How to play Hearthstone Shaman base deck. Brief analysis of maps

This deck is made up of base maps- this means that all the cards that are used in it are received for training and for pumping the Shaman to level 10. With obvious flaws, this deck is fairly balanced. With this deck, you will be able to defeat players who use rare, epic and even legendary cards in their decks in Play mode.


  • Shamans, more than other classes, lack offensive spells in base cards. Therefore, you need to gain an advantage on the table solely due to the minions. If you manage to ensure that there are several of your minions on the table, then you can not weakly burst the enemy using Bloodlust and Rockbiter. Feel free to use Rockbiter for totems for a profitable trade. Your Fire Elemental is very strong, and along with the other big minions in your deck, it ensures that you can deal a lot of damage in the late game.

Brief analysis of maps

  • This deck is very flexible. This means that you can make changes to it depending on your preferences or playing style. For example, you can trade 2x Elven Archer for 1x Boulderfist Ogre and 1x Stormwind Hero for a stronger late game.
  • Next We will explain a little why certain cards were taken.

Neutral cards

  • Acid Ooze is the only basic card that allows you to neutralize enemy weapons. When playing against Hunters, Paladins, Shamans, Warriors and Rogues, you must keep this card until the opponent draws a weapon. If you are playing against other classes, you can use the Ooze simply as a 3/2 minion.
  • Rookie Engineer - allows Us to take an additional card. At the same time, this minion is not strong enough to be traded for other minions for 2 mana, but still the Engineer can kill a minion with 1 health.
  • The Sin'dorei Priest is a very effective 3/2 minion with a 3 mana cost that can also be used to buff your other minion by +1 / +1. This is very convenient, as it allows you to exchange your minions for more expensive ones.
  • Frost Yeti is a very good 4 mana minion and is a good choice for more decks as well. high level. Yeti can kill most minions at 4 mana cost and still survive. As an added bonus, this minion is good against priests in that it has exactly 4 attacks. Several cleric spells, such as Shadow Word: Pain, Shadow Madness, and Shadow Word: Death, cannot be targeted at a creature with 4 attack.
  • While the importance of provocateurs is highly debatable, it is still recommended to have one or two of them in your deck.

If you are already familiar with the basic Hearthstone decks of our site, this one will seem extremely familiar to you. Basically, these are the same basic cards with high total indicators, the difference is only in the class ones. Made from the best base cards, this Shaman deck is perfect for starting Shaman play.

How to improve?

Improving this deck is a rather controversial issue. In principle, it is possible to improve it into a powerful deck of creatures, but it would probably be better and more interesting to concentrate on spells (control), or muloks ideally suited to the shaman. However, your choice will depend primarily on the cards available to you.

There is also a slightly different version of the basic shaman deck, which still includes only those available to us at the beginning, and it is based on cards that allow you to take an additional card from the deck when using them. It differs in only two cards:

If we can replace the first card without much doubt, despite the increase in cost. The positive effect of replacing Senji, or, as it happens, with a significantly worse dwarf inventor is rather doubtful.

Hearthstone, due to its simplicity, and at the same time, fascination, has gained fame as one of the most popular strategies in the world. And the number of fans of this game is growing every day. It is quite difficult for a beginner to immediately deal with all the characters, because there are really a lot of cards and not all of them are useful for beginners. In this case, a Shaman starter deck would be the best choice. This guide will tell you how to choose the right strategy and cards, as well as other secrets of the game.

Where to begin?

Shaman is one of best characters for beginner players. The fact is that the base deck for the Shaman has really strong cards that have no analogues even among the legendary ones. Take Rockbiter for example, as well as the 2-mana cost Flametongue Totem. These creatures and spells are very powerful and with the right tactics will inflict fatal damage to the enemy. But they should be used very carefully, for example, Flametongue Totem should be placed between two strong cards - this will increase their attack by 2 units.

The basic Shaman deck has another great card that will be decisive in a duel - this is Bloodlust. The thing is that this card adds 3 points to the attack of all characters. It is better to use it at the very end of the game. Slowly build a chain of weak characters, because most opponents do not pay attention to cards with damage of 1-2 units, trying to hit either the player himself or stronger opponents. And most totems that cost 2 mana are just weak and seem helpless. And when a chain of several cards line up on your side of the board, apply Bloodlust. This will drastically change the outcome of the fight.

What else should a Shaman deck include?

Hearthstone is a game where the result depends not only on the strength of the cards, but also on their interaction. In addition to the listed characters, it will be useful to add the Evil Eye - a spell that turns any enemy creature into a frog with zero strength and defense of 1 unit. This card should be used to neutralize a particularly strong opponent's character.

In addition, the basic Shaman deck will become stronger if you include the Frostwolf Chieftain in it. It should only be discarded when you have as many creatures on your side of the board as possible. After all, the leader receives a bonus for each character. And since the Shaman exposes totems almost endlessly, it will be easy to achieve this.

Another card that benefits the Shaman is Hero of Stormwind. With its help, helpless totems will have quite impressive power. All these cards will help you win against the average opponent, but if you want to move on to more serious enemies, then without rare and legendary cards you can't do it.

Shaman on evolution

This character's deck of rare and legendary characters and totems will become invincible if crafted with the following cards: Rockbiter, Lightning Bolt, Earth Shock, Tunnel Trogg, Evolve, Totem Golem (2), Jeweled Scarab (2), Eternal Guardian, Flametongue Totem , Lightning Strike, Storm, Hex (2), Master of Evolution (2), Tuskarr Shaman (2), Destructive Elements, Azure Dragon(2), Knight of Thunder Bluff, Thing from the Deep (2), Hammer of Twilight, Hallazil the Reborn, Fire Elemental (2), Al'Akir.

Hi all. In this guide, I will share with you a constructed deck that I made entirely from base cards. All these cards will be available after you get lvl 10 as a shaman and you don't need to spend anything else on this shaman deck.

In Constructed, the shaman is known for his "overload" mechanic. Cards like Storm, thanks to their mechanics, allow us to play them earlier in the game, while in return we give away some of our mana in the next turn. This mechanic is unique and only the shaman has it, and it allows good decks shaman to gain momentum and card advantage over opponents.

Unfortunately, in basic set Shaman cards, no reload cards. This made the Shaman deck very difficult to make, as it is quite difficult to capitalize on his class ability.

First stage

In the first step of creating the base shaman deck, I focused on high-value cards: Gnome Inventor, Hero of Stormwind, and Heavyfist Ogre. I noticed that the class ability of the shaman and the leader of the frost wolf can interact very well with each other, since the size of this card depends entirely on how much our table is filled. I liked this card and I marked it for myself.

The only copy of Bloodlust in this deck was to reach the enemy, as this deck lacked explosive potential.

After several days of testing this deck, I realized that this deck is too slow. Because the shaman's class ability doesn't have a significant effect on the board. I often filled the board with useless totems, hoping that I could buff them with Bloodlust or Hero of Stormwind.

Second phase

The first version of this deck was significantly weaker than all my previous base decks and I wanted to make it better. So I removed all the cards from this deck and started making another one.

I have created a list of the best basic shaman cards.


  • fire elemental


  • Rockbiter
  • Evil eye
  • Bloodlust

How can I build a deck around these cards, and how will this deck win? I realized that the main key of this deck is Bloodlust. In the first version of the deck, I played with only one copy of Bloodlust, because I was afraid to get two of these cards in an early hand, which could ruin the whole game. But having two copies of Bloodlust means that I will have a better chance of getting this card at the right moment for me, and it also means that I can clear the opponent's board without any worries.

My end result was Zoo Shaman. When I was making the deck, I focused on smaller minions that I could buff with Flametongue Totem or Raid Leader to compete with stronger minions.

While the victory conditions were still the same: a huge Frostwolf Chieftain and the right moment for Bloodlust, the deck became more effective. I often got 9/9 Frostwolf Chieftain and dealt 20+ damage under my bloodblast.

24 creatures

Rocktusk boar

acid slug

  • The best second drop of all base cards. Not only because he can destroy enemy weapons, he can also trade with some 3 drops thanks to his stats.

Bloodmarsh Raptor

  • Regular 3/2 creature. He was chosen because his 3 attacks also allow him to kill some 3rd drops.
  • This great map, which will allow us to profitably exchange our cheap creatures. Totem allows us to trade Acid Ooze for Yeti or kill some 3rd drop with Rocktusk Boar.
  • You can only use it when you have at least someone on the board. In any other case, the totem is a very easy target for the enemy.
  • It is very important to remember that the shaman's class ability will spawn totems on the right side. If you have at least one minion on the board, you must place the Flametongue Totem on the right side so that you can buff your totems as well.

Raid leader

  • For 3 mana, having 2/2 is very bad. This card will not help us in any way if we put it on an empty table. Its value alone increases greatly if you have 2 or more creatures on the board.
  • The raid leader should only be used to buff our totems or other cheap creatures in order to trade them profitably for us.

Needlehide Hunter

  • 2/3 and 1/1 for 3 mana is fine. But the fact that there are 2 creatures, and not one, is very important for us. The ideal would be to put the totem right between these two creatures.

Sin'dorei Priest

Frosty Yeti

  • The best minion for 4 mana from all base cards. 4/5 characteristics allow him to trade with 2 or even 3 creatures without any abilities.

Dragon Mechanic

  • almost like the Needlefish Hunter, just a little bigger. The extra 1/1 stats aren't exactly worth 1 mana, but it's important for our deck that this card spawns exactly 2 creatures, not just one.

Send'jin Shieldbearer

  • 3/5 for 4 mana, and even with a taunt, it's very good. He will also protect our lesser beings.

Northern wolf leader

  • The main key to victory for our deck. Putting it on a board with 1 minion and getting 5/5 is fine, but you should try not to put it on an empty board. Remember, you only need to place it after you have placed other creatures this turn.

fire elemental

  • 6/5 for 6 mana is not good. But thanks to his ability, he can greatly win us the pace. Swapping the 2 extra HP we could get from the Heavy Fist Ogre for 3 damage on any target is a pretty good deal for us.

6 spells


  • This card will allow us to control the board in the early game and kill some creatures for 3 mana.

Evil eye

  • Excellent shamanic removal. It will help us get rid of such cards as annoying Cairn or Sylvanas. Our main map.


  • Our second main key to victory. Use this card to clear the board of your opponent's creatures or deal lethal damage to an enemy. Be sure to calculate how much damage you will deal before using this card. With this card, even our 0/2 totems become dangerous.

Starting hand

In general, you should have cards in your hand that you can use every turn and that will help you take control of the board as quickly as possible.

  • 1 mana: Rockbiter.
  • 2 mana: Acid Ooze, Bloodmarsh Raptor, Flametongue Totem.
  • 3 Mana: Needlehide Hunter, Sin'dorei Priest.
  • On the situation: For example, the evil eye in order to counter Druid's fast yeti.
  • You must play from your mana curve. This means that you need to put something on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th moves. Play the coin so that on each turn, put the strongest creature in your hand.
  • Usually 4 drops are left in starting hand. But if you didn't give 1-3 drops, then you should mulligan him, as it is very important for us to put pressure in the early game.

Game strategy

This is not a fully aggressive deck, but a mid-range deck. This means that table control is the main key to victory for us. You must trade your creatures as efficiently as possible. Use buffs from Flametongue Totem, Raid Leader, and Bloodlust to buff your minions whenever you have the opportunity. It is very important to plan your entire move before you start using cards.

Remember, Bloodlust and Frostwolf Chieftain are our main keys to victory.

Important Tips

  • Be extremely careful when playing against classes that have strong AOE spells.
  • If you have a big advantage over your opponent, you shouldn't scatter your entire hand on the board. Since this deck has practically no ability to replenish our hand.
  • Save the Hex for cards that will be especially difficult for you to deal with, since we have no other options for dealing with fat creatures.
  • For us, the most useful totems will be Searing Totem and Totem of Healing. The Stoneclaw Totem will also be useful in some situations, and Wrath of the Air, which everyone is so afraid of in Constructed, is useless for our deck, since we simply don’t have spells for it.
  • Remember, if you have a certain totem that you placed with your hero power, you will not be able to get the same one while it is on your table. Use this when choosing which totem to sacrifice.

Video game deck

Basic shaman deck (25 creatures, 5 spells), cost 0 magic dust.

This shaman deck:

  • Useful for those new to Hearthstone and (or) those who do not plan to invest real money in the game (or limit themselves to a small amount).
  • Compiled exclusively from those cards that are given for free as a reward for completing training and developing a shaman to the tenth level.
  • Does not contain Expert set cards.

Although this deck has an obvious weakness due to the fact that it contains only basic cards, it is very well balanced and quite strong. This deck will allow you to defeat the computer (both on normal and on increased complexity), and is also able to defend itself in play mode against players who have rare, epic, and even legendary decks in their arsenal.

In addition to the list of cards in the deck, we'll explain why certain cards were included, how to best use certain creatures, and how you can edit the deck yourself.

Keep in mind that for successful game With this deck, you should make corrective decisions during the game. In this regard, we recommend that you also read the sections "" and "".

The basic shaman deck consists of the following cards:

1. Mana distribution

2. Overview of the strategy

Always try to create situations in which you could make a trade in a ratio of 2 to 1. In general terms, the idea is to kill the opponent's creature, while maintaining your own, which will be able to destroy at least one more creature of comparable strength in the future enemy. In this case, you will not only gain a card advantage, leaving yourself much more room to act than your opponent, but also increase the number of creatures you control, which will help you play the card as efficiently as possible.

3.1 Quick map analysis

In this section, we will discuss some of the cards that were chosen for the deck, how to use them effectively, and why we chose them. We hope this will not only help you to be successful with this deck, but will also help you in the future when you build your own decks.

- one of the most effective destruction cards in the game. It can be used effectively as a regular 3 damage spell costing 1 crystal, or as a tool to enhance one of your creatures, allowing you to trade for a stronger opponent's creature.

this map works as a powerful "booster" for your weak creatures. With the resulting +2 Attack Rating increase, you can easily trade your 2-mana cost 3/2 minion for an opponent card that costs 4 crystals. This will greatly benefit you. When you play cards like this totem, it's important to pay attention to the order in which your creatures are placed on the board. Naturally, you'll want to place this creature to the left of your other totems so they can use the buff effectively. But stronger creatures are better placed on the left, since they are less likely to replace each other in this position.

- this card is able to turn any creature into a 0/1 Frog, which is your main weapon in the fight against strong enemy monsters. Therefore, it is better to hold this spell until the opponent brings into play their strongest creatures, against which you simply have nothing more to counter.

- here is another option to strengthen your creatures. With this card, you can give an attack value to your totems, turning them into units, or you can strengthen other creatures for a more profitable exchange.

is your main finishing card. After gaining a board advantage that you gain by making smart trades, you can play this card. As a result, each of your surviving creatures will receive an attack rating increase of +3. While it's a good idea to save this card for the finishing blow, don't be afraid to play it when you have a large number of creatures on the board ready to attack and you're worried that soon you can lose the game or all of these creatures.

- this card is especially strong in the shaman deck, because this class is able to saturate the board with totems, which will positively affect the Leader's ability. Even in the worst case scenario, you can give this creature at least 5/5, which is quite acceptable at a cost of 5 mana crystals.

- this card is just made for 2 to 1 trades. Try to save this creature's war cry for destroying enemy creatures and do not waste it on dealing damage directly to the enemy hero.

- this creature will bring significant benefits in the shaman deck, because even totems under the influence of its ability will turn into quite acceptable combat units.

3.2 Rejected cards

And now we will discuss some cards that were not included in the deck. This will help you understand and identify weak cards later on, hopefully it will help you improve your deckbuilding skills.

- this card was not included in the deck, as it has a very bad effect on maintaining card advantage. You're spending one card to heal another, and there's very little chance of a really profitable trade.

- We don't use this card since your totems' health stat doesn't really matter. You can already increase their power quantitatively by constantly using the power of your hero. Often you will spend excess mana on this, in which case cards that can increase the attack of totems are much more important for you.

- we ignored this card due to its low efficiency. 1 point of damage will not be enough to finish off the creature, and the freezing effect will not be significant for us, because a turn later we still have to deal with this creature.

The cards did not make it into our deck, as they are very situational. More often than not, the right thing to do is to avoid having too many cards in the deck that can only be used effectively under certain circumstances. This deck is already heavily dependent on the use of the card, which in fact provides a much more significant effect than both of the above cards.

3.3 Changing cards

Obviously, in a base deck, there are always a lot of options for buffing and upgrading. As you improve your understanding of the game and gain experience, you will also gain access to new cards and Arcane Dust, and it will be useful for you to consider the following options for strengthening.

If you have access to series cards, then the following replacement options will be very useful to you:

  • 2 cards instead of 2 cards. Possessed Creeper is a great early game Shaman deck. The key aspect will be its effective interaction with the map.
  • 2 cards instead of 2 cards. While Warchief fits nicely into a Shaman deck, a Belcher would be more useful for this deck. It's pretty hard to destroy, plus you get two independent creatures to buff with your other cards.

Listed below are other desirable additions from the Expert Packs. At the same time, we clarify that it makes sense to add these cards to the deck only if you received them in a set. But spending Arcane Dust to create cards that will improve the base deck is extremely unwise. Better save this resource for creating really strong cards that will come in handy in low-budget and mid-budget decks.

And 1 card. Lightning is on par with the map as a great destruction tool. With this card, you will be able to control the board in the early stages of the game and gain an advantage over your opponent.

  • 2 cards instead of 1 card and 1 card. This spell of mass destruction will allow you to expand the range of your deck. Since this spell cannot be considered a counterpart to any of the cards you have, we decided that it is possible to sacrifice the two above-named creatures, although the final decision is up to you.
  • 2 cards instead of 2 cards. The usefulness of this card in the deck is obvious, besides, with its help you can turn two of your totems into a rather unpleasant surprise for your opponent.
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