The role of play in the personal development of a preschooler. Coursework the role of play in the life of a preschool child. What does the game give

The value of play in the development of a preschool child.

preschool childhood- a short but important period of personality formation. During these years, the child acquires initial knowledge about the life around him, he begins to form a certain attitude towards people, to work, skills and habits of correct behavior are developed, and character develops.
The main activity of children preschool age- a game during which the child's spiritual and physical strengths develop: his attention, memory, imagination, discipline, dexterity, etc. In addition, the game is a peculiar way of assimilation of social experience, characteristic of preschool age.
N. K. Krupskaya in many articles spoke about the importance of the game for the knowledge of the world, for the moral education of children. "... Amateur imitative play, which helps to master the impressions received, is of great importance, much more than anything else." The same idea is expressed by A.M. Gorky: "The game is the way for children to learn about the world in which they live and which they are called to change."
All aspects of the child's personality are formed in the game, significant changes occur in his psyche, preparing the transition to a new, higher stage of development. This explains the enormous educational potential of play, which psychologists consider the leading activity of the preschooler.
Games occupy a special place which are created by the children themselves - they are called creative or role-playing. In these games, preschoolers reproduce in roles everything that they see around them in the life and activities of adults. Creative play most fully forms the personality of the child, therefore it is an important means of education.
What gives the right to call the game a creative activity? The game is a reflection of life. Here everything is “as if”, “pretend”, but in this conditional environment, which is created by the child’s imagination, there is a lot of real: the actions of the players are always real, their feelings, experiences are genuine, sincere. The child knows that the doll and the bear are only toys, but loves them as if they were alive, understands that he is not a “real” pilot or sailor, but feels like a brave pilot, a brave sailor who is not afraid of danger, is truly proud of his victory.

Imitation of adults in the game is associated with the work of the imagination. The child does not copy reality, he combines different impressions of life with personal experience.
Children's creativity is manifested in the idea of ​​the game and in the search for a means for its implementation. How much imagination is required to decide what journey to take, what ship or plane to build, what equipment to prepare! In the game, children simultaneously act as playwrights, props, decorators, actors. However, they do not hatch their plan, they do not prepare for a long time to fulfill the role, like actors. They play for themselves, expressing their dreams and aspirations, thoughts and feelings that they own at the moment. Therefore, the game is always improvisation.
The game is an independent activity in which children first come into contact with their peers. They are united by a single goal, joint efforts to achieve it, common interests and experiences.

Children themselves choose the game, organize it themselves. But at the same time, in no other activity are there such strict rules, such conditioning of behavior as here. Therefore, the game teaches children to subordinate their actions and thoughts specific purpose helps to develop focus.
In the game, the child begins to feel like a member of the team, to fairly evaluate the actions and deeds of his comrades and his own. The task of the educator is to focus the attention of the players on such goals that would evoke a commonality of feelings and actions, to promote the establishment of relations between children based on friendship, justice, and mutual responsibility.
Creative collective game is a school for the education of the feelings of preschoolers. The moral qualities formed in the game affect the behavior of the child in life, at the same time, the skills that have developed in the process of everyday communication of children with each other and with adults receive further development in Game. It takes a great skill of the educator to help children organize a game that would encourage good deeds, would evoke the best feelings.
The game is an important means of mental education of the child. The knowledge gained in kindergarten and at home finds practical application and development in the game. Reproducing various life events, episodes from fairy tales and stories, the child reflects on what he saw, what he was read and told about; the meaning of many phenomena, their significance become more understandable for him.

Types of games.

There are several groups of games that develop the intelligence, cognitive activity of the child:
I group- object games, like manipulations with toys and objects. Through toys - objects - children learn the shape, color, volume, material, the world of animals, the world of people, etc.

II group- creative games, plot-role-playing, in which the plot is a form of intellectual activity.

Intellectual games like "Lucky chance", "What? Where? When?" etc. Data is important component educational, but, above all, extracurricular work of a cognitive nature.

At the end of the early period of childhood, a game with a plot emerges from object-manipulative activity. Initially, the child was absorbed in the object and actions with it. As he mastered the actions woven into joint activity with an adult, he began to realize that he was acting on his own and acting like an adult. In fact, he had acted like an adult before, imitating him, but did not notice this. As D.B. Elkonin, he looked at the object through an adult, "as through glass." At preschool age, the affect is transferred from the object to the person, due to which the adult and his actions become a model for the child not only objectively, but also subjectively.

In addition to the necessary level of development of objective actions, for the appearance of plot- role play a fundamental change in the relationship of the child with adults is needed. Play cannot develop without frequent, full-fledged communication with adults and without those diverse impressions of the world around which the child also acquires thanks to adults. The child also needs various toys, including unformed objects that do not have a clear function, which he could easily use as substitutes for others. D.B. Elkonin emphasized: you can’t throw away bars, pieces of iron, and other unnecessary, from the mother’s point of view, garbage brought by children into the house. Then the child will have the opportunity to play more interestingly, developing his imagination.
L.S. Vygotsky wrote: “... if at preschool age we would not have had the maturation of needs that could not be realized immediately, then we would not have had play either.” Play, he wrote, "should be understood as an imaginary, illusory realization of unfulfilled desires." At the same time, it is emphasized that the basis of the game is not individual affective reactions, but enriched, although not conscious by the child himself, affective aspirations.

Creative role play becomes, by definition L.S. Vygotsky “the leading activity of a preschooler”, in which many of his psychological characteristics are formed, among which the most important is the ability to be guided by ethical authorities. Role-playing is an activity in which children take on the roles of adults and, in a generalized form, reproduce the activities of adults and the relationship between them.

Directing and imaginative role-playing play become sources of role-playing game, which reaches its developed form by the middle of preschool age. Later, games with rules stand out from it. As I.Yu. Kulagin, the emergence of new types of play does not completely cancel the old ones, already mastered - they all remain and continue to improve. In the role-playing game, children reproduce actual human roles and relationships.

Undergoing various changes, any role-playing game turns into a game by the rules. This game gives the child two necessary abilities. Firstly, the implementation of the rules in the game is always associated with their comprehension and reproduction of an imaginary situation. Imagination is also connected with meaning and, moreover, for its development it involves special tasks for comprehension. Second, playing with rules teaches you how to communicate. After all, most games with rules are collective games. They have two kinds of relationships. These are relations of a competitive type - between teams, between partners who have a directly opposite goal (if one wins, then the other will lose), and relations of genuine cooperation - between members of the same team. Such cooperation, participation in collective activities helps the child "get out" of the situation and analyze it as if from the outside. It is very important.


Preschool childhood is a period in which there is an active development of the whole personality as a whole. Speech develops rapidly creative imagination, a special logic of thinking, subject to the dynamics of figurative representations. This is the time of the initial formation of personality. The emergence of emotional anticipation of the consequences of one's behavior, self-esteem, complication and awareness of experiences, enrichment with new feelings and motives of the emotional-need sphere, and finally, the emergence of the first essential connections with the world and the foundations of the future structure of the life world - these are the main features of the personal development of a preschooler.
The game for preschool children is a source of global experiences of the dynamism of one's own Self, a test of the power of self-influence.

We were all children once and enjoyed playing games. various games. Maybe that's why often bright memories of childhood are associated with games. The word “game” is associated with something unique, joyful. But the game is not only entertainment and pastime, causing a lot of positive emotions, which in itself is very valuable for the development of a cheerful, healthy child. The game is also the ability to learn in a fun and easy way. Learn to see and understand the world around, learn to communicate with adults and children, learn to speak and do something, learn to think and create.

Depriving a child of playing practice is depriving him of the main source of development: impulses of creativity, signs and signs of social practice, wealth and microclimate of collective relations, activation of the process of knowing the world.

The game has an advantage over all other types of children's activities and occupies a special position in the pedagogical process, as it gives children a great opportunity to show their own activity and independence. Why does play, and not study and work, ensure the independence of preschool children? The point is in the specifics of gaming activity, in its conditional nature. In the game, everything is "pretend" - and actions, and space, and roles. It is enough for a child to draw a line to indicate: “Here, behind this line, there will be a street, and here, where I stand, - Kindergarten". Opening a door lock with an imaginary key or a wand that replaces it costs nothing to a child.

AT real life all these simple, in our opinion, actions the child cannot always perform on his own, without the help of an adult. And the game does not require special skills from him in this regard, since it is not associated with obtaining a specific practical result.

At preschool age, the child discovers the world of human relationships. He has a strong desire to get involved in adult life, to actively participate in it, which, of course, is not available to him. In addition, no less strongly he strives for independence. From this contradiction, a role-playing game is born - an independent activity of children, simulating the life of adults.

Psychologist D. B. Elkonin, relying on the research of children's play, begun by the psychologist L. S. Vygotsky, presented in his writings the problem of play as central to understanding mental development in preschool age. He holds the idea of ​​the internal relationship of all types of games, paying attention to the social origin and content of the role-playing game.

In the role-playing game, socialization takes place, comprehensive development child, the personality as a whole is formed. The child as a person develops in real relationships that he develops with his peers in a role-playing game under the influence of the role he has assumed.

The role-playing game in its typical form is a free kind of joint activity of children. Children unite among themselves on their own initiative, determine the plot of the game themselves, take on the appropriate roles, distribute the game material, outline and develop the content of the game, performing certain game actions. It is important that they take the plot and content of the game from the surrounding life, reflect those moments that attracted their attention, aroused interest, and made a special impression. Of course, all this is possible only on the condition that preschoolers have sufficiently mastered play activities with the help of a teacher.

The developmental value of the game is manifold. It contributes to the child's knowledge of the world around him, to the development of his thinking, feelings, will, to the formation of relationships with peers, the formation of self-esteem and self-awareness.

In the game, children get acquainted with such aspects of reality as the actions and relationships of adults. In order to display any aspects of adult life in the game, children must first get to know them (of course, with the help of elders). However, the main thing is not in the amount of information received by the child, but in the quality of their assimilation. What is passed through the game, children learn differently from what they only heard from adults or even observed themselves. And this happens because the game does not just display, but models social situations.

In the process of play, children, as is known, take on various roles and thereby replace people who are in certain social relationships with each other. At the same time, the game model reflects reality in a generalized way, that is, it highlights only the most basic and general relationships, omitting everything secondary. This leads to the fact that children comprehend the essence of relations between people, which in other conditions remains hidden from them, obscured by a mass of insignificant details.

The substitution and modeling of the phenomena of reality, which are formed in the game, are not passive, but active. Thus, the need to use in the game not those objects that are used in the activities of adults, but others that only resemble them and allow them to perform game actions (a cube instead of soap, a chair instead of a car), pushes children on the path of finding suitable substitutes. And these are already elements of imagination, creativity.

Of course, what was said above about the developmental significance of the role-playing game applies to the case when the game itself reaches a sufficiently high degree of development among preschoolers. And this requires systematic and skillful guidance by the educator.

The study of the problem of the development of plot-role-playing games showed that, based on the well-known position in pedagogy that the social environment encourages the child to play, it proves the leading role of a competent adult who can take the position of the child, cooperate with him, who sees the meaning of the unfolding situation. This sets the child up for a creative attitude to life, for experimentation based on life experience and knowledge received from adults.

An important task is to study the motives (the starting point of the game - the distribution of roles, discussion of the plot, selection of game material, etc.), when there is an objective need for partners to enter into communication. Exploring motives gaming activity will make it easier for educators to find methods and techniques for managing the game, which form it as an independent children's activity.

The motive of the role-playing game is the interaction of people. When getting acquainted with others, it is necessary to show that adults not only do various useful things, they also constantly come into contact with each other. Various actions with objects that they carry out in the course of their work seem to be relegated to the background, the main thing is the relationship of people: a seller cannot be without buyers, a patient cannot be without doctors.

The development of games is greatly influenced by the knowledge gained by preschoolers as a result of familiarization with fiction (reading poems, stories, solving riddles), artistic and creative activities (making applications, drawings, preparing attributes, places for playing), cognitive activity (talks about professions , about the work of adults, looking at photographs). When getting acquainted with the work of adults, the greatest preference is given to excursions, i.e. direct observation. Children are shown not only the actions that people perform, but also reveal the significance of their work for others. Pay attention to the personal qualities of a person. For example, they explain that the seller is polite, attentive, he listens to buyers, offers them the right thing. And it is very important that the acquired knowledge naturally influences the children's games.

So, the game in the kindergarten should be organized, firstly, as a joint game of the teacher with the children, where the adult acts as a playing partner and at the same time as a carrier of a specific “language” of the game. The natural emotional behavior of the educator, who accepts any children's ideas, guarantees freedom, independence and ease, the child's pleasure from the game, contributes to the emergence in children of the desire to master playful ways. Secondly, the game should be preserved as a free independent activity of children, where they use all the game tools available to them, freely combine and interact with each other, where constructive ways of resolving conflicts that arise during the game are formed. It is necessary to organize the game of preschoolers in such a way that they need to turn to other people for something. They will learn from their own experience how important it is to skillfully establish contacts with others.

Role-playing game is an ideal field for acquiring social skills. Such games help to solve many educational problems: children learn to establish communication with people, clearly state the request, they develop the skills of cultural behavior. But most importantly, children acquire a new social experience of interacting with other people, which will help them both in establishing contacts with peers and in play activities. In addition, in the process of a role-playing game, you can develop memory, coordination of movements, work with fears, and acquire new knowledge. The game contributes to social development, enriches with life experience, prepares the ground for the successful activity of the child in real life.


  1. Education of children in the game. A.K. Bondarenko, A.I. Matusik - M .: Education, 1983.
  2. Preschool education Russia in documents and materials: A collection of current legal documents and program and methodological materials. - M., 2001.
  3. Game and preschooler. The development of children of senior preschool age in play activities: Collection / ed. T.I. Babaeva, Z.A. Mikhailova. - St. Petersburg, 2004.
  4. Elkonin D.B. The psychology of the game. -2nd ed. - M., 1999.

Preschool age covers the period from 3 to 6 - 7 years. The last year - approximately - of preschool age can be considered a transitional period from preschool to primary school age.

Preschool childhood is a very special period of a child's development. At this age, the entire mental life of the child and his attitude to the world around him are rebuilt. The essence of this restructuring lies in the fact that in the preschool age there is an internal mental life and internal regulation of behavior.

At preschool age, the number of activities that the child masters increases, the content of the child's communication with the people around him becomes more complicated, and the circle of this communication expands. An important place in the life of the child begins to occupy a peer. At this age, the personality of the child is formed, i.e. the motivational-required sphere and self-consciousness are formed. Elements of labor and educational activities are also developing. However, the child has not yet fully mastered these types of activity, since the motives typical of a preschooler do not yet correspond to the specifics of work and learning as types of activity. The work of children consists in the fact that they carry out the instructions of adults, imitating them, expressing interest in the process of activity.

All the most important neoplasms originate and initially develop in the leading activity of preschool age - a role-playing game. A plot-role-playing game is an activity in which children take on certain functions of adults and, in specially created game, imaginary conditions, reproduce (or model) the activities of adults and the relationship between them. That is, in a role-playing game, the need to be like an adult is satisfied. The role-playing game is the most difficult type of activity that a child masters during preschool age. The main characteristic of the game is the presence of an imaginary situation. Along with the role-playing game, other types of games that are genetically related to the latter are also developing.

In the game, all the mental qualities and personality traits of the child are most intensively formed.

Game activity influences the formation of arbitrariness of behavior and all mental processes - from elementary to the most complex. In fulfilling a play role, the child subordinates to this task all his momentary, impulsive actions. Children concentrate better and remember more in the conditions of the game than on the direct instructions of an adult. A conscious goal - to concentrate, to remember something, to restrain an impulsive movement - is the earliest and most easily distinguished by a child in the game.

The game has a strong influence on mental development preschooler. Acting with substitute objects, the child begins to operate in a conceivable, conditional space. The substitute object becomes a support for thinking. Gradually, play actions are reduced, and the child begins to act in the internal, mental plane. Thus, the game contributes to the fact that the child moves to thinking in terms of images and ideas. In addition, in the game, performing different roles, the child takes different points of view and begins to see the object from different angles. This contributes to the development of the most important mental ability of a person, which allows him to present a different view and a different point of view.

Role play is critical to the development of the imagination. Game actions take place in an imaginary, imaginary situation; real objects are used as others, imaginary; the child takes on the roles of imaginary characters. This practice of action in an imaginary space contributes to the fact that children acquire the ability for creative imagination.

The central moment of the role-playing game is the role that the child takes on. At the same time, he does not just call himself the name of the corresponding adult (“I am an astronaut”, “I am a mother”, “I am a doctor”), but, most importantly, he acts as an adult, whose role he has assumed and it seems to identify himself with him. Through the performance of a play role, the child is connected with the world of adults. Exactly playing role in a concentrated form embodies the connection of the child with society.

However, the game role in a developed form does not arise immediately and simultaneously. At preschool age, it goes through a significant path of its development. With the same plot, the content of the game at different stages of preschool age is completely different. The evolution of action passes next path. First, the child eats with a spoon by himself. Then he spoon-feeds someone else. He then spoon-feeds the doll like a baby. Then he feeds the doll with a spoon, as a mother feeds a child. Thus, it is the relationship of one person to another (in this case, mother to child) that becomes the main content of the game and sets the meaning of the game activity.

The main content of the game of younger preschoolers is the performance of certain actions with toys. They repeatedly repeat the same actions with the same toys: “rub carrots”, “cut bread”, “wash dishes”. At the same time, the result of the action is not used by children - no one eats sliced ​​bread, and washed dishes are not put on the table. At the same time, the actions themselves are maximally deployed, they cannot be abbreviated and cannot be replaced by words. There are actually roles, but they themselves are determined by the nature of the action, and do not determine it. As a rule, children do not identify themselves by the names of the persons whose roles they have assumed. These roles exist in the actions rather than in the mind of the child.

In the middle of preschool childhood, the same game in terms of plot takes place differently. The main content of the game is the relationship between people, the roles that children have taken on. Roles are clearly defined and highlighted. Children call them before the game starts. Game actions are distinguished that convey attitudes towards other participants in the game: if porridge is put on plates, if bread is cut, then all this is given to the “children” for lunch. The actions performed by the child become shorter, do not repeat, and one action is replaced by another. Actions are no longer performed for their own sake, but for the sake of implementing a certain relationship to another player in accordance with the role assumed.

The content of the game of older preschoolers is the implementation of the rules arising from the role taken on. Children 6-7 years old are extremely picky about the implementation of the rules. Performing this or that role, they carefully monitor how their actions and the actions of their partners correspond to the generally accepted rules of behavior - it happens or it doesn’t happen: “Moms don’t do that”, “They don’t serve soup after the second”.

Changing the content of games with the same plot in preschoolers different ages is revealed not only in the nature of the actions, but also in how the game begins and what causes conflicts among children. For younger preschoolers, the role is suggested by the subject itself: if a child has a pot in his hands, he is a mother, if a spoon is a child. The main conflicts arise from the possession of the object with which game action. Therefore, two “chauffeurs” often drive by car, and several “mothers” cook dinner. In children of middle preschool age, the role is formed already before the start of the game. The main quarrels over roles are who will be who. Finally, for older preschoolers, play begins with a contract, with joint planning of how to play, and the main debate is around “it happens or it doesn’t happen.”

In addition to the role-playing game, which is the main and leading activity of a preschooler, there are other types of games, among which are usually directed games, dramatization games, games with rules - mobile and board games.

Director's play is very close to role-playing, but differs from it in that it does not happen with other people (adults or peers), but with toys depicting various characters. The child himself gives roles to these toys, as if animating them, he himself speaks for them in different voices, acts with them and for them. Dolls, teddy bears, bunnies or soldiers become the protagonists of the child's game, and he himself acts as a director, managing and directing the actions of his "actors". Therefore, such a game was called a director's game.

In contrast, in a dramatization game, the actors are the children themselves, who take on the roles of some literary or theatrical characters. Children do not come up with the script and plot of such a game themselves, but borrow from fairy tales, films or performances. The task of such a game is to, without deviating from the well-known plot, reproduce the role of the character taken on as best and as accurately as possible.

Games with rules do not involve any particular role. The actions of the child and his relations with other participants in the game are determined here by rules that must be followed by everyone. Typical examples of outdoor games with rules are the well-known hide-and-seek, tag, hopscotch, skipping rope, etc. Board games, which are now widely used, are also games with rules. All of these games are usually competitive in nature - unlike role-playing games, they have winners and losers. The main task of such games is to strictly follow the rules. Therefore, they require a high degree of voluntary behavior and, in turn, shape it. Such games are typical mainly for older preschoolers.

Special mention should be made of didactic games that are created and organized by adults and are aimed at the formation of certain qualities of the child. These games are widely used in kindergartens as a means of teaching and educating preschoolers.

But play is not the only activity in preschool. During this period, various forms of productive activity of children arise. The child draws, sculpts, builds from cubes, cuts. Common to all these types of activities is that they are aimed at creating one or another result, a product - a drawing, construction, application. Each of these activities requires the mastery of a special way of doing things, special skills and, most importantly, ideas about what you want to do.

Thus, new activities of the child appear at preschool age. However, the leading and most specific for this period is the role-playing game, in which all other forms of activity of the preschooler originate and initially develop.

Just as work is important for every adult, a child needs play. Through the game, the child gets acquainted with the world around him, with the relationships between people. The game in the development of preschoolers has one of the leading roles, since it is in it that we see the projection of the thinking, imagination of the baby, his inclinations and interests.

How does play affect a child's personality development?

  • In the game, the child learns to communicate and interact with peers, acquires new qualities that are necessary for successful communication;
  • The child's imagination affects the ability to invent various games on his own. The better the imagination is developed, the more interesting games the child will come up with. For those who can compose Interesting games, other children are stretching, and this develops sociability and sociability in the child, makes him a leader among a certain group of kids;
  • The game is the most interesting thing in the life of every child, therefore it is in game form the most necessary qualities for later life develop: obedience to the rules, compliance with the role taken on, development of memory, purposefulness;
  • In the game, we often note the reflection of our adult relationships, because even when playing the “shop”, one child will behave measuredly, politely, while the other will quarrel and sort things out. A preschooler cannot come up with such tactics of behavior on his own - for sure this is a projection of your relationship with other people. Perhaps you do not notice many nuances in your behavior, but by the way the child behaves in the game, some deviations in a negative direction can be noted. Change your behavior and the way you play will also change;
  • The game is extremely important as a means of developing responsibility, comparing thoughts with actions, calculating possible consequences, attentiveness, and developing arbitrary perception. Through the game, the child learns to control his emotions, behavior, compare them with the behavior of other children;
  • The child will quickly understand this truth: in order to play with other children, you must obey the rules of the game. By virtue of his zeal to communicate with peers, the child learns to be disciplined, which requires a lot of effort from him;
  • The role of the game in the development of the personality-leader and the personality-follower is especially important, because these qualities are one of the main ones in life. If your child is a leader, he will immediately take the initiative, offer a lot of options for the variety of the game, and take "command" into his own hands. If your baby is a follower, then he will impeccably obey the rules that others have come up with. If you do not like your child's statement, train him to be a leader, and you can see the results of your efforts during the game;
  • If a child plays with toys, then this is the most successful case in order to teach the baby to share them, to eradicate greed, and also to teach him to clean up after himself;
  • In the game, the child best develops thinking, the ability to calculate his next step, to predict the behavior of another person.

Variety of games

Until the child goes to kindergarten, that is, until about 3 years old, he does not have, as such, knowledge about what a game is. More precisely, he has a game, but it is at the elementary level. When the child has a sufficient vocabulary, some life experience, peers around - then we can talk about the game as a means of development, since it is the collective game, invented and meaningful, that has the greatest value.

  • Role-playing games

We all remember our children's games in the "hospital", in the "shop", in the "family" - we distributed roles for friends, and maybe even for all relatives, came up with our own clearly assigned role, imagined a plot, and played with pleasure. This is called a role-playing game, because the very name already contains the essence of this game activity.

This is where the character of the baby, his concept of relationships between people, his addictions to a particular social status, profession, is most clearly manifested. And even if some role has alerted you or the behavior of the child does not satisfy you, remember that while this is a game, the child does not need to be distracted. Note to yourself those oddities that alerted you the most, and in the future talk about it with the child, find out his motives - perhaps it was your behavior that caused such a performance of roles.

The role-playing game, as a means of child development, has an undeniably important role, especially in the formation of personal qualities and the ability to communicate and live in society. The child develops imagination, because in each game he gets used to a new role and must fully comply with it.

And if everything is clear with the roles, then you will have to think about the plot. If the child himself comes up with a plot, the direction of the game - this speaks of his unusually developed imagination, the ability to think broadly and creatively, to be fluent in game methods of activity. If your kid can't think that big yet, come up with a plot yourself.

But the most important thing is inventory, helper items that will turn the game into a kind of real life. Agree, playing with real pills, a puppet syringe and bottles is much more interesting than with an imaginary thermometer. Perhaps you have old USSR money lying around at home - give it to your child, let it be an interesting help for playing the “shop”.

The role of the game in the development of personality is not only in the formation of certain feelings and qualities of the child, but also in the knowledge of the world by the baby, teaching him elementary, but much necessary knowledge about shape, color, size, space.

Didactic games are aimed more at learning than entertainment. But thanks to the bright cubes, figures, educational toys, the child happily takes up the game, learning to group objects, having previously compared them according to specified criteria: by purpose, by external signs (yellow objects to yellow, or cubes in one basket, and balls in another ).

Thanks to didactic games the child develops attention, concentration, perseverance, develop cognitive abilities, through the game he will quickly learn to distinguish objects.

Movement is life! And in childhood, we didn’t have to talk about it, because any child cannot sit still - he loves to run, jump, hide. Excessive activity of children should be directed in the right direction, that is, in the game.

We all know very well the game with chairs, the number of which is 1 less than the number of players. While the music is playing, the children dance around the chairs, but as soon as the music stops, everyone must sit on the chair. The one who does not get the chair is out of the game. An interesting, funny, mobile game that develops in the child the desire for a goal.

The role of outdoor play in the development of the child is to help him develop speed in movement and thinking, discipline and the ability to play by the rules. In addition, it is in outdoor games that a child often sees deceit and a desire to “go ahead” of other participants. If you notice that your baby does the same, explain to him that bad manners and rudeness can be overcome with cunning.

Outdoor games are a great way to distract a mobile baby from dirty tricks, or to liberate a quiet one.

Toys are the main value

Of course, you can play without toys, but this is the same as eating right from the pan, without a plate, fork and spoon - the process is the same, but with additional elements it is much easier, and in the case of toys it is many times more interesting and exciting.

There is an imaginary division of toys into “girlish” and “boyish”, but you should not limit the child by not buying a designer for a girl, or forbidding a boy to play with dolls. Each kid has his own imaginary world, and he has the right to choose those toys that he likes. It is worth every time to give the child toys for different purposes, so that his inner world is enriched, and childhood becomes more and more interesting every time.

  • Dollhouse

We are used to the fact that only our daughters are busy with dolls, but sons must also have at least 2 dolls so that they can play with them in role-playing games. In order for a child to transfer your life into a game with a doll, he needs all the things that you use at home, but in a doll version - a house, furniture, dishes, clothes, household and cosmetic accessories.

  • Constructors, puzzles

If designers and transformers are more for boys, then everyone likes puzzles.

We will try to determine the role of play in the development of the child using the example of constructors: we can notice the amazing ability of the baby to construct something new every time from the same details, which even an adult would not have thought of. Some boys are able to sit over Lego for hours and construct castles, fortresses, cars, and then play with them, as with a whole imaginary world. Constructors and transformers develop imagination and fine motor skills of hands. And if you buy not just a set of parts, but also with various methods and ways of connecting them, then you will see real happiness in the eyes of a child, because now he has more scope for a flight of fancy, the opportunity to learn how to hold a key in his hands, work with nuts.

But even adults like to put puzzles together, because this is a very exciting activity that can keep a person busy for more than one hour. The main thing is to choose an interesting picture, because the kid likes to fold cartoon characters more than nature. You, as parents, probably know your little one's favorite characters - so buy your baby a puzzle to start with large details. Games with puzzles develop in the child extraordinary attentiveness, perseverance, desire, desire to bring the matter to the end. As a result, parents have a free hour, and the baby develops thanks to a beautiful puzzle. You should not buy puzzles with a solid pattern, for example, a sea, a forest, a field, since most of the small pictures will be similar, and even an adult will find it difficult to assemble them, not to mention a child, and this can discourage a child from playing with puzzles.

  • Educational toys

For the smallest crumbs, educational toys are very important, since the game, as a means of developing the skills of the baby, cannot yet be considered, because the baby is unlikely to be able to participate in it. Therefore, kids need to be developed with the help of toys: musical, bright, large, beautiful, each of which is aimed at developing a particular skill. At least 2-3 such toys, no doubt, should be in your crumbs.

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It is difficult to overestimate the role of play in the upbringing of a child, especially of preschool age... Parents can use play to develop important qualities for a child...

No one will argue that if we are interested in some kind of activity, we will do the job much faster and with better results than doing a boring task. This rule works for both adults and children. And even more so for children. A kid cannot, like an adult, mobilize himself to work by willpower or additional motivation (by a bonus, for example). If we want to involve a child in some activity, it is better to invite him to ... play. And then helping the mother, learning something new, the child will be much more interesting.

Thematic material:

What does the game give?

For moms and dads, the world around seems clear, and the baby just has to figure out all its collisions. Playing in the profession, he can touch adult life, try to become brave, strong, responsible. Communicating in the game, learns to yield and contact with other guys.

An adult can use such a game to develop qualities that are important for a child.

For example, responsibility. If your kid is playing in the hospital, you can tell him that it is time for the sick to rest, gain strength, that this is important for them. If he is a pilot, remind him that he needs a good night's sleep, because he is responsible for the lives of many people. And then in real life you will notice that it has become easier for you to put your baby to sleep. He will better understand your requirements.

If you played kindergarten, you should talk with your daughter or son about what a good teacher should be like. If you were putting out a fire, discuss the professional qualities of a firefighter or rescuer. Tell your child what a circus performer, for example, or an astrologer is studying to master their professions.

While playing mother-daughter, it is worth discussing what character is inherent in his puppet mom or puppet dad. Which qualities are good and which are bad. In the future, this will help girls become feminine and economic, and boys - courageous, strong and responsible.

If children build something in the game, this can be considered the first step in their preparation for work. Musical toys develop breathing, hearing and help in the formation of speech.

Movement exercises are good for health. Develop dexterity. It is especially good to organize them on fresh air. If one of the guys is too shy, try to involve him in common game to overcome shyness.

Sometimes we just think that entertainment is a waste of time. It is difficult to overestimate the role of play in the development of a preschool child, children do not just play, they learn to live, gradually become adults.

Learn the alphabet, develop attention

Having fun, the baby thinks only about the game. He does not set himself the task of studying something, mastering something new. But remembering some letter, for example E, will be much more interesting for him if you offer to do it in the game. Ask your child to clap their hands when they hear it. And then say any words. For example:

  • pine
  • Rowan
  • chamomile
  • And rice

When the baby learns to easily identify the letter at the beginning of the word, you can complicate the task and hide it in the middle. Looking for the letter A

  • sweater
  • pants
  • dress

Studying letters, you can at the same time memorize the names of groups of objects: these are trees, and these are flowers, but clothes. Using pictures in the game, diversify it and consolidate what has already been learned. Ask the child to choose dishes or images of poultry from all the cards. You can try to develop attention. For example, out of five or six pictures of clothes, quietly remove one and ask the baby which card is missing?

Learning to count

If several children are participating in the game at the same time, you can use the ball to reinforce counting skills. An adult should stand in a circle with the guys and agree on the rules. The one who catches the ball must continue to count without interruption. We need to try so that each of the guys has the ball and everyone has to count out loud. When children can easily perform this exercise, you can complicate the conditions. For example, the boys catch the ball and keep countdown, and the girls - the usual one. Similar games quite a lot and they definitely give a positive result in the development of knowledge.

The role of an adult

If an adult correctly assesses the role of play in the development of a preschooler, he can and should assist in initial stage games. Help organize it. If the emotional background seems aggressive or somehow one-sided to you, you can add new impressions to the game, take it in a different direction. Playing with children, you yourself will get positive emotions. Childhood passes quickly, do not miss the opportunity to return to this wonderful time for a while and give the kids the joy of communication and learning through play.