World of tanks new balance. Is it possible to balance in World of Tanks by skill? Platoons in the new balancer

At the GDC 2017 gaming conference, we talked about some significant changes in the game that await players in the near future. So, in the next update we will have an improved balancer and new Tier X light tanks. And a little later, we plan to introduce a completely new mode of ranked battles — but first things first.

Improved balancer

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If we look at the current system, we can see that it allows you to create different lineups, including the 8/5/2 format, where the last two cars are in extreme difficult situation. In terms of combat effectiveness, they are inferior to tanks from the middle and upper parts of the list, and the situation in battle does not always allow engaging with vehicles of their level. Being the most vulnerable in both teams, such tanks do not last long and quickly end up in the Angara.

The improved balancer is designed to correct the balance of teams in battle thanks to new system templates and rules. It is based on three types of battles: battles involving vehicles of three, two, and one tier. Other rules of the improved balancer will be able to solve some of the most common problems that are constantly voiced in the gaming community.

  • Unfortunate situations will be excluded when the number of cars at the bottom and in the middle of the list is less than the number top cars(as in the above example), as well as fixed situations with falling down the list during a series of battles.
  • Ensure an even distribution of vehicle types for both teams. There will be a limit of three self-propelled guns for one team.
  • The combat effectiveness of platoons will increase: their creation will become possible only for single-tier vehicles.
  • The frequency of repeating cards will decrease.

The new system analyzes the queue of players: (the number of vehicles in the queue, types of vehicles, levels and levels of vehicle battles) and creates teams based on the principle of the ratio of waiting time and the optimal composition of teams. In other words, this system tries to create combat in such a way that the player gets into the battle as quickly as possible and with the most balanced composition of teams. If the search for optimal conditions for the player drags on, then the system will deviate slightly from the set rules in order to quickly pick up a battle. The longer the waiting time, the more the system deviates from the established "reference" rules "3/5/7" and "5/10". Now let's take a closer look at each of the three scenarios.


If there are a variety of vehicles in the queue of players and if a player enters the battle not on Tier I-II vehicles, he will fall into the most probable composition: a battle of three levels with a range of +/-2 levels. After analyzing the vehicles that are waiting to go into battle, the matchmaker will apply the 3/5/7 template or one of its versions to create a team.

  1. With the current version of the balancer, you were probably thrown into battles of two levels, with a system of +/-1 level of balance. After the introduction of an improved balancer, we have improved these types of battles and, most importantly, introduced clear restrictions on the situations when such battles will be created: .
  2. Also, such battles will be created in situations where the state of the queue does not allow you to quickly create battles for three levels. In such cases, the balancer will apply the 5/10 template or one of its versions to create the team. And, just like in the case of battles of three levels, the longer the waiting time is, the more the system will deviate from the established 5/10 pattern. In addition, there will no longer be such battles where vehicles in the middle of the list are fewer in number than vehicles at the top of the list.

Situations when in a certain moment a large number of vehicles of the same level gather in the queue, which can lead to a long wait for entering the battle. To speed up the process, the improved balancer will create battles for vehicles of the same tier.


In addition to the three battle options listed above, the balancer will also feature several new mechanics. Each of them will help to fix the problems listed by the players and improve game process:

Hitting the top / middle / bottom of the list. If a player has been at the bottom of the list for several battles in a row, then in the next battle he will most likely end up in the middle / top, regardless of whether he entered the battle on the same vehicle or chose another during this series of battles.

Technology range. The difference in the number of light tanks, self-propelled guns and tank destroyers in opposing teams can determine the outcome of the battle before it starts. Therefore, the improved balancer will start determining the composition of teams with these three types of vehicles. The goal of the balance will be a situation in which each team will have the same number of machines of each of these types. However, there is one “but”: the composition of the teams also depends on the size of the waiting queue and on how many machines of a certain type are in the queue at a certain moment. Thus, all five types of vehicles will not always be represented in both teams.

ACS. In order not to let an excess of self-propelled guns negatively affect the gameplay, we have introduced a limit on the number of artillery per team. Now each team can have a maximum of three self-propelled guns. This restriction was just recently tested on the Sandbox: it had a positive effect on the gameplay, received good feedback from the test participants and will appear on main servers.

Platoons. Another unfortunate scenario is when platoon members get into battles against vehicles that are more than 3 levels superior to their own. In the current version, this happens due to the fact that one platoon can consist of vehicles of different levels. A typical situation: you create a platoon with a friend in a Tier VIII vehicle on a Tier V vehicle and get into battle against Tier IX-X vehicles. Agree, this is not pleasant. The improved balancer will allow you to create platoons exclusively from vehicles of the same tier in random battles, which will permanently solve the problem.

Card rotation. We're currently getting a lot of reports of the same cards dropping too often in the same game session. An improved balancer will help reduce such situations to a minimum. It analyzes all the maps on which players from the two emerging teams played the last ten battles, and then chooses the most suitable map possible: the one on which the players from both teams played the least, or the one on which they did not play at all.

Light tanks

Initially, light tanks were used as support vehicles accompanying other vehicles and could not act as independent combat units. This concept still exists today: limiting light tanks to Tier VIII very often leads to the fact that these vehicles end up in battles against "tens".

To remedy the situation, we are extending the light tank lines to Tier X. Thanks to this, light tanks, like other types of vehicles, will be able to show their worth in the +/-2 tier range. They will continue to fulfill their role as support vehicles with a focus on reconnaissance, but now with increased firepower.

We will also be rebalancing all light tanks to ensure that these vehicles meet the updated conditions. After all, now they will get into battles against vehicles a maximum of 2 levels higher, while earlier light tanks were configured taking into account the possible participation in battles against vehicles three levels higher. As a result, the gameplay for light tanks will change significantly. The technique that this moment is at Tier VIII, will move to a higher level - except for vehicles from the China research tree: a completely new Tier IX WZ-132A light tank will be added to it.

In battles on X level, players will be able to get acquainted with five new light tanks: XM 551 Sheridan (USA), T-100 (USSR), Spz. 57 (Germany), WZ-132-1 (China) and AMX 13 105 (France). Check out these beauties:

Tier X light tanks will shine with compact dimensions characteristic of their class and will become serious rivals for their Tier VIII-IX classmates due to unsurpassed mobility, improved sight radius, increased number of hitpoints, as well as increased armor penetration and one-time damage to guns. When adjusting their balanced characteristics of light tanks, we tried to give them such performance characteristics that would improve the classic gameplay on this vehicle class and at the same time bring something new to it.

Results of the second iteration of "Sandbox"

This January, we did a great job with the second iteration of The Sandbox. On behalf of the entire World of Tanks team, we thank all the players who contributed to testing and shared their opinions. The feedback received has been invaluable and has helped determine what worked and what didn't, and how we can address deficiencies. We present brief results below.

Stage 1. Change in shooting accuracy, decrease in armor penetration with distance and the value of one-time damage.

The change made to the spread of projectiles within the scope has reduced the number of "incredible" shots. However, it also resulted in a drop in accuracy when shooting with full aiming, which was fundamentally different from our goals. Therefore, we send this edit for revision.

Testing the drop in armor penetration with distance brought to the fore a much more important problem. After examining the results, we came to the conclusion that this change will not bring the expected results (allowing heavy tanks to reduce the firing distance) without a significant change in HEAT shells. And this is an important decision, the adoption of which will affect the entire gameplay and, most likely, will require appropriate balance change other types of projectiles. Therefore, it was decided to return to it later, after a thorough analysis and modeling. The current changes will not be implemented on the live servers.

As for testing the change in one-time damage, we continue to compare the behavior of players on all units of vehicles whose characteristics have been changed. And we will need some time to analyze and make a final conclusion. Although we can already see that the idea of ​​increasing the damage of 120mm guns to the same level as that of 122mm guns has resonated with the players and has shown good results, changes to the one-time damage of large-caliber guns still need to be finalized. We will return to them later, after a thorough analysis of all the information received.

Stage 2-3 Significant changes in the characteristics of ACS

Work on changing the characteristics of ACS is very successful. Feedback and combat statistics collected during the testing of Tier X vehicles showed that the proposed changes improved the dynamics and revitalized the gameplay. At the moment, we have expanded the list of tested vehicles by adding Tier VIII and IX vehicles. Next week, our team will continue to work: we will carefully study your feedback and analyze the huge amount of statistics collected. Based on the results of the analysis, after we know how the current changes will affect the gameplay, we will make further changes (if necessary).

Check out the Sandbox Blog for a detailed report, and check out the Phase 3 agenda:

New mode in development - Ranked Battles

For a long time now, players have been asking to add the opportunity to test their strength and fight with players of an equal level of play. And today we announce: soon the game will have ranked battles! Great battles are coming!

Ranked battles will be held exclusively on Tier X vehicles and will be divided into seasons . You will get a great chance to show what you are worth in 15 vs 15 battles! The more you contribute to the victory, the higher you will be in the special table of ranked battles. At the same time, victory will not be the most important indicator: your contribution to the outcome of the battle will play a more important role. And if, despite all your efforts, your team fails, you can still move up the ranking ladder. This means that your place in the Ranked Battles table depends solely on you! As you move up the ladder, both the stakes and the opponent's strength increase. In addition, the selection of the enemy also depends solely on your position: in a special queue of random battles the balancer will only match players with the same rank. And, if you show outstanding results in battle and in the season, pleasant rewards await you.

It is worth noting that the Ranked Battles mode is still at an early stage of development. But we hope you're looking forward to when all of these changes appear on the live servers. And as the date of their release approaches, we will tell you all the details about them.

New graphics

And finally, this year the game will have significant graphic changes. We are sure that you will appreciate them. Although why say a hundred times, if you can see once:

This year we also plan to significantly rework the game engine and add a number of new game features to it - most of these plans have already been announced at GDC 2017.

We hope that you, like us, are looking forward to the moment when all the long-awaited innovations appear in the game and you can dive into testing. As we get ready and get closer to testing, we will continue to keep you up to date with all the latest news.

balancer- a software mechanism whose functions include the distribution of players into teams before the start of the battle.


The basis of the World of Tanks game is the battles of two teams, each consisting of 15 combat vehicles. Vehicles are divided into classes (light, medium and heavy tanks, anti-tank self-propelled guns and self-propelled howitzer artillery), each class includes 10 levels of "development" of vehicles. In order for “random battles” (the main game mode) to be interesting for players, three important conditions for the automatic selection of tanks must be met:

  • Equality of capabilities of the military equipment of the two opposing teams.
  • Variety of teams.
  • The unpredictability of the course of the battle and its outcome.

This task is performed by the "balancer" - a World of Tanks server module that adds tanks to the team, makes them equal in "strength" and sends the teams into battle. The balancer appeared at the beginning of the closed beta testing of the game (it was not there at all during the alpha test). In his very first version of the battle levels, there were only two (“sand” with tank levels 1-2 and general fights 3-10 levels). Then he was replaced by a more complex balancer, which is constantly being improved.

Principle of operation

The system analyzes the machines in the queue and selects one of the templates - server-side algorithms for collecting commands that determine the number of machines in the top, middle and bottom of the list.

The matchmaker starts by trying to create a three-tier battle using the 3/5/7 template (three cars in the top, five cars in the middle and seven cars in the bottom of the list) or another variant of it (for example, 3/4/8, 3/ 3/9 etc.). The option chosen by the balancer depends on the composition of the queue. In any case, there will be no battles where the number of vehicles at the top of the list exceeds the number of vehicles in the middle. Based on the same principle, the balancer does not create battles where the number of vehicles in the middle exceeds the number of vehicles at the bottom of the list. The following rules will always be respected:

  • there cannot be more machines at the top of the list than in the middle;
  • there can be no more machines in the middle of the list than in the bottom.

Thus, the balancer guarantees that, regardless of the position of the player in the team list, there will always be a sufficient number of enemy vehicles of the same level for him, and the influence of such a player on the outcome of the battle increases.

Starting from April 03, 2019, the principle of the balancer has been changed: dynamic templates have been added, which should reduce the number of battles against vehicles two levels higher, especially for Tier VI and VIII vehicles. Tanks will be redistributed into single-level battles and battles with a difference of one level. Tier VIII premium vehicles with a preferential battle level will be encountered less often in battle with an enemy of a higher level in a two-level battle and more often - with opponents of their own level or lower level.

Dynamic Templates

Unlike the current balancer with hard-coded templates, in the new one the templates will dynamically adapt to changing queue conditions.

Templates 3-5-7 and 5-10 are still relevant, but they will be used less often - when there is a suitable distribution of vehicles by levels in the queue.

Preliminary list of templates that will be used in the new balancer:

  • 5-10, 7-8, 6-9 and 4-11 for two-level battles;
  • 3-5-7, 3-6-6, 4-5-6 and 4-4-7 for 3-tier battles.

If team building in the 3/5/7 pattern causes players to wait in line for too long, the matchmaker loosens the requirements to create a fight faster. In this case, two- and one-level battles can be created. The main part of the battles will be three-level.

If a player has fought several battles in a row at the bottom of the list, the balancer will try to find a higher place for such a player, regardless of whether the player went into battle on the same or on different machines. However, if waiting for such a fight takes too long, the matchmaker will send the player to any suitable fight. As a result, players will not have to wait in line for too long, and team lineups will correspond to the current situation on the server.

Creating a fight

Stage 1: Defines the range of vehicle levels in battle and the type of battle. First, the balancer determines the number of players and platoons suitable for each battle level, as well as the type of battle. Further, the system analyzes the modes indicated by the players, the vehicles they have chosen, their levels, as well as the standard or privileged level of battles.

Stage 2: create two equivalent commands. Having determined the range of vehicle tiers in battle and the type of battle, the system tries to distribute players into teams, taking into account the balance requirements and restrictions:

  • Patterns: both teams must match the pattern: the number of vehicles at the top, middle and bottom of the list must be the same.
  • self-propelled guns: the number of self-propelled guns is limited to three vehicles per team.
  • Squads: Only single-level platoons are allowed in Random Battles. The difference in the number of platoon players should be no more than three.
  • Types of vehicles: the difference in the number of self-propelled guns, light tanks and tank destroyers within each part of the team's list must be no more than one vehicle.

At the same time, the balancer DOES NOT take into account vehicle nation, module configuration, equipment, consumables, crew level and player statistics, except for the number of battles. The latter is taken into account when creating separate battles for beginners.

Stage 3: Select a card. Once the matchmaker picks up a template that matches the requirements, it gathers teams, chooses a map, and creates a fight. Maps for low-level vehicles are randomly selected from a limited set. In other cases, the balancer determines a set of cards that correspond to the type of battle and the range of vehicle tiers in teams. Next, the program analyzes on which maps the players fought in the last few battles, and selects the one that was visited by the fewest tankers.


Q: Is there a preferential battle regime for recently purchased stock vehicles?
A: Newly acquired vehicles without a platoon have an increased chance of getting into the top of the team list, however, this rule is leveled if the server cannot create such a battle at the moment. There is also a preferential battle mode for the first twenty battles on Tier 1 vehicles.

Q: Do premium cars have priority to get to the top of the team list?
A: No, premium vehicles do not have any advantages other than increased profitability and reduced repair costs. Some premium vehicles have preferential battle levels.

Q: At what point is the card selection made? Before or after team formation?
A: Map selection is made after both teams are formed.

2 years and 7 months ago Comments: 5

Efficiency balance () in combat - new game balance, which players are talking about more and more often. Is it possible to implement this in game world of Tanks? This procedure is very difficult to implement. Some players can just get an incredible advantage because they once played very badly, but have improved their game. And due to the reluctance to change the account, they will get with players who do not play very well, because such an indicator as efficiency rises harder and harder with each fight. Accordingly, the victories will be easy and will subsequently discourage interest in the game. As a result of this balance, even more players may leave the game, as many will also complain about the team.

Even if we assume that such a procedure is possible, then the whole balance of the game breaks down. This is due to the fact that there will be too many tanks of the same class to play.

Of course there is, another variant- a combination of balance in technique and skill. But this technology is much more complicated, and a couple of lines in the code will not be enough. In addition, the developers will not go for this procedure, because they will lose a considerable audience of players.

30.10.2017 1679 Views

Recently appeared in World of Tanks new opportunity– additionally balance vehicles according to their technical features and roles in battle.

Let's take a closer look at this innovation, which the developers have defined as an improved balancer. We will also get acquainted with various equipment and its roles in virtual battles.

How does the new Balancer work?

First, the Balancer in World of Tanks needs to assemble teams of fighters, then mix the available vehicles and distribute them among the teams, taking into account the main game roles of the vehicles. Mixed equipment from similar groups of the list.

This means that the T69 from the bottom group will be the opponent of the Lorraine 40 t, the Strv 103-0 tank from the middle of the list will be the opponent of the FV4004 Conway, and the Type 5 Heavy will enter the game against the Maus. If the participants in the battles have such tanks.

If platoons are not formed, a slight excess in one vehicle with the same technical data from any group of lists is allowed.

Platoons in the new balancer

There are small problems with platoons and it will not be so comfortable. The balancer does not take into account the roles played by platoon vehicles, it simply distributes the vehicles approximately equally among the teams, without taking into account their playing role.

Why is it so? The balancer starts mixing the tanks after he collects them, but there may not be a suitable platoon among them.

What are the game roles of technology and what are their differences?

Playing roles of heavy tanks in the Balancer:

Consider heavy tanks and their play roles. Let's get acquainted with Tier X vehicles: IS-7, Maus and AMX 50 B. These vehicles are of the same class, but there are differences in firepower, armor potential endurance and other technical data, so they play differently.

Mouse has excellent armor, but the tank is not fast. Active attacks and holding attacks - that's his game purpose.

AMX50B with a drum charging system, it destroys a large number of opponents in a short time. The tank is mobile, but the turret armor is weak, it is better to use it for support.

IS-7- universal machine. It can become both a machine for attacking enemy fortifications and a support machine, its role depends on the map, the composition of the playing group, and just the situation in the game. The tank can play the role of covering allied vehicles due to the terrain, as it has fairly strong armor.

Thus, the developers divide heavy tanks into three groups:

First group of heavy tanks

Heavy tanks are distinguished by powerful armor, their role in the game in the game is to hold off the enemy attack and advance in the chosen directions. It includes:

Tier 8 vehicles:

Tier 9 vehicles:

Tier 10 vehicles:



VK 100.01 (P)



AMX M4 MLE. 49






VK 45.02 (P) AUSF. B

E 75





E 100


VK 72.01(K)


Second group of heavy tanks

It includes heavy tanks with a drum loading system. The main role of such machines is to support allies from the second line, and inflict a large amount of damage in a short time.

Tier 8 vehicles:

Tier 9 vehicles:

Tier 10 vehicles:

AMX 50 100


AMX 50 120





Third group of heavy tanks

Universal heavy tanks. They can be used in different ways depending on the map, lineups, game situation, and strengths and weaknesses specific machine.

Tier 8 vehicles:

Tier 9 vehicles:

Tier 10 vehicles:








IS-5 (OBJECT 730)



VK 45.02 (P) AUSF. A









WZ-111 MODEL 1-4






Super Conqueror


Playing roles of medium tanks in the Balancer:

Medium tanks are divided into 4 groups according to their technical indicators and roles. Let's analyze typical vehicles from these groups: Leopard 1, Bat.-Chatillon 25t, M48A5 Patton and "Object 140".

Leopard 1- the tank belongs to the first group, it will serve perfectly to support comrades-in-arms with firepower, it has practically no armor, but it has a high-precision, rapid-fire gun that allows you to hit the enemy at a long distance with sniper accuracy and speed.

Bat.-Châtillon 25 t equipment of the second group, has a drum charging system, which allows you to inflict great damage on the ranks of opponents and their fortifications

M48A5 Patton has a strong tower, this feature right choice gun aiming angle makes Patton a serious obstacle for the enemy. The main difference between this tank, as well as all equipment of the third group, is a strong armored coating. All of these vehicles have fairly stable armor, and it affects their main purpose. Some vehicles can side-tank.

Object 140- universal fighter. He can reconnoiter open area, tank from the turret, on relief terrain the tank is maneuverable. It easily and quickly relocates and changes the place of firing, an excellent vehicle for reinforcing the allies, suitable for breaking through the weaker enemy defenses. This vehicle belongs to the fourth group, it includes vehicles capable of performing a variety of tasks, it all depends on the map, team, situation in the game, as well as taking into account the weaknesses of the enemy and his strengths.

First group of medium tanks

Medium tanks support the allies with fire, they are either snipers or cover the fighters. Their firepower is excellent, but their armor is rather weak.

Tier 8 vehicles:

Tier 9 vehicles:

Tier 10 vehicles:



Panzer 58 Mutz

M4A1 Revalorise

AMX Chasseur de chars



TVP VTU Concept








Second group of medium tanks

This group includes medium tanks with a drum loading system. Their main role is to support allies and inflict a large amount of damage in a short time.

Tier 8 vehicles:

Tier 9 vehicles:

Tier 10 vehicles:







TVP T 50/51

Third group of medium tanks

Medium tanks that can rely on their armor when confronting the enemy. Depending on the specific machine, you can play from strong tower, frontal armor or tank side.

Tier 8 vehicles:

Tier 9 vehicles:

Tier 10 vehicles:








E 50



E 50 AUSF. M

T-22 SR.


Fourth group of medium tanks

Universal medium tanks. They are capable of performing many tasks depending on the map, lineups, game situation, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of a particular machine.

Tier 8 vehicles:

Tier 9 vehicles:

Tier 10 vehicles:



























Playing roles of tank destroyers in the Balancer:

There is no more reliable support in a team battle than anti-tank self-propelled guns. They, like heavy tanks are divided into three groups. Let's get acquainted with the roles of representatives of various groups.

Object 268- this self-propelled gun is a "universal soldier", like all self-propelled guns of the first group, it can be used as the gamer wants, depending on how it will be game situation.

Grille 15Powerful self-propelled guns with strong armor, inflicts great damage on the enemy, it, like all vehicles of the second group, serves as support for the fighters with its firepower from distant positions, and is well camouflaged.

Today, which showed and will allow us to test the new balancer, changes in artillery and a completely new LT-X. Therefore, today I would like to briefly introduce you to the new balance of vehicles in battle.

An example of the work of the new "balancer in 9.18"

Pay attention to the number of high, medium and low levels in combat. High - less, low - more.

Why they changed the balance algorithm in WOT

The topic of balance is probably one of the most painful for the players. Personally, I gnashed my teeth a lot in annoyance when I once again threw out some kind of trick. And finally, Wargaming took up the solution of this problem.

Changes in the “balancer” algorithm

The algorithm of the new balancer will try to create such a battle, the level of technology in which +-2 levels, while using pattern 3/5/7. Much will depend on the number and type of equipment in the queue, so this template will not always work. But one way or another, the new balancer will work according to the following scheme:
  • no more than three pieces of equipment at the top of the team list;
  • no more than five pieces of equipment in the middle of the team list.
  • there are more vehicles in the middle of the list than at the top of the list;
  • at the bottom of the list there are more vehicles than in the middle of the list.
Battle templates will help solve the problem problem with different number teams of different skill levels(that is, now it will not be such that the enemy has more “ten” than you). Also, now the "top" of the list will not numerically prevail over the "bottom", everything will be fair. With the new balancer, regardless of the position in the list of the allied team and the template that was used, the player's team will have a sufficient number of vehicles of the same level, which, of course, will help to influence the final outcome of the battle.

Priority of the number of low and high levels

  1. the number of vehicles at the bottom of the list will always be predominant;
  2. in the middle of the list there will be cars whose characteristics can provide decent resistance to the “tops”;
  3. and the “tops” will be able to show their advantages in all their glory and at the same time “sweat”, and not play a fight that is called “one left”.
Among other things, the new balancer will solve the problem of the predominance of one type of technology in any team, so now you will definitely not get into a battle where six enemy tank destroyers will be advanced against three of your tank destroyers. In order to be able to get into battle as quickly as possible, the system will use the correspondence of three types of vehicles: LT, tank destroyers and self-propelled guns.

The developers again call for the creation of platoons on vehicles of the same level, motivating players with additional experience.
Also now in combat can be only 3 self-propelled guns in a team, nothing more.

Still happy selection by card balancer: he will analyze the locations where you have played and try to pick up those where you have not played yet.

Another nice addition is improved logic in the selection of the battle level: now, if you have been “thrown” to the bottom of the list for a long time, the balancer will try to look for a more favorable battle for you (at the same time, regardless of the vehicle).