Deus ex human revolution full walkthrough. Walkthrough side quests in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. M10 - Finding evidence in Highland Park

To start, a few parting words. Firstly, you can pass the levels of this game in different ways. Of course, the final of all levels (with the exception of the very last one) will be the same, but you can reach them in different ways. There are only a few options described in this salt, but for the sake of information, I will briefly talk about a few basic ways to enter restricted areas:

1) Almost always next to the closed door there is a combination lock that can be cracked with a special device - a multitool. 2) In addition, you can not crack this code, but enter it, but first you will need to search all nearby rooms in search of datacub "a (a small device with a blue screen) or computers on which it is recorded. 3) In addition to these options you can almost always get where you want by opening the grate and using a complex system of chimneys 4) Sometimes you can get a code or password in conversations with various characters (both friendly and not so) 5) In some cases you will have to open the door with a master key (Lockpick) 6) Sometimes a door needs a special key (nanokey), when you get it, just use "Key Ring" on such a door (in most cases, I personally did not succeed in breaking open doors that are closed with such a special key). ) Well, and sometimes the door is opened only with the help of some computer or computer console (not to be confused with combination lock).

Now about how to penetrate most computers - for this you need to either have a username and password (Login, Password), or have very high hacking skills. I would recommend that you increase this particular indicator of the main character, since you can deal with enemies in different ways, and it is still better to hack computers (hack), and not run around for half a day looking for suitable codes and passwords. Don't forget to enter computers in a timely manner and turn off security cameras and machine guns. By the way, you can set the machine guns to "attack all" and then they will shoot all your enemies that are in their line of sight. Heal and repair with the help of medical and repair bots. In addition, with the help of them you can install new abilities (augmentation) for yourself, only for this you will need to collect a few necessary items. Don't forget to complete the training mission as there you will be able to master all the basic tools you will need here. And always have a large supply of master keys and multitools (lockpick, multitool) with you if you do not want to fumble around all the neighboring rooms. Constantly search the corpses of your enemies - you can find a lot of interesting things. Learn to navigate with a compass and maps that will be sent to you from time to time. All tasks that you will receive are recorded in a special menu - do not forget to check with them, and all conversations are also recorded. So you can always scroll through any of the conversations you had before. It is always mandatory to complete the main tasks (Primary Goal), but all the secondary ones can sometimes be omitted. Therefore, I will not always describe the performance of secondary tasks. Always try to make as little noise as possible, because guards will always run to him, and then your fate is 90 percent sealed. Of course, if you are unthinkably cool, then you can bring down everyone in a row and always go through the main gate, not run from anyone and take out absolutely everyone in the style of a la Quake, but this is only if you have enough skill. But I still wouldn't recommend doing it. After all, towards the end of the game, you will still have to get into serious trouble, whether you like it or not.

Talk to Paul (he will run up to you) and choose one of the options for additional weapons that he will offer you. Look at the map, now move on. Talk to the guard, an agent will contact you soon and tell you the password "Iron and copper". Go to the northern docks and talk to the man there, on the left in the house. He will give you a photo of the main terrorist. Talk to the woman in the corner, now you need to go to the statue and climb to the very top. You can climb the stairs by the containers, through the main entrance (use lockpicks, read datacubs ...). To disable security system, go to the house with the big antenna and enter it (code 0451). Inside, log into the computer (login - satcom, password - unatco_001). After disabling the security system, go to the central doors and enter into the terminal (login - nsf001, password - smashthestate). After entering the computer, turn off the cameras, open the doors. You need to get behind the laser field on the left. To do this, either make your way through the ventilation shafts, or turn it off with a multitool. Log in to the computer (login - nsf001, password - smashthestate). Talk to Gofer (Gauther), give him your gun. After that, climb the stairs to the very top, kill a few soldiers and talk to the main terrorist. Return to base (UNATCO HQ). Talk to Paul before entering. Go down to the second level and talk to your boss - Manderley. Before that, you can talk to his secretary. Go down to the third level and talk to Sam Carter and Jaime Reyes. Climb back and talk to your new partner Anna Navarre in the break room. Return to Manderly and talk to him about the new assignment. Go to the southern docks and board the police boat.

Get a photo from a female agent - study it. Soon you will meet a boy who will tell you the code (9183), but first give him something to eat. This code goes to the machine behind you. First, open it with a master key, and then enter this code - a secret passage will open in Castle Clinton. You can get there in a more standard way. To do this, go further, take part in a shootout in front of a large building, talk to the cops, with Anna. Now go to the subway (Subway Station Battery Park) and save the hostages here. You can use a special grenade that interferes with the operation of electronic devices in order to get over the laser field. Kill all the terrorists and talk to the hostages. Return to Castle Clinton and talk to your partner. Come inside, into the central house inside. Open the doors with a lockpick or multitool. The code to the panel on the wall is in the drawer next to the guy (666). Enter this code and through the door to the left. Soon you will come to the room with a green canister (you don’t need to take it), you will receive a new task. Go back and talk to Anna. If you haven't freed the hostages on the subway yet, do so now. Get on the subway car.

new york. Hell's Kitchen.

Go to the exit and talk to Paul Denton. He will give you the key to his hotel apartment, so you can look for some gear there. Leave the city and go to the Hilton hotel. Here, kill the terrorists and talk to the hostage. Climb to the second floor and talk to the man. He will tell you the password (righteous). Go to the Free Clinic and talk to people there. Exit and go to the Underworld Tavern. Talk to the pilot, buy a beer and talk to him again. Give him the beer, he will tell you the password you already know. Go to another part of the city where the basketball court is located. Behind it, open the container with a master key and inside it go down the stairs. Turn off the force field (shield in the closet right), go ahead and talk to the smuggler (Smuggler). He will give you the key and tell you the password (bloodshot). Now you need to save his friend in the sewers. Go outside and go to the warehouse ("Imports"). Through the door to the right. Upon exiting the building, you will receive a message and an image. Look at the picture - that's where you will need to get to. Move the small box to the ladder hanging from the roof and climb to the top of the building. From there, move along the roofs to the platform with antennas. There, go down and shoot the generator, climb back to the roof. Talk to Gopher and get into the helicopter.

Go down to the headquarters and in front of the boss's door, eavesdrop on the conversation. After that, talk to Manderly, in his own office, talk to Anna. Go down to the third level and talk to Sam Carter. Exit the headquarters and get into the helicopter.

New York City - Battery Park.

Go to the subway entrance, go downstairs and talk to Harley Filben. Climb up and look for Curly in the small houses next door. He will give you the password (6653). Go back to the subway and enter this password in the phone booth, it will go down. Go along the corridor, upstairs, climb into the hatch. Talk to the "mole person" on the left. This is Charlie Fann. He will give you a password (5482) to use on the panel in the women's room. The panel is located under the middle washbasin. A secret passage will open in the last booth - go there. Kill a bunch of terrorists, talk to civilians. In particular with Kevin Bradley, who is next to the pipes. He will tell you about the secret passage. Now follow the tunnel to the south. There, in one of the houses, break the cardboard boxes. Behind one of them, click on the brick - a secret passage will open. Talk to the terrorist leader and he will surrender. After that, take the key from the table. If the terrorist starts shooting, just kill him. Return to the stairs from which you came, go past it in the same direction, to the left. Soon you will come to a new toilet (this time to the men's). Open the door with the key ring.

New location in New York City.

At the crossroads, go right, along the boxes, through the pipe with steam. Kill the terrorist, search his body - there must be a key, open the door. The laser field can be turned off or you can crawl past through the ventilation shafts. If you turn off the field, then you will pass along the walkways, they will collapse, and you will find yourself in the water. Swim into the hole in the floor, then up the stairs, open the hatch. There will be a couple of small robots right behind the blockage, blow them up or try to quickly, quickly slip past them. You are close to the base. Kill some terrorists inside the base, approach the green canister. After that, go up to the second floor, kill the terrorists in the toilet, take the key and open the locked door with the key ring." datacub "e somewhere above the pipes, next to the bots. Get down to the first floor (under the helicopter landing pad) and go to the exit (in capital letters - EXIT). Take the elevator up. There are quite a lot of bots at the airfield, you are unlikely to be able to kill them all, so avoid them if possible. Look at the airfield map and go to the boathouse. There you will find another canister. Open the eastern gate (large wire) with key ring "a and enter the building in the center. Press the brick behind the stairs - a passage in the wall will open. Take the key, ammunition ... Go to the second floor and open the door with key ring" ohm. In one of the boxes, read the datacube (password - 5914). Enter it into the panel next to the next door. You will find yourself in a large hangar with a Boeing 747. Talk to Paul Denton and go up to the Boeing cockpit. Go to the second floor and take the key to the VIP class. At the tail of the plane, open the door with the key ring, talk to Lebedev. Anna will appear. Here you have a choice - either kill Lebedev or spare him (then Anna will kill him). Read the datacube here (code - 9905). Find the stairs down and find this plane has the last container.Exit to the hangar and go to the helipad.Talk to Gopher, get into the helicopter.

Go to headquarters and talk to Manderly. In the same place, talk to the boss's secretary, with Jamie Reyes, Walton, Tell Jaime. After that, talk to Sam Carter and restore health in the medical unit. Return to the site and get into the helicopter.

new york. Hell's Kitchen.

Go to the Hilton Hotel and talk to Gilbert in the office, give him the gun and go to the second floor. As you start to climb, look at Jogo and follow him. Eavesdrop on the conversation between Jojo and Gilbert. Kill Jojo and go up to the second floor. Open Paul's door with the key ring and talk to him. Move the painting to the side and enter the code (4321), take away everything that can come in handy. Go outside, along the road through a long tunnel. Talk to the guards before entering the NSF base. Enter the base and go to the women's toilet (they have toilet mania here???). Take the key, you can find a protective suit in one of the boxes. Rise to the second level and open the door with a master key. Read datacube (login - tjefferson, password - newrevolution). Rise to the third level, read the datacube in the control room. Go to the computer room (do not forget to put on a protective suit) and press the button in the corner of this room - the ventilation will turn on and ventilate the room. Use the terminal and turn off the cameras, open the door to the basement. Get down to the first floor and go into the hatch next to the robot. At the basement door. Here you can try to avoid lasers, or disable them with a multitool. Enter the terminal (tjefferson, newrevolution) and turn off the cameras. In the last room, open the locker with a lockpick. Read the datacube at the very top of the drawer. Glass cabinets can not be opened, but simply shot with a pistol or some other weapon. Read all the datacubs here, enter all computer systems. Go up the stairs and climb the stairs to the roof. Go to the house on the roof itself. Use the computer terminal (login - mcollins, password - revolution). Press all the buttons and open the door In the second room, enter the computer and enter the code (login - napoleon, password - revolution) Press the button to start the transmission Go back to the hotel (the NSF will start shooting at you - they have such an order) and talk to Paul in his room When a man in black breaks in, do not listen to Paul and kill that man.Now you need to sneak into the Battery Park, if you are killed, you will automatically find yourself in the next mission.If you survive, enter the underground tunnels (6282), talk with Anna. There are two ways - either she will kill you or you will kill her. In Battery Park, talk to Gopher.

Before embarking on a full-fledged campaign, it is worth paying attention to the "Training". Here you can learn the mechanics of the game, which will be useful as you progress. After the introductory video, we speak with Megan and go to the boss. Along the way, we study the laboratory, and also visually get acquainted with new characters. The conversation with the boss is interrupted by an alarm caused by a technical failure. We go directly to the scene through the service elevator on the left. We drive in the code 0451 and, having gone inside, press the button on the elevator panel. Weapons have appeared in our hands, but the need for their use on this moment no. We move along the corridors, crouching, we pass under the glass partition. We observe the scene of the execution of the laboratory staff and turn into the room on the left. We remove the boxes from the wall, open the grate of the hatch and, having jumped, we get inside. We find ourselves on the other side, just where the employees were killed. We move along the corridor, at the end there will be a door. We penetrate further, but do not forget to close the door behind us. So, two opponents go down the stairs. Our job is to go unnoticed. There are several ways, the main thing is to choose the right moment. Having taken a sitting position, we move through the shelters. At one point, they will simultaneously delve into the tables. When the one closer to the stairs starts to leave, and another one arrives in its place, we will be able to get to the stairs unnoticed. We go upstairs and move along the corridor. We watch the opponents through the glass. When they start moving, we can get into the room by pressing against the wall and opening the door. The easiest way to get to the door at the other end of the room is on the right side. At the end, use the central box to go unnoticed. And finally, the last hall is already with four enemies. Everything is simple here: we go down the stairs and use the shelters under the stairs. Let's watch the video. We were killed and, so to speak, restored by introducing implants. Six months later we are back in business.

Detroit. M1 - Back in the saddle.

We go to the second floor to the technical laboratory, to meet with Pritchard to fix the retinal display. In the communication thread, select "Ignore". Next, we get to the helipad to our boss Sharif. We speak with Farida and choose the answer on the left. During the flight, we communicate with Sharif and choose answers - a non-lethal melee weapon.

M1 - Cleaning up the Sharif factory.

Arriving at the place, we enter the building and at the end of the corridor we meet a policeman. After talking with him, we choose outside. To the left is a staircase leading down. Sneak up to the first enemy and stun. It can be searched, be sure to hide the body after neutralization. There are three more ahead. We stun the terrorist standing with his back to us at the moment when the enemy patrolling near the marked door begins to move away. We hide the body and head to the next goal. We do the same with him. Dealing with the latter is not difficult. We enter the building. We go straight until we come across a door. This room contains a computer and stairs leading up. Being at the top, we jump down to the boxes. On the right is the enemy, digging into something. We neutralize it, and then another one patrolling nearby. Nearby is another one, which we deal with when the patrol turns away. We go to the other end and, after watching for the patrolling enemy, we stun him and deal with the digging in the boxes. We have three paths - these are two doors and one staircase in the corner leading up to the ventilation shaft. We will follow it. To successfully jump to the mine, we substitute the box lying nearby, sit down and at the same time press jump + forward. After passing through the tunnel, we find ourselves in the locker room. There may be useful items in the lockers, so don't be lazy to inspect them. The next door is locked and requires a password, so we have to break it open. We pass further, where four enemies are located in the hall. We carefully descend the stairs until the conversation between them is over. When they disperse, we neutralize the nearest of them. We hide the body and stun another one near the table. There are two left who are patrolling in a circle. First, we will deal with the extreme, and then with the one in the center. Ahead is a corridor with a surveillance camera. Getting around it is easy, just go under it and not fall for its rays. Break open another door and go through. Ignoring the conversation of opponents, we turn left and see boxes under the stairs blocking the ventilation shaft. After passing through it, we find ourselves in another room and stun the only patrol. We quietly get to the elevator. Arriving at the desired floor, immediately at the exit we select the praxis. With it, we can improve our implants, since we have chosen the stealth mode, we are upgrading the corresponding branches. And at the corner we see a ventilation shaft on the wall on the right. She will lead us straight to the right door, bypassing the surveillance camera.

M2 - Neutralize the leader of the terrorists.

After the video, we get to the elevator. We go up the stairs and see two divergent patrolmen. It is best to neutralize them and then go to the left of the stairs. In the last room there will be a ventilation shaft that will lead us to the first floor. From there we can easily make our way to the next staircase. Having risen, we open the door and watch the video. We have a choice. Trying to free Josie. To do this, we constantly select the “Sympathize” branch.

M3 - Evacuation.

We leave for the helipad to Malik.

M4 - Finishing the job.

After asking her a little, we head to Pritchard so that he studies the Typhoon. Then to the boss Sharif to receive a new task and tell the details about what happened at the factory.

M5 - Investigation of a suicide attack.

Having agreed to a new task, we go to the police station. We go inside and talk to Wen Haas in the window. We constantly select the “Forgive” branch. Having gained access to the mortuary, we examine the body and extract the neural node. We go home, and connect it to the computer.

M6 - Visit to the PROTEZ clinic.

Upon arrival at the clinic, we learn that no additional injections are required. At the same time, here we can buy items to increase energy, as well as a more important resource - Praxis.

M7 - Disable transmission.

We leave for the slums, where we have to hack the antenna that transmits signals. You can get into the slums in different ways. The easiest way is through the door. However, there the path is blocked by large boxes, which can be moved away with the appropriate implant. The second way is through the roof, which you can climb on the fire escape in the alley. Then we climb along the ledge and get to the opposite side. We go down the stairs. We penetrate the building and follow the patrol. Two more are standing and talking. Having dealt with this, we go along the right side crouching. Next, we move along the left side behind the containers. At the same time, we listen to conversations between opponents. We enter another building, kill the patrolman. Two enemies are sitting on the couch and watching TV. After listening to their conversation, we very carefully make our way to the stairs on the left. Having risen, we see mines on the walls. We pick up the barrel and throw it along the located mines. Thus, we will destroy them all. Of course, the enemies will be alarmed, so we will wait and move on. Having dealt with them, we proceed to hack the system. We make the antenna inactive and wait for Farida near the helipad.

M9 - Transfer.

Arriving in the area, we enter the building through the door and after passing a little, we watch the video.

M10 - Search for evidence in Highland Park.

We open the door and get out. We go around on the left side, hiding behind the containers. You can completely do without stunning opponents. To do this, we move only on the left side, remove the containers and sneak to the door. We penetrate the building, on the right there will be a ventilation shaft. We continue to go to the elevator. Here we neutralize the patrol until the guard at the top sees. We hide the body and, bypassing the surveillance camera, we get to the elevator. After descending on it, we turn right and jump into a certain hole. We remove the box and climb forward along the ventilation shaft. Being in another pit, we wait for the enemy and deal with him. The robot patrols the area, so when he does not look, we get out of the pit and go further through the door. Two soldiers are talking ahead. We will neutralize one of them when it comes to us. We climb up the stairs. We reach a room with doors on both sides. We choose the left path. We deal with the patrol on the central bridge. On the left is a room in which there is a ventilation shaft near the computer. On it we get into the next room, and from there it is easiest to get to the stairs, which will lead us to the first floor. If necessary, neutralize the patrol. On the elevator we go down even lower, where we meet with the first boss. It takes a powerful weapon to kill him. We run from column to column, moreover, we try to lure the enemy to explosive objects. Don't forget to dodge enemy grenades and throw your own as Barret is vulnerable to them. Useful items are scattered around, including weapons. After the victory, we will collect the remnants and return to Malik.

M11 - Whisper of conspiracy.

Let's visit Pritchard first, because he wants to tell us something important. Having learned new details, we go to Sharif. In the reception room we meet Bill Taggart. In the dialog, select the branches "Keep Calm" and "Ask". In a conversation with Sharif, we use the “Justify” branch. Then we speak with him again and, having received a new task, we go to Malik, for a flight to China.

Shanghai. M1 - Hunt for a hacker.

Before us is a new city and, accordingly, a new part of the plot. All additional tasks that we did not have time to complete in Detroit are automatically burned out, and it will not be possible to return to their implementation. We get to the penthouse, but we are not allowed to enter it. Therefore, we pass further, where there will be a ventilation shaft in the corner. After passing through it, turn right and go to the end. There will be another ventilation on the wall to the right. From there, open the door leading outside. We do not lean out until the patrolmen finish talking. Then we get to the elevator. Going down the elevator, we see vending machines with drinks in front of us. One of them blocked the ventilation shaft. Through it we will reach the right computer. It is advisable to neutralize nearby enemies. After hacking, we contact Malik and return back the same way that we came. Next, we head to the nightclub "Uley". You can get there through the main entrance, but in this case you will have to pay 1000 credits. There is an easier way: on the left in the alley there is a ventilation shaft that will lead us inside. We speak with the bartender and learn about Tonga. On the second floor, we talk with the manager, choosing the “Draw attention” branch. Now we can go to Tonga and find out where Van Bruggen is. On the way we will meet Malik, which will turn out to be very strange, and we will carefully ask her about the secrets. It is not necessary to complete the quest that Malik will give, so let's move on.

M2 - Gaining access to Tai-Yun-Medical.

After talking with Bryggen in residential areas, we go to a brothel and try to steal an employee card. It is very simple to do this: we penetrate into the next room, and from there through the balcony we will get into the desired room. We return to Van Brugger to remake the data for us. After the video, we pass the weapon to Van Brugger and start escaping from this area. We head to the stairs and go down to the floor below. We turn right, we enter the first room, where there are two opponents. After neutralizing them, we look for a ventilation shaft that will lead us to the exit. In the next room is a patrolman, as well as a surveillance camera. It is advisable not to disturb them, but, picking up the moment, slip past. It is very easy to do this, because the camera does not move at all. The last toilet has a ventilation shaft. Having got out of it from the other side, we see a turret in front of us and two opponents on the right. Having slipped past them, we find ourselves in the shower room. On the one hand, it blocks electricity, on the other, mines. We grab the box and throw along these mines. While the enemies come running, we will already have time to run to the laundry. There are two more here, we will deal with them when both are next to us. Then, after saving, we lean out from behind the corner and see the usual and heavily armed fighters. You can’t just slip through, so they must be neutralized. One of them will look at us, while the second will turn in the other direction. When he turns around, quickly move to the nightstand obliquely. Waiting for the right moment to turn left. We hide behind the curbstone on the right. We wait for the enemy, stun him and finish off the heavily armed one. Next, we leave the building and go to the train, which will take us to the "Tai Yun Medical".

Tai Yun Medical. M1 - In search of evidence.

We go up the stairs and break open the door. We are stopped by a choking employee in a locked room. To save him, you need to break open the nearby door and unscrew the valve. Then we make our way into the room with the employee, remove the boxes and crawl to him. After talking with him, we move on. In the server room we are stopped by a guard. In the dialogue, we select "Mention Lee", and he gladly skips us. In the center we break open the console and go to the room on the left. We go up the stairs, where we go along the first bridge into the room. We select a pocket secretary, in which there is a code from the pumping room. We return back to the server room and go down the stairs to the level below. We sneak past the first camera. Then past the second, but there we turn right. Behind the container is a ventilation shaft that will lead us to the right door. We use the elevator, leaving it, we break open the door of the utility room on the right. We turn off the electricity and go to the next room. Climb up the structure on the right. We go up the stairs and get to another elevator. On the advice of Pritchard, we will hide the weapons and head to the laboratory. We are not allowed there, so we are looking for another way. For example, in the room on the right there is a ventilation shaft. You can get to it by breaking the door. After passing through the mine, turn right. There are opponents across the room. We deal with them and at the exit from the room we turn right to the stairs. On the second floor there will be no problems. We'll be back in the safe zone again. A strict guard will not let us through, so we turn right and, going a little lower down the stairs, hack the console while no one sees. We make inactive lasers. When the guard on the other side begins to move away, we catch up and neutralize him. There are two more ahead and the one in the center has secret code for the desired door. However, the same door can be cracked. In the room with lasers, we move first to the left, then to the right. To the right is a small room, and behind the box in this room is a ventilation shaft. She will lead us to a room with guards. We neutralize the guard sitting at the computer and then the remaining two. After opening the door, we wait until the laser leaves, and quickly move to the right. We pass by the boxes and enter the elevator so that the camera does not notice us.

M2 - Entrance to the dragon's lair.

After the cutscene, go through the door to the left of the elevator. Ahead is a corridor patrolled by a heavily armed soldier. We go around it on the right side, where we neutralize another, constantly standing in one place. Hide the body and move on. We move along the corridor to the right room. Here everything is covered by a surveillance camera. Let's get in close standing computer and find out the code for the door. It is advisable to turn off the camera at this moment. We take the elevator to Zhao. After the video, we are trying to escape from the guards that have appeared. We go down the right stairs. In the corner there is a ventilation shaft leading to the first floor. It will be more difficult to get out of it, so first we will open the mine door, this will lure the guards. When they calm down, we can get out and gradually get to the exit. On the elevator we will go down to the hangar, where you need to neutralize two robots. This can be done using EMP grenades, or by hacking computers nearby. Having finished with them, we open the gate, use the button on the tower and sit down in a rescue helicopter.

Montreal. M1 - Meeting with Eliza Kassan.

After landing on the helipad, we enter the building and move to room 404. Since the doors are blocked, we go around. After talking with Eliza, we learn that we are trapped. Leave the room and turn right. The next room has a ventilation shaft. We go straight along it and after listening to the conversation of opponents. Get out and turn left. We move between the tables, and then go down the stairs. Turn left and follow the corridor. To prevent the camera from detecting us, we quickly hide behind the sofas on the right until the enemies see us. And from there we get into the elevator. We move along the corridor, ahead we see two. We enter the room on the left and from there we get to the second floor, where we destroy the patrolmen one by one. With reverse side We go down and sneak to the right door. It is desirable to neutralize a heavily armed soldier. Going down the stairs, we head to the funicular. Immediately neutralize the two standing with their backs to us. It will not be possible to approach the funicular directly, so we move the vending machine located nearby and through the ventilation shaft we get into the room with the funicular. We climb the stairs up and, luring opponents here, we neutralize them. We get to the button that calls the funicular. However, we are not in a hurry to press: we will install containers near the elevator door so that we can hide behind them. After all, the funicular will not arrive soon, and at this time opponents will hang around here. Our task is to hold out at any cost. We go down on the funicular and, turning right, we sneak under the camera. Behind the sofas we are waiting for the appearance of security. After talking to each other, one of them will go back. At this moment, we leave the shelter and follow him. That way we can safely get past the switchable lasers. At the end, we will stun the enemy so that he does not interfere with us to calmly move through the complex. Turn right and enter the first door. We leave the other when the enemy moves away. We stun him and hide the body in the room. Next is a long corridor, at the end of which is a chamber. Before going around it, let's look into another room. We find the access code on the computer. Around the corner is another room with an ammunition storage. We open the next door when the enemy moves away and turn left. Having gone forward a little, we go down the stairs and hide behind the column. Having picked up the moment, we sneak to the door. We go down the stairs and go further when the heavily armed soldier turns away. On the left there is a door to the room through which we will pass and find ourselves on the other side. We turn right, where there will be a small room with two patrolmen. We act very carefully, rolling from one obstacle to another and always looking at the camera. Further in the corridor is another surveillance camera, we pass under it and crawl along the ventilation shaft. Before you go to fight with the second boss, let's look into the room on the left. Here is a heavy machine gun with a lot of ammunition. The leader of the mercenaries is perhaps the most powerful enemy in the game. She uses a very powerful weapon and can also become invisible. These are the recommendations for the fight. If the EMP Protection implant is installed, then you can safely run around during her attacks in the longest circle, trying to provoke the explosion of her mines near the special devices on the wall. This will cause electricity to spread as the floor is covered with a layer of water. Taking advantage of its slowdown, we quickly attack from everything that we have. The second option is as follows. We run around the second circle, that is, the one that is smaller and try to attack as accurately as possible, at the same time, running away and dodging her attacks. In case you run out of ammo, you can always find it in the big circle wall cabinets. When the enemy is invisible (rechargeable), she can attack suddenly and without warning from our AI assistant (Eliza Kassan). Therefore, at this time you need to be in the smallest, central circle. To see her location, you need to use the ability to see through walls. Finally, having dealt with the boss, we will examine the corpse in search of useful items, as well as the entire hall, leave the building and get to the rescue helicopter.

Detroit. M1 - Conversation with Sharif.

We head to our apartment to talk with Sharif.

M2 - Find Isaiah Sandoval.

We get a VIP pass and go to the conference center. Having burst there, we enter into a dialogue with Taggart. In the conversation, select the "Conflict" branch. Having successfully persuaded him to give out the location of Sandoval, we go backstage. After talking with him again, we get to the Grand River Road. You can enter the apartment through the fire escape. Noticing two talking people on the stairwell, we wait until they leave, and we pass into the desired apartment. In the next room is Zeke Sanders. We open the door and quickly deal with it. We remove the boxes and go to the bathroom. It also removes the boxes, and activate the electrical panel on the wall. A secret bunker has been opened, in which Sandoval is probably hiding. We go down the stairs a little, then we jump onto the barrels, we go a little along the structure and turn left. We jump down, and from there we pass forward and again we go down the stairs. Let's go forward and hide behind the box on the left. Let's wait until the patrol leaves and make our way into the passage on the wall on the left. We neutralize the next guard when he stands between the lasers. We hide the corpse and very slowly sneak past one single mine. In a conversation with Sandoval, select the Cruel Mercy branch. We get to the surface and get to the roof of our house, where Malik will be waiting for us.

Detroit. M1 - Old debts.

Pritchard is not in the office, but he asked to visit Sharif. After the video, we return to the helipad to go back to Hengsha and find the transmitter of Vasily Shevchenko, and perhaps himself.

M2 - Find Vasily Shevchenko's transmitter.

After we crashed, being shot down, we will take advantage of Malik's distraction and go in search of the transmitter. We turn right, jump down and sneak through the building until the opponents notice us. Before the helicopter explodes, we will have time to get to the elevator. Once in Lower Hengsha, we continue our search. Along the way, we get advice from Pritchard to visit the local PROTEZ clinic to get a new biochip. Near the clinic there is an enemy that needs to be neutralized in order to go further. We go down to the subway and take the train to the Yuzhao area. The door we need is carefully guarded. In the lane we come across a sewer hatch and go down. You need to go on the right side, it's much safer. First we deal with the patrolman, and then with the one sitting on the chair. The bodies are thrown into the water. We pass further through the central door. Here, on the contrary, we first neutralize the sitting one, and then quickly the patrol. We pass further behind the boxes. Two people are sitting on the couch and they will surely notice us if we move into the open. Using the rolls, first to the left and then to the right, we get to the doors. We sneak behind the sofa and then behind the rusty cars. At the end, we remove the boxes and enter the right door.

M3 - hide and seek.

After talking with Tong, we set off for the Belltower port. Having got out to the surface, we pass further than the main gate, where we remove the box and penetrate the territory. We pass forward and, having missed the robot, we will go down the stairs. We watch for the patrolman and neutralize him when he comes closer. We hide the body and make our way under the camera. We go up the next stairs again. Hiding behind the trucks, we move forward, the main thing is that the sniper at the top does not notice us. Ahead is a camera and a patrol. We carefully pass behind the containers, preferably by neutralizing the patrolman, who, by the way, has a pocket secretary with a code for the door next to the camera. We get into the right room and neutralize the sleeping guard. We break open the door and get a bundle from the locker. We return to the cell, or rather to the door next to the cell. We open it with the received code. Entering the warehouse, turn right and move to the end. Let's wait until the guards finish talking, and we'll move on. Once on the other side, we rise to the second floor. We climb the metal stairs to the very top and jump through the passage on the ceiling into the room. We install explosives and watch the video.

Singapore. M1 - Rescue Megan and her group.

Having got out of the capsule in which we stayed for several days, we leave the building through the door next to the red gate. We turn right and listen to the conversation of the patrolmen, hiding behind the barrels. One of them will go to us, and we will neutralize it, then drag the body away. There is a passage straight ahead. We remove the container from the path and climb into the building through the window. It's very easy to neutralize everyone here. In the last room, we hack the central computer, thereby executing additional task . Now it's much easier to navigate. We get out of here through the double doors and turn right. Having bypassed the terrace, we will watch for the patrolman and neutralize it. After hiding the body, we enter the building on the right. After sterilization, we will find ourselves in the central hall. To the right of the chamber there is a ventilation shaft. Carefully follow the enemy and sneak in there. We get out on the other side and climb the stairs. Having risen, we turn right and follow the long corridor, eliminating the guards one by one, until we find ourselves at the door where one of the employees is being held. Hack it until the camera sees it. After talking with Nia Colvin, we set off to rescue other members of the group. Getting to the next scientist, who is in the laboratory on the third floor, is a little easier. We go up the stairs in the central hall and turn left, of course, when the patrol does not see. We enter the door on the right and move along the corridor. We pass through the lasers using the guard, who periodically walks back and forth. We speak with Eric Koss and leave the laboratory using the elevator located in the next room. After going down the elevator, we leave the room and turn right. Then turn right again at the first turn. Ahead of the guards, having picked up the moment, we quickly climb the stairs to the right. We go through the central door to the left and go down the stairs. Hack the terminal to turn off the lasers. We go down the elevator straight to the next scientist - Declan Faherty. After talking with him, we return to the elevator. It remains to save the main person - this is Megan. Faherty gave us a virus that needs to be downloaded to the main computer located outside the complex. This virus will make it impossible for Belltower to monitor our scientists. We leave the building the way we got here. To the right of the exit is an enemy paired with a turret, as well as a patrol moving back and forth. When they gather in a heap, we throw them at them, clinging to the wall with an EMP or a smoke grenade. Thus, we will deal with everyone without raising the alarm. You should not throw a smoke grenade into the area viewed by the turret, because it will quickly detect the "enemy" and start incessant fire, which naturally leads to undesirable consequences. We move on, where two cameras and a robot are waiting for us ahead. It won't be hard to get around them. In the room with the main computer, we download the received virus into the disk reader, next to the computer. After talking with Pritchard, we wait until the patrol that appears leaves, and go to the elevator through the opened gate. We watch the video and proceed to the battle with the next boss - John Ramira. Immediately after the video, we throw a grenade at him and hit him with the most powerful weapon that we have. Our implants are out of order, so we can't use features like Typhoon, etc. There is a place on each side of the central glass where we can cuddle up and fend off the enemy. If he throws grenades to smoke us out, quickly run to the opposite cover. John is especially vulnerable when he jumps over glass. We attack it until it is completely destroyed. Finally we get to Megan. After the video, we go to the hangar to open the roof, thereby preparing for the evacuation. We watch through the glass the rescue of employees and then quickly run to Leo's shuttle to go to Panchaea. We stun enemies that get in the way with simple blows.

Panchea. M1 - Stop transmission.

Having received instructions from Pritchard, we head to the tower. We focus on the beacon on the screen. We jump down and after passing a little, we come across electrified water. We jump onto the pipe on the right and move along it. We remove the container and again jump onto the pipe on the left. After passing the corner, we shoot the boxes and penetrate into the ventilation shaft. Inside you can see a mine, which is easily destroyed by a shot. Once in the room, turn off the electricity and exit through the door. We turn right and move along the corridor. Turn right, go up the stairs. The most difficult part is over, it remains only to get to the elevator. We move along the corridors to the center of the tower. In a conversation with Hugh Darrow, select the "Criticize" branch. Having received the access codes, we return back to the elevator. We will have to break through the crowd of distraught employees. Do not forget that they are fast, cause serious damage even one by one, but most importantly, they cannot jump over even the simplest obstacles. On the way to the final fight, we can save Sharif and Taggart. They will not be marked on the mini-map, so you will have to look for them yourself. So, we went down on the freight elevator to the very bottom. The final boss is Zhao Yunru. Probably the easiest fight ever. First, we activate three buttons and kill three clones, respectively. Machine guns move around in a circle above. The easiest way to avoid them is to follow one of them, while managing to activate the button and shoot the platform. Zombie opponents will appear from the rooms, and in these same rooms there are useful items. Having finished with the clones, we proceed to Zhao. So that the robots cannot reach us, we enter one of the rooms and, clinging to the wall, shoot from afar at the boss. It is advisable to do this from sniper rifle, which is also located in one of the rooms. Having finished with it, we go further and make the final choice, on which the ending of the game depends.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution begins with a prologue, in which the player learns the plot plot and at the same time learns the basics of the game. There are no difficulties in the prologue, so let's move on to the plot.

Chapter One: Detroit

Six months have passed since the events of the prologue - the main character returns to the post of head of security at Sariff Industries, and now in a seriously “modified” form.

We enter the company building and immediately receive a short call from the boss, who asks us to come in. You should not run headlong to the boss - first you need to go to Pritchard and fix the retina display.

The boss asks to deal with the radicals who have seized the company's factory. We go to the helipad, we speak with the personal pilot Farida, and then we fly out on a mission. Along the way, we have to decide whether we want to complete the mission by stealth or by force. The choice affects the received weapon: a pistol with sleeping pills or an assault rifle / revolver. Decide for yourself which option suits you best, although we would advise beginners to pass by force - this way is easier, and with a stealth system you can still figure it out along the way.

We land at the plant and go forward along it, clearing out the enemies and not forgetting to save the hostages. We watch a short scene with a hacker who puts a bullet in his head, and then we pass to Zeke Sanders, who is holding a hostage. Zeke can be shot or chatted - in the second case, he will release the hostage, but run away himself. Again, it's up to you to decide - such decisions will affect some nuances in the future, but the main outline of the plot will be approximately the same as described in this text.

Upon arrival, we look at Pritchard, we get a turn from the gate, and then we move to the boss. This time the task is more subtle - the murdered hacker had a neural node embedded in his head, in which our boss is very interested. The boss is no less interested in ensuring that the knot does not fall into the hands of the authorities. In general, we are moving towards the city morgue, where the body is now.

You can go straight to the morgue or walk the streets of Detroit. Town -

one of the most "open" zones in the game, where there are many additional tasks. So we recommend that you take your time and intersperse the plot with additional missions, some of which are very interesting.

The morgue is located along with the police station, so getting inside will not be easy. There are several options. First, we can try to talk Wayne Hines at the gate so that he will let us through. Secondly, find the entrance to the sewer, go through it, killing a gang of punks, and then climb the stairs to the roof of the police station and enter the morgue from there.

There are few difficulties in the morgue itself - the doctor will take us for a detective and let us through to the body. We contact the boss, establish a communication channel for him, and then leave. We look at home, where we connect to the neural node.

After the clinic, events will begin to accelerate, so if you do not feel confident in battles, then look for additional missions to level up and collect money for improved equipment. All this will be needed very soon.

After the clinic, Pritchard gets in touch, who asks us to visit the slums and turn off the transmitter deployed by the mafia. This is already a serious mission, so first we advise you to replenish ammunition and, if possible, get better weapons. However, you can complete the mission in stealth mode.

We go into the slums and move forward, cracking down on the bandits. Special attention it is worth paying attention to mines, the presence of which is warned by a characteristic squeak. We carefully reach the roof, cut down the transmitter and wait until Farida picks us up.

Before the next mission, we buy a couple of electromagnetic bombs. Then we delve into the buildings of the textile factory, which is the lair of the next bandits. After a while, it turns out that these are the same guys who attacked the Sariff Industries office six months ago - so the situation becomes more and more interesting.

We clean the factory, going down the elevator. When we come across a powerful mechanical robot, we use an electromagnetic bomb to help deal with it. The second bomb can be spent on a turret. Then we move forward and up until we meet the first boss in the game - the mercenary "Bull". This is a fairly serious enemy, as well as the main character, equipped with a number of combat implants.

To begin with, we throw smoke grenades at the Bull (if any), and while he is disoriented, we throw exploding barrels. The rest of the time, it is better not to meet the Bull in an open battle - he attacks straightforwardly and quickly. We run away from him along the perimeter of the room, using the columns as shelters and looking for moments for oncoming attacks. After a while, the Bull will give up and give us the necessary information, and then he will commit suicide.

We return to the office, choose to whom it is almost - Pritchard or the boss. The boss suggests that a rival company is behind the attacks on the Sariff Industries office. To find out all the details we will have to go to China.

Chapter Two: Hengsha

Following the trail of a hacker, we fly across half the world and find ourselves in a Chinese city. To begin with, we study the town a little - in addition to the main storyline in it, as in Detroit, there are enough additional tasks.

The hacker we need lives in the hotel where the fighters of the Belltower private military corporation are now located - these are very serious guys trained in dozens of operations around the world. There are several ways to enter buildings. The first is to simply clear out all the enemies. The fastest is through the roof. Having removed the patrolmen, we go to the elevator, we pass into the apartment owned by Van Bruggen, there we eliminate three more enemies, and then we climb into the desired computer. Finally, you can climb through the ventilation, the entrance to which is located to the right of the main entrance to the hotel.

Having received the information, we contact Farida, who gives us the coordinates of the Hive club. It costs 1000 credits to enter, but the club card can be stolen from the brothel. You can also get through the ventilation - a hole behind the club - but then beware of the guards who will try to attack the main character.

In the bar we talk with the bartender, who forwards us to his colleague. A colleague needs to be spoken to in order to gain access to Tracer Tong. We get access - and find out that Tong is the bartender with whom we just spoke. The personality is quite important - it is he who leads the local mafia. We speak with Tong and nevertheless we extort from him the address of Van Bruggen - the hotel for the poor "Alice Garden", capsule 301.

We go to the address, in the capsule we immediately find Van Bruggen, who tells us that we need to get to Tai Yun Medical, for which we need an employee card. You can get it in the Honghua brothel, where one of the Tai Yun employees likes to relax. We are interested in a room on the fourth floor, where the card will be. You can enter the room by picking the lock. With the card we return to Van Bruggen.

After escaping from the hotel, we speak with Farida, and then we go to Tai Yun, where we go into the subway and leave for the next task. It is worth noting that the Tai Yun office is a rather difficult location (much more difficult than the battle with the Blacktower that just took place), so if you still have third-party quests, then it’s better to finish them in order to get more experience and money for equipment . Be sure to stock up on electromagnetic grenades - they will be very useful soon. And take at least one gas grenade - it will come in handy at the very end of the journey.

In "Tai Yun" we rise above, we help the laboratory assistant who got into trouble, and then we face the guard. We just bluff in response to his questions and move on. After the security post, we move very carefully, quickly destroy the opponents and try to prevent the alarm from turning on - otherwise it will be very bad. So we reach the elevator and go up to Pangu.

In Pange, we almost immediately find ourselves in a room with boxes that you can climb up. Then onto the stairs - and into a small "peaceful" zone. Here, for now, we are removing weapons - for some time it will be possible to play without annoying shooting.

We go forward, we cut down two guards, and then we deal with one more of their colleagues. That's it, you have to get your weapons again and shoot the guards, as well as the equipment supporting them. Take your time - many areas can be bypassed by ventilation, without wasting ammunition, time and nerves. As a result, our goal is a terminal from which you can get information about Megan Reed, the beloved of the protagonist, who disappeared at the very beginning of the game.

To find out exactly where Megan is, you need to go even further - to the apartments of the head of the company, which are very carefully guarded. This is a whole four-story penthouse, each floor of which is full of enemies. Well, we begin to move forward, trying to cut off part of the ventilation route and more often using stealth so as not to disrupt the alarm. Open all vaults and terminals along the way. So we get to the fourth floor, and then - to the chief's office.

This is a trap - the lady outwitted us and turned on the alarm, calling for reinforcements. There will be over a dozen enemies that are best dealt with with a gas grenade. Then, with a fight, we move to the funicular, which will take us to the hangar. You do not need to immediately press the button to call him - it is better to hack the terminal in order to gain control over the turret. Then we press the button - this will call the guard, which will be dealt with much easier with the support of the turret. Then you can take the funicular.

That's not all - at the place of arrival the hero will face two combat robots at once. If a good hacking skill, then they can be chopped off in one of the rooms upstairs. Then we find the button that opens the door - this will allow Farida to fly inside. That's it - the next stop is Montreal.

Chapter Three: Montreal

A very short episode with one task - to meet with Eliza Kassan.

We leave the helicopter, run to the door, select access to the castle, and then find ourselves inside Peak Industries. The building is empty - the fire alarm went off, after which all employees were evacuated. It's a good idea to run around the premises in search of valuable loot that will come in handy very soon. Then we go to the mission point, watch the video and prepare for the battle with the arrived assault group. Security will take positions in the lobby, so that we will have time to choose an option and a route of passage. After the destruction of the main group of guards, you should not relax - there will be enemies in the following rooms. We rise higher until we can contact Pritchard. He will advise you to go to the funicular, where you can pull off the already familiar trick of breaking the turret, which will gladly take care of the arriving guards. We ourselves sit in the funicular and move on.

Little surprise: Elizabeth Cassan is a supercomputer designed to manipulate the public mind. After a short conversation, Praying Mantis appears in the hall - another mercenary stuffed to the stop with implants.

You should not immediately engage in battle with the girl - first we evade her attacks, going through all the caches that are on the level. There will be a machine gun, as well as some electromagnetic grenades and mines. With such an arsenal, victory becomes a matter of technique - first we stun the enemy with an electromagnet, and then we remove her health from a machine gun. Then we go to the helipad and go to Detroit.

Chapter Four: Detroit Again

There is a slight uprising in Detroit, and the streets are restless - much more restless than during our last visit. By the way, several new tasks have appeared in the city - so it makes sense to walk the streets and talk with the locals.

Our main goal is Isaiah Sandoval. We go to his house, where we can talk to Sharif. After talking with him, we go to the "Front of Humanity", where they will tell us that Isaiah hid in a safe place. We will not be treated very friendly there, so you can argue with Taggart. At the end of the dispute, we will get the exact address of Isaiah.

The path to the goal lies through the territory of the bandits, so again you have to fight a little. From the street we go up the stairs that lead to open door. Then through the corridors we get to the apartment of Isaiah. The owner himself will not be there, so we just study the rooms and report to Pritchard. Then you will have to fight with the fighters who arrived at the place - a few will break into the apartment, the rest will wait at the exit. One of the fighters will have a code to turn off the lasers - it will be needed when passing further. Be careful with mines - they can be detonated from a distance if you are careful. At the end of the route, we finally find ourselves in another office of Isaiah and watch a video. He will tell us how to look for Megan - it turns out that she is being monitored by sensors that operate at a special frequency.

Malik will also pull up - the boss wants something from us again. We go to our apartment, but do not go inside, but look for a way to the roof, where a helicopter will pick us up. We fly to the office and in Sharif's office we have an interesting conversation with the inventor of the implants. Then we again continue our journey along a familiar route - after Detroit, Hensha is waiting for us again.

Chapter Five: Hensha Again

A transmitter signal from Vasily Shevchenko, a scientist from Megan Reed's group, has been found in Hensh, so it's worth flying in and checking it out. A comfortable flight, like last time, will not work - Farida's plane is shot down on the way to the city, and then they try to finish it off on the ground. You can sneak away secretly, leaving your partner to die, or you can try to save Farida - an achievement is given for this, and your soul will be calmer. If you choose the second option, then get ready for perhaps the most difficult battle in the game. There are a lot of opponents, but you can find a couple of shelters on the map, from where the territory is easily cleared.

After stripping, we sit in the elevator - during the trip, Pritchard will contact us and reveal more accurate signal coordinates. This is the Chongzhao area in Lower Hengsha. Upon arrival there, we observe a strange picture - something begins to happen to people who are equipped with implants. The problem gets to the main character - the systems built into him begin to act up.

Pritchard again gets in touch, who advises to go to the Protez clinic to replace the biochip. Follow this advice, and then continue to move towards the goal. Enemies at the entrance can be eliminated, but if you don’t want to, we climb onto the roof, and from there we penetrate into the ventilation. Then we penetrate the parking lot - it can also be passed secretly, the main thing is not to let the enemies turn on the alarm. So we go down the parking lot until we reach Tonga. Shevchenko is not here - there is only his hand with a built-in chip. Tong confesses that he bought it from the Belltower fighters. He also knows the location of Megan's group, but he will share information with us only in exchange for a counter favor - we must blow up the Belttower building.

We go to the building, on the way we do not miss the merchant - he traditionally needs to buy electromagnetic grenades. After climbing the stairs, we do not miss a pocket computer - it will contain a key to the computer, it will be needed very soon. Then you can open the main gate - but then you have to fight a little. Or there is an option to climb into the gap in the fence, which will be to the right of the stairs. There it is important to eliminate the guard as soon as possible.

As a result, we reach the complex itself, where you can find the bomb left by Tong. We go further to the goal, the lock from the door will have to be cracked. We go inside - a robot will come to the aid of the opponents, so it's time to use an electromagnetic bomb and slip further. Also on the way there will be a turret - act carefully. We find the entrance to the ventilation (upstairs, you have to climb the stairs), we reach the office and lay it. We watch the video and move to Singapore.

By the way, a little hint: young Tong is Tracer Tong from the very first Deus games Ex.

Chapter Six: Singapore

We wake up in a cryo-chamber, and after that we immediately contact Pritchard, who asks to turn off the signal jammer that prevents him from working. If you have a good lockpicking skill, then there will be a lock with a security level of “5” next to it, behind which there is a very decent arsenal of weapons. Then we go outside, not forgetting to eliminate a couple of mercenaries. We pick up a pocket computer from one, in which there will be a password.

Then we go up the stairs and listen to the conversation of a couple more opponents - in the conversation you can hear a hint where the signal jammer is located. After the conversation, the guards will disperse, so that they can be silently knocked out one by one. Also, do not forget to turn off the security system.

We climb the stairs, hack another security system, and after it we find a jammer. We cut it down - and restore the work of the transmitters.

That's not all. The main task is to save Megan's group. First you need to find three of her colleagues - Nia Colvin, Eric Koss and Declan Foherty. We examine the markers on the map, you can start from the nearest one. There will be a building, we rise into it, with a fight we break through the first hall, then up, another skirmish with the guards, after which it will be possible to find the access key to the laboratory where Nya is located.

Nya agrees to help us set up a little rumble at the base by launching a virus into her computer network - but only after the rest of the scientists are freed. From this place we go to the rise up - we need the third floor, where Dr. Koss is hiding.

Then we go to the hall and go the other way, which also leads up. We turn off the protection system and go to the elevator - it leads to Declan. Now you can do sabotage by introducing a virus into a computer network. We are looking for a ventilation shaft that leads outside, and then we go to the computer, not posing ourselves under the cameras, so as not to fall under fire. If it does not work out, then you need to prepare for a fight with two robots at once - so we advise you to stock up on electromagnetic grenades.

Thus, we break into a room with a computer into which we load the virus. We are hiding near the lockers - the soldiers will come running to the alarm signal, it is easier to attack them from here. You can ignore it altogether - the soldiers will run further, so there will be time to sneak away. We run to the elevator, sit down in it and leave.

At the exit, another boss will be waiting for us - the Serpent. This is invisible, which, however, is quite easy to notice - being invisible himself, the Serpent continues to cast its shadow. Detect its movement and throw grenades into this place - electromagnetic or gas. When the boss falls out of stealth mode, just shoot him.

After the victory, we go along the corridor and meet Megan. After the dialogue, we evacuate the scientists, and then fly to Panchea.

Chapter Seven: Panchaea

The case is moving towards a closure. Hugh Darrow began to transmit to the whole world a special signal that disables the implants, and our task is to prevent him. Although the events in the end can be turned in a variety of ways - it all depends on the decision of the protagonist.

To begin with, we run forward and go down the stairs. Then there will be water, to which a current is connected - it is possible to bypass such an obstacle only if the hero has a pumped resistance to electricity. If not, then carefully jump through the pipes and do not forget to neutralize the mine, which is laid in front of the ventilation shaft.

We go into the ventilation and move forward. It is still impossible to relax here - there will be a second mine ahead. At the exit from the mine, we read the pocket computer of a dead worker and find out that wires with electricity are connected to the water. We turn them off and move on without problems.

So we get to another rise, and then to the turret - you can just run past it at full speed. We jump into the window and see Hugh Darrow. We talk to him and in the end we get advice on where to go next. From now on, we advise you to speak very carefully with all the characters that you meet along the way. The point is that everyone will discover new version endings, so listen carefully to their thoughts to understand how support for a particular character ends up in the end.

Panchaea is filled with zombies, so you have to strain and fight. With fights we reach the elevator and go down. Then down the stairs even lower, another fight with zombies, after which you can jump out the window. On the way, we do not miss the local branch of Protez (there will be a corpse of a dark-skinned nurse next to it) and we buy pumping kits in it - the game becomes difficult in the end, so every additional skill counts.

Then we get a signal from William Taggart, who is in the server room. We go to help him, focusing on the passages, which are partially littered with construction debris. We jump over the generator, and then either break open the lock - or break the wall. William will offer us to support the Illuminati organization. We listen carefully to his proposal - this is the second version of the final game. After we go back and go down the stairs.

Another person who needs help is Sharif, our boss. When he gets in touch, look around - there will be an elevator nearby, and you need to sit in it to go down to the engine room. We deal with zombies, and then we talk with Sharif. This is the third ending.

We go back on the elevator, after which we quickly make our way through the ventilation filled with gas. We fight with another group of zombies, after which we move to the last boss in the game.

Note that Taggart and Sharif's calls for help can be ignored - but this will lead to the fact that their ending options will not be available.

The battle with the boss, albeit primitive, is quite difficult - first we shoot the drone, then Zhao opens up, which can be damaged. If there is a fifth level of hacking, then we hack the console.

At this point, it is better to make a save, and then not delete it in order to be able to see all the endings. There are four options in total, if we helped all the interested characters - Hugh Darrow's option, Sharif's option, Taggart's option and the main character's own choice. In the latter case, the complex will simply be flooded so that no one can find out the truth. Decide for yourself which option you like - the rest can be viewed if you have not forgotten to save.

Former operative Adam Jensen works as the chief of security for the world's most important biotech corporation. Everything was going just fine for him, until unknown people attacked the company's office. Most of the scientists died, while the main character himself was seriously injured.

In order for Jensen to stay alive, the management carried out his mechanical improvement. Now Adam is in a world where no one can be trusted. In this world, implants turn ordinary people into supermen. Humanity begins to develop in a different way. Some consider themselves gods.

Together with Adam, you will have to figure out what is really going on. It is important to remember that all decisions and actions can change the world around us forever. The fate of mankind depends on your final decisions.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut

Everything has been worked out for a long time, but the headquarters of Sharif Industries is full of life. In the morning, the staff leaves for Washington to address the UN commission. On it, Dr. Megan Reid present a new invention. She is nervous, as are her colleagues. Even David Sharif himself is all on pins and needles.

Security chief Adam Jensen is also on edge. However, he does not give any kind. He'd already checked security posts, personally discussed tomorrow with the cops. It remains only to go to the chief to report. Everything is ready for the event.

Long live the revolution!

Adam Jensen Doesn't Know He's Got a 'Surprise' Coming Soon

Meg goes with Adam to Sharif. When you approach the girl, Adam will start a scripted path to the boss. Along the way, Dr. Reed behaves strangely - he asks for forgiveness and wants to say "something important", but cuts himself off. Jensen thinks it's nerves. Megan goes to a friend's lab, Adam goes to Sharif's penthouse.

Passage of the game Deus Ex: Human Revolution- during the report, the alarm (fire) will sound. There's been an accident in the lab where Megan went! Adam must check what happened. The chief says the code for the private elevator is 0451.

Run to the elevator, enter the code, go down to the laboratory. Francis Pritchard (Head of Information Security) contacts you. He says one security camera is broken. The connection is interrupted: Adam takes out a machine gun:

When these two realize that they are not alone in the room, it will be too late.

You see such a picture - some mercenaries smash equipment, shoot at scientists. So shoot your enemies. On a straight road, get to the laboratory where Megan was going.

Important! If you aspire to have the achievement "Pacifist", then you can not even kill the scum that smashes the equipment. Go around them in an arc, hiding behind the equipment.

Jensen rushes forward and runs into the mercenary commander. This is a big man, all in prostheses. Adam will be remembered a little, then they will put a bullet in the body. The last thing Jensen sees is a prosthetic arm knocking Megan Reed to the floor:

Back in line

6 months have passed. The scientists of David Sharif did a tremendous job, bringing Adam back from the other world. But now the hero to go all out of biochemistry.

The head of security is undermined by the alarm. David Sharif says we need to get to the helipad quickly. But you can't get there quickly - retinal implants don't work well. We'll have to go to the hacker - Pritchard.

Choice: When Sharif says that people's lives are at stake, this is serious. If you do not want to fail half the mission, then do not linger at the headquarters. Run to Pritchard, then to the landing pad.

Passage of the game Deus Ex: Human Revolution continues. Frank's office is located on the 2nd floor, to the right of the stairs. The hacker will make implants. Then go to the helipad. Pilot Farid Malik is waiting for you.

Sharif under siege

The helicopter flies to the factory. Along the way, David Sharif will talk about the situation. A plant that produces implants has been attacked by the For Purity movement. It is led by Zeke Sanders. The fighters have already cordoned off the building, and they want to destroy everyone. However, in one workshop there is a top-secret implant - the Typhoon system. You can't let the cops near him. Your task is to get inside, steal the secret development, settle accounts with Zeke. It would be nice to save the hostages, but it is not necessary.

You are dropped off on the roof of a neighboring building. Go into the back room, talk to the special forces soldiers. They won't tell you anything of value. Exit the utility room to the other side of the roof, go down. This will get you into enemy territory.

There will be a sentry around the corner. He is standing with his back to you. Give him a kick. Then go to the courtyard, study the situation. If you have firearms, then you can go noisily and with firing - through the yard. Deal with three sleepy guards easily.

The bloodless path is much longer. Drag two boxes to the containers near the wall and climb up. Find the fire escape that leads to the roof. Get there to the electric cables, look to the right. Through a small hole that is covered with a box, climb to the switchboard, turn off the electricity. Run to the far edge of the roof, climb into the air duct. He will lead you to the back room of the warehouse.

The passage of the game Deus Ex: Human Revolution continues. There are 5 terrorists in the warehouse. It is better to go from the left side of the room. Hide behind drawers and shelves. Further - either immediately to the ramp, and through the door to the corridor, or through the foyer, where two guards are repairing the turret.

Three guards are talking at the locker room. Then they will disperse. Only one will remain. Hit him, go to the gateway to the internal laboratories. Pick the lock, go through the "decontamination" and find yourself on the balcony. The hall is guarded by 4 people. Another searches the back room. Start with it. Exit to the stairs on the left side, jump over the railing. Go to the back room, deal with the terrorist. Then show yourself in the opening for a moment so that the patrolman sees the movement and goes to check. Knock him out. Others just cut down one at a time.

Hostages are being held on the laboratory loggia. Her doors are open. But upon entering, a gas bomb is activated. It's best not to enter through the doors. Climb through the ventilation under the stairs in the corner. Shoot the bomb flasks or hack the control panel. It is also fashionable to dial 1505 on the emergency shutdown panel. But first, remove it from the guard.

Consequences: If Adam did not show good performance and spent a lot of time walking around inside the building, then do not do the above. The bomb will explode before you arrive.

Passage of the game Deus Ex Human Revolution continues. If you managed successfully with the bomb, then forgive the hostages to be as quiet as possible. Greg Thorpe will say that Zach took his wife to the director's office.

Go to the assembly shop, where the Typhoon is lying around. There will be a security camera in the next corridor. Under it walks the guard. Walk past quietly. Break the lock on the door. So you get to the assembly shop. There are four guards. You need an elevator at the far end.

You enter the server room. Users of the Turret Hacking implant will quickly run through the corridor to the terminal. Then it will be hacked and the turret will be disabled. Others should calmly climb into the ventilation on the right side of the corridor.

So, you are in the laboratory where the Typhoon lies. There is already some hacker in there. He has implants, which is not typical for purists. When you get close, the hacker will shoot himself! Sharif will say that the corpse should be left for the cops, but you are picking up the Typhoon. Go look for Sanders. Go to the elevator, then through the passage, then to the stairs. You will come across talking guards.

You don't have to go down to the first floor. When passing the game Deus Ex: Human Revolution, go to the conference room, then go down the stairs to the toilet. Because of the drawer near the door to the toilet, a great view of the office. Use it. Upstairs is the director's office. In it sat Sanders, who put a gun to Josie Thorpe's temple. He says he didn't have any hackers with him.

The worst thing is to let Zeke and the hostage go. Then he will run away, and the woman will be killed. Better tell Zach you don't talk to terrorists. Then he will pause before shooting Josie. During this time, stun him with a paralyzer, or kill him with a shot in the head. But the peaceful way is to convince him that he left the hostage and dumped from here. The boss will be unhappy, but Zeke admits that he owes Jensen a favor.

So, get on a helicopter that will take you to Sharif Industries.

Getting Started Deus Ex Human Revolution, it will not be superfluous to first master its mechanics: for this there is a special section "Training". This is where it is recommended for beginners to look. Such a waste of time at the initial stage will bring its bonuses and dividends in the future when completing quests.
After watching the introductory video, talk to Megan and then go straight to the boss. On the way, do not forget to carefully examine the laboratory, as well as meet new characters. Your conversation with the boss will be interrupted by an alarm that has arisen due to technical failures. On the service elevator (look on the left) go to the scene. To do this, enter the code 0451 and then, entering the elevator, press the button directly on the panel of this very elevator. A weapon should appear in your hands, however, right now you won’t be able to use it - everything is calm around. Move along the corridors, duck down and go under the glass partition. Next, you will see the scene of the execution of the laboratory staff, but you will pass by and turn into the room to the left. Look around, find the boxes against the wall and remove them. Open the hatch grate and move straight into it (for this you have to jump). Now you are on the other side, exactly where the employees were destroyed. Move along the corridor - there is a door at the end. Go through this door (don't forget to close it later!). Now you will see that two opponents are going down the stairs. Your task is to pass without being noticed. There are several ways to do this, you just need to catch the right moment. Sit down and in this position move through the shelters. At some point, they will start looking for something in the tables together. When the one closer to the stairs starts to leave, and the second one moves to where the first one was standing, you can quickly rush to the stairs and be sure that you have not been noticed. Then go upstairs and move along the corridor. Watch your opponents through the glass. When they start moving, you will have the opportunity to get into the room - to do this, press against the wall and open the door. It is easier to get to the door located on the other side of the room by going to the right. At the end, use the central box - this way you will go unnoticed. And here is the last room - there are four enemies. Here everything is already simple: go down the stairs and use the shelters under it. Watch the video. You were killed, then, so to speak, resurrected with implants. Six months later, you're back in business.

Detroit. M1 - Back in the saddle

Go to the second floor - there is a tech lab where you will meet with Pritchard in order to repair the retinal display. Select "Ignore" in the communication thread. Then your path lies on the helipad to the boss Sharif. Talk to Farida (choose an answer on the left). During the flight, you will have to communicate with Sharif and choose the answer - a non-lethal melee weapon.

M1 - Sharif Factory Cleanup

Here you have arrived. Now enter the building. At the end of the corridor you will come across a policeman on your way. Chat with him and get out. To your left is a staircase that leads down. Sneak up to the first enemy unnoticed, stun him. You can search it if you like. Just don't forget to make sure to hide the body after neutralization. Get ready - there will be three more ahead now. Stun the terrorist who is standing with his back to you - do it at that moment, the enemy will start moving away, who is patrolling right next to the marked door. Hide the body and move on to the next target. Deal with the remaining opponents in the same way. Enter the building and go straight until you see a door. Come into the room: there is a computer and there is a ladder that leads up. Once at the top, jump onto the boxes. On the right you will see an enemy who is looking for something - neutralize him first, and then another patrolling nearby. There is another one nearby - deal with him too, when the patrol will have his back to you. Go to the other side, guarding the patrol, stun him and then deal with the opponents digging in the boxes. Now you have three paths - two doors and a staircase in the corner that leads directly to the ventilation shaft. Choose a ladder. Jump to the mine: to do this, place a box under you (it's lying around here, look), sit down and at the same time press forward + jump. Go through the tunnel and soon you will find yourself in the locker room. Do not be too lazy to rummage through the lockers - they may contain items that are useful to you. The next door is closed, it can only be opened with a password, so feel free to break open and step further into the hall where four opponents are talking. While the conversation is going on, carefully go down the stairs. As soon as the enemies disperse, neutralize the one closest to you. Hide the body and stun another one near the table. Now it remains to deal with the two who are busy with circular patrols. Deal first with the extreme, and then with the second, which is in the center. Ahead of you is a corridor with a surveillance camera. Passing the camera without problems is very simple: you just need to pass under it and at the same time not get into its rays. Hack another door with a combination lock and move on. Ignore the conversation of the enemies, turn left and you will see boxes under the stairs - they mask the ventilation shaft. Go straight into this mine - you will exit into another room. Stun the patrolman and quietly get to the elevator. Climb up and immediately choose praxis at the exit. With it, you can improve your implants, because you have chosen the stealth mode. Upgrade the relevant branches. Around the corner to the right in the wall you will see a ventilation shaft. She, bypassing all surveillance cameras, will lead you straight to the right door.

M2 - Neutralization of the leader of the terrorists

Watch the cutscene and get to the elevator. Climb up the stairs and neutralize the two patrolmen. The last room has a ventilation shaft - it will take you to the first floor. From there you can easily reach the next staircase. Get up. Open the door and watch another cutscene. Now you have a choice - try to free the charming Josie. To do this, always select the "Sympathize" branch.

M3 - Evacuation

Go to the helipad, where Malik is already waiting for you.

M4 - The end of the case

After talking with Malik, head to Pritchard: it is necessary that he study the Typhoon. Then go to the boss Sharif - you will receive a new task and give a detailed report on what happened in the factory.

M5 - Suicide bombing investigation

Agree to a new task and go to the police station. Go inside and talk to Wen Haas (he's in the window). Choose the “Forgive” branch all the time. You will gain access to the morgue. Examine the body, find and remove the neural node. Go home and connect the find to the computer.

M6 - Visit to the PROTEZ clinic

When you arrive at the clinic, you will find out that no additional injections are needed. Here you can buy items to increase your energy and a very important resource Praxis.

M7 - Disable transmission

Go to the slums. There you need to break the antenna that transmits the signals. You can get into these slums different ways. The easiest way is through the door. But there is a barrier - large boxes that you can only move if you have the appropriate implant. The second way is through the roof. You will get to the roof by climbing the fire escape, which is located in the alley. Then climb up the ledge to the opposite side. Run down the stairs and enter the building. Now follow the patrol. A little further you will notice two more - they will stand and talk. Deal with them all and move on. Keep to the right side, don't forget to crouch. Follow the containers on the left side. Eavesdrop on enemy conversations. Enter the next building, eliminate the patrolman. Now you see - two opponents are sitting on the couch in front of the TV. Wait for the end of their conversation, then carefully go to the stairs on the right. Climb up and see the mines on the walls. Pick up a barrel and throw it straight along the mines. So you can destroy everyone at once with one throw. Naturally, the enemies will become worried, so lay low and wait it out, and then move on. Get rid of the enemies and start hacking the system. Disable the antenna and wait for Farida near the helipad.

M9 - Transfer

Upon arrival in the area, enter the building straight through the door, walk a little and watch the next cutscene.

M10 - Finding evidence in Highland Park

Open the door and go outside. Now go around, sticking to the left side, while hiding behind the containers. In principle, here it is really possible to do without stunning opponents. To do this, go on the left side, move the containers and make your way to the door. Get into the building, look around - there is a ventilation shaft on the right. Keep going to the elevator. Neutralize the patrolman, just have time to do it at the moment when the guard from above does not notice it. Hide the body and go to the elevator, bypassing the security camera. Take the elevator down, turn right and jump into the hole. Move the box aside and now crawl forward along the ventilation shaft. You will end up in another hole. Here wait for the enemy and eliminate him. Get out of the hole (do not get caught by the robot patrolling the territory) and go through the door. You will see two talking soldiers. Neutralize one of them when he, having finished the conversation, goes in your direction. After climb up the stairs. When you get to the room. Which has two doors on both sides, take the left path. Eliminate the patrol on the central bridge. Look around - there is a room on the left. There is a ventilation shaft near the computer. Through this shaft you will enter another room. From here, go to the stairs, it will lead you to the first floor. In case of urgent need, neutralize the patrolmen. Take the elevator down - there you will meet the first boss. You will need a powerful weapon to kill him. Run from column to column, trying to lure the enemy to explosive objects. At the same time, manage to dodge enemy grenades and throw your own - the boss Barret has a vulnerability and will not resist grenades for a long time. By the way, useful items are lying around, among which there are weapons - they need to be collected somehow. After you win, return to Malik.

M11 - Silent Conspiracy

First go to Pritchard - he will tell you something very important. After receiving the information, go to the boss Sharif. In his waiting room you will meet Bill Taggart. Start a dialogue, select the "Ask" and "Keep Calm" branches. When you talk to the boss, use the "Excuse" branch. After that, talk to the boss again, get a new task and go to Malik - you will have to fly to China.

M1 - Hunt for a hacker

A new city appears in front of you and, consequently, a new part of the plot. Keep in mind: any side missions you didn't complete in Detroit will now automatically expire. And it is no longer possible to return back to their implementation. Get to the penthouse (you won't be able to enter it), go past it further - in the corner you will see a ventilation shaft, you - there. Go through the mine, turn right and walk all the way. On the right on the wall you will see another ventilation - go along it, at the end open the door that leads outside. Keep your head down here until the troopers talk. After get to the elevator, go down and you will see vending machines with drinks. One of these machines closes the ventilation shaft, through which you can get to the desired computer. If enemies appear nearby, neutralize them. After hacking, be sure to contact Malik, then return the same way. Next, your goal is the Uley nightclub. You can enter it through the main entrance. But this pleasure costs 1000 credits. Another way is the ventilation shaft in the alley on the left, it will lead you inside the club. At the club, you will talk to the bartender and learn about Tonga. After that, talk to the manager on the second floor (choose the Focus branch). Now you can go back to Tonga and ask him where Van Bruggen is. On the way you will meet Malik, and it will seem very strange, ask her for information about the secrets. The quest that Malik will most likely give you is completely optional, so feel free to move on.

M2 - Gaining access to Tai-Yun-Medical

Chat with Bryggen in one of the residential areas and go to the brothel, while making an attempt to steal the employee card. This is quite simple to do: get into the next room, then through the balcony you will get into the treasured room. Return to Van Brugger - he will remake all the data for you. Watch the video. After that, give Van Brugger the weapon and start escaping the area. Run to the stairs, go down one floor, turn right, enter the very first room: there will be two opponents. Eliminate them and find the ventilation shaft - the way out. The next room will have a security camera and one patrol. Don't disturb them, just seize the moment and just run past. By the way, this is not difficult to do, because the amera does not move. In the very last toilet you will see a ventilation shaft. Get out through it to the other side and you will see a tunnel and two opponents. Jump past and you'll get into the shower room. Here, electricity will block your path on the one hand, and mines on the other. Grab crates and throw them along the mines. While the explosions will come running opponents. You make it to the laundry room. Here you will see two opponents - deal with them at the moment when they pass near you. After saving, lean out from behind the corner and you will see two fighters - a regular one and a heavily armed one. You won't get through them, so proceed with the liquidation. One will look at you, and the other at this time will turn to the side. Neutralize the first and wait for the second to turn around, then very quickly run obliquely to the nightstand. Wait a moment to turn left. At the same time, hide behind the cabinet on the right. Wait for a heavily armed enemy, stun him and finish him off. Then leave this building and go to the train - it will take you to the "Tai Yun Medical".

Tai Yun Medical
M1 - Search for evidence

Climb up the stairs and break open the door. Here you will see a gasping, half-dead employee who ended up in a closed room. Save him - to do this, break open the door. located nearby, and unscrew the valve. Then get into the room with the employee, scatter the boxes and crawl up to him. Chat with him and move on. In the server room you will be stopped by a guard, in the dialogue with which you need to select "Mention Lee" - then he will let you through. Hack the console in the center and go to the room on the left. Go up the stairs and step into the room on the first bridge. Don't forget to pick up the pocket secretary - it contains the code to open the pump room. Go back to the server room and go down one level. Carefully sneak past the two cameras, turn right. Behind the container there is a ventilation shaft - it will lead you to the right door. Use the elevator, and when you get out of it, find the utility room door on the right and break it open. Turn off the electricity and go to the next room. According to the structure on the right, climb up. Go up the stairs and you will see another elevator. Following Pritchard's advice, hide your weapons and head to the lab. But you are not allowed there - look for another way. For example, there is a ventilation shaft in the room on the right. Break open the doors of the room - and you will get to this mine. Go down the mine, then turn right. Eliminate opponents - they will be across the room, go out and turn right again. The second floor is a safe zone, there should not be any difficulties. But the strict guard will certainly not let you pass, so turn right, go down the stairs a little lower and hack the console (make sure no one sees you doing this!). Make the lasers inactive. Seize the moment when a strict guard begins to move away, catch up and neutralize him. Further ahead there will be two more, and one of them has a secret code for the door. Which you will need to open. By the way, this very door is quite possible to crack. Now you will find yourself in a room with lasers - first move to the left and then to the right. Go past the crates and get into the elevator, just make sure you don't get caught by the camera.

M2 - Entrance to the dragon's lair

Watch the next video, then go to the door, which you will find to the left of the elevator. Now carefully - ahead is a corridor patrolled by a heavily armed soldier. Go around it to the right, and you will see another, frozen in one place. Here, eliminate it. Hide the body and go ahead. Move along the corridor straight to the right room. There's a security camera here, so be careful. Get into the computer and find out the code for the door. By the way, it is best to turn off the camera at this time. Then use the elevator to get to Zhao. Watch another video. After the guards appear, try to hide. Go down the right stairs. You will see a ventilation shaft in the corner that leads to the first floor. Keep in mind that getting out of it unnoticed will be more difficult, so first just open the shaft door to lure the guards. And after they calm down, you can get out and gradually reach the exit. Take the elevator down to the hangar, where you must eliminate two robots. There are two ways to neutralize them: either by using EMP grenades, or by hacking into computers that are nearby. After finishing with the robots, open the gate (button on the tower) and load into the rescue helicopter.

M1 - Meeting with Eliza Kassan

Drop off at the helipad, enter the building and head to room 404. The doors will be locked, so you'll have to take a detour. Chat with Elisa and realize that you have fallen into a trap. Exit the room and turn right. Already in the next room is a ventilation shaft. Walk right along it and eavesdrop on the conversation of the enemies. Get out of the mine and turn left. Moving between tables, go down to the stairs. Turn left again and walk down the corridor. There is a camera here, so quickly hide behind the sofas before the enemies notice you. And from there you will go to the elevator. Move along the corridor. Two people will walk towards you. Enter the room on the left, from there - to the second floor, here eliminate all the patrolmen (one at a time). Climb down from the back side and make your way to the right door. On the way, a heavily armed soldier will come across - it is desirable to neutralize him. Then go down the stairs and move to the funicular. Here, too, immediately eliminate two - they will be turned back to you. You are unlikely to be able to approach the funicular directly, so move the vending machine and through the ventilation shaft hidden behind it, you will enter the room with the funicular. Climb the stairs, lure the enemies and eliminate them. Then get to the special button that calls the funicular. But don't click on it. Place containers next to the door - in order to hide. The funicular will arrive only after some time, and opponents will most likely roam around you. Your task is to wait for the funicular by all means and go down on it. After leaving the funicular, turn right and carefully sneak under the security camera. Hide behind the sofas and wait for the guards to appear. After the guards talk, one of them will go somewhere. So you follow him. So you can quickly and safely bypass the lasers that are turned off by the guard. At the end, stun the enemy and hide him. Turn right and, noticing another guard, open the first door. After, when the guard moves away a little, go out the other door. Stun him and also hide the body. Then follow the long corridor, at the very end - the camera. In front of her, go into the room - look at the access code here on the computer. And around the corner there will be another room - an ammunition depot.
Open the next door, wait for the enemy to move away, and turn right. Go forward, go down the stairs and hide behind the pillar. Take a moment and quietly sneak to the door. Then go down the stairs again, there you will see a heavily armed soldier. Pass by when he turns away. On the left you will see the door to the room, go through it - and you will find yourself on the other side. Turn right, there you will see a room with patrolmen. Here, try to move carefully - roll from one obstacle to the next, while not forgetting to follow the camera. Further in the corridor there will be another chamber - go under it, then move along the ventilation shaft. Look into the room on the left, pick up a machine gun with ammunition and go to fight with the second boss - the leader of the mercenaries.
By the way, this leader is probably the most worthy and strong opponent in this game. She has a very powerful weapon, in addition, she can become invisible.

How to overcome her? If you have the “EMP Protection” implant installed, you can quite easily run around the largest circle while she attacks you, and try with might and main to cause an explosion of her mines using special devices located on the wall. This will cause the spread of electricity, because. the floor below is covered with water. Seize the moment and take advantage of the slowdown of the leader - very quickly attack with everything you can. There is another option. Run around the second (smaller) circle and at the same time try to attack as accurately as possible, while dodging her attacks. You can get additional ammo from the lockers on the walls of the big circle. When the leader becomes invisible (which means that she is on cooldown), be prepared that she can attack so suddenly that your assistant Elise does not have time to warn you about it. You can see the location of the invisible with the ability to see through walls. In the end, after defeating this boss, be sure to inspect her body and hall in search of useful items, then leave the building and move to the rescue helicopter.

M1 - Conversation with Sharif

Go to your apartment where you will have a conversation with Sharif.

M2 - Find IsaiahSendovala

Get a VIP pass and then head to the convention center. Brazenly enter there and start a dialogue with Taggart - select the "Conflict" branch. Persuade him to tell you where Sandoval is now, and move backstage. Chat with Taggart one more time, head to Grand River Road. You can get into the apartment by using the fire escape. You will notice two people on the landing, just wait until they leave, and then enter the desired apartment. The second room will contain Zeke Sanders. Open the door and deal with him immediately. Scatter the boxes and go to the bathroom, where you also need to scatter the boxes and activate the shield on the wall. You will see that a secret bunker has opened, in which Sandoval is most likely hiding. Go down the stairs a little and jump on the barrels, go through the structure and turn left. Jump down. Walk forward and go down the stairs again. After the descent, go forward a little and hide behind the box on the left. Wait for the patrolman to leave, and make your way into the passage - you will see him in the wall on the left. The next guard will need to be neutralized - do this when he is between the lasers. Hide the corpse and walk very slowly near a single mine. Now you will meet Sandoll. In a conversation with him, select the "Cruel Mercy" branch. Get out, get to the roof of your house - and there Malik is already waiting for you.

M1 - Old debts

Pritchard is not in the office, and he asked to come to Sharif. Watch the cutscene and return to the airstrip. You need to head back to Hengshu to find Vasily Shevchenko's transmitter. And even better - and himself.

M2 - Find Vasily's transmitterShevchenko

After you've crashed - the helicopter was shot down - take advantage of Malik's distraction and move the hiccup transmitter. Turn right, jump down and sneak through the building before the opponents see you. You will have time to reach the elevator before the helicopter explodes. Finding yourself in Lower Hengsh, start searching. On the way, you will receive a recommendation from Pritchard - he will say that you need to visit the PROTEZ clinic - get a new biochip there. But there is an enemy near this clinic, it must be eliminated in order to go further. Take the subway and get to the area called Yuzhao. Go out into the alley, you will see a sewer hatch there - go down into it. Walk on the right side - it's safer that way. First deal with the patrolman, then with the enemy sitting on the chair. Throw the bodies into the water. Now move on - behind the boxes. In order not to be noticed by two more opponents sitting on the couch, move in riffles, sneak behind the couch, and then behind the rusty cars. So get to the door. Remove the drawers and enter the door you need.

M3 - hide and seek

Talk to Tong and go to Belltower Port. After leaving the surface, go beyond the main gate, remove the crate and enter the territory. Walk a little forward, wait quietly, skipping the robot, go down the stairs. Here, wait for the patrolman and eliminate him. Don't forget to hide the body. Now go up the stairs and move forward, hiding behind the trucks - you can't be seen by the sniper who is upstairs. Soon you'll see a security camera and a patrolman. Neutralize this patrolman - by the way, he has a pocket secretary, which contains the code for the door next to the cell. Go to the right room and also neutralize the sleeping guard. Next, break open the locker door and get the bundle from there. Go back to the door near the cell. Open it with the received code. Come to the warehouse. Turn right and walk all the way. Wait for the guards to stop talking and move on. You will be on the other side. Now go up to the second floor, then along the metal stairs to the very top - you will see a passage in the ceiling. Through this passage, jump inside the room, install the explosives and watch another cutscene.

M1 - Rescue Megan and her group

Get out of the capsule in which you spent several days, exit the building through the door, which is located near the red gate. Turn right and hide behind the barrels. Listen to the conversation of the patrolmen. One of the patrolmen will approach you. Eliminate him and hide the body. You will see a passage ahead. Move the container out of the way and enter the building through the window. Neutralize all opponents here. Hack the central computer (it is located in the last room), thus completing an additional task. Now it's much easier for you to navigate. Exit through the double doors and turn right. Go around the terrace, wait for the patrolman and eliminate him. Hide the body and enter the building on the right. After passing the sterilization procedure, you will find yourself in the central hall. Look - to the right of the camera is a ventilation shaft, quietly follow the enemy and make your way there. Exit the shaft on the other side and go up the stairs. Then turn right and walk along the long corridor, while taking out the guards one by one. Soon you will find yourself at the door of the room in which one of the employees is being held hostage. Hack this door before the camera sees it. Chat with Nia Colvin and go save the rest of the group. Get to the scientist who is on the third floor in another laboratory. Climb the stairs in the central hall, turn left, make sure that the patrolman does not notice you. Enter the right door and walk down the corridor. Get through the lasers with the help of a guard scurrying back and forth. Talk to Ertkos Koss and leave the lab, take the elevator down - it's in the next room. Now turn right, at the next turn right again. Guards will appear here, seizing the moment, quietly make your way past and climb the stairs to the right. Next, go through the central door, turn left and hack the terminal - this way you will turn off the lasers. Going down the elevator you will get to Declan Faherty, the next scientist. Chat with him and return to the elevator. Now you need to save the main person - Megan herself. Faherty gave you a virus, this virus needs to be downloaded to a central computer that is located outside of this complex. This virus will deprive Belltower of the ability to follow scientists. Leave the building the same way you entered it. Be careful - on the right there will be an enemy with a turret and a guard scurrying back and forth. Get close to the wall and throw a smoke grenade or EMP at everyone at once when they get together. Move on. A robot and two cameras are waiting for you ahead. Getting around them will be easy. Upload the virus in the room with central computer into a special disc reader (next to the computer). Chat with Pritchard, then wait for the patrol to hide and go to the elevator through the gate (they are open). Watch the video and start the battle with the next boss - John Ramira. After watching the cutscene, immediately throw a grenade at him and hit him with the most powerful weapon you have. Your implants don't work, so you won't be able to use Typhoon, etc. But on each side of the glass there are places where you can snuggle up and successfully fend off the enemy. If he wants to smoke us out and throws grenades, run very quickly to cover on the other side. Know this John is especially vulnerable the moment he jumps through the glass. Take advantage of this and attack him, finally destroying him completely. So you finally got to Megan. Watch one more video and step into the hangar - you need to open the roof and prepare for evacuation. Watch through the glass for the rescue of employees and quickly run to Leo's shuttle. Enemies that come across along the way are simply stunned with blows.

M1 - Termination of transmission

Get instructions from Pritchard and head to the tower, while being guided by a special beacon on the screen. Jump down and walk a little - you will stumble upon electrified water. Now jump onto the pipe on the right side and move along it. Remove the container and now jump onto the pipe on the left. Further passing the corner, shoot at the boxes and climb into the ventilation shaft. You can see the mine inside - it just gets destroyed with one shot. Once in the room, turn off the electricity and exit through the door. Then turn right and follow the corridor. Turn right again and go up the stairs. Believe it or not, the most difficult part is over, now it remains only to get to the elevator. Walk along the corridors directly to the center of the tower. In your conversation with Hugh Darrow, select the "Criticize" branch. Thus, you will receive access codes, now you can return back to the elevator. Here you will have to break through a whole crowd of distraught employees. Remember: they move fast and deal quite serious damage even one at a time, and keep in mind that they cannot jump over even the simplest obstacles. On the way to the final battle, you can talk to Sharif barricaded in the engine room and Taggart in the server room. Their location is not shown on the mini-map, so you have to look (the graffiti on the walls with directions will help a little).
Having made our way through the crowds of distraught people, we descend on a freight elevator to the very bottom. The last boss will be Zhao Yunru, who will be relatively easy to deal with. First you will need to kill three clones, after activating the buttons next to them. From above, machine guns will move in a circle (we carefully shoot them). After killing the clones and shooting the run-in zombies, we take on Zhao Yunzhu herself (I managed to kill her with a plasma rifle). Having finished with the boss, we pass along the corridor, into a small room where you have to make the final choice.