Cheat codes for gta 3 on the computer. Cheat codes for GTA III. Grand Thief Auto III cheats To get cars and other vehicles

During the game, enter the following codes:

boooooring - speed up the game

peasoup - turns on fog

Cheats for Grand Theft Auto 3

While playing, enter:

Gunsgunsguns - gives all weapons
ifiwerearichman - gives 250.000 money
gesundheit - replenishes health to the maximum
morepoliceplease - increases police level by 2 points
nopoliceplease - removes all police levels
giveusatank - a tank appears next to the player
bangbangbang - explodes all vehicles near the player,
including the one he is in.
ilikedressingup - changes the player model to any other
itsallgoingmaaad - all passers-by start to fight
(both with the player and among themselves)
nobodylikesme - all passers-by attack the player
weaponsforall - all peaceful passers-by have weapons
timeflieswhenyou - speeds up the player's actions
boooooring - speed up the game
turtoise - gives 100 armor
skincancerforme - includes normal weather conditions
ilikescotland - turns on cloudy weather
ilovescotland - turns on rain
peasoup - turns on fog
madweather - speeds up time
anicesetofwheels - all vehicles become transparent,
only wheels and lights with headlights remain visible
cornerslikemad - steering is significantly improved for all cars
CHITTYCITTYBB - cars will fly like Dodo
CORNERSLIKEMAD - all cars become like garbage, and if you buzz - a wheelbarrow
jumping, also no one stops at a traffic light.
NASTYLIMBSCHEAT - includes blood in non-blood versions

Feature with cars:
On one of the islands, there is a huge garage for 3-4 cars, and shove
Only 2 cars are allowed. There is a way out of this situation!
You need to do this:
We go into the garage, sit in any car and drive it halfway to the street,
once again I repeat HALF to the street, half should remain in the garage.
Now the garage door will frantically move, trying to close
(BUT WILL NOT CLOSED!) Then we sit in the 3rd car, and drive it into the garage,
then we drive back to the garage, that car that is half on the street.
You now have three cars in your garage.

Cheats for Grand Theft Auto 3

ifiwerearichman - $250,000
gesundheit - health 100%
turtoise - armor 100%
ilikescotland - change of weather
ilovescotland - change of weather

bangbangbang - bang

peasoup - mist
madweather - speeds up time?

Cheats for Grand Theft Auto 3

All codes are entered directly in the game:
gunsgunsguns - weapon (each next guns adds ammo)
ifiwerearichman - $250,000
gesundheit - health 100%
turtoise - armor 100%
ilikescotland - change of weather
ilovescotland - change of weather
morepoliceplease - adds asterisks to "wanted"
nopoliceplease - Removes asterisks from "wanted"
giveusatank - tank (only throws it out in a strange way - in a random place)
bangbangbang - bang
ilikedressingup - changes clothes into a pedestrian (each time in a different way)
itsallgoingmaaad - everyone hates each other:) complete rubilovo
nobodylikesme - everyone hates you personally
weaponsforall - give guns to everyone (along with the top code is fun)
timeflieswhenyouboooooring - does something with time
skincancerforme - weather change
peasoup - mist
madweather - speeds up time?
anicesetofwheels - car bodies disappear (wheels and drivers remain)

Secrets to Grand Theft Auto 3

just for fun.


some) and record.

(painting and repairing cars).


new radio station.

dams in shoresid "e).

you stole.

20 ultrasound
30 grenades
40 shotgun
50 armor
60 molotov cocktail
70 AK-47
80 sniper rifle
90 M-16
100 rocket launcher and 1.000.000 :)

coloring pages and faster).



Flamethrower will appear at home.

near your home.

make way for you.

You just have to try...

8. And finally the last.

The main thing is speed and reaction.

See you.

Walkthrough for Grand Theft Auto 3

There is enough information on the Internet about how, after all, to fly the Dodo ... but is it worth taking it into account?
Those who have already suffered, learning to fly in exactly the ways that are described on many sites, will say “yes” ... but my method is not for them - it is for those who are not very good at flying this miracle unit. And it’s good that it’s not 10-30 seconds, but much more ... do you want it? Read more…

So, you found a Dodo (and any one will do) ... it was not difficult ... now you get into it and leave on a strip (or road) suitable for not crashing during takeoff. Naturally, at the airport, this is a runway ... moreover, do not be afraid of planes - the developers have the opinion that a real plane should not interfere with another, but fly through it ... so the runway is YOURS
Remember - the main thing is not to take off, the main thing is to fly ...
Therefore, when taking off, we will also take into account the fact that we will fly, and not fall ...

Therefore, stand in the middle of the strip and press the gas.
As soon as you press the gas, you need to press the "Dodo down" key (it is placed in the control).
Press this key until sparks appear from under the plane ... as soon as they appear, release “Dodo Down” immediately and the plane will take off steeply upwards ...
DO NOT LET it take off steeply upwards by occasionally pressing the Dodo Down key...keep the plane level...if it's nose is up, lower it IMMEDIATELY, otherwise you will inevitably crash (possibly into the water).

Dodo doesn't like to PANIC...keep your composure anyway...because there will often be times when the Dodo will fly down (fall)...remember - HE DOES NOT FALL...maybe he is picking up speed, maybe something else, but in no case DO NOT DO anything and DO NOT PRESS any keys while it falls, soon it will fly up again and you will take a deep breath...

Here's what I understood - If you are falling, then this cannot be avoided - fall correctly (more on that later) ... but if your plane just flies down - look and that's all ... in extreme cases, turn a LITTLE LITTLE (more on that later).

The Dodo has an altitude limit (at least as I understand it) and therefore it resists and often flies down ... if you do not allow the Dodo to rise to this limit, then the plane will fly straight and obey you like your dog ... Conclusion - fly the plane not under the clouds, but a little higher than the roofs of passing cars, to be more precise, approximately at the level of the middle (in height) of houses.

Now about the turns… if you make a too sharp turn, it will be very difficult to return the plane to a stable state… Conclusion – you should not press the turn button, but “click”… don’t hold the turn button for more than a tenth of a second… if you click, you will turn… you will press - fall down.

Landing, or rather ... falling ...
This is where the “Dodo up” button comes in handy. Press it only if you are going to land or if you are hopelessly falling ... only it will help you if the nose of the plane (during the fall) is down ... you need this so that you do not roll over after the fall - the Dodo will explode.
Pressing this button during the flight (if you do not fall) will INEVITABLY lead to the fact that you will no longer be able to control this aircraft and, accordingly, will fall.

Now the last one.
In order of increasing complexity, the stages of the flight are described here, based on this, learn:
1. Take off.
2. Landing (CORRECT)… not falling.
3. Flight.

Only practice and patience will give you the opportunity to fly to your heart's content...
My record is 154 seconds...but I will beat it soon...
Fly to your health.

Now I will tell you everything I know about Dodo.
I have already described the flight technique in the article “Do you want to fly correctly?”, So it is recommended that you read it first.
Now we will move on to another stage.
What is missing from our dear Dodo? The only thing it lacks is speed and acceleration.
Let's make it enough for him.
Open in Notepad'e (Notepad) file handling.cfg from the gta3 / data folder.
We find a list of cars below, and to the left of them there are many characteristics and different numbers that may seem incomprehensible at first.
We find among Dodo machines.
Select the entire line (I think it's not worth explaining how to do this).
And insert instead what is written below.

DODO 250000.0 1.0 10.0 1.2 0.0 1.0 0.0 75 0.65 0.9 0.5 1 600.0 160.0 4 P 5.0 0.45 0 30.0 5.0 0.1 0.30 0.0001 25000 1.25 -0.0 0.5

We have just increased the mass so that the extra cars do not get in the way, but fly off like pretty ones.
Increased speed to shorten the takeoff path.
And finally, we increased the acceleration (acceleration) so that the Dodo quickly develops that speed and takes off from almost 20 meters.

Moreover, I don’t see anything dishonest in the above, since the characteristics of the flight have not changed, only the characteristics of the wheels have changed, due to the increase in which we will quickly take off and not waste time and nerves looking for a suitable road.

Next, you should put the Dodo in your garage so that you do not have to drive after it after every fall to the airport. You can work with me to do it yourself, or you can take Saves from me (write a letter) and Dodo will be in your garage in the second city, as it is best suited for takeoff.

So. Dodo in the garage. We start the game, take the Dodo and go to some more or less suitable road. We take off using the same method, only now, its speed will be higher and therefore it will be necessary to immediately press “Dodo down” and almost immediately (as sparks appear) lower it. They released him… now he soared up sharply, you must IMMEDIATELY lower his nose down with short but sure pressing of the “Dodo down” button. All of it flies. If it wears, then up, then down, then do not worry, this is easy to avoid. At the moment when he flies up, you must again lower his nose to a horizontal position. Having done this several times, the Dodo will still fly normally, horizontally, occasionally shuddering from turbulence, which I will also talk about.

So, there is wind in the game and it cannot be absent. Therefore, do not even try to avoid the twitching of the plane, because if it twitches, and you try to align it, control is lost in most cases and you fall.
You can get out of almost any critical situation with the help of the “Dodo Down” and… “Dodo Up” buttons. Many, including myself, said that you should never press this button. But no, you can. If you see that your plane has already gained enough speed, but still flies down, feel free to press the “Dodo up” button, it should help - the plane will level out, you just need to press it carefully, otherwise you will fall tail down.

There are two types of turbulence (at least they are the only ones I know of).
The first one is not terrible, and does not threaten with ANYTHING, except for twitching of the screen and Dodo, ordinary vibrations.
But if you are in a zone of strong wind, then it may very well DULL you so much that the plane will swing very strongly. It can wobble from side to side (this is not scary), or it can periodically fly up and down sharply. You can get rid of this by timely pressing the "Dodo down" and occasionally "Dodo up" buttons.

Now let's talk about the areas of the map over which it is dangerous or undesirable to fly.
These zones are jumps with special jumps, for which they give money if you jump on them by car.
If you fly over it, the camera will stay on it FOREVER. Whatever you do, you can't get rid of it. After a while, your Dodo will disappear from view and you will most likely lose control. True, I have already learned a little to fly over ski jumps, guided by the map and camera height. How? I'll explain right now.
Dodo was out of sight. What to do? Fall? You don't have to fall if you don't want to. Keep flying. You have a map at your disposal that will show you your direction relative to the poles. And you can control the height using the camera. The camera stands still, but turns towards the plane, wherever it is. If the plane descends, the camera also descends, if it ascends, it does the same. Difficult, but possible. The only difficulty is that you can't see the plane in full and therefore can't FULLY control it. So, it is better to choose a place to land (fall), if you suddenly flew over a similar place, or fall into the water and restart.

Right now about everything.
You can not be afraid of many skyscrapers, an airplane flies through them just as easily as through airliners.
Stay calm in ANY situation. Otherwise, you will definitely fall off.

In my opinion, I wrote everything I know.
If I remember anything else, I'll write.

Now my record is 1078 seconds!!!
If someone does not believe, let them take my saves and look at Stats.
Who will beat that prize - my respect :)

Secrets to Grand Theft Auto 3

Now I will tell you some of the chips from this game, some of
who helped me get through it, and some were used
just for fun.

1. Fast and FREE repair.
Despite the fact that there is ENOUGH money in the game, I still
I use this method because it is faster.
If your car is still able to drive to your house (hideout,
the place where you save), then go there and park the car in
Wait a second for the garage door to close.
After closing them, you can safely open them by going up to them, and you
you will see your wagon brand new and sparkling.
To do this, it is absolutely optional to blow it up (as they say
some) and record.
This method is suitable for those who do not yet fully know the city, and
accordingly, does not know where the nearest Pay&Spray are
(painting and repairing cars).
And your house is still listed on the radar.

2. The music that plays on the radio is very annoying after a long time.
Therefore, in the GTA III folder there is an MP3 folder where you can (and should)
copy your music in mp3 format and listen to it in quality
new radio station.

3. And this is for those who steal cars to cross them out in
sheets on two buildings (one in the port in portland "e, and the other near
dams in shoresid "e).
Let me remind you that if you fill out the entire sheet, you will be given 200.000
(in addition to 1000 for each of the 16 cars) and the opportunity to
the same building to pick up any car you like, from those that
you stole.
All cars are easy to find, with the exception of one.
BF injection, which is needed in the building near the dam.
This car can be found NIGHT in Portland where it rang (and
ringing now) a phone near your Portland home on
territory of Diablo. The street is called Herburn Height.
Dodo can also cause problems, as it is very clumsy
flies. ONE time in my life I was able to fly it for more than a minute and
fly from the airport all the way to the bridge to Portland. So you
apparently it will be easier to bring him just like a car, without heroic
flights, save more nerve cells.

4. For bags of drugs (Hidden Packages), of which 100 pieces
scattered around the city, they will give you some money, but if you
If you purposefully collect them, then when collecting:
10 you will have a gun near your house
20 ultrasound
30 grenades
40 shotgun
50 armor
60 molotov cocktail
70 AK-47
80 sniper rifle
90 M-16
100 rocket launcher and 1.000.000 :)

5. Missions for a cop, a medic, a fireman and a taxi driver are possible, of course, and
not to do, but by doing so you are missing out on a lot...

If you complete 100 missions as a taxi driver (carry 100 passengers)
then in Harwood (near the fire station, next to the garage, which
located next to the Head Radio studio) there will be a new car
(Borgnine taxi, same as Cabbie taxi, but reddish
coloring pages and faster).

If you save 50 dudes on Ambulanc "e, then near your house
a respawning Health Power-up will appear (in our opinion - health or
If you save 100 dudes, then Adrenaline will appear near the house
Power-up (pill, time dilation)
But if you master level 12 on the same Ambulance, then your
sprinting will become endless (no need to rest).

The job of a firefighter is the most lucrative and (in my opinion) the easiest.
Each subsequent call, when executed, will double the previous one.
So. If you put out 30 fires in each of the 3 districts of the city
(although I had enough and 20 in portland), then about your
Flamethrower will appear at home.

The work of a cop is the most dangerous and (in my opinion) difficult. But if you
kill 40 cops, then Police Bribe (bribe to cops) will appear
near your home.

And finally, one more thing, turn on the siren. She helps. Cars
make way for you.

6. If you need all the things you recently collected in the city
(health, armor, weapons...) reappeared (even at your house),
you need to go into your garage and run (not by car) to the edge (to
opposite wall) and everything...all things will reappear.

7. At the fire station in Portland there is a springboard (wooden), with
with which you can jump onto the roof of the opposite house.
You just have to try...
Having tried hard, I never jumped to there, but I found
another way to climb there - there are railways passing over it.
way ... further, I think, it is not necessary to tell. There you can find
flamethrower and another Hidden Package.

8. And finally the last.
With the help of GTA 3 Car Editor, it is very easy and affordable to change
all characteristics of the machines (except appearance) including center
severity (which needs to be lowered in Ambulance).

Here are some other tricks I found:

1. Cars (any - even the heaviest) push easily if you sprint on them.

2. If you push the car into the water, it will float and if the distance to it allows you, you can jump on it and stand as long as you want.
You can throw 2 cars, unless of course the cars are not at your fingertips, but on the road, since the location of the cars is remembered in the game ... but not for long ... that's why two, if you move far away and take another car, then your first car (dropped into the water ) will disappear :(
If they didn’t disappear, then it would be possible to build your own “bridge” of cars across the sea…
It doesn't seem to be of much use, but it's still fun...

3. You can put the car on a boat and, if you have a SPECIAL desire, transport it somewhere.
Why "with a special"? Yes, because the car, when you are sailing on a boat, constantly falls off it ... you can, of course, swim backwards :), but few can withstand “such speed” :)

4. Use the fact that a flamethrower (however, like water from a fire) can shoot through ANY obstacles, whether it be walls, cars, fences and everything else.
Thus, you can easily hide behind the wall and shoot enemies through it. Unfair but effective :)

5. If some unfortunate car thief is trying to pull you out of the car, then (in many cases) it is useless to pick up speed so that it “falls off” (unless, of course, you have a sports car). It is much easier and more efficient to press the gas and at this time turn sharply in the direction opposite to the one from which you are being pulled out, that is, to the right (since the steering wheel is on the left). Most often, ill-wishers fall off (sya) :)

6. A little help in driving a car (in particular, a passenger car).
Turning over the car causes the most undesirable consequence - an explosion, unless of course you did it on purpose, but if the car is at least a little dear to you, read on.
In order to make a revolution of the mind, it is not necessary, but to avoid it ...
Most often, you roll over if you stand on your side for a while or roll from one to another ...
The main thing is speed and reaction.
So - if you are lying on your left side (left is the side that is left when you drive forward, for the especially gifted J) then quickly turn to the left and press the gas with all your might ... only in this case you will NOT fall on the roof.
If the right side is unlucky, then press the turn to the right and the gas, respectively.
It’s all easy, but much more often you still don’t lie down, but roll over ...
Here it is already necessary to bring the above to automaticity and use it every time you fall on the next side.
I repeat - speed, reaction and the technique of avoiding falling on the roof brought to automatism.
Now I play GTA ONLY for the sake of bugs and jokes, so there will be new ones DEFINITELY ... and YOU will be the first (after me, of course) to know about them ...
See you.

Codes for the game Grand Theft Auto III

During the game, just enter:
gunsgunsguns - get everything opyzhie
ifiwerearichman - get 250.000 money
gesundheit - restore health to the maximum
morepoliceplease - increase the level of the police by 2 points
nopoliceplease - remove all police levels
giveusatank - a tank appears next to the player
bangbangbang - explodes all equipment near the player, including the one in which he himself is.
ilikedressingup - changes the player's model to any other
itsallgoingmaaad - all passers-by begin to fight (both with the player and between themselves)
nobodylikesme - all passers-by attack the player
weaponsforall - all peaceful passers-by will spawn weapons
timeflieswhenyou - speeds up the player's actions
boooooring - speed up the game
turtoise - get 100 armor
skincancerforme - includes normal weather conditions
ilikescotland - includes cloudy weather
ilovescotland - includes rain
peasoup - turns on fog
madweather - accelerates the passage of time
anicesetofwheels - all vehicles become transparent, only wheels and lights with headlights remain visible
cornerslikemad - all cars have significantly improved steering
CHITTYCITTYBB - cars will fly like Dodo
CORNERSLIKEMAD - all cars become like a mycopa, and if it buzzes, the car jumps, and no one stops at a traffic light.
NASTYLIMBSCHEAT - includes blood in versions without blood

Cheats for the game Grand Theft Auto III

"Feature" with garage:
On one of the islands, there is a huge garage for 3-4 cars, and only 2 cars can be parked. It is possible to circumvent this injustice.
You should do it like this:
We go into the garage, get into any car and drive it halfway to the street. Now the garage door will move frantically, trying to close, but will not close. Then we get into car 3, and we drive it into the garage, then we drive it back into the garage, that car, which is half on the street.
Now you have three cars in the garage.

Attention! Do not save the game after using cheat codes. This may adversely affect the further passage.

Cheats can be entered both during gameplay and in the pause menu. On the keyboard, you need to type a word or phrase, on the controller, press the buttons in a certain sequence.


  • On the keyboard, all cheats must be entered without spaces, spelling options in brackets are provided solely for readability. The register doesn't matter.
  • On controllers, Left, Right, Up, and Down indicate the corresponding directions on the D-Pad, not the analog sticks.
  • On Android, you need to use any keyboard that can be called up during the game.
  • There are no cheats on iOS.

Some cheats can be disabled by re-entering the desired combination of buttons, some by reloading the game. But there are also permanent cheat codes that cannot be disabled in any way. These are the "Pedestrian Rebellion" and "Pedestrians attack Claude" - they can interfere with the passage of the game.

Restore health

  • PC, Mac, Android: gesundheit;
  • PlayStation: R2, R2, L1, R1, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up;
  • Xbox: Black, Black, LT, RT, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up.

If the protagonist is in a vehicle, it will also respawn.

Refill Armor

  • PC, Mac, Android: tortoise;
  • PlayStation: R2, R2, L1, L2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up;
  • Xbox: Black, Black, LT, White, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up.

Get all weapons

  • PC, Mac, Android: gunsgunsguns (Guns Guns Guns);
  • PlayStation: R2, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up;
  • Xbox: Black, Black, LT, Black, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up.

On Android, there will be no cheat activation message, but the weapon will appear. Video:

Get $250,000

  • PC, Mac, Android: ifiwerearichman (If I Were a Rich Man);
  • PlayStation: R2, R2, L1, L1, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up;
  • Xbox: Black, Black, LT, LT, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up.

Get a tank

  • PC, Mac, Android: giveusatank (Give USA Tank);
  • PlayStation: Circle × 6, R1, L2, L1, Triangle, Circle, Triangle;
  • Xbox: B × 6, RT, White, LT, Y, B, Y.

Not a tank will appear on Android, but a random car. "Circle × 6 / B × 6" means that the corresponding button needs to be pressed 6 times. Video:

Alternative ways to get a tank: .

Increased traction and jump capability for all cars

  • PC, Mac, Android: cornerslikemad (Corners Like Mad);
  • PlayStation: R1, L1, R2, L1, Left, R1, R1, Triangle;
  • Xbox: RT, LT, Black, LT, Left, RT, RT, Y.

To jump, press the horn button. You can't perform unique jumps with this cheat.

Invisible cars

  • PC, Mac, Android: anicesetofwheels (A Nice Set of Wheels);
  • PlayStation: L1, L1, Square, R2, Triangle, L1, Triangle;
  • Xbox: LT, LT, X, Black, Y, LT, Y.

In cars, only the wheels, the driver and passengers become visible.

Low gravity for vehicles

  • PC, Mac, Android: chittychittybb (Chitty Chitty BB);
  • PlayStation: Right, R2, Circle, R1, L2, Down, L1, R1;
  • Xbox: Right, Black, B, RT, White, Down, LT, RT.

The car in the air can be adjusted using the steering.

Blow up all vehicles

  • PC, Mac, Android: bangbangbang (Bang Bang Bang);
  • PlayStation: L2, R2, L1, R1, L2, R2, Triangle, Square, Circle, Triangle, L2, L1;
  • Xbox: White, Black, LT, RT, White, Black, Y, X, B, Y, White, LT.

Does not affect Police Helicopters and Dodos controlled by NPCs.

Increase wanted level by two stars

  • PC, Mac, Android: morepoliceplease (More Police Please);
  • PlayStation: R2, R2, L1, R2, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right;
  • Xbox: Black, Black, LT, Black, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right.

Remove all wanted stars

  • PC, Mac, Android: nopoliceplease (No Police Please);
  • PlayStation: R2, R2, L1, R2, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down;
  • Xbox: Black, Black, LT, Black, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down.

clear weather

  • PC, Mac, Android: skincancerforme (Skin Cancer Forme);
  • PlayStation: L1, L2, R1, R2, R2, R1, L2, Triangle;
  • Xbox: LT, White, RT, Black, Black, RT, White, Y.


  • PC, Mac, Android: ilovescotland (I Love Scotland);
  • PlayStation: L1, L2, R1, R2, R2, R1, L2, Circle;
  • Xbox: LT, White, RT, Black, Black, RT, White, B.


  • PC, Mac, Android: peasoup (Pea Soup);
  • PlayStation: L1, L2, R1, R2, R2, R1, L2, Cross;
  • Xbox: LT, White, RT, Black, Black, RT, White, A.

Overcast weather

  • PC, Mac, Android: ilikescotland (I Like Scotland);
  • PlayStation: L1, L2, R1, R2, R2, R1, L2, Square;
  • Xbox: LT, White, RT, Black, Black, RT, White, X.

Slow down gameplay

  • PC, Mac, Android: boooooring;
  • PlayStation: Triangle, Up, Right, Down, Square, R1, R2;
  • Xbox: Y, Up, Right, Down, X, RT, Black.

The gameplay slows down twice. When you re-enter the cheat - 4 times. To return to normal speed, use the cheat to speed up the gameplay.

Speed ​​up gameplay

  • PC, Mac, Android: timeflieswhenyou (Time Flies When You);
  • PlayStation: Triangle, Up, Right, Down, Square, L1, L2;
  • Xbox: Y, Up, Right, Down, X, LT, Black.

The gameplay is accelerated twice. When you re-enter the cheat, the game should speed up 4 times relative to normal speed, but this does not happen. To return to normal speed, use the cheat to slow down the gameplay.

Speed ​​up in-game clock

  • PC, Mac, Android: madweather (Mad Weather);
  • PlayStation: Circle × 3, Square × 5, L1, Triangle, Circle, Triangle;
  • Xbox: B × 3, X × 5, LT, Y, B, Y.

Only the clock is speeding up game process runs at normal speed. "Circle × 3 / B × 3" means that the corresponding button needs to be pressed 3 times.

Pedestrians carry weapons

  • PC, Mac, Android: weaponsforall (Weapons For All);
  • PlayStation: R2, R1, Triangle, Cross, L2, L1, Up, Down;
  • Xbox: Xbox: Black, RT, Y, A, White, LT, Up, Down.

The cheat does not apply to prostitutes and bandits.

Pedestrian uprising

  • PC, Mac, Android: itsallgoingmaaad (It's All Going Maaad);
  • PlayStation: Down, Up, Left, Up, Cross, R1, R2, L2, L1;
  • Xbox: Down, Up, Left, Up, A, RT, Black, White, LT.

Pedestrians attack Claude

  • PC, Mac, Android: nobodylikesme (Nobody Likes Me);
  • PlayStation: Down, Up, Left, Up, Cross, R1, R2, L1, L2;
  • Xbox: Down, Up, Left, Up, A, RT, Black, LT, White.

This cheat code cannot be undone. Do not save the game after activating it!

Change the model of the protagonist to the model of a random pedestrian

  • PC, Mac, Android: ilikedressingup (I Like Dressing Up);
  • PlayStation: Right, Down, Left, Up, L1, L2, Up, Left, Down, Right;
  • Xbox: Right, Down, Left, Up, LT, White, Up, Left, Down, Right.

Turn on blood and dismemberment

  • PC, Mac, Android: nastylimbscheat (Nasty Limbs Cheat);
  • PlayStation: Square, L1, Circle, Down, L1, R1, Triangle, Right, Cross;
  • Xbox: X, LT, B, Down, LT, RT, Y, Right, LT, A.

Some versions of the game lack blood, as well as the ability to shoot off heads and limbs. The cheat code removes this limitation. The activation message does not appear. The cheat does not affect anything on the PC.

little things

  • Cheat codes can be entered during cut scenes. For example:

Nightlife: what you need to know

Nightclubs in GTA Online is a business introduced as part of the Nightlife update. Any of the ten clubs can be purchased on the Maze Bank Foreclosures website.

  • October 6, 2018


In this guide you will find all the cheats for GTA 3 and GTA Vice city: cheats for weapons, for health, for money - in general, absolutely all the necessary codes.

Game series Grand Theft Auto for over twenty years now. Over such a long period, a huge number of games have been released for PC, consoles and portable platforms that have impressed gamers from all over the world with high-quality graphics and an abundance of features, a variety of multiplayer modes. But this does not prevent newcomers to the series and old fans from getting acquainted with the classic parts - GTA 3 and vice city, which still look very dignified.

Someone wants to go through the exciting storyline, and someone just run around the city, destroying everyone around and earning wanted stars. In any case, they can use a variety of codes, which will be discussed later.

How to enter codes in GTA 3 and Vice City

Unlike many other games where commands are entered via special console or in a text chat, it’s enough just to type a certain sequence of keys at a fast pace. The main thing is that there are no accidental pressing of other buttons between them. If done correctly, you will immediately see the effect. This applies to personal computers.

As for portable devices with touch screens (the game, as we know, was also released on Android and iOS systems), then you will have to perform a few additional manipulations. On iOS, entering codes will become possible by connecting a special Bluetooth keyboard, and on Android it will be enough to download an application from the Google store called Game Keyboard. This is keyboard emulation over a running game.

Cheats for GTA 3

GUNSGUNSGUNS opens access to the entire arsenal of weapons available in the game and immediately supplies the player with the maximum amount of ammunition for it. If you want to restore ammo, just write the code again.
IFIWEREARICHMAN the code adds a lot Money. The further you advance in the story, the more you will need finance.
GESUNDHEIT be healthy. The code changes the current value on the health bar to 100, fully restoring spent lives.
TORTOISE similar to the previous command, restores armor to 100% of the indicator.
MOREPOLICEPLEASEE team for those who like additional tests and battles with the police. Increases the police wanted level by two stars. There are five of them in total, so the command can be written more than once.
NOPOLICEPLEASE the police stop chasing the player, all stars are canceled until the next offense is noticed.
TIMEFLIESWHENYOU game time is accelerating. Entering the command again makes the effect even more noticeable. The opposite effect is achieved with the BOOOOOORING command (yes, with six O's).
BANGBANGBANG explosion of all vehicles within a certain radius from the character. It also works on special vehicles.
NOBODYLIKESME makes everyone civilians aggressive. Citizens passing by will pounce on the hero with their fists.
ITSALLGOINGMAAD civilians become aggressive towards each other. Note! If you save with this included code, some story missions passing will be impossible. Alternatively, save to several slots, keeping in one save without cheats.
WEAPONSFORALL absolutely everyone, including civilians, will now be armed. Using this command in combination with one or two of the previous codes, spectacular firefights can be arranged.
SKINCANCERFORMED, ILIKESCOTLAND, PEASOUP three codes for changing the weather (sunny day, cloudy and foggy).
MADWEATHER acceleration of the game timer. Time flows faster, which is reflected in the visibility and life of the city.
GIVEUSATANK an army tank appears next to the player. You can climb and ride, shooting all living things.
ANICESETOFWHEELS funny code that removes all the textures of cars except their wheels.
CHITTYCHITTYBB gravity decreases when you drive. Accordingly, the lightest cars take off, as soon as they jump on a bump or springboard.
CORNERSLIKEMAD improving the responsiveness of transport management. Someone can help in passing, and someone, on the contrary, will constantly turn around and fly to the side of the road.
NASTYLIMBSCHEAT if your version of the game is censored, and from shots and hits on enemies, they do not bleed, limbs do not shoot back, then write this command. She will bring back the violence.
ILIKEDRESSINGUP changing the model of the main character to a random character (passers-by, main characters, etc.). The only way to reverse the change is by loading a save that was made before the code was written.

Cheats for GTA Vice City

The new part of the game has expanded significantly compared to GTA 3 - many more weapons, vehicles, and new gameplay features have been added. There are also more codes, so for convenience they are divided into thematic categories.

Cheats for vehicles in GTA Vice City

PANZER calling a tank next to the main character. If there is a vehicle or character in the place of its appearance, they will be crushed.
BETTERTHANWALKING call cars from the golf club.
GETTHEREVERYFASTINDEED call racing car Formula 1. One of the fastest cars in the game.
GETTHEREQUICKLY race car of an obsolete model.
TRAVELINSTYLE stylish tuned car.
GETTHEREFAST appearance of a tuned hatchback.
ROCKANDROLLCAR lets call the black limousine out storyline with a rock band.
RUBBISHCAR garbage truck.
THELASTRIDE funeral home car.
AHAIRDRESSERSCAR Changes the color of all vehicles in the game to pink.

Weapons, armor and health in GTA Vice City

Various codes for modifying the gameplay

ONSPEED, BOOOOOORING codes to speed up and slow down in-game time. Unlike the code for GTA 3, there are 6 letters "O" in the second word.
ICANTTAKEITANYMORE main character commits suicide.
BIGBANG explosion of all vehicles near the character. If at this moment he will sit in the car, he will instantly die.
COMEFLYWITHME cars will now be able to float in the air.
GRIPISEVERYTHING makes driving more responsive.
GREENLIGHT all traffic lights in the game will now only show green light.
MIAMITRAFFIC increases the number of cars on the roads, also makes drivers more aggressive (they will violate traffic rules, ram each other, etc.).
WHEELSAREALLINEED instead of cars, only wheels will drive, and the character behind the wheel will look like hanging in the air.
LOADSOFLITTLETHINGS some cars in the game will significantly increase the size of the wheels.
SEAWAYS ground equipment gets the ability to move through the water.
AIRSHIP water transport will be able to fly through the air.
FANNYMAGNET the main character becomes the favorite of all the women of Vice City. Seeing him in sight, they will run towards him.
HOPINGIRL must be registered while sitting in the driver's seat in the car. The nearest girl will express a desire to ride.
FIGHTFIGHTFIGHT NOBODYLIKESME the first code pits passers-by against each other, and the second makes them attack your character.
OURGODGIVENRIGHTTOBEARARMS all NPCs are now armed with a weapon chosen by the system at random. Doesn't turn off.
CERTAINDEATH funny animation, the character will take a smoke break.
DEEPFRIEDMARSBARS, PROGRAMMER the first command will make Tommy get fat, and the second, on the contrary, will make him very thin.
LIFEISPASSINGMEBY another command to speed up in-game time.

Weather phenomena in GTA Vice City

Changing the character model in GTA Vice City

STILLLIKEDRESSINGUP clothes on the main character are changed to the clothes of a random NPC.
IDONTHAVETHEMONEYSONNY the character now looks like Sonny.
LOOKLIKELANCE model Lance Vance.
MYSONISALAWYER attorney Ken Rosenberg.
FOXYLITTLETHING Mercedes, daughter of the military Cortez.
RONEARMEDBANDIT the hero becomes Phil Cassidy.
ROCKANDROLLMAN, WELOVEOURDICK changing the skin of the character to one of the members of the “Fist of Love” group.
ILOOKLIKEHILARY another female model, Hillary King.
CHEATSHAVEBENCRACKED Ricardo Dia. The head of one of the major drug cartels.

In the end, I would like to remind you once again that many of the codes described above do not have the opposite effect and often lead to the most unpredictable consequences. If, for example, you enter a code that makes all passers-by aggressive and arm them, they can easily kill a quest character passing along the street, whose death will lead to the failure of the mission and the impossibility of further progress in the story. There are two tips here. The first is to save in several cells, leaving at least one clean (without using cheat codes). Second - use only safe commands, for example, a code for all weapons, restoration of health or armor, the appearance of equipment. Their effect does not affect the story scripts and the world around them in any way.

In GTA 3, codes take their own place, making our pastime and the whole gameplay much more interesting and exciting. Codes for GTA 3, of course, they make the game simply more convenient, because now we don’t need to run around the city and look for a tank, health, money ... we can enter GTA 3 cheat codes and get what we want in the blink of an eye, which is not only very convenient, but and very nice! We have the ability to drive cheats for GTA 3 both directly during the game and in pause mode (ESC).

GTA 3 Weapon Cheats

In GTA 3, weapons occupy one of the key roles, because one cannot do without them in any showdown between criminal authorities, or with the same police, and we encounter such cases throughout the game and we directly take part in this! By entering the codes for weapons in GTA 3, we will automatically get all the available weapons that we had to get before by a variety of methods.

GUNSGUNSGUNS - all available weapons appear
WEAPONSFORALL - all pedestrians have weapons

But we are removing all the limits and restrictions, now you are not limited even by the weapons that offer weapon codes for GTA 3. Two great mods are now available that add weapon sets to the game:
Also, the game saints row 2 gives us his weapon with a mod - .

Codes for GTA 3 wanted

Wanted in GTA 3 reflects the level of how much we are interested in the police, and having done things - quickly bring down before the cops tied us up! Accordingly, the more wanted stars we have, the more cops and the more actively they will pursue us. But now this is not a problem for us, because by entering the appropriate GTA 3 Wanted Codes, we can remove all the stars, and for fans of extreme sports, there is a cheat to increase the wanted list in GTA 3!

MOREPOLICEPLEASE - plus 2 stars wanted by cops
NOPOLICEPLEASE - removes all stars wanted by cops

Equipment for GTA 3 - Cheats for money, health, armor

Problems, perhaps, for the majority, not only in the game, but throughout the planet - health and money! No matter how much money you have, you want more, but health, in general, does not happen much! In GTA 3, codes for money will add 250,000 bucks to our account in the game right away! And the GTA 3 health code will completely restore the health level to the maximum also immediately after the introduction of the cheat. Another code is available that can protect us - the armor code for GTA 3.

IFIWEREARICHMAN - will add 250.000 bucks
TURTOISE - adds 100 armor
GESUNDHEIT - fully restores health

GTA 3 Cheats for cars

Cars have filled our entire planet, every day increasing their numbers rapidly and irresistibly, also in the game - cars are everywhere! And if at first everything suits us, we use cars for our own pleasure or need to complete some missions, etc. But then, I want something new, interesting... And we have prepared just that for you! Indeed, GTA 3 codes for cars will open for us a series of experiments on cars that can amuse and allow even the most serious of us to have fun.

BANGBANGBANG - blow up all nearby vehicles
ANICESETOFWHEELS - make all cars transparent (we see only wheels and headlights with lanterns)
CORNERSLIKEMAD - improves car handling, sound signal - the car will jump
CHITTYCHITTYBB - cars fly like Dodo

And also, what does not include GTA 3 codes for cars, includes the following mod, especially for you -. The name of which speaks for itself, because it replaces all classic cars with high-quality HD models, and also adds 4 new cars from GTA Vice City!

Tank code for GTA 3

Continuing the automotive theme, let's discuss, and when we stopped there and did not want something more, better ... Never! Having tried and tested all GTA 3 cars, having chosen our favorites, we still want something more global and there is such a "something", meet - Tank code for GTA 3, which adds nothing more than a tank to the game! Yes, the very cherished armor that is now so easy to get by simply entering the GTA 3 code on the tank. We drive, shoot around, have fun!


Codes for GTA 3 on the plane

Unfortunately, in GTA 3 the code for the aircraft is not provided, but don't worry, this is not a problem for us! We propose to forget about the codes for GTA 3 aircraft due to their absence, and install the mod - New Dodo for GTA 3, which will add to the game especially for you!

GTA 3 weather cheat codes

The weather, as you know, affects not only our wardrobe, but also our mood and well-being. How sometimes I would like to change the weather at my own discretion, and if in real life this is impossible, then within GTA 3, by entering the GTA 3 code for the weather, we can easily change it the way we want! Call the sun, clouds, rain or fog, and all immediately after the introduction of the appropriate GTA cheat 3 for the weather!

SKINCANCERFORME - sunny weather
PEASOUP - mist

And for lovers of winter, coolness, snow, when everything around is shrouded in a white veil, snow caps on the trees, and traces of car wheels on the roads, when the roof of each house shimmers in the sun and shines, as if strewn with emeralds, yes, this is a real holiday, and for those who are ready without thinking to plunge into it with their heads, a mod is offered.

Code for time for GTA 3

Time is perhaps one of the biggest, most interesting and yet unsolved mysteries of our advanced, technological and progressive twenty-first century. In the meantime, each of us does not have a time machine at home, we suggest you play with time by entering the desired time code for GTA 3.

TIMEFLIESWHENYOU - speed up the gameplay
MADWEATHER - speed up the passage of time

GTA 3 cheats for gaming characteristics

All the above codes for GTA 3, I'm sure, will come to the rescue of each of us more than once in various unpredictable and most difficult situations in Game. There are, perhaps, only those GTA 3 cheats that cannot be attributed to any section, but they are also no less interesting!

ILIKEDRESSINGUP - change the player model to any other
NASTYLIMBSCHEAT - blood will appear in versions of the game without blood
ITSALLGOINGMAAAD - passers-by fight each other and the main character
NOBODYLIKESME - others attack us

We must warn you - you should not use codes for GTA 3 during the passage of the game, because then we will not be able to proudly declare at the end of the fair passage of the entire game! Use cheats for entertainment, entering them during the time free from completing missions, without saving the game after that, however, these are only recommendations, and, of course, it's up to you to decide!

Cheats for GTA 3 (2002)

Cheat codes in GTA 3 ( grand theft Auto III) can be activated right during the game, no additional buttons need to be pressed for this. To enter the cheat urgently, pause the game with the "Esc" key, and then calmly enter the text on the pause menu screen.

In writing cheats, capital letters are indicated, just so that you better understand what words this text is made up of. In the game, the cheat is entered only in small letters.

GTA 3 cheat codes
Per character: weapons, health, armor, money

Grand Thief Auto III cheats
To receive cars and other transport

Cheats for GTA3 on PC
To the wanted level by the police

GTA 3 codes. website
For the weather

GTA three. What are the passwords
For a while

GTA 3 website
Examples of using codes

The GTA series is famous among the players for the fact that in these game worlds you can create riots with impunity: organize massacres, blow up cars, crush passers-by. Everything for which in real life you can get a prison term, in Liberty City will go unpunished. Useful and safe sublimation of aggression in virtual world. Cheat codes allow you to further diversify these available gaming options. Here are some examples of what can be done with codes:

You can not look for weapons in the back streets, but immediately arm yourself with all types of trunks that will meet in the story - GUNSGUNSGUNS.

When there is little health left, we run away from the place of the skirmish, and quickly enter the healing "spell" - GESUNDHEIT.

In order not to die in skirmishes, you can double your impenetrability in advance by putting on armor - TORTOISE.

If there are too many cars on the streets of Liberty City, then in order to eliminate the traffic jam, we can blow them all up. But at the same time, you yourself must be outside the car, and stand away from them. After completing all security measures, turn on the detonator - BANGBANGBANG.

Airplanes are a problem. By default, only one short-winged Dodo Corner can fly. But this injustice can be corrected with a cheat. A small change, and all cars will become futuristic flying hovercars - CHITTYCHITTYBB.

What a mess in GTA games without your own tank? We call this colossus, sit down inside, and you can safely fire at everyone around from the onboard gun. The tank in this part is practically unkillable, even if they fire at us from other similar armored vehicles, we will be able to hold out for several minutes before igniting. We politely ask the game for a tank, and it will not be able to refuse us - GIVEUSATANK.

The real action begins when we accumulate all 6 stars in the police search rating. In order for them to start looking for us, we need to arrange riots. If we are too lazy to do even this, we can quickly call the police by entering the password three times - MOREPOLICEPLEASE.

When you want to interrupt the battle with the cops, you will either have to repaint the car in the garage, or collect secret "bribes" spread out in the dark corners of the city. In order not to bother with this, just enter the password - NOPOLICEPLEASE.

If you are tired of shooting with cops, then you can create new enemies for yourself from ordinary pedestrians. First, we arm them with random guns - WEAPONSFORALL. And then we make them crazy so that they start attacking everything around - ITSALLGOINGMAAAD.

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