Base mechanic changes

Throughout the year, players have often asked for functionality that will give them the opportunity to show themselves in battles against players of the same level. The idea of ​​ranked battles was really interesting, and the teams got to work. This new game mode is based on individual skill and your wishes. A month ago, on a big stream with developers, we first talked about ranked battles, and today we are pleased to announce the release of this functionality for supertest along with other innovations of version 9.19. Very soon all this will be available on the main servers.

In this article, we will explain the principles of the mode in detail and give a preview of other new features of the next update, including a new currency, improvements to the combat missions and promotions interface, and much more. Go!

Ranked battles

Ranked battles are held in a 15v15 format exclusively on Tier X vehicles. The team that destroys all enemy equipment or captures its base wins. Essentially, the conditions are the same as in Random Battles, but that's where the similarities end. The most important thing in Ranked Battles is personal results. The main goal is high personal effectiveness in battle, allowing you to move up the rankings, earning ranks and rewards. Unlike random battles, success depends directly on your personal result, and not on the result of the team. The higher your efficiency in battle, the higher your position in the special rating of Ranked Battles. However, teamwork is also important, as your team's victory will significantly increase your personal chance of getting a chevron.


balancer assigns you to a team where the other players have a rank close to yours (±1). Players of the opposing team also have a similar rating. Similar to random battles, if gathering teams with a rank range of ±1 takes too long, the balancer will loosen the requirements in order to gather the battle faster. Teams will always consist of an equal number of players of a certain rank. In other words, you will always play with players of your level. The higher your rank, the stronger your opponents.

If you want to learn more about how the matchmaker works in Random Battles, read article on this topic.

Getting ranks

Being in the top 12 players on the winning team in terms of experience earned earns you a chevron, one step closer to a new rank. The same result guarantees getting into the top 3 of the losing team. If your team wins but you don't make the top 12, you won't earn a chevron, but you won't lose it either. Players on the losing team ranked 4th to 15th in XP earned will lose their chevron. If the match ends in a draw, the top 3 players on each team will receive a chevron, and everyone else will lose it. Only one chevron is required for the first rank, but the higher you climb in the ranking, the more chevrons are required to move up to a higher rank.

Upon reaching the first and fifth ranks, progress is saved, and you will not need to sweat again if you lose several battles. What's more, once you reach rank five, you'll have the opportunity to demonstrate your skills on a specific Tier X vehicle, raising the rank of the vehicle itself. The rules remain the same: participate in ranked battles on this tank, and the higher your efficiency in battle, the faster the vehicle's rank grows. With one exception: the number of vehicle ranks is unlimited.


Ranked battles will be held by seasons. The first season will consist of four seven-day stages. At the beginning of each stage, the ranks are reset. The result achieved in seven days is included in the rating. At the end of the season, the result for the last 24 days is summed up, and the player receives a reward corresponding to his rating.

Along with the standard reward based on battle results, players will receive additional rewards (credits, equipment, personal reserves) for gaining new ranks and completing special combat missions available only in Ranked Battles. At the end of the season and each stage, players will receive a certain amount of new game currency— bonds, which cannot be bought for credits or gold. Bonds can be used to purchase advanced equipment that has improved characteristics compared to standard equipment, as well as pre-battle instructions that enhance installed equipment or increase the level of learned skills / abilities for the crew. The higher the result for the season, the more bonds the player will earn.

By analogy with the chevrons, the duration of the seasons and stages was reduced in the Supertest and General Tests. The number of awards has also been reduced.

Interface Improvements

We've been following your suggestions since the release of the UI changes in Update 9.17.1. We are happy to announce a number of new improvements based on your feedback. Starting with Update 9.19, we will be introducing a full breakdown of tasks, events, promotions, and special offers in the Premium Shop:

  • The "Tactical missions" tab will contain information about all combat missions available for execution on vehicles available in the Angara.
  • The Strategic Objectives tab will contain full list current specials, events, and tasks (related tasks will be brought together for easier navigation).
  • The third tab will provide detailed information about events and operations (marathons, etc.).
  • The new "Special Offers" tab in the in-game Store will contain information about promotions and sales currently available in the game. There you can scroll through the bookmarks with a variety of offers.


Many of you have been asking for female voice acting in the game, and in update 9.19 we will be adding a new option to the in-combat voice notifications section: commander's. This option will replace the national voice acting in the game settings. When choosing commander's voice acting, the voice of notifications will correspond not only to the nation, but also to the gender of the crew commander. Thus, if the commander of your car is a girl, then the car itself will “speak” in a female voice.

VK 72.01(K)

In Update 9.17.1, a new heavy tank Tier X Pz. KpfVII. Unlike the VK 72.01 (K) tank, obtained for being active on global map, the newcomer was equipped with a 12.8 cmKw gun. K.46L/61. These cars are outwardly very similar to each other, which caused a certain indignation on the part of the players. In update 9.19, the VK 72.01 (K) tank will receive an additional body kit with a spare track section and an anti-aircraft machine gun. This should emphasize the uniqueness of the premium tank, which players receive for achievements in battles on the Global Map. Booking of both cars will remain unchanged.


Remember that it was necessary to collect completely female crew to skill" Fighting girlfriends» worked? And what is the difference from the "Combat Brotherhood"? In Update 9.19, this unreasonable difficulty will be removed by merging the two skills into one. We're keeping the Battle Brotherhood single skill in the game, and now mixed crews will also get a 5% efficiency boost.

All these changes are aimed at making it easier to navigate the game. We continue to make changes based on your suggestions. Don't forget to let us know about them!

For a long time, fans of World of Tanks literally begged the developers to make constructive changes to the game in order to remove the imbalance. The requests were heard, and the developers decided to implement in game client ranked battle mode. This innovation is already being tested on test servers and will appear in the game along with patch 9. 19, along with other improvements. Let's take a closer look at the fundamental features of Ranked Battles, consider other changes that will affect the economy, the implementation of LBZ, and much more.

When will World of Tanks 9.19 update be released?

Most recently, update 9.18 was released, as the release date for update 9.19 for World of Tanks is already known. You won’t have to wait too much, which means May 2017 will be eventful, because an event is also planned - which will take place in Moscow.

Update 9.19 release date World of Tanks

Update 9.19 general test

For testing, users will be given the opportunity to test all the changes made in patch 9.19, because it is for these purposes that the general test of update 9.19 will be available on May 4, 2017. More detailed information will be posted a little later.

Patch 9.19 Overview

Quite a lot of changes are planned in Update 9.19, but the following are worth highlighting: the introduction of a new currency into the game, elaborate improvements to the interface of combat missions and promotions for WoT, as well as ranked battles. It sounds very, very strong, probably already many have a desire to try out and get to know the innovations of world of tanks closer.

UI Improvements in Update 9.19

Developers make improvements to the game interface, focusing on the feedback and wishes of the players. The first changes will affect navigation. Then the interface of combat missions, promotions, and the game store will be improved so that tankers can navigate their favorite game with maximum comfort.

If we talk about the changes in the interface, the following is planned:
« Strategic objectives» - a tab that displays special offers and promotions with complex fulfillment conditions and unique rewards. To improve navigation, related events will also be combined in this tab.
« Special offers» - a section with sales and promotions of the game store.
« Tactical tasks» - a section with information about available events that can be performed by vehicles that are in the hangar at the moment.

Ranked battles

Such battles will be held in a standard format: 2 teams of 15 players. The peculiarity lies in the fact that only tanks of the 10th level will participate in the battles. The conditions of the battle correspond to the random battle mode: the team that completely destroys the opponent's tanks or captures the base wins. However, this is where the analogy ends. Key Feature Ranked battle is a personal result. The essence of the plan is as follows: by showing the high performance of the game, tankers will move up in the ranking, increasing their rank, receiving interesting rewards and prizes.

Information will be published a little later.

How to get a rank

If a tanker is in the top 12 winners or in the top 3 of the losing squad, he receives a chevron. Chevrons are the key to getting the next rank. To rise to the first step in the ranking and become the owner of the first rank, one chevron is enough, but then the conditions will gradually become more difficult.
It should be clarified that ranks 1 and 5 are a kind of checkpoints that save game progress. In essence, these are points of reference from where players can move further in the rating system. Curiously, rank 5 is the maximum possible for an account. Having reached the top, the rank of the vehicle begins to rise. The same principle applies here: a personal contribution to the outcome of the battle increases the rank of the tank. The only exception: here the number of ranks is offered in any quantity.

Game currency — BONDS

Changes in the economy. Ranked battles have an additional funding system. Players are credited with a standard number of credits based on the results of the battle, plus financial bonuses are added for obtaining the next rank, completing special LBZs. To this is added prize equipment and personal reserves. When the season of Ranked Battles comes to an end, participants are credited with Bonds, a new monetary unit that cannot be purchased in the in-game store. Bonuses are spent on the purchase of upgraded equipment and "Pre-battle briefing", which significantly increase the effectiveness of the crew and the vehicle as a whole. The number of bonuses accrued depends on the player's efficiency.

Bonds- a new WoT currency, earned exclusively in the Republic of Belarus. Bonuses cannot be bought, but can only be earned in the game, which are accrued after the end of the season / stage. Bonuses can be spent on newly added equipment in patch 9.19.

What can you buy with Bonds?

advanced hardware

Pre-battle instructions

Also, a new slot for additional Buffs (pre-combat instructions) is added, something similar to additional gold equipment that adds bonuses to equipment or crew, but only for one battle.

Pre-battle instructions- for equipment.
Increases the effect of installed equipment.

Pre-battle instructions - for crew.
It helps to upgrade a perk for one battle or improve an existing one, but you cannot get two effects at the same time.

Use all introduced innovations for bonds on absolutely any class of equipment and level, for all types of battles.

List of changes in update 9.19 World of Tanks

WHAT'S IN PATCH 9.19? ● New money and VIP equipment for tanks from JOVE

Update 9.20 goes to the public test. 30 vs 30 battles, Chinese tank destroyers and vehicle rebalancing are waiting for you, and soon you will find other materials about the changes in version 9.20.

In the meantime - all the latest and most interesting things about Ranked Battles. Read and do not forget to share your opinions in a special topic on the forum. This will help us customize the update in more detail.

Ranked battles

The first beta season of Ranked Battles has just ended. We have analyzed all your feedback and want to make changes that should improve in the second beta season game process. These are the ones we will be testing as part of the general test of update 9.20.

Base mechanic changes

One of the most discussed topics on the forum concerned the simplicity of the mode. The basic matchmaking mechanic worked, but reaching rank five was no real challenge for experienced tankers.

We tried to fix this by changing the mechanics of earning chevrons and ranks. The number of ranks will remain the same, but the number of chevrons required to reach the ranks will change. The distance between ranks will be as follows: 1-3-5-7-9 chevrons. It only takes one chevron to reach rank one, and as many as nine are needed to advance from rank four to five.

In addition, the mechanics of vehicle ranks will change. In the second beta season, any rank will cost 5 chevrons.

The mechanics of obtaining chevrons will also change. On the winning team, chevrons are earned by the top 10 players by experience. The remaining 5 winning players, as well as the top 5 players on the losing team, do not earn a chevron. Finally, the remaining 10 players on the losing team lose their chevron.

In this way, we want to encourage players to interact: despite personal results in Ranked Battles, victory remains a team achievement. That is why we have expanded the list of players who do not lose a chevron if the team loses. This means that even if the battle goes poorly and the enemy pushes in all directions, you should not give up. You must continue to help the allies - your efforts will be rewarded.

Balancer Improvements

We found several critical points related to balance. And here's how we're going to solve them:
- Improve the balance between teams in terms of the number of medium and heavy tanks.
- We will limit the number of self-propelled guns per team to two units.
- Add more maps and significantly improve their rotation. Due to this, the chances of getting on the same card all the time will decrease.


We will also review the mechanics of receiving rewards. From now on, you won't have to wait until the end of the season to get the bulk of the coupons you earn. The value of awards will also increase.

Testing stages

Testing of the second beta season of Ranked Battles will take place during the Public Test of Update 9.20. Join us - the next stage will last until August 9th.

Your feedback about the changes in the game is very important to us. Leave comments on the forum and share your opinions about Ranked Battles.

Along with patch 0.9.19 comes to the game new mode- Ranked battles.

Ranked Battle- this is a separate type of random battle, the players in which will be matched according to their skill. In other words, very strong players will not be able to hit against (or together with) weak players. Everyone will be more or less equal.

  • You can only participate in cars of level 10.
  • The main goal is to show high personal effectiveness. TOP 3 players by experience from the losing team will also receive buns and candy wrappers.

  • The matchmaker will try to match players of the same rank. However, to avoid very long queues, players of different ranks will sometimes be matched.
  • To get a new rank, you need to get into the TOP 12 of the winning team by experience or the TOP 3 of the losing team, which will give chevrons. To get the first rank, you need only one chevron. With each new rank, more and more chevrons will be needed. 12 players of the losing team lose the chevron.
  • Ranked battles will be held by seasons (1 month), each season is divided into 4 stages (1 week each).

  • At the beginning of each stage, the ranks are reset. The result achieved in seven days is recorded in the rating. At the end of the season, the result for the last 28 days is summed up, and the player receives a reward corresponding to the value of his rating.
  • In Ranked Battles there will be unique whistles and nishtyaks - improved equipment, instructions (a new type of equipment that is used to enhance the characteristics of a vehicle or crew).
  • The player can receive a new element as a reward for participating in the season appearance- a patch that is - a unique icon that is displayed next to the player's name in battle and is visible to all users.

New currency - bonds

Along with the standard reward based on battle results, players will receive additional rewards (credits, equipment, personal reserves) for gaining new ranks and completing special combat missions available only in Ranked Battles. At the end of the season and each stage, players will receive a certain amount of new game currency - bonds, which cannot be bought with credits or gold.

Bonds can be used to purchase advanced equipment that has improved characteristics compared to standard equipment, as well as pre-battle instructions that enhance installed equipment or increase the level of learned skills / abilities for the crew. The higher the result for the season, the more bonds the player will earn.

Not so long ago we talked about ranked battles, and today we are ready to announce the transition from the super test to a new stage - the general test. We invite each of you to test so that you can help us fine-tune each of the changes. Your feedback is critical to debugging the update before it's released.

List of changes of the first public test 9.19

The "Company battle" mode has been removed from the game.

The “Combat Brotherhood” and “Combat Friends” skills will work in mixed crews.

Ranked battles

We have shortened the duration of the season in Ranked Battles in order to properly test each of the elements. On the general test players will start from the third stage (there are four stages in total) and will receive 5,500 bonds for the first two stages (in order to speed up the testing process). To get your first coupons, just go to test client games!

Ranked battles are held in the 15 vs 15 format exclusively on Tier X vehicles. The team that destroys all enemy equipment or captures its base wins. In essence, the conditions are the same as in random battles. However, this is where the similarity ends. The main goal of the player is to show high personal effectiveness in battle and thus move up the rankings, earning ranks and rewards. The higher your combat effectiveness, the higher your rank in the special ranking of Ranked Battles.

  • Balancer. The main goal of the balancer is to collect a battle from players of the same rank. However, if this fails, then in order to avoid too long a queue, battles can be assembled, where teams include players of different ranks. The longer a player waits for a fight, the less strict rules apply to creating a fight. Teams will always consist of an equal number of players of a certain rank. The main goal of the balancer is that you will play with players of your level. The higher your rank, the stronger the enemy.
  • Getting ranks. Being in the top 12 players on the winning team by XP earned (as well as being in the top 3 on the losing team) earns you a chevron and one step closer to achieving a new rank. The first rank requires only one chevron, but the higher you climb in the ranking, the more chevrons are required to get a new rank. As a result of the battle, the bottom 3 players of the winning team do not receive a chevron, and the 12 players of the losing team who are not included in the top 3 lose a chevron.
    After reaching the first and fifth ranks, your progress is saved, and you have a new starting point for further moving up the rank system. The fifth rank is the maximum for the account. Having reached it, you will be able to demonstrate your skills on any Tier X vehicle, already raising the rank of the tank itself. The rules are the same: participate in ranked battles in this vehicle; how more wins in battle you reach - the faster the rank of the vehicle grows. If there is only one difference: the number of vehicle ranks is not limited.
  • Schedule. Ranked battles will be held by seasons. The first season consists of four seven-day stages. At the beginning of each stage, the ranks are reset. The result achieved in seven days is recorded in the rating. At the end of the season, the result for the last 28 days is summed up, and the player receives a reward corresponding to the value of his rating.
  • Economy. In addition to the standard reward based on battle results, players will receive additional rewards (credits, equipment, personal reserves) for gaining new ranks and completing special combat missions available only in Ranked Battles. At the end of the season, players will receive a certain amount of a new game currency - bonds, which cannot be bought for credits or gold. Bonds can be used to purchase pre-battle instructions and advanced equipment, which significantly increase the efficiency of the crew and vehicle parameters. The higher the result for the season, the more bonds the player will earn.
  • Improved equipment. An analogue of the standard equipment that is already in the game. However, it has improved characteristics, which further increases the effectiveness of the vehicle in combat. Such equipment can only be purchased for bonds.
  • Pre-battle instructions. A new type of consumable that is used to enhance the characteristics of a vehicle or crew. Pre-combat instructions can improve the equipment installed on the player's vehicle, increasing the bonus provided to them, or enhance the skill / skill of the crew. The player can put only one instruction on the machine - after it is used in battle, you will need to purchase a new instruction.
  • Stripes. The player can receive a new element of appearance as a reward for participating in the season - a patch, which is a unique icon that is displayed next to the player's name in battle and is visible to all users. A badge is the easiest way to show off your accomplishments.

Combat missions 2.0

As part of the first iteration of the reworking of combat missions, the visual and functional part of the combat missions and promotions window was significantly changed.

A new item "Combat missions" has appeared in the Garage, through which you can get to the corresponding screen. Combat missions are conditionally divided into three sections: strategic, tactical, as well as tasks for the selected vehicle.

Strategic goals include tasks that require significant effort (for example, marathons).

Tactical tasks include those that can be combined into certain groups according to their meaning (for example, daily combat missions, combat training, etc.).

Each task is displayed as a tile, and all of them are conveniently sorted - the most priority ones are placed first. A detailed description of each task can be seen by expanding the tile. Thanks to the new representation of tasks in the Hangar interface, it will be much easier for you to understand them!

Various promotions are constantly taking place in the game - in most of them, prices for vehicles, equipment, transfer of experience and much more are reduced. And now stocks are available from the "Shop" menu item. Each promotion is presented in the form of a tile with detailed description the item on which the discount applies, the discount amount and other information. All tiles are interactive - by clicking on any of them, you can use the promotion offer directly in the game client.

clan management

AT new version clan management opportunities will expand. Now, without leaving the game client, it will be possible to:

  • distribute gold from the clan treasury;
  • change the positions of clan players;
  • transfer control of the clan;
  • view extended statistics on clan players.

Stronghold Improvements 1.6

The following medals, which were issued for activities in the Stronghold before version 9.17.1, have been moved to the Special category:

  • "Warrior";
  • "For decisive battles";
  • "Conqueror";
  • "Crusher of fortresses";
  • "Counterstrike".


Introduced female voice acting for all nations. Instead of the old version of the "national" voice acting in the settings window, you can now select the "commander" voice acting. The choice of "commander" voice acting makes voice notifications correspond not only to the nation, but also to the gender of the crew commander of the vehicle selected by the player. Thus, if the commander of your car is a girl, then the car itself will “speak” in a female voice.

HD quality

The following cars have been reworked in HD quality:

  1. KV-13
  2. BDR G1B
  3. Renault FT75BS
  4. Renault UE 57
  5. Renault FT AC
  6. Alecto
  7. Excelsior
  8. Vickers Mk.E Type B
  9. ST-1
  10. MTLS-1G14

Vehicle Changes

Change in the German tech tree

Added tank for supertesters: Tiger 131

Change in the Chinese tech tree

Tanks added for Supertesters:

  • WZ-120-1GFT
  • WZ-120GFT

Change in the USSR tech tree

Added tank for supertesters: T-103

Change in the US tech tree

  • M4A3E8 Sherman: The armor of the gun mantlet has been improved.
  • M4A3E8 Fury: The gun mantlet armor has been improved.
  • M4A3E2 Sherman Jumbo: The armor of the gun mantlet has been improved.