What you need to know about Nier before you start playing NieR: Automata. NieR: Automata - Secrets of Android was created to oversee the production of new bodies for infected people

Platinum Games is famous for its original combat mechanics, but in NieR Automata has to learn everything through experimentation - the game was deliberately deprived of a full-fledged training. If you want to know everything at once, then this guide For you.

On March 17, the game will be released on PC as well, so let's decide on the list of teams, because everything will be different for everyone.
  • LA - light attack;
  • HA - heavy attack;
  • J - jump;
  • D - jerk;
  • E - escape from impact;
  • P - shooting from the bot.
AT NieR Automata A lot depends on the choice of weapons. It can be a light sword, a heavy sword, brass knuckles or a spear. In the menu you will find the layout of weapons - one will be responsible for a light attack, the other for a heavy one. In other words, no one forbids you to put a two-handed sword on a light attack, and a spear on a heavy one. Moreover, NieR Automata fully encourages such experiments and allows you to change layouts right during the combo. The more layout slots you open, the more opportunities you will have for continuous attack.

The case begins with the simplest combination - LA, LA, LA, LA, LA on a one-handed sword. The same thing, but with a different number of hits, works on other weapons. At any time, one of the LAs, starting with the second, can be replaced by HA. The effect depends on the layout of the weapon - a two-handed sword will strike vertically from above, and a spear will stick into the ground and allow for a circular attack. Experiment with different variations, remembering that most of them will need to be applied situationally. For example, a spear will be effective at a distance and in conjunction with a heavy sword, but surrounded by enemies, you will quickly expose your back to a blow.

Despite all the secrets, the game still teaches something. Avoid hitting. A well-placed dash before hitting an enemy will cause a dodge animation, and it will already allow you to continue the situation into something interesting.

  • E, LA - throws up in the air (launcher);
  • E, HA - uninterrupted horizontal attack;
  • E, P - shot at close range.
Let's look at a little more non-obvious things that will help you in the game.
  • At first glance, it seems that there is no other way to achieve a launcher, but J + HA allows you to do this. The main thing is to press HA quickly and in time after the jump.
  • HA also allows you to knock the enemy to the ground directly below you if performed in the air.
  • Another useful secret- J,D+HA. This is a very fast airborne heavy attack that travels a considerable distance.
  • Most weapons also have rechargeable HA. So with a heavy sword, you can scatter a group of large opponents, a light one - smaller ones, and with a spear - you can go a considerable distance and perform several very fast blows.
  • A more complex mechanic is to cancel a charged attack into a fast dash with an attack around you, you only need to immediately dash after charging, and then a light attack.
  • There is also a light charge attack, it is useful in case of lack of room for maneuver.
  • Often during an air combination, the enemy moves away from you or is simply a little further away. A jerk in this case does not always save, your bot comes to the rescue. All you need to do is J+P. You will quickly notice how useful this is.
  • Of course, in the air you need to use light attacks, the very first HA will interrupt the combination and lower the heroine to the ground with a heavy blow to the enemy.
  • The bot is also useful over long distances when help J,J- 2B will grab it and start to float.
  • In the air, you can perform a couple of blows, but apart from how to disperse the flies, they are not capable of anything. Just keep in mind, just in case.
  • Sometimes it is useful to keep opponents at a distance. Most often this is achieved with J,D+LA(HA). 2B will make a couple of air strikes and launch the weapon at the enemy. It will push him away, and the initial attacks will somehow allow him to start the combination.
  • Enemies that have received substantial damage lie on the ground for some time, covered in sparks. If you approach them and press the action button, 2B will perform a deadly attack and get valuable loot.

All weapon combinations

  • Light sword + Light sword
  • Light sword + Heavy sword- several quick strikes with a final vertical one, repels the enemy.
  • Light sword + Spear- a few quick strikes and a dash with spear twisting.
  • Light sword + Brass knuckles- two hits and a shot, repels the enemy.
  • heavy sword + heavy sword- two hits, the top one deals a lot of damage with two swords at once.
  • Heavy sword + Spear- circular attack with torsion on the spear.
  • Heavy sword + Brass knuckles- 2B will launch brass knuckles into the air like a baseball.
  • Spear + Spear- two blows with a jerk, the second is applied with two spears.
  • Spear + brass knuckles- several blows, the last one throws the enemy far away.
  • Brass knuckles + Brass knuckles- a few quick hits, no effects.

Reverse combinations have the same effect.

M4A2E4 - American medium tank Level V. The car is not pumpable and is in the category of premium vehicles. We note right away that the technique is very difficult. With a good deal and skillful hands, M4A2E4 Sherman can bring a very good income: up to half a million silver per game session.

Agree that this is just a great indicator for a level 5 car. However, beginners are unlikely to be able to achieve such results: ignorance of the maps and elementary game mechanics turns the "American" into just a fun toy that helps to upgrade the tank crews of their nation. To better understand the strengths and weak sides technology, we bring to your attention the M4A2E4 guide, which will help you understand all the intricacies of the game on this premium tank.

M4A2E4 sherman performance characteristics

Let's start with the fact that the M4A2E4 tank has a very average safety margin compared to classmates: 480 units. At the same time, the review in the basic configuration is 370 meters. It should be clarified that by installing modules and pumping the crew, you can increase this value to 430 m, which is an undeniable advantage for a medium tank.

The mass of the machine is 31 tons with an installed engine power of 420 horses. As a result, the ratio of weight to tractive effort is about 13 liters. With. per ton. What does it give? The tank received an excellent maximum speed: the "American" is able to accelerate to 52 km/h. There are no comments on maneuverability either: the chassis turns at a speed 43.8 deg/sec. The only drawback is the dynamics. M4A2E4 Sherman accelerates very hard, loses speed on climbs and difficult ground.

Let's move on to weapons. We note right away that in this regard, m4a2e4 looks deprived. So, we are armed with 75 mm gun M3, capable of penetrating just 92 millimeters of armor with an armor-piercing projectile.

By loading the sub-caliber, this value increases to 127 mm, the one-time damage in both cases will be 110 units. What does it say? Armor-piercing shells will be useless even for most classmates, shooting with gold is not always cost-effective: for premium vehicles, this is a sure way to get out of the battle with a minus silver balance. Therefore, there remains hope for land mines: penetration 38 mm with an average damage of 175 units.

The positive characteristics of the gun include an excellent rate of fire: 15 rounds per minute. Given the alphastrike, this provides a theoretical DPM in 1,700 units. However, these are very approximate indicators, because when firing BB, the offensive phrase “Didn’t break through” will very often be heard. The mixing time is quite acceptable - 2.1 sec, while the gun has simply terrifying stabilization and accuracy. Accordingly, when playing on this tank, you should immediately forget about remote skirmishes and spectacular finishing off the enemy on the move.

The vertical declination angles here are typically American: 10 degrees down, so m4a2e4 can correctly use the terrain of game locations.

The "American" has many problems that need to be fixed by any means available in the game. Considering that we are talking about a medium premium tank, whose main task is to bring profit to the owner, the gun and the viewing radius definitely need to be upgraded. Damage and the ability to shine are the main components for successful farming.

  • Rammer- we increase the rate of fire to the reference values.
  • Ventilation- we get a complex increase in all basic characteristics.
  • enlightenment- increase the viewing radius to ensure that the enemy is overexposed.

Alternatively, the ventilation can be replaced with a guidance stabilizer to partially offset the "curvature" of the barrel and increase the effectiveness of firing on the move and at long distances. In addition, you can install an anti-fragmentation lining to reduce the likelihood of receiving critical damage from artillery hits.

The second important factor that allows you to increase the combat characteristics of the M4A2E4 Sherman is to pump out the skills of tankers. By the way, 5 people are placed under the armor of the vehicle, so you can upgrade all ST crews of your development branch. For comfortable game, we advise you to learn perks in the following order:

In addition, don't forget to download the proposed consumables, which will help you maintain a relatively small margin of safety in battle. Therefore, be sure to carry a first aid kit, a repair kit and a fire extinguisher with you. By the way, it is not recommended to replace the fire extinguishing agent with a box of cola: an American has a rather high probability of an engine fire, and such a fire may well become fatal.

In terms of security, the M4A2E4 tank looks very interesting. The strongest part is the frontal projection of the hull. The description of the technique in the game indicates that there is as much as 65 millimeters of armor here. However, the correct location of the NLD armor plates gives a value of about 150 mm in the reduction.

The upper frontal part is more vulnerable: here the armor values ​​vary between 67-116 mm. The front of the turret is protected by a plate 75 mm thick, but taking into account rational angles and the gun mantlet, it is possible to get ricochets and non-penetration. We’ll make a reservation right away that it’s not worth hoping for this much and thoughtlessly tanking with a tower.

The sides and stern look sad. There are only 38 millimeters of armor here, side screens that provide additional protection are not provided. Therefore, in any battles, you do not need to try to tank with a diamond and turn to the side of the opponents.

For comparison: the armor penetration of the Soviet tank of the 1st level MS-1 is 52 millimeters. Therefore, even this kid, if desired, throws a formidable "American" on pain points quite well. The only consolation: M4A2E4 is a beneficiary, so he will not have to meet with the "sevens". The main opponents are classmates and equipment below the level.

How to play on M4A2E4?

The tactics of playing on the M4A2E4 Sherman will definitely appeal to tankers who prefer dynamics and excitement. The fact is that the effectiveness of the tank is manifested only at close and medium distances, so in order to farm, you will inevitably have to get close to the enemy.

In general, the ambush tactics of the game are used here. At the beginning of the battle, an advantageous position is looked at in a potentially dangerous direction (preferably in a dense bush) and we perform the function of passive light. Playing a full-fledged firefly will not work due to poor dynamics: the tank accelerates very slowly, and if a caterpillar is knocked down during active light, the American will no longer be able to get out of the shelling.

At the same time, do not forget that the M4A2E4 is a medium tank with good speed characteristics. Therefore, we periodically change the position, do not forget to throw damage into the stern and sides of carried away opponents. For these purposes, you can take at least 30 high-explosives into battle: the size of the ammunition load of 90 shells makes it possible to do this. A successful hit with a land mine on a cardboard board can bring about 200 damage to the piggy bank, and these are already good prerequisites for farming. In addition, such shells will help you survive in fights with lightly armored, but fast-firing opponents. In particular, having met one on one with the T67, Sherman will not be able to physically shoot him with armor-piercing shells, but land mines give good chances of winning.

It is important to understand that it is necessary to try to avoid duels by all means: the M4A2E4 Sherman cannot equally trade damage with the enemy. By definition, this is a tank rat that should bite hard and quickly hide.

Should I buy M4A2E4?

To get a complete picture, let's draw conclusions on m4a2e4 sherman. Let's start a comparative review of the characteristics with a sweet.

So, positive moments are:

  • Speed. Here, the "American" may well compete with the light Soviet tank T-50. At the same time, the car turns quite briskly, moves smoothly through the swamps due to the increased size of the caterpillar tracks.
  • view radius. This is a good alternative to frankly weak weapons. In fact, you can not shoot at all, gaining experience and silver for detected enemies, and damage by light.
  • Reduced combat level. The tank will not randomly appear with vehicles of the 7th level.
  • Frontal booking. With armor-piercing shells, classmates will not be able to pierce the M4A2E4 in the forehead. However, frontal booking no longer plays against gold.
  • Stable increase in efficiency. To get a significant increase in WIN8 performance, you need to fire only 7 effective shots. Given the good rate of fire, you can raise your personal statistics in the first minutes of the battle.

disadvantages are considered:

  • A bulky silhouette that makes it difficult to hide in the bushes.
  • Armament: A slanting gun with low armor penetration cannot be considered as an advantage of premium vehicles.
  • Lack of armor in the stern and sides: any landmine comes with maximum damage and can lead to fatal consequences. By the way, the M4A2E4's forehead holds such hits quite well, even from artillery.
  • Frequent critical damage to the ammo rack and engine.

Considering that the victim of our review was premium tank, let's say a few words about his farming ability. Surprisingly, among the equipment of its level, the M4A2E4 Sherman brings the owner the largest income.

Possesses multiple endings. At the same time, it will not be difficult to get the most common ending if it is corny to go through the entire game ( story missions). But if you want to know the whole plot and its options, then you have to continue playing and even fail tasks often I.

There are 26 endings in total in the game.

Below we list all existing NieR Automata endings and tell you in detail how to get them, which hero and in which chapter / mission. Spoilers are hidden as much as possible.

There is no localization for this game, therefore we will not translate the names. There are an incredible number of endings in NieR Automata, which means you can get a separate general achievement / trophy " Transcendent Being". Also, for the four main completions, a trophy is given, and all other endings are sent towards the overall achievement.

NieR Automata How to get all endings 26 pcs

Ending A: flowers for machines

Upon reaching, you can get the One Battle Ends trophy . Just beat the game for the first time and complete everything story missions. You can't miss this ending.

Ending B: or not to be

Upon reaching, you can get the A New Battle Begins trophy. Download the cleaned save file and play through the game to ending A again, that is, by completing all the story missions.

Ending C: meaningless Code

The ending can only be obtained at the third start of the passage or by choosing the final battle directly chapter 17-09. Before the final boss fight, select A2 . Fight and watch the credits. During them, when requesting a Pod (Pod), refuse. Upon reaching, you can get the Beautiful World trophy.

Ending D: childDhood's end

As in the previous case, you can get the ending during the third playthrough. Before the final boss fight, choose 9S this time . After the fight, you will find a lot of text (not credits), during which you will be able to choose two options: "I'll go with you," or "I'll stay." Selecting any of them will result in a D ending. Upon reaching, you can get the achievement / trophy Leaving for the New World.

Ending E: the End of yorha

Again, you can get the ending on the third run. Select A2 to fight the final boss.. Then wait for the credits and when questions appear, answer "Yes". Then go through the mini-game and the ending is yours.

Ending H: a mountain too [H]igh

Chapter 7-1, any hero . When Goliath is in Copied City, run away to hell. The mission will fail, and the ending is yours. You can also not go to the ruins of the city, but go to the amusement park.

Ending I: no I in team

Chapter 8-1, hero 2B. You can get it during the first playthrough. After defeating the boss in Copied City (Adam), leave 9S.

Ending J: bad [J]judgment

Chapter 09-01-3 Hero 2B . Kill the pastor, the robot that wants to make peace. Come and attack.

Ending K: aji wo Kutta

Chapter 6-17, any hero . Now to be done additional mission for Jackass in the desert. You will receive an incoming message from her with a story about the fish. Go to Desert Camp and receive a Mackerel item. Eat a fish.

Another option is to fish in the Flooded City pool.

Ending L: Lone wolf

Chapter 10-2, any hero. Run away from the boss orb generally in mission 10-01_3 refuse to save the refugee camp (refugee camp).

Ending M: break ti[M]e

Chapter 14-03, hero A2. Do not go to Pascal's Village when it is under attack. Run away to the other side.

Ending N: No man's village

Chapter 7-02, any hero. Destroy all cars in Pascal's Village Pascal's Village

Ending O: just y[O]u and me

Chapter 11-4, hero 2B. During the battle in the city with Contaminated YoRHa, you will have to play as 9S. Just run away from the battle point and don't fight.

Ending P: corru[P]tion

Chapter 11-06 die from a virus while playing as 2B.

Ending Q: [Q]uestionable actions

Chapter 11-7, Hero 9S . When 2B is infected, move to another area and don't help her.

Ending R: mave[R]ick

Chapter 14-05 Hero A2 . Attack Pascal's peaceful robots in an abandoned factory.

Ending S: city e[S]cape

Chapter 17-01, hero 9S. You have to hack the tower and fight off waves of enemies. You will also have companions Devola and Popola. As soon as they appear, run away from them.

Ending T: fatal error

Any head, any hero . Remove the OS chip. That's it, nothing more is required. To do this, go to Skills, select Plug-in Chips, then Destroy Chip, then All Chips and select OS Chip from the list.

Ending U: debUnked

Chapter 1-10, any hero. Activate the self-destruct function 2B in the bunker. However, you can do it at any point in the plot, when you have the opportunity to visit the Bunker.

Ending V: reckless braVery

Chapter 17-1, Hero 9S . It will take the third launch of the game. You have to hack the tower and companions Devola and Popola will come to you. Do not do that. Just keep fighting waves of enemies until they run out or just stand by the tower and after a while the ending will work.

Ending W: Broken Wings

Chapter 01-03_2, hero 2B. During the mission, when 2B flies to an abandoned factory and leaves 9S alone after the fight with Goliath, you have to protect him from the robots. Fail the mission, die, have them kill 9S.

Ending X: time to rela[X]

Chapter 11-06, hero A2. 2B will be infected with a virus and will be attacked near the city. Then you have to play for A2 and help 2B. Don't do it.

Ending Y: head[Y] battle

Chapter 6-17, any hero . Let Emil activate his self-destruct during the "Emil's Determination" mission. Important: You must have all weapons upgraded to level 4 . .

Ending Z: over[Z]ealous

Chapter 14-1, hero A2. When you meet Pascal for the first time, you will be offered an option: keep him alive or let him self-destruct. Choose destruction.

As part of the largest gaming exhibition that ended today E3 2016 company Square Enix presented a considerable amount of new material on the upcoming role-playing action from PlatinumGames- for PlayStation 4. The developers showed new trailer, concept art, screenshots, conducted gameplay demos and revealed other details of the project.

So, today the producer of the project Yosuke Saito together with the leaders of its development Taro Yoko and Takahisa Taura shared a lot new information about the game. You can read excerpts with key details of the title below.

General information about the game and the progress of its development:

The plot of the story is a sudden invasion of the Earth by an army of extraterrestrial invaders - combat vehicles. In view of this insurmountable threat, humanity leaves the planet, settles on the moon and equips its refuge there. Over time, people begin to gather an army consisting of androids, designed to repel a horde of enemy machines, but they only manage to slow down the enemy's advance. To turn the tide of battle, humanity is developing a new kind of combat androids - a squad YoRHa to which the main characters belong NieR: Automata.

However, according to the developers, the game is not only about war. "Automatic"- a rich game, there is a lot going on in it, and Taro Yoko I would like for gamers to realize the magnitude of what is happening in the game at the end of the passage.

According to the results of a survey conducted as part of a special concert dedicated to the 6th anniversary of the series, the players were very satisfied with the musical component of the game.

According to the developers, most game mechanics combat-related ones are ready, and they continue to work on them with the intention of making them even more interesting and "fun". The studio is also currently working on RPG-elements and plot screensavers. Although NieR: Automata developed within the walls PlatinumGames, the game will RPG-elements, say the developers. Among them: NPCs-characters, side quests, selling and buying things, weapon upgrades and so on.

As for weapons, the confirmed types are swords, two-handed swords, as well as special combat gloves, presented in some of the screenshots below. The flying robot that accompanies us Pod will be responsible for attacks at a distance, and as we progress through the story, we ourselves will be able to learn new movements and strikes.

The game takes place on Earth in the distant future, so as players progress through the game, they will often come across ruins that have been "absorbed" environment. The surviving buildings were significantly influenced by nature - most of them are covered with foliage.

According to the developers, in NieR: Automata players are waiting for a large number of different locations, which they can explore. Won't do without different kind ledges that players can climb. Each of the locations will boast no less diverse enemies, including those flying. It is reported that appearance encountered opponents will be in a certain way "tied" to a particular area and reflect its features. For example, in desert locations, enemies will jump right out from under the sand.

The concept art shown above/below is the work of the artists PlatinumGames. Development leaders NieR: Automata note that their team has worked hard to translate them into reality in the game itself.


When playing as the main android, 2B(left), your companions are controlled AI You can't control them at will. However, in certain situations they will still come under your control.

9S(right) and 2B They are not close friends, but rather good acquaintances. 2B- combat android, 9S- android with scanning skills providing support. When driving, their behavior is somewhat different from each other. However, the control layout of both heroes is about the same.

A2(center) - android prototype. Her relationship with others will be revealed as the story progresses. The reason for her torn clothes will also be revealed.

Bandage on the eyes 2B is actually points. According to the developers, with their help, androids can see many different things. Why they are missing A2 The same will be told as you progress through the game. When asked if we could play for A2, the developers have not yet given an answer.

Impact of the first NieR:

The developers claim that the atmosphere in NieR: Automata plays a very important role, including in the development of the franchise as a whole. The developers claim that their team intends not only to implement it at the level of the first game with updated lighting, textures and other elements, but also to surpass it. It is noted that the studio has done a lot of work to make the game feel the spirit of the first Nier.


As the developers say, board in NieR: Automata quite simple, and players should have no problems mastering it. If they still encounter certain difficulties, they will be able to customize the control layout and independently assign buttons on the gamepad.

One type of weapon is assigned to the "triangle" and "square". You also have an additional set of weapons that you can freely switch between.

Button R2 responsible for evasion. You can jump or dodge in any direction with the right stick. Dodge with perfect timing, you get the so-called "perfect dodge". After doing this trick, you can then perform a special attack.

Unlike the first Nier, in the sequel, players will have the ability to "fix" on enemies. In addition, having fixed on a certain enemy, your flying robot will automatically start shooting at him. It is also noted that a strange camera from original game will return to NieR: Automata.


Depending on the enemies that will come across to the players on the way, the latter will have to change their strategy and tactics of combat. Interestingly, most opponents in the game have a head round shape, say the developers.

So, some enemies own unique weapons. How they move and how you have to defeat them depends on the weapons they use. Some enemies carry a shield with which they deflect ranged attacks. In this case, you should first destroy the shield and only then fight them as with other opponents.

The player will also come across huge enemies dressed in thick armor. They are very strong, but they also have their own weak spots- you can destroy them by knocking down their armor piece by piece. Some enemies prefer to unleash a barrage of bullets on the players, keeping them away from them. Therefore, before striking, the player will first need to get close to the opponent, dodging their hail of bullets.

PlatinumGames and Square Enix aimed at the simultaneous release NieR: Automata in all regions of the world at the beginning of 2017.

It's not every day that you get the opportunity to explore such an incredible game world as in Nier. With the release of Nier: Automata on PS4, both newcomers and fans of the original game will be introduced to this rich universe.

It is not necessary to play the previous parts of the series to enjoy robot vs robot battles in Automata. But some questions arise of their own accord: “Where have the people disappeared?”, “Why are machines running the Earth?”, “Who gave the sword to this blindfolded puppet goth girl?”

To get answers to these questions and better understand the causes of the end of the world in the game, you need to look at the overall timeline of NieR events. And to make things easier, we've analyzed game guides, short stories, and even Yoko Taro's theatrical production to bring together the most significant events in Automata's backstory.

1. Nier starts as an alternate ending to a completely different fantasy adventure game

Let's go back to 2003 (both in the Nier universe and our world).

Even fans of the series may not know that the world of Nier is an offshoot of the PlayStation 2 game Drakengard. There were so many different endings, and the fifth of them led to the beginning of the Nier story.

According to the plot of Drakengard, the giant Queen Beast moved in time to modern Tokyo, where the fire-breathing heroine of the game dealt with her. Unfortunately, the death of the monster caused an epidemic of a new deadly disease among people.

2. The death of a fantastic creature that moved to Tokyo caused an epidemic of a virus that turns people into berserkers

Originating under the city of Shinjuku, the so-called "White Chlorination Syndrome" spread at a terrifying rate, devastating everything around. Most of those infected gradually turned into salt, and some became aggressive lunatics. By 2009, the country had become a war zone between uninfected humans and an unstoppable, insane horde called the Legion.

As the Japanese government failed to contain the outbreak, a pandemic swept the country. Scientists around the world were powerless against the disease, and then another promising plan was developed.

3 Androids Were Created To Oversee The Production Of New Bodies For Infected People

The essence of the Gestalt project was to transfer the souls of people from their infected bodies into new healthy clones. Naturally, the implementation of the project required some time, so its implementation was entrusted to artificial intelligence - androids.

The disease began to fade away only after hundreds of years. The development of human clones, the so-called "copies" (Replicants), was successful, but at some point they suddenly (and unfortunately for real people) gained the ability to feel.

4. After thousands of years, humanity finally died out - this is what the game Nier tells about

Now the world was completely inhabited by artificial doubles of people with new personalities and souls. It is at this time (around 3361) that the events of the original Nier game take place.

Like Drakengard, the game had four endings, and Automata is a continuation of the fourth of them (ending D). The protagonist of the game Nier begins to obstruct the project "Gestalt" and dooms people to extinction

This was the beginning of the decline of mankind, but in some parts of the world where artificial intelligence androids were still in control, a handful of spears lived on.

5. After eight thousand years, the Earth was taken over by alien machines, and humanity struck back at them.

After another eight thousand years, things have not improved at all. As if the problems weren't enough, the Earth was taken over by the so-called "machine life forms", and the remnants of the human race decided that they had had enough. People took refuge on the moon, from where teams of combat androids were sent to the planet to stop the invasion.

6. Teams of androids, including you, fight the invaders - this is where the events of Nier: Automata begin

So we got to the "present" time. In 11941, another team of androids (called YoRHa) is sent to Earth, among its members there are two protagonists of the game Nier: Automata - device 2 type "B" and device 9 type "S" (or 2B and 9S). We join them on the path to the main goal - the destruction of machine life forms and the return to people of power over the planet.

That's all! The tour of the world of Nier: Automata is over. To find out the continuation of the story... just start playing.

(Oh, almost forgot the main question: the blindfold is actually a special tactical visor. As for the little black dress, what are your guesses?)