City sports - the rules of the game. Towns game. Rules of the game

Competition Rules

The game of towns

The game of towns consists in knocking out pieces built from five towns from a limited area called a "city" with beats from a certain distance.

City figures

1 . For the game of towns, 15 pieces are used. The sequence and their correct setting in a batch of 15 figures is shown in the figure:

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.

10 11 12

13 14 15

Picture. City figures:

1. Cannon, 2. Fork, 3. Star,

4. Boom, 5. Well, 6. Crankshaft,

7. Artillery, 8. Racket, 9. Machine gun nest,

10. Cancer, 11. Sentinels, 12. Sickle,

13. Tyr, 14. Aircraft, 15. Letter

2 . AT parties of 10 figures for junior youths, the figures are placed and knocked out in the following sequence:

1.Cannon, 2.Fork, 3.Well, 4.Arrow, 5.Artillery, 6.Sickle, 7.Machine gun nest, 8.Airplane

9.Tir, 10.Letter

3 . All figures, except for the "Letter", are placed in the middle of the front line, without going beyond the "city", in accordance with the requirements of the "Regulations for placing figures" (Appendix No. 2).

4 . The corner towns of the "Letter" figure are placed along the outer line of the "city", without going beyond its limits, so that isosceles triangles form in the corners. The town denoting the brand is set in the center of the diagonal going from the back right corner of the "city" to the front left (for right-handed players) or in the center of the diagonal going from the back left to the front right corner of the "city" (for left-handed players).

5 . The figure "Sickle" for those playing with the left hand is set in the left half of the "city" in a mirror image.

6 . The sequence and number of figures to be knocked out can be changed depending on the competition system. All changes must be reflected in the Regulations.


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1. Game of towns. City figures

1.1. Town game.
The game of towns consists in knocking out pieces built from five towns from a limited area called a "city" with bats from a certain distance.
1.2. Urban figures.
1.2.1. To play towns, 10 or 15 pieces are used. The sequence and their correct setting in a party of 15 figures is shown in Fig. 1 (Appendix 1).
1.2.2. In a batch of 10 figures for children (boys and girls), younger boys and girls, the figures are placed and knocked out in the following sequence: 1. "Cannon", 2. "Fork", 3. "Well", 4. "Arrow", 5 . "Artillery", 6. "Sickle", 7. "Machine gun nest", 8. "Airplane", 9. "Tiring Range", 10. "Letter".
1.2.3. All figures, except for the "Letter" figure, are placed in the middle of the front line of the "City", without going beyond its limits, in accordance with the requirements of the "Regulations for placing figures" (Appendix 2).
1.2.4. The corner towns of the “Letter” figure are placed along the outer line of the “City”, without going beyond its limits, so that
isosceles triangles. The town denoting the "Mark" is set in the center of the diagonal going from the back right corner of the "City" to the front left corner (for right-handed players), or in the center of the diagonal going from the back left corner to the front right corner
"Cities" (for left-handed players).
1.2.5. The figure "Sickle" for those playing with the left hand is set in the left half of the "City" in a "mirror image".
1.2.6. The sequence and number of figures to be knocked out can be changed depending on the competition system. All changes must be reflected in the Regulations.

2. Playground. Equipment. Inventory

2.1. City playground and its equipment.
2.1.1. The goroshnaya site is located on a flat horizontal land plot measuring 30 (22) x 15 (12) meters Fig. 3.3, (Appendix 3).
2.1.2. Equipment of the city site:
- metal or polymer sheets, on which lines of "cities" and "suburbs" are applied with contrasting paint. The thickness of the metal sheet is 10 mm, the material is steel (ZSP). The optimal width of the sheets is 1.33 - 1.5 m. The sheets are stacked in such a way that their joint strictly coincides with the center line of the "city" and "suburb". The sheet joint is placed on a smaller corner steel shelf 75x50x3;
- Rebound wall (mesh and rubber curtain);
- fencing;
- lighting fixtures for playing in the evening;
- fixed removable strips 40 - 50 mm high on the front lines of horses and half horses;
- canopies for sheltering players and a secretary from precipitation. It is desirable to equip a common canopy (over the "cities", "suburbs" and the baffle wall).
2.1.3. Metal (polymer) sheets, on which two "cities" with "suburbs" are marked, must cover an area of ​​at least 8.0 x 3.2 m in size, be located strictly horizontally (a round town rolling in e "city" or "suburb" with a small speed, should slow down the movement in any direction in the absence of external influence on it.
2.1.4. The area bounded by two side lines, the front bar, from which the figures are thrown, is called a con. The distance from the bar to the front line is 13 m (for older boys and men), 11 m (for older girls and women) and 6.5 m (for children and younger boys and girls).
The area bounded by the side lines, the front bar and the horse bar at the back. from within which throws are made after knocking out at least one town (except for the "Letter" figure), is called a half-cone. The distance from the front bar of the half-cone to the front line is 6.5 m.
The surface of horses and half horses must be hard enough to prevent shoes from slipping. The most preferred coatings are asphalt or special synthetic coatings.
2.1.5. "City" - a zone having the shape of a square with a side of 2 m, in
within which the figures are set.
2.1.6. "Suburb" - a zone located between the front and penalty lines, limited from the sides by continuations of the "city" diagonals. In the center of the "Suburb" at a distance of 20 and 40 cm from the penalty line, two marks 20 cm long are applied with paint to install "penalty" towns on them.
2.1.7. The penalty line and the area in front of it is called the penalty area. It is covered with sand or covered with chalk from an aqueous suspension.
2.1.8. The side lines of the horse and half horse must be strictly opposite the side lines of the "city", taking into account the fact that the width of the boundary lines of the "city" and the side lines of the "suburb" are included in the dimensions of the "city" and "suburb", and the width of the boundary lines of the horse and half horse in these zones are not included.
Marking lines 2 cm wide are painted with paint that contrasts with the coating.
2.2. Inventory.
2.2.1. Town.
The town (Fig. 4 Appendix 3) can be in the form of a cylinder with a diameter of 48-50 mm or a rectangular parallelepiped having a square section with a side of 45 - 47 mm, a length of 200 + - 1 mm. The town is made of wood, can be painted and should not have any cavities. The ends of the towns should have a chamfer of 2-3 mm and be even. All edges of the town, which has a square in cross section, must have a chamfer of 2-3 mm.
Cylindrical towns are used for holding all-Russian and qualifying competitions.
2.2.2. The bat (Figure 5 Appendix 3) is a cylinder of arbitrary (for men and boys) weight, no more than a meter long. The weight of a bat for girls cannot exceed 2 kg, for women - 2.5 kg. The diameter of the bit is arbitrary in any part of it. The bit is assembled from inserts, bushings, an end sleeve and a handle. It is most advisable to make inserts from wood-laminated plastic or dogwood, bushings from solid drawn steel pipe, handles from textolite or dogwood. The length of the sleeve must be at least two insert diameters. The inserts must be tightly connected to the sleeves and secured by punching or other fastening method. Depth of pressing insert - no less than the inner diameter of the bushing. The distance from the edge of the sleeve to the attachment point is 10-15 mm (with the exception of the handle attachment). Component parts should not have mutual movements. A polymer bat can be made from a polymer pipe, polymer rods, or it can be composite. The weight of the polymer bit should not exceed 2 kg. A composite polymer bat can have a metal rod inside and threaded connections that provide the necessary strength. Polymer bits should not have external protruding metal parts. The components must not move relative to each other.

3. Types of competitions and ways to conduct them

3.1. Types of competitions (disciplines). Competitions are divided into:
- personal;
- couples;
- paired (mixed);
- command;
- personal-command.

The type of competition in each specific case is determined by the Regulations.
3.1.1. In individual competitions, participants compete individually.
3.1.2. In pair competitions, participants compete in pairs: men's (youth), women's (girls) and mixed
3.1.3. In team competitions, participants act as teams.

The composition of the team and the order of the competition is determined by the Regulations.
3.1.4. In individual-team competitions, participants can compete both in individual and team classifications. The winner of the competition is determined by the sum of points scored by the participants in the individual classification, or by the sum of points scored in the individual and team classifications.
3.2. Competition methods.
3.2.1. Individual, pair and team competitions can be held:
- from a certain number of parties;
- to knock out the set number of figures;
- in a circular way;
- according to the elimination method;
- in a mixed way.
The number of games, pieces to be knocked out, as well as the order in which pieces are placed, is determined by the Regulations.

4. Competitors

4.1. The age of the participants. Depending on the age, the participants of the competition are divided into groups:
- children (boys and girls) 9 - 12 years old;
- younger boys and girls 13 - 14 years old;
- older boys and girls aged 15 - 18;
- juniors and juniors 19 - 25 years old;
- men and women 26 - 54 years;
- Veterans 55 years and older.
4.1.1. Children, younger boys and girls play from a distance of 6.5 m - con and half con.

4.1.2. Senior boys, juniors and men play from a distance of 6.5 m - semi-con and 13 m - con. Veteran play distance is determined by Regulations.
Note: during the All-Russian competitions, veterans play from the horse 13 m.
4.1.3. To participate in competitions at city and higher levels, each athlete must have a certificate of admission to competitions, signed by a doctor, certified by a personal seal of a doctor or a seal medical institution. It is allowed to issue a statement of the participant on personal responsibility for the state of health during the competition.
4.1.4. Competitors from the younger age groups can
be allowed to compete in the senior age groups with the permission of the chief referee, provided that their technical training corresponds to the level of the competition.
4.2. Dress.
4.2.1. Participants must be dressed in a sports uniform appropriate for the weather and conditions of the competition.
4.2.2. Team members must be dressed in uniform
form with the appropriate emblem. Each team member must
have on the back the serial number under which it is recorded in the protocol.
The number must be distinguishable from any distance within the site.
4.2.3. The team captain must have a bandage on his sleeve that differs from the uniform in color, or the badge "captain".
4.3. Coach (representative).
4.3.1. The team participating in the competition is represented by the coach
4.3.2. The coach (representative) is the leader of the team. He
is responsible for compliance with the sports regime, discipline,
clear implementation by athletes of the rules and regulations on the competition.
4.3.3. The coach (representative) participates in the draw, is present at the meetings of the judiciary, if they are held in conjunction with
coaches (representatives).
4.3.4. During the game, the coach (representative) has the right to be with the team. He is prohibited from interfering with the actions of judges on
4.4. Team captain.
4.4.1. In each team, one of the participants is elected as the team captain.
4.4.2. In the absence of a coach (representative), he is the team leader. He alone has the right to address the judge. The captain is responsible for discipline in the team during the game.
4.4.3. The team captain oversees the installation sequence
pieces and the order in which participants exit in each round.
4.4.4. If the team captain leaves the area, he informs the referee of the number and surname of the participant who, in his absence, will act as the team captain.
4.5. Rights and obligations of participants in the competition.
4.5.1. Competitors have the right to:
- for a warm-up before the start of the game for 10 minutes in individual competitions. In team competitions, the duration of the warm-up is determined at the rate of 5 minutes for each team member;
- contact the judge in individual competitions. In case of disagreement
with the referee's decision, apply to the chief (senior) referee (in team competitions, only the captain has such a right);
- file a protest against the judge's decision within an hour, what to do
corresponding entry in the protocol after the end of the game;
- to protest the result of the meeting in case of violations of the Rules and Regulations. All appeals are submitted to the main panel of judges (Federation) in writing (Appendix 4) within an hour after the end of the meeting;
- for receipt medical care;
- to help one or two assistants in individual competitions.
4.5.2. Competitors are obliged to:
- know and comply with the Rules and Regulations on competitions;
- behave in a spirit of fair competition;
- to be polite and tactful towards referees and opponents;
- avoid actions aimed at delaying the game and actions,
which can be regarded as such;
- during the game, do not perform any actions that interfere with the opponent.

5. The panel of judges of the competition.

5.1. To conduct the competition, a panel of judges is appointed, which includes: the chief judge, the chief secretary, one or more deputies of the chief judge, the deputy chief secretary, senior judges, judges, table officials, and informant judge.
The number of judges depends on the number of teams participating in the competition. To conduct individual and team competitions, in which 8-10 teams participate, a panel of judges is required consisting of 16 people. To conduct competitions in which 11-16 teams participate, the panel of judges must be 20 people. To conduct competitions in which more than 16 teams participate, the panel of judges is 24 people.
5.2. Main panel of judges.
5.2.1. The composition of the main judging panel of the competition includes:
chief judge, chief secretary, deputy (deputies) chief
judges, deputy chief secretary.
5.2.2. The main panel of judges (board of judges) works
under the direction of the Chief Judge. At its meetings, it considers the organization and course of the competitions.
5.2.3. Functional duties of referees are determined by the “Qualification requirements for sports referees in the sport of urban sports”

6. Rules and order of the game.

6.1. Warm up.
6.1.1. Before the start of the game, the participants are provided with a warm-up (clause 4.5.1.).
6.1.2. Before the start of the warm-up, the judge and the participants line up outside the grounds, after which, at the command of the informing judge (judges), they go out onto the court and stand along the back line of the "city" with bats, facing the audience. In individual competitions, participants take places at the back line of the "cities" opposite the inner side lines of the "city". The judge takes a place between the participants. The informant judge (judge) announces the competition and provides a warm-up.
6.1.3. During the warm-up, the informing judge reports information about the teams (athletes), their standings, achievements in past competitions and records.
6.1.4. Before the start of the game (before the end of the warm-up), the secretary must fill out the protocol, and the team captains must sign it.
6.1.5. A team player who does not play during one game has the right to warm up on a free site, while not interfering with the competition.
6.1.6. Players are prohibited from stepping on or stepping over the front limit rails during the tie or half tie and return.
6.2. Construction and order of the game.
6.2.1. After announcing the end of the warm-up and preparing the grounds for the competition, the participants stand along the back
"city" lines with bats facing the audience. The judge takes a place between the participants.
6.2.2. The referee-informer (referee) announces the competition and introduces the participants of the game and the referees. Participants greet each other.
6.2.3. When entering the formation, during the warm-up and the game, participants must carry bats in one hand.
6.2.4. The game is started by the team (participant) of the right "city", then the opponents perform throws in turn, using two
6.2.5. The composition of the team and the number of participants playing in one run is determined by the Regulations. The order in which the players enter is determined by the captain or coach of the team. In one run, each player can go out once. In pairs competitions, participants take turns throwing
6.2.6. All figures begin to knock out from the knight. If at least one town is knocked out, then the rest are knocked out from the semi-con. The figure "Letter" is knocked out only from the horse.
6.2.7. After the end of the game, the teams (participants) line up
along the sidelines of the "cities" facing each other and after the announcement of the result, at the command of the referee, change "cities".
6.2.8. A late player can join the game after notification
judge, if his name is included in the protocol. The player whose name is on the scoresheet has no right to leave the court without notifying the referee through the captain.
6.2.9. If, before the start of the game, there are two fewer people in the team than is required in one run according to the Regulations, the team is not allowed to play.
6.2.10. Participants of both teams during the execution of the throws must be on the side of their "cities".
6.2.11. The player is forbidden to perform two throws with the same bat in one run, but if during the competition the player's bat is broken, then he has the right to continue playing with one bat only on that day.
6.2.12. In team games in the decisive game, after one of the teams knocks out the "Artillery" figure, the teams change "cities". In this case, both teams must make the same number of throws before the transition. If before changing "cities" in the decisive game the player has one bat left, then after the transition he performs a throw with one bat. After the transition, the teams place in their "cities" the next pieces or towns that were not knocked out before the change of "cities" (in the same position), and continue the game. If a player of the team of the left "city" knocked out (finished off) the "Artillery" figure with the first bat, then after the transition he performs the second throw, then the game is continued by the player of the same team.
6.2.13. A team playing with a short team has two fewer shots in each run. Missed rolls are considered "lost".
6.2.14. In the first round of individual competitions, the chief secretary distributes the players to the courts according to the results of the draw. In the second round, a successive change of sites is carried out. On each site, players are distributed in pairs in strict accordance with the results of the first round. In the third round, they are distributed in pairs strictly according to the results shown in two rounds, while the sites for each pair are determined
lottery. In the second and third rounds, the players with the best results are the last to play. The timing of the leader's performance should be convenient for the audience.
6.2.15. If one of the participants in individual competitions completed his game earlier, then he waits until the opponent finishes his. At the same time, he is allowed to make warm-up throws in the order of his turn. If the lagging opponent theoretically needs at least five bits to complete the game, or the difference in the results of the first game has reached five bits, then the players change "cities" and the lagging opponent ends the game, after which he starts the second.
6.2.16. If the towns move for any reason before the bit touches them (or flies past them), then they are set in their original position, the bat is returned and the throw is repeated. This also applies when the bat passes under towns that have jumped up from the shaking of the ground due to the impact of the bat.
6.2.17. If the towns move as a result of the platform shaking (or from the wind) after the throw, when the bat did not touch the towns, then they are restored in their original position, but the bat is not returned.
6.2.18. If the shaking of the site after hitting the bit causes a jump of towns (town) and the bit passes under the towns without touching
them, the location of the towns is restored and the roll is made again.
6.2.19. If the town after the impact rolled in one direction, and then changed the direction of movement to the opposite, then the judge rolls it back to the place from which it rolled back.
6.2.20. If, after the impact, the town split into two parts or lost its cylindrical shape for more than half of its length, and its greater
the part remained in the "city" or "suburb", the bat returns, the figure or the position of the towns is restored. If a smaller part of the town remains in the "city" or "suburb", then the town is considered to be knocked out.
6.2.21. If the team playing in the left "city" theoretically cannot finish the game with the same result as the team
in the right "city", then the game in this party stops.
6.2.22. If a left-handed player misses a piece
"Sickle" or "Letter" and at the same time did not touch any town, then for the player following him, throwing with his right hand, these figures are rearranged. And vice versa.
6.2.23. Competitions (game) can be temporarily interrupted (cancelled):
- due to poor site preparation;
- due to unfavorable meteorological conditions;
- to provide medical care to injured (sick) participants in the competition. If the break in the game was no more than 15 minutes, then the game is resumed immediately, without a warm-up, and if more than 15 minutes, then the players
a five-minute warm-up is provided, after which the game resumes from the interrupted position of the game. If the break lasted more than two hours, then the interrupted game starts anew, and the score of the games played before the break is kept. If the game is postponed to another day, then the result of the games played will be cancelled.
6.2.24. If a player violates the Rules during a throw, then such a throw is considered "lost" (see paragraph 6.4.1.).
6.2.25. For violation of the Rules, not related to the execution of the throw, the participant receives a warning from the referee. In the case of a repeated violation, he (the team) is penalized with a forfeit of a throw (a throw not made is considered "lost").
6.2.26. For unsportsmanlike behavior, a participant may be removed by the referee until the end of the game, and by the chief referee until the end of the competition.
6.2.27. At the end of the meeting, the referee lines up the players along the back lines of the "cities", facing the audience. After the announcement of the result of the meeting, the players and referees shake hands and leave the area.
6.3.. Knocked out and not knocked out town.
6.3.1. A town is considered to be knocked out if it is completely out of the "city" or "suburb" in any direction other than the penalty area.
6.3.2. The town (towns) that rolled out of the "city" or near the "city" and rolled back is considered to be knocked out.
6.3.3. The position of the town that stopped near the border of the "city"
or "suburb" from the outside, the judge determines visually, looking
top vertically. If a gap is visible between the line and the town, then the town is considered to be knocked out. In doubtful cases near the town on
another town is placed vertically on the outer edge of the line, and if the towns do not touch, the town is considered knocked out.
6.3.4. The position of the town touching the "city" or "suburb" line during rotation is determined after it has completely stopped.
6.3.5. A town that has rolled into the "suburb" at a distance of less than 20 cm
from the foul line or rolled over it, is set at a distance of 20 cm from the foul line parallel to it against the center of the "city",
if at least one town is knocked out of the figure. If there are several such towns, then they are installed end-to-end to each other. A town(s) that touches the pavement above a penalty area is also placed on a penalty spot.
If not a single town is knocked out of the figure, then all towns that have rolled into the "suburb" at a distance of less than 40 cm from the penalty line are set at a distance of 40 cm from the penalty line. If any town located in the "suburb" interferes with the installation of another town on the penalty mark, it is minimally shifted towards the baseline without changing orientation.
6.3.6. Townships that have rolled into the "suburb" and have not reached the penalty mark remain in an occupied position.
6.3.7. A town that has rolled up to the penalty line at a distance of less than 40 cm when the “Letter” figure is knocked out is placed at a distance of 40 cm from the penalty line parallel to it opposite the place previously occupied by this town.
6.3.8. In competitions for children, junior boys and girls, older girls and women, the towns that roll out to the penalty line by less than 40 cm are placed at a distance of 40 cm from the penalty line in the center of the "suburb". In children's competitions, such towns are installed vertically.
6.3.9. If the knocked-out town, which returned within the boundaries of the "city" or "suburb", interfered with the movement of other towns, then the position of the towns before the throw is restored, and the bat is returned to the player. If the town, which returned within the boundaries of the "city" or "suburb", interfered with the movement of another of the town moving towards the foul line, then the position of the towns after the impact is preserved, the moving town is placed at the collision site, while the bat is not returned.
6.3.10. If the town that changed the direction of movement to the opposite (having a "dead" point) inside the "city" or "suburb" interfered with the movement of other towns. then the position of the towns before the throw is restored, while the bat is returned to the player. If a town that previously had a "dead" spot rolled and interfered with the movement of a town that was moving towards the penalty area, then the town that was moving is placed in the position it was in at the time of the collision; the town that previously had a "dead" spot is placed in its place fixation.
6.3.11. If two towns collide in a "city" or "suburb" and then diverge, then their final position is fixed.
6.3.12. Before the referee announces the result of the throw, it is allowed to remove the towns that have bounced off the baffle wall or rolled down from the flooring behind the "city" surface, without stepping on the sheets of the playing surface;
Before the referee announces the result of the throw, it is prohibited:
- sweep "city" or "suburb";
- stand on the sheets of coverage "city" or "suburb".
If these violations affected the result of the throw, the team (participant) that committed the violation is punished by the fact that the town (s) that rolled out as a result of the violation is set on the edge of the line at the place of its exit.
6.3.13. The position of a town rolling over another town is determined after it comes to a complete stop.
6.3.14. If the knocked-out town that returned to the "city" touched the already stopped town and at the same time changed its direction, then the latter returns to its previous position, the town that returned to the "city" is removed. In this case, the bat is not returned to the player.
6.4. Lost throw.
6.4.1. The roll is considered "lost", and the location of the towns is restored if:
- the throw is made before the whistle of the referee;
- the bat touched the penalty area or the covering above it;
- the player in one run made a third or more throw;
- the player in the period from the beginning of the swing to the landing of the bit stepped on the boundary line (bar) or jumped out of it and touched any
part of the surface body outside the cone or half cone zone. In this case, the position of the towns before the impact may not be restored. The judge's decision is not
should be beneficial to the participant (team) who violated the Rules.
6.5. Winning the game and the end result of the game.
6.5.1. The game is considered won by the team (participant) that knocked out all the pieces of the given game with fewer bits. With an equal number of bits spent on knocking out all the pieces, the game is considered a draw.
If during the game a piece is missed or in team game the order of exit of players is violated, then:
- if a missing figure is detected before the "Letter" figure is placed, then the missed figure is placed immediately after the "city" is freed from
- if a missing figure is detected during the knockout of the "Letter" figure, then the throws made on the "Letter" figure are considered "lost", the missed figure is placed, and the "Letter" figure is knocked out again;
- if a missing figure in individual competitions is discovered after the end of the game, then four bits are added to the result of the game for each missed figure;
- if a violation of the players' exit order is detected before the end of
set, then all throws made since the violation are considered "lost" and the game continues;
- if a violation of the order of the players to enter or an omission of a piece is discovered after the end of the game, then in the game played with the violation, and
in all unplayed games, the team that committed the violation is counted as a defeat, and the result of the game is determined taking into account the games played without violations;
- if a violation of the order of the players or missing a piece is detected before the referee announces the result of the game, then in the game played
with a violation, the team that committed the violation is awarded a defeat and the game continues.
6.5.2. The game is won by one of the teams (one of the participants) if:
- in a game of three games, the score is 2:0.2:1.2.5:0.5;
- in a game of five games, the score is 3:0.3:1.3:2.3.5:;
With a score of 1.5:1.5 and 2.5:2.5, the result of the game is a draw.
6.5.3. If the Regulations provide for other forms of holding competitions, then other ways to determine the winner in the game are possible.
7. Determining the results of the competition.
7.1. In competitions for knocking out a set number of figures
the places of the participants are determined by the smallest number of bits. If several participants have an equal number of bits, the winner is determined by
the least number of bits spent on knocking out pieces:
- the last round;
- the last game of the last round;
- penultimate round;
- "Machine gun nest", "Sentry", "Tir", "Letter" in all games of the competition.
7.2. In competitions held in a round robin, places are determined by the number of points scored. The number of points awarded based on the results of the game is determined by the Regulations. If equal
the sum of points the winner is determined by:
- by the sum of points scored in the games between them;
- by the difference between the games won and lost in the games between them;
- according to the best average technical result in won and draw games in games between them;
- by the difference between the games won and lost in all games of the competition;
- according to the average technical result in won and draw games in all games of the competition.
7.3. In competitions held according to the elimination system, with a draw, the winner is determined in an additional set until the first advantage obtained by one of the participants (one of the teams).

3. Simplified rules.

Mass competitions in teams physical culture, youth and children's camps, other places of recreation can be held according to simplified rules. At the same time, it is recommended to keep the dimensions of the site. The composition of the team can be arbitrary. Towns and bits may not comply with the requirements of the Rules. Particular attention must be paid to ensuring the safety of participants and spectators. You can determine the winner by the number of knocked out towns with a limited number of bits. In team and individual competitions, keeping records is not necessary, it is enough to record the final result of the game in the table.

The game of gorodki has more than two hundred years of history in Russia, where gorodki were invented. Lenin and Leo Tolstoy, Chaliapin and Gorky, Pavlov and Stalin played towns. Find out about this interesting game!

An alternative name for the towns is "Russian bowling"
. Indeed, these sports disciplines have a lot in common, in particular, the measured pace of the game, similar goals and the structure of the competitive process.

In order to play towns, you will need a minimum inventory and basic information about creating figures from the so-called towns (hence the name) - compact blocks of wood.

Townships are very popular and are primordially Russian sport. Outwardly, this game may not look very exciting, but in reality it is a multifaceted and interesting sport, which we will discuss in more detail below.


According to the most common version, towns appeared in the 18th century on the territory of Russia, and since then have been one of the most common folk pastimes. Of course, during the development of this sport, the rules could vary and differ depending, for example, on the region.

Consolidated borough rules did not come into existence until 1923., and after that in 1933 the rules were updated and the schemes of the standard 15 figures appeared, which are used in the gameplay.

Citizens of the Soviet Union adored towns. This sport was very popular in many regions, although in team competitions the leaders were always Muscovites, who took the highest awards.

After the 60s of the previous century, the number of athletes was about 350 thousand.

Further, the popularity of this sport gradually declined, and, by the collapse of the Union, or rather after the collapse, the towns became an almost completely forgotten sport that few people were interested in. Oddly enough, but after the 2000s, the popularity of the townships is growing again, the sport has gained new fans.

Furthermore, the popularity of small towns has long spread beyond Russia. Now this sport is international and attracts athletes from different countries.

For this period, there are regular European Cups and World Championships.

Description and modern rules of the game in gorodki

Generally, the game is the process of knocking towns out of space on a flat surface which is called "city".

Players take turns throwing a bat (essentially a stick of wood) at various pieces. The goal is to knock out all the pieces in the least number of throws., at least you should make fewer throws than your opponent.

So, there are 15 pieces and a play space. Each player knocks out figures by throws, which always consist of five towns - cylinders of wood.

Knocking out figures is required in a special way. It is necessary that the towns are carried out for the back or side parts of the game square. In the game square 2 by 2 meters and figures are built, if after the roll the towns remain in a square, you need to make the following rolls until the figure is knocked out.

When the first figure is knocked out, the next one is set and so on until the 15th figure. After that, the process can be repeated depending on the regulations.

As a rule, three games are played, but the score is kept by the number of shots spent.(bit) for knocking out figures, the player with the fewest shots wins.

Also, scoring can be carried out on each throw, each knocked out town gives 1 point. However, this system is less common in competitions (and in simple games) is rarely used.

There are rules for throwing a bat, which must be done without significant slowness (about half a minute per throw) and direct the bat to a special playing area.

In front of the square in which the pieces are set, there is a line behind which you need to make the first touch with the bat. If the bat lands before the line or touches the line, then the throw is not counted, by the way, in order to accurately fix the touch, the line, as a rule, is marked with a layer of sand or earth and updated between throws in the process of setting the figures.

There is bit length limit - no more than one meter. As a rule, bits are supplied with metal frames, which allow them to be kept intact for many throws. After all, the towns are most often played on asphalt, against which the wood beats and deforms over time.

Also there are rules about a fixed distance to a square with figures. First, throws are made from the so-called “kona”, which is located 13 meters from the pieces.

But if the initial throw knocked out at least one town, then the player goes to the so-called "half-con", that is, the space for throws 6.5 meters from the square.

Competitions by town

For this period, the towns are most common, as a professional sport, in countries such as:

  • Russia;
  • Ukraine;
  • Estonia;
  • Germany;
  • Belarus;
  • Latvia;
  • Mongolia;
  • Moldova;
  • Armenia;
  • Azerbaijan;
  • Republic of Kyrgyzstan;
  • Finland.

The federation of almost each of the listed countries holds its own competitions within the framework of the national championship. In addition, there are local competitions in some individual cities, where there are clubs of urban sports enthusiasts.

World and European Championships are mostly held in Russian cities but may be in other countries.

In general, there are a huge number of tournaments in the towns, ranging from very local to large international ones. And in order to participate in small tournaments, usually, nothing more than pre-registration and a basic understanding of the sport is required.

Tactics and technique of playing gorodki

Basic a feature of the towns is a competent throwing technique. In fact, it is thanks to the throws that the main tactics of the game are built.

Can be used for throws different type of grip:

  • short- the bat is taken from the very edge, the edge of the palm lies exactly along the edge of the bat;
  • average- the palm is located at a distance of a couple of palms from the edge;
  • deep- the beat is taken closer to the middle.

Each player performs throws with the most comfortable grip., there are no rules to follow.

Actually, the throw is performed approximately from the side and from below, the bat flies above the ground without changing altitude, and begins to descend and slow down almost above the figure itself.

Throwing technique in the towns requires a detailed and thorough study. In order to acquire normal technique and be able to shoot down various figures, a considerable amount of training will be required.

We will not go into this topic, at the end of the paragraph we will only say about the possibility of using team tactics (the order of throwers, substitutions, etc.) in team competitions in which teams of at least five people each take part.


Usually, the playground for playing towns has a length of at least twenty meters, and a diameter of about 15, although the sizes may well vary depending on the conditions and type of game.

On the back (behind the "city") there may be an elevation or some kind of limiting structures that allow the towns to especially not fly apart and are easier to collect.

The game square in front has a special marking, which is located diagonally from the edges of the front line, this markup is called "mustache" and limits the zone for which the departure or rolling out of the town is counted.

The standard platform often consists of two sections for Game, nearby. This arrangement makes it more convenient to compete, since the players of opposite teams do not need to wait for the opponent's throws, they simply knock down pieces in succession, and the judges fix the result.

Figures for playing towns - schemes

There is a standard series of figures(although some players can come up with their own, in particular, it is very interesting to provide such an opportunity for children to develop their imagination) from 15 schemes.

Each figure is five towns folded on the front line of the city in the middle, with the exception of the 15th figure - a letter.

The names and sequence of the figures are as follows:

  • "A gun",
  • "Fork",
  • "Star",
  • "Arrow",
  • "Well",
  • "Crankshaft",
  • "Artillery",
  • "Racket",
  • "Machine Gun Nest"
  • "Crayfish",
  • "Sentry",
  • "Sickle",
  • "Tir",
  • "Airplane",
  • "Letter".

This is the classical sequence and number of figures, but this scheme may vary in different batches. In particular, shortened parties are more common, which consist of 10 or 6 figures.


Dimensions each town is 20 centimeters long, a diameter near 5 centimeters.

The dimensions of the space for the game are described earlier, it should only be noted the distance requirement - at least two meters between two neighboring cities and the presence of the so-called "suburb", which is formed by the lines of the "whiskers", the front line of the city and the line between the "whiskers" (it is located one meter from the front line of the square).

"Suburb" is used to set up campuses, which, after throws, roll out or fly forward towards the player.

What qualities does the game develop?

You don't need to be physically fit to play gorodki, but the game isn't as easy as it sounds. If outwardly the throws look simple, then in reality, new players almost never hit the bat at first, not only in the towns, but generally close to the “city”.

It should be noted endurance development for players in towns, since a match can last from two or more hours in a row.

Of the main developed qualities athletes It should be noted:

  • accuracy;
  • dexterity;
  • coordination of movements;
  • eye gauge;
  • hand strength.

As a rule, towns are called sports for pensioners, but often young people prefer this game, and the towns provide them with an improvement in many physical data, as well as development at the level of tactical and logical thinking.

Towns for children

In conclusion, let's say a few words about the towns for children. Such physical activity will be useful for a young age., and the towns can be perfectly adapted to the parameters of the children's body. In particular, the size of the bat and the distance from the horse to the city are reduced.

Through the adaptation of the game, children can get the opportunity to feel comfortable and hone their throwing skills.

For children, towns are useful for the development of mindfulness and concentration.. Given the possibility of a very long continuation of each individual match, the towns can help keep the younger generation engaged in interesting and useful activities.

Creating a children's kit may not require any financial investment at all. As well as inventory for standard towns, inventory for children's towns is easy to do on your own.

Video lessons: rules and techniques for playing gorodki

Jun 1, 2017 Alexandra

goroshny sports, better known as towns, has one of the richest histories of all Olympic sports. Both adults and children love her, she needs an accurate eye and a faithful hand. There are rules for both personal and team championships, a special role is played by the throwing technique, which has several types.

sports game gorodki

City sport is a kicking out with bats from a square called a “city”, 5 towns: chocks in the form of cylinders, they are made up in different options. For the first time this game is mentioned in chronicles Ancient Russia, she was loved by Tsar Peter the Great and commander Suvorov. Some politicians of the early 20th century considered the townships to be one of the best games and loved to compete in marksmanship.

Then general rules did not exist, they appeared only in 1923, when the All-Union competitions were organized in Moscow for the first time. Ten years later, other principles appeared, where 15 figures were determined, and soon the championships in the towns became a popular pastime. The goal was to knock out all the figures, making a minimum of attempts, which participant or team had fewer of them, he was the winner of the competition.

The first championship in city sports after the demise of the Soviet Union started in Russia in 1993, soon there were federations in other other union republics. Today, towns - tournaments are held both between two players and between teams. As soon as they break through a couple of bits, the next team enters, alternate at the end of the game.

The team that wins two games without a break wins. In a round, from five to fifteen figures are played, located in strict sequence. The rules can be changed during the game, but there are also unshakable principles. The main rules of city sports:

  1. The tournament is held between two participants or teams that have 5 players each.
  2. Bits are selected standard sizes.
  3. "City" is determined by lottery.
  4. The player must not cross the line, for this he may lose the bat.
  5. Teams play in turns, using a pair of bats at a time.
  6. How many throws to make is negotiated ahead of time.

City sports ground

At large sports competitions, the sites are selected taking into account the following requirements:

  • absolutely flat surface;
  • wall for beating;
  • fence;
  • lighting for evening tournaments;
  • awnings to shelter from the rain.

Townships the size of the site provide for two by two meters, 13 meters are measured from the horse. The length of the towns is at least 20 centimeters, and the bits are one meter. Pieces are kicked off the horse, if one has been hit, already - from a closer distance. Only a "letter" is knocked off the horse. The blow is counted if the figure flew out of the square, and the "letter" - provided that the rest of the chicks are not touched.

Bits for urban sports

Towns is a bat game, all players must have two. Distinguish:

  1. Composite. Length - up to a meter, with a round base, any weight and size.
  2. Polymer. The length is allowed the same - about a meter, but the weight cannot exceed two kilograms.

City sports - figures

It is very difficult to knock out pieces, the blow is not counted when:

  1. The bat hit the penalty line.
  2. The throwing player has stepped over the horse line.
  3. The contestant spent over 30 seconds getting ready to throw.
Gorodki sport, formed from the ancient Russian game of gorodki, is the only native Russian sport that is not contested by anyone in the world. The history of this game has at least two millennia. The game of gorodki has always had a military-applied significance, being a psycho-physical system of combat training of soldiers.
The first Russian Nobel Prize winner I.P. Pavlov put towns in first place in terms of favorable physical effects on the body from the point of view of physiology. Since 1900, he has always advocated the inclusion of campuses in the education system. In various historical periods, gorodki were played, in addition to the common people, by the largest figures of culture and science, leaders of the state. The game of towns contributes comprehensive development person. In 1920 - 1923, local teachers of the Vseobuch department created goroshny sports.
Since 1922, the townships have been part of the system physical training soldiers of the Red Army. In 1933, the townships were included in the all-Union complex of the TRP and BGTO, as well as in all sports and athletics of the regions of the RSFSR and a number of national union republics. In the post-war years, the towns were among the most popular sports. So, in 1969, more than 920 thousand people were engaged in sports sections of the republics of the USSR alone. The game of towns and its various varieties was one of the most common yard games.
The years of perestroika and the 1990s led to a crisis in gorosh sports. In many regions, it was lost, and the cultural and historical traditions of the game were forgotten. As a result, today we already have two generations of our compatriots who are not familiar with the original Russian sport, and therefore are unfamiliar with a significant part of sports and patriotic traditions.
The project is aimed at broadly informing the citizens of the Russian Federation and the patriotic education of young people, since the game of gorodki and goroshny sports are an integral part of our national culture. The project will allow the development of publicly available methods and preserve an objective story about the game of gorodki.
The project involves the preparation and publication of the two-volume "History of Gorodki Sports", the popular publication "Gorodki - the eternal game of the great people." Published materials are proposed to be transferred to the libraries of all regions, largest cities and universities of the country, sports departments of universities, as well as educational and cultural institutions.
The project involves wide information coverage and holding presentations and seminars on urban sports in at least 48 regions of Russia.


  1. Preparation of educational and methodological reference publications on the history of the game of gorodki and gorodki sports in order to revive gorodok sports in the regions, patriotic education of Russian citizens, attracting them to a healthy lifestyle through gorodki sports and playing gorodki.
  2. Conducting mass presentations and seminars on city sports based on publications in order to revive and develop the national sport throughout the country.


  1. Preservation of knowledge about the history of the game in gorodki and the traditions of gorodki sports, popularization of the game through publications and the solution of the issue of creating a methodological basis for the mass development of gorodki sports.
  2. Consolidation of the inhabitants of our country on the basis of love and respect for national sports and universal low-cost folk sports practices.

Substantiation of social significance

Unfortunately, at present, the traditions of gorodki sports and the cultural and historical component of the game of gorodki are forgotten in many regions of Russia. Thus, not only the exceptional health-improving possibilities of the population are narrowed, but also a noticeable layer of historical culture has been lost.
Due to its accessibility, mass character and cheapness of sports equipment, the development of the game of gorodki and gorogo sports can significantly affect the formation of a healthy lifestyle in our country. Knowledge of the origins of the game, its foundations, and regional history will make it possible to quickly introduce gorodki as an exceptional mechanism for educating patriotism and a healthy lifestyle into the widespread practice of Russian society.
At the international Forum "Russia - a sports power!", Which was held in October 2016 in the Vladimir region, President V.V. Putin and Minister of Sports V.L. Mutko was given Special attention development of urban sports as part of national culture and practice. Gorodoki can be considered as a national sports brand of Russia with Olympic prospects. In October 2016, gorod sports were given international status, and in August 2017, Russian gorod sports won a confident team victory at the 7th World Gorod Sports Championship, which was held in the German city of Karlsruhe.
Representatives of the Federation of Gorodki Sports of Russia from different regions have accumulated the necessary information for the publication of special materials in mass circulation throughout the country in order to achieve these goals and to widely inform all groups of the population about the game of gorodki.
The implementation of the project is of great social importance, as it affects wide categories of the population. The project is aimed at preserving national traditions, promoting a healthy lifestyle based on goroshny sports and playing gorodki.

Project geography

All subjects of the Russian Federation.

Target groups

  1. organizers of physical culture work at the place of residence, in organizations and labor collectives, law enforcement agencies
  2. representatives of authorities at various levels
  3. representatives of educational and cultural authorities
  4. medical and rehabilitation professionals
  5. all age groups of the population older than three years