Dominion strategy game for pc. Dominion - from indifference through delight to disappointment in two days. Eleventh mission - Rescue Raider

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Platforms: PC
Publisher: Eidos Interactive
developer: Ion Storm, 7th Level
Genres: Strategy/Real-Time Strategy
Release date: 1998
Game Modes: Singlepalier/Multiplayer

And now for something completely similar.

Dominion: Storm Over Gift 3 is Ion Storm's first entry into the RTS market. A supposedly messianic artifact of great power rests on the surface of Gift 3 (some planet in some far away solar system), and four major races vie for its possession. Only the smallest of landing parties may reach the ground of the planet, forcing military expeditions to construct their own bases on the surface of Gift 3.

Dominion introduces some nice elements to the real-time hoarder genre. Infantry can duck, crawl, or kneel to enhance their combat performance, and unit Commanders can accompany battlegroups for better autonomous reactions. A simple but nonetheless present officer command structure is unfortunately always automatically targeted by all computer units. Infantry is also pivotal in battles, lending firepower by sheer numbers.

A functional power supply system rewards those who strike at critical base points: entire sections of a base may be shut down when an energy umbilical is destroyed. The same umbilicals form chained power lines to remote resources, introducing some concerns for patrolling and remote fortification. It is unfortunate that these wells dry up after a while-a cue from Dark Reign would have been welcome here. Bridges for crossing bodies of water at preordained points and defense tower energy screens for barring enemy movements round out the notable advances.

All of these little details add to the gameplay, but in the end it all fails because of Dominion's predictably formulaic mission structure. Traversing this rigid ever-increasing difficulty hierarchy is a frustrating undertaking, each success rewarding you with odds more impossible. Even on the lower levels of difficulty it's a rough trip.

And the invariable key to completing a mission is not out-thinking the computer or outfighting it, but out-exploring it. In every setting, uncovering the fogged map will dictate in which direction you must build to keep the money flowing, an element increasingly sparse for you and consistently seemingly inexhaustible for your computer opponent. Learn the map or die trying. For what it is, it works. All of the minor innovations cannot save this title from mediocrity though. Get it if you want a challenging RTS or grab something more worthwhile, like Dark Reign or StarCraft.

You are on the page of the game Dominion: Storm over Gift3, created in the genre of Strategy, where you can find a lot of useful information. The game was released by Ion Storm. The Dominion: Storm over Gift3 walkthrough we found will help you quickly solve in-game problems and get tips on difficult moments. Also for the game Dominion: Storm over Gift3 codes and cheats are simply necessary for anyone who likes to receive free bonuses.

Given that the game Dominion: Storm over Gift3 was not released in Russian, you will obviously need a crack to make the game clearer, because the passage in your native language is much more pleasant. You will play alone, going through each stage without anyone's help.

Reviews and feedback from readers will help you understand if the game is worth your time. Given that the game was released on 1998-01-01, we can say that it belongs to the category of classics.

In addition to general information, you may need a variety of files. Use add-ons when you are tired of the main plot - they will significantly expand the standard features. Mods and patches will help diversify and fix the gameplay. You can download them in our file storage.

In April of this year, StarCraft appeared on the computer games market, raising the bar in the real-time strategy genre to unprecedented heights. Therefore, it is not surprising that all new strategies remained in the shadow of Blizzard's creation. However, competitors are not going to give up, putting forward their contenders for the role of champion. Among them, the game Dominion stands out.

The guys from the Ion Storm company offer you good graphics, high-quality sound design, a long list of units and buildings, as well as a large arsenal of game features.

Unfortunately, the four races presented in the game differ from each other mostly only in appearance, but this does not really spoil the picture. For some gamers, something else will cause much more disappointment - the toy is not three-dimensional. So fans of Total Annihilation will hardly like Dominion.


As usual, everything takes place in the distant future. Humanity has reached a new stage of development and was able to travel to other galaxies. Naturally, people were not alone in space. Three alien civilizations have been discovered - the clumsy Darkens, the hideous Scorps, and the thugs Mercs.

The races lived in a strained world, beneficial to all, and everything seemed to be going well, until a small incident occurred in the orbit of our native Earth, which led to serious consequences - an unknown spy satellite was discovered that exploded while trying to identify it.

Past grievances immediately surfaced and a war began, but not on the scale of the entire Galaxy, but on one single planet called Gift 3, where reserves of some very necessary substance were discovered (it really reminds Frank Herbert and his Dune, isn't it ?).

In this war, you are invited to lead one of the four races and lead it through twelve missions to complete dominance in the universe. Although who knows what the mysterious planet hides...



The main part of the screen is occupied by a view of the area.

At the bottom of the screen is an information panel, which also has some management functions:

1 - building panel (from it you will give orders for construction);

2 - information line;

3 - a row of buttons, above the building panel;

4 – resource line;

5 - map;

6 - a button in the form of a CD, under which the options menu is hidden.

Let's deal with the buttons (from left to right):

Buildings - selection of a building panel for buildings;

Infrastructure - selection of a building panel for auxiliary buildings;

Personnel - choice of building panel for soldiers;

Vehicles - choice of building panel for tanks and robotics;

Arrow button (Select Unit) - switch the cursor to the unit selection mode;

Button "dollar sign" (Sell Structure) - switch the cursor to the mode of selling buildings;

Button "wrench" (Repair Structure) - switch the cursor to the mode of repairing buildings;

“UP” button (Upgrade Structure) – toggle the cursor to upgrade buildings.

Note that the creators of the game did not skimp and developed an original view of the panel for each of the races.


This element of the interface should be taken a little closer, especially since with its help you can somewhat diversify your strategy and simplify your life.

This panel is called by pressing the right mouse button on any of your objects, be it a building or a combat unit, and contains several commands and functions that this object can perform. Read more about functions for specific objects below.




The most familiar race for us. If you want to see her representative, take a look in the mirror and you will understand everything. These are strong creatures, about two meters tall, quite strong. In general, they do not have weaknesses and strengths in their development. Therefore, their units can be considered average in all respects - the balance between price, armor and weapon strength (which is why we will consider it the base race when determining characteristics).

The human society of the future has not changed much. Remained and crime, and love for sports, people have not forgotten bad habits - in general, everything is like in the present. Only now, after several hundred years, the whole planet has united into one state, and people have become very similar to each other (all bald and cloned, except that they differ by gender).

The race is very well developed technologically and follows the technogenic path of development.


A race of small, evil and gloomy creatures. Their entire society seems to be a religious brotherhood. All Darkens unquestioningly obey the brotherhood, are devoted to it and are ready to give their lives for it.

Little is known about their system, since in communication with representatives of other races, the darkens are closed and not talkative, often they simply leave the interlocutors.

In terms of physical features, the Darken are very hardy and strong, but their reddish-brown skin does little to protect their mortal body. That is why darken scientists have done a good job of protecting their troops - they are equipped with armor one third better than that of humans. True, their weapons do less harm, and the price of units is a third higher than for earthly counterparts.

The Darken race lags far behind other races, especially humans, but they make the most of their natural abilities, which, coupled with devotion to the brotherhood and faith in their cause, equalizes their chances of victory.


These are disgusting green creatures, physically similar to humans. Also, like the Darkens, scorpions are closed, they communicate little with other races. And they don't talk to each other very much. Few people have been to their homeland - it is painfully disgusting there.

Scorpion society is like a big anthill, where the queen runs everything. Her huge offspring, just like those of ants, are distributed according to professions. Representatives of various professions have their own special appearance and features that are ideal for doing work.

Scorpions make the main bet on the natural path of development, however, their technologies reach a fairly high level, which puts scorpions on a par with other races. The ability to multiply quickly makes their units a quarter cheaper than those of humans, and the strength of the armor remains at the same level, although the lethal force of the weapon is somewhat weaker.


Very cute race. From the look of rude and vile, they are actually great aesthetes (look at least at their decoration information panel). Their society is somewhat reminiscent of people of our time.

Mercs are not alien to bad habits (it's very cool to look at a drunken general before the start of one of the missions), they are cheerful, even somewhat funny in communication.

Outwardly, these are tall and very strong creatures. But they decided to supplement their physical strength with the power of weapons, so scientists have worked especially hard on weapons, and now merk guns are the most powerful guns in the known part of the galaxy. True, because of this, parameters such as armor and prices for their units are “lame”. Their units of the first one are two times less, and the second one is one and a half times higher than that of people.

Just like humans, merki are very well advanced in terms of technology.


Note: giving Russian names to the buildings and other units below, the author did not seek to reproduce the exact translation from English, but tried to reflect the real functions of this object in the Russian name.

The first half of this section is devoted to buildings. Basically, these are factories where your army will be built. Let's deal with their common functions and commands:

Autorepair - automatic repair when the building receives damage;

Sell ​​- sell a building for half its cost;

Upgrade (all buildings except Refinery have this command) – upgrade the building;

Main Factory

Armor - 3,200 hitpoints.

Price - 30 people, 3,000 units of material.

Upgrade price - 15 people, 1.500 units of material.

Armor after upgrade - 3,200 hitpoints.

This is your main building, which is the main assembly shop for all types of troops. This is where they will appear. In addition, after the destruction of the main factory, the power supply is completely interrupted.

An additional feature of the Primary Build Pad is to set the Main Plant as the main building site.

Power Plant

Armor - 750 hitpoints.

Price - 10 people, 300 units of material.

Upgrade price - 40 people, 1.200 units of material.

Armor after upgrade - 1.075 hitpoints.

This building will provide your base with energy. After the upgrade, the amount of energy generated increases four times. When a structure is infected, the energy output is halved and all nearby beacons explode.

There are no additional features.

Cloning Center (Colony)

Armor - 600 hitpoints.

Price - 20 people, 450 units of material.

Upgrade price - 40 people, 900 units of material.

Armor after upgrade - 900 hitpoints.

This building will provide you with one of the types of resources - people. Each such center can contain a hundred people (the number of people will not rise above this mark), but you can build several - and they will be more fruitful. By the way, after the upgrade, the reproduction rate doubles. Infection with a virus leads to the fact that newly appearing submachine gunners, grenade launchers and cyborgs pass under the control of the infected player.

There are no additional features.

Plant (Refinery)

Armor - 1,600 hitpoints.

Price - 70 people, 1.500 units of material.

With the help of this structure, you will extract the second type of resource in the game - material. But this material is not produced from the air. You need to find a special well, above which greenish fumes rise, and install the built plant on it. In case of infection, the building begins to give half of the extracted resources to the infected player.

There are no additional features.


Armor - 1,600 hitpoints.

Price - 40 people, 1,500 units of material.

Upgrade price - 20 people, 750 units of material.

Analogue of the radar in other similar games. In addition, upgrading this building gives access to all weapons factories and a machine gun turret. If the building is infected, then the effect of the "fog of war" appears.

There are no additional features.

Robot Assembly Factory (Armor Plant)

Armor - 1,600 hitpoints.

Upgrade price - 25 people, 1,500 units of material.

Armor after upgrade - 2,400 hitpoints.

Gives you the ability to build bipedal robots. Infection leads to the fact that newly appeared robots will be equipped with only 50% of armor.

There are no additional features.

Tank Factory (Weapons Plant)

Armor - 1,600 hitpoints.

Armor after upgrade - 2,400 hitpoints.

This building gives you access to tanks and missile turrets. Infection will cause all tank vehicles to be equipped with 50% armor.

There are no additional features.

Aviation Factory (Propulsion Plant)

Armor - 1,600 hitpoints.

Price - 75 people, 5,000 units of material.

Upgrade price - 37 people, 2.500 units of material.

Armor after upgrade - 2,400 hitpoints.

This building theoretically gives you the ability to build flying objects, but without building a Hover Pad you will never be able to do so. Infection has the same effect on flying units as infecting a tank factory on tanks.

There are no additional features.

Chassis Factory

Armor - 1,600 hitpoints.

Armor after upgrade - 2,400 hitpoints.

With the advanced suspension, you can build multi-legged robots. Infection causes these units to have their armor halved.

There are no additional features.

Semiconductor Factory

Armor - 1,600 hitpoints.

Price - 25 people, 2,000 units of material.

Upgrade price - 12 people, 1,000 units of material.

Armor after upgrade - 2,400 hitpoints.

This factory makes it possible to build technicians, bridges, as well as the most powerful defensive tower - meson. Infection leads to the explosion of all bridges built by the race and the impossibility of their production in the future.

There are no additional features.


Their general commands are:

Autorepair - automatic repair;

Sell ​​- sell the building.

Lighthouse (Umbilical)

Armor - 750 hitpoints.

Price - 5 people, 100 units of material.

You have probably noticed that you cannot build anything at a great distance from power plants. This happens because the energy field has a certain radius. And so, in order not to build a large number of power stations, you can replace them with these beacons. In case of infection, the beacon explodes.

An additional function Show Range is to view the range of the energy field.

Energy Pillar (Energy Beacon)

Armor - 1,000 hitpoints.

Price - 3 people, 400 units of material.

The simplest defensive structure with which you can protect yourself with energy walls. Infection causes these walls to turn off.

There are no additional features.

Machine Gun Tower (Autocannon Tower)

Armor - 500 hitpoints.

This building leaves a double impression: on the one hand, it has the largest firing range and a small price, and on the other hand, it has a small lethal force and weak armor. In general, to be sure, put at least one more of the same tower, and preferably a rocket or meson one. But building machine gun towers is a must - this is the only way to deal with artillery mounts, one of the computer's favorite offensive units. Infecting this tower, and any of the next two towers, has the same effect as infecting an energy pillar.

Additional functions and commands for all three towers are the same: Show Range - view the firing range, Stop - stop firing.

Rocket Tower

Armor - 650 hitpoints.

Price - 75 people, 3,000 units of material.

Not a very necessary item. It is worth building these towers only before the advent of the Semiconductor Plant.

Meson Tower

Armor - 800 hitpoints.

Price - 100 people, 4.500 units of material.

This is the "professional's choice". Enemy equipment in seconds cuts into cabbage. There are only two drawbacks - it shoots close and rather slowly. As for the price, the tower is worth it


Armor - 1,000 hitpoints.

Price - 15 people, 1,000 units of material.

What can I say - a bridge, it is also a bridge in Africa. It is not susceptible to infection and has no special orders and functions.

Teleporter (Telepad)

Armor - 900 hitpoints.

Price - 15 people, 200 units of material.

A structure capable of replacing the Main Plant. It has a building function. With it, you can repair equipment. In addition, there are several missions where the teleporter is used only for its intended purpose - to move units to who knows where. Units that enter a virus-infected Telepad will self-destruct.

Special Features: Primary Build Pad - set Telepad as the main building pad, Repair Pad - set Telepad as a repair pad.

Runway (Hoverpad)

Armor - 800 hitpoints.

Price - 100 people, 4,000 units of material.

Upgrade price - 50 people, 2,000 units of material.

Armor after upgrade - 1,600 hitpoints.

The number of these buildings directly affects the number of your flying units. Each of them needs such a platform, and she herself can carry no more than one "aircraft". The main purpose of these buildings is to recharge your vehicles, and after upgrading, the site can also restore the armor of downed units. In case of infection, the building loses these two abilities.

Additional feature - Upgrade.

Note: in the next two sections, the characteristics of units of different races are different. To reduce the volume, the characteristics of the units of the human race are given, and the characteristics of other races are determined based on the "Races" section regarding people. In parentheses are the names of units for different races in the same order as in the "Races" section.


These are your very first fighters, who form the backbone of the army in the initial missions, but then, in later tasks, they will be very useful to you.

General functions and commands of soldiers:

Withdraw - leave the battle;

Stop - stop.

Submachine gunner (ABR Cadet, Guard, Drone, Raider)

Armor - 100 hitpoints.

Price - 1 person, 150 units of material.

The simplest unit, representing a real force only in the initial missions, however, even in later missions, these guys should not be forgotten as a good cover for tanks and robots. It has a good rate of fire, runs pretty fast, but it has a small firing radius, and lethal force leaves much to be desired.

Special functions and commands: Crawl - lie down, Kneel - sit down, Stand - get up, Show Range - see the firing radius.

Grenade Launcher (Xeno Bazookaman, Heavy Guard, Heavy Drone, Heavy Raider)

Armor - 100 hitpoints.

Price - 1 person, 200 units of material.

A guy with a big gun, but he's not as cool as he might seem. The grenade launcher runs clearly slower than Michael Johnson, and it takes a long time to load the weapon. But please its range and lethal force. Special functions and commands are the same as those of the machine gunner.

Cyborg (PHV, Powered Guard, Powered Drone, Powered Raider)

Armor - 200 hitpoints.

Price - 1 person, 500 units of material.

Now that's something. The guy knows how to shoot far and accurately from his two laser guns, he is protected by good armor, however, he moves rather slowly. The cyborgs are equipped with explosives; they can self-destruct at any moment.

Commander (Commander, Guard Leader, Drone Leader, Raider Boss)

Armor - 100 hitpoints.

Price - 1 person, 600 units of material.

The same machine gunner, only shoots much better. Among other things, it should be said that there are several missions in the game where you should never lose your commander.

Special functions and commands: Crawl - lie down, Kneel - sit down, Stand - get up, Show Range - view the firing radius, Thumper - switch the weapon to another shooting mode, in which it causes much more damage.

Technician (Engineer, Technoid, Infestor, Android)

Armor - 50 hitpoints.

Price - 12 people, 400 units of material.

Its main task is to plant viruses in enemy buildings (after choosing a representative of this type, try moving the cursor to an enemy building - it will take the form of a ball) and capture infected or de-energized buildings (the cursor looks like a lowered and raised flag). Read above about the consequences of planting the virus in different buildings (see "Main and auxiliary buildings"). The soldier himself does not carry weapons, moves rather slowly and is easily killed, so try to cover your technicians and shoot strangers.

There are no special commands.



General functions and commands for ground combat vehicles (functions and commands for bomber and air transport, see the relevant sections):

Guard - guard the selected object;

Patrol - patrol along a given route;

Hold Position - hold the selected position;

Withdraw - leave the battle;

Scatter - an order to scatter around the area (for groups);

Stop - stop.

Scout (Recon, Sentinel, Scout, Explorer)

Armor - 84 hitpoints.

Price - 6 people, 200 units of material.

An unarmed light vehicle whose main task is reconnaissance. However, due to its speed, it can also perform an enticing function. Actually, it's useless.

Special functions and commands: Recon - scout (scout takes off and goes to uncharted areas).

Tank (Medium Tank, battle tanks, Hive Attacker, Light Cannon)

Armor - 300 hitpoints.

An ordinary tank, a pretty good combat unit. Speed, firepower and armor combine almost perfectly in it. And the price for this masterpiece is quite earthly. In short - an excellent offensive and defensive weapon.

Special functions and commands: Detonate - explode, Detonate at Unit - explode near the selected object, Show Range - view the firing radius.

Self Propelled Artillery (Breach Maker, Mortar, Hive Destroyer, Heavy Cannon)

Armor - 150 hitpoints.

Price - 25 people, 1,000 units of material.

A very interesting unit. Average speed and extremely weak armor are compensated by very high shooting characteristics: long range and impressive projectile power. Further it shoots, perhaps, only a machine-gun tower. SPGs should never be left uncovered.

Bomber (Hover Bomber, Assault Hover, Wasp, Fighter)

Armor - 120 hitpoints.

Price - 100 people, 4,000 units of material.

Not a very good thing. Now, if the armor was better, then there would be no price for him. And so to shoot down a bomber is not difficult. True, in one run, a link of such bombers easily destroys an average robot, and thanks to the enormous speed, a bomber can easily get away from the chase. It is best to characterize it as follows - a good tool for quick strikes on weakly protected enemy targets.

Functions and commands: Show Range - view the firing range, Stop - stop the attack.

Air Transport (Hover APC, Guard Carrier, Drone Pod, Transport)

Armor - 300 hitpoints.

Price - 100 people, 4,000 units of material.

Cool thing! Transport has good speed, good armor. He does not carry weapons, and he does not really need them. It serves mainly to deliver technicians behind enemy lines, which allows you to perform various sabotage actions. Unlike the previous unit, he is able to land on more than just his Hoverpad.

It has only one Return to Pad command - return to the Hoverpad.

Small class combat robot (Hunter, Invader, Hornet, Battle Trek)

Armor - 400 hitpoints.

Price - 50 people, 1,500 units of material.

The bipedal robot is quite large. It moves quite slowly, but it shoots far and well, and it’s not very easy to “fill up” it. It works well in conjunction with tanks and artillery mounts, diverting enemy fire and causing him considerable damage.

The special functions and commands are the same as those of the tank.

Medium class combat robot (Stalker, Ravager, Mantis, War Walker)

Armor - 500 hitpoints.

Price - 50 people, 1,500 units of material.

Not differing from the previous robot in price, it still looks somewhat more profitable on the battlefield. First, he is better armed, although his rocket launchers are slow to reload; secondly, it is better protected. And still, without tanks and infantry, it will not resist for very long.

The special functions and commands are the same as those of the tank.

Large class combat robot (Dreadnought, Titan Crawler, Queen, Colossus)

Armor - 1,000 hitpoints.

Price - 100 people, 4,000 units of material.

Huge robot with lots of legs. It has many good qualities - it has thick armor, is armed with a heavy cannon, similar to the one installed on the meson towers, among other things, it can transport soldiers. True, it is worth noting two drawbacks: high cost and a very low speed of movement and turns.

The special functions and commands are the same as those of the tank.

Mobile teleporter (Telerig, Telepod, Migrator, Transmat)

Armor - 1,000 hitpoints.

Price - 50 people, 3,000 units of material.

Pretty interesting unit. It does not carry any weapons and has a low speed, however, it is equipped with powerful armor. However, with it, you can well shake the nerves of the enemy. It's worth finding a small loophole in his rear and spreading this thing - and you can build your troops right next to the enemy.

Special functions and commands: Deploy / Retract - decompose / assemble. In addition, when unfolded, it has the following functions: Primary Build Pad - set the teleporter as the main construction site; Primary Receiver is a completely obscure command, maybe you can figure it out (it literally translates to “primary receiver”).


Each of the races has its own special types of equipment. All of them have the same characteristics, namely:

Armor - 150 hit points;

The price is 75 people and 8,000 pieces of material.

As well as the same functions and commands:

Guard - guard the selected object;

Patrol - patrol along a given route;

Hold Position - hold the selected position;

Withdraw - leave the battle;

Scatter - an order to scatter around the area (for groups);

Stop - stop.

Each of the four cars does not move and turn too fast. The differences relate only to their appearance and ways of fighting.

Humans: the product of their high technology is called X-Tech or M-Cat and is a huge iron cat. It is armed with a cannon that shoots clots of a substance that freezes any enemy mechanisms for a while so that they cannot move and shoot.

Darkens: armed with a very interesting and useful tool - Cloakers. They shoot at friendly combat vehicles (except for scouts) with some composition, which makes them invisible until they begin to fire. After that, the "shroud" disappears and only Cloaker can restore it.

Scorps: prepared a little surprise for their rivals. Their original unit is called Digger - it is a transporter, but not ground or air, but underground. The point is that with additional command Dig (meaning "Dig") you can send this unit to any point in the explored area, and he will do the whole way under the ground. Can carry five soldiers.

Mercs: remember, in the good old Dune2, the Ordos clan had a very interesting tank that infected enemy soldiers with something, and for a short time they went over to your side along with their military equipment. So Widow Maker, which looks like a grass spider, is very similar to this tank. True, his weapons only affect military equipment, but it passes under your control until the end of the mission.

First of all, let's start with the offensive. Computer intelligence is designed so that when your attack fails, an attack on you immediately begins, from which the following conclusions should be drawn: the first is to protect the rear and the second is not to rush and how to prepare for each attack.

On the offensive, you need to make the most of the capabilities of the units: for example, tanks and robots deal with infantry for a rather long time, and cheap submachine gunners quickly shoot them. But the infantry cannot fight against the towers. Then we send medium and heavy robots to the machine-gun towers, and let them take care of the rocket and meson artillery mounts. However, if you have to go into a frontal attack, then you can’t imagine anything better than tanks and light robots - they move quickly and nimbly, and shoot well. From all this it is clear that it is necessary to combine the pros and cons of different types of troops and set specific combat missions for each group, and not shove the troops anywhere - in this way you will only lose money and bring an attack on yourself.

By the way, even a stupid scout can be useful if you use this AI feature. Let's suppose that somewhere there is an enemy grouping that interferes a lot, and you have a lot of bored towers at your base. Then you take a scout and roll around the enemy with an indifferent look. This impudence bothers him, and he starts shooting, but you quickly reel in your fishing rods and head to your native land. The enemy group rushes after you and runs into the towers. A minute later we observe funnels and pools of blood.

Another tip - breaking into an enemy base, quickly destroy all power stations, beacons and the main factory, and then everything else.

Now a little about defense. The towers connected by energy walls will provide the best protection for you. And again, different towers have their own characteristics. As already mentioned, Autocannon Towers shoot the farthest, however, they take away few hitpoints and do not penetrate the armor of medium and heavy robots. Meson Towers are hit close and rarely, but they do a lot of damage, and the main danger for them is artillery installations due to their large firing radius. Then we put these two towers side by side and we get that machine guns can easily shoot howitzers, and the meson cannon deals with heavy equipment. And everyone in this situation will be happy.

Yes, I almost forgot: try to keep the energy walls blocking all approaches to the base; build Energy Beacons if needed. Do not forget to turn on the Autorepair function for all defensive structures, otherwise you will not have time to look back, after the destruction of a tower you will have a hole in the defense, and enemy troops will immediately climb into it.

Finally, let's talk about the economy. Try to always surpass the enemy in terms of the amount of extracted material. This can be done in three ways. The first is to build many factories. The second is to destroy weakly protected enemy factories. And the third - if there are no free wells in the district to do the first, or there are few funds for the implementation of the second, you can build technicians and, carefully leading or taking them behind enemy lines, infect his factories. Each of the methods is suitable for each individual mission, so decide for yourself how you will achieve superiority. As for the second type of resources - people, everything is simpler here: you build several cloning centers (four or more to be sure) and upgrade each one, after which you can forget about the problem of lack of workers.


First mission - Day Break

Greetings, lieutenant. You are given a chance to prove yourself as a real commander, capable of winning this war for people, and not provoking his failure to be sent to the headquarters for paper work.

So, your mission: you must destroy the base of the Scorps without losing the field commander (Commander).

The enemy base is located southeast of the landing site.

Immediately after the start of the mission, start building your base. You have access to the buildings: Main Plant, Power Plant, Colony and Refinery, in addition, you can produce auxiliary buildings: Umbilical and Energy Beacon, as well as grow ABR Cadet and Xeno Bazookaman soldiers.

With your initial forces, you will be able to fight off the first wave of attackers, then immediately start producing soldiers of both types. When you concoct a decent army (fifteen people of each type), without forgetting about the rear, start the attack. But do not go head-on, under the fire of the tower.

Move first to the east - there will be an enemy factory. Destroy it and the nearby beacon and the field will turn off. Go to the southwest, and you will come out just in time for the enemy's power plants. Destroy them, and then the entire base.

Second mission - Eastern Front

In this mission, you will have to deal with several fairly strong enemy factions. To be precise, there are seven of them. Six groups include five to six infantrymen and one tank (each), and the seventh includes two tanks and one light robot. This is the most dangerous group, and it is located closer to the northeast corner of the map. In addition to all this, the enemy will occasionally receive reinforcements, so be prepared.

After disembarking, start rebuilding the base as you did in the first mission. Now you have one more building - Headquarters, as well as a PVH soldier and a Recon vehicle. It will not be superfluous to build a fence with the help of Energy Beacons. Basically, you need to act quickly.

Put together a decent army of twenty-five grenade launchers and seven pieces of cyborgs. Put the grenade launchers on the ground so that when moving your squad moves at the same speed (and they will shoot better), and go!

Third mission - Hive Leader

This is a rather difficult mission. With the help of a limited contingent of troops, you need to destroy the enemy commander, who is in the Queen transport.

You start in the southeast corner of the map. Do not rush forward, but wait a little - reinforcements in the form of a light robot and four artillery mounts will approach you. The latter will have a special task in the mission, so take care of them.

Combine troops into a group and move to the northeast. There, near the forest, you will destroy a small grouping of the enemy. Then move west, but not along the very edge of the map, but closer to the ravine, otherwise you will stumble upon a whole battery of Meson Towers. Passing the forest, you will see another plateau stretching to the southwest. There, at the top, is the base of the enemy. Remove the guards with artillery and take care of the base itself. The main thing is to destroy all power plants.

After that, you can safely deal with the forest grouping of the enemy. Here, by the way, is the enemy Telepad - the goal of the commander-traveler. Queen will appear soon, accompanied by a fairly strong convoy (three tanks and infantry of various stripes). But don't be alarmed, you will be given reinforcements: first two self-propelled guns and one Hunter, and then five more artillery mounts.

Ambush the enemy at the place where the only road rises from the canyon and turns into the forest. Let all the artillery fire at the transporter, and let the rest shoot at the convoy. By the way, a rather powerful Mantis robot can join the convoy, which will greatly complicate your task - you will have to transfer the fire of a couple of Breach Makers to it. After the destruction of Queen, the mission will end.

The fourth mission is Heavily Leader.

Yes, the third mission was hard! But even in this you should not relax too much. You have to repel an attack on a dilapidated base, restore it and destroy the enemy.

Immediately after the start of the mission, run towards the base, which is being attacked by a small enemy force. With the support of the towers, you will easily destroy the attackers. Quickly restore the base, rebuild the destroyed buildings, if necessary.

In this mission, you will have the following buildings to build: Weapons Plant, Armor Plant, Autocannon Tower and Rocket Tower, as well as Commander soldiers and combat vehicles: Medium Tank and Hunter.

With the help of machine-gun towers block the approaches to the base and, when each slot is plugged, start building an army. You will need about five robots, a dozen tanks and twenty infantrymen.

After you accumulate the required number of troops, head east - there is an enemy base near the edge of the map, and a little to the north - a grouping that will come to the aid of its base during your attack.

In theory, you will not have serious problems, but the northern grouping can take you by surprise. If the first attack fails, don't worry - one more of the same group will be enough to completely destroy the enemy. Yes, and the extracted resources are still enough for not such an army.

Mission 5 - Captives!

The Darkens captured a group of Earth soldiers along with the commander. You have to free them and send them through the teleporter, losing no more than one of them along the way.

You already have a teleporter. It remains only to build a base, defeat the enemy and bring the right soldiers to you.

In this mission, you will have several new buildings (Semiconductor Plant, Meson Tower, Bridge) and units (Engineer and Breach Maker).

Quickly rebuild the base and defend it in the northern direction - an attack will soon follow from there. In general, the enemy is located in the east and north - there he has two bases. The soldiers you need are on the east.

Everything can be done very easily and quite quickly. Build a robot tank army of twenty pieces, add more different soldiers to them. Now, along the narrow lower passage, lead this armada to the east, then to the north, and here is the desired base on the mountain in front of you. Having quickly smashed everything there, you take command of the captured soldiers and lead them to your teleporter under escort. And business something, funny even!

Mission 6 - Too Much, Too Soon

The most appropriate name for this mission. You have to secure a passage for your retreating troops to the Telepad, located in the northeast corner of the map, preventing the destruction of more than two hundred soldiers, and deal with the enemy along the way.

Generally speaking, the whole thing takes place on a large river like our Volga. Your base and Telepad are located on the shores, and the Darkens settled on the islands connected by bridges. They will interfere in every possible way with the retreat, which will begin very soon.

So quickly rebuild the base until the moment when you have tanks. After that, create a group of at least four tanks as quickly as possible and supplement it with infantry. By this point, the fleeing tanks should have scouted at least one island. Send your rapid response team there. Having dealt with the towers on one island, move to the next. The study will show that there are two exits from it via bridges: to the north and to the west. Blow up the northern one, as it leads to the island with the enemy base. Destroy all enemies on the island where you are now.

Now let's do a tricky maneuver. Set up a lot of energy stations, and then with the help of Umbilicals, build several towers near the place where the enemy bridge was, interconnected by energy fields. Now you can safely restore the bridge.

By the way, it would be nice to build another Telepad here and make it the main manufacturer so as not to drive equipment far.

Start creating an army. You will need a lot of troops. Three or four consecutive attacks of five or six robots and ten tanks with infantry should be successful. When you deal with the main base, build a bridge to a small island and send a couple of tanks - they will sort it out.

Mission 7 - Too Close For Combat

Quite a mediocre mission. You have to rebuild the base and destroy the enemy in this area.

First, replace all the Energy Beacon with something more significant, like missile towers. Build all possible buildings and upgrade everything you can.

In this mission, you will have a Stalker robot. He will help you a lot.

The enemy base is located in the southwest, on top of the mountain. The enemy has three plants. Two of them are located at the base, but you can easily deal with the third one. It is located in the north, across the river. It is guarded by two towers and several units. It is best to immediately sacrifice several tanks or robots and do away with them, but the enemy will receive a third less material.

By the way, if you want "money" to flow into your pocket like a river, you can build three more factories near your base - the wells are located in the northwest, west and south of you. True, you will have to clear these zones of enemy soldiers and reinforcements, which will immediately rush to their aid. Don't forget to protect the factories!

Having created a powerful production base, start accumulating an army. It is better not to waste time on trifles and set up more (nine pieces) robots of both types and tanks with artillery mounts. Don't forget the cheap infantry. Now we can move forward. Remember that Stalkers are not afraid of machine gun shots, which means they need to destroy machine gun towers.

Mission 8 - Titan Crawler

Again it is necessary to destroy the Darkens. Their base is in the northwest corner of the map. Their territory is separated from you by a river of lava, across which two bridges are thrown - one approximately in the center of the map, the other a little to the north.

In this mission, you get the opportunity to build the Chassis Plant, as well as X-Tech and Dreadnought robots.

The enemy will also have a huge Titan Crawler. Two of them are in the southwest corner of the map and one is in the base.

We act as usual - we build all possible buildings and make all upgrades. Then you need to protect the base a little - the enemy will not get you much.

If you want to increase your profits, there is another well to the northwest of you.

Now you can start building an army, and you will need a decent one. Do not expect to destroy the enemy the first time, but rather do this: build a large army (twenty pieces of all types of offensive equipment, two or three X-Techs and infantry), divide it into two squads. Bring these units to two bridges, and then use one of them to attack the base. If you do everything right, then destroy most of the guards. The main thing is to destroy the towers, thus clearing the way for the second group, which will finish the job.

Mission 9 - Fall Back Spring Forward

Negotiations with the merks did not lead to the desired result, and now they will become your main enemies.

In this mission you need to destroy all enemy Main Plant. He has four of them - two in a large base in the northwest and one each in two small bases in the south and southwest.

You won't get anything new in this mission.

At the very beginning, scout the area around and build a base. When you get the opportunity to build bridges, throw one to the island to the north of you - there is a well.

Follow the old plan - build everything and accumulate an army. Don't forget to protect the base. When you decide that there are enough troops, then move south - first you should destroy two small bases, and then take on the main one. There will be no problems with the first two, but with the third one... Bring your Telerig closer to it and build vehicles in it so as not to waste time on movement. Constantly attack, and you will achieve your goal.

Mission 10 - Fireteam

You are getting closer to the main Merck stronghold. In this mission, you will have to defeat their large base. It is located in the southeast and occupies about one-eighth of the map.

But you will have Propulsion Plant, Hoverpad and Hover Bomber.

Command advises you to set up your base in the center of the map, where there is a small obelisk built by an ancient civilization. Perhaps you should heed this advice. Carefully sneak into this place and build a base. Try to build a Semiconductor Plant as quickly as possible and immediately defend yourself with meson and machine gun towers - more serious troops will soon follow the arrived scout.

Throw a bridge across the lava river - there are three wells, and on a small island, south of the first, there is another one.

Now build all the buildings and start building up an army. Don't count too much on bombers - your Hoverpads can't be upgraded yet, i.e. they will not be able to repair planes, therefore, they will be easily shot down.

The only safe target is free-standing artillery mounts. Although, if you have a lot of material, you can carry out a small sabotage - blow up the enemy's factory, located in the very south of the map, a little east of the island with the well. After that, you collect a large army and take the enemy by number.

Mission Eleven - Hell's Kitchen

There is very little left, and victory will soon be yours.

Your troops must clear a path to the east through a narrow canyon so steeply defended that the mouth opens in amazement on its own. At the end of the canyon, in the southeast corner, is the enemy's main base.

Build your base and don't worry too much about defending it - the most the enemy can send is a bomber flight. From this mission you can build additional Main Plant as well as Hover APC.

When you build everything you can, it's worth a little diversion. Explore the northern ridge of rocks, and you will see that there is a small gap in the enemy's defenses. Build an air transport and two technicians and send them through this breach to the top. Drop off technicians there and fly back to base.


And the brave iron guys are waiting for the dirty work of terrorists. Move along the northern edge of the map to the east and find the enemy factory. Now infect him!

After that, you will have to make a very unusual maneuver: at the very western edge of the northern ridge there is a missile tower and a beacon. There is another lighthouse to the east of them. We build three more technicians, put them in a veteran transport and launch it into the same hole. There we destroy a lone beacon by means of infection, and the electricity will be turned off. Now we quickly build beacons below - near the very rocket tower. And now what? And it's very simple - the technicians calmly capture the lighthouse and the tower. Thus, you get the opportunity to build troops at the top, which will greatly facilitate your task and allow you to attack in a completely unexpected direction for the enemy.

By the way, you will need a lot of resources. Be aware that there are two more wells in the canyon. It can also be said that enemy guns do not reach the middle of the canyon, i.e. you have a small security corridor.

Mission 12 - All Uphill

Last mission. Finally let a mean male (or abundant female) tear and proceed.

The enemy is located on two peninsulas connected by bridges. One of them leads to you. To the east of you is the first base - it is small, but the northeastern one is fortified as well as possible. What did you want - the last mission! In general, everything is simple in it - you need to completely destroy the enemy.

First, scout the area around - the well is located in the south. Build your base there. Nothing new will appear - you have already invented everything. Having slightly defended your possessions, build an army, and not a simple one, but a very large one. It is impossible to say exactly how many troops you will need, but obviously a lot.

Combine air and ground attacks and the enemy will fall in front of you. Destroy the eastern base first along the way, and then head north.

And finally: if additional resources are needed, then there are two more wells on your peninsula - in the northeast and southeast (for comparison, the enemy has five factories in this mission).


First mission - Naked

As this race, you enter the battlefield for the first time to complete a standard mission with a standard number of buildings and units. The goal is to destroy the enemy.

Your troops are located between the mountains, which gives you the opportunity to isolate yourself from the outside world with an energy field. Build your base, namely: buildings (Main Plant, Power Plant, Colony, Refinery) and infrastructure (Umbilical, 3 Energy Beacon) in such a way that the energy fields cover all approaches to you. Build soldiers - Guard and Heavy Guard.

Start your attack from the northwest, where the enemy plant is located. It will be guarded by a bunch of soldiers and one tank. By blowing up this plant, you will make your task a little easier. The enemy will no longer have two factories, but one, this will equalize your chances of winning this mission.

On the way to the main base (it is located in the southwest), you will meet a lot of reconnaissance vehicles. The inability to shoot still means nothing, but the ability to press means a lot. This ugly machine will crush half of your troops and will not even blink its headlight. Therefore, take more grenade launchers. They must play a decisive role in this mission.

Second mission - The Promised

You landed on this godforsaken land to bring your Guard Leader back to base.

A mountain range covers you from the enemy.

In this mission, you will have Headquarters, as well as a new type of soldier - Powered Guard and vehicle - Sentinel.

The enemy base is located in the southwest. The leader you need is located in the northernmost part of the base. He is surrounded by an energy field, so until you disable him by destroying the Energy Beacon, he will not be able to take a step. The road to the base will be guarded by soldiers. Get ready: attacking in droves, they can inflict significant losses on your army. Appeared Sentinel will facilitate your task not only in reconnaissance, but also in attack. Let him not know how to shoot, but he knows how to press.

Place your army not far from the enemy base and “push through” the road to the base with five or six Sentinels, and then quickly bring the main troops and blow up everything in your path. After that, just bring the Guard Leader to the base. This is probably the best way to complete this mission.

Third mission - Silencer

In this mission you have to infect the enemy Headquarters (HQ) with the virus. I repeat: do not blow up, but infect.

A mountain range separates you from the outside world. But be careful not to build buildings very close to the mountains, as enemy cyborgs and grenade launchers will quickly take advantage of this.

The enemy base is located in the southwest, it is covered by several towers (mostly machine guns, but there is also a rocket one). Headqareters is located in the southernmost part of the base. In addition, there is a factory in the northwest corner.

In this mission, you will have a new building - Weapons Plant, defense towers: Autocannon Tower, Rocket Tower, Guard Leader soldier and Battle Tank combat vehicle.

Before attacking, fortify the base with towers, preferably missile ones. Lure more units to your defensive fortifications. Now build about eight tanks and infantry and move the whole group to the west of the base (of course, bypassing the hill). After destroying two towers, go north and blow up the factory. Then your goal will be the Main Plant, but if you destroyed this, then the path to Headqareters is open. Don't forget to check the nearby territories, in case there are soldiers left there.

Mission 4 - The Long Road

In this mission you have to destroy the enemy, and believe me, it will not be easy.

The enemy base, located in the northwest, will simply burst from units. The entrance will be guarded by several towers and a bunch of tanks. Most of them will attack you within five minutes after the start of the mission.

Your base is partially covered by a mountain range.

During the construction process, you will have buildings (Armor Plant, Semiconductor Plant), soldiers (Technoid), infrastructure (Bridge) and combat vehicles (Invader).

Having built and strengthened the base, cross the river and find a well in the west, where it is better to bring energy and build a plant. There is also a well south of your base.

You will be attacked not only from the north, but also from the southwest. There are waiting in the wings a bunch of soldiers and tanks. At your first attack on the enemy base, they will rush to you. Therefore, concoct an army of robots with tanks and soldiers and destroy them. Clear the northern road to the base and build up another decent group. Now attack the enemy with the remnants of the first group, then from the east attack the main, second.

Fifth mission - Cold... To Cold

In this mission you need to destroy hostile people.

You are located on an island connected to the enemy islands by bridges. All bridges will be covered by several towers.

In this mission, you will have the perfect means of defense - Meson Tower, as well as a new combat vehicle - Mortar. But unfortunately, the enemy will also have the Meson Tower, and not in a single copy.

The enemy base is located in the southwest. There is an enemy factory on the neighboring island; by destroying it, you will deprive people of a third of the extracted materials.

But first, take care of your business. First things first, build a base, explore your island and capture the well. Now accumulate a small army and cross to the other side. There, destroy the bridge to the west and capture the two wells.

It's time to deal with the southern plant. Blow it up and build a well if you want. Restore the bridge to the western island, covering it with towers, and accumulate forces for a decisive blow. When possible, attack.

Mission 6 - Dry As The Desert

And again people got in your way, and again they need to be destroyed.

There are very few places to build a base, the mountain range practically surrounded you. You will have one small passage, so in no case do not close it. Save space, it's worth more than gold here.

In this mission, you will have a Telepad (in Infrastructure), as well as a Telepod combat vehicle.

The enemy will have two bases (one main, which is located in the southeast corner, and the other is accumulative, it is located south of your base), as well as two unprotected factories - one in the northeast corner, the second at the main base of the enemy. From the main base to the accumulative one, various units will constantly arrive.

Explore the area to the east and southwest of you - you will find two wells that are worth capturing. Try not to get caught by the enemy for now. As soon as you destroy one enemy unit, a crowd of soldiers and tanks will come running to you from the accumulation base. Accumulate strength and develop.

First, it is desirable to destroy the accumulation base and the plant in the northeast corner, and then go from it to the main base.

Mission 7 - Protection Be Theirs

You ended up on this deserted island in order, as in previous missions, to deal with vile little people.

You are completely alone on the island.

At first, you only have access to two plant wells: one next to you and the other on the opposite side of the island.

The enemy is located on the neighboring, western island. It will have so many towers that you will get tired of putting back hatched eyes.

In this mission, you will have a medium robot Raveger. And the enemy will have Hover Bombers that will torment you with their raids throughout the mission.

But do not rush especially forward, but take care of a powerful economic base. First, build a base and occupy two wells. On the eastern island there are two more wells completely unnecessary to the enemy. Cross over there and pocket them. Accumulate strength to hit the enemy. The bridge will have to be built by you. As soon as you do this, immediately fortify with towers. Send a decent group of tanks and robots with soldiers to the other side, and everything will be in order.

First, deal with the factory just north of the crossing, then take care of the base itself. In the south, the enemy has power plants, covered by towers. There are more than a dozen of these stations, so destroy them first. And then go up the hill and deal with the enemies. As Kosoy said from the movie “Gentlemen of Fortune”: “That's it, there will be no kin! The electricity is out."

Mission 8 - Cornered Prey

And again you have to destroy the enemy.

You are behind a mountain range. Nearby there will be only two wells for the plant.

In this mission, you will have a new Chassis Plant and two types of military equipment - Cloaker and Titan Crawler.

The enemy is located in the southwest. Compared to the last mission, it will be much weaker. The entrance to the base will be guarded by a large number of towers of various steepness.

You will be attacked by small detachments of soldiers, so four towers will be enough to protect the built base. But it is desirable to do all this as soon as possible. Capture another well in the south. Now build some robots and deal with several enemy groups in the west and southwest. Do not go too far, the main thing is to find two wells. Get them behind you.

Now your goal will be to destroy the enemy factory in the middle of the western border of the map. It won't take a lot of energy, nor will the factory in the south make you worry too much. The main thing is to pre-protect your plants on this side of the river. Having finished with the factories, take on the main base.

Mission 9 - Icy Insects

In this mission, the enemy offers you to compete with him in the amount of materials. It won't be easy, because the enemy has twelve factories, and you have a maximum of four. So, in order to successfully complete the mission, you need to destroy all enemy factories.

You are located in the northeast. There will be only two wells nearby. There is nothing new in this mission.

The enemy factories are located in the center of the map, and the base is located to the west of this super-industrial zone. The factories will guard the towers, as well as units coming running from the base. Attacking the base will be more difficult. On its territory there is the same number of towers as on the territory near the factories. But here's what's bad: the towers are located in groups, and not scattered throughout the area. And it is worth destroying the base to calm your tense gambling nerves.

But this is still far away, while we will only develop. Build a base and secure it. Now create an anti-infantry unit and slowly advance it to the west, supplying energy along the way. Destroy the enemy in the forest, capture the well and quickly build towers. We are also moving south, only the main line of defense needs to be built between the canyon, where the enemy's industrial area is located, and the lake. Capture two wells in the east and southeast. Now bring artillery installations to the edge of the cliff and shoot everything you can.

It's time to tackle the base. Create an army and attack, then smoothly move to the factories.

Mission 10 - Burst Their Bubble

You ended up on a desert island, fenced off from the rest of the world by a river of lava.

In this mission, you just have to destroy the enemy.

Your island is not very large, so use this piece of land sparingly for construction. Leave more space for the bridge, next to it you will need to build a couple of towers. To the south of you is a small island, it has a well.

In this mission you will have: buildings - Propulsion Plant; infrastructure - Hoverpad; combat vehicles - Assault Hover.

The enemy base is located in the northwest.

Build your base and capture the well above. Now build a bridge from your main island to the west. There are two wells on the hill (the climb to the hill is located further to the west).

Start gathering strength to strike. There are two paths to the enemy base: the first is first to the west and then to the north past the lava lake, the second is first to the north and then to the northwest along a small passage between two lakes. However, it will be very difficult to get close to it, because both paths are well fortified. When you try to break through, you will encounter a large number of towers and units. It would be ideal to attack from two directions at once, in order to then pincer the enemy, but this will take more time, effort and money. If you do not want to do this, then it is better to go along the first path, but do not forget about the group that overlaps the second path.

It is worth saying that enemy bombers will periodically attack you. Be ready to fight back, otherwise a decent part of the produced materials will go to repair buildings, and not to buy an army.

Eleventh mission - Hostage

In this mission, you have to return your General to the base.

1 2 3 All

Alexander Leshchinsky

In April of this year, StarCraft appeared on the computer games market, raising the bar in the real-time strategy genre to unprecedented heights. Therefore, it is not surprising that all new strategies remained in the shadow of Blizzard's creation. However, competitors are not going to give up, putting forward their contenders for the role of champion. Among them, the game Dominion stands out.

The guys from the Ion Storm company offer you good graphics, high-quality sound design, a long list of units and buildings, as well as a large arsenal of game features.

Unfortunately, the four races presented in the game differ from each other mostly only in appearance, but this does not really spoil the picture. For some gamers, something else will cause much more disappointment - the toy is not three-dimensional. So fans of Total Annihilation will hardly like Dominion.


As usual, everything takes place in the distant future. Humanity has reached a new stage of development and was able to travel to other galaxies. Naturally, people were not alone in space. Three alien civilizations have been discovered - the clumsy Darkens, the disgusting Scorps and the Merc thugs.

The races lived in a strained world, beneficial to all, and everything seemed to be going well, until a small incident occurred in the orbit of our native Earth, which led to serious consequences - an unknown spy satellite was discovered that exploded while trying to identify it.

Past grievances immediately surfaced and a war began, but not on the scale of the entire Galaxy, but on one single planet called Gift 3, where reserves of some very necessary substance were discovered (it really reminds Frank Herbert and his Dune, isn't it ?).

In this war, you are invited to lead one of the four races and lead it through twelve missions to complete dominance in the universe. Although who knows what the mysterious planet hides...



The main part of the screen is occupied by a view of the area.

At the bottom of the screen is an information panel, which also has some management functions:

1 - building panel (from it you will give orders for construction);

2 - information line;

3 - a row of buttons, above the building panel;

4 – resource line;

5 - map;

6 - a button in the form of a CD, under which the options menu is hidden.

Let's deal with the buttons (from left to right):

Buildings - selection of a building panel for buildings;

Infrastructure - selection of a building panel for auxiliary buildings;

Personnel - choice of building panel for soldiers;

Vehicles - choice of building panel for tanks and robotics;

Arrow button (Select Unit) - switch the cursor to the unit selection mode;

Button "dollar sign" (Sell Structure) - switch the cursor to the mode of selling buildings;

Button "wrench" (Repair Structure) - switch the cursor to the mode of repairing buildings;

“UP” button (Upgrade Structure) – toggle the cursor to upgrade buildings.

Note that the creators of the game did not skimp and developed an original view of the panel for each of the races.


This element of the interface should be taken a little closer, especially since with its help you can somewhat diversify your strategy and simplify your life.

This panel is called by pressing the right mouse button on any of your objects, be it a building or a combat unit, and contains several commands and functions that this object can perform. Read more about functions for specific objects below.




The most familiar race for us. If you want to see her representative, take a look in the mirror and you will understand everything. These are strong creatures, about two meters tall, quite strong. In general, they do not have weaknesses and strengths in their development. Therefore, their units can be considered average in all respects - the balance between price, armor and weapon strength (which is why we will consider it the base race when determining characteristics).

The human society of the future has not changed much. Remained and crime, and love for sports, people have not forgotten bad habits - in general, everything is like in the present. Only now, after several hundred years, the whole planet has united into one state, and people have become very similar to each other (all bald and cloned, except that they differ by gender).

The race is very well developed technologically and follows the technogenic path of development.


A race of small, evil and gloomy creatures. Their entire society seems to be a religious brotherhood. All Darkens unquestioningly obey the brotherhood, are devoted to it and are ready to give their lives for it.

Little is known about their system, since in communication with representatives of other races, the darkens are closed and not talkative, often they simply leave the interlocutors.

In terms of physical features, the Darken are very hardy and strong, but their reddish-brown skin does little to protect their mortal body. That is why darken scientists have done a good job of protecting their troops - they are equipped with armor one third better than that of humans. True, their weapons do less harm, and the price of units is a third higher than for earthly counterparts.

The Darken race lags far behind other races, especially humans, but they make the most of their natural abilities, which, coupled with devotion to the brotherhood and faith in their cause, equalizes their chances of victory.


These are disgusting green creatures, physically similar to humans. Also, like the Darkens, scorpions are closed, they communicate little with other races. And they don't talk to each other very much. Few people have been to their homeland - it is painfully disgusting there.

Scorpion society is like a big anthill, where the queen runs everything. Her huge offspring, just like those of ants, are distributed according to professions. Representatives of various professions have their own special appearance and features that are ideal for doing work.

Scorpions make the main bet on the natural path of development, however, their technologies reach a fairly high level, which puts scorpions on a par with other races. The ability to multiply quickly makes their units a quarter cheaper than those of humans, and the strength of the armor remains at the same level, although the lethal force of the weapon is somewhat weaker.


Very cute race. From the appearance of rude and vile, they are actually great aesthetes (look at least at the decoration of their information panel). Their society is somewhat reminiscent of people of our time.

Mercs are not alien to bad habits (it's very cool to look at a drunken general before the start of one of the missions), they are cheerful, even somewhat funny in communication.

Outwardly, these are tall and very strong creatures. But they decided to supplement their physical strength with the power of weapons, so scientists have worked especially hard on weapons, and now merk guns are the most powerful guns in the known part of the galaxy. True, because of this, parameters such as armor and prices for their units are “lame”. Their units of the first one are two times less, and the second one is one and a half times higher than that of people.

Just like humans, merki are very well advanced in terms of technology.


Note: giving Russian names to the buildings and other units below, the author did not seek to reproduce the exact translation from English, but tried to reflect the real functions of this object in the Russian name.

The first half of this section is devoted to buildings. Basically, these are factories where your army will be built. Let's deal with their common functions and commands:

Autorepair - automatic repair when the building receives damage;

Sell ​​- sell a building for half its cost;

Upgrade (all buildings except Refinery have this command) – upgrade the building;

Main Factory

Armor - 3,200 hitpoints.

Price - 30 people, 3,000 units of material.

Upgrade price - 15 people, 1.500 units of material.

Armor after upgrade - 3,200 hitpoints.

This is your main building, which is the main assembly shop for all types of troops. This is where they will appear. In addition, after the destruction of the main factory, the power supply is completely interrupted.

An additional feature of the Primary Build Pad is to set the Main Plant as the main building site.

Power Plant

Armor - 750 hitpoints.

Price - 10 people, 300 units of material.

Upgrade price - 40 people, 1.200 units of material.

Armor after upgrade - 1.075 hitpoints.

This building will provide your base with energy. After the upgrade, the amount of energy generated increases four times. When a structure is infected, the energy output is halved and all nearby beacons explode.

There are no additional features.

Cloning Center (Colony)

Armor - 600 hitpoints.

Price - 20 people, 450 units of material.

Upgrade price - 40 people, 900 units of material.

Armor after upgrade - 900 hitpoints.

This building will provide you with one of the types of resources - people. Each such center can contain a hundred people (the number of people will not rise above this mark), but you can build several - and they will be more fruitful. By the way, after the upgrade, the reproduction rate doubles. Infection with a virus leads to the fact that newly appearing submachine gunners, grenade launchers and cyborgs pass under the control of the infected player.

There are no additional features.

Plant (Refinery)

Armor - 1,600 hitpoints.

Price - 70 people, 1.500 units of material.

With the help of this structure, you will extract the second type of resource in the game - material. But this material is not produced from the air. You need to find a special well, above which greenish fumes rise, and install the built plant on it. In case of infection, the building begins to give half of the extracted resources to the infected player.

There are no additional features.


Armor - 1,600 hitpoints.

Price - 40 people, 1,500 units of material.

Upgrade price - 20 people, 750 units of material.

Analogue of the radar in other similar games. In addition, upgrading this building gives access to all weapons factories and a machine gun turret. If the building is infected, then the effect of the "fog of war" appears.

There are no additional features.

Robot Assembly Factory (Armor Plant)

Armor - 1,600 hitpoints.

Upgrade price - 25 people, 1,500 units of material.

Armor after upgrade - 2,400 hitpoints.

Gives you the ability to build bipedal robots. Infection leads to the fact that newly appeared robots will be equipped with only 50% of armor.

There are no additional features.

Tank Factory (Weapons Plant)

Armor - 1,600 hitpoints.

Armor after upgrade - 2,400 hitpoints.

This building gives you access to tanks and missile turrets. Infection will cause all tank vehicles to be equipped with 50% armor.

There are no additional features.

Aviation Factory (Propulsion Plant)

Armor - 1,600 hitpoints.

Price - 75 people, 5,000 units of material.

Upgrade price - 37 people, 2.500 units of material.

Armor after upgrade - 2,400 hitpoints.

This building theoretically gives you the ability to build flying objects, but without building a Hover Pad you will never be able to do so. Infection has the same effect on flying units as infecting a tank factory on tanks.

There are no additional features.

Chassis Factory

Armor - 1,600 hitpoints.

Armor after upgrade - 2,400 hitpoints.

With the advanced suspension, you can build multi-legged robots. Infection causes these units to have their armor halved.

There are no additional features.

Semiconductor Factory

Armor - 1,600 hitpoints.

Price - 25 people, 2,000 units of material.

Upgrade price - 12 people, 1,000 units of material.

Armor after upgrade - 2,400 hitpoints.

This factory makes it possible to build technicians, bridges, as well as the most powerful defensive tower - meson. Infection leads to the explosion of all bridges built by the race and the impossibility of their production in the future.

There are no additional features.


Their general commands are:

Autorepair - automatic repair;

Sell ​​- sell the building.

Lighthouse (Umbilical)

Armor - 750 hitpoints.

Price - 5 people, 100 units of material.

You have probably noticed that you cannot build anything at a great distance from power plants. This happens because the energy field has a certain radius. And so, in order not to build a large number of power stations, you can replace them with these beacons. In case of infection, the beacon explodes.

An additional function Show Range is to view the range of the energy field.

Energy Pillar (Energy Beacon)

Armor - 1,000 hitpoints.

Price - 3 people, 400 units of material.

The simplest defensive structure with which you can protect yourself with energy walls. Infection causes these walls to turn off.

There are no additional features.

Machine Gun Tower (Autocannon Tower)

Armor - 500 hitpoints.

This building leaves a double impression: on the one hand, it has the largest firing range and a small price, and on the other hand, it has a small lethal force and weak armor. In general, to be sure, put at least one more of the same tower, and preferably a rocket or meson one. But building machine gun towers is a must - this is the only way to deal with artillery mounts, one of the computer's favorite offensive units. Infecting this tower, and any of the next two towers, has the same effect as infecting an energy pillar.

Additional functions and commands for all three towers are the same: Show Range - view the firing range, Stop - stop firing.

Rocket Tower

Armor - 650 hitpoints.

Price - 75 people, 3,000 units of material.

Not a very necessary item. It is worth building these towers only before the advent of the Semiconductor Plant.

Meson Tower

Armor - 800 hitpoints.

Price - 100 people, 4.500 units of material.

This is the "professional's choice". Enemy equipment in seconds cuts into cabbage. There are only two drawbacks - it shoots close and rather slowly. As for the price, the tower is worth it


Armor - 1,000 hitpoints.

Price - 15 people, 1,000 units of material.

What can I say - a bridge, it is also a bridge in Africa. It is not susceptible to infection and has no special orders and functions.

Teleporter (Telepad)

Armor - 900 hitpoints.

Price - 15 people, 200 units of material.

A structure capable of replacing the Main Plant. It has a building function. With it, you can repair equipment. In addition, there are several missions where the teleporter is used only for its intended purpose - to move units to who knows where. Units that enter a virus-infected Telepad will self-destruct.

Special Features: Primary Build Pad - set Telepad as the main building pad, Repair Pad - set Telepad as a repair pad.

Runway (Hoverpad)

Armor - 800 hitpoints.

Price - 100 people, 4,000 units of material.

Upgrade price - 50 people, 2,000 units of material.

Armor after upgrade - 1,600 hitpoints.

The number of these buildings directly affects the number of your flying units. Each of them needs such a platform, and she herself can carry no more than one "aircraft". The main purpose of these buildings is to recharge your vehicles, and after upgrading, the site can also restore the armor of downed units. In case of infection, the building loses these two abilities.

Additional feature - Upgrade.

Note: in the next two sections, the characteristics of units of different races are different. To reduce the volume, the characteristics of the units of the human race are given, and the characteristics of other races are determined based on the "Races" section regarding people. In parentheses are the names of units for different races in the same order as in the "Races" section.


These are your very first fighters, who form the backbone of the army in the initial missions, but then, in later tasks, they will be very useful to you.

General functions and commands of soldiers:

Withdraw - leave the battle;

Stop - stop.

Submachine gunner (ABR Cadet, Guard, Drone, Raider)

Armor - 100 hitpoints.

Price - 1 person, 150 units of material.

The simplest unit, representing a real force only in the initial missions, however, even in later missions, these guys should not be forgotten as a good cover for tanks and robots. It has a good rate of fire, runs pretty fast, but it has a small firing radius, and lethal force leaves much to be desired.

Special functions and commands: Crawl - lie down, Kneel - sit down, Stand - get up, Show Range - see the firing radius.

Grenade Launcher (Xeno Bazookaman, Heavy Guard, Heavy Drone, Heavy Raider)

Armor - 100 hitpoints.

Price - 1 person, 200 units of material.

A guy with a big gun, but he's not as cool as he might seem. The grenade launcher runs clearly slower than Michael Johnson, and it takes a long time to load the weapon. But please its range and lethal force. Special functions and commands are the same as those of the machine gunner.

Cyborg (PHV, Powered Guard, Powered Drone, Powered Raider)

Armor - 200 hitpoints.

Price - 1 person, 500 units of material.

Now that's something. The guy knows how to shoot far and accurately from his two laser guns, he is protected by good armor, however, he moves rather slowly. The cyborgs are equipped with explosives; they can self-destruct at any moment.

Commander (Commander, Guard Leader, Drone Leader, Raider Boss)

Armor - 100 hitpoints.

Price - 1 person, 600 units of material.

The same machine gunner, only shoots much better. Among other things, it should be said that there are several missions in the game where you should never lose your commander.

Special functions and commands: Crawl - lie down, Kneel - sit down, Stand - get up, Show Range - view the firing radius, Thumper - switch the weapon to another shooting mode, in which it causes much more damage.

Technician (Engineer, Technoid, Infestor, Android)

Armor - 50 hitpoints.

Price - 12 people, 400 units of material.

Its main task is to plant viruses in enemy buildings (after choosing a representative of this type, try moving the cursor to an enemy building - it will take the form of a ball) and capture infected or de-energized buildings (the cursor looks like a lowered and raised flag). Read above about the consequences of planting the virus in different buildings (see "Main and auxiliary buildings"). The soldier himself does not carry weapons, moves rather slowly and is easily killed, so try to cover your technicians and shoot strangers.

There are no special commands.



General functions and commands for ground combat vehicles (functions and commands for bomber and air transport, see the relevant sections):

Guard - guard the selected object;

Patrol - patrol along a given route;

Hold Position - hold the selected position;

Withdraw - leave the battle;

Scatter - an order to scatter around the area (for groups);

Stop - stop.

Scout (Recon, Sentinel, Scout, Explorer)

Armor - 84 hitpoints.

Price - 6 people, 200 units of material.

An unarmed light vehicle whose main task is reconnaissance. However, due to its speed, it can also perform an enticing function. Actually, it's useless.

Special functions and commands: Recon - scout (scout takes off and goes to uncharted areas).

Tank (Medium Tank, Battle Tank, Hive Attacker, Light Cannon)

Armor - 300 hitpoints.

An ordinary tank, a pretty good combat unit. Speed, firepower and armor combine almost perfectly in it. And the price for this masterpiece is quite earthly. In short - an excellent offensive and defensive weapon.

Special functions and commands: Detonate - explode, Detonate at Unit - explode near the selected object, Show Range - view the firing radius.

Self Propelled Artillery (Breach Maker, Mortar, Hive Destroyer, Heavy Cannon)

Armor - 150 hitpoints.

Price - 25 people, 1,000 units of material.

A very interesting unit. Average speed and extremely weak armor are compensated by very high shooting characteristics: long range and impressive projectile power. Further it shoots, perhaps, only a machine-gun tower. SPGs should never be left uncovered.

Bomber (Hover Bomber, Assault Hover, Wasp, Fighter)

Armor - 120 hitpoints.

Price - 100 people, 4,000 units of material.

Not a very good thing. Now, if the armor was better, then there would be no price for him. And so to shoot down a bomber is not difficult. True, in one run, a link of such bombers easily destroys an average robot, and thanks to the enormous speed, a bomber can easily get away from the chase. It is best to characterize it as follows - a good tool for quick strikes on weakly protected enemy targets.

Functions and commands: Show Range - view the firing range, Stop - stop the attack.

Air Transport (Hover APC, Guard Carrier, Drone Pod, Transport)

Armor - 300 hitpoints.

Price - 100 people, 4,000 units of material.

Cool thing! Transport has good speed, good armor. He does not carry weapons, and he does not really need them. It serves mainly to deliver technicians behind enemy lines, which allows you to perform various sabotage actions. Unlike the previous unit, he is able to land on more than just his Hoverpad.

It has only one Return to Pad command - return to the Hoverpad.

Small class combat robot (Hunter, Invader, Hornet, Battle Trek)

Armor - 400 hitpoints.

Price - 50 people, 1,500 units of material.

The bipedal robot is quite large. It moves quite slowly, but it shoots far and well, and it’s not very easy to “fill up” it. It works well in conjunction with tanks and artillery mounts, diverting enemy fire and causing him considerable damage.

The special functions and commands are the same as those of the tank.

Medium class combat robot (Stalker, Ravager, Mantis, War Walker)

Armor - 500 hitpoints.

Price - 50 people, 1,500 units of material.

Not differing from the previous robot in price, it still looks somewhat more profitable on the battlefield. First, he is better armed, although his rocket launchers are slow to reload; secondly, it is better protected. And still, without tanks and infantry, it will not resist for very long.

The special functions and commands are the same as those of the tank.

Large class combat robot (Dreadnought, Titan Crawler, Queen, Colossus)

Armor - 1,000 hitpoints.

Price - 100 people, 4,000 units of material.

Huge robot with lots of legs. It has many good qualities - it has thick armor, is armed with a heavy cannon, similar to the one installed on the meson towers, among other things, it can transport soldiers. True, it is worth noting two drawbacks: high cost and a very low speed of movement and turns.

The special functions and commands are the same as those of the tank.

Mobile teleporter (Telerig, Telepod, Migrator, Transmat)

Armor - 1,000 hitpoints.

Price - 50 people, 3,000 units of material.

Pretty interesting unit. It does not carry any weapons and has a low speed, however, it is equipped with powerful armor. However, with it, you can well shake the nerves of the enemy. It's worth finding a small loophole in his rear and spreading this thing - and you can build your troops right next to the enemy.

Special functions and commands: Deploy / Retract - decompose / assemble. In addition, when unfolded, it has the following functions: Primary Build Pad - set the teleporter as the main construction site; Primary Receiver is a completely obscure command, maybe you can figure it out (it literally translates to “primary receiver”).


Each of the races has its own special types of equipment. All of them have the same characteristics, namely:

Armor - 150 hit points;

The price is 75 people and 8,000 pieces of material.

As well as the same functions and commands:

Guard - guard the selected object;

Patrol - patrol along a given route;

Hold Position - hold the selected position;

Withdraw - leave the battle;

Scatter - an order to scatter around the area (for groups);

Stop - stop.

Each of the four cars does not move and turn too fast. The differences relate only to their appearance and ways of fighting.

Humans: the product of their high technology is called X-Tech or M-Cat and is a huge iron cat. It is armed with a cannon that shoots clots of a substance that freezes any enemy mechanisms for a while so that they cannot move and shoot.

Darkens: armed with a very interesting and useful tool - Cloakers. They shoot at friendly military equipment (except for scouts) with some kind of composition, which makes them invisible until they start firing. After that, the “veil” disappears and can be restored only Cloaker.

Scorps: prepared a little surprise for their rivals. Their original unit is called Digger - it is a transporter, but not ground or air, but underground. The fact is that with the help of the additional command Dig (which means "Dig") you can send this unit to any point in the explored area, and it will go all the way underground. Can carry five soldiers.

Mercs: remember, in the good old Dune2, the Ordos clan had a very interesting tank that infected enemy soldiers with something, and for a short time they went over to your side along with their military equipment. So Widow Maker, which looks like a grass spider, is very similar to this tank. True, his weapons only affect military equipment, but it passes under your control until the end of the mission.

First of all, let's start with the offensive. Computer intelligence is designed so that when your attack fails, an attack on you immediately begins, from which the following conclusions should be drawn: the first is to protect the rear and the second is not to rush and how to prepare for each attack.

On the offensive, you need to make the most of the capabilities of the units: for example, tanks and robots deal with infantry for a rather long time, and cheap submachine gunners quickly shoot them. But the infantry cannot fight against the towers. Then we send medium and heavy robots to the machine-gun towers, and let the artillery mounts take care of the rocket and meson ones. However, if you have to go into a frontal attack, then you can’t imagine anything better than tanks and light robots - they move quickly and nimbly, and shoot well. From all this it is clear that it is necessary to combine the pros and cons of different types of troops and set specific combat missions for each group, and not shove the troops anywhere - in this way you will only lose money and bring an attack on yourself.

By the way, even a stupid scout can be useful if you use this AI feature. Let's suppose that somewhere there is an enemy grouping that interferes a lot, and you have a lot of bored towers at your base. Then you take a scout and roll around the enemy with an indifferent look. This impudence bothers him, and he starts shooting, but you quickly reel in your fishing rods and head to your native land. The enemy group rushes after you and runs into the towers. A minute later we observe funnels and pools of blood.

Another tip - breaking into an enemy base, quickly destroy all power stations, beacons and the main factory, and then everything else.

Now a little about defense. The towers connected by energy walls will provide the best protection for you. And again, different towers have their own characteristics. As already mentioned, Autocannon Towers shoot the farthest, however, they take few hitpoints and do not penetrate the armor of medium and heavy robots. Meson Towers hit close and rarely, but they do a lot of damage, and the main danger for them is artillery installations due to We put these two towers side by side and we get that machine guns can easily shoot howitzers, and the meson cannon deals with heavy equipment.And everyone in this situation will be happy.

Yes, I almost forgot: try to keep the energy walls blocking all approaches to the base; if necessary, build Energy Beacons. Do not forget to turn on the Autorepair function for all defensive structures, otherwise you will not have time to look back, after the destruction of a tower you will have a hole in the defense, and enemy troops will immediately climb into it.

Finally, let's talk about the economy. Try to always surpass the enemy in terms of the amount of extracted material. This can be done in three ways. The first is to build many factories. The second is to destroy weakly protected enemy factories. And the third - if there are no free wells in the district to do the first, or there are few funds for the implementation of the second, you can build technicians and, carefully leading or taking them behind enemy lines, infect his factories. Each of the methods is suitable for each individual mission, so decide for yourself how you will achieve superiority. As for the second type of resources - people, everything is simpler here: you build several cloning centers (four or more to be sure) and upgrade each one, after which you can forget about the problem of lack of workers.


First mission - Day Break

Greetings, lieutenant. You are given a chance to prove yourself as a real commander, capable of winning this war for people, and not provoking his failure to be sent to the headquarters for paper work.

So, your mission: you must destroy the Scorp's base without losing the field commander (Commander).

The enemy base is located southeast of the landing site.

Immediately after the start of the mission, start building your base. You have access to the buildings: Main Plant, Power Plant, Colony and Refinery, in addition, you can produce auxiliary buildings: Umbilical and Energy Beacon, as well as grow ABR Cadet and Xeno Bazookaman soldiers.

With your initial forces, you will be able to fight off the first wave of attackers, then immediately start producing soldiers of both types. When you concoct a decent army (fifteen people of each type), without forgetting about the rear, start the attack. But do not go head-on, under the fire of the tower.

Move first to the east - there will be an enemy factory. Destroy it and the nearby beacon and the field will turn off. Go to the southwest, and you will come out just in time for the enemy's power plants. Destroy them, and then the entire base.

Second mission - Eastern Front

In this mission, you will have to deal with several fairly strong enemy factions. To be precise, there are seven of them. Six groups include five to six infantrymen and one tank (each), and the seventh includes two tanks and one light robot. This is the most dangerous group, and it is located closer to the northeast corner of the map. In addition to all this, the enemy will occasionally receive reinforcements, so be prepared.

After disembarking, start rebuilding the base as you did in the first mission. Now you have one more building - Headquarters, as well as a PVH soldier and a Recon vehicle. It will not be superfluous to build a fence with the help of Energy Beacons. In general, you need to act quickly.

Put together a decent army of twenty-five grenade launchers and seven pieces of cyborgs. Put the grenade launchers on the ground so that when moving your squad moves at the same speed (and they will shoot better), and go!

Third mission - Hive Leader

This is a rather difficult mission. With the help of a limited contingent of troops, you need to destroy the enemy commander, who is in the Queen transport.

You start in the southeast corner of the map. Do not rush forward, but wait a little - reinforcements in the form of a light robot and four artillery mounts will approach you. The latter will have a special task in the mission, so take care of them.

Combine troops into a group and move to the northeast. There, near the forest, you will destroy a small grouping of the enemy. Then move west, but not along the very edge of the map, but closer to the ravine, otherwise you will stumble upon a whole battery of Meson Towers. After passing the forest, you will see another plateau stretching to the southwest. There, at the top, is the enemy base. Remove the guards with artillery and take over the base itself.The main thing is to destroy all the power stations.

After that, you can safely deal with the forest grouping of the enemy. Here, by the way, is the enemy Telepad - the goal of the commander-traveler. Queen will appear soon, accompanied by a fairly strong convoy (three tanks and infantry of various stripes). But don't be alarmed, they will give you reinforcements: first two self-propelled guns and one Hunter, and then five more artillery mounts.

Ambush the enemy at the place where the only road rises from the canyon and turns into the forest. Let all the artillery fire at the transporter, and let the rest shoot at the convoy. By the way, a rather powerful Mantis robot can join the convoy, which will greatly complicate your task - you will have to transfer the fire of a couple of Breach Makers to it. After the destruction of Queen, the mission will end.

The fourth mission is Heavily Leader.

Yes, the third mission was hard! But even in this you should not relax too much. You have to repel an attack on a dilapidated base, restore it and destroy the enemy.

Immediately after the start of the mission, run towards the base, which is being attacked by a small enemy force. With the support of the towers, you will easily destroy the attackers. Quickly restore the base, rebuild the destroyed buildings, if necessary.

In this mission, you will have the following buildings to build: Weapons Plant, Armor Plant, Autocannon Tower and Rocket Tower, as well as Commander soldiers and combat vehicles: Medium Tank and Hunter.

With the help of machine-gun towers block the approaches to the base and, when each slot is plugged, start building an army. You will need about five robots, a dozen tanks and twenty infantrymen.

After you accumulate the required number of troops, head east - there is an enemy base near the edge of the map, and a little to the north - a grouping that will come to the aid of its base during your attack.

In theory, you will not have serious problems, but the northern grouping can take you by surprise. If the first attack fails, don't worry - one more of the same group will be enough to completely destroy the enemy. Yes, and the extracted resources are still enough for not such an army.

Mission 5 - Captives!

The Darkens captured a group of Earth soldiers along with the commander. You have to free them and send them through the teleporter, losing no more than one of them along the way.

You already have a teleporter. It remains only to build a base, defeat the enemy and bring the right soldiers to you.

In this mission, you will have several new buildings (Semiconductor Plant, Meson Tower, Bridge) and units (Engineer and Breach Maker).

Quickly rebuild the base and defend it in the northern direction - an attack will soon follow from there. In general, the enemy is located in the east and north - there he has two bases. The soldiers you need are on the east.

Everything can be done very easily and quite quickly. Build a robot tank army of twenty pieces, add more different soldiers to them. Now, along the narrow lower passage, lead this armada to the east, then to the north, and here is the desired base on the mountain in front of you. Having quickly smashed everything there, you take command of the captured soldiers and lead them to your teleporter under escort. And business something, funny even!

Mission 6 - Too Much, Too Soon

The most appropriate name for this mission. You have to provide your retreating troops with a passage to Telepad "y, located in the northeast corner of the map, preventing the destruction of more than two hundred soldiers, and deal with the enemy along the way.

Generally speaking, the whole thing takes place on a large river like our Volga. Your base and Telepad are located on the shores, and the Darkens settled on the islands connected by bridges. They will interfere in every possible way with the retreat, which will begin very soon.

So quickly rebuild the base until the moment when you have tanks. After that, create a group of at least four tanks as quickly as possible and supplement it with infantry. By this point, the fleeing tanks should have scouted at least one island. Send your rapid response team there. Having dealt with the towers on one island, move to the next. The study will show that there are two exits from it via bridges: to the north and to the west. Blow up the northern one, as it leads to the island with the enemy base. Destroy all enemies on the island where you are now.

Now let's do a tricky maneuver. Set up a lot of energy stations, and then with the help of Umbilicals, build several towers interconnected by energy fields near the place where the enemy bridge was. Now you can safely restore the bridge.

By the way, it would be nice to build another Telepad here and make it the main manufacturer so as not to drive equipment far.

Start creating an army. You will need a lot of troops. Three or four consecutive attacks of five or six robots and ten tanks with infantry should be successful. When you deal with the main base, build a bridge to a small island and send a couple of tanks - they will sort it out.

Mission 7 - Too Close For Combat

Quite a mediocre mission. You have to rebuild the base and destroy the enemy in this area.

First, replace all the Energy Beacon with something more significant, like missile towers. Build all possible buildings and upgrade everything you can.

In this mission, you will have a Stalker robot. He will help you a lot.

The enemy base is located in the southwest, on top of the mountain. The enemy has three plants. Two of them are located at the base, but you can easily deal with the third one. It is located in the north, across the river. It is guarded by two towers and several units. It is best to immediately sacrifice several tanks or robots and do away with them, but the enemy will receive a third less material.

By the way, if you want "money" to flow into your pocket like a river, you can build three more factories near your base - the wells are located in the northwest, west and south of you. True, you will have to clear these zones of enemy soldiers and reinforcements, which will immediately rush to their aid. Don't forget to protect the factories!

Having created a powerful production base, start accumulating an army. It is better not to waste time on trifles and set up more (nine pieces) robots of both types and tanks with artillery mounts. Don't forget the cheap infantry. Now we can move forward. Remember that Stalker's are not afraid of machine gun shots, which means they need to destroy machine gun towers.

Mission 8 - Titan Crawler

Again it is necessary to destroy the Darkens. Their base is in the northwest corner of the map. Their territory is separated from you by a river of lava, across which two bridges are thrown - one approximately in the center of the map, the other a little to the north.

In this mission, you get the opportunity to build the Chassis Plant, as well as X-Tech and Dreadnought robots.

The enemy will also have a huge Titan Crawler. Two of them are in the southwest corner of the map and one is in the base.

We act as usual - we build all possible buildings and make all upgrades. Then you need to protect the base a little - the enemy will not get you much.

If you want to increase your profits, there is another well to the northwest of you.

Now you can start building an army, and you will need a decent one. Do not expect to destroy the enemy the first time, but rather do this: build a large army (twenty pieces of all types of offensive equipment, two or three X-Techs and infantry), divide it into two squads. Bring these units to two bridges, and then use one of them to attack the base. If you do everything right, then destroy most of the guards. The main thing is to destroy the towers, thus clearing the way for the second group, which will finish the job.

Mission 9 - Fall Back Spring Forward

Negotiations with the merks did not lead to the desired result, and now they will become your main enemies.

In this mission you need to destroy all enemy Main Plant. He has four of them - two in a large base in the northwest and one each in two small bases in the south and southwest.

You won't get anything new in this mission.

At the very beginning, scout the area around and build a base. When you get the opportunity to build bridges, throw one to the island to the north of you - there is a well.

Follow the old plan - build everything and accumulate an army. Don't forget to protect the base. When you decide that there are enough troops, then move south - first you should destroy two small bases, and then take on the main one. There will be no problems with the first two, but with the third one... Bring your Telerig closer to it and build vehicles in it so as not to waste time on movement. Constantly attack, and you will achieve your goal.

Mission 10 - Fireteam

You are getting closer to the main Merck stronghold. In this mission, you will have to defeat their large base. It is located in the southeast and occupies about one-eighth of the map.

But you will have Propulsion Plant, Hoverpad and Hover Bomber.

Command advises you to set up your base in the center of the map, where there is a small obelisk built by an ancient civilization. Perhaps you should heed this advice. Carefully sneak into this place and build a base. Try to build a Semiconductor Plant as quickly as possible and immediately defend yourself with meson and machine gun towers - more serious troops will soon follow the arrived scout.

Throw a bridge across the lava river - there are three wells, and on a small island, south of the first, there is another one.

Now build all the buildings and start building up an army. Don't count too much on bombers - your Hoverpads cannot be upgraded yet, i.e. they will not be able to repair aircraft, therefore, they will be easily shot down.

The only safe target is free-standing artillery mounts. Although, if you have a lot of material, you can carry out a small sabotage - blow up the enemy's factory, located in the very south of the map, a little east of the island with the well. After that, you collect a large army and take the enemy by number.

Eleventh mission - Hell's Kitchen

There is very little left, and victory will soon be yours.

Your troops must clear a path to the east through a narrow canyon so steeply defended that the mouth opens in amazement on its own. At the end of the canyon, in the southeast corner, is the enemy's main base.

Build your base and don't worry too much about defending it - the most the enemy can send is a bomber flight. From this mission you can build additional Main Plant as well as Hover APC.

When you build everything you can, it's worth a little diversion. Explore the northern ridge of rocks, and you will see that there is a small gap in the enemy's defenses. Build an air transport and two technicians and send them through this breach to the top. Drop off technicians there and fly back to base.


And the brave iron guys are waiting for the dirty work of terrorists. Move along the northern edge of the map to the east and find the enemy factory. Now infect him!

After that, you will have to make a very unusual maneuver: at the very western edge of the northern ridge there is a missile tower and a beacon. There is another lighthouse to the east of them. We build three more technicians, put them in a veteran transport and launch it into the same hole. There we destroy a lone beacon by means of infection, and the electricity will be turned off. Now we quickly build beacons below - near the very rocket tower. And now what? And it's very simple - the technicians calmly capture the lighthouse and the tower. Thus, you get the opportunity to build troops at the top, which will greatly facilitate your task and allow you to attack in a completely unexpected direction for the enemy.

By the way, you will need a lot of resources. Be aware that there are two more wells in the canyon. It can also be said that enemy guns do not reach the middle of the canyon, i.e. you have a small security corridor.

Mission 12 - All Uphill

Last mission. Finally let a mean male (or abundant female) tear and proceed.

The enemy is located on two peninsulas connected by bridges. One of them leads to you. To the east of you is the first base - it is small, but the northeastern one is fortified as well as possible. What did you want - the last mission! In general, everything is simple in it - you need to completely destroy the enemy.

First, scout the area around - the well is located in the south. Build your base there. Nothing new will appear - you have already invented everything. Having slightly defended your possessions, build an army, and not a simple one, but a very large one. It is impossible to say exactly how many troops you will need, but obviously a lot.

Combine air and ground attacks and the enemy will fall in front of you. Destroy the eastern base first along the way, and then head north.

And finally: if additional resources are needed, then there are two more wells on your peninsula - in the northeast and southeast (for comparison, the enemy has five factories in this mission).


First mission - Naked

As this race, you enter the battlefield for the first time to complete a standard mission with a standard number of buildings and units. The goal is to destroy the enemy.

Your troops are located between the mountains, which gives you the opportunity to isolate yourself from the outside world with an energy field. Build your base, namely: buildings (Main Plant, Power Plant, Colony, Refinery) and infrastructure (Umbilical, 3 Energy Beacon) in such a way that the energy fields cover all approaches to you. Build soldiers - Guard and Heavy Guard.

Start your attack from the northwest, where the enemy plant is located. It will be guarded by a bunch of soldiers and one tank. By blowing up this plant, you will make your task a little easier. The enemy will no longer have two factories, but one, this will equalize your chances of winning this mission.

On the way to the main base (it is located in the southwest), you will meet a lot of reconnaissance vehicles. The inability to shoot still means nothing, but the ability to press means a lot. This ugly machine will crush half of your troops and will not even blink its headlight. Therefore, take more grenade launchers. They must play a decisive role in this mission.

Second mission - The Promised

You landed on this godforsaken land to bring your Guard Leader back to base.

A mountain range covers you from the enemy.

In this mission, you will have Headquarters, as well as a new type of soldier - Powered Guard and vehicle - Sentinel.

The enemy base is located in the southwest. The leader you need is located in the northernmost part of the base. He is surrounded by an energy field, so until you disable him by destroying the Energy Beacon, he will not be able to take a step. The road to the base will be guarded by soldiers. Get ready: attacking in droves, they can inflict significant losses on your army. Appeared Sentinel will facilitate your task not only in reconnaissance, but also in attack. Let him not know how to shoot, but he knows how to press.

Place your army not far from the enemy base and “push through” the road to the base with five or six Sentinels, and then quickly bring the main troops and blow up everything in your path. After that, just bring the Guard Leader to the base. This is probably the best way to complete this mission.

Third mission - Silencer

In this mission you have to infect the enemy Headquarters (HQ) with the virus. I repeat: do not blow up, but infect.

A mountain range separates you from the outside world. But be careful not to build buildings very close to the mountains, as enemy cyborgs and grenade launchers will quickly take advantage of this.

The enemy base is located in the southwest, it is covered by several towers (mostly machine guns, but there is also a rocket one). Headqareters is located in the southernmost part of the base. In addition, there is a factory in the northwest corner.

In this mission, you will have a new building - Weapons Plant, defense towers: Autocannon Tower, Rocket Tower, Guard Leader soldier and Battle Tank combat vehicle.

Before attacking, fortify the base with towers, preferably missile ones. Lure more units to your defensive fortifications. Now build about eight tanks and infantry and move the whole group to the west of the base (of course, bypassing the hill). After destroying two towers, go north and blow up the factory. Then your goal will be the Main Plant, but if you destroyed this, then the path to Headqareters is open. Don't forget to check the nearby territories, in case there are soldiers left there.

Mission 4 - The Long Road

In this mission you have to destroy the enemy, and believe me, it will not be easy.

The enemy base, located in the northwest, will simply burst from units. The entrance will be guarded by several towers and a bunch of tanks. Most of them will attack you within five minutes after the start of the mission.

Your base is partially covered by a mountain range.

During the construction process, you will have buildings (Armor Plant, Semiconductor Plant), soldiers (Technoid), infrastructure (Bridge) and combat vehicles (Invader).

Having built and strengthened the base, cross the river and find a well in the west, where it is better to bring energy and build a plant. There is also a well south of your base.

You will be attacked not only from the north, but also from the southwest. There are waiting in the wings a bunch of soldiers and tanks. At your first attack on the enemy base, they will rush to you. Therefore, concoct an army of robots with tanks and soldiers and destroy them. Clear the northern road to the base and build up another decent group. Now attack the enemy with the remnants of the first group, then from the east attack the main, second.

Fifth mission - Cold... To Cold

In this mission you need to destroy hostile people.

You are located on an island connected to the enemy islands by bridges. All bridges will be covered by several towers.

In this mission, you will have the perfect means of defense - Meson Tower, as well as a new combat vehicle - Mortar. But unfortunately, the enemy will also have the Meson Tower, and not in a single copy.

The enemy base is located in the southwest. There is an enemy factory on the neighboring island; by destroying it, you will deprive people of a third of the extracted materials.

But first, take care of your business. First things first, build a base, explore your island and capture the well. Now accumulate a small army and cross to the other side. There, destroy the bridge to the west and capture the two wells.

It's time to deal with the southern plant. Blow it up and build a well if you want. Restore the bridge to the western island, covering it with towers, and accumulate forces for a decisive blow. When possible, attack.

Mission 6 - Dry As The Desert

And again people got in your way, and again they need to be destroyed.

There are very few places to build a base, the mountain range practically surrounded you. You will have one small passage, so in no case do not close it. Save space, it's worth more than gold here.

In this mission, you will have a Telepad (in Infrastructure), as well as a Telepod combat vehicle.

The enemy will have two bases (one main, which is located in the southeast corner, and the other is accumulative, it is located south of your base), as well as two unprotected factories - one in the northeast corner, the second at the main base of the enemy. From the main base to the accumulative one, various units will constantly arrive.

Explore the area to the east and southwest of you - you will find two wells that are worth capturing. Try not to get caught by the enemy for now. As soon as you destroy one enemy unit, a crowd of soldiers and tanks will come running to you from the accumulation base. Accumulate strength and develop.

First, it is desirable to destroy the accumulation base and the plant in the northeast corner, and then go from it to the main base.

Mission 7 - Protection Be Theirs

You ended up on this deserted island in order, as in previous missions, to deal with vile little people.

You are completely alone on the island.

At first, you only have access to two plant wells: one next to you and the other on the opposite side of the island.

The enemy is located on the neighboring, western island. It will have so many towers that you will get tired of putting back hatched eyes.

In this mission, you will have a medium robot Raveger. And the enemy will have Hover Bombers that will torment you with their raids throughout the mission.

But do not rush especially forward, but take care of a powerful economic base. First, build a base and occupy two wells. On the eastern island there are two more wells completely unnecessary to the enemy. Cross over there and pocket them. Accumulate strength to hit the enemy. The bridge will have to be built by you. As soon as you do this, immediately fortify with towers. Send a decent group of tanks and robots with soldiers to the other side, and everything will be in order.

First, deal with the factory just north of the crossing, then take care of the base itself. In the south, the enemy has power plants, covered by towers. There are more than a dozen of these stations, so destroy them first. And then go up the hill and deal with the enemies. As Kosoy said from the movie “Gentlemen of Fortune”: “That's it, there will be no kin! The electricity is out."

Mission 8 - Cornered Prey

And again you have to destroy the enemy.

You are behind a mountain range. Nearby there will be only two wells for the plant.

In this mission, you will have a new Chassis Plant and two types of military equipment - Cloaker and Titan Crawler.

The enemy is located in the southwest. Compared to the last mission, it will be much weaker. The entrance to the base will be guarded by a large number of towers of various steepness.

You will be attacked by small detachments of soldiers, so four towers will be enough to protect the built base. But it is desirable to do all this as soon as possible. Capture another well in the south. Now build some robots and deal with several enemy groups in the west and southwest. Do not go too far, the main thing is to find two wells. Get them behind you.

Now your goal will be to destroy the enemy factory in the middle of the western border of the map. It won't take a lot of energy, nor will the factory in the south make you worry too much. The main thing is to pre-protect your plants on this side of the river. Having finished with the factories, take on the main base.

Mission 9 - Icy Insects

In this mission, the enemy offers you to compete with him in the amount of materials. It won't be easy, because the enemy has twelve factories, and you have a maximum of four. So, in order to successfully complete the mission, you need to destroy all enemy factories.

You are located in the northeast. There will be only two wells nearby. There is nothing new in this mission.

The enemy factories are located in the center of the map, and the base is located to the west of this super-industrial zone. The factories will guard the towers, as well as units coming running from the base. Attacking the base will be more difficult. On its territory there is the same number of towers as on the territory near the factories. But here's what's bad: the towers are located in groups, and not scattered throughout the area. And it is worth destroying the base to calm your tense gambling nerves.

But this is still far away, while we will only develop. Build a base and secure it. Now create an anti-infantry unit and slowly advance it to the west, supplying energy along the way. Destroy the enemy in the forest, capture the well and quickly build towers. We are also moving south, only the main line of defense needs to be built between the canyon, where the enemy's industrial area is located, and the lake. Capture two wells in the east and southeast. Now bring artillery installations to the edge of the cliff and shoot everything you can.

It's time to tackle the base. Create an army and attack, then smoothly move to the factories.

Mission 10 - Burst Their Bubble

You ended up on a desert island, fenced off from the rest of the world by a river of lava.

In this mission, you just have to destroy the enemy.

Your island is not very large, so use this piece of land sparingly for construction. Leave more space for the bridge, next to it you will need to build a couple of towers. To the south of you is a small island, it has a well.

In this mission you will have: buildings - Propulsion Plant; infrastructure - Hoverpad; combat vehicles - Assault Hover.

The enemy base is located in the northwest.

Build your base and capture the well above. Now build a bridge from your main island to the west. There are two wells on the hill (the climb to the hill is located further to the west).

Start gathering strength to strike. There are two paths to the enemy base: the first is first to the west and then to the north past the lava lake, the second is first to the north and then to the northwest along a small passage between two lakes. However, it will be very difficult to get close to it, because both paths are well fortified. When you try to break through, you will encounter a large number of towers and units. It would be ideal to attack from two directions at once, in order to then pincer the enemy, but this will take more time, effort and money. If you do not want to do this, then it is better to go along the first path, but do not forget about the group that overlaps the second path.

It is worth saying that enemy bombers will periodically attack you. Be ready to fight back, otherwise a decent part of the produced materials will go to repair buildings, and not to buy an army.

Eleventh mission - Hostage

In this mission, you have to return your General to the base.

General will be on an island just east of the landing site, but getting to this island will not be easy, because. you cannot build a bridge there, and it is located quite far and is unknown to you at the beginning of the battle.

Let's get started! Start building the base, but keep in mind that there will be a lot of building space, only it will be a narrow strip. This very strip goes around the whole map, interrupted only in the north of you.

In this mission, you will have: a building - Main Plant (optional) and a Guard Carrier combat vehicle.

Build wells with factories and develop the economy. At the other end of this sausage-shaped island, you can build a bridge to the island where the enemy base is located. Before that, accumulate an army and block everything with towers.

The enemy base is located in the very center of the island on two hills. It is fortified with many towers, so it will not be easy to break it. But don't get carried away: there is a virus in the enemy's Headquarters, so this building cannot be destroyed in any case, but you just need to capture it. As soon as you do this, find General "a.

Now build Telepad and Guard Carrier. Bring General to the base and send it to the teleporter.

Mission 12 - No Room To Hide

The mission will immediately begin with an attack on you. Fight it off and quickly start repairing and building the base. Under constant pressure from the enemy, this will not be easy.

There are three rises to your mound: in the northwest, in the northeast and in the southwest. Opposite the first two are small enemy construction bases, and opposite the third is the main one. From them, raids will be made.

Try to protect yourself from all sides as quickly as possible and start accumulating strength. Deal with the northeast group first. Having done this, bring energy there. A bridge can be built across the river - there are three wells on the other side. They should be captured. But do not get too carried away with the expansion to the south - you can run into the enemy, and you do not need this yet.

Having done all this, take on the northwestern region. There, on two islands, there is a small base (like the one you have already destroyed) and two factories. Destroy them.

Now you have to break up a small group located between the southwestern hill (where the main base of the enemy is located) and the lake into which the river flows.

Having done this, step back and prepare for the final blow. After collecting a strong army, move it to the hill and climb up, then move west. The first to fall under your hot hand is a lonely plant. After its explosion, move further to the west, there you will find the enemy base. Destroy her.


First mission - Skeleton Crew

You found yourself in the desert abandoned to the mercy of fate. So let's get to work.

In this mission you have to destroy the enemy base with limited forces.

Combine the soldiers into a group, leaving only Infestor "a, and head northwest, there is a Power Plant and a bunch of soldiers. You can deal with them easily, but be careful: a few more people will come running from the main base, they will certainly deliver you a lot Deal with the power plant and go south to the main base.There will be a tower in front of it, but do not be afraid of it, without energy it will not scare you.Blow up the tower and all other buildings, and you will complete the mission.

Second mission - Round About

In this mission, you must destroy the enemy.

Immediately explore the well and rebuild the base.

You have access to: buildings - Main Plant, Power Plant, Colony, Refinery, Headquaters; infrastructure - Umbilical, Energy Beacon; soldiers - Drone, Heavy Drone, Powered Drone; combat vehicles - Scout.

Be sure to fence off with energy walls.

The enemy base is in the middle of the map. You can go there by moving either to the west or to the north. In any case, on your way you will meet a tower. But in the north there is still a strong group with a small class robot. So choose the first path. Attack the tower only with cyborgs.

Once at the base, you will immediately stumble upon power plants. By destroying them, you will deprive the enemy of most of the energy. Move between buildings, destroying only units and power stations. Find the tower and blow it up. Then move on to other buildings. After blowing up all the buildings and killing the soldiers, comb the northern part of the map and destroy the remaining troops.

Third mission - Queen's Arrival

The task is standard - to destroy enemy buildings and units.

You will have many new items: Weapons Plant, Autocannon Tower, Rocket Tower, Drone Leader, Hive Attacker.

I will say right away - forget the well in the southeast right away. Although it is rich in resources, the situation in this area is unsafe - the enemy is too close.

Start building your base in the north. Do not be alarmed that there is no well for the plant nearby, it will appear in a few seconds. However, the stocks are so small that you will need at least one more plant. Explore the plateau in the south - and you will find the well you need.

The enemy base is located to the east of you. It is located between mountains. There is only one way to the base: through the canyon to the southeast, then to the northeast. Yes, and it will be well protected by towers and soldiers.

Protect your base well and advance through the canyon. It would be highly desirable to capture a well at a fork in the canyon. Build another line of defense here. It's time for a decisive blow. Collect tanks and soldiers and move to the base.

Mission 4 - Queen Awakens

So, you landed on an icy plain in order to completely defeat the enemy once again.

In this mission, you will have two new buildings - Armor Plant and Semiconductor Plant, an Infestor soldier and a Hornet robot. In addition, you will learn how to build bridges.

The enemy is located in the northeast.

Start developing, but do not forget about defensive structures, the enemy will often send you small units. You can approach it from land (bypassing from the north) and from water (by building bridges on one of the islands on the river). It is better to attack from land: although this passage is closed by towers, it will still be easier to break through to the base through it than from the water.

Arm your Hornets with Hive Attackers and head north. Destroy the enemy's defensive line and build your own. Now accumulate forces to strike at the enemy plant, located a little to the southeast on the river bank. By destroying it, you equalize the amount of materials you and the computer extract. Now gather a really large group and attack the base to the east of the place where the factory was.

Fifth mission - Sand Castles

So, you are back on the battlefield. Your goal in the mission is to destroy enemy Headquaters and factories.

You will have the Meson Tower and the Hive Destroyer.

The enemy base is located in the southeast, and Headquaters is located to the north of it.

Explore the area to the east of you and find two wells. Start building your base. Close the approach between the two hills to the base with several towers, preferably machine guns and mesons. Having done this, you can safely develop further.

Now let's move on to the tasks. The first is to follow the order regarding the factories. There are two of them, and they are located at the main base, east of the southern well. Two passages there are covered by towers and troops. Try to accumulate a stronger army, be sure to include artillery installations in it, and you will cope with the fortifications without any problems, and the base itself too.

After the end of this "disassembly", take a short "vacation". Calmly accumulate forces and only then move to Headquaters. For complete satisfaction, destroy the entire northern enemy grouping to the last submachine gunner.

Mission 6 - Snowstorm

In this mission, you will again have to destroy the Mercs.

You have Telepad and Migrator. In Telepad, you can repair heavy equipment.

The nefarious Merc "and are located in the northeast, northwest and southwest. All three bases are well fortified, so you will not be able to quickly break them.

As always, rebuild your base and protect it from intruders with towers. It would be nice to immediately scout the area in the west and build a defensive line between the lake and the edge of the map - this way you will be left alone with the northeastern base.

Now start destroying the enemy on your bank of the river, and colonize the territory along the way. This way you will capture another well near the landing site and two in the north.

It's time to finish off the enemies in your territory. The base is not very well fortified, and besides, it is almost completely isolated, so it will not be difficult to destroy it. Capture empty wells.

You can rest a little, and then proceed to the extermination of the southwestern group. There is only one passage there - between the hills. The base is also not particularly secure.

The most important base in the very northwestern corner remained for "dessert". It is quite large, but with your material base you can destroy even more.


Mission 7 - Thieves

Hooray! Finally, you got a difficult mission. The task in this mission will be difficult, namely: you have to rebuild your base in 45 minutes and, having put together a decent army, go to enemy territory. There you must find and kill some Raider Bosses. After 45 minutes, the enemy will build a Telepad, and the Raider Bosses will evacuate from the battlefield. The whole difficulty of this mission is that you have to keep within 45 minutes.

Move quickly south from the landing site and, after finding the well, build a base next to it. Don't think about defense and churn out attacking units.

The base with Raider Bosses is in the southwest of the map, on the other side of the river (don't worry, there is a bridge), but before you go there, head north and defeat a small squad (you know its location - there are still a few of your soldiers stationed there) , so that when attacking, he does not hit your base from the rear. Don't go for empty wells - you have no time for them.

Having accumulated a more or less decent army, move it towards the enemy. It does not have particularly strong fortifications, but considering that you will have to attack with not very strong units, they will seem too cool to you. Your victory will also be facilitated by a new unit - Mantis. Stick at least a couple of these things in your squad, and you can relax a little.

Mission 8 - Lost Souls

It's good that after such a frantic rush you can relax. You ended up on the island and almost completely alone, there are only four enemy soldiers on it.

There are enemy islands next to your island. Your opponent will have two bases: in the northwest and southeast, and not far from the center of the map there is a large military group.

But there will be more good in this mission than bad. You will have, firstly, Chassis Plant, and secondly, two new units - Digger and Queen.

Build your base calmly and don't forget about those four daredevils on your island. Capture all the wells on your island and throw a bridge over the river from its southern part. On this island, capture another well. The bridge to the territory of the enemy, which you will build from a small island, fortify with towers. Accumulate strength to hit the mobile group in the center of the map.

After this "Prokhorov battle" (remember the Great Patriotic War?), finish off the factory in the southwestern corner of the map with the remnants of the troops. It's time to lay siege to the northwestern base. There is only one passage - through the bridge, fortified with towers. This attack, perhaps, will cause you significant moral and material losses. Finally leave the southeast base. When you start attacking, pay attention to the two bridges coming up to her. One of them is a little to the west, the other is a little to the east. It is better to blow up the second one, in no case do not go through it to the base, because. it is twice as strong.

Mission 9 - Small Problem

The title of the mission clearly understates its meaning. Like it or not, the enemy base occupies a quarter of the map for sure. It is located in the northeast.

A bridge connects your island with the enemy's island. In addition, there are islands with wells for factories in the north and southeast. Yours will have two.

Unfortunately, you will not see anything new in this mission.

The action plan is this. Quickly send your soldiers to destroy the bridge on your island. Now calmly develop and do not forget about enemy novelties - bombers.

Concoct a small army, build a bridge to the northern island and destroy the bridge connecting it with the territory of the enemy, then populate the island. Do the same with the other empty island. Thus, you will gain an advantage over the enemy in the extraction of material.

Now we are preparing the troops for the attack. Its size is directly proportional to the size of the enemy base, i.e. very big.

You have to choose - to strike from two sides (and on one of them you will meet serious resistance) or from one. If you chose the first option, then divide the army into two groups, place them on your southwestern and southeastern islands. Restore bridges, cover with towers, and throw troops into battle in two directions at once. If you like the second option, then do not divide anything, but simply restore the bridge on the southeastern island and attack the base from the south.

Mission 10 - Disappearing

You again found yourself in a place familiar to you - between a mountain range and a river.

In this mission, you will mainly have to defend. Therefore, put more towers and stronger.

The enemy base is in the northeast. Below on a small island are a factory and a power plant. By destroying them, you will make your task a little easier, because the enemy will receive a third less materials.

But even in this vile situation, you will have reason to rejoice. The fact is that Propulsion Plant, Hover Pad, as well as a flying combat vehicle - Wasp will become available for construction. The latter will make your task a little easier, but you shouldn't flatter yourself too much about him, put your main hopes on a huge number of tanks and robots.

But first things first. Develop your base first and defend it. Build another factory nearby. Now carefully move north along the river bank and supply energy. When you reach the "end" of the river, start building a wall of towers to the north and a little to the east (saying geographical language, to the north-northeast). You must reach another similar river. You've got a defensive line. Explore everything west of this line and build on the two open wells.

Now, as always, we accumulate forces and move them in the direction of the above-mentioned plant and power plant. Destroy them simply.

Once again stepping on the mainland, go to the eastern edge of the map, then north to the base. By the way, there is another passage between the rocks - much to the north. It is well guarded, but if you have a very large army, you can use it too.

Eleventh mission - En Masse

And again, before your eyes, the familiar landscape, and in your head the usual goal for the upcoming mission - complete destruction.

In this mission, you will have two new items: it will be possible to build additional Main Plant, as well as Drone Pod.

Mountains separate you from the enemy, which will allow you to place several towers near the approach to your base.

The enemy will have one large base in the northwest and one small one in the southwest. And the only pass between the mountains in western part cards are protected by a strong group.

Explore the surrounding area, find two wells and capture them. There are two more wells in the northeast corner (one is located on an island where you can build a bridge).

Now accumulate strength and move along the mountain range to the north. There you will find this single passage. Deal with the troops guarding it, and put a few towers in their place. Replenish the army and move to the southwest, to a small base between the hill and the creek. It won't take long to destroy it, while you build reinforcements. Gather troops and move them along the western edge of the map to the north - you will climb the hill, where you will destroy the plant without hindrance. It's time to go down into the canyon and finish off the enemy main base.

Mission 12 - Frigid End

Finally the final. Alas, this is really the last mission in the company for Scorp "s. It will not seem easy to you.

The enemy is very well fortified, individual buildings are guarded not only by towers, but also by strong units. The enemy has more forces and materials. The second one is especially disappointing. The enemy has already built four (!) bases: the main one in the northwestern corner, two industrial ones in the south of the main one, and also one industrial-defensive one a little to the west of you.

Peace, only peace! Scout nearby territories, but do not go far to the south and west. You must find three wells. Now build a base on the hill, near two of them.

Accumulate forces and move them to the south - there is an enemy grouping. After destroying it, you can safely capture another well in the southeast corner.

Now build a bigger army and move through the labyrinths between the mountains. Thus, you will come across a ridge stretching from south to north. Almost to the very north of it there is a small passage. Here you will receive a very warm welcome. After finishing with this base, bring energy, capture the wells and build a defensive line. Replenish the army with new recruits and move further along the labyrinth.

You will find another ridge, with a passage to the south. He, of course, was also blocked. Destroy the fortifications and build your line of defense on this place with a teleporter for faster recuperation.

It's time to deal with the main part of the enemy industry, namely the three factories in the southwest. They are well guarded, so you will have to put in some effort. Finally, destroy the main darken stronghold in the northwest. The only approach to it is from the south.

Finally, think over every move, a mistake can cost you dearly.


First mission - Do Or Die

Well, let's deal with the campaign for the last of the races - the Merks. In the first mission, you need to complete the simplest task - to destroy the enemy.

To do this, you are given the following objects: buildings - Main Plant, Power Plant, Colony, Refinery, Umbilical, Energy Beacon and soldiers - Raider and Heavy Raider.

Immediately after the start of the mission, scout the area to the south - there is a well. Build all the buildings, but don't worry about defending the base - the soldiers will handle it. It is on them that all the extracted resources should be spent. Build machine gunners and grenade throwers equally, then divide your entire army into two groups - large and small. The small one will remain to protect your possessions, and the large one will become an invading army.

The enemy is in the west, but you should not go to him shortcut- A machine gun tower awaits you, which will crumble your soldiers into pieces of meat in seconds. And you need to act as Barmaley said: "Normal heroes always go around." Move first to the south, then to the west, and you will come out to the enemy base where you are not really expected. But in vain!

Second mission - Out Of The Frying Pain

And again the enemy does not allow you to admire the beautiful nature. Set up, you know, bases. Well, people will have to arrange a little dirty trick, namely, to infect the following buildings with a virus on a large base: Main Plant, Refinery, Weapons Plant and Headquarters. But this is not so easy to do - you will be interfered with by troops from a small base on your river bank. It is best to destroy them before the bridge over the river is organized and your technicians appear (which, by the way, cannot be lost).

Immediately after the start of the mission, move south - there you will find a well. Build a base. You will have the Headquarters building and Powered Raider soldiers. The latter will have to form the basis of your offensive army.

But while it is worth taking care of the defense - soon the enemy will appear and a massive attack will begin with the use of tanks. It will be hard to fight back, but if possible, build cyborgs and grenade launchers and send them in groups to the enemy. There is only one way to its northern base - bypassing the mountain. Try to finish it in ten minutes. If it works out, then there will be no special problems with the implementation of the main task. Your technicians will arrive, and the enemy will build a bridge.

Repulse the attack of a small contingent and, having accumulated strength, move across the bridge. Machine gun turrets are waiting for you there - deal with them, and the way for technicians is open.

Third mission - Conquered Hero

The most common mission. Just destroy the enemy and go to rest.

First, scout the surrounding area and build a base near the well.

In this mission, you will have many new items, namely: Armor Plant, Autocannon Tower, Rocket Tower, Raider Boss soldier and Light Cannon tank.

Defend your base with more towers of both types and start producing tanks and infantry.

The enemy base is in the southeast, but there is still a fairly large group of troops. It should be dealt with first. It is best to lure her with a couple of tanks to your defensive structures.

When it's done with, unite your invasion army and go south - there is an enemy on the hill. Having a good supply of strength, you will not torment him for long. Just in case, keep in mind that there is another well in the northeast corner of the map especially for you.

Fourth mission - Smokin'

So we got to the main base of people. Now they will dance!

There is only one goal - the complete destruction of people.

You can build Weapons Plant, Semiconductor Plant, Bridge, Battle Trek Robot and Android Soldier.

Your base is located in the southeast corner of the map, the enemy is located in the opposite. In addition, he has a small storage base far north of you. She will be your first target.

After building the base and protecting it a little, start the production of tanks and robots. Strengthen the built army with infantry. Now north. You will encounter small enemy groups along the way, but they shouldn't pose much of a threat.

Having defeated the enemy, leave this grouping for a while, and build another one at the base. Bring it to the northwestern edge of the map, but not quite close - you should not be seen by the enemy.

Now move the first group along the shore of the lava bay, and you will stumble upon the enemy defenses. Naturally, people will send all their forces to repel this attack, while you strike from behind. In addition to the towers, nothing and no one will interfere with you.

Fifth mission - Forgiven

A very simple mission. You need to destroy two enemy Titan Crawlers on the way from one base to another.

You are located in the center of the northern part of the map on a hill.

One enemy base (from which the Titan Crawler will move) is in the northwest corner, the second (destination) is in the southeast. The road connects the two bases, along which the convoy will move.

Your goal is to quickly build a base and block the road.

In this mission, you will have a Meson Tower and a Heavy Cannon.

When you have completely built the base, scout out where the road passes. Now, with the help of beacons, we conduct energy there and block the road with a group of machine-gun and meson towers (four pieces each). It remains to calmly wait for the appearance of Titan Crawlers and only extract resources to repair the towers, which will be constantly attacked.

Mission 6 - Retribution

It's also a pretty easy mission. The usual goal is the complete destruction of the enemy.

They will give you Telepad and Transmat in this mission.

Initially, you are on the island, there is also a small enemy base. In addition, there is a main base to the south of you, on the mainland, as well as two industrial bases to the west and southeast.

Build a base, and for now you can do without protection. Concoct about five robots and deal with the plant and the towers protecting it on your island. Now explore the island completely. Take over an empty well.

You have the opportunity to build bridges in three places: one is closer to the northwestern corner of the map, the second is slightly south in the same course of the river, and the third is near the former enemy base. Build the first and third and fortify them with towers.

Now accumulate troops and take the enemy by storm. Destroy the western industrial base first, then the southeastern one, and finally destroy the main one by attacking from two sides.

Mission 7 - Deep Freeze

And again, darkens interfere with your progress. We'll have to destroy them.

Build a base and lightly defend it with towers. You can also capture the well south of the landing site. You are fenced off from the rest of the world by a series of lakes, between which there are small passages. Scout their shores, but don't go far.

Just south of two small lakes there is an enemy factory. Destroy it, since it does not require much effort to do so. You can build your factory here. If you do, put Telepad at the same time and protect it all with towers.

Now save up your strength and do not forget about the new product - War Walker "ah.

The enemy is located to the west of you on two hills. It will be very difficult to take it: first you need to deal with the southern part of the base, and only then take on the northern part, because. the only way to get there is between the hills, and to go there is tantamount to suicide.

Accumulate more forces and move to the southwestern corner of the map, and from there to the north - you will come to the ascent to the top. Having dealt with the base, drive artillery installations to the northern edge of the hill - sometimes they manage to destroy a number of enemy buildings on another hill. Now understaff the army and forward - into the ill-fated passage, then at the end of it to the hill, destroying everything in its path to victory.

Mission 8 - Best Served Cold

You have finally reached the main darken stronghold. It is located on the islands in the northern part of the map.

But do not think about her yet, but take care of yourself. The fact is that the entire lower part of the map is a mountain range, in which there are only four wells and very little free space to build a base. Two wells are located in a small valley, in which you will need to build a base.

Lead your group along the canyon to the east, and you will find yourself in a small valley that diverges into three more canyons - to the northwest, northeast and southeast. You need a second one. Move along it and, having destroyed a small group of soldiers, you will come out to the treasured valley. Quickly build a base and defend with at least some towers.

By the way, in this mission you will have Chassis Plant and huge robots Widow Maker and Colossus. They will help you a lot in this and subsequent missions.

Now, from the valley, as a commander, scout the area in the north of the base (i.e., on the surrounding plateau). Build a beacon there, Telepad and protect it all with towers. Make this Telepad your main building site and start building an army.

Having accumulated decent forces, reconnoiter the coastline in the north. You can build a bridge there. Bring energy to this place, fortify with towers, build a bridge and start the invasion.

It may not work the first time - the enemy is very strong. The main thing is not to miss his counterattacks. The main buildings are located on a large island located to the northwest of the place where you infiltrated the enemy territory.

In parallel with the offensive, supply energy and build towers so as not to lose the conquered positions.

In the final stage of the attack, when the main base is destroyed, throw the bridge to a small island in the north - there are several enemy power stations. If the mission is still not completed after the islands are completely cleared, comb the entire array. It's long, but what can I do...

Mission 9 - Nemesis

Well, here you are left alone with the scorpions. And of course, they will not escape your wrath.

In this mission, you have to start their defeat by destroying the enemy in this energy-rich area.

You find yourself on an island completely isolated from the world. But it's even good. Build a base and occupy both wells. Don't worry too much about defense. When you develop enough, build a bridge to the west. In general, you can build another bridge to the east, but it's worth doing a little later. Let's look at the west first.

After throwing the bridge, scout the area around. When you find a well, stop exploring and, after supplying energy with the help of beacons, build a factory and protect the narrow passage with towers.

Now let's deal with the enemy in the west. Before building a bridge, just in case, build a few towers nearby, and also accumulate an army. Build a bridge and lead your army to the other side. There, deal with the enemy grouping, and also destroy the bridge in the south. Colonize this island too. Now you have six wells.

Having accumulated more forces, restore the bridge and attack the base in the south. If you want, destroy the bridge thrown from this island to the east, but it's better to quickly sum up the energy and put up a few towers.

Now from the island on which you occupied three wells, throw the bridge to the east. Armed well, start attacking the two defended factories in this area. The enemy has a main base in the southeast corner. Take her by storm.

Mission 10 - Paranoia

Well, it's already boring. Again, you need to destroy the enemy.

True, this boredom can be a little dispelled by new items: Propulsion Plant, Hoverpad and Fighter.

The enemy is positioned to the west, south and southwest of where you landed.

Build a base, defend it, and then start economic expansion - there are two free wells in the west. Grab them under you. Throw the bridge to the island in the south - there is another well there.

Now build a more powerful army and move it to the west - to the enemy base. Destroy it and capture the empty well. Another one is located on the isthmus between the lakes. Place a Telepad next to this well and build an army. Don't forget about defense.

Having accumulated enough strength, move to the southeast. There, not far from the edge of the map, there is a small contingent of the enemy, and a little to the south-west of this place there is an enemy factory and an empty well. You can capture them.

Now accumulate a really strong army and move it to the southwest of the map - there is the main base of the enemy.

Eleventh mission - Rescue Raider

Finally some variety. It is necessary to save the captured Raiders from captivity and send them somewhere using a teleporter.

You are dropped off near the northeast corner of the map.

The enemy base with captured soldiers is in the opposite corner. In addition, the enemy has another industrial base located to the west of the landing site.

At the beginning of the mission, move to the very northeast corner. There will be a well. Build a base around it. By the way, in this mission, additional Main Plants, as well as Transport, become available to you. In addition to the well that you occupied, there is another one near your landing site. After lining up, build up an army.

Now it's worth dealing with the enemy industry. Withdraw troops from the canyons to the plain and move west - you will stumble upon a small base that needs to be destroyed. Then move to the northwest and scout this corner of the map - there are two enemy factories there.

Again we gather our forces and move to the southwest, where we destroy the enemy base on two hills. The necessary Raiders are located there. We build Transport and Telepad for them, then with the help of the first we deliver them to the second.

Mission 12 - Conclusion

The very last mission, and quite difficult and long to complete. The goal is to completely eradicate the enemy. And he will defend himself desperately.

You will not get anything new, because. everything is already stolen ... sorry, invented.

The main thing in the mission is to capture as many wells as possible and build more cloning centers so that any costs do not cause you a crisis in the economy. Fortunately, this is not very difficult to do - soon there will be so many wells on the map that there will not be enough fingers on your hands to count them.

In general, in the archipelago, where they will deploy fighting, there are four large islands in the middle of each side of the map and many smaller ones. You are located in the south, the enemy has bases in the north and east and a contingent of troops in the west.

Build a base and, having accumulated strength, throw a bridge to this last island. Destroy the enemy, as well as the bridge built by him. Calmly settle in this island, as well as three islets in the southwestern corner. Here you already have one more plant.

Now take care of the base on the eastern island. There are two ways to get there: restore the bridge you destroyed or build two bridges on the islands in the southeast corner. You decide. In any case, after destroying the base, blow up the bridge to the northern island.

Colonize all the occupied territory and accumulate strength and resources. Take the main base in pincers. Having brought troops to the eastern and western islands, build several towers near the places where you are going to build bridges.

Now take care of the bridges themselves, cross the river with both groups and invade the territory of the northern island. After that, you will have a long duel with the enemy. Constantly bring reinforcements - your powerful economy will allow it. Gradually, you will destroy the enemy troops, and all that remains is to watch the buildings explode and revel in the glory of the great hero.

Number of players (and optimal): 2-4 (2-4)
Difficulty of mastering: moderate
Preparation time: up to 5 minutes
Party time: up to 1 hour

Greetings, Your Majesty!

Yes, you, like a long line of your ancestors, are the monarch, the sole ruler of a small cozy kingdom in the land of rivers and evergreen forests. But there is a significant difference between your ancestors and you: you are full of hopes and dreams! You need a bigger and more comfortable kingdom, you acutely feel the lack of rivers, and in the forests you would like a greater variety of tree and shrub species. You need dominion! You will have to try to make the surrounding freeholds, fiefs and fiefs, these patches of land, woefully ruled in half by petty and untalented landlords, take the gifts of civilization from your hands and unite into a powerful state under your banners.

Such a lyrical introduction, set out at the very beginning of the game rules, anticipates an acquaintance with the Dominion game. Actually, as soon as these lines are read, you can safely forget about the game plot and any hints of a small plot. Before us is a game, the action of which could unfold anywhere and anytime. This game is not about the Middle Ages and not about a desperate struggle for power. This is a game about visually following the principle of Occam's Razor, as well as about the work of Hercule Poirot's favorite "gray cells". You are disappointed? Intrigued? Do not rush to conclusions. Now let's figure everything out.

House of cards
The similarity of "Dominion" with collectible card games (hereinafter referred to as CCG) is noticeable to the naked eye - they are hidden in a large cardboard box exclusively 500 cards. Of course, their names and purposes are the most diverse: kingdom cards are the main resource of the game and basically allow you to manipulate your deck, victory cards are an indicator of points scored during the game, and treasure cards are needed to acquire all other cards, although they themselves are purchased for the same "currency". Add to this curse cards, which are used to poison the lives of opponents, and special blank cards, whose only use is to replace lost brethren.

If you play a lumberjack card this turn,
sawing gold will bring two extra coins!

The differences from TCGs lie in the main idea of ​​the game - there is no need to try to build a super deck that kills the enemy on the second move - all players start the game on an equal footing, and only the right tactics for acquiring and playing certain public cards can ensure victory. The price of a mistake in such conditions is quite high - an incorrectly chosen strategy at the start can lead to difficulties in the late game, and a fatal oversight in the pre-final race can cost you the victory in the game.

The moves of the players proceed very quickly and consist of three textbook phases. Here they are:

  • Action phase, in which players lay out action cards from the deck and receive pluses corresponding to one or another card;
  • Acquisition phase, during which players spend the cash resources they have on hand to expand their deck with new cards:
  • Clearing phase- a phase during which unplayed cards are added to those played from the hand this turn, and a new hand of five cards is drawn.

    most expensive card
    kingdoms in game - adventurer

    A triumph is awarded to the player who has the most victory cards in his deck at the end of the game - completely useless during the game, but the only important ones when it comes to determining the winner. This rule is the most important principle of the game, dictating the only correct approach, familiar to all CCG lovers: the deck should be of the minimum size and contain the maximum number of useful cards. The unique feature of the Dominion is that at the moment when there are no more cards left in the deck, the player forms a new one from the cards lying in the discard pile, which means that the same card can come in the course of the game an almost unlimited number of times. It is in the ability to correctly compose your deck (read - choose the correct ratio of kingdom cards, victory cards and treasure cards) that lies the secret of great deeds.

    Need more gold!
    After several games in Dominion, despite all the variety of tactics and the element of chance, the understanding comes that the potential of the game is by no means 100% revealed. Indeed, the original Dominion is most similar to the base set in collectible card games - no mind-blowing mechanics and complex strategies, the triumph of a naked idea, and nothing more. Of course, the developers also understood this, and therefore a decent number of additions have already been released for the game in the West. In the meantime, we are waiting for their official appearance on the Russian market, let's get to know them better:

    Dominion: Intrigue (2009) is a standalone add-on that allows you to increase the maximum number of players at one table to six people and includes many new cards, including special Decision Cards.

    Dominion: Seaside (2009) - an add-on that requires the original "Dominion" or Intrigue. As the title suggests, this issue is dedicated to the sea and its role in the life of a medieval port city. In addition to the new Kingdom Cards, this set also contains special Duration Cards that are active during the opponent's turn.

    Dominion: Alchemy (2010) is a small expansion that requires one of the game's "big" releases. "Alchemy" develops the theme of pseudo-scientific research, which should lead the player to victory. The set traditionally contains a new kind of cards - Potion Cards.

    Dominion: Prosperity (2010) is a full-blown, but still non-self-contained add-on dedicated to the role of, ahem, wealth in the gameplay.

    Dominion: Cornucopia (scheduled for 2011) is another small expansion that should feature an emphasis on card combinations and a variety of rewards for obtaining those combinations.

    How do I get to the library?
    Already something, but the variety of tactics "Dominion" does not hold. Various types of kingdom cards are responsible for it, of which there are more in the game box than takes part in each game. Thus, nothing prevents players from getting comfortable with basic sets offered for beginners by the authors, and then try out more sophisticated layouts that involve more complex tactics and an increased degree of intensity of the struggle.

    Lone thief. Mage and Warrior
    not delivered to Dominion

    Despite the previously mentioned lack of any kind of plot, the names of the cards fit well with the mechanics of their action. For example, forge allows you to "forge" an additional three cards from the deck, market adds a little bit of everything, and militia forces opponents to fold, while enriching the owner with extra gold for purchases. Fans of a variety of game styles - from unbridled aggression to peaceful acquisitiveness - will be satisfied, there is room for any approach.

    It is interesting: dominion - in the days of the former British Empire: a self-governing state that was part of this empire and dependent on it in its domestic and foreign policy (Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary).

    Win-win lottery
    After a certain number of games in Dominion, one involuntarily asks the question: is there a single strategy for winning? Still, here everyone is on equal starting conditions, and the variations of the kingdom cards available on the table are finite. The correct answer is yes, there is such a strategy. Astute players will guess after a few rounds that the most easy way score many, many victory points - buy the most expensive cards provinces at 8 c.u. each. While rivals enthusiastically acquire “interesting action cards for trial”, cold-blooded strategists accumulate banknote cards of the maximum denomination in the deck, and if they have at least eight coins in their hand, they immediately acquire a province.

    However, despite the reliability of this approach, the variability of the gameplay cannot be put an end to. In battles between equally experienced opponents, each player closely monitors the actions of others and on the fly changes his strategy in such a way as to get the greatest benefit, and at the same time harm the most fortunate neighbors.

    Fun 2 out of 3
    advantages: the formula "easy to learn, hard to master" is quite applicable here
    limitations: the fascination of the game party strongly depends on the level of opponents
    Interaction 3 of 3
    advantages: both harming opponents and defending against their machinations is extremely interesting
    limitations: not found
    Working out 3 of 3
    advantages: game mechanics worked out at the highest level
    limitations: not found
    Atmosphere 1 of 3
    advantages: the features of a particular card go well with its name
    limitations: the medieval atmosphere in the game is present only conditionally
    Quality 2 out of 3
    advantages: the game box is perfect for storing cards
    limitations: ascetic map design, minor localization errors

    Verdict: An excellent tactical card game for sophisticated connoisseurs of the genre. Avid Magic players: The Gathering and just fans of thoughtful games should appreciate the fine balance and variable gameplay of Dominion. The lack of atmosphere can be attributed to the unwillingness of the authors to distract players from the main thing - the battle of wits.

    Supplement from mikeiva : - the name explains it quite well: a bunch of articles on the strategy of the game, it really helps to understand the basics and orient your brain in the right direction. For example, for beginners (I know from my own experience!) It is not at all obvious why Chapel is so cool, which experienced players called the most powerful card in the game. - online Dominion. Both against a computer opponent and against living people. But the latter must still be able to catch. Often there are a lot of people, but everyone plays :)