Walkthrough Dungeon Siege III. Walkthrough Dungeon Siege III Dungeon siege 3 walkthrough

A little pre-game guide

The game is controlled using the keyboard, or with the mouse, by holding the left button. At first, the control seems inconvenient, given that the camera is curved, but you can get used to it over time.
There are almost no branched corridors and extensive freedom of action in the game, so it is impossible to get lost. Moreover, by holding down the R key (by default), you can call up the "golden thread" that will show us the way.
There are few side quests, and even those that are, are completed in the course of the main ones.

Items and weapons in the game are divided into 4 colors according to strength and power:
White - the most simple and standard things;
Green - things with improved characteristics;
Blue - things with very good characteristics, sometimes simply unique;
Orange - unique items that can be bought for a tidy sum or raised from killed bosses.

In total, you can carry two types of weapons in the game, which one depends on the character. So, for example, Lukam can carry a two-handed sword and a one-handed sword with a shield.

In the previous parts, you could choose several companions and create an entire squad. In this part, you can only choose one companion, but it will be possible to change it. By the end of the game, there will be three companions to choose from. You can change them at any time of peace, that is, when there is no battle.

Often in the game we have to make decisions that will only affect the end screen.

I'm going to pass.

To begin with, we select the character for which we will play. There are 4 heroes to choose from:
Lucas Montbarron is the son of the head of the Legion. The guy is great with a sword, including a two-handed one.
Anjali is half human, half fire elemental. Equally well handles both melee weapons and fire magic.
Reinhart Manx is an old man who possesses "secret magic". Playing as this character, get ready to mow down the ranks of enemies with spells.
Katarina is a girl armed to the teeth with pistols and rifles.

Next, we select the level of difficulty of the game, after which we watch the splash screen in which our character receives a letter from a certain Odo. In this letter, he asks us to come to the Montabarron estate. In the estate there will be a meeting of all Legionnaires.

Personally, I played for Katarina.

Montbarron's estate

We start the game in a dark forest. We get acquainted with the administration and run to the estate of Montbarron. The estate is blazing with bright flames, three corpses are lying in the courtyard. We get the task - "Find the survivors"! We run into the house, the door explodes ahead. Before running out into the corridor, we read a letter and a page from the diary that are lying on the floor.

We step further. Near bookcases we find a rack with weapons, we select it. We run to the stairs, we blow up the barrels that prevent us from passing. To the left of the stairs lies a letter and there is a chest in which some kind of useful thing. Run forward, kill the first two enemies. These are simple robbers, soldiers of the Leskonzi army. To the right is a chest containing a weapon. We go down even lower. We kill several enemies, after which the door will open, behind which one of the survivors, Martin, will be waiting for us. Before approaching him, we examine the room, break all the barrels, since they may contain gold, open the chest. After looking around, we approach Martin. He is one of the Legionnaires and a friend of Odo. We ask him what happened, then we run away from the estate with him. On the way, we break the barrels, open the chest. We run to the bridge, set fire to three barrels of explosives and watch the cutscene.


The first point of our journey is Rukkenwall.

We conduct a dialogue with Martin, then we start the game. First of all, we pay attention to a huge column of light. At this point, you can save the game. We run straight from the save point. On the way, we search the remains, we reach the military camp. In the camp we find an announcement that they give 500 gold for the head of a legionnaire. We search the boxes and go through the gate. After running a couple of steps, we find ourselves near the bridge leading to the Vault. But before crossing them, we visit the second camp, which is located to the left of the bridge. There we kill a couple of enemies and clean the chests. After that, we calmly go to the bridge and cross it.

On the other side, a bunch of robbers are waiting for us, led by a certain Bogdan. Bogdan is our first boss. We kill Bogdan and his minions, we run into the Vault, where Odo is already waiting for us. From his story, we learn that almost all of the Legionnaires are dead, presumably with the exception of Lucas and Angela. We leave Martin in the Vault and go in search of the remaining Legionnaires. To begin with, let's look into the small village of Raven's Rill. But before we do this, we take a good look at the Vault. We look into all the rooms, go down to the lower floors, which are full of spiders, there are closed doors that we are not yet able to open .

We leave the shelter on the road of the pilgrims. The road will be full of enemies, but in the end it will lead us to the village of Raven's Rill. A local resident will meet us at the gates of the village and report that the village is occupied, but still let us through.

The village is a peaceful place, that is, you cannot shoot and kill here. civilians. In the village, you can save and pick up a few side quests. We receive the first such quest from an elderly woman whose husband was killed. The woman wants revenge, well, let's help her. You need to kill a certain Boris, with a bandage on his face, and then bring the bandage to the woman as evidence. Having taken the quest, we step along the road further. After a few meters, we are stopped by a man whom we supposedly had to recognize. But, alas, we do not remember him. However, the man insistently advises to visit his sister, who is in a cave in the west of the village. According to him, the sister can answer some of our questions. The conversation will not last long, because the man will run away, afraid that we will be caught.

Right next to us is now a shopping cart. Here you can buy and sell the found things. After bargaining, we cross the bridge, take the quest from the fisherman (you need to go east, throw the hook received from the fisherman into the water and kill the creature that interferes with fishing). We save and leave the village in West Forest (western forest).

At the first fork, turn right and enter the cave. There we meet a sister who will give the key to the dungeon in which the prisoners are kept. These prisoners are survivors of the estate fire. So, after talking, we run to the left, killing heaps of enemies. There are save points ahead, there are stands with weapons and chests. The road is winding, but it's hard to get lost. Somewhere around the middle of the path, the boss will meet - another leader of the robbers named Barbat. Then, after a couple of steps, we will stumble upon a strong sorceress guarding the prisoners, named Vera. She will have to fight. In battle, she will be assisted by several robbers and three weaker witches. Be careful at the very beginning of the battle, because the enemies can pinch and kill you before you blink an eye.

After Vera is defeated, we run up to the cells and free the prisoners. Which prisoner will sit in the right cell depends on which character you are playing. Angela was in my cage. After the prisoner is free, he will become our companion.

We can’t just escape from the cave, because Leona (the same sister who gave us the key) will meet us and ask us to clear a place called Gunderic Manor. According to her, this place must be cleared of the hordes of enemies living there. Leona herself does not want to do this, but it’s better for us to agree with this task. Not far from Leona, her brother Alexei meets us. We ask him a couple of questions and get out of the cave. At the first fork, turn right and get to a huge old crypt. This is Gunderic Manor - the estate of the Gunderic couple. Inside we are met by a booming wind and emptiness. But emptiness is only our temporary illusion, in fact, ghosts live in this house, which we will meet a little later. In the meantime, we are examining the picture in the hall, go up to the second floor and turn left into the corridor. There we will hear a voice that will open the door to the bedroom, we go in there. We meet a ghost girl - this is Alice Ganderik, the daughter of the owner of the estate. She will ask for help. She is imprisoned in the house and cannot leave it. In order to free her, we must get into a certain vault, the key to which is in the father's office. We run out of the bedroom, kill the enemies who ran out of other rooms. We turn into another corridor on the second floor, there are three rooms here - one of them is password protected. We clean two rooms, we approach the talking door of the third room. We try to guess the password several times until the door laughs and let us inside. We take the letter from the table, we read the diary on another table. We go down to the first floor.

We go in the doors that were previously locked. We pass along the corridors up to the library. In the library we find locked iron doors. A lever weighs next to the doors, we pull it, but the doors do not open. Our task is to find a certain heart. After we pull the lever, the door to our left will explode. We kill the enemies, prem forward up to the circle in which several magicians summon the demon. Having spied the ritual of summoning a demon, we become participants in the massacre. The demon's name is Mire Hulk Horror. We kill him and his minions. We find a corpse in the battle hall, search it and find the heart we need. We bring it to the lever and open the doors. We step forward, we get to the hall, where we meet face to face with Lord Ganderik. To free his daughter, you need to kill him and take the magic ring. It is worth saying that the Lord is a very dangerous boss. He summons skeletons, can accelerate and hit with magic. Having dealt with him, we leave the hall and meet Leona. In the course of a conversation with her, we learn that she is ... our sister! After the conversation, we can stay in the mansion, or we can end up on the street. In any case, we need to visit another room, which is located to the left of the one in which we killed the Lord. This room contains an ancient Heart of Nagog artifact. It is this artifact that keeps the Lord's daughter in the mansion. We destroy the artifact.

Everything, with the mansion is finished. We return to the village, we find Anton. He will ask us to do something, and it turns out that we have already done it, we receive a reward. We ask Anton about Lazar, Anton will advise you to contact Grigori. We find this old man in the village and ask him a few questions. We leave the village (a woman Tatiana will meet us at the exit and ask to find her husband, who has gone east of the village) and go towards the Shelter. On the way we find a corpse lying near the water. Here in this place the creature is hiding, which interferes with fishing. We throw the hook into the water and kill the monster. As evidence, we bring Jacob (that's the name of the fisherman) the creature's tooth. Quest completed.
We go to the Vault, talk to Odo, get the key from him. This key opens the door to the Vault dungeon (yes, the one we couldn't open). But we are not in a hurry to open this door. We run out of the shelter and step to the left. There we meet a merchant who will ask you to release his cart with goods from the robbers. We reach the cart, kill all the Leskantsi. After that, it will be possible to buy something in this cart. If you go further along the road, you can stumble upon Boris (it is necessary to kill him, since we have such a quest) and a closed crypt. After killing Boris, we return to the village and give the widow Boris' bandage. We return to the Vault, go down to the basement and open the doors. We fall into the East Forest (eastern forest).

First of all, we raise the letter from the corpse. After reading it, we learn that the corpse is a thief who tried to find a room that stores information about all members of the Legion. Unfortunately, this room is secret and to find it, you first need to find three books that talk about three great families. These books are scattered all over Eastern forest. One in a cave, in which, by the way, you can complete another quest - to find Tatyana's husband. The husband is already in the web, and behind him sits a huge white spider. We kill the spider, untie the husband, we get a reward. As for the book, it is quite easy to find it in a cave. The second book is in the forest and is guarded by a forest demon. The third is near the entrance to Mournweald ( dark forest, in which we need to find the ring of the Grand Master of the Legion). Having collected all three books, we go into the forest.

We go straight along the path, there is nowhere to turn anyway. At the end of the path, the corpse of the protagonist's father awaits us. We search the corpse and find the ring. We are trying to leave, but we are stopped by a fiery boy named The Radiant Youth. He will ask us never to return here again, tell us how to open the gate we need, and send us to the Eastern Forest.

We return to the Vault, find a secret room (we look at the mini-map, the room is marked with a circle on it) and speak with Odo. After the conversation, we go to the magic gate (in the room with the weapon seller) and open it. We get to Rukkenvahl Causway. This is a kind of transitional world, with the help of which real world you can move from one point to another. Having crossed to the other side and exited through another gate, we find ourselves in the Gunderic Mausoleum. We clean the mausoleum from enemies and search for treasures. We leave the mausoleum and get into Raven's Rill Graveyard.

As a matter of fact, we get to the cemetery. Having run a little forward, we meet the sorceress Zaria, of course we kill her! We run a little more and find ourselves in Upper Raven’s Rill, where, by the way, we were striving. At the entrance to the city we will be met by the Leskantzi detachment with a weak leader. By the way, before we enter the church, we will meet two more leaders. And in the church itself, the super-boss, Rajani, is waiting for us. This girl is a warrior and a magician. A very dangerous opponent. Shoots blue arrows, creates portals that take lives, delivers a rapid series of blows. The battle with her takes place in two stages, that is, you need to kill her twice. The first time she just runs and shoots at us, and the second time she creates a whole bunch of portals, shoots a huge number of arrows. Her shots are surprisingly accurate and take a lot of healing.

After Rajani is stunned a second time (yes, so far we have not been able to kill her), we go to the dungeon and free Lazar, the boyar, the head of the village. Together with Lazar, we run to the exit, where Rajani and Marten are already waiting for us. During the conversation, we will be offered to either kill Rajani or release her. This is your choice. After it is done, we will find ourselves in the Vault. We talk with Odo. He will give us a task - to get to the second Vault in Stonebridge.

Game: Platform: PC, PS3, X360 Genre: rpg Release date: June 21, 2011 In Russia: June 16, 2011 Developer: Obsidian Entertainment Publisher: Square Enix Publisher in Russia: New Disc/ hunt down Little control before the game

The game is controlled using the keyboard, or with the mouse, by pressing the left button. At first, the controls feel awkward, given that the camera is curved, but you get used to it over time.
There are practically no branched corridors and wide freedom of action in the game, therefore it is unrealistic to get lost. Moreover, by holding down the R button (by default), you can call up the "golden thread" that will show us the way.
There are few side quests, and even those that are, are made in the course of the main ones.

Items and weapons in the game are divided into 4 colors according to strength and power:
Snow-white - the most ordinary and standard things;
Greenish - things with improved features;
Blue - things with very good features, sometimes just unique;
Orange - unique things that can be purchased for a tidy sum or raised from killed chefs.

In total, you can carry two types of weapons in the game, which one depends on the character. So, for example, Bows can carry a two-handed blade and a one-handed blade with a shield.

In the previous parts, you could choose a few friends and make a whole squad. In this part, you can only choose 1st friend, but it can be changed. By the end of the game, there will be three friends to choose from. You can change them in any peacetime, in other words, when there is no battle.

Often in the game we have to make decisions that will only affect the end screen.

I'm going to pass.

To begin with, we select the character for which we will play. There are 4 heroes to choose from:
Lucas Montbarron is the offspring of the head of the Legion. The young man is excellent with a blade, including a two-handed one.
Anjali is half human, half fire elemental. Equally well handles both cool weapons and fiery mysticism.
Reinhart Manx - an old man who owns "secret magic". Playing as this character, get ready to mow down the ranks of opponents with spells.
Katarina is a woman armed to the teeth with pistols and rifles.

Next, we select the level of difficulty of the game, after that we look at the splash screen in which our character receives a letter from some Odo. In this letter, he asks us to come to the Montabarron estate. In the estate there will be a meeting of all Legionnaires.

Personally, I played for Katarina.

Montbarron's estate

We start the game in the black forest. We get acquainted with the administration and run to the estate of Montbarron. The estate is engulfed in bright flames, three corpses are lying in the courtyard. We get the task - "Find the survivors"! We run into the house, the door explodes ahead. Before running out into the corridor, we read a letter and a page from the diary that are lying on the floor.

We go further. Next to the bookcases we find a rack with a weapon, we select it. We run to the stairs, we blow up the barrels that prevent us from passing. To the left of the stairs lies a letter and there is a chest in which some necessary thing awaits us. We run forward, we kill the first 2 opponents. These are ordinary robbers, fighters of the Leskonzi army. To the right is a chest containing a weapon. We go down even lower. We kill several opponents, after which the door will open, behind which one of the survivors, Martin, will be waiting for us. Before approaching him, we examine the room, break all the barrels, as they may contain gold, open the chest. After looking around, we approach Martin. He is one of the Legionnaires and a friend of Odo. We ask him what happened, then together with him we run away from the estate. On the way, we break the barrels, open the chest. We run to the bridge, set fire to three barrels of explosives and watch the cutscene.


The first point of our journey is Rukkenwall. We conduct a dialogue with Martin, then we start the game. First, pay attention to the large column of light. At this point, you can save the game. We run straight from the save point. On the way, we search the remains, we reach the military camp. In the camp we find an announcement that they give 500 gold for the head of a legionnaire. We search the boxes and go through the gate. After running a couple of steps, we find ourselves near the bridge leading to the Vault. But before crossing them, we visit the 2nd camp, which is located to the left of the bridge. There we kill a couple of opponents and clean the chests. After that, we relax to the bridge and cross it.

On the other side we are waiting for a bunch of robbers led by some Bogdan. Bogdan is our first chief. We kill Bogdan and his minions, we run into the Vault, where Odo is already waiting for us. From his story, we learn that almost all of the Legionnaires are dead, presumably except for Lucas and Angela. We leave Martin in the Vault and go in search of the remaining Legionnaires. First, let's take a look at the small village of Ravens Rill. But before we do that, let's take a good look at the Vault. We look into all the rooms, go down to the lower floors, where there are a lot of spiders, there are closed doors, which we are not yet able to open.

We leave the shelter on the road of the pilgrims. The road will be full of enemies, but in the end it will lead us to the village of Ravens Rill. Before the gates of the village, a local inhabitant will meet us and say that the village is occupied, but still let us through.

The village is a peaceful place, in other words, you cannot shoot and kill civilians here. In the village, you can save and pick up a few side quests. We get the first such quest from an old lady whose husband was destroyed. The lady wants revenge, well, after all, we will help her. It is necessary to destroy some Boris, with a bandage on his face, then bring the bandage to the lady as confirmation. Having taken the quest, we step along the road further. After a few meters we are stopped by a man whom we supposedly had to find out. But, no matter how annoying it may sound, we do not remember him. But, the man aggressively recommends visiting his sister, who is located in a cave in the west of the village. According to him, the sister can answer some of our questions. The conversation will not last long, as the man will run away, afraid that they will be able to catch us.

Close to us on this moment there is a shopping cart. Here you can take and sell the found things. After bargaining, we cross the bridge, take the quest from the fisherman (you need to go east, throw the hook acquired from the fisherman into the water and destroy the creature that interferes with fishing). We save and leave the village in West Forest (western forest).

At the first fork, turn right and enter the cave. There we meet a sister who will give the key to the dungeon in which the prisoners are kept. These prisoners are survivors of the estate fire. So, after talking, we run to the left, killing heaps of opponents. There are save points ahead, there are stands with weapons and chests. The road zigzags, but it is difficult to get lost. Somewhere, approximately in the middle of the way, you will meet the chief - another leader of the robbers named Barbat. Then, after a couple of steps, we will stumble upon a strong witch guarding the prisoners, named Vera. She will have to fight. In battle, she will be assisted by several robbers and three weaker witches. Be careful at the very beginning of the battle, as the enemies can pinch and destroy, you won’t have time to blink an eye.

After Vera is defeated, we run up to the cells and free the prisoners. Which prisoner will sit in the right cell depends on which character you are playing. Angela sat in my cage. After the prisoner is free, he will become our companion.

We won’t be able to just escape from the cave, as Leona (that sister who gave us the key) will meet us and ask us to clear a place called Gunderic Manor. According to her, this place should be cleared of hordes of opponents living there. Leona herself does not want to do this, but it’s better for us to agree with this task. Not far from Leona, her brother Alexei meets us. We ask him a couple of questions and get out of the cave. At the first fork, turn right and get to a large old crypt. This is Gunderic Manor - the estate of the Gunderic couple. Inside we are met by a ringing wind and emptiness. But emptiness is only our temporary illusion; in fact, ghosts live in this house, which we will meet a little later. In the meantime, we are examining the picture in the hall, go up to the 2nd floor and turn left into the corridor. There we will hear a voice that will open the door to the bedroom, we go in there. We meet a ghost lady - this is Alice Ganderik, the daughter of the owner of the estate. She will ask for help. She is imprisoned in the house and cannot leave it. In order to free her, we must get into some storage, the key to which is in the father's office. We run out of the bedroom, kill the opponents who ran out of other rooms. We turn into another corridor on the second floor, there are three rooms here - one of them is password protected. We clean two rooms, we approach the talking door of the third room. We try to guess the password a couple of times until the door laughs and lets us in. We take the letter from the table, we read the diary on another table. We go down to the bottom floor.

We go into the doors that were previously locked. We pass along the corridors directly to the library. In the library we find locked steel doors. A lever weighs next to the doors, we pull it, but the doors do not open. Our task is to find some heart. After we pull the lever, the door to our left will explode. We kill opponents, prem forward right to the circle, in which several sorcerers summon a demon. Having spied the rite of summoning a demon, we become participants in the massacre. The Imp's name is Mire Hulk Horror. We kill him and his minions. We find a corpse in the battle hall, search it and find the heart we need. We bring it to the lever and open the doors. We step forward, we get to the hall, where we meet face to face with Lord Ganderik. To free his daughter, you must destroy him and take the magic ring. It is worth saying that the Lord is a very scary chef. He summons skeletons, knows how to accelerate and peel with mysticism. Having dealt with him, we leave the hall and meet Leona. In the process of talking with her, we learn that she is ... our sister! After the conversation, we can stay in the cottage, or we can end up on the street. In any case, we need to visit another room, which is located to the left of the one in which we destroyed the Lord. This room contains an old Heart of Nagog artifact. This particular artifact keeps the Lord's daughter in the cottage. We destroy the artifact.

All finished with the house. We return to the village, we find Anton. He will ask us to do something, and it turns out that we have already done it, we get merit. We ask Anton about Lazar, Anton will recommend contacting Grigori. We find this old man in the village and ask him a few questions. We leave the village (at the exit we will be met by lady Tatyana and asked to find her husband, who went east of the village) and go towards the Shelter. On the way we find a corpse lying near the water. Here in this place hides a creature that interferes with fishing. We throw the hook into the water and kill the monster. As confirmation, we bring Jacob (that's the name of the fisherman) the creature's tooth. Quest completed.
We go to the Vault, talk to Odo, get the key from him. This key opens the door to the hideout dungeon (yes, the one we couldn't open). But we are not in a hurry to open this door. We run out of cover and step to the left. There we meet a merchant who will ask to release his cart with the product from the robbers. We reach the cart, kill all the Leskantsi. After that, it will be possible to purchase something in this cart. If you go further along the road, you can come across Boris (you need to destroy him, since we have such a quest) and a closed crypt. After killing Boris, we return to the village and give the widow Boris' bandage. We return to the Vault, go down to the basement and open the doors. We fall into the East Forest (eastern forest).

First, we raise the letter from the corpse. After reading it, we learn that the corpse is a thief who tried to find a room that stores information about all members of the Legion. Unfortunately, this room is hidden and in order to find it, you must first find three books that talk about 3 majestic births. These books are scattered throughout the Eastern Forest. One in a cave, in which, by the way, you can complete another quest - to find Tatyana's husband. The husband is already online, and a large snow-white spider is sitting behind him. We kill the spider, we untie the spouse, we get merit. What swings the book, it is easy enough to find in the cave. The 2nd book is in the forest and it is guarded by a forest demon. 3rd - near the entrance to Mournweald (the black forest in which we need to find the ring of the Grand Master of the Legion). Having collected all three books, we go into the forest.

We go straight along the path, there is nowhere to turn anyway. At the end of the path, the corpse of the father of the main character awaits us. We search the corpse and find the ring. We are trying to leave, but we are stopped by a fiery boy named The Radiant Youth. He will ask us never to return here again, tell us how to open the gate we need, and send us to the Eastern Forest.

We return to the Vault, find a secret room (we look at the mini-map, the room is marked with a circle on it) and speak with Odo. After the conversation, we go to the magic gate (in the room with the gun dealer) and open it. We get to Rukkenvahl Causway. This is a typical transitional world, with the help of which in the real world you can move from one point to another. Having crossed to the other side and exited through another gate, we find ourselves in the Gunderic Mausoleum. We clean the mausoleum from opponents and search for treasures. We leave the mausoleum and get into Raven's Rill Graveyard.

In fact, we end up in a cemetery. Having run a little forward, we meet the witch Zaria, naturally we kill her! We run a little more and find ourselves in Upper Raven’s Rill, where, by the way, we were striving. At the entrance to the city, we will be met by a detachment of Leskantsi with a weak leader. By the way, before we enter the church, we will meet two more leaders. And in the church itself, the super-boss, Rajani, is waiting for us. This woman is a warrior and a sorcerer. A very formidable opponent. Shoots blue arrows, makes portals that take lives, delivers a quick series of blows. The battle with her takes place in two steps, in other words, it must be destroyed twice. The first time she just runs and shoots at us, and the second time she makes a whole bunch of portals, shoots a lot of arrows. Her shots are surprisingly accurate and take away a lot of heals.

After Rajani is stunned for the 2nd time (yes, we haven’t been able to destroy her yet), we go to the dungeon and free Lazarus, the nobleman, the head of the village. Together with Lazar we run to the exit, where Rajani and Marten are already waiting for us. During the conversation, we will be offered to either destroy Rajani or release her. This is your choice. After it is made, we will find ourselves in the Vault. We talk with Odo. He will give us a task - to get to the second Shelter in Stonebridge.

Original name: Dungeon Siege 3
Developer: Obsidian Entertainment
Publisher: Square Enix
Localizer in Russia: New Disc
Release Date: June 21, 2011
Release date in Russia: June 17, 2011
Platform: PC, XBox360, PS3

A little pre-game guide

The game is controlled using the keyboard, or with the mouse, by holding the left button. At first, the control seems inconvenient, given that the camera is curved, but you can get used to it over time.
There are almost no branched corridors and extensive freedom of action in the game, so it is impossible to get lost. Moreover, by holding down the R key (by default), you can call up the "golden thread" that will show us the way.
There are few side quests, and even those that are, are completed in the course of the main ones.

Items and weapons in the game are divided into 4 colors according to strength and power:
White - the most simple and standard things;
Green - things with improved characteristics;
Blue - things with very good characteristics, sometimes simply unique;
Orange - unique items that can be bought for a tidy sum or raised from killed bosses.

In total, you can carry two types of weapons in the game, which one depends on the character. So, for example, Lukam can carry a two-handed sword and a one-handed sword with a shield.

In the previous parts, you could choose several companions and create an entire squad. In this part, you can only choose one companion, but it will be possible to change it. By the end of the game, there will be three companions to choose from. You can change them at any time of peace, that is, when there is no battle.

Often in the game we have to make decisions that will only affect the end screen.

To begin with, we select the character for which we will play. There are 4 heroes to choose from:
Lucas Montbarron is the son of the head of the Legion. The guy is great with a sword, including a two-handed one.
Anjali is half human, half fire elemental. Equally well handles both melee weapons and fire magic.
Reinhart Manx is an old man who possesses "secret magic". Playing as this character, get ready to mow down the ranks of enemies with spells.
Katarina is a girl armed to the teeth with pistols and rifles.

Next, we select the level of difficulty of the game, after which we watch the splash screen in which our character receives a letter from a certain Odo. In this letter, he asks us to come to the Montabarron estate. In the estate there will be a meeting of all Legionnaires. Personally, I played for Katarina.

Montbarron's estate

We start the game in a dark forest. We get acquainted with the administration and run to the estate of Montbarron. The estate is blazing with bright flames, three corpses are lying in the courtyard. We get the task - "Find the survivors"! We run into the house, the door explodes ahead. Before running out into the corridor, we read a letter and a page from the diary that are lying on the floor.

We step further. Next to the bookcases we find a rack with weapons, we select it. We run to the stairs, we blow up the barrels that prevent us from passing. To the left of the stairs lies a letter and there is a chest in which some useful thing is waiting for us. Run forward, kill the first two enemies. These are simple robbers, soldiers of the Leskonzi army. To the right is a chest containing a weapon. We go down even lower. We kill several enemies, after which the door will open, behind which one of the survivors, Martin, will be waiting for us. Before approaching him, we examine the room, break all the barrels, since they may contain gold, open the chest. After looking around, we approach Martin. He is one of the Legionnaires and a friend of Odo. We ask him what happened, then we run away from the estate with him. On the way, we break the barrels, open the chest. We run to the bridge, set fire to three barrels of explosives and watch the cutscene.


The first point of our journey is Rukkenwall.

We conduct a dialogue with Martin, then we start the game. First of all, we pay attention to a huge column of light. At this point, you can save the game. We run straight from the save point. On the way, we search the remains, we reach the military camp. In the camp we find an announcement that they give 500 gold for the head of a legionnaire. We search the boxes and go through the gate. After running a couple of steps, we find ourselves near the bridge leading to the Vault. But before crossing them, we visit the second camp, which is located to the left of the bridge. There we kill a couple of enemies and clean the chests. After that, we calmly go to the bridge and cross it.

On the other side, a bunch of robbers are waiting for us, led by a certain Bogdan. Bogdan is our first boss. We kill Bogdan and his minions, we run into the Vault, where Odo is already waiting for us. From his story, we learn that almost all of the Legionnaires are dead, presumably with the exception of Lucas and Angela. We leave Martin in the Vault and go in search of the remaining Legionnaires. To begin with, let's look into the small village of Raven's Rill. But before we do this, we take a good look at the Vault. We look into all the rooms, go down to the lower floors, which are full of spiders, there are closed doors that we are not yet able to open .

We leave the shelter on the road of the pilgrims. The road will be full of enemies, but in the end it will lead us to the village of Raven's Rill. A local resident will meet us at the gates of the village and report that the village is occupied, but still let us through.

The village is a peaceful place, that is, you cannot shoot and kill civilians here. In the village, you can save and pick up a few side quests. We receive the first such quest from an elderly woman whose husband was killed. The woman wants revenge, well, let's help her. You need to kill a certain Boris, with a bandage on his face, and then bring the bandage to the woman as evidence. Having taken the quest, we step along the road further. After a few meters, we are stopped by a man whom we supposedly had to recognize. But, alas, we do not remember him. However, the man insistently advises to visit his sister, who is in a cave in the west of the village. According to him, the sister can answer some of our questions. The conversation will not last long, because the man will run away, afraid that we will be caught.

Right next to us is now a shopping cart. Here you can buy and sell the found things. After bargaining, we cross the bridge, take the quest from the fisherman (you need to go east, throw the hook received from the fisherman into the water and kill the creature that interferes with fishing). We save and leave the village in West Forest (western forest).

At the first fork, turn right and enter the cave. There we meet a sister who will give the key to the dungeon in which the prisoners are kept. These prisoners are survivors of the estate fire. So, after talking, we run to the left, killing heaps of enemies. There are save points ahead, there are stands with weapons and chests. The road is winding, but it's hard to get lost. Somewhere around the middle of the path, the boss will meet - another leader of the robbers named Barbat. Then, after a couple of steps, we will stumble upon a strong sorceress guarding the prisoners, named Vera. She will have to fight. In battle, she will be assisted by several robbers and three weaker witches. Be careful at the very beginning of the battle, because the enemies can pinch and kill you before you blink an eye.

After Vera is defeated, we run up to the cells and free the prisoners. Which prisoner will sit in the right cell depends on which character you are playing. Angela was in my cage. After the prisoner is free, he will become our companion.

We can’t just escape from the cave, because Leona (the same sister who gave us the key) will meet us and ask us to clear a place called Gunderic Manor. According to her, this place must be cleared of the hordes of enemies living there. Leona herself does not want to do this, but it’s better for us to agree with this task. Not far from Leona, her brother Alexei meets us. We ask him a couple of questions and get out of the cave. At the first fork, turn right and get to a huge old crypt. This is Gunderic Manor - the estate of the Gunderic couple. Inside we are met by a booming wind and emptiness. But emptiness is only our temporary illusion, in fact, ghosts live in this house, which we will meet a little later. In the meantime, we are examining the picture in the hall, go up to the second floor and turn left into the corridor. There we will hear a voice that will open the door to the bedroom, we go in there. We meet a ghost girl - this is Alice Ganderik, the daughter of the owner of the estate. She will ask for help. She is imprisoned in the house and cannot leave it. In order to free her, we must get into a certain vault, the key to which is in the father's office. We run out of the bedroom, kill the enemies who ran out of other rooms. We turn into another corridor on the second floor, there are three rooms here - one of them is password protected. We clean two rooms, we approach the talking door of the third room. We try to guess the password several times until the door laughs and let us inside. We take the letter from the table, we read the diary on another table. We go down to the first floor.

We go in the doors that were previously locked. We pass along the corridors up to the library. In the library we find locked iron doors. A lever weighs next to the doors, we pull it, but the doors do not open. Our task is to find a certain heart. After we pull the lever, the door to our left will explode. We kill the enemies, prem forward up to the circle in which several magicians summon the demon. Having spied the ritual of summoning a demon, we become participants in the massacre. The demon's name is Mire Hulk Horror. We kill him and his minions. We find a corpse in the battle hall, search it and find the heart we need. We bring it to the lever and open the doors. We step forward, we get to the hall, where we meet face to face with Lord Ganderik. To free his daughter, you need to kill him and take the magic ring. It is worth saying that the Lord is a very dangerous boss. He summons skeletons, can accelerate and hit with magic. Having dealt with him, we leave the hall and meet Leona. In the course of a conversation with her, we learn that she is ... our sister! After the conversation, we can stay in the mansion, or we can end up on the street. In any case, we need to visit another room, which is located to the left of the one in which we killed the Lord. This room contains an ancient Heart of Nagog artifact. It is this artifact that keeps the Lord's daughter in the mansion. We destroy the artifact.

Everything, with the mansion is finished. We return to the village, we find Anton. He will ask us to do something, and it turns out that we have already done it, we receive a reward. We ask Anton about Lazar, Anton will advise you to contact Grigori. We find this old man in the village and ask him a few questions. We leave the village (a woman Tatiana will meet us at the exit and ask to find her husband, who has gone east of the village) and go towards the Shelter. On the way we find a corpse lying near the water. Here in this place the creature is hiding, which interferes with fishing. We throw the hook into the water and kill the monster. As evidence, we bring Jacob (that's the name of the fisherman) the creature's tooth. Quest completed.
We go to the Vault, talk to Odo, get the key from him. This key opens the door to the Vault dungeon (yes, the one we couldn't open). But we are not in a hurry to open this door. We run out of the shelter and step to the left. There we meet a merchant who will ask you to release his cart with goods from the robbers. We reach the cart, kill all the Leskantsi. After that, it will be possible to buy something in this cart. If you go further along the road, you can stumble upon Boris (it is necessary to kill him, since we have such a quest) and a closed crypt. After killing Boris, we return to the village and give the widow Boris' bandage. We return to the Vault, go down to the basement and open the doors. We fall into the East Forest (eastern forest).

First of all, we raise the letter from the corpse. After reading it, we learn that the corpse is a thief who tried to find a room that stores information about all members of the Legion. Unfortunately, this room is secret and to find it, you first need to find three books that talk about three great families. These books are scattered throughout the Eastern Forest. One in a cave, in which, by the way, you can complete another quest - to find Tatyana's husband. The husband is already in the web, and behind him sits a huge white spider. We kill the spider, untie the husband, we get a reward. As for the book, it is quite easy to find it in a cave. The second book is in the forest and is guarded by a forest demon. The third is near the entrance to Mournweald (the dark forest in which we need to find the ring of the Grand Master of the Legion). Having collected all three books, we go into the forest.

We go straight along the path, there is nowhere to turn anyway. At the end of the path, the corpse of the protagonist's father awaits us. We search the corpse and find the ring. We are trying to leave, but we are stopped by a fiery boy named The Radiant Youth. He will ask us never to return here again, tell us how to open the gate we need, and send us to the Eastern Forest.

We return to the Vault, find a secret room (we look at the mini-map, the room is marked with a circle on it) and speak with Odo. After the conversation, we go to the magic gate (in the room with the weapon seller) and open it. We get to Rukkenvahl Causway. This is a kind of transitional world, with the help of which in the real world you can move from one point to another. Having crossed to the other side and exited through another gate, we find ourselves in the Gunderic Mausoleum. We clean the mausoleum from enemies and search for treasures. We leave the mausoleum and get into Raven's Rill Graveyard.

As a matter of fact, we get to the cemetery. Having run a little forward, we meet the sorceress Zaria, of course we kill her! We run a little more and find ourselves in Upper Raven’s Rill, where, by the way, we were striving. At the entrance to the city we will be met by the Leskantzi detachment with a weak leader. By the way, before we enter the church, we will meet two more leaders. And in the church itself, the super-boss, Rajani, is waiting for us. This girl is a warrior and a magician. A very dangerous opponent. Shoots blue arrows, creates portals that take lives, delivers a rapid series of blows. The battle with her takes place in two stages, that is, you need to kill her twice. The first time she just runs and shoots at us, and the second time she creates a whole bunch of portals, shoots a huge number of arrows. Her shots are surprisingly accurate and take a lot of healing.

After Rajani is stunned a second time (yes, so far we have not been able to kill her), we go to the dungeon and free Lazar, the boyar, the head of the village. Together with Lazar, we run to the exit, where Rajani and Marten are already waiting for us. During the conversation, we will be offered to either kill Rajani or release her. This is your choice. After it is done, we will find ourselves in the Vault. We talk with Odo. He will give us a task - to get to the second Vault in Stonebridge.


As soon as we leave the Vault, we will meet Lazarus, who again asks us for help. This time we have to open the Crypt of Heroes. This will help to increase the influx of pilgrims and traders, which in turn will lead to an improvement in the infrastructure of the village. The crypt can be found if you follow the road to the left of the Vault. Next to the crypt is a young boy, Maximelian, who tries to go inside after he finds out that we can open the crypt. But after we open it (and for this you just need to place two rings in two statues next to the door), he is afraid and asks to bring three things: a skull (Scull of Noric), a sword (Lord Bolingar's Sword) and a staff (Meric's Staff). Indeed, all three things are hidden in the crypt, and we will find them. But first, just go into the crypt.

There are many skeletons inside, there are witches and even a few leaders. Let's start looking for the skull. The skull is located in a closed room, which is indicated on the mini-map by a circle. The key to the room can be found in the skeleton, which is lying in the room opposite. Having taken the skull, we continue our journey deep into the crypt. We go down to the Hall of the Heroes.

All the heroes that Lady Montbarron once fought are buried here. We check each not destroyed mogul, in one of them we will find the Staff of Merik. We go to the next hall, where we stumble upon evil spirit crypt. It is huge and very slow, although it can carry out a lightning strike. We beat him, kill the monsters that he periodically sends, and beat him again. When the spirit is defeated, we run forward, in one of the rooms we pick up the sword and run out of the crypt. We speak with Lazar, we give all things to Maximelian (in principle, you can not give it away, this is your right). Now we need to cross the rebuilt bridge (it is located near the crypt), talk to Leopold, who is on the other side and meet new enemies - Azunite. These are well-armed soldiers, one might even say robots. After walking a little more, we find ourselves in a place called Bioluminescent Caves (Bioluminescent Cave). We cross it, we meet another Legionnaire, in my case it was Lucas. If you want, then he can join the squad, but only instead of the previous companion. We go to the haven of the royal army. We talk with Lord Devonsey (Lord Devonsey), he will tell us that in order to continue our journey to Stounbridge, we need a certain Phineas (Phineas). But, unfortunately, this boy was captured by the inhabitants of one of the villages. We agree to help rescue this Phineas. We choose a peaceful way of salvation, that is, we hint at negotiations with the inhabitants. After talking with the general, we find a soldier named Roderic (Roderick) and take the task from him. Roderick sent two reconnaissance parties into the woods, but they did not return. We, of course, need to find them.

We walk along the road that originates behind Roderick. We fall into the Gloamwood Bog. We run forward, on the way we help the first detachment of scouts to deal with the primitive locals. The second detachment cannot yet be saved, since it is well hidden behind impenetrable tree roots. We run to the General, who has already gathered a small detachment and is standing in front of the entrance to the village.

After a short dialogue, a small detachment of natives will attack us. Killing the Neanderthals, we move deeper into the village. When we reach the raised bridge, we see that the lever that brings the bridges together is on the other side. We get to it, pull and cross the reduced bridge. A video will immediately start, in which the main shaman in the village will appear. It is not possible to persuade him to the world, you have to fight. But the Shaman does not act quite honestly: he lets in a bunch of enemies, and he himself jumps somewhere upstairs. Well, we kill everyone and climb the trees up. At the very top there is an excellent platform for battle. The Shaman is a completely normal boss and the combat tactics are exactly the same as with the previous bosses. We kill heaps of minions, along the way we manage to hit the Shaman himself a couple of times. When the Shaman is defeated, it will be necessary to give him life with honor. As a sign of gratitude, the Shaman will give us a key that opens any ... bushes. We remember that behind some bushes a second reconnaissance detachment is hiding from us. So we run there, only on the way we meet Phineas and Ara, a missionary from the Azunite church. She will ask you to find her slug eggs in the swamp. Of course we will help her. First, we release the detachment from the bushes (we will have to kill a large spider), then we run after the eggs. The passage to the eggs was also previously closed to us by bushes, but now it is not a problem to pass. We get to the eggs, kill the main slug that guards them, and bring the eggs back to Aura. In return, we get a good amulet and some money. We run to the shelter of the royal army, we hand over the quest to Roderick, we speak with the General. After that, we run after Phineas and cross the bridges to the road to Stonebridge.

On the road, Svarbog meets us - the son of the sorceress Zaria, whom we once killed. We kill Svarbog and his entire team. We reach the gates of Stonebridge, where we are met by a robot navigator. We ask him a few questions and go into the city.
To begin with, we approach Ursula, a clothing merchant. We take a quest from her in which you need to scare away or kill thieves who encroach on ships with provisions and fabrics. Then we find the Vault and go into it.

The Vault is not as empty as it seems at first glance. In fact, it is full of guardians, which are not so easy to kill, since they respawn. We find a scroll that lies on a pedestal in a cage with falling walls. The scroll says that in order to calm all the guards and open the magical passage, you need to collect four books and put them in the correct order in the bookcase, behind which there is a gate. Focusing on the circles on the mini-map, we collect books and bring them to the closet. Our character will put them in the correct order. The magic gate will open and Odo and Marten will appear. After drawing up a further plan of action, we will have two new tasks: to establish relations with local authorities and go to Glitterdelve Mine, where we will need to provide support to the Queen. To begin with, we select the second option and go through the magic gates to Glitterdelve Mine.

Glitterdelve Mine

The place we got to is quite cold. It is understandable, mountains after all. The enemy army is visible in the distance. Surprisingly, the army sees us, so they furiously try to fire cannons.

We run along the path forward until we see a large cannon. You can use it, you just need to find gunpowder. Near the cannon we will meet a new enemy - the Cyclops. Pretty clumsy, but he has a decent amount of life. Going further along the path, we will meet the royal sapper, who will give us the key to the box with the cores. Not far from the sapper is just a cannon without a cannonball. So, we look for a box with cores, which is located in the ruins nearby, and load the core. We shoot from the cannon, after which a pile of snow will collapse and block the cave opposite.

We step to the left, with blows or shots we break the blue crystals that prevent us from passing, and through the fountain we go into the cave. We speak with Ibsen. He will show us the way to Glitterdelve, but only if we render him two services - we blow up three pipelines and find the lost detachment of the royal army (something they are very often lost). We step into Kaari Pass. We reach the save point. To the left of it is the first pipe, and to the left is the cave in which the squad is fighting. We help him and bring him to Ibsen. We return back to the passage, we look for the remaining two pipes. One of them is guarded by a huge snow demon. When all the pipes are destroyed, we speak with Ibsen, he tells how to get where we need to go. According to him, you should follow the glowing stones to the west. Indeed, stones that we had not noticed before began to glow and began to show the way. At the moment, you can do one more side quest- find a cave with monsters and clear it. Do it at your own discretion. The cave is quite easy to find, and experience will be the main reward.

Let's get back to our trip. So, following the path of glowing stones, we meet our friend Roderick, who will ask for help. We kill adversaries and run after Roderick, along the way we meet Phineas. We find ourselves in caves in which the devil knows what is going on: everything around is glowing, here and there flying platforms and the air is filled with magic. We reach the crystal, the touch of which causes the platform. We sit on it, fly to the other side. Our task is to find the Queen and talk to her. Since it is rather difficult to get lost in the local corridors, it is quite simple to do this. The queen is in a military camp. We speak with her and the General, after that we have a dialogue with Phineas. All of them will give us several tasks. Phineas will ask you to find magic stones called Painite. According to Phineas, these stones have colossal power that will help fight the enemy army. The queen will ask us to send us to the South and West gates, where small detachments of the royal army are already waiting for us.

Not far from the throne of the Queen is a man named Bartholomew, we get another task from him - to find a special gun that he lost near the South Gate. We run out of the camp and turn left. We reach the South Gate and meet Roderick. He gave us a few instructions and runs away to the West Gate. So, first we need to find 4 bags of black powder, then put this gunpowder in the cart next to the South Passage and blow it up. Fortunately, the corridors are linear, and it is impossible to get lost. In some places you will have to click on the crystal to call the platform, then climb higher to get to this platform (next to the place where our magic vehicle will take us, there are 4 magic stones. Phineas asked them to find them). Bartholomew's weapons are lying around in the hall, entering which spiders will immediately attack us and they will start firing at us from cannons. In the last room, where actually it is necessary to lay the explosives, there is a boss - Lieutenant Auzitov. Very slow, but at the same time very strong boss. It is best to hit him from afar. So, the explosives are planted. We run out of the hall and hear the sound of an explosion behind our backs. We run out of the South Gate and run to the right. Be careful on locations Deep Well, there are three magic stones near the West Gate. At the West Gate, you need to do the same as at the South Gate, that is, find four bags of gunpowder, lay it near the entrance and run away. Lieutenant Auzitov lives near the place where it is worth laying the explosive. An additional task at this gate will be Roderick's task - you need to activate three platforms in order to open the passage for a detachment of the royal army. For this we will get a decent amount of experience. Having blown up the passage, we return by the same way. Only now you should be doubly careful, because the enemies will start using huge guns.

We run to the camp and hand over quests to Phineas, Bartholomew and the Queen. We get another story mission. This time we need to destroy Stonestream - this is that huge flying rock in the middle of the gorge. Our number one goal is to get to Stonestream. Therefore, we run out of the camp, turn left, run to the cliff. Phineas will lower a platform for us, which will lift us up to the Stonestream. Phineas will start casting something next to the stone and it will take him some time to complete his magic. And at this time we need to protect it from the attack of enemies. Alas, not simple enemies will attack, but respawning ones, and with every second there will be more and more of them. After Phineas is done, we will need to go down, talk to Roderick and run to the very bottom of The Deep Well. There, a platform awaits us, stepping on which we will be transported to the fighting units of the royal army. We speak with the General, get up on the platform and go down to the battlefield. We kill several enemies and talk to our main enemy - Jane Cassinder.

After the conversation, a bloody battle will begin against a monster that looks like a huge mammoth. The name of this monster is Warbeast. The tactics of the battle with him are quite simple. We shoot at the monster, simultaneously killing heaps of enemies. We beware of the mammoth's quick attacks and try not to get close, so as not to be impaled on the horns. Having won, we watch the splash screen and talk with the Queen.

We clean all the chests in the camp. At the exit we meet Roderick and tell him that we are ready to advance to the magic gate.

We go through the gate and go to The Grand Chapterhouse. We talk with Odo, we state to him our vision of the situation. We speak at our discretion whether the current Queen is capable of leading the kingdom.

Now our task is to win the trust and interest of the mayors of Stonebridge.

Stonebridge II

We leave the Vault and head to Meisterhall. This building can be found if you go straight out of the hideout, go through the gate and turn left. Several people are picketing in the building. We go in the door behind the robot. We talk with Sigismund Wolf. After that, we follow him into the main hall, where all the mayors of the city have gathered. At first they ask us about this and that, after that they disperse to their corners. We need to win the trust of the majority of mayors, or rather at least three. But one vote from Wolfe is already in our pocket. Therefore, two remain. This is done simply - we ask them what they need and complete the task.

Rorik Kassel - Ask to calm the Cyclopes at the foundry.

Mudgutter - will ask you to clear the crypt, located next to the city, from thieves and smugglers.

Fiddlewick is a mischievous goblin who doesn't want to cast his vote. He will ask you to deal with the situation with the prisoner. In ancient times, the Legion could decide matters relating to justice, and now we have been endowed with such powers. Let's start with this task.

We go to the cell with Krang (that's the name of the prisoner), we speak with the guard robot, and then with Krang himself. It can be seen that a dialogue with him will not work, because from his “Krrr, krrrr ...” we do not understand anything. We go out to the protesting people and question them. Then we again approach the security robot and say that we want to make a choice. You can choose to release Krang, you can leave him in custody, or you can simply drive him out of the city. I chose the last option. In fact, it's better to leave Krang in jail or throw him out, as these options will satisfy Fiddlewick as much as possible. Having made a choice, we approach the goblin and take the second task from him. This time we are destined to resolve the land dispute. Its essence is simple and banal: there is land, there are two people (correction, one of them is a goblin), you need to decide which of them will get the land. We step into the Vault, where the participants in the dispute are already waiting for us. So, listen to both sides and make a decision. It is best to divide the land in half. In any case, our choice has little effect. We talk about the choice of Fiddlewick.

Now we deal with the cyclops at the foundry. To get to it, you need to exit the city hall, turn left and go to the closed gate. We tell the security robot that we are from Kassel, he will let us through. I'm going to the factory. Entering inside, we meet a worker who brings us up to date and asks, if possible, to turn 5 levers that will set the cooled gears in motion. It goes like additional quest, but it is quite easy to execute it, since the levers will meet strictly along our path. Not far from the third lever you can find another additional task. We find a man in a cage and talk to him. He will ask to save his two friends, who, like him, are sitting in a cage. We agree, let the man out and run in search of friends. Finding them, like levers, is not difficult, because they meet right on our way. So, we turned four levers, and reached the main cyclops. First you have to fight him. Like the other bosses in the game, he's terribly clumsy, but he hits hard. It's easy to deal with him. After the victory, we talk with him, after which we make a decision: to negotiate with the Cyclops or forcefully impose our will. I advise you to choose negotiations. This choice will not affect the further course of the game. It just affects who will vote for us: Fiddlewick or Kossel. After talking with the Cyclops, we look for the fifth lever on the battlefield and run straight to the entrance to the plant. Here we are already waiting for a man whom we helped to save friends, and a man whom we helped find 5 levers. In addition to them, Kossel and Fiddlewick are already waiting for us here, who are arguing about the future life of the Cyclopes. We have to choose: make the Cyclopes slaves or set them free. Let us go - Fiddlewick will vote for us, we will make slaves - Kossel. But in any case, we will earn another vote.

Our next task is to deal with the crypt and its inhabitants. The fact that many thieves divorced in the crypt is certainly bad, but there are treasures there, the man just tells us about this right in front of the entrance to the crypt. By the way, to get to the crypt, you need to run out of the factory and turn left, go down the stairs and go to the cemetery. The crypt is located right in the cemetery. Also, next to the cemetery, you can get another additional task from the goblin, who will ask you to chop off the automaton (large robot) in another part of the city. But we will deal with him later, but for now we run into the crypt.

Our task is to find the lair of the leader of the thieves, disarm the bandit and arrest him. We also collect Legion artifacts along the way (only three pieces, we will find the last artifact after the battle with the boss). In some places there will be no passage further, so you need to look around more closely and find the lever that activates the bridges. You can also find an additional task in the crypt - this is to collect three precious things and take them to one peasant in the city. Where to carry I will write later. In general, the task can be found if you read the book lying on the table in one of the rooms. Finding the right things is extremely simple, because they come across to us strictly on our way. Near the second precious thing there is a cage with a boss robot. We definitely need to open this cage, because in addition to the robot, the cage contains the lever we need. And one more interesting fact- in the crypt there is a new type of obstacle in this game - flying axes. To run under them is sheer nonsense, they just frighten with their size. So we got to the boss. His name is Ehregott. The battle with him is no different, except that this boss is somewhat faster than its predecessors. After killing him, we say that he does not go anywhere, because they will soon come to arrest him. We step into the passage behind him (just there you can find the last third artifact) and exit the crypt.

After walking a few steps, we see that Stonebridge is on fire. We are stopped by Marten and says that the automatons have gone berserk. Just for no reason, they began to destroy everything around, to kill innocent people. Having told us this, Marten runs off to save people, and our task is to get into the city hall and protect the mayors. You will have to fight your way to the mayor's office, as automatons filled the street, among them there are even well-armed bosses. Thank God, the city hall is located near the crypt. We run into the city hall, talk with Wolfe and find out that all the destruction around is the work of a famous bandit who cannot be caught in any way. The bandit's name is The Dapper Old Gent. Fortunately, now it will not be difficult to find him, since he opened a magical passage to his world right in the city hall. We pass through the gate and prepare for battle.

After a short conversation, a fight will begin. By the way, Gent is the most interesting boss in the game. It is not so easy to kill him, and we will not kill him, but only deprive him of his protection and seize him. Gent itself is located on a platform in the middle of the location. The platform can create a protective field by drawing energy from transformers that are located around the perimeter of the location. In turn, the transformers are also surrounded by a protective field, which is created by four towers located next to each transformer. At first, two towers are open, and two are under protection. After we destroy open towers, those that were closed open. Another feature of the towers is that they create automatons. So, in order to defeat Gent, we first blow up the towers, then we blow up the transformer and only then we shoot at the platform on which our enemy stands. We do this four times. After Gent's life bar comes to an end, he will run through the magic gates, but unfortunately, he will fall straight into the hands of Legionnaires and mayors. We ask Gent about his intentions (he, by the way, is a former Legionnaire who avenges his murdered brothers and sisters). At the end of the conversation, we have to make a choice: arrest Gent or make him part of the Legion. This choice does not affect anything. After that, we will have to go through the voting of mayors, who, of course, in the majority will vote in favor. And we will be put at the head of the automaton army and we will go with a fight to the very heart of Jane Cassinder's army - to Spire Bailey.

Spire Bailey

We approach the gate. If Rajani's life was previously saved, then she will meet us with her sister Sarah. She will ask you not to kill Jane (we agree) and will ask you to kill her two sisters, who guard some Gates. They will also tell about the secret dungeon in the garden. It is with his search that we begin our journey. We go into the garden.

In the first part of the garden, we see a lever and a bunch of enemies. We kill everyone, we pull the lever, we go into the opened gate. Everything is the same as in the first part. In the third part there is something like a crypt - this is the entrance to the dungeon, now you need to find a button that will open it. The button will be indicated on the mini-map by a circle. We find it, we advance and go down into the dungeon. This dungeon serves as a prison in which innocent citizens are kept. Immediately we are looking for a thief sitting in one of the cells. He will ask you to pull it out, and will say that the jailer has the key. The jailer lives nearby, one level higher. Killing him is quite difficult, because he has fast attacks and powerful armor. But be that as it may not be, it is necessary to kill him, so that we really need the key. Having taken the key, we go down to the thief, and make our choice: to let go or not. If we let go, we get a useful gift lying in a chest in the cell. We release the remaining prisoners and rise into the air.

We run out in previous part garden. Here on the sides there are two passages, to the west and east. Both there and there are towers in which there are Archons (those two sisters who will have to be killed). The east is ruled by the Archont of Vengeance and the west by the Archont of War. They are located at the very top of the towers and can only be reached by elevators. But you still need to get to the elevators, because the enemies near the towers are especially evil. And also a girl named Archont Handmade (homemade Archon, hehe) gets in the way. In general, we get to the Archons and kill them.

Then we run through the gate behind the crypt. I advise during this period of the game not to pay attention to the enemies, but simply run forward to Jane's castle, since there are an unrealistically many enemies, and you need to save your strength.

So here we are at Jane's castle. We save and go to battle with evil. Jane is already waiting for us in the hall with her henchman Chakti. After a short conversation, the battle will begin. Jane and Chakti will hide behind a protective field and start attacking the enemies. First, you will need to kill two Cyclops bosses (Cyclops Brut), then Chakti herself will fly out. After the death of Chakti, Jane will run away to another room, and we follow her. In the next hall, we have to fight with two Archons and Jane at once. Archons are very fast, especially fiery ones. On Jane special attention don't turn it, you still can't kill her. Unless you should be attentive to her attacks. And this time, Jane will run away from the battlefield. This time we catch up with her on the roof of the tower. This is where the final battle will take place.
This time, only Jane is fighting against us. But even without assistants, she is a very strong opponent. Very fast, with very strong attacks. Its main feature is that it constantly moves behind us and strikes at lightning speed. These attacks are very hard to dodge. It would be best to do this: when Jane is behind his back, do a somersault back and immediately hit quickly. It is best to use any quick strikes/shots. Having won, we will again be asked to make a choice: kill Jane or let her live. In any case, the choice will only affect the end screen. Select "keep alive". Jane will run away.

Marten will come running to us and ask us to return to the Vault in Rukkenvol. So we do. The Vault is already burning and collapsing, and if you look out the window, you can see that the same thing is happening on the streets. We speak with the young Legionnaire. We send him and the mayor of the local village to the magic gate, and we ourselves go down to the very bottom and go to the eastern forest. We run without looking back, without getting involved in fights with enemies (although there will be new enemies called daevas, very interesting creatures). When we meet the golden boy, save and run to our final point. The final battle will take place near the river in which our final boss sits. His name is Corrupted Creator - this is terrible creature Jane. It is killed in two stages: first we shoot at the hand, dodging a bunch of archons, then, when we shoot off the hand, we will need to aim at the head. It is extremely difficult to do this, because on the shore along which we run, a whole army of enemies will periodically appear. But when it disappears, it will be possible to safely shoot at the Creator's head. This is how we finish off the monster.

And in the finale, we will again be asked to make a choice: kill Jane or free her. Whatever choice you make, it's the end. We look at the splash screen, which summarizes the results. How Magic world will flourish in the future, depends on our actions that we made during the game.

Article taken from the site

Dungeon Siege 3

A little pre-game guide

The game is controlled using the keyboard, or with the mouse, by holding the left button. At first, the control seems inconvenient, given that the camera is curved, but you can get used to it over time.
There are almost no branched corridors and extensive freedom of action in the game, so it is impossible to get lost. Moreover, by holding down the R key (by default), you can call, which will show us the way.
There are few side quests, and even those that are, are completed in the course of the main ones.

Items and weapons in the game are divided into 4 colors according to strength and power:
White - the most simple and standard things;
Green - things with improved characteristics;
Blue - things with very good characteristics, sometimes simply unique;
Orange - unique items that can be bought for a tidy sum or raised from killed bosses.

In total, you can carry two types of weapons in the game, which one depends on the character. So, for example, Lukam can carry a two-handed sword and a one-handed sword with a shield.

In the previous parts, you could choose several companions and create an entire squad. In this part, you can only choose one companion, but it will be possible to change it. By the end of the game, there will be three companions to choose from. You can change them at any time of peace, that is, when there is no battle.

Often in the game we have to make decisions that will only affect the end screen.

I'm going to pass.

To begin with, we select the character for which we will play. There are 4 heroes to choose from:
Lucas Montbarron is the son of the head of the Legion. The guy is great with a sword, including a two-handed one.
Anjali is a half human, half fire elemental. Equally well handles both melee weapons and fire magic.
Reinhart Manx is an old man possessing. Playing as this character, get ready to mow down the ranks of enemies with spells.
Katarina is a girl armed to the teeth with pistols and rifles.

Next, we select the level of difficulty of the game, after which we watch the splash screen in which our character receives a letter from a certain Odo. In this letter, he asks us to come to the Montabarron estate. In the estate there will be a meeting of all Legionnaires.

Personally, I played for Katarina.

Montbarron's estate

We start the game in a dark forest. We get acquainted with the administration and run to the estate of Montbarron. The estate is blazing with bright flames, three corpses are lying in the courtyard. Getting the job! We run into the house, the door explodes ahead. Before running out into the corridor, we read a letter and a page from the diary that are lying on the floor.

We step further. Next to the bookcases we find a rack with weapons, we select it. We run to the stairs, we blow up the barrels that prevent us from passing. To the left of the stairs lies a letter and there is a chest in which some useful thing is waiting for us. Run forward, kill the first two enemies. These are simple robbers, soldiers of the Leskonzi army. To the right is a chest containing a weapon. We go down even lower. We kill several enemies, after which the door will open, behind which one of the survivors, Martin, will be waiting for us. Before approaching him, we examine the room, break all the barrels, since they may contain gold, open the chest. After looking around, we approach Martin. He is one of the Legionnaires and a friend of Odo. We ask him what happened, then we run away from the estate with him. On the way, we break the barrels, open the chest. We run to the bridge, set fire to three barrels of explosives and watch the cutscene.

The first point of our journey is Rukkenwall.

We conduct a dialogue with Martin, then we start the game. First of all, we pay attention to a huge column of light. At this point, you can save the game. We run straight from the save point. On the way, we search the remains, we reach the military camp. In the camp we find an announcement that they give 500 gold for the head of a legionnaire. We search the boxes and go through the gate. After running a couple of steps, we find ourselves near the bridge leading to the Vault. But before crossing them, we visit the second camp, which is located to the left of the bridge. There we kill a couple of enemies and clean the chests. After that, we calmly go to the bridge and cross it.

On the other side, a bunch of robbers are waiting for us, led by a certain Bogdan. Bogdan is our first boss. We kill Bogdan and his minions, we run into the Vault, where Odo is already waiting for us. From his story, we learn that almost all of the Legionnaires are dead, presumably with the exception of Lucas and Angela. We leave Martin in the Vault and go in search of the remaining Legionnaires. To begin with, let's look into the small village of Raven's Rill. But before we do this, we take a good look at the Vault. We look into all the rooms, go down to the lower floors, which are full of spiders, there are closed doors that we are not yet able to open .

We leave the shelter on the road of the pilgrims. The road will be full of enemies, but in the end it will lead us to the village of Raven's Rill. A local resident will meet us at the gates of the village and report that the village is occupied, but still let us through.

The village is a peaceful place, that is, you cannot shoot and kill civilians here. In the village, you can save and pick up a few side quests. We receive the first such quest from an elderly woman whose husband was killed. The woman wants revenge, well, let's help her. You need to kill a certain Boris, with a bandage on his face, and then bring the bandage to the woman as evidence. Having taken the quest, we step along the road further. After a few meters, we are stopped by a man whom we supposedly had to recognize. But, alas, we do not remember him. However, the man insistently advises to visit his sister, who is in a cave in the west of the village. According to him, the sister can answer some of our questions. The conversation will not last long, because the man will run away, afraid that we will be caught.

Right next to us is now a shopping cart. Here you can buy and sell the found things. After bargaining, we cross the bridge, take the quest from the fisherman (you need to go east, throw the hook received from the fisherman into the water and kill the creature that interferes with fishing). We save and leave the village in West Forest (western forest).

At the first fork, turn right and enter the cave. There we meet a sister who will give the key to the dungeon in which the prisoners are kept. These prisoners are the survivors of the estate fire. So, after talking, we run to the left, killing heaps of enemies. There are save points ahead, there are stands with weapons and chests. The road is winding, but it's hard to get lost. Somewhere around the middle of the path, the boss will meet - another leader of the robbers named Barbat. Then, after a couple of steps, we will stumble upon a strong sorceress guarding the prisoners, named Vera. She will have to fight. In battle, she will be assisted by several robbers and three weaker witches. Be careful at the very beginning of the battle, because the enemies can pinch and kill you before you blink an eye.

After Vera is defeated, we run up to the cells and free the prisoners. Which prisoner will sit in the right cell depends on which character you are playing. Angela was in my cage. After the prisoner is free, he will become our companion.

We can’t just escape from the cave, because Leona (the same sister who gave us the key) will meet us and ask us to clear a place called Gunderic Manor. According to her, this place must be cleared of the hordes of enemies living there. Leona herself does not want to do this, but it’s better for us to agree with this task. Not far from Leona, her brother Alexei meets us. We ask him a couple of questions and get out of the cave. At the first fork, turn right and get to a huge old crypt. This is Gunderic Manor - the estate of the Gunderic couple. Inside we are met by a booming wind and emptiness. But emptiness is only our temporary illusion, in fact, ghosts live in this house, which we will meet a little later. In the meantime, we are examining the picture in the hall, go up to the second floor and turn left into the corridor. There we will hear a voice that will open the door to the bedroom, we go in there. We meet a ghost girl - this is Alice Ganderik, the daughter of the owner of the estate. She will ask for help. She is imprisoned in the house and cannot leave it. In order to free her, we must get into a certain vault, the key to which is in the father's office. We run out of the bedroom, kill the enemies who ran out of other rooms. We turn into another corridor on the second floor, there are three rooms here - one of them is password protected. We clean two rooms, we approach the talking door of the third room. We try to guess the password several times until the door laughs and let us inside. We take the letter from the table, we read the diary on another table. We go down to the first floor.

We go in the doors that were previously locked. We pass along the corridors up to the library. In the library we find locked iron doors. A lever weighs next to the doors, we pull it, but the doors do not open. Our task is to find a certain heart. After we pull the lever, the door to our left will explode. We kill the enemies, prem forward up to the circle in which several magicians summon the demon. Having spied the ritual of summoning a demon, we become participants in the massacre. The demon's name is Mire Hulk Horror. We kill him and his minions. We find a corpse in the battle hall, search it and find the heart we need. We bring it to the lever and open the doors. We step forward, we get to the hall, where we meet face to face with Lord Ganderik. To free his daughter, you need to kill him and take the magic ring. It is worth saying that the Lord is a very dangerous boss. He summons skeletons, can accelerate and hit with magic. Having dealt with him, we leave the hall and meet Leona. In the course of a conversation with her, we learn that she is: our sister! After the conversation, we can stay in the mansion, or we can end up on the street. In any case, we need to visit another room, which is located to the left of the one in which we killed the Lord. This room contains an ancient Heart of Nagog artifact. It is this artifact that keeps the Lord's daughter in the mansion. We destroy the artifact.

Everything, with the mansion is finished. We return to the village, we find Anton. He will ask us to do something, and it turns out that we have already done it, we receive a reward. We ask Anton about Lazar, Anton will advise you to contact Grigori. We find this old man in the village and ask him a few questions. We leave the village (a woman Tatiana will meet us at the exit and ask to find her husband, who has gone east of the village) and go towards the Shelter. On the way we find a corpse lying near the water. Here in this place the creature is hiding, which interferes with fishing. We throw the hook into the water and kill the monster. As evidence, we bring Jacob (that's the name of the fisherman) the creature's tooth. Quest completed.
We go to the Vault, talk to Odo, get the key from him. This key opens the door to the Vault dungeon (yes, the one we couldn't open). But we are not in a hurry to open this door. We run out of the shelter and step to the left. There we meet a merchant who will ask you to release his cart with goods from the robbers. We reach the cart, kill all the Leskantsi. After that, it will be possible to buy something in this cart. If you go further along the road, you can stumble upon Boris (it is necessary to kill him, since we have such a quest) and a closed crypt. After killing Boris, we return to the village and give the widow Boris' bandage. We return to the Vault, go down to the basement and open the doors. We fall into the East Forest (eastern forest).

First of all, we raise the letter from the corpse. After reading it, we learn that the corpse is a thief who tried to find a room that stores information about all members of the Legion. Unfortunately, this room is secret and to find it, you first need to find three books that talk about three great families. These books are scattered throughout the Eastern Forest. One in a cave, in which, by the way, you can complete another quest - to find Tatyana's husband. The husband is already in the web, and behind him sits a huge white spider. We kill the spider, untie the husband, we get a reward. As for the book, it is quite easy to find it in a cave. The second book is in the forest and is guarded by a forest demon. The third is near the entrance to Mournweald (the dark forest in which we need to find the ring of the Grand Master of the Legion). Having collected all three books, we go into the forest.

We go straight along the path, there is nowhere to turn anyway. At the end of the path, the corpse of the protagonist's father awaits us. We search the corpse and find the ring. We are trying to leave, but we are stopped by a fiery boy named The Radiant Youth. He will ask us never to return here again, tell us how to open the gate we need, and send us to the Eastern Forest.

We return to the Vault, find a secret room (we look at the mini-map, the room is marked with a circle on it) and speak with Odo. After the conversation, we go to the magic gate (in the room with the weapon seller) and open it. We get to Rukkenvahl Causway. This is a kind of transitional world, with the help of which in the real world you can move from one point to another. Having crossed to the other side and exited through another gate, we find ourselves in the Gunderic Mausoleum. We clean the mausoleum from enemies and search for treasures. We leave the mausoleum and get into Raven's Rill Graveyard.

As a matter of fact, we get to the cemetery. Having run a little forward, we meet the sorceress Zaria, of course we kill her! We run a little more and find ourselves in Upper Raven's Rill, where, by the way, we were striving. At the entrance to the city, we will be met by a Leskantzi detachment with a weak leader. By the way, before we enter the church, we will meet two more leaders "And in the church itself, a super-boss is waiting for us - Rajani. This is a girl warrior and mage. A very dangerous opponent. Shoots blue arrows, creates portals that take lives, inflicts a rapid series of blows. The battle with her takes place in two stages, that is, to kill you need her twice, the first time she just runs and shoots at us, and the second time she creates a whole bunch of portals, shoots a huge number of arrows, her shots are surprisingly accurate and take a lot of healing.

After Rajani is stunned a second time (yes, so far we have not been able to kill her), we go to the dungeon and free Lazar, the boyar, the head of the village. Together with Lazar, we run to the exit, where Rajani and Marten are already waiting for us. During the conversation, we will be offered to either kill Rajani or release her. This is your choice. After it is done, we will find ourselves in the Vault. We talk with Odo. He will give us a task - to get to the second Vault in Stonebridge.

As soon as we leave the Vault, we will meet Lazarus, who again asks us for help. This time we have to open the Crypt of Heroes. This will help to increase the influx of pilgrims and traders, which in turn will lead to an improvement in the infrastructure of the village. The crypt can be found if you follow the road to the left of the Vault. Next to the crypt is a young boy, Maximelian, who tries to go inside after he finds out that we can open the crypt. But after we open it (and for this you just need to place two rings in two statues next to the door), he is cowardly and asks to bring three things: a skull (Scull of Noric), a sword (Lord Bolingar's Sword) and a staff (Meric's Staff). Indeed, all three things are hidden in the crypt, and we will find them. But first, just go into the crypt.

There are many skeletons inside, there are witches and even a few leaders. Let's start looking for the skull. The skull is located in a closed room, which is indicated on the mini-map by a circle. The key to the room can be found in the skeleton, which is lying in the room opposite. Having taken the skull, we continue our journey deep into the crypt. We go down to the Hall of the Heroes.

All the heroes that Lady Montbarron once fought are buried here. We check each not destroyed mogul, in one of them we will find the Staff of Merik. We go to the next room, where we stumble upon the evil spirit of the crypt. It is huge and very slow, although it can carry out a lightning strike. We beat him, kill the monsters that he periodically sends, and beat him again. When the spirit is defeated, we run forward, in one of the rooms we pick up the sword and run out of the crypt. We speak with Lazar, we give all things to Maximelian (in principle, you can not give it away, this is your right). Now we need to cross the rebuilt bridge (it is located near the crypt), talk to Leopold, who is on the other side and meet new enemies - Azunite. These are well-armed soldiers, one might even say robots. After walking a little more, we find ourselves in a place called Bioluminescent Caves (Bioluminescent Cave). We cross it, we meet another Legionnaire, in my case it was Lucas. If you want, then he can join the squad, but only instead of the previous companion. We go to the haven of the royal army. We talk with Lord Devonsey (Lord Devonsey), he will tell us that in order to continue our journey to Stounbridge, we need a certain Phineas (Phineas). But, unfortunately, this boy was captured by the inhabitants of one of the villages. We agree to help rescue this Phineas. We choose a peaceful way of salvation, that is, we hint at negotiations with the inhabitants. After talking with the general, we find a soldier named Roderic (Roderick) and take the task from him. Roderick sent two reconnaissance parties into the woods, but they did not return. We, of course, need to find them.

We walk along the road that originates behind Roderick. We fall into the Gloamwood Bog. We run forward, on the way we help the first detachment of scouts to deal with the primitive locals. The second detachment cannot yet be saved, since it is well hidden behind impenetrable tree roots. We run to the General, who has already gathered a small detachment and is standing in front of the entrance to the village.

After a short dialogue, a small detachment of natives will attack us. Killing the Neanderthals, we move deeper into the village. When we reach the raised bridge, we see that the lever that brings the bridges together is on the other side. We get to it, pull and cross the reduced bridge. A video will immediately start, in which the main shaman in the village will appear. It is not possible to persuade him to the world, you have to fight. But the Shaman does not act quite honestly: he lets in a bunch of enemies, and he himself jumps somewhere upstairs. Well, we kill everyone and climb the trees up. At the very top there is an excellent platform for battle. The shaman is a completely ordinary boss and the battle tactics are exactly the same as with the previous bosses. We kill heaps of minions, along the way we manage to hit the Shaman himself a couple of times. When the Shaman is defeated, it will be necessary to give him life with honor. As a sign of gratitude, the Shaman will give us a key that opens any bushes. We remember that behind some bushes a second reconnaissance detachment is hiding from us. So we run there, only on the way we meet Phineas and Aru, a missionary from the Azunite church. She will ask you to find her slug eggs in the swamp. Of course we will help her. First, we release the detachment from the bushes (we will have to kill a large spider), then we run after the eggs. The passage to the eggs was also previously closed to us by bushes, but now it is not a problem to pass. We get to the eggs, kill the main slug that guards them, and bring the eggs back to Aura. In return, we get a good amulet and some money. We run to the shelter of the royal army, we hand over the quest to Roderick, we speak with the General. After that, we run after Phineas and cross the bridges to the road to Stonebridge.

On the road, Svarbog meets us - the son of the sorceress Zaria, whom we once killed. We kill Svarbog and his entire team. We reach the gates of Stonebridge, where we are met by a robot navigator. We ask him a few questions and go into the city.
To begin with, we approach Ursula, a clothing merchant. We take a quest from her in which you need to scare away or kill thieves who encroach on ships with provisions and fabrics. Then we find the Vault and go into it.

The Vault is not as empty as it seems at first glance. In fact, it is full of guardians, which are not so easy to kill, since they respawn. We find a scroll that lies on a pedestal in a cage with falling walls. The scroll says that in order to calm all the guards and open the magical passage, you need to collect four books and put them in the correct order in the bookcase, behind which there is a gate. Focusing on the circles on the mini-map, we collect books and bring them to the closet. Our character will put them in the correct order. The magic gate will open and Odo and Marten will appear. After drawing up a further plan of action, we will have two new tasks: to establish relations with local authorities and go to Glitterdelve Mine, where we will need to provide support to the Queen. To begin with, we select the second option and go through the magic gates to Glitterdelve Mine.

Glitterdelve Mine

The place we got to is quite cold. It is understandable, mountains after all. The enemy army is visible in the distance. Surprisingly, the army sees us, so they furiously try to fire cannons.

We run along the path forward until we see a large cannon. You can use it, you just need to find gunpowder. Near the cannon we will be met by a new enemy - the Cyclops. Pretty clumsy, but he has a decent amount of life. Going further along the path, we will meet the royal sapper, who will give us the key to the box with the cores. Not far from the sapper is just a cannon without a cannonball. So, we look for a box with cores, which is located in the ruins nearby, and load the core. We shoot from the cannon, after which a pile of snow will collapse and block the cave opposite.

We step to the left, with blows or shots we break the blue crystals that prevent us from passing, and through the fountain we go into the cave. We speak with Ibsen. He will show us the way to Glitterdelve, but only if we provide him with two services - we blow up three pipelines and find the lost detachment of the royal army (something they are very often lost). We step into Kaari Pass. We reach the save point. To the left of it is the first pipe, and to the left is the cave in which the squad is fighting. We help him and bring him to Ibsen. We return back to the passage, we look for the remaining two pipes. One of them is guarded by a huge snow demon. When all the pipes are destroyed, we speak with Ibsen, he tells how to get where we need to go. According to him, you should follow the glowing stones to the west. Indeed, stones that we had not noticed before began to glow and began to show the way. At the moment, you can complete another side quest - find a cave with monsters and clear it. Do it at your own discretion. The cave is quite easy to find, and experience will be the main reward.

Let's get back to our trip. So, following the path of glowing stones, we meet our friend Roderick, who will ask for help. We kill adversaries and run after Roderick, along the way we meet Phineas. We find ourselves in caves in which the devil knows what is going on: everything around is glowing, here and there flying platforms and the air is filled with magic. We reach the crystal, the touch of which causes the platform. We sit on it, fly to the other side. Our task is to find the Queen and talk to her. Since it is rather difficult to get lost in the local corridors, it is quite simple to do this. The queen is in a military camp. We speak with her and the General, after that we have a dialogue with Phineas. All of them will give us several tasks. Phineas will ask you to find magic stones called Painite. According to Phineas, these stones have colossal power that will help fight the enemy army. The queen will ask us to send us to the South and West gates, where small detachments of the royal army are already waiting for us.

Not far from the throne of the Queen is a man named Bartholomew, we get another task from him - to find a special gun that he lost near the South Gate. We run out of the camp and turn left. We reach the South Gate and meet Roderick. He gave us a few instructions and runs away to the West Gate. So, first we need to find 4 bags of black powder, then put this gunpowder in the cart next to the South Passage and blow it up. Fortunately, the corridors are linear, and it is impossible to get lost. In some places you will have to click on the crystal to call the platform, then climb higher to get to this platform (next to the place where our magic vehicle will take us, there are 4 magic stones. Phineas asked them to find them). Bartholomew's weapons are lying around in the hall, entering which spiders will immediately attack us and they will start firing at us from cannons. In the last room, where actually it is necessary to lay the explosives, there is a boss - Lieutenant Auzitov. Very slow, but at the same time very strong boss. It is best to hit him from afar. So, the explosives are planted. We run out of the hall and hear the sound of an explosion behind our backs. We run out of the South Gate and run to the right. Be careful, there are three magic stones at The Deep Well, next to the West Gate. At the West Gate, you need to do the same as at the South Gate, that is, find four bags of gunpowder, lay it near the entrance and run away. Lieutenant Auzitov lives near the place where it is worth laying the explosive. An additional task at this gate will be the task of Roderick - you need to activate three platforms in order to open the passage for a detachment of the royal army. For this we will get a decent amount of experience. Having blown up the passage, we return by the same way. Only now you should be doubly careful, because the enemies will start using huge guns.

We run to the camp and hand over quests to Phineas, Bartholomew and the Queen. We get another plot task. This time we need to destroy Stonestream - this is that huge flying rock in the middle of the gorge. Our number one goal is to get to Stonestream. Therefore, we run out of the camp, turn left, run to the cliff. Phineas will lower a platform for us, which will lift us up to the Stonestream. Phineas will start casting something next to the stone and it will take him some time to complete his magic. And at this time we need to protect it from the attack of enemies. Alas, not simple enemies will attack, but respawning ones, and with every second there will be more and more of them. After Phineas is done, we will need to go down, talk to Roderick and run to the very bottom of The Deep Well. There, a platform awaits us, stepping on which we will be transported to the fighting units of the royal army. We speak with the General, get up on the platform and go down to the battlefield. We kill several enemies and talk to our main enemy - Jane Cassinder.

After the conversation, a bloody battle will begin against a monster that looks like a huge mammoth. The name of this monster is Warbeast. The tactics of the battle with him are quite simple. We shoot at the monster, simultaneously killing heaps of enemies. We beware of the mammoth's quick attacks and try not to get close, so as not to be impaled on the horns. Having won, we watch the splash screen and talk with the Queen.

We clean all the chests in the camp. At the exit we meet Roderick and tell him that we are ready to advance to the magic gate.

We go through the gate and go to The Grand Chapterhouse. We talk with Odo, we state to him our vision of the situation. We speak at our discretion whether the current Queen is capable of leading the kingdom.

Now our task is to win the trust and interest of the mayors of Stonebridge.

We leave the Vault and head to Meisterhall. This building can be found if you go straight out of the hideout, go through the gate and turn left. Several people are picketing in the building. We go in the door behind the robot. We talk with Sigismund Wolf. After that, we follow him into the main hall, where all the mayors of the city have gathered. At first they ask us about this and that, after that they disperse to their corners. We need to win the trust of the majority of mayors, or rather at least three. But one vote from Wolfe is already in our pocket. Therefore, two remain. This is done simply - we ask them what they need and complete the task.

Rorik Kassel - will ask you to calm the cyclops at the foundry.

Mudgutter - will ask you to clear the crypt, located near the city, from thieves and smugglers.

Fiddlewick is a mischievous goblin who doesn't want to cast his vote. He will ask you to deal with the situation with the prisoner. In ancient times, the Legion could decide matters relating to justice, and now we have been endowed with such powers. Let's start with this task.

We go to the cell with Krang (that's the name of the prisoner), we speak with the guard robot, and then with Krang himself. It can be seen that a dialogue with him will not work, because we do not understand anything from him. We go out to the protesting people and question them. Then we again approach the security robot and say that we want to make a choice. You can choose to release Krang, you can leave him in custody, or you can simply drive him out of the city. I chose the last option. In fact, it's better to leave Krang in jail or throw him out, as these options will satisfy Fiddlewick as much as possible. Having made a choice, we approach the goblin and take the second task from him. This time we are destined to resolve the land dispute. Its essence is simple and banal: there is land, there are two people (correction, one of them is a goblin), you need to decide which of them will get the land. We step into the Vault, where the participants in the dispute are already waiting for us. So, listen to both sides and make a decision. It is best to divide the land in half. In any case, our choice has little effect. We talk about the choice of Fiddlewick.

Now we deal with the cyclops at the foundry. To get to it, you need to exit the city hall, turn left and go to the closed gate. We tell the security robot that we are from Kassel, he will let us through. I'm going to the factory. Entering inside, we meet a worker who brings us up to date and asks, if possible, to turn 5 levers that will set the cooled gears in motion. This comes as an optional quest, but it's pretty easy to complete, as the levers will be found strictly along our path. Not far from the third lever, you can find another additional task. We find a man in a cage and talk to him. He will ask to save his two friends, who, like him, are sitting in a cage. We agree, let the man out and run in search of friends. Finding them, like levers, is not difficult, because they meet right on our way. So, we turned four levers, and reached the main cyclops. First you have to fight him. Like other bosses in the game - he is terribly clumsy, but he hits hard. It's easy to deal with him. After the victory, we talk with him, after which we make a decision: to negotiate with the Cyclops or forcefully impose our will. I advise you to choose negotiations. This choice will not affect the further course of the game. It just affects who will vote for us: Fiddlewick or Kossel. After talking with the Cyclops, we look for the fifth lever on the battlefield and run straight to the entrance to the plant. Here we are already waiting for a man whom we helped to save friends, and a man whom we helped find 5 levers. In addition to them, Kossel and Fiddlewick are already waiting for us here, who are arguing about the future life of the Cyclopes. We have to choose: make the Cyclopes slaves or set them free. Let us go - Fiddlewick will vote for us, we will make slaves - Kossel. But in any case, we will earn another vote.

Our next task is to deal with the crypt and its inhabitants. The fact that many thieves divorced in the crypt is certainly bad, but there are treasures there, the man just tells us about this right in front of the entrance to the crypt. By the way, to get to the crypt, you need to run out of the factory and turn left, go down the stairs and go to the cemetery. The crypt is located right in the cemetery. Also, next to the cemetery, you can get another additional task from the goblin, who will ask you to chop off the automaton (large robot) in another part of the city. But we will deal with him later, but for now we run into the crypt.

Our task is to find the lair of the leader of the thieves, disarm the bandit and arrest him. We also collect Legion artifacts along the way (only three pieces, we will find the last artifact after the battle with the boss). In some places there will be no passage further, so you need to look around more closely and find the lever that activates the bridges. You can also find an additional task in the crypt - this is to collect three precious things and take them to one peasant in the city. Where to carry I will write later. In general, the task can be found if you read the book lying on the table in one of the rooms. Finding the right things is extremely simple, because they come across to us strictly on our way. Near the second precious thing there is a cage with a boss robot. We definitely need to open this cage, because in addition to the robot, the cage contains the lever we need. And one more interesting fact - in the crypt there is a new type of obstacle in this game - flying axes. To run under them is sheer nonsense, they just frighten with their size. So we got to the boss. His name is Ehregott. The battle with him is no different, except that this boss is somewhat faster than its predecessors. After killing him, we say that he does not go anywhere, because they will soon come to arrest him. We step into the passage behind him (just there you can find the last third artifact) and exit the crypt.

After walking a few steps, we see that Stonebridge is on fire. We are stopped by Marten and says that the automatons have gone berserk. Just for no reason, they began to destroy everything around, to kill innocent people. Having told us this, Marten runs off to save people, and our task is to get into the city hall and protect the mayors. You will have to fight your way to the mayor's office, as automatons filled the street, among them there are even well-armed bosses. Thank God, the city hall is located near the crypt. We run into the city hall, talk with Wolfe and find out that all the destruction around is the work of a famous bandit who cannot be caught in any way. The bandit's name is The Dapper Old Gent. Fortunately, now it will not be difficult to find him, since he opened a magical passage to his world right in the city hall. We pass through the gate and prepare for battle.

After a short conversation, a fight will begin. By the way, Gent is the most interesting boss in the game. It is not so easy to kill him, and we will not kill him, but only deprive him of his protection and seize him. Gent itself is located on a platform in the middle of the location. The platform can create a protective field by drawing energy from transformers that are located around the perimeter of the location. In turn, the transformers are also surrounded by a protective field, which is created by four towers located next to each transformer. At first, two towers are open, and two are under protection. After we destroy open towers, those that were closed open. Another feature of the towers is that they create automatons. So, in order to defeat Gent, we first blow up the towers, then we blow up the transformer and only then we shoot at the platform on which our enemy stands. We do this four times. After Gent's life bar comes to an end, he will run through the magic gates, but unfortunately, he will fall straight into the hands of Legionnaires and mayors. We ask Gent about his intentions (he, by the way, is a former Legionnaire who avenges his murdered brothers and sisters). At the end of the conversation, we have to make a choice: arrest Gent or make him part of the Legion. This choice does not affect anything. After that, we will have to go through the voting of mayors, who, of course, in the majority will vote. And we will be put at the head of the automaton army and we will go with a fight to the very heart of Jane Cassinder's army - to Spire Bailey.

We approach the gate. If Rajani's life was previously saved, then she will meet us with her sister Sarah. She will ask you not to kill Jane (we agree) and will ask you to kill her two sisters, who guard some Gates. They will also tell about the secret dungeon in the garden. It is with his search that we begin our journey. We go into the garden.

In the first part of the garden, we see a lever and a bunch of enemies. We kill everyone, we pull the lever, we go into the opened gate. Everything is the same as in the first part. In the third part there is something like a crypt - this is the entrance to the dungeon, now you need to find a button that will open it. The button will be indicated on the mini-map by a circle. We find it, we advance and go down into the dungeon. This dungeon serves as a prison in which innocent citizens are kept. Immediately we are looking for a thief sitting in one of the cells. He will ask you to pull it out, and will say that the jailer has the key. The jailer lives nearby, one level higher. Killing him is quite difficult, because he has fast attacks and powerful armor. But be that as it may not be, it is necessary to kill him, so that we really need the key. Having taken the key, we go down to the thief, and make our choice: to let go or not. If we let go, we get a useful gift lying in a chest in the cell. We release the remaining prisoners and rise into the air.

We run out into the previous part of the garden. Here on the sides there are two passages, to the west and east. Both there and there are towers in which there are Archons (those two sisters who will have to be killed). The east is ruled by the Archont of Vengeance and the west by the Archont of War. They are located at the very top of the towers and can only be reached by elevators. But you still need to get to the elevators, because the enemies near the towers are especially evil. And also a girl named Archont Handmade (homemade Archon, hehe) gets in the way. In general, we get to the Archons and kill them.

Then we run through the gate behind the crypt. I advise during this period of the game not to pay attention to the enemies, but simply run forward to Jane's castle, since there are an unrealistically many enemies, and you need to save your strength.

So here we are at Jane's castle. We save and go to battle with evil. Jane is already waiting for us in the hall with her henchman Chakti. After a short conversation, the battle will begin. Jane and Chakti will hide behind a protective field and start attacking the enemies. First, you will need to kill two Cyclops bosses (Cyclops Brut), then Chakti herself will fly out. After the death of Chakti, Jane will run away to another room, and we follow her. In the next hall, we have to fight with two Archons and Jane at once. Archons are very fast, especially fiery ones. We don’t pay much attention to Jane, she still can’t be killed. Unless you should be attentive to her attacks. And this time, Jane will run away from the battlefield. This time we catch up with her on the roof of the tower. This is where the final battle will take place.
This time, only Jane is fighting against us. But even without assistants, she is a very strong opponent. Very fast, with very strong attacks. Its main feature is that it constantly moves behind us and strikes at lightning speed. These attacks are very hard to dodge. It would be best to do this: when Jane is behind his back, do a somersault back and immediately hit quickly. It is best to use any quick strikes/shots. Having won, we will again be asked to make a choice: kill Jane or let her live. In any case, the choice will only affect the end screen. Choose. Jane will run away.

Marten will come running to us and ask us to return to the Vault in Rukkenvol. So we do. The Vault is already burning and collapsing, and if you look out the window, you can see that the same thing is happening on the streets. We speak with the young Legionnaire. We send him and the mayor of the local village to the magic gate, and we ourselves go down to the very bottom and go to the eastern forest. We run without looking back, without getting involved in fights with enemies (although there will be new enemies called daevas, very interesting creatures). When we meet the golden boy, save and run to our final point. The final battle will take place near the river in which our final boss sits. His name is Corrupted Creator - this is Jane's terrible creation. It is killed in two stages: first we shoot at the hand, dodging a bunch of archons, then, when we shoot off the hand, we will need to aim at the head. It is extremely difficult to do this, because on the shore along which we run, a whole army of enemies will periodically appear. But when it disappears, it will be possible to safely shoot at the Creator's head. This is how we finish off the monster.

And in the finale, we will again be asked to make a choice: kill Jane or free her. Whatever choice you make, it's the end. We look at the splash screen, which summarizes the results. How the magical world will flourish in the future depends on our actions that we made during the game.

Montbarron's estate

We start the game in a dark forest. We get acquainted with the administration and run to the estate of Montbarron. The estate is blazing with bright flames, three corpses are lying in the courtyard. We get the task - "Find the survivors"! We run into the house, the door explodes ahead. Before running out into the corridor, we read a letter and a page from the diary that are lying on the floor.

We step further. Next to the bookcases we find a rack with weapons, we select it. We run to the stairs, we blow up the barrels that prevent us from passing. To the left of the stairs lies a letter and there is a chest in which some useful thing is waiting for us. Run forward, kill the first two enemies. These are simple robbers, soldiers of the Leskonzi army. To the right is a chest containing a weapon. We go down even lower. We kill several enemies, after which the door will open, behind which one of the survivors, Martin, will be waiting for us. Before approaching him, we examine the room, break all the barrels, since they may contain gold, open the chest. After looking around, we approach Martin. He is one of the Legionnaires and a friend of Odo. We ask him what happened, then we run away from the estate with him. On the way, we break the barrels, open the chest. We run to the bridge, set fire to three barrels of explosives and watch the cutscene.

The first point of our journey is Rukkenwall.
We conduct a dialogue with Martin, then we start the game. First of all, we pay attention to a huge column of light. At this point, you can save the game. We run straight from the save point. On the way, we search the remains, we reach the military camp. In the camp we find an announcement that they give 500 gold for the head of a legionnaire. We search the boxes and go through the gate. After running a couple of steps, we find ourselves near the bridge leading to the Vault. But before crossing them, we visit the second camp, which is located to the left of the bridge. There we kill a couple of enemies and clean the chests. After that, we calmly go to the bridge and cross it.

On the other side, a bunch of robbers are waiting for us, led by a certain Bogdan. Bogdan is our first boss. We kill Bogdan and his minions, we run into the Vault, where Odo is already waiting for us. From his story, we learn that almost all of the Legionnaires are dead, presumably with the exception of Lucas and Angela. We leave Martin in the Vault and go in search of the remaining Legionnaires. To begin with, let's look into the small village of Raven's Rill. But before we do this, we take a good look at the Vault. We look into all the rooms, go down to the lower floors, which are full of spiders, there are closed doors that we are not yet able to open .

We leave the shelter on the road of the pilgrims. The road will be full of enemies, but in the end it will lead us to the village of Raven's Rill. A local resident will meet us at the gates of the village and report that the village is occupied, but still let us through.

The village is a peaceful place, that is, you cannot shoot and kill civilians here. In the village, you can save and pick up a few side quests. We receive the first such quest from an elderly woman whose husband was killed. The woman wants revenge, well, let's help her. You need to kill a certain Boris, with a bandage on his face, and then bring the bandage to the woman as evidence. Having taken the quest, we step along the road further. After a few meters, we are stopped by a man whom we supposedly had to recognize. But, alas, we do not remember him. However, the man insistently advises to visit his sister, who is in a cave in the west of the village. According to him, the sister can answer some of our questions. The conversation will not last long, because the man will run away, afraid that we will be caught.

Right next to us is now a shopping cart. Here you can buy and sell the found things. After bargaining, we cross the bridge, take the quest from the fisherman (you need to go east, throw the hook received from the fisherman into the water and kill the creature that interferes with fishing). We save and leave the village in West Forest (western forest).

At the first fork, turn right and enter the cave. There we meet a sister who will give the key to the dungeon in which the prisoners are kept. These prisoners are survivors of the estate fire. So, after talking, we run to the left, killing heaps of enemies. There are save points ahead, there are stands with weapons and chests. The road is winding, but it's hard to get lost. Somewhere around the middle of the path, the boss will meet - another leader of the robbers named Barbat. Then, after a couple of steps, we will stumble upon a strong sorceress guarding the prisoners, named Vera. She will have to fight. In battle, she will be assisted by several robbers and three weaker witches. Be careful at the very beginning of the battle, because the enemies can pinch and kill you before you blink an eye.

After Vera is defeated, we run up to the cells and free the prisoners. Which prisoner will sit in the right cell depends on which character you are playing. Angela was in my cage. After the prisoner is free, he will become our companion.

We can’t just escape from the cave, because Leona (the same sister who gave us the key) will meet us and ask us to clear a place called Gunderic Manor. According to her, this place must be cleared of the hordes of enemies living there. Leona herself does not want to do this, but it’s better for us to agree with this task. Not far from Leona, her brother Alexei meets us. We ask him a couple of questions and get out of the cave. At the first fork, turn right and get to a huge old crypt. This is Gunderic Manor - the estate of the Gunderic couple. Inside we are met by a booming wind and emptiness. But emptiness is only our temporary illusion, in fact, ghosts live in this house, which we will meet a little later. In the meantime, we are examining the picture in the hall, go up to the second floor and turn left into the corridor. There we will hear a voice that will open the door to the bedroom, we go in there. We meet a ghost girl - this is Alice Ganderik, the daughter of the owner of the estate. She will ask for help. She is imprisoned in the house and cannot leave it. In order to free her, we must get into a certain vault, the key to which is in the father's office. We run out of the bedroom, kill the enemies who ran out of other rooms. We turn into another corridor on the second floor, there are three rooms here - one of them is password protected. We clean two rooms, we approach the talking door of the third room. We try to guess the password several times until the door laughs and let us inside. We take the letter from the table, we read the diary on another table. We go down to the first floor.

We go in the doors that were previously locked. We pass along the corridors up to the library. In the library we find locked iron doors. A lever weighs next to the doors, we pull it, but the doors do not open. Our task is to find a certain heart. After we pull the lever, the door to our left will explode. We kill the enemies, prem forward up to the circle in which several magicians summon the demon. Having spied the ritual of summoning a demon, we become participants in the massacre. The demon's name is Mire Hulk Horror. We kill him and his minions. We find a corpse in the battle hall, search it and find the heart we need. We bring it to the lever and open the doors. We step forward, we get to the hall, where we meet face to face with Lord Ganderik. To free his daughter, you need to kill him and take the magic ring. It is worth saying that the Lord is a very dangerous boss. He summons skeletons, can accelerate and hit with magic. Having dealt with him, we leave the hall and meet Leona. In the course of a conversation with her, we learn that she is ... our sister! After the conversation, we can stay in the mansion, or we can end up on the street. In any case, we need to visit another room, which is located to the left of the one in which we killed the Lord. This room contains an ancient Heart of Nagog artifact. It is this artifact that keeps the Lord's daughter in the mansion. We destroy the artifact.

Everything, with the mansion is finished. We return to the village, we find Anton. He will ask us to do something, and it turns out that we have already done it, we receive a reward. We ask Anton about Lazar, Anton will advise you to contact Grigori. We find this old man in the village and ask him a few questions. We leave the village (a woman Tatiana will meet us at the exit and ask to find her husband, who has gone east of the village) and go towards the Shelter. On the way we find a corpse lying near the water. Here in this place the creature is hiding, which interferes with fishing. We throw the hook into the water and kill the monster. As evidence, we bring Jacob (that's the name of the fisherman) the creature's tooth. Quest completed.
We go to the Vault, talk to Odo, get the key from him. This key opens the door to the Vault dungeon (yes, the one we couldn't open). But we are not in a hurry to open this door. We run out of the shelter and step to the left. There we meet a merchant who will ask you to release his cart with goods from the robbers. We reach the cart, kill all the Leskantsi. After that, it will be possible to buy something in this cart. If you go further along the road, you can stumble upon Boris (it is necessary to kill him, since we have such a quest) and a closed crypt. After killing Boris, we return to the village and give the widow Boris' bandage. We return to the Vault, go down to the basement and open the doors. We fall into the East Forest (eastern forest).

First of all, we raise the letter from the corpse. After reading it, we learn that the corpse is a thief who tried to find a room that stores information about all members of the Legion. Unfortunately, this room is secret and to find it, you first need to find three books that talk about three great families. These books are scattered throughout the Eastern Forest. One in a cave, in which, by the way, you can complete another quest - to find Tatyana's husband. The husband is already in the web, and behind him sits a huge white spider. We kill the spider, untie the husband, we get a reward. As for the book, it is quite easy to find it in a cave. The second book is in the forest and is guarded by a forest demon. The third is near the entrance to Mournweald (the dark forest in which we need to find the ring of the Grand Master of the Legion). Having collected all three books, we go into the forest.

We go straight along the path, there is nowhere to turn anyway. At the end of the path, the corpse of the protagonist's father awaits us. We search the corpse and find the ring. We are trying to leave, but we are stopped by a fiery boy named The Radiant Youth. He will ask us never to return here again, tell us how to open the gate we need, and send us to the Eastern Forest.