Games for adult children. Contests and games for adults at the children's birthday party. Win-win competition at the festival "Gambling"

Advice for parents

Fun games for kids and adults: let's play together.

Children's games at home: old Russian games

Game "Dergachi"

A “vodnik” is chosen (now we call it “leading”, and even now children often speak in the old fashioned way with an emphasis on the first syllable - “water”). The vodir is blindfolded.

The rest of the participants in the game are players. In this game, they are called "twitchers".

Game rule: players are not allowed to leave their seats. If this rule is violated, the player becomes a "Water".

Game progress: The blister stands in the center of the room blindfolded. Players enter the room and sit near the walls. The viper begins to walk around the room.

Players attract the attention of the vodka, "pull" him. For example, they say “Derg-derg” or rustle their feet on the floor or rustle their clothes in turn. Here someone pulled the vodka by the hem. And then from the other side they whispered: "Derg-derg", and after that a new sound - someone slaps on the knees. The vodir needs to guess who pulled him (that is, he said or clapped or made some kind of sound). If he guessed right, then he transfers his role to the tugger. Then the twitch, who was unraveled, becomes a water-dweller in a new game.

The task of the players is to confuse the vodka so that he cannot guess who it is. Therefore, they may not speak in their own voice - squeaky or vice versa bass, etc.

The game "Blind Man's Buff at the Wall"

very funny and funny game. Such a fun game is very good in the New Year! After all, it is carried out with a candle and in the dark. And it brings unforgettable impressions, laughter and joy. In addition, children so enjoy playing with shadows and coming up with their own ideas about how to “trick” the leader of the game. Whom only they do not dress up! And how they laugh when they are confused with ... their mom or dad !!!

This is how this old game is played. In the “blind-blind against the wall”, the leader is not blindfolded, on the contrary, he will need to look very carefully “in both eyes”.

You will need a light wall (it can be a wall in a corridor or in a room). If your walls are dark, then you can hang a sheet. A table or chair with a burning candle is placed at a distance from the wall. A chair for the driver is placed between the candle and the wall.

Players will walk past the candle behind the driver so that their shadow appears on the wall. Players take turns walking slowly along the wall, and the driver must guess by the shadow who passed it.

All players try to confuse the driver. They can wrap themselves in a cloak, put on someone else's hat, go crouching to the floor or, on the contrary, go on tiptoe, stretch their neck or pull it in, hunch over, limp, bend over three deaths, mix up, intertwine arms or legs, walk in pairs, etc. The player's task is to figure out how to confuse the driver and how to pass without being recognized.

The driver is forbidden to turn his head back and, when guessing, look at the person, and not at the shadow. If the driver made a mistake, then the phantom pays (performs the task - tells a joke, sings a verse of the song, congratulates everyone, etc.). The driver is replaced when he guessed one of the players or when everyone passed.

For the game, I advise you to prepare the necessary simple items, in which you can dress up - an old sheet that you can wrap yourself in, takes either a hat, a mask, a scarf, a cardboard box, costume elements such as hare ears, etc. And you can make it easier - to come up with your own “suit” for everyone to play together and at the same time allow you to use all the contents of the closet.

Game "Even-Odd"

A great game to share gifts or small surprises for guests.

Prepare small surprises in advance - sweets, stickers, small calendars or pictures, badges or postcards, toys, pencils, cookies, waffles, etc. You can ask all guests to bring some surprises with them and use them for a common game.

So, having collected all the surprises brought and collected by you, we begin to divide them into heaps. The heaps will be different - in some heaps there is an even number of gifts, and in some there is an odd number. Heaps are covered on top with opaque scarves. This is an old version. And now we can just put the gifts in opaque bags - and then scarves are not needed.

We start to raffle gifts. The first player points to one of the heaps with his hand and asks: "Even or odd?". The second player answers either "even" or "odd". We count the gifts in this pile. If the second player guessed right, then he takes a bunch of gifts for himself and asks the question to the third player (along the chain): “Even or odd?”. The third responds, and so on. In this game, kids will not only receive surprise gifts, but will also learn how to count gifts with pleasure.

The game "Okhlopok"

Highly simple game. Everyone stands in a circle and throws a piece of cotton wool up (you need to fluff it up, throwing a roll of cotton is useless - it won’t fly. The task is to keep the cotton from falling. The player, near whom the cotton falls, pays a fant (sings a song, crows, reads a poem, etc.). Therefore, everyone is trying to quickly blow the cotton from themselves to their neighbor. The cotton flies either higher or lower, so the players either squat, then stand on tiptoe, then bend over. Usually a very funny picture is obtained.

If there are few players, then the game is played at the table. They throw up a clap, and keep their hands under the table. Next to whom the cotton “landed”, he pays a fine - a phantom.

Game "Wing"

The leader is chosen. The rest of the participants in the game are players.

The players sit at the table and under the table in a circle pass each other an object tied to a thread. At the same time they say:

Ah, wing, hurry up,

Don't stumble and don't break

Don't look under the table

And that will be trouble.

It is necessary to pass the object on a thread so that the driver does not guess who has the “wing” now. Therefore, the players, even without having a wing, pretend that they are passing it, wink at each other and try in every possible way to confuse the driver.

On the last word in the text (this is the word "trouble"), the "wing" stops at one of the players. The task of the driver is to guess who has the wing, where it stopped.

If he guessed right, then this player with a wing in his hands in the next game becomes the driver. If not, then the driver pays a phantom. The redemption of a fanta is a song, dance, riddle, congratulation or trick.

It is important not to break the thread when transferring an object on a thread. Who broke the thread also pays forfeit.

Birds fly game

All players sit in a circle at the table. One hand is on the table. The leader of the game begins the story:

“I traveled a lot in different countries. And I came to such a wonderful conclusion: all living beings covered with feathers fly. All birds fly." On the last words, the host raises the index finger of the hand up and everyone repeats after him. The rule of the game is reported: if it is a bird and it flies, then you need to raise your index finger up. Then the host continues: “And the ducks fly (the leader and the players raise their fingers for each correct phrase), and the geese fly, and the tits fly. And the lions fly.” Many players will automatically give a thumbs up. And they'll be wrong.

The game must be played at a fast pace, alternating birds, animals, fish, insects (they also fly, but they are not birds, and therefore you don’t need to raise your finger), flying objects - autumn leaves, an arrow (you don’t need to raise your finger, because this is not bird)

Everyone who made a mistake at the end of the game pays forfeits - they perform simple tasks.

Game "Pull-let"

A very simple and very fun attention game in which even adults often make mistakes and laugh at it. She is very funny and beautiful. You will need wide satin ribbons about a meter long. How many players in the game - so many tapes you need.

The host of the game becomes in the center of the room, and around him the players sit on chairs. The chairs are arranged in a circle. The driver in the center of the circle holds all the ribbons. He gives the second end of the tape to each player. Ribbons with rays of the sun go from him to the players.

The leader at a fast pace says “Pull”, then “Let”. And what is the "highlight" of this fun game? And the fact that the word "pull" you need to release the tape. But on the word “let” you need a tape, on the contrary, pull it! There will be many mistakes!

In this game, you can collect forfeits for mistakes. And you can vice versa - play for the winner, who will receive a small prize for not making a mistake.

The game "Apartments to change"

Everyone is sitting on chairs. The driver shouts: “Change apartments! Change apartments! At these words, everyone jumps out of their chairs and looks for a new place. And since the driver has already taken one place, then someone may not have enough space. That's all in a hurry, run, hurry. Who did not have time to take a place - pays forfeit. As soon as the phantom is paid, immediately (before everyone has time to gather their thoughts) a new command sounds “Change apartments! Change apartments! The game is played at a fast pace.

Game "Plate"

Players stand or sit in a circle. Each player calls himself the name of some animal. For example, "I am a hare." “And I am a fox,” etc. When everyone has memorized each other's new names, the game begins.

Take a wooden (old style) or plastic (modern version) plate or bowl and twist it hard to make it spin. Instead of a plate, you can use many other modern items, for example, a roll of stationery tape. The main thing is that the object can be twisted

As the plate is spun, immediately shout out the name of one of the players. For example: "Hare, catch!". The hare must have time to intercept the spinning plate before it falls. Now the hare spins the plate and calls the other player: “Catch the bear!” etc.

In this game, reaction speed develops, all players need to be very agile, attentive and tenacious.

Anyone who did not manage to grab a plate pays a forfeit.

Game "Korchaga"

The driver in the game is a korchaga. It is covered with a scarf on top and planted in the center of the room.

A senior player is chosen, who, secretly from the korchaga, gives names to all other players. For example, the names of flowers: “You will be a camomile. And you are a rose. And you are forget-me-not."

Players stand around the pot. The senior player calls them, calling the name of the flower. For example: "Chamomile, come here." Chamomile comes up to Korchaga and lightly touches his back with his hand, quickly returns to his place and claps his hands.

The senior player removes the handkerchief from the pot and asks: “Who held it?” If the driver guesses who touched him, then the guessed player becomes a korchaga in the next game. If he did not guess correctly, then he will still have to be in the role of a korchag

Are you interested in old games?

What games did you like the most?

What games do you play with your kids?

When best time for games? Of course, childhood! It is at a young age that it turns out to most vividly and emotionally immerse yourself in the plot and fully devote yourself to the problems and goals of the characters. Defeat the dragon, assemble the puzzle, complete magic quest, find treasures, go on a fairy tale journey... Games for children can be very different, and that's great!

How do children create their games? They use improvised materials and favorite toys for them, turn on their imagination and begin to create a unique world. Against this background, children's online games often cause concern for parents: after all, there is no need for imagination, no action, everything is invented and unnatural! Oh, how mistaken adults think with skepticism and sarcasm. Children's flash games are an ideal option for any child's periodic employment. Why? In flash stories, everything that a preschooler and even a schoolchild needs is surprisingly combined: a vivid emotional fantasy; unpredictable but understandable plots; favorite heroes and characters; educational and educational moments; positive music and good design.

On the portal IgroUtka we have collected for children best games in all categories! And now, with the help of flash drives, a child can have a great rest, develop, learn, enjoy and achieve all their goals!

The right games for the whole family are one of the best ways to bring families together. They can be mobile if parents are ready to remember their childhood and actively move around; with words, if children can already read or are just learning to do so; creative, and most importantly, they will be developing in any case.

The role of family games in the development of the child

The child comprehends the world through the game. The game develops, educates, teaches. In the process gaming activity the child learns the rules and behaviors that he will need to cope with life's difficulties. Children may enjoy playing alone, but they also usually enjoy playing with others.

At a time when a child plays alone, he conducts a kind of internal dialogue, and playing with other children, as well as with parents, grandparents, sisters, brothers or friends, is communication, the exchange of information and experience. It is important that the child has the opportunity for both.

In the process of joint games, opinions and knowledge are transferred, ways of behavior are developed and skills are trained. Try to get your child to play with other children, and find time to play together yourself.

In most cases, play with young children consists of simple actions, usually often repeated, accompanied by a standard set of words. Little kids love it. How older child, the more he understands, and the more difficult his game actions become.

AT joint games children play different roles that reflect everyday experiences and the child's own views. Problems are discussed, beliefs are formulated, explanatory work is carried out. During the game, rules and values ​​are transferred that will be useful in other situations.

The best cooperative home games occur spontaneously and are played without formal guidance or direction. However, some family games for kids and adults are listed below. Try them out at your next event. Perhaps these family fun will suit you and your household in the best way.

Active home games for children and adults

When organizing active games at home for children and adults, pay attention to the following ones:

  • "It's me",
  • "Package with a gift" (this game is conditionally mobile),
  • "Treasure Search".

"It's me!"

This family game can be held if at least 4 people are ready to play. You can play it both at home and on the street, but, perhaps, only in the summer.

  1. All participants form a circle. You can stand, you can bring chairs and sit down.
  2. The driver is chosen with the help of a counter.
  3. The leader calls the names of the two participants. For example, dad and Katya. Hearing their names, dad and Katya should change places.
  4. The driver must try to get ahead and be the first to take the place of one of the named participants, daddy or Katino.
  5. The participant left without a place turns into a driver and already calls the following names himself.

Game "It's me!" is a great way to develop attention and train reaction speed.

"Package with a gift"

To conduct this game with the family, you need to attract as many participants as possible, so it will be more fun.

The main props are pre-prepared - package with a surprise.

It's done like this: a small souvenir is wrapped in wrapping paper and neatly, preferably in one place, fastened with tape. Then follows another layer of paper, fastened with tape, and another, and another. You need to pack a souvenir until there are enough layers. Carefully seal the layers with tape so that it is easy to unfold the bundle.

Similar game competitions for children and adults should be provided musical accompaniment. In particular, this contest requires a cheerful music track with small pauses every 15-20 seconds of music. If there is no such track, appoint a person responsible for the music (he will stop the melody at short intervals).

The game itself is organized as follows:

  1. Participants stand or sit in a circle.
  2. To the music, they begin to pass the bundle in a circle from hand to hand.
  3. The contestant holding the bundle when the music stops must remove one layer of packaging.
  4. The music resumes and the bundle moves around again.
  5. At the next pause, the next layer is removed and so on.
  6. The surprise is given to the one who unrolls the last layer of the package.

Regularly conducting similar games for children at home, you can develop in them such a wonderful human quality as the ability to share. The winner does not receive a prize for any special talent or achievement. As the number of wrappers decreases, it will become more and more difficult for children to decide to give the bundle to the next player. And the implementation of this rule will teach you to be responsible in interaction with others, as well as following the accepted rules, fulfilling the obligations voluntarily assumed.

The game trains the ability of children to be happy for another person, sincerely congratulate them on good luck and not consider such a loss as a personal defeat.

However, this and other family competitions involving children are best ended with a small encouragement for each of the players. Small souvenirs will help the losers sincerely rejoice at someone else's victory.

"Treasure Search"

The game is good because all family members can play it, and parents, as the most experienced and ingenious, will have to come up with a game plan, the tasks themselves and arrange them on cards (for example, “under the window”, “in the locker”, “on the chair "). For children who can read, this is not difficult, but for younger children who have not yet mastered this skill, tasks can be arranged in the form of pictures, even if they are schematic.

Hints are hidden in different places of the house or apartment.

When planning a search, parents should take into account the abilities of their children and their age. It is best for kids to draw a search plan, marking the beginning of the path with a cross. For children who already know how to read or at least learn to do so, text prompts are compiled. It can be a word, a phrase, or even a small phrase.

The first card is given out just like that or, if there is a desire to complicate the beginning of the game, as a prize for guessing a riddle or a solved rebus. The rest of the clues are laid out in different places in the dwelling, as pointers to the next search item. For example, a card with the word "sill" indicates that the next pointer can be found by looking at all the windows in the house.

For older children, the task can be complicated and instead of direct instructions, riddles, word games or puzzles can be used.

Thus, the search for a surprise or treasure goes in stages with the help of signs or a route plan. And the final destination should be the place where the parents "buried" the treasure that goes to the seeker.

To interest in gameplay the little "treasure hunters" was not lost until the end of the search, parents should provide the necessary assistance to the children. Still, an adult, when compiling a task, can sometimes overestimate the capabilities of a child, or evaluate it not quite right. Therefore, the prize, regardless of how the search went, should go to the participants in the search.

The developing role of this game for children in the house is that it trains logical thinking (when the signs are encrypted) or the ability to read (reading cards to search for treasures is very exciting and the training is unobtrusive). And the ability to use the plan develops spatial thinking.

Games for adults and children with words

There are a lot of word games that the whole family can play. Here are just two of them: "Cablegram" and "Find and name."


This game is remarkable in that it does not require a specially equipped place, both the road on the way home and the house itself will do. Only a pencil and paper are needed.

The rules of the game are simple: any word or name is written in a column (it is desirable that it consists of five or more letters). And then this word "turns" into an abbreviation, that is, an encrypted sentence.


FROM- the most

AT– delicious

E- food

T– aunts

BUT– Alena

A stands for SVETA so: "The most delicious food of Aunt Alena."

There are many options for decryption. Parents themselves can choose: to compose them together or arrange a competition for the best proposal. The main thing is that it should be meaningful, although humor, hyperbole and fantasy are welcome.

During this family game, the participants practice the skill of working with words and letters, the speech ability to compose coherent phrases.

creative family leisure

To creative games for the whole family, such as "Gifts of Santa Claus", "If I were a king", "Magic melody" can be attributed.

"Gifts of Santa Claus"

"Gifts of Santa Claus" (wizard, fairies, etc.) is a variant of another well-known game "Snowball". It has different variations and this is one of them. In this case, the basis of the plot is the giving of gifts.


  1. The order of players can be determined by drawing lots or counting.
  2. The first participant pronounces the phrase, the second repeats it and adds his own, the third repeats the previous two and ends with his own.
  3. The game continues until the first mistake.


Mother: Santa Claus gave me (the name of a specific gift sounds here) a ball.

Child: Father Frost gave my mom a ball, and he gave me roller skates.

Dad: Santa Claus gave the ball to mom. He gave Sasha rollers. And he gave me a bag of health.

The game trains memory and speech skills of redesigning the text. And the opportunity to present the most unusual, and even fantastic gifts, develops the imagination well.

"If I were king"

It is necessary to organize this game action in a well-known room.

  1. Determine which room(s) can be used. For example, from the kitchen and bedroom, or only from the nursery.
  2. Agree that the end of the game means that the used items are returned to their permanent places.
  3. Team division can be done different ways. For example, if there are two children in a family, then one team can have a dad and a child, and the other team can have a mother and a child. In other situations, mom versus child and dad, or dad versus child and mom. Here, parents and children can show their imagination and form teams in different ways.
  4. The team that starts first is determined by lot. The idea is this: “If I were a captain (king, astronaut - you can call a profession or a fairy-tale hero), then I would have a cap, a sword, a map, a compass and a pipe (there are five items that can be attributed to the selected character).
  5. The second team is given up to five minutes to search in the selected room for the named things. Moreover, you need to quickly pick up a replacement for exotic items that do not exist in a simple home. For example, an umbrella can turn into a sword, a map can be drawn in a notebook, a pair of bows can be attached to a beret to make a cap, and so on.
  6. The team that gave the task evaluates the result. Then they change.

This game for the whole family will be a good exercise in imagination and creative rethinking.

"Magic Melody"

Another version of the game for the home, it is more creative and to some extent even experimental. It can arouse interest in a person of any age.

  1. Glasses or glasses are needed (it is better if it is a set of identical items) in the amount of six to twelve pieces. You can replace them with glass bottles or jars.
  2. Vessels are unevenly filled with water.
  3. To obtain a sound, that is, tapping on a glass (glass, jar, bottle), you can use a suitable stick (even a drum stick, if available).
  4. And then the experiment begins: changing the water level to get different sounds.
  5. Actually, the creative stage will be an attempt to play some kind of melody on a “created” musical instrument.

Summer games for adults and children

Summer is a period of active recovery from the winter cold and boring evenings at home. At this time of the year, many parents have the opportunity to spend more time with their child. When the summer school holidays begin, and the first storm of emotions from the coming summer has passed, you will most likely be thinking about what to do with your child. If your children are already tired of swimming and playing football, offer them new interesting activities that will bring your whole family together and provide you with fond memories for a lifetime. Spend this time doing activities that the whole family can participate in. Do you know what to play with your child in the summer?

Let's play travel

If the whole family is going to visit another region or another country, start your summer holidays by turning part of the house into the place where you are going. Study this country or region, find 2-3 distinctive features of this area and reproduce them at home. Plan daily educational games at home with your kids on these imaginary journeys.

Have a picnic together

Even picnics can be turned into family games for kids. For them, it is always a small interesting and fun journey. And if you take with you not only parents, but also friends and their parents!... If your child goes to senior group kindergarten or elementary school, contact the parents of his kindergarten or high school friends and organize a picnic together. Arrange for everyone to bring a blanket, different toys and, of course, something tasty. Before this activity, you and the rest of the parents should find out if any of the children have food allergies.

We organize a photo hunt

For older children or those who are interested in photography, organize a photo hunt. Prepare a list of items in your yard or neighborhood. Take pictures of these items with your child, and then download the pictures to your computer.

Celebrating Nature Day

Your children and their friends can participate in environmental activities with you. Come up with 2-3 activities that help environment such as planting young trees and watching them grow during the summer. Collect old clothes and use them as work shorts and capes. Let the children act out in their new outfits.


The most interesting thing about the idea of ​​gardening is that it is a very long activity that requires careful preparation, because you need to start taking care of the plants in early spring. Before you start organizing even the smallest garden or garden, look at catalogs and useful websites with your children, write down ideas, and then decide what you want to grow - flowers or vegetables? Children will love to keep track of any planting, and the vegetable harvest will also come in handy in the kitchen. Go for seeds and fertilizers in the spring, and take care of your garden in the summer. Distribute the responsibilities for caring for plants in the family, who will water and who will clean the garden, discuss the successes achieved together, and the fruits of your joint work will bring great pleasure to the whole family.

Radio controlled models

Radio-controlled helicopters, cars, tanks or boats provide an excellent opportunity for exciting family competitions. Arrange races of radio-controlled cars for speed, tank races with overcoming obstacles and defeating a conditional target, or helicopter flights along a given route and landing as accurately as possible. The conditions for the competition and the criteria for identifying the winners are determined in advance by the whole family. Of course, such competitive battles on the ground or in the air will appeal to both children and adults.

Ice cream fights

The ice cream fight game is like water fights and kids will love it on a hot summer day. Buy a few kilos of cheap ice cream, big spoons and go to the yard to have a fun sweet fight. Pay attention to the clothes of children - it is best to play in bathing suits. A prerequisite for the game is the joint cleaning of your yard at the end of the battle.

Reading competition

This option is very useful game at home on the eve of the new school year. Choose a topic that you would all like to explore. For each family member, select age-appropriate literature (books, magazines, newspapers, websites) and help younger children read the material. Write on the board how many books each of you should read, and then write the title of each book or magazine you read under your name. Define your reward system for more books read and host an awards ceremony for the winners. It is a good idea to read the literature about the new place before going somewhere and to make a travel itinerary and excursions with the whole family.

Bicycle washing

You can set up a bike wash in your yard using the car wash as an example. Prepare a sign with the words "Bicycle wash", fill up with water, cleaning products and sponges and invite the children to wash their bikes first, and then your neighbors may ask you to wash their bikes already for a minimal fee. For your children, this activity will good example how the family earns money. Spend your entire joint salary on sweets for the whole family or put in a common piggy bank.

Family board games

The board game phenomenon

Today, board games are becoming more and more popular. Both children and adults love them, they are especially good for playing in the family circle. What is the secret of the growing popularity of modern board games? After all, it would seem that in the 21st century the computer and computer games should outweigh finally and unconditionally, but ...

The popularity of board games lies in the organization of the process itself:

  • board games(at least, most of them) are designed for two or more participants, which means that the game becomes a means of communication, experiencing vivid emotions and excitement without destructive consequences;
  • board games are able to gather at the same table both children and adults, this is one of the few forms of leisure that contributes to the unification and rallying of the family;
  • board games in terms of time and place are absolutely universal. It depends only on the desire of the players whether they will play on a rug by the fireplace or in a cafe, whether it will take place in the early morning or late at night;
  • board games contain techniques that contribute to the development of certain skills: logic and abstract thinking, the art of communication and concentration.

All these qualities of board games allow us to talk about them as a therapeutic tool, affordable and low-cost.

Modern board games for the whole family

Our propensity to play is probably in our genes, although we hardly think about it as a child. Much more important is the excitement and passion with which we plunge into the world drawn on a sheet of cardboard.

At the same time, modern board games for children and adults are more diverse and often more difficult than their predecessors. A rich selection of board games allows everyone to find a board game to their liking.

  • Economic games allow you to deploy a strategic struggle for territory and resources. The most popular in this segment for many years is the well-known game "Monopoly".
  • war games- games with military strategies, where the struggle can unfold at the level of countries and even planets. The boys love these kinds of games. And the undoubted leader here is the game "Bakugan".
  • Adventure games(collections) - set the main task of reaching a certain point on the playing field or sent to search (collect) given items, as, for example, in "Elfenland" or "Crazy Maze".
  • Detective games- require players to determine the exact picture of the crime. The most good game of this genre - "Mafia", which today is mastering television screens and club spaces.
  • Classic board games no doubt have not lost their popularity to this day. Checkers, chess, dominoes - games for all time.

The game has become part of the modern socio-cultural sphere, moving with the times, annually creating new types and types. The so-called Cross-media games have already appeared - hybrids of modern media technologies and board games. In addition to the known attributes (dice, field, etc.), they can use a multimedia disk or mobile phone. From this class of games can be called SMS chess, where game situation displayed using normal chessboard, and the game process itself is implemented through the exchange of moves via SMS. The video game "Atmosfear", which comes with a special DVD, is built on the same principle. Players move chips around the playing field on the table, and instructions and tasks are received from the TV screen, feedback is provided by the DVD player remote control. And this is only the beginning...

Twister is a family game - how to play Twister?

Twister is exciting game, which is perfect for children's parties and family parties, picnics, hiking, and just playing at home or in the yard. Be sure to get Twister for games with children if you don't already have this game. You can be sure that it will become one of the favorite family leisure options for your family members.

The Twister game has simple rules, but these rules can be changed and supplemented at your request. If you have lost the manual, the following steps will help you refresh your knowledge of the game.

  1. Spread the playing field on the floor. It's best to play indoors, but if you choose to do it outdoors fresh air, lay out the field on the ground, after making sure that there are no sticks, stones or other hard and sharp objects. To prevent the field from being blown away by the wind, press down the corners with something heavy.
  2. Take off your shoes. All participants must be barefoot, with or without socks. But remember that the surface of the field is slippery!
  3. Determine the participant who will spin the roulette wheel and play the role of the Judge in case two participants occupy the same circle on the field.
  4. Stand on the edge of the field. If two players are playing, they must stand on opposite edges of the playing field (along) facing each other, while placing one foot on the nearest yellow circle and the other on the nearest blue one. When there are three participants, the arrangement is the same as when playing for two, but the third person stands on the side of the field with red circles, standing on two of them. If you decide to play with four, split into two teams so that you stand opposite each other, while occupying all four colored circles.
  5. Spin the wheel! The judge does this first and then loudly calls out the color that has fallen and the part of the body to be placed on the circle of that color. All players must move at the same time, while occupying only the free circle. If two players stand on the same circle, the Referee must decide who was first. If all six laps are already taken, the Judge will spin the wheel again. If the named part of the body is already located on the dropped color, then the player must rearrange it to another circle of this color. In a 4-player game, you can bet more than one body part on a circle.
  6. You cannot remove your arms or legs from your position. Except when you need to skip the hand or foot of another player. But the Judge must be warned about this in advance. Otherwise, the player is out.
  7. You can only touch the field with your hands or feet. You can't fall. Anyone who breaks these rules is out. The game continues until one player remains on the playing field: he becomes the winner. If two teams play, the one whose at least one member has broken the rules loses.

Games for the whole family are able to develop creative, logical and other abilities not only for children, but also for adults. And most importantly, they are able to make life more fun and friendly. Play for health!

Game for the whole family "Unfortunately, fortunately" | family leisure

5-6 players are called and the same number of chairs are placed.

The music is put on, the participants walk around the chairs until the music stops. The music stops - the participants take off one thing from themselves.

So several times. After that, different music plays, and the participants begin to dress in the same way. Where the participant stopped, he dresses there.

Prize for the most extravagant (selected with the help of invitees)

Contest "Quick Score"
Teams should line up and stand with their backs to the audience. We have a set of cards on which numbers from 1 to 8 are written, according to the number of players in the team. These cards are pinned on the back. Everyone does not know what number is written on his back, but he can see the card of the person in front. At the signal, the teams must line up so that the numbers on their cards are in order. So here we go! Whose team will complete this task faster?!

Competition "Auto racing"
And girls will become participants of the next competition. Now you will all see that girls are cool car drivers. So, "car races" are announced.
One girl is invited from each squad. Threads of the same length are tied to children's cars. It is necessary to wind the thread around the pencil. The winner is the one who quickly winds the entire thread, and the car must move strictly along the intended road - the line.

Competition ditty "Musical impromptu"
Come up with a ditty that would end with these words:
- ... the eye does not open;
- ... eyebrows crumble;
- ... the tooth has been swinging for a long time;
- ... ears are developing;
- ... legs are braided;
- ... curls curl;
- ... the knees are bent;
- ... cheeks swell;

Competition "Chicken"
Our next competition is called "Chicken". Are you often scolded by parents or teachers that you write "like a chicken paw"? Have you ever tried to write with your foot? Everything is possible on our holiday. Want to try?
(One team member is invited to take off his shoes, a sock from his right foot. A felt-tip pen is inserted between the toes, each has a blank sheet of paper on the floor. Players need to write the word "HUMORINE" as quickly as possible. The one who does it better wins.)

"The Animals Are Accused"
Since childhood, we are taught that animals are kind and funny. But they are insidious. Dogs bite, cats scratch, birds peck, horses neigh, camels spit. Who can correctly accuse them of deceit? Draw animals in all their glory:
- A hippopotamus who fell into a puddle;
- Pugnacious rooster;
- Runaway rabbit;
- Brazen goat;
- A pig sitting on a cactus;
- Sad cow;
- Monkey at the table;
- A kitten climbing curtains.


The words of this game-song are learned with children in advance and sung, accompanied by hand movements:
teapot - palms parallel to each other
lid - palm of the right hand - lid
bump - fist
hole - fingers in a ring (OK sign)
steam goes - circles are made with the index finger in ascending order.
As you sing, the words are replaced by the word - La-la-la and hand movements.

Teapot with lid.
Lid with a knob.
Bump with hole...
There is steam in the hole.

The steam goes into the hole.
Hole in the stump...
The knob in the lid...
Lid with teapot.

Tongue Twisters.

The host invites the players to measure their strength in tongue twisters, he distributes cards to everyone, on which one tongue twister is printed. Then calls the competitors.

First, each of the players slowly and loudly reads the words of the text so that its meaning is clear to everyone, after which, at the command of the host, he pronounces a tongue twister at a fast pace.

The winner is the one who did not blurt out the words and did not make a single mistake.

Tongue Twisters:

Barbara, who had become sympathetic, felt sympathy for the unsympathetic Vavila.

The bull is stupid, stupid bull, the bull's white lip was stupid.

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.

Senka is carrying Sanka and Sonya on a sled. Sledge lope - Senka from his feet, Sanka to the side, Sonya to the forehead, all in a snowdrift.

Sixteen mice walked and six found pennies, and the smaller mice noisily rummage around for pennies.

On Thursday the fourth at four and a quarter o'clock four black, curly-haired imps drew a drawing in black ink. Extremely clean.

Malanya chattered milk, blurted it out, but did not blurt it out.

The commander spoke about the colonel, about the colonel, about the lieutenant colonel, about the lieutenant colonel, about the lieutenant, but he did not say anything about the lieutenant, but said that look for a mustache on a goose - do not look - you will not find that the scales are on the pike, the bristles on the ingot, which is near the stake of the bell that the wasp does not have a mustache, but antennae.

Not the one, comrades, a comrade who is a comrade with comrades, but the one, comrades, a comrade who is a comrade without comrades.

The tongue twister spoke quickly, uttered that he would re-speak all tongue twisters, re-speak, but, having begun to speak quickly, he said that you could not re-speak all tongue twisters, you would not over-speak all tongue twisters.

Take care of the eggs!

A prerequisite for the game is noisy funny company the appropriate age.
Only men take part - 4 or 8 people.
A plastic bag with two eggs is hung on the front of each belt so that it hangs between the legs, the players are divided into pairs (randomly or by lot, it is desirable that the players in pairs be of the same height).
Next, the players stand in front of each other, spread their legs and squat slightly.
Then everything is very simple, they fight with eggs, whose eggs are broken, he leaves.
This is how the semi-finals and finals are held.
The winner is the one with at least one egg left intact. Fanfare, prizes, guests (especially girls) roll on the floor with laughter.

Children's holiday at home: fun and entertaining fun games for kids and adults. Old games of the 19th century, long forgotten and now being revived. Interesting ideas for a joyful mood during the holidays.

Soon New Year and Christmas! And of course, these days we meet with friends, relatives, go to visit, receive guests. Games at home are one of the oldest and traditional winter activities for children and adults. What games can you play with kids and friends? What did our great-great-great-grandmothers and great-great-great-grandfathers play in winter? How to give yourself and your children the joy of a holiday and fun? Why does a child need fun, and not just “serious” educational games? You will learn about this from this article. And also take a trip to the 19th century by playing old pre-revolutionary children's games.

Children's holiday at home: why do children need fun games?

Educational games are what every family knows now, what they write about in magazines and books, what they show in videos and TV shows. But fun games ... Do we know funny Games for kids? How often do we play them? Do we include them in our family holidays? For some reason, these fun games for children are often forgotten and are not so common in modern families. It's a pity. After all, they not only create a special atmosphere of a family holiday, comfort, warmth, emotional support, interesting communication, but also develop a child no worse than “serious” educational games. And besides, it is so nice to play them for both adults and children! It is fun games that develop ingenuity, imagination, speed of reaction, flexibility of behavior, independence, the ability to quickly find a way out of a new situation and give the child a cheerful, cheerful mood - the basis of his successful development.

Why does a child need funny funny games? Why does a child need games with other children or games in a friendly circle of children and adults? Why is the “educational game” of the child “alone” (with a computer or with chips and playing field) will not replace playing with other people? Let's look into history and find the answers to these questions.

Here is how Yegor Arsenievich Pokrovsky wrote about children's games in the 19th century in the book “Children's Games, Mostly Russian. In connection with history, ethnography, pedagogy and hygiene "(1887):

“There are also views that are practiced regarding education in a certain part of the public and have a lot of harmful influence on the success of the development of children's games ... Due to these views, for example, fast, impetuous movements of children during play are recognized as impossibly rude, too provincial, masculine; heartfelt fun in games, which only children are capable of, about which even the saying “Rejoices like a child” has developed, is considered completely inappropriate, indecent, trivial. Simplicity in dress, which is required for the most part for many free children's games, is also considered unacceptable, degrading the child to the level of a craftsman, etc., but meanwhile, it is dressed-up children, like dolls, according to a fashionable French magazine ... and you can’t send them to the game, because such clothes will interfere and run freely, and wrestle, etc.

Obviously, there are no joys in the games of such children .. Meanwhile, from absolute abstinence from games, look at what sad consequences can occur: children in this case do not learn, while playing, a lot of tricks that are necessary and useful in life, do not learn reasonable attitudes towards their own kind, and in the end they often come out strange, inept, often evoking only laughter and mockery at themselves. It is rightly said that “he is more likely to be cut with a knife who has not learned how to handle it from childhood ...” Along with this remark, let us recall the caustic mockery of the ancient Kornsad, who expressed the idea that the sons of wealthy parents can do nothing by way of it, except for riding, yes and this is because only horses do not flatter them, but, on the contrary, immediately throw them off if they do not comprehend the art of riding. The deep meaning of this mockery has been fully preserved to this day.

There are relatively few games that are designed for a solitary activity, on the contrary, most games require the complicity of more or less other children. In this distribution of games, no doubt, lies the goal so that by using them, on the one hand, it is better teach children to communicate among themselves, mutual services, mutual preservation of their interests; on the other hand, to accustom to the excitement of competition, mutual criticism, recognition of dignity or shortcomings, encouragement of those who showed greater dexterity, art, dignity in the game, and vice versa, censure of those who somehow blundered in the game.

Often here a well-gifted child leads a less capable one, one helps another to improve, and in the end everyone helps each other; but at the same time, everyone, in essence, remains in the same rights ... In the end, all this leads children to the closest mutual communication, unity and friendly work ...

No family circle, no school can give anything like that, but meanwhile in games this is achieved so easily and simply.

Let's play! And let's give each other a good mood!

Fun games for kids and adults: let's play together.

Children's games at home: old Russian games

Game "Dergachi"

A “vodnik” is chosen (now we call it “leading”, and even now children often speak in the old fashioned way with an emphasis on the first syllable - “water”). The vodir is blindfolded.

The rest of the participants in the game are players. In this game, they are called "twitchers".

Game rule: players are not allowed to leave their seats. If this rule is violated, the player becomes a "Water".

Game progress: The blister stands in the center of the room blindfolded. Players enter the room and sit near the walls. The viper begins to walk around the room.

Players attract the attention of the vodka, "pull" him. For example, they say “Derg-derg” or rustle their feet on the floor or rustle their clothes in turn. Here someone pulled the vodka by the hem. And then from the other side they whispered: "Derg-derg", and after that a new sound - someone slaps on the knees. The vodir needs to guess who pulled him (that is, he said or clapped or made some kind of sound). If he guessed right, then he transfers his role to the tugger. Then the twitch, who was unraveled, becomes a water-dweller in a new game.

The task of the players is to confuse the vodka so that he cannot guess who it is. Therefore, they may not speak in their own voice - squeaky or vice versa bass, etc.

The game "Blind Man's Buff at the Wall"

Very fun and funny game. Such a fun game is very good in the New Year! After all, it is carried out with a candle and in the dark. And it brings unforgettable impressions, laughter and joy. In addition, children so enjoy playing with shadows and coming up with their own ideas about how to “trick” the leader of the game. Whom only they do not dress up! And how they laugh when they are confused with ... their mom or dad !!!

This is how this old game is played. In the “blind-blind against the wall”, the leader is not blindfolded, on the contrary, he will need to look very carefully “in both eyes”.

You will need a light wall (it can be a wall in a corridor or in a room). If your walls are dark, then you can hang a sheet. A table or chair with a burning candle is placed at a distance from the wall. A chair for the driver is placed between the candle and the wall.

Players will walk past the candle behind the driver so that their shadow appears on the wall. Players take turns walking slowly along the wall, and the driver must guess by the shadow who passed it.

All players try to confuse the driver. They can wrap themselves in a cloak, put on someone else's hat, go crouching to the floor or, on the contrary, go on tiptoe, stretch their neck or pull it in, hunch over, limp, bend over three deaths, mix up, intertwine arms or legs, walk in pairs, etc. The player's task is to figure out how to confuse the driver and how to pass without being recognized.

The driver is forbidden to turn his head back and, when guessing, look at the person, and not at the shadow. If the driver made a mistake, then the phantom pays (performs the task - tells a joke, sings a verse of the song, congratulates everyone, etc.). The driver is replaced when he guessed one of the players or when everyone passed.

For the game, I advise you to prepare the necessary simple items that you can dress up in - an old sheet that you can wrap yourself in, takes or a hat, mask, scarf, cardboard box, costume elements such as hare ears, etc. And you can make it easier - to come up with your own “suit” for playing all together and at the same time allow you to use all the contents of the closet.

Game "Even-Odd"

A great game to share gifts or small surprises for guests.

Prepare small surprises in advance - sweets, stickers, small calendars or pictures, badges or postcards, toys, pencils, cookies, waffles, etc. You can ask all guests to bring some surprises with them and use them for a common game.

So, having collected all the surprises brought and collected by you, we begin to divide them into heaps. The heaps will be different - in some heaps there is an even number of gifts, and in some there is an odd number. Heaps are covered on top with opaque scarves. This is an old version. And now we can just put the gifts in opaque bags - and then scarves are not needed.

We start to raffle gifts. The first player points to one of the heaps with his hand and asks: "Even or odd?". The second player answers either "even" or "odd". We count the gifts in this pile. If the second player guessed right, then he takes a bunch of gifts for himself and asks the question to the third player (along the chain): “Even or odd?”. The third responds, and so on. In this game, kids will not only receive surprise gifts, but will also learn to count gifts with pleasure :).

The game "Okhlopok"

A very simple game. Everyone stands in a circle and throws a piece of cotton wool up (you need to fluff it up, throwing a roll of cotton is useless - it won’t fly :). The task is to keep the cotton from falling. The player, near whom the cotton falls, pays a fant (sings a song, crows, reads a poem, etc.). Therefore, everyone is trying to quickly blow the cotton from themselves to their neighbor. The cotton flies either higher or lower, so the players either squat, then stand on tiptoe, then bend over. Usually a very funny picture is obtained.

If there are few players, then the game is played at the table. They throw up a clap, and keep their hands under the table. Next to whom the cotton “landed”, he pays a fine - a phantom.

Game "Wing"

The leader is chosen. The rest of the participants in the game are players.

The players sit at the table and under the table in a circle pass each other an object tied to a thread. At the same time they say:

Ah, wing, hurry up,

Don't stumble and don't break

Don't look under the table

And that will be trouble.

It is necessary to pass the object on a thread so that the driver does not guess who has the “wing” now. Therefore, the players, even without having a wing, pretend that they are passing it, wink at each other and try in every possible way to confuse the driver.

On the last word in the text (this is the word "trouble"), the "wing" stops at one of the players. The task of the driver is to guess who has the wing, where it stopped.

If he guessed right, then this player with a wing in his hands in the next game becomes the driver. If not, then the driver pays a phantom. The redemption of a fanta is a song, dance, riddle, congratulation or trick.

It is important not to break the thread when transferring an object on a thread. Who broke the thread also pays forfeit.

Birds fly game

All players sit in a circle at the table. One hand is on the table. The leader of the game begins the story:

“I traveled a lot in different countries. And I came to such a wonderful conclusion: all living beings covered with feathers fly. All birds fly." On the last words, the host raises the index finger of the hand up and everyone repeats after him. The rule of the game is reported: if it is a bird and it flies, then you need to raise your index finger up. Then the host continues: “And the ducks fly (the leader and the players raise their fingers for each correct phrase), and the geese fly, and the tits fly. And the lions fly.” Many players will automatically give a thumbs up. And they'll be wrong.

The game must be played at a fast pace, alternating birds, animals, fish, insects (they also fly, but they are not birds, and therefore you don’t need to raise your finger), flying objects - autumn leaves, an arrow (you don’t need to raise your finger, because this is not bird)

Everyone who made a mistake at the end of the game pays forfeits - they perform simple tasks.

Game "Pull-let"

A very simple and very fun attention game in which even adults often make mistakes and laugh at it. She is very funny and beautiful. You will need wide satin ribbons about a meter long. How many players in the game - so many tapes you need.

The host of the game becomes in the center of the room, and around him the players sit on chairs. The chairs are arranged in a circle. The driver in the center of the circle holds all the ribbons. He gives the second end of the tape to each player. Ribbons with rays of the sun go from him to the players.

The leader at a fast pace says “Pull”, then “Let”. And what is the "highlight" of this fun game? And the fact that the word "pull" you need to release the tape. But on the word “let” you need a tape, on the contrary, pull it! There will be many mistakes!

In this game, you can collect forfeits for mistakes. And you can vice versa - play for the winner, who will receive a small prize for not making a mistake.

The game "Apartments to change"

Everyone is sitting on chairs. The driver shouts: “Change apartments! Change apartments! At these words, everyone jumps out of their chairs and looks for a new place. And since the driver has already taken one place, then someone may not have enough space. That's all in a hurry, run, hurry. Who did not have time to take a place - pays forfeit. As soon as the phantom is paid, immediately (before everyone has time to gather their thoughts) a new command sounds “Change apartments! Change apartments! The game is played at a fast pace.

Game "Plate"

Players stand or sit in a circle. Each player calls himself the name of some animal. For example, "I am a hare." “And I am a fox,” etc. When everyone has memorized each other's new names, the game begins.

Take a wooden (old version) or plastic plate or bowl (modern version) and spin it hard so that it spins (Many other modern items can be used instead of a plate, for example, a roll of stationery tape. The main thing is that the object can be twisted)

As the plate is spun, immediately shout out the name of one of the players. For example: "Hare, catch!". The hare must have time to intercept the spinning plate before it falls. Now the hare spins the plate and calls the other player: “Catch the bear!” etc.

In this game, reaction speed develops, all players need to be very agile, attentive and tenacious.

Anyone who did not manage to grab a plate pays a forfeit.

Game "Korchaga"

The driver in the game is a korchaga. It is covered with a scarf on top and planted in the center of the room.

A senior player is chosen, who, secretly from the korchaga, gives names to all other players. For example, the names of flowers: “You will be a camomile. And you are a rose. And you are forget-me-not."

Players stand around the pot. The senior player calls them, calling the name of the flower. For example: "Chamomile, come here." Chamomile comes up to Korchaga and lightly touches his back with his hand, quickly returns to his place and claps his hands.

The senior player removes the handkerchief from the pot and asks: “Who held it?” If the driver guesses who touched him, then the guessed player becomes a korchaga in the next game. If he did not guess correctly, then he will still have to be in the role of a korchag

Games - riddles, puzzles, charades, puns.

Such games have also been known for a long time and are ancient. They played them for fun. You won’t guess - pay a forfeit, cheer everyone up. You can also play in a different way - on the winner who guessed the largest number of puzzles. Here are some 19th century assignments:

1. Why is a chicken more likely to eat a serving of oats than a horse? (Because chicken doesn't eat horses)

2. Is it possible for dogs to run into the room and eat up the entire floor? (pun: eaten = from spruce). Answer: Maybe if the floor is spruce.

3. “Young girls are willing to visit the first one; the second is not necessary for girls, but for boys it is necessary for many games. It's nice to get out of a stuffy room for the whole ”(Answer to a charade: ball + con \u003d balcony) Other possible charades that you can easily compose by analogy yourself: com + pass \u003d compass. Steam + hell = parade. deg+us=degree. Agility + bone = dexterity. Air + spirit = air.


And then - a surprise for all readers of the site. And for me too 🙂 I want to introduce you Sorokin Tatiana- a regular reader of the Native Path. Tatyana works as a speech therapist teacher in Krasnodar. She prepared a small surprise gift for all of us - puzzles that can be given as a riddle at a children's party and solved by ourselves. Well, let's try to figure it out, shall we?

Puzzles for children and adults from Tatyana Sorokina.

Guess what words are encrypted in these puzzles. Couldn't solve the puzzle? Write your question in the comments - Tatyana will tell you what it is. Honestly, I didn’t guess puzzle number 5 right away :). And you?

And finally - a rebus from me: as a gift for Tatyana and for all readers of Native Path. Rebus on the topic of this article. Can you guess? Answers or questions can be written in the comments.

You will find interesting ideas for new year holiday in articles: