Where is Oblivion in the game? Great Soul Gem in Oblivion. Application and location. Loot storage in bones

To fans of the universe The Elder The Scrolls knows that since Morrowind, the loot you get in games is level-bound. This applies to both equipment items and potions, various ingredients, including soul stones. Therefore, in order to find great soul stones in Oblivion, where the same system works, some game nuances should be taken into account.

What are soul stones for?

Soul Stones are hard crystal-like formations used to capture the souls of various creatures and then use them to improve items and magically charge already improved ones. Capturing a soul into a stone is done using the "Soul Trap" spell of the School of Mysticism, using the corresponding scroll, as well as using a weapon stitched with this spell.

There are plenty of stones in the game, finding them is an integral part of the gameplay and does not cause any particular problems, however, one of the varieties that can contain the souls of the largest and most powerful creatures, such as Dremora and minotaur lords, is considered the most effective, respectively, and the search for great soul stones in "Oblivion" is more difficult than finding the smaller stones.

How to find great soul gems?

Oblivion uses a tiered trophy distribution system: it makes sense to look for the best stones only when the character reaches level 12, otherwise a large soul stone can only be obtained in battles (and even if you're lucky).

If the required level is still far away, and the stones are needed now (usually players need these stones when completing the quest "The Cure for Vampirism"), you will have to run through Cyrodiil, visiting cities, caves, mines and the countryside.

You can start from the ruins of Nornal, where the player will come across three of these stones. Not far from the ruins is the village of Drakelow, where the quest character Melisande lives. In the basement of her house, you can get hold of one empty stone. At the same time, it is worth going down into the mine, which is next to the village - there is a crystal there too. Going down to the south, to the mouth of the Kamyshovaya River, you need to find the entrance to the Triton Cave. After clearing the dungeon, the stone will be found among the trophies. It should be borne in mind that all these soul stones are generated only at one of the stages of the quest "Cure for Vampirism". At other times, you will have to look in other locations.

Regardless of quests and level bindings, great soul stones in Oblivion come across in the following places:

  • Imperial City. On the territory of the University of Magic in the Rooms of magicians and the Reception, you can find two empty stones.
  • From one of the merchants of the mystical Emporium, in the same Imperial City, you can buy or steal one stone.
  • Corrol. Among the items inside the Mages Guild are two more. Trades here magic items Angalmo - one stone is bought from him.
  • The rest of the stones can be obtained by simultaneously completing the quest "Entering the Mages Guild" and visiting the representative offices of this very guild in all cities: Leyawiin, Anvil, Bruma, Bravil and Cheydinhal.

Quest Items

There are two other types of stones that the game perceives as great. This is the Soul Tomato - an item found only in the Shivering Isles expansion and is unusable. As well as the Star of Azura, which the player receives after "Azura". The star is only suitable for white souls, but it does not disappear after use, being reusable.

Deliver the amulet.
The quest is surprisingly simple - find Brother Joffrey in Weynon Abbey south of Chorrol and give him the Amulet of Kings, handed to you by the unfortunate Uriel Septim. Joffrey lives on the second floor of the abbey and practically does not go anywhere, so finding him there will not be difficult.

Find an heir.
After you give Joffrey the Amulet of Kings, he will tell you about the emperor's illegitimate son, Martin, who is currently a monk in the temple city of Kwach. Since this son is the only heir of the Septims, and therefore the only person who can rekindle the extinguished Dragon Flame, it is up to you to find him and bring him to Joffrey as soon as possible. Sounds simple enough, right? However, upon arrival in Kvach, you will find that the city lies in ruins - the gates of Oblivion have opened in it and from them countless hordes of Daedra are marching on the poor inhabitants. Some managed to escape from the city in time, but, alas, Martin will not be among them. Ask around the refugees to find out that Martin has stayed in the city. They will also inform you that several guards, led by Captain Savlian Matius, are holding the line at the gates of Oblivion. The captain will automatically start a conversation with you as soon as you get close to him. He will say that Martin remained in the city and at the moment, most likely, is in the temple along with the rest of the surviving residents. After finishing the conversation with the captain, you can immediately rush to the city, make your way (or sneak) to the temple and find Martin. Alas, he will not at all burn with the desire to leave the city alone and leave the rest in trouble, and therefore, whether you like it or not, you will have to act as a savior and close the gates of Oblivion (see the quest "Free Kvach").

Free Quach.
This quest appears in your journal after talking with Savlian Matius and your task is to get through the gates of Oblivion and find a way to slam them shut from the inside. Inside you will find the last surviving soldier, Iland Voius, and you can either send him back to Matius or take him with you.

In Oblivion, your task is to get to the tower that is directly in front of you. Alas, the gates to it are slammed tightly and you will have to go around. Follow the road to the west (beware of poisonous trap plants on the roadsides). Eventually you will see a door to the Blood Feast. Go there. Follow your compass and exit the Bloody Meal Rooms into the Rending Halls, and through them to the second level of the Bloody Meal Rooms. From there, follow into the Corridors of Dark Salvation and back out into the open. Head across the bridge to Reapers Sprawl and at the very top you will find a caged Prisoner and Sigil Keeper. Kill him and take the Sigil Key. The prisoner in the cage will tell you how to slam the gate with the Sigil Stone. Now return to the Bloody Meal and follow the compass until you reach the Rune Portal. He will take you to the last floor, where you will only have to take the Sigil Stone. As soon as you have the Stone, the gates will slam shut, and you will find yourself at the gates of Kvach. Report to Captain Mattius.

The captain will ask you to help his soldiers free Kvach. Help lies in the fact that you will pass through the gates of the city and kill all the Daedra in the temple area. After the death of the last Daedra, you will have a new message in the journal. Follow the captain to the temple. There you can talk to Martin and he will finally agree to follow you to Weynon Abbey. (If Martin leaves the temple before you can talk to him, you will find him in the refugee camp.)

Battle for Castle Kvach.
Before you head to the abbey, you can help Captain Matius free the Count's captured castle from the Daedra. But when you, together with the captain, free the area in front of the castle, it turns out that the gates are slammed, and therefore you will have to go through the underground passage through the Guardian Tower to open the gate from the inside. The entrance to the underground tunnel is located in the cellars of the Temple, and the key to it is with the guard Beric Inian. Inian agrees to keep you company. Alas, he is not immortal, so if you fail to save him from death (and it is very, very difficult to do this, because the guard rushes headlong into any fight), then take the key from his body and move on. After going through the tunnel, you will come out into the courtyard of the castle. Open the gate and the captain with his soldiers will help you clear the yard from the Daedra, after which he will proceed to the castle. Inside, he will ask you to find Count Ormelius Goldwine. The count, alas, is killed (you will find the poor fellow in his bedroom), so take the signet ring from his body and report to Mattius.

Weynon Abbey.
This quest appears for you automatically after completing the Find an Heir quest. Escort Martin to the abbey and you will see that it is overrun with assassins. Leave Martin in a safe place and go inside where you will find Joffrey. Joffrey will express fear that the enemies managed to steal the Amulet of Kings. The amulet has indeed been stolen, so now it's up to you to escort Martin, along with Joffrey, to the Blades' hideout and develop a plan of action. The hideout is called Temple of the Cloud Ruler and is located north of Bruma (you might have stumbled upon it earlier if you have already completed the Lost Valley quest, the Temple is located a little west of the entrance to the Serpent's Trail cave).

Sunset Road.
Upon arrival at Cloud Ruler Temple, you will see a small scene between Martin, Joffrey, and the Blades. When you regain control of your hero, speak first with Martin and then with Joffrey. You will be offered to join the ranks of the Blades, after which you will immediately be given the following task: to find Captain Baurus, already familiar to you from the prologue, in the Elven Gardens in the capital. Baurus is sitting in a tavern. He will ask you to follow a certain gentleman, who in turn has been following the captain for some time. After that, Baurus will leave the room, the assassin will follow him, and you follow the assassin. The fight will begin very soon, and on the corpse of a spy you will find a strange book about the "Mystic Sunset". Baurus will share with you the information that he managed to get - the assassins who killed the emperor belong to the cult of a certain Merunos Dagon "Mystical Sunset". He will offer you to ask about the found book Tar-Menu at the University. From a conversation with Tar-Mena, you will learn that the leader of the cult is Mankar Camoran, and you can find out the location of their mysterious temple if you collect all four volumes of Mankor's books "Comments on the Mysterium Xarkes".

Tar-Mena will give you the first and second volumes. To find the other two, talk to First Edition Bookshop owner Phintias. Fintias does indeed have a third volume, but the book has already been paid for and is waiting for a buyer. Wait until a buyer named Gwinas appears and talk to him. If you say that the cult of the Mystic Sunset has something to do with the murder of the emperor, then he will give it to you without resistance. He will also inform you that the fourth volume can only be given to you by a cult member. Gwinas will offer to arrange a meeting between you and a certain Sponsor, a member of the Mystic Sunset.

Before leaving for the agreed meeting point, talk to Baurus. He will decide that it is better for you to go to the meeting together. Go to the appointed place - the sewer under the Elven Gardens. Assassins led by the Sponsor will attack you, and on the body of the Sponsor you will find the fourth volume you are looking for. Take the keys to the sewers from the corpse of one of the killers and go to the University to Tar-Men. She will ask you to return in a day for a more detailed study of the books. When you return at the specified time, Tar-Mena will tell you to look for the sign in the Green Road of the Emperor around 12 noon. At the specified time, a map with notes will appear on the crypt of Prince Camarril. Activate the card and you will have a new journal entry.

Go to Lake Arrius, where the marker on the map of the crypt pointed you, and you will find the caves, inside of which the temple you are looking for is located. The guard will let you inside, where you will be required to hand over all your personal belongings in order to become initiated into the cult. Don't do this - you still have to fight, and it's harder to do it in a completely undressed state with one dagger as a weapon. Kill all cult members. Their leader, Mankar Camoran, will flee from you to another dimension called Paradise, but you will find the Mysterium Xarkes. Take the book and go to Cloud Ruler Temple, where Joffrey will ask you to talk to Martin.

From a conversation with Martin, it will become clear to you that the Dragon Flame is a barrier that keeps the Daedra from invading, and that only one in whom Septim blood flows can kindle this Flame with the help of the Amulet of Kings. Mankar Caroman took the amulet with him, and Martin will ask you to give him time to study the Mysterium Xarques, from which he hopes to learn how to find Mankar's hideout. Meanwhile, Joffrey is concerned that suspicious strangers have been seen within the temple and will ask you to investigate the matter. He will advise you to speak with Captain Bird in Broome. If you question the Blades, one of them, Stefan, will point you to the place where he saw the alleged spies. Go there and kill them, then go to Bruma.

Captain Bird will tell you that he did not notice any strangers in Broome, but one of the locals named Girll recently returned from a trip. Go to Jirl's house. He and his accomplice will immediately attack you. On Jirl's corpse you will find the key to the basement, and in the basement you will find a note with the plans of the Mystic Sunset. Give the note to Joffrey and it will complete your quest.

Daedric blood.
Talk to Martin. He learned from the book that you need a Daedric artifact to open the portal to Camoran's hideout. Read the book "Modern Heretics" to find out where the temple of Azura is located, from which you can get the artifact you are looking for (see details in the Azura quest in Daedric quests). But you don't have to give Azura's artifact exactly - for Martin's plans, any Daedric artifact that you received / will receive for completing Daedra quests will do (for details, see the corresponding section). Choose the one that is least useful to you and give it to Martin.

Bruma Gate.
A gate to Oblivion has opened near Bruma. Since you already have experience in closing them, your task is to show the guards, led by Captain Bird, exactly how to do it. Go through the gate (purely for information - the captain is immortal, the rest of the guards are not). Enter the tower through the Bursting Chambers into the Dark Salvation Corridors, at the top you will find the Sigil Stone. Take it and you, along with the captain (and the surviving guards, if any of them managed to survive) will be moved back to the gates of Bruma. The captain will thank you and this will complete the quest.

Divine blood.
The next ingredient needed to open a portal to Paradise is the blood of a deity, namely Tiber Septim. To do this, you need to get the armor of Tiber Septim, located in his tomb under the ruins of Sancre Tor. The key to the entrance to Sancre Tor will be given to you by Joffrey. Inside you will find Blade ghosts (four in total). Kill them and it will free their souls. When you defeat the last Blade, follow him. The freed souls will destroy the barrier around Tiber Septim's tomb and you can take his armor. Return to Martin and give the armor to him.

The next ingredient you need is Great Welkynd Stone. Martin will inform you that the only place where you can get this item is the elven ruins of Miskarkand.
Miskarkand lies between Kvach and Skingard. To get to the second level, you need to press the button in the westernmost room of the first level. Clicking on it will open the gate and you can proceed further. The button that opens the way to the third level is located in the southern Hall.
The third level is the one where you will find the stone you are looking for. (The fake walls in this level drop if you pass through a certain area, so if you see a passage on the map but can't find it, just wander around for a while). But before you can claim it, you'll have to fight the Great King of Miskarkand. After his death, take the key to Miskarkand and go back along the passage from which the King appeared. The passage will lead you almost to the very exit from the ruins to the first level. Return to Martin with the Stone.

Allies for Bruma.
This quest is not required to complete the main storyline, but it is closely related to her, and if you complete it, it will help you in your next quest, Bruma's Defense. You must convince the rulers of the other cities (Imperial City, Leyawiin, Kvach, Chorrol, Anvil, Cheydinhal, Bravil, and Skingard) to send Bruma aid. All conversations with the rulers will follow the same scenario - they cannot help Bruma while their own fiefdom is under threat. Therefore, you must go to Oblivion through the Oblivion gates near each city (with the exception of Kvach - if you have already completed the Battle for Castle Kvach quest, Captain Matius will agree to send his soldiers to Bruma without additional conditions) and close them. After that, the rulers will agree to send part of their guards to Bruma. You can also talk about helping Bruma in the Guilds you are a member of.

Defense of Bruma.
The last ingredient Martin needs is the Large Sigil Stone. Unfortunately, unlike regular Sigil stones, this stone can only be obtained if the Great Oblivion Gate opens. Countess Valga, although reluctantly, will agree to dangerous experiment- let the Great Gate at Bruma open. Speak to the Countess when you're ready and follow Martin outside the city gates. If you completed the quest "Allies for Bruma", then the sent help will be waiting for you there, if not, you will have to rely only on yourself, the Blades and the Bruma soldiers.
In order for the Great Gate to open, the three regular ones must first open. Your task is to make sure that the marching Daedra do not kill Martin, he is not immortal (like the rest of the defenders). After the Big Gate opens, go inside. You have 13 minutes to find the Great Sigil Stone, or the Daedric Destruction Machine will come out of the gate and it will all be over.
Inside you will find four towers connected by bridges. Follow the marker on the map and enter the nearest tower, the World Destroyer Guardian. Proceed up and go across the bridge to another tower with the same name, from where you can exit to another bridge connecting the Guardian with the main tower - the World Destroyer. The bridge is broken, so you'll have to jump (Good acrobatics or Jack the Jumper's boots will make it easier.)
Locked gates are opened by a lever nearby. Go inside the Tower, exit the main hall into the Vaults of End Times, follow the marker through them and go back to the tower. The door leading to the room with the Large Soul Gem will be locked, so stock up on a lockpick or a spell. Open the door, take the Stone, and you will find yourself at the gates of Bruma. Give the Stone to Martin and go with him to the Temple of the Ruler of the Clouds.

Now that you've got everything you need, Martin can open a portal to Paradise. Talk to him when you're ready. (After entering Paradise, you will not be able to return back until you complete your mission.) After that, step into the portal he opened.
Inside Paradise, follow the rocky path and at the same time listen to the speech of Mankar Camoran, who paints his genius and greatness. The path will lead you to the Flooded Grotto, where you will meet a Dremora named Katutet. He will offer you help if you, in turn, help him free Xivilai imprisoned in the cave. He will mark "Anaxes' Lair" on your map, where you will find the prisoner. Free it by activating the ropes that hold the giant rock in place and return to Katutet. From him you will receive Bracers of the Chosen One and can now enter the Forbidden Grotto.
In the Forbidden Grotto, Mankara's deputy Eldamil, who is disappointed in his master, will offer his help to you, having learned what the so-called Paradise really is. Follow his plan and pretend to be his prisoner. Once you're caged (don't worry, the lava won't touch you), it will rise high enough for you to escape through its back door. Eldamil will also remove Bracers of the Chosen from you. After that, follow on until you go back to the expanses of Paradise and find the Mankara Palace. Mankar will make another speech, after which you will have to fight him and his bodyguards. (Small warning - the bodyguards will revive even if you kill them, so focus on Mankar himself). Once he is killed, search his corpse as soon as possible - you have very little time before you find yourself back in Martin's room. (You will still have the Amulet of Kings even if you don't manage to get it, but on the corpse of Mankar you can find very valuable items for personal use.) Give Martin the Amulet of Kings and go with him to the Imperial City.

Ignite the Dragon Flame.
In the Imperial City, proceed to the Council of Elders chambers in the palace. During a conversation between Martin and Chancellor Okato, a message will come up that the capital has been attacked. Now your task is to guide Martin to the Temple of the One through the hordes of Daedra led by Merunos Dagon personally. If you find yourself unable to keep Martin from dying during the battle, try the following tactic: run to the Temple as soon as possible without engaging in combat and enter it. Martin will automatically be next to you. Inside the Temple, Martin will speak to you and you can watch a great final cutscene.

Imperial Dragon Armor.
For your efforts in favor of Cyrodiil, Chancellor Okato will commission the Imperial Dragon Armor for you, an honor that has hitherto been bestowed only on members of the imperial family. Armor you can get two weeks after talking with Okato in the office Imperial Legion. You will also be awarded the title of Champion of Cyrodiil. After that, you can wander around the world and complete unfinished quests if you want. The main storyline of the game is over, with which I congratulate you!

Oblivion.ini - detailed settings

Every time a game is loaded, Oblivion reads a variety of data from the file. Oblivion.ini which is in the folder \Documents and Settings\\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion where - the username under which you enter the system.

If you want to know the value of some parameter by default, you can find it in the file Oblivion_default.ini, which is located in the root folder of the game.

If you want to get back the original Oblivion.ini, just delete the existing one and start the game - it will automatically create a new file with the default values. This is useful if the game stops launching after a tweak, but keep in mind that doing so will lose all tweaks and in-game settings.

The effectiveness of these tweaks varies from system to system, but usually they provide at least some improvement. I have tested all the variables in Oblivion.ini and selected those that can improve the performance of the game

Below are the variables that can help you optimize the game, they are divided into groups.


bAllowScreenShot=1 - if set to 1, then you can take screenshots in the game by pressing the button PRINT SCREEN. Screenshots are placed in the root folder of the game in BMP format. You can also use external screenshot programs such as FRAPS, but this is how someone likes it more.

SScreenShotBaseName=ScreenShot- specifies what name to give the screenshot. The name will be followed by a number (for example, ScreenShot12.bmp). Parameter, which will be described below.

iScreenShotIndex=7- defines the number that will be given to the next screenshot.

iDebugText=12– sets the level of detail of the debug information called console command TDT(you can rewind this information with the Scroll Lock button while it is active). iDebugText=2 gives the minimum amount of useful information.

fDefaultFOV=75.0000- determines the default view radius when Oblivion starts. May cause image glitches, so it is recommended to use the console command instead of this variable FOV.

fGlobalTimeMultiplier=1.0000- the speed of time in Oblivion. If you increase this value above 1, then the time will speed up, if you lower it below 1, it will slow down. This option is interesting, for example, in order to watch the sunrise / sunset at an accelerated pace.

bBorderRegionsEnabled=1- if zero is set, then the invisible barriers around the world will disappear, however, do not hope, you will not see anything interesting there.

iMaxDecalsPerFrame=10- determines the maximum number of blood trails. Be careful as this setting can affect performance in battles (too many blood trails at the same time).

fDecalLifetime=10.0000– determines how long the blood trails will not disappear (in seconds). Again, be careful as this setting can affect performance in battles (too many blood trails at once).

fMinBloodDamage=1.0000- Determines how much damage you or you must deal before blood trails appear.

bUse Joystick=0- set to 0 if you do not have a joystick connected. Some people claim it improves productivity.

bInstantLevelUp=0- makes it possible to level up a character without resting in bed.

bSaveOnInteriorExteriorSwitch=1– controls whether the game will be automatically saved when entering / exiting buildings. Setting it to 0 should reduce the loading time between entering/exiting buildings.

bPrecipitation=1- if set to zero - disables the rain effect.


bFull Screen=1- is responsible for launching Oblivion in windowed/full-screen modes, it can be useful, for example, in case of problems with the launcher.

iSize W=1280

iSize H=1024

These two commands define the width (width) and height (height) in pixels of the resolution of your monitor when playing. Can be used to set custom permissions (only in windowed mode).



These options will be useful to owners of older monitors. They adjust the brightness, but, unlike the in-game Brightness slider, in a wider range.

iShadowMapResolution=1024– size of textures used in shadows. You can reduce them to improve performance in areas with a lot of dynamic shadows (a multiplier of 8 is always used to increase).

bAllow30Shaders=0– if set to 1, allows the video card to use Shader Model 3.0 (only relevant for video cards of the Nvidia GeForce 6600 or newer class, ATI X1000 or newer). For more detailed information to use shaders on your system, see the RendererInfo.txt file located in \Documents and Settings\User\Documents\My Games\Oblivion.



These two options increase the maximum values ​​of the Interior and Exterior Shadows sliders (default 10). Obviously, increasing these parameters leads to a performance loss.

fSpecualrStartMax=1000.0000– defines the maximum distance of the Specular Lighting slider. By increasing the parameter, you will be able to see reflections on distant objects (at the expense of performance, of course).

fShadowFadeTime=1.0000– determines how much time in seconds it takes for the appearance/occurrence of shadows on objects/characters.

bAllowPartialPrecision=1– determines which shader effects are running in Partial Precision DX9 mode. Disabling this option leads to an improvement in image quality but in exchange for several FPS.

bUseRefractionShader=1– controls the glow/invisibility effect. Setting it to 0 significantly increases performance in areas with such effects (especially Oblivion Gates, as well as near invisible characters)

bDoTexturePass=1- if set to 0, it will remove textures from almost all objects in the game. Can increase FPS but is not recommended for obvious reasons.

bDoSpecularPass=1- setting it to 0 will disable the glitter effect on all surfaces that use it (see Specular Distance in the in-game menu). On some systems, it can significantly improve performance.

bDoDiffusePass=1- if set to 0 will remove all dynamic lighting from the game. Not recommended.

bDoCanopyShadowPass=1- if set to 0 removes all shadows from trees. Can improve performance in areas with many trees.


bDSoundHWAcceleration=1- if set to 0, it will disable hardware sound support (that is, your sound card). You can turn it off if your game often freezes or crashes from it.

bMusicEnabled=1- if set to 0 will turn off the music in the game. Negatively affects the atmosphere of the game, but can give a decent performance boost on some systems (due to the fact that the music is gradually loaded during the game).

bSoundEnabled=1- at 0, removes all sound effects except music. Not recommended in all cases (only if the game crashes all the time).

fMainMenuMusicVolume=0.6000-adjusts the volume of music in the game.

iMaxImpactSoundCount=32– determines the maximum number of channels used in the production of sounds. Can be changed to 24 or 16 for better performance, but may cause frequent system crashes (especially with hardware audio support).

Memory, Loading and Multithreading Optimizations:


uInterior Cell Buffer=3

uExterior Cell Buffer=36

These parameters determine how many internal and external territories will be buffered in RAM "e. Note the size of the uExterior Cell Buffer is determined by the game itself, based on the variable uGridstoLoad The larger this value, the larger that value. For those who have 1 GB of RAM it is recommended to double the values ​​​​(6 and 72 respectively), for those who have more I can experiment with big numbers. In any case, you'd better increase the parameter as well iPreloadSizeLimit.

iPreloadSizeLimit=26214400- determines the maximum number random access memory used to load territories (in bytes). Those with 1 GB of RAM may be advised to double this value (up to 52428800), those with 2 GB of RAM may put 104857600.

bPreemptivelyUnloadCells=0- if set to 1, then the game will automatically unload the data that, in its opinion, you will not need. Although I have 2 GB of RAM, even at home I have made some improvements so give it a try.

bSelectivePurgeUnusedOnFastTravel=0- with 1, unnecessary data will not be loaded when using Fast Travel "a. It will help reduce memory load, so 1 is recommended.


bUseHardDriveCache=1- since Windows will use the hard disk cache automatically anyway, this parameter does not matter, but still, just in case, set it to 1, perhaps this will reduce slowdowns.






These options apply to environment downloads. It is recommended to set everything to 1, although the loading time at the entrance / exit will increase, but it will slow down less in the game itself.

bUseBackgroundFileLoader=0- this option improves performance on some systems, but I noticed that it sometimes crashes the game, so it is recommended to leave 0 for balance.











All these options are suitable for dual-core and HyperThreading (virtual 2 core) processors, it allows you to divide some processes in the game into several parallel ones. Note that if you set the iNumHavokThreads, iThreads and iOpenMPLevel parameters to large values, this does not mean that there are actually so many of them, because the system itself determines the maximum number of such processes depending on those already running.

– increasing this parameter (always odd, i.e. 5,7,9,11) leads to an increase in the radius of detailed drawing from the character. Increasing the parameter greatly affects the time of loading / loading territories and also greatly affects performance. The default value of 5 is the optimal quality/performance ratio.



Both options in combination give an increase in the range of visibility of trees. Increasing the uGridDistantTreeRange parameter by itself has no visible effect, but if you increase uGridDistantCount at the same time, you will see the trees even further. A strong increase in these parameters leads to dramatic consequences, terrible brakes and very long loading times for the location.



They work the same as the previous two parameters, but with one difference - they increase the visibility range of trees in cities.

fLandTextureTilingMult=2.0000- lowering this value can reduce the obvious tile marks that appear on the ground texture, but unfortunately also distorts textures that are close to the player.

Grass and trees:

iMinGrassSize=120- the value is responsible for the "density" of the grass. The lower the number, the rarer the grass will be in dense grassy areas. Increases productivity well, but areas will appear more deserted. The number 120 is the optimal choice between performance and so that the grass is visually sufficient.



The top two options control the distance at which the grass will disappear and the distance at which it will gradually thin out before disappearing. You can improve performance by lowering these values, as well as decreasing the difference between them.

bGrassPointLighting=0- if you put 1 grass will be with more beautiful lighting, and of course this will reduce performance.

bDrawShaderGrass=1- if set to 0 removes all the grass. Obviously, this will improve performance but in return for realism.

iTreeClonesAllowed=1- if set to 1, then all tree models will be unique, which will reduce performance in places with many trees.

iCanopyShadowScale=512- determines the size of the tree shadow textures, the smaller the less beautiful they are, but the performance increases. You need to change with a multiplier x8 (try to put 128, for example).

bEnableTrees=1- if set to 0, it removes all trees from the game, which is very ugly and unrealistic, especially in outdoor areas.

bForceFullLOD=0- forces the LOD to be loaded completely, which increases the quality of the trees at the expense of a small performance loss.






Parameters to enable (set 1) additional water reflections. When enabled, nearby trees, objects, and characters will be reflected in the water. Can particularly reduce performance in tree/object/character-rich terrain.

uDepthRange=125- controls how deep you can see something in the water from above. If you increase it, then some bugs may happen, and performance will also decrease.

This article describes the configuration file settings Oblivion.ini for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. With its help, you can slightly improve the graphics of the game and change some useful settings to your taste. First of all, it will be useful for those who do not like third-party mods, preferring original game. What is described in the article is designed for modern computers with at least 1 GB of RAM and 512 MB of video card memory.

Below you will see tables with parameter names and their descriptions. For convenience, the tables are sorted into categories - the same categories can be found in Oblivion.ini, where each of them is enclosed in square brackets. The first column of the tables is the names of the parameters, the second is the standard value at maximum graphics settings, the third is the descriptions of the parameters.

Open the file to get started. Oblivion.ini any text editor. This file is located at next path: C:\Users\\Documents\my games\oblivion. Don't forget to back up the file in case you encounter errors related to the changes.

General (General)

bRunMiddleLowLevelProcess 1 If you put "0" instead of one, then the game will be provided with more computer resources than other programs. Increases productivity.
bFixFaceNormals 0 A value of "1" improves the shadows on the faces of the characters.
High values ​​of both parameters increase the visibility of distant trees. You need to change both parameters, otherwise there will be no effect.
uGridsToLoad 5 Responsible for the display radius of highly detailed models and textures. Values ​​can only be odd. Increasing the value may cause errors. Values ​​for RAM: 1 GB - "7", 2 GB - "9", etc.
uInterior Cell Buffer
uExterior Cell Buffer
The number of game world cells stored in RAM. The first parameter is responsible for the interiors, and the second for the exteriors. The values ​​for 1 GB of RAM are "6" and "72". For 2 GB - "16" and "102", respectively. Increasing these parameters from the original is necessary when changing the "uGridsToLoad" parameter.
If you don't want to watch splash screens before opening the game menu, then delete everything after the "=" sign.
bBorderRegionsEnabled 1 If you set the value to "0", all the boundaries of the world will disappear.
Parameters that determine the visibility of distant trees from cities.
iPreloadSizeLimit 26214400 The maximum amount of RAM used by the game to preload data. The maximum value is 262144000. For 1 GB of RAM - 52428800, for 2 GB - 104857600. We do not recommend increasing the initial number of this parameter.
When set to "1", these parameters improve performance on multi-core processors.


fDecalLifetime 10.0000 The higher the value of the parameter, the longer the blood remains.
bEquippedTorchesCastShadows 0 If you set the value to "1", then the shadows of the torches will appear in the interiors.
bHighQuality20Lighting 0 If you set the value to "1", then the quality of lighting will improve.
bAllowScreenShot 0 The value "1" allows you to take screenshots in .bmp format using the "PrintScreen" key.
iShadowFilter 2 Responsible for smoothing shadows. Smoothing is increased at high values.
fSpecualrStartMax 1000.0000 The distance at which highlights from objects disappear. The increase affects performance.
Maximum shadows in interiors and on open area. The increase affects performance.
iMaxDecalsPerFrame 10 The number of blood trails displayed at the same time. High settings may degrade performance.
fShadowFadeTime 1.0000 Time of disappearance and appearance of shadows. To avoid waiting for your shadow to appear after switching from first person to third person, set the value to 0.0000.
bAllowPartialPrecision 1 A value of "0" will improve the graphics quality.
iShadowMapResolution 256 Responsible for the resolution of shadows. The value must be a power of two (256, 512, 1024, etc.).
bAllow30Shaders 0 If you set the value to "1", then the game will use shaders version 3.0. On modern computers, the number of frames per second will increase slightly.


Water (Water)

A value of "1" in each of these parameters will turn on the reflection on the water of various objects.
uDepthRange 125 A parameter that determines the transparency of water as seen from land. Increasing the value of the parameter threatens to reduce performance and errors.
fSurfaceTileSize 2048.0000 Parameter responsible for the size of the water texture mesh.
uNumDepthGrids 3 The parameter responsible for the range of visibility under water. Large values ​​cause errors. The value "1" of this parameter removes possible errors from increasing the uGridsToLoad variable.

Audio (Audio)

Combat (Combat system)

HAVOK (physics)


GamePlay (Gameplay)

SpeedTree (Trees)

LOD (distant object display)

Distances at which trees, characters, objects and objects begin to be drawn.



If you think that some important parameters were not mentioned, write them in the comments to this article.

The storyline of the game and the game itself actually start at the same time, from the moment you wake up in prison (don't worry, in TES 3 main character was also an ex-prisoner. You understand, the game is not about sitting in jail, so just wait a bit, walk around the cell and soon a guard will appear who will ask you to move away from the bars. And you will have to move away from her, otherwise he will not open the prison cell. After opening the lock, the Emperor of Tamriel Uriel Septim VII and a couple of his bodyguards will enter your chamber. The emperor will show interest in you, he will tell you that he saw you in his dream and will consider your meeting fateful. The Emperor will also explain to you the purpose of his stay here. The killers attacked both of his sons, and now they are hunting him too, so he secretly leaves the capital to take refuge in a safer place, and the secret path from the city passes just through your cell. Further, his bodyguards will open a hidden passage in the wall and take the Emperor away with them. In principle, you will have nowhere else to go except for the Emperor and his bodyguards, then during your wandering through the dungeons you will be given instructions and taught the tricks of mastering the game. Assassins will attack the Emperor in the prison dungeon. During a short fight between them and the Emperor's bodyguards, one of the bodyguards will die, you can search his body and take some weapons. Further, the Emperor with bodyguards will leave through the door, and you will have to go the other way. Soon the side wall will collapse, and two rats will get out of the gap, kill them and go into the formed passage. In the next room, you will find a skeleton, as well as various things on and around it, such as swords, bows, arrows, lock picks, torches, and so on. Then, near the wooden door, you will find the body of a dead goblin, he will find bottles of potion, as well as scrolls and a key to the door. The door, by the way, will lead further into the prison dungeons, in which you will meet various enemies, as well as many different useful items, the purpose and procedure for use will be explained to you as you progress. The dungeon is pretty linear, so you won't get lost on your way. After a while, you will come out to the door, after which the dungeons inhabited by goblins of all varieties begin. On the example of the first goblin you will be taught how to sneak up on the enemy, on the example of the second goblin they will show what traps are. Then you will immediately come across a couple of goblins, while one of them will be with a bow. They are best killed by dropping a bunch of large logs on top. Next, you will enter a large cave room, where there will be three goblins at once, one of them owns magic and it will be more difficult to kill him than the other two. Going further, you will again find yourself in the Imperial Dungeon and meet with the Emperor again. The Emperor will be attacked again almost immediately by the Assassins, but the Emperor's bodyguards will easily deal with them. Some time after that, the Emperor will speak to you, and during the conversation you will choose the sign under which you were born and which will accordingly determine some of your unique abilities. After that, talk to the bodyguard Baurus, he will give you a torch, and you will continue your journey with the Emperor. Assassins will attack you on the way, but the Emperor's bodyguards will easily beat off their attacks. When you enter the underground "Sanctuary", the bodyguards, seeing the closed door, will lead the Emperor in another way, which will end in a room that is a dead end. Immediately, from the side from which you entered this room, new assassins will pour in and bodyguards will run to eliminate them, leaving you to protect the Emperor. After some time, Uriel Septim, having finally come to terms with his imminent death, will give you the “Amulet of Kings” and tell him to deliver it to some Joffrey so that he would pass the Amulet to the son of the Emperor. After a short period of time, another assassin will jump out of the wall and kill the Emperor.

Talk to the only surviving bodyguard of the Emperor and find out from him the details of the execution of those instructions that Uriel Septim gave you before his death, also during the conversation you will choose your character class and its characteristics. From a conversation with him, you will understand that you will need to get to the surface through the sewer, which is located under the city prison, Baurus will give you the key to it. If you have the sword of the murdered bodyguard Reno with you, then it is better to lay it out while talking with Baurus, otherwise Baurus will take this sword from you. You can go to the entrance to the sewers, through a secret passage from which an assassin appeared who killed the Emperor. In the sewers, the path is quite linear and simple, and there you will meet the former enemies, namely rats and goblins. Before exiting the sewers, you will be given one last chance to change your character's settings, after which you will finally go outside. You will find yourself in the northwest of the Imperial City, on the same island where it is located. Now you can immediately go to Joffrey, or you can go about your business, but then do not go to the city of Kvatch, because the appearance in this city triggers the events of the main story quest. Now suppose that you are already ripe for the passage of the main storyline, and then you still need to go to the Weynon Monastery to Joffrey. The monastery is located near the walls of the city of Chorrol, to the southeast of it. All cities are marked on your map. Joffrey will be in one of the monastery buildings, which one will depend on the time of day. He will ask you to give him the "Amulet of Kings", after which he will tell you about those fanatics who attacked you and the Emperor. These are the followers of Mehrunes Dagon who want him to come from the Oblivion plane to our world. They cannot do this while the fire of the Dragon is burning, but the problem is that this fire burns only as long as the Emperor is alive, after which the next one must be crowned, while lighting the fire again.

The Emperor is dead and his two sons are killed, but Joffrey will tell you that the Emperor has another illegitimate son that no one knows about. So you need to go in search of him in order to save the Empire from the impending chaos. The name of the Emperor's son is Martin, he serves as a priest in the temple of Akatosh in the city of Kvatch. You need to go there to tell him the whole truth about his origin and bring him to Joffrey so that he gives him the "Amulet of Kings". If you talk a little more with Joffrey on various topics, you can get a little help from him and the local brethren, and you will also find out that the entire monastery is just a cover for the Blades organization, bodyguards and spies of the Emperor. Kvatch is halfway between Anvil and Skingrad. On the Golden Road, the turn to Kvatch is marked with a special sign, next to the turn is the Belletor's Caprice Mine. In general, it is quite difficult to get past the city. When you turn onto the road to Kvatch, at some point in the road an Altmer named Hirtal will run up to you. He will tell you that the gates of Oblivion opened near the city, and from them a large army of Daedra came to the city, which greatly destroyed it and killed almost everyone civilians, the few that survived took refuge in a settlement near the city. He will also say that the inhabitants were brought out by Captain Savlian Matius, who is still holding defenses near the city. If you go a little further, you will see the temporary settlement itself. Talk to someone, and they will tell you that there may have been survivors in the city, but only Savlian Matius can tell you for sure, because it was he who led the withdrawal of civilians from the city. To find Savlian Matius you need to go further along the road leading to the ruined city. When you get closer to the city, you will see primitive barricades and guards near them, that's where you will find Savlian Matius. He will tell you that perhaps Martin and a few other people survived and are now in the city in the temple of Akatosh. Savlian Matius will also offer you to take part in repulsing the attack on Kvatch and closing the gates of Oblivion, if you want, then agree. The description of this task will be described separately. Be that as it may, you will need to get to Kvatch, you will find Martin in the temple of Akatosh, among the few who survived the Daedric attack on the city. If you get carried away with completing tasks from Savlian Matius, then after the siege is lifted from the city, Martin will be moved along with all the rest of the survivors to a safer place, to the temporary refugee camp of Kvatch, which you passed on the way to the city itself. In a conversation with Martin, you will tell the chain of events that led you to him and ask him to go with you to the Weynon Monastery. He, despite the improbability of the story, will agree to go with you. On the way to the monastery, you will see that a man with a weapon is chasing one of the people. His name is Eronor, he will run up to you and tell you that unknown people attacked the monastery.

You will need to kill all the attacking Mythic Dawn Agents and go to the Weynon Monastery Chapel, there you will find Joffrey fighting off a couple more Agents, help him deal with them, and then talk to him. In a conversation, he will immediately worry about the safety of the "Amulet of Kings" and will run to the cache in which he hid it. The amulet, of course, was stolen, but he will also be glad that Martin was delivered to the monastery safe and sound. He will offer you to transport Martin to secret place, the Citadel of Blades, "Temple of the Lord of the Clouds", arguing that Martin would be safer there. Cloud Ruler Temple is located north of Bruma in the Jerol Mountains, near the border with Skyrim. With all the wealth of choice, you have no choice. Take Martin and Joffrey there, and if you wish, you can take a horse from the monastery stables. Finding the Temple of the Lord of the Clouds is pretty easy, you just need to follow the road from the north gate of Bruma. The doors to the temple will be closed until Joffrey comes to them. Then they will open, one of Cyrus's Blades will come out of them and a series of ceremonies will begin. After the end of the official part, Martin will come up to you and thank you for your help.

Martin will also ask what exactly he should do next. Everything will turn out to be clear and understandable here, the first thing to do is to return the "Amulet of Kings", which was stolen. It’s not clear where to look, though, but perhaps Joffrey has some ideas about this, so after talking with Martin, you need to talk to him. Joffrey will advise you to contact one of the agents of the Blades, Baurus, who is located in Luther Broad's boarding house in the Elven Gardens area in the Imperial City. He will also offer you to enter the service of the Emperor in the Blades organization and will assign you the title of Knight Brother. When you find Baurus in the boarding house, then talk to him, he will most likely tell you to sit next to him. This is followed by instructions for disabling the Mythic Dawn Spy. Baurus will then stand up and the alleged spy (Astav Virich) will follow him, you in turn will follow the spy, covering Baurus. As soon as you enter the basement, the spy will attack him and die after a short fight. Next, you will need to search the corpse and take from it a book called "Comments on the Mythic Dawn". After talking with Baurus about the situation in the city and informing him last news , you will receive further instructions from him. You will need to go to the Arcane University and talk there with the Argonian Tar-Mina, an expert on various Daedric cults. She will tell you that the cult "Mythical Dawn" is quite well conspired and nothing really is known about it, except for some fragmentary information. The cult was founded by Mankar Camoran to worship Mehrunes Dagon. Mankara Camoran is a rather prominent person and there is also an opinion that despite the fact that the cult was founded 400 years ago, Mankar Camoran is still alive. When you show her the found book, she will tell you that there are four volumes in total. If you collect all four books, read them carefully and think about them, they will show the way to the lair of the cult, and for one they serve as a pass to join its ranks. The first two volumes are difficult to find, but possible, but the rest are extremely difficult. Tar-Mina will give you the second volume, and also inform you that you can try looking for the third one in the First Edition shop, which is located in the Imperial City's shopping district. After talking with the seller, you will find out that the seller has the third volume, but he got it on special order and therefore he cannot sell it to you. But by raising the attitude of Fintias (the seller) towards himself, the book can be redeemed. Soon a rather colorful wood elf will come after her and leave, respectively, with nothing. Talk to him after he leaves the shop about the fourth volume, he will initially refuse, but then he will tell you everything and give the note. The essence of the plan is that instead of him you will go to the meeting and try to get the fourth volume of the book from the mysterious Sponsor. Find Baurus, or rather, he will find you himself and take you to the sewers to the place where you should meet with the Sponsor. In front of the door to the "room with a table" he will begin to offer various plans, no matter which one you choose, the result is the same. You will be attacked by three agents of the Mythic Dawn, the main one is Raven Camoran, it will be quite difficult to kill him, the rest are ordinary agents. Baurus will surely die, and you will need to search the body of Raven Camoran and take the fourth volume. After that, go to Tar-Mina, she will take up the analysis of what was written in the first two volumes and ask you to come to her in a day. A day later, she will tell you that she seems to have picked up a clue, but for the final answer she asks to come back in a day. At the end of the specified time, Tar-Meena will ask you for the third and fourth volumes of comments and issue the final transcript of the text: "Green Imperial Way, Where the Tower Touches the Midday Sun." She will also explain that the green Imperial Way refers to the garden that is located near the White Tower in the center of the Imperial City.

Get there by noon and go to the tomb of Prince Camorril (it is located between the entrance to Talos Plaza and the Imperial Temple), it will have a painted map of the province of Cyrodiil, which will turn red at noon sharp indicating the exact location of the Lair of the Mythic Dawn. This lair will be the "Caverns of Lake Arrius" north of Cheydinhal. Go there, first, as it should, preparing for a fight. As you enter the cave, then immediately memorize the internal map of the premises, you will have to break through back with a fight. Inside the cave, a gatekeeper will meet you and tell you that the guardian of the sanctuary of Dagon, Harrow, will lead you further inside the cave. Before going further, it is advisable for you to throw off everything that is possible, because one of the requirements of Harrow will be to give him everything that you have with you, so that you do not lose it all, and such a procedure is needed. Immediately after talking with him, things can be collected from the floor and thereby save them. However, you can refuse his offer, and then you will have to fight him and make your way further through the cave with fights. Now about the purpose of your stay in the lair of the "Mythic Dawn". Officially, it means that this is the "Amulet of Kings", but it will not be possible to actually remove it from Mankar Camoran. Your main task is to take the book "Mysterium of Xarks", which lies on the podium in front of Mankar Camoran. How you take it is your business, but you don’t have to waste your energy on taking it unnoticed, all the same, after you take it, all the local brethren will attack you. Here you have two choices, either methodically and consistently kill all the followers of Mankar Camoran, or simply run away. You won't be able to escape the same way you came, you will have to leave through the side entrance (to the right, if you stand, as Mankar Camoran did). After that, you will immediately find yourself in the dwellings of the servants of the "Mythical Dawn", at the first fork, turn right and run into the large hall, climb up and find a passage in the far corner, then you will run through their dining room (or maybe the training room) and get into the corridor. In it, look for a door with the inscription "Caves of Lake Arrius", and you will find yourself in a small room, in it turn the lever in the wall, and below you will open a stone door, and there you will already find yourself in a familiar room. As you get out of the cave, return to the temple of the lord of the clouds and talk to Joffrey there. He will tell you to take the Xarxes Mysterium book to Martin, who will be upset that the amulet could not be returned and will take the book for himself to try to find a way to Paradise Camoran and tell you to go back to Joffrey and talk to him about the spies.

Joffrey will tell you the following news. One of Bruma's guards spotted a suspicious stranger circling the road. Joffrey suspects that the agents of the Mythic Dawn are spying for the whereabouts of the Blades and Martin, respectively. Your task is to find out their plans and eliminate this spy group. Useful information Captain Burd, the head of the Bruma guard, can inform you about all sorts of unusual events in the city. When you approach the city, you will be attacked by Saveri Faram, who is an agent of the Mythic Dawn, as you kill her, search the corpse and take the "cellar key" from her. After that, go to Captain Burd, who is either in the city or in Bruma's castle in the barracks. Burd will tell you that nothing suspicious has happened in the city, except that a certain Jerol has recently returned from a trip, while people are wary of traveling. Her house is located near the southern wall next to the chapel of Talos, of course, you will have to tinker with the master key, in her house you will find a basement and go down into it. There will be a door in the basement that leads to Bruma's cave, that's where you will meet Jerol, she will turn out to be an agent of the "Mythical Dawn", after you kill her, go back, take "Jerol's Orders" from the chest of drawers in the basement and you can go with a report on the completed mission to Joffrey. He will thank you for the work done and say that he will inform Countess Umbranox about the impending invasion of the forces of Oblivion in Bruma, and he will tell you to go and talk to Martin.

While you were looking for spies, Martin deciphered a little what is written in Xarx's Mysterium. To get to Paradise Camoran, you need to perform a ritual involving four components. Martin has only been able to decipher the name of one of them so far, and that is "Blood of the Daedric Lord", but it refers to any Daedric artifact obtained from the Daedric Lords. Martin will also advise you to read the book "Modern Heretics", which may help you in your search for a Daedric artifact. You can find this book in the large hall of the temple, on the table where Martin was sitting. After reading the book, you will be advised to go to the Shrine of Azura, which is located far north of Cheydenhal. I would not advise you to rush into the choice, any artifact obtained on the instructions of the Daedric Lords is suitable for completing this task. And the "Star of Azura", which you get after completing the quest at the shrine of Azura, is a rather useful and non-trivial artifact to sacrifice to complete this task. I would advise you to give the "Mace of Molag Bal", the description of this task will be described separately. After receiving the artifact of one of the Daedric Lords, you will be informed that you have received the artifact necessary for the ritual, and now you need to take it to the temple of the "Lord of the Clouds". Give the artifact to Martin and talk to him. He will tell you that he has not yet fully deciphered the records of the Mysterium of Xarks and will send you to Joffrey for a new task.

Joffrey will say that an Oblivion gate has appeared near Bruma and that it is necessary to show the guards of Bruma how to close it. He will send you to the head of the Bruma guards, Captain Burd. Go to the eastern gate of Bruma and there you will see a detachment of guards and the gates of Oblivion. Talk to Captain Burd and after his parting speech, go to Oblivion. There are two strategies here, go ahead, destroying the Daedra hordes along the way, or quickly run to the sigil stone and close the gate. The guards who will go with you will be killed immediately, the only one who will remain is Captain Burd, due to his immortality, so do not worry about his life. The road to the tower will run in a circle, so if you kill every Daedra that gets in your way, then the process of closing the gates of Oblivion will take you quite a long time. The tower itself is no different inside, except that the door to Sigillum Sanguis will be locked, but it can be broken open with a master key or take the key from the corpse of one of the Daedra. Then everything is as usual, take the "transcendental Sigil stone" and move back to the already destroyed gates of Oblivion. The captain will thank you for your help, after that you can go to Joffrey.

Joffrey will accept a report on the task you have completed and will actually give you two tasks. He gives one directly, and the second task is for you to go and talk to Martin, because he seems to have deciphered something new. I advise you to start by completing Martin's task, since it should be done in turn according to the developers' idea. Martin will tell you that the second ingredient needed to open the gate to Paradise is "God's Blood", but where to find it is completely unclear, but there is one idea. At one time, Tiber Septim was an ordinary man, but then he became a god. Here is his blood and it will probably be used. There is only one problem, quite a lot of time has passed since then and it is not clear where to get it, but perhaps Joffrey will be able to suggest something, because it is the Blades who are the closest servants and associates of the Emperor. Joffrey will share the following considerations, that perhaps the blood of Tiber Septim remained on his armor, but here again a snag arises, the armor lies in the Sankt Tor sanctuary, which is filled with wickedness and no one has returned alive from there for a long time. At one time, a detachment of the toughest warriors was sent there, but they also did not return. In general, there is nothing to do to go there anyway. Joffrey will give you the key to the entrance to the Saint Tor. The sanctuary itself, or rather the fort, is located north of Chorrol and west of Bruma. This complex is quite large, so it's hard not to notice. Get down and methodically clear the dungeons, at one point you will be attacked by a skeleton with a barely noticeable luminous aura, when you kill him, the ghost of Rielus will appear in front of you. The ghost will tell you that he and his comrades came to cleanse the tomb of the Retans from evil spirits so that the armor of Tiber Septim would not be desecrated, but died the death of the brave without fulfilling their duty, and then were imprisoned in the shells of skeletons by the Underking Tsurin Arctus. Now the Underking is no more, but his enchantment remained, cast on the tomb of the Retans, where the armor of Tiber Septim lies. He asks to release the other three of his comrades so that they can remove the spell from the tomb. Further, the passage will take you to the location "St. Tor, Hall". From there, passages to other locations will diverge, to the Prison, the Hall of Justice, the Catacombs and the Retan Tomb. In the first three, you will release one of Rielus' comrades, and in the last, the rite itself will be performed. Just do not forget to talk to each of the released warriors, because without this the rite will not be completed. Once all four of the ghosts are freed, they will gather in the Retan tomb and remove the spell. Go there and take the armor of Tiber Septim. After that, you can return to Martin and give the artifact to him.

Joffrey will tell you that Bruma may soon be attacked by rather large hordes of Daedra from Oblivion, so it will be necessary to pull troops from all over the province of Cyrodiil to Bruma. Your task is to negotiate with all the counts of Cyrodiil so that they send their troops to Bruma. You can start from any city. If you get into the city during daylight hours, it is best to immediately go to the local count and ask him for reinforcements for Bruma, after that you can go beyond the city walls and look for the first gates that come across. After closing them, return to the count or countess and get confirmation from them that they will send troops to help the defenders of Bruma. The procedure is almost standard everywhere, with the exception of Cheidenhall, where you still have to rescue the son of the count from the world of Oblivion, the description of this task will be written separately. In Kvatch, instead of the count, Savlian Matius remained, you will take his consent to send reinforcements to Bruma. In total, seven counties must be agreed: Lyavin, Bravil, Cheydenhal, Chorrol, Anvil, Kvatch and Skingrad. You don’t even have to go to the Imperial City to the Supreme Chancellor Okato, he still won’t be able to provide any reinforcements to Bruma. After you get the consent of all seven counties, the task will automatically be completed. You can now return to Martin.

Martin will say that he finally deciphered the third element that is needed to open the gates to Paradise, this is the "Big Welkynd Stone". Ordinary Welkynd Stones can be found in Cyrodiil, but Large Stones were a rarity in ancient times, and now they do not exist at all. The only place where such a stone can still be stored is the ruins of the capital of one of the island kingdoms of Miskarkande, but according to rumors, they are guarded by the ghost of the last king of the islands, so it will be quite difficult to pick up this stone. Having told everything he knows, Martin will offer you to read the book "Glory and Shame" for general development. The ruins of the capital of the island kingdom are located in the middle between Skingrad and Kvatch, just north of the Golden Road, or more precisely, north of the Ra "Sava camp, in general, it is difficult not to notice these ruins. Inside the ruins, you will meet goblins and undead mixed up, and they will still be actively fight among themselves, which will make your task easier.In the first location, you need to press the button below in a small room with goblins to open the grate that closes the passage to the door leading to the next location.In the second location of Miskarkanda, Sel Vanua, you basically need to will do the same, find the button and to remove the grate that closes the passage to the door.In the last location you will not have to walk for a long time, soon you will go out to the Great Welkynd stone, but of course not everything is so simple.Once you take the stone, behind you a niche will open, from which the King of Miskarkand will emerge and some other undead will come running from below. In principle, you can not kill this company, but simply run away. But I want to warn it is very difficult to predict that the doors through which you entered will be locked "very difficult". If you kill the King of Miskarkand, then you will find a key to the door leading to an alternative exit from the ruins. Since you got the stone, then return to Martin and give the stone to him.

Right after you give Martin the third ingredient, he will tell you that he has figured out which last element is needed to open the gate to Paradise Camoran. It will again be a stone, but this time "Great Sigil Stone". Since it is Large, it will be necessary to extract it from the large (otherwise Great) gates of Oblivion. But the Great Gates on the territory of the Empire have not yet opened, so Martin will explain to you what he came up with in order for them to appear. The Great Gates of Oblivion will be opened if they start an attack on Bruma in order to drive a Large Siege Engine from them in order to break the walls of Bruma with it. Accordingly, it is necessary to allow the Mythic Dawn to organize this attack. Martin, of course, will not have another plan, by the way, he will want to lead the defense of Bruma from this attack personally, and it will fall to your lot to get the "Great Sigil Stone". Therefore, he will immediately send you to negotiate with the Countess of Bruma so that she will allow this operation to be carried out. Go to Bruma's castle and talk to the countess, if she doesn't agree, raise her attitude towards you. Martin will make an appointment with her in the chapel of Talos, after you convince her, she will go there. After talking with Martin, she will only wait for your readiness to start the operation. As soon as you inform the countess that you are ready, a series of events will begin, in which the success of the entire task will depend on how quickly you act. Go to the east gate of Bruma, and then go along the road until you see the open gate of Oblivion. You can not try to enter them, but it will not hurt to examine them closely, after that Martin and several warriors will run up to these gates. Martin will give them a speech, after which several Daedra will appear from the gates of Oblivion. Now your main task is to protect Martin until the Great Gate opens. Do not rely on the fact that Martin is a quest character, it is at this moment that protection will be removed from him.

The appearance of the Great Gates will not go unnoticed by you, they will indeed occupy a fairly large area. Run to them right away. Once inside, you will have approximately 15 minutes of real time to capture the Great Sigil Stone. It took me 4 minutes to get from the Oblivion Gate to the Sigil Stone, so you have plenty of time. Immediately run to the nearest tower, pull one of the levers on the wall and jump onto the platform that will take you up one flight, after that I would advise climbing on your own, as it will come out faster. Climb to the very top of the tower and exit through the door to a narrow bridge connecting it with the second tower, and you need to get into it. In the second tower, go down to about half of it and exit through the door. You will find yourself on the road, or rather on a platform of wide slabs, run along it towards the main tower. The platform will be broken in several places, so you will have to jump. At its end you will see a second platform, perpendicular to the one you are on, but the second platform will be much higher than yours, so much so that you can even walk under it. When you pass under the second platform, you will find yourself on a hill from which it will be possible to jump onto it, only there will be gates on the upper platform, so you will need to jump to the place where these gates will not block your passage to the main tower. As you jump into the right place, from there there will actually be a direct road to the gate to the main tower. The tower is quite primitive and easy to navigate. As you enter it, then run to the door opposite, leading to the "Vaults of the End of the World." Climb up, but beware of the trap, from there you need to go through the door to the left and again climb up to the door leading to the "World Destroyer" location. Then all just go upstairs and get into Sigillum Sanguis. This location is pretty standard and there is nothing special about it. Take the Large Sigil Stone and after a while you will find yourself near the entrance to the gate. Go to Martin and give him the extracted stone.

Now that all four elements necessary to open the gates to Paradise Camoran have been collected, Martin asks you how to prepare for this journey, since you will not be able to return halfway, and at the very end a rather difficult battle will await you. The portal to move to Paradise Martin will open in the Temple Hall of the "Lord of the Clouds" as soon as you are ready. Before opening the portal, Martin will tell you that in order to go back you will need to kill Mankar Camoran, as he is a kind of "sigil stone" in his world. The opening of the portal will be quite a beautiful sight, and it will be different from the portals you have seen before. Finding yourself in Paradise, you will see a path of light stone slabs , that's where you need to go. You will immediately come across a man stripped to the waist, calling himself "Ascended Immortal". After talking with him, you will learn that Mankar Camoran himself lives on the Terrace of Dawn in the palace "Karak Agailor" on the top of the mountain. You can get to the Terrace of Dawn only by passing through the "Forbidden Grotto". You can enter the Forbidden Grotto from the Wild Garden, where you are here now, but it's not easy to get there, for this you need the "Braces of the Chosen", which are given to the most courageous of the Ascended Immortals.The entire Wild Garden is full of various Daedra and Ascended Immortals who fight with each other.You need to go further along on the road and turn right at the first fork, it will lead you to another fork, there you can either turn right again, or just wait a few seconds until a Daedra named Katutet approaches you. a small simple assignment, or you will fight with him.If you wake up to fight with him, after killing him, take the "Braces of the Chosen" from the corpse and go to the grotto that he guarded.Now consider the option completed I order Katutet. He asks to free Anakeses' Xivilai from the trap the Ascended Immortals trapped him in. The cave where the xivilai is enclosed is located in the north of the island on the coast. Entering the cave, you will almost immediately see a large stone propped up by two poles, come closer and remove both poles, thereby freeing Anakeses. Return to the place where you received the task, and from there go to the Grotto of the Chosen. In the grotto you will meet a couple of Daedra, and you will find Katutet at the very end of the cave at a rather intricate door. Talk to Katutet and say that the task is completed, after which he will give you the Bracers of the Chosen. You can enter the next door only by putting on the bracers. The cave will be quite linear, after reaching the first lava pit with cells containing people, be careful. When you cross the bridge over the lava pit, a man in the clothes of the "Mythical Dawn" will come out to you. Do not rush to kill him, he came to you to help, the name of this voluntary assistant is Eldamil. He will explain to you that it will not be so easy to get out of the grotto, for this you must remove the "bracers of the elect" and he is ready to help you with this. It is better to agree and follow all his orders, otherwise you will not leave the grotto or your passage will be very difficult. By the way, it will significantly reduce your communication with the Daedra, which is also pretty good. Go along with him and climb into the cage, despite the fact that it will seem that you will burn in the lava, everything will be in order, and he will pull you out at the right time. After that, you will find yourself on the other side, at the entrance to the underground passage. Entering it, turn right at the first fork and exit to another lava pit, cross the bridge and see a door leading further into the forbidden grotto. Outside the door you will meet Eldamil again, he will take off your bracers and offer his help in the future, it's up to you to agree or not. Further, the road along the grotto is quite linear and soon you will again go to the Paradise of Camoran, this time coming close to his dwelling. Go up the path and exit to the "Terrace of Dawn", where the children of Mankar Camoran, Raven and Rama will be waiting for you. They will tell you that their father is waiting for you at the Karak Agailor Palace. Don't rush to go there. Firstly, if you are bad with health and manna, then you can significantly replenish their supply, if you have at least a mortar and pestle with you, since Ambrosia and Manna Flower grow along the perimeter of the terrace, whose only property is increased health and mana, respectively. Secondly, it’s better to save, and not so much because Mankar is a difficult opponent, but because a glitch may appear in the next location when Mankar Camoran is not in place, and you will not be able to return. If you think you're ready for battle, then go inside. Together with you, his children will also come in, standing on the sides of the throne on which Mankar sits. You can attack him right away, or you can listen to his rant when you get close to him. As soon as he finishes his speech, his children will attack you, but you better not pay attention to them, since they still cannot be killed, and Mankar, meanwhile, will sit on the throne, remaining invulnerable. It’s better to start hitting right away until he finally gets up, his life starts to be wasted. As soon as he stands up to his full height, start quickly bombarding him with the most deadly blows or spells, the longer the battle drags out, the harder it is to kill him. When you do kill him, then immediately run up to the corpse and remove the "Amulet of Kings" from it, and of course, if you like something else from his wardrobe. After that, the palace will begin to collapse and after a while you will be transferred to the Hall of the "Lord of the Clouds" temple. There you will see Martin again, but this time already dressed in Imperial clothes. Give him the "Amulet of Kings" and the task will end there.

Martin will inform you that now you need to go with him to the Imperial City to the head of the Council of Elders, Supreme Chancellor Okato, and attend the coronation ceremony. You can get to the Imperial City as you please, Martin will not get lost. In the Imperial City, go to the White Tower in the city center to the Council of Elders' quarters. The doors will be open for this occasion. Supreme Chancellor Okato will meet you there and start the coronation ceremony. As soon as he says that the Council of Elders will recognize Martin's rights to the Imperial throne, a guard will come running with a message that many Oblivion gates are opening around the city, from which crowds of Daedra are coming out. Martin will immediately decide to run to the "Temple of the One" in order to light the Dragon Fire there. At the same time, you will have the task of protecting Martin so that he does not die on the way. Right there, in the hall of the Council of Elders, a couple of Daedra will attack you. Then a pretty decent crowd of Daedra was already on the street. In the temple area, you will see the open Oblivion gates and a new portion of attacking Daedra, but do not be distracted by them. You will need to immediately run a little further to the other side of the temple, and when you see Mehrunes Dagon, then go back and talk to Martin until he gets into a fight, then take him to the "Temple of the One". In the temple, Martin will immediately run back to the wall, go and talk to him. However, the conversation will not work, Martin will say something about duty, run to the center of the temple and begin to act according to his plan. Martin will turn into a Dragon, and start a fight with Mehrunes Dagon, as a result of which Mehrunes will leave Tamriel forever, and Martin will turn to stone in the form of a Dragon.