Cry of fear reviews. Fear and only

Genre Survival Horror is in a very deplorable state. Major publishers do not try to stay within the original concept, but offer players a massive blockbuster product, hoping for level sales. call of duty. By adding a lot of elements unusual for the genre to their games, they forget about all the fundamental points, including the fact that horror, first of all, should be simply scary. Luckily, independent enthusiastic development teams are trying to bring the genre back to its roots with many interesting artisanal developments.

Cry of Fear- absolutely free game, which grew out of a modification to the original half-life, developed in the bowels of an indie studio Team Psykskallar, consisting of only 6 people, half of which are voice actors. Game process is based on killing various opponents and researching conditionally open world, consisting of very narrow corridors and rooms, which are sometimes replaced by more spacious locations, such as the forest and the streets of an abandoned European town. You move between them in search of the right item that will help solve the next piece of the puzzle. As a rule, they are quite simple, for example, you need to find a key, enter the correct combination on a computer, or arrange objects in a certain order. But there are also those that require extreme care and the player's imagination. Sometimes, in order to get out of the next hot spot, you have to do incredible interactions with objects in the environment.

The plot of the game tells about a guy named Simon, who returns home, listening to reflections of his thoughts in the lonely night streets, and suddenly becomes a participant in a terrible accident. When he wakes up in an unknown place, he finds in his mobile phone an SMS from his mother, who is very worried about the absence of her son and the onset of darkness. With no answers as to why he ended up here, or how he survived, Simon struggles to get home.

The story is revealed in notes and rare cutscenes on the engine. Around the middle of the game, if you carefully delve into what is happening, you can reveal the main plot trick, but this will not spoil your impression of the passage. The game has more than one or even two endings that are very different from each other, so you need to carefully evaluate each of your actions.

Every experienced gamer has a certain number of games, remembering which some strange mechanism starts up inside: a mixture of nostalgia and a feeling reminiscent of the feeling of first falling in love. Cry of Fear skillfully starts this mechanism from the very first minutes. As you walk through the streets of a homeless city, you can see how some windows in the vicinity are still lit, as are the dimensions of cars abandoned by the side of the road. It gives the impression that real world is somewhere very far away, but at the same time, incredibly close, as if the player is a ghost stuck between two worlds. Cry of Fear- It is not simple scary game, but also a psychological drama with a powerful setting that, like a blank canvas, is revealed in your own escapistic experiences, unique to each player. However, a powerful atmosphere is created not only by the gloominess of the environment, but also musical accompaniment. Andreas Ronnberg - manager Team Psykskallar- a truly talented person who wrote most of the music Cry of Fear. His recordings are depressingly looped guitar strumming mixed with dreary ambient and penetrating noise of howling wind. Music, coupled with the darkness of the visual style, form an incredible hypnotic synergy.


To be honest, playing Cry of Fear is scary. And it gets scarier and scarier as you progress through the story. The game is made on the basis of Half-life, in the form of a mod. However, you won't find anything from Half-life itself. Andreas Ronnberg - the main developer of the game worked tirelessly for 4 years, and still brought the matter to the end, from which we will now quench our thirst for thrills.

About fear.

We have already heard a lot of clever statements about the nature of the formation of fear. The creators of the game even devoted half a year to this before sitting down for the capital development of the project. In Cry of Fear, there are 2 main elements that make the hair stand on end on the arms and head, and the heart beats at a speed of 140 beats per minute.

So the first one is, of course, classic screamers. This technology is very fond of both the game Cry of Fear and the mod for . For example, you are walking along a long corridor, somewhere in the distance a small dot flickers, where you need to move. You go on your way, nothing happens when suddenly bam, and some kind of terrible muzzle appears on a quarter of the screen and starts squealing that there are forces. The first brick has been laid. Further, you look around the street, take a step forward and in the distance appears the ghost of a murdered person, or even a group of children. It is extremely difficult to remain calm in such a situation, but for me it is generally impossible.

Someone will say that this is a cheap way to intimidate a gamer, and they may be right. Remember what instilled fear in you when you played ? There were only 10 monsters per game. But each meeting is a separate chapter, a small story of the player, how he was almost caught, almost killed, and how he miraculously hid, survived and found the strength to move on.

So, in order to balance the cheapness of screamers, the Team Psykskallar team carefully thought out and implemented stating with enemies in the game Cry of Fear.

Enemies in the game Cry of Fear.

The most terrible of course will be the appearance of a monster: always unexpected and literally paralyzing the player. It would seem that you are returning to the cleared corridor, you open the door and suddenly a terrible, vile scream is heard and a mad zombie girl is already running from behind, with a knife at the ready. Or like this: you scout the room, quietly, squatting. There is absolutely no one in it. You think fuf, thank God it has passed this time, you return to the exit, when suddenly the front door breaks with a bang and from there an unknown creature runs towards us with a sharp blade in its hands.

Because of such meetings, you develop a constant, not passing sense of danger and a persecution mania. The enemy can be behind any locked door, or even a wall. It can crawl out of a closet, or a hole in the ceiling, climb up a balcony, or just lurk in a pile of garbage. There are no safe places. I remember how at the beginning of the game, I was looking around the room with photographs, when suddenly the light turned off and I heard someone enter the corridor and rustle cheerfully there. Of course, I sat in a corner, illuminated the door with a mobile phone and waited for someone to enter it. But no one began to enter and I realized that the guests were waiting for me outside. Imagine how much endurance you need to have in order to open this door, to see instead of one enemy, a whole group of ghosts, and to your right, after all, a real zombie whose head explodes. Here, under you, there will be a whole brick factory.

Periodic rustling, giggling and grunting of monsters will also spoil the nerves. It seems that someone is sitting around the corner, but there is no one there. Like a rumble was heard from behind a locked door, but it was empty there. And then the wall breaks and two wild children with knives run at you with furious red eyes.

Arsenal in the game Cry of Fear.

Again, inventory is a very delicate moment in the game. This will not be our saving pause for breath. Time will pass as usual and the enemy will beat you with his hands very quickly. Instead, the authors provided the player with 3 fast cells. You can put various non-key items in them, such as a mobile phone, a knife or a gun. So the player will be faced with the choice of what to take in fast slots? Knife-mobile-gun. The scheme is good, but there is no way to be treated. Pistol-mobile-first aid kit. Not bad, but what do you do when you run out of ammo? So further, forcing the player to constantly analyze the situation.

By the way our mobile phone has a small built-in flashlight that can shine 2-3 meters ahead. Of course, this is not a searchlight that burns out the darkness, as in, but still remains very useful. And by the way, this is a characteristic feature of games in the Survive Horror genre - to put the hero in dark rooms, giving him portable flashlights and forcing him to switch between weapons and light when danger appears, which without preparation is fraught with injuries.

We will also use our backpack to open doors with keys, read ciphers and notes found earlier, and even combine items.


Just think how varied the plot, environment and monsters will be. Each episode is like a small game, with its own tremors, an abundance of monsters and a gloomy environment. We will be on the old streets, and otherworldly corridors, and in a psychiatric hospital, and in a hospital, in a word: an express tour to hell.

Agreeing with many gaming publications, I give the game 10 out of 10. This is undoubtedly one of the best horror projects of 2012. The game is terribly scary, has a well-designed atmosphere, which includes sound, unusual reliefs, screamers and zombies. Everyone will find what he is most terrifying about in horror Cry of Fear.

Night train, long way home, rainy gloomy city. You are all alone, there is complete indecency around you, and in your head the balls have long rolled behind the rollers. Horror Cry of Fear finally made it to Steam, and from there - three years later - to our review.

turn over there

You need to play Cry of Fear at night, without light and in a cemetery in order to get the whole palette of impressions. In this case, one average gamer will provide building materials for all unfinished houses in Ukraine in a couple of nights, and enough for a couple of new private cottages.

The plot of the game is sustained in best tradition Hitchcock thrillers, with all their psychological tricks and sound effects. The story tells about the misadventures in Stockholm of a young boy named Simon. Only instead of tourists taking pictures of everything and everyone here, monsters devour people, and the hero is cathartic with might and main and suffers mentally. The story is also interesting because the player immediately has a ton of questions: “What? How? Where I am? And what is this warm in the pants? But, to the credit of the developers, the plot does not remain unsaid: over time, the game gives unexpected answers to all questions and finishes with a dramatic ending, causing a mean gaming tear.

With the world on a string

Gameplay chips Cry of Fear picked up from everywhere, like a careless sex tourist - sores in Bangkok. Hallucinations of the protagonist migrated from dead space, and the abundance of doors (half of which are closed), corridor locations where you run back and forth, and interesting puzzles - straight from the old Silent Hill "a. True, all this wandering around houses / parks / subways can quickly get bored, so in Cry of Fear is better to play in the evening approaches for an hour and a half.The game was made on the ever-young Source - which is not surprising, because it was originally a mod for half life. The picture is not enough stars from the sky, but it does not cause bleeding from the eyes either. Everything is done strictly, without special attention to the details. But even such a picture is an achievement for indie horror. And yes, there is co-op, but to play with a friend, you have to go through the thorns of buggy settings and other connection failures. And after a painful connection, it is difficult to enjoy the game. In addition, co-op in horror is like a dinner for a fashion model - well, you can’t. Fortunately, you don’t lose anything without playing co-op, because the game is focused primarily on the feeling of loneliness and helplessness. Long live Forever alone!

Normal phenomenon

By the way, the guys from Team Psykskallar have already released their new project - Afraid of Monsters. This is the spiritual heir to Cry of Fear, but no more: the game tells new story, still reflects on the essence of fear and sometimes scares even more than CoF. So, if you are a pregnant housewife with an unbalanced psyche, it is better to pass by, straight to the TV with another melodrama.


One of the best representatives of the genre with a solid plot and a frightening atmosphere - what is the local metro worth! Horror fans who still haven't completed Cry of Fear should correct this misunderstanding immediately. At the same time, karma can also be cleansed with charity: a good indie horror film went through - it provided housing for 10 people.

Final rating: 9 points out of 10!

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Simon Henrikson, 19, wanted to help an injured man and was deliberately hit by a car. After this incident, he began to suffer from paralysis and is now forced to move in a wheelchair. In addition, the hero suffers from depression, panic disorders and addiction to drugs. His psychologist, Dr. Purnell, comes up with a new treatment method: Simon must write down his emotions and his current mood in a book in order to overcome psychological trauma.

In this book, Simon does not depend on his wheelchair. He wakes up one night in the center of Stockholm, not knowing what happened earlier. He wanders aimlessly through the city streets, trying to get his bearings. Over time, the character encounters monsters that seek to kill him, including a doctor with a gas mask (a twisted version of Dr. Purnell), a man with a saw, and other villains.

At some point in his journey, he meets Sophie, his former classmate, on the roof of a building. After a long conversation with her, Simon confesses his love to her, but Sophie rejects him, after which he admits that he feels misunderstood by everyone, and commits suicide. The main character receives a message on the phone from his mother, who calls him home, referring to the fact that it is already late. He decides to take the subway to the suburb of Kirkville, where his mother lives, but the train derails. Simon manages to avoid falling on a collapsing bridge, but loses his bag. Without weapons and a flashlight, he must get to Kirkville at night through the forest.

In an abandoned psychiatric hospital, Simon meets a doctor in a gas mask who is behind a locked gate and seems to be waiting for him. He promises that if Simon brings him a loaded gun that is hidden in the building, the doctor will give him the key to exit the hospital. Simon may agree to give the gun to the doctor, citing the fact that it is not loaded, or not to give the gun on the grounds of distrust of him. If the player gave the gun to the doctor, then he will be grateful to Simon that he can trust him, or vice versa: the doctor will be disappointed in Simon because he does not trust him. In both cases, the doctor throws a key through the bars at Simon, and while he picks up the key, he shoots him through the right shoulder and disappears. Later, Simon finds the doctor in the attic and a shootout ensues, during which Simon is victorious and tramples the doctor's head with his boot. After that, he leaves the hospital through the back door.

After making his way through the sewers and after another (this time the last) meeting with a man with a chainsaw, he finds himself in Kirkville, his native suburb. Upon reaching the house, Simon does not find anyone there. Climbing up to the second floor, Simon enters his room and sees an open book on a chair. After starting to read it, the player will move to the last nightmare, where he will confront the true Simon, or his "book counterpart".


Depending on the development of the story, the player can get one of four different endings. In three of them main character commits suicide: These are the so-called "bad" endings that the player can get if they don't kill Karkas and don't give the book Doctor Purnell the gun he needs. Endings don't have titles.

  • good ending(condition: kill Karkas and give the gun to the Doctor). Simon fights his version from the book and is eventually victorious. However, it turns out that in fact the main character did not shoot at his copy from the book, which turned out to be a hallucination due to psychosis, but at two policemen who came into his room. As a result, thanks to the testimony of the Doctor in court, Simon is sent to an asylum for the mentally ill. Dr. Purnell continues to treat the protagonist, for which he is extremely grateful to him. Sophie regularly visits Simon at the asylum when doctors allow her. Although he knows the fact that she has found herself a new boyfriend, the protagonist wishes her all the best.
  • bad ending(condition: do not kill Karkas and do not give the gun to the Doctor). The therapy fails and Simon develops a deep hatred for the world around him, the book having a negative effect on his psyche and leading him on a path to "self-destruction". Out of anger, the protagonist kills Doctor Purnell and Sophie, placing the latter's body in the bathroom. He then finishes the book and commits suicide, soon after their bodies are discovered by the police.
  • Killing Dr. Purnell(condition: kill Karkas and not give the gun to the Doctor). Simon kills Dr. Purnell but spares Sophie. After a conversation in which Simon tells her that she was the only person in his life who could help him, he commits suicide by shooting himself in the head.
  • Sophie's murder(condition: do not kill Karkas and give the gun to the Doctor). Simon shows respect for Purnell and his efforts to help him, but comes to the conclusion that his life has no meaning anymore. He kills Sophie in his house and commits suicide, after which the police arrive.
  • Bonus. Additional ending, available after the 1st playthrough. To get it, pick up an ominous package in the secret room and take it to the mailbox on Saxon Avenue near the School. And if you fulfill the conditions for the "good" ending, Simon will have a parcel in his house containing a container of pills. If swallowed, the player will enter a different world from the game Afraid of Monsters(previous project by Team Psykskallar). After completing this chapter, at the end you will find a scene where Simon is hit by a car by David Lizerhoff (the main character Afraid of Monsters), and judging by Simon's reaction, they know each other and their relationship is not very good.

There are also two more endings that can be obtained by playing the multiplayer mode:

  • good ending. The police manage to arrest the driver of the car that was supposed to hit the protagonist, which prevented the accident and events Cry of Fear. Simon himself began dating Sophie after the disaster.
  • bad ending. The police were unable to apprehend the driver, and he hit Simon.

Game process

Since the game is a modification half-life, the gameplay is mostly borrowed from it. Cry of Fear is also a first-person shooter where the player sees the world around him through the eyes of the protagonist.

Basically, as in any other shooter, the player will have to fight various enemies. After the victory, a rank is placed at the end. The game has five difficulty levels. There is only one difference in them: the strength of the opponents becomes more and more with each level, and it is more difficult to defeat them.

A special place in the game is occupied by lighting - Simon will almost always be in places where the lighting is weak (and in some - completely absent). For most of the game, your lighting device will be your own cell phone, namely its flashlight. But there is one “but” - in this state, Simon cannot use weapons (more precisely, he can, but not all, and with restrictions - see below). Therefore, most of the game has to choose - either to light the way, or to go armed. There is a similar path in the game Doom 3.

Since Simon is a drug addict in the story, syringes are the item that restores hit points. In addition to syringes, there are jars of painkillers in the game (found during the passage of the secret ending): they restore much less than morphine, since they are a non-narcotic analgesic, but due to this they do not cause side (and dangerous) effects with frequent use. One syringe restores approximately 80% of your hit points. Should be used with caution.

After completing the mod, the "Doctor Mode" difficulty opens, where the player is given the opportunity to play as Dr. Purnell. According to the plot, the character must prevent the writing of the book by Simon, who began to create it on his recommendations. The gameplay remains identical, but the difficulty of passing has increased: there are no syringes on the levels with the doctor.

Game modes

  • Light- easy mode, syringes restore health completely, and enemies are weak.
  • Average- balanced, syringes restore 80% of health.
  • Difficult- hard mode, enemies are strong, and syringes restore 60% of health.
  • Nightmarish- unlocked after hard mode. Enemies are very strong, syringes restore 40% of health. At the same time, at the beginning of the game, you can find an audio cassette in which you can save the game 5 times (there are no more cassettes in the game).
  • Doctor- unlocked after completing the story campaign. AT this mode you cannot save and heal, as there are no audio recorders or syringes on the levels. Dr. Purnell also wears a gas mask with a built-in night vision device, which eliminates the need to carry a flashlight and other sources of lighting. A revolver is used as a weapon.
  • cooperative - online game, where you can play the game with four people. Police game.
    • Standard- the plot of the game is that you fell under the influence of the book, and you need to go from the end of the game to the Saxon Avenue subway station to the place where the car should hit Simon. She needs to be arrested and prevent Simon's accident and the writing of the book, respectively, and rid the world of Simon's nightmare.
    • Manhunt- second story mission, where you also need to play for the police. Here you need to find Dr. Purnell and prevent him from giving Simon treatment with the help of a book, which will also prevent Simon's nightmare.
  • Scenarios- amateur maps for this mod. Available in version 1.4.


  • Simon Henriksson(eng. Simon Henriksson) - main character Cry of Fear. He is 19 years old, lives with his mother in the suburbs of Stockholm. Sits in wheelchair because his legs were paralyzed after he was hit by a car. Because of this, he suffers from various mental disorders (depression, panic attacks, psychosis) and is a drug addict. His primary care physician, Dr. Purnell, suggests that Simon write down his feelings in a book in order to overcome the trauma. Simon is also in love with a former classmate who, however, rejected him.
  • Dr. Purnell(eng. Doctor purnell) - Simon's attending physician. He advises Simon to write down his feelings in a book to get over the trauma. In the story, Simon appears in the form of a monster who (however, like a real doctor) wears a gas mask on his head. game character after going through the story with your patient.
  • Sophie(eng. Sophie) - good friend Simon. How the two met is unknown, but over the course of the story, she says she was bullied and Simon was the only person in school who treated her well. She called Simon just before the accident. After all, Sophie visited him regularly in the hospital.
  • police officers(eng. Die Cops) - members of the Swedish police who are the main characters of the cooperative mode, and also appear in the endings of the main game. During the passage of the co-op, the police arrest the driver of the same car that hit Simon at the beginning of the game. As a result, the tragedy did not take place, and Simon continued to live a normal life.


If Simon wants to get home alive, he needs to use weapons for this purpose. But it is worth considering the fact that the protagonist of the game is an ordinary 19-year-old guy, not a military man, and therefore he cannot use it perfectly. So, for example, Simon shoots rather inaccurately; besides, because of the habit, he cannot cope with the recoil - he has to aim again (especially for the M16 rifle). From which it follows that it is necessary to shoot aiming, and not from the “from the hip” position. So you can shoot more or less accurately and be sure that you hit the enemy.

Feature while reloading firearms is that Simon throws out the entire clip, that is, the remaining cartridges, if they were in the store, are simply thrown out. This forces you to save every ammo and think through your actions, such as when to reload even if you lose a clip, and when to save the remaining ammo (this is especially critical in relation to bosses). The exception to this rule is the shotgun - it reloads without wasting ammo, making it good weapon if you are ambushed.

Simon cannot parry or block enemy attacks, but is able to dodge them by pressing Alt and the button for the direction you want to dodge, or by simply double-pressing the direction key. This move uses up stamina, so don't overdo it.

There are a total of 16 types of weapons in the game (some of them appear only after beating the game or when special conditions are met), the only one of which - the camera - is non-lethal. Conventionally, weapons can be divided into one-handed and two-handed.

  • One-handed weapon- for the most part, these are pistols (except for the VP90 due to the non-removable butt holster) and melee weapons. A one-handed weapon is good because it can be "combined" with other items, for example - a pistol in the left hand and a flashlight in the right. Pluses - you are combat-ready and illuminate your path. The disadvantages of at least such a “combination” are that the accuracy of shooting falls (firstly, due to the fact that the main character holds a weapon in one hand, and the second consequence that follows from this - due to the “busyness” of the second hand, it is impossible conduct targeted shooting). It will also be impossible to recharge - again the very “busy” hands. You always have a choice of what to do.
  • sledgehammer Stockholm, with a city park, metro and free apartments. Since the game was created in Sweden, character control Cry of Fear varies due to different keyboard layouts.

    On April 23, 2013, it was released as a standalone game on Steam. It does not require the original copy of the game half-life.

    This article will continue the theme of indie horror and mods. - a game made on the engine of the first half-life, but noticeably redesigned. It has all the ingredients that allow you to scare even the most desperate daredevils: a thick, dark atmosphere, unpredictable and dangerous monsters, the surrealism of what is happening. There is also a full-fledged plot, real emotions, interesting, human characters. The creator of the modification is Andreas Ronnberg, the author of the sensational horror Afraid Of Monsters.

    The game begins with some kid named Simon (our main character) just returning home in the evening. His mother is worried that he has been gone for a long time, writes him a text message asking him to hurry up. On the way to the house, he is hit by a car... However, a second later we are already playing for him, Simon is back on his feet. And without explaining what happened, we start to survive in this crazy world full of monsters and fear. We have one goal - to get home as soon as possible, close there and never go outside again. After all, what is happening in the city cannot be endured by the human psyche! And along the way, you have to figure out what the hell is going on here ?!

    Don't play on low difficulty, because at first it will really be too easy for you. For the completeness of the experience, more tension and fear, try to complete the game at least at the average level. And then there will not be enough cartridges, and morphine syringes (the local equivalent of a first-aid kit), lives will end much faster and the effect of the sudden appearance of a completely unreal and insane creature will be more serious, more tangible.

    The creators very competently used all the means of "intimidation". Dim light, darkened rooms, lack of ammunition, the effect of surprise. Enemies always appear suddenly, somewhere behind or to the side. Often these monsters look so awkward and inhuman, unnatural, that the first time you see them, you can just freeze in place in surprise. Then, of course, you get used to them, you learn their simple tactics, and they are no longer so frightening. However, by that time, someone else appears, acting differently, again mysterious, incomprehensible. And again, there is no time to figure out what to expect from him. You pull the trigger until the creature's body stops moving or simply vanishes into thin air.

    Don't ask why this creature has a paper bag on its head

    To say that the enemies here are unusual is to say nothing. They just confuse, confuse. A giant head in the middle of the room, a huge man with a chainsaw that you can only run away from, some strange creatures with boxes on their heads that shoot at you when you are far away, but blow your brains out when you get close (by the way, on suicide in the game has a lot of hints). Not without a dark-haired dead woman like Sadako from The Ring or Alma from. And some kind of creature with a knife climbs out of her stomach - well, a completely crazy, hallucinogenic fantasy. And how do you like, for example, a flying bed with a monster under it, which constantly spits something?! In what narcotic delirium can one imagine such a thing? Yes, we are constantly surprised by something, it is worth getting used to and choosing a successful tactic.

    Monsters are also frightening because they not only appear unexpectedly, but also scream loudly at the same time, like cut ones, so that you are more scared of the scream than of everything else. And here the sounds are so well chosen that tension is already created by some kind of knock, scream, distant whisper, the sounds of approaching steps. Even if you expect danger, you don’t know exactly what will come up next. And when you suddenly relax for a minute, everything happens. In addition to ordinary opponents, there are also bosses. They are completely different, they act according to more than one pattern, and they themselves appearance very interesting. However, defeating them is not so difficult, their techniques are not very diverse. But here's the last boss you hardly expect to see.

    Scary? Take a stick

    The gameplay does not become boring at all, despite the fact that we are forced to go down into the sewers, wander through dirty corridors, cramped rooms with an atmosphere pressing on our heads, dirty old walls painted with graffiti. There is always something new, we learn some more piece of history. In fact, we are driven in a circle for half the game, lengthening the journey to Simon's house. However, we are unexpectedly led out of the darkness into the light, all events seem to fit in time from evening to dawn. And here all the activity of the monsters disappears for a few minutes, we find ourselves in the forest, where this time there is no one, the birds sing peacefully. We go to the lake and slowly swim across the water in a boat, just enjoying a very pleasant view. Of course, it is worth considering whether they are trying to lull our attention. And yes, there were some surprises soon.

    We have a limited inventory in which you need to stuff not only weapons, but also items that are important for passing, syringes. More than once you have to think about what to throw away in order to take the key thing. There are also three quick access slots (you can't do without them), one of which is usually always occupied by some kind of light source, be it a mobile phone, a flashlight, an oil lamp, or a signal torch. You can dual-wield an item at the same time, but if you decide to use a shotgun, you will have to give up the light, and in some places this is a suicidal step, it is critical to see what exactly awaits you on the way and where the threat comes from. And if you have both a mobile phone and a gun in your hands, you need to remember that reloading is impossible: one hand must be free for this. And one more interesting news: the clip is completely reloaded, and what was not shot from that one disappears. Either reload in advance, having lost cartridges, or already in battle, but then you might not have time.

    Not to say that there are so few bullets here, if only at first, when you rely mainly on melee weapons. However, some plot situations can easily deprive you of your entire arsenal. And then you walk through the forest with a gnarled stick! Yes, the author has a rich imagination, so many diverse and unexpected game situations here, that the modification pulls on a full-fledged game. And, probably, only that one was so frightening.

    As we play, we solve not too difficult puzzles for opening code locks, look for phone numbers, and interact with the environment. It is enough to be attentive and pay attention to notes scattered everywhere, hints that are unobtrusively given to us. Much more unpleasant is the episode where we walk through dark tunnels, and the battery in the phone is exhausted. The only thing that gives light is signal torches, and even then they do not last long. I want to quickly get out of these uncomfortable places, get upstairs, because danger lurks in the dark and somewhere behind someone is constantly following us, clearly not with good intentions.

    There are many such notes in the game.

    You will also have to swim a little, and get ready for the fact that you can easily suffocate from lack of air. And you have to swim in the dark, without a map, without understanding what you are looking for. Just dive into your well and swim forward in the hope of finding a passage. Yes, there is a certain conventionality and lack of motivation in this, but there is no other way, the game is still linear. And there is also a difficult task with a labyrinth, from which you need to get out as quickly as possible. A map is given on some walls, but it is completely non-interactive, and there is no time to study it, because deadly and absurd devices with human bodies on them are constantly moving behind you.

    Sooner or later you begin to understand that what is happening simply cannot be reality. Something is wrong here, it's all like a nightmare, the most, most terrible and unpleasant of all. From the very beginning, you can see that most of the details are symbolic, contain some kind of subtext, a hint, there is much that deserves the use of psychoanalytic methods. Collecting the whole picture and getting an idea of ​​what really happened to Simon will only work in the finale, but sketchy, vague and strange flashbacks will gradually cause certain conjectures and suspicions.

    Seems to be from the engine Half Life 1 squeezed out everything that was possible, and even more. Looking at the local neat design, at the completely natural and humane models of heroes, meaningful faces, you begin to doubt that this could have been done on the base already very old game. Especially when at one moment you get into nature and it starts to dawn. Here you just admire the landscape, the water surface, neat houses. And the atmosphere in the premises does not seem at all meager, stereotyped. Everything looks natural. Of course, after listening to me, do not expect level graphics from the game, or at least, but still, if a modern, smooth picture is not the most important thing in games for you, then this level will seem more than acceptable and very worthy to you. The design does not cause rejection, its roughness does not spoil the impression, as you can see for yourself by looking at the screenshots.

    A special advantage of the game is beautiful, emotional music, often disturbing, making you look around nervously, warning of danger and creating a nervous atmosphere. However, sometimes dynamic compositions change into soothing, sad, slow-stretching ones, as if we are being allowed to take a breath in our chests, relax and calm our nerves. Each melody is always very suitable for events, enhances the impression.

    I personally was a little disappointed with the ending. I foresaw the fact that the game would end this way (I won't tell you exactly how, and spoil the pleasure of passing for those who did not play), the denouement was not unexpected for me. At first, you might think that all these creatures are the fruit of some crazy experiment, that they are artificially created.

    The denouement nevertheless blurred the impression of such a dynamic, tense game with lively characters and a strong, solid story. But that doesn't matter at all. - one of the best, brightest, most memorable, most elaborated modifications that were created on the engine half-life. Both in the horror genre and among mods in general. By the way, bugs are very rare in the game, which is also very pleasing, because all saves are made only on checkpoints in the form of tape recorders, and they are sometimes located far away. The repetition of terrible and difficult moments would be very annoying.

    Interestingly, the game also has cooperative mode, which can fill in some plot details. And also, according to rumors, there is not one, but several possible endings, but whether you want to go through this whole nightmare for the second and third time is a big question.