City sports competition. Urban sports. Description, rules, history. International Urban Sports Federation

Competition Rules

The game of towns

The game of towns consists in knocking out pieces built from five towns from a limited area called a "city" with beats from a certain distance.

City figures

1 . For the game of towns, 15 pieces are used. The sequence and their correct setting in a batch of 15 figures is shown in the figure:

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.

10 11 12

13 14 15

Picture. City figures:

1. Cannon, 2. Fork, 3. Star,

4. Boom, 5. Well, 6. Crankshaft,

7. Artillery, 8. Racket, 9. Machine gun nest,

10. Cancer, 11. Sentinels, 12. Sickle,

13. Tyr, 14. Aircraft, 15. Letter

2 . AT parties of 10 figures for junior youths, the figures are placed and knocked out in the following sequence:

1.Cannon, 2.Fork, 3.Well, 4.Arrow, 5.Artillery, 6.Sickle, 7.Machine gun nest, 8.Airplane

9.Tir, 10.Letter

3 . All figures, except for the "Letter", are placed in the middle of the front line, without going beyond the "city", in accordance with the requirements of the "Regulations for placing figures" (Appendix No. 2).

4 . The corner towns of the "Letter" figure are placed along the outer line of the "city", without going beyond its limits, so that isosceles triangles form in the corners. The town denoting the brand is set in the center of the diagonal going from the back right corner of the "city" to the front left (for right-handed players) or in the center of the diagonal going from the back left to the front right corner of the "city" (for left-handed players).

5 . The figure "Sickle" for those playing with the left hand is set in the left half of the "city" in a mirror image.

6 . The sequence and number of figures to be knocked out can be changed depending on the competition system. All changes must be reflected in the Regulations.

TOWNS- an old Slavic game. Its history spans several centuries. Mention of the towns can be found in fairy tales, and in ancient legends, and in documents related to history. Ancient Russia. This game has become part of our history as part of our national culture.

It was believed that the gorodki were the game of the common people, but history shows that Peter the Great and Generalissimo A.V. Suvorov, V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin) and I.V. Stalin, M.I. Kalinin and K.E. Voroshilov. The game of gorodki was a favorite physical exercise for many prominent figures of Russian science, culture, and writers. Among them - Academician I.P. Pavlov, geneticist N.V. Timofeev-Resovsky, singer F.I. Chaliapin, music critic and composer V.V. Stasov, classics of world literature L.N. Tolstoy and A.M. Bitter.

When they talk about the game, in the towns before the revolution and about the enthusiasm of the broad masses of the people after 1917, they usually mean the game essentially without rules. As a sport with uniform rules, the towns were formed by 1923, when the first All-Union competitions were held in Moscow. The towns were included in the program of the first All-Union Olympics in 1928.

Previously, the game was played mainly on the ground, with wooden bats. In the 1920s, sites with solid concrete and asphalt surfaces began to appear. Gorodoshniks began to use fettered bats. In 1933, new rules came out, in which 15 pieces were defined, and the game was largely regulated. In fact, these rules still apply today.

What is the attractive force of urban sports? The game is simple according to the rules, takes place in open areas, in summer and winter on fresh air. This game is exciting, athletic, requiring strength and dexterity, accuracy and endurance, good coordination of movements. The towns make you forget about the past years, they are literally "submissive to all ages." The popularity of this game is explained not only by the fact that it is an excellent means of recovery, but also by its accessibility for the most different ages of people.

In the post-war years, the towns were one of the most popular sports, second only to football in popularity. There were gorosh grounds in almost all stadiums, in all rest homes, boarding houses, sanatoriums and pioneer camps, in parks and even often in the territories of factories and factories. Unfortunately, in recent times The number of competitors and spectators has significantly decreased.

goroshny sports undoubtedly refers to the concept of the national idea - primarily in the careful attitude of the people to their history, culture, traditions, to everything that unites them.

Borough rules

For the game of towns, 15 figures are used, which consist of 5 years (wooden cylinders).

The winner is the player or team that spends the least number of bits to knock out the figures.

The sequence and their correct setting in a party of 15 figures is shown below.

City sports, better known as cities, have one of the richest histories of all Olympic sports. Both adults and children love her, she needs an accurate eye and a faithful hand. There are rules for both personal and team championships, a special role is played by the throwing technique, which has several types.

sports game gorodki

City sport is a kicking out with bats from a square called a “city”, 5 towns: chocks in the form of cylinders, they are made up in different options. For the first time, this game is mentioned in the annals of Ancient Russia, it was loved by Tsar Peter the Great and the commander Suvorov. Some politicians of the early 20th century considered the townships to be one of the best games and loved to compete in marksmanship.

Then general rules did not exist, they appeared only in 1923, when the All-Union competitions were organized in Moscow for the first time. Ten years later, other principles appeared, where 15 figures were determined, and soon the championships in the towns became a popular pastime. The goal was to knock out all the figures, making a minimum of attempts, which participant or team had fewer of them, he was the winner of the competition.

The first championship in city sports after the demise of the Soviet Union started in Russia in 1993, soon there were federations in other other union republics. Today, towns - tournaments are held both between two players and between teams. As soon as they break through a couple of bits, the next team enters, alternate at the end of the game.

The team that wins two games without a break wins. In a round, from five to fifteen figures are played, located in strict sequence. The rules can be changed during the game, but there are also unshakable principles. The main rules of city sports:

  1. The tournament is held between two participants or teams that have 5 players each.
  2. Bits are selected standard sizes.
  3. "City" is determined by lottery.
  4. The player must not cross the line, for this he may lose the bat.
  5. Teams play in turns, using a pair of bats at a time.
  6. How many throws to make is negotiated ahead of time.

City sports ground

At large sports competitions, the sites are selected taking into account the following requirements:

  • absolutely flat surface;
  • wall for beating;
  • fence;
  • lighting for evening tournaments;
  • awnings to shelter from the rain.

Townships the size of the site provide for two by two meters, 13 meters are measured from the horse. The length of the towns is at least 20 centimeters, and the bits are one meter. Pieces are kicked off the horse, if one has been hit, already - from a closer distance. Only a "letter" is knocked off the horse. The blow is counted if the figure flew out of the square, and the "letter" - provided that the rest of the chicks are not touched.

Bits for urban sports

Towns is a bat game, all players must have two. Distinguish:

  1. Composite. Length - up to a meter, with a round base, any weight and size.
  2. Polymer. The length is allowed the same - about a meter, but the weight cannot exceed two kilograms.

City sports - figures

It is very difficult to knock out pieces, the blow is not counted when:

  1. The bat hit the penalty line.
  2. The throwing player has stepped over the horse line.
  3. The contestant spent over 30 seconds getting ready to throw.

The game of towns consists in knocking out pieces built from five towns from a limited area called a "city" with bats from a certain distance.

For the game of towns, 15 pieces are used. The sequence and their correct setting in a batch of 15 figures is shown in the figure:

1. Cannon 2. Fork 3. Star
4. Arrow 5. Well 6. Crankshaft
7. Artillery 8. Racket 9. Machine gun nest
10 Cancer 11. Sentinels 12. Sickle
13. Tyr 14. Plane 15. Letter

The winner is the player or team that spends the least number of bits to knock out the figures. The pieces start to knock out from the knight (far line). If at least one town is knocked out, the rest are knocked out from the semi-con (near lane); the “closed letter” figure is knocked out only from the horse, and first - the town in the center, denoting the “mark”. In each game, 6, 10 or 15 pieces can be played. All figures, except for the 15th, are built on the front line of the city. The town is considered to be knocked out when it has completely entered the back or side lines of the city. If the town flies forward to the foul line or beyond it in the direction of the semi-con, then it is placed in the suburbs, against the city center: 20 cm from the foul line, if at least one town is knocked out of the figure or 40 cm, if not knocked out of the figure not a single town. A town that has gone beyond the line and again rolled into a city or suburb is considered to be knocked out.

The city site is located on a flat horizontal area measuring 30 (22) x 15 (12) meters.

The area bounded by two side lines and the front bar, from which the figures are thrown, is called a horse. The distance from the bar to the end line is 13 m or 6.5 m.
The area bounded by the side lines, the front bar and the pommel bar at the back, from which throws are made after knocking out at least one town (except for the “Letter” figure), is called a half-cone. The distance from the front bar of the polycon to the front line is 6.5 m.
The surface of horses and semi-cones must be hard enough to prevent shoes from slipping. The most preferred surface is asphalt.

"City" - a zone having the shape of a square with a side of 2 m, within which the figures are installed.
"Suburb" - a zone located between the front and penalty lines, limited from the sides by continuations of the "city" diagonals. In the center of the "suburb" at a distance of 20 and 40 cm from the penalty line, two marks 20 cm long are applied to install penal towns on them.

The penalty line and the area in front of it are called the penalty area. It is covered with sand or covered with an aqueous suspension of chalk.

The sheets on which two “cities” with “suburbs” are marked must have a size of at least 8.0 x 3.5 m and be located strictly horizontally (a town calmly laid anywhere in a “city” or “suburb” should not spontaneously roll in any direction, provided that there are no influences on it - wind, shaking of the site.

The side lines of the horse and semi-cone must be strictly opposite the side lines of the "city", taking into account the fact that the width of the boundary lines of the "city" and the side lines of the "suburb" is included in the dimensions of the "city", "suburb", and the width of the boundary lines of the horse and semi-cone in these zones are not included.

Marking lines 2 cm wide are painted with paint that contrasts with the coating.

Gorodki sport, formed from the ancient Russian game of gorodki, is the only native Russian sport that is not contested by anyone in the world. The history of this game has at least two millennia. The game of gorodki has always had a military-applied significance, being a psycho-physical system of combat training of soldiers.
The first Russian Nobel Prize winner I.P. Pavlov put towns in first place in terms of favorable physical effects on the body from the point of view of physiology. Since 1900, he has always advocated the inclusion of campuses in the education system. In various historical periods, gorodki were played, in addition to the common people, by the largest figures of culture and science, leaders of the state. The game of towns contributes comprehensive development person. In 1920 - 1923, local teachers of the Vseobuch department created goroshny sports.
Since 1922, the townships have been part of the system physical training soldiers of the Red Army. In 1933, the townships were included in the all-Union complex of the TRP and BGTO, as well as in all sports and athletics of the regions of the RSFSR and a number of national union republics. In the post-war years, the towns were among the most popular sports. So, in 1969, more than 920 thousand people were engaged in sports sections of the republics of the USSR alone. The game of towns and its various varieties was one of the most common yard games.
The years of perestroika and the 1990s led to a crisis in gorosh sports. In many regions, it was lost, and the cultural and historical traditions of the game were forgotten. As a result, today we already have two generations of our compatriots who are not familiar with the original Russian sport, and therefore are unfamiliar with a significant part of sports and patriotic traditions.
The project is aimed at broadly informing the citizens of the Russian Federation and the patriotic education of young people, since the game of gorodki and goroshny sports are an integral part of our national culture. The project will allow the development of publicly available methods and preserve an objective story about the game of gorodki.
The project involves the preparation and publication of the two-volume "History of Gorodki Sports", the popular publication "Gorodki - the eternal game of the great people." Published materials are proposed to be transferred to the libraries of all regions, largest cities and universities of the country, sports departments of universities, as well as educational and cultural institutions.
The project involves wide information coverage and holding presentations and seminars on urban sports in at least 48 regions of Russia.


  1. Preparation of educational and methodological reference publications on the history of the game of gorodki and gorodki sports in order to revive gorodok sports in the regions, patriotic education of Russian citizens, attracting them to a healthy lifestyle through gorodki sports and playing gorodki.
  2. Conducting mass presentations and seminars on city sports based on publications in order to revive and develop the national sport throughout the country.


  1. Preservation of knowledge about the history of the game in gorodki and the traditions of gorodki sports, popularization of the game through publications and the solution of the issue of creating a methodological basis for the mass development of gorodki sports.
  2. Consolidation of the inhabitants of our country on the basis of love and respect for national sports and universal low-cost folk sports practices.

Substantiation of social significance

Unfortunately, at present, the traditions of gorodki sports and the cultural and historical component of the game of gorodki are forgotten in many regions of Russia. Thus, not only the exceptional health-improving possibilities of the population are narrowed, but also a noticeable layer of historical culture has been lost.
Due to its accessibility, mass character and cheapness of sports equipment, the development of the game of gorodki and gorogo sports can significantly affect the formation of a healthy lifestyle in our country. Knowledge of the origins of the game, its foundations, and regional history will make it possible to quickly introduce gorodki as an exceptional mechanism for educating patriotism and a healthy lifestyle into the widespread practice of Russian society.
At the international Forum "Russia - a sports power!", Which was held in October 2016 in the Vladimir region, President V.V. Putin and Minister of Sports V.L. Mutko was given Special attention development of urban sports as part of national culture and practice. Gorodoki can be considered as a national sports brand of Russia with Olympic prospects. In October 2016, gorod sports were given international status, and in August 2017, Russian gorod sports won a confident team victory at the 7th World Gorod Sports Championship, which was held in the German city of Karlsruhe.
Representatives of the Federation of Gorodki Sports of Russia from different regions have accumulated the necessary information for the publication of special materials in mass circulation throughout the country in order to achieve these goals and to widely inform all groups of the population about the game of gorodki.
The implementation of the project is of great social importance, as it affects wide categories of the population. The project is aimed at preserving national traditions, promoting a healthy lifestyle based on goroshny sports and playing gorodki.

Project geography

All subjects of the Russian Federation.

Target groups

  1. organizers of physical culture work at the place of residence, in organizations and labor collectives, law enforcement agencies
  2. representatives of authorities at various levels
  3. representatives of educational and cultural authorities
  4. medical and rehabilitation professionals
  5. all age groups of the population older than three years