Passage of darksiders 2 on 100. Darksiders II - Additional tasks: Eliya. Boss Incarnation of Chaos

If you are having problems with passing Darksiders games 2 , you can always use our advice and information for action. We detail the steps you need to follow to complete the game. Darksiders 2. In the most difficult places, we add pictures that can help you. Walkthrough Darksiders 2 read on our website.

In Game Darksiders 2 the most difficult are the battles against the bosses. Considering that gamers spend a lot of time on these fights, we have made a guide for passing all the bosses.

Also in the passage of the game Darksiders 2, attention is paid to some missions that precede important battles.

Boss Garn

You need to act against the boss as follows. When Garn plunges the weapon into the floor and moves towards us, then we need to dodge with the Alt key, and also jump to him in the opposite direction. However, do not run in a straight line, as he will overtake us. For this case, you need to use the trajectory of the circle. The enemy will now and then swing at us, and at this time we must jump behind him, in which case he will miss, and this will allow us to successfully attack him. The maximum damage will occur if we carry out several attacks in his back and side. We wait until Garn sits down, then the moment will come for an attack. You should not get carried away, you need to constantly monitor the enemy, as he explodes after a sitting position and thereby inflicts damage on us. The main thing is to run away at the right time.

Tears of the mountains

We go in search of a lazy fort. We will find yellow formations at the top of the gate, they need to be shot with a pistol. Now we can move on. Again we hit the formations and climb higher, here we will not have a long battle, now the path is open.

Restore the tears of the mountains

We see that the locked gate is in front of the nose. You need to get up and take the bomb and throw it on the blue ball. We take firearms and fire at the bomb, roll the ball into a niche, after which the gate will open. We pass into a large room, and then to the left, there we will already find the open gates. Keep going there and find a lot of chests. Nearby, we will grapple with a weak semi-boss, which we will quickly kill. The helmet Karn needs will be found around here. We should return to a huge room, where we will go down one floor and where we will find an open gate. Let's keep going there. We notice that it will not be possible to cross the abyss, so you have to return to a huge room where you need to enter another gate. We go straight and bother to stumble upon the open gate. You need to enter the room where you need to roll two balls into the holes. Let's roll the right ball first. We climb higher and look for where to pick up the bomb. Find it on the right side in the hole. We select the bomb and destroy the fetters on the ball. We'll have to ride it to the gate. You need to take another bomb and attach it to the ball. Then we climb to a height where there is a large button, if you press it, it will open the gate. To move forward, you need to stand and shoot at the bomb that is attached to the ball. The path ahead is free. You need to go to the lever and pull it.

Then you need to jump into the water and swim through the channel. We will swim to the room where you need to climb the vines and climb up. Now you should go to the gate, which is closed. Having descended into the canal, we will go a little along it, then you need to go down to where it breaks off. There is a chest with a key in it. We return to the cliff and keep the way up. We follow to the gate and open it. So we get into a large room, where again we expect a stone. You need to destroy the yellow formations and go down to the ball. Next, you need to roll the ball and press the middle mouse button to throw it. It is necessary to install this ball in the hole. This will lower the lift. Next, you should take a bomb and stand on this elevator. Now we will throw explosives into the ball and shoot at it, we are at the top. We see the lever and click on it.

Boss Karkinos

I don't think this fight will cause any effort for you. The main thing is to find out the weakness of this enemy. We need to dodge the attacks of the boss with the help of the Alt key, thus we turn sharply and do not receive damage from his attack. The boss has a prone position in which he is invulnerable, so don't waste time, just wait for him to rise. We will notice that some rocks are falling around. It turns out that there are bugs in them, which after a certain time will hatch out. But while it's still just an egg, we take it and throw it at Karkinos. This can be done using SCM. Such a powerful blow will throw Karkinos and knock him on his back. Now is the best moment for our attacks, as the boss has exposed his most vulnerable place - the belly. We inflict crushing attacks on the monster. This should be done a couple of times and Karkinos is defeated.

move the mountain

You need to turn on the construct worker, and also direct the ball into the pit. You should aim directly at the circle and release the chain, then we pass into the next room. We deal with opponents and keep moving forward. We are looking for a way up and leave the Bay. Next, you need to go to a new room. We will see that there is already a route up. If we follow the corridor, we will reach the room with the construct. We sit on it and crush the growths of yellow color. But we don’t get carried away, although it’s fun, because we need to jump off the robot and go to the lever to pull it. We see that the crossing has risen, which means that you can again sit down at the robot. We stop in a large room above the niche to throw the chain, we can cross the abyss. We blow up the bomb next to the ball and put it in the hole. We take a bomb and throw it into the ball. Now the path to the key from the chest is open. We run to the lever and activate it, this will open the doors. Now you need to climb on the robot again and clear your route. It is worth driving up to the hole and entering the arena. We fight with monsters and run into the gate leading to the abyss. You should go to the waterfall and get to the construct in order to sit in it. We place it in the elevator, and we will go to another robot. We sit down on it and go to the hole near the lift. The robot will rise, after which you need to take it to the ground and put it in a hole where the second one was picked up, we notice the teeth that have fallen. We climb on that robot, which is located at the elevator and go to the passage that was done recently. There we find a hole and sit down in it to release the chain. We head to another robot and take it to the hole that opens the gate ahead.

Boss Bubble-construct

It won't be too hard to hit the monster, but you should seriously beware of the shock wave, so you should jump up at the moment of close proximity. Bombs will sometimes fall around the perimeter. To successfully confront the boss, you need to pick up a bomb and throw it at him. This explosive will concuss him, so let's take full advantage of the moment. You need to attack on his blue "soul". At this moment, Bubblegum summons his submitted construct freaks. If before that we pumped the Aegis, then we turn it on and do not pay attention to a trifle. This should take several attempts.

Boss Corrupted Guard

It's not that hard to run away from the guard's clapping. We move unexpectedly and abruptly, so we will confuse the enemy. When he tries to attack, we immediately cut a larger angle, so we can get into his rear and deal effective damage. Its ability to torsion will bring us enough trouble. As soon as we feel that he is about to turn around, we immediately run back. We defeat him and go to awaken the guard. It wasn't worth doing.

Boss Guardian

The highlights of the fight with this boss are as follows.

1) We ride on our horse and closely monitor the actions of the Guardian. When we notice that he is going to crack at us with his club, we turn on the acceleration on the Alt key and give a tear to the side of the blow. Moreover, if we jump along the club and not across, then remember as you knew. The weak point of this giant is located on his arm. These are bomb-shaped growths. We shoot at them and, when the giant collapses, we take a grip and approach the crystals, destroy them. After such operations, we will make it one-armed.

2) The boss shoots yellow balls with spikes, from which there is nowhere to hide, except for the feet of the Guardian. There is a comfort zone between the limbs of the guard and the radius of the path of the ball, we find this zone. As soon as the boss released the ball, we take a cannon and shoot at it, this is before it starts to float in the air. Then we saddle the horse and fly to the feet. The ball will not fly where the guard wanted, it will knock him down. The experience is falling, and we are striving to find the place where the remaining hand fell, there we will find a crystal that needs to be destroyed.

Boss Gnashor

At the very beginning, this is an ordinary underground worm that only hits from the ground. We apply a grip when he leans out into the white light.

In the future, this worm is dressed in flesh made of stone. We need to crush it point blank. But when we feel that he wants to kick the ground, it is necessary to jump to Alt as soon as possible, thus we will dodge. But the boss is not easy, he will often regenerate, which will make attacks on him useless. However, there is a loophole. When he regenerates his health points, he puffs out his nefarious snout. At this point, you need to apply a grip and cling to the worm. We inflict crushing blows, after which his health will obviously be shaken.

Boss Farisir

When Farisir prepares to attack, we must at that moment begin our attack. We must pick the moment to jump on it. It is in this case that he will not respond to damage. The moment will come when our blows will be extinguished by him, this is a sign that you need to run away from him, he will do a magic trick. Skeletons will soon arrive on the arena, which are easiest to wet with harvest.

Boss Torturer

Not a fight, but an easy walk. If you have "ripened" the appearance of the Reaper, then immediately turn it on. So we will demolish the health of the enemy like a hurricane.

Boss Keeper of Bones

To achieve quick success in battle, you need to aim your grip at the skeleton that is hanging and grab. We also use harvest against clouds of skeletons.

Boss Bone Giant

If there is a Reaper, then use it. No tricks are required to kill him, we still dodge at the moment of his attack. At such moments, there will be a few seconds for your own attack.

Bosses Vasilevs, Echidna

At the start of the battle, we accept the call of Vasilevs. His attacks are quite predictable, so they are easy to avoid. Before hitting us, he steps back a little. It's readable, so you just have to jump to the side. In the second stage of the battle, Vasilevs will call for help from a giant spider named Echidna. Her intention to attack will be given out by electrical discharges. When we see that the spider jumped up, we immediately jump in any direction, the main thing is not to stay still. The next stage of the battle is again 1 on 1 with Vasileus, and then again with Echidna. You need to use the map and select the fast travel item in order to get out of this cave.

Boss Howling Bolshak

We strike the monster on the tentacles and limbs when it brings them down on us. Thus, we act until he lowers his head down. Now we hit his mask, after which he hides in his hole. He will call for help a crowd of skeletons, which are better to mow down with Harvest. Again, we are waiting for the moment when he bows his head. When his health reaches a certain level, then you need to press Shift and E and continue to hit the mask. With this we will attack with purpose and his mask will fall off. So the huge monster will be defeated.

Boss Noss

A terrible huge skinny creature that lets us beetles - bombs. Here we can take a real grenade launcher instead of a machine gun. We run at a certain distance and shoot the monster. After his death, we look at the map and continue to break forward.

Boss Jaimeira Scribe

The monster will first throw yellow balls. Let's make 2 portals and stand in a straight line portal - boss - portal. When the scribe launches a bomb flying straight ahead, we sharply dodge to the side and see that the bomb will hit the boss directly. When Jameirah turns off, we come up and beat. At the next stage of the battle, the boss will rise up and will no longer go down. Monster will hit us with a beam. We will do everything in the same way. Let's make a portal in the very center and on the 2nd tier and try to make the beam go through the center of the circle.

Boss Archon

The boss has a fairly large attack horizon with stones that we need to jump over. We are afraid of an attack that will pass along the ground. When Archon finishes his series of blows, run to him and attack the enemy. When it soars up, we should not lose a minute and with the help of a grip, grab and deal damage.

Boss Samael

A characteristic feature of Samael is that he is equipped with strong armor. Our attacks will bring him weak damage, on the contrary, his attacks will seriously damage our health. However, gradually his HP will decrease. We can't do without stocks of health potions.

Boss Incarnation of Chaos

In principle, the boss is much weaker than the previous one, which is not logical. We deftly run away from his blows and wait for the moments when he sticks the weapon into the ground. The boss will become mighty after a certain moment. But this will not help him in any way, the blows are still the same predictable. So let's deal with it effortlessly.

Having reached the crystal tower on a horse, kill the angels, absorbed by corruption. The heavenly warrior Nathaniel will also take your side, he will help deal with the "spoiled" angels. And he will also give useful information- Archon can help about the key. Enter the middle of the head and activate the lever, take the elevator up, exit and step to the left. Kill all the enemies, make your way along the ledge to the other side, and again engage in battle with the enemies.

Next, you need to return to the cliff, move away, then split in two. One half will pick up the shadow bomb to throw with the other half, which will run to the corruption and attach the bomb just to it. Thus, you will open the way up for yourself, you will have to climb walls, ledges, vines and beams - a classic. Going upstairs, talk to the Archon, he wants to get the rod of Arafel in return and opens the way back to Earth through the portal. The reward for actions here will be 2500 experience points and 9000 gold.

Wand of Arafel

Arriving on Earth, meet Uriel, who is fighting hard against all kinds of evil spirits. Intervene in the battle, help her, do not forget to arm yourself with a new type of weapon that will lie next to the body of one of the killed opponents. When you finish dealing with the enemies, the ally will report that the wand, alas, is fragmented into several pieces, so you will have to assemble it in stages.

So let's start with the first piece - first follow the simple linear path, scattering everyone who gets in the way. So you get to the subway, go down, find Arafel's staff, go up outside, meet Uriel again, she will kindly open the gate to another part of the city. The further path is linear again, but it is replete with enemies that will have to be methodically exterminated.

When you leave the cave, take the Cleaver, also known as a bomb launcher - a quite suitable and effective weapon that facilitates the passage of the game Darksiders 2. Because very soon you will meet a boss named Noss. Quite nimble flying animals will help him, but it is better to destroy Noss first, and then get to them. So go to the second part, the right wand, this eye, going a little forward, give it to Uriel, she will unlock the further path leading to the third piece of the wand.

Again, a very linear road, crowds of opponents who need to be exterminated, including Noss. On the bridge you will reach the last part of the wand, pick it up - we have a complete set, so now go to the crystal tower. The Archon kindly drives the darkness out of the Ivory Citadel, and also says that we need a Scribe who probably knows how to get the key. For this quest you will receive 3000 experience points and 11000 gold.

Spots of Heresy

Fly the bird to the Ivory Citadel. Enter it (not the bird, the citadel!), turn right and climb up right along the wall. There, activate the lever that lowers some sphere down, open the door. You will reach the arena, at the same time get rid of the jumped out opponents. The left door is still closed, so it is logical that you need to go to the right. Climb the stairs to the right, enter the hole in the wall, reach a dead end and climb up the wall.

Using the ring, jump onto the platform, destroy the enemies and run along the wall on the right to the other part. Eliminate all opponents, split in two at the circle, the first half of our hero should stand on the button that is next to you, while the other will find another button to stand on it. This will cause the statue to go down somewhere, reunite and get out on the other side.

Get over the wall, you will find a shadow bomb, which must be installed on damage and then provoke a detonation. Using the ring, get to the door, open it and jump down. There you have to hit a stone that glows to break it, get a traveler in the void. It provides the ability to teleport through certain areas.

As you continue through Darksiders 2, create a portal by selecting a traveler in the void and aiming at the blue circle on the wall, then pressing the middle mouse button. The portal will be created right there, in the wall, now you need to create a second portal, but from above. Further actions are easy to read - we go into the portal from below, you find yourself on top. Leave the room, jumping along the ring to the platform, smash the enemies and look for the lever, which must be traditionally activated.

A hole will open, jump into it, create an accelerated portal (done by holding the middle mouse button) where we need to jump out. The second portal is created in another place, jump into it. After landing, again jump along the ring to the platform, this time to the lower one, get to the teleport, not forgetting to get rid of the enemies. Create a teleport on the wall nearby, the second portal must be created on the wall not far from the two enemies next to us. We use the created portals, get rid of opponents, get to the sphere.

You also need to create a portal next to it, and place the second one next to another sphere. Then turn around and go to the small tower, jump into the hole where there are two portals. On the wall, create an accelerated portal, and below - a regular one, then go upstairs, reach the door to this very tower. Open the door, you will see a couple of levers on the walls.

Neutralize the enemies, split in the middle so that each of the halves stand on the levers, so you will send the statue into the portal, and you yourself will get to the other side. Reunite and climb up in the already familiar style - all the same walls, beams, ledges and rings. Next, you need to create a portal next to the sphere. The second portal must also be created not far from the sphere, but at the bottom right. We got purified water, go down along it, you will reach a place where the further path is not visible.

But he is like a gopher, although you don’t see him, but he is there - pick up a shadow bomb on the right, set it to damage, the explosion will open the passage. Then climb up the liana, open the gate to the citadel. Get to the next door, not forgetting to eliminate all sorts of adversaries along the way, so you will go out to the gate leading to the goal, but until there is a key, you have to look.

Let's start the search by turning left and going down, along the road you will not do without meeting with opponents, figure it out. You will reach a round room where there is a statue in the center, we need a hole on the right, jump into it and go out to the balcony. Again, fight against opponents, after which you will be given a ring, along which you will get to three teleports (remembering to use ledges and walls along the way).

Bifurcate, activate the second lever, lowering the right portal. Change the controlled half, create a portal on the wall nearby, while the second one is needed near the portal that we just lowered. Having connected again into one, approach the portal on the wall, create an accelerating portal right inside the second portal, bifurcate again, activate the left lever. This will cause the left portal to slide down, and at the same time free up space to the lever behind the door, so that you can continue the passage of the game Darksiders 2.

The second half of our hero must jump into the portal on the wall, after which he will be at the lever, which must be activated immediately. So you lower the grate, now you can reunite and go to the opened part. On the wall you will get to the chest, deal with the enemies, get the key from the chest. Climb the stairs up, take the shadow bomb, set it to damage.

Again, go up, but to the castle, open it and build a portal next to the sphere, and the second portal must be created next to another sphere, there is also a hole in the floor. After passing the teleport, go down the water, use the rings to get to the next platform. Now get to the door and open it. Behind this door there will be others, behind them - enemies, then doors again, a hole, after which you still run to the stairs, where you have to go down.

You will see a couple of teleports, create portals, jump along the rings into the portal. There is also a portal on top, you need to create an accelerated type portal in it, then enter the portal that is on the wall. Thus, along the walls and beams you can reach the next platform. There is also a portal below - create an accelerated one in it, look at the wall nearby and see a portal where you also need to create a portal, but already a normal one. Run along the wall to the portal, transfer to the arena, enter it, meet a fairly strong enemy that can teleport.

When it is finished, continue on your way, you will come out to another puzzle that can slow down the passage of the game Darksiders 2. First you need to find the lever, then split, activate the lever, change the controlled half, roll out the platform to the lever, merge back together. Climb onto the platform and split into two, activate the lever, change your appearance again, create an accelerated portal on the moving wall, and the second portal will be on the wall below.

Release the lever, create an accelerated portal inside the portal below, go down to the beginning of the road, create a portal near the first sphere, you will find yourself at the second lever. Now you need to twist the wall so that the beam reaches the Corrupted Portal. Place a portal in the freed wall, then go to the last sphere and create a portal from above, right in the ceiling.

On the water you will come to the next portal on the wall, create a portal, after it - another one, this time behind the hole in the wall. Move over and jump into the hole in the floor, reach the waterfall that has successfully absorbed the damage, open the door behind the waterfalls. Now we need to create an ordinary portal at the bottom and an accelerated portal at the top. Teleport to the streams, create an accelerated portal on the wall just above you, then jump into the normal portal. Run along the wall to the door, open it.

Climb up the long stairs, there you will hit the door, behind which the boss is waiting for you. While he is "hanging out" below, boldly attack, but when he rises, switch your attention to his faithful companions, exterminating them, sooner or later he will return down. The enemy will try to cheat by firing beams from a height. We will be able, according to the principle of judo, to use the forces of the enemy against him - this is done by activating the portal from below under the enemy, as well as the portal from above. Run so that the beam can hit the portal, which will bring an excellent result - the same beam will hit its creator.

When you win, the scribe will share information - the Archon still owns the key, so the passage of the Darksiders 2 game at this stage has not ended at all. Move to the crystal tower to visit him. You'll have to defeat him too. While the adversary is in the arena - attack, if he rises up, use your grip in order to get close to him even there and inflict damage. When the enemy is ready, you will need to press the finishing button.

The opponent will try to emerge victorious at all costs, he will even grow wings in an extremely short time, but by the time he does, his health reserve will already be depleted. So get away from enemy attacks and counterattack yourself, press the finishing button again. After defeating the Archon, you will receive such a necessary key in your location, so run to the Elder Raven, which you will find near the Tree of Life. In addition to the key, you will be rewarded with 4800 experience points and 13000 gold. It's time to start looking for the demon key, so head to the portal leading to the Edge of Shadows.

Part 5: Edge of Shadows

Mad Queen

Everything here is extremely simple on theory - we keep the path to the Black Stone, open the gate, turn right to find Lilith. She reports that by reviving the past, you can get the key, and at the same time helped by modifying our Traveler in time. Death gets the opportunity to move both from the past to the future, and from the future to the past - not bad so. The rewards don't stop there - get 2000 experience and 9000 gold.

Darksiders 2 Walkthrough: Lord of the Black Stone

Here you need to first go downstairs, then go through the door through which you have never gone through before. It's time to catch up. Behind the door, step left, create a portal on the wall, enter it, cross the bridge in the past, fight the demons in the arena. Having coped, enter already open door on the right, then use the walls, ledges and beams to reach the right lever. Encountered opponents, of course, it is advisable to destroy along the way.

After activating the lever, turn right and create a portal, enter it, jump down into the arena, climb the wall at the expense of the ring up to the door. Enter it. Pass the half-broken bridge, we need a chest with corruption. Create a portal nearby and move on, smash all opponents, split in two on the button. Then get to the room where there is a shadow bomb needed to continue the passage of the game Darksiders 2.

Once again, get rid of annoying opponents, then go to the cliff, change your appearance and approach the second half to pass the bomb. That's how you transfer the explosives over the cliffs, fix it on the damage - booum! You can go back to the present. Open the chest to get the key. Next, change the location of the portal to the one that is not far from the dilapidated bridge.

Enter the past, get to the door with a lock, clear the area from enemies, open the door, get to the lever, activate it. Then you need to use the ledges to go down, once again suppress all resistance, having done this, create a portal, enter the present. Now it is necessary to kill the enemies for the umpteenth time, after which, with a clear conscience, climb the wall, beam and ledge up to the door - it was to it that we so desperately burst all this time.

After going inside, create a portal, enter the past, where you will meet the boss - Samael. Here it is better not to climb on the rampage, pay as much attention as possible to how not to miss the attacks of the enemy, and only then worry about your own attacks - the enemy will have more health, because the "meat grinder" is beneficial to him, and not to you.

To make it easier for yourself to play Darksiders 2 here, consider our recommendations. Is the enemy attacking? They dodged, after which they immediately answered with their short counterattack. Sat on the throne? In every possible way avoid the fireballs he launches, do not stand still, run intensively from side to side. Are fire runes being created? Again, avoid attacks at all costs, avoid taking damage. In general, it is better to keep a distance, at close range this enemy is especially dangerous.

When you also defeat him, take the demonic key, return to the Elder Crow. After inserting the keys, enter the Source of Souls. This massacre was not in vain, get 2500 experience points and 11000 gold. Getting ready for the final battle.

Source of Souls

And the final battle was a little disappointing. Absalom, the brother of our hero, is waiting for us in the arena. Everything here is somehow indecently banal, as for a fight with the last boss - just move away from enemy attacks, in response, carry out your attacks, causing as much damage as possible to the enemy. The only recommendation is that the last segment of the battle, which begins after a couple of our finishing moves, is the most difficult, make sure that you have enough energy reserves.

Having defeated the adversary, just watch the final video that the passage of the game Darksiders 2 has been successfully completed!

Game navigation Darksiders 2

Walkthroughs Cheat Codes

Difficulty: Normal.

Find a way to save War.

Let's watch the introductory video. The balance of the world was disturbed, the brother of the protagonist is to blame for this. Death is sent to correct the mistakes of the War. On the horse we get to the Dark Fortress. Climb up and deal with enemies. We pick up the items that fell from them. We go inside, run along the walls, holding the jump button. We jump from one beam to another, turning 180 degrees. We destroy the enemies, climb the wall with vines and smoothly move to the ceiling. Difficulties should not arise with the first mini-boss - the Ice Giant. We strike - we deflect. Then we pass into the corridor, make a double run along the wall and push the mechanism to start the elevator.

We go up, climb the ledges. We jump from wall to wall and climb up. We continue to move vertically along the vines. We move to the right to the beams, follow the instructions displayed on the screen. We deal with enemies, go down the vines. In order not to fall into the abyss, we get to them by running along the wall. We move to the right, we jump onto the ledges, then onto the beams, we climb higher and higher. Meet the Keeper of Secrets. We carry out target acquisition in order to focus our eyes on War. We attack and dodge the triple blows of the enemy. Having used up a little less than half of the health, we quickly press the button to gain the upper hand. We finish off the brother and, using the portal, we move to another place. Before that, the Keeper of Secrets strikes us, but then we manage to kill him.

The Elder heals our wound and then sends out a Construct of Warriors. We deal with them and communicate with a new acquaintance.

The flame of the mountains

We move along the path and get to the Trestone, where we meet the beautiful Elia and her brother Valus, the keepers of the forge. It is necessary to help the creators, to free the Flame of the mountains and the Tears of the mountains from corruption. Our benefit is that then we can get to the tree. Once upon a time, blacksmiths created a great assistant who coped with damage, but while the forge is captured, accordingly, it will not be possible to summon an assistant. We communicate with Thane and ask him to open the gate. Before leaving, you can acquire various skills from him.

We run forward, in front of the abyss we go around to the right, climbing the wall. Having got out into a vast territory, we see in the distance a one-eyed monster blocking the path. We call the horse and go to the Cauldron. Arriving at the place, we help Karn to destroy the constructs. We enter the building, use the mechanism on the right to open the next door. To successfully move through dangerous corridors, you need to remember a few rules:

We grab and throw shadow bombs at mechanisms that cannot be reached
We search the chests and find a lot of useful items
We hold the corresponding button so that the raven shows us the right path
We push the balls into the sockets, and to extract them from them, we use bombs
We extract from the chests special keys that unlock the green doors

Thus, we get to the first boss Garn. The danger is his chainsaw hand, we jump off at the moment of attack to the right or left. When the enemy is weakened, we inflict as many blows as possible and move away, as Garn has a habit of exploding and gathering again. We destroy the boxes, in some of them you can find healing potions. As a reward, we get the Dark Avenger weapon, which once belonged to the ferocious warrior Draven and therefore absorbed the rage and vindictiveness of its owner.

We pass through the doors and turn the lever in the center 720 degrees counterclockwise. The cauldron is replenished with unquenchable flames. Now you can return to Elia and report on the work done. To quickly navigate to it, open global map and select the target (Armor and weapons). After talking with Elia, we get the Atonement pistol belonging to Discord.

Mountain tears.

We get to the open area and rush on a horse to the gate. After talking with Karn, we shoot at the reddish pimple on the gate and pass on. On the way, we encounter enemies, flying Pityers will pester us endlessly until we destroy the hotbed where these creatures come from. The gates ahead are closed, on the left the damage has blocked the ledges. We shoot at the pimple and climb up. We deal with enemies, go further and jump down. We get to the Storm Fort.

We run along the corridor, in front of the door we turn right and climb up. We grab the shadow bomb, throw it at the ball on the opposite side. We shoot at the bomb, jump down, push the ball into the appropriate slot. We pass through the door and move to the next one on the left. We continue to go forward until we get to the statue in the center of the room. We climb up on the right, we are taught to jump from wall to wall while running along it. Push the ball down and install it in the socket. Now we go to the left, rise and jump. A little further there is another ledge, we climb along them and pick up the shadow bomb. We release the ball in the corner, again we go after the bomb and attach it to the ball. We push the ball to the locked gate. We climb onto the platform in the center along one of the sides, where there is a ledge. We step on the button and shoot at the bomb on the ball. We install the ball in the place intended for it. We pass through the opened door, in the corridor we destroy the pityers and the hotbed. Behind the next door, we undermine the damage that enveloped the lever and start the flow of water. We jump into the water and go down to the end of the current. Then we climb the ledges on the left, open the door, jump into the water again. We continue to swim, this time under water. We climb up, while running we jump from wall to wall. We fall into a trap, chop small enemies, and then deal with a larger one.

We go further, we need a key to open the door on the left. We jump into the drained drain and go along it to the end. We get to the chest, take the key and return to the door. We move along the corridors and get into a room with a puzzle. First you need to get the ball, you can do this, as we already know, with a bomb that is at the top. It's not possible to push the ball just like that, so we use a proprietary technique, thanks to which the ball instantly appears on top. We place it in the slot, grab the bomb and stand on the lowered platform. We throw a bomb into the ball and blow it up. We pass through the corridor, where we deal with enemies and a hotbed. Behind the next door we pull the lever - it does not lend itself. We shoot at the bomb on the damage, activate the lever again. We jump into the water and swim to the end. Climb up, pull the lever. We get into a huge territory, we are interested in the door on the right. We pass there and meet with the boss Karkinos. Our actions will be as follows:

1) We grab the ball and forcefully push it into Kirkonas
2) Quickly destroy the hatched crab and attack the soft belly of the boss
3) Run and dodge underground creatures
4) Dodge the battering ram

As a reward, we get the "Crusher from Kirkonas" - a powerful hammer that unleashes colossal damage on the heads of enemies. We go to the lever, activate it and, having opened the global map, we quickly move to Elia. We enter the forge working at full capacity and take the key of the creator from the ancient one, which will help activate the Guardian in the smelter. To do this, we first need to get to the forest and find a construct there.

Move the mountain.

After entering the building, we activate the construct and bring it to the connector in the floor, as we did earlier with the balls. We shoot at the target under the door and move along the chain to the other side. We deal with the enemies, take away the shadow bomb from the small room and destroy the damage. We climb ledges, beams and again ledges. We jump off, rounding the lowest ledge, and go down the stairs. We deal with the flyers and the hotbed, from where they appear. We pass through the door, go up the stairs to the left. On the right we will see a ledge, we climb along them to the next door.

We find ourselves outside and run to the door with multi-colored elements. But so far it will not be possible to open it, so we enter the next building. We destroy the enemies, climb the stairs and go into the next room. We activate the construct on the left and use it to clear the path to the door. We get up on the connector and jump off the construct. We face enemies, in order to destroy the sentinel construct, it is necessary that he launch an attack. We quickly jump back and, returning in a jump, strike. On the ledges we go around the crystals of damage. We get to the next hall and go around the abyss along the ledges on the left. Using the construct, we split the corruption crystals on the opposite side. We return there and activate the lever. We quickly return along the bridge to the construct and make our way along the corridor to the hall. We go straight, stand in the connector and release the chain. We move to the other side, shoot at the bomb on the left. We install the ball in the slot, deal with the enemies and stand right in front of the grate next to the bomb. We grab it and throw it into the ball - we shoot. We get the key from the chest, along the vines we return to the construct. We saddle it, remove the chain and unlock the green door. On the vines on the wall and ceiling we get to the lever. With the help of the construct, we cut our way to the connector, leave it and move on. In the arena we fight with many enemies and five sentries who will attack one at a time. The most important thing is to destroy them in time to prevent the appearance of new enemies. With each new sentry there will be more enemies, and they become larger.

We get along the corridors to a small room, where there is a designer in the corner, and a lowered lift is in front. We get up on the lift as a constructor. We climb to the left side through the ledge and along the walls we move to the opposite side. We pass further, on the left is the designer. Using it, we raise the lift (the path to the connector from the lift is indicated by circles on the floor). Where the second constructor stood there is a connector, we lower the grate. With another constructor we pass through the place where the grate fell. We also get up in the slot and shoot the chain. On the beams we return to the designer, we drive them to the connector near the beam. The door is open, we can go through it. Having got out, we get to the next door on the right. We deal with the manifesting snoops and later with two mini-bosses. Don't forget to use Reaper Form to effectively defeat large enemies. We pass inside, roll the ball into the slot, in the next room there are again two large enemies. We are not fond of combinations, we make several blows and dodge.

We get to the boss Lump-construct. Despite its huge size, the enemy has weakness- the heart, hidden under the thickness of the armor. Actions are as follows:

1) We run in a circle, being as far as possible from Uvalnya
2) Watch out for the shockwaves and jump when they get close to us
3) Quickly pick up one of the fallen shadow bombs, throw it at the enemy and shoot
4) We strike at the dropped heart, without being distracted by other small enemies
5) We continue to run in a circle, finishing off the embroidered enemies

We go upstairs, interact with a huge statue, that is, with the Guardian. After talking, we sit on his shoulder, and he takes us to the Valley of the Father of Stones. On the advice of the ancient, we return to Eidard and communicate with him.

Mountain heart.

We pass through the forge and communicate with the Guardian. The bridge has been restored, and meanwhile we have a satellite - Karn. We get to the smelter, we go along the circular path. We interact with a partner - he will throw us over the abyss. We climb up the ledges, wait for the boiler and jump onto it. We move to the right, getting ready to jump. Jumping down, we cross the abyss by running along the wall. We destroy the constructs, pull the lever on the left, go through the door. We jump on the lever, open the door for Karn. He runs to the next door and prepares to hold it when we jump off the lever.

We get to the Guardian and in order to revive him, you need to get three Hearts of Stone. Turn left and go to the first passage. We get to a structure. The bird points the way up, Karn will help you get there. We jump into the water, swim under it to the other side. Thus, we get to the ball, now you need to open the door. We pass further, again we dive into the water. There will be a passage through which we will get to the button. The door is open, Karn will hold it while we get the orb out of here. We push the ball by force into the slot on the wall. A constructor appears from under the water, activate it and move back from where we came from. At the crossroads, turn right, destroy the crystals. We go straight to the next passage. We stand on the connector, start the circuit. Having reached its half, we jump into the vines on the left. We climb up, then we jump along the beams. In the next room we run from wall to wall, we cling to the ledge. We wait until the magma flow disappears, and quickly run along the wall. After passing through the door, we deal with enemies. We get to the chest, we extract the key from it. Right from here we jump onto the chain and head to the original room, where we unlock the green door.

We rise along the twisted stairs, we pass further. Karn will transfer us to the opposite side, and we must immediately eliminate small opponents. We go further, free a certain object from the shackles and get the ability "Death Grip", which allows you to cling to objects / targets located at a distance. We return back, using a death grip to cross over the abyss, jump onto the lever and wait for Karn to hold the door. Or we go around through the passage on the left. Further, we pass into the room on the right. We destroy a couple of enemies. Bombs hang at the top right, we grab them with a death grip and throw them into the mechanism on the left. We go further, along the beams on the left we get to the lever. Activate it and climb the wall to the ledges and jump onto the beam. In the jump, we use the grip, move along the vines on the ceiling, jump again and find ourselves at the lever. We activate it - the bridge is completely restored. Now we climb the wall and move along the ledges to the right. We get to the lift, pull the lever and go down. Everything is as usual, we move along the beams, ledges, when running along the wall we use a death grip. We press the button, we are attracted to Karn and we are thrown to the other side. We keep our way down, where we can activate the construct and get to the Heart of the Stone. We attach ourselves to him and drop him down so that his partner can deliver him to the Guardian. We will be attacked in the elevator, destroy everyone and stand in front of the Guardian.

A new path has opened, we cross the magma using a death grip. We pass through the first pipe, kill the flyers, move along the second pipe. We stand on the button and wait until Karn holds the next door. Then he will throw us over the abyss, we fly over the second abyss on our own with the help of a grip. We revive the construct and stand in the place allotted for it - between the two columns. We shoot with a chain and climb up to the central hill. Rotate the lever counterclockwise 360 ​​degrees. We quickly jump down and prepare to jump onto the ledge of the slowly lowering platform on the left. We climb onto the chain, from the chain to the center. On the vines we climb to the right and get to the lever. Activate it, bridges appear. We go back, saddle the construct and with the help of it we pass through two bridges and destroy the interfering crystals.

We find ourselves in the territory where we see the second Heart of the stone. We destroy the enemies and jump into the water on the left. We climb along the wall to the vines, then along the ledges, we help ourselves with the help of a death grip. Next, jump back into the water on the other side. We keep the way up to the lever along the ledges and beams. Activating the lever will cause the water level to rise. We return to Karn and, driving the construct, we drive up to the stonebreaker. We pull the nearby lever, the construct is destroyed, and its ball falls into the hole. This ball then ends up in a cauldron that collapses under the weight. Periodically, a bomb appears at the bottom of passing boilers. We attract it with a death grip and throw it at the crystals above. We climb up, take the key from the chest. We unlock the door nearby, roll the ball back into the socket in the floor. We climb the walls, jumping from one to another, and get to the Heart of Stone. We return to the Guardian, in the room with bridges the water level has risen. We jump down and climb the indicated ledges. We get through the pipes to the button that opens the door.

The last heart is left, if we don’t know where to go, then we ask Dust to show the way. We are interested in a lattice door through which Karn will help to get over. There will be a lever on the right, activate it. We restore the construct, with the help of it we cut through the path, destroying the crystals. We clean the room with the Heart and stand in the corresponding slot in the center. We climb the wall, we pass further. Using a death grip, we reach the beam in a jump. We move along them, then a long run along the wall, using the grip. We are getting to the Heart quite quickly, but the most interesting is ahead. As soon as we free the Corrupted Heart, Karn will take it away, and we will find ourselves in traps, alone with the Corrupted Guard boss. Rather, he is only a warm-up opponent, since an epic battle awaits us later. The scheme of action is as follows:

1) Avoiding Claps and Dangerous Spins
2) Quickly carry out a series of attacks with scythes, and when the enemy is weakened - with additional weapons

We approach the guard and freeze in doubt. After all, the Heart is corrupted by corruption, and activating a guardian with this item can lead to the most terrible consequences. And so it happens, the defender, who should be the main weapon in the fight against corruption, himself became this very corruption. We follow it, that is, we get out of this place and get to the Trestone. Then we go to the forest, where we will meet the raging Guardian. The battle will take place in several stages:

Stage 1:
1) Run clockwise (on a horse) and dodge hammer blows
2) Distance from the Guardian - as far as possible
3) Hold on the sight, and as soon as the enemy's hammer is on the ground, shoot at the shadow bombs on his hand
4) We quickly run up to the Heart and are attracted to it with a death grip, inflicting three blows
5) Repeat these steps until the arm falls off completely

Stage 2:
1) We run in any direction, the main thing is not to collide with a huge shadow bomb
2) We shoot the bomb until it flies up
3) We stand right behind the Guardian, but we don’t come close to him
4) The bomb will fly towards us, but will collide with an obstacle between us, that is, with the Guardian
5) We quickly run up to the fallen cannon, climb up it and cling to the Heart in a jump; throw three standard hits
6) Repeat these steps until the arm falls off completely
We watch the video of the destruction of the last Heart. The ancient of the last strength again restores the purified Guardian so that he can remove corruption from the path.

Tree of life.

We get to the ill-fated place where we communicate with brother Absalon, who became Corruption. Then we will talk with the merchant, we can buy more powerful weapons, armor and potions from him.

Bone Lord

We get to the Cleft of Leviathan and go inside the building. We run along the walls, use the death grip. We move along the vines, we go down lower and lower. We get up on the button and wait until all the grates open. Then quickly run from wall to wall. Enter the door on the left and fight the skeletons. We pass further, before the bridge we turn to the left. We grab the bomb and hook it next to the mechanism. We pass along the bridge, on the other hand we aim and shoot at the bomb. The bridge has been restored, we pass along it and take the key from the chest. We deal with the emerging bugs. Near the first bridge, you can jump onto the beam and get to the exit. We unlock the green door, go down the beam. We destroy a couple of skeletons, go down the stairs. We get out, on a horse we get to the Serpent Peak. Let's watch the video. Getting to throne room, it's not that hard to do. We climb higher and higher, jump on the beacons. Arriving at the place, we try to enter the Bone Lord. The guards do not let us in, because this requires the permission of the Councilor. In turn, the Advisor also does not want to let us in, but agrees to one condition - to defeat the Champion of the arena.

Royal fee.

We get to the Golden Arena, along the way we avoid the abyss along the vines on the wall and ceiling. We go down the twisted stairs. We twist the lantern, grabbing one of the sides, 180 degrees, thereby opening the other door. To attract the attention of the Champion, you need to find three soul stones. Turn right and climb up the ledge. We pass through the door, go down the steep stairs, bypassing the abyss by running along the wall. We deal with a large number of skeletons and go to the next room. We get up on the button in the central hill. The cage opened stranglehold take the bomb. We throw it at the lantern, we attract to ourselves the very foundation that remains after the explosion. We put it on the button and go further along the opened grate. We run from wall to wall so as not to fall into the pit. Without turning into the room, we pass on, push the mechanism and pull the lantern towards us. Now we can look into the room and hang the lantern on the outstretched hand of the statue in the center. We twist and aim a bright light at the door. We get to the first stone of the soul, tear it out of the forehead of the statue. We go back, the grate is blocking the path - we must deal with the bugs. This pistol is perfect for this. We return back, a new door will open, from where skeletons will appear. We run along the corridor and climb up the ledges. We jump along the beams to the opposite side. We pull the lever and get out into the arena. Insert the soul stone into the head of the statue.

We deal with the skeletons and go upstairs to the next door. Once inside, turn left and go up the steep stairs. From the fallen half of the bridge we attract a shadow bomb. We get to the lantern and break the nearby crystals. Behind them will be another bomb, we grab it and throw it across the abyss. We move along the walls to the opposite side. Explode the crystals near the lantern with a bomb. We direct the lantern into the grate, go forward to the end and to the right. We take the lantern from the button, destroy the enemies and put it on the button near the statue with the lantern. We get along the walls to the previous statue with a lantern and direct it to the grate. We attract the lantern from the button with a death grip and hang it on the statues above (we climb the twisted stairs). The bridge has been restored, we cross it, go through the door and go down. We destroy numerous boxes if health potions are needed. We go further, deal with bugs and skeleton archers. We take the second stone of the soul, we return to the arena along the opened path. Insert the soul stone into the head of the statue.

We go to the central door. In the corridors we encounter a huge number of warrior skeletons and destroyer skeletons. The latter are especially dangerous, they act as mini-bosses. Having bypassed the bridge, we stand on the button and quickly run up, we attract the bomb. We get up on the platform and throw the bomb into the mechanism. We find ourselves on the other side, where we find the third stone of the soul. But before you get it, you need to defeat the Skorobeya-bump. After his attack, quickly pull up to him and deliver powerful combo blows from behind. If you attack from the front, the enemy quickly applies a shield, which complicates the process of destruction. We take the soul stone and return to the arena. Insert the soul stone into the head of the statue. Gnashor appears in the form of an underground worm. When he leans out, his head emits blue light, we quickly do a death match. We beat the defenseless enemy until he goes underground again. When the enemy finally crawls out from under the ground, a real fight will begin. Our actions will be as follows:

1) Keep a distance from the enemy when he takes out the worm and starts to strike them on the ground
2) We attack Gnashor, and when his blue talisman appears, we quickly attract him
3) We inflict as many blows as possible until he disappeared underground
4) We run around the territory and as soon as the ground rattles under us, we dodge

Having defeated the Champion, we get the Golden Skull. We open the global map and quickly move to the Eternal Throne. We communicate with the Advisor, and then with the King. We ask him to provide the Source of Souls. You need to complete the task of finding and delivering the three immortal lords.


We get to the tomb of Farisir. Once inside, hit the crystal in the center of the elevator and go down. We move along the corridors, dealing with mummies. In the room with the button, turn right and climb up. We clear the area from crystals with the help of bombs. We jump down and pull down a large statue. We stand on the button, continue to pull the statue towards us so that it is directly in front of us. Bombs hang on the left, we throw them at the statue, thereby moving them away from us. When it is under the bars, we leave the button and go further. On the lift, hit the crystal with the Roman numeral one (I). We go into the only room with a test. On the ledges on the left we get to the mechanism. We push it and move to the opposite side, using a death grip. From here we can see shadow bombs stuck to the ring in the center. We grab it and throw it into the mechanism on the opposite side. We return to the original position and shoot at the bomb. When both rings are at the same level, quickly fly to the other side. We take the key from the chest and go back. We jump into the pit and climb up, having previously destroyed the zombies. We face the ghosts, deal with them and get to the lift. We go to the third floor, open the green door. We move along the corridors, destroying ghosts and one general. We find ourselves somewhere between the third and fourth floors. On the ledges we move to the other side. We shoot at the bomb on the crystal on the left. We go down to the lever, activate it and a bridge appears. As we noticed, there is a column a little higher next to the bridge, we pull it to the button in the center. We return upward between the third and fourth floors. We jump onto the lift, go to the second floor and get to Farisir through the central door. The enemy will not be a problem, and he does not have any special moves. Therefore, we simply attack Farisir and dodge his blows. Sometimes he will summon skeletons, but they are also very easy targets.

We get the opportunity to call the immortal lord. We stand in the center and press the appropriate button. We order him to stand on the button behind bars.


We get out (it is possible from the global map) and go to the tomb of the Arbiter. On the way we will have an obstacle, we stand in a circle and call on the lord. We direct it to the lever behind the bars on the left. Having reached the tomb, we go inside and get to the lever, fenced with bars on all sides. In the next room, we call the lord, standing in a circle, and direct him to the lever. We pass further, turn into the room on the right. We quickly call the lord to help deal with the enemies. We pull the lever and go to the immortal to the button behind the bars. We go back to the center, jump down. Pull the column between the two platforms. We jump on them and go to a meeting with the Arbiter. At his request, we set off for three restless souls, and then he will return to the Bone Lord.

We pass through the indicated door, move along the bridge and in the corridor we fight with the Lich, who summons endless skeletons. Of course, we direct all forces against the main enemy, trying to deal with him as soon as possible. We continue to go along the corridor, call on the lord on the right and enter the door on the left. We send it to the button, we pass along the bridge. Similarly with the next bridge, but it does not open up to the end. Therefore, in the jump, we use a death grip. We attract a lantern and put it next to it. Inside the wall on the left, we will notice the bombs and with the help of them we will destroy the crystals on the sides of the non-revealing half of the bridge. With a lantern we pass to the center and hang it on the statue. Rotate it 90 degrees, send it to the ally's button. We go into the next room, before reaching the stairs, we climb the ledges on the right. We jump in a turn and cling with a grip. We go upstairs and free the first soul. Then we deal with the enemies and return to the lord.

We go to the next door and, having passed along the bridge, we immediately encounter enemies and the boss Torturer. He is so slow and weak that if we just ran around in circles and fired a pistol, we would have overcome him very soon. However, we attack with everything we have. Still, the enemy has one strong point - the Tormentor attacks very sharply, so we carefully monitor him and often dodge. Requires a key to move on. We turn into another passage, call the immortal. We point him to the button around the corner. There were useful obstacles on the walls, on them we get to reverse side gratings. Let's not forget to use the death grip on the last jump to hook on the lord. We go through the gap, again we are attracted to the wall. We move forward, on the right we notice a lever that opens the next door. We search the chest in the room and take the key. We jump down through the hole opposite the lever. We unlock the green door and find ourselves at the destroyed stairs. Using a death grip, we climb to the center. Once again we use the grip, we cling to the ledge. We jump in a turn, quickly apply the grip twice, climb higher on the wall, jump again in a turn - hold the grip. We get to the very top, take the second soul and, having finished with the enemies, we return to the Arbiter.

We leave through the central door for the last soul. We pass through the abyss, call on the lord and enter the lift. We deal with enemies and hit the crystal, which will take us to the second floor. However, we are prevented from doing this by a crystal of corruption. We send the immortal to the button that opens the grate, behind which are shadow bombs. We climb up and throw the bomb straight from there into the crystal. We jump down to the platform and go further. Climbing up, taking the soul. We see a suspended Keeper of Bones. We are attracted to him with a death grip and strike. Then the Bone Giant appears. With him, too, everything is quite standard - we attack, we dodge. We return to the Arbiter.

Before us appears the last servant of the King, who sends us to new trials.


Before heading to the Golden Arena, let's stock up on health potions. Arriving at the place, we jump into the portal and find ourselves in the Psycameron. We fight with Walkers - very strong opponents. As often as possible we dodge and strike, only after their attack. We go further, we call already two lords. We send the first one to the button on the right, stand right under the door and point the second lord to the button on the left. We pass forward, we call on the lords. We stand on the button on the left and when the bridge is restored we send the lord to the button behind bars. We go up the stairs, we see the red door. Under it there is a passage, we jump there. We direct the immortal to the button behind bars. We pass further, we go down down the long beam. Ahead on a hill are three wall-mounted mechanisms. The order of activation is as follows: center - right - left. We take the key from the chest and go back up the beam.

We unlock the green door, we observe a certain arachnid creature. We call on the lords, stand on the button in front of the bridge. We look obliquely to the left and send to the assistant button. The door on the opposite side opened. We go there, we are not in a hurry to run along the walls to the ledges. We look down and to the right, we send to the button of the lord. Now we run along the wall and find ourselves right under the grate, which will open soon. We jump down directly from the ledge and with a death grip we are attracted to an ally. We climb the stairs, without turning right, we continue to move forward. We go down to the left, we see a button behind the bars and send an assistant to it. We move along the corridor, raise the bridge, activating the wall mechanism on the left. We pass through it and get to the door.

We call the lords in a small room and enemies immediately appear. It will not be difficult to deal with even two Lumpy Scarabs, since two immortals are a terrible force. We go further, we get along the wall to the mechanism and activate it. We enter the opened door and go to fight with the boss, more precisely with two bosses - Vasilevs and Echidna. Both share one health for two. At first, the fight will seem easy, but from the second half of your health, you will have to carefully look around and not lose sight of the insidious Vasilevs. We do not stand in the way of the spider, so as not to be up to our ears in electricity. Thus, we defeat the last lord and return to the Bone Lord in the Eternal Throne.

City of the dead.

The King sent us to the City of the Dead. Use the Spirit Separator ability. We move each of the side statues in the opposite direction, without releasing them. We apply the previous appearance, again choosing the same ability. We pass inside, deal with the skeletons and the general. We stand on the button in the corner, use the soul separator. We send one copy to the opposite side, and with the other we climb up the ledges and slide the mechanism. Idea in the next room, we head to the passage on the left. We go around the abyss by running along the wall, turn right and get to the lever. We use the spirit separator, with one copy we turn the lever 180 degrees counterclockwise, and with the second we pass into the next room, we take the bomb from the wall on the left. We return to the room with the lever, on the right we see the mechanism, we throw a bomb at it. A platform is released on the left, we climb it with the main character and use the spirit separator. With one turn the lever, with the other we drag the platform to the other side. Here we are in the next room. Climb the stairs, go straight ahead and jump down through the gap in the floor. We take the key from the chest, activate the mechanism on the left. We get to the green door, unlock it and move on.

As soon as we enter the bridge, we immediately use the spirit separator. With a copy we climb the ledges on the right. We rise to the very top from wall to wall. We turn the lever, thereby turning the bridge in the other direction. With the second copy, we go further and look for a wall mechanism that opens the way to the lantern. We accept the previous state and return back. We attract a lantern to ourselves, we get to the statue through the passage, where there is an abyss. We put it right on the edge, go over the wall and pull it towards us. We install the lantern on the statue, turn it 180 degrees, and then move along the open path. We climb up the vines, we are not afraid to jump in a turn, so we can grab a death grip. We move along the ledges and soon we encounter two ghosts. Here you can see two levers - a large wall one and a regular one located on the other side. We use the spirit separator and activate the wall lever, run to another lever that turns the bridge. We will not be able to go back, so we take on our former appearance and are again divided into souls. We activate the wall lever, with the second copy we attract the bomb opposite. We pass along the bridge and, turning to the left, we throw a bomb into the mechanism. Now we can go further, there is another mechanism ahead, we go through the door on the left. We keep going until we get to another mechanism that will open the door below. We jump to the bridge and go to the arena. We fight against three ghosts, a general and three tormentors! Nearby there are two chests where we will find health potions. We pass further, we cling to the lever and the fire begins to rise. We quickly move along the ledges and get out to the top.

Having got out, we break through to the next door, simultaneously destroying the enemies that appear. We will save the Reaper's appearance against the Liches, who will be after the abominations - also very dangerous creatures, when attacking which we take damage.

We get to the hall, where we see a beam of light at the top. You need to get there, for this we go straight through the next door. We rise upward, bypass the lattice through the wall. We stand on the button and use the spirit separator. With a copy we run along the wall to the mechanism and activate it. We return to the original state and go through the opened door. From here it will not be difficult to jump to the statue with the help of a death grip. We twist the statue emitting light 180 degrees. We pass to the other side and fight with a few speed bumps. Then we grab the bomb and destroy the crystals. We climb up, get out onto the balcony. A snake is circling through the air, so as soon as it flies away, we quickly pick up the key from the chest. We go back and see that you can climb to the green door from below along the ledges. So let's do it and get to the place with two buttons. The point is to move the platform from one room to another, as we did before. To begin with, we stand on one button and apply a spirit separator. We stand with a copy on the next button. With the second copy we climb up and move the platform as close as possible to us. We take the previous form and stand on the platform, again use the soul separator. One copy will press the button that is responsible for the nearest grate, and the second will hold the platform further. We move the first copy to the adjacent button, the second copy will move the platform to the button next to the door. We accept the former form and move on. We activate the mechanism on the left, fly to the center. We turn the statue back to the place where the bomb is located. We return there and throw a bomb at the crystal. We push the mechanism on the statue and go down. We go to the door where the pillar of light is directed and meet with the boss Howling Bolshak. We act as follows:

1) We dodge aside from simple blows; when the enemy uses a sweeping blow, he moves his hand first in a small, then in a large circle. Considering this, we quickly move from a large to a small circle.
2) We attack Bolshak on the hands (after a simple blow) and the head (after a sweeping blow)
3) We finish off the weakened enemy
4) He will hide in the pit, and we must chop up a lot of skeletons that appear from the center.

We go further and meet with the Elder Raven, who says that we need to visit the Tree and pick up the key from there before we get to the Source of Souls. Open the global map and quickly move there. We pass through the gate to the Lost Light.

Key to redemption.

We jump to the Crystal Tower, where we encounter the Corrupted Angels. We deal with several, then a real warrior of light Nathaniel will come to the rescue. After talking with him, we can buy everything you need. We enter the tower, pull the lever and find ourselves at the top. We go to the left, deal with enemies. On the ledges on the wall we avoid the pit and destroy the remaining angels. We jump into the hole and from there we rise along the ledge. We move away and use the spirit separator. With one copy we get to the bomb, grab it and go to the edge of the pit. With the second copy, we attract it from the other side with a death grip and, having reached the crystal, we throw it at it. We put on the usual appearance and run to the place where the crystal was. On the ledges and vines we climb to the very top. We meet with the Archon and ask him for the key. He promises to help if we get Arafel's rod on Earth.

Wand of Arafel.

We jump into the portal and immediately find ourselves in the thick of things: we observe the fight between angels and evil spirits. We help Uriel deal with the flocks. We grab a weapon in the corner and the game turns into a shooter. There are several shooting modes, something like a machine gun and a shotgun. Having cleared the area, we communicate with the angel. We learn that the Rod was broken, and its parts are scattered throughout the city. We move forward without releasing the weapon from our hands. At the sight of enemies, we tactfully retreat. Potions will become incredibly valuable, they often fall out of enemies, so we try not to miss them. We get to the subway, we go down. Here we will find the staff of Arafel, get out and meet Uriel again.

We pass through the sewers and again get out into the streets. At the exit, we can pick up more powerful weapons. Raven will tell you where to go if there are problems. We meet the tall boss Noss. We shoot at it until it is completely destroyed; we shoot flying creatures only when there are too many of them. The damage from them is small, and they appear constantly. We go down into the tunnel and it seems that the flow of enemies will not stop until the very second part of the Wand. The main thing is not to leave the creatures behind us and confidently move forward. We pick up the Eye of Arafel and, having got out, we meet with Uriel.

We pass through the building and exit to the street on the other side. We destroy everything that gets in our way. We move under the bridge, then we climb it and go back already on its surface. At the end of the path, we pick up the last part of the Wand and return to Uriel. We enter the portal and go to the Archon in the Crystal Tower. We give him the Wand, we get a transport on which we can get to the castle.

Spots of heresy.

Unfortunately, we cannot control the bird, so we just look at the local landscapes. Having reached the citadel, we go inside and run to the left. Climb up the wall, turn the lever. The water below is cleared of damage, we jump off and go through the doors. In the room with damage, turn right, get out. Climb the stairs, go inside and climb up the ledges. We go further, we watch a small cut-scene. Clinging with a death grip, we fly further and destroy a couple of angels. Next to the crystals, we run along the wall and find ourselves on the other side. We stand on a large circle on the left and apply a spirit separator. With the first copy we stand on the button on the right, the second - we pass through the opened passage. Climb up the ledge to the left, turn left and stand on the button. We take the old form. We get out of the pit on the other side, climb over the wall. We grab the bomb and throw it at the crystals in the center. We fly over the abyss and enter the building. We jump down, hit the blue ball in chains. We get a new ability Traveler in the void. We create a portal in the blue area on the wall and the same one at the top. We pass along the lower portal to the upper one. We return back by jumping over the abyss. We install two new portals and go to the neighboring island. Pull the lever, jump down. Now we create charged portals (holding the button) on the wall and floor. We fly into the one on the wall, and fly upstairs. We move forward, destroying new angels that are able to call on weaker angels. We avoid the abyss with the help of portals, we get to the bright ball. We create a portal near it, look around and see another such ball in the distance. We create a portal, and the bridge is freed from crystals. Walking forward a little, we see a passage on the left. It creates two infected portals - on the wall and in the floor. Here it is advisable to choose a gun and shoot numerous souls. Climb up the stairs and enter the building. We deal with enemies, we stand in the center. Use the spirit divider and use the copies to climb the two levers on the sides.

We climb the wall, once at the top, open the portal in front of the ball. We look down, create another portal near another ball. The water is clear, we follow the stream. Having reached the end, we grab the bomb on the right and destroy the crystals on the left. We climb up the vines, keep going until we get out on the other side. Ahead we see a locked door, on the right - crystals, so we go left. We jump down, destroy the enemies. We pass further, we jump down through the hole in the floor. We see a ball and a place to create a portal. We go outside, deal with the enemies. We fly with the help of a death grip, climb the ledges and run along the walls. Once at the top, we see two levers and through the glass we can observe two areas for portals directed at each other. Each of them is responsible for its own lever. We will need to make sure that the one on the right is higher than the left and then we can fly over the abyss. Outside, not far from the levers, there is another place where you can create a portal. We do it as follows:

1) Use the spirit separator and use one copy to turn the first lever
2) With the second copy we create two portals and turn the second lever with it
3) With the first copy we look into the portal on the wall and create another infected portal through it, turn the lever
4) We release the lever of the second copy and fly to the other side through the portal on the wall, activate the lever that opens the door.

We apply the previous appearance and go down the shortcut where the ball was. We create a portal, we return upward. We pass further through the opened lattice. Run along the wall, destroy the angels. We take the key from the chest, climb the ledges up. Bomb, destroy the crystals and go up to the locked door. We go inside and create a portal.

We move along the drain, cross the abyss with a death grip. We get to the building and go inside. Dealing with oncoming enemies. We are in a place where there are numerous abysses. Create a portal on the wall ahead and another one on the bottom right. We cross the abyss, using a death grip, and jump right into the portal. Create a charged portal above your head. We enter the lower portal, fly out of the upper one and run along the wall. Again we create two charged portals. We climb up the ledges.

We destroy the enemies and get to the mechanism. We use the separator of the spirit, we twist the mechanism with one, we extend the platform with the second. In the usual way, we climb onto the platform, and again applying the spirit divider, this time already pushing the platform inside. We pass further, near the mechanism we use the separator of the spirit. With one copy we twist the mechanism, with the second we create charged portals below and near the mechanism. We release the lever with the first copy, go down and, looking through the portal, create another charged portal. Now we take the previous appearance and go back along the island to the very first mechanism. We go further to the ball and create a charged portal on the wall. We perform the operation of pushing the platform from the outside to the inside. We get to the second mechanism and twist it. The inner ball has absorbed energy, we release the lever and thereby destroy the damage. We create a portal in the place opened for it. We go to the next room, at the top of the ball we create a portal. The water is cleared, and we move along the drain. Having passed to the end, we will descend to the right and run to the breach in the wall. We create portals and find ourselves inside, where we jump down.

We get to the door and pull the lever on the left. The water is completely clear, we can enter the central door. We create a charged portal on the wall - below and above. Having flown over, we create another portal higher. We jump down, enter the portal. We run along the wall to the right, then we go up the stairs and find ourselves in the library, where Jameira the Scribe is waiting for us. He's an easy target if done right. We create below two portals on the walls. We stand in front of one of them and wait until the enemy fires a clot of energy. We quickly dodge and he, it turns out, hits himself. We attack the stunned enemy, retreat. We repeat this action one more time until the Scribe finally flies up, from where he will direct the laser at us. We create a charged portal directly below it and another one on the wall of the upper level. As soon as we see the laser, we quickly take a position so that there is a central portal between us and the beam. We watch the video, from which we learn that in fact the Archon misled us and the key was with him all this time.

We leave for the Crystal Tower and, having climbed the stairs, we watch a series of videos. We run in a circle and dodge wave attacks. Then we quickly carry out a series of blows and again move away. When the Archon takes off, we again dodge wave strikes. Soon he will be above our head, we cling to him with a death grip and attack. This action must be carried out until the enemy collapses to the ground. Then we can finish him off, that is, cut his wings so that he cannot take off. We continue to attack the enemy and dodge the waves. As a reward we get the Angelic Key. We return to the Tree of Life to the Elder Crow. We leave for the Edge of Shadows through the portal, where we have to get the Demon Key.

Mad Queen.

We jump forward, go through the building and meet a friend from whom you can buy useful items. We skip further, we get to the Black Stone. We go into the door on the right and go up the circular stairs. We watch a video in which Death communicates with Lilith. She hands us a new "toy" that allows you to create portals and travel to the past.

Lord of the Black Stone.

We go back, we go down the stairs. Enter the next door and immediately turn left. Use the Time Traveler on the wall. The territory has been restored, we are entering the center. We fight with enemies, we are afraid of what is with chains. If he pulled, we sharply dodge to the side. After finishing with everyone, we go into the first door on the right. We run along the walls and climb up the ledges. We pass along the corridor, having finished with a couple of demons. Using a death grip, we climb even higher. Having got out, we pull the lever and destroy the enemy. Open the portal to the past, go through it and jump down. We climb up to the opposite side. We go to the left door and move straight to the center. We see that the chest is bricked up with damage. On the wall we create a portal to the past, we destroy enemies. We stand on the button on the left and use the spirit separator. A passage has opened, along which we get to the room of one of the copies. We deal with the enemies and pick up the bomb from the recess in the wall. We stand on the edge of the abyss with fire, run up with the second copy and attract the bomb. Again we stand on the edge of the abyss, with the first copy we attract the bomb. Thus, we deliver it to the crystals and free the chest. We return to the present through the portal. We take the key from the chest and run back to the locked door, having previously dived into the past. Next, pull the lever, jump down the specified path. There we can create a portal to the present and then climb to the central door along the ledges. We go further, create a portal to the past and meet with Samael.

Stage 1:
1) If health potions are in short supply, then you will have to dodge a lot to survive. Effective method- dodge and immediately strike
2) When Samael returns to his throne, follow the fireballs and run from side to side
Having spent half of his health, we run up to the throne and strike. Getting ready to quickly press the appropriate button. We dodge back so as not to be on fire.

Stage 2:
1) Keep a distance from the enemy, close contact is very dangerous, as we will be constantly struck by electricity
2) Small circles will appear on the ground, followed by one large one. Only the big one is dangerous, we catch the pace and then we can easily avoid damage
3) Don't forget to use the gun! We simply run away from randomly arising large circles, and do not evade, because this will only slow us down and there is a risk of running into fire!
For our labors, we get the Demonic Key and return to the Elder Crow. We insert the keys and enter the Source of Souls.

Source of souls.

The embodiment of Chaos, that is, our brother Absalom, is the last game boss. Revelations do not have to wait - dodge, attack. The main thing is to save all your strength for the very last stage of the fight (after two finishing moves). We enjoy the sweet victory and watch the final video.

After passing the Rainfort, she will ask you to find her brother's hammer in an abandoned forge, which is located in front of the Fjord.

blacksmith's hammer

After passing Storm Fort during the main task Tears of the mountains, Talk with Elia to start this quest. The ruined forge is located north of the border between the gates in fjord and Shadow Gorge. It is a conspicuous place, so you will have no difficulty finding it. To fully explore the dungeon, you will need a Death Grip, but don't worry, you can complete this quest before going to foundry.

Go to the place, pick up the boatman's coin in the gap between the wall and the fallen bridge.

Once inside, go up the stairs to find a chest, then towards the main square. Dive into the water to find another boatman's coin. Return to the main path and enter the next door. Dive back into the water and swim underwater to the next area.

Get the dungeon map from the chest, then climb the wall. Go west into the narrow corridor. Jump on the walls to get to the ledge and so on until you reach the top ledge.

Continue until you reach a shadow bomb room on a separate platform. Defeat the enemies, then take the bomb and drop it on the nearby crystals. Blow them up to clear a path, then take another bomb. Return to the corridor where you came from, find a lone crystal and blow it up. So you get unique weapon Blades Omega(Omega Blades).

Continue on your way to a large room where several crystals are blocking the path. Activate the lever nearby, then grab the bomb on the other side, then blow up the crystals. Jump down and kill all the enemies that appear. Go north.

Look at the chest in the corner. Your path will be temporarily blocked, so defeat all the constructs to clear the path. After the battle, run along the wall and jump from wall to wall through a narrow corridor.

Once you reach the large hall, don't climb the wall yet, instead dive into the water and swim through the underwater passage. Climb up until you reach the shadow bomb. Take it and throw it on the crystals.

Also blow up the crystals on the upper ledge in the northwestern part. There is a chest there.

From the introductory video, we learn that the precarious balance of the world has been violated, the Horseman of the Apocalypse War, the brother of our hero, is accused of this. According to the latter, the accusations were undeservedly hung on a colleague, because Death (namely, this is the name of the protagonist) decided to save his brother-in-arms at all costs.

The beginning of the passage of Darksiders 2, as expected, is educational in nature, so we will explain how to go through Darksiders 2, first in detail, then in general terms. So, we are on a horse, we have a raven with us, which performs the function of a GPS navigator. To drive on a snowy track, use the standard keyboard layout - W, S, A, D. If a round icon appears next to the horse, it means that the faithful horse can be summoned (or vice versa, released for a while). More on management - we climb the wall with the help of a space (after pressing it, you need to hold down the forward movement key - W). We attack opponents with the left mouse button, we move away from their attacks by pressing the Alt key in a timely manner. Coins falling out of defeated opponents are selected with the E key. Access to the inventory is the O key.

The main nuances have been sorted out, so we are going to the Dark Fortress. Climb up there and defeat a portion of opponents, not forgetting to collect usefulness that falls out of them. Next, you need to go inside, run along the walls (this is done by holding the jump button), then jump from one beam to another, turning around in a jump (previously this could be seen, for example, in Blood Rayne 2 or numerous parts of Prince of Persia).

Kill the enemies again, and then start climbing the wall with vines, gradually moving to the ceiling, very soon you will meet the first truly more or less dangerous enemy. Against the background of future adversaries, this one seems quite easy, but it can’t be compared with the previous ones of the Ice Giant - it can cause trouble if something is done incorrectly. However, to do something wrong here - you still need to be able to, the tactics are extremely simple, they hit - they eluded the enemy's retaliatory attack, hit again. Repeat the procedure until complete victory.

After defeating the enemy, continue Walkthrough Darksiders 2, having passed into the corridor, there it is necessary to move forward with the help of a double run along the wall and push the mechanism that starts the elevator. He will soon break down from a difficult life. Now you need to climb up on your own, and at the same time repeat the well-known tricks with jumping from one wall to another, at the top again move in a vertical direction using vines. Now get to the right, where the beams are - the game will kindly tell you what to do. We note one thing - you will have to jump along the beams a lot, get used to it. Then you need to break all the enemies, and then go down the vines.

Get to the Keeper of Secrets - this one knows the whole truth that can and should save the War. But here everything will not go as smoothly as we would like - the Guardian said that the path to correcting the mistakes of the War begins in the Tree of Life, but at the same time he immediately closed the passage, issuing an ultimatum. The guardian wants to exchange the talisman, but this option does not suit Death, there is a conflict of interest. The situation, quite expected by the world, did not end - the oldest Raven turns into a Chinese copy of the War, which we need to defeat in order to go further. Why Chinese? Because a fake is always worse than the original, and the War clone is no exception.

The passage of Darksiders 2 is not so difficult here - hold Shift, dodge enemy attacks, conducting your counterattacks. The main thing here is not to ask for trouble, it is "on defense" that is the ideal way to win here. When you do defeat him, the Guardian will again return to his original appearance and will be forced to open the gate. True, the adversary did not simply retreat - he destroyed the talisman, and part of the fragment of the relic was stuck in the chest of Death. For completing this level, you will receive forty experience points and 1200 gold.

mountain flame

At the beginning of the level, Eidar will kindly meet us - he says that his sister Elia knows the way to the Tree of Life, but no one will do anything to us just like that. Go through the cave, you will see a screensaver, where they will show the character you are looking for, we walk towards it, talk. Alas, the Tree of Life is still closed, and the damage will not allow forging the key to the gate. For everything to be fine, it is necessary to return the lava flow to its original state, as well as water - only in this way the Smelter (main forge) will work normally. And its normal work is needed so that we can forge the key - everything is simple and interconnected.

So, we were sent to Thane - he should open the gate through which you will leave the Trestone settlement. Get in the direction of the yellow circle marked on the map on the right in the lower corner, after finding Thane, talk to him. Along the way, you can learn new tricks from him for a reward - this is voluntary (the item in the dialogue is "Training)". Although for this you must have a sufficient supply of gold, but this action can greatly facilitate the passage of the game Darksiders 2. Now the gates will be opened for us, we pass, we reach the cliff. In the water, if desired, you can find the Boatman's coin, which is well quoted by an old acquaintance from the first part of Vulgrim (you can exchange a coin with him for something useful).

Climb up the nearby wall, return to the beginning of the cliff - climb the wall on the right again, stomp along the path to the other end of this very cliff. So you will go out into the field, there it's time to call your transport, on which we will go to the right along the path. If you look at the map - our goal is the Weeping Rock, there will be the already mentioned Vulgrim, a noble bar ... that is, a merchant. In addition to the abundance of useful and unique things, he can give us more and give a side quest.

Having ridden the Cursed Forest to the Izgarny Pass and having destroyed along the way everyone who interfered with the advance, get to the entrance to the Cauldron. This is the temple of fire, which just generates the same fire for the forge of the creators. Near the entrance you will see how Karn is desperately fighting against a bunch of enemies - do not leave him in trouble, help defeat them. When you're done, talk to the character we rescued, you'll find out that Corruption prevents him from becoming a hero. He will lower the bridge, so that the path to the gates of the Cauldron is open.

Inside, we activate the lever that releases the door to the next room. Open it, you will find a Shadow Bomb on the right, pick it up (key E), cling to the lever on the wall (hold down the Q key and click the middle button (wheel) of the mouse to throw). So you will open the door, behind which you will again meet with a group of opponents, break them all.

Having dealt with adversaries, you can finally explore the area normally. You will find two doors at once, and one is locked. To open it and continue the passage of Darksiders 2, you need to find the chest, in which lies the treasured key. We need to go to the next door, which, fortunately, is not closed. There is a ledge in the wall, and we use it in order to jump over the cliff. Find another ledge, climb up on it, you will see a vine there - climb down it, take the bomb and attach it to the lever.

Then enter the opened door, you will see a new kind of enemies (helper construct), eliminate them and exit through the next door. In the arena you will meet another new enemy called the Walker. The latter is at war with constructs, so I do not recommend interfering - let them destroy each other, and we will simply finish off the winners. Not far from the arena, you can find another room where there is the right key that opens the locked door.

Take it, leave the room, turn right, climb the wall to the platform below. When you reach the locked door, open it. It is necessary to roll the sphere into the hole (key E) to start the mechanism that unfolds the wall. On its second side there is a beam, along which it is quite convenient to climb up. Continue climbing the vine, advancing to another part of the Cauldron. Again you will see a beam - climb on it to the ledge, from the ledge - to the liana, down from it.

Further, in order to continue the passage of the game Darksiders 2, you need to pull the lever that lowers the grate, which blocks the exit further, you will soon stumble upon another closed door - we start searching for the key. First, enter the door on the right, it is open. There you will not be welcomed very cordially, so destroy everyone who comes to hand. Now look for a shadow bomb that needs to be attached to the Corruption that has overgrown the ball. Having freed the sphere, roll it into the hole, thereby launching the mechanism that lowers the grate - behind it you will find another sphere.

Roll it to the left hole, which is exactly to the left in relation to the central grid. The latter will drop halfway, and we need to knock the ball out of the hole. The shadow bomb will help with this again - attach it to the sphere located in the hole, it will be released, after which it is necessary to roll to the right hole from the central grate. Find the key in the chest, pick it up and run back to the previously locked door - now it is not an obstacle for you. But enemies will act as an obstacle - get rid of them.

Having reached the lever that raises the cauldron, you will see ledges on it, but on the contrary there are the same ones on the wall - it is very convenient to push from one side to the other in order to climb up. On the ledges you will get to the platform, enter the room, climb further up the wall and ledges. Now you need to pick up a shadow bomb, and then attach it to the lever. Next, go along the raised bridge, at this time the grate behind it has risen, closing the way back, and in front there is also not the most pleasant surprise in the form of a boss.