Dictionary of slang and jargon Hearthstone. Glossary (abbreviations in WWII) What is taunt

Glossary (abbreviations in WWII)

Aggro (aggro) - hatred. Characteristic of the monster, which determines the level of aggression towards the character. In a nutshell, aggro increases the more the character hits the monster or heals their allies.

Aggro Radius - The distance from the monster to the character at which the character provokes the monster's aggression.

Alt (alt) - an alternative character, in addition to the main one on your account.

Abilka (from ability) - ability.

Aggro (from aggro, synonym: hatred) is a characteristic of a mob that determines its level of aggression towards the character. The more aggro the stronger the character hits the mob or heals his allies.

Aggro-radius - the radius around the mob, when the character crosses it, the mob attacks him.

Acc - account.

Alt (from alt) - an alternative character, that is, not the main one.

Alik is an alliance player.

Auk/ak - auction.

Afk - away from the computer.

Hell/Hells are monsters that are summoned by the boss or mobs accompanying bosses in dungeons.

Aoe is an area damage spell.

AP, AR - Attack Power - Attack Power.

Buff is a useful spell that temporarily increases a character's stats.

BG (Battle Ground) - a zone designed for battles between players.

A bug is the use of incorrectly working things, talents, skills.

Buffy - a request to cast a useful buff (stamina, inta, druid's paw, etc.)

BS - blacksmithing.

Bubble (egg) - the ability of paladins to close with a magic shield, completely or partially (depending on the type of spell) absorbing damage.

Bock - (paladin skill) blessing of kings - increases all character characteristics by 10%.

BM hunt is a hunter with talents invested in the Beastmaster branch.

Barrage - Barrage - Talent Tier 5 MM-branches (shooting) of the hunter "Barrage".

Build. Spec. - Build. Spec(ialisation). - the layout of the character's talents.

Bind - from to bind - assign, assign something to something or someone.

BoE - BoE, Binds when Equipped - Binds when equipped.

BoP - BoP, Binds when Picked up - Becomes personal when picked up (as soon as it gets into your bag).

Wipe (wipe) - the death of the entire group, 90% of wipes happen due to a bad pool.

Vendor (vendor) - seller, merchant.

Warlock / Lok (from warlock) - a warlock.

Ganking, gank (ganking, gank) - killing a player several times in a row is not entirely fair. For example, an attack occurs when you have little health, etc.

GM (guild master) - the head of the guild.

Gir - gear - "body kit", "minced meat", equipment of the character;

Gem (gem) - a precious stone;

GCD - GCD, Global Cooldown - basic, "universal" cooldown: a pause, until the end of which all "special" actions / attacks are programmatically blocked, unavailable for use; "step" in 1.5 sec

Glyph (Glyph) - "symbol" (the result of the work of the Inscriber);

Damage - damage, damage, damage.

Dungeon - a dungeon, he is an instance.

Debuff is a negative spell that is cast on the target and makes them weaker. The opposite of a buff.

DoT (DoT, damage over time) - damage that is applied gradually over a fixed period of time (poison effect).

DPS (DPS, damage per second) - damage per second.

Drop / Loot (drop) - items dropped from a killed monster / boss.

Damage dealer/DD/Damager (damage dealer, DD) is a character with high DPS. A party member who deals high damage when fighting monsters (usually a mage, rogue, warlock, or hunter).

Give a party, invite to the group.

Dru druid.

Instance (instance, inst) - a dungeon designed to be passed by a group. Usually the composition of the group includes: Tank, Khila and 3DD. Items obtained on Instagram are far superior in quality than what you can buy from a regular merchant/vendor.

Inta - intelligence.

IMHO - "in my humble opinion" or "I have an opinion - you can argue with hell."

Inzha - engineering.

Improv, Improvnuty (Improved) - improved, "advanced";

Caster is a character who uses spells to damage enemies or heal other players.

Cast (cast) - impose, use a spell.

Craft, crafting (craft, crafting) - the creation of things using professions.

Crete (crit) - a critical hit. Deals increased damage.

CD / Cooldown (cooldown) - delay / time before the next use of an ability, spell or item.

Kite - causing damage to a player or monster, being out of his reach (for example: running away from him).

Loot (see drop.) - items dropped from a killed monster / boss.

Loot - rob a corpse (to loot).

lol - "lough out loud", literally "laughter without restraint", wild laughter, the word has become a noun and even an insult ... If you were told lol, then they thought that you had committed a stupid or funny act or were talking nonsense.

Mount (mount) - a mount.

Mob is a monster.

Nerf - deterioration and weakening of any skills, usually produced to balance classes.

Noob is new.

Ninja (ninja) - a character who takes loot he does not need.

Np - no problem - usually used in the sense of "no problem".

Omg - "oh my god" / "oh my god".

Persian is short for "character".

Pet is a tamed or summoned creature that obeys its owner. Usually a hunter's beast or a warlock's summoned creature.

Priest (priest) - Priest.

Pull - luring monsters to a more convenient place to fight. Usually tanks shoot in a group, i.e. they aggro / pull a small number of monsters to a convenient place for a fight.

Party - group

Port / port - teleport. Mages have the ability to create portals to various cities through which party members can travel instantly.

Pnh-mat, "went to ....."

Pro profession.

Priest (from priest) - a priest.

Proc, proc - "activation" of some ability / buff - from Talents or from a gear - having a random chance of triggering, "trinka procced" - a bonus from a trinka that has a "chance of triggering" was received.

Rep - the reappearance of something or someone in the game world (monster, mined resource, etc.)

Horns (from rogue) - a robber.

Res (resni) - a request for the resurrection of a corpse.

Rarny - random.

Roll - drawing by throwing out the largest number from 0-100. Called by the -/roll command.

RAP, Ranged AP. - RAP, Ranged Attack Power, attack power when using long-range weapons (bow / gun / crossbow).

Summon (summon) - a spell with which you can summon another player.

Skill (skill) - skill.

Spell (spell) - a spell, reception.

Stan (stun) - stunning. The character or monster becomes immobile and cannot do anything for the duration of the stun.

Tank (tank) - a character with high defense rates. Party member who takes the most damage from monsters in combat (Warrior/Paladin/Druid in Bear Form/DK Death Knight)

Twink (twink) - a low-level character dressed as a highlevel character, i.e. a character dressed in such a way that, under normal conditions, he would not have obtained this item. Also used to refer to giving items to a low-level character that they wouldn't have obtained on their own.

Taunt (taunt) - An ability that causes the monster to temporarily attack the character using the taunt, thereby "removing" the monster from a more damage-susceptible party member.

Tank - attacking monsters with a group tank. At the same time, the tank tries to take the aggro/attention of all monsters onto itself so that they do not attack group members with a lower defense indicator.

Farm (mining), farm - killing monsters multiple times in order to extract items that fall out of them (drop) or extract minerals necessary for professions.

Focus attack (focus attack) - team actions of players aimed at killing one enemy from the group.

Hits (hits, hit points, HP) - the amount of health that determines the amount of damage that a character or monster can withstand.

Hunt is a hunter.

Hill - treatment.

Khil - heal.

HP - health, the same as stamina.

epic stuff is very good quality(purple), dropping out mainly in instas from bosses.

Aggro(aggro) - hatred. Characteristic of the monster, which determines the level of aggression towards the character. In a nutshell, aggro increases the more the character hits the monster or heals their allies.

Aggro-radius(Aggro Radius) - The distance from the monster to the character at which the character causes the monster's aggression.

Alto(alt) - an alternative character, in addition to the main one on your account.

Abilka(from ability) - ability.

Akk- account. Alt (from alt) - an alternative character, that is, not the main one.

Alik- Alliance player.

Auk/ak- auction.

Afk- left the computer.

Hell/Hells-monsters that are summoned by the boss or mobs accompanying bosses in dungeons.

aoe- A spell that deals area damage.

ArP- ARP; Armor Penetration (rating) - armor penetration rating. (a factor that ignores the target's armor due to the bonus from holy things, spells, "food".)

AP, AR - Attack Power - Attack Power.

buff- a useful spell that temporarily increases the characteristics of the character.

BG(Battle Ground) - a zone designed for battles between players.

Bug- the use of incorrectly working things, talents, skills.

Buffney- a request to cast a useful buff (stamina, inta, druid's paw, etc.)

BS- blacksmithing.

bubble(egg) - the ability of paladins to close with a magic shield, completely or partially (depending on the type of spell) absorbing damage.

Side- (paladin skill) blessing of kings - increases all characteristics of the character by 10%.

bm hunt- a hunter with talents invested in the "Beast Mastery" branch.

Build. Spec. - Build. Spec(ialisation). - the layout of the character's talents.

Bindit- from to bind - to assign, fix something for something or someone.

BoE- Binds when Equipped - Binds when equipped.

BoP- Binds when Picked up - Binds when picked up (as soon as it gets into your bag).

wipe(wipe) - death of the whole group, 90% of wipes happen due to a bad pool.

Vendor(vendor) - seller, merchant.

Warlock/Lock(from warlock) - a warlock.

Gunking, ganking (ganking, gank) - killing a player several times in a row is not entirely fair. For example, an attack occurs when you have little health, etc.

GM(guild master) - the head of the guild.

gir(gear) - "body kit", "minced meat", equipment of the character.

gem(gem) - a precious stone.

GKD(GСD) Global Cooldown - basic, "universal" cooldown: a pause until the end of which all "special" actions / attacks are programmatically blocked, unavailable for use; "step" in 1.5 sec.

Glyph(Glyph) - "symbol" (the result of the work of the Inscriber).

Damage- damage, damage, damage.

dungeon- a dungeon, he is an instance.

Debuff- a negative spell that is cast on the target, and makes it weaker. The opposite of a buff.

DoT(DoT, damage over time) - damage that is applied gradually over a fixed period of time (poison action).

DPS(DPS, damage per second) - damage per second.

Drop/Loot(drop) - items dropped from a killed monster/boss.

Damage Dealer/DD/Damager(damage dealer, DD) - a character with high DPS. A party member who deals high damage when fighting monsters (usually a mage, rogue, warlock, or hunter).

Give a party- Invite to the group.


Instance(instance, inst) - a dungeon intended for passing by a group. Usually the composition of the group includes: Tank, Khila and 3DD. Items obtained on Instagram are far superior in quality than what you can buy from a regular merchant/vendor.

Inta- intelligence.

IMHO- "in my humble opinion" or "I have an opinion - you can argue with hell."

Inzha- engineering.

improvised, improvised(Improved) - improved, "advanced".

Custer(caster) - a character who uses spells to inflict damage on enemies, or to heal other players.

cast(cast) - cast, use a spell.

craft, craft(craft, crafting) - creating things with the help of professions.

Crete(crit) - critical hit. Deals increased damage.

CD/Cooldown(cooldown) - delay / time before the next use of an ability, spell or item.

kite- inflict damage on a player or monster, being out of his reach (for example: constantly running away from him).

Loot(see drop.) - items dropped from a killed monster/boss.

Loot- loot the corpse (to loot).

lol- "lough out loud", literally "laughter without restraint", wild laughter, the word has become a noun and even an insult ... If you were told lol, then they thought that you had committed a stupid or funny act or were talking nonsense.

mount(mount) - mount. Mob - monster.

nerf- deterioration and weakening of any skills, usually produced to balance classes.

noob- newbie.

Ninja(ninja) - a character who takes loot he does not need.

Np (no problem) - usually used in the sense of "no problem".

omg- "oh my god" / "oh my god".

Persian- short for "character".

pet- a tamed or summoned creature that obeys the owner. Usually a hunter's beast or a warlock's summoned creature.

Priest(priest) - Priest.

Pull- luring monsters to a more convenient place to fight. Usually tanks shoot in a group, i.e. they aggro / pull a small number of monsters to a convenient place for a fight.

party- Group.

port/port- teleport. Mages have the ability to create portals to various cities through which party members can travel instantly.

Pnkh-mat, "went to ...".


proc, proc- "switching on" some ability/buff - from talents or from some thing that has a random chance of triggering, "trinka pierced" - a bonus from a trinka with a "chance of triggering" was received.

Rep- the reappearance of something or someone in the game world (monster, mined resource, etc.).

Horns(from rogue) - a robber.

Res(resni) - a request for the resurrection of a corpse.

Rarny- random.

Roll- drawing by throwing out the highest number from 0-100. Called by the -/roll command.

RAP, Ranged AP.- RAP, Ranged Attack Power, attack power when using long-range weapons (bow / gun / crossbow).

Summon(summon) - a spell with which you can summon another player.

Skill(skill) - skill.

Spell(spell) - spell, reception.

Mill(stun) - stun. The character or monster becomes immobile and cannot do anything for the duration of the stun.

Tank(tank) - a character with high defense indicators. A group member who takes the main damage of monsters in battle (warrior / paladin / druid in the form of a bear / DK-death knight).

Twink(twink) - a low-level character dressed as a highlevel character, i.e. a character dressed in such a way that, under normal conditions, he would not have obtained this item. Also used to refer to giving items to a low-level character that they wouldn't have obtained on their own.

Taunt(taunt) - An ability that causes the monster to temporarily attack the character using the taunt, thereby "removing" the monster from a more damage-susceptible party member.

Tankuy- attacking monsters with a group tank. At the same time, the tank tries to take the aggro/attention of all monsters onto itself so that they do not attack group members with a lower defense indicator.

farm(mining), farm - multiple killing of monsters in order to extract items that fall out of them (drop) or to extract minerals necessary for professions.

Attack Focus(focus attack) - team actions of players aimed at killing one enemy from the group.

Hits(hits, hit points, HP) - the amount of health that determines the amount of damage that a character or monster can withstand.

Hunt- hunter.

hill- treatment.

Gil- heal.

HP- health, same as stamina.

epic-items of very good quality (purple), dropping out mainly in instas from bosses.

Hello, and in anticipation of the release of Naxxramas and the appearance of more newcomers, I decided to create an article that will decipher all the concepts of Hearthstone and the general slang of Hearthstone players who have been playing for more than a season. In a quiet way, you always merge into one or another slang, but when ambiguities appear, you can refer to this article. Write in the comments if I missed something and we will add to this list together!

General concepts of Hearthstone:

KKI- collectible card game

XC— hearthstone

Mana curve- mana cost chart

Matchups (match-ups)- strategies against certain classes

OTK- (from English one turn kill) - killing in one turn

Hyde- user's manual

RNG- generator random numbers

Drop- a unit that shows on what turn you can walk (how much mana the card costs) with a card without losing the potential of this card

Diz(from English disenchant) - spraying the card

Damage(from English damage) - damage

Donat— buying cards for real money

Donater- a player who invests real money in the game, often they immediately play expensive decks

Des rattle(from English Deathrattle) - death rattle

Combo- A combination of cards that deals more damage than either card alone

craft(from English craft) - creating cards from dust

noob(from English newbie) - newbie

Misclick- mouse cursor miss, a common occurrence in Hearthstone

Taunt(from English taunt) - provocation

Metagame- the popularity of certain classes and their archetypes in the ladder, i.e. a variable that changes depending on which opponent you are playing with. To take this variable into account when building a deck is to take into accountmetagame

Ladder(from English ladder) type of rating used to compile personal ratings players. In Hearthstone, assigning ranks from 25 to 1 and the Legend rank

draft- selection process random cards in the arena

Yolo Rag, Rag, Ragno- ragnaros, usually shooting in the wrong place (Only Amaz helps)

Easy turn(Eazy turn) - an easy move that does not require thought

value(Value) - the greatest benefit from the card or this situation

screaming- creature

Abbreviations for Hearthstone cards:

komonstandard map, which has for any player who has reached level 10 of this class

Rar map- rare card

epic- epic map

Legendary- legendary card

Finisher- a card that is usually used to finish off an opponent

Imba- a card that has a clear advantage

Topdek- the top card of the deck that came to us (the opponent) in the last hand or is about to come

Top decker(usually with irony) - a player who constantly/frequently receives the necessary items from the deck this moment cards

Cor map— card(s) on which the deck is based (miracle on the auctioneer)

Firewood map- a card that gives us at least 1 more card. Often referred to as a bust map

free card(Free) - basic or regular maps

free deck(Free) - a deck on some basic or ordinary cards

Hearthstone effect reductions:

Abilka, Ability- skill or ability of the hero

Aura- an effect that is temporarily or permanently applied to the character by another creature

buff- a positive effect temporarily or permanently applied to the character

Debuffnegative effect, temporarily or permanently applied to the character

nerf— decrease in the characteristics of the map, after the patch

AoE- (from the English area of ​​effect "impact on the area") - the property of the card or its ability to deal damage in a specific area, and not on a single target

Salo, silence- dumbness

Removal(from English removal) - a destroying spell

Skill- skill

Spell- spell

Abbreviations of the stages of the game:

muligan— the process of replacing unwanted cards in starting hand, for the more necessary ones, by resetting the first ones, as a rule, more expensive drops are thrown off in the hope of having cheaper ones

Earliheim(from English Early game) - First stage games

Midgame(from English Middle game) - the middle of the game

Leith(from English Late game) - late phase of the game

flew- the moment of the game when the damage from your cards and creatures on the board is enough to finish off the hero and win the game

Hero and Resource Cuts:

Var(from English Warrior) - Warrior

Lock, Warlock(from English Warlock) - Warlock

Priest(from English Priest) - Priest

Pal, Palych— paladin

Horns(from English Rogue) - Rogue

Hunt, Hunter, Hunter(from English Hunter) - Hunter

Hill(from English Healer) - healer

Deca- Card deck

top deck- best deck

Daylik- a task that is given daily

Quest- exercise

Gold(from English gold) - gold

Booster— a packed expert set of 5 random cards, with at least one of the cards having the quality of a rare card

Face hero

Hand- cards in hand

HP(from English Heal Point) - health

Token- any creature, usually created using spells, abilities, or properties of other creatures.

Archetypes of different classes in Hearthstone:

archetype- the main tactic of this deck, based on the backbone of the cards that lie in all decks of this archetype

Meta- an archetype of a class that has some advantage in the current season

Rush- aggressive deck

Control- a deck based on board control, even neglecting damage to the face

Handlock (Handlock)— A Warlock deck based on Molten Giant and

Freeze Mage, Frost Mage, Freeze Mage- Mage deck based on freeze spells and mostly single-spell finishing moves

Face Hunter- Hunter's aggro deck that hits clean in the face

Shokadin, Shockadin- Agro-Paladin deck based on Divine Grace and lots of small drops

Control Warrior- A Warrior deck based on armor accumulation and board control, placing fat creatures behind in a row

I look forward to your comments and additions in the comments! Let's make the most complete Hearthstone dictionary together!

Hearthstone slang is a mix of slang from the games in the series Warcraft, Magic: The Gathering and old ancient Uryuk, which began in CBT (closed beta). Where did all these hunts, priests and locks come from? Everything is simple. A game you probably haven't heard of (just kidding) World of Warcraft was originally without the support of the Russian language. The Russian language officially appeared there 4 years later in 2008 after the release in 2004. But people who, before the newcomers, decided to imagine themselves as experts, continued to communicate in English terms, but in Russian letters.

The newcomers took it as an insult to their psyche and began to cry about incomprehensible terms and abbreviations that defy ordinary logic. The fact is that those who wanted to appear oldfags to the newcomers began to unsuccessfully adopt the vocabulary of the established boys. The stupidity of both consisted in the dumbest intransigence.

What should have been done? After the release of the Russian version World of Warcraft adherents of the original had to stay on European or American servers, and those who switched had to start communicating with each other in normal Russian Aschenval language. The anger of this dispute could extinguish ordinary dictionary terms and a more tolerant attitude of both sides towards each other. That's all.

No, they started the Vine, what with what ... Ashenval began to be called Ashenvale Forest and away we go. I was a witness to all this - I have been playing WoW since May 2005 (casually). XS is based on WoW lore, so most of the terms migrated from there to here.

Dictionaries were, are and will be. I offer my version, which will be updated. I want to feel like a Dalem of the 21st century. 🙂


AOE- (from the English area of ​​effect - "impact on the area") - the property of a skill, spell, item, etc. affect not a specific target, but a certain area, affecting all (or a certain number) of characters located in this area.

Exodia / Exodia- a type of decks whose winning conditions are absolutely independent of the opponent's state of affairs. You just need to meet certain conditions for the opponent to be defeated. A striking example is the deck of a paladin who needs to collect 4 cards of the Black Riders on the board in order to destroy an opponent. A large layer of such decks appeared in The Boomsday Project with the advent of the Mecha-C'Thun card. Compliance with the conditions of his death rattle leads to the death of the opponent. The mage deck on the task with Antonidos, when the enemy is shot with endless Fireballs, can be attributed to the same decks.

This archetype is named after mechanics card game Yu Gi Oh, where in case of collecting all 5 monster parts Exodia the player automatically wins the match.

GG- (from English good game - good game) is usually pronounced after a match, when the game was fair and exciting, regardless of the result.

Handlock- a deck of a warlock on giants.

HS— Hearthstone.

mana curve- A chart that shows how many cards and what value there are in the deck.

Matchups- strategies against certain classes.

Miracle Rogue (Miracle-horns) is a Rogue deck based on the Auctioneer Goblin.

Misplay- make the wrong move.

OTK- (from the English one turn kill - killing in one move).

RNG (Random Name Generator)- random number generator, aka random.

SMOrc- (from the English Space Marine Orc - came from the game Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine - Space Marine Orc) a strategy in which you hit your opponent in the face, ignoring his creatures on the board. This was originally an emote on twitch.tv that depicted an evil orc. It was usually used by commentators when a streamer hit an opponent in the face.

Tier- (from English - level). Deck/archetype or class power level. Decks are divided into the following power levels:

  • Tier S- super decks that break and build for themselves most of the meta.
  • Tier 1- well-optimized decks containing effective and powerful combinations and synergies. Losing to such decks looks helpless and unfair.
  • Tier 2- competitive decks that have multiple weaknesses(like the return of cards or the sequence of drawing them from the deck). However, they can beat higher class decks with additional customization.
  • Tier 3- mid-level decks that are neither bad nor good. They are not optimized enough to be among the meta favorites.
  • Tier 4- controversial decks that don't have their own charm, can be narrow-profile or already used material. To win over decks high level requires a deep understanding of the role of each card in the deck.
  • Tier 5- funny decks. Used for enjoyment gameplay not for the sake of winning.

UTH (Unleash The Hounds)- the hunter's spell "Let the dogs down."

Watcher Druid is a druid deck based on Ancient Vigilants, which are initially cheap, but useless without additional impact.

Zoo (zoo) is an aggro deck for the Warlock, where he often uses his Hero Power to summon new creatures.

Abilka- A character's skill or ability.

Armor- (from English armor - armor).

archetype- a type of decks united by a common feature. Examples of archetypes would be odd rogue, zookeeper, deathrattle hunter, etc. Detailed article you can look at most popular archetypes.

Aura- A buff permanently applied to the character by another creature. As long as that creature is alive, and the bonus is intact, they die together.

buff— a positive effect, temporarily or permanently imposed on the character.

Punch in the face- hit directly at the hero, bypassing his creatures. It is important that his provocateurs do not stand in the way or beat with spells that bypass them. Aggro deck tactics.

Fatig- (from the English fatigue - fatigue) - the stage of fatigue, when the player has no cards left in the deck. However, instead of stretching new card his hero takes damage calculated by the formula arithmetic progression: damage(n) = damage(n-1) + 1 , where n - the number of the card drawn after the onset of the fatigue stage.

Finisher- A card that is usually used to finish off an opponent's hero.

fake- fake. Most often, fake versions of alleged new cards are published in Hearthstone. Now there are many online editors that allow you to concoct any map without Photoshop that will not stand out from the design of the game.

highlander- (from English highlander - highlander). An archetype of decks that work on mechanics based on the Reno principle. Those. you need to make a deck of 30 unique cards no repeats. The list of cards in the deck is long, which served as a slang comparison with a high mountain.

Hype- hype, excitement (from the English hype). Often associated with the PR of some professional Hearthstone players or the hype around some of the archetypes that roam the meta.

Hunt, hunter- hunter (from English hunter).

hater- (from the English hate - hatred). A creature that viciously minuses all notes / videos of the author, regardless of their quality. The reasons are simple: personal dislike for the author, the intrigues of competitors, schizoness, the desire to express oneself at the expense of others or to attract attention to oneself. There are no age restrictions here. If you constantly go to some resource in order to put a minus or send an angry comment, then this is you.

Hill(er)- doctor.

HP- health (from English hit points)

XC— Hearthstone.

epic- epic map.

Send your terms to replenish the dictionary.

Taunt I

1. n

1. poisonous mockery; causticity

2. bitter reproach

3. mouth ridicule

2. v

1. mock; speak taunts; pry off

to taunt smb. into doing smth. - ridicule a person to smb., provoke smb. on smth. with their ridicule

at last he taunted me beyond endurance - in the end, I could not stand his mockery

2. (with) to reproach evilly, to throw insulting reproaches

to taunt smb. with cowardice - blame someone. in cowardice

3. tease, tease

II a sea

very tall ( about the mast)

New large English-Russian dictionary. 2001 .

See what "taunt" is in other dictionaries:

    Taunt- Taunt, a. (Naut.) Very high or tall; as, a ship with taunt masts. Totten. …

    Taunt- Taunt, n. upbraiding language; bitter or sarcastic reproach; insulting invective. With scoffs, and scorns, and contemelious taunts. Shak. With sacrilegious taunt and impious jest. prior. … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    taunt- taunter; taunt ing ly; taunt; … English syllables

    Taunt- Taunt, v. t. To reproach with severe or insulting words; to revive; to upbraid; to jeer at; to float.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    taunt- [n]provocation; teasing backhanded compliment*, barb, brickbat*, censure, comeback, crack, cut, derision, dig, dirty dig*, dump, gibe, insult, jab, jeer, mockery, outrage, parting shot*, put down*, reproach, ridicule, sarcasm, slam*, slap*,… … New thesaurus

    taunt- index badger, bait (harass), denigrate, discompose, disparage, jape, jeer, mock (… Law dictionary

    taunt- (v.) 1510s, possibly from M.Fr. tanter, tenter to tempt, try, provoke, variant of tempter to try (see TEMPT (Cf. tempt)). Or from M.Fr. tant pour tant so much for so much, tit for tat, on notion of sarcastic rejoinder. Related: Taunted; taunting … Etymology dictionary

    taunt- vb mock, deride, *ridicule, twit, rally Analogous words: *scoff, jeer, gibe, flout: affront, insult, *offend, outrage: scorn, disdain, scout (see DESPISE): chaff, *banter … New Dictionary of Synonyms

    taunt- NOUN ▪ a jeering or mocking remark made in order to wound or provoke. VERB ▪ provoke or wound with taunts. DERIVATIVES taunter noun. ORIGIN from French tant pour tant like for like, tit for tat … English terms dictionary

    taunt- taunt1adj. very tall: said of a ship's mast taunt2 vt. [ ? Fr tant pour tant, tit for tat] 1. to reproach in scornful or sarcastic language;… … English World dictionary

    Taunt- A taunt is a battle cry, a method in hand to hand combat, sarcastic remark, or insult intended to make the other feel miserable and powerless. Taunting is a form of social competition, of which purpose is to gain control of the target's cultural… … Wikipedia


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