Stellar Core fallout 4 item id. Quest "Star Dispatcher" (DLC Nuka-World). Target. Receive an award from Leah

31 October 2016 16:08

Locations to explore:

  • Galaxy
    • Yader-Spaceport
    • Cinema "Starlight"
    • Vault-Tec: Among the Stars
    • Nucleus Galaxy
    • Arena "RobCo"

The current quest is activated automatically as soon as you approach any of the entrances to the "Yader-Mir" zone "Galaktika", for example, when capturing this territory in the "Big Tour" quest. At the entrance there was a battle between merchants and robots. I wonder what happened here?

Check out the battlefield

Examine the battlefield. At one of the merchants named Tiana Alston you will find a holotape with her diary. Perhaps, after reading it, you will understand what happened here.

Read Tiana's diary

Find Tiana's diary in your items, in the "Miscellaneous" section, and read it. It's not entirely clear what happened, but it has something to do with the central computer." Star Dispatcher". They were going to launch it normally, but Tiana's father hurried and did not wait for a sufficient number of cores. In general, something went wrong and they were attacked by robots.

Find the Star Dispatcher

Now you need to find this central computer in order to sort everything out, but for now you will have to fight the robots of the Galaxy Park zone and numerous turrets. But before these robots served visitors to the park. You can find new modifications on defeated robots, which can later be used to improve robots at the robot workbench, which was added in the Automatron add-on.

The Star Dispatcher central computer is located in the Yader-Spaceport building, located directly in front of you if you entered from the entrance shown in the screenshot above.

On the way to this building, after the planet statue and before going up, look into the small cafe on the right. Under the counter you will find a stash with lids, and behind the counter you will find a Nuclear Blending Machine. In it you can mix different kinds Nuka-Cola, also, as you explore the park, you'll find new recipes that add different flavors to the Nuka-Mix Machine. Based on the Beverage Designer achievement, you will be able to mix at least 20 different versions Yader-Cola. You can read about all the achievements of the Nuka-World and Fallout 4 add-ons.

Approaching the building with the sign "Star Dispatcher" (Star Control) open the glass door. The computer is behind the exposition with power armor.

Inspect the central computer

The central computer "Star Dispatcher" cannot work without stellar cores. At least one stellar core is required to enable emergency mode.

Install stellar core

Lucky for you, you will find the stellar core without leaving your computer. Nearby you will find the corpse of Tiana's father, Kendell Alston, and next to him is the stellar core. Take it and install it in the characteristic slots that dot the entire surface of the Star Dispatcher central computer.

Reboot the central computer

Reboot the central computer of the Galaxy. First of all, you will see a warning on the screen that there are not enough Star Cores to control robotic systems, that is, robots. And now you have only limited functionality available in emergency mode. For the central computer to perform basic operations, 20 Star Cores are required, and for full functionality - 35.

After reading Kendell's diary in the system logs, you will find out what happened in the "Galaxy" with robots and merchants. Star cores serve to ensure that the computer communicates with the robots and gives them commands. But Kendell and the merchants took them out in order to sell them. When the raiders came to Yader Town, the merchants panicked and decided to turn on the park's defensive mode in order to use the robots against the raiders. Not listening to Tiana, Kendell launched a defense without inserting the Star Cores in place, for which he paid with his own life and the lives of all the merchants in the "Galaxy" zone.

Be sure to open the "View network of Star Cores" command, it contains all the information about how many Star Cores can be found in one or another location of the Galaxy Park zone.

Repair the central computer (1/20)

To repair the central computer "Star Dispatcher" you need to find at least 20 Star Cores, or destroy all robots and all defenses. Let's start searching. You can find stellar cores in the following locations: 6 pieces in the territory of the Galaxy, 4 pieces in the Starlight cinema, 7 pieces in the Nucleus Galaxy, 6 pieces in the Vault-Tech: Among the Stars exposition, 6 pieces at the RobCo Arena and 5 pieces in other sectors of the Yader-Mir park.

As you find Starcores, you will be alerted that you have enough Starcores to activate the new emergency protocol. In this case, at a convenient moment, return to the central computer and activate it. There are 3 intermediate emergency protocols in total, each of which will be available every five Stellar Cores found. Each intermediate emergency protocol allows you to disable the firmware of one of the types of robots, reducing the number of your opponents. I advise you to turn off the most dangerous robots.

Find Star Cores in the territory of the "Galaxy" (1/7)

Star Core (1)

On the territory of the "Galaxy", that is, the territory outside the attractions of this zone, there are 7 stellar nuclei. You found one core in the room with the central computer.

Star Core (2)

To find the next stellar core, go around the Yader-Cosmoport building on the right, which houses the Star Dispatcher central computer. At the place where the dead merchants spent the night, you will find ammunition, weapons, a cache with lids on the boxes near the chemical laboratory, and at the very end, near the garbage cans and old office equipment, the corpse of a merchant with a star core.


Watch out on one of the wooden crates located near the mattress and the yellow explosive box magazine "Scavenger!", an exclusive magazine from the Nuka-World add-on for Fallout 4. This magazine, like the others, gives you a magazine perk that will increase your chances of passing credibility checks. You can check out other magazine perks, and see the location of the rest of Nuka-World magazines and not only -.

If you go around the Yader-Spaceport building on the left, you will find a hidden image of Mister Cap, provided. that you have the special Mr. Cap points that Sierra Petrovita should have given you when you received the quest "A Cap in a Haystack" from her.

Star Core (3)

There is also a stellar core in the room located above the central computer. It lies in a display case (the level of the castle is medium) along with a nuclear mini-charge. In the closed service room (the castle level is easy) you will find a roll of 750 Yader-Arcade tickets, which will be useful to you for obtaining the Nuka-World achievement, and the Galaxy admin key, which opens the gates on the territory for staff (with a sign “ Employees Only").

Star Core (4)

The stellar core is in the booth at the main entrance to the Yader-Galaktika attraction, which you can get to by going to the right of the Yader-Spaceport (if you are facing it), where the central computer is located, and climbing a small ladder. The booth is located to the right of the entrance. You need to go through the gate.

Star Core (5)

Opposite the attraction "Yader-Galaktika" there is a building with a signboard "Arc Jet G-Force". Climb the stairs to the very top and find the Star Core.

Star Core (6)

You will find another stellar core at the end of the descent with the inscription "Spacewalk". The easiest way to collect it is after exiting the RobCo arena, the core will be immediately to the right at the beginning of the ascent. And if you go up to the end of the rise and turn to the wall on the left, you will find a hidden image of Mr. Cover for the quest "A Cover in a Haystack" provided that you are wearing special glasses.

Star Core (7)

Information about this kernel will appear in the near future.

Find Star Cores in the Starlight Cinema (0/4)

The Starlight Cinema is located in the first aisle on the left after entering the park. Let me clarify that I mean the entrance, which is shown in the first screenshot of the article.

After entering the Starlight Cinema, go in search of Star Cores. There are 4 of them here. Your enemies will be turrets and different robots, as in the rest of the Galaxy, but the Star Bartender, essentially a security robot that shoots laser bursts, will become especially dangerous. Directly in the hall of the film screening, you need to inspect the bar. There you will find the Star Core (1) and the recipe for the "Void Cores" on the bar (blue book).

You will find another Star Core (2) in the toilet located at the end of the left corridor, relative to the entrance. In one of the booths, medications and a first aid kit are lying on the floor. In the toilet opposite, in a booth, you can find a cache with lids and a tool box (lock level is easy) with weapons and ammunition.

At the end of the right hallway, the one with the elevator, is the cafeteria and the Nuclear Blending Machine. In the cafeteria at the entrance there is a safe (the level of the castle is difficult) with ammunition. In the pantry of the cafeteria (castle level - medium) another Star Core (3). By the way, the key to the pantry is in the corner on the kitchen furniture.

Now take the elevator to the upper level, preferably the one closer to the entrance. You will enter the back office of the cinema. Deal with the Galactron Technician and collect the last Star Core (4) from the Starlight Cinema. Don't forget to look into the big red bag and stock up on ammo before you leave.

Find Star Cores in the "Nuclear Galaxy" (0/7)

If you leave the Yader-Cosmoport, where the Star Dispatcher central computer is located, and turn left into a passage with a small staircase, you will go straight to the main entrance of the Yader-Galaktika attraction. Not far from the main entrance there are several Star Cores - read about it above.

Enter from the main entrance, go to the spaceship exhibit, and then go to the next room, dealing with turrets and robots along the way. At the end of the hall, behind the glass, you will see a room with a Star Core, but we will get there later. Next, you will enter the landing room in the attraction cabins. In a small room next to the rails you will find the Star Core (1), and on the wall there is a safe (the level of the castle is difficult) with various supplies. Exit through the second door of this room and find yourself in the scenery of the attraction. Further, your path will pass through office premises along the route of the attraction and individual exhibition complexes.

Go through the "space" to the door opposite and go through the service room to the next room with the scenery of asteroids. Go down the stairs. Behind one of the fake asteroids you will find the body of a merchant, and next to it is a cache with lids. Proceed to the service room, where the Galatrons just fired from, and take the next Star Core (2) from the Nuka-Galaktika control terminal.

Go through the UFO attraction hall, and then along the service corridor to the elevator. Ride it down to the Space Panorama. On the right side of the service room, behind the containers, you will find a safe (the castle level is very difficult) with useful supplies, including a stealth-boy. The Space Panorama shows fights between a space guard and animatronic aliens, and since you need to pass by, first wait until they damage each other or completely deal with each other, and then finish off the survivor. And when descending to the "Space Panorama" do not miss the equipment with the Star Core (3). In the second part of the panorama, the battle will go between the novatron and the aliens. You need to go to the very end, and in the corner you will find an exit.

In the back room with the containers, be sure to climb them over the broken ride cabin or the barrels at the end of the room. Upstairs are three caches with lids.

Then climb the stairs for a long time until you reach the scenery of the attraction with planets and UFO ships. There you will see two stairs on the right and left. First, go up the one on the left and collect the Star Core (4), and then continue along the Nucleus Galaxy along another ladder.

Having dealt with all the enemies and turrets, climb the far stairs to the very top, there you will see a control terminal. Go to the service room and along the rail you will reach the exit from the attraction. From the animatronic model of Nuka-Girl, you can take her costume - the Nuka-Girl "Rocket" Suit, which is not so simple.

Reference: Suit "Rocket" Yader-Girl

Damage resistance: 5

Energy Damage Resistance: 45

Radiation resistance: 35

Charisma: +1

The weight: 8

Price: 165

Peculiarity: Grants the ability to breathe underwater and increases Charisma by 1.

Opposite the Nuka-Girl there is a technical equipment with a Star Core (5), as well as with the key of the employee of the "Galaxy", which will be indispensable to you in search of the two remaining Star Cores.
But first, climb one of the stairs located on the sides of the animatronic model Nuka-Girl. At the exit, take the Nucleus-Galaxy medallion, which is necessary for the side one, and then go back down.

Near the rail in the corner you will find the red door of the service room (the level of the lock is very difficult), which not everyone can handle breaking, but this is not necessary with the key. Go to the service room, then go up the small stairs and take the Star Core (6) from the terminal. Collect everything useful from the big red bag and on the equipment.
Then open another door with the key and take the last Star Core (7) in this location.

You can exit either through the same entrance that you entered - to do this, return to the rails and use the key to open another door (the level of the lock is very difficult), which will lead you to the landing hall. You can also return to the Nuka Girl exit, but outside you will have to use fast travel, as the descent has collapsed.

Find Stellar Cores at the Vault-Tec Exposition: Among the Stars (0/6)

The Vault-Tech Exhibition Complex: Among the Stars can be reached from the second floor of the Yader-Cosmoport.

Inside you can use the elevator, but we advise you to walk through the exhibition first. On the bench in the foyer next to the skeleton, you'll find a stash of lids. And behind the desk, on the old file cabinets, are the keys of the Vault-Tec employee, which will greatly facilitate your passage through this location, opening almost all office premises.

At the first exhibition area dedicated to man in space, deal with the Protectrons and collect the Stellar Core (1). It is located in a locked room (the level of the castle is difficult), located behind a large stone.

Go further along the railing of the exhibition, go through the entrance to the shelter, then go down to the living quarters. Behind the locked sliding door (lock level is hard) you will find a Star Core (2), as well as a nuclear block for power armor. This room is a laboratory, you can hack it or return there with the key later. On the table near the terminal is the key to the Vault-Tec control room. From the terminal, you will learn that Vault-Tec has conducted experiments on visitors to the exhibition, so periodically your eyes are cloudy.

Another Star Core (3) is located in a room next to the kitchen. There is high radiation, so you will need anti-radiation or power armor, or any other protection against radiation.

To shorten the path, go through the locked sliding door (the lock level is difficult) in the personal room presented here, opening it with the employee's key. You will enter a service room. Inside there are several doors and a novatron invader (similar to an assault gun), so be careful. You can get into the same office space by reaching the exit from the exhibition (the door near the elevators). One of the doors of the room leads to the locker room with the key to the Vault-Tec laboratory, the door to which you saw in the demonstration shelter resident housing complex. If you haven't hacked it, be sure to return for the Star Core (2) and the key to the control room.

Another of the doors opens with the key to the Vault-Tec control room, which we found earlier in the laboratory, and three Star Cores (4-6) are waiting for us there at once. There is also a large red bag of ammunition and weapons in the control room.

The last door with stairs leads to the exit. Be sure to look around for the Vault-Tec: Among the Stars medallion machine that you need to collect for the Jeweled Medallions quest. He stands in the corner near the exit from the exhibition.

After leaving through the exit on this floor, you will find yourself in an alley located to the left of the entrance to the first floor of the Yader-Cosmoport, with the inscription "Starmarket". There, behind a small counter with an animatronic model of the consumer, there is a wall safe (the level of the lock is difficult) with various supplies. By the way, you can remove a suit with the symbols of the Yader-Mir park from the consumer model (+2 to endurance). At the nearby newsstand, take the Yader-Breather recipe for the Yader-Mixing Machine from the magazine stand.

Find Star Cores in the RobCo Arena (0/6)

The RobCo Arena is located near the second entrance to the Galaktika Park zone. One way to get there is to go down the slope located to the right of the main entrance to the Yader-Galaktika. At the entrance to the arena there are two novatrons (analogue of an assault gun) as statues, and they will "wake up" as soon as you get closer, so start shooting from afar.

Entering the arena building and passing through the foyer with the ticket office, you will see demonstration models of robots on the right and left, until they are activated, I advise you to destroy them. At the stands, turn around to the entrance. The left service door leads to the cashiers' room (the castle level is difficult), there is a cache with lids under the table, a wall safe (the castle level is medium) with useful supplies, a roll of 900 Yader-Arcade tickets, which will be useful to you to get one from the Nuka-World achievements - "Useful Prizes", where you need to redeem 100,000 tickets in the "Yader-Arcade". Read about all the achievements of Nuka-World and Fallout 4.

The right service door (lock level - easy) leads to the control room of the RobCo arena, there you will find two Star Cores (1-2).

Now go down directly to the battle arena, but beware of the protectrons that will appear from under the stands. If you have time, you can run to the terminals that are located there and turn them off.

Go through the door located to the right of the battle arena. These are the service rooms for robot diagnostics and here you will find a battle with a space guard, a novatron and a galatron, if you have not already disabled them with an emergency protocol. Take the Star Core (3) from the robot diagnostics terminal. Immediately in a locked chamber (the castle level is medium) with a dead merchant, you will find a cache with lids, a nuclear minicharge and Nuka-Cola Pobeda.

Two Star Cores (4-5) are located directly on the RobCo battle arena, but as soon as you enter there, the doors will close. You won't be able to get out until you survive all the rounds against all sorts of robots. I advise you not to neglect the wall in the middle of the arena and use it as a cover from which you can shoot and throw grenades.

After the fight, all visitors to the RobCo arena are offered to visit the shop at the exit and buy souvenirs. Why don't you do the same? The shop is located under the stands. On the shelf behind the counter you will find the last Star Core (6), and on the box are the keys to the RobCo arena, which you can use to open the exit door located nearby. On the floor among the shelves is a blue book with the recipe for Yader-Luch, another type of Yader-Cola that can be prepared in the Yader-Mixing Machine.

Find Star Cores in other sectors of the park (0/5)

The merchants managed to steal several Star Cores for the Star Dispatcher to other sectors of the park, apparently with the aim of selling them. Therefore, to find all the cores, you have to run a little.

Star Core (1)

One Star Core is located in the Nuka Town market. It lies on the table next to the Shelby Chase counter. You will not miss it, especially if you come at night.

Star Core (2)

There is another Star Core in Yader Town, which lies in the Yader Arcade, which is located a little further than the Salon, where the Operators settled, and not far from the entrance to the territory of Mount Fizzpot with a lake. Go inside go to the end, to the prize terminal, and then enter the room on the right with slot machine"Atomic Racers". There you will find the door to the service room, where the cherished Star Core lies on the weapon machine.

Star Core (3)

When you go to capture dry gorge”During the quest “Showdown in the Dry Gorge”, then by all means look into the alley with closed pavilions, not far from the Scout’s corral with the Buttercups robopony and the old cemetery. There you will find dead merchants, and next to them is the Star Core.

Star Core (4)

During the cleanup of the "World of Freshness", namely the bottling plant, be sure to look into the workshop where Quantum Yader-Cola was previously produced. This workshop is easy to recognize by a large luminous container in the middle of the hall. There, near the locked door with a wall-mounted security terminal, you will find the Star Core (4). It lies near the dead shooter. You will go to the indicated location during the passage of the World of Freshness quest.

Star Core (5)

Information about the Stellar Core (5) will come in the near future.

Clear the Galaxy (Optional)

Theoretically, you can not look for Star Cores, but simply destroy all robots and all defenses in the Galaxy Park sector and in all its locations. And immediately proceed to the distribution of this sector to one of the gangs of raiders.

Repair the central computer (20/20)

After you find 20 Star Cores and install them in the Star Dispatcher, you will have the ability to capture the zone using the central computer, and will also remain additional task to clean up the galaxy. How to proceed is up to you.

Capture a zone using the central computer

On the central computer, select the line "Protocol: Protected Mode", and then - "Disable Protected Mode". That's it, the zone is yours, and now all modifications of the Galaxy robots are available to you at the robot workbench.

In the terminal there is "Protocol: access to the diorama" - this is the one that stands in the middle of the room and where the power armor is located. However, you can only access it after you find all 35 Star Cores.

Give the Galaxy to one of the gangs

You need to give the captured sector to one of the gangs of raiders - Adepts, Operators or Pack. To do this, hang their flag in this zone. The signal flagpole is located on the second level of the Yader-Spaceport, above the Star Dispatcher. The more territories you give to the gang, the more friendly it will be towards you. Accordingly, other gangs may hold a grudge against you.

After completing the current quest, you will receive a task from the "Miscellaneous" section - "Complete the repair of the central computer (20/35)", by completing which you will be able to open a diorama with power armor in the central computer room. Also, don't leave the Galaxy Sector without finding the hidden images of Mr. Cap for the side quest "A Cap in a Haystack".


Quest "The Grand Tour"

Once you have received respect from all the raider gangs, you can safely begin to seize the territory of the Yader-Mir amusement park, that is, proceed to its new stage called the Big Tour. As a partner, you can take Porter Gage with you, who will kindly offer you to provide his services. Now you will need by hook or by crook to capture every centimeter of the land of "Yader-World" and in order to continue to pass Fallout 4 Nuka-World, you should keep your way outside of Nuka-Town.

In principle, almost all Yadet-Mir zones belong to separate missions. Since we have already agreed that “We will have to leave Yader Town, we will not take it into account. So we are left with five separate locations and five missions to conquer the entire "Yader-Mir". You can complete these missions in any order you choose, but it's best to go in order so that your territory is behind you. After conquering a zone, a flag will be raised over it. Also, after conquering a particular zone, you will need to decide which faction this territory will belong to. This will lead to a local fight between the gangs.

Quest "Star Dispatcher", zone "Galaxy"

When you approach the area called "Galaxy" you will find a place where there was a shootout between robots and people. This place will be just strewn with human bodies and robots. Among the dead, you will need to find the body of a girl named Tiana Alston. After you pick up her diary and read what was written in it, you will find out that the robots have gone out of control of the Star Dispatcher control center. But this will not be complete information, and in order to figure it all out, you will need to find this very terminal.

Now it will be clear that not all robots are destroyed and the path to the control center is a rather thorny path filled with many crazy robots. That is, you will have to actively fight with such guys as Protectron Guard, Robo-Eye, Novotron and others. As soon as you enter the territory of the Yader-Spaceport, your affairs will become much worse. Here the number of opponents just rolls over. Not only are a large number of robots attacking you, but also these turrets.

When you get to the control center, you will not need to immediately look for the central computer, it will be interesting to find out how everything happened. You can get all this information in the terminal, which is located behind the door on the left, which needs to be hacked. As it turns out, this sector was completely dedicated to robots, which had to fit into the overall concept of the entire playing area. In the beginning, according to the classics of the genre, everything was great, but then the central computer began to malfunction and as a result, all the robots got out of control, we see the so-called uprising of the machines.

After proceeding to the room where the "Star Controller" is located and trying to reboot this central computer, you will find out that in order to perform this action, you need to have "star cores". In total, they will need to collect 20 pieces, this is enough to fix the computer. These cores are scattered throughout the zone, and sometimes beyond. Check out the entire area of ​​this sector and check out the Vault-Tech among the Stars exhibit, also check out the RobCo Arena, check out the Starlight Cinema. Also, you can find several cores outside of this territory.

It should be understood that you will not look for all these cores in safety, naturally you will be attacked by certain robots. Remember, after collecting a certain number of cores, it is best to take them to the computer. By installing these cores in your computer, you will be able to disable some types of robots. As soon as the number of cores reaches all 20 pieces, you will be able to turn off all the robots and thus conquer the entire territory of the Galaxy. It remains only to determine who will get this zone and whose flag to raise over the "Galaxy".

Also, in the terminal you can see access to a set of power armor. Unfortunately, you will not be able to get it right away, for this you will need to collect 35 cores.

Quest "Showdown in the Dry Gorge", zone "Dry Gorge"

Further on your way there will be an area called "Dry Gorge", which is made in the style of the times of the wild west. At the very entrance to the zone. you will be attacked by a bloodworm, killing which you will start this mission called "Tremors of the Earth." In this mission, there will be a task to destroy the entire lair of these creatures. But alas, the world of Fallout 4 Nuka-World is not so simple and this task will not be the last in this zone.

Entering the zone you will come across Protectron Sheriff-Eagle. The Sheriff will tell you about the gang that he's worried about. She is in the Mad Mulligan Mine. Digging through the microchips of the robot, you will realize that this gang is a cube of bloodworms. Now he does not have to look for this lair and we know where to go. But alas, to enter the mine, you will need a key. This key is locked in the safe, and you can get the cat from the safe when you complete three small missions from the Sheriff's deputies.

All these deputies are very similar to the sheriff and, accordingly, to each other, but at the same time, they have an individual occupation, and also have different names. One-Eyed Ike will offer you to compete in a duel, Scout will ask you to help catch the robopony, and Doc Phosphate will tell you to get some things from the saloon. All these robots, upon fulfilling their requests, will give you a piece of code. As a result, you will collect all the code and you can go to the safe.

The safe is located in the Dry Gorge Theatre, but be careful as large and dangerous ants will attack you along the way. Once you open the safe and get the key, head to the Mad Mulligan Mine. Having made your way inside, you will need to destroy everything that will fall under your arm. As soon as you destroy everything that is there, formally the territory will belong to you. You will need to decide who to give this territory to, as well as leave the robots alive or destroy

Quest "Safari", zone "Safari"

When you enter the territory of the game zone, you will witness the clash of a crocodile claw and some kind of savage. When you help this savage, you will thereby start the passage of the mission to capture the "Safari" territory, which is in fact a zoo.

The guy you helped with the crocodile claw is named Zito. Cyto will ask you to deal with all the crocodile claws in Safari territory. From communication with Zito, you will find out that the guy was born after the war and that he was taken to the upbringing of the gorilla and he lives with them. Also, Cyto will show you the halodisk of the scientist who created these crocodile claws. You will also be able to see the diaries of this Dr. Madermot.

After reading the diaries, you will find out that Professor Madermot is the last employee of the "Replication" department. Madermot asks to stop the device that is cloning these mutants at high speed. To disable the replicator, you will need the password of Professor Madermot, or, well, Dr. Hein. The replication department will be in a triangular building. We are heading for it. In the building itself, we learn that Dr. Hayne was kidnapped by some guardians of nature and are ready to discuss his life in the part of the park where the "Evil Anaconda" is located. It's great to know that this anaconda is just a simple roller coaster. You will find Heine's password in one of the trailers standing there.

As soon as you return to the building with the replicator, go to the cloning department. Be careful, in this department there are already crocodile claws and not always simple ones. With Hein's password, you will turn off the replicator, you will have to clean the Safari from the crocodile claws. Next, you will have to decide whether to kill Zito or prepare him for the arrival of guests. Next, set the flag of a particular grouping over the zone.

Quest "World of freshness", zone "World of freshness of Yader-Cola"

The next zone that will be on your way will be the place where Yader-Cola was previously produced. Tours with crowds of tourists were often led to this plant. this moment, the owners of this territory are various types of mutated crabs. But do not think that crabs are your only problem. When dealing with crabs, you will often encounter assault guns.

After passing into the room of the "World of Freshness" and cleaning it, move to the street. There your battle will continue and it will reach the uterus of crab nuclei with which you will fight one on one. It is worth keeping a distance from the uterus and, if possible, attacking it from above. After destroying the uterus of crabs, you will have to destroy the crabs that were late for the battle and then set the flag of one or another gang on the roof of the Yader-Cola plant.

Quest "Magic Kingdom", zone "Children's Kingdom"

Further park area in walkthrough Fallout 4 Nuka-World was created for its very young visitors. Everything here is reminiscent of a sweet childhood. But everything is not so smooth. It turns out that a certain Oswald the Shocking is in charge here. This is an old park actor who survived a nuclear explosion and became a ghoul. As soon as you enter the park, Oswald will arrange his "Entertainment Program". He will mock you by setting ghouls, pouring radioactive water over you and so on. For him, this is just part of the entertainment program that he came up with for his guest, namely for you. All these antics of his will be accompanied by jokes and name-calling over the loudspeaker.

Immediately step into the pavilion of laughter, which was converted by Oswald into an obstacle course. Naturally, Oswald built his lane from what was nearby. The obstacle course consists of traps disguised in the scenery, as well as the presence of a mirror room and other standard elements that frighten us with their appearance and the presence of traps and various creatures there. In one of these tunnels, you will be able to eavesdrop on Oswald's conversation with other ghouls. It turns out that these ghouls are also former employees of the park and are now waiting for an antidote.

Entering the theater building, you will need to search the backstage. After that, go out into the hall and get ready for the next acting production. Dead ghouls lie in the hall and Oswald, having descended from the scenery, supposedly will revive them. After that, you will need to fight off the ghouls. After destroying all the ghouls, as well as Oswald, you will surprisingly hear his voice again over the loudspeaker. Turns out it was his next production. Now he will offer you to deal honestly one on one on the roof.

Well, go up to the roof and start communicating with Oswald. Here you have the choice to eliminate Oswald or let him go. In each case, the sword of miracles and Oswald's cylinder will be waiting for you. After that, the territory of the children's zone will become yours and you just have to put the flag of one of your gangs

Once you have completed all the themed areas, you can go to Porter Gage and discuss future plans with him. He will offer you to take over the Commonwealth. Here you need to get down to business with your head. You will need to discuss everything with Shenk (he is in charge of communications with the outside world). And at this point, the mission will be considered completed. Now it's time for the next story mission Fallout 4 Nuka-World "Home Sweet Home"

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Star cores in Fallout 4 are a technology that must be collected in large quantities in order to complete the Star Dispatcher quest. This pre-war development, oddly enough, is distributed throughout the world of the Nuka-World add-on. But exactly where the stellar cores in Fallout 4 lie, you still need to find out.

Star cores: what are they and why are they needed in Fallout 4

Stellar cores are a pre-war telemetry module technology invented by RobCo. They are interchangeable and able to communicate with robotic systems and the central computer. Designed to restore the computer and disable protection on it. Each module has a bright red light. It will be difficult to miss her light.

The stellar core ID in Fallout 4 is xx01e367. But if you add them through the console, there will be no sense from them. "Cheat" objects cannot be inserted into the computer.

Quest "Star Dispatcher" in Fallout 4

You will need to find star devices during the Fallout 4 quest Star Dispatcher. The Survivor will receive it automatically as soon as he enters the Galaxy Park and sees the carnage. On the corpse of Tiana Alston you can find a diary from which you will learn what happened here. It will become known that all the cores were pulled out by merchants, because of which the robots became aggressive, and now the stellar cores need to be returned to their place.

You will have to come to the Fallout 4 Yader Spaceport and find a computer. He does not work. Therefore, you will have to look for cores lying nearby in order to launch it. You need at least one to be enabled. Fortunately, it lies very close - in the window just above the pavilion with a broken PC or on the corpse of Kendell Alston. It is enough to take the device, plug it into one of the sockets and turn on the computer.

After that, you need to click on "Browse the network of stellar cores" to download the location tags of each item. The action will turn on the core counters in each zone. You can go searching.

Where to find stellar cores in Fallout 4

So, now let's get down to the most interesting thing - finding the necessary star boards throughout the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bGalaxy from Fallout 4. They are located in ten sectors of the amusement park - somewhere in several pieces at once, and somewhere - one device at a time.

On the territory of the Galaxy

There are seven modules here. You should have already picked up one of them - he was lying on the corpse of Kendall Alston.

The rest are located as follows:

  1. Near the emergency exit to the RobCo arena, in the underpass.
  2. In the red and white booth next to the pool, if you look to the right of the entrance to the territory of the "Nuclear Galaxy".
  3. Immediately after the Yader-Cosmoport, to the left of the camp. An excavator stands nearby, next to it is a corpse. And the corpse is the desired.
  4. On the second floor of the spaceport, inside a showcase under a lock of medium difficulty.
  5. On the observation platform of the Yader-spaceport, it can be turned on only after the activation of the power plant. But it can only be taken away when 34 boards are installed in the slots.
  6. On top of the Arcjet G-Force.

This is where the boards end, you can move on to the next sector.

In the Nucleus Galaxy

The next sector of interest to us is the Nucleus Galaxy. There are seven more stellar instruments here. They are located as follows:

  1. There are two in the control room. You need to climb the stairs located to the left of the entrance.
  2. In the service room on the floor below, the door is hidden behind a red booth and locked with a complex lock. Reward - two modules on the second floor.
  3. In the room with the Nucleus Girl lies another device. There is also a key to some rooms.
  4. Now you need to go against the direction of the monorail to the nook, where it goes a little lower. You will have to jump down from the space or carefully go down the stairs and find a terminal there with a core lying on it. He is standing on the stairs.
  5. We need to find the nearest room with an elevator and return on it. Then turn right and go up the narrow corridor to the terminal.

This completes the cleaning of the building, you can move on.

In "Starlight"

The Starlight Cinema offers the traveler four more star devices. You can find them in these places:

  1. At the terminal located in the main hall.
  2. In the toilet on the corpse of another merchant.
  3. In the kitchen. You'll have to open the door.
  4. On the top floor of the cinema. You can take the local elevator up.

Four boards have been found, now it's time to move on to the next zone.

At the Vault-Tec exhibition "Among the Stars"

The exhibition offers six modules at once. But it is better to enter it through the back door. We pass along the corridor to the very end. On the left there should be a locked door, on the right - a regular table in which there are keys. They need to unlock the door on the left, then go down the stairs and find another bunch. And further along the corridor - another. Now it's time to go back to the room and look further.

  1. Behind the door, which is unlocked by one of our keys, is a room that looks like the Vault-tech Vaults. We turn left and pick up the core and keys.
  2. Three pieces lie behind a door with a very complex lock. But it can be unlocked with the key that we found in the previous room.
  3. The next board is in the room behind the breach. But there is a very high background radiation, so be careful.
  4. We pass into the Atrium. We find a large rock and go around it. Behind her is a door. And behind the door - the desired nucleolus. Locked with a complex padlock.

Now it's time to head straight to the arena!

At the RobCo Arena

Here you can find six more cores. The arena is very small. All the items you are looking for are in the office. It won't take long to find them. It is better to enter from the back entrance - then you can immediately pick up the first device. If there is no desire to fight robots, it is better to disable them through the terminal.

In other sectors

Now there are five more cores left. They are scattered throughout the park. You have to try hard to find everything. Location of the remaining appliances:

  1. Nuclear town. Market. You need to find the counter to the left of Shelby Chase.
  2. Junkyard of Yader-world. Stock. On the second floor.
  3. world of freshness. Next to the corpse of Sergeant Lantier.
  4. Saloon of Doka Phosphate. Turn left and go forward to the lamppost.
  5. Yader-Arcade. To the right of the entrance there is a utility room - lies on a workbench.

Generous rewards are due for the quest. So it's better to take care of its implementation and collect all 35 stellar cores.

Reward for installing modules in Fallout 4

In the process of collecting and installing modules, the central terminal will open up new possibilities for the security protocol. For every five pieces, it will be possible to disable one type of robot. It is better to start with the most dangerous ones.

If you bring 20 pieces to the "Dispatcher", it will turn off the security system, and all robots will be neutral to the Survivor. It will now be safe to travel around the park in Fallout 4.

But if you bring 35 modules and install them in the computer, the Survivor will become the owner of a unique set of power armor "Quantum X-01" in Fallout 4.

Important! To get all the rewards, do not shoot the entire enemy force in the territory of the Galaxy. This will complete Fallout quest 4, and markers with modules will disappear from the map. And you have to look for them literally by touch

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You can buy only in one place - from Rhodey in the Atomic Cats garage. But it drops out very rarely :-) You can use a method similar to farming legendaries. :-)

Yes, this is how I farmed the first full set of T-51s. on low-lvl GG

I knew the place. where is the armor. Saved and gone. I come, I look at the completeness. If the set is not complete, I ship. I'm going again. it regenerates. The main thing is not to be in that area before - otherwise the armor will be already generated and with the same set of parts. For generation, places with armor in the basements, which are moved to a separate location, are best suited. Then you can save before entering (if you do not play Survival) and very quickly generate a complete set))

By the way... I appreciated the convenience of playing as Raider Cores. A very serious help in building an empire is that playing for the raiders from the start of the GG, you no longer need to invest in charisma for the sake of building and developing a network of your settlements. at all. Playing as minute exchangers, the player was forced to invest in charisma points for the sake of the normal development of settlements in order to upgrade the perk that allows you to send supplies and install merchants in settlements. Without supplies, many settlements were generally very dreary to develop - they have absolutely no resources for construction. And now the outposts of the raiders automatically exchange resources, and the merchants in them can be installed using the perk received during the passage. These features make life very easy for those. that you don’t have to spend a lot of levels on perks that are generally useless for the GG.

Now - no persuasion! Now just kill them all)

I kept waiting for when it would be possible to use the workshop in the Nuka-world. And waited. Yesterday I shouldered all 4000 units. accumulated rubbish and carried it to the workshop - dump it all into a new network of raider outposts. Well, now I'll terrorize the Commonwealth... I looked into Sanctuary (I already have three of my own settlements of minute exchanges given to the raiders) and decided to talk to Preston Harvey. And what do I see!? This mumbler in a hat begins to blame me, they say I'm bad and generally not the same as he dreamed of and declares "But maybe you'll change your mind? Let's be for us again?" I got a little crazy and told him "I'll think about it, then we'll talk." In general, until I give him an unequivocal answer that I will be against the Minutemen, I kind of didn’t quarrel with him and I can still return to play for them. The choice is left to us right up to the very end. So, I don’t understand what the players were suffering about here, what they say, they quarreled with Harvey and were not given a choice.

Looking for stellar cores in Fallout 4

Star cores on the territory of the Starlight cinema

On the territory of this cinema you can find 4 star cores, here is where to look for them:

  1. We go to the main hall and look for the terminal there, the first stellar core lies calmly on it;
  2. Next, we move to the toilet and look for the body of the merchant, in close proximity to him you can find another core;
  3. Now we go up to the top floor, for this you have to use the elevator, look for a rack with equipment and take the core from there;
  4. Then we go down again to the cinema hall and look for the kitchen, it is in the kitchen that you can find the fourth star core.

In this location, the stellar cores were found, now we are moving to other locations.

Star Cannonballs in the Robko Arena

In this location, according to the "star dispatcher", there are 6 stellar cores, you should look for them in the following places:

  • If you stand facing the entrance to the Robko arena, then there will be a room on the right, just in it you can find 2 star cores;
  • If you enter the arena not from the main passage, but from the black one, you can directly stumble upon another core;
  • Another core can be found next to the most powerful robot;
  • The last 2 cores are located in the arena itself, which has aggressive robots, but these robots can be disabled through the terminal.

The stellar cores in this location are over, move on.

Stellar nuclei in the location "Nuclear-Galaxy"

Advice: before you go for the cores in the "Nuclear Galaxy", replenish your ammunition supply and collect more stimulants, they will come in handy, because the whole building is simply teeming with robots.

In the location "Nuclear Galaxy" you can find 7 stellar nuclei, here are their locations:

  • First of all, we go to the control room, it contains the first stellar core. The control room is located immediately at the end of the stairs leading down if you enter from the main entrance;
  • After we took the first core, we turn around, we find with our eyes a red booth and a door next to it. This door is locked difficult level, behind the door is a service room and as many as 2 star cores;
  • If you stumble upon a room in which there is a Nuka-girl, then you should know that it also has a stellar core, it is located on the terminal;
  • From the room in which Yader-girl was found, we go to the right, reach the stairs and go down it all the way, there you will see a rack with equipment, there is a stellar core in it;
  • 2 more cores are located in the uppermost and lowermost parts of the building, in both cases, focus on the terminals, usually the cores are located on them.

In this location, the cores are over, we move on.

Star cores in the Vault-Tek location "Among the Stars"

Many people advise starting a search of this location from the back entrance, it is more convenient to look for cores, of which there are 6 pieces in the location.

  • Entering from the back entrance, you need to constantly go forward, locked doors will meet on your way, but most often there will be tables nearby that contain the keys to these doors. You need to stop in a room (which is located even before the atrium), in which there is a door that is closed with a “Difficult” level lock, behind this door is a room in which you can find 3 star cores;
  • Three more cores are scattered around the location, look for the first one in the laboratory, the second one needs to be looked for behind a hole in the wall and the third core in the Vault-Tek location “Among the Stars” is located on the main exposition, to find it, search the exposition, you need to look for a rock, behind it will be the door, it is closed with a complex lock, but on the territory of the location you can find the key to this door, so we unlock the door and take the last core from the room.

Now it remains to find the last cores that are scattered across all sectors of the "Yader-Mir".