Dragon age origins the appearance of the Morrigan. Dragon Age: Origins, Handbook, Character Companions. Heavy volcanic gold armor

The Morrigan is one of the more mysterious characters who graced the universe with their presence. dragon age. The bewitching sorceress keeps everyone guessing about her true intentions, and she knows more than she seems. If the excitement that followed after her appearance in the Dragon Age: Inquisition trailer at E3 is any indication of the reaction of the fans, then they are glad that she returned. With so many questions hanging in the air, including Morrigan's whereabouts after performing a dark ritual to conceive a child, Inquisition is her chance to regain her glory. We spoke with BioWare about the creation of one of Dragon Age's most talked about characters and her role in Dragon Age: Inquisition.

How did the Morrigan come about?

Lead writer David Gaider's original vision for Morrigan was very different from the brash and rowdy woman he introduced us to in Dragon Age: Origins. Oddly enough, Gaider originally wrote Morrigan in many ways like Flemeth, the woman who raised her. “Remember how you met Flemeth, and how she beat around the bush and was, as it were, out of this world? My Morrigan was about the same,” says lead writer David Gaider. “She would never tell you anything directly.”

Gaider wanted the players to wonder what she was talking about whenever she opened her mouth, but they soon decided with the team that the odd Morrigan image just didn't work. Gaider had to completely rewrite it and liked the idea of ​​a straight-talking character, so he came up with a compromise. “I decided that instead of making her like Flemeth, I would make her a teenage girl who just resents her mother. She's completely direct because she doesn't like her mother talking around the bush," Geider says.

Having overcome one hurdle with the Morrigan, the team faced another: finding the perfect voice. BioWare considers this one of the most essential elements of the character. "It took forever to cast the Morrigan," Gaider says. At some point, BioWare settled on one actress, but as with the original Morrigan concept, they decided that this actress just didn't fit what they had in mind. But then, unexpectedly, they turned up Claudia Black (she played Irene Sun in "At the End of the Universe"). "She didn't actually audition for the role of Morrigan," Geider says. Instead, Black sent them a tape she had made to let BioWare know she was interested in their future projects. "We listened to her and said something like, 'That would be perfect.' And, of course, I watched At the End of the Universe, so it was just wonderful,” recalls Geider.

Even as time passed, Black returned for the Inquisition trailer and did exactly what BioWare needed. “She hits the spot again, and she has such a velvety voice that fits so well,” Geider says. “Every once in a while you come across an actor who is just perfect right from the start and makes your writing better,” Geider adds.

The Morrigan we know

Fans were quickly captivated by Morrigan's cryptic and sharp tongue, especially in her bickering with party companion Alistair. Part of what makes Morrigan interesting is her backstory and place in Dragon world age. Magic is feared in Thedas, and as a way to control the power of mages, they must all be part of the Circle of Mages. Unsurprisingly, Morrigan refuses to obey, making her an apostate - an uncontrollable mage isolated from civilization. Morrigan's upbringing is very different from most of the characters we meet in Dragon Age, and she obviously didn't have much socializing or interaction with others because of it.

Most notably, Morrigan has a strained relationship with Flemeth, but Morrigan is unsure that the witch is actually her mother. When your tutor is a legendary werewolf who is rumored to kill people with sheer fear, it's hard not to adopt her tactics and reject her power. Whether Morrigan or Flement can be trusted remains an open question because they always seem to have ulterior motives.

The mysterious identity of Morrigan served the plot well, and was what Gaider intentionally wanted. “I got Morrigan to talk a lot about herself in Dragon Age: Origins, and given how Origins ended, players were left thinking, 'How much of this is true?'” Gaider says. “You have to be a fool not to recognize her mysterious qualities and then make her take advantage of them, right? She knows what power she has…”

Morrigan puts in front of the player big choice before the final battle with the Archdemon in Origins. She states that a certain dark ritual will allow her to conceive a child and save Gray Warden from making a mortal sacrifice. She explains that the essence of the Archdemon, after killing him, will pass into her unborn child. The Morrigan believes that the child will then have the soul of the Old God. Players playing as a male character get the option to conceive a child with the Morrigan on their own, but even if they refuse, other Gray Wardens in the world may decide differently. After the final battle, the Morrigan leaves and the child's fate remains unknown.

Morrigan's departure to continue her mission was one that Gaider took to heart. "From my point of view, creating a strong female character is about giving her her own agenda," Geider says. - The most important thing for me when I wrote Origins was that at the end, even if Morrigan loved the player, she had something that she believed in, and it was so important that she would do it despite player. And I think a lot of the players were expecting her to submit to whatever they wanted because of the way they did the love line, raised her approval and of course because she just has to kind of follow their lead. fate. But the Morrigan had her own destiny."

Role in Dragon Age: Inquisition

We've been teased about Morrigan's fate in Dragon Age: Inquisition, and the anticipation of her role in the game has fans jumping in their chairs. The absence of one of the roles she has already confirmed. “I think it's probably just fair to people to say that Morrigan won't be in the party,” says creative director Mike Laidlaw. "It will disappoint some, but I think it's important for us to be honest about it." Despite the fact that she will not be among the party members, her role will be important. “This is not a cameo. She plays a significant role,” Geider teases.

Gaider and Laidlaw's excitement at her return to Inquisition is palpable. They've been planning her return for quite some time now. “We knew about the core of the Inquisition story about halfway through Dragon Age: Origins. The story has been in production for a very long time,” says Laidlaw. "The story of Inquisition is the Morrigan moment, which is a good option to think about." Fans were hoping for her to appear in Dragon Age II, but only heard a few mentions of her. The wait to see what Morrigan was up to was unbearable; fans have been waiting to reunite with her since the 2010 Witch Hunt DLC. "I think you can say that in Dragon Age II we didn't do that story, but it was always there, waiting for us," Geider says.

Asked if there will be any references to your past relationship with the Morrigan, such as your Gray Warden if he romanced her, Gaider says, “Yes. The various states that the Morrigan can be in - which can be quite a few, because we never know when to stop when it comes to decisions - they will all be taken into account. Whether or not they will have an end effect like reactions that one imagines depends on the individual. But we do take them into account, and it does play a role to varying degrees depending on the environment.”

Does this mean that Inquisition will pull up the hanging tails in her story? The dark ritual has been in the minds of fans since Origins, but there's more depth to The Morrigan than this scene alone. “Morrigan plays a human role in this intrigue, which I think may surprise some people, because they may perceive her only as an instrument of intrigue,” Geider says. - She is involved in this great intrigue, and although this is true to a certain extent, I give her a human place. It will make sense when it's over."

Dragon Age: Inquisition continues the story that began in 2009. In the presence of such a bright and unpredictable character as Morrigan, her role should be anything but ordinary. Either way, Morrigan desires change in the world, and this could be her chance to see her dreams come true.

“Changes are coming to this world. People will resist them with every fiber of their being; many will be overcome by fear. However, sometimes change is what people need most. Sometimes change is a step towards freedom.”

Morrigan is a Witch of the Wilds, one of the undocumented sorceresses who are said to dwell in the Korcari Wilds. She leaves her home to become a companion of the Gray Warden, the chief Hero Dragon Age: Origins (hereinafter - DAO). The male Guardian has the option to romance her. You can also learn the Werewolf specialization with the Morrigan.



Most likely, Morrigan is the daughter of Flemeth, a legendary, terrifying sorceress who has likely roamed the Korcari Wilds for centuries. Morrigan reluctantly - or because she has no right - spreads about her mother. Flemeth raised her in relative isolation from the outside world, so the girl rarely interacted with people (thanks to the gift of turning into animals, she found solace among them, and often watched people on the sly). As a rule, Morrigan despises the human race, but sometimes finds herself intrigued by individual members of it.

The witch's father, who remains unknown throughout the game, is assumed to be of Hasind origin.

Dragon Age: Origins

Morrigan is the second permanent partner, who, following Alistair (although he frankly dislikes her), joins the campaign. She herself does not ask for a team, but does not mind too much when Flemeth decides to send her with the Guardian. During the journey, Morrigan shows little sympathy for others and reacts negatively to the actions of the hero when he helps people without demanding anything in return.

If Morrigan is on good terms with the Guardian and he gave her the Black Grimoire, she will state that Flemeth intends to kill her, thereby extending his life. To prevent this, the girl asks the protagonist to kill his own mother. There are two scenarios for the development of events:

  • After dealing with Flemeth, the Guardian brings the Grimoire to Morrigan, which causes her to treat the Guardian with much more respect.
  • In case of refusal, Morrigan will leave her companions in a rage, but will reappear on the eve of the last fight in order to offer something.

Before the final battle, after main character learns that the price for the death of the archdemon is the life of a Gray Warden, Morrigan declares that there is an alternative. If she manages to conceive a child with a Gray Warden, the essence of the archdemon will be seduced and enter him instead of destroying the member of the order. The witch will immediately leave without obtaining consent to the ritual; in some circumstances will disappear after the battle. However, by surviving the fight with the archdemon, the Guardian may later attempt to reach the Morrigan.

Dragon Age: Origins, Witch Hunt DLC

The events set out in the DLC "Witch Hunt", where Morrigan is a key character, unfold a year after the massacre for Denerim. The witch has been seen in Ferelden, and the Guardian sets out to find her, either to find her lost love, or to be executed for desertion, or to get answers to questions (depending on the gender of the protagonist and the decisions made in the DAO). Finally, they meet at the Graveyard of Dragonbones, with Morrigan almost passing through a magical portal. She explains that great changes are coming to Thedas, and she leaves Ferelden to prepare for them. The girl also invites the Guardian with her if there was an affair between them. Unfortunately, her further fate remains unknown.

Dragon Age: Inquisition

((PICTURE-LEFT )) Since 9:37 Draco, Morrigan has been at the Orlesian court as an adviser to the empress. She quickly infiltrated the society of the courtiers, winning the favor of Selina, who had long been looking for a source of magical knowledge that was not limited by Church doctrine. However, ominous rumors spread very quickly that Morrigan was teaching the Empress the forbidden, dark arts.

The protagonist meets the Morrigan at a ball at the Winter Palace. She finds the Inquisitor and informs him that she located and killed the Tevinter agent, taking the key from his body. It is in her best interest to save Selina from the Venatori, for if the assassination succeeds, the imperial court may accuse her of murder. But she cannot leave the Empress unattended, and therefore trusts the capture of the killer to the Inquisitor.

After forging an alliance between Orel and the Inquisition, Morrigan notifies the protagonist that she has been appointed mediator to the order.

When the Inquisition ruins the plans of Corypheus, the master retreats to the Arbor Wasteland. In a personal conversation, Morrigan reveals Corypheus's goals, and then shows the Inquisitor the Eluvian and takes him to a dimension she calls the Crossroads. The witch explains that the master is looking for eluvians to use him to enter the Shadow and further - to the Black City.

If the Dark Ritual has been performed or Morrigan has had an affair with the Gray Warden, she presents her son, Keran, to the Inquisitor.

When the Inquisition forces reach the Arbor Waste, Morrigan joins the protagonist's party following the Corypheus to the Temple of Mythal. Having witnessed how the master, torn into small pieces by ancient magic, is reborn in the body of the nearest creature of darkness, they run inside the temple. Morrigan suggests that Corypheus has the same powers as the archdemon. Also learning that the Magister is looking for the Well of Sorrow, she begins to question whether the Eluvian is his true target.

Moving deeper into the temple, the squad encounters ancient elves guardians. If the Inquisitor performs all the rituals required to enter the inner section of the temple, rather than shortcut, as Samson / Calpernia, then meets the leader of the guards - Abelas. Whether the Inquisitor decides to team up with him or not, Abelas wants to destroy the Well before it is corrupted, forcing the Morrigan to turn into a bird and follow him. She manages to get ahead of the elf. Realizing that he is in a hopeless situation, Abelas reveals that the Source contains the knowledge of all previous servants of Mythal. The elf is afraid that if a stranger drinks from him, the knowledge will be irretrievably lost. He will also report that those who drink from the Source of Sorrow will be forever bound to the will of Mythal. If the Inquisitor teamed up with Abelas earlier, the elf can be persuaded to leave peacefully, otherwise the Morrigan will kill him before he can destroy the temple. Then either the Inquisitor or the Morrigan drinks from the Well and the party leaves the temple via the eluvian.

((PICTURE-RIGHT ))If the Dark Ritual was performed , Keran will pass through the eluvian located in Skyhold, into the Fade, and the Morrigan, upon learning, will rush after him. The Inquisitor also follows her and together they find Keran in Flemeth's company. When the Morrigan tries to attack, Flemeth stops her by using a link to whoever drank from the Well, revealing that she is Mythal's container. She then proposes a deal: Keran stays with her and Morrigan gets her freedom or else Flemeth will continue to pursue her. Morrigan responds with a decisive refusal, she is even ready to give her body to her mother, if only to save her son. After that, Flemeth only takes the soul of the Old God Urthemiel from Keran. Before leaving, she says that she could never possess the body of someone who does not want it.

If the Dark Ritual was not performed , the Inquisitor and Morrigan will go to the Altar of Mythal and meet Flemeth there.

If Morrigan drank from the Well of Sorrow, she will be able to transform into a dragon and fight Corypheus' dragon. In the middle of the battle, however, she is defeated and remains unconscious for the remainder of the battle.

After Corypheus is defeated, Morrigan leaves Skyhold.


Morrigan in an intimate moment

At first, Morrigan, when the Guardian communicates with her on a campaign or conducts a dialogue with her, responds to his courtship with boring and sarcastic formulations, but later - with an increase in the level of relations and constant conversations - she begins to behave coquettishly, passionately, and in the most "extreme » cases - childishly. To charm her, it is important to remember that she is a champion of independence and is convinced that strength is everything. For the sake of the rapid development of relations, it is best to approve of her philosophy of "natural selection". The Morrigan despises all kindness. By the way, if the Guardian puts too much pressure on the "neglect of love", he may ruin the relationship with her. She also, despite her apostate status and "uncivilized" upbringing, appreciates an open-minded interest in her person.

If the Guardian romances the Morrigan and simultaneously revolves around Leliana and/or Zevran, the witch will eventually confront the hero and force him to choose. By the way, this can be done by her opponent and/or rival.

The dialogue option "Kiss her", as with other potential lovers, will open already at a low relationship level (minimum +20), and either Morrigan must be "Interested", or certain dialogue must go with a bang). If this "first kiss" occurs in the presence of Alistair, he may make a "pretty face". And then every time the couple kisses in front of Alistair, the phrase will follow from him: "Vomit projectile at the ready."


Like other companions in Origins, Morrigan's equipment is picked up by the player, however there are several

Named items that only she can wear:

  • Morrigan Robe (clothes)
  • Gem Clasp (amulet)
  • Robe of Possession (clothes)

The first two items will be worn by Morrigan when joining the guard squad, the last can be found in a previously locked chest in Flemeth's house during the Flemeth Grimoire quest.


Morrigan loves decorations that will give more approval points than other gifts.

There are also a few "named" gifts that cannot be given to someone else:

  • Black Grimoire(located in Irving's chest in the Elder Mages' rooms in the Circle Tower, starts the quest Grimoire Flemeth. Bug: Selling the grimoire will cause an error in the save file, making it unplayable for all characters except the mage. The Xbox 360 version won't have the bug, but the quest will be unfinished until picked up again)
  • Grimoire Flemeth(obtained when completing the quest of the same name);
  • golden mirror(Sold by Garin at the Commons in Orzammar)


The Morrigan doesn't like the church too much. Also dislikes judgment of her or her skills in any way. Responds poorly to orders and threats.

She likes if the player will support her, as well as give various decorations.

Upon reaching a certain level of approval, Morrigan will receive a bonus to magic, the greater the greater the approval, from a small one at 25 points to a huge one at 90.


  • (next to the preacher's board) Ah, the pulpit. Yes, let's try to improve the whole human race, and at the same time earn coppers.
  • (Wharf on Calenhad Lake) And why do we need them with my mother? Apostates? I won't put my mind to it.
  • (in the rooms of senior magicians after finding ancient texts) Oh, the precious Circle was not the first to touch the Shadow in their own tower. How decent.
  • (in the village of Redcliffe, when leaving the church) Wow, it's finally cooled down. It's hard to breathe when the air is downright saturated with complacency.
  • (in "Pearl") I do not understand why it was necessary to build a separate place for this. I've always paid for sex, and so everyone has always paid.
  • (near the tavern "At the innkeepers") I don’t even want to think about what alcohol can be made from in the conditions of caves ...
  • (at the entrance to Dusty City) Why don't the poor start a revolution? This is what I will never understand.
  • (at the entrance to West Brecilian) It's wonderful. Forest again. And I already thought that I had left the Wild Lands - that's all.

  • In the BioWare files, Morrigan's appearance is described as: "A slender, exotic-looking young woman with long black hair and large eyes. Her body is relatively thin and fragile."
  • Actress Kate Mulgrew, who voiced Flemeth, described her as "Morrigan is innocent. Beautiful. Vulnerable."
  • Like Flemeth, Morrigan is a character in Penny Arcade's Dragon Age comic.
  • Morrigan is one of the few party members (along with Stan) who managed to recognize the Shadow when it got there under the influence of the demon of Idleness.
  • She succeeded thanks to her high will, and also due to the fact that the demon failed to correctly copy Flemeth.
  • Morrigan is one of three party members that were featured in the Sacred Ashes trailer (the other two are Sten and Leliana).
  • The model was Victoria Johnson (Victoria Johnson a.k.a. Victorria).
  • After the fight in the Tower of Ishal, during the conversation with Morrigan and Alistair, you can discuss her culinary abilities. After a while, she will say that she knows "fifteen different poisons", the ingredients for which grow right in the Korkari Lands.However, she does not have the initial skill "Manufacturing Poisons", instead she has the skill "Herbalism".
  • The Morrigan does not appear in Dragon Age II, although she is mentioned: when you first visit Broken Mountain during the quest "A Long Way Home", from Alistair in the quest "King Alistair", as well as in some dialogues with Anders.
  • Also at the end of the game you can see her image in the book of Cassandra.
  • The Morrigan appears as a party member in Dragon Age Legends. To do this, you need to unlock and build the Morrigan room in the castle.
  • She is also a hero in Heroes of Dragon Age.
  • In one of the dialogues with Leliana in Origins, the phrase "Maybe someday we will get you a beautiful dress will sound. Silk ... no, perhaps velvet. Velvet is heavier and will better protect you from the Fereldan cold.Dark red velvet... yes... and gold embroidery. Of course, with a deep neckline.We will not hide your virtues." At the ball in Dragon Age: Inquisition Morrigan appears in a dresswhich resembles what Leliana described.

With whom to build, and how to develop a romantic relationship?

There are several love lines available in the game. The opportunity to start a romantic relationship with companions appears with a sufficient level of location and respect. Compliments, flirting, heart-to-heart conversations with companions in a common camp, where the whole squad gathers in between tasks, and properly constructed dialogues work wonders. For the time being, you can stay with several partners at once, but there will definitely come a moment when you have to choose. Go to new level relationships occur most often after the personal tasks of companions-lovers. True, there are exceptions: with due diligence, rapprochement occurs many times faster, and there is enough disposition to go straight from kisses to business, without completing personal tasks. In case of loss of interest, you can part with the satellite, switching your attention to other potential partners. Breaking up a relationship leads to a decrease in trust, which can be restored through deeds or gifts. It is impossible to resume a previously broken love relationship; satellites take matters of fidelity very seriously and do not forgive stabs in the back.

Companions available for relations in the game:

Female: Alistair (achievement "First Knight").
Male: Morrigan (achievement "Mad Witch").
Both genders: Leliana (achievement "Wine, Ballad, Woman"), Zevran (achievement "Careless Lover").

For love relationships with all companions in the game, the achievement "The Rake" is issued (all passages are taken into account). You can get it already during the second playthrough, if both times were started and finished. love lines with all possible partners. To do this, the games are played by characters of different genders. Morrigan is considered the most compliant in Dragon Age: Origins, with her common ground is found very quickly. Zevran left not far from her, the nature of his activities in Antiva taught him to be very flexible in love matters (the end justifies the means). Alistair and Leliana will take a little longer, but they will end up in bed opposite the fire.

Alistair Teyrin

Alistair- Romantic interest for a female Guardian. He does not perceive relationships as something easy. There are many ways to start a romance with him through dialogue. Compliment him, say that you like him, in general, everything except mocking him will help win him over. If you offer him a relationship to a sufficient level of approval, he may reject it due to his inexperience, saying that he cannot take such things so lightly. Continuing to offer after this point will result in loss of approval. If you continue to earn friendship points, then he himself will invite the heroine to his tent. He likes to be loved and desired, and sometimes he responds with a touch of domesticity, but he does not like it when they laugh at intimacy.
Note: Even if you have high approval and if it is toughened up, you will have to complete one of the main quests before asking him to spend the night with the heroine.
A clear sign that Alistair is interested in the Guardian as a woman will be a gift - a rose. You can accept it or not. If Alistair has high approval and high approval with Zevran or Leliana (Adoration or Love), the next time you talk to him, Alistair will force you to choose between them.

If Alistair becomes king, the relationship will end unless the Guardian is of noble birth and Alistair is not toughened up. Even if it is toughened up, the relationship will end if the Guardian spares Loghain or chooses the wrong dialogue lines after the Gathering of the Lands. Choose the line "No one can make the king do what he doesn't want to do" to convince Alistair to continue the relationship. However, even if Alistair broke up with the Guardian, he retains tender feelings for her, although he tries to avoid talking about it in dialogues with the Guardian and other party members.

Note: A noble girl must use persuasion to marry Alistair when he chooses between her and Anora at the Gathering of Lands, though it does not need to be in a relationship with him or even have high approval. With Alistair toughened up, this option becomes available if the Warden refuses Riordan's offer to make Loghain a Gray Warden; if the Guardian supported this idea, then the hardened Alistair becomes king and executes Loghain, this will cancel the dialogue where he will have to choose between Alistair and Anora and will give the opportunity to choose to rule with him.

If the Guardian did not agree to Morrigan's offer and took Alistair to fight the Archdemon, then he would sacrifice himself even if he parted with the Guardian on his own initiative.

If the Guardian Girl slept with Alistair, toughening him up during his personal quest, and his approval is high enough, he might agree to be third with Isabela on the ship.

During the Darkspawn Chronicles DLC, if you look at the codex page about Leliana, you can find a mention that she is Alistair's lover. (Actually, if there is an affair with Alistair, and Leliana will be a friend of the Guardian (somewhere around 45-50), then there may be a dialogue between Leliana and the Guardian, which begins with the words of Leliana "I think Alistair is crazy about you" With certain answers, Leliana explicitly states to the Guardian that if the Guardian hadn't attempted to mend relations with Alistair, then Leliana would have.) However, this is not hinted at in Dragon Age: Origins, even if the Guardian is not in the novel. with them.

If Alistair's approval culminates, Wynn will bring up the subject, saying she doesn't approve of the relationship and she doesn't want Alistair to suffer. And he will also try to give a fascinating lecture on the topic "Where babies come from."

Zevran Arannay

Master of seduction(according to his own statement), Zevran will openly flirt with the Guardian, and with some other companions too, albeit just as a joke. He is not too picky and clearly underestimates his requests, which makes it easier to start a romance with the Guardian, regardless of gender. Almost immediately after joining the team, he shows sympathy for the Guardian, and he can reciprocate.

Entering the location of Zevran is quite simple. He loves playful hints and inquiries about his adventures, and as long as the Guardian takes his sexual past for granted, the romance will continue. He can be asked to keep the Guard company in a tent, even at the level of "Interest", to which he will gladly agree. Afterwards, Zevran explains that he is not holding the character, and it is his choice whether their night will be an isolated incident or the bond will continue. Conversely, if Zevran has high approval and the Guardian hasn't offered to sleep with him yet, he will offer his company for the night. Asking Zevran about love afterwards will result in a loss of influence, however telling him that it was just a one night stand will result in a much greater loss and ending of the relationship. The best option- say "It suits me." Zevran is just as faithful in relationships as the rest of the partners, although he recklessly flirts with other characters.

Regardless of the level of approval, Zevran's attitude will not change to "love" until the Gathering of the Lands is called. The group will clash with (and kill) Zevran's old friend, Taliesen, and Zevran will get a break from chasing the Ravens.

In gratitude, he offers the Guardian his earring upon his return to the camp. After that, the elf will refuse to go to the tent. If you refuse the first offer of the earring, then during a conversation on a personal topic (when the elf admits that he is embarrassed by his feelings), Zevran can offer it again, as a "sign of ... umm ... sympathy." Moreover, you can get an offer from an elf in this conversation by choosing certain replicas. However, if you take the earring only a second time, it will not appear in your inventory, this is a bug. If the Guardian responds that "the offer is too much", the relationship will end.

Leliana is a possible romantic interest for both the male Guardian and the female Guardian. The Guardian's first opportunity to kiss her is when her approval reaches "Adoration" (71 or higher) and she starts a conversation in the camp beginning with the words “I like the night at the camp. The night always looks more peaceful, I think. Safer" . However, she will not be interested in the tent and will only sleep with the Guardian if she is in love with him/her. She will not fall in love with the Guardian until her personal quest is completed and until her approval reaches a value of 91 or higher. To raise her approval, talk a lot, listen to what she tells you, be supportive, avoid criticism when she talks about the Creator, give meaningful gifts, do good deeds while she is in the group, and avoid evil acts (or at least not take her to the group when you do them).

Note: sometimes the romance does not start even with 100% approval. The nature of this phenomenon is unknown.

Note: this is due to a bug if the relationship with her develops too quickly due to gifts. Also, the personal quest becomes unavailable.

Note: the personal quest was completed, but the relationship did not develop.
In order for the quest to become available, you will have to part with Leliana, however, after completing the quest, the romance can be resumed and even completed, for this you need to choose the right lines in the conversation about Marjolaine.

If for some reason you missed the opportunity to have a romance, another attempt will appear after completing the quest with Marjoline. Ask how she feels after everything she's been through, agree that you know what she means after her answer, and in the subsequent conversation, say that people change over time. If in the end Leliana notices that you remind her of Marjoline, you are on the right track.
If, for some reason, you did not talk to Leliana about her past and reached a relationship of +100 with her, thereby losing the opportunity to complete her personal quest, it is possible to artificially set the conditions for the trigger to work. To do this, you need to turn on the console and enter runscript zz_addapproval 9 -30 () and after that talk with Leliana in the camp, the desired remark will appear in the list, as well as the ability to complete Leliana's quest. Further, her attitude can be restored again through the console or with gifts.

If you play as a male Guardian and decide to arrange a grand end for yourself by planning to marry Anora, but at the same time keep Leliana "with you", then just do not talk to her until the epilogue and coronation. If you talk to her before that, then she will say that she respects Anora too much and refuses to stay with the Guardian. And in a conversation just before the coronation, she will say that life is already too short, and will remain the mistress of the Gray Warden. Don't forget to tighten it up.

Note: Sometimes, regardless of the relationship with Leliana, if her approval is strong enough, the affair will begin without the Guardian noticing. This causes current love interests to ask about the Guardian's relationship to Leliana and vice versa.


Let's move on to the most delicious! - Morrigan!

The Morrigan is perhaps the most difficult of all the characters to please when compared to other romantic interests for a male Guardian. However, she is the easiest to sleep with, only reaching 51 approval points. She will like most of the random gifts found at the beginning of the game, but she will disapprove of almost all of the Guardian's good deeds.

To successfully romance Morrigan, the player must either do some bad deeds or engage in good deeds, as long as Morrigan is not in the group, as a negative result will be more common than a decline in Leliana, Alistair, and Wynn's approval. When engaging in conversation with her, it is important to remember that Morrigan values ​​strength more than anything else. To get her approval, one time you have to agree with her "survival of the fittest" philosophy. She despises everything that is connected with love and compassion. If the Guardian pursues a romance with both her and any other companion (Zevran or Leliana), she will start a conversation with the Guardian and force him to choose. This will end the romance with the rejected companion and lower their approval slightly, though Leliana and/or Zevran can give the Guardian an ultimatum in the same way that the Morrigan does. Eventually, Morrigan gives the Guardian a unique ring in the course of a romance with her. The ring is a bond between two people.

After completing the Grimoire Flemeth quest, she will start to fear her love for him, which will trigger a dialogue about love if her approval is high enough. There is a possibility that her approval will drop during the conversation, or the relationship will break off until the right lines are chosen.

At the end of the game, the epilogue will read that “then came the night when he was sure she was thinking of him… somewhere. She felt regret and sadness. But the ring said nothing more. No happy epilogue with Morrigan. She will leave the group immediately after the final battle, regardless of her approval. However, the romance can continue and end happily depending on your choices in Origins and conversation during the Witch Hunt DLC. As a result, the Morrigan and the Guardian share a kiss and walk through Eluvian together.

Note: Entering into an affair with Morrigan will trigger a "mother talk" with Wynn, in which she advises her to leave her. If you refuse to end the affair with the Morrigan, then after the relationship with the Morrigan will appear "love", Wynn will apologize.

If the Warden slept with Morrigan in the camp and refused her proposal at Redcliffe Castle, the epilogue will say that she is expecting a child, although the ritual was not performed. This is not a bug, but also a variant of Morrigan's epilogue. This is a hint that she unexpectedly got pregnant before the day before the final battle.

If the Guardian broke up with Morrigan when she asks for it, at the gates of Denerim she will call the Guardian "my love" (even if it's just friendship with her) and the epilogue will write about regret and sadness (even if the Guardian began another romance). It's strange that even if the ring is destroyed, you still get an epilogue about the ring.


If desired, Morrigan's approval +100 can be obtained almost immediately after her appearance in the squad - in Lothering. The method is guaranteed to work when playing a MAG (patch 1.05 and any earlier), with one point in the influence skill and a starting strength indicator. (theoretically possible with other classes, but a small indicator of strength is required)
We come to Lothering, we pass the robbers, we go to Stan's cell. We speak with him, learn about the reverend mother. We exclude ALL satellites from the group, except Morrigan. We go to the church, there we find the reverend mother (straight and to the right). We tell her about the Qunari in the cage, and use INTERMINATE, demanding to give up the key or life. The Morrigan rejoices at being threatened by the priests (+4), and the Reverend refuses to hand over the key (failed intimidation will only happen if the strength is low enough or she will hand over the key). After an unsuccessful intimidation, this conversation can be repeated over and over again, each time getting Morrigan's approval (the method also works on the Steam version).
In Orzammar, the merchant Garin has a special gift for the Morrigan that grants approval (+20) - the Golden Mirror. It cannot be gifted to other companions. If you give Morrigan a mirror after breaking up with her, then you can simultaneously romance both her and Leliana.

Class: Mage
Initial Attributes:
  • Strength - 14
  • Dexterity - 15
  • Willpower - 21
  • Magic (Magic) - 26
  • Cunning - 12
  • Physique (Constitution) - 12
Starting Skills:
  • Experienced Herbalist (Improved Herbalism)
  • Enhanced Combat Training
  • Werewolf (Shapeshifter)
Starting Skills:
  • Werewolf (Shapeshifter):
    • Spider Shape
  • Elemental (Primal):
    • Ice Snap (Winter's Grasp),
    • Frost Weapons,
    • Lightning
  • Spirit (Spirit):
    • Mind Blast
  • Entropy:
    • Vulnerability Hex,
    • Loss of orientation (Disorient),
    • Horror (Horror),
    • Drain Life

You will meet the Morrigan in the Korcari Wilds. She will join the party after the Battle of Ostagar at the urging and wish of her mother, Flemeth.

As the Morrigan's disposition towards you increases (give her gifts, say what she would like to hear, and do the right thing in her opinion), she can be inspired by your guidance and receive bonuses to magic: at a disposition of 25+, her magic will increase by 1, at 50+ by 2, at 75+ by 4 and at 90+ by 6.

Gifts for Morrigan:

Morrigan has a weakness for jewelry and is very concerned about how she looks. What is special about her:

  • Black Grimoire (Black Grimoire) - in the office of the first sorcerer Irving (Irving's Quarters) in the Circle Tower (Circle Tower),
  • Grimoire Flemeth (Flemeth's Grimoire) - in a chest in Flemeth's hut in the Korcari Wildlands,
  • Gold Amulet - Buy from Garin in Orzammar Commons,
  • Golden Demon Pendant - on a corpse in The Gauntlet, quest Urn of Sacred Ashes,
  • Golden Mirror - Buy from Garin in Orzammar Commons,
  • Golden Rope Necklace - buy from Barlin in Dane's Refuge in Lothering or from Bodahn Feddic in the camp,
  • Locket - Locked chest in the Village Store in Haven village, Urn of Sacred Ashes quest,
  • Silver Brooch - buy from Varathorn in the Dalish Camp,
  • Silver Chain (Silver Chain) - in the rooms of senior magicians on the second floor of the Circle Tower (Senior Mage Quarters, Circle Tower),
  • Silver Medallion - in the dragon's treasures at the upper level of the Elven ruins (Dragon's Hoard at Ruins Upper Level)
Grimoire Flemeth (Flemeth's Real Grimoire)

Personal quest Morrigan will start after your relationship with her becomes warm (warm, 25+). She will ask you to look in the Tower of the Circle for Flemeth's black grimoire, presumably stored there. However, you can find the grimoire in First Enchanter Irving's office on the third floor of the Tower (Senior Mage Quarters) even before this request.

At the sight of the grimoire, Morrigan will be very happy, and upon returning to the camp she will tell what she managed to learn from reading. It turns out that the book is not at all about magic, as she hoped, it describes how Flemeth managed to live so long - when she grows old, raises a daughter and in certain moment takes over her body. Naturally, Morrigan doesn't want to be the next victim. She asks for your help. If you agree to help, then Morrigan will explain what needs to be done (otherwise she will leave the party):

  • go to Flemeth's hut in the Wildlands, without Morrigan, so that her mother does not have an opportunity to jump into her body during the fight (if you go there with Morrigan, you simply will not find Flemeth on the spot);
  • kill the old witch;
  • find Flemeth's real grimoire in the house and give it to Morrigan so that she can prepare for protection against Flemeth's encroachments on her in the future, if suddenly the witch somehow survives after the defeat.

Seeing you in the Wildlands, Flemeth will of course guess that her secret is open, and will offer an alternative option - let her escape, and deceive Morrigan. So you can let Flemeth escape or kill her, the loot will be the same: a real grimoire and a more advanced outfit for Morrigan, only the party members will react differently to the deception (Aleister and Zevran will approve (+2), and Wynn and Leliana no (-5)).

If you decide to fight, then get ready for a fierce battle with the dragon, which Flemeth will turn into (yes, this is the same giant bird that saved you and Alistair from the tower of Ishal). The basic strategy is to use a fireproof tank to distract the dragon and place mages or archers at a distance to shower Flemeth the dragon with spells or arrows.

Then, returning to Morrigan, you can safely say that the deed is done and sleep with her (see below). Moreover, even if you choose the path of deception, Flemeth will never return for Morrigan's body, despite the promise (this is not provided in the game).

Romance with the Morrigan

The Morrigan can make love with a male Gray Warden. First, you should warm up with her (warm, 25+) by giving gifts and choosing the right dialogue lines. In the end, she will allow you to kiss herself, and after completing the quest Grimoire Flemeth will hint that "it's so cold in the tent alone..." ("My tent does get rather cold...").

However, Morrigan will only invite the hero to her tent if their relationship has reached the attraction stage (care, 50+), she will not say this if she is already in love (love, 90+).

Race: Qunari
Class: Warrior
Initial Attributes:
  • Strength - 30
  • Dexterity - 16
  • Willpower - 16
  • Magic - 11
  • Cunning - 10
  • Physique (Constitution) - 13
Starting Skills:
  • Exceptional combat training (Master Combat Training)
Starting Skills:
  • Warrior:
    • Bogatyr (Powerful),
    • Intimidation (Threaten),
    • Precise Striking,
    • Taunt
  • Two-handed weapons (Two-Handed):
    • Pommel Strike,
    • Indomitable,
    • Sunder Arms,
    • Mighty blow (Mighty Blow),
    • Powerful blows (Powerful Swings),
    • Two-Handed Strength

Where to find and how to join:

You will first see Stan in Lothering, locked in a cage. To join the party, you must complete the quest The Qunari Prisoner.

If Stan's respect for you increases over time, depending on your actions, reactions to certain events, gifts given to him, then he will be inspired by your leadership and receive bonuses to strength: with a location of 25+, his strength will increase by 1, with 50+ by 2, at 75+ by 4 and at 90+ by 6.

Gifts for Stan:

Oddly enough, Stan has good drawing skills, so he will be very happy with the presented paintings. What is special about him:

  • Painting of the Rebel Queen - buy from Dwarven Merchant in Gentle Path by chance encounter,
  • Portrait of a Goosegirl - Buy from Faryn in the Frostback Mountains,
  • Still Life in a Silver Frame (Silver-Framed Still Life) - a chest on the upper floor of Castle Redcliffe (Upper Floor of Castle Redcliffe),
  • Sten's Sword - obtained by quest The Sword of the Beresaad,
  • Totem (Totem) - in a chest in the location Caridin's Cross, which is on the Deep Roads,
  • Water-stained Portrait - on a Charred Corpse in the Senior Mage Quarters, Circle Tower rooms
The Sword of the Beresaad:

When you get Stan's favor 25 or more, he will agree to tell you why he got caged in Lothering. The Qunari will say that he came to Ferelden in order to be able to answer the question of his Arishok "what is the Blight?". Near Lake Calenhad, he and his seven Qunari brothers were attacked by darkspawn, leaving only Stan alive. The peasants found him unconscious at the battle site and left. After regaining consciousness, Stan discovered the absence of his sword, and since this is an immensely important thing for the Qunari (without it, he will not be able to return home), Stan went into a state of uncontrollable rage and killed his saviors with his bare hands. Later, remorseful for his deed, the Qunari surrendered to the templars and was put in a cage.

After listening to this story, offer Stan help in finding his sword and go to the pier of Lake Calenhad (Lake Calenhad Docks). There, on a hillock, you should notice a marauder searching the bodies (sometimes you need to go to the tavern for him to appear). The Marauder confesses that he bought information about the opportunity to profit well at this place from Farin, a merchant who registered in the open market in the Frostback Mountains. When you see Farin at the entrance to Orzammar, you will learn that the sword was sold to a dwarf mercenary named Dwyn. Next, you should get to the village of Redcliffe (Redcliffe) and find Dvin's house there near the village shop, where you can:

  • intimidate the dwarf and force him to give up the sword (it's easy with 3 influence points);
  • kill Dvin;
  • if there is Stan in the party and choosing the right lines, Dvin will give the sword without objection.

When the key to the chest in the closet is somehow obtained, take the sword from there and give it to Stan, after that Stan's signature sword will appear in the inventory (Asala, +1 willpower (Willpower), +1.5 armor penetration (Armor Penetration) , +12 Attack). Then, in a conversation with Stan, you can offer him to go home with a report or participate in the fight against the Blight to the end.

Alternative solutions: if Dvin was killed before the start of Stan's quest, then the sword will be in Dvin's chest after your conversation with Farin. Also, if you come to Dvin for a sword before the start The Attack at Nightfall, then the dwarf will hand over the sword personally (without having to open the chest with the key).

Note: this quest cannot be completed after Landsmeet meetings.

Morrigan- one of the main characters of the first part of Dragon Age: Origins which follows gray guardian everywhere on the heels and helps to prevent Pestilence. The witch joins us at the very beginning of the game when you are given the task of collecting the ingredients needed for initiation.
In Dragon Age: Origins, the Morrigan can become a romantic interest for a male Guardian character. Also, a witch can teach you the Werewolf specialization almost from the very moment you meet her.

You will also most likely be interested in learning about the rest of the Gray Warden.

Character history

From childhood, Morrigan grew up "under the wing" of Flemeth, a mysterious person who has lived for many centuries in the wild lands of Korcari. Despite the real nature of the guardian, the girl stayed with her and grew up a little shy towards people, because she didn’t really need to contact them. However, interest in ordinary people she didn't miss it. More character is still sympathetic to animals.

Romance with a character

In Dragon Age: Origins Morrigan this is one of those characters that is extremely difficult to please, however, it will be possible to sleep with her already at a low trust indicator - only 51. Almost all random gifts that can be found at the beginning of the game will suit her, but do not expect to be approved for good deeds .
It is worth remembering that it will be easiest to do good deeds without taking Morrigan into the group. As for conversations with the character, it should also be taken into account that she loves strength and is of the opinion that the strongest survive and does not respect love and pity.

If you have an affair with someone else, then she can give you an ultimatum and force you to choose right now - with such a choice, the approval of the one you refused will decrease slightly. Provided that you reach the end of the romance with her, Morrigan will give you a unique ring.
After the task "Grimoire Flemeth", with sufficient approval, a dialogue about love may appear on which subsequent relationships depend.

Bug with approval
You can get 100 approvals almost immediately. You need a mage, one point of Influence and a base strength indicator.
Arriving in Lothering, we remove the bandits, we talk with Stan in the cage about the reverend mother, then we exclude everyone from the squad except Morrigan. We go to the church and find the reverend - we talk about the Qunari and use intimidation. They won't give you the key, but you will get +4 approval and you can continue like this until you reach 100 units.

Character in addition - the search for an old friend
Morrigan became the central character in a whole separate addition. Whatever it was, the witch herself can only be seen at the end of the add-on. Events will unfold a few years after the final battle - someone noticed a witch in Ferelden and you go in search of her. The purpose of the search depends on how you behaved with the character during the main game, as well as the gender of your character. The outcome of the addition also depends on this.