Competition with the number three. New Year's games and competitions. "Let's go to the Theater"

In an effort to make their celebration unforgettable, newlyweds are increasingly choosing thematic decorations. So, a pirate-style wedding is created by people who are romantic, adventurous, who love to have fun and travel.

Most often, such features are characteristic of young people, and most guests at the holiday should be the same. If there are many respectable and sedate people among those invited, then you need to choose a different image. Otherwise, the majority will remain dissatisfied, and the newlyweds will feel uncomfortable.

To create a pirate celebration, 4 colors are used. It is black, red, white gold, with the last two appearing only as hints. It is best to organize a wedding on a ferry, but if there are too many guests, then a holiday on the shore of a reservoir, or better the sea, is also suitable.

When the wedding takes place in the cold season and there is no way to hold it on fresh air, then the hall must meet certain requirements. Such as:

  1. The walls and beams are dark wood, imitating a pirate hold or a coastal tavern.
  2. A large number of decoration elements associated with ships and pirates.
  3. Wooden furniture.
  4. Lack of tablecloths or their rough appearance.
  5. Aged bottle labels.
  6. Few or no flowers in the decor. Roses or other traditional plants should be completely abandoned.

It is important to adhere to the pirate style in all elements: from invitations to the obligatory garter. The more time is given to thinking over design, competitions, decoration, the more memorable, fun the wedding will be.

How to decorate

A pirate-style wedding cannot be held if you do not pay attention to the design of the hall or terrace. Each element must be selected with the question, “would it be appropriate on the present pirate ship? And only use if the answer is yes.

Venue design elements

When organizing a pirate-style wedding, you need to create the right atmosphere. To do this, use everything that can remind you of the age of robbers. Common decoration elements:

  1. Fishing nets, sea ropes, anchors.
  2. Treasure maps, open treasure chests, silk rolls.
  3. Antique pot-bellied bottles, kegs.
  4. Message bottles, shells.
  5. Pirate flag on the wall, or hung "on the mast."
  6. Models of weapons of that time.

It is important to remember that the decorations should look like a fun drinking party, so you should give up a lot of cutlery and pretentious serving.

The dishes should be as simple as possible in order to fit into the life of that era.

Invitations, bonbonnieres and other accessories

The invitations are made on artificially aged paper with a highly visible texture and frayed edges.

The font is chosen pretentious, with a lot of curls. They are often given to calligraphers for writing, who will write them with special ink. Ready-made postcards are decorated like a treasure map, after which they are placed in bottles.

It is important to make them easy to reach, which means that they must either be the height of the bottle, or they must be tied with a rope attached to the cork. Bonbonnieres are made in 3 types - an ordinary black bag with a skull, a small chest, or a pirate ship with a sail.

It all depends on the time that they are going to spend on creating this accessory.

bride's outfit

The image of the bride in a pirate style allows you to choose both a delicate princess outfit and a bold pirate one. It all depends on the desire and character of the girl, the main thing is to choose an image that is comfortable.

A noble lady will look unconvincing if the newlywed has a tomboyish habit. And when an elegant woman tries to play swagger, it's not good either.

When creating a themed wedding, you should always listen only to your own feelings and not pay attention to the advice of others.

Wedding Dress

This is one of the few wedding styles where the bride's wedding dress does not take center stage. It is on an equal footing with the groom's attire, and sometimes fades into the background. There are two styles of dress depending on the background:

  1. Dress in the style of the XVII-XVIII century. Brides choose it if the prehistory of the wedding comes down to the emergence of love between a kidnapped rich lady and a robber captain. Muted colors, a large number of small decoration elements are characteristic.
  2. Dress with open legs and shoulders. Despite the fact that male pirates are the most famous, the largest raiding fleet was subordinate to a woman. It is this image that brides who choose short dresses adhere to. Sometimes they deviate from the "mistress of the sea" to the "faithful girlfriend of the captain." Be sure to add boots with steady heels, sometimes prefer over the knee boots. The colors are bolder: black, red, a little white if a shirt is present. The main message of the “tomboy girl” is a dangerous element that is better not to mess with.


For a noble lady, they make a hairstyle in the Baroque or Rococo style. These are complex styling, not every master can create them, so it will cost quite a lot.

You will also need authentic jewelry, hair is strongly fixed, sometimes it is powdered.

To create the right hairstyle, you need a lot of length, so for ladies with short hair, it makes sense to look for a good wig in theaters. A pirate woman is characterized by loose hair or carelessly done styling. No wigs, complicated hairstyles and powdering.

Everything should be as convenient as possible in camping life and easy to create. The focus is on accessories.


There are two types of bouquets appropriate for a pirate wedding. These are exotic flowers associated with plants growing wild in the tropics. Or an installation created from large shells.

Any of them are suitable for a lady and a pirate, so they are most often chosen depending on the venue of the celebration. If the robbers walk the holiday "on land", then they choose live bouquets. When the celebration is held "on the ship", the choice falls on seafood.

After all, where will the pirates take plants or their buds in the middle of the endless water?


Exquisite jewelry with large stones, bizarrely shaped gold studs will suit the image of a lady. Pirates are much more difficult. There are two types of accessories:

  1. A complete rejection of jewelry, preference is given to a bandana or cocked hat, beads, feathers, pigtails. On the hands are leather bracers or bracelets. Accessories are approaching unisex, the whole image is built on equality between the bride and the “rest of the team”. She is “her boyfriend,” she can be gentle, or she can shoot from pistols.
  2. Jewelry, bijouterie from different sets, sometimes they overdo it. The main image - "the woman-grabber", the captain's girlfriend - puts on for the holiday everything that she liked in the "loot", not paying attention to appropriateness.

Accessories set the main mood for the whole image, and if they are chosen incorrectly, appearance breaks down into components.

The closer to the clothes and jewelry of the 17th and 18th centuries, the better.

The image of the groom-pirate

For the groom, tight pants are selected, good leather boots to the knee. They must be on a stable heel 4–6 cm. An ivory shirt is required. Further, as in the image of the bride, there are variations.

Types of outfits:

  1. If the groom wants to be a dashing robber, then the pants are girdled with a red scarf or a leather belt with a large clasp, a vest is put on the shirt, and a bandana is put on the head. The hair is disheveled, there are pigtails and beads.
  2. When the groom wants to be elegant, they choose a classic suit from the golden age of piracy. A frock coat, breeches, a neckerchief, embroidery and lace - this is exactly what the captain's festive outfit looked like. Indeed, most often they were educated men, in particular, the sons of aristocrats, who were accustomed to wearing such an outfit.

Boutonnieres are pinned only to the jacket if the groom is in the form of a “slayer”. They are created both from flowers and shells, complementing the bride's bouquet.

For the second type of costume, it is not used due to the already large number of decorations and details.

What to wear to guests

Guests must be warned about the specifics of the holiday. For men, outfits of sailors and robbers, leather boots, breeches with bright belts are suitable.

White shirts with a wrap or lacing and leather vests. It is important to remember that the pirates spent a lot of time in the sun, so bandanas and cocked hats are required.

Women, on the other hand, can come in short loose dresses, trousers, and in elaborate 17th-century toilets, the main thing is not to outshine the bride.

wedding table

On the wedding table, the emphasis is on fish dishes and smoked meat. Food should be as simple as possible both in preparation and appearance.

Tropical fruits can be placed on the table if the wedding is "on land". If the celebration takes place “on the ship”, then those fruits that are well stored are chosen.

The cake is made both in the classical form, but covered with black icing and decorated with skulls, as well as fanciful figures in the form of a chest or a ship.


A wedding photo session is held outdoors or in a darkened wooden room. In addition to costumes, sabers and pistols are the main attributes.

Depending on the image of the bride, kidnapping or battle scenes are played out. Revels and captures of ships.

The treasure hunt looks very interesting.

This video shows how you can beautifully arrange a wedding in a pirate style:

A pirate wedding is a perky holiday: guests and newlyweds are constantly on the move. Most of all, such a celebration is like a planned chaos. The main thing is that everyone should have fun.


Turn the sleeves of two jackets inside out and hang them over the backs of chairs. Place the chairs at a distance of one meter with their backs to each other. Place two meters of string under the chairs. Both participants stand at their chairs. On a signal, they should take jackets, turn out sleeves, put on, fasten all buttons. Then run around the opponent's chair, sit on your chair and pull the rope.

Participants are invited to compose a story from the titles of newspaper articles, cut out and fixed on cards.


On a sheet of Whatman paper, two slots for hands are made. Participants take each of their sheets, putting their hands through the slots, draw a portrait with a brush, without looking. Who "masterpiece" turned out more successful - takes the prize.

Two men are invited to the game, each receives a pointer in his hands. Posters are taken out with women's dresses painted on them. The dresses have all the details - ruffles, tucks, armholes, vents, a cut, etc. The host, without showing, calls the detail, and the men show with a pointer. Who could not - lost.

The "banker" will be the one who quickly shakes out the contents of the cans of coins through a narrow slot in the lid, without resorting to the help of foreign objects.

First, the contestants are invited to "discover" a new planet - to inflate as quickly as possible Balloons, and then "populate" this planet with inhabitants - quickly draw figures of men on the ball with felt-tip pens. Whoever has more "inhabitants" on the planet is the winner!

Guests are reminded of the plots of famous Russian fairy tales and are invited to compose and tell new versions - in the genre of detective story, love story, tragedy, etc. The winner will be determined by the guests with the help of applause.

2-3 people play. The host reads the text: I will tell you a story in a dozen and a half phrases. As soon as I say the number 3, take the prize immediately. "Once we caught a pike, gutted it, and inside we saw small fish, and not one, but seven." When you want to memorize poems, do not memorize them until late at night. Take it and repeat it once at night - another, or better 10. "" A seasoned guy dreams of becoming an Olympic champion. Look, do not be cunning at the start, but wait for the command: one, two, march! "Once I had to wait for a train at the station for 3 hours ..." (if they do not have time to take the prize, the presenter takes it). "Well, friends, you didn't take the prize when you had the opportunity to take it."

Relay game. A simple bucket is used as a mortar, a mop is used as a broom. The participant stands with one foot in the bucket, the other remains on the ground. With one hand he holds a bucket by the handle, and in the other hand he holds a mop. In this position, it is necessary to go the whole distance and pass the mortar and broom to the next one.

Two teams are selected, which stand in two lines (in each alternation: a man, a woman) facing each other. The condition is that the players must keep the ball under their chin, during the transfer it is impossible to touch the ball with their hands in any case, while it is allowed to touch each other in any way, so as not to drop the ball.

21. Crests

Before the game, remind female participants that men, like birds, are most attractive during the mating season. Let each participant choose a man for herself for the duration of the game and create the most "fluffy" out of him. To do this, the ladies are given multi-colored hair bands (as in the previous game). Their task is to make as many "tufts" as possible from the hair of men with the help of rubber bands. The companion of the most "ruffled" is awarded a prize.


Before the start of the competition, the host calls two real men who are ready for anything for the sake of the lady of the heart. The ladies of the heart are there to exert a beneficial psychological influence on their knights. Cavaliers wear boxing gloves, the rest of the guests form a symbolic boxing ring. The leader's task is to escalate the situation as much as possible, suggest which muscles are best to stretch, even ask to have short fights with an imaginary opponent, in general, everything is like in a real ring. After the physical and moral preparation is completed, the knights go to the center of the ring and greet each other. The host, who is also a judge, recalls the rules, such as: do not hit below the waist, do not leave bruises, fight to first blood, etc. After that, the presenter hands the fighters the same candy, preferably caramel (they are more difficult to unfold, especially when they are stuck together), and asks for his lady of the heart to unroll this candy as soon as possible without removing boxing gloves. The one who completes the task before the opponent wins.


Only women participate in the game. It is necessary to put stools (or chairs without upholstery) in a row according to the number of expected participants (3-4 is best). A certain number of round caramels are placed on each stool (there are such sweets, they are small koloboks in shape), you can use buttons on the leg (preferably larger). For example, on the first stool - 3 sweets, on the second - 2, on the third - 4. From above, the stools are covered with opaque plastic bags. The preparations are finished. Those who wish are called. They are seated on stools. The music turns on. We usually include the song "Move your booty" for this contest. And so, dancing, sitting on a stool, the participants must determine how many sweets are under them. The one who does it faster and more correctly will win.


We tie long threads to two cars, and pencils at their ends; the players begin to wind the threads around the pencils. The winner is the one who winds the entire thread the fastest.


Mix on the table a bunch of peas, beans, lentils, dried rowan, viburnum - whatever is at hand: 3-4 different types, not more. It is necessary to disassemble everything into homogeneous piles - blindfolded. The winner is the one who, in a certain time (it is set in advance), will sort out more grains and berries. If something falls into the wrong pile, two grains or berries are taken out of it - as a fine.


Without the help of hands, both teams at speed pass a fake thermometer so that it is necessarily under the left hand.

27. Nimble head

Participants of the competition are given caps, at the ends of which needles are fixed. It is necessary, as quickly as possible, to burst a large number of balloons with a needle.

In the allotted time, make a chain using paper clips. Whose chain is longer wins the competition.


Several couples are invited. Each participant in the game is blindfolded. Then several clothespins cling to different parts of the clothes. At the signal of the leader, you need to remove all clothespins from your partner or partner. The pair that completes the task faster wins the competition.


A square about 2.5 x 2.5 m in size is drawn and divided into 16 cells, indicated by numbers. Two people enter it, and the host calls each of them a part of the body (usually limited to 5: head, arms, legs; depending on the degree of intoxication, variations are possible;)) and the cage number. The player must move their penis (part of the body, not what you think) to that location. The leader must have a sense of humor, imagination and impartiality. The one who fails the next pose loses. When the people "disperse", 3..4..5 people enter the game.


Participants close their eyes, you can not peep. The facilitator should build everyone in a circle. After that, everyone stretches one hand forward, and the host slowly taps on it a certain number of times, depending on the number of participants. Then the leader announces that it is necessary to line up in the order of numbers, i.e. the person who was patted once should be the first, then the one who was hit twice should stand, etc. At the same time, you can’t say anything, although shouting, knocking , clapping, hugging, kissing and doing any thing is possible, you can’t just talk and open your eyes.
Instructions to the presenter: you need to give two identical numbers, and skip one. Then you get two queues with a gap, unless the participants guess the catch. It is advisable to shoot everything on video, then not only the presenter, but everyone else will be able to see how all the participants, like blind kittens, knock on each other, moo and try to
then communicate. It is desirable to play the game when people are more or less familiar with each other and relaxed, but this “queue” can also be used as a way to get to know each other better.

Number of players: any

Extras: no

Two teams of 3 people each (1 girl and 2 guys, it's more fun). The girl gets between the guys, and they have to dress the girl in a minute, but only with the clothes that they themselves have on (watches and rings are also considered). Accordingly, the team with the most clothes on the girl wins.

Number of players: several pairs

Optional: rubber bands

A not very tight elastic band is put on the girl's waist (but so that it does not fall). The young man must, without touching his hands, remove this elastic band from her through the top. Moreover, the girl’s arms are stretched upwards, and she herself is better off dancing, preventing her from “removing” the elastic band. From the side it looks great. Especially when a young man goes with his mouth in the chest and face.

Rubbing a frozen girl

Number of players: any

Extras: no

One girl and several guys (3-4) are called to participate. The host explains to the young people that the girl is very cold and she needs to warm up. Accordingly, young people will act as "heaters". The girl stands in a pose - hands behind her head, feet shoulder-width apart. Whoever “warms up” the girl better will be the winner ... (It is advisable to prepare slow, smooth music in advance.)


Number of participants: any

Optional: something extraordinary that can be put on a person, for example, a bedspread

The player is offered to cover himself with a blanket. It is reported that those around him guessed the thing that is on him, and offer him to guess what it is. For each wrong answer, the player must remove the named thing. That. you can undress a person to any degree. The joke is that the correct answer is the bedspread (at least we had it). Naturally, such a game is "one-time" and newcomers are needed who should not see the performance of previous participants. P.S. For convenience, the bedspread can be held by someone else.

This game is especially suitable for university auditoriums or school classrooms, but it is quite possible to try it in a forest clearing or a secluded shore. So, rules. All players alternately say the word "ass" with increasing volume, i.e. the first one speaks in a whisper, the second a little louder, the third even louder, etc. in a circle. The winner is the one who speaks the loudest, i.e. after whom no one dares to say/shout/shout louder. If during the game someone comes to shout, you should say: "Hello, but we called you."


Participants are divided into pairs. Each pair has a boy and a girl. The task is to unfold and eat in half the candy that the host will give with joint efforts without the help of hands. The couple that manages to do it first wins.

To play, you will need an ordinary cardboard box, not too big, but not small either. The players stand in a circle and pass it to each other to the music. The one who has the box at the moment when the music has stopped must take off the thing (namely the thing, and not pull the keys or a coin out of his pocket) and put it in the box. Then it continues in a circle. At what stage of nudity to start the game in the reverse order, that is, to start pulling out the first things that came across from the box and put on yourself, is up to your company.

The game is somewhat similar to "Clothespins". There are usually four players: boy-girl, boy-girl. But surely more is possible. Girls blindfold the guys, turn on the music. Then they fix paper clips on top of each other (on clothes - up to underwear, as long as modesty is enough), after which each chooses a guy for himself (who is still blindfolded), and he gropingly, slowly, appreciating every touch, begins to look for fixed paper clips. The winner is the one who found and removed the most paper clips (or all) from his girlfriend's clothes.

Naughty HANDS

The game is played by several couples. Each pair receives two ping-pong balls. The task of men is to roll these balls from the right sleeve of the lady to the left. Ladies, on the other hand, roll the balls through the trousers of a man from the right leg to the left. The one who gets it right first wins.


The host calls two men and two women into the game. How best to distribute pairs of players - according to belonging to the same gender or to the opposite - is up to you (just kidding). Then, blindfolding two participants, the presenter asks them questions, pointing to the one he wants to: “Tell me, where will we kiss? Here?" - and shows, for example, on the cheek (you can ears, lips, eyes, hands, etc.). The facilitator asks questions until the blindfolded participant says “yes”. Then the facilitator asks: “How many times? So many?" And he shows on his fingers how many times, each time changing the combination while I play-
the guy won't say yes. Well, then, having unleashed the participant's eyes, he is forced to do what he agreed to, for example, kiss the man's knee eight times.


It is better to play this game together, but as you want. As a rule, the players are equally divided between boys and girls. The beginner kisses the girl and takes off one thing, the girl kisses the next guy in a circle and also takes off one thing. And so on the rise: kissed - take off the thing. Anyone who refuses to continue undressing is out of the game. The game continues until the end, that is, until there is nothing to shoot. If all the guys are left in the circle without girls, you have assembled the game team incorrectly.


Several couples are called (a boy and a girl). Each takes a candy in her mouth (more precisely, in her mouth). Turn on the music and let them dance with candy in their mouths. Who will disconnect - he lost!


Two couples take part in the game, in each a guy and a girl. The host gives the couple “money” (it can be real, or it can be toy). On his command, the girl should hide the “stash” on the guy as quickly as possible and most importantly, away. You can hide it anywhere: in pockets, in socks, in a fly, etc. After the money is hidden, the couples change partners. Now the second girl must find money on the guy. Whoever finds it the fastest wins.


The same game, but "from the other side." Several couples (a boy and a girl) are called to the site. Each pair is given a bunch of balloons, the number of which is the same for everyone. The main task is to crush them all. To do this, the girl stands with her back to the guy, bends slightly, and the guy with a sort of "dashing", sharp movement should blow up the ball on the "fifth point" of the girl. It is only necessary to remind that the guy does not forget to hold the girl, otherwise she has every chance to fly off a couple of meters if the young man is too hot. Fun guaranteed!


The rules are simple. Couples are called to the playground (boyfriend - girl). Each is given a few inflated balloons. Partners become facing each other and pinch one ball between them. The pair that bursts all their balloons faster than the others wins. Hands cannot be used, everything is done with oncoming body movements.

There are two duelists - a guy and a girl (however, nothing prevents you from increasing the number of players). The duel is bloodless - the players alternately take off their things and put them next to them. Whoever stops first loses. Need
only to determine in advance whether to count as a removed thing a watch, keys pulled out of a pocket, money, etc. And in order to have an incentive to undress, it’s not a bad idea to assign a good prize.


Everyone sits in a circle, and the host says that now everyone should say what he likes about his neighbor on the right. When it comes to intimate details, the host happily announces that now everyone should kiss their neighbor exactly in the place that he liked the most. Well, if you like him for the mind!


Four move out of earshot. The rest think of some part of the body, an organ. The first one comes in - they call him a “faulty part” (he is the “broken mechanism”). The second one comes in. He is told that he is a “mechanic”, but armless, and he needs to determine where the “mechanism” is “broken”, touching his nose, lips, etc. While the “mechanic” is working, the “mechanism” “reacts”, i.e. the closer to the place of failure, the more actively it "starts". When the "mechanic" copes with his task, he himself becomes the "mechanism" for the next.


The game requires a large basin of water. Several apples are thrown at him (the tails can be cut off to complicate the task), and then the player kneels in front of the pelvis, holding his hands behind his back, and tries to get the apples out of the water with his teeth.

A variant of the previous game: long threads are tied to two children's cars, the ends are wound on a pencil (stick). At the command of the leader, the players begin to wind them up. The one whose car reaches the finish line first wins.

This game is even played at weddings in China. The bottom line is this: the apple is tied up by the tail on a thread, after which the players (usually two of them), holding their hands behind their backs, must eat it.

Mixer game. A plate with pre-prepared inscriptions is fixed on the back of the participant (they can be very different - “TOILET”, “SHOP”, “INSTITUTE”). The rest, sitting behind him, ask him various questions: “Why do you go there, poor thing? How often? Who taught you this?..” The player must, without knowing what is written on the tablet, answer all these questions. General laughter

All participants are given blank sheets of paper on which they will create their "masterpieces", and pens. Participants write the names of their heroes (fabulous, for example, or the name of a friend, or a popular TV presenter), bend the sheet so that what is written is not visible. And then pass the sheet to a neighbor. Then everyone writes answers to the host's questions, for example: “Where did the hero go? What for? What happened to him?" You can come up with a lot of them, if only there was enough paper. After each written answer, the sheet is folded and passed to the neighbor.
It should look something like: “(Who?) Little Red Riding Hood (What did the hero do?) climbed the Christmas tree (Why did he do it?) for dill (What happened then?), and she was filled with watermelons ...” Reading aloud these “literary works" always creates a good mood.

Two teams are made up of four volunteers (you can increase their number). One of the players on each team is the "mummy" and the other is the "mummy priest". The essence of the game: the "priest" must wrap the "mummy" with "bandages" as quickly as possible. Toilet paper is usually used as bandages. The fun of the audience is guaranteed! After that, you can start the “game in reverse”, winding the paper back into a roll.

The guys sit on the “fifth point” on the same line, spreading or crossing their legs in Turkish style, leaning back and resting their hands on the ground behind their backs - these are “beds”. Girls sit either on the crossed legs of the guys, or between the legs. They are "turnips". The leader - "Michurinets" - walks in front of the "beds". "Turnip" it is advisable to keep your hands in front of you. Having lulled the vigilance of the “beds” with conversations, the “Michurinets” is trying to pull the “turnip” from the “bed”. The guy must have time to tear his hands off the ground and hold the girl. For what he will grab her - that's how it will turn out. The one who did not hold the "turnip" himself becomes a "Michurinite". The main thing for immodest "turnips" is not to get a "rake" from gentlemen after the game.

Participants sit in several rows. Everyone gets a role: “grandfather”, “grandmother”, “bear”, “wolf”, etc., plus each of the participants at the same time plays the role of a “kolobok”. The host tells a well-known fairy tale, and the participants, having heard the name of their character in the text, must jump up and run around their place. They all run together when they hear the word "kolobok". You need to tell impromptu, often repeating the names of the characters in the fairy tale, for example: “The grandmother baked, although what kind of grandmother she is, not a grandmother, but a young woman, her grandfather is a bun ...” The game ends when everyone gets tired of running.
For a change, you can come up with characteristic movements for each character instead of aimless running: the “grandfather” mows the grass, the “bear” climbs a tree for honey and roars, etc. And the “koloboks”, of course, roll and run.

An old children's game, but adults also play it with enthusiasm. Twelve pieces of paper are taken, on each of which it is written where the next one lies. Then they all hide in different places, and only one - the first one - is given into the hands of the players. Their task is to find and collect all the notes. It's good to play this game at a birthday party, when the last note contains information about where the gift is hidden!

The most disliked game of the hussars. Rules: three or more hussars sit down at a table with a hole in the center, having previously tied a waxed thread to their ear, and begin to smile at the presence
ladies. Then all the threads are mixed and pushed into the hole. Further, each hussar chooses a thread for himself under the table, and at the command of the commander present, everyone begins to pull his own. The last person to stop smiling wins.
"Twitching" and other attempts to find out who the thread is tied to are considered fraud. The person guilty of this receives a candelabra and is forced to play hussar roulette with a full drum of cartridges.

The gentlemen of the hussars sit down together opposite each other at the table, clamp the royal copper penny in their teeth and begin to strongly press each other mudya under the table. The one who bites the coin first loses.

You need an approximately equal number of guys and girls (the more - the better). The guys are given numbers, and the girls - letters (they must be kept secret). Then a volunteer is selected, which lies on the floor. He (she) names an arbitrary combination of letters/numbers. For example, "D6" or "VZ". If a guy is lying, then the girl under the letter D should run up (everyone sits around) to him and kiss, and the guy with the number 6 should prevent her and kiss her himself. The winner of the battle lies on the floor, and everything repeats

Stand in a circle facing each other. One of you should stand in the center blindfolded. Rotate him (her) until the others switch places. Stop. The person in the center of the circle must choose someone and determine by touch who it is. If he doesn't guess, then the game continues. If correct, then this participant stands in the center of the circle.

It is best to play with a large number of participants (more than twenty people), but it is also possible in a closer, but no less friendly company. So, everyone stands in a circle in the back of the head one after another. At the leader’s command, everyone takes the waist of the person in front, and together they make “hip movements” left-right-back-forward. It is best, of course, to do this with appropriate music. Further, the task becomes more difficult. The host asks to take the waist of the person in front through one! Then, you guessed it, the dance is repeated. Then the task becomes more difficult again: now it is proposed to take the waist of the one standing two people ahead! Naturally, hip movements... The game is played before
as long as there are enough hands. At the end, everyone falls merrily to the floor.

Several girls are called to the playground. They are given a banana in one hand and a bowl of melted ice cream in the other. The girls have to soak the ice cream with a banana at speed, but not the one that was the first wins, but the one that did it the most artistically. You can turn to the help of the audience (boys) to choose the winner.

A minimum of three players must participate in the game. In the middle of the playground becomes main player, for starters, for example, a girl. The other two (young men) are blindfolded. One of them is given several ribbons in his hands. He must with eyes closed go up to the girl and tie bows on her anywhere. The task of the second man is to approach her and find and untie all the bows. Then the players switch places: a man is invited to the role of the main player. And so on, until everyone who wants to try all the roles.

You can play pranks on friends not only on April 1 - good pranks will entertain guests at any holiday. Prank games are trick games where participants may not even realize until the very end that they will find themselves in a ridiculously funny situation. Many games are accompanied by good-natured laughter at a voluntary victim. The main thing is to think carefully about whether the prank is appropriate in this company, whether it will offend anyone. The tone and friendliness of the environment play a huge role. I bring to your attention the following fun prank games:


Number of players: at least 8 people.

None of the participants should know this game (and if there are any in the company, ask them not to reveal the secret).

Everyone stands in a circle and takes each other by the arms, in the center of the circle is the leader.

The host says: “Now we will play a game called Zoo. To each of you I will whisper in your ear the name of some animal, which you must keep secret. Then, when everyone gets the name of the animals, I will mention them in my story. If the name of your animal falls out, you must quickly crouch and pull two adjacent players with you, which you hold under your arms. And the task of these neighboring players is to keep you. Understandably?"

Then the facilitator comes up to everyone and whispers the same thing in his ear, for example, "Hippopotamus". At the same time, each player thinks that only he has the name of this animal (when the host distributes names, he must unobtrusively pretend that he invents a new one every time - for greater persuasiveness, you can even peep into some piece of paper, allegedly distributing “roles”).

It sounds something like this: “I’m walking around the zoo and I see a Lion ... (everyone is standing), I go further, I look - a Monkey ... (everyone is standing), I turn a corner, and there is a Crocodile ... (everyone is standing). I go further, I look - huge Hippopotamus... "(at this time, each player, having heard the word that was spoken in his ear "only to him alone", sharply crouches and the following happens: the whole circle flops together and cheerfully on the floor).

The draw was a success! It is advisable to provide a place for falling, otherwise you can break furniture, break something, etc.

bikers from the madhouse

In the midst of the fun, pick a good moment and invite someone to take a test of coordination (sobriety, agility).

The player's task is to lift the matchbox with two matches. Holding the heads of the matches with two fingers, each must be rested on different sides in the center of the box and thus lift it, and the arms should be extended. After several attempts, this usually succeeds.

At the moment when the box is already lifted by the victim and held by him in outstretched arms, you complicate the task: now you need to hold this box, while stomping with one foot.

When the “victim” gets the hang of it and stomps his foot on the floor with a satisfied face, holding a box of two matches in front of him, you turn to the audience and declare: “This is how they start a motorcycle in a madhouse.” Audience laughter is guaranteed.

A variant of this prank: all the same, only you present it as a skill contest and invite several people to participate.

Well, a fairy tale!

The victim of the prank is told that now everyone in the company will guess one famous fairy tale. He will have to guess it by asking the company questions about the plot of the fairy tale. The whole company will answer in chorus, and not each one by one. Only "Yes", "No" and "Doesn't matter" answers are allowed. The conditions of the game seem simple to the victim, and he is removed. The company pretends to conceive a fairy tale, but in fact agrees on a prank.

The fact is that no fairy tale is conceived. And the collective response (necessarily in chorus) is built according to the following principle:

  • vowel(for example, “Is there a princess in this fairy tale?”), then everyone says “Yes!” in unison.
  • If the victim's question ends with consonant(for example, “Is there a Serpent-Gorynych in this fairy tale?”), Everyone shouts “No!” in unison.
  • If the question ends with "b" or "th"(for example, “And Koschey the Immortal?”), then everyone answers in chorus “It doesn’t matter!” (or maybe").

An important condition is that participants must clearly adhere to the rules and respond in unison in unison. Any other comments other than these three phrases are prohibited.

So, the whole company is prepared, the victim is invited, and the “guessing” of the fairy tale begins. The victim very quickly realizes that the fairy tale is somehow abnormal, to put it mildly. But confident answers in chorus make you believe in the reality of the conceived fairy tale. After 10-15 minutes, the execution can be stopped. If you have already laughed enough, you can have mercy and tell the truth that you didn’t think of any fairy tale at all. The pleasure of the game is guaranteed!


Variant of the previous draw.

Everything is the same, only two volunteers act as victims here, who are allegedly invited to play the role of detectives. They are told that they must "solve the crime". The rules for participants are exactly the same.

The detectives will achieve their goal if they figure out exactly how they are being fooled.

Wild Monkey Symposium

One wishing to be taken out of the room so that he does not see or hear the rest, he will be the "victim" of the prank. The host says: “Listen to me carefully, now we will play it. When he returns, we will say that the Brazilian symposium of the wildest monkeys has gathered here, and he needs to determine which of them is the wildest. For this, we say, you must ask: "Who is the wildest monkey here?" Everyone will shout: “Me! I AM!" With two attempts you have to guess who this monkey is. And the wildest is the one who screams the loudest and hits his chest harder with his fist. So you have three tries.

And now our actions: he will ask, and we will yell. After two attempts, he will point to someone. We will all pretend to be surprised and say that he guessed right. The one who was shown as the wildest monkey comes out - it's his turn to guess. Next, we think of someone as if for real (this is necessary so that the “victim” does not guess about the upcoming joke) and call the first “wild monkey”. When he starts asking “Who is the wildest monkey here?”, the first time we will scream, and the second time we will breathe in for a scream and ... only the “victim” will scream, i.e. it will become clear who is the wildest monkey here. Any questions?"

The game proceeds according to these instructions. To have more fun, you can choose not one, but several "victims", i.e. remove not one, but three or four people.


The game requires a company of 6-10 people and a "victim" - a person who has never played this game. The host sends the "victim" to another room and tells all the ignorant of the rules of the game. Then the “victim” is invited back and the leader informs her: “MPS is a person and he is among us. Your task is to find this person and find out how the abbreviation stands for. To do this, you can interrogate all of us. The question should be formulated in such a way that the respondent can only answer “yes” or “no”. We are committed to telling the truth." Moreover, everyone must ensure that this rule is not accidentally violated. This is where the “fun” begins, because MPS stands for “my right neighbor”, i.e. each participant answers about his right neighbor. The “victim” is perplexed: how can one person be both a blond and a brunette, wear glasses and not wear them, etc. And everyone claims to be telling the truth. The game continues until it dawns on the “victim”, which means MPS. For the role of "victim" it is desirable to choose a person who is smart and has a sense of humor.


The draw is extremely simple. We need a company of different sexes, preferably a little drunk, three dozen clothespins and a good mood. Two couples are called, in each a guy and a girl. Two guys are blindfolded and invited to feel by touch to find 15 clothespins hung on the clothes of their partners. When both players have coped with the task, everyone applauds in unison. The facilitator then asks the couples to switch roles. Arguing that women are more accustomed to clothespins, he proposes to complicate the task and increase their number to 15 for each person. The funny thing is that not 15 clothespins are attached to the clothes of partners, as was agreed, but 13 each. It's very fun to watch the ladies looking for non-existent clothespins!

intimate conversation

A prank game that will revive a bored audience. A couple is invited to participate. The girl is placed on a chair. Between her legs she holds a bottle with a narrow neck. A blindfolded man with a straw in his mouth is placed a few steps away from her. He needs to insert the tube into the bottle with the help of the girl's prompts. All comments are discreetly recorded on a voice recorder, and then the host announces: "Let's hear what this couple did last night." It turns out really very similar: “Below, yes, yes! Like this! No, just a little lower, right! Insert!"

Crazy cleaning lady

During the host's speech, suddenly a cleaning lady (in a dressing gown, with a mop and a bucket of water) comes on stage from behind the scenes and quite seriously begins to clean the stage (for real).

Host: What are you doing, we have a program!

Cleaning lady: I ​​have a job! All sorts of people walk around here, they only follow, and then everything disappears ...

The cleaner continues cleaning the stage, grumbling under her breath. The host shrugs his shoulders and tries to continue his speech, occasionally glancing at the cleaning lady. She, not at all embarrassed, washes a rag in a bucket and wipes the stage with a mop a couple of times. In the process, the bucket is rearranged throughout the stage and at some point disappears from the eyes of the audience backstage for a moment. At this point, you need to quickly change it to the same bucket, half-filled with confetti. The cleaning lady comes to the edge of the stage and with the words “Sit down here!” suddenly, with a flourish, quickly “pours water” on the audience. Spectators try to evade with squeals and yells. This is followed by a rain of confetti and an explosion of laughter.

Insidious phrase

The host declares that none of those present will be able to correctly repeat the three phrases that he will say after him. Of course, no one agrees with him and the game begins.

The host says the first sentence. For example: "The weather is good on Deribasovskaya." Everyone easily repeats this phrase. The host says the second phrase: "It's raining again on Brighton Beach." It is also repeated by everyone confidently. Then the Leader quickly and joyfully declares: “Aha, so you made a mistake!” Surprise, questions, argument ... And the host explains that his third phrase, which had to be repeated, was: “Yeah, so you made a mistake!”

Take the prize for the word "three"!

The competition is very simple and fun. 3 people are invited to participate. The host puts several chairs in a circle, the participants sit on them. Another chair is placed in the middle, a prize is placed on it.

The facilitator reads the verse and as soon as he says "three", the participants must grab the prize. Whoever is the most attentive and dexterous gets it as a reward. The game takes place in three stages (for example, in the first round, a chocolate bar is played, in the second, chewing gum, and in the third, Chupa-Chups). Each time the facilitator says "three" anywhere in the story.

I will tell you a story

In half a dozen phrases.

I'll just say the word "THREE", -

Get your prize now!

Once we caught a pike

Gutted, but inside

Small fish were seen

And not one, but whole ... 6

When you want to remember poetry

They do not bison until late at night,

And repeat them to yourself

One, another, but better ... .9!

Dreaming guy hardened

Become an Olympic champion.

Look, do not be cunning at the start,

And wait for the command: "One, two ... march!"

One day a train at the station

I had to wait three hours...

(if they do not have time to take the prize, the presenter takes it with the words:)

Well, friends, you did not take the prize,

When there was a command to take! (if there are inattentive players)

Well, friends, you took the prize

I rate you five!

High jump

The game will require a couple of strong guys and a not very overweight volunteer (preferably female). The volunteer is kicked out the door and the rules of the prank are explained to the rest. Then they put the newcomer on a chair, blindfold him and inform him that the chair will now be raised, but he does not need to be afraid. In order not to be scared, a person stands in front of the person standing on a chair and allows you to put your hands on your head - to maintain balance. The essence of the draw is that the muscular guys, on command, raise the chair, but a little and very slowly, literally by 10-20 centimeters, and at the same time, the person who acts as a support slowly and evenly begins to squat. Thus, it seems to the volunteer that the chair has already been raised by a meter, one and a half and higher. When the assistant is already so crouched that the hands of the volunteer on the chair no longer reach his head, the leader shouts in a wild voice: “Jump! Now they're dropping it!" Try not to have hard, sharp or breakable objects around - the volunteer can really jump (because he thinks he is at a high altitude), and even fill up the rest.

word guesser

The host invites one of the guests to think of a word (absolutely any subject) and say it to his assistant in his ear. After that, the host’s assistant begins to randomly list any words, but when it comes to the hidden word, the host guesses it and says “Stop!”.

The trick is that the leader arranges with the assistant to name the hidden word immediately after “something on four legs”! It can be any animal, or a piece of furniture, or something else, the main thing is that it be on four legs! You can even come up with a few “signs” with an assistant in advance (for example, call the hidden word after “something white color”, after “something round”, etc., there are many options) and change tactics every time - then it will be difficult for those present to understand what your secret is, and you will definitely surprise them and have fun yourself!

Unforgettable hypnosis session

The leader (he is also a hypnotist) stands in the center of the room and invites any number of people to a “hypnosis session”. Volunteers stand in one row or sit on chairs placed in one row. The leader is facing them. Then the light is extinguished (you can turn off the light completely, but it is better if the light illuminates only the hypnotist), the leader distributes to each an ordinary dinner plate or tea saucer and begins the hypnosis session. At the same time, he asks volunteers to do any simple actions (close their eyes, shake their heads, shrug their shoulders, etc.), and - be sure! - from time to time asks them to rub the bottom of the plate, and then scratch their nose or chin, rub their forehead or cheek. The draw consists in the fact that each plate from the bottom is heavily smoked with matches or in any other available way, and only the presenter knows this secret. When the session ends and the light turns on, everyone sees that the faces of the “hypnotized” are heavily soiled with soot. When everyone realizes that this is a prank, there is a lot of fun. Even the “victims of hypnosis” have fun!

Water or vodka?

The draw will take place only once, but it's worth it!

The conditions of the game are simple: call any number of participants and give each of them a transparent glass with a straw (glasses are filled with a third of a transparent liquid). The presenter announces to the spectators and participants that in all glasses, except for one, simple drinking water, and in this one - pure vodka! The goal of each player is to drink the contents of his glass through a straw so that no one guesses what exactly he is drinking: water or vodka. And the task of the audience is to try to guess who is the only one who got vodka. Then the action itself takes place: the participants, contriving in different ways, sip liquid from glasses, the audience tries to guess, expressing their assumptions. When all the contestants have finished with their glasses, and the audience has put forward their versions, the host announces that everyone has become “victims” of the prank, since in fact there was vodka in all the glasses!

phone prank

For the draw you need a company of several people. You take turns (with an interval of about half an hour) calling the same number and asking in different voices to call, for example, Serezha Ivanov. Naturally, they answer you that you were mistaken (each time more and more nervously). The joke is that the last of you calls and says: “Hello, this is Seryozha Ivanov. Nobody called me?"


Two volunteers are called for the competition. A boiled egg (ping-pong ball) is placed in the middle of the table. The participants are tasked with blindfolded blowing an egg (ball) from the table through the side of the opponent. While the players are blindfolded, the egg (ball) is carefully removed and a plate filled with flour is placed in its place. When they start to blow with force on this plate, they are at first astonished, and when they untie their eyes, they are indescribably delighted :) - keep your cameras ready, the shots will turn out even those! It is desirable to attract men to participate in this competition, so as not to spoil the women's makeup, and at the same time their mood!

push up

Men - participants in the game are put on a dark, non-translucent bandage on their eyes and are offered to push themselves off the floor as many times as possible. After the men have tried their hand, the host says that the floor is not very clean and suggests laying down paper (the bandages are not removed). These are strips of wallpaper on which silhouettes of naked women are depicted in life-size. Men are now performing the task, located above these silhouettes. After a while, the host removes the bandages and asks the players to continue. Fans count the number of push-ups, cheer with jokes and advice.

hard boiled eggs

Those wishing to test themselves for courage and endurance are called, from 3 to 5 people. The host gives everyone an egg, while informing that one of them is raw. Now each participant must break an egg on his head. The one who got the raw egg will be the winner. Since all eggs are boiled, at the moment when the rest of the participants have already broken their "requisites", it will become obvious that the last player has a raw egg (although in fact he also has a boiled egg). Thus, after some hesitation and persuasion of the public, it is necessary to bring a person to condition, so that, without fear of anything, he boldly breaks an egg on his head and finds out that it is boiled. For patience, endurance and courage he is entitled to a prize!

Do we argue?

You find a "victim" and offer a bet with the words: "I bet that you will not budge me, even if we stand on the same sheet of newspaper opposite each other?"

Solution: the newspaper is placed on the threshold of the door so that when you close the door, you find yourself on the side where the door does NOT open. Try it, you will definitely win a chocolate bar or a bottle of soda!


This trick can be shown to a large number of people. Some of the spectators hand out the same envelopes, inside which are the same empty sheets of paper. The magician asks everyone to write a question. The magician's assistant then collects the envelopes with the enclosed slips. The magician takes the top envelope and, before opening it, says what question is written in it. For example: “What will the weather be like tomorrow?” After that, the magician opens the envelope and, as it were, checks whether he guessed correctly. It is better to ask the guests who wrote this question and comment on it. Then the magician does the same with the second envelope, with the third, and so on until the end, until he reads everything. Finally, skeptical viewers are invited to go out and check if the magician has made up. In fact, one decoy duck is sitting among the spectators. His envelope with a question about the weather is placed down - this should be monitored by the magician's assistant. When the magician says what is written in the first envelope, he utters exactly this phrase known to him. When he then opens the envelope for verification, he gets acquainted with the next question and calls it before opening the second envelope. This is a very effective trick. The main thing is not to let curious spectators check the magician until the trick is over.

Cups in hands

Everyone who wants to participate in the game leaves the room. Then the first player enters the room, they blindfold him, put him in the middle of the room. The host asks the player to spread his hands to the sides, gives him a glass in each hand, pours water into them and leaves. The host's assistant records all the words spoken by the player. The player stands for a while, he gets bored and he starts asking all sorts of stupid questions like “what should I do?” or mutter something. If the player is completely silent, then he can be stirred up - the leader takes the player’s hands and begins to carefully pour water from one glass to another or do something else at his discretion. The audience is silent, no matter how funny it was! When everyone gets tired of this player, they take away his glasses, remove the bandage, report that all the words he uttered were recorded, and these are the words that he will pronounce on his wedding night! Then the next player starts, and the process repeats. At the very end, the assistant facilitator reads out (with intonation) what each player said, giving the name of the player.

Find the number on the belt

You take a belt belt (for effect, you can remove it from yourself) and say, referring to those present: “On this belt, anyone who can, can read the number. It is written in large size, so that even a near-sighted person can see it without glasses. However, finding this number is not so easy. It will take not only attention, but also ingenuity. Who's going to try to find the number on the belt?" you say, passing the belt to the audience. The belt will be examined from all sides and singly and in groups, but the number written on it will be revealed only if someone guesses what the secret of the riddle you proposed is. And the secret is very simple. In advance, it is necessary to roll the belt as tightly as possible in a spiral so that the buckle is in the first inner coil. On the spiral, write a large two-digit or three-digit number with a white or light yellow pencil. Expand the spiral - the number will disappear. It will be possible to find it only when the belt is again coiled.

Joke bet

Bet you can show everyone what you haven't seen, what they haven't seen, and what everyone won't see in the future.

Solution: Take out the nut, crack it open, show the contents to everyone and eat it.

moment of silence

Offered simple game, for non-compliance with the rules - a fine (for example, a chocolate bar or even a bottle of champagne). The guesser pronounces the conditions to the player: “I say one, two, three. You repeat "three" and remain silent for exactly a minute. If you say even one word, you will be fined.” After that, as a rule, questions like: “Are you going to make you laugh, won’t you tickle?” The guesser gives the word that everything will be fair. When the “victim” has agreed to the game, the following happens:

The guesser says: "One, two, three"

Player: "Three"

Guessing: “Well, you lost, you didn’t have to repeat it!”

The player is indignant: “Yes, you said it yourself! (or something like that)".

As a result (if the player is not a brake, of course) - a moment of silence is interrupted, and the player himself violated the rules, which the guesser gladly informs the player about. You can "earn" a lot of chocolates in this way!

On a large sheet of whatman paper, various banknotes are scattered around. They must be quickly counted, and the account must be kept as follows: one dollar, one ruble, one mark, two marks, two rubles, three marks, two dollars, etc. Whoever counts correctly, without getting lost, having reached the far banknote, is the winner.
Guests are reminded of the plots of famous Russian fairy tales and are invited to compose and tell new versions - in the genre of detective story, love story, tragedy, etc. The winner will be determined by the guests with the help of applause.

A long rope is put on the participants of the competition like a team, and each of the two participants tries to “drag” the opponent behind him, in his direction. At the same time, everyone tries to reach the prize, which is located half a meter from each player.
The conditions are as follows - there are five eggs in the cassette. One of them is raw, warns the presenter. The rest are boiled. It is necessary to break the egg on the forehead. Whoever gets raw is the brave one. (But actually, the eggs are all boiled, and the prize is just the last participant - he consciously ran the risk of becoming a laughingstock.)
2-3 people play. The host reads the text: “I will tell you a story in a dozen and a half phrases. As soon as I say the number three, take the prize immediately. Once we caught a pike, gutted it, and inside we saw small fish, and not one, but as many as seven. “When you want to memorize poems, do not memorize them until late at night. Take it and repeat it once or twice at night, and preferably 10. “The hardened guy dreams of becoming an Olympic champion. Look, don’t be cunning at the start, but wait for the command: one, two, march!”. “Once I had to wait for a train at the station for 3 hours ...” (if they don’t have time to take the prize, the presenter takes it). “Well, friends, you didn’t take the prize when you had the opportunity to take it.”

The game is played by two teams of two people. The host gives the task: “If there is a strong wind at sea, the sailors know one trick - they tie the ribbons of the peakless cap under the chin, thereby tightly fixing them on their heads. Peakless cap - one per team. Each player executes the command with one hand.
Players are invited to put on fins and look through binoculars with reverse side, follow the given route.
All participants stand in two circles - internal and external. One player has a hat on his head, it needs to be put in its own circle, there is only one condition - to transfer the hat from head to head without touching it with your hands. The team in which the player number one is again in the hat wins.
A pot is hung on a stake (you can put it on the ground or on the floor). The driver is blindfolded and given a stick. The task is to break the pot. To complicate the game, the driver can be "confusing": before giving a stick, circle around him several times.
The host says the words: “We are funny monkeys, we play too loudly. We clap our hands, we stomp our feet, we puff out our cheeks, we jump on toes and even show tongues to each other. Together we will jump to the ceiling, we will raise our finger to the temple. We stick out the ears, the ponytail at the top. We will open our mouths wider, we will make grimaces. As I say the number 3, all with grimaces - freeze. Players repeat everything after the leader.
Relay game. A simple bucket is used as a mortar, a mop is used as a broom. The participant stands with one foot in the bucket, the other remains on the ground. With one hand he holds a bucket by the handle, and in the other hand he holds a mop. In this position, it is necessary to go the whole distance and pass the mortar and broom to the next one.
The participants of the game will have to portray the scammers from the Golden Key fairy tale. Two couples are called. One in each pair is the fox Alice, the other is the cat Basilio. The one who is the Fox bends one leg at the knee and, holding it with his hand, together with the Cat, who is blindfolded, embracing, overcome the given distance. The first couple to “hobble” receives a “golden key” - a prize.
The participants of the game are invited to look at a set of jars of various sizes and shapes from afar. You cannot take them in hand. Each player has a piece of cardboard, from which they must cut the lids so that they fit exactly into the holes of the cans. The winner is the one who has more lids exactly matched the holes of the cans.
For this contest, prepare some delicate dish - for example, jelly. The task of the participants is to eat it as quickly as possible using matches or toothpicks.
The task of the players of each team is to transfer oranges to a certain place as quickly as possible without the help of hands.
First, the contestants are invited to “discover” a new planet - inflate balloons as quickly as possible, and then “populate” this planet with inhabitants: quickly draw little figures of men on the ball with felt-tip pens. Whoever has more “inhabitants” on the planet is the winner!
In the allotted time, make a chain using paper clips. Whose chain is longer wins the competition.
The “banker” will be the one who quickly shakes out the contents of cans of coins through a narrow slot in the lid, without resorting to the help of foreign objects.
New Year
With one hand, right or left, it doesn’t matter, tearing the newspaper into small pieces, while the hand is stretched forward, you can’t help with your free hand. Whoever does the smallest job is the winner.

Two people per team. Grabbing each other by the waist, with your free hands, you must first untie and remove the laces from your shoes, and then, on command, lace them up and tie a bow.
Representatives from the teams or their captains are called. The facilitator invites them in turn to start telling the first line of the joke. If one of those present in the hall can continue the joke, a “beard” is attached to the player. Whoever has the fewest wins.
22. COOK
Each team has one member. We need people who are good cooks. For a certain time, it is necessary to draw up a festive menu, the names of dishes in which begin with the letter "H". Then, one participant from the team will come to the table and will announce their list in turn. Whoever says the last word wins.
A leader is chosen at random. His task is to perform such an action with a neighbor on the right so that one of those present laughs. For example, the host takes his neighbor by the nose. Everyone else around the circle should do the same. When the circle is closed, the host again takes the neighbor, now by the ear, knee, etc. Those who laughed drop out of the circle. The winner is the last remaining participant.
For this game you will need a tape recorder and a pre-recorded recording of various noises. Players must listen to a tape recording consisting of a series of fragments, each 10 seconds long, with 5 second pauses between them. The task is to determine the source of the heard sounds. And this should be done as concisely as possible - in one or two words, with humor.
Wins successfully and quickly coped with the task.
Simple but very fun game known since childhood. One of the guests quickly and indistinctly, in a whisper, says a word to the neighbor on the right. He, in turn, whispers what he heard to his neighbor in the same manner - and so on in a circle. The last participant stands up and loudly pronounces the word passed to him, and the one who started the game says his own. Sometimes the result exceeds all expectations. A variant of this game is “Associations”, that is, the neighbor does not repeat the word, but conveys an association with it, for example: winter is snow.
For the game, you will need cocktail tubes, tennis balls (for lack of it, you can crumple napkins) according to the number of participants in the race.
Preparation: routes are prepared on the table according to the number of participants, i.e. they put glasses in a row at a distance of 30-50 cm from each other, their bottles are p. Players with a straw in their mouth and a ball are ready to start. At the signal of the leader, the participants must, blowing through the tube onto the ball, lead it along the entire distance, bending around oncoming objects. The first player to reach the finish line wins. The task can be complicated by inviting guests to blow on the ball with an enema or syringe.
To play, you will need a large box or bag (opaque), in which they are folded various items clothes: size 56 briefs, caps, size 10 bras, glasses with a nose, etc. funny things.
The host invites those present to update their wardrobe by pulling out some item from the box, on the condition that they do not remove it for the next half hour.
At the signal of the host, the guests pass the box to the music. As soon as the music has stopped, the player holding the box opens it and, without looking, takes out the first thing that comes across and puts it on. The view is amazing!
Before the game, blanks are made (clippings of newspaper headlines, and heading topics can be very diverse. For example: “Down and Feather”, “Winner
competitions”, etc.).
The cutouts are placed in an envelope and run in a circle. Whoever accepts the envelope says loudly: “And in my pants ...”, then takes out a clipping from the envelope and reads it out. The resulting answers are sometimes very funny. The wittier the clippings, the more fun the game.

Attributes: a stool with not sharp edges, a printed poem, a couple of bags (packages) with small gifts.
Content: This simple birthday game Suitable for kids 5-9 years old. To conduct it, put a taubert in the center of the room, put a prize on it and invite the children to stand around it. Their task in this game is to be the first to take the prize from the chair when they hear the word "three". And if the participant made a mistake, he leaves the competition.

After that, the facilitator reads the poem below measuredly, pausing if necessary at the right place. Since the game is played very quickly, one can read the poem a second time by saying the word "three" in place of any number, drawing the second prize.

The form of this birthday game should depend on the age of the children. So, it is better for children of 5-6 years old to explain the rules twice, showing with a specific example what is required of them, and not to exclude them from the competition if they grab the prize by mistake. Also, for this age group, it is better to prepare small incentive prizes in the form of candies or stickers, since children of this age may burst into tears from their loss.

Poem to read:
I will tell you a story
Half a dozen times.
I'll just say the word "three" -
Get your prize now!

Once we caught a pike
Gutted, but inside
Small fish were counted -
And not one, but TWO.

Dreaming boy hardened
Become an Olympic champion.
Look, do not be cunning at the start,
And wait for the command: one, two, SEVEN.

When you want to remember poetry
They do not bison until late at night,
And repeat them to yourself
One, another, and better FIVE!

Newly train at the station
I had to wait THREE hours.
But why didn’t you take the prize, friends,
When was the opportunity to take?

Members: any quantity.
game type: children's.

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