Didactic games about the sea for children. Games for children of senior preschool age on the theme “Sea voyage. Game for the development of attention "Wave"

Contests for children's holiday in nautical style

At the sea birthday party for the little ones, it will be fun simple game“Water-land”: a circle-island is drawn on the floor, inside it is land, outside is water. The children stand inside the circle on land, and then follow the commands of the leader, saying either “Water!”, Then “Land!”. At the same time, children jump out of the circle, then jump again. The host can constantly confuse them by repeating the same command.

For older children, you can organize a winding game "Raising the Anchor". A long rope is taken, to which a cardboard anchor is attached exactly in the middle. Pencils or sticks are tied to the ends of the rope. Two children participate: each takes one end of the rope in his hands and, at the command of the leader, begins to wind it around a pencil. Whose pencil touches the anchor the fastest wins.

Game: Shark. Day Night"

Shark sleeps during the day. Goes hunting at night. The star says: "Day", everyone swims. The star says: "Night", everyone freezes. Whoever moves, that Shark takes prisoner. The prisoner misses the game. You can change the Shark during the game.

Game: "Sea words"

You need to name 10 or more words related to the sea.

Riddles about the sea and marine life

1. For her, the wave is a swing,

And she swims aimlessly

Nowhere to nowhere

Everything is transparent like water.


2. Two brothers

Looking into the water

They will not converge in a century.


3. Which sea dweller blushes when he sees dinner? (Squid)

4. Which marine inhabitants have mouths on their belly? (Shark)

5. There is water all around, but there is trouble with drinking. (Salty Sea)

6. A giant swims across the ocean and releases a fountain of water. (Whale)

7. What stones are not in the sea? (dry)

8. I grew up in the forest, in silent silence,

Now I carry you on a blue wave.

9. Lives between stones head with four legs.

10. She lives in the water, there is no beak, but she pecks.

11. In calm weather, we are nowhere,

And the wind blows - we run on the water.

12. If it lies at the bottom, the ship will not run far.

13. The giant stands in the port, illuminating the darkness,

And signals to the ships: come visit us!

14. You don't know me? I live at the bottom of the sea.

Head and eight legs, that's all I am...


15. To a strong wave

Couldn't move us

Overboard we throw the chain

And let's dive into the water...

16. To see me in the distance,

How the ships sail

I'll take a quick look at it.

And I'll tell all the guys.


17. Through binoculars I can see the evil

And report to the captain.

They all know very well

It's dangerous to play with her.

Teeth sharp as a knife

You better not touch her!

18. What will happen to the ball if it falls into the Red Sea? (ball gets wet)

19. Swims like a fish

Himself is a big lump.

On his back is a fountain,

Well, the house is the whole ocean.

20. Look how pretty

A fish flies over the water.

Like wings, fins

Both transparent and light.

(Flying fish)

21. Tumbleweed settled in the sea!

The ball is echinoderm, similar to burdock.

strong thorns,

Like legs and like arms.

(Sea urchin)

22. You don't know me?

I live at the bottom of the sea.

Head and eight legs

That's all I am....


23. People of the sea are alarmed -

The sword floats without a scabbard.


24. Sitting aground

Mustache moves,

And go for a walk -


25. He was friendly with the sailors,

What is still famous.

Of the sea animals to whom

Is the monument open in the world?


The game "Dive to the bottom." You can simply blindfold the players, or you can take underwater goggles or a mask and cover the glass with something so that nothing can be seen through it. You will also need various items related to the marine theme: plastic fish, shells, pebbles, a small anchor, etc. etc. All this can lie in a package in the hands of the presenter. In advance, children do not see objects. The player is put on a mask, one of the objects is placed on the floor and they are offered to find and guess it. The player, kneeling down, feels for an object on the floor by touch, and then also guesses by touch what it is. Each lucky "diver" is entitled to some kind of prize.

The game "Navy pasta". Props - large forks and long ropes. Several participants are called. Each is given a fork and a rope. Whoever wraps the pasta (rope) on the fork faster wins.

Dance game "Captain's teams". Boys don't really like to dance, but you can lure them dance game. Children stand in a circle and dance. Songs are better to choose about the sea. The captain (in this case, the leader Jack Sparrow will be the captain) gives orders - not in order, but as it should. The kids should do it right away.


Left hand drive! - everyone should turn to the left and continue dancing;
Rudder right! - everyone should turn to the right and continue to dance;
Nose! - the circle of dancers narrows (converges towards the center);
Stern! - the circle, on the contrary, expands;
Raise the sails! - everyone raises their hands up, continuing to dance;
Clean up the deck! - everyone starts rubbing their feet on the floor;
Cannonball! - everyone squats;
Admiral on board! - everyone stands at attention and gives

First you need to introduce the children to the commands and explain how to respond to them. Then it's worth a little practice, and then start playing. Who did not realize and executed the command incorrectly - leaves. No need to give frequent commands - let the boys dance!

Sea battle game

In the room on the floor lay out the border - the rope. Divide into two teams, throw the balls to the side of the enemy. The team with the most balls on their side loses. During the game, the balls burst, and each ball contains a phantom - a comic task. The losers must perform a phantom.

The game " gold fish". Children receive balls and details for fish (eyes, cilia, fins, sponges, tail - all this is prepared in advance from colored paper), all that remains is to glue them to the ball.


on the topic: "Water. Inhabitants of reservoirs ":

1. Didactic game:

“Guess and compare the riddles about the inanimate and living nature."

Preparing for the game: Observation of animate and inanimate nature during walks, excursions. Examination of illustrations about living and inanimate nature.

Material and equipment: drawings and illustrations on the topic referred to in riddles, toy animals.

Rules of the game: The teacher makes riddles, the child calls the answer, explains whether this refers to animate or inanimate nature. Before comparing two guessed riddles about the same thing, the child repeats their properties. For the correct comparison, the child receives a chip.

Game description: The teacher reminds children of the differences between living andinanimate nature, then makes riddles. In case of correct answerthe corresponding toy or picture (drawing) is placed with the images,symbolizing living and inanimate nature.

Preschoolers guess riddles, prove the correctness of the answers. Then the pairs of riddles are compared:

    a) He often washes himself, but does not know about water. (CAT)
    b) He is born with a mustache, and hunts for mustachioed ones. (CAT)

    a) The owner knows, walks with him. (DOG)
    b) He barks, bites, but does not let him into the house. (DOG)

    a) White in winter, gray in summer. (HARE)

b) Run uphill, and somersault downhill. (HARE)

4) a) It warms in winter, smolders in spring, dies in summer. (SNOW)
b) The tablecloth is white, dressed the whole world. (SNOW)

5) a) Who beats on the roof all night, but taps,
And mumbles, and sings, lulls? (RAIN)

b) There was a lanky man, he got stuck in the damp earth. (RAIN)

6) a) I’m going, I’m going - there’s no trace,

I cut, I cut - there is no blood, I cut, I cut - there are no chips. (WATER) b) They drink me, they pour me, everyone needs me. Who is she? (WATER)

7) a) Not a horse, but running, not a forest, but making noise. (RIVER)

b) She runs in the summer, sleeps in the winter, spring has come - she ran again. (RIVER)

8) a) Glass house on the window with clear water,

With stones and sand at the bottom and with a goldfish. (AQUARIUM)

b) Look - the house is standing, filled to the brim with water.

Without windows, but not gloomy, transparent on four sides.In this house, the residents are all skilled swimmers. (AQUARIUM)

9) a) Pisces live warmly in winter, the roof is clean glass. (ICE)
b) It neither burns in fire nor sinks in water. (ICE)

10) a) In white velvet, a village, and fences, and trees.

And as the wind attacks, this velvet falls. (FROST)b) Not prickly, light blue hung in the bushes .. .(HORROW)

Children compare pairs of riddles, say how they differ and how they are similar (they are similar in that they say the same thing).

2. Didactic game: "Guess and compare riddles about water."

    In a new wall, in a round window, glass was broken during the day, inserted during the night.

    The fur coat is new, there is a hole in the hem. (HOLE)

    Grows upside down. It does not grow in summer, but in winter. A little sun will bake it,
    she will cry and die. (ICICLE)

    Stars fall from the sky, fall on the fields.
    Let the black earth hide under them.
    Lots and lots of stars as thin as glass.
    The stars are cold, but the earth is warm. (SNOWFLAKES).

    When all the flowers withered, we flew from a height.
    We, like silver bees, sat on a thorny tree.
    We flew to the fields, and the earth became white. (SNOWFLAKES)

    There is a mountain in the yard, and water in the hut. (SNOW)

    He lay, lay, and ran into the river. (SNOW)

    Curled, twisted a whole swarm, sat on the ground, became a mountain. (SNOW)

    It is fluffy, silvery, but do not touch it with your hand.
    It will become a drop of pure, as you catch it in the palm of your hand. (SNOW)

    The blanket was soft and white. The sun was hot - the blanket flowed. (SNOW)

11) The footbridge is paved without boards, without an ax, without a wedge. (ICE)

12) Through the heavens, sacks full of holes roam in a horde, and sometimes it happens: from sacks

water. (CLOUDS)

    He knocks loudly, screams loudly, and no one understands what he says. (THUNDER)

    Noisy, thundered, washed everything and left.

I watered the gardens and orchards of the entire neighborhood. (THUNDERSTORM)

15) There is a commotion in the yard - peas are pouring from the sky. (GRAD)

16) In the morning, the beads sparkled, all the grass was woven with itself.

And we went to look for them during the day - we are looking, we are looking - we will not find. (DEW)

17) The sieve is large, the sieve is blue. Sows, sows white fluff on forests, houses, meadows.

18) There is water all around, but there is trouble with drinking. (SEA)

19) In the middle of the field lies a mirror: the glass is blue, the frame is green. (POND,

20) Everyone bypasses this place - here the earth is like dough; here sedge, bumps,

No leg support. (SWAMP)

    Neither the sea, nor the land, ships float and you can’t walk. (SWAMP)

    A ribbon trembles in the breeze in the open,

The narrow tip is in the spring, and the wide one is in the sea. (RIVER)

    In the middle of the field lies a mirror, the glass is blue, the frame is green. (LAKE)

    In a blue shirt, he runs along the bottom of a ravine. (STREAM)

25) I'm running, as if ringing stones along a ladder.
From afar you will recognize me by the song. (STREAM)

    Fluffy cotton wool floats somewhere, here cotton wool is lower - and the rain is closer.

    The longest-legged walks without a path and without a road

Hiding in the clouds, in the mist, only feet on the ground. (RAIN)

28) He walks and we run. He will catch up anyway!

We are in a hurry to hide in the house, there will be a knock on the window.

And on the roof thump thump! No, we won't let you in, dear friend! (RAIN)

29) There is no her stronger in the world, there is no her more violent in the world.

You can’t hold it in your hands and you can’t overtake it on a horse. (WATER)

3. Didactic game: "About two brothers."

Equipment: Magic box with two identical little men and the signature "Two brotherhoods". Pictures: river banks, glasses, eyes, bike, thunder andlightning, rain and snow, sun and moon, ice and hole, rubber boots.

Rules of the game: The riddles speak of the actions of "two brothers". Bratsev "two, moreover, they can be similar and completely different.

Preschoolers are invited to carefully consider and describe in detail the pictures, which show different "brothers". After that, the drawings are removed in a magic box. If the answer is correct, the corresponding picture is taken from the box.

Children guess riddles about "two brothers", prove the correctness of their answers. Then they compare riddles about different "brothers".Puzzles:

    Two twins, two brothers sit astride the nose. (GLASSES)

    Two brothers live across the road, but do not see each other. (EYES)

    Two brothers are walking in the sky: everyone sees one, but does not hear, everyone
    hears but does not see. (THUNDER AND LIGHTNING)

    Two brothers walk in the sky, one during the day, the other at night. (SUN AND MOON)

    Two brothers live in the same house, but one is white and the other
    transparent. (SNOW AND RAIN)

    Two brothers always run together, one in front, the other behind. (BIKE)

    Two brothers will be born in winter; one brother has glass in a round window during the day
    broken, at night another brother inserts it. (ICE AND ICE-HOLE)

    Two brothers stomp through the puddles, if it's raining outside,

If the sun shines, then they stand under the hanger. (RUBBER BOOTS)

9) Two brothers look into the water, centuries will not converge. (BANK OF THE RIVER)

10) Two brothers, two sons of water, do not see each other,

They almost never meet. One comes in summer and the other in winter.(RAIN AND SNOW)

4. Didactic game: "We know, we know!"

Target: to teach to identify according to the description of the inhabitants of reservoirs (rivers and lakes),(inhabitants of the seas and oceans), to teach their correct and accurate description.

Children stand in a circle. The teacher stands in the center and describes one of theinhabitants of rivers and lakes, for example, pike. Then he leaves the circle, the children turn to face him, put their hands forward and say: “We know, we know!”

The leader touches the hand of one of the players. He must name the inhabitant of the reservoirs. If the responder is wrong, then the leader approaches.to another. Whoever answers correctly takes the place of the leader.

Also play a game to secure the inhabitants of the seas and oceans.

5. Didactic game: "Floats - does not swim."

Target: to fix the floating inhabitants of rivers, lakes, seas and oceans.

Children stand in a circle. The leader with the ball in his hands is in the center. Henames various animals, birds, fish, etc. If the named animal swims,children must catch the ball, if the animal does not swim, the children do not catch the ball. Whoever makes a mistake leaves the game, the winner is the one who lasted a long time in the circle.

6. Didactic game: "Beast fish, bird, fiction."

Target: to fix the animals of the forest, meadows, reservoirs, etc.

The players sit in a circle. The leader walks past them and repeats: "The beast, the fish, the bird, the fable." Suddenly it stopsin front of one of the players, naming one of the listed words and countingthat's up to five. The player against whom the leader stopped must name the animal, fish, bird, respectively, until the count is over, and if necessary, namefiction, the child names something that does not happen in the forest, in the water, in the meadow. Those who fail to complete the task are eliminated from the game. The one with the most correct answers wins.

7. Didactic game: "Cut pictures".

Target: fix reservoirs: (stream, river, lake, swamp, sea, ocean),the inhabitants of these waters.

Pictures with images of water bodies (rivers, seas, oceans, lakes, swamps,streams) are cut into 6-80 parts. Pictures with images of inhabitantsreservoirs (rivers, lakes, seas, oceans) are cut into 8-10 parts each.The players are offered to put together the picture shown in the picture from these parts, name it and talk about it.

8. Didactic game: "Help Dunno!"

Target: to fix the flora of reservoirs (rivers and lakes), (seas and oceans). To fix the inhabitants of water bodies (rivers and lakes, seas and oceans).

1st version of the game: Dunno came to visit the children. He brought pictures and asks the children to help him figure out what is depicted on them. Some pictures show plants: water lilies, water lilies, duckweed,reed cattail. On others - the inhabitants of rivers and lakes: pike, crucian carp, perch, bream,frog, catfish, etc. Children explain what kind of plants and inhabitantsreservoirs that these plants and inhabitants live in the water. Dunno triesremember these plants, the children help him: they show a picture, he calls it, if he calls it incorrectly, then the children correct him. Then vice versa, Dunno shows, and the children name the picture.

2nd version of the game: Dunno brings pictures with the imageflora of the seas and oceans and their inhabitants. The children explain to himshow and talk about the inhabitants of the underwater world.

9. Didactic game: "What did the artist mix up?"


Children are offered several pictures where body parts of fish and fish are mixed up.other inhabitants of the reservoirs, they are also given split parts of the pictures, theyshould correct the mistakes of the artist. Correcting mistakes, children correctlyname parts of the body of fish and inhabitants of reservoirs.

10. Didactic game: "Finish the drawing."

Target: fix body parts of fish and other inhabitants of reservoirs.

Dunno drew fish and other inhabitants of reservoirs, but each time someone interfered with him, and he did not finish a single drawing, you need to help Dunno and draw the missing parts of the body of fish and other inhabitants of reservoirs. Each player receives an unfinished drawing, names who is depicted on it, what is missing on it and finishes it.

    Didactic game: "Define by contour."

Target: to fix the inhabitants of the reservoirs, to teach to determine the contour.

The child is offered several pictures depicting the contourinhabitants of reservoirs: pike, dolphin, catfish, whale, octopus, jellyfish, marine,stars, etc. The child must recognize by the contour who is depicted here and name this inhabitant.

    Didactic game: "Identify by the shadow."

Target: Learn to identify the inhabitants of reservoirs by the shadow.

The child is offered several shadow pictures with the imagewater dwellers. He must identify and name him by the shadow.

    Didactic game: "What do we know about water?"

Target: To consolidate knowledge about water, about reservoirs and their inhabitants.

Children sit in a circle. The teacher explains to them that now they willpick off the petals of a chamomile, questions are written on these petals. Playerget a chip for the correct answer. Whoever gets the most chips wins. Questions on chamomile petals:

1.What is water? (Liquid)

    Where is water found? (In a stream, river, lake, ocean, sea, tap)

3. What is water like? (Transparent, tasteless, liquid, odorless,formless, warm, cold, hot, boiling water, fresh, salty, colorless).

4. Who lives in rivers and lakes? (Catfish, pike, perch, crucian carp, bream, burbot, frog, crayfish, ide, roach, ruff, etc.)

5. Who lives in the oceans and seas? (Whales, dolphins, walruses, seals, sperm whales, rays, seahorses, starfish, corals, hammerhead fish, herring, cod, octopus, sawfish, etc.)

    What grows in water? (Water lilies, water lilies, reeds, cattail, duckweed, sow thistle, etc.)

    Is the water always the same? (No, it can be different. It is snow, rain,downpour, dew, snowfall, blizzard, ice, flood, puddles, hoarfrost, icicles, steam).

    Why does a person need water? (Wash, bathe, drink, wash dishes,washing clothes, washing floors, dusting, watering flowers, watering animals).

    Who needs water? (Man, animals, plants, all living things onEarth).

    Why should water be conserved? (There is very little fresh water on the planet, and without it, life is not possible either for humans, or plants, or animals).

Didactic games invented and prepared

GBDOU teacher Kindergarten № 41

Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg

Chekhovskaya Vera Iosifovna

Explanatory note

to the interactive game "On the seas and oceans"

Author of the work: Fuflygina Natalya Nikolaevna, head of the library of the federal state state educational institution "Samara Cadet Corps of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation", Samara.

    The interactive game "Across the seas and oceans" is intended for students in grades 3-5.

    The aim of the work is game form checking the general outlook on the topic "sea" of junior and middle level students, developing ingenuity and erudition, quick response in answering questions, as well as activating children's reading of books related to the marine theme.

    Use: The resource is intended to be used as material for organizing a library event, in extracurricular work on a topic, as well as as part of a larger event or competitive program. Does not require special training of students.

    Requirements and conditions: to play the game, you need a computer with Microsoft Power Point 2010, a projector, a screen (or interactive whiteboard), speakers.The game was created in the programMicrosoftofficePowerPoint2010 using various program features: animation, hyperlinks, triggers, etc.

    Instructions for using the game:

The game contains 3 nomination blocks, each of which contains 4 riddle tasks. To hold the event, two teams of participants are needed (the number of participants in each team may be different, but equal to each other) and a jury to track the results.

The presenter organizes and conducts all the work, he also organizes the work with the presentation.

Slide 2 Rules of the game

At the beginning of the game, the presenter introduces the participants to the game with its rules and proceeds to the playing field by the icon

Slide 3 Playing field:

The game contains three nomination blocks:

    people and sea

    On what and with what

    Sea distances

Each category has 4 puzzles. The teams take turns calling the category and number of the task. The facilitator, by clicking on the number, opens the slide with the task, reads it and the players answer the task. The category can be selected in any order, as well as the question number, by pressing the corresponding red number button.

From slide 4-15

The hyperlink takes us to the question slide. First, a question arises, and then, by clicking on it, an answer with its visualization. If a team gives a wrong answer, the opponents have a chance to answer correctly. 3 points are awarded for each correct answer, 4 points for the opponent's answer. Return to the playing field is carried out by clicking on the icon in the lower right corner, it has a hyperlink to return to the desired slide. The button with the number of the question played disappears (triggers are used in the animation settings). The game continues until all riddle numbers disappear.

On the playing field, in addition to 3 task blocks, there are 2 more oval icons:

slide 16

Clicking on the cover of a book is a transition to a slide with its annotation and an enlarged image of the picture

Click on the icon - return to the playing field

Slide 17-19

Click on the sign in the lower right corner - return to slide No. 16

The second oval “Finally” on the playing field leads to the final slide “Thank you for the game”, with which the facilitator thanks all the participants at the end of it.

The exit from the game is carried out with playing field, and from slide 20 "Thank you" by badge

The last two slides #21 and 22 are technical, they are hidden from the demonstration and contain lists of sources of work. The transition to them is carried out by the icon

from the second slide.

Journey through the seas and oceans cognitive activity With game elements, younger students).

About me: Teaching experience - 7 years. I believe that the main tasks of a social educator are: creating a healthy climate in the team and family, humanizing interpersonal relationships, protecting the interests of the individual and the rights of the child.

Target: development of cognitive activity, creativity, fine motor skills, communication skills of students; expanding horizons, deepening children's knowledge of marine life.

Equipment: visual material (pictures depicting marine life), colored paper, pencils, cards with riddles.

Lesson progress

1. Introductory speech of the teacher
Teacher: Guys, today we will visit wonderful world and we will meet with the characters already familiar to us, we will get acquainted with new amazing inhabitants. Who we are going to talk about today, you will find out if you guess riddles.

Parents and children have all clothes made of coins.

Who can go out into the open field,
Without leaving your home?

With claws, but not cancer,
Lives in the sea, cuts algae.

I plucked the bait and, without saying "thank you",
Somewhere impolite sailed away ...

Cleverly collects garbage
The bottom of the sea cleans.

Gold plays with gloss
Shell sticking out of the water.
What kind of animal or bird is this?
Without a doubt,

At the bottom, where it is quiet and dark,
A mustachioed log lies.

2. Conversation on the topic.
Teacher: Do you know proverbs, sayings and signs that talk about sea and river inhabitants.
The fish is looking for where it is deeper, and the person is looking for where it is better.
You can't even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.
Mute like a fish.
Like a fish in water.
Fish jump out of the water towards the rain.

3. It's interesting!

Teacher: Did you know that the largest fish on Earth is the whale shark, its length reaches up to 20 meters. And the largest animal the globe- this is the Blue whale, its length reaches 30 meters, and it weighs 150 tons, which is about 15 elephants. (picture)

The record holder for jumping among fish is salmon, which overcomes 3-4 meters in the air. (picture)

A four-eyed fish lives in the tropics: each eye is divided in two. The fish swims on the surface and watches the air with the upper halves of the eyes, and the bottom with the lower halves. He sees what is above and below - he will not overlook anything. (picture)

An electric stingray strikes the victim with a powerful discharge, which is produced by a special organ in the stingray's head. Such a discharge can have a voltage of 220 volts. (picture)

Leaf fish live in the rivers of Brazil. Her body is flat like a leaf, her nose is elongated like a leaf petiole, and on the sides there are patterns similar to leaf veins. And she floats like a leaf with the flow. All predators confuse it with a leaf and do not touch it. (picture)

Jellyfish are 90% water, these voracious predators, similar to umbrellas with tentacles spread around their mouths, catch and eat other animals. There are jellyfish 1cm in size, others reach 2m in diameter. The most dangerous of all is the Portuguese boat. This oldest and largest jellyfish has tentacles up to 30 m long, and the poison is dangerous for humans. (picture)

In the warm waters near the Philippine Islands, one of the smallest fish lives - dwarf pandaks. The size of adults is only 7.5-15 mm, and the weight does not exceed 8 mg. (picture)

Teacher: So you have already learned a new one, interesting information about marine life, and now let's test your knowledge, attentiveness and memory.

4. Quiz " Undersea world».
Who has both eyes on the same side? (At the flounder.)
Who has a mouth on his belly? (At the shark.)
Which fish carry weapons on their noses? (Swordfish, sawfish.)
What fish live longest? (Beluga - up to 100 years old, pike - more than 100 years old, catfish - up to 60 years old.)
The largest marine animal (Blue whale).
Which of the inhabitants of the seas is 90% water? (jellyfish).

5. Physical education minute
Now we all stand together
Let's take a break...
Turn right, turn left!
Bend over and bow!
Hands up and hands to the side
And on the spot jump and jump!
And now we're running,
Well done, you guys!

6. Game-competition "Who is more?"
Teacher: Each team receives a piece of paper and a pen, which team will write more marine life and read it out loud.

7. Task "Finish the sentence."
In a hurry to treat friends
Fresh Cake Blue (whale).
Eight shoes over the threshold
Exposes (octopus).
How they swim beautifully -
Very fast and playful!
We are shown backs
From sea water ... (dolphins).
Lies on the seabed
Flat side (flounder).
Went out on a sunny day
Take a walk sea (horse).
Shock hits everything
"Battery" of the sea (slope).
Who looks like a ball with a tail?
The ball is prickly, Fish-(hedgehog).
Combed the sea sand
Bottom dweller (Scallop).

8. Origami "Fish".
Teacher: I propose to make a marine life with your own hands.

9. The result of the lesson.
Teacher: Did you like the lesson? What new and interesting things did you learn?
You are great today! Actively participated, coped with all tasks.


1. Underwater world. Complete Encyclopedia / Yu.K. Schoolboy. – M.: Eksmo, 2012.
2. M.D. Makhlin Life in salt water. - St. Petersburg: "BKK", 2010.
3. V. Stepanov Funny riddles. - M., 2000.
4. V.N. Laktionov Riddles about marine fish and animals, 2012.

Educational event on the theme "Journey through the Black Sea"

this material can be useful for teachers primary school, educators, teachers of additional education; it can be used in the lessons of the world around and natural history, included in environmental holidays, extracurricular activities.

- introduce a brief history Black Sea, its features, inhabitants, ecology.
- to develop the cognitive activity of students, to expand the horizons of students, to enrich vocabulary;
- educate love for nature, the ability to take care of it.

1. Give children pleasure in contests and games, competitions.

2. The development of environmental education, respect for the nature of the sea, guessing riddles, dancing, reading poetry.

3. Creation of emotional well-being, communication skills with other children, the joy of meeting with the beautiful music of the sea and its inhabitants.

4. Tell about the history of the sea, give children cognitive information, develop the intellectual, thinking abilities of children.

move class hour

    Organizing time.
    2. Introduction to the topic

    I'll start our class hour with a riddle.

Water to the right and water to the left, Vessels are sailing here and here and there, ...

You can't scoop it out with a spoon, And don't cover it with sand, ...

It is boundless, blue, And the winds guard it, ...

It makes noise, grumbles, sings, Here the waves lead a round dance, ...

It's the best climate for kids...

Our country is a great maritime power. Crimea is washed by 2 seas. And as you already understood, the theme of the class hour is devoted to the sea.

Poems about the sea. (Under the video)

1. “A lot has been said about the sea,

But what is there to say for a long time,

Who has never been there,

We invite you to sail with us."

2. child:

Sea, morning wave,

Will bring to its shore

And leave for the children

A lot of things they need:

The stones are smooth as soap

(Imi sea waves soap);

Tina like a strand of hair

A cliff shook off the scallop;

And princesses of sea toys -

Real seashells.

N. Belostotskaya

3 child:


I'm running to you!

I'm already on the beach!

I run to your wave

a wave

running towards me!

E. Moshkovskaya

4. child:

This is what the sea is!

multicolored blue

Noisy waves,

screaming seagulls,

clean, salty

warm, fluffy

Embracing the sky

The sun is smiling!
5. Sea, sea, sea - a marvelous land!
Foamy coast, seagulls, warm wind, -
There is nothing happier in the world!
Sea, sea, we are! Meet!
3.Main part
Of all the seas, perhaps the most interesting is the Black Sea. Since ancient times, it has been known to mankind. It has been sung by many poets. Its wonderful landscapes, mild climate remain in the memory of everyone who has ever visited the Black Sea shores.
This is what A.S. Pushkin wrote about the Black Sea:
Farewell, sea! I won't forget
Your solemn beauty
And for a long, long time I will hear
Your buzz in the evening hours.
A) name
Before we get to know this sea better, let's see why the Black Sea is called "black". Let me start off by saying that it hasn't always been that way. It has changed several names throughout history.
- The ancient Greeks called it Pont Euxinus, that is, the hospitable sea.
-Our ancestors called the sea Pontic or Russian.
-The Turks called Karadengiz, which meant inhospitable.
- They also called it by the name of the peoples that inhabited its shores - the Tauride, Scythian, Surozh, Greek, Russian seas.

There are several conjectures about the modern name.
- The first explanation is the simplest: during a storm, the water in the sea turns black.
- The second, most probable, explanation: the origin of the name is based on the property of water; people noticed that a metal object (anchor) lowered into the sea rises blackened to the surface.
- It is believed that the sea was so named because after a storm, sometimes black silt remains on its shores.

Video about the Black Sea. B) Black Sea coast
A distinctive feature of the Black Sea coast is their originality and exclusivity.
Mount Ayu-Dag (Bear Mountain) is very interesting, it looks like a bear leaning towards the water. Legend has it that once a huge bear raged on the peninsula. Tired of destroying, he leaned down to the sea to drink water, after which the gods made him a stone.

In the sea, a few hundred meters from the shore, two rocks rise, nicknamed among the people of Adalary (Twins). According to legend, 2 brothers turned into rocks, who decided to be stronger than God himself.

Of great interest is the picturesque rock of the Golden Gate. The name is associated with the color of the rock: it is covered with yellow lichens.

Sail rock is very popular. This flat rock resembles in its appearance a 4-coal sail, which is why it got its name.

Black Sea coast famous for a large number of rocks, ridges, reminiscent of some fantastic structures. The bizarre shapes of the rocks are reflected in their names: "Sea Lion", "Lighthouse", "King", "Throne", "Devil's Finger", "Monomakh's Cap", "Stone Sailboats", etc.
PHYSMINUTKA We quickly went down to the sea,
Bent over and wash
One two three four!
So nicely refreshed!
And now they swam together.
Together - once, this is a brass.
One, the other is a crawl.
All as one we swim like a dolphin.
Went to the steep shore
And we went home.
C) life in the sea
The flora and fauna of the Black Sea is diverse and rich.
The diversity of flora and fauna in the seas amazes man. There are over 250 species of algae in the Black Sea.
There are no more beautiful miracles!
This is a real forest!
He just grew up in secret
Under water at the bottom of the sea.

In such a forest, you can see pink algae - coralline. The brown alga Cystoseira lives in the depths. Small inhabitants of the seabed live in its thickets. Green algae live: ulva (sea lettuce) and laurensia. Cystoseira can serve as fertilizer for grapes in the form of ash.

Dense underwater meadows form thickets of sea grass (zostera). This algae is unusual in that it blooms in small flowers, and leaves fall off in winter. Zostera thickets serve as a shelter for many marine life, which have the color of this algae - green or brown. Previously, this algae, after drying, stuffed mattresses and furniture.

The phyllophora lives the deepest of all. It has a dark red color. This algae during the First World War was the only raw material for the extraction of iodine.

There is a pretty, delicate algae in the Black Sea - ulva "sea lettuce" and the original algae codium. The population of many coastal countries has long been eating it. Scientists have proven that in terms of vitamin content, algae are not inferior to oranges and pineapples.


What lies at the bottom of the sea
A little sandy?
Maybe a sea star
In the depths lies, sparkling?
Maybe just a flounder
Resting, lying down?
Maybe it's a shell
I don't know what color
And inside of mother-of-pearl
Pearls pink, how's the morning?
I will begin the description of the animal world with the smallest forms. These are nightlights (Noctiluks). They look like fish eggs. Nightlights are predators, they swim quickly with the help of their flagella. The accumulation of noctilukes creates an unforgettable spectacle - the glow of the sea. The light emanating from the noctilukes has a bluish tint.

Several types of mollusks live at the bottom of the sea: oysters, mussels, littorina, modiolars, etc. Mollusks are the food of many fish. Oysters live up to 30 years. They can do without water for up to a crescent. The meat of these mollusks is used for food. The valuable nutritional qualities of mollusks have been known since ancient times. Their sashes are found in the remains of bonfires of primitive human sites. Mussel shells sometimes contain small multi-colored pearls. Buttons are made from mother-of-pearl shells of oysters and mussels.

Scallops (pecten) are interesting. The scallop has about a hundred eyes, and it is not clear what purpose they serve, because this mollusk is blind. If the eye is removed, a new one will grow in its place.

Rapan (resembling a large snail) is found in the Black Sea. Rapan is edible. Mollusk is an alien. It is believed that the rapana was brought by chance on the bottoms of ships from the Far East. And he successfully took root in the Black Sea. Rapana is a predator, it destroys mussels and oysters. But at the same time, the rapan is a sea orderly, he eats dead fish.

Barnacle shrimp are also of interest. They lead a sedentary lifestyle, tightly attached to something with their shells. Sometimes balanuses are attached to the bottoms of ships, reducing their speed. What did the sailors not only try to avoid these fouling! They lubricated the bottoms of ships with lard, wax, resin ...

Also of interest are bryozoans, appearance moss-like. They have long been considered plants. Bryozoans settle in colonies at the bottom of the sea. Such columns can reach enormous sizes.

Jellyfish and others
In the Black Sea, there are jellyfish with the beautiful name Aurelia, which resembles a saucer in shape and a jellyfish cornerot similar to a dome. Aurelia is not poisonous, but Cornerot can inflict a burn similar to a nettle burn. Pilema is a predator that destroys worms, crustaceans, fish. Jellyfish are able to predict the appearance of a storm, go deep into the sea in advance.

There are also crabs in the Black Sea: marble, stone, grass. Sea urchins live. They are old men. They lived on earth 500 million years ago, when there were no fish in the seas, and land plants on land. Meat sea ​​urchins eaten, their caviar is especially valued.

There are 180 species of fish known in the Black Sea. Let's talk about the most unusual and interesting fish.
For some reason, the flounder is considered one-eyed, but it actually has two eyes. A flounder lives up to 25 years. Probably not many people know that the age of fish is determined by the scales and the cut of the bones. These parts of the fish body have annual rings, the same as on trees. Everyone knows that the flounder can quickly change color to match the color of the surface on which it is located. We conducted an experiment with the fish. We put a chessboard on the bottom of the aquarium. different. Yellow means she was caught on the sand, gray - among the stones, brown - among the sand with stones.

In the Black Sea there are fish with the name of animals: there is a cat and a mouse, a horse, a dog, a fox, a rooster, a wolf.
Sea fox and sea cat are stingrays. The sea fox stingray is not poisonous, unlike the sea cat. The sea cat lies in wait for its prey among the algae, rushes at it from an ambush, like a cat on a mouse, for which it is called a "cat".

Lufar is the most furious, outlandish in its ferocity predator of the Black Sea. On his way, he destroys everyone, sometimes eats small mollusks that did not have time to hide from him. For its bloodthirstiness, it is called the “sea wolf.” It is distinguished by its incredible speed of movement, opens its mouth and releases air from its gills with all its might - this instantly speeds it up.

Monkfish or angler lives up to its name. An extremely unattractive fish with a large, toothy mouth. It jumps along the bottom on its front fins or sits crouched and lures the fish to itself with a wriggling antennae resembling a worm. A monkfish can swallow fish of the same size as himself. He spawns with ribbons 10 meters long.

There are eels in the sea. Eels feed on fish, crayfish, and mollusks. Eel, an unusual fish. He spends most of his life in the river, and then goes out to sea. They have an excellent sense of smell. Special experiments have shown that eels, deprived of sight, easily find their way, and deprived of smell, they lose their orientation. Eel is a strong and hardy fish. It can stay without water for a long time, crawling hundreds of meters along the coast. This fish has a great craving for the sea. Taken from the sea for 80 km, they unmistakably turn their heads towards it and begin to crawl. Eel is a cunning fish. He likes to pretend to be dead, and at the right moment he bites.

The seahorse and the sea pipe differ from other fish in their eyes. Each of these eyes rotates independently. These fish can look with one eye in one direction and with the other in the other.
Note: It has been established that fish during a storm can “sway.” If it does not have time to go into the depths, it can “get seasick” and even die. Marine fish drink water, but almost fresh water enters their body, and excess salts are excreted in drops from their gills. Fish can hear and even make sounds. For example, the sea rooster, as it were, “gnashes its teeth” if it is “dissatisfied”, the croakers “croak”, the herring “whispers”, the horse mackerel “bass” loudly. The expression "dumb as a fish" is not always true.
Sharks are found in the Black Sea. But they do not pose a danger to humans. Here you can see a katran (spiny shark, blenny) and a small spotted scillium.

sea ​​animals
Not only fish, but also sea animals are found in the Black Sea. In the entire history of the Black Sea, whales swam into it twice.
In the Black Sea there are three types of dolphins - bottlenose dolphins, azovka, white flank.

Dolphins breathe with their lungs, using their air supply, they can stay under water for up to half an hour. On the shore, dolphins quickly fall asleep, but not because they have nothing to breathe like fish: the dolphin dies from excess weight, which is much less in water. Their blood is warm, the fish is cold. A dolphin quickly gets used to a person, becomes attached to him. And when he is sick (they can, for example, catch a cold), fearlessly swims to injections.
Dolphins have long been human friends. In ancient Greece, killing a dolphin was punishable by death. Even the word “dolphin” comes from the Greek “delphos”, which means “brother”.
I'll tell you a little about the Black Sea birds. Sailors are very fond of birds and never offend them. Speaking of sea birds, first of all you think of seagulls. In the old days, it was believed that seagulls are the souls of sailors who drowned in the sea. A sea proverb is associated with the behavior of seagulls: “If a seagull sits in the water, wait for good weather. Seagulls roam the sand, the sailor promises melancholy,” that is, a storm is approaching.

On the Black Sea coast, you can meet a seagull with a black head, which makes loud laughing sounds. It is called the black-headed gull.
An interesting little Black Sea diving duck. They are called dives for the ability to often dive into the water and stay there for a long time, up to 5 minutes, and grebes is the scientific name.
According to legend, the Greek prince Esak turned into a dive after a beautiful nymph died through his fault. From grief, Esak rushed down from the cliff, but the gods did not want his death, the sea pushed him back. He again threw himself into the sea and again did not drown. So he became a diver.

You can often see cormorants above the sea. The cormorant is an excellent flyer and diver. It is able to pursue prey under water for several tens of meters and at the same time swim so fast that a boat with a good rower cannot overtake it.

Dangerous for humans
Several poisonous and dangerous organisms live in the Black Sea. Among the Black Sea fish dangerous to humans, the sea scorpion can be noted. This is a small bright fish, on its back there is a sharp black fin resembling a sail. This fin contains poison.
The sea ruff or scorpionfish lives among rocks and algae. Pricks from the dorsal fins of the scorpionfish lead to temporary inoperability of the affected limb. Despite the presence of poison in the fins, this fish is edible.
From crustaceans "burn" balanus. They can "burn" jellyfish. Sea anemones are also burning - small organisms living on rocks and piles of green, red or brown color.
Even well-known oysters and mussels are not always safe for human health. If they are obtained in polluted waters (for example, near the port), they may contain pathogenic microbes.
In order not to get into such situations and not get hurt - first of all, you need to be careful and attentive with unknown marine inhabitants. Do not walk barefoot on the water in unequipped and little-known places of the sea.

Quiz game. And now we'll play a little.

1. Captain Vrungel conducts the game "Naval Teams".

Left hand drive! - step to the left.

Rudder right! - step to the right.

Nose! - step forward.

Stern! - step back.

Cannonball! - everyone sits down.

Admiral on board! - everyone freezes, stand at attention and salute.

Give away the moorings! - Jump around.

2. Riddles.

    There is water all around, but there is trouble with drinking.

Who knows where it happens? (In the sea)

    On the sea goes, goes

And it will reach the shore

This is where it will disappear. (Wave)

    I have wings - I don't fly

I have no legs, but I walk

I don't walk on earth

I don't look at the sky

I don't count the stars

I avoid people. (Fish)

    An umbrella floats on the waves.

If you meet - do not touch!

What a miracle, what a miracle!

Umbrella burns like a nettle! (Jellyfish)

    Across the sea-ocean

A giant is floating.

And from the miracle giant

The fountain breaks out. (Whale)

    Terrible, toothy

The predator is dangerous.

In the blue sea, sniff and sniff,

Everything in a row swallows in an instant. (Shark)

    Drifting fast underwater

Soars above the waves like a bird.

He is a resident of warm seas,

Faithful companion of ships. (Dolphin)

    The giant stands in the port,

Illuminating the darkness.

And signals to the ships:

Come visit us. (Lighthouse)

3. task: Marine dictionary. (Reads the definition of marine terms, and the children guess, for each correct answer they receive a sticker with the image of the helm and anchor) (music accompaniment: 001Barbariki "If a friend")

1 Rear of the ship (stern)

2 Kitchen on the ship (galley)

3 The front of the ship (bow)

4 Room for the captain or passengers (cabin)

5 Side of the ship (board)

6 Board for descent from the ship, ladder on the ship (ladder)

7 Steering wheel of the ship (steering wheel)

8 Window on the ship (porthole)

9 Floor on the ship (deck)

11 the main person on the ship (the captain).

12th senior among SAILORS (boatswain)

13cook on the ship (cook)

14 an inexperienced sailor who first got on a ship (cabin boy)

What is the name of the headdress of sailors (peakless cap).

Striped clothing for sailors (vest).

Tower on the seashore with signal lights (lighthouse).

Ship basement (hold).

Favorite dance of sailors (bullseye).

How is the speed of the ship measured (in knots).

Underwater mine (torpedo).

What is a submarine (submarine).

When it is needed, it is thrown away; when it is not needed, it is raised (anchor).

4. Game. Lifebuoy. Lom conducts the game "REScue on boats" (m.c. No. 006 "rescue".)

It is necessary to transfer all participants from one place (from the ship) to another (on the shore) with a hoop.

The "boatman" grabs his comrade into a circle (boat), runs with him to the shore, the "boatman" remains, and the "rescued" becomes a "boatman", grabs another participant and drags him to the other side. So, until the entire crew is on the shore.

Crew commanders "repair" the hole (origami "ship"). Continue on their way and get to desert island". Here the team needs to catch fish.

5. Rest. Song karaoke. I'm lying in the sun.

6. K.V. conducts the relay race "Catch the fish" (m.s. 008 "golden fish").

(A clip is attached to the fishing rod, magnets are attached to the fish. Crews take turns catching fish.

7. Game. Sea-land.

The captain conducts the game "Water - land". Says the word "water" or the name of the reservoir - the children jump forward, if "land" or the name of the part of the land - they jump back (No. 009 "Robinson").

4. Final part Black Sea Protection
The person may be best friend, and the worst enemy of nature. Currently, the Black Sea needs protection from human actions.
The Black Sea coast is a place of rest for many people. Tourists from all over the world come here all year round. The peak of mass recreation is, of course, in the summer. Sand, sun, water - all this attracts even sophisticated travelers. However, all this pristine beauty suffers from the same human hands: pollution by oil products, waste and mineral fertilizers, overfishing, changes in flora and fauna. It was for the purpose of its protection and protection that a world holiday was established - the International Day of the Black Sea.

Solemn events in honor of the International Black Sea Day are held annually on October 31. Russia is one of the countries organizing this holiday. On this day, various events are held dedicated to the problems of the Black Sea and the preservation of its unique ecosystems - these are conferences, and round tables, and exhibitions, and various video screenings, and competitions, and quizzes, etc.
If we do not take measures to save the Black Sea, then in a few years the Black Sea will become lifeless, all living things in it will die.
You are still small, but you can already save the Black Sea with your actions.
- Who is ready to protect our sea from pollution?
Before you leaflets "What can I do to protect the Black Sea."
1. Every time, after visiting the beach and the seashore, I will take all my garbage with me.
2. I will ask all my relatives not to leave garbage, not to pollute the water, not to catch the inhabitants of the sea.
3. I will tell all my friends why it is necessary to protect the Black Sea.
4. I will monitor the cleanliness of the river banks, because they fall into the sea.
Well, at the end of our class hour, I suggest you draw environmental signs "Let's save the Black Sea."

The Black Sea is an eternal miracle!
Free gulls soar above the wave,
How beautiful it is here, how free it is here,
Enjoy life as much as you want!
Happiness and sun, sea foam
They hug us with the song of the surf,
Dolphins play under the blue wave ...
Black Sea, stay with me!