the game.

If there are few participants in the game, then you can get tangled with a rope.


Playing in the fresh air, which liberates children, teaches them to focus on communication partners, to convey various actions and emotional states of people with gestures.

The leader and players are selected.

Leader: "Ding, ding, ding!"
Players: "Who's there?"
Host: "Mail!"
Players: "Where?"
Host: "From the city."
Players: What are they doing there?
The leader here, in response, comes up with whatever he wants and says one thing he invented - “laugh (or sing, repair, bake pies, pick mushrooms, grieve, rejoice, admire, be surprised, sew, knit, and so on). And everyone makes this move. Who hesitated or did not make a movement together with everyone (for example, did not want to) - from that we take a phantom (it can be a small thing or a leaf, a pebble, a stick).

Fantas win back after the game like this:

The player who needs to win back the phantom stands in the middle of all other players. He becomes a mirror. All the players come up to him, “look in the mirror” and do anything: comb their hair, braid their pigtails, straighten their collars, brush their clothes. And the "mirror" should synchronously repeat the player's actions.

After winning back the forfeits, the game can be repeated.

These outdoor games can be used both at home and in kindergarten. Play with pleasure! Happy sunny summer everyone!

If you have favorite games for a walk, we will be glad if you share them in the comments to the article.

Years have passed, the rules of once-loved games have been forgotten, and it seems an impossible task to gather a company suitable, say, for the “Cossacks-robbers” at the current venues.
But even today for children on the street there is something more interesting than ordinary tags.
However, tags can also be unusual!
Wake up your memories, tell the children about what you played when you yourself walked under the table. Diversify your summer walks. Unpretentious street fun will leave indelible memories of your common childhood with him - carefree, cheerful, light and absolutely happy.
Different tags are needed, all kinds of tags are important!

Follow a simple rule - mark the boundaries of the site for which you can not run out. when rushing after each other becomes less interesting, offer new options for the game.

"Salki - legs in weight"
If a player raised both legs above the ground, for example, hung on the crossbar or rings, sat on a bench or simply on the ground, the driver does not have the right to pin him at that moment and must run after another player.

Educational games for children from 1 year old with a plush bunny

"Salki with tails"
For all players, except for the driver, small ropes or ribbons are tucked into the belt. The driver must catch up with the player, pull out the tail ribbon from him and refuel him. Now the player without a ponytail becomes the new driver, and the game continues.

On the playing field, houses are marked in advance (for example, they are drawn with chalk on the asphalt or with a stick on the ground), in which the players can hide for a short time, running away from the driver.

“In the game“ I know five ... (names of girls, names of animals, fruits, flowers, etc.) you need, hitting the ball on the ground, “Masha - one, Nastya - two ...” I thought, hesitated, repeated - you pass the ball to another . The winner is the one who has played the ball the longest and has never made a mistake. Elena Girutskaya, editor-in-chief

"Salki with a ball"
Our grandmothers know this game as Shtander. The players stand in a circle, one of them, holding the ball in his hands, stands in the middle, throws the ball up and calls the name of one of the participants in the game. This player must catch the ball, and the rest quickly scatter away. The one who caught the ball shouts: "Stop!" All players must stop immediately. Now the task of the driver is to hit the ball with any player, who at the same time cannot leave his place, but tries to dodge the ball - crouch, jump, bend over. The maneuver failed and the ball still taunted the player? He becomes the new driver - he must catch the ball, shout "stop" and hit someone else with the ball. If the driver misses, he himself catches the ball again, and the game continues. As long as the ball is not in the hands of the driver, the children can move freely around the court, take the most advantageous positions.

"Salki on the track"
Draw a large circle that will fit all the players, and divide it into four equal sectors - this is the playing field. The driver stands in the center of the circle, the players are randomly placed in a circle. On a signal, the driver begins to move in a circle, trying to overpower the players, but with one limitation -
at least one of his legs must always remain on the line (outer, outlining the circle, or inner, dividing it). It is convenient to draw a circle with chalk on the pavement, but you can also play on the lawn by laying out the playing field with ropes or drawing with a stick.

In this type of tag, the tagged player takes the driver by the hand (in another version, by the belt) and they continue to run after the other guys together without disengaging their hands. Gradually, the snake becomes longer and more clumsy, and the laughter of the kids is getting louder.

And you can also play tag by jumping on one leg, riding scooters or roller skates, moving in a goose step or on all fours!

"In the game" Frogs "
two teams participate (we always turned on the whole yard, about twenty people, but now you will not meet this!). Players line up in one line, sit down and, on a signal, jump to the “bump”. Whoever reached it first, the team won. Fun and sporty!

Showing ingenuity and ingenuity

These games will allow a small company of children to move properly.
in a limited space.

"Hares and Cabbage"
Mark a small circle (you can draw it with chalk, a stick on the ground or sand, lay it out with a string) - this will be a garden. Determine the diameter of the circle based on the number of participants and the age of the children. In the middle of the circle, each of the kids should put some kind of object (cap, toy, hairpin, etc.), or you can put small toys, souvenirs for children in the circle. This is cabbage. The driver guards the garden. On command (this can be a short rhyme, a line from a song), the players try to run into the circle and drag the cabbage away without getting caught by the watchman. You can only take one item from the circle at a time. The winner is the one who steals more cabbage from the garden. Players caught by the watchman can either leave the game or go over to the side of the watchman and help him catch nimble hares - as agreed.

"My favorite game with my girlfriends was" secrets". In a secluded place on the ground, a small depression is made, treasures are placed there - a beautiful pebble, a flower, anything. Above is glass. The task is to find secrets and examine treasures.

We mark the road several meters wide. The driver stands in the middle of the track with his back to the players, the players behind the road line. The driver calls any color and turns to face everyone. Those who have the named color on their clothes, holding on to these clothes, calmly cross the road. Those who do not have this color must run across the path, and the driver tries to knock them down. The salted player becomes the new driver. If all the players have successfully crossed the road, the driver turns away again and names a new color. Is it possible to come up with colors (gray-brown-crimson) and name shades (light purple, dark blue)? It's like a deal!

"Whose house?"
This game can be started on the playground, and on the alley in the park, and on the beach. You need to choose a driver and designate the houses according to the number of participants minus one. Trees, benches, chalk circles, beach towels, etc. can become houses. Players take places at the houses and, on a signal, begin to run from one to another, and the driver should try to take any vacant house. The one who did not get the house becomes the new driver. You can play for elimination, then in each round the most sluggish player leaves the game along with his house, that is, there should always be one less house than children.

"And I loved" Ocean is shaking". This is the one where the host says: “The sea worries once, the sea worries two, the sea worries three, freeze the sea figure!” And everyone freezes in unthinkable poses: try to guess! We still play it with my son, only in a tuned version: more often there is a “freeze dino-figure”.

We develop dexterity, we train accuracy

When the kids are tired of running around (yes, this sometimes happens too!), It's time to offer them one of the games a little quieter.

For her, you need a small light ball (you can take a rubber inflatable). Players stand in a circle with a diameter of 5-6 meters and begin to throw the ball to each other. The one who missed the pass squats in the middle of the circle, the rest continue the game. They can "rescue" those sitting in a circle by hitting them with a ball. However, in case of a miss, the player will also have to sit in a circle. If a player in a circle catches a ball flying above him (you can’t get up, but you can bounce on your haunches), everyone sitting back in the game, and the one who unsuccessfully threw the ball sits in the center of the circle. The game continues until one player remains behind the circle - he will be the winner.

« Well, what is childhood without hide-and-seek! This is a mega game. I remember playing hide and seek with my friends in my apartment. At dusk, without turning on the light. And then something big stirred and howled on the closet. Delight and horror! So how did Vovka get there? Mystery. He couldn't get off on his own.

« Sticks»
To play, you need to collect several even (from 10 pieces) sticks of approximately the same size and throw them on the ground in a bunch. Players take turns pulling out one stick from the pile so as not to touch the other sticks. For each stick drawn, the player is awarded one point. If another stick is touched (moved, fallen), no points are awarded for the move. The winner is determined by the number of points scored.

Mark a circle on the ground and put small pebbles (or cones, chestnuts) in it, 5 pieces per player. A larger flat stone (or stick) will be a bat. Players take turns throwing the bat into the circle, trying to knock out small pebbles outside of it. All pebbles outside the circle are taken by the player. The player who collects the most stones wins.

And you can also throw pebbles, cones, acorns into targets drawn on the wall or on the ground (and score points depending on which sector of the target hit), into containers (buckets, cans), into holes dug in the sand, knock down cups with stones , sandbox molds, Easter cakes. Such simple games easily captivate children, develop perseverance and eye.

"We loved the whole yard" rubber band". The rule is simple: a long elastic band was sewn together, pulled over the ankles of girls standing opposite each other so that it would not hang out. They took turns jumping over it, each time complicating the tasks and raising the elastic band higher.

Cozy summer

Summer is a great time to travel. But not everyone has the opportunity to get out to the seas during this period. Time-tested ideas will help you have fun during the three hottest months of the year.

We hide the treasure
What could be more interesting than a treasure hunt? Just burying it! And it does not matter that you are unlikely to donate real treasures. A plastic brooch, hairpin, small coins, bracelets, children's books - now they are of no value, but in five hundred years ... The very idea that someone might find these little things in many centuries will excite the child's imagination. Surely, he will approach this fascinating business with all seriousness. Invite the child to put the “treasure” in a beautiful tin box, ask them to draw a picture or write a letter to the finders, tie the box with twine and bury it. Do you want the treasure to be found by descendants? You will have to draw a map that will be passed down from generation to generation.

Set up a tree house or hut

Which of us in childhood, reading a book about Pippi Longstocking, did not dream of our own tree house, where we can play with friends or dream alone? It is quite possible to build it. In order for the plant to withstand the structure, choose a strong tree with a powerful root system and a forked trunk. Make a drawing (by yourself or using the Internet). The walls and roof can be of any shape and be made from any improvised means (shields, branches, boards), but the stairs should be as reliable as possible.

We make a garden scarecrow

Everyone, of course, is well aware that you can’t scare modern birds with a garden scarecrow, but making a funny element of garden decor is pleasant and simple for the soul. Even if there is no cottage, a scarecrow can be placed in the nearest front garden. For the base, two cuttings from a shovel or stick of different lengths are suitable - chop them together crosswise. To make the head, take an ordinary plastic bag and stuff it with straw. Cover the formed ball with old nylon tights. In place of the eyes, sew two large blue buttons, embroider the mouth with stitches using a thick red woolen thread. In the same way, shape the eyelashes and eyebrows, and sew a piece of flannel as a nose. Hair is easy to make from washcloths, threads, straw. Put an old hat on the head of the scarecrow, inserting a goose feather into it. Dress up your "bogeyman" in an old dress with burlap patches, tie a scarf around your neck, give a bucket in your hands.

Building a fairy kingdom
On a walk, invite your child to build a fabulous house for dwarves and elves out of twigs. The size of these creatures is very tiny, so they need an appropriate home. Help the peanut build a small hut out of sticks, cover it with leaves, decorate with small flowers, berries, feathers. If such an activity is to your liking, you can build a whole town, fenced around the perimeter with expanded clay. Lay out a well from matches, paths with small pebbles, plant twigs-trees, make a lake from a plastic mold, launch a boat - a walnut shell.

We love the starry sky

Starfall can be observed every August. It reaches its apogee on the twentieth of the month, but it is always interesting to look at the night sky. Explain to the child that the slowly moving "asterisk" is a satellite or an airplane. Real stars, or rather, meteorites, fall rapidly. Learn to identify the growing and waning moon (if it looks like the letter “c”, then it is aging, if you put an imaginary wand and you get the letter “r” - growing). Find the North Star, show the constellations - Ursa Major and Cassiopeia. Pay attention to the cluster of stars - this is the Milky Way, our galaxy.

« Good game- "Bouncers". You can play even three of us, and even if a large company gathers ... The rules are simple - everyone runs around playing field, trying to dodge the ball, which is thrown by two leaders. The one they hit is out. But it can be returned by catching the "candle". Svetlana Sorokina, art director

Hot Ten Ideas

- Do your morning exercises outdoors.
- Go fishing with your child.
- Arrange a balcony: take out the trash, plant flowers, put an armchair.
- Walk with an umbrella in the warm summer rain.
- Bake potatoes in coals from a fire.
- Arrange a holiday of soap bubbles.
- Go hiking.
— Arrange breakfast on the loggia.
Bury yourself in the sand on the beach.
- Have an outdoor picnic.

Oksana Rudneva
Outdoor games for older children before school age outdoors in summer

Outdoor games for older preschool children in the fresh air in summer

Work description: Psychologists, teachers, doctors note a general trend for children's institutions - a decrease in physical activity children, and for preschool child loss in movements is a loss in health, development, knowledge. It is no coincidence that in the program of education and training children in preschool institutions, the issue of health is at the forefront. If we take into account that physical activity is also a condition that stimulates the development of intellectual, emotional and other spheres, then the relevance of this issue becomes obvious.

The game is recognized as the leading activity of the child - preschooler. It causes an active work of thought, contributes to the expansion of horizons, clarification of ideas about the world around us, and the improvement of all mental processes.

senior preschoolers are highly motor activity, have a sufficient supply of motor skills and abilities; they are better at movements that require speed and flexibility, and their strength and endurance are still small. The child has developed basic motor skills (dexterity, flexibility, speed and power qualities).

Target: to form healthy lifestyle skills, increase social activity, develop speed and dexterity in children older than preschool age within the framework of GEF.

In accordance with this goal, the following tasks are solved:


1. The acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities preceding the game activity.

2. Development of motivation for gaming activities.

3. Cultivate interest in games on fresh air;


1. Develop attention, logical thinking, dexterity, speed, coordination of movements;

2. Activate creativity.

3. Improve communication skills and abilities.


1. Form a culture of communication with each other.

2. Cultivate accuracy, honesty, politeness.

3. Shape u children the need for a healthy lifestyle

Material Description: the material will be useful to educational psychologists and educators when organizing summer leisure activities with children senior preschool age. It is recommended to spend on the summer playground at the beginning of summer.

Equipment: ball, chalk, rolling pin, hoop, small rubber balls, string (ribbon, rope, blindfold, broom, chairs, mops, etc.

It is not difficult to organize almost any children's game, if:

1) explain to the children the rules of the chosen games;

2) remind about safety and attentive attitude towards each other;

3) choose a leader for the first games - and you can start.

Summer very convenient to organize various mobile games and exercises fresh air. Physical exercises in nature are extremely favorable for the improvement of many movements. children development of their motor qualities. Wide space allows you to move actively, freely, naturally, which contributes to the development of dexterity, dexterity, endurance of the child.

The game "Find"

Target: development of attention.

move games: find where the red shovel is here? Can you find the blue bucket? Where do mushrooms grow? Find the black bird? And so on. These simple tasks develop the child's attention well. You can start with simple tasks, and gradually complicate the description of objects, to be found:

The game "Snake"

Target: development of coordination of movements.

move games: children take each other's hands, forming a chain. One of the extreme in the chain is chosen as the leader. He runs, dragging all the participants with him games,on the run describes a variety of figures: in a circle, around trees, making sharp turns, jumping over obstacles; leads the chain with a snake, twisting it around the outer player, then unwinds it. The snake stops, then twists around the leader.

The game "Jumping with the ball"

Target: development of the muscles of the legs and the development of coordination of movements.

move games: the child jumps along the line with the ball sandwiched between the legs in different directions, moving forward with the help of jumps to the end of the measured distance. In this case, the ball should remain between the legs and not fall out, then take the ball in your hands and run back to start.

The game "Jumping rope"- a fun children's game with a jump rope for endurance and coordination of movements.


move games: an adult holds the rope in his hands and slowly turns 180 ° around his axis. The child should, when approaching the rope (ropes) jump up so she doesn't touch his legs. If the child does not have time to jump, you should start playing again.

The game "At the bear in the forest"

Target: development of speed and agility.

move games: on one side of the site - a bear den (circle, on the other (behind the line)- house children. They leave the house and go to the lair, sentencing:

At the bear in the forest

Mushrooms, I take berries,

The bear doesn't sleep

And growls at us!

With the last word, the bear runs out of the den and catches the players. The children run to their house. ( Children imitate movements: pick mushrooms and berries (bend over, straighten up, step over thorny bushes (raise their legs high, crawl under the roots of trees (crawl sideways, pick apples (stand on tiptoes and raise a hand up).

The game "Hunters and Hares" - mobile, fun game for a large group children.

Target: removal of psycho-emotional stress.

move games: with the help of a counting rhyme, two "hunters" are chosen, who pick up a small rubber ball each. The rest of the children are "hares", they sit in the "mink" - on the opposite side of the site behind the drawn line. Hunters walk around the area, pretending to look for prey, then hide behind two chairs or simply crouch in the corner of the area.

To the words of the educator "Bunny jump-jump into the green forest," the hares run out to the middle of the site and begin to jump. At the signal "Hunters!" hares run away to their shelters, and hunters hunt them - they aim balls at their feet. Whoever gets hit - those children become hunters. (It is necessary to ensure that the hunters throw the ball with both their right and left hands and only at the feet of the hares).

The game "In the meadow"- dynamic ball game.

Target: development of coordination of movements, orientation in one's own body.

move games: At a distance of 3 m from the baby, a hoop is installed.

Child throws balls trying to hit the target(on hoop). A hit scores a point. The distance can be changed depending on the progress of the child.

The game "Chickens in the Garden"

Target: development of coordination of movements; increased activity.

move games: with lanyard (jump ropes, chalk) limited space. it "garden". A chair is placed not far from him - "booth" watchman. Role "watchman" the teacher does first. Children - "hens". Once "watchman" sits on a chair "hens" sneak into "garden" and begin to run there, peck, cackle. "Watchman" notices "hens" and drives them out of the garden - claps his hands, sentencing: “Shoo! Shh!". "Chickens" run away. "Watchman" bypasses "garden" and sits down again. The game is restarted.

The game "Zhmurki"- a dynamic game that develops well the hearing, attentiveness, coordination and reaction of the leading player and the dexterity and reaction of the other players.

Target: develop attention and logical thinking.

move games: Select a racer. Put an eye patch on him. He must catch the rest children, which move as quietly as possible, and let the rider know their location by clapping, voice or other signals. If the chaser caught someone, he must, without removing the bandage, try to guess, who is it. If he didn't guess right, he continues to drive. And if you guessed correctly, the one who is caught becomes the persecutor.

The game "Dancers" - active game for the development of dexterity, emancipation, coordination of movements for children over preschool age.

Target: development of coordination of movements; increased activity.

move games: under various melodies you can ask childrendance different ways : pinching the ball (Apple) between foreheads; riding on broomsticks; with chairs; with mops, etc.

The game "Relay race in pairs"- dynamic, fun game.

Target: promote team building.

move games: Children stand in 2 columns in pairs per line on one side of the site, the number of pairs in the columns should be the same. On the opposite side of the site (at a distance of 6 - 8 m.) any items placed (cubes, wooden blocks). At the signal of an adult, the first couples, holding hands, run to the cubes, run around them and return to the end of their column. Once they cross the line start, the second pairs run away, and so on until all the pairs run.

That column wins, whose players will complete the task faster and will not separate their hands while running.

Conclusion: Summer- this is a wonderful time when children spend almost all their time on the street. At the same time, in order to summer is for kids really fun and interesting times, it is important to properly organize their leisure time, find those summer games for kids that they really like. As a result of purposeful pedagogical impact the health of the child is strengthened, the physiological functions of the body are trained, the movements, motor skills and physical qualities necessary for the comprehensive harmonious development of the personality are intensively developed. Purposeful, methodically thoughtful leadership mobile the game significantly improves, activates the activity children. In this way, mobile the game can be called the most important educational institution. Justified choice of content and development methods physical qualities- an important aspect of increasing the effectiveness of physical education.

It is equally important for older preschoolers to play single and team games in the fresh air than for younger ones. The games that are offered in this article are aimed at developing endurance, dexterity, thinking, balance in children aged 5-6 years. In addition to all this, thanks to these games, preschoolers learn to communicate with other children and act as a team - after all, all this will be useful to them at school.

Ball games.

Simple tossing the ball up
-Tossing the ball up, but it is necessary to clap your hands
-Tossing the ball up, but you can catch it with only one hand (first with the right, and then with the left)
-Throwing the ball to the ground
- Throwing the ball into the ground, but with one hand (first with the right, then with the left)
-Throwing the ball to the ground and hitting it with your hand
-Throwing the ball into the wall and catching it on the rebound
-Throwing the ball into the wall, but before catching it is necessary to clap your hands
- Throwing the ball over the net. Those standing on the other side of the net try to catch him and throw him back.
-Tossing the ball so that it hits a basket suspended slightly above the child's raised arms.

Don't drop the bag

A bag filled with dry sand is placed on the child's head. With a bag on his head, he walks between spread out sticks (the width of the "corridor" is 40-25 cm) or along a cord lying on the floor (the length of the cord is 2-3 m). You have to go to the end without dropping the bag. The pouch should not be filled too tightly with sand, otherwise it is difficult to keep it on the head. The weight of the bag is 500-600 g. Wicker baskets, papier-mâché jugs and other items can also be worn on the head. This game teaches you to walk straight and not lower your head, which contributes to the development of good posture.

hoop games

The child hits the rim of the hoop and runs after it, trying never to drop it. Or he hits the rim hard and runs after him, trying to run to the conditional place before the hoop reaches there.

Take the checkbox

Opposite the child, at a distance of eight steps, lies a flag (or something else). Under the words of an adult “jump-jump, jump-jump, here it is - your flag”, the child jumps (for each word - a jump). At the last word, you need to have time to jump to the flag and take it.

Group games for the development of preschoolers

Picking up tapes

A rope is stretched between the trees, on which colored ribbons are thrown. The end of the tape should be 10-15 cm above the child's raised arm. Children get under the rope and begin to jump, trying to remove as many ribbons as possible.

Jump on

Draw a line on the ground. 4-5 pebbles or small colored flags are placed perpendicular to it, at a distance of 15-20 cm from one another. Children stand on the line and take turns trying to jump as far as possible. Whoever manages to jump to the last pebble (60-80 cm), he has the right to take it for himself. A new stone is placed in this place. The game is repeated three or four times. Whoever has the most stones at the end of the game is the winner.

Rope games

Two preschoolers circle a long rope "from head to toe" running, others run under the rope at the moment when it is at the top.
Who will have time to slip under the rope?
The same, but they jump over a spinning rope.
Run and jump over a short rope.

Hurry up to catch

Two guys throw the ball to each other. And the third one, who stands between them, is trying to catch a flying ball. If the latter manages to do this, then he goes to the place of the thrower.


The players choose the driver. A stick is placed next to it. The driver stands with eyes closed and counts up to 15-20. At this time, the rest of the children are hiding. He opens his eyes, taps his wand and says: "The wand came, found no one" - and goes to look for those hiding. When he sees someone, he shouts: “The magic wand has found ...” (gives the name of the one found) - and runs to the wand. The found one also runs towards the wand. If he runs to the wand before the driver and says: “Wand, help me out!”, Then he is considered rescued, but if he is late, he leaves the game. While the driver is looking, everyone can, choosing a convenient moment, run up to the wand and, tapping it, help out those found earlier (“Wand, help everyone out!”).
If the driver could not find anyone, he drives again. If he found everyone and the last one did not manage to rescue his comrades, then the one who was found first leads.


Children stand near trees or in circles (corners), which everyone draws for themselves. One of the players (without a circle) becomes in the middle. He approaches one of those standing in circles and says: "Mouse, mouse, give me your corner." She refuses. Then he goes with the same words to another. At this time, the rest of the children change places, and the driver tries to take someone's place. If he succeeds, the one left without a corner becomes in the middle - and the game is repeated.

Cats and mice

This game is for a large group of children. Seven or more people form a circle, holding hands. In one place it does not close - this is the gate. Two players are outside the circle. One of them is a "cat", the other is a "mouse".
The mouse has the right to run both in the circle and outside it, it can run into the gate and crawl under the arms of the children standing in the circle.
The cat is allowed to run outside the circle and run into it only through the gate. The mouse runs away and the cat catches it. When the cat catches the mouse, the children choose another pair.

Group games (without division into teams)


1. Fifteen is one of the most popular games. The players scatter around the site, and the tag (leader) catches them. The one he tarnishes becomes the "tag". A number of additional rules and complications can be introduced into this game, then it will become even more interesting. Here is some of them:

2. If the tag is chasing one of the players, and another player crosses the road, then he must chase the one who crossed the road.

3. Fifteen can only tarnish a running player. It is worth the escaping to sit down - and he is already safe.

4. The player can escape from the tag if he stands near the tree and hugs him with his arms.
Fifteen cannot tarnish that player who, in a moment of danger, joins hands with another player.

5. Fifteen cannot spot players who are standing on one foot and holding the other foot back with both hands.

6. All players, except for the tag, have a ribbon behind their belt. Fifteen, catching up with the escaping, pulls out a ribbon from him and plugs it into his belt. The one left without a ribbon becomes a tag, raises his hand and says: “I’m a tag!”

7. Two players hold a rope in their hands (by the ends) and run together. Stained replaces tag.

8. Fifteen gets the ball and throws it at the runner. The one he hits becomes a tag, but if the driver misses, any player can pick up the ball from the ground and start tossing with other players. To regain possession of the ball, the tag must take it away (intercept) or stain the player at the moment when he holds the ball.

9. The site is divided into two, three and even four sections. Each site has its own tag (they must have decals). The rest of the players can run around the entire court. One circle is drawn on each site, this is a rest house for players tired of running. The player touched by the tag becomes the driver only in the area where he was overtaken.

10. If there are few players, you can offer this version of the game. Of the players, one is chosen as a shepherd, two as wolves and 4-5 as sheep. The wolves try to tag the sheep, and the shepherd - the wolves. The salted ones are out of the game. The shepherd wins if he tagged two wolves, the wolves - if they tagged all the sheep.

Salki in two circles

The participants of the game form two circles: one is internal, the other is external. Both circles move in opposite directions. On a signal from the leader, they stop, and all the players in the inner circle try to touch the players in the outer circle (i.e., touch someone with their hand) before they have time to sit down. Those caught stand in the inner circle, and the game starts over. The game ends when there are few players left in the outer circle (5-6 people).


The children form three large circles. Everyone standing in the inner circle is given paper hats (visors, kokoshniks). Holding hands, the guys with the song move in a circle: the outer circles in one direction, and the inner one in the other. Suddenly, a whistle is heard, according to which the players of the two outer circles join hands in pairs, trying to take one of the players from the inner circle into the ring. If a player from the inner circle managed to sit down, they do not touch him. Those who fell into the trap are taken away the cap. So the game is played several times. All the guys who managed to keep their hats are considered winners.


The players form a circle and stand two steps apart, facing the center. Every 6th or 8th player (at the discretion of the leader, depending on the number of players) joins hands with his neighbor on the right. They raise their hands up, forming collars - traps, and turn so that the gates are above the line of the circle. At the command of the leader, the players turn to the right and start running in a circle. At the same time, they must run through all the traps that come across along the way. On a whistle (or other prearranged signal), the traps close (the couples holding hands lower them down) and the players who are caught (stuck in the traps) go into the middle of the circle. New pairs are formed from them, which, holding hands, stand in different places of the circle, increasing the number of traps. The game continues until 5-6 players remain uncaught. They are considered winners.

Kite and mother hen

10-12 children participate in the game. One of the players is chosen as a kite, the other as a mother hen. All the rest are chickens. They stand behind the hen, forming a column. Everyone holds on to each other, and the one in front - to the hen. The kite becomes three or four steps from the column. On a signal from the leader, he tries to grab the last standing chicken. To do this, he needs to go around the column and attach himself behind. But this is not easy to do, since the mother hen constantly turns to face him and blocks the way, stretching her arms out to the sides, and the whole column deviates in the opposite direction from him.

The game continues for several minutes. If during this time the kite does not manage to grab the chicken, a new kite is chosen, and the game is repeated.

Hunter and watchman

A hunter and a watchman are selected from among the players. The watchman stands in the middle of the platform. A circle with a diameter of 2 m is drawn near it. The rest of the players (animals) scatter around the site in different directions. The hunter is chasing them, trying to tarnish someone. Those caught are taken to the circle under the protection of the watchman. They can be rescued. To do this, it is enough to hit the person standing in the circle on the outstretched hand (those caught cannot cross the line of the circle). But if the watchman or the hunter stains the rescuer, he himself goes into the circle.

The rescued animals run away and join the rest. The game is terminated at the discretion of the leader.

jumping sparrows

A circle of such size is drawn on the floor or on the court so that all the players can freely fit around its circumference. One of the players is a cat, he is placed in the center of the circle. The rest of the players - sparrows - stand outside the circle, at the very line. At the signal of the leader, the sparrows begin to jump inside the circle and jump out of it, and the cat tries to catch one of them at the moment when he is inside the circle. The one who is caught becomes a cat, and the cat becomes a sparrow, and the game is repeated.

In the future, you can establish a rule: jump in and jump out only on one leg.

Better get a seat

The players form a circle and are calculated in numerical order. The driver takes a place in the center of the circle. He loudly calls any two numbers. The numbers called must immediately change places. Taking advantage of this, the driver tries to get ahead of one of them and take his place. If he succeeds, then the one who is left without a place goes to drive.

The numbers assigned to the participants at the beginning of the game should not change when one or another of them temporarily becomes the leader.

Find yourself a mate

The players stand in pairs in one common circle. The driver is in the middle of the circle. At the command of the head "Face to face!" the players in each pair turn to face each other, then the command “In place!” Follows. At the command "Back to back!" they turn their backs on each other. At the command "Change in pairs!" everyone is looking for a different partner. At this time, the driver tries to become a couple with someone. The one who is left without a pair becomes the leader.

Animals, prick up your ears

The children stand in a circle, holding hands. The leader goes around the circle and disconnects it in several places. Small circles are created from the links formed - houses of bunnies, squirrels, foxes, bears.

To the music, the leader passes by the animals standing in the houses, and invites them to follow him. Squirrels move quickly, scurrying with their feet, hares with small jumps, bears with heavy steps, shifting from foot to foot, fox cubs with a soft, insinuating gait. Having formed a common circle, everyone dances.

Suddenly, the leader gives the command: “The hunters are coming!” The animals rush to their places and try to form circles (houses) as soon as possible. The group that does it faster than the others wins.

The guys stand in a circle, in the middle of which the driver enters. He is blindfolded. The players walk in a circle after the leader, repeating his movements (gymnastic or dance), then stop and say:

We played a little
Now we are in a circle.
You solve the riddle
Who called you - find out!

The leader silently points to one of the players, who exclaims: “Find out who I am!” The driver must say his name. If he guessed correctly, the recognized one becomes the driver, if he made a mistake, the game is repeated. When the guys begin to distinguish the voices of their comrades, you can allow them to change their voice to complicate the game.

Ball in the air

The players form a circle, stand at a distance extended to the sides, the leader is in the middle of the circle. Those standing in a circle begin to throw the ball to each other, preventing the driver from touching it. The driver, running in the middle of the circle, seeks to touch the ball when it is in the air, on the ground or in the hands of one of the players. If he succeeded, the player takes his place, after the throw of which the ball was touched.

Fortress defense

Draw a big circle on the ground. All players stand behind the circle line, facing the center. Only one driver remains in the circle. Five maces or pins are placed in the middle of the circle. This is a fortress that the driver must protect.

The game requires a volleyball. The players, throwing the ball between themselves, try to catch a convenient moment when: the defender of the fortress gapes, and knock down the clubs with a ball.

The defender has the right to hit the ball in any way. The one who manages to destroy the fortress becomes the new defender.

The fortress can also be made in the form of a tripod from sticks tied at the top. A ball is placed on the tripod.


The game can be played by 10 to 20 people. The players are located in a circle at arm's length, facing the center. The ball rolls inside the circle on the ground. Those who play with their hands beat the ball away from themselves, trying to hit the other with it. The ball is a bumblebee. If someone does not have time to hit the ball and will be touched by it (not above the knees), then it is considered stung. He turns his back to the center of the circle and does not take part in the game until the next one is touched. Then the first one stung again comes into play, and the second one turns his back to the center. You cannot catch the ball and beat it with your feet.


A line is drawn on the ground, behind which all the players become. At 40 m from it, a second line is drawn. At the signal of the leader, everyone starts walking, trying to reach the finish line as quickly as possible. It is necessary to ensure that no one’s step turns into running or jumping.

The winner is the one who, without violating the rules, reaches the finish line first.


The players become in a circle. A rope is lying on the ground, forming a ring (the ends of the rope are tied). The guys pick it up from the ground and, holding on to it with their right (or left) hand, walk in a circle with the words:

Barely, barely, barely
The carousels are spinning
And then around and around
All run, run, run.

The players move slowly at first, and after the words "run" they run. At the command of the head "Turn!" they quickly take the rope with the other hand and run in the opposite direction.

Hush, hush, don't rush!
Stop the carousel.
One and two, one and two
So the game is over!

The movement of the carousel gradually slows down and stops with the last words. The players put the rope on the ground and scatter around the site. On a signal, they rush to sit on the carousel again, that is, take hold of the rope with their hands, and the game resumes. You can take seats on the carousel only until the third bell (clap). A latecomer does not ride the carousel.


The guys become in a circle. One of the players goes to the middle of the circle, he will portray an owl, and all the rest - bugs, butterflies, birds. At the command of the host: "The day is coming - everything comes to life!" all the bugs, butterflies, birds run in a circle, flapping their wings, the owl is sleeping at this time, that is, it stands in the middle of the circle with its eyes closed. When the host commands: “The night is coming - everything freezes!”, The birds, bugs and butterflies stop and stand motionless, hiding, the owl runs out to hunt at that moment. She looks out for those who move or laugh, and takes the guilty to her nest - the middle of the circle; they also become owls and when the game is repeated, they all fly out to hunt together.


This is one of the most common and favorite games among kids.

All the players, with the exception of one, hide. When they hid, the driver comes out with a lifesaver. His task is to find everyone who hid. He announces his arrival by hitting a stick on a tree, bench or other object near which it will lie (the place should be known to everyone). At the same time, he says: “A lifesaver, our game is ahead, a lifesaver, whoever misses - drive!” - and, leaving the wand in place, he goes to look for the hidden ones. Noticing someone, he runs to the stick, hits it and shouts that such and such has been found, he is there. Then again, putting the wand in place, he goes to look for the others, but he himself is afraid to move far from the wand, since each of those not found can come running, knock with a wand and say: “Wand, help me out!” After that, everyone (and those who were found) should hide again, and the driver should look. Seeing that one of the players that he did not find runs to the stick, he should try to get ahead of him, run up to the stick and, before it is grabbed, hit it and say that such and such has been found.

Team games

Better get a skittle

The players line up in two lines and stand facing each other. The distance between them is 10 m. The players of each of the lines are calculated in numerical order. Between the lines (at an equal distance from them) they put a pin. The leader calls a number. Players with this number run out. Everyone strives to be the first to grab the skittle. The one who manages to do this runs away into his line, and the enemy tries to tarnish him. If the bowler returns to the line without being spotted, his team gets two points, and if he gets spotted, one point. Then the leader calls another number, and other players run. The team with the most points wins.

knock down the ball

The players line up in two lines and stand facing each other at a distance of 10-15 m. Both teams are calculated in numerical order. A line is drawn in front of the socks of the players in each line. A chair is placed between the lines at an equal distance from them and a ball is placed on it. The leader calls a number. Players with this number run out. They must run to the opposite line, step on the line with their foot and knock the ball off the chair on the way back. The team whose representative does this, ahead of the opponent, is given a point. The team with the most points wins.

Running for flags

The players are divided into two equal teams and line up opposite each other at opposite ends of the court. Parallel to these lines in the middle of the site, a strip 1.5-2 m wide is indicated, on which flags are laid out. At the signal of the leader, the players of both teams quickly run out to the transverse strip and try to collect as many flags as possible, and then with the flags they return to their lines and line up. Team captains collect and count the flags brought by their players. For each flag the team is given one point. The team with the most points wins. Each player can collect any number of flags. Flags cannot be taken away, for each violation of this rule the team receives a penalty point. You can't run into the lane with flags.

Drag in a circle

The players are divided into two equal teams and are located one outside and the other inside the line of the circle facing each other. The task of the players in the circle is to drag their opponents into the circle, and the players standing outside the circle are to pull the opponent out of the circle. The game is played in the form of short fights, lasting 1-2 minutes. Drawn into the circle and pulled out of the circle are out of the game. You can pull only by grabbing a partner by the hands or by the belt. The team with the most players left after 4-6 bouts wins.


A line is drawn in the middle of the site dividing it into two equal parts. At 20-30 steps from this line, one more line is drawn on each side - captivity.

The players are divided into two teams. Each team is freely placed on its field. The leader, standing in the middle of the court, tosses the ball. The first team to enter the game is the one on whose side the ball falls. A shootout begins. Each team aims to hit the other team's players with the ball. Salted go beyond the line of captivity (on the side of the enemy).

Players do not have the right to cross the middle line on the opponent's field. A player is not considered tagged if he catches the ball on the fly, and also if the ball hits him after bouncing off the ground. Running with the ball and holding it in your hands is not allowed. In case of violation of the rules, the ball is transferred to the other team. Prisoners can be rescued. To do this, you need to throw the ball to the prisoner (through the opponent's field) so that he catches it without crossing the line of captivity. The one who succeeds is considered liberated and returns to his place.

If the ball hit the line of captivity, it is thrown from there by the prisoners in the direction of their team (and if they are not there, any participant in the game who is nearby).

You can also play against the clock. In this case, by the end of the game (after 10-15 minutes), the number of players in each team is counted. The team with the most of them wins.

Race with the ball in a circle

10-12 people play. They stand in a circle at arm's length from one another, and then they count on the first and second numbers. This is how two teams are formed: one with even numbers, the other with odd numbers.

The leader gives volleyballs to two players standing side by side, i.e., the first and second numbers. On a signal, they run in opposite directions, going around the circle from the outside. Each of this pair, returning to their place, immediately throws the ball to the nearest teammate. This player, having caught the ball, immediately runs around the circle, takes his place and from here throws the ball further through one person, etc.

The winner is the team in which all the players run the ball around the circle faster.

Passing the ball around

The two teams line up behind each other's heads in two separate circles. Each team chooses a captain. Captains receive a volleyball. On a signal, each captain raises the ball over his head, passes it to the one standing behind, and then the ball passes in a circle from hand to hand. When, having gone around the circle, the ball returns to the captain, he directs it to the one standing in front (i.e., in the opposite direction). After that, at the command of the captain, everyone turns their backs to the center of the circle and passes the ball from hand to hand to the right, then everyone turns to face the center and passes the ball in the opposite direction. When the ball returns to the captain, he lifts it over his head. The team that gets the ball back to the captain the fastest wins.

The leader first conducts the game, building everyone in one common circle. When the players learn the rules of the game (how to pass the ball, when and where to turn), he divides the players into two teams and holds a competition between them.

Ball average

The players form 3-4 circles. They should have an equal number of guys. Inside each circle is a leader. He receives the ball and must throw it in turn to each of the players standing in the circle, without missing anyone, and catch it back. If the ball is not caught, then the one who missed runs after him, returns to his place, and the throw is repeated. When the ball returns to the driver from the last player, he raises it above his head. The team that finishes the toss first wins.

Changing places

Two teams of 8-10 people line up in ranks facing each other, at opposite ends of the site, behind the city lines (distance 10-12 m) and diverge to the width of outstretched arms. At the leader's signal, they run towards each other, trying as quickly as possible to be outside the opposite city, turn to face the center of the site and line up. The team that does it faster wins. When running across, the players, in order not to interfere with each other and not to collide with those running towards them, must stick to the right side.

When repeating the game, you can change ways, movements: move by jumping on two legs, on one leg, jumping with a rope, etc.

relay games

Among team games relay races take a special place. Conducting them does not require much preparation, and the content, depending on the age and composition of the players, can vary: it can be simplified and complicated. In relay races, the competitive start is very high and the results are clear, so they always arouse great interest not only among the participants, but also among the spectators, which, of course, is also very important.

Teams for participating in relay races can be created arbitrarily from among those who wish, but they can also represent various children's groups: stars, groups, classes. In this case, each of the participants has a special responsibility to the team he represents, in connection with which his activity, interest in the game and the will to win especially increase.

To participate in relay games, two (or 3-4) teams are created, equal in number of participants and, if possible, equal in strength. Teams line up in parallel columns one by one at a distance of 2-3 m from one another (other formations are possible). Each team should have no more than 8-10 people. To monitor the strict observance of the rules (do not run out ahead of time, put all the items in their places, etc.), the leader can appoint assistants who are attached to the teams and monitor the actions of the players. The assistants have the right to return the player to the starting line in order to repeat the action if he has violated the established rules.

Before starting the competition (especially with younger students), it is necessary to conduct a rehearsal without offsetting the results, so that everyone learns well what is required of him and adapts to the game.

We give a description of relay races of various content, which can be included in the program of games. You can also hold a special evening of fun relay races with preliminary preparation and training of the participants, with the awarding of the winners. Such an evening will be remembered for a long time by both participants and spectators.

What does the word "relay" mean? The kids are definitely interested in learning about it.

In ancient times, when there was no railways, no cars, no planes, letters and other urgent papers were delivered by relay mail. From one postal station to another, the coachman drove a trio of horses. At the stations, the horses were harnessed, and the new postal troika raced on. People said just that - “send the papers by relay”, “delivered by relay”.

And even earlier (700-800 years ago) in some countries the mail was delivered by runners. They ran from one station to another. Bells hung from the belt warned with their ringing about the approach of the postman. Replacing each other, the messengers quickly delivered the news.

Now the word "relay race" has lost its former meaning. A relay race is such a game in which each of the participants at the appropriate stage must pass some object to another (baton, ball, hoop) or do some actions one after the other, while trying to get ahead of their opponents from the other team in speed.

bumpy running

In front of each team, from the start line to the finish line, at a distance of 1-1.5 m from each other, circles with a diameter of 30-40 cm are drawn (in a straight or winding line). At the leader’s signal, the first numbers, jumping from circle to circle, reach the end line, after which the shortest way come back and pass the baton to the next players. Having handed the baton to the next number, each player stands at the end of the column. The team that finishes the game first wins.

Relay with hoops

For the game you need hoops and baton according to the number of teams. A flag is placed in front of each team 10-15 steps from the start line. In the middle of the distance is placed on the hoop. The first numbers in the teams receive baton.

At the leader’s signal, the first numbers run to the hoops lying on the ground and, without releasing the sticks, raise the hoops, crawl through them, put them in their place (it should be indicated) and run further to the flags. Having rounded the flags, they return, again crawl through the hoop and hand over the baton to the second numbers, and themselves stand at the end of their column. The second numbers do the same and pass the baton to the third, etc. The team that finishes the game first wins.

planting vegetables

Two or three teams line up in columns one at a time. In front of the teams at the opposite end of the site, 5 circles are drawn. The first players are each given a bag with items that conditionally designate vegetables (garlic, onions, beets, carrots, potatoes). On a signal, the children run, lay out all the “vegetables” in their mugs and pass the empty bag to the second numbers. The second numbers run, collect "vegetables" and pass the bag with "vegetables" to the third, etc. The team that finishes the game first wins.

Centipede running

The players are divided into two or three teams of 10-12 people. Each team gets a long rope. Players are evenly placed on both sides of the rope, which they hold on to, respectively, with their right or left hand. On a signal, the teams run to the finish line (distance of 30-40 m), all the while holding on to the rope. The team that runs to the finish line first wins, provided that none of its participants threw the ropes.

This game can be played in another way. Each team lines up one by one. Everyone raises their right hand and holds on to the cord stretched along the column. On a signal, both teams go to the finish line (10-15 m) and return. The team that returns first wins.


In teams of 6-7 people. Each team lines up one by one. On a signal, the one standing first quickly turns around, after which the second one takes him by the belt and they rotate together, then three of them, etc. The game ends as soon as the last member of one of the teams joins his column and all the guys turn around the axis.

Express train

Flags are placed 6-7 meters from each team. At the command "March!" the first players with a quick step (it is forbidden to run) go to their flags, go around them and return to the columns, where the second players join them, and together they again make the same path, etc. The players hold each other by the elbows and while walking, they move their hands like a locomotive connecting rod. When the locomotive (front player) returns to its seat with at full strength, he should give a long beep. The first team to arrive at the station wins.

To a new place

Two teams line up in columns one at a time. A line is drawn at a distance of 15-20 m from them. At the signal of the leader, the first and second numbers of each team, holding hands, run over the line. The first numbers remain in a new place, and the second ones return, join hands with the third players and again run to the line. Then the second numbers remain, and the thirds return to unite with the fourths, and so on. The team wins, all of whose players are the first to be on the other side.

Relay with balls

For the game you need volleyballs according to the number of teams. A chair is placed in front of each team 6-7 steps from the start line. The first numbers, having received the ball, run to their chairs, stand behind them and from this place throw balls to the second numbers, after which they return and stand at the end of their column. The second and subsequent numbers, having caught the ball, do the same. If the next player did not catch the ball, he must run after it, return to his place and only after that continue the game. The team that wins the ball, having bypassed all the players, will return to the first number earlier.

Passed - sit down

The players are divided into several teams of 5-6 people each, choose captains and line up at the line in columns one at a time. Captains stand in front of each column facing it at a distance of 5-6 steps. The captains get the ball. On a signal, each captain throws the ball to the first player in his column. Having caught the ball, the player returns it to the captain and sits down on the ground (in the gym - on the gymnastic bench). The captains throw the ball to the second, then to the third players, etc. Each of them, returning the ball to the captain, sits down. Having received the ball from the last player of his column, the captain lifts it up, and all the players of his team jump up.

The team whose captain picks up the ball first and whose players jump up first wins.

If during the game one of the players drops the ball, he must pick it up and throw it to the captain, having previously taken his place.

Relay with the puck

Team members line up in columns one at a time. In front of each team at 10-12 meters, they put a flag (or a chair). The 11 first numbers in the teams receive a stick and a puck. On a signal, they must, knocking the puck with a stick, circle it around the flag and return it back to the start line. The stick is then passed to the second player, who in turn circles the puck around the flagstick, and so on. The first team to complete the game wins.

When repeating the game, you can set the task of driving not one, but two pucks at the same time and returning both to the start line.

Cancer moves back

Teams are built in columns one at a time. Before each team at 10-15 meters put a flag. On a signal, the first players turn around and go to the flags with their backs forward, go around them to the right and, in exactly the same way - with their backs forward - return to their place. As soon as they cross the start line, the second players go into puts, then the third players, etc. The team that finishes the competition first wins.

You are not allowed to look back while driving.

Passing balls

The players are divided into two teams and line up one against the other. The first in each line is given a ball. On a signal from the leader, they pass the ball to their neighbors, who then pass it on. When the ball reaches the last player, he must hit the ball on the floor, catch it and return it to the neighbor. Then the ball is passed from hand to hand in the opposite direction. When the ball returns to the first player, he must lift it over his head. The team that finishes passing the ball first wins.

Needle and thread

To play, you need to prepare two fake needles (100-120 cm long) and two balls of colored cord (thin rope).

The players line up in two lines (10-12 people each) one against the other. The first numbers of each line are given a needle, and the last numbers are given a ball of cord.

On a signal, unwinding the ball (the player does not release it from his hands), the end of the cord is passed from hand to hand along the line. When it gets to the first player, he threads it through the eye of the needle and returns it to the second, who passes it further along the line in the opposite direction. When the end of the cord returns to the last player and the cord threaded through the needle is folded in half, everyone turns to the right (or left) and follows the leader, holding on to the thread (as the Russian proverb says: “Where the needle is, there the thread is”), quickly walk around the site along the perimeter (the boundaries must be marked) and return to their original place. The team that completed the task first (if all the rules were observed exactly) wins.

Competitions - fights


The players stand opposite each other on one leg, keep the other leg bent, hands folded on the chest. Jumping on one leg, everyone tries to push the opponent with his shoulder, make him lose his balance and lower his other leg - then the battle is won.

You can also play while sitting. The belt (braid) is connected by a ring. The players squat and put the ring on their knees so that the legs cannot be straightened. The hands are tucked under the knees. Jumping in this position on their toes, the players try to push each other with their shoulders. The one that does not keep balance loses.

The game "Cockfight" should take place within a small area, beyond which it is impossible to go.

Don't lose your balance

The players stand facing each other at arm's length. Their feet are closed. Raising their hands to chest level, each alternately strikes with one or both palms on the palms of the opponent. You can dodge the blow by suddenly spreading your arms. Whoever moves with at least one foot, loses.

Who will hit the puck

Two circles with a diameter of 40-50 cm are drawn on the ground. The center of one should be about 80 cm from the center of the other. Two players become behind the circles. Each of them receives a club. A puck is placed in the center of each circle. It is necessary to knock the puck out of the opponent's circle and keep your own.

pull the cord

A rope is laid on the ground, to the ends of which sandbags are tied. At the ends of the rope, two players stand with their backs to each other. Before each of them in 5-6 steps a flag is placed. On a signal, the players run to their flags and, returning, try to pull the rope in their direction, ahead of their comrade. The one who manages to do it wins. The competition is repeated three times.

Racket fight

There are two players in this game of skill. Each player receives a racket. Rackets can be from table tennis or homemade. A cube or a small flat toy is placed on each of them.

The players, taking the racket in their left hand, take it to the side. On a signal, moving freely, they try to take the cube from the opponent's racket without dropping their own.

The winner of the duel is the one who manages to remove the cube from the partner's racket three times in a row.

Big game with a small ball

Ball games that people of different ages are fond of are very diverse. But in childhood, and especially in younger age, the most common is the "ball school". This is the name of the system of exercises with a small ball in order of increasing complexity.

You can start with the simplest.

- Who can throw the ball high up and catch it with both hands? the teacher asks the children.

There are many who wish, everyone can and. ready to prove it. Then the leader offers the children other, more difficult tasks: toss the ball and catch it only with the right hand, only with the left hand; toss the ball, make a full turn on the spot and catch it, etc.

These exercises are not for everyone. But one of the pre-trained guys will perform them easily and freely. And all children will understand that training is needed to perform the exercises.

Naming the days of the week

Several players use a counting rhyme to set up a queue. The beginner of the game throws the ball high and catches it, while naming all the days of the week in sequence: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc. (there is one throw for each day). When all the days of the week are called (or in case of misses), the player passes the ball to the next player, and he steps aside. When all participants complete this exercise, they count how many misses they have. The winners are those who played without misses or who had fewer of them.

The next time, when tossing the ball, you can agree to name not the days of the week, but the months: January, February, March, etc. Each cycle in this game no longer consists of 7, but of 12 throws.

You can also offer to throw the ball on all the letters of the alphabet in a row. It is very difficult to do this without a miss (such a game helps children learn the alphabet better).

Don't miss the ball

Two players stand side by side. One of them has a ball. He must, by hitting the ball with his palm, make it bounce off the floor 10 times in a row, and on the 11th pass (without stopping the game) to the second player. He, having made 10 strokes, must return the ball to the first. And so on until one of them misses the ball. Dropping the ball is out of the game. Instead, another player is appointed, and the competition continues. The one who stays in the game the longest wins.

It can be agreed that the player leading the ball does not stand still, but walks around with him some object, such as a chair, and, returning, passes it to the second.

You can play the game simultaneously with several pairs of players. The pair that manages to keep the ball in play the longest wins.

jump rope

Just like the “ball school”, exercises with a short and long rope have always been childhood companions. And this is no coincidence. They have; important for health promotion and physical development children and occupy an important place in outdoor games.

Rope jumping develops and trains such qualities that everyone needs, such as fast, light and elastic movements, endurance and attention, a sense of rhythm. Many honored masters of sports, preparing for competitions in athletics, boxing, various sports games, during training exercise in jumping rope. This helps them to better prepare for competitions, make their movements faster, more accurate and confident, legs stronger. And what interesting, complex and beautiful exercises with a rope are included in rhythmic gymnastics competitions!

All this is worth telling the children in order to arouse their greater interest in jumping rope.

All (or almost all) girls of school age can jump with a rope, but not all boys, and it is also very important to captivate them with games with a rope.

Usually, children perform only the simplest, most primitive exercises with a rope. The teacher must complicate the task all the time: jump not only standing still, but also on the go, on the run, on the right, on the left foot, jump once, and skip the rope under your feet twice, jump together (standing facing each other and in the back of the head ), three of us with two ropes, etc. Jumps should be soft, springy and performed on toes.

A short rope should be appropriate for the height of the child. Everyone can determine the desired length himself in the following way: stand in the middle of the rope, spread your legs shoulder-width apart, pull the rope along the body. Its ends should reach the waist.

For a long rope, you need a rope 10-12 mm thick and 5-6 m long.

Relay race with ropes

Two are drawn parallel lines at a distance of 15-20 m from one another. At the first line, two or three teams line up in the back of the head. Players standing in front of the column hold a rope in their hands. On the opposite line, in front of each team, put a flag. At the signal of the leader, the first numbers start running, jumping over the rope, and, having rounded the flag, come back and pass the rope to the next player. He, without stopping, jumps over the rope and rushes forward. The last participant, having reached the finish line, raises his hand with the rope up. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Relay with a long rope

The players line up in two columns one by one at the start line at a distance of 4-5 steps, one column from the other. Two players with a long rope stand in front of each team in 5-6 steps. At the signal of the leader, they begin to evenly twist the rope in the direction of their teams. At the same signal, the first numbers run forward. Their task is to run under the rope without hitting it, go back, touch the second players with their hand and stand at the end of their column. After that, the second numbers run forward, followed by the third, etc. The one whom the rope touched must return and repeat his attempt.

The team that finishes jumping first wins.

When the game is repeated, those who twisted the rope are replaced by others.