Tom Clancy double agent walkthrough. Passage of game Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Double Agent. Infiltrating a geothermal station

Before we start i want to get a few things out of the way.

The steam version of the game is not patched, you can find the patch here:

The reason that patch 1.02a is important is because it fixes the unlockables bug, basically even if you unlock the things by completing star marked objectives, the game will not let you use them in the next missions, now most of the unlockables are not that important, but the one that will make a difference is the hack device v2.0, because in later missions it will help a lot with the hacking, if you try to hack in later missions with the v1.0, it will be very hard as there is very little time and the decryption will be very slow getting the numbers, many times making you fail the hack and if your lucky getting the hack done with 1 second remaining.
Your peripheral vision must be really alert for this to work consistently, especially if you are doing no save dry runs only to fail at a hack later in the mission and have to restart all over.

The patch also fixed the shadows for me, i had no shadows as you can see in my first couple of missions.There is also a tweaked .ini that you can find easily by searching the steam hub guide or a google search, that supposedly fixes the shadows dynamic range and other glitches but i have not tried it.

if you get an error: "Unable to retrieve installation folder, aborting!" when trying to install the patch, you don't need to copy the patch inside the game folder like some people claim. You only need to launch and run the game once and exit and then the patch will work as intended.

Also there have been people saying that the patch did not fix the unlockables bug for them, that is because of the save data information, if you load a save game from a time line where you didn't have patch 1.02a installed, the unlockables will not work because that data is pertinent to the very initial release of the game, but you don"t need to create a new profile, just instead of loading a save game, load a mission instead and go from there and your unlockables will work then.

Also make sure you run the patch with administrator privileges.

Also the sound bug, the audio effects and ambient slider are set by default at 50, if you move the sliders or toggle the music option off, you will get no sound ingame and very low music in the menu, i dont know a fix for this, what i did was reinstall the game and it fixed it for me.

Also on a side note the game has some considerable amount of bugs but we can work around them as you will see.

In the last mission (JBA HQ 4) if you are getting a freeze or a crash on the final swat cut scene, just change your resolution to 1024x768 after you disable the bomb and after the cut scene starts.

Also if you want the bonus mission NYC coast Guard Mission you have to save 2 out of 3 targets and have NSA trust above 33%.

The three targets are the cruise ship in JBA HQ part 2, if you frame Enrica she dies and you don't lose any JBA trust, if you block the signal Enrica dies and you lose JBA trust, if you destroy the Cozumel cruise ship Enrica lives and you lose NSA trust which you can back later anyway.
Other targets are Hisham in the Kinshasa mission and Lambert in the JBA HQ part 4.

Finally i play the game in the most professional way possible, the way i feel Sam Fisher would do it and the way the game is meant to be played, and for the most part this were dry runs no save missions, if fail restart mission, which was quite challenging.


Nothing much to say about this mission, it is pretty simple and straight forward.

At 8:24 there is a small building to the left with a guard and a computer inside which you can use to open the gate instead of just cutting the electric power to the fence, you can hack the computer without the guard being alert to your presence.

At 10:33 you can also go left and take the bottom route to come up the stairs and go to the upper platform instead of using the pipe route.

Once you reach the missile silo perimeter i only know of this way to reach 100%, timing and method is important, and sometimes is left to randomness as guards are tricky and very sharp and their patrol routines and behavior changes, so sometimes it is not unlikely to fail. Any other methods i have tried did not result in the 100% stealth score.


At 2:55 after you drop down, sometimes the guard will notice the ceiling door is open and sometimes he wont, it is random.

At 7:12 you don't need to drop a smoke tactic there i just did it as good measure because sometimes they do see you, i did no save runs, so i adopted a safe behavior, but you can just roll there most of the times and get away with it.

At 7:45 sometimes the benches are there for cover and sometimes they aren't, i am not sure if this is a dynamic level random change built within the game or if it is just a bug.

After this the climbing the control tower can be done also differently by using outside pipes to climb.


At 3:00 you don't need to pick the lock and go trough the timed lasers, you can just just climb the pimp to your right and go safely above it all.


Now the fun begins.

This mission is different from the normal splinter cell parameters, it actually allows you to kill or take enemies out in a non lethal way without losing any score at all.

Video one is a perfectionist run without touching a single enemy, i have seen people doing it with smoke grenades to reach the detonation hacking device, but i feel those tactics are quite unrealistic, because if enemies see smoke in the camp they would know a threat is there and the whole camp would be on full alert, instead of just wondering what is going on, so to keep it in the most realistic way possible i avoid those tactics unless i absolutely have to.

At 5:03 it is critical that you do the crouch roll because if you don't and you are just crouch moving the guard will see a considerable glance you something he feels that needs to be investigated, and he will come to your position breaking the routine of the guard near the detonation hacking device looking at the big cooking fire and then you wont be able to hack the device without some ruthless action.So the trick is to actually roll on that precise moment and then the guard will see something but not enough to come investigate and break the other guard routine, he will remain inside the building.

When you detonate the explosives a guard will be killed in the blast, don't forget to put his body in the water, like i did at 7:02.

This next video is also part one but i kill everyone instead in a stealth behavior.

Now part 2 is where the fun truly begins, there is a lot of confusion about this mission because people where not getting 100% due to bodies found, some believed that you needed to drop the bodies out of the ship, some believed that it was the explosion body of part 1. The truth is it has nothing to do with part 1 explosion body or dropping bodies out of the ship.

You can hide the bodies inside the ship on crates, and as a matter of fact the upper deck guards you can leave their bodies as is, no need to move them.

The first part after you board the ship is really complicated and tricky, guards get easily alerted for nothing at all and the game attributes different random elements to guard routines depending on how and where and how fast you boarded the ship, so it is very intricate and takes quite a lot of time to find every route and possibilities.

The guard at 7:14 on the above platform from the regular level will see guard bodies even if there is snowstorm making it impossible for him to see, he will still see them, even if they are hidden behind crates or machinery, so it is important that you clear the first left side leaving the bodies out of his line of sight.

A good measure for this is if you see the guard beacons on the radar red, chances are you will not be getting that 100%, even if the general status is not red alert.

One important pattern to avoid in the beginning of part two, if you do this:

You will get a body found at the end.The two enemies are talking to each other, lets call them guard 1 and guard 2, if you knock out the ice guard 1 will come investigate, and guard 2 will remain in place, if you swim and take guard 2 out, guard 1 will come see what happened to guard 2 due to the noise you made, now sometimes as guard 1 runs back quickly he will see you even if you are under the water and red alert, but if you "re fast enough he wont, the problem is even if he wont see you this still counts as a body found, now is it a bug or did they intended for this to be like this i don"t know, it does make sense because they were talking and all of a sudden ice starts breaking on one side and then ice breaks down on the other side and his buddy disappears out of nowhere so............most definitely avoid this, i was doing it countless times only to finish the mission with one body found and it was this one which i never even tough of it.

So lets get to the actual part two, i did use lethal action, but it really doesn't matter because you would have to neutralize them anyway and the difference between lethal and non lethal is what button you press and i like the knifing move better than the punch one.

Now the first 3 guards you can actually leave them untouched and just move on to the ship, you can break the ice and let the confusion end and then look when the guards are not looking and just jump into the water.

At 2:28 i used the rope but you can also use the boat lift to the left side to board the ship.
Once i boarded the ship everything i do has a meaning and triggers other elements and guard actions and routines so timing and position is very important.

At 4:22 the body position of that guard is perfect because it is immediately directly below the upper platform where the eagle eye guard is and thankfully he does not see him usually, sometimes he does but rarely, it is a game of chance, high stakes.If you notice also his body drops in a way that he is flowing with the wall direction and not towards the back of the ship so it is perfect.

At 4:40 is imperative that you knockout that guard and not get lethal fifth freedom on him because if you knife him the guard on the opposite side of the crates will hear it and no more 100%, also make sure you hide his body where i did otherwise the guard going for the upper deck will him even tough he has see crates and machinery making him out of his line of sight.

Again keep in mind timing and position is critical on this part before the ship crew part.There are at least another 4 unique ways of doing it, but this one is my favorite because u get to drop like a bad ninja on that guard at 7 :10, dropping that knowledge on him.
If you get even the slightest alert of noise, or red beacons on the radar, forget your 100% most likely.

The guard at 7:58 is imperative that you knock him out and not knife him because the other guard will hear it if you do and all of a sudden the situation gets quite interesting.
Same with the guard at 8:10, don "t knife him or the guard on the last upper deck directly above you will hear it and see the body.
As you can see i hidden the bodies of the lower platform on the middle behind the crates just as good measure.
The guard at 12:48 is bugged and is constantly on walking animation without moving, so you have to draw his attention otherwise he won't move anywhere.

At 17:00 as you can see i hidden the crew bodies on the shadow location, but i do not think it is needed.

After 18:00, after the captain runs, the 3 guard bodies i hidden them inside the container in the shadow location, but again i do not think it is needed, just as good measure.
Also hidden the body of the guard at 26:08 in the shadow area in the hallway, but i do not think it is needed.
After that the last two guards you can just ignore them, the killing quota for the mission has ended with the guard at 26:08.

If you want an easier alternative route approach to the captain at 27:29 you can use the stairs on your right side and go up to find the main entrance to the location where the captain is, if you do choose this route you will encounter a guard to deal with, either by passing him or dealing with him directly, the other guard is on the lower deck.

Major bug that happens quite often, at 28:10 if you take too long to get on the platform and hanging in the above rain ledge, the captain walks to the left side and turns his line of sight to every possible area where you can surface from, and because it is all light and no shadows makes it impossible to finish the mission.If so just reload the checkpoint, what you can do to prevent this, be really fast to go and hang on the rail ledge, or also sometimes as he walks to the center get directly beneath him and a bit to the left, this forces him to take the right path.


Another one with some tricky behaviors.

At 8:54, make sure you are all the way to the left, as far as you can go, because the guard will see you if you don´t.Also before you that window make sure he was already passed the corner climb of the wall because sometimes he will see you if you move to the right while hanging on the ledge as if he has eagle eyes, seeing trough walls and stuff.

After this guard you can take the route i did with the vents all the way to the meeting room or at 9:55 go left instead of right to find an elevator to the meeting room, but this is a messy route.

At 13:30 you can use the dragon statue to drop down instead of the elevators but it is messy and you will take damage and this is not the way Sam Fisher would do it.

At 15:02 there is a guard smoking, he is also sick, sneezing and coughing and sometimes he will be dead in that elevator lobby instead of coming to the window to smoke, i don't know if this is a bug or if it was intended this way as a dynamic level change behavior.

As you can see at 16:34 i placed the wall mine to kill Aswat in that wall near the elevator lobby and not at 17:05 at his hotel room entrance, the reason for this is because if you place it near the elevator lobby Aswat will be dead sooner and faster resulting in you not losing so much JBA trust as they wait for you in the helicopter.

But there is a catch to this, once you crack the safe you must do like i do at 18:48, you must go to the door and watch Aswat talk to the other guard in the elevator lobby, this triggers the event for him to start moving towards this hotel room and get blown up by our wall mine, but be careful just stay within an inch of the hotel room door like a did in the shadow, if u walk even a bit further he will see a glance of something suspicious and most likely he will walk in the opposite direction of our wall mine and everything is ruined because we are on a time sensitive event.
So it is very important to go to the door and watch him talk to the other guard to trigger that event so he starts moving, if you crack the safe and wait for him inside the hotel room, he will never come, i don't know if this is a bug or intended for you to go look for him.


Nothing really much to say on this one, i didn't do the training course because it is just repetitive, it is the same thing as in JBA HQ part 1 and it doesn't count towards the 100%.

I did do the firing range if you beat the score the guy on the weapons cabinet room will say a unique phrase like "You shoot better than Moss, but don"t tell him i said it", or something along those lines.

Major bug, you can"t access Emile personnel quarters because the door is bugged and you don"t have the interaction to open it making it impossible to get his professional background info, you can get this later on on JBA HQ part 3, if you really want to get it done on part 2, you can wait for Emile to open the door for you, he goes into his quarters after you crack the safe and scan the blueprints, after he opens the door use your sound emitter towards his office entrance door or shelves and as he goes investigate go into his quarters or you can wait for him to open the door and as soon as he starts moving you start moving towards the door too, if your hiding on the corner of the bookshelf parallel to that door like at 27:32 you probably can get to the door as it it about to close and if the door is not totally closed you will be able to use the interaction to open it.


At 8:44 there is a major bug, if you let the conversation take place, one of the guards comes out trough the right side door, and after a few seconds the second guard will come out the left door, problem is the left door is bugged, it is a double door so when the guard opens it another comes from the wall and the path stays blocked and the guard remains frozen in the walk animation while sitting there still making it impossible for you to get past this part without force, to go around this just do like i did, and get their attention and the guards path will change to the right door or the other guard will keep the left one open for him.

At 17:46 if you are not fast enough moving after they cross the corner those two guards will always get suspicious once they reach the upper deck even tho you didn't make any noise and they haven't seen anything, it is a bug , if you are fast enough good, if not they will come to investigate and eventually go away.


Nothing much to say about this mission.

I did the firing range again just to beat the previous score, did 116 on this runs, my personal best was 120.

I didn't do the training course as it is repetitive, it is the same as previous JBA HQ parts and it doesn't count towards the 100% stealth score.

The decryption puzzle is in the video, but here is an image with the solution anyway, the order goes from left to right and then down and again left to right and so on.

Here is the video:


All right, so into this great but bugged mission.

First thing, on part 2 you cannot prevent the execution (NSA objective) because if you do you will get a deduction in percentage and no 100%, you will get deducted for knocking two enemies out and for bodies found, i even tried hiding the bodies inside the house to no success and it wouldn't matter because just for knocking them out you get deducted.

Second thing no matter what i tried, if i wanted to save Hisham in the end i would always get a body found and 80% stealth score which was from the guy we must kill in order to save Hisham, now this is one of the options they give you and therefor it should not count towards a body found, but it does, i tried killing that guard in different positions as he moves inside the palace in the hopes that somehow his body drops in a place that the two guards that come after wouldn't see his body but no joy, in the end one body found, mission is bugged if you do choose to save Hisham you wont get 100%.

Keep in mind if you kill Hisham part 3 of the mission will not be unlocked and mission will be over then.

Now the good news is if you do kill Hisham you will get the 100%. If you make it a point in saving Hisham because of the 2 out of 3 targets just take the -20% deduction and after you beat and finish the game, repeat the mission and kill him to get that 100%.

This first video is the one where i choose to save Hisham and unlock part 3, and i guarantee you this is 100% but the mission is bugged and because of that body i get 80%.

At 3:10 i am aware that i don't need to use the glass cutter, there is a window on the left side with no glass, but i feel that the way the game was intended to be played like Sam Fisher would is by using the glass cutter.Also you don"t really need to hang on the ledge and climb the pipe there is an alternative route to the left side, stairs going up.

On a side note at 5:20 right in front if you climb the balcony and hang on the outer side, the guard will see you trough the wall, it is a bug.

In this run i show you at 17:00 the most stealth way to get to the first chaotic fighting part, just be careful at 17:18 the dying enemy drops a frag grenade to commit suicide so you must be fast and get out of that building.

Also at 19:08 i use the truck underneath, to travel safely and undetected to the camp.
At 20:24 it is important that once you cut the tent material you go inside and hide, if you stay by the place where you cut the tent the guard on the computer will not leave to go talk to the arriving helicopter guards ruining your chance to retrieve the plans from the computer undetected and without fuss.

At 27:08 going down the rope sometimes you get detected with red alert, i am not sure if it is the guards from part 2 in the camp that see or the guards ahead that see me trough walls or if it just a bug.

At 27:32 as you can see it is possible to cross that firefight zone and avoid being hit by the blind fire, its just timing the shots and a bit of luck.Sometimes at 27:42 you need to crouch roll there to avoid some blind fire.

Now on this next video, i get the 100% but i killed Hisham, i also show you in part 2, another two alternative routes, the upper balcony at 16:34 and the minefield at 18:50.

If you decide to prevent the execution you can do it like this below:

Or you can drop a gas grenade on them to the same effect, again if you do knock this enemies out you wont get the 100%.

To finalize, the firefight near the bus accident, it is high stakes chances, very rarely you can go trough it all without using smoke grenades, most times it is better to use smoke to conceal your movement, and that is a war zone so it is not that unthinkable smoke is being deployed by one of the two factions fighting, Sam has that going for him, it is realistic.
The guard routines and behaviors there, are very random to, so it might take a couple of tries to get trough there without being detected.


All right, first thing is this mission is bugged, every time no matter what you do you will get 99% stealth score, that is due to a NBR of Bullets Fired, the game detects that you fired a bullet and deducts you 1% and that is the bullet that we use to kill either Jamie or Lambert, but that is one of the objectives so it should not be deducted, and in the console version it is not, so this mission is bugged and i will prove it later when i display the mission list stealth score, because there the stealth score for this mission is 100%, the game does correct it there.

Second thing, you cant knock Emile out to scan his retina if you want the 100%, the body will be found even tough it is inside the bomb control room in the shadows, or if you hide it somewhere else for that matter, you will get deducted for a body found -20%. If you want to scan his retina, you can repeat it later again.

At 13:10 that guard is not always there, it is random, also it may have to do with the fact that at 10:24 as you can see that guard was already suspicious over nothing and then when i dropped down from the rail i didn't crouch as i fell so i made some noise and that got him even more alerted to the point that he didn't follow his normal routine of going to the right side down the stairs and look at the wreckage blocked path near the door hacking device, this might have triggered some alert also that have led to that guard at 13:10 being there, but i am sure he isn't always there.

At 15:48 you don't need to go all the way around like i did, i just do it like that because i feel it is the way splinter cell is meant to be played and how Sam Fisher would do it.But you can just distract the guards either by making them see a glance of you or by using the sound emitter right from there.

Now on the final showdown part, this part is incredibly bugged and it is frustrating.

At 16:15 many times the guards will ignore the sound emitter making it very hard for you to pass that part, when i mean many times i do mean many many times.

At 16:42 as you can see Emile and the guards will very often ignore your whistles and noise emitter making it extremely hard and frustrating to do this part specially if you are doing dry runs no saves fail restart mission type of thing like i did. What i find to be more consistent in drawing their attention is smoke grenades and that is what eventually worked for me.All guards on this area including Emile will many times ignore whistles and sound emitter, really i mean a lot, sometimes it gets pathetic. It is the most bugged part in the whole game specially because you require and depend on such distractions to get that 100%.

It took me a lot of tries to get this done right, and it wasn't because i didn't know how to do it, it is just because its completely random, sometimes it bugs out and sometimes it does not, sometimes the guards also react to your distractions but they bump into each other wasting precious time for you to go inside and handle the bomb, like for instance you distract Emile and the two guards on the door with a whistle and by a miracle they do hear you and start coming to you they bump into each other and your chance is blown or Emile stays in front of a guard for 40 seconds and so on, you can see on my run that even with the first smoke grenade i got Emile's attention but not the two guards.

It will take a lot of tries so good luck.It is completely random how they will react and sometimes the smallest guard movement or detail might ruin it all.Or even how many times you got it all going well and Emile and the guards are coming back and you need a distraction but you are out of smoke grenades and the sound emitter just wont work no matter where you aim because they ignore it.
Thank you for watching and for reading.

Game: Platform: PC Genre: action Release date: November 8, 2006 Developer: Ubisoft Milan, Ubisoft Shanghai, Ubisoft Annecy Publisher: Ubisoft Entertainment Publisher in Russia: GFI / Russobit-M / Hunt We have a series coming soon Splinter Cell ordinary and understandable affairs have developed completely for themselves. Once a year Ubisoft, pushing hard, brings out another part of this spy bestseller about the three-eyed spy of all trades. Once a year we buy it, inspect it, conclude that a list of innovations, carelessly drawn in a sweeping handwriting, would fit on a napkin, note that the graphics have taken a very impressive step forward and play for some time, at times purring with pleasure or unprintably expressing our worldview about gameplay. Truth, Splinter Cell only once evoked purely negative emotions: it was during the period Pandora Tomorrow, which was riveted by developers from the division Ubisoft Shanghai...
New game - Double Agent- vowed to amaze with unusual plot twists. Like, and Sam will become a real bastard, and only a member of the Academy will be able to understand the twists and turns of the story. We willingly believed and turned our spreading ears to wise PR people Ubisoft wrapped around them another kilo or two of noodles repeatedly boiled in the sweetest syrup. But personally, my rose-colored glasses naturally broke when it was reported that the main piece of the fourth iteration (except for the rudimentary network component) was being developed by the aforementioned Shanghai. I did not expect anything good from a team that failed once. And, as annoying as it sounds, he was right.

"Great story" mean? Give me two!

Sam Fisher did not get lucky, as, for sure, only a secret superspy can be unlucky. Fate, which up to this time had protected Sam's short-cropped head, got tired of showing signs of goodwill to the unappreciative warrior and paid off in full. First, a friend and colleague died. He, let's be honest ahead of himself, was much more in the way under his feet and most of all resembled the 3rd oak from the left, but nevertheless, he honestly completed his task of knocking out a tear sprinkled with popcorn. Later, Fisher's daughter died in a traffic accident (really!) The fat-skinned reviewer doesn't care enough about the death of the supporting cameo, and in general it seems to him that with the disappearance of this capricious creature, the agents will only just finish distracting the constant calls like: "Dad, I'm afraid that I'll be kidnapped. I'm scared. Throw everything, come." But Sam was saddened to glory, so that even the daily work (well, there, save the world, send the president with a machine-tractor name to Valhalla) does not go well. Sensitive Lambert from the National Security Agency - an agency for intelligence and suppression of the plans of any villains - figured out how to help him. And the whole point is to send Sam on such a task, during which his highly professional brains do not have a single unnecessary point of application of efforts, not counting the mission itself.
No sooner said than done. Fisher is entrusted to infiltrate the heart of the John Brown Army, formally an association fighting for freedom and independence (all of them are not enough), practically a terrorist gang, the entire management of which is guided in acts, apparently, by the advice of the right shoe. By the way, JBA favorites dubbed her with intent: John Brown is officially considered the first South American abolitionist, that is, a fighter against slavery!
Management John Brown Army - three bright and memorable faces. 1st, favorite, ideologist and teacher of the "liberation" movement Emile Dufre. Despite such an honorable role, he is more engaged in deeds unworthy of a real Indian: he trades in weapons, condones terrorist acts and really wants to undermine democracy to hell. Enrica Villablanca is an ordinary JBA fighter, and at the same time a woman, designed to again show the audience that evil is not complete, the beaver will overcome the donkey, killing him with special cynicism, and in general, once you see an overgrown, gloomy and brutal Sam, you will immediately fall in love with him, sending far away terrorist romance. You heard right, friends, this girl adds some hint of a future love line to the game. Well, the backlog is good, and this thought usually completely rolls over. The last one, Carson Moss, the entity is simply Emil's right and left hand. Although, judging by his playing role, it is faster than Emil's boots, with which he kicks, or a finger that presses the trigger at the right time. Despite the fact that the characters came out quite solid, the study of morals and behavior leaves lust and lust. The head of a bad group with an unusual motivation and a bunch of cockroaches in his head, his stupid but executive deputy and a lady who, by the will of fate, recognized in the representative of the enemy camp the one whom she had been expecting all her life - these are types that have become boring to the point of a soapy aftertaste, but if they seem to you fresh and not moth-eaten, then you are, perhaps, an alien, and at the same time I welcome you to our benevolent world.

Solidin Fisher Sneikovich

Having successfully infiltrated the JBA, Sam Fisher will find himself between 2 fires, and it is up to the player to solve certain deeds that turn out to be more profitable for one of the groups during the assignments received. The more we cater to the NSA, the more Lambert trusts us, and the less the unbearable "Load" function appears under bright eyes. We try to get out of our pants in order to impress Emil, and the NSA begins to hint so transparently that it’s not worth falling on the black side, and, if necessary, will back up their words with the same unforgettable “Load”. For example, the active shooting of the civilian population, which is in sight, may appeal to Emil, or he will react to this with due indifference. But Lambert will begin to write with boiling water and admonish the overplayed agent with strong expressions.

In order to make it easier for the player to get into the difficulties of the NSA and JBA relations, two scales are attached to the interface. One indicates the attitude of terrorists towards you, the other, respectively, the guardians of the purity of the star-striped flag. For a successful passage of the game, it is important to maintain a balance between these 2 jealous people, and decide for yourself whether we will shoot these completely innocent loaders or pull the stupid CIA officer out of the line of fire.

Fueling the enthusiasm for exploring various decision-making options, the creators have prepared as many as three endings, one of which is blurry and incomprehensible - it will appear in this case if you have not decided in whose garden to throw bricks. 2nd - excellent and covered with rose petals, it can be seen only if Emil's inhuman demands are made to a minimum. 3rd - only bad, and you can see this if you often turn yourself into an infernal creature and cut everyone, because of whom they will not force you to reboot. But I would still not recommend that you study them all. The fact is that none of them completes the story, facilitating the work of the brain of developers in the development of the next part (Conviction, by the way, its officially declared title).

The biggest disappointment is, of course, the design and development of the levels. Let's start with the fact that they are not enough here. 10 missions spread over 7 levels. Almost all of them are secondary through and through and impudently pulled together from the previous parts. Most borrowed from Chaos Theory. Congo, shrouded in permanent civil war, is, in fact, one to one Seoul. The ships that were brought this time, guided by a good principle, two pieces, were also in the third part. Four missions are generally located at the same location, specifically, at the headquarters of John Brown's Army, with the only difference being that with each new offensive, new corridors and rooms become available to this citadel of world anarchism. It is very uncivilized, revered by Ubisoft Shanghai, to declare the next tourist trip along the already beaten path to the animal's lair as a full-fledged sortie into the enemy's camp in order to mix all the cards for him. It is absolutely sad that two conscientiously worked out and atmospheric missions - an escape from a prison in Kansas and a trip through the Icelandic fells - are obscenely short and run over a cup of morning coffee. The apotheosis of nonsense is the Russian tanker "Rublev" frozen into the ice pit, on the side skin of which the resilient "NO SMOKING" is imprinted. This phrase should be carved on a marble board and hung in the hall of the central office. Ubisoft, and unscrupulous game designers, first of all, to flog, and later to train to use the help of consultants or sane dictionaries, and forget about crooked online translators once and for all.

The set of instructions is standard. Leak into the office, play with the computer and extract a certain amount of valuable bytes from it. Sneak into the enemy base and pull off the package with hidden documents. Quietly eliminate any person interfering with the normal functioning of one of the organizations. I'm writing out of the old habit of "crawl, sneak", but in the fourth part, these words in about half of the missions simply make no sense, since they pass in the light of day.

Completely stupid are the usual sets of spy devices, as well as the tricks that Fisher learned. Do you like the opportunity to break through the ice with your fist, grab the watchman by the thigh, drown him in icy water, and later cut him with a knife? I would have liked it, too, if not for her fierce attachment to that mission with the tanker painted by the Losers. Contrary to the tearful requests of fans, the well-known hocus-pocus with hanging between 2 walls on a twine and the next overthrow directly on the watchman's pumpkin did not return to the series. Cut and discarded a piece of the Tactical Monitor, which was responsible for indicating Sam's illumination. Now, when a significant fraction of the missions take place under the scorching sun, it simply no longer is necessary, and in those cases when it is still necessary to hide, the signature strip ("At zero, you look like the shadow of a ghost ..." (c) Lambert) is replaced bastard-chernozem "traffic light", suspended for reliability both in the interface and on the carcass of the main hero. Greenish flames - we can’t be seen, yellowish lights up - it’s worth worrying and getting out to a more reliable place, but if the light has already turned reddish - write wasted, short-sighted enemies, for sure, stumbled upon Sam sitting in the corner and, of course, figured out that this was not nightstand.

How does it look and sound?

I think in the near future the most common expression that you happened to read in an address latest game- this is "every lack of optimization." Very massive graphic technologies have appeared, which, meanwhile, are constantly developing, but the hands have not forgotten how to be curly. The result is a divinely beautiful picture + the worst brakes even on the best cars. Double Agent 100% corresponds to the above description: its graphics engine can work with soft shadows, finally measures competent doses of blur, and Havok's physical motor is the heart of the game. Don't even try to run cranky Splinter Cell without a video card that supports shaders of the third version.
All this magnificence is not enough for comfortable operation of GB of RAM and the GeForce 7800 GTX video card - sometimes what is happening suspiciously resembles a turn-based strategy.
Usually the voice acting did not let us down: the actors speak exactly in such voices as necessary, without overacting in the slightest degree. I would like to assume that the localizers will not spoil the only element of the newest game that has completely succeeded on a solid "five".


Giving a series of Shanghai to the scolding, Ubisoft corrects and entrusts the fifth part to the division of U. Montreal. And this is true without hesitation, because Splinter Cell: Double Agent- dull, buggy, not the first freshness parody of a real spy thriller. The latest generation engine does not help the situation in any way - at first, the simple word "optimization" should be written in the dictionary of developers. Bad, in a word. One big misunderstanding, which, by the way, many will buy - the franchise is very popular.

Walkthrough Splinter Cell: Double Agent:

Walkthrough Splinter Cell: Double Agent:

The passage is focused, first of all, on a 100% result in the "stealth" column and on the least possible number of points for other positions: the number of corpses, alarms raised, bodies found, and so on. Separately, moments are stipulated where you have to make a choice between bad and good guys, as well as a detailed guide to solving some of the puzzles. Designed for experienced player in stealth.

Before jumping out of the plane, go to the computer in the cabin and read the letter from Sarah. You don't know yet that this is a farewell letter to Sam's daughter, but let's not get ahead of ourselves.

We get to the station

Run and jump into the icy waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Dive and swim to the red light on the left (key "E" acceleration). John will be waiting for you here, who will swim into the tunnel when you appear. Swim after him and watch the youngster deal with one of the guards. Let's hope this is the first and last casualty of this mission.

When John makes it to shore, swim up and out. You will find yourself in a hole. Since we are not going to kill anyone, then wait until the second guard turns his back on you, and get out of the hole ("Control" key). Hide in the shade near the pipes so that no one sees you. Lambert will report that plans have changed, and terrorists have appeared at the station. Anyway, today is Monday.

Sneak up to the house with a light bulb above the entrance. Turn off the light and enter the house. Close the door behind you! In the house you will find a sleeping guard and a sonic grenade. Take the grenade, dig into the guard's laptop, and also cut the generator cable to turn off the power to the station fence. As soon as you do this, the guard on the street will be interested in the house, so select the smoke bomb from your inventory and carefully open the front door. So it is - the guard is standing right in front of the entrance. Throw the saber to the left, away from the fence, and when the guard goes to check what's wrong, quickly run to the right, where John is waiting for you.

Help John jump over the fence, and then climb over the net yourself. Once on the other side of the station, climb the stairs to the platform, jump up and, grabbing the cord pulled by someone, go to enemy territory.

Road to the ventilation shaft

Sneak up on the roof behind the guard, but let him quietly go to the right. Drop down to the platform and follow the guard to the stairs. Go down one level. Behind you, two guards will come out of the gate and start talking. While they are busy, jump over the railing and jump to the ground. Go around the open container (you can get hold of a mine in it, but we don’t need it) and make your way to the left to the generator hanging on the wall next to the fence. Cut the cable to turn off the power to the fence and right here, without leaving the cash register, get over the fence.

Quickly jump down to the ground and press against the left wall of the fence. Follow it to the very end until you see a guard with a flashlight. Do not rush, let him play enough of the tracker, and when he turns his back on you, quickly go to the right and climb up the stairs. Then, along another ladder, get to the top of some kind of tank, where you have to jump up and grab onto the pipe with your hands. Now grab the pipe with your feet and crawl towards the building on the left.

Below you will see Mad John, but do not try to save him. Caesar - Caesar's. Crawl to the end of the pipe, lower your legs down and grab the railing with your hands. Climb over them and run to the building ahead. Crawl into the ventilation shaft. Here you are at the base. John?!

Warhead launch sabotage

I repeat, but you are not able to help John, you should not waste time looking for a workaround.

Crawl to the platform on the left and jump over the railing. You have ten minutes to stop the rocket launch and get away. Lambert has already sent cavalry for you, so I advise you to hurry.

The surest way to sabotage is the following. Follow the platform to the end and find the stairs. Go down one level. There is also a ladder here, but don't rush down it. Wait for a guard with a flashlight to come up to you. Let him examine the platform and, having attached himself behind his back, follow him down the stairs. As soon as you find yourself at the bottom, immediately turn right and cut down the light above the warhead for a while. Then turn the valve to extend the bridge leading to the warhead. Now turn around and stand on the platform nearby - this is a kind of elevator. Press the button and go up to the level where the bridge you put forward is located.

Now you need to open the warhead control panel. The remote control is located in the change house on the left, where the worker sits without getting out. You'll have to smoke it out. So, turn off the light in the change house for a while and, when the worker leaves it, quickly jump inside and press the button that opens the control panel on the rocket body.

Get out of the change house and cut down the light above the warhead. Make sure the worker is not near the warhead and run towards it. Match the correct code to the control panel and sabotage the launch. Great, now quickly turn your head to the right, where a ladder is located one step from the body of the rocket. Climb up it and raise your head towards the ceiling on the left. Soon you will see Lambert's helicopter, from which you will be dropped a rope. Grab at straws and get your feet up. Mission completed!

Alternative paths:

The gate leading to the ventilation shaft can be opened in two ways: either by picking up the code on the lock next to the gate, or using the computer in the guard's lodge, but then you have to deal with him and his partner, which is undesirable.

The missile can be neutralized in a faster way. From the topmost platform, go down one level and climb into the crane cabin. Turn the lever and move the crane. Exit to the platform and run to the end, where you will see a pipe. Climb up it to the ceiling and crawl to the left. Soon you will have the opportunity to hook the crampons and go down upside down to the control panel. To avoid being seen, turn off the light on the guard on the platform on the left along the way. Below you have to neutralize the worker, stubbornly standing near the panel. The problem is that the worker is an extremely nervous type, and the first time you are unlikely to succeed.

After Jamie Washington hands you the knife, go to the poster on the wall and rip it off with a flick of your hand. Behind the poster you will see a hole in the wall. Climb into the tunnel and crawl into the mine. Climb up the pipe to the upper level and crawl into another ventilation shaft. Soon you will find yourself under the ceiling on the ventilation duct. Downstairs, the cells are already rioting, but you should not worry about them. Go along the box to the left and use the knife to open the shutter of another ventilation shaft.

When you crawl through the mine, you will see the head of one of the guards below through the bars, so try not to make noise. At the end of the tunnel, open the hatch and silently jump into the security room.

The guard's room and the way to the hall where the shootout is going on

The guard will notice the open hatch, but he will not dare to check what is wrong. While you are in the shadows, the guard will not notice you, so take advantage of the situation and rummage through the computer on the table. Find out the code (1403) from the doors, which matches the code on the weapon locker located on the right wall of the room.

Sneak up to the locker and enter the code. True, you will not find weapons, but you can get hold of three smoke bombs. Now the most difficult thing is to quietly leave the room. You must act as quickly as possible. First, hide in the shadows next to the locker where the weapon is stored. When the guard passes you and goes to the table to rummage there, quickly rush to the door and, using a master key, unlock the lock. On the other side of the door you will see a second guard, but he will move away from you, so do not waste a second, jump out onto the stairs and roll down head over heels.

Once at the bottom, go down the corridor and find a panel with a combination lock. Enter the code, quickly enter the room and hide behind the table on the left. In the next moment, a guard will enter the room and notice the open door, but this will not especially alarm him.

Let the guard get away and then quickly turn off the metal detector and cut the generator cable on the wall to the right. Then hide in the niche to the left of the metal detector and wait for the guard to return to the room. As soon as he turns his back to you, slip through the metal detector into the corridor. In the corridor, turn off the light, and as quickly as possible, break the lock on the door leading to the hall, where there is a fight between prisoners and guards.

tower and roof

Since you are in the thick of things, no one will especially pay attention to you, although this does not mean that you will not be shot. Stick to the right wall and get to the opposite end of the hall, where there are prisoners armed to the teeth. Climb over the serving table and carefully make your way to the right. Ahead you will see a ladder, but we will not go up it - it is too risky. Your goal is the door in the upper right corner of the screen. To get there and at the same time not catch the eye of the warring parties, take out a smoke bomb and throw it in the center of your intended path to the door. Under cover of smoke, get to the door and enter.

You ended up on the lower level of sector A. Your task is to climb to the very top of the tower ahead.

As soon as you enter the room from where the door leads to the tower, hide under the stairs, as a guard with a flashlight will move in your direction. Let him pass you, and then jump out of hiding, climb the stairs and run up to the door to the tower. Break the lock and enter.

Inside the tower, do not rush to climb the stairs, wait in the shade until a guard with a flashlight comes down to you. When he makes his way back, crouch behind him and go up to the level where the computers are, and on the wall to the left is a rifle that fires rubber bullets. Grab the weapon and ammo, then quickly hide under the table with the computer.

When the guard returns, he will shine a light in your direction, but will pretend that he did not notice anything. Let the guard leave, and climb the stairs to the next level, where the computer is located, which is responsible for controlling the doors of the cells.

Pick up the code and open all the cells of sector A. Great, now go up one more level and call the elevator. Climb up to the last floor. There are two guards waiting for you here, so don't yawn and watch where you're going so you don't run into them.

From the elevator, go left and find a hole in the broken window on the right. Climb through the hole and climb up the drainpipe to the roof.

Saving Jamie

Approximately in the middle of the path, Jamie will report that he is in trouble, and you will have a new task: "Rescue Jamie from the guard." To complete this task, you must climb onto the roof as quickly as possible and run up to a makeshift bridge thrown from the top of the tower to the roof of a neighboring building. Ahead, through the hole in the broken window, you will see Jamie, who is held at gunpoint by a guard. Running and rescuing him is a thankless task, so get out a rifle with rubber bullets and, when the guard is right in front of the hole in the window, shoot!

As soon as the guard falls, run across the bridge and join Jamie. Then, as quickly as possible, jump down to the lower level of the roof, and, trying not to get under the searchlights of the helicopter hovering over your head, run to the building on the right. Run through the narrow passage between the buildings, go into the house on the right, and climb the stairs to the roof. Everything, you are free! Mission completed!

Alternative paths:

From the hall where the shooting is taking place, you can also climb the stairs. To do this, throw one smoke bomb on the landing in front of the entrance to the second flight, and the second on the third flight. Under the cover of smoke, you can climb the stairs without being noticed. One trouble, at the end of the stairs you will find a door, which can be opened only with the help of a chip sewn into the clothes of the guards. Therefore, either you have to stun the guard patrolling the third flight, or drag the corpse of the guard lying at the entrance to the stairs, and this is much more difficult than it seems.

The rules of conduct in the enemy lair are as follows: complete all the tasks that the terrorists gave you, then all the tasks for Lambert, and in the remaining time, try to complete additional tasks and not be caught in places where you should not be.

After arriving at the headquarters of the terrorists, go after Jamie (do not lag behind, but do not overtake him, so as not to lose confidence). After they show you where you sleep, big Moss will take care of you. Follow him and he will lead you to the training room. Your task is to go through the obstacle course, then open the safe and wait for the arrival of Moss, who promises to appear in twenty-five minutes.

Obstacle course, safe hacking and shooting gallery

Go through the obstacle course (I think you can do it without prompts) and run up to the safe. The principle of cracking the safe is as follows: choose one of the directions - "right" or "left", in which you will rotate the master key. Stick to the chosen direction until you hear a click and the leftmost wheel turns green, which means that it is in the correct position. Now change the direction of rotation and set the central wheel to the correct position. Change the direction of rotation again and install the last wheel. If everything is correct, the safe will open.

Leave the room with the safe and through the hatch, get out to the beginning of the obstacle course. Next in line is the shooting gallery. Come in and pick up a rifle. Your task is to knock out 75 points in 30 shots. This is not difficult to do, since the center of the target is 5 points, the edge is 1 point, and what is between them is 3 points. As soon as you knock out the required number of points, proceed to Lambert's tasks.

Roof antenna and bug installation

Exit the range and go left. Soon you will see the infirmary where Enrika, the only terrorist girl, works. Talk to her and go past the infirmary to the stairs against the wall. Climb up, where the two are busy fixing the blades of a huge fan.

Don't make noise, carefully go behind them and dive into the ventilation shaft, from where you can climb the stairs to the roof. But do not rush to get out onto the roof, as you may be noticed by a guard standing at the parapet. Let the guard move a little to the left and when he turns his back to you, get out onto the roof and quickly make your way to the right, where another terrorist is serving.

Follow the back of the terrorist, but halfway through, leave him alone and hide behind the crates on the left. When the terrorist reaches the end of the roof and stops against the wall, with his back to you, quickly go forward and turn left into the open door in the fence.

Here you will find a shield with a transmitter for the antenna. Place a bug on the transmitter and go back the same way you came.

Trojan horse and server room

Go down the stairs to the room where a huge TV screen hangs on the wall. Go straight down the corridor and turn right. Here you will see Jamie, who will open the door with a combination lock and go to the server room.

Make sure that there are no witnesses nearby, turn off the lights in the room and select the code for the combination lock. Enter and immediately turn left. Climb over the railing and lean against the left wall. Walk along it to the end and pay attention to the camera above the entrance to the server room.

Wait until an annoyed Jamie comes out of the server room and, after waiting for the moment when the camera is not looking in your direction, make your way to the doors. Enter the server room and get to the stairs leading to the elevation where two terrorists work.

Search the area to the left of the stairs and find a hatch. Open it and go down. You are under an elevation. Wait until one of the terrorists leaves the server room, and the other one goes about his business on the computer. Go to the end of the tunnel and, having opened the second hatch, get out on the hill. Go to the nearest terminal and download the virus into the system. Go back the same way you came.

Medical files of terrorists - additional task

To get the terrorists' medical files, go to the infirmary and make sure that Enrika is examining something through a microscope in her office. Approach the cabinet doors and break the lock. Carefully crawl into the office and close the door behind you. Tiptoe behind the girl. First, hack into her computer, and then scan the medical files in the nightstand on the right. Then, as quietly as possible, exit the office and close the door behind you. Everything, now you can return to the obstacle course, where Moss is already waiting for you.

Helicopter pilot - execute or pardon?

After meeting with Moss, he will take you to the torture chamber, where Emile Dufrasne will order you to kill the helicopter pilot, and Lambert will insist on pardon. If you want to gain confidence in the terrorists, then kill the pilot, if you don't want to get your hands dirty, then just shoot at the wall. Mission completed!

Mission four - Russia, Sea of ​​Okhotsk, 200 km from the coast of Siberia, February 5, 2008 - Death under sail

The only mission where, in order to pass, you must definitely knock out the ship's crew, otherwise it will not be counted for you. But we still need to get to the ship, so we'll talk about it later.

Skydiving and collecting belongings

After Sam jumps out of the plane, you will hover for a bit, and then a parachute icon will appear. Pull the ring, but... the parachute won't open! But don't panic, we still have a spare. As soon as the icon appears for the second time, pull the ring and land.

After landing, you should pick up your things as soon as possible, since your jump did not go unnoticed, and two people with machine guns are already landing from the helicopter on the iceberg.

To pick up things and not raise the alarm, you must act as quickly as possible. So, as soon as control passes to you, run forward, jump, roll over and go around the second ice mound on the right as quickly as possible. Crawl to the edge and hang on your hands over the cliff. Don't move or you'll be seen.

Listen to the conversation of two soldiers, and then, when they disperse in search of you, get out on the iceberg and run to your things. Collect the scattered detonators and swallow into the water on the right. The first part of the journey is over.

Enemy camp and undermining the mountain

Swim under the ice and when Sam notices an ice hole, emerge, break through the ice and drag the soldier to the bottom. Don't pop up. Swim further until you see another hole with a soldier. Drag him to the bottom too (since you can’t play stealth, we’ll get the most out of it). This time also stay underwater and swim to the right and to the end of the pond. There, carefully emerge and look where the guard is, walking around near the snowmobiles. If he turned his back to you, then quickly get out to the shore and run to the tent on the left. Go around it on the left side and hide behind the boxes to be behind the soldier warming his hands by the fire.

After waiting for a good moment, sneak up on the soldier and grab him. Drag it to the water and just enter the water so that it goes to the bottom.

Swim a little to the left and get out on the shore. Go back to where the soldier was warming up and use his computer to blow up a piece of ice mountain not far from the snowmobiles.

Jump into the water and swim under the ice to the hole on the left. Break the ice and get out on the shore. Hide behind the snowmobile and watch the soldier who walks near the ice hole formed on the left. When the soldier backs off to the right and leans towards the snowmobile, get out of cover and slide gently into the water. Dive and swim through the tunnel further.

Two ice holes and the lower deck of the ship

Above you will be two ice-holes covered with ice. Above one stands a soldier, above the other no one yet. I don’t say “bye” for nothing, because if you wait a bit, a soldier will also appear above it. I advise you to deal with him first of all, because if you take on his friend, then he will be able to notice you.

Deal with both soldiers and jump into the water. Don't touch the guy in the boat, he didn't do anything to you. Swim to the right and get out to the shore. Grab the cord with your hands and climb on board the ship.

By corpses

Passing this mission for the first time, I got to the last stage without removing a single crew member, which I later had to seriously regret, since the task was not credited to me. Don't repeat my mistakes. They said - deal with the team, so you figure it out. No initiative!

First, let's clean the lower deck. Take advantage of a sudden oncoming blizzard to stealthily approach your chosen victims. The tactics here are simple: they chose a victim, crept up from behind, grabbed, dragged to the place where you climbed onto the ship, stunned, shouldered and thrown down from the ship - so at least no one can find the corpses.

When it becomes freer below, run along the stern to the mast with a ladder. Climb to the very top. Check that there is no one on the deck where you are going to move down the cord. Drive down and climb up the pipe to the upper deck.

Here, grab onto the railing with your hands and hang under the soldier talking on the radio. His name is Andrew, or rather his name was. As soon as he finishes talking, grab him and throw him over the railing. Climb onto the roof of the tanker and find the antenna.

Open the control panel, select the code and contact Lambert. Then transmit the frequency of the tanker to the terrorists. Both rabbits are dead.

Gas attack and the way to the engine room

On the roof of the tanker, find the ladder leading to the ventilation duct. Open the hatch at the top and use the cable to get down. Try to convince the terrorists, but they are adamant and will demand that you let the gas through the ventilation system.

There is nothing to do, throw a gas grenade into the ventilation shaft. Now walk up to the wall and jump up so Sam can grab onto the edge of the ledge. Pull yourself up on your hands and crawl along the narrow tunnel to the deck.

At this time, you will be informed that the captain is completely distraught with fear and plans to blow up the ship. You need to stop him.

Return to the upper deck of the ship and, jumping over the railing, make your way to the lower deck. Finish clearing the lower deck. I do not think that this will be a problem for you, but I will stop at a couple of individuals.

One of the soldiers has taken a strategic position at the top of the stairs and does not leave his post for a second. Getting close to him unnoticed is almost impossible, killing from a distance is not our way of working, so leave him alone. I'm not joking, the point is that you need to take out ten crew members and there are at least fifteen people on the ship, so you have enough cannon fodder without this paranoid.

The captain ran down the aisle on the port side, where a crane had previously blocked the way. Three people roam the open territory: one sits on the mast, two roam below. First you will meet a lone soldier who can be easily stunned and hidden in an open container on the right. The main thing is to make sure that the fighter does not notice you at the match.

Now you need to somehow climb the stairs and at the same time not run into the soldiers. I propose to temporarily cut down the searchlight on the mast, illuminating the stairs and, under the cover of darkness, go upstairs. First deal with the guy on the deck, and then climb the mast and stun the sentry. Now calmly return down to the deck and go down into the open hatch of the engine room.

Engine room and ship's captain

Go through the first doors and follow the bridge to the left. Hide at the end of the bridge and wait for the sailor in white uniform to move away from the console he is working on. Get behind him and stun him. Get down to the level down and go through the next door to the next compartment.

As soon as you enter, go to the right and hide in the darkness, as a sailor with a flashlight will soon appear. When he turns his back to you, stun him and hide in the dark. Go to the doors at the end of the compartment, but do not rush out. First, cut out the light on the left, and then go through the doors, otherwise the sailor on the upper level will notice you.

You are in a compartment with a working propeller. Stop the propeller with the remote against the wall and jump into the water. Swim through the tunnel to the next compartment and get out on the rise in the center.

The captain walks over your head with a flare lit, and in the compartment itself there is an unbearable smell of gas. The captain is definitely crazy, so you must disable him before he blows up the ship.

Hang on your hands under the bridge where the captain roams, and when he passes you, jump over the railing and grab the madman. Stun the captain and climb the long stairs to the top. Open the hatch to get to the landing area, where the helicopter is already waiting for you. Mission completed!

Do not worry if you do not get a 100% result, because for some unknown reason, even if you hid all the bodies, two or three bodies found will be indicated in the report after the mission. As they say, it is impossible to understand it, you just have to keep it in mind.

Alternative paths:

There are many of them, since you can remove enemies in a variety of ways.

You can also get on the tanker on the lift located on the left side of the raft at the side of the tanker, but there are two problems. Firstly, you will have to remove a soldier in a rubber boat, and secondly, two people are waiting for you at the top, so the rope path is preferable and safer.

Unlike the previous mission, in China everything will be much more interesting. So, after the pilot has enough impact, the control of the helicopter will pass to you. Do not be afraid, no one will force you to fly, this is not a simulator for you. All you have to do is level the helicopter and bring it to the skyscraper ahead. After a successful landing, you will be left on the helipad in the pouring rain.

The way to the hotel and the recording of the meeting of the terrorists

Once Moss and Emil leave, the good guys will ask you to tape the terrorists' conversation. To do this, you must cross a heavily guarded rooftop, which is what we're going to do now.

The shortest way. Approach the boxes on the left. Stand on them and jump up to grab onto the railing with your hands. When the guards start talking, quickly jump over the railing. Run around the house on the roof and climb the stairs to the roof. Staying in the shadows, sneak up to the cord, grab it and slide down.

On the roof, jump onto the ventilation duct. Then climb over the boards to the roof of one of the trailers. Run up from it and jump onto the pipe running along the wall of the building on the left. Climb to the top of the pipe and, grabbing the ledge with your hands, crawl to the right. Jump down and approach the crane control panel. Pick up the code and turn the tap. Then climb onto the crane and go to the end of the boom. Reinforce the rope and start descending.

When you get to the first cradle, sit down and hang on the ledge. Crawl to the left until you see a neon tube mounted vertically on the very edge of the building. Go down it to the level below and stand with your feet on the ledge. Your task is to get past the windows of the restaurant without being noticed. It is quite easy to do this, as most of the visitors are already resting in the salad. Walk past the window when no one is looking at it. At the end of the cornice, strengthen the cable and prepare the microphone.

Start going down and when you reach the room where the negotiations are taking place, point the microphone at the talking terrorists to start recording. Alas, even if you, like me, manage to record the conversation to the end, you still won’t be credited for the task, because it was planned that way according to the script.

The recording will fail, and all because someone noticed the crane's arrow and suspected something was wrong, and you urgently need to tear your claws. Get down to the cradle as quickly as possible and immediately start moving to the left. At the first opportunity, sit down and hang on the ledge. Crawl to the very end of the ledge and freeze, merging with the wall. If you stay on the ledge, you won't be able to get past the closed laundry shutters and you'll be spotted by people from the helicopter.

Hacking the safe in Emil's room

Soon a window will open above you, but you must overcome the desire to throw a guard through it, because then you will not see a 100% result as your ears. Therefore, we wait until the guy leaves, and only then we climb into the window. Staying in the shadows, go left and open the hatch in the floor. Jump into the hatch and go through the tunnel to the next hatch. Get to the surface. You are in the laundry room.

To get past the guard, turn off the light above the door on the left. When the laundry gets noticeably darker, quickly run up to the generator on the wall to the left and cut the wire. Well, it's definitely night now. While the guard is figuring out what's wrong, run to the left, turn behind some cars and find the entrance to the mine with a ladder leading up. Climb to the very top and jump into the ventilation shaft.

Soon you will be in the closet. Jump down and turn off the light. Get out of the closet, which will be in Emil's room! That's luck!

Stay in the shadows behind the screen and wait for the worker in the white suit to leave the meeting room. As soon as he passes you, quickly go to the meeting room and lean against the left wall.

In the hallway on the left you will see Emil, but do not worry, he will turn off the light (thanks, dear) and go into the next room. Run into the hallway and turn right, where Emil went. On the left wall you will see a safe!

Attention! If for some reason the buttons responsible for turning the lockpick in the safe do not work for you, then either restart the game, or try holding the "right" and "down", "left" and "down" keys at the same time. Sometimes, the problem can be solved by simply clicking on everything, including the mouse buttons.

Once you've dealt with the safe, take a sample of the red mercury and close the safe. Exit the room through the main doors and turn right.

The way to the good doctor's room

You need to get into the room of Dr. Atwan, and he is a couple of floors below. Make your way to the right past the patrolman and find the door leaning against the wall. Another comrade is wandering nearby, so don't make noise. If the guard is standing with his back to you, then just go into the room with the computer, and climb the stairs to the very top of the hotel. If the guard is in the room, then let him leave from there, but do not stay too long, as his partner can return at any second.

Once on the roof of the elevator shaft, attach the cable and go down to the metal bridge. At this time, Chinese will come New Year and the hotel will be illuminated by spotlights. Very untimely, but do not be discouraged, we have not overcome this.

From the metal bridge, jump onto the roof of the elevator going down. From the roof, move to another bridge and wait for the elevator again. Ride it even lower and exit to the bridge. Do not rush, because at this moment a guard will approach the window overlooking the bridge.

Let him finish his smoke and when he turns to leave, jump in the window and get the gun. Disarm the camera above the elevators and run to the right. Staying in the shadows so that the guard with a flashlight does not notice you, make your way to the doctor's room and enter.

There are four in the room. I admit that it is possible to pass this place without knocking out any of the guys, but the problems with the control of the master key leave no other way out than to arrange a quiet hour for the children.

First, knock out the guy who is staggering between the room with the safe and the computer. Grab him and drag him into the shower. Stun and deal with the guy gutting the safe. Drag him into the same shower. Now lure one of the two guys from the next room, or maybe he will come out himself. Stun him and hide in the shower. Do the same with the rest.

Go to the safe and open it (this must be done the first time so that there is time for the doctor). Take the papers and save the game. Now we will kill the good doctor.

Killing the Good Doctor

You can kill him as you like, but through trial and error, I came to the conclusion that the most effective is a mine on the wall. So, exit the room and turn left. Staying in the shadows, get to the next dark section of the wall and plant a mine (if a guard with a flashlight passed you, let him come back so that he does not become a victim of the explosion). Return to the doctor's room, where the helicopter has already arrived with an impatient Moss on board. At that moment, when you are near the lifeline leading to the helicopter, an explosion should sound. The good doctor will go to the forefathers, and you will get a 100% rating. Mission completed!

Alternative paths:

Other methods of killing the doctor result in a loss of 100% rating, as you waste valuable time. For example, you can shoot the wall next to the elevator with a sticky camera and poison the doctor with gas, but this will not kill him and you have to go and finish him off, which will take too much time. You can also remove the doctor from a rifle, for this, staying right in the door of the room, point the optical sight at the elevator car and shoot the victim, who does not even have time to understand what happened.

After talking with Lambert, return to the headquarters courtyard. You must quietly return to the building, otherwise goodbye one hundred percent result.

Get under the truck and wait for the people in the yard on the left to go to the right and go about their business. Roll out from under the truck and, keeping in the shadows, go to the entrance to the headquarters, where Enrika will meet you.

Follow Enrika and listen to her requests: take the pilot's body to the stove, make ten mines for Kinshasa, and so on. In the end, Enrika will lead you to the lower level of the headquarters, where the mechanism for making mines is located. Leaving you alone, Enrika will approach the door on the left and open the lock with her voice. Lambert wants you to record the voices of the most important terrorists and use the recordings to open previously closed doors.

When Enrika leaves, hide in the shadows and get the microphone. Point the microphone at the glass wall behind which Enrika and Emil are talking and record their voices. Now go to the mechanism on the left and make ten mines. This is not too difficult to do, especially since you have 15 charges, which means that you are entitled to five mistakes.

After the mines are ready, go to the doors and use the recording with Emil's voice to open the lock. Come in and climb the stairs to the very top.

Turn off the light and look through the glass in the door into the next corridor. Wait for the moment when the patrolman in the corridor turns his back on you and quickly slip into the room.

Pass the sleeping guard and turn into the corridor on the right. Turn off the light, and break the lock on the door as quickly as possible. Go ahead and pick up the code to the door of Emil's office. Go inside and immediately go to the doors on the right to get into a corridor with two doors. Find Emil's bedroom and scan his file. Then return to the office doors and carefully look into the room. If Emil and Jamie are still there, then wait for the bespectacled man to leave and the terrorist boss to sit on the sofa with his back to the door.

Enter the office and quickly exit to the balcony on the right as Emil decides to stretch his legs. Wait on the balcony until he goes to his room and goes to bed. Then go into the office and search it thoroughly. Open the safe, scan the blueprints for Lambert and take the file from the nightstand against the wall. Hack the computer and find out the access code to Enrika's laboratory.

Leave the office and return to the corridor where the guard walks. This time, two people will be waiting for you in the corridor, as the sleeping guard will wake up.

Staying in the shadows, sneak into the corridor on the right and turn off the lights. Break the lock on the door on the left and enter the room where Dayton sleeps. Pull out the microphone and record Dayton's voice as he starts talking in his sleep. Finally, take the files with personal files from the two bedside tables by the beds. Leave the room and return to the stairs leading to the room where you made mines.

Return to the main headquarters hall. Climb to the upper level and find a nook. Get out the microphone and record the voice of Moss (the ape-like guy Sam calls "Mouss", that is, "moose") when he starts grumbling under his breath.

When the voice of Moss is recorded, go to the infirmary and find the body of the unfortunate pilot. Throw it on your shoulders and return to the main hall. Go downstairs and turn into the first corridor on the right. Go past the room where the pilot was tortured and turn right. Go down the metal stairs and go through the passage on the right to get into the stoker. Place the pilot's corpse on the raised platform next to the stove. Return to the room where you made mines and wait for the arrival of Enrique. Mission completed!

Alternative paths:

After you scan the blueprints in Emil's office, you can go to the balcony and go down to the headquarters courtyard. If you cross the courtyard and climb onto the green boxes under the window of the neighboring building, you can climb into Enrika's bedroom through the window. As soon as you do this, the girl will enter the room and Sam will have no choice but to seduce her. Poor Sammy...

I do not argue that getting one hundred percent on this mission is not an easy task, but with a certain skill and perseverance it is possible.

After Lambert's call, exit to the balcony and jump over the railing. Hanging on your hands, get to the pipe on the right and climb onto the next ledge. On it get to the balcony, on which stands the guard.

Casino, gas ventilation and a lock on the doors

Listen to the dialogue of the two guards and when they leave, climb over the railing and run into the casino. Put on your night vision goggle. Staying in the shadows, make your way to the room with the sign "Counter" and get the gun. Wait for a moment (the radar is very useful here, by default - double pressing the "Z" key) when there are no guards nearby, and turn off the sign so that the entrance to the room plunges into darkness. Run into the room as quickly as possible and turn off the light in it. Then run up to the wall on the right and throw a gas canister into the ventilation. Lambert's task is completed, but several guards are already moving towards you, and the sign above the room begins to blink treacherously, threatening to illuminate everything around.

Run out of the room and hide, either under the spinning table in the center of the casino, or jump on the parapet nearby and hide in the dark. While you are sitting on the parapet, no one will accidentally stumble upon you, and you will be able to look around.

The only way out of the casino is through closed doors under the "Casino" sign, which illuminates anyone who tries to approach. If you turn off the sign, then guards with flashlights will immediately come running to the doors, which is not included in our plans. Where would you find the time to break the lock without raising the alarm?

Through trial and error, I came up with the following solution. There are four guards in the hall. Your task is to distract them from the doors so that they do not notice that the sign has gone out. This can be done in different ways, but I, for example, climbed onto the parapet near the doors and started turning on the slot machines(you need to aim at the drum of the machine gun) in the hall. The sound of falling coins attracts the attention of the guards (they become red dots on the radar) and they turn their backs to the doors. When all four turn red dots on the radar, turn off the sign, rush to the doors, break the lock, enter the next room, slam the door and hide in the shadows under the stairs.

Hall with an aquarium and the path to the elevator

If the man in white is nearby, let him climb up the stairs, if he is not, then press against the right wall and climb the stairs to the second floor. Hide in the shadows opposite the doors, behind which you can see the silhouette of a guard. Soon the guard will leave to the right, and you can sneak into the hall with an aquarium instead of a wall.

Those who carefully read letters on computers are aware that there is a crack in the aquarium and the slightest carelessness can lead to tragedy. If you are interested in seeing the tragedy, then shoot three times at the crack in the glass, which is located in the lower right corner of the left section of the aquarium.

But ... we will not break anything, why do we need extra hype. Therefore, keep in the shadows and go around the room along the left wall. Soon you will see a camera. Disarm it for a while and run into the dark corridor. At the end of the corridor, hide against the right wall and listen to the conversation of two soldiers. Soon the soldiers will leave, and you can take the elevator and go up to the second floor.

Deck with swimming pool and thermal baths

On the way up, Enrika will report that soldiers can meet you, so find the hatch in the ceiling of the elevator car, jump up and climb out onto the roof.

When the elevator stops, a soldier will enter the cabin. Let him talk on the radio and jump down to knock the poor fellow down. Exit the elevator and close the doors so that no one sees the body.

Hide behind the table to the right of the elevator and wait for the guard on the left to head back. Run out of cover and head to the left, staying under cover of the crates. At this time, Enrika will appear and start a fountain that runs along the edge of the pool in the center of the deck. The cover is still there, but the fountain will distract the guards for a while.

Do not waste time, disable the camera hanging on the wall to the left, and run past the table to the sun loungers on the port side. Hide behind the back of the sun lounger and wait for the guard to walk past you. Then quickly run to the locker room at the edge of the pool, go through it and jump into the water.

Swim under water to the left and get out on the deck. Nearby you will see a building and a pipe that you can climb up. Do this and hang on your hands under the bridge, along which the guard roams. When the guard walks past you, jump over the railing, disarm the camera above the doors on the right and enter through them into the next room.

Go down the corridor on the right and sneak into the room on the right. Hide in the shadows away from the passage and the door. Wait for the guard in the room to walk past you and out into the hallway you just came from. Run across the room to the next room and wait for Enrika to fill the bathhouse with steam.

Under the cover of steam, go to the fountain at the right wall. Climb into the fountain and jump up so that Sam can grab onto the ledge with his hands. Unscrew the cover from the ventilation and climb inside. You'll see legs ahead, so don't get out just yet.

Cutting the captain, planting the bomb, and escaping the ship

When the legs come out of the cabin, get out of the ventilation and carefully look out the door. The sailor will stand by the map for a while, and then go to bed. Exit the cabin and rummage through the nightstand on the left wall to find the door code.

Enter the code and go down the metal stairs to the wheelhouse. At the bottom, quickly turn right, go around the stairs behind and hide in the shadows. Listen to the conversation between the two crew members, who will then go upstairs to the cabins.

Stick your head out of hiding and see where the remaining crew member is. If he is standing with his back to you, then climb under the nearest table. When the navigator moves to the left and turns his back to you, get out from under the table and run to the right, where there is some equipment against the wall. Squeeze into the narrow passage between the equipment and the wall of the adjacent room. Walk to the end of the passage and you'll be right in front of the doors leading to the bridge.

Wait until the navigator goes deep into the wheelhouse and turns his back to the doors. Jump out of hiding, open the door, run out onto the bridge and find a cord that will take you to the bow of the ship. Do this and as soon as your feet touch the deck, jump over the railing, slide down and run to the right. Hide behind the wall of the gatehouse where two people are talking. Nearby you will see a ladder leading to the roof of the gatehouse, but you do not need to go there.

When the conversation is over, lean out around the corner a little and get ready to act as quickly as possible. Let the man in white leave quietly, but as soon as the gatehouse doors open a second time, quickly run to the doors. A soldier will come out of the gatehouse, and since he will have his back to you, you can have time to slip into the room before the doors close again. By doing this, you will save yourself from the problem of breaking doors.

Inside the gatehouse, go to the dark corner behind the pipes and plant the bomb. Then pick up the code and transmit the frequency for Lambert. Everything, now you can carry your legs.

Approach the doors of the gatehouse and find out where the soldier is. Don't be lazy, wait for the soldier to pass you to the left, open the door and run to the right to the doors with a combination lock. You need to first break the lock on the panel and then pick up the code to open the door. Then go to the bridges and jump into the ocean. Mission completed!

Follow Emil and he will lead you to a room with two computers.

Japanese cube

Your task: to break the code on the letter. To do this, you must solve the puzzle with the Japanese cube. In a nutshell, the meaning is as follows: there is a cube with six sides. There are four cells on each side. You can enter one of eight numbers in each cell. That is, you have 6x4=24 cells in which you can enter 24 numbers. Simple arithmetic, divide 24 by 8 and it turns out that each digit must occur three times. If you consider that the cube has three dimensions, then everything becomes even simpler. For the lazy, here is the solution. So, on the four faces there should be the following sets of numbers:

000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111

110 111 000 001 010 011 100 101

On the top plane:

On the bottom plane

If everything is correct, then you will break the code and be able to read the letter.

Fingerprint search and Enrica's code

Lambert wants you to fingerprint the terrorists and use them to get through the previously closed doors. You don't have to run far for prints. Take out the scanner and swipe across the table on which stands the computer with the decrypted letter. On the table you will find Emil's fingerprints. Scan them and go to the door next to the mine production machine.

Open the voice lock and go up the stairs. On the left you will see a camera. It is stationary, so you can't go under it. Look at the ceiling and find the pipe. Jump up, grab the pipe with your feet and crawl to the end. Jump down and open the door to Enrika's laboratory (code 1269). Come in, sneak behind the girl and find the computer on the table. Don't touch it yet, but crawl under the table. What for? Now you will understand everything.

As soon as you crawl under the table, Enrique will call Jamie, and she will come right up to the place where you just stood. When Enrika returns to her workplace, get out from under the table and pick up the code to the computer. Read the letter with the code that stops the explosion on the ship. Climb under the table, as Enrika will again get up to walk around the laboratory. When she returns to her place, scan the personal file in the nightstand by the table and exit the laboratory.

Security room, second task

Use the pipe to return to the stairs, open the doors and go through the dark corridor to the next doors. Turn off the light and look through the glass in the door at the patrolman. When the guard turns his back on you, go out into the corridor and make your way to a dark corner not far from the place where the two terrorists are talking. When they finish the conversation and disperse in all directions, go into the corridor, and from there to the door, closed with a fingerprint lock.

Open the lock, enter and hide in the shadows on the left. Listen to the conversation between Jamie and Moss and record Jamie's voice (he is standing in the elevator car). When Moss leaves, come out of hiding and break the lock on the room nearby. Come in, but immediately hide in the closet on the left, as Moss will rush into the room.

When Moss beats the punching bag to his heart's content and goes home, exit the closet and scan the personal file in the nightstand. Go out into the corridor and, holding on to the right wall, make your way to the room where two terrorists are discussing something, standing at the slate.

Do not disturb them, but just sneak quietly behind them and go to the exit from the room. Raise your head and make sure the camera above the entrance is not facing you. Go straight into the corridor and turn left. Get to the door with a combination lock. Pick up the code and enter. This is the security room and Moss is giving the final orders as usual.

Let Moss escape to your office and then sneak to the far computer. Pick up the code and watch the bomb on the ship. Great, you can go back.

Exit the security room and lean against the left wall. When the guard comes towards you, go past him and open the cage doors in the center of the room. Go through the cage and open the same doors on the right. Exit and return to the room where Emil gave you the task. Wait for Emil and go with him to watch a movie about the explosion of the ship. When Emil starts the countdown, choose one of three scenarios for the development of events: the ship will explode, the ship will not explode due to your fault, the ship will not explode due to Enrika's fault. I think that the third option is the most acceptable, although it will cost Enrika her life. Mission completed!

A very long and dangerous mission, but a 100% result is quite achievable here.

After the start of the mission, run to the left to the metal grate. Cut the grate or just climb over it. Hide under the car on the right and wait until the two soldiers at the elevator are a good distance away from it. Roll out from under the car, run to the elevator and go up to the upper floors of the building.

Path to the meeting room

Get out of the elevator and look into the next room - this is the kitchen where two soldiers are talking. One of the soldiers will walk in your direction, so quickly return to the elevator and hide behind a shelf against the left wall.

The soldier will rummage through the shelf and return to the kitchen. Follow him and the soldier will soon leave for a large room where two of his comrades are shooting back from the helicopter.

Wait for the moment when all three will be busy shooting, sneak into the room and get to the huge window along the right wall. Cut a hole with a glass cutter and get out onto the ledge. Hang on your hands and move to the next building. Climb up the pipe and hang on your hands under the balcony. Don't move, as a guard will appear from the door on the left. This is a very nervous guy who, passing by you, even decides to look back.

After the soldier moves a good distance, get out onto the balcony and jump into the open window. Go out into the corridor and find a room with two soldiers. Enter the room and hide in the hallway. When one of the soldiers approaches the table, and the second one goes into the bedroom, come out of hiding and go right. Hide at the entrance to the bedroom. Wait for the soldier in the bedroom to go to the toilet on the left, quickly go through the bedroom, run out to the balcony and jump over the balustrade on the left (if you stay hanging under the balcony, the soldier in the bedroom will notice you). Walk along the ledge and climb the sign to the roof of the building.

Here you must act very quickly. Get on the roof. At this time, one of the soldiers will climb the stairs to the elevation on the right. Run after him and go up the stairs. Turn left and hide behind the gatehouse. Soon the soldier will return to the stairs and go down to the level below.

Come out of hiding and go around the gatehouse counterclockwise. Be careful as the two soldiers on the roof may spot you. Climb the stairs to the gatehouse and find the switchboard on the wall. Break the lock and pick up the code. A hatch in the floor will open to your right. Climb into the hatch and you will find yourself next to the meeting room.

Go down the stairs. Squeeze into the narrow passage and crawl on your stomach under the pipes. On the opposite side of the room, find a pipe on the wall. Climb up it and crawl to the center of the room. Drop down to the glass dome framing the meeting room.

Find the hatch and pick up the code. Hang on your hands and jump onto the pipe that runs along the perimeter of the room. The lasers in the room turn off and on in turn, so just be careful and they won't put you in.

Crawl along the pipe to the left and go down the pipe to the stand. You can’t step on the floor, otherwise raise the alarm. When there are no lasers nearby, press against the glass wall on the left and move to the next stand. From here, climb up the pipe and crawl to the left. Finally, you will find a pipe running down the center of the room. Crawl along it and when you get a chance to hook the cable, do it. Climb down and secure the bug. At this point, you will be informed that Emil and company are approaching the room, and you no longer have time to escape.

Crawl away from the chandelier in the center of the room and eavesdrop on the conversations between Emil and company. When the negotiations are over, Emil will report that he is coming down to your parking lot. It's time to take off your feet.

Wait for Emil to leave the room. Get down and run to open doors. Go to the edge of the house on the left and attach the cable. Climb down to the ground and run as fast as you can to the doors on the left. Come in, climb through the narrow passage into the next room. Here, jump down the open hatch in the floor to reach the restroom in the parking lot. Run out of the toilet and talk to Emil.

Tour of Kinshasa, burning bus and shooting of innocent people.

The next part of the mission will take place in a city engulfed in combat, so don't yawn, or you'll hit a random bullet.

Wait for the two soldiers to finish attacking the truck. When one of the soldiers leaves to the left, quickly climb over the fence and run to the right into the alley behind the houses. You will have a new task - "Stop the execution of three residents of the city." Turn the corner of the house and, while remaining in cover, look into the courtyard. There you will see three civilians and two soldiers. Load shock charges into the rifle and neutralize the soldiers.

Run into the house on the right and, after passing through it, climb out the window. Ignore the soldier standing on the roof ahead, as he is obviously nearsighted. Go into the house on the right, where the woman has just run into. Walk past it and climb out the window. Hide near the window, as soon the shooting will begin on the street. The soldier you saw on the roof will come down and you can take his place.

Run along the balcony of the house and turn right. Emil will appear on the radio with a demand to move, followed by Lambert with a new task - "Pull a woman out of a burning bus." Just some kind of Super Sam.

Go to the edge of the balcony, grab the cord with your hands and cross the street along it. Jump down behind the soldier and when he starts shooting at the enemy you cannot see, run across the street and jump into the broken drainage pipe. Run along the pipe to the end, get out to the right side and go into the bus lying on its side.

Free the woman and exit the bus on the left side. If you follow the woman, you can get into a house full of grenades, ammo, and so on, but the entrance to these hot spots is guarded by a very accurate sniper, so I recommend refraining from visiting him.

Hide behind the overturned yellow car and let the truck in front drive away. Then run forward and go into the gap in the wall on the left. Walk forward a little and turn right to witness the ridiculous death of one of the soldiers who was blown up by a mine.

The road to the rebel camp is mined, and you must be extremely careful. In principle, mines lie on the surface of the earth, and they can be seen. The only thing that is not visible, but explodes, is the embankment in the center of the road. It's better to jump over it.

Rebel camp, secret plans and sniper tower

Soon you will find yourself in a rebel camp. Here you must act quickly and without errors. As soon as you enter the camp, run to the left and cut through the entrance to the tent. Come in and hide in the shadows by the beds. When the soldier at the computer comes out of the tent, rush to the computer and pick up the code for it. Download your plans and get out of the tent through the cut passage as quickly as possible.

Run to the second tent, cut through the entrance and hide at the exit on the left. Wait until one of the soldiers on the left moves far to the right, and the second turns his back on you. Exit the tent and run to the left. Find the generator on the wall and cut the wire. Now quickly run to the right and hide behind the skeleton of the truck. The soldier will go to check the generator and at the same time search the area around. Give him the opportunity to inspect everything and go back. As soon as he turns his back to you, quickly climb over the fence and run to the tower ahead. Climb the ladder to the very top and find the sniper rifle left behind by Emil's men.

Kill or not?

If you shoot the CIA agent, as Emil wants, then the mission will be completed, however, Lambert will tear and throw, if you don’t shoot, but kill his opponent, then read on.

The path to the palace and the release of the agent

After the charge hits the turret, Sam will lose consciousness for a few minutes. When he wakes up, go to the cord and slide down it into the burning building ahead. Jump down. On the street where the fight is going on, run into the bus on the left. Wait for the soldier hiding under the bus to die. Jump down through the hatch to the ground and run to the right to the pipe. Run inside and make your way to the burning plane/helicopter. Jump into the salon. Save the game.

So we got to the most difficult part of the mission. So, as soon as you get out of the plane, jump down and hide behind the box on the left. Wait until the captured soldier decides to run away and the guard rushes after him. While the guard is busy with the prisoner, run past them to the stairs leading to the scaffolding.

Climb to the very top. Don't touch the soldier shooting at the enemies you can't see. Climb onto the green boxes and jump from them to the roof of the palace. There are many paths you can take here, but the easiest one is to arm yourself with a rifle with shock charges and before anyone realizes anything, take down all the guards below. Then find the yellow pipe running under the ceiling of the building, grab onto it and crawl to the middle. Hook the cable here and go down. Do not rush to release the agent, but go a little further, where you can see the exit to the alley. Take out the guard patrolling the street so you don't have any problems later.

Now free the agent and go out into the alley with him. Get to the fence and help the agent climb over the fence. After the palace explodes, the mission will be completed!

Can you shoot a friend, even in the leg? If you can, then the first part of the mission will be a simple walk for you, if not, then read about the alternative path. In any case, you must kill someone, if you don’t shoot, then Jamie will kill you, and the mission is over.

So let's say you did shoot a friend. Leave the room and run to the furnace where the corpses are burned. There you should find the corpse of Enrique. Scan her retina.

Run to the shooting range and take away the night vision device, as well as the rifle. Now go through the doors marked "Exit", go up the stairs and open the voice lock that the worker used to repair. You will find yourself in a familiar corridor with two guards.

Turn off the light in the corridor and, when there is no one nearby, make your way into the corridor on the right, where Enrika's bedroom is located. There is another guard in the hallway. Let him go and then open the fingerprint lock. Come in and go to the elevator where Jamie once left. Open the elevator doors with Enrika's retina. Get down.

Before you will be a corridor with a guard. Follow him and turn off the light in the corridor. When it gets dark, jump over the railing on the right and run up to the door with a combination lock. Pick up the code, enter and close the door behind you. Turn off the light and climb under the table with the computer, as a guard will enter the room to check that everything is in order.

When the guard leaves, pick up the code to the computer and get the code from the laboratory. Exit to the next room and jump into the hatch in the floor. Find a vent under the ceiling. Climb inside and watch the guard wandering through the flooded tunnel.

When the guard walks past you to the left, jump into the water and quickly go straight through the tunnel to the left. Climb up the stairs and turn off the light. Hide to the right of the door, as at this time one of the workers will come out of it to get some air.

When he gets back inside, follow him. Stun the guard and hide his body so as not to interfere. Then get close to the door behind which Jamie is wandering. Wait for the moment when Jamie turns his back to the door, go in and grab him. Interrogate Jamie and stun (you can drag him along the tunnel).

Go through the sliding doors on the right, from where you will enter the last part of the mission. You have ten minutes to save the world.

Ten minutes, showdown with Emil and defuse the bomb

As soon as Emil leaves, one of the soldiers will enter you. Stun him and move on.

Shoot the lamp to make the passage plunge into darkness. The two in the lab are going to check what's wrong. When they leave the lab and move further away, enter the code (2112) to enter the lab and enter.

Climb up the stairs to the right. Then one more. Don't shoot Emil as he is behind bulletproof glass. Exit the room, jump over the railing and hide in the dark.

Well, what can I say ... There are four in the room, plus Emil, and you need to neutralize all of them. It takes you three or four minutes to defuse the bomb, so you can spend the rest of the time playing with the terrorists. In principle, all four can be caught and knocked out, but usually such a joke goes with two, and the other two freeze tightly at the entrance to the room where Emil is sitting.

It doesn't matter how you deal with the soldiers, but it's still better to take a couple of them by surprise before you start firing right and left.

When you kill or disable Emil and the soldiers, run towards the bomb. There are no revelations here. First open the lock in the form of a safe. Save the game. Then pick up the code. Save the game. Now the bomb. First, lower the probe so that it is exactly in the center and can pick up the core. Now look at the image of the lasers on the right. Your task is to pull out the bomb and prevent the probe on the right (not in the bomb, but on the screen on the right) from touching the circles located around. Right button the mouse makes Sam hold his breath, but don't overdo it, as the indicator at the bottom will show the temperature of the bomb, which rises all the time. If the temperature rises to a critical level, then you will lose, so hurry carefully.

When the bomb is defused, you will be able to watch the end credits, after which the mission will be counted!

Alternative paths:

If you shoot at Jamie, and not at a friend, then be prepared for the fact that all terrorists will stand on their ears. Therefore, quickly jump out of the room and run to the stove. Scan Enrika's retina (you can also scan Jamie's retina, but you probably won't have time for that). Then find the ladder on the wall and get out through it into the garage. Run to the shooting gallery and pick up the weapon. Further, everything is as described above.

A very simple mission. Hide behind the mast and wait for the soldiers to scatter around the boat. Soon a guard will come out of the wheelhouse and, going down to the deck, will leave on business. Get out of the shelter and go up to the wheelhouse. See where Moss is and when he turns his back to the door, go in and grab him by the neck.

After Moss is finished, approach the bomb. You will probably have seven minutes to spare. Therefore, calmly break the lock and pick up the code. Come out onto the deck and jump overboard over the railing on the right. Mission, and with it the game completed!

Additional information: What? Where? When?

Information for those who want to complete all side missions for Lambert at Terror HQ.

Medical files - located in the infirmary, in Enrika's office. Break the lock and check the nightstand by the computer.

Personal files of terrorists (5 pieces) - two files are in the bedside tables, in the room where Dayton sleeps and sees nightmares. One case is in the nightstand in Enrique's bedroom and one in Emil's bedroom next to his office. The last case is located in the nightstand in Moss's room (where the punching bag hangs).

Professional documentation (5 items) - in Enrika's laboratory in the nightstand by the table. In the server room next to the computer. In Emil's office against the wall. In Moss's office, in the nightstand by the computer. In Jamie's office near Moss' room.

Voices (5 pieces) - Enrica and Emil, when they talk near the place where you have to make mines. Moss - during his fits of rage, when he grumbles under his breath. Dayton is in a dream when he has a nightmare. Jamie - when he argues with Moss while standing in the elevator.

Fingerprints (5, there are a lot of them throughout the headquarters, but let's name a few places) - Emil - on the table at the computer where Sam decoded the letter, as well as in his office in the same place. Moss - near the switch in the hall with the obstacle course. Enrika - on a machine for the production of mines. Dayton - next to the server room code lock. Jamie is on the refrigerator in the kitchen.

Retina (5 eyes) - Enrica - from her dead body by the stove. Emil - after his death next to the bomb. Jamie - either in the room where you shoot him, or in the laboratory where you grab him. Dayton - go to the server room, stun him and scan the retina. Moss - after you break his neck on the boat.

Need help?

You can ask any question or ask for advice on this game. It will take quite a bit of time.

Game description

Splinter Cell Double Agent is the fourth game in the series and continues the story of the previous ones. The plot itself begins with the penetration of Sam Fisher (the protagonist of the series) to the Icelandic geothermal station in order to reconnoiter and prevent terrorists from launching a rocket. During the mission, Sam's partner is killed, and he himself manages to get out of the station a few seconds before it explodes. But that was only the beginning, in the evacuation helicopter, Sam learns that his daughter has been killed. This news breaks Sam, and to distract himself, he asks his boss, Irving Lambert, to give him the most difficult and almost impossible task. So Sam becomes a double agent.

The gameplay of the game repeats the previous games in the series, with the exception of a few innovations, namely: the appearance of missions taking place during the day, a collision with a moral choice, walking through the base of terrorists. There was also a change in the interface the life bar disappeared (health is now regenerating), the visibility and audibility indicators degraded to the state of a small light bulb on Sam's radio and weapons. If the indicator is green you are a shadow, if yellow you can be noticed, red you are a Christmas tree on a matinee, and all opponents will come running to dance around you. The alarm counter and weapon indicator also disappeared. The weapons and equipment themselves are upgraded under certain conditions. Thus, the game swung towards the action, although the missions, where you can never catch the eye of the enemy, remained.

The moral choice that appeared in this game is also an inseparable part of the plot and gameplay if the trust of terrorists or the NSA reaches zero, they will reveal you as an agent or consider that you are a traitor who has gone over to the side of the enemy, thus the game will be GAME OVER. In order for this not to happen, you will have to make a choice that will not always be the right one. It is from what choice was made that the end of the game will depend.

Conclusion: an excellent game that completes the quartet of games with purely stealth mechanics, designed for repeated passage, and is also highly recommended to all fans of the Die Hard films and Bruce Willis in particular.

In ancient times, on the MUZ-TV channel, in one of the programs about video games (F.A.Q. or ZOOM), they showed a cinematic walkthrough of this game. God, it seemed like a masterpiece almost on the level of the first Matrix. Atmospheric levels, cool storyline, cool features like skydiving.

And now, ten years after the release of the game itself (and 8-9 since that passage), I decided to try it out on my own. And ... this is a complete disappointment.

It's worth starting with the fact that the port from the box is simply terrible. You can’t change the graphic settings (except for the screen resolution, and then only for what is on the list), terribly quiet voices, frequent crashes, square shadows, and once the game simply stopped running altogether.

Inconvenient management. The weapon selection menu may be good for a joypad, but the keyboard would have enough buttons for all this stuff.

Very sutural development of events. Switching between video and game screensavers is just awful.

Linearity. Fierce. Although, as I understand it, the whole series sins with this, and against the background of the first part of the Double Agent, it’s generally an open-world sandbox.

Stupid stamped plot, idealess a little less than completely. Wooden characters and their wooden problems. Perhaps a message from Sam's daughter about how she loves daddy and is waiting for him at home, and then her sudden death should cause some feelings, but definitely not bewilderment from the stupidity and cardboard nature of this event (still the same seamlessness of the story).

But there were so many hopes for Syria for such a long time. And everything turned out to be a complete disappointment.

I played this part on ps2 as a pirate like in the 10th year. Even there on PS2, the graphics impressed me. And these interactions with a partner were new then. And the ice was awesome in the first mission. On the second mission (at night near the mansion like it was) I abandoned the game. It was fine to play with a joystick. But there are a lot of submenus and contextual icons. Somehow it was stressful. In general, of all the Splinters, I only like Pandora Tomorrow. This is truly a masterpiece. A mixture of Fleming and Kojima.

Pandora is considered the pinnacle of Splinter Cell. Next came the slope. That's just from this part. Brunestud speaks the case, but not everywhere justified. In fact, all the problems here are only due to the technical part of the game. Double Agent is still interesting to pass, there are 4 endings. Yes, and in different versions the game is different. Everyone wanted to make a walkthrough for each, but Splinter Cell is still far away, even the first one.

Oak management was in the first part. And in the second. And in the Oscar-winning third. However, if you compare it with the “hurricane” in the fifth (Conviction), then I use both paws and a rake for the profession of a carpenter) You just need to get used to it. Personally, I went through all parts of Sam's adventures in one gulp. In a row from the first to the fifth (then they didn’t even stutter about the sixth). Therefore, here it seemed to me the same as in the three games before. In addition, no one bothers to get into the options (no matter how terrible they may be) and reconfigure everything for yourself)

The plot has always been clichéd, but not stupid. Especially there are a lot of cranberries. After all, the adventures of Sema Rybak were based on the work of Tom "Russophobe" Clancy (bless his memory), who loved the theme of the Cold War. Loved, tore in all places and exploited in black. Why we love, because meticulous uncle was, and that's good. And on such plots, he made a name for himself, which even after his departure is written before the name of the series. Somehow, people who read his books and watched film adaptations do not complain. In a spy game, there is no plot at all without clichés (the Siphon Filter series, the Bourne game, the James "Our All" Bond series, etc.). Even the Genius Kojima, apart from walking combat robots and Paz in his underwear, the plot is even more clichéd. Everything is just veiled so that it does not catch the eye. Unfortunately, in Splinter Cell, European gaijins somehow didn’t think of throwing grimsdottir pants (or the Emperor forbid, Lambert) in the player’s face. We woke up only by the fifth part and still made her a nyash. However, after Sam was rejuvenated, although he was already almost 70 years old at the time of the fifth part. Therefore, all flaws are immediately visible. But here it is also worth going through everything, from the first part. For, the plot of all games is closely intertwined. Therefore, it does not look so gloomy and uncouth. The bricks stack well.

Before jumping out of the plane, go to the computer in the cabin and read the letter from Sarah. You don't know yet that this is a farewell letter to Sam's daughter, but let's not get ahead of ourselves.

We get to the station

Run and jump into the icy waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Dive and swim to the red light on the left (key "E" acceleration). John will be waiting for you here, who will swim into the tunnel when you appear. Swim after him and watch the youngster deal with one of the guards. Let's hope this is the first and last casualty of this mission.

When John makes it to shore, swim up and out. You will find yourself in a hole. Since we are not going to kill anyone, then wait until the second guard turns his back on you, and get out of the hole ("Control" key). Hide in the shade near the pipes so that no one sees you. Lambert will report that plans have changed, and terrorists have appeared at the station. Anyway, today is Monday.

Sneak up to the house with a light bulb above the entrance. Turn off the light and enter the house. Close the door behind you! In the house you will find a sleeping guard and a sonic grenade. Take the grenade, dig into the guard's laptop, and also cut the generator cable to turn off the power to the station fence. As soon as you do this, the guard on the street will be interested in the house, so select the smoke bomb from your inventory and carefully open the front door. So it is - the guard is standing right in front of the entrance. Throw the saber to the left, away from the fence, and when the guard goes to check what's wrong, quickly run to the right, where John is waiting for you.

Help John jump over the fence, and then climb over the net yourself. Once on the other side of the station, climb the stairs to the platform, jump up and, grabbing the cord pulled by someone, go to enemy territory.

Road to the ventilation shaft

Sneak up on the roof behind the guard, but let him quietly go to the right. Drop down to the platform and follow the guard to the stairs. Go down one level. Behind you, two guards will come out of the gate and start talking. While they are busy, jump over the railing and jump to the ground. Go around the open container (you can get hold of a mine in it, but we don’t need it) and make your way to the left to the generator hanging on the wall next to the fence. Cut the cable to turn off the power to the fence and right here, without leaving the cash register, get over the fence.

Quickly jump down to the ground and press against the left wall of the fence. Follow it to the very end until you see a guard with a flashlight. Do not rush, let him play enough of the tracker, and when he turns his back on you, quickly go to the right and climb up the stairs. Then, along another ladder, get to the top of some kind of tank, where you have to jump up and grab onto the pipe with your hands. Now grab the pipe with your feet and crawl towards the building on the left.

Below you will see Mad John, but do not try to save him. Caesar - Caesar's. Crawl to the end of the pipe, lower your legs down and grab the railing with your hands. Climb over them and run to the building ahead. Crawl into the ventilation shaft. Here you are at the base. John?!

Warhead launch sabotage

I repeat, but you are not able to help John, you should not waste time looking for a workaround.

Crawl to the platform on the left and jump over the railing. You have ten minutes to stop the rocket launch and get away. Lambert has already sent cavalry for you, so I advise you to hurry.

The surest way to sabotage is the following. Follow the platform to the end and find the stairs. Go down one level. There is also a ladder here, but don't rush down it. Wait for a guard with a flashlight to come up to you. Let him examine the platform and, having attached himself behind his back, follow him down the stairs. As soon as you find yourself at the bottom, immediately turn right and cut down the light above the warhead for a while. Then turn the valve to extend the bridge leading to the warhead. Now turn around and stand on the platform nearby - this is a kind of elevator. Press the button and go up to the level where the bridge you put forward is located.

Now you need to open the warhead control panel. The remote control is located in the change house on the left, where the worker sits without getting out. You'll have to smoke it out. So, turn off the light in the change house for a while and, when the worker leaves it, quickly jump inside and press the button that opens the control panel on the rocket body.

Get out of the change house and cut down the light above the warhead. Make sure the worker is not near the warhead and run towards it. Match the correct code to the control panel and sabotage the launch. Great, now quickly turn your head to the right, where a ladder is located one step from the body of the rocket. Climb up it and raise your head towards the ceiling on the left. Soon you will see Lambert's helicopter, from which you will be dropped a rope. Grab at straws and get your feet up. Mission completed!

Alternative paths:

The gate leading to the ventilation shaft can be opened in two ways: either by picking up the code on the lock next to the gate, or using the computer in the guard's lodge, but then you have to deal with him and his partner, which is undesirable.

The missile can be neutralized in a faster way. From the topmost platform, go down one level and climb into the crane cabin. Turn the lever and move the crane. Exit to the platform and run to the end, where you will see a pipe. Climb up it to the ceiling and crawl to the left. Soon you will have the opportunity to hook the crampons and go down upside down to the control panel. To avoid being seen, turn off the light on the guard on the platform on the left along the way. Below you have to neutralize the worker, stubbornly standing near the panel. The problem is that the worker is an extremely nervous type, and the first time you are unlikely to succeed.

Mission Two - USA, Kansas, Ellsworth Federal Penitentiary, February 1, 2008

After Jamie Washington hands you the knife, go to the poster on the wall and rip it off with a flick of your hand. Behind the poster you will see a hole in the wall. Climb into the tunnel and crawl into the mine. Climb up the pipe to the upper level and crawl into another ventilation shaft. Soon you will find yourself under the ceiling on the ventilation duct. Downstairs, the cells are already rioting, but you should not worry about them. Go along the box to the left and use the knife to open the shutter of another ventilation shaft.

When you crawl through the mine, you will see the head of one of the guards below through the bars, so try not to make noise. At the end of the tunnel, open the hatch and silently jump into the security room.

The guard's room and the way to the hall where the shootout is going on

The guard will notice the open hatch, but he will not dare to check what is wrong. While you are in the shadows, the guard will not notice you, so take advantage of the situation and rummage through the computer on the table. Find out the code (1403) from the doors, which matches the code on the weapon locker located on the right wall of the room.

Sneak up to the locker and enter the code. True, you will not find weapons, but you can get hold of three smoke bombs. Now the most difficult thing is to quietly leave the room. You must act as quickly as possible. First, hide in the shadows next to the locker where the weapon is stored. When the guard passes you and goes to the table to rummage there, quickly rush to the door and, using a master key, unlock the lock. On the other side of the door you will see a second guard, but he will move away from you, so do not waste a second, jump out onto the stairs and roll down head over heels.

Once at the bottom, go down the corridor and find a panel with a combination lock. Enter the code, quickly enter the room and hide behind the table on the left. In the next moment, a guard will enter the room and notice the open door, but this will not especially alarm him.

Let the guard get away and then quickly turn off the metal detector and cut the generator cable on the wall to the right. Then hide in the niche to the left of the metal detector and wait for the guard to return to the room. As soon as he turns his back to you, slip through the metal detector into the corridor. In the corridor, turn off the light, and as quickly as possible, break the lock on the door leading to the hall, where there is a fight between prisoners and guards.

tower and roof

Since you are in the thick of things, no one will especially pay attention to you, although this does not mean that you will not be shot. Stick to the right wall and get to the opposite end of the hall, where there are prisoners armed to the teeth. Climb over the serving table and carefully make your way to the right. Ahead you will see a ladder, but we will not go up it - it is too risky. Your goal is the door in the upper right corner of the screen. To get there and at the same time not catch the eye of the warring parties, take out a smoke bomb and throw it in the center of your intended path to the door. Under cover of smoke, get to the door and enter.

You ended up on the lower level of sector A. Your task is to climb to the very top of the tower ahead.

As soon as you enter the room from where the door leads to the tower, hide under the stairs, as a guard with a flashlight will move in your direction. Let him pass you, and then jump out of hiding, climb the stairs and run up to the door to the tower. Break the lock and enter.

Inside the tower, do not rush to climb the stairs, wait in the shade until a guard with a flashlight comes down to you. When he makes his way back, crouch behind him and go up to the level where the computers are, and on the wall to the left is a rifle that fires rubber bullets. Grab the weapon and ammo, then quickly hide under the table with the computer.

When the guard returns, he will shine a light in your direction, but will pretend that he did not notice anything. Let the guard leave, and climb the stairs to the next level, where the computer is located, which is responsible for controlling the doors of the cells.

Pick up the code and open all the cells of sector A. Great, now go up one more level and call the elevator. Climb up to the last floor. There are two guards waiting for you here, so don't yawn and watch where you're going so you don't run into them.

From the elevator, go left and find a hole in the broken window on the right. Climb through the hole and climb up the drainpipe to the roof.

Saving Jamie

Approximately in the middle of the path, Jamie will report that he is in trouble, and you will have a new task: "Rescue Jamie from the guard." To complete this task, you must climb onto the roof as quickly as possible and run up to a makeshift bridge thrown from the top of the tower to the roof of a neighboring building. Ahead, through the hole in the broken window, you will see Jamie, who is held at gunpoint by a guard. Running and rescuing him is a thankless task, so get out a rifle with rubber bullets and, when the guard is right in front of the hole in the window, shoot!

As soon as the guard falls, run across the bridge and join Jamie. Then, as quickly as possible, jump down to the lower level of the roof, and, trying not to get under the searchlights of the helicopter hovering over your head, run to the building on the right. Run through the narrow passage between the buildings, go into the house on the right, and climb the stairs to the roof. Everything, you are free! Mission completed!

Alternative paths:

From the hall where the shooting is taking place, you can also climb the stairs. To do this, throw one smoke bomb on the landing in front of the entrance to the second flight, and the second on the third flight. Under the cover of smoke, you can climb the stairs without being noticed. One trouble, at the end of the stairs you will find a door, which can be opened only with the help of a chip sewn into the clothes of the guards. Therefore, either you have to stun the guard patrolling the third flight, or drag the corpse of the guard lying at the entrance to the stairs, and this is much more difficult than it seems.

Mission three - USA, New York, terrorist headquarters, February 2, 2008

The rules of conduct in the enemy lair are as follows: complete all the tasks that the terrorists gave you, then all the tasks for Lambert, and in the remaining time, try to complete additional tasks and not be caught in places where you should not be.

After arriving at the headquarters of the terrorists, go after Jamie (do not lag behind, but do not overtake him, so as not to lose confidence). After they show you where you sleep, big Moss will take care of you. Follow him and he will lead you to the training room. Your task is to go through the obstacle course, then open the safe and wait for the arrival of Moss, who promises to appear in twenty-five minutes.

Obstacle course, safe hacking and shooting gallery

Go through the obstacle course (I think you can do it without prompts) and run up to the safe. The principle of cracking the safe is as follows: choose one of the directions - "right" or "left", in which you will rotate the master key. Stick to the chosen direction until you hear a click and the leftmost wheel turns green, which means that it is in the correct position. Now change the direction of rotation and set the central wheel to the correct position. Change the direction of rotation again and install the last wheel. If everything is correct, the safe will open.

Leave the room with the safe and through the hatch, get out to the beginning of the obstacle course. Next in line is the shooting gallery. Come in and pick up a rifle. Your task is to knock out 75 points in 30 shots. This is not difficult to do, since the center of the target is 5 points, the edge is 1 point, and what is between them is 3 points. As soon as you knock out the required number of points, proceed to Lambert's tasks.

Roof antenna and bug installation

Exit the range and go left. Soon you will see the infirmary where Enrika, the only terrorist girl, works. Talk to her and go past the infirmary to the stairs against the wall. Climb up, where the two are busy fixing the blades of a huge fan.

Don't make noise, carefully go behind them and dive into the ventilation shaft, from where you can climb the stairs to the roof. But do not rush to get out onto the roof, as you may be noticed by a guard standing at the parapet. Let the guard move a little to the left and when he turns his back to you, get out onto the roof and quickly make your way to the right, where another terrorist is serving.

Follow the back of the terrorist, but halfway through, leave him alone and hide behind the crates on the left. When the terrorist reaches the end of the roof and stops against the wall, with his back to you, quickly go forward and turn left into the open door in the fence.

Here you will find a shield with a transmitter for the antenna. Place a bug on the transmitter and go back the same way you came.

Trojan horse and server room

Go down the stairs to the room where a huge TV screen hangs on the wall. Go straight down the corridor and turn right. Here you will see Jamie, who will open the door with a combination lock and go to the server room.

Make sure that there are no witnesses nearby, turn off the lights in the room and select the code for the combination lock. Enter and immediately turn left. Climb over the railing and lean against the left wall. Walk along it to the end and pay attention to the camera above the entrance to the server room.

Wait until an annoyed Jamie comes out of the server room and, after waiting for the moment when the camera is not looking in your direction, make your way to the doors. Enter the server room and get to the stairs leading to the elevation where two terrorists work.

Search the area to the left of the stairs and find a hatch. Open it and go down. You are under an elevation. Wait until one of the terrorists leaves the server room, and the other one goes about his business on the computer. Go to the end of the tunnel and, having opened the second hatch, get out on the hill. Go to the nearest terminal and download the virus into the system. Go back the same way you came.

Medical files of terrorists - additional task

To get the terrorists' medical files, go to the infirmary and make sure that Enrika is examining something through a microscope in her office. Approach the cabinet doors and break the lock. Carefully crawl into the office and close the door behind you. Tiptoe behind the girl. First, hack into her computer, and then scan the medical files in the nightstand on the right. Then, as quietly as possible, exit the office and close the door behind you. Everything, now you can return to the obstacle course, where Moss is already waiting for you.

Helicopter pilot - execute or pardon?

After meeting with Moss, he will take you to the torture chamber, where Emile Dufrasne will order you to kill the helicopter pilot, and Lambert will insist on pardon. If you want to gain confidence in the terrorists, then kill the pilot, if you don't want to get your hands dirty, then just shoot at the wall. Mission completed!

Mission 4 - Russia, Sea of ​​Okhotsk, 200 km off the coast of Siberia, February 5, 2008

The only mission where, in order to pass, you must definitely knock out the ship's crew, otherwise it will not be counted for you. But we still need to get to the ship, so we'll talk about it later.

Skydiving and collecting belongings

After Sam jumps out of the plane, you will hover for a bit, and then a parachute icon will appear. Pull the ring, but... the parachute won't open! But don't panic, we still have a spare. As soon as the icon appears for the second time, pull the ring and land.

After landing, you should pick up your things as soon as possible, since your jump did not go unnoticed, and two people with machine guns are already landing from the helicopter on the iceberg.

To pick up things and not raise the alarm, you must act as quickly as possible. So, as soon as control passes to you, run forward, jump, roll over and go around the second ice mound on the right as quickly as possible. Crawl to the edge and hang on your hands over the cliff. Don't move or you'll be seen.

Listen to the conversation of two soldiers, and then, when they disperse in search of you, get out on the iceberg and run to your things. Collect the scattered detonators and swallow into the water on the right. The first part of the journey is over.

Enemy camp and undermining the mountain

Swim under the ice and when Sam notices an ice hole, emerge, break through the ice and drag the soldier to the bottom. Don't pop up. Swim further until you see another hole with a soldier. Drag him to the bottom too (since you can’t play stealth, we’ll get the most out of it). This time also stay underwater and swim to the right and to the end of the pond. There, carefully emerge and look where the guard is, walking around near the snowmobiles. If he turned his back to you, then quickly get out to the shore and run to the tent on the left. Go around it on the left side and hide behind the boxes to be behind the soldier warming his hands by the fire.

After waiting for a good moment, sneak up on the soldier and grab him. Drag it to the water and just enter the water so that it goes to the bottom.

Swim a little to the left and get out on the shore. Go back to where the soldier was warming up and use his computer to blow up a piece of ice mountain not far from the snowmobiles.

Jump into the water and swim under the ice to the hole on the left. Break the ice and get out on the shore. Hide behind the snowmobile and watch the soldier who walks near the ice hole formed on the left. When the soldier backs off to the right and leans towards the snowmobile, get out of cover and slide gently into the water. Dive and swim through the tunnel further.

Two ice holes and the lower deck of the ship

Above you will be two ice-holes covered with ice. Above one stands a soldier, above the other no one yet. I don’t say “bye” for nothing, because if you wait a bit, a soldier will also appear above it. I advise you to deal with him first of all, because if you take on his friend, then he will be able to notice you.

Deal with both soldiers and jump into the water. Don't touch the guy in the boat, he didn't do anything to you. Swim to the right and get out to the shore. Grab the cord with your hands and climb on board the ship.

By corpses

Passing this mission for the first time, I got to the last stage without removing a single crew member, which I later had to seriously regret, since the task was not credited to me. Don't repeat my mistakes. They said - deal with the team, so you figure it out. No initiative!

First, let's clean the lower deck. Take advantage of a sudden oncoming blizzard to stealthily approach your chosen victims. The tactics here are simple: they chose a victim, crept up from behind, grabbed, dragged to the place where you climbed onto the ship, stunned, shouldered and thrown down from the ship - so at least no one can find the corpses.

When it becomes freer below, run along the stern to the mast with a ladder. Climb to the very top. Check that there is no one on the deck where you are going to move down the cord. Drive down and climb up the pipe to the upper deck.

Here, grab onto the railing with your hands and hang under the soldier talking on the radio. His name is Andrew, or rather his name was. As soon as he finishes talking, grab him and throw him over the railing. Climb onto the roof of the tanker and find the antenna.

Open the control panel, select the code and contact Lambert. Then transmit the frequency of the tanker to the terrorists. Both rabbits are dead.

Gas attack and the way to the engine room

On the roof of the tanker, find the ladder leading to the ventilation duct. Open the hatch at the top and use the cable to get down. Try to convince the terrorists, but they are adamant and will demand that you let the gas through the ventilation system.

There is nothing to do, throw a gas grenade into the ventilation shaft. Now walk up to the wall and jump up so Sam can grab onto the edge of the ledge. Pull yourself up on your hands and crawl along the narrow tunnel to the deck.

At this time, you will be informed that the captain is completely distraught with fear and plans to blow up the ship. You need to stop him.

Return to the upper deck of the ship and, jumping over the railing, make your way to the lower deck. Finish clearing the lower deck. I do not think that this will be a problem for you, but I will stop at a couple of individuals.

One of the soldiers has taken a strategic position at the top of the stairs and does not leave his post for a second. Getting close to him unnoticed is almost impossible, killing from a distance is not our way of working, so leave him alone. I'm not joking, the point is that you need to take out ten crew members and there are at least fifteen people on the ship, so you have enough cannon fodder without this paranoid.

The captain ran down the aisle on the port side, where a crane had previously blocked the way. Three people roam the open territory: one sits on the mast, two roam below. First you will meet a lone soldier who can be easily stunned and hidden in an open container on the right. The main thing is to make sure that the fighter does not notice you at the match.

Now you need to somehow climb the stairs and at the same time not run into the soldiers. I propose to temporarily cut down the searchlight on the mast, illuminating the stairs and, under the cover of darkness, go upstairs. First deal with the guy on the deck, and then climb the mast and stun the sentry. Now calmly return down to the deck and go down into the open hatch of the engine room.

Engine room and ship's captain

Go through the first doors and follow the bridge to the left. Hide at the end of the bridge and wait for the sailor in white uniform to move away from the console he is working on. Get behind him and stun him. Get down to the level down and go through the next door to the next compartment.

As soon as you enter, go to the right and hide in the darkness, as a sailor with a flashlight will soon appear. When he turns his back to you, stun him and hide in the dark. Go to the doors at the end of the compartment, but do not rush out. First, cut out the light on the left, and then go through the doors, otherwise the sailor on the upper level will notice you.

You are in a compartment with a working propeller. Stop the propeller with the remote against the wall and jump into the water. Swim through the tunnel to the next compartment and get out on the rise in the center.

The captain walks over your head with a flare lit, and in the compartment itself there is an unbearable smell of gas. The captain is definitely crazy, so you must disable him before he blows up the ship.

Hang on your hands under the bridge where the captain roams, and when he passes you, jump over the railing and grab the madman. Stun the captain and climb the long stairs to the top. Open the hatch to get to the landing area, where the helicopter is already waiting for you. Mission completed!

Do not worry if you do not get a 100% result, because for some unknown reason, even if you hid all the bodies, two or three bodies found will be indicated in the report after the mission. As they say, it is impossible to understand it, you just have to keep it in mind.

Alternative paths:

There are many of them, since you can remove enemies in a variety of ways.

You can also get on the tanker on the lift located on the left side of the raft at the side of the tanker, but there are two problems. Firstly, you will have to remove a soldier in a rubber boat, and secondly, two people are waiting for you at the top, so the rope path is preferable and safer.

Mission Five - Shanghai, China, February 6, 2008

Unlike the previous mission, in China everything will be much more interesting. So, after the pilot has enough impact, the control of the helicopter will pass to you. Do not be afraid, no one will force you to fly, this is not a simulator for you. All you have to do is level the helicopter and bring it to the skyscraper ahead. After a successful landing, you will be left on the helipad in the pouring rain.

The way to the hotel and the recording of the meeting of the terrorists

Once Moss and Emil leave, the good guys will ask you to tape the terrorists' conversation. To do this, you must cross a heavily guarded rooftop, which is what we're going to do now.

The shortest way. Approach the boxes on the left. Stand on them and jump up to grab onto the railing with your hands. When the guards start talking, quickly jump over the railing. Run around the house on the roof and climb the stairs to the roof. Staying in the shadows, sneak up to the cord, grab it and slide down.

On the roof, jump onto the ventilation duct. Then climb over the boards to the roof of one of the trailers. Run up from it and jump onto the pipe running along the wall of the building on the left. Climb to the top of the pipe and, grabbing the ledge with your hands, crawl to the right. Jump down and approach the crane control panel. Pick up the code and turn the tap. Then climb onto the crane and go to the end of the boom. Reinforce the rope and start descending.

When you get to the first cradle, sit down and hang on the ledge. Crawl to the left until you see a neon tube mounted vertically on the very edge of the building. Go down it to the level below and stand with your feet on the ledge. Your task is to get past the windows of the restaurant without being noticed. It is quite easy to do this, as most of the visitors are already resting in the salad. Walk past the window when no one is looking at it. At the end of the cornice, strengthen the cable and prepare the microphone.

Start going down and when you reach the room where the negotiations are taking place, point the microphone at the talking terrorists to start recording. Alas, even if you, like me, manage to record the conversation to the end, you still won’t be credited for the task, because it was planned that way according to the script.

The recording will fail, and all because someone noticed the crane's arrow and suspected something was wrong, and you urgently need to tear your claws. Get down to the cradle as quickly as possible and immediately start moving to the left. At the first opportunity, sit down and hang on the ledge. Crawl to the very end of the ledge and freeze, merging with the wall. If you stay on the ledge, you won't be able to get past the closed laundry shutters and you'll be spotted by people from the helicopter.

Hacking the safe in Emil's room

Soon a window will open above you, but you must overcome the desire to throw a guard through it, because then you will not see a 100% result as your ears. Therefore, we wait until the guy leaves, and only then we climb into the window. Staying in the shadows, go left and open the hatch in the floor. Jump into the hatch and go through the tunnel to the next hatch. Get to the surface. You are in the laundry room.

To get past the guard, turn off the light above the door on the left. When the laundry gets noticeably darker, quickly run up to the generator on the wall to the left and cut the wire. Well, it's definitely night now. While the guard is figuring out what's wrong, run to the left, turn behind some cars and find the entrance to the mine with a ladder leading up. Climb to the very top and jump into the ventilation shaft.

Soon you will be in the closet. Jump down and turn off the light. Get out of the closet, which will be in Emil's room! That's luck!

Stay in the shadows behind the screen and wait for the worker in the white suit to leave the meeting room. As soon as he passes you, quickly go to the meeting room and lean against the left wall.

In the hallway on the left you will see Emil, but do not worry, he will turn off the light (thanks, dear) and go into the next room. Run into the hallway and turn right, where Emil went. On the left wall you will see a safe!

Attention! If for some reason the buttons responsible for turning the lockpick in the safe do not work for you, then either restart the game, or try holding the "right" and "down", "left" and "down" keys at the same time. Sometimes, the problem can be solved by simply clicking on everything, including the mouse buttons.

Once you've dealt with the safe, take a sample of the red mercury and close the safe. Exit the room through the main doors and turn right.

The way to the good doctor's room

You need to get into the room of Dr. Atwan, and he is a couple of floors below. Make your way to the right past the patrolman and find the door leaning against the wall. Another comrade is wandering nearby, so don't make noise. If the guard is standing with his back to you, then just go into the room with the computer, and climb the stairs to the very top of the hotel. If the guard is in the room, then let him leave from there, but do not stay too long, as his partner can return at any second.

Once on the roof of the elevator shaft, attach the cable and go down to the metal bridge. At this time, the Chinese New Year will come and the hotel will be illuminated by spotlights. Very untimely, but do not be discouraged, we have not overcome this.

From the metal bridge, jump onto the roof of the elevator going down. From the roof, move to another bridge and wait for the elevator again. Ride it even lower and exit to the bridge. Do not rush, because at this moment a guard will approach the window overlooking the bridge.

Let him finish his smoke and when he turns to leave, jump in the window and get the gun. Disarm the camera above the elevators and run to the right. Staying in the shadows so that the guard with a flashlight does not notice you, make your way to the doctor's room and enter.

There are four in the room. I admit that it is possible to pass this place without knocking out any of the guys, but the problems with the control of the master key leave no other way out than to arrange a quiet hour for the children.

First, knock out the guy who is staggering between the room with the safe and the computer. Grab him and drag him into the shower. Stun and deal with the guy gutting the safe. Drag him into the same shower. Now lure one of the two guys from the next room, or maybe he will come out himself. Stun him and hide in the shower. Do the same with the rest.

Go to the safe and open it (this must be done the first time so that there is time for the doctor). Take the papers and save the game. Now we will kill the good doctor.

Killing the Good Doctor

You can kill him as you like, but through trial and error, I came to the conclusion that the most effective is a mine on the wall. So, exit the room and turn left. Staying in the shadows, get to the next dark section of the wall and plant a mine (if a guard with a flashlight passed you, let him come back so that he does not become a victim of the explosion). Return to the doctor's room, where the helicopter has already arrived with an impatient Moss on board. At that moment, when you are near the lifeline leading to the helicopter, an explosion should sound. The good doctor will go to the forefathers, and you will get a 100% rating. Mission completed!

Alternative paths:

Other methods of killing the doctor result in a loss of 100% rating, as you waste valuable time. For example, you can shoot the wall next to the elevator with a sticky camera and poison the doctor with gas, but this will not kill him and you have to go and finish him off, which will take too much time. You can also remove the doctor from a rifle, for this, staying right in the door of the room, point the optical sight at the elevator car and shoot the victim, who does not even have time to understand what happened.

Mission six - USA, New York, headquarters of terrorists, February 22, 2008

After talking with Lambert, return to the headquarters courtyard. You must quietly return to the building, otherwise goodbye one hundred percent result.

Get under the truck and wait for the people in the yard on the left to go to the right and go about their business. Roll out from under the truck and, keeping in the shadows, go to the entrance to the headquarters, where Enrika will meet you.

Follow Enrika and listen to her requests: take the pilot's body to the stove, make ten mines for Kinshasa, and so on. In the end, Enrika will lead you to the lower level of the headquarters, where the mechanism for making mines is located. Leaving you alone, Enrika will approach the door on the left and open the lock with her voice. Lambert wants you to record the voices of the most important terrorists and use the recordings to open previously closed doors.

When Enrika leaves, hide in the shadows and get the microphone. Point the microphone at the glass wall behind which Enrika and Emil are talking and record their voices. Now go to the mechanism on the left and make ten mines. This is not too difficult to do, especially since you have 15 charges, which means that you are entitled to five mistakes.

After the mines are ready, go to the doors and use the recording with Emil's voice to open the lock. Come in and climb the stairs to the very top.

Turn off the light and look through the glass in the door into the next corridor. Wait for the moment when the patrolman in the corridor turns his back on you and quickly slip into the room.

Pass the sleeping guard and turn into the corridor on the right. Turn off the light, and break the lock on the door as quickly as possible. Go ahead and pick up the code to the door of Emil's office. Go inside and immediately go to the doors on the right to get into a corridor with two doors. Find Emil's bedroom and scan his file. Then return to the office doors and carefully look into the room. If Emil and Jamie are still there, then wait for the bespectacled man to leave and the terrorist boss to sit on the sofa with his back to the door.

Enter the office and quickly exit to the balcony on the right as Emil decides to stretch his legs. Wait on the balcony until he goes to his room and goes to bed. Then go into the office and search it thoroughly. Open the safe, scan the blueprints for Lambert and take the file from the nightstand against the wall. Hack the computer and find out the access code to Enrika's laboratory.

Leave the office and return to the corridor where the guard walks. This time, two people will be waiting for you in the corridor, as the sleeping guard will wake up.

Staying in the shadows, sneak into the corridor on the right and turn off the lights. Break the lock on the door on the left and enter the room where Dayton sleeps. Pull out the microphone and record Dayton's voice as he starts talking in his sleep. Finally, take the files with personal files from the two bedside tables by the beds. Leave the room and return to the stairs leading to the room where you made mines.

Return to the main headquarters hall. Climb to the upper level and find a nook. Get out the microphone and record the voice of Moss (the ape-like guy Sam calls "Mouss", that is, "moose") when he starts grumbling under his breath.

When the voice of Moss is recorded, go to the infirmary and find the body of the unfortunate pilot. Throw it on your shoulders and return to the main hall. Go downstairs and turn into the first corridor on the right. Go past the room where the pilot was tortured and turn right. Go down the metal stairs and go through the passage on the right to get into the stoker. Place the pilot's corpse on the raised platform next to the stove. Return to the room where you made mines and wait for the arrival of Enrique. Mission completed!

Alternative paths:

After you scan the blueprints in Emil's office, you can go to the balcony and go down to the headquarters courtyard. If you cross the courtyard and climb onto the green boxes under the window of the neighboring building, you can climb into Enrika's bedroom through the window. As soon as you do this, the girl will enter the room and Sam will have no choice but to seduce her. Poor Sammy...

Mission seven - Mexico, Cozumel, February 27, 2008

I do not argue that getting one hundred percent on this mission is not an easy task, but with a certain skill and perseverance it is possible.

After Lambert's call, exit to the balcony and jump over the railing. Hanging on your hands, get to the pipe on the right and climb onto the next ledge. On it get to the balcony, on which stands the guard.

Casino, gas ventilation and a lock on the doors

Listen to the dialogue of the two guards and when they leave, climb over the railing and run into the casino. Put on your night vision goggle. Staying in the shadows, make your way to the room with the sign "Counter" and get the gun. Wait for a moment (the radar is very useful here, by default - double pressing the "Z" key) when there are no guards nearby, and turn off the sign so that the entrance to the room plunges into darkness. Run into the room as quickly as possible and turn off the light in it. Then run up to the wall on the right and throw a gas canister into the ventilation. Lambert's task is completed, but several guards are already moving towards you, and the sign above the room begins to blink treacherously, threatening to illuminate everything around.

Run out of the room and hide, either under the spinning table in the center of the casino, or jump on the parapet nearby and hide in the dark. While you are sitting on the parapet, no one will accidentally stumble upon you, and you will be able to look around.

The only way out of the casino is through closed doors under the "Casino" sign, which illuminates anyone who tries to approach. If you turn off the sign, then guards with flashlights will immediately come running to the doors, which is not included in our plans. Where would you find the time to break the lock without raising the alarm?

Through trial and error, I came up with the following solution. There are four guards in the hall. Your task is to distract them from the doors so that they do not notice that the sign has gone out. This can be done in different ways, but I, for example, climbed onto the parapet not far from the doors and, with the help of a pistol, began to turn on slot machines (you need to aim at the drum of the machine) in the hall. The sound of falling coins attracts the attention of the guards (they become red dots on the radar) and they turn their backs to the doors. When all four turn red dots on the radar, turn off the sign, rush to the doors, break the lock, enter the next room, slam the door and hide in the shadows under the stairs.

Hall with an aquarium and the path to the elevator

If the man in white is nearby, let him climb up the stairs, if he is not, then press against the right wall and climb the stairs to the second floor. Hide in the shadows opposite the doors, behind which you can see the silhouette of a guard. Soon the guard will leave to the right, and you can sneak into the hall with an aquarium instead of a wall.

Those who carefully read letters on computers are aware that there is a crack in the aquarium and the slightest carelessness can lead to tragedy. If you are interested in seeing the tragedy, then shoot three times at the crack in the glass, which is located in the lower right corner of the left section of the aquarium.

But ... we will not break anything, why do we need extra hype. Therefore, keep in the shadows and go around the room along the left wall. Soon you will see a camera. Disarm it for a while and run into the dark corridor. At the end of the corridor, hide against the right wall and listen to the conversation of two soldiers. Soon the soldiers will leave, and you can take the elevator and go up to the second floor.

Deck with swimming pool and thermal baths

On the way up, Enrika will report that soldiers can meet you, so find the hatch in the ceiling of the elevator car, jump up and climb out onto the roof.

When the elevator stops, a soldier will enter the cabin. Let him talk on the radio and jump down to knock the poor fellow down. Exit the elevator and close the doors so that no one sees the body.

Hide behind the table to the right of the elevator and wait for the guard on the left to head back. Run out of cover and head to the left, staying under cover of the crates. At this time, Enrika will appear and start a fountain that runs along the edge of the pool in the center of the deck. The cover is still there, but the fountain will distract the guards for a while.

Do not waste time, disable the camera hanging on the wall to the left, and run past the table to the sun loungers on the port side. Hide behind the back of the sun lounger and wait for the guard to walk past you. Then quickly run to the locker room at the edge of the pool, go through it and jump into the water.

Swim under water to the left and get out on the deck. Nearby you will see a building and a pipe that you can climb up. Do this and hang on your hands under the bridge, along which the guard roams. When the guard walks past you, jump over the railing, disarm the camera above the doors on the right and enter through them into the next room.

Go down the corridor on the right and sneak into the room on the right. Hide in the shadows away from the passage and the door. Wait for the guard in the room to walk past you and out into the hallway you just came from. Run across the room to the next room and wait for Enrika to fill the bathhouse with steam.

Under the cover of steam, go to the fountain at the right wall. Climb into the fountain and jump up so that Sam can grab onto the ledge with his hands. Unscrew the cover from the ventilation and climb inside. You'll see legs ahead, so don't get out just yet.

Cutting the captain, planting the bomb, and escaping the ship

When the legs come out of the cabin, get out of the ventilation and carefully look out the door. The sailor will stand by the map for a while, and then go to bed. Exit the cabin and rummage through the nightstand on the left wall to find the door code.

Enter the code and go down the metal stairs to the wheelhouse. At the bottom, quickly turn right, go around the stairs behind and hide in the shadows. Listen to the conversation between the two crew members, who will then go upstairs to the cabins.

Stick your head out of hiding and see where the remaining crew member is. If he is standing with his back to you, then climb under the nearest table. When the navigator moves to the left and turns his back to you, get out from under the table and run to the right, where there is some equipment against the wall. Squeeze into the narrow passage between the equipment and the wall of the adjacent room. Walk to the end of the passage and you'll be right in front of the doors leading to the bridge.

Wait until the navigator goes deep into the wheelhouse and turns his back to the doors. Jump out of hiding, open the door, run out onto the bridge and find a cord that will take you to the bow of the ship. Do this and as soon as your feet touch the deck, jump over the railing, slide down and run to the right. Hide behind the wall of the gatehouse where two people are talking. Nearby you will see a ladder leading to the roof of the gatehouse, but you do not need to go there.

When the conversation is over, lean out around the corner a little and get ready to act as quickly as possible. Let the man in white leave quietly, but as soon as the gatehouse doors open a second time, quickly run to the doors. A soldier will come out of the gatehouse, and since he will have his back to you, you can have time to slip into the room before the doors close again. By doing this, you will save yourself from the problem of breaking doors.

Inside the gatehouse, go to the dark corner behind the pipes and plant the bomb. Then pick up the code and transmit the frequency for Lambert. Everything, now you can carry your legs.

Approach the doors of the gatehouse and find out where the soldier is. Don't be lazy, wait for the soldier to pass you to the left, open the door and run to the right to the doors with a combination lock. You need to first break the lock on the panel and then pick up the code to open the door. Then go to the bridges and jump into the ocean. Mission completed!

Mission eighth - USA, New York, headquarters of terrorists, February 28, 2008

Follow Emil and he will lead you to a room with two computers.

Japanese cube

Your task: to break the code on the letter. To do this, you must solve the puzzle with the Japanese cube. In a nutshell, the meaning is as follows: there is a cube with six sides. There are four cells on each side. You can enter one of eight numbers in each cell. That is, you have 6x4=24 cells in which you can enter 24 numbers. Simple arithmetic, divide 24 by 8 and it turns out that each digit must occur three times. If you consider that the cube has three dimensions, then everything becomes even simpler. For the lazy, here is the solution. So, on the four faces there should be the following sets of numbers:

  1. 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111
  2. 110 111 000 001 010 011 100 101

On the top plane:

  1. 010 000
  2. 001 011

On the bottom plane

  1. 100 110
  2. 111 101

If everything is correct, then you will break the code and be able to read the letter.

Fingerprint search and Enrica's code

Lambert wants you to fingerprint the terrorists and use them to get through the previously closed doors. You don't have to run far for prints. Take out the scanner and swipe across the table on which stands the computer with the decrypted letter. On the table you will find Emil's fingerprints. Scan them and go to the door next to the mine production machine.

Open the voice lock and go up the stairs. On the left you will see a camera. It is stationary, so you can't go under it. Look at the ceiling and find the pipe. Jump up, grab the pipe with your feet and crawl to the end. Jump down and open the door to Enrika's laboratory (code 1269). Come in, sneak behind the girl and find the computer on the table. Don't touch it yet, but crawl under the table. What for? Now you will understand everything.

As soon as you crawl under the table, Enrique will call Jamie, and she will come right up to the place where you just stood. When Enrika returns to her workplace, get out from under the table and pick up the code to the computer. Read the letter with the code that stops the explosion on the ship. Climb under the table, as Enrika will again get up to walk around the laboratory. When she returns to her place, scan the personal file in the nightstand by the table and exit the laboratory.

Security room, second task

Use the pipe to return to the stairs, open the doors and go through the dark corridor to the next doors. Turn off the light and look through the glass in the door at the patrolman. When the guard turns his back on you, go out into the corridor and make your way to a dark corner not far from the place where the two terrorists are talking. When they finish the conversation and disperse in all directions, go into the corridor, and from there to the door, closed with a fingerprint lock.

Open the lock, enter and hide in the shadows on the left. Listen to the conversation between Jamie and Moss and record Jamie's voice (he is standing in the elevator car). When Moss leaves, come out of hiding and break the lock on the room nearby. Come in, but immediately hide in the closet on the left, as Moss will rush into the room.

When Moss beats the punching bag to his heart's content and goes home, exit the closet and scan the personal file in the nightstand. Go out into the corridor and, holding on to the right wall, make your way to the room where two terrorists are discussing something, standing at the slate.

Do not disturb them, but just sneak quietly behind them and go to the exit from the room. Raise your head and make sure the camera above the entrance is not facing you. Go straight into the corridor and turn left. Get to the door with a combination lock. Pick up the code and enter. This is the security room and Moss is giving the final orders as usual.

Let Moss escape to your office and then sneak to the far computer. Pick up the code and watch the bomb on the ship. Great, you can go back.

Exit the security room and lean against the left wall. When the guard comes towards you, go past him and open the cage doors in the center of the room. Go through the cage and open the same doors on the right. Exit and return to the room where Emil gave you the task. Wait for Emil and go with him to watch a movie about the explosion of the ship. When Emil starts the countdown, choose one of three scenarios for the development of events: the ship will explode, the ship will not explode due to your fault, the ship will not explode due to Enrika's fault. I think that the third option is the most acceptable, although it will cost Enrika her life. Mission completed!

Mission 9 - Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kinshasa, March 1, 2008

A very long and dangerous mission, but a 100% result is quite achievable here.

After the start of the mission, run to the left to the metal grate. Cut the grate or just climb over it. Hide under the car on the right and wait until the two soldiers at the elevator are a good distance away from it. Roll out from under the car, run to the elevator and go up to the upper floors of the building.

Path to the meeting room

Get out of the elevator and look into the next room - this is the kitchen where two soldiers are talking. One of the soldiers will walk in your direction, so quickly return to the elevator and hide behind a shelf against the left wall.

The soldier will rummage through the shelf and return to the kitchen. Follow him and the soldier will soon leave for a large room where two of his comrades are shooting back from the helicopter.

Wait for the moment when all three will be busy shooting, sneak into the room and get to the huge window along the right wall. Cut a hole with a glass cutter and get out onto the ledge. Hang on your hands and move to the next building. Climb up the pipe and hang on your hands under the balcony. Don't move, as a guard will appear from the door on the left. This is a very nervous guy who, passing by you, even decides to look back.

After the soldier moves a good distance, get out onto the balcony and jump into the open window. Go out into the corridor and find a room with two soldiers. Enter the room and hide in the hallway. When one of the soldiers approaches the table, and the second one goes into the bedroom, come out of hiding and go right. Hide at the entrance to the bedroom. Wait for the soldier in the bedroom to go to the toilet on the left, quickly go through the bedroom, run out to the balcony and jump over the balustrade on the left (if you stay hanging under the balcony, the soldier in the bedroom will notice you). Walk along the ledge and climb the sign to the roof of the building.

Here you must act very quickly. Get on the roof. At this time, one of the soldiers will climb the stairs to the elevation on the right. Run after him and go up the stairs. Turn left and hide behind the gatehouse. Soon the soldier will return to the stairs and go down to the level below.

Come out of hiding and go around the gatehouse counterclockwise. Be careful as the two soldiers on the roof may spot you. Climb the stairs to the gatehouse and find the switchboard on the wall. Break the lock and pick up the code. A hatch in the floor will open to your right. Climb into the hatch and you will find yourself next to the meeting room.

Go down the stairs. Squeeze into the narrow passage and crawl on your stomach under the pipes. On the opposite side of the room, find a pipe on the wall. Climb up it and crawl to the center of the room. Drop down to the glass dome framing the meeting room.

Find the hatch and pick up the code. Hang on your hands and jump onto the pipe that runs along the perimeter of the room. The lasers in the room turn off and on in turn, so just be careful and they won't put you in.

Crawl along the pipe to the left and go down the pipe to the stand. You can’t step on the floor, otherwise raise the alarm. When there are no lasers nearby, press against the glass wall on the left and move to the next stand. From here, climb up the pipe and crawl to the left. Finally, you will find a pipe running down the center of the room. Crawl along it and when you get a chance to hook the cable, do it. Climb down and secure the bug. At this point, you will be informed that Emil and company are approaching the room, and you no longer have time to escape.

Crawl away from the chandelier in the center of the room and eavesdrop on the conversations between Emil and company. When the negotiations are over, Emil will report that he is coming down to your parking lot. It's time to take off your feet.

Wait for Emil to leave the room. Climb down and run through the open doors. Go to the edge of the house on the left and attach the cable. Climb down to the ground and run as fast as you can to the doors on the left. Come in, climb through the narrow passage into the next room. Here, jump down the open hatch in the floor to reach the restroom in the parking lot. Run out of the toilet and talk to Emil.

Tour of Kinshasa, burning bus and shooting of innocent people.

The next part of the mission will take place in a city engulfed in combat, so don't yawn, or you'll hit a random bullet.

Wait for the two soldiers to finish attacking the truck. When one of the soldiers leaves to the left, quickly climb over the fence and run to the right into the alley behind the houses. You will have a new task - "Stop the execution of three residents of the city." Turn the corner of the house and, while remaining in cover, look into the courtyard. There you will see three civilians and two soldiers. Load shock charges into the rifle and neutralize the soldiers.

Run into the house on the right and, after passing through it, climb out the window. Ignore the soldier standing on the roof ahead, as he is obviously nearsighted. Go into the house on the right, where the woman has just run into. Walk past it and climb out the window. Hide near the window, as soon the shooting will begin on the street. The soldier you saw on the roof will come down and you can take his place.

Run along the balcony of the house and turn right. Emil will appear on the radio with a demand to move, followed by Lambert with a new task - "Pull a woman out of a burning bus." Just some kind of Super Sam.

Go to the edge of the balcony, grab the cord with your hands and cross the street along it. Jump down behind the soldier and when he starts shooting at the enemy you cannot see, run across the street and jump into the broken drainage pipe. Run along the pipe to the end, get out to the right side and go into the bus lying on its side.

Free the woman and exit the bus on the left side. If you follow the woman, you can get into a house full of grenades, ammo, and so on, but the entrance to these hot spots is guarded by a very accurate sniper, so I recommend refraining from visiting him.

Hide behind the overturned yellow car and let the truck in front drive away. Then run forward and go into the gap in the wall on the left. Walk forward a little and turn right to witness the ridiculous death of one of the soldiers who was blown up by a mine.

The road to the rebel camp is mined, and you must be extremely careful. In principle, mines lie on the surface of the earth, and they can be seen. The only thing that is not visible, but explodes, is the embankment in the center of the road. It's better to jump over it.

Rebel camp, secret plans and sniper tower

Soon you will find yourself in a rebel camp. Here you must act quickly and without errors. As soon as you enter the camp, run to the left and cut through the entrance to the tent. Come in and hide in the shadows by the beds. When the soldier at the computer comes out of the tent, rush to the computer and pick up the code for it. Download your plans and get out of the tent through the cut passage as quickly as possible.

Run to the second tent, cut through the entrance and hide at the exit on the left. Wait until one of the soldiers on the left moves far to the right, and the second turns his back on you. Exit the tent and run to the left. Find the generator on the wall and cut the wire. Now quickly run to the right and hide behind the skeleton of the truck. The soldier will go to check the generator and at the same time search the area around. Give him the opportunity to inspect everything and go back. As soon as he turns his back to you, quickly climb over the fence and run to the tower ahead. Climb the ladder to the very top and find the sniper rifle left behind by Emil's men.

Kill or not?

If you shoot the CIA agent, as Emil wants, then the mission will be completed, however, Lambert will tear and throw, if you don’t shoot, but kill his opponent, then read on.

The path to the palace and the release of the agent

After the charge hits the turret, Sam will lose consciousness for a few minutes. When he wakes up, go to the cord and slide down it into the burning building ahead. Jump down. On the street where the fight is going on, run into the bus on the left. Wait for the soldier hiding under the bus to die. Jump down through the hatch to the ground and run to the right to the pipe. Run inside and make your way to the burning plane/helicopter. Jump into the salon. Save the game.

So we got to the most difficult part of the mission. So, as soon as you get out of the plane, jump down and hide behind the box on the left. Wait until the captured soldier decides to run away and the guard rushes after him. While the guard is busy with the prisoner, run past them to the stairs leading to the scaffolding.

Climb to the very top. Don't touch the soldier shooting at the enemies you can't see. Climb onto the green boxes and jump from them to the roof of the palace. There are many paths you can take here, but the easiest one is to arm yourself with a rifle with shock charges and before anyone realizes anything, take down all the guards below. Then find the yellow pipe running under the ceiling of the building, grab onto it and crawl to the middle. Hook the cable here and go down. Do not rush to release the agent, but go a little further, where you can see the exit to the alley. Take out the guard patrolling the street so you don't have any problems later.

Now free the agent and go out into the alley with him. Get to the fence and help the agent climb over the fence. After the palace explodes, the mission will be completed!

Mission ten - USA, New York, headquarters of terrorists, March 6, 2008

Can you shoot a friend, even in the leg? If you can, then the first part of the mission will be a simple walk for you, if not, then read about the alternative path. In any case, you must kill someone, if you don’t shoot, then Jamie will kill you, and the mission is over.

So let's say you did shoot a friend. Leave the room and run to the furnace where the corpses are burned. There you should find the corpse of Enrique. Scan her retina.

Run to the shooting range and take away the night vision device, as well as the rifle. Now go through the doors marked "Exit", go up the stairs and open the voice lock that the worker used to repair. You will find yourself in a familiar corridor with two guards.

Turn off the light in the corridor and, when there is no one nearby, make your way into the corridor on the right, where Enrika's bedroom is located. There is another guard in the hallway. Let him go and then open the fingerprint lock. Come in and go to the elevator where Jamie once left. Open the elevator doors with Enrika's retina. Get down.

Before you will be a corridor with a guard. Follow him and turn off the light in the corridor. When it gets dark, jump over the railing on the right and run up to the door with a combination lock. Pick up the code, enter and close the door behind you. Turn off the light and climb under the table with the computer, as a guard will enter the room to check that everything is in order.

When the guard leaves, pick up the code to the computer and get the code from the laboratory. Exit to the next room and jump into the hatch in the floor. Find a vent under the ceiling. Climb inside and watch the guard wandering through the flooded tunnel.

When the guard walks past you to the left, jump into the water and quickly go straight through the tunnel to the left. Climb up the stairs and turn off the light. Hide to the right of the door, as at this time one of the workers will come out of it to get some air.

When he gets back inside, follow him. Stun the guard and hide his body so as not to interfere. Then get close to the door behind which Jamie is wandering. Wait for the moment when Jamie turns his back to the door, go in and grab him. Interrogate Jamie and stun (you can drag him along the tunnel).

Go through the sliding doors on the right, from where you will enter the last part of the mission. You have ten minutes to save the world.

Ten minutes, showdown with Emil and defuse the bomb

As soon as Emil leaves, one of the soldiers will enter you. Stun him and move on.

Shoot the lamp to make the passage plunge into darkness. The two in the lab are going to check what's wrong. When they leave the lab and move further away, enter the code (2112) to enter the lab and enter.

Climb up the stairs to the right. Then one more. Don't shoot Emil as he is behind bulletproof glass. Exit the room, jump over the railing and hide in the dark.

Well, what can I say ... There are four in the room, plus Emil, and you need to neutralize all of them. It takes you three or four minutes to defuse the bomb, so you can spend the rest of the time playing with the terrorists. In principle, all four can be caught and knocked out, but usually such a joke goes with two, and the other two freeze tightly at the entrance to the room where Emil is sitting.

It doesn't matter how you deal with the soldiers, but it's still better to take a couple of them by surprise before you start firing right and left.

When you kill or disable Emil and the soldiers, run towards the bomb. There are no revelations here. First open the lock in the form of a safe. Save the game. Then pick up the code. Save the game. Now the bomb. First, lower the probe so that it is exactly in the center and can pick up the core. Now look at the image of the lasers on the right. Your task is to pull out the bomb and prevent the probe on the right (not in the bomb, but on the screen on the right) from touching the circles located around. The right mouse button makes Sam hold his breath, but don't overdo it, as the indicator at the bottom will show the temperature of the bomb, which is rising all the time. If the temperature rises to a critical level, then you will lose, so hurry carefully.

When the bomb is defused, you will be able to watch the end credits, after which the mission will be counted!

Alternative paths:

If you shoot at Jamie, and not at a friend, then be prepared for the fact that all terrorists will stand on their ears. Therefore, quickly jump out of the room and run to the stove. Scan Enrika's retina (you can also scan Jamie's retina, but you probably won't have time for that). Then find the ladder on the wall and get out through it into the garage. Run to the shooting gallery and pick up the weapon. Further, everything is as described above.

Mission Eleven - USA, New York, March 7, 2008

A very simple mission. Hide behind the mast and wait for the soldiers to scatter around the boat. Soon a guard will come out of the wheelhouse and, going down to the deck, will leave on business. Get out of the shelter and go up to the wheelhouse. See where Moss is and when he turns his back to the door, go in and grab him by the neck.

After Moss is finished, approach the bomb. You will probably have seven minutes to spare. Therefore, calmly break the lock and pick up the code. Come out onto the deck and jump overboard over the railing on the right. Mission, and with it the game completed!

Additional information: What? Where? When?

Information for those who want to complete all side missions for Lambert at Terror HQ.

Medical files - located in the infirmary, in Enrika's office. Break the lock and check the nightstand by the computer.

Personal files of terrorists (5 pieces) - two files are in the bedside tables, in the room where Dayton sleeps and sees nightmares. One case is in the nightstand in Enrique's bedroom and one in Emil's bedroom next to his office. The last case is located in the nightstand in Moss's room (where the punching bag hangs).

Professional documentation (5 items) - in Enrika's laboratory in the nightstand by the table. In the server room next to the computer. In Emil's office against the wall. In Moss's office, in the nightstand by the computer. In Jamie's office near Moss' room.

Voices (5 pieces) - Enrica and Emil, when they talk near the place where you have to make mines. Moss - during his fits of rage, when he grumbles under his breath. Dayton is in a dream when he has a nightmare. Jamie - when he argues with Moss while standing in the elevator.

Fingerprints (5, there are a lot of them throughout the headquarters, but let's name a few places) - Emil - on the table at the computer where Sam decoded the letter, as well as in his office in the same place. Moss - near the switch in the hall with the obstacle course. Enrika - on a machine for the production of mines. Dayton - next to the server room code lock. Jamie is on the refrigerator in the kitchen.

Retina (5 eyes) - Enrica - from her dead body by the stove. Emil - after his death next to the bomb. Jamie - either in the room where you shoot him, or in the laboratory where you grab him. Dayton - go to the server room, stun him and scan the retina. Moss - after you break his neck on the boat.

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