Diplomatic needs of dragon age. Walkthrough. Walkthrough "Collection of Lands"

After you have gathered all possible allies, Earl Eamon will decide that it is time to convene the Assembly of the Lands, and you will go with him to Denerim. In Denerim you will be greeted by Loghain and Ser Couthren, his assistant. After talking with them, go to Eamon's office.

Note: Although the Earl's Palace is theoretically considered your base in Denerim, there will be no more conversations with allies there than in any other location. For frank conversations and love talks, you still need to go to the camp.

Go to Earl Eamon's office. There you will meet Erlina, Queen Anora's maid. According to Erlina, Anora is a prisoner in Earl Denerim's palace and fears that Howe is going to kill her and put the blame on Earl Eamon. No matter how you react to Erlina's statement, as a result, you will still be assigned the honorable mission of rescuing Anora from captivity.

Go to the location "Earl Denerim's Palace" that appeared on your map. It's better not to take Sheila with you, since according to the plan you have to impersonate Howe's soldiers, and it will be difficult to mistake her for a guard. Erlina will be waiting for you near the entrance. At the door to the palace, there is a rally of workers to whom Hou owes money, so you will not be able to get inside through it. Go around the building, fighting off not very numerous guards along the way (they appear from behind, so be careful). When you get close to the back door, Erleena will distract the guards to give you a chance to slip inside.
There are two ways to go through the palace - just kill everyone and everything there, or put on the Hou soldier uniform stored up by Erlina and go through without a fight. It does not appear in your backpack, but is put on during a conversation with Erlina. If you want to take it off, talk to her again.

You can actually go through the first floor without any incidents with one exception - in one of the rooms, behind the room with the queen, there is a meeting between a soldier and a maid - if they notice you, they will raise the alarm. However, they don't automatically notice you when you enter a room, but only if you walk a few steps inside, so this can be completely avoided - just close the door and move on.

When you reach the door to the queen's room, you will find out that it has a magical protection that cannot be removed by the ones available to you in this moment in ways other than "persuading" the magician who cast it to do so. The magician is in the company of Howe, who is currently in the dungeon of the palace. Go there. Before entering the dungeon, you will find a chest with the Papers of the Gray Wardens, and a little further - Riordan, the Gray Warden, whom Howe keeps (or rather, kept) behind bars. Riordan will free himself when the guard is distracted by your arrival and confirms that Howe recently proceeded to the dungeon. If you ask Riordan about the documents he found, he will tell you about the Gray Wardens' secret warehouse in Denerim, but you don't have to do it right now - you can ask him later. After your release, you can find Riordan in the office next to Eamon in the earl's palace.

Go to the basement. Here your disguise will not help you - the very first group of guards will lead you to clean water and from now on you will have to fight your way through the guards.

In Howe's dungeon, in addition to Howe himself, you can meet several people who can affect the outcome of the Gathering of Lands: the templar Irminric, Vaughn - the son of the former Earl Denerim (he will not be in the dungeon if you play as a City Elf and killed him in the prologue) and Oswin, son of Bann Sigurd. If you help them free, it will earn you additional votes in the Gathering. Won can also be shaken for a bribe of 40 gold - this will not affect his vote at the Meeting. (If you release Vaughn, Zevran will not approve.)

In addition to them, you can find Soris in the dungeon. It won't be there unless you're playing as a City Elf and you took all the blame in the Prologue when talking to the guards. If you release him, you will get Zevran's approval, but, in principle, his release does not significantly affect anything.

Howe himself, accompanied by a guard that includes two mages, will make a short speech when he sees your delegation - a little more personal if you're playing a Noble - and then attack you. It is impossible to end this meeting peacefully. After you deal with Howe and his guards and free everyone you decided to free, go back to the first floor to the queen's room.

Anora and Erlina will join you, but Ser Couthren will be waiting for you at the entrance with numerous guards. You can surrender to her without a fight, you can attack right away, or you can try to persuade her to let you through, motivating your behavior by the fact that you saved Anora. The last attempt is always doomed to failure, so if you wish to avoid a fight, your only option is to give up immediately.

Ser Coutren is considered one of the strongest opponents in the game, but if you immediately retreat into the corridor and one of the side rooms, then you will usually be followed only by her and perhaps one or two guards, which will make your task much easier. If during the battle (regardless of whether you have already won Coutren or not) your group loses consciousness in full strength, then in this case you will be considered not dead, but captured, and the scenario will develop in exactly the same way as if you would have surrendered voluntarily.
If Alistair is in your group, he will be captured along with you. The rest will be released, as Couthren is only interested in the Gray Wardens.

Note: If Sten or Oghren is in your group, they will not approve of your decision to surrender.

Whether you give up or not will not affect the overall plot line. Ser Couthren has a good two-handed sword with him, but a little later you will have another opportunity to get it. And the conversations in Fort Dragon are very funny and worth listening to.

If you are captured, then your next task is to free yourself. This can be done in two ways - escape from the Dragon Fort yourself or wait until your associates rescue you.
Keep in mind that only associates with a high disposition towards you will be interested enough in your fate to go to your aid.

If you decide to run yourself, then the first thing you need to do is get out of the cell. There are many ways to do this - you can seduce a guard, you can pretend to be sick, you can open the lock yourself if you have the appropriate skill, you can even knock him out through the bars if you have good Strength, etc. After that, you can leave the fort in the usual way - that is, demolish everything that moves in your path, or ... retire quietly and unnoticed - after all, the soldiers, after all, are not to blame for anything. All your belongings are in a chest near your cell. You need to get past a couple of guards and a mabari a little further, but after that it is possible to exit the fort without spilling anyone's blood. To do this, you need to go to the armory and put on the uniform of the guards. Like Howe's soldier uniform, it does not appear in your backpack, but is dressed by "talking" - this time with an armor stand. If you decide to take them off, then go back and "talk" to her again.

As soon as you put on the uniform, all opponents in the fort will no longer be hostile. Now you need to get past the guards at the door, who will only let you in if you know the password. A piece of paper with a password can simply be stolen from the pocket of one of the guards talking in the warehouse, but if your GG is not a master of climbing pockets, then there is another way. He will help you if you have developed Persuasion.
After you put on the uniform, go to the colonel's office, who will take you for recruits and tell you to look for two more guards. He means the same couple in the warehouse, one of which you can steal the password from. The guards will explain that you need the standard swords, which they can't get due to a little spat with the quartermaster. Go to the officer's armory. You can bribe the quartermaster or persuade him to give you the right weapon. Alternatively, you can visit him before talking to the guards and convince him that you came to replace him - then he will leave and later you can take the swords without any interference.
After receiving the swords, go to the colonel for an inspection. If he asks what a soldier needs, answer "Discipline" or "Honor". After that, you can leave the fort without interference, since the guards accompanying you know the correct password.

If you decide to wait until they come to your aid, then in a conversation with Alistair you will have to choose who exactly will do this (the list will consist only of associates who have high approval).

Your saviors can follow the same two paths as you - kill everyone and everything in their path, or try to pass quietly and without unnecessary bloodshed. With the first method, everything is clear, as for the second, in order not to arouse suspicion, they will have two conversations in which they must convince the interlocutor that they are who they say they are - a conversation with the guards immediately at the entrance to the fort, a conversation with the captain guards immediately after. The third conversation with Guardian Tanna, who guards the door to the actual dungeon, is to force her to leave the post so that your saviors can slip inside without any problems.

Each time in a conversation, you will have a choice of which of the two will lead it. Each ally can persuade at least one of the three interlocutors. Leliana and Zevran are able to bluff successfully in all three situations. Wynn can go through all three conversations, except if she has a dog with her. Alistair is able to successfully complete the first two, but not Tanna. The dog is able to lead the guards and the captain, but he does not have the option to "talk" to Tanna. Sten will not be able to get through the first two conversations, but he can force Tanna to resign. An exception is the case if his partner is a dog, in which case Sten will be able to pass the first post with the guards. Morrigan is able to force Tanna to leave, but will not be able to bluff the first two cases if her partner is Wynn, Leliana, or a dog. Oghren can pass the first conversation if his partner is Zevran, Sten or a dog.

If you cannot persuade Tanna to leave her post, then there is another way - a provocation by shooting one of the ballistas located inside the large hall. Fire the ballista and Tanna will run to find out what's wrong, and you can safely go inside. In the dungeon, you will have to fight with several guards and mabari, since your presence in this part of the fort is not justified by anything, but, fortunately, the guards there are not too numerous. After your saviors free you (and Alistair, if he is with you), you can leave the fort - for some reason the corridors and halls will be empty, so you won't have to fight. (Although, if you so desire, you can, of course, clear the fort of soldiers completely).

In any case, after being rescued from Dragon Fort or after the battle with Ser Couthren, go to Earl Eamon's palace and talk to Anora. This will complete the "Rescue the Queen" quest and give you the next one - "Unrest in the Elvenage".

Actually, what exactly is happening in Elfinage - Anora does not know, but she is sure that it is somehow connected with Loghain. Go there. If you freed Soris from Hou's dungeon, then he is in the house of Sirion (your father, if GG is a city elf). Soris will advise you to talk to Shianni.

Xianni rallies near the hospital. She will be a little more friendly towards you if you freed Soris from the dungeon, but this, in principle, will not affect anything. If you're a City Elf and you didn't accept Vaughn's offer in the prologue, she'll be more than happy to see you.

After talking with Shianni, you need to find out what is happening with the elves that the Tevinter mages are taking away under the pretext of quarantine. If your GG is an elf (it doesn't matter if it's city or Dalish), then you can pretend to be sick and then they will take you inside the hospital. The problem is that inside your bluff will be revealed and you will have to deal with the guards all alone. Alternatively, you can bribe the guard at the back door to let you in (or kill him) or provoke the Tevinter mages into attacking in conversation. (If you slipped in without a fight, you still have to fight them when you exit the hospital.)

Inside the hospital, you need to take a note from the table, pick up the key, which will come in handy later, and talk to the captive elves. Elder Valendrian will not be among them - he has already been taken somewhere else before that. Go to the residential building nearby (you can show Shianni's note first, but this is optional). There you can bribe the tenant elf to tell you what's going on, but he won't say anything you couldn't guess for yourself. Go through the house and exit through the back door, opening it with the key you received at the hospital. Tevinter guards will be waiting for you in the alley. Deal with them and go through the door of the next building.

A group of guards led by the elf Devera is waiting for you right at the entrance. If you have Persuasion developed, then you can avoid the fight and force them to leave. In any case, make your way to the last room, where the head of the Tevinter mages, Caladrius, is waiting for you. He will offer you a deal - he gives you documents incriminating Loghain in the slave trade for a bribe, after which you release him and his captives in peace. If you have developed Persuasion, then you can persuade Caladrius to leave all the captive elves with you, or give you documents for free. If deals with the slaver are not in your plans, then fight him - and he will offer you an alternative deal after you take almost all of his life - use Blood Magic and sacrifice captive elves to raise your health (i.e. Body type). If you accept his offer, then almost all of your associates (especially Wynn) will not approve of this, with the exception of Morrigan. If you do not accept it, then finish off Caladrius and remove the necessary documents from his corpse. The physique in case of accepting the offer will rise by only one, so decide for yourself whether it is worth it or not. After the death of Caladrius or his departure, talk to Valendrian (if you play as a city elf, then with your father). If Caladrius did not take the slaves and did not kill them, then talk to Valendrian (Sirion) in his house before leaving Elfinage and go to Earl Eamon with a report.

Earl Eamon tells you to take Alistair with you and go to the Gathering of the Lands. Complete any quests that are left open - especially those related to Radcliffe, as you won't have that option later. Couthren will meet you before the Gathering - if you haven't killed her before. She can also spawn if you defeated her in Hou's palace, but were defeated in a further fight with the rest of the guards. Couthren can simply be killed or - with high Persuasion and Cunning - persuaded to let you pass in peace.

The Assembly of the Lands can go two ways depending on how the nobles vote. If the majority votes in your favor, Loghain will refuse to abide by their decision, and you can offer him a one-on-one duel as a way to resolve the issue. (You can fight him yourself or choose any of your group except for the dog.) If the Assembly votes against you, you will have to fight not only with Loghain, but also with his guards, plus the guards of those nobles who did not support you. In this case, you will still be forced to go to the duel with Loghain after you remove most of his lives from him.

How to convince the Assembly to support you:

Use Persuasion, if you have it, and declare that the main problem is not Orlais, but Pestilence.

Raise the issue of the slave trade in Elfinage.

Mention the torture of innocents by Earl Howe (only if you freed Oswin and talked to his father after that).

Mention the poisoning of Arl Eamon (only if you freed Irminric and gave the ring to his sister).

If you freed Vaughn from Howe's dungeon, this will give you an additional vote of support.

If you've completed the final Antivan Crows hostage quest, this will give you an extra vote of support.

In any case, after a few statements, Loghain will bring up the question of Queen Anora, after which she herself will appear. Anora's support means a lot and counts as more than one vote. It is almost impossible to win the vote without it. However, if you have completed all side quests, who brought you the votes listed in the previous paragraph, you can do without her support.

Anora will support you if you spoke to her before you returned from Elfinage and promised your support for her claim to the throne (alternatively, you can persuade her and Alistair to rule together or rule with you if your GM is a noble). You do not have to keep your word - even if you promise her support, you will still have the opportunity to put Alistair on the throne.

Anora will not support you if you have not spoken to her at all, if you have told her that you support Alistair and if you have said that Loghain must pay for his crimes.

After the duel with Loghain, you have to decide what to do with him. If you spare him, Alistair will leave your group. If you have tightened it during your personal quest and persuaded him to rule along with Anora until the Gathering, then he will become king of Ferelden. If you haven't toughened him up or proposed marriage to Anora, he will disappear in an unknown direction and you won't hear from him again until the epilogue. Alternatively, without your intervention, Anora can execute him in order to destroy a potential contender for the throne.

If you decide to execute Loghain, you can choose to do so yourself or cede the right to Alistair. If you expected to marry Alistair to Anora or marry her yourself, then keep in mind that she will not marry the one who personally killed her father, so if you decide to marry her to Alistair, then kill Loghain yourself and vice versa. Alistair may, in turn, refuse to marry Anora if she betrayed you and supported Loghain during the Gathering.

After Loghain's death, you will have to make the final choice of who will be the ruler of Ferelden. Alistair will remain in your group in any case - as a future king or just as a Gray Warden. If you decide to make him king, then Earl Eamon will offer Anora to swear allegiance to him and renounce further claims to the crown both for herself and for possible descendants. Anora resolutely refuses, after which she will be put under arrest. (It is interesting that she remarks to Alistair that if they switched places, she would have treated him much harder.) You cannot persuade Anora and Alistair to marry if you have not already persuaded them to do this before the Gathering.

If the GG is a noblewoman, then she can become queen and rule with Alistair, if the question "Who will rule Ferelden?" will answer that it will be Alistair with her help. This can be done even if the GG was not a member of love affair with Alistair, but has a good Persuasion and his friendly attitude towards her is quite high. However, if Alistair enters a duel with Loghain, then the dialogue leading up to the engagement may not appear, so it is better if someone else fights Loghain. (It doesn't matter if the GG herself or Alistair kills him after the duel.)

If the GG was in connection with Alistair and is not a noblewoman, he may break relations with her or not, depending on whether you toughened him up during his personal quest, and on her answers in a conversation after the Meeting. (See the Companions article for details.)

On this, this quest ends and now you have the last part of the game - the final battle.

Non-plot quests

Ser Landry will call you in the Denerim Trade District near Gorim. He wants to avenge your betrayal at the Battle of Ostagar. If you can convince him that the Gray Wardens are innocent (or threaten him), he will leave in peace. If not, he will challenge you to a duel. Then you need to go to the alley behind the Bitten Noble tavern and defeat him in a fight.

In order for this quest to appear in your journal, you need to collect three notes about the mysterious Unshackled. You can get one from the Frightened Adventurer in the tavern in Orzammar. One can be removed from the corpse of the Adventurer on the second level of the Elven ruins in the Brecilian Forest. The corpse lies in a large hall with skeleton archers, which is stuffed with traps. The last entry is on the corpse of the Adventurer in the first level of the Ruined Temple.

After you collect all three entries and get the quest in the journal, you need to head to Dirty Corner in Denerim. Knock on the closed door of one of the houses, say that you will not leave and mention Gakskang. After you go inside, after a short conversation, Gaxkang will attack you.

This battle is considered one of the most difficult in the game. Gaxkang fights in two forms - Revenant and Witch Horror - respectively, in one he deals great damage in close combat, and in the second he casts various spells. Equipment with high spell resistance can be very useful in this case. Cone of Cold also works well on both forms.

After the battle, among other pleasant things, you will receive a beautiful one-handed sword Cleaving Blade with three slots. Sometimes you can also get one of the most best shields in the game - Wall of Shadow. (It falls very rarely and almost always - on highest level difficulties.)

Note: fans of the game Baldur's Gate have probably noticed a hint at one of the most powerful opponents of the second game of the saga - the demi-lich Kangax.

In the southwestern part of the first level of the Forsaken Temple, you will find ancient cipher texts. Take them to Sister Justina, who is standing at the Church building, and she will recognize in them the records of the last days of Maferat - Andraste's husband, and will gladly pay you about 7 gold for the opportunity to decipher them.

Speak to Wade, a blacksmith who dreams of crafting armor from exotic materials such as drake skins (young male dragons), to have this quest appear in your journal. If you don't, the quest will appear after you get your first drake skin.

When clearing the second level of the Forsaken Temple, you should find 6 drakes. Be careful and inspect every corner - some of them sit in ambush and will only attack if you go to a certain point in the room / cave, and if you decide that there is nothing interesting there, turn back, then they will not appear. From these skins, the blacksmith Wade can make you two sets of armor - first regular, and then improved. Note: some sources claim that other drakes can be found in the game besides those found in the temple (for example, in random encounters on the world map) - but this has never happened in my games.

If you kill the High Dragon at the top of the mountain after passing through the Ruined Temple, Wade will craft your choice of armor from it - medium, heavy or massive armor. If you previously paid him for Young Dragon Skin Armor at least once, although he agreed to make it for you for free, then you will receive Improved Dragon Skin Armor from him. Wade will only forge this armor if he has already made at least one set of armor from the skin of young dragons for you.

Note: after Wade crafts all three sets of armor for you, you will no longer be able to use the services of his shop, so if you want to purchase any of her goods, do it before completing the quest.

You will receive this quest when you find a templar named Irminric in the dungeons of Earl Howe's palace, where you will go on the "Save the Queen" story quest. The poor fellow is a little out of his mind, so you will have to take the ring from him and give it to his sister, Bann Alfstanna, in the Bitten Noble tavern.

You can kill Irminrik, but in this case you will not receive a reward from Alfstanna. This quest can also affect how the vote at the Gathering of the Earths ends - although it is not a sine qua non for its success.

You will receive this task if you free Oswin, the son of Bann Sigard, from the torture chamber in the palace of Earl Denerim. Speak to Bann Sigard in the Bitten Noble Inn to complete this quest.

This quest can also affect how the vote at the Gathering of the Earths ends - although it is not a sine qua non for its success. If you ask for a reward for a deed (40 gold) instead of refusing it, it will not affect Bann Sigard's voice in any way.

If you took the Decorated Box from Irving's office in the Tower of Mages, then to receive a reward, you should take it to the southern part of the Trading District, to a dead end where the Miracles of Thedas shop is located. Knock on the door and give the chest. Don't ask for clarifications, because you won't get them anyway.

This quest appears after you find the corpse of Ser Frieden in the Forsaken Lane. Go to the location "Abandoned Building" that appeared on your map of Denerim and kill the malefics and their bodyguards. The quest will be considered completed after the death of the leader of the Blood Mages.

Be careful - there are many traps in this building.

This quest will give you Ser Otto. As a templar, he senses the presence of an evil force somewhere in the Elvenage, but is unsure where. To help him, examine the area around. The raving beggar will mention something strange happening in the building of the shelter, and on the ground near the shelter you will find bloodstains and the corpse of a dog. Tell Ser Otto about this, and he will decide to examine the shelter personally - with your help.

Go to the shelter building. After making your way through several mabari and ghosts, you will encounter a demon. After a short battle, the demon will disappear and Ser Otto will announce that this is not the end - he still feels the presence of evil. Move on, fighting off ghosts and shadows along the way. In the last room you will meet the same demon - which this time will be stronger. You will have to defeat him twice - and the second time he will call other demons to help him. Ser Otto, alas, will fall after the first battle. There is no way to save his life.

After you finally defeat the demon, your quest will be completed.

Services to interested parties

You can get these quests from the bartender in the Bitten Noble tavern if you ask him if there is any not too legitimate work for you. You will receive a reward from him when you report what you have done.

You need to somehow get rid of three corpses that appeared as a result of not very correct actions of D's subordinates. You can pick up the first corpse next to the Church building in Denerim, the second one in one of the rooms of the "Pearl", and the third one in the warehouse in the southern parts of the Trade District. All three (or each in turn - as you wish) - you need to drop into the well near the Church building.

Find 12 love letters. Unlike other quests that ask you to find a certain number of items, there are exactly 12 letters in the game, so you should find them all.

Location of letters:

1. In a chest near Varathorn in the camp of the Dalish elves.
2. In a chest on the first floor of the ruins in the Brecilian Forest, to the left of the entrance, behind a fake brick wall.
3. In a box inside the mill in Redcliffe.
4. In a chest in the basement of Radcliffe Castle.
5. In a chest in the Pampered Princess tavern by Calenhad Lake.
6. In a chest on the second floor of the Tower of Mages.
7. In a chest in a house in the village of Refuge.
8. In a chest in Jarvia's lair in Orzammar.
9. In a chest in one of the rooms in the palace in Orzammar.
10. In a chest in Wade's shop in Denerim.
11. In a chest in one of the rooms of the "Pearl" in Denerim.
12. In a chest in one of the rooms in Earl Eamon's palace in Denerim. (It's an unlocked chest, so you can take the letter from there even if you're not a rogue.)

Travel to West Brecilian Forest and fire a signal arrow. To do this, your GG must be armed with a bow. After that, an ambush of Denerim mercenaries will attack you - deal with them and go back with a report.

Deliver 15 pieces of poisonous extract to the bartender of the "Bitten Nobleman" (if you cannot find it, remember that it is sold in unlimited quantities by Varathorn in the Dalish camp).

Deliver 10 grenades (gem, not bombs) to the Bitten Noble bartender. Unfortunately, you can’t just buy the right amount of them - you need to collect grenades throughout the game. If you have already sold them all, try to bypass the merchants and buy the stones back.

K wants you to put rewards for his "employees" into several caches. The caches are located:

1. Not far from Dvin's house in Radcliffe;
2. In the Frost Mountains near the Arena;
3. In the tavern "Spoiled Princess" by Lake Calenhad;
4. On central square in the Denerim Trade District.

Sometimes (although not always as a result of a bug) you will be offered a choice: disarm caches and not invest in them, and thus frame K in the eyes of his subordinates. If you do this, K will no longer give you any quests.

D is convinced that his subordinates are conspiring against him and you need to get out of the way three witnesses who allegedly do not intend to testify against him. The Witnesses are located at Calenhad Lake, in the Frost Mountains, in the Curiosities of Thedas shop in Denerim.

The last quest is slightly different depending on whether you betrayed K on his "Secret Reward" quest and whether you completed the "False Witnesses" quest.

If you have not completed the perjury quest and betrayed K, then you will receive the Power Seizure quest, in which K announces that thanks to D's paranoia, he decided to get rid of his assistant, and K has no choice but to preempt the blow and get rid of D first.

You must give a signal (wink in a special way) to three allies of K - the gnome merchant Gorim, sister Theohilde at the Church building and the Humble - the owner of the Thedas Curiosities shop. After that, talk to the guard who stands near the city gates.

The next time you travel around the map of Denerim, you will come across Lieutenant D with assistants who decided to punish you for your betrayal. After the battle, pick up papers from the lieutenant's body indicating the location of D's secret hideout. A new location will appear on the Denerim map - go there and deal with D and his associates.

If you completed the False Witnesses quest (and no matter how you completed the Secret Reward quest), D will ask you for help getting rid of K, who he suspects is about to take his place. As you travel across the map of Denerim, you will come across Lieutenant K and his assistants. After the battle, pick up papers from the lieutenant's body indicating the location of K's secret hideout. A new location will appear on the Denerim map - go there and deal with K and his associates.

Crime Wave

These quests are given to you by a notable person named Rogue Coldry. It will appear in the Market District near Goldanna's house only if your GG has at least one point in either Hide or Steal. If you have at least one point in Theft, you can get all the Coldry quests, even if your GG is not a rogue. The ability to Hide without Stealing will only give you one of his two quest lines - the "predatory" questline. You will have to pay Coldry for tips each time - but the final revenue will always exceed your costs.

Task number 1.

The cost of aiming is 1 gold. Loot the chest in Lady Sophia's room in the Bitten Noble Inn. To do this, you do not even need to hide - the bodyguard who is bored in the corridor does not care about you - you can safely go into the room and rob the chest. This is the only Coldry quest you can complete before receiving it - if you've already robbed Sophia's chest, tell Coldry about it - and he will refund your money.

Task number 2.

The cost of aiming is 4 gold. Loot the Treasure Chests of Earl Howe, which are located in a warehouse in the Trade District, not far from the Wonders of Thedas shop - at the end of this cul-de-sac. This quest includes a battle, since stealing silver bars from the chests will not work unnoticed - Howe's guards in the warehouse will immediately notice you.

Task number 3.

The cost of aiming is 10 gold. You must rob the treasury of Bann Franderel. Go to the new location that appears on your map of Denerim. If you always prefer to kill everything that moves (and that does not move too), then simply march with the whole squad to the quest mark on the map. Did it seem suspicious to you that there was not a soul around? Seemed right. As soon as you open the chest, guards will appear around - Coldry's tip turned out to be a trap. Now you need to fight your way back to the exit.

If you still prefer to "keep the mark" and quietly slip past the guards thirsting for your blood for you - a matter of honor, this is also quite possible to do. Leave all members of the squad except your bandit where you entered the palace. Send the robber to the right place. When guards appear around, simply switch to one of your party members at the entrance and calmly exit the palace. In both cases, Slick Coldry will be extremely upset that his tip turned out to be false and will honestly return the money to you, promising that he will get something really worthwhile for you in the future.

Task number 4.

In order to get this quest, you need to complete the main quest "The Gathering of the Lands". Slick Coldry will send you to the same place where you were last time, for the sacred relic of the Church - Andraste's Tears. Since his last tip turned out to be an ambush, this time he will give you information for free. You should go to almost the same place as before, find a secret passage near the room with an empty chest and go a little further, where the real treasure is located.

This time, the corridors are not only swarming with guardians, but there are also quite a few traps on the floor, so be careful. You can act on the same principle as last time - just break through to the right place with a fight or sneak in unnoticed by one robber. After that, you can give Andraste's Tears to the Church (personally or through the Coldry Slick) or keep them for yourself.

Note: if you eavesdrop on the conversations of the guards in the palace, then this will finally convince you that the Rogue Coldry was not to blame for the ambush that awaited you earlier.

Task number 1.

Pickup price - 50 silver coins. Steal the pouch of gems from the Maid in Green. She will appear at the trading stalls after receiving the quest.

Task number 2.

The price of aiming is 1 gold. Steal the sword from Sera Nansin in the Curiosities of Thedas. You can steal the sword not only by simply pulling it out of her pocket, but also by using other skills such as Persuasion or Herbal Lore. To use them, you need to talk to her and convince her that you are a merchant (then she will take off her armor and weapons to try on your goods) or that she is sick and needs help - then she will undress for examination and you can not only take the sword, but also to sell her medicine for a couple of gold pieces.

Task number 3.

The cost of aiming is 3 gold. You probably already noticed two chests near the malls that cannot be opened without a key. Completing this task will give you the right key. It is in the pocket of a certain Tilver, who walks in the northern part of Denerim, accompanied by two guards. You can use the Hide skill and steal the key unnoticed, or talk to Tilver and steal the key in the process (this requires high Persuasion). You can distract the guards with a nearby messenger boy if you pay him a few silver coins - in this case, you have the best chance of sneaking up on Tilver without being seen.

Task number 4.

The cost of aiming is 6 gold. Steal Loghain's Crown from the Seneschal in the Bitten Noble Inn. If the guards spot you as you enter, you can use Threat and they will leave, or you can take the crown from the Seneschal. You can also ask the waitresses for help and either send the guards a large amount of booze (so they fall asleep) or poison their drinks (if you have enough knowledge of Poisons). Alternatively, if you are spotted, you can simply kill everyone and take the crown from the Seneschal's corpse.

Trials of the Ravens

These quests will only become available after you meet Zevran. Whether you left him alive or not doesn't matter.

Talk to a certain master Ignacio at the mall and he will assure you that at the moment he does not need your services. However, after a while, the messenger boy will bring you a note inviting you to meet Master Ignacio at the Bitten Noble Inn. There, Ignacio will reveal himself as a representative of the Antivan Crows organization.

You don't have to agree to his offer. If you refuse, then Ignacio will leave and will not appear again. You can also kill him if you want. However, completing Raven quests will help you in story quest"Assembly of the Lands" when voting - although not a prerequisite for its success.

Task number 1.

Read the leaflet on the wall at the gate to Elvenage about a certain organization that supports the Gray Wardens, and go to the "Pearl". Knock on the locked door and, as a password, answer "Griffons will rise again." After that, talk to Loghain's mercenaries and kill them. If you have already killed them before receiving the quest, just tell Ignacio about it - and you will still receive a reward.

Task number 2.

Go to a new location that has appeared on your world map and kill all Qunari mercenaries from the Kadan-Fe organization.

Task number 3.

Travel to the royal palace in Orzammar and kill Ambassador Gainley. If you have taken the side of Belen, then the rooms you need will be available to you immediately after the audience with Belen, but if you have taken the side of Harramont, you will have to wait for his coronation. The ambassador is clearly expecting an attack, as she will have numerous bodyguards with her.

Task number 4.

Go to the meeting place with the people of Earl Howe, who stole the son of a certain dignitary, in order to give them a ransom and get the boy back. The ransom will turn into a battle between you and Howe's men, and after it you will not find any trace of the alleged hostage. When you return to Ignacio, he will assure you that everything went as planned - you were a distraction, and the boy was saved and delivered to his father, who is very grateful to you for this.

After that, Ignacio will leave, and you will have access to the "special goods" of a merchant named Cesar. You can kill Ignacio if you want - but in this case, Cesar as a merchant will no longer be available to you.

Sergeant Kaylon's Quests

Sergeant Kylon is standing near Wade's shop. If you ask if he needs your help, he will gladly accept your offer.

The first task is to go to the local brothel "Pearl" and calm down - preferably without bloodshed - the raging mercenaries from the White Falcons group. If you have developed Persuasion, then you can easily persuade the brawlers to leave (or threaten them). If your conversational skills leave much to be desired, then you will have to fight them - after you shake them in order, they will give up and you can let them go or finish them off.

If the White Falcons are still alive, then when you pass from the Pearl you will meet Sergeant Kylon, who will be very pleased with you. But before you can finish the conversation, a group of angry White Falcon mercenaries attack you. After the battle, you can remove a very good ax with two “Aod” slots from the corpse of the leader.

If you killed the Falcons in the Pearl, then the meeting on the Denerim map will not occur, and the sergeant will be very unhappy with you.

The second task of the sergeant is almost the same as the first one - to go to the Bitten Noble tavern and calm the raging mercenaries - this time from the Crimson Oars group. This time it doesn't matter if you kill them or convince them to leave peacefully. Alternatively, you can talk to them and decide that they have the right to stay in the tavern, but in this case you will not receive a monetary reward from the sergeant.

Our hero presented an ancient treaty to the king of the dwarves (who had to be found and put on the throne before), saved the castle of Radcliffe from the curse, visited the temple lost in the distant mountains and returned from there with a particle of sacred dust. But it is still premature to gather advice: there is still no confirmation of the treaty from the Brecilian elves.

man to man elf

I'm ready to do what suits a man,

But to lose the guise of a man

W. Shakespeare, "Macbeth"

At the spot marked on the map, we found a patrol of Dalish elves, who, after some bickering, escorted us to the Brecilian Forest.

If you were told that elves live in a country of unimaginable beauty and wonders, know that this is a shameless lie. The village of free elves, of course, is prettier than the ghetto-elfinage, but there is definitely something in common. Among the ancient columns and statues are bleak, leaky tents that the wild Qunari would be ashamed of. If necessary, they can be turned into carts in half an hour and transported to a new place. Crooked tables are assembled from sticks and skins - the wounded and sick lie on them. Many wounded and sick.

Without further ado, I presented the papers Zathrianu, elder. Zathrian narrowed his eyes: do you want help? From U.S? Yes, you look around. We have a curse in the forest here, werewolves attack the elves day and night, what kind of army can we send you? Now, if someone (we will not name names, although this is a gray guard) found the main werewolf, Raging Fang, and brought Zathrian his heart, then maybe...

Well, no one expected them to agree right away, did they?

According to the good old habit, before going into the forest, I interviewed the locals - does anyone need anything from the gray guard? Whom to find someone in the thicket, to avenge the death, to bring ears from a dead genlock? Oddly enough, there were few customers. Someone Atras asked to find his wife Daniela in the forest. A girl with a gall (this is a half-deer-half-goat that elves ride) was looking for a cure - but I didn’t have enough forest skill for this. The young hunter could not marry his chosen one in any way, because he did not pass the test - it was possible to find a skin for him in the forest, but it turned out to be easier to persuade the girl to give up on the test.

On a note: as usual, for the settlement of local affairs, it is better not to take the Morrigan to the team. She will not be pleased with the fuss with young lovers. But, however, with her, you can lie to a girl with a gall, as if the little animal is terminally ill, and get horns as a reward ... But do you need it?

The local merchant Varathorn turned out to be, firstly, the owner of the most valuable thing in Ferelden - a backpack, and secondly, he ordered us to get iron bark for making armor.

Battle for the acorn

Tree, catch it!

West Brecilian.

In the Brecilian Forest, as one would expect, there are many wolves (ordinary and werewolves), there are bears, as well as an unseen creature - sylvan. This treeman successfully pretends to be a plant until you come close to him, and skillfully entangles with roots. But, as often happens with treewolves, it burns like straw.

The werewolves have sent us a meeting committee headed by Mister Runner. This nervous werewolf told us that he saw humanoids in general and us in particular in the coffin, so if we went back to the elves and refused the task, otherwise he would certainly see us there. After a short conversation, the Runner justified his name and disappeared, and his friends honestly perished from our swords and charms.

West Brecilian divided by rivers into three parts - the western one, facing the camp (1) , central and eastern; and in the south of the east strip (2) we found an amazing talking tree. This oak, instead of following the example of its aggressive fellows, entered into conversation with us; however, the mysterious laws of botany forbid him to express himself in prose. (Doesn’t the elf Faydaen, the slayer of the vampire Nicholas, live nearby, of bad memory? However, no matter how mediocre the Oak’s poems, they cannot be compared with the nerve-paralytic verses of Faydaen.)

The tree said that, of course, we can walk around Brecilian and harvest wood, but where we need to go, we will not let the magic barrier. But he, Oak, can miss. If we give him back an acorn stolen by some lunatic in East Brecilian.

How I jump out, how I jump out!

“What kind of creature, good or evil, has come to the ancient oak?”

On a note: a log thrown across the northern part of the eastern river (3) , from which you can collect Ironbark for Varathorn. Approximately in the middle between the log and the Oak there is a sarcophagus (4) (two ogres will attack you near him): if you disturb him and defeat the undead that escaped from there, you can get a part of the juggernaut armor set, which is practically not inferior to the armor of the legion from the gnome (you will find the rest of the armor in the eastern part of the forest). Finally, in the south of the central forest belt (5) you can save a wounded elf.

After that we went to the eastern part of the forest; there are two roads (6, 7) .

East Brecilian shaped like a starfish with writhing tentacles. In the center of it is a ring-shaped clearing, from which five rays-paths depart. The two western ones come from western Brecilian; in the northwest I found the poor thing Daniela. Alas, she had already been bitten by a werewolf, and she asked me to tell her husband that she had died and that she had loved him before. last days. And asked to make the first statement true...

On a note: Unfortunately, Daniela cannot be saved. If you refuse to kill her, she will attack and force you to do it.

The northern road was densely populated by ogres and their henchmen, and they guarded another gravestone with a piece of juggernaut armor. On the eastern side, an acorn thief was found.

The old man who made his lair here, at first glance, seemed even more crazy than the oak; he asked meaningless questions, giggled, and when I mentioned the Oak, he asked if anyone would be so kind as to sort the damned tree for firewood. However, when I put my hand into a stump in his clearing and found an acorn there, the old man suddenly came to his senses ... and began to call on demons to help him. So remorse for his death did not torment me later.

On a note: You can also negotiate with a hermit. Either really destroy the Oak, or offer him something in return for the acorn. An amulet made from the horns of a slain Gauls or Daniela's scarf will do. If you kill Oak, then you will pass through the barrier under the mask of werewolves.

Returning to Oak, I received from him a staff for passing through the barrier. However, the usefulness of the staff was not limited to this - it turned out to be quite a worthy weapon for a magician.

bestial essence

Behind the barrier, the Runner greeted us again - and again, after a short thrashing, he switched to plan "B". A short path took us to the ruins.

The upper level of the ruins was a simple dungeon, which had to be passed through in a straight line from east to west, after which the corridor turns at right angles to the south. All branches are full of poisonous spiders and skeletons; neither one nor the other posed a particular threat.

But at the southern end of the floor settled, neither more nor less, the dragon - not the strongest, but quite decent. And, I would say, not poor ... Warehouses of the master of the dragon were found at the very door down.

The lower level of the ruins.

Air Alert!

On a note: watch out, the dragon's lair is mined! And there will be no time to remove the traps. A good method is to send a skeleton there, if any of the mages can do that.

The lower floor was also infested with skeletons and spiders. Shortly after entering (0) , in the place where the corridor turns to the left, the spiders staged an organized ambush.

A bit further (1) we met the ghost of a child; and next to him on the tablet read the description of the ritual. What the ritual led to was not yet very clear; however, just in case, we found the source described in the ritual (2) and did everything that the sign required with it (fill the jug with water, move away from the source, look at the nearby altar, put the jug on the altar, pray, inspect the jug, take a sip of water, take the jug, move away from the altar, examine the source, pour into the source water from a pitcher).

The ritual only opened the way to the sarcophagus (3) , where after the fight with the ghosts we completed the collection of the juggernaut armor set.

But a more important find was waiting for us in a side cubbyhole. (4) , and it was easier than easy to overlook. The soul of a sorcerer warrior was hidden in a gem on the floor, with which he managed to talk; she asked to destroy the stone, but gave in exchange the specialization of a battle mage.

A difficult battle awaited us in the southern corridor (5) : it is all littered with traps, so the easiest move was to send a recon skeleton forward so as not to engage in sapper business under arrows. But finally we got through the bones to ... a large puddle on the floor (6) , plunging into which we got into the very lair of werewolves.

"Greetings, mortal.
I am the Lady of the Forest.

And now - the third meeting with the Runner. This time he wanted to talk - apparently, attempts to stop us by force inspired him with a sound view of his own capabilities. I agreed and we were escorted to mistress of the forest.

The owner told us a simple and creepy story about where Mad Fang came from. About how humans attacked the Dalish elves... and what Elder Zathrian did to protect his people.

To be honest, I have already begun to guess about it. But nevertheless he invited Zatrian to a confrontation: he was walking nearby, unable to wait in the wings. Zathrian, in turn, tried to "open my eyes": "Have you already understood who the Lady of the Forest is?"

Alas, the old scoundrel refused to remove the curse. But I have a good reason for it. Unfortunately not verbal...

With his first spell, Zathrian paralyzed the Lady of the Forest and the werewolves (we could have been hit too, but we immediately rushed to him), and then called for the help of allies. However, we did not block his friends with Alistair, as is usually done, but sent the templar to the werewolves - so that he would dispel the magic and free them. In this balance of power, things went much more fun.

At the end of this sad story former werewolves wandered about their business, and the new leader of the Dalish swore to send her archers to war with the archdemon.

It is important: if you take the side of Zathrian and kill the Lady of the Forest, the elves will still join the ranks of your army. But there is another way, for those with higher eloquence: “I have another plan. Kill Zathrian and all the elves!" After that, you will carry out a massacre in the village of the Dalish, and as an army you will receive deadly but vulnerable werewolves instead of elven shooters.

Terrible Judgment

Let the platform high

Put the corpses in front of everyone;

And I'll tell the unknowing light

How it happened; that will be the story

Inhuman and bloody deeds

Random car, unexpected murders,

Death, in need rigged by cunning,

And finally, the insidious machinations that fell

On the heads of the instigators. All this

I will present to you.


Let's hasten to hear

And we will call the most distinguished to the meeting.

W. Shakespeare, "Hamlet"

Earl Eamon.

And now all the treaties have been presented and confirmed, the armies are ready to march, and Earl Eamon is to convene Assembly of the lands. As soon as we arrived at his place in Radcliffe, he sent a proclamation to the teyrns, and we all moved together to his palace in Denerim.

There we were in for a surprise. I just managed to look into the chambers allotted to me and return to Eamon, and he turned out to have a guest - a maid Queen Anora. It turns out that the queen is imprisoned by the commandant of Denerim - Lord Howe.

On a note: if your hero started out as a Human Noble, this day should be remembered for a long time... Finally, it's time to get even!

stolen queen

On the way to Lord Howe, we met with old friends. But not mine, but Zevran's: one of the Antivan ravens, Taliesin, brought Zevran the news that the ravens had no claim on him, and a kind offer to return to his own. Or take it easy right now. Probably, if Zevran had not been on good terms with me, he would have joined Taliesin - and so we killed the ravens together, and after brief persuasion, Zevran remained in my squad.

Lord Howe's castle.

The maid had a plan on how to get into the manor: enter from the back door, disguise herself as guards and avoid unnecessary bloodshed. True, the guards at the back door know all of Howe's fighters by sight, so we hid in the back in the garden while the elf distracted the guards, and entered without interference into lock (1).

Inside, the main thing was not to linger anywhere and not to catch the eye of the officers (2) . Ordinary soldiers mistook us for recruits and ignored us.

To the room where the queen is locked (3) , we reached without incident, but the door was blocked by a magical barrier. Anora said that you need to find the battle mage Howe, with his death, protection will fall.

We passed through the lord's bedroom (4) , where a curious book and many important documents were found, and before descending into the dungeon they found a prisoner, whom Howe preferred to keep right next to the bedroom. It was someone Riordan - our colleague, the gray guard. Now there are three of us...

Lord Howe's dungeon.

It is important: don't miss the treasure (6) . If you don't have a very skilled burglar with you, come back here with Howe's keys. This gentleman lives extremely not poor.

Having freed Riordan (for the truth, he managed well without us), we went down the stairs to dungeon (1)“Howe preferred to spend time there, as did his mage. We had a lot to do with both...

Guards and fighting dogs Howe jumped out to meet us from every room, but the real difficulties only began in the southern part of the dungeon. (2) - the corridor there was equipped with a powerful flamethrower trap, and next to it (3) , in addition to the guards, the same magician was found. True, if you walk very carefully along the southern wall, you can not disturb the trap, but in practice it is very difficult.

Against (4) Howe set up a torture room. We did not raise anyone on the rack, but Oswyn, son of Bann Sigard, a powerful lord; we once met his father in The Bitten Nobleman. It doesn't look like Sigard has given his vote to Loghain now...

Some of the team suggested returning - we already found the magician, but somehow, you know, it's inaccurate to leave the case unfinished. I had a lot of questions for Howe, and I wanted to ask them personally.

nearby (5) we also found the caretaker of this institution - the jailer, from whom we posthumously removed the keys and freed the clients of two more cells (6) . And finally got to Hou himself (7) .

Lord Howe's workplace.

Oddly enough, Howe is indeed convinced of his innocence ...

Earl Howe turned out to be full of hidden talents: not only was he a master of torture and conspiracies, he was also an experienced killer, to the envy of Antivan crows. At the same time, it is surprisingly well protected for a robber ... The guards did not last long, but he himself had enough trouble. Again, we took the keys of the lord from him posthumously.

Finally, in the far corner of the dungeon (8) two more guests of the lord were discovered: bann vaughan, the one that provoked the elven uprising (for once, Hou imprisoned the one who follows). And next to him is a tortured templar Irminric, which his sister was looking for; as soon as I was outside, I did not fail to go into the tavern and tell my sister about everything.

Now it was possible to go out, look into the treasury and free Anora. Alas, in the next hall (on the way to the exit) they were already waiting for us: Logaina's devoted officer, Mrs. Catherine(the translator at times, forgetting, calls her Coutren). And a dozen of her fighters.

On a note: three options are possible here - attack Catherine, surrender (so that Anora is saved) and try to explain herself. The last one won't work. It is very difficult to defeat the whole team, but in case of defeat, you will find yourself in the same place as in the case of surrender - in Fort Drakkon.

Fort Drakkon

Fort Dragon.

Only two of the detachment are captured - main character and Alistair. And here a very multi-variant piece of the game awaits us, so we will return the word to the hero later, but for now we will deal with the situation from a bird's eye view.

Look at the colonel.

Firstly, you can get out yourself, or you can leave the rest of the detachment (without a hero!) to help us out.

If we choose ourselves, then the first thing to do is open the camera (1) . This is not a problem for a cracker; a girl with at least some talent for persuasion can seduce a guard (and a man too, but with very high persuasion talent...), after which you will have to fight him, but he, like you, will be naked, without armor. You can also pretend to be sick or try to convince the guard that enemies are nearby.

Next, get your equipment. (6) , now things will go easier. You can get through the post (7) , but there is a way easier and more beautiful. Put on soldier uniforms (2) , go to the colonel (4) , accept the order to prepare for the review, take two dunce recruits with you (3) . They don't have swords, so you'll have to beg the storekeeper (5) . He has trouble cleaning rust, and if you give him acid lube, he will easily part with weapons for recruits (the alternative is to threaten or bribe).

After that, you can go through a review by the colonel (to the control question, what is the main thing in the army, the answer, of course, is “order”) - and go through the post. Why all this circus? Then, that recruits, though boobies, but know the password.

The alternative is to enter the fort from the outside and smash everything brick by brick. Here the trickiest thing is to enter: further, if the deception fails, scatter the guards - four of us, and not two! - not difficult. There seem to be a lot of options, I managed to find three quite effective ones:

    Leliana + Wynn + whoever enter as ministers of the church;

    Dog + anyone enter under the pretext of "delivering a new dog to the kennel";

    Oghren + Zevran + whoever comes in as... circus performers.

pest doctors

Eamon had an interesting conversation waiting for me... Gathering advice is a good thing, but who do we want to see on the throne? There are two obvious candidates: Anora and Alistair. Or Anora is married to Alistair... Alistair, however, saw the throne in the coffin. But would it be right to leave it to Anora?

On a note: if, after visiting Goldanna, you told Alistair that this is how it should be - every man for himself, it will be much easier to persuade him to reign. If your main character is a man and a nobleman, you can try to offer your hand and heart to the queen yourself. And if the hero is a lady and good relations with Alistair... respectively. In any case, your task at the Gathering of the Lands will be made easier if you have promised Anora some form of support. If not, you will need to dial many other arguments. But on no account tell Anora that Loghain must die for what he has done!

Queen Anora.

In principle, after returning, it was possible to convene the Assembly of the Lands, since Anora escaped from the Howe estate; but I was diverted by another matter - rumors brought by the queen about some problems in the alienage.

The problems were visible at a glance: a crowd of elves in the street in front of a shabby building were arguing with a couple of healers from Tevinter. As it turned out, quarantine was declared in the ghetto, and the elves - without making out whether they are sick or healthy - are gradually collected in a shelter. And they don't let go back.

After discussing this matter with the elf Shianni, I walked around the shelter from behind and, overcoming the resistance of a lone guard, went inside. My arrival did not please the "doctors": they rushed at me with weapons and soon died from an excess of iron in the body. I released the captive elves, but they were clearly far from all...

I told everything to Shianni (alas, the healers in front of the building were so upset by this news that they also died suddenly from cut wounds and burns), and she showed us another building related to the shelter. There a shabby elf washed the floor; pressing him a little, we found out where his relatives were being taken, and followed the same route.

The Tevinter were no longer in hiding here. Yes, the most banal slave trade is completely illegal in Ferelden (and in Tevinter it is the norm). And in just a few strokes, we cut a path to their leader - Caladrius.

Caladrius was determined to bargain. He did not want to wind up a profitable business. Why don't I leave with the documents incriminating Loghain? And why don't I take these documents from the corpse and close the shop once and for all?

It is interesting: not far from the "hospital" is an elf beggar. If you give him a coin, next time he will bring a friend, then a few comrades... It's amazing why the Tevinterers didn't use this much simpler trick to collect clients!

A rare shot: this is how the demons see us.

A business man from Tevinter closes his business.

After a fight with Caladrius (he is a magician, moreover, a blood magician) and his retinue, he was forced to make a more generous offer: at the expense of the blood of captive elves, increase my health to unimaginable values. But something I recently acquired an allergy to blood magicians...

I went to the rescued elves, talked to them and went to the Gathering.

On a note: in one of the back streets of the ghetto, you can find a blind templar who "smells evil" somewhere nearby. In order for him to find what he is looking for, it is necessary to inform him about a dead dog nearby, about a pool of blood and about a crazy beggar girl; then he will lead us to an abandoned orphanage where demons and the undead have bred. But in order to clean the shelter, it is necessary to protect the life of Otto to the last.

Assembly of the lands

Now it was definitely time to collect teyrns. Earl Eamon took care of it, and I went to the palace. An old friend, Catherine, tried to block my way; but this time there was no such convincing retinue with her.

It is important: The main components of our success at the Gathering are: Irminrik and Oswin rescued from the Howe estate (and the mission must also be passed), an agreement with Anora and evidence of the slave trade. If you are not too lazy to clear Howe's dungeons completely, you can safely refer to his crimes. But by no means mention Howe's dealings, if for some reason not gave Irminric's ring to his sister! Nor should one rush to talk about Alistair or the death of King Kaelan - it is more profitable to show oneself focused on the duty of the gray guard and talk about the Sea, as well as Loghain's crimes here in Denerim. And if you told Anora that you intended to have Loghain executed... then it could cost you dearly.

I've gathered enough evidence against Loghain and the lords have voted against him; as a last chance, he chose a duel with me.

And the end would have been simple and obvious, if not for Riordan intervening. He came up with an unexpected solution: let Loghain redeem himself by joining the Gray Wardens. I knew that if I agreed, Alistair would be furious - after all, Loghain was actually the murderer of his father and Duncan; and if I refuse, I will become the murderer of Anora's father. That's it...

Loghain McTeer

If you decide to let Loghain wash away his crime and enter the Gray Guard, an angry Alistair will leave you; and Loghain will take the place of the detachment "tank". He is also an expert in the "sword + shield" technique, but does not have the talents of a templar, although he has the skills of a knight.

His characteristics are so-so: his strength is rather low, his will is overestimated for some reason, however, he has good health.

Gifts kind to Loghain - geographic Maps all varieties. Some of them can be bought right after the meeting (two in the market, one in the ghetto). There are a couple more in the locked chests of Radcliffe Castle.

On a note: before the last fight, it makes sense to quickly run around the market - as they say, “you can’t take money with you” ... You can buy another bag from Gorim if you think it’s relevant. You can replenish your stocks of potions, learn an additional spell (the book in the ghetto) or buy from Bodan Feddik. In general, see for yourself. With Feddic we will have one more rendezvous, and with the rest we say goodbye.

This is our last

Nabat! Blow, wind! Come on, it's over!

We will die, at least as a fighter.

W. Shakespeare, "Macbeth"

After the Gathering of the Lands, the only thing left to do was to meet the archdemon. Our army has assembled at Radcliffe Castle; and only on the eve of the release did Riordan dare to tell why the gray guardian alone can deal the killing blow to the archdemon. If the archdemon falls, its soul will pass into the nearest darkspawn. And the gray guard in a way... remember what the test consisted of?

But the gray guard has his own soul, and therefore both will die at that moment.

Riordan himself volunteered to deliver the final blow; but if he falls in battle, I will do it. The sorceress Morrigan offers me a way that can leave me in the world of the living, but... I don't know.

Just in case, sorry.

Say hello to the archdemon for me. He stopped writing to me at all, and it's so upsetting... And... look after yourself there. Don't let yourself be eaten. Unless, of course, you decide that it is necessary for the case.


The last battle begins with a battle at the city gates; all your friends participate in it (except for those with whom you broke up), but you cannot manage them - you command only yourself. The fight is not tricky: most of the opponents are the so-called Hurlok / Genlok Grunts, which the translator made with inimitable finesse “Hurlock / Genlock grunts”. These guys are cannon fodder, several times weaker than the usual "white" opponent: they fall from 1-2 hits or one simple spell. Until the end, you will meet quite a few of them - you must immediately distinguish them from serious enemies and not waste gunpowder on them.

After that, we choose our detachment for the entire subsequent battle - as well as the one who will command the rest. And after a touching farewell to the rest, we set off on our last tour of Denerim, captured by the archdemon.

It is important: in the last battle, a robber will be very useful. Perhaps Leliana is better than Zevran, because the bow against the archdemon is more effective than blades.

The first step is to defeat two garlock generals - in the market and in the alienage. That is, you can not do this ... if you think that the fight with the archdemon will be decorated with the participation of two "orange" generals who own combat magic in it.

In the interval between two platforms, it is easiest to reflect
reap an attack on the elvenage.

From now on, you can take one of the allied armies that we have collected with you to every battle in the open. But keep in mind: one of them must be kept untouched until the very archdemon. And it is desirable that they be the best of the best. Orzammar gnomes come to mind first (especially if you have agreed to participate Legion of the Dead- then some of the gnomes will be brutally tenacious legionnaires) or golems, although, probably, you can try your luck with elves or magicians. Werewolves not I recommend - in contact with the archdemon, they recover like flies. Radcliffe's infantry is also not survivable enough.

In the market, the general arranges a brawl in the company of ogres; human infantry or werewolves are good as support here. The combat here is not the most difficult, although the open space makes it difficult to effectively hide the mages behind the backs of the warriors.

The fight in the alienage will be difficult if you try to attack, but it will be quite simple if you take a position between the two platforms - where the barricade is at the beginning of the battle - and do not try to go outside. It can be done without support at all. While the barricade is still standing, a riot of elements is arranged behind it - Gehenna, blizzard, thunderstorm - which not only mows down small fry, but also brings “yellow” offspring to a semi-finished state. However, that's not all - reinforcements will arrive, including ogres, and there will be more of them if the battle drags on or goes beyond the barricade.

After that, a battle awaits us outside the city gates - the rest of the group is fighting there. Oghren commanded him, but he should not fight at the very gates - he will not have time to swing at the enemy. Let Oghren deal with the “yellow” opponents, and the dog and someone else hold the gate (Leliana is ideal, her charming song chains everyone to the place, and the dog carefully gnaws their throats; but Leliana may be necessary in the main squad).

A bunch of "singing Leliana + dog" holds back the onslaught at the city gates.

The next station is Fort Drakkon. In the courtyard of the fort, I recommend taking rifle support: this courtyard is a convenient shooting range. In the very first seconds, we destroy three groups of “grunts” with fireballs and cones, focus fire on the dragon (also exquisitely translated). We do it quickly, because soon the second one will be “born” and the genlock magicians will come running. Mages should be zigzag on the steps, the elves will easily shoot them.

Now - the inside of the fort, there we are alone. The first battle will be in the main hall of the lower floor: the genlock-creator (and in English conjurer) summons seven ghosts, after which he actively conjures himself. But if you don’t get distracted and quickly rush to the magician, then the rear ghosts will not have time to see us (they are not born immediately, until they are formed - we are already beyond their scope). And that will make things easier. You should not devote a lot of energy to ghosts, for example, one Morrigan can handle them; mage is much more dangerous.

Further, an ambush awaits us where the corridor rests on the road from west to east. Don't go there, there's a trap; it is worth immediately launching hell or blizzards into both side corridors. Let their inhabitants die without seeing you.

To the east of here, in front of the door to the second floor, Sandal is waiting for us - this is the last chance to buy or enchant something (father's goods are with him).

On the second floor there is one difficult fight - with the master assassin and his students. They are invisible until they strike... but vulnerable, and if, at the same time as opening the door to the south in the east wing of the castle, you start casting something massive, as well as placing a rune of repulsion under yourself in advance, the killers will manifest themselves without harm.

And finally, the archdemon.

Let's go to the bad reptile in a bunch!

The archdemon spits spirit energy, beats with its tail, tramples, and at times flies from place to place. As his health decreases, he changes his behavior:

    after losing 25% of his health, he begins to call a "funnel", which removes health and weakens everyone around;

    after losing 50% of his health, he flies to a place where he can’t be reached in close combat, and calls on a crowd of abominations to help; in addition, he has a very long-range attack;

    after losing 75% of his health, he returns to reach and begins to blow up his warriors in the manner of a walking bomb spell. The offspring are felling in droves.

The most powerful weapon against the archdemon is the ballista standing around; they are quite rapid-fire, but soon break. That's exactly what a robber is needed for, he can repair tools (although not to infinity). And do not stand in front of the ballista - the volley is considered fair, so you can inadvertently shoot yourself.

Spells and normal arrows are also good, and hand weapons also work. Gnomes or golems will take care of most of the problems with the offspring, but they are worth healing. Pay attention to another ally, who is also recommended to heal - the supreme sorcerer Irving.

For the manufacture of useful items - traps, bombs, poisons, poultices, potions - are required ingredients and recipes, which are sold from merchants in different locations or independently obtained during travel. The character must also have the appropriate skills: to create poultices and potions, knowledge of herbalism is useful, for traps, poisons and bombs - methods of their manufacture. The higher the skill level, the more powerful items will be obtained. All skills in dragon age: Origins are acquired at the time of distribution of development points in the character leveling window. Good at creating poultices magicians-healers, with traps and poisons - robbers. Of course, no one forbids the development of these skills in warriors, but this is a waste of points. Any of the companions with the necessary skills can create items.

To create an item, you need to open the craft window by calling it through the skill icon on the shortcut bar at the bottom of the screen. If it is not there, you should open the skill window ([K] key) and drag the Herbalism, Trap Making or Poison Making skill icon to the hotbar. Depending on the skills learned, sections will open for creating items: traps, potions and poultices, poisons and bombs. The craft window is divided into two parts. On the left side are all the studied recipes, on the right - all available ingredients or components. If all conditions are met, the "Create Item" button becomes active. Crafted items are added to inventory.

Infinite Ingredient Vendor Locations in Dragon Age: Origins:

  • trigger mechanism(2s, 60m), Bottle(1s, 30m) - Barlin; Lothering. Dane's Hideout Tavern.
  • elven root(60m), Root of death(1s, 20m), animal poison(1s, 20m) - Varathorn; Outskirts of the Brecilian forest. Dalish elf camp.
  • Lyrium Dust(2s, 40m) - Quartermaster; Circle Tower on Calenhad Lake.
  • Corrupted Reagent(16s, 80m), trigger mechanism(2s, 80m) - Alimar; Orzammar. Alimar Market in Dust City.
  • Concentrating reagent(45s), Corrupted Reagent(18s), Reagent for sublimation(18s), Bottle(1s, 50m) - Bodan Feddik; Squad camp.
  • Concentrating reagent(33s), Corrupted Reagent(13s, 20m), Reagent for sublimation(13s, 20m), trigger mechanism(2s, 20m), Bottle(1s, 10m) - Bodan Feddik; Redcliffe Castle, before heading to Denerim for the final battle.
  • Bottle(1s) - Figor; Orzammar. Figora's Merchandise in Orzammar's communal halls.
  • Bottle(1s, 10m) - Lloyd; Tavern in Redcliffe.
  • Bottle(1s, 20m) - Innkeeper; Tavern "Spoiled Princess" on Lake Calenhad.
  • Concentrating reagent(33s), Reagent for sublimation(13s, 20m), Bottle(1s, 10m) - Innkeeper; Denerim. Tavern "Bitten nobleman".
  • life stone(30s), deep mushroom(1s, 50m) - Hand; Ortan house teig (entrance via Orzammar). Ruka Cave.
    • h- Golden coins, with- silver coins, m- copper coins.

Where to buy recipes and blueprints in Dragon Age: Origins:

  • (1z, 10s, 40m), acid bottle recipe(1z, 6s, 95m), Concentrated Poison Recipe(79s, 34m), Small First Aid Kit Recipe(75s, 89m), Healing poultice recipe(75s, 89m), Drawings of a large trap(13s, 80m), firebomb recipe(1h, 86s), (1h, 38s), (1h, 38s), stone balm recipe(1z, 32s), (1z, 20s), Recipe for double crunches for mabari(12s) - Quartermaster. Ostagar.
  • Freeze Bomb Recipe(1z, 48s, 80m), firebomb recipe(1z, 48s, 80m), Death Root Extract Recipe(1z, 10s, 40m) - Merchant. Lothering.
  • Small Mud Trap Blueprints(1z, 24s, 80m), Lyrium Potion Recipe(97s, 50m), Alert Incense Recipe(91s, 65m), Weak Bait Trap Blueprints(78s), Large Splinter Trap Blueprints(15s, 60m), Drawings of a large trap(15s, 60m) - Barlin. Lothering. Dane's Hideout Tavern.
  • (8z, 46s), (8z, 46s), (6z, 28s, 80m), Freeze Lube Recipe(5z, 32s, 80m), (2z, 1s, 60m), (1z, 53, 60), (1z, 47s, 60m), Freeze Bomb Recipe(1h, 11s, 60m) - Levi Dryden. Soldier's Peak (Supplement "Fortress of the Guardians").
  • Rattletrap Blueprints(1z, 53s, 60m), Freeze Trap Blueprints(1h, 53s, 60m) - Old Tegrin. Chance meeting on global map, location "Calm way".
  • Fire Trap Blueprints(1z, 53s, 60m), Small Mud Trap Blueprints(1z, 15s, 20m), (82s, 80m) - The owner of the "Spoiled Princess" tavern on the shores of Lake Calenhad.
  • Incendiary Grease Recipe(5z, 32s, 80m), first aid kit recipe(4z, 46s, 40m), (3z, 40s, 80m), (2z, 92s, 80m), firebomb recipe(1z, 11s, 60m) - Quartermaster in the tower of the Circle of Mages on Lake Calenhad.
  • Acid Mud Trap Blueprints(10z, 32s), Great Spiritual Balm Recipe(9h, 66s), Strong Healing Poultice Recipe(8z, 58s), Recipe for a large natural balm(8h, 46s), Recipe for a Soul Corrupting Lubricant(6z, 28s, 80m), (5z, 37s, 60m), Acid Grease Recipe(5z, 32s, 80m), (4z, 44s), Lesser Spiritual Balm Recipe(3z, 40s, 80m), (2z, 92s, 80m), Blueprints for a trap that corrupts the soul(2z, 1s, 60m), Acid Trap Blueprints(1z, 53s, 60m), Recipe for a soul-destroying bomb(1z, 47s, 60m), Small Mud Trap Blueprints(1z, 15s, 20m), acid bottle recipe(1h, 11s, 60m) - Varathorn from the camp of the Dalish elves in the forest of Brecilian.
  • Blueprints for a large mud trap(5z, 37s, 60m), (4z, 65s, 60m), Rotting Flesh Recipe(4z, 51s, 20m), Lesser Ice Balm Recipe(2z, 92s, 80m), Recipe for balm of agility(2h, 68s, 80m), Blueprints for a trap that corrupts the soul(2z, 1s, 60m), Small Mud Trap Blueprints(1z, 15s, 20m), Death Root Extract Recipe(82s, 80m) - Farin. Pass in the Frost Mountains.
  • Strong Lyrium Potion Recipe(11s, 17s, 50m), Big ice balm recipe(10z, 57s, 50m), Recipe for a large warm balm(10z, 57s, 50m), Grease Recipe(6h, 66s), Major Lyrium Potion Recipe(5h, 82s), Recipe for balm of agility(4h, 36s), Rattle Bomb Recipe(1z, 39s, 50m), Blueprints for a special lure trap(4z, 50s) - A subdued manager at the Curiosities of Thedas in Denerim's Trade District.
  • Drawings of a trap with bait(2h, 40s) - Legnar. The commons of Orzammar.
  • Blueprints for a large garlic trap(12s) - Janar. At Janar Armourers in the Commons of Orzammar.
  • Great Healing Poultice Recipe(3h, 70s) - Figor. Figor's Goods in Orzammar's Commons.
  • Freeze Lube Recipe(6z, 21s, 59m), Freeze Bomb Recipe(1z, 30s, 20m), Crow Venom Recipe(1z, 5s), Viper Sting Recipe(5z, 26s, 40m), Blueprints for a sleeping gas trap(5z, 26s, 40m), Choking Dust Trap Blueprints(5z, 26s, 40m), Freeze Trap Blueprints(1z, 79s, 20m), Blueprints for a weak sleeping gas trap(96s, 60m), Blueprints for a Weak Choking Dust Trap(96s, 60m) - Alimar. Alimar's Market in the Dust City of Orzammar.
  • Acid Grease Recipe(5z, 32s, 80m), Lesser Elixir of Grounding Recipe(2z, 92s, 80m), acid bottle recipe(1z, 11s, 60m), Choking Dust Trap Blueprints(82s, 80m) - The owner of a shop in a rural shop in the village of Shelter.
  • Recipe for the death of mages(4z, 65s, 60m), Recipe for the death of soldiers(4h, 44s), Demon Poison Recipe(3z, 40s, 80m), (2z, 73s, 60m) - Cesar. Denerim's shopping district.
  • Concentrated Mage's Doom Recipe(8z, 94s), Recipe for Concentrated Soldier Death(8z, 58s), Concentrated Demon Poison Recipe(8h, 46s), Silent Death Recipe(6h, 54s), Recipe for the death of mages(4z, 65s, 60m), Recipe for the death of soldiers(4h, 44s), Demon Poison Recipe(3z, 40s, 80m), Concentrated Crow Poison Recipe(2h, 73s, 60m) - Cesar. Denerim Market District after completing all of the Ravens' orders from Master Ignacio at the Bitten Noble Inn.
  • Choking Dust Trap Blueprints(7z, 97s, 50m), Blueprints for a sleeping gas trap(7z, 97s, 50m), Large First Aid Kit Recipe(7h, 92s), Incendiary Grease Recipe(4z, 88s, 40m), Freeze Lube Recipe(4z, 88s, 40m), small warm balm recipe(2h, 68s, 40m), Small Natural Balm Recipe(2h, 68s, 40m), stone balm recipe(72s, 60m) - Alarith's shop in the alienage after the battle with the slaver Caladrius.

Quest walkthroughs are placed in spoilers so that those who do not want to accidentally read in advance and learn something superfluous would not spoil their enjoyment of the game.


In the case of the chosen origin "noble person": in the Korcari Wilds a little further than the meeting point with the wounded soldier, you will see a wild flower, white with a red center. Daveth (partner) will say that the dog-keeper from the camp in Ostagar is looking for such a plant, because he thinks that with its help it will be possible to heal mabari war dogs, poisoned by the blood of darkspawn. Upon returning to Ostagar, all that remains is to find the kennel and demand reward- 50 crowns, 20 or nothing.

In other cases: when approaching the kennel in Ostagar, a dialogue will begin. He will ask your hero, as a new recruit of the Gray Wardens, to go into a cage with a dog poisoned by the blood of darkspawn and put a muzzle on him (or you can kill him and complete the quest, thereby). After that, the kennel will add that to heal this dog, you need a certain flower that grows in the Wildlands of Korcari, white with a red center. When you bring it, the kennel will make a healing ointment.

How to get: go to the cage with the deserter near the infirmary in Ostagar and talk to him. He will claim that he did not intend to escape at all, but actually tried to steal the key to the chest of magicians. Now, after spending several days in a cage, he is ready to exchange this key for food and water. Food can be obtained from the guard nearby:

You can give food in exchange for a key (Aleister's approval +1, if available in the party) or for nothing (Aleister's approval +2). There is another option to kill the deserter and take the key (Aleister's disapproval -5). Having received the key one way or another, it remains to choose the moment when the pacified person will not be near the chest and take its contents (this must be done before entering the tower of Ishal).

Korcari Wilds

How to get: go to the body of the missionary Jogby (Jogby), floating in the lake near the passage to Ostagar, take a letter from his father Rigby, read about the hidden supplies and find the chest using the clues:

  • Find a tree that has fallen on top of a ruined house (you need to turn around to see it),
  • Pass under a bridge made of a fallen tree (do not miss it, because there are three hanged men on that tree),
  • Go around the collapsed tower on the right,
  • To stand between a high ruined arch and a standing stone overgrown with moss,
  • Walk along the path of stones and roots (there will be a pack of wolves),
  • Find two large statues and a chest between them.

Reward: two-handed Chasind Flatblade made of gray cast iron. Also in the chest there will be another letter to Jogby, in which Rigby writes that he could not find the Hasinds ...

Code: Letter to Jogby (A letter to Jogby), Farewell letter to Jogby (Farewell Letter to Jogby).

How to get: find the body of the missionary Rigby (Rigby) on the platform behind the bridge from the fallen tree, it will have a sheet with his will. Next, you should make your way to the former Rigby camp at the site of the Tevinter ruins in the northwestern part of the Wildlands, pick up the box from the cache in the fire and the Clay Idol amulet (+10 resistance to cold). You can open the box and keep its contents (an unenchanted amulet) or take it to Jetta in Redcliffe Village.

Code: Rigby's Last Will and Testament (Rigby's Last Will and Testament).

How to get: you need to find missionary Rigby's diary in his camp in the northwestern part of the Wildlands, it lies in a chest between two tents, read it and look around (you should hold down the TAB button) - the first sign will be found under the roots of a tree nearby. Next, you need to activate it. right click mouse (aim with TAB pressed), after that other signs will become visible (look at the map). Each of them must be approached and activated in the same way. The activation sequence does not matter, the last one will still be a sign near the bridge with a darkspawn ambush and traps. Hasind's cache can be found in a rotten tree in a clearing south of the bridge.

Reward: a very good set of weapons and not only - a barbarian steel mace (Barbarian Mace), an iron Chasind crusher (Chasind Crusher), a bow of the Wildlands from a yew tree (Wilds Bow), a leader's helmet (Thane Helmet) and a robe of the Chasinds (Chasind Robes).

Code: Signs of the Chasind.

How to get: pick up a note and a bag of ashes (Pouch of ashes) from the body of the deceased soldier behind the bridge with the ambush of the creatures of darkness and traps. Read, if you want to check this information, climb the hill to the north and scatter the ashes on a pile of stones. After that, Gazarath will appear...

Code: Pinch of Ashes (A Pinch of Ashes).


How to get: go to Lothering according to the story. At the entrance, your company will be stopped by bandits who will demand 10 silver coins for permission to enter the village. What can be done:

  • try to pay off, but the bandits will not stop there and will want 20 more silver coins,
  • tell the bandits that a poorly guarded trade caravan is following you, they can believe it,
  • intimidate the bandits with their belonging to the Gray Wardens (however, having learned about this, they may covet the reward promised for you and Alistair's heads),
  • provoke an attack (refuse to pay).

If the option to fight is chosen, then during the fight it is worth concentrating on the leader of the bandits - he capitulates when he becomes almost a corpse. Then you can demand to give back all the loot (more than gold in total), and then let them go or still finish them off. It will also be possible to inform the family of robbed elves sitting near the bridge in Lothering about the fate that befell the bandits if they die or run away. Finally, in the church you can find the head of the templars, Sir Bryant, he will reward you with 20 silver coins for the news of the disappearance of the bandits (you can also ask him extra help and he will give you the key to the dresser).

Note: there should be ancient elven boots in the chest of drawers in the church of Lothering, but due to a mistake they are not there. Read about how to fix it.

How to get: after a showdown with the bandits near Lothering, you can notice right there, on the highway, the body of the templar they killed. Take the medallion and note from the body, read it. Apparently, the victim was Sir Henrik (Ser Henric), who was looking for the Urn of Sacred Ashes. Next, you should find his friend, Sir Donall, in the church, tell him about the fate of Sir Henryk and return his medallion. Sir Donall can clarify the situation a little more - it turns out that the urn is being sought for Earl Eamon of Radcliffe, who has fallen ill with an incomprehensible illness. If you ask for a reward, then Sir Donall will give out 1 gold.

Code: Sir Henric's note (A Note from Ser Henric).

How to get: go to Elder Miriam in Lothering. She will ask you to find medicinal plants in the forest and make at least three small healing poultices for the sick, wounded and refugees. To do this, you need three elven roots (Elfroots, grow even in Lothering) and three flasks (Flasks, you can buy from Barlin). Still, of course, you need to understand the herbs (contact the Morrigan, if that). Reward: 50 silver coins.

How to get: go to Barlin in Dane's Refuge and ask if there is a well-paid job in Lothering. Barlin will offer to get three bottles of Venom so that he can poison the traps in his fields. To make such poison you need three animal poisons (Toxin Extracts, can be obtained from giant spiders that settled north of Lothering), three flasks (Flasks, can be bought from Barlin) and a good knowledge of poisons (contact Leliana). Reward: 75 silver coins.

How to get: approach Allison in Lothering. She really wants to set traps in her fields following the example of Barlin and asks to make her three rope traps (this is the same as traps, Spring Traps). To do this, you will need three triggers (Trap Triggers, can be bought from Barlin) and some knowledge of traps. Reward: 50 silver coins.

How to get: talk to Stan, sitting in a cage, at the northern exit from Lothering. From various sources, you can learn that Stan was put in a cage for the murders. However, he will express his readiness to atone for crimes by helping the Gray Wardens in the fight against the creatures of darkness. To release him, you need the key to the cage, which is kept by the Reverend Mother, the following options are possible:

  • to convince the Reverend Mother to release Stan into the custody of the Gray Wardens, this is difficult to achieve, to facilitate the task it is worth making a donation to the church, and the more the better;
  • if Leliana is in the party, then the Reverend Mother will release Stan at her request;
  • if one of the party members has the skill of stealing, try to steal the key;
  • if one of the party members has the hacking skill, try to hack the cage.

Trying to intimidate the Reverend Mother will amuse the Morrigan (+4) and shock Alistair (-13). Note: Stan must be released from his cage before completing any of the following quests: Broken Circle, Arl of Redcliffe, Paragon of Her Kind, or Nature of the Beast.

Preacher's Board in Lothering (Lothering Chanter's Board):

How to get: read an announcement on the preacher's board near the church that Sir Bryant promised to pay 3 gold to whoever manages to eliminate three gangs of bandits that have dug in north of Lothering. Then it remains to do this and receive a reward from the preacher Devons (Chanter Devons, in addition to gold - the leader of the third gang must be equipped in full heavy steel armor).

Note: after that, the next two quests become available.

How to get: read a notice on the preacher's board stating that farmers are complaining of pestilence attacks north of Lothering. After that, look for three bears, deal with them and take the reward from the preacher - 1 gold.

How to get: read on the preacher's board about a boy whose mother went missing almost a week ago. The daredevil who found her body or some things that could be remembered by an orphan is promised a reward of 50 silver coins. Sarhi's body lies outside the field, surrounded by a pack of wolves. You should fight them off, pick up the copper filigree ring and return for a reward.

The Circle of Magi

How to get: find in the library, on the first floor of the Tower of the Circle, at least half of a torn book and conduct experiments, activating various objects in strict accordance with the description of the summoning rituals (there are significant discrepancies in the names of the Russian translation!).

Exercise one: Summoning Font, Tome of Spirit Personages, Summoning The First - ends with the appearance of a Spirit Hog.

Exercise two: Summoning Font, Rodercoms Uncommon Calling, Statue of Magus Gorvish, Summoning The second) - ends with the appearance of a clever rogue (Trickster Whim).

Exercise three: Summoning Font, Elvorn's Grande Bestiary, Common Table Carving Spot, Spiritorum Etherialis, Statue of Magus Gorvish, Novice Phylactery , Summoning The Third) - ends with the appearance of the Fade Rifter bereskarn, which you will have to deal with (the reward will be leather gloves (+10% to damage from electricity), the so-called electrified mitts (Charged Mitts)).

Exercise four (is a sequence of all three previous ones): Summoning Font, Tome of Spirit Personages, Rodercoms Uncommon Calling, Statue of Magus Gorvish, Elvorn's Grande Bestiary, Table Carving ( Common Table Carving Spot), Spiritorum Etherialis, Statue of Magus Gorvish, Novice Phylactery, Summoning The Fourth - Arl Foreshadow appears last, followed quickly rob before it evaporates and get a note for the codex.

Code: Summoning Sciences, The Notes of Arl Foreshadow.

How to get: in the Great Hall on the third floor of the Circle Tower, find five torn pages, read them and conclude that the magicians who wrote these pages were victims of the fraudster Beyha Joam. After that, when moving around the global map, a random encounter will occur with him and his gang, as a result of which you will gain reward- hood with cameo (Cameo Cowl, +2 cunning, +0.5 health regeneration in battle).

Code: Five pages, four magicians (Five Pages, Four Mages).

How to get: in the Tower of the Circle, find and read the notes for the codex: three on the first floor (in the students' rooms and in the library), two more on the second floor (near Owain and the blood mages) and the last one on the third floor, in the Great Hall. After that, in the rest room of the Great Hall, you need to activate the statues in this order:

  • a statue with a vessel in hand (The vessel in hand);
  • a statue with a raised sword (A sword raised);
  • a statue with a lowered sword (A sword lowered);
  • statue with a shield (Shielded from each side) in the central room near the stairs to the fourth floor.

If everything is done correctly, then the task will be updated and it will be possible to go down to the first floor to the door to the basement. When you try to open it, the demon Shah Wyrd (Shah Wyrd) should appear, you just have to deal with him and pick up reward- Yusaris, Dragonslayer (silverite two-hander with 2 slots for runes, +20 fire resistance, +5 damage against dragons).

Code: Watchguard of the Reaching; Yusaris, the Dragonslayer (Yusaris: The Dragonslayer).

How to get: find the body of the blood mage at the northern exit from Lothering to the Imperial Highway (this must be done before the destruction of the town) and pick up Bel Grus' letter. Next, go to the Circle Tower and find Bel's Cache on the second floor.

Code: Repentance of the criminal (Maleficarum Regrets).

Redcliffe (Redcliffe)

Quests lost child and Lost in the castle you can take by agreeing to help the village of Radcliffe repel the attack of the walking dead, and the rest - after the battle.

How to get: talk to Kaitlyn, who is weeping in the Redcliffe Church. She will ask you to find her younger brother, Bevin. You should find Caitlin's house in the village, go to the bedroom on the first floor and open the closet in which Bevin is hiding. Persuasion or intimidation can force him to hand over the key to the chest on the second floor containing the family sword, The Green Blade. If it does not work out, then you can try again in the church.

Since the sword costs money, Caitlin should pay for it: 50, 75, 100 or 500 silver (but it is not necessary to pay). The selected amount will affect the attitude of the party members towards you - Morrigan will be against any payment, Stan will approve the amount from a hundred. In addition to the sword, Caitlin can beg for a kiss, and after the battle, help them both leave for Denerim.

How to get: talk to headman Murdoch about helping the defenders of Radcliffe village and promise the blacksmith Owen to find his daughter, Valena, in the castle, despite the disapproval of Morrigan and Stan (-5). Valena can be found in a small closet on the lower floor of Redcliffe Castle (Main Floor). You can tell her about the underground tunnel or offer to wait in this pantry, in any case, she will run away, and then she will stay in the forge.

However, if Valena is not found before Connor is healed, then she will be considered dead and will have to tell Owen about it. Then later a new blacksmith will appear in the village with a different set of goods for sale, you can buy the Far Song bow from him (i.e., if you save Valena, then you can’t buy this weapon). Reward:

  • Amulet - if you tell Owen about the death of Valena, and then introduce yourself to the new blacksmith as Owen's relative,
  • Armored Dwarven Armor (Shielded Dwarven Armor) - if you save Owen's daughter.

Note. If Valena is saved, Owen will have Boots of Diligence, part of the Diligence Armor Set on sale. The blacksmith who replaces Owen sells the Distant Song bow, possibly the best bow in the game. Make your choice.

Brecilian Forest

How to get: speak politely to Cammen in the Dalish camp. He languishes over the elf Gheyna, and she does not take the poor fellow seriously, because. he's just a hunter's apprentice. You can help the couple connect:

  • having obtained for Kammen the skin of a wolf in the forest so that he could finally become a hunter,
  • convincing Geina (influence skill!) that Kammen's social position is not that important.

Reward there will be a book of the Saga of Iloren (you can give it to a hermit or sell it). Or you can separate the couple forever:

  • seducing Cammen and telling Heine about it (if you have a heroine),
  • seducing Geina and telling Kammen about it (if you have a hero),
  • after assuring Geina that Kammen secretly hates her,
  • telling Heine that Kammen was really just going to get her into bed.

Code: The Tale of Iloren.

How to get: stumble upon a wounded elf, Deygan, in West Brecilian, and decide what to do with him:

  • leave him or kill him
  • take it to the Dalish camp, handing it over to a patrol led by Mithra along the way.

During the examination of the wounded, you can assign his things: a dagger, arrows, blackened leather boots and a figure of a Dalish hunter carved from maple wood (note that this will worsen relations with the clan). If you save Deigan, then the next time you visit the camp, you can talk to him and get a reward - Sapphire, and if the elf's things were stolen, you can return the figurine and not spoil relations with the Dalish.

How to get: talk to Varathorn in the Dalish camp and agree to look for him in the Brecilian forest for iron bark, from which he can make special weapons and armor. Bark can be found in West Brecilian, on a fallen tree near the northern exit to the eastern part of the forest. Then it remains to take it to the master and decide on the reward:

  • ask Varathorn to make a Wolf-Killer bow (Wolf-Killer, requires 28 dexterity, damage 8.40, critical hit modifier 1.40%, armor penetration 7.20, +4 damage against the dead, +8 damage against beasts),
  • ask the master to make a breastplate of silverite, Varathorn's Armor, requires 30 strength, armor 8.92, fatigue 8.75%, +3 armor, +20 resistance to the forces of nature, +25 endurance),
  • if you have enough influence, convince Varathorn to do both,
  • refuse the reward and receive a consolation prize - Varathorn's Amulet, +20 resistance to the forces of nature, -1 physique),
  • be overly greedy and stay with the bark.

Note: this quest should be completed quickly to avoid glitches.

How to get: either convince Athras in the Dalish camp to tell about his wife, Danyla, who has been infected by the werewolf curse, or stumble upon Danielle in East Brecilian. According to Atras, Zathrian claims that Daniella is dead, however, he does not allow Atras to see her body. Atras is convinced that Daniella is alive but has become a werewolf and hopes you can find her in the forest. You will indeed find her in East Brecilian Forest, among a group of werewolves, after which you will be able to:

  • kill Daniella out of pity (Wynn and Leliana would approve)
  • refuse to kill her and then Daniella will attack you herself.

Daniella will ask you to give Atras her scarf (Scarf). For this scarf, you can exchange something with the Hermit (Mad Hermit) or transfer it to Atras for its intended purpose and get reward - Athras's Pendant, which can also be used in exchange with the Hermit. The choice of your lines in the last conversation with Atras can cause a different reaction from the companions (for example, mentioning that Danielle loves Atras will cause Morrigan's disapproval (-3) and Leliana's approval (+2)).

Note: if this quest is not completed, and you took the side of the werewolves and decided to kill the Dalish, then Atras will attack you and the werewolves, and if you decide not to kill the Dalish, then Atras will say that he is leaving to look for Daniella himself (there will be no reward).


Naga beater Bemor (Nug Wrangler Boermor) asks to return at least one naga to him - alas, everyone fled in different directions. The quest ends after delivering one naga to him, however you can bring four more for money.

You should look out for pink, loudly squeaking creatures in the area, catch them and deliver them to the beater:

  • to the right of the gate to the Commons of Orzammar,
  • near Brother Burkel,
  • on the bridge leading to the Arena of Trials,
  • near the entrance to the Deep Roads,
  • in a nook next to Janar's gunsmith's door.

Reward: 12 silver and 25 experience for each brought naga.

Code: Nag (Nug).

Brother Burkel of Radcliffe Church, who hangs out in the Commons near the entrance to Dust Town, says he returned to the land of his ancestors to spread the light of faith. He would like to open a church in Orzammar that will carry the Song of Light to the dwarves, but this requires the permission of the Guardians. You can promise Berkel to put in a good word for him with the Chronicler of Chronicles (this will cause Leliana's approval +2 and Stan's -5 disapproval), or you can tell him not to interfere in the religion of the dwarves (there will be no second conversation).

Chronicler Shaper Czibor resides in the Shaperate quarters in the Diamond Quarter. In a conversation with him, you can use persuasion or intimidation (possibly for a character with a developed influence skill), as well as cunning. If your character is powerful or cunning enough, then the Chronicler will give Brother Berkel permission to open a small church in Orzammar, otherwise you will have to upset Berkel with a refusal.

Note: you learn from the epilogue that after the opening of the church in Orzammar, many new converts appeared among the dwarves and this caused problems. The council decided to close the church, but Brother Burkel resisted and was killed during a peaceful procession. The council declared the death an accident, but news of the unrest reached the Church above, where they began to talk about the High Priestess contemplating a new Crusade...

When completing the quest about finding Jarvia in the Carta Hideout, you can stumble upon a note about Jammer's hiding place. From this note it follows that somewhere here in a chest, locked with a special lock, loot is hidden. To open it, you will need three gizmos from three other bandit chests, and each of them contains three items, but you need to take only the cheapest one(The Gray Warden will receive one injury for each incorrect item taken, and he himself will disappear from the inventory, so you should not worry about lost profits):

  • Kanky's Common Box, mark 1 on the map): silver dress ring (Silver Costume Ring),
  • Jammer's Common Box, mark 2 on the map): iron letter opener (Iron Letter Opener),
  • Pique's chest (Pique's Common Box, mark 3 on the map): pomegranate decoration (Garnet Trinket).

As soon as you collect all the correct items, they will disappear from the inventory, and instead of them there will be a key to the chest with prey, which is located in the cubbyhole with manual deep hunters (mark 4 on the map).

Reward: 7 gold 55 silver 45 copper and a Helmet for two cores (Longrunner's Cap, light helmet, +0.5 to restore stamina in battle).

Code: Jammer's Stash.

From a conversation with Shaper Assistant Milldrate, you will learn that the Guardians have been robbed - they have lost a rare tome. The thief is most likely branded from the slums and is described as bald.

In Dust City, find and kill Shady Corebit, there is a receipt on his body. It is similar to those that are printed in the Arena of Trials and all crumpled, the bet was clearly unsuccessful. In the middle of the northern wing of the Arena, you will see a group of suspicious types led by Craftsman Gredin (Fixer Gredin). Of course, they will have to be dealt with (you can get to this wing only after talking with Dulin Forinder or completing the quest Perfect). Pay attention to standing next to the thugs Jertrin (Jertrin), this is a buyer of stolen goods and he wants to buy a tome. Quest completion options:

  • Gertrin will pay 2 gold and 30 silver for the tome,
  • assistant chronicler Mildrat will thank you, but will not give you anything (and experience will not increase either).

Note: if you want to sell the tome, then you should do it right away, Gertrin will not talk to you again.

On the streets of Dust Town you will see Zerlinda begging for her son. If you give her 5 silver coins or ask about her situation, you can find out that she once belonged to the caste of miners, but gave birth to a son from an untouchable, after which her relatives renounced her (because according to gnome traditions, the boy inherits the father's caste) , and the father of the child abandoned her (because he wanted a daughter to get into the caste of miners). You can try to help Zerlinda one way or another (Wynn will approve +2):

  • try to convince or intimidate (influence skill!) her father Ordel, who often visits the Orzammar tavern "At the taverns", to take her back with the child;
  • persuade Zerlinda to leave the child in the Deep Roads (as required by her family), after which she can return home;
  • if the quest Song in the Deep Roads completed, then:
    • advise Zerlinda to seek help from Brother Berkel herself,
    • try to persuade (influence skill!) Brother Burkel to let her stay at the new church;
  • tell Zerlinda about the lack of castes on the surface and convince her to leave Orzammar.

Reward: for reconciling Zerlinda with her family, experience points are added, ~200EXP.


Once in the Denerim Trade District, you will certainly meet Ser Landry, who will recognize you, since he was also under Ostagar, and will challenge you to a duel in order to avenge the Gray Warden for the betrayal and death of King Cailan (he believes Loghain's words). You can:

  • (influence) lie that you are not a Gray Warden at all, then Ser Landry will apologize and leave,
  • (influence) convince Landry that if he is wrong he will kill an innocent, then he will say that he feels you are guilty, but he has no proof, so he will meet you again when he finds them, and leaves,
  • agree to a duel and have a brawl with Landry and his supporters in the alley behind the Gnawed Noble Tavern,
  • refuse to duel, after which Landry will leave, saying that this is not all (later, during the transitions along Denerim, you will fall into an ambush set by him).

Reward: inscribed mace (Engraved Mace, veridium, damage 6.50, agility +1, damage +1, psychic resistance +5%) from Ser Landry's body.

Blackstone Irregulars

Volunteer quests can be started by talking to the Blackstone liaison at Dane's Refuge in Lothering, or later by seeing another liaison near the Redcliffe Church or in the Denerim Tavern.

How to get: Agree to deliver draft letters to three recruits:

  • Dernal Garrison, Redcliffe, who lives in a house opposite the stone bridge on the way to the mill;
  • Patter Gritch in Lothering, lounging in the church, near the entrance to the Reverend Mother's room;
  • Varel Baern, Denerim, found in Elven Alienage.

Note. The letter must be delivered to Gritch before Lothering is destroyed, otherwise the quest will remain unfinished.

Code: Letter from the Blackstone Irregulars.

How to get: in the Denerim tavern "Bitten Nobleman" agree to deliver four notices of the death of volunteers who died in the service to their wives:

  • Sara to the Denerim Market District;
  • Tania to Dirty Back Alley, Denerim;
  • Larana to the Spoiled Princess Inn at Lake Calenhad Docks;
  • Irenia to Redcliffe Chantry.

Code: A letter of condolence from the Blackstone Volunteers (Blackstone Letter of Condolences).

How to get: agree to return the stolen supplies of the volunteers by tracking down the deserters who appropriated them and dealing with them:

  • Deserter Sammael, Lake Calenhad Docks (Sammael the Deserter, Lake Calenhad Docks);
  • Deserter Tornas, Frostback Mountains (Tornas the Deserter, Frostback Mountains);
  • Deserter Layson, Denerim, Port backyards (Layson the Deserter, Denerim, Run-Down Back Street).

Note. The diary indicates that Sammael is in the Brecilian Forest.

Community of Mages (The Mages" Collective)

Quests can be started by talking to community liaisons at Calenhad Lake Wharf, Denerim Market District, or Redcliffe.

At the pier of Lake Calenhad agree to deliver notices of dismissal to three not-too-prominent apprentices of the mage Terraster:

  • Starrick - found near the main gate to Orzammar,
  • Fayd - idle in the middle of the Denerim Market District,
  • Sheth - in the Curiosities of Thedas, in the Denerim Trade District (Wonder of Thedas).

Reward: 2 gold.

Code: Letter of Termination.

At the pier of Lake Calenhad Agree to find and bring back 10 Deep Mushrooms. These mushrooms are quite common in various containers, but if you don't have 10 of them, they can be purchased from the Ruck gnome merchant in the Deep Roads. Reward: 1 gold.


Weylon x1 Blood Mage Rank 3


Master Ignacio (Master Ignacio) x1 Killer Rank 4 Trial of the Ravens.
Thug x1 Killer Rank 3
Thug x1 Rogue Rank 3
Loghain Guard Captain
(Loghain Guard Captain)
x1 Warrior Rank 3 Optional quest battle crime wave.
Loghain Soldier (Wisp Wraith) x4 Warrior Rank 2, 3
Leader of the Bloody Oars
(Crimson Oars Leader)
x1 Animal Rank 3 Optional quest battle Blood Oars.
Blood Oars Mercenary
(Crimson Oars Mercenary)
x2 Warrior Rank 2, 3
Blood Oars Mercenary
(Crimson Oars Mercenary)
x1 Rogue Rank 2

After the exorcism of the demon in the castle of Redcliffe (in the course of the quest Earl of Radcliffe) Erlessa Isolde or Bann Tegan will offer to find the Urn of Sacred Ashes to heal the Earl. Brother Genitivi knows about the urn.

In Genitivi's house (Denerim, shopping district), Weylon will advise you to look for him in a tavern on Calenhad Lake. You don't have to search - it's a trap. The true direction of the search will show the notebook Genitivi Research right here in the chest. A new location will appear on the world map - the village of Shelter.

If you wish, you can come to the Genitivi's house in Denerim even before visiting Redcliffe. Talking to Waylon starts the quest on its own.

In the Church of Refuge to be taken away Cultist's Medallion at the abbot and talk to Genitivi in ​​the right aisle (behind the secret door). There will be a move to the Ruined Temple. After passing the temple and the Cave location following it, you need to talk with Kolgrim.

You can agree to Kolgrim's proposal (the real choice can be made later). After passing through the Top of the Mountain to the location of the Trial, you need to complete the quest Test of Faith, which will open access to the urn of sacred ashes. Defiling the ashes and talking to Kolgrim at the top of the mountain will unlock the specialization Ripper.

If Andraste's ashes are defiled with dragon blood, Wynn will leave the party forever, even if she was in the camp. The only way to avoid this - go through the Vault before joining Wynn in the Mage Tower. Leliana can become hostile if the ashes are defiled in her presence, but if she becomes more selfish after completing a personal quest Leliana's past, you can convince her to maintain peaceful relations.

755 XP if the temple refuses Kolgrim's offer;
Mace of the Cavalier, if you rob Kolgrim;
two-handed ax Blade of Faith, if you kill Kolgrim;
the ability to summon a high dragon and take possession of its treasures if Kolgrim is killed;
opening a specialization Ripper;
750 XP upon exiting the Trial;
rune-dveomer of the master, if you ask for a reward from Genitivi in ​​his house (if the ashes were not defiled and Genitivi remained alive).

Alistair's personal quest. With a good relationship (approval over 25), you can ask Alistair about his family (the most convenient way to do this is when you first visit the village of Redcliffe). Later in the Denerim Trade District, Alistair recognizes the door of the house where his sister lives (the house next to the forge). If desired, after meeting with his sister, you can convince Alistair that "everyone lives for themselves" - this will accordingly change the style of his remarks and behavior.

250 XP for completing the quest.

Slick Couldry in Denerim Trade District offers 8 "tips" for a fee - 4 for a thief, 4 for a lockpicker.

1. Steal Purse with gems at the lady's maid. A maid in a green dress will appear in the center of the location.

2. Steal Sera Nenshin's Jeweled Sword at Nancy's Curiosities of Thedas. Theft is possible through dialogue and in the usual way, that is, you can get two swords.

3. Steal Silversmith's Key with Master Tilver. The master with security will appear in the north of the location. You can approach either by convincing the guard, or using invisibility, or passing between the houses (past the connected magicians), or using the help of a messenger boy standing nearby. Theft is possible through dialogue and in the usual way, that is, you can get two keys. The key (one is enough) opens two chests in the center of the location.

4. Steal Teyrn Loghain's Crown at the seneschal in the tavern "Bitten nobleman". You can use invisibility, or the help of a waitress (all options are suitable - get drunk, etc.). We must not steal the crown, but try to talk to the seneschal.

5. Collect valuables from Lady Sophie's room in the Bitten Nobleman's tavern. You need to open the lock on the door and take any thing.

6. Pick up Silver bars from three chests in a warehouse in the south of the location.

7. Collect treasures from Bann Franderel's Estate (a new location will appear on the city map - Bann's Estate of the Western Hills). Instead of treasure, there will be an ambush in the estate, but this is a prerequisite for the next stage of the quest.

8. Pick up Tears of Andraste from Bann Franderel Manor. This quest is given after the Gathering of the Lands. You need to once again penetrate the estate and take the vial from the chest in the treasury. Earlier access to the treasury from the wine warehouse was closed by a cupboard.


Quest for those interested from R. (quests of this series are given in the tavern of Denerim). You need to collect twelve love letters. Letter Locations: Dalish Camp, Brecilian Ruins (upper level), Orzammar (Charter hideout and royal palace), Calenhad Lake (tavern), Mage Tower (senior mages' rooms), Denerim (Earl Eamon's estate, "Pearl", forge), village Redcliffe (mill), Redcliffe castle (cellar), Vault village (house).

125 XP and 6 gold coins for completing the quest.

The first quest for those interested from K. (quests of this series are given in the tavern of Denerim). Need to bring fifteen servings animal poison. Varathorn has an unlimited supply at the Dalish Camp.

95 silver coins for completing the quest.

The second quest for those interested from K. (quests of this series are given in the tavern of Denerim). Need to bring ten Pomegranates(precious stones). Stones have to be collected as the game progresses.

200 xp and 1 gold coin for completing the quest.

The third quest for those interested from K. (quests of this series are given in the tavern of Denerim). It is necessary to take four "bags" to the so-called Transfers(secrets). Locations: Denerim Market Quarter, Calenhad Lake Tavern, Frostback Mountain Pass, Redcliffe Village. The last pouch will explode upon placement.

175 XP and 3 gold and 98 silver coins for completing the quest.

The fourth quest for those interested from K. (quests of this series are given in the Denerim tavern). You need to discredit D. To do this, you need to talk with Gorim and Sister Theohilda in the Trade District and with the manager in Curiosities of Thedas. Then - meet with the guard's contact in the Trade District (near the exit to the city map). Further on the city map there will be a random meeting with assistant D. (location Dilapidated lane), who has a map The path to shelter. A new marker will appear on the city map - D's Shelter. In the shelter, you need to defeat D. and his guards.

250 XP and 10 gold coins for completing the quest.

The first quest for those interested from D. (quests of this series are given in the tavern of Denerim). Need to hide three body bag in a junkyard in the Denerim Trade District (next to the temple). The bags are located in the Trade District (near the temple), in the Trade Warehouse (entrance from the Trade District), in the "Pearl".

125 XP and 2 gold coins for completing the quest.

The second quest for those interested from D. (quests of this series are given in the tavern of Denerim). It is necessary to shoot from a bow in the indicated place of Western Brecilian (at point 6) (a crossbow is not suitable). Then - defeat the mercenaries and take folded letter.

175 XP and 4 gold coins for completing the quest.

The third quest for those interested from D. (quests of this series are given in the Denerim tavern). It is necessary to destroy three false witnesses: on Lake Calenhad, in Denerim ("Wonders of Thedas"), in the Frost Mountains of Orzammar.

6 gold coins for completing the quest.

The fourth quest for those interested from D. (quests of this series are given in the Denerim tavern). You need to kill K. On the city map, there will be a random meeting with K.'s assistant (location Dilapidated Lane), who has a map The path to shelter. A new marker will appear on the city map - K's Vault. In the shelter, you need to defeat K. and his guards.

250 XP and 10 gold coins for completing the quest.

Quest of the Blackstone Volunteers (can be taken in Lothering, Redcliffe or Denerim). Gotta pick up the stolen Guild Supplies three deserters - in the Frost Mountains, on Lake Calenhad, in Denerim (Port Backyard).

ring frost strike with a deserter in the Frost Mountains;
175 XP and 2 gold coins for completing the quest.

Quest of the Blackstone Volunteers. (You can take it in Lothering, Redcliffe or Denerim). Need to give three Letters of call- in Lothering (church), in the village of Redcliffe (house), in Denerim (Elfinage).

Keep in mind that Lothering becomes unavailable after completing any of these quests: nature of the beast, Perfect, Broken Circle, Urn of sacred ashes.


Quest of the Blackstone Volunteers (available in Denerim). You need to bring twenty healing poultices. Any poultices will be transferred, starting with the smallest ones.

175 XP, 3 gold and 98 silver coins for completing the quest.

Quest of the Blackstone Volunteers (available in Denerim). We need to give four funerals to widows. They are in Redcliffe (church), on Calenhad Lake (tavern), in Denerim (Merchant District and Dirty Corner).

175 XP and 1 gold coin for completing the quest.

Quest of the Blackstone Volunteers (available in Denerim). The quest is given after completing the other five volunteer quests. You need to talk with Relnor Hawkwind in the Trade District and make a decision: either kill him or kill his son Taoran Hawkwind (random meeting on the world map, location Camp Taoran).

350 XP and 4 gold coins if you kill Relnor;
350 xp, 4 gold coins and Rogue Scout's Helm, if you kill Taoran;
3 gold coins if Taoran is released for a ransom.

If you talk to Master Ignacio in the Denerim Trade District, in the future, he will invite you through a messenger to a meeting in the Bitten Noble tavern and offer a number of tasks.

2. Kill the mercenaries of Kadan-Fe. A new location Kadan-Fe Refuge will appear on the world map.

3. Kill Ambassador Gainley. The ambassador with security is in Royal Palace Orzammar, in Prince Trian's rooms.

4. Kill Captain Chase. A new location will appear on the map of Denerim - Place for Redemption.

After completing the quest, the trader Cesar in the Denerim market will have an additional assortment. If Master Ignacio is killed after completing the quest, trading with Cesar will become impossible.

Enhanced Grip Crossbow and Rough Gut Gauntlets for the first three tasks;
gloves Red Jenny Seekers for completing the quest.

Sergeant Keelone in the Denerim Trade District requests that the mercenaries be driven out of the Bitten Noble Inn. At the same time, the customer wants "to have a fight." After defeating the leader, the rest of the mercenaries will surrender.

100 XP and 3 gold coins for completing the quest.