Dragon Age started the Dead Castle quest. Passage of the game Dragon Age: Origins. Looking for a relic

During the exploration of the Dead Moats in the Deep Roads, it will be possible to find evidence that the last representative of the noble house Ferald was once in the ranks and died with honor. Each piece of Legion Armor will update the Codex page on the Caste of the Dead. After collecting four parts, a new task "The Dead Castle" will appear in the journal, and a marker will appear on the map indicating the burial place of Darius Ferald. The sarcophagus is in the corridor on the way to the uterus. As evidence, we take the emblem of the caste of the dead from it. And upon arrival in Orzammar, we go to the Guardian in the Diamond Halls and leave a note in our memoirs. By virtue of the noble lineage and great personal sacrifice of the last member of House Ferald, the conjunction of that house and the Legion of the Dead is deemed worthy of study by the Chronicle. If the line of succession proves complete and sufficient, the relatives of the Legion of the Dead may be recognized as lesser nobility, albeit with limitations. And then the whole junior house will have to go through the process of entering into the Chronicles.

Legion Armor Locations in the Dead Moats in Dragon Age: Origins:

  • Boots of the Legion- the sarcophagus in the first northern room.
  • Legion Gloves- the sarcophagus in the first southern corridor to the bridge.
  • Armor of the Legion- a sarcophagus in the large northern room after the bridge.
  • Legion Helm- on the altar of the legionnaires in the Temple of the Legionnaires in the eastern part after the bridge.

Legion armor stats in Dragon Age: Origins:

  • Legion Helm- strength: 38; armor: 3.13.
  • Armor of the Legion- strength: 42; armor: 21.88; +3 Willpower.
  • Legion Gloves- strength: 42; armor: 3.13; +4 Attack.
  • Boots of the Legion- strength: 42; armor: 3.75.

FROM First, you will have to go to the Frost Mountains, where the entrance to Orzammar is located. The first surprise will be a small detachment of mercenaries (including a magician), whose task is to kill your character. Orzammar in general is a complex of locations that is difficult to complete, so if you have a level below the fifteenth, it will be tight.

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

At At the gate to the city, you will see that an emissary of Loghain named Imrek with a couple of associates is trying unsuccessfully to enter. As soon as you announce your desire to enter the city, Imrek will start to object. You can simply drive him away, or kill him - after that, the Gatekeeper will let you in anyway, informing you that the king of Orzammar has recently passed away, and you will not receive help until his successor is chosen.

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

M after entering the Hall of Heroes and entering the Commons of the city, you will immediately see a small scene with a showdown between the two most likely candidates for the throne - Prince Belen and Lord Harrowmont. If you're playing a Noble Dwarf, both will be familiar to you. After that, you will have the opportunity to talk with the head of the Guard or a dwarf named Neravi, who will tell you a little about the situation in the city and send you to Chief Brandelor in the Council Hall (through the Diamond Halls) for details.

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

O the general meaning of the words of the latter will be as follows - without the king, the Council will not dare to send an army of dwarves to the surface, since a real civil war is brewing here, and one should not dissipate one’s forces - one would have to deal with one’s own problems. You will need to support one of the candidates in order to receive the help promised under the Treaties of the Gray Wardens. Who exactly it will be does not matter, although the dwarf hero, both noble and commoner, may have personal likes and dislikes, and the consequences of rule for Orzammar himself will vary. The foreman will tell you the names of the main close associates of Prince Belen and Harrowmont and tell you where you can look for them.

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

M You can talk to representatives of both candidates and start completing tasks along two lines, but in the end you still have to decide which of them should be placed on the throne. In order not to be accused of working for the enemy faction, you will need a pumped-up Persuasion and the completion of an additional quest - in this case, you will be able to maneuver long enough, and none of the factions will stop communicating.

D To begin with, you will be asked to prove loyalty to the selected applicant (or both), and complete a small task.

Lord's trust

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

H To get this quest, you will need to talk to his confidant Doolin, who will show up in Harrowmont's house in the Diamond Halls or in the tavern "At the taverns". If you go to the Council first, Doolin will meet you at the exit and offer to play for Harrowmont in the Arena of Trials, finding out along the way why several of his fighters refused to participate.

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

AT the passage to the Arena is located directly opposite the main entrance to the city (this location will definitely be familiar to a commoner dwarf). The first fighter of Harrowmont, Basil, with a developed Persuasion, will tell you that he has a relationship with a married dwarf, and his compromising letters somehow ended up in the hands of Belen's henchmen, who promise to make them public. In order for Basil to still speak, you will need to remove them from the chest of Miaji - Belen's fighter, either by opening the chest using the skills of the Rogue, or simply by stealing the key from Miaji herself. For letters, you can charge an additional fee of 15 gold.

AT The second fighter of Harrowmont, named Gwyddon, withdrew due to the fact that he was told that Harrowmont had already renounced the throne, and the Competition was only for show. You can convince Gwiddon that this is a lie, and he will still fight.

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

D Next, you need to inform the Arena Manager that you are ready to fight. You can talk to all your future opponents before the fight, but this will not affect anything.

AT the first three battles your Guardian will fight alone, in the fourth - with one of his associates or associates of Harumont against two dwarves, and in the fifth - against three opponents with his group or with Basil and Gwiddon.

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

P Once you are declared champion of the Contest, you can dedicate the victory to Belen (Doulin will be unhappy), Harumont or the Guardians, and finally meet Harumont in person.

Prince's Favor

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

D Prince Belen's trustee named Vartag will be in the Council Chamber or in the Palace. He will give you the next task - to deliver a couple of letters to the followers of Harrowmont with evidence that the lord promised the same reward for supporting two noble houses. The first destination, Lord Helmi, will be in the tavern "At the pubs", and the second will have to be looked for in the Deep Roads. Lady Days, the daughter of Lord Days, will declare that she has no right to control her father's voice and will direct you to Aedukan Thai, giving you a map and a signet ring so that you will be allowed into the Deep Roads (the Noble Dwarf will visit here in the prologue).

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

L Deyce's horde can be found in the southwest of the thaig, and to get to him, you will need to fight through several units of Darkspawn and Deephunters. As soon as you hand him the letter, Lord Days will immediately change camp, and upon your return you will be able to report to Vartag and meet with Belen in person.

P Note: If you are doing tasks at the same time, then it is better to first give the documents to Henley and Days, and then go to the Arena, otherwise you will not be able to visit the Deep Roads and the quest will fail.

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

AT no matter which side you take, the following tasks will be identical. Both Belen and Harrowmont will ask you to kill the local head of the mafia named Jarvia, a kind of godmother of the gnome spill, reigning in Dust City. This person will already be familiar to the gnome-commoner.

E If you are in Dusty City for the first time, then not far from the entrance you will stumble upon a group of bandits. A dwarf commoner will meet his friend Leske a little further, who, however, will not say anything particularly useful. To find out the necessary information, talk to the beggar Nadezhda, the merchant Alimar or the dwarf Radek. Nadezhda will tell you everything just like that, and Alimar and Radek will have to be bribed.

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

AT you will eventually learn that Jarvia's lair can only be entered with the help of a special key, and that it can be obtained from members of the Charter, who often go to one of the houses of Dust Town (the Dwarf commoner recognizes his own former dwelling). Previously, there was nothing interesting there, but after this conversation, a small detachment of bandits will meet you there. When you almost finish off the leader, he will ask for mercy. It doesn't matter if you save his life - you will receive the key from the turned phalanx of the finger in any case.

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

D Then your path lies in the Suspicious House nearby. After examining the door, you will find a keyhole hole, but all the breaking skills will not lead to anything - only a turned knuckle taken from the bandits will fit here.

P falling inside, you will find yourself in the Charter's Lair (also partially familiar to a dwarf-commoner), filled with bandits-warriors and robbers, occasionally with mages-mercenaries, and spiders. There are also a lot of traps here, so the robber will be very useful. Moreover, the battle will begin almost from the very beginning - with the Gatekeeper, who cannot be deceived even by Stealth. Some fights can be avoided if you don't look into the side rooms, and it's worth bearing in mind that the charter is full of crafters who use Stealth and appear out of nowhere.

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

D jarvia will be waiting for you in the east hall filled with traps. If your character is a commoner gnome, Leske will help her, otherwise he will be in the prison cell a little earlier, and it will be possible to free him. Jarvia is an orange boss, a rogue assassin who is also excellent with a bow. At the lower levels, this is a very dangerous opponent. Periodically, she will go into Invisibility and attack your most vulnerable teammates or go under the protection of tripwire traps, most of which can be seen only by climbing the stairs. By the way, she herself will be immune to knocking down, but the magic controller will come in handy.

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

R having dealt with Jarvia and collected everything worthy of attention from the bodies and chests, you can get out to the surface through the corridor in the northeast, which will lead you to the Commons through the trading shop.

Z Here you can complete two additional quests that appear only in the case of parallel execution of the tasks of Belen and Harrowmont.

Betrayal from within

Awarded if you convinced Vartag of your loyalty to Belen without losing Harrowmont's trust when leaving the Arena of Trials. It is necessary to plant compromising letters in Jarvia's personal belongings - this can only be done after defeating her.

Crossing to the other side

You will receive it only if you report to Vartag before Doolin. A Harrowmont confidant will ask you to find evidence that Belen hired Charter to kill Trian. You will also find them in the last room of the dungeons of the Charter.

To Once you report to Belen/Harrowmont about the destruction of Jarvia, you will be assigned the next task - to find the Perfect Branca in the Deep Roads and convince her to support your employer, or, if she died, bring her remains to the city.

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

H and this time, before leaving the city, a certain Ogren will meet you and ask you to join the group on the grounds that Branca is his wife. It is not necessary to take a gnome, he will still definitely join you a little later in the story. Oghren is a two-handed berserk warrior and will actively comment on the route while hiking in the Deep Roads.


Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

H To find Branca, you will have to pass several teigs. If you haven't gone to the Deep Roads for Lord Days, the first location will be Aedukan thaig. If you've been here before, you'll be directed straight to Karridina's Crossing. You will need to cross it from north to south, but the direct path is blocked and you will have to go through the western or eastern cave corridors. To the west, you'll mostly encounter the Darkspawn, and to the east, the Deep Hunters. A couple of times you will come across caves in which the Creatures of Darkness will sort things out with giant arachnids. You can wait until one of the parties finish off the rivals and deal with the rest, or immediately get involved in the battle as a peacekeeper and gain more experience. The intersection itself is a high ground fortified with traps and ballistas. By getting on one side and repelling it, you will be able to stab the rest of the groups in the back.

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

FROM Next you will visit Ortan teig. It is inhabited mainly by Darkspawn, spiders, spirits and golems. You need to get to the northeast of the teig, where you will find Branka's diary. This place is guarded by the Spider Queen, an orange boss. She periodically summons new spiders, so it's better to run back a little so as not to be distracted by the retinue, which will appear 4-5 times. When you remove a certain amount of health from the boss, it will disappear, but will soon appear again.

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

P after reading Branca's diary, you will learn about the location of a new location - the Dead Moats. Visiting this wonderful place, you will see huge armies of the creatures of darkness and will soon meet with the Dead Legion, fighting with a significant detachment of these creatures. You still need to cross the bridge, so you can support Cardol and his fighters or run ahead, taking the entire Spawn squad on yourself. The bridge will rest against a giant gate, in front of which there will be several ogres and a significant group of Darkspawn. You can lure them one at a time onto the bridge using bows.

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

To When you clear the bridge and the area behind it, the Dead Legion will change its location, but will not go further. You can talk to Kardol, the head of the legion, about how his fighters could help you in the fight against Blight, but Kardol will answer evasively.

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

L The location is filled with only Spawns of Darkness and traps. When crossing a narrow bridge, you will be ambushed by Screamers, and in the south-central part you will meet the Master of the Forge, an orange boss, with his retinue. A good hammer is removed from it, but you can bypass this place.

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

D You will then enter a large hall filled with skeleton-devourers. Shortly thereafter, you will first hear and then see Gespit, Branca's captain and mistress. From a short conversation, you will understand that Gespit herself is infected with Fel, and Branca is alive, although the rest of the gnomes for the most part died, and a terrible fate befell the women.

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

AT In the next hall, you will encounter a group of ogres, and the nearest door will be locked. The key to it can be found in the southern room with spirits. After you take the key, they will attack you. After going through the previously locked door, you will stumble upon the Darkspawn Womb, the main boss of the level.

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

O the creature itself cannot move, but its “elite” tentacles can reach almost any place in the cave and change location very quickly, and the creature itself spits poison very accurately, so Natural Balms will come in handy. Also, the Queen will from time to time call on small units of the Creatures of Darkness. A possible tactic is to shoot the Uterus from a corridor where she can't reach with either tentacles or poison, but you'll see a more spectacular massacre performed by a Guardian with a melee weapon, although there is a danger that the Uterus will capture your character with tentacles and begin to pinch off pieces directly in the air. Losing a party member in close combat is very easy. To recapture it when captured, freeze the Uterus.

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

P after finishing with the Matka and taking off her good gear, go to the eastern corridor. It makes sense when leaving the location to return to Orzammar to sell unnecessary things and free the backpack - then you will not have the opportunity to do this. When you exit the Moats, you will open a new location - the Anvil of the Void. When you enter it, Oghren will automatically join you and you can change the rest of the group if you wish.

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

AT soon after that you will meet Branca and learn about what happened to her squad. Then you have to fend off three waves of Darkspawn, and cross the corridor, where they crowd denser than rich girls in a fashion boutique with a new arrival of goods. Area spells will be more than useful. Walkthrough: Orzammar

D Then you will come across a strange device in the form of four heads joined at the back of the head, and four altars opposite the faces. By the will of the localizers, this sculpture is called the Moonshine still, but it only drives away ghosts and spiritual damage. Next to each of the altars is a spirit. You need to destroy each of the spirits and activate its altar, after which you should attack the spirit directly opposite. After you get rid of these spirits, four more, a little stronger, will appear, which you need to get rid of in the same way. Then the strange device will finally break, the locked door nearby will open and you will be able to move on.

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

AT In the last cave, you will find Karidin himself, who will reveal to you the secret of creating golems and ask you to destroy the Anvil of the Void in order to atone for his guilt. At this point, Branca will intervene in the conversation, and you will have to choose which side you will take. If you oppose Karridin and Sheila is present in your group, then she will join him and you will lose her. By the way, when you remove 50% of the health from the Iron Golem, it will turn on the Electric Field - an analogue of the Tempest, so Grounding Elixirs will come in handy. If you go up against Branka, then you will be seriously removed by the influence of Oghren (with high Influence and Persuasion, losses can be minimized, but he still will not leave you in this battle). Branca, when life decreases, activates a rockfall and also makes ghostly doubles for herself - in this case, it is better to freeze or paralyze them, and beat Branca herself.

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

AT district of the battlefield are located veins of lyrium. They are able to restore health and mana to both you and your opponents, so it is better to get ahead of them. It makes sense to immobilize the main boss in some way (for example, with a Force field), and

it should be borne in mind that golems are quite sensitive to magic.

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

P After the fight, Caridin/Branka forge a crown for the new king of Orzammar, saying they don't care who gets it. Karidin will ask you to destroy the Anvil of the Void, and as soon as you fulfill his request, he will jump into the lava. If Branca is still alive, you can convince her that she is doing the wrong thing, in which case she herself will destroy the Anvil and also jump into the lava.

T You can now return to Orzammar (you will be taken directly to the Council Chamber) and choose a new king. If you crown Belen, he will immediately order the execution of Harrowmont. If you hand over the crown to Harrowmont, Belen will stage a fight with the support of his minions in the Council in a desperate coup attempt, and you will have to help kill him. There is no need to hand over the crown to the one you supported initially - you will be free to choose until the last moment.

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

P After that, the new king will give you the Hammer of Trian and promise to send troops to fight the Pestilence at the right time, which will complete the quest. From now on, an emissary of dwarves is available to you in the camp, who will ask for precious and semi-precious stones such as topaz for the needs of the army.

Before you begin to describe the passage of the storyline of the game, it is immediately worth noting that the introductory parts of the story will differ from each other depending on which character you choose to save the world. In order to avoid confusion from the very beginning of the story, your obedient servant considers it necessary to describe all the options for plotting. So, briefly and in order.

Dwarf - Crown Prince

After a little chat with the servant, immediately go to the celebration, where you will meet with your father. From him you will receive instructions to find your brother Belen, who is in the Arena of Trials. He will tell you that your other brother is plotting something evil. As soon as you have time to return together back to the banquet hall, you will immediately be kicked off to one godforsaken city. On the way to it, you will meet a small number of opponents that you should easily deal with, especially since a group of allies will join you on the way. When you reach the city, deal with a small detachment of mercenaries and get a trophy in the form of a signet from the finger of one of them. Entering the house, place your associates on the plates that stand out against the general background. After this simple procedure, you will become the proud owner of a shield from a sarcophagus. With this wealth, go outside and break the wall, after which you will have to fight a little. For committed fratricide you will be put in jail. Before you get used to the official situation, you will be sent into exile so that you can join the order of the Gray Wardens. Having scattered all the ill-wishers along the road, you will finally meet Duncan and go with him to Ostagar.

Dwarf - Untouchable

Here, first of all, go with your partner to the tavern, where you will need to knock out a batch of lyrium from the local merchant, allegedly stolen from the Charter. Having taken the goods from him, go to your owner Berat, who will not appreciate such official zeal and will accuse you of theft. To earn the forgiveness of the boss, you will have to go to a kind of gladiator fights, in which you need to poison one of the opponents of your group. True, you will also have to replace the fighter who dropped out due to drunkenness, putting on his armor. Then distract Mylarom with a conversation while your accomplice poisons his drink. After that, you will find several trifling battles in the arena, followed by an unpleasant exposure and imprisonment. After getting out of prison and freeing your friend, make your way along the corridors, at the end of which you will finish off your employer. Now, with a clear conscience, get out into the street and after an unpleasant meeting with the guards, meet Duncan, who will offer you to go with him to Ostagar.

Human - Mage

After a short briefing, you will immediately start right off the bat, as you will immediately have to engage in a small fight. Then you will meet one magician named Mouse, who will recommend to communicate with two spirits. The first of these will be the spirit of honor. From him you will receive a staff, but not before you defeat him in a duel. Then, going a little further and scattering another portion of evil spirits along the way, you will encounter a second spirit - the demon of idleness. You can fight him or try to solve 3 of his riddles. As a reward for this, he will teach the magician Mouse to turn into a bear. Go back, where with the help of the Mouse, deal with a pack of ghost wolves. A little further you will meet with the demon of anger, after a short skirmish with which you will need to defeat him. After these adventures, you will wake up in your bed and, after talking with Jovan, you will find out that you need to see the head magician Irving, whose chambers are located on the second floor. When you get to the place, you will come across a group of people in the corridor, including Duncan. After talking a little, ask him to leave and continue your conversation with Jovan. After you promise him your help, you will need to go to the center of the hall, where one of the pacified will ask you to bring him permission from his superiors, in exchange for fire wand. Direct your steps to the laboratory, where one of the sorceresses lives. During the conversation, you will find out that she is ready to provide you with paper in exchange for cleaning the warehouse from spiders (the warehouse is located here). Having coped with the task, take the document from her and exchange it for a fire wand. Now you, along with Jovan and your comrades, will have a walk into the dungeons of the tower. After pretty much wandering through the catacombs and requisitioning a number of guards, you will reach a room with a closet and a statue of a cat. After pushing the first one and using a fire strike on the second, move on, where a small skirmish and the desired amulet of Jovan await you. After getting to the surface and meeting with old acquaintances, from whom Duncan will reject you, go with him to Ostagar.

Man - Noble

After talking with your father and Duncan who came up, you will go to your brother's bedchamber. Going on the way to the kitchen and sorting out with his faithful dog with a whole battalion of rats, meet with your brother and talk to him, after which you go to bed with peace of mind. After waking up and realizing that you have been attacked, bravely scatter the adversaries in the corners and talk to your mother, then go down to the main hall. Carry out a systematic cleaning of the premises there and go outside through one of the doors and make your way to the already familiar kitchen. After talking with the dying father there, agree to join Duncan and go to Ostagar.

Elf - Urban

After the unpleasantly interrupted wedding, talk to Duncan and Valendrian. After finding out from them the reason for what happened, go to administer justice to Denerim's castle. Entering through the door for the servants, having previously cut down all the guards, get hold of alcohol and poison (you will get fire water in the kitchen, and poison in the pantry). Poison three more soldiers with this potion and move on to meet the kidnapper Vaughan. After killing him, take the girls home and accept Duncan's invitation to join the Gray Wardens.

Elf - Dalish

Faced with a detachment of people, deal with them for a couple with your friend and go to the ruins. There, having reached the mirror room, you will meet with an unfriendly creature, defeating which and going to the mirror, you will wake up in your camp. After chatting with Duncan, first go to the elder's apprentice, and then return to the ruins, destroying everyone in your path. In the mirror room, after talking with Duncan again, go back and tell everything to the elder. Now you can safely go to Ostagar.

Elf - Mage

This plot is fully consistent with the history of the Man - the Magician, so there is no point in repeating it again.


So, having reached Ostagar, the first thing I recommend is that you thoroughly look around and wander around the neighborhood. Having coped with this task, go in search of Alistair - a new companion in your difficult endeavors. After interrupting his intellectual dispute with the magician, escort your new acquaintance to Duncan, from whom you will receive the task to collect three flasks of demonic blood and get old scrolls from the archive of the guards. Now, together with Alistair and two other party members, go to the swamps, where your squad will first be attacked by wolves, and then by the very demonic creatures whose blood you need to get. Having coped with the first task, I recommend that you wander through the swamps in search of a red and white flower (if you are not playing as a noble person). When you find it, then give the plant to the owner of the kennel in Ostagar. The reward for this will be the Mabari fighting dog (it will become available at the end of this game segment). Having reached the ruins of an old tower, located somewhere in the center of the swamp, your squad will face fierce resistance from all evil spirits. It is not surprising, because the desired scrolls should be stored in the chest, which stands in the middle of the ruins. But they are not there, since they have already been privatized by the family contract of witches - Flemeth and Morrigan. After a tactful conversation, you will not only be handed the manuscripts, but also sent back to the city. After meeting with Duncan and having passed the rite of initiation, go to King Kailan from whom you will receive a new task. You will need to cross the bridge and light a signal fire on the tower, which has already been captured by enemies. Make your way upstairs, chopping enemies into small vinaigrette until you reach the fourth floor. Here I strongly recommend that you concentrate, because on the top floor of the tower you will find a hefty animal that responds to the nickname ogre. Tips for destroying it are pretty straightforward - have plenty of healing potions with you and in no case knock your squad into a heap. If you do this, then in one attack, the org will be able to deal massive damage to all your comrades. Having coped with the monster, set fire to the torch, thereby completing the mission. Waking up in Flemeth's house and learning bad news from her, you have no choice but to go to the village of Lothering together with Alistair and Morrigan, who agreed to help your squad. By the way, if you got a flower in the swamps and gave it to the owner of the kennel, then along the way you will meet the dog Mabari, fighting with several spawns of darkness. By helping the animal, you will find a true ally for the rest of the game.


As soon as you enter the village, a bunch of extortionists will stand in the way of your detachment, demanding money for the passage. There is nothing to stand on ceremony with them - take and chop everyone into cabbage. In the village, a bunch of side quests await you, but if you want to immediately move further along the storyline, then head to the tavern. There you will have a small brawl with Loghain's soldiers. In the event that you show mercy to them, another character named Leliana will join your party. After heading towards the exit from Lothering, you will encounter a man named Stan locked in a cage. If you want to release him for good behavior, then you will have to go to the local church and ask the abbess for leniency towards the prisoner. This can be done in many ways - from bribery to threats, however, if Leliana joined you, then Stan will be released automatically. With the whole private company, go to the exit from the village, where your squad will have to provide all possible assistance to two sly gnomes, fighting off the attacks of evil spirits. In return, you will get the opportunity to sell junk accumulated during your adventures at a halt.

Then you are free to choose which region to go first. The sequence of missions does not play a fundamental role, but your obedient servant passed storyline games in the following order.

Mage Circle Tower

Having reached the pier, persuade a man named Carroll to ferry you to the tower. When you get there, you will learn from Gregor that things are going lousy in the towers and if your squad enters there, the doors behind it will immediately close until peace and quiet and God's grace come (keep this in mind in order to stock up on the necessary things in advance) . Immediately after entering the tower, you will be met by a detachment of surviving magicians led by a person named Wynn. Persuade her to join your ranks and with her systematically make your way to the fourth floor of the tower. The first floor is not particularly difficult to pass, but on the second, quite dangerous blood magicians roam. In addition to them, you can meet the pacified Owain there and get a black grimoire that Morrigan will like. On the third floor, among other things, beware of crazy templars and bear traps. But on the fourth, get ready for a meeting with the demon of Idleness, which will send your hero into the dusk, and one without the support of the team.


Once alone, get ready to fight Duncan and your comrades. After defeating them, activate the pedestal of the twilight zone and talk to Niall. Now go through the shadow portal to meet with the demon of rage. As a reward for winning you will be given the ability to turn into a mouse. In this guise, we return back to Niall and click on the shadow pedestal. Five new destinations will become available to you. First, head to the burning tower. Here you will be met by a lot of fiery creatures, so the freezing spell will come in handy. Climb to the second floor, where, among other things, destroy the fiery demon and get the ability to turn into a burning person. Now you are not afraid of fire. Go to the location called the invasion of the creatures of darkness. Now that you can ignore the flames, you will easily reach the hall in which the brave templar fights with all sorts of abominations. Help him cope with them, and he will present you with a form of spirit as a sign of gratitude. Well, go to get the last form in a location called the Shattered Circle. Move forward and systematically take out all the enemies that come across to you feet first. Your goal is to go up to the second floor, where 2 golems are waiting for you, which, of course, you have to kill. Congratulations, you have obtained the final form of the golem!

Now you can safely go to clear the twilight zone, destroying all the older demons in turn. The first of them, Slaveren, is waiting for you at the same location where you acquired your last form, with which you can easily defeat him. The next candidate for the corpses - Utkiel the crusher, very reminiscent of an ogre, lives in the invasion of the creatures of darkness. Scattering his minions in the corners, you will defeat this bastard too. Returning to Niall, enter the ghost door and fight the lady named Yovena, as well as two of her cavaliers. Don't forget the burning tower zone! The demon Ragos is waiting for you there. In fact, this opponent is much inferior to your burning person form, so killing him will not take much strength. The last guard on the way to the demon of idleness will be a certain Vereville, who lives in the templar's nightmare. Now you can free your comrades-in-arms, scattered across locations called a nightmare. Just convince them that everything around is just an illusion, and they will be able to join you in order to help defeat the demon of idleness. This will not be easy at all, so get ready for a long and exhausting battle. In it, your opponent will repeatedly change his appearance, so that you do not yawn and transform into the necessary forms.

Mage Circle Tower

Having coped with the adversary, you will be transported back to the tower, where the first thing you will do is looting - remove an extremely useful little thing called Andralla's Litany from Niall's body. In front of the stairs upstairs you have to talk with the templar Cullen, who offers to finish off all the surviving magicians. Whether you agree to it or not is up to you, although you can refrain. Upstairs, another enemy Uldred is waiting for you. Apart from his ability to transform into a giant demon, he can also turn the remaining mages against you. To prevent this from happening, use the selected Litany of Andralla on them. After the victory, return to Gregor in the company of Cullen or Irving to enlist from him a promise of help in the final battle against evil. Having walked around the tower to your heart's content, direct your steps to the village of Redcliffe.


The first person you meet in this area will be a certain Thomas, who told you about all the horrors that take place in the village. Entering the main temple, you will see Ban Tegan and discuss with him the unhappy state of affairs. He will ask you to help the local mayor Murdoch and the knight of Perth to organize the defense. To get started, go to the mayor, who will direct you to the blacksmith Owen, so that he puts the worn out uniforms in order. After reaching his house and persuading the blacksmith to do the work in exchange for a promise to find the missing daughter, return to Murdoch. Now go to the mill for a rendezvous with Sir Perth. He will ask you to go to Mother Hana to bless the coming battle. There is nothing to do, satisfy his pious whim. Having done this, return to the knights and wait for darkness (for it to come, click on the corresponding inscription in the conversation). With the coming of night, the battle will begin. After you beat off a few attacks of the revived skeletons, you will be informed that things in the church area are going badly for you and you need help there. Go to a given position and continue to crush the revived bones in a new place. After the fight, talk to Bann Teagan and go to the castle in search of Eamon and Connor in the company of Eamon's wife Iseult. Go down into the dungeon through the entrance located in the mill and, after passing through a short corridor (on the way you can decide the fate of Jovan imprisoned in a cage), you will find yourself inside the castle. Here, in addition to the next portion of opponents, you will find the lost daughter of a blacksmith. Don't babysit her and send her on your own to daddy. After leaving the courtyard, immediately open the gate so that the allies come to the rescue to help you defeat another company of ghouls. Climbing upstairs, you will see the desired Connor and Ban Tegan. Both of these characters are clearly out of their minds, and Tegan will also throw himself at you with bad intentions. Having dealt with him, deal with the main problem in the face of Connor. The best option (although not the only one) to solve this problem is to ask for help from the circle of magicians. Since it has already been completed earlier, Irving will immediately agree to help. You are also required to enter the twilight and fight the demon that has inhabited Connor. After banishing him, you have to find a way to heal his father - Eamon. To complete this task, you will have to go to the city of Denerim.


First, go to the house of brother Dzhenitevi, who, alas, will not be there. But on the threshold you will be met by his assistant Waylon, who will inform you that the person you are looking for has sailed to the area of ​​​​Calenhard Lake. If you try to talk this dubious person, or just go to the back door of the house, then the impostor will impersonate himself and attack your hero. In a popular form, explaining how he was wrong, you will find the body of Jeniveti's real assistant in the back room, as well as information that you need to look for him in a village called a shelter. There is nothing to do, follow the given direction.


It cannot be said that this outback is very happy about the appearance of your detachment, so do not waste time and immediately go to the chapel. There, after a short conversation with Father Eirik, send him to the next world, as well as the comrades who came to his aid. Take the medallion from the corpse of Eirik and in the next room behind the secret passage you will find brother Dzhenitevi, who will offer you to go to the ruined temple.

ruined temple

Once inside the temple with the help of the medallion, get ready for a warm meeting with a whole bunch of enemies. Robbers, cult magicians, and ash spirits in the company of archers live here. Your goal is to get to the cultists' rooms, in one of which you will get hold of the key to the previously locked door. Go back and go to the previously inaccessible area, where you will find another key. After opening another door for them and, after going forward a little, you will find yourself at a fork. Which path you choose does not matter. In any case, your squad is waiting for a meeting with a new batch of opponents, among which there will be large and small dragons. After dealing with these dinosaur relatives and collecting trophies, you will meet the leader of the cultists, Kolgrim. Here you can choose from two options - agree with his proposal or go for a banal murder. It is easier to choose the second option, besides, you will get hold of a signal horn. Now, with a clear conscience, get out to the surface. Ignore the flying dragon (although with the help of a trophy horn you can challenge it to fight) and go into the neighboring building. Here the guardian will meet you and enter into a lengthy discussion with you. Do not lose your temper, and you can easily go further into the testing room. Here you will be asked riddles. If you answer everything correctly, then you will pass on unhindered, if you make a mistake, you will have to wave your sword. In the next room, your evil counterparts are waiting for you, after the battle with which you will have to solve another puzzle. To solve it, simply arrange your comrades-in-arms, as indicated in the screenshots, gradually moving the main character forward along the bridge.

When one hero crosses the abyss, the rest will be able to do it. In the next room, you need to take off your equipment so that you can go further. Now we take the coveted sacred ashes and exit the caves. Enter the temple again and make Brother Genitivi happy, then return to Redcliffe Castle, where you heal Eamon and enlist his support in the final battle. It remains to agree with the dwarves, the road to which runs through the frosty mountains.

frosty mountains

On the way to the capital of the dwarves Orzamar, you will encounter another group of hunters for other people's good. I think that you yourself guessed what exactly needs to be done with them. Upon reaching the city gates, you will witness a verbal skirmish between Orzamar's guards and a group of Loghain's men. You can kill the detachment of homo sapiens, or persuade them to leave here.


Entering the city, first of all discuss current affairs with the head of the council, Bandelor, located in the diamond district. During the conversation, it turns out that your squad will have to take one of two sides in order to prevent unrest in the city. You can seat Harrumont or Prince Belen on the throne. Since your further actions will differ depending on the chosen side, I will describe both scenarios.

If you decide to support Lord Harrumont, then after talking with his representative, find out that two brave fighters do not want to side with Harrumont in the arena of trials. We'll have to have an educational conversation with them. The first of them, Gwiddon, will have enough of your eloquence, but Bayzil will balk and demand in return for his consent to bring him the letters stored in the indicated place. There is nothing difficult in this assignment, so when you bring the required to Baizil, he will agree to participate in fights. True, you will also have to wave your sword in the arena, and not just once, but as many as 5 times. Having emerged victorious from all the fights, go to the local tavern, after which you will be awarded an audience with Lord Harrumont.

If you choose the side of Belen, you will again have to talk with the candidate for the throne not directly, but through an intermediary. He will instruct you to play the role of a messenger and take incriminating correspondence to Lord Helmy and Lady Days. With the first, everything is simple - he is resting in a tavern and, after reading the letter, immediately agree to take the side of Belen. With the lady you find in the diamond district, things are a little more complicated. She will send you to her father. Follow the indicated area, completely teeming with various villains. Help Lord Days fight them off and give him a letter. After that, go back and get an invitation to Prince Belen.

Whichever side you take, the further instructions will be the same. Go to a dusty city and deal with a gang led by a certain Jarvia. On the main square of this seedy town, talk to Nadezhda, who is sitting by the fire. She will point you to the door, which the bandits regularly pass through, it remains only to get the key from it. It is located in a nearby shack, in which you will be met by a small enemy squad. After dealing with him and taking the key, unlock the closed door with them. Faced with the guard, naively demanding a password from your team, cut it and move on, exterminating everyone in your path. After reaching the prison, free the prisoners and go forward to meet with Jarvia. The battle with her will not be easy, because of her bullish health and a large number of minions who get confused under your feet. Finally, having defeated the beast, return to bow to the contender for the throne for a new task.

And it is not going to be easy. The essence of the order is as follows. You need to find a kind of super female blacksmith named Branca, since it is she who has a decisive vote in choosing a new king. To complete this mission, you will have to go to a location called the deep paths, where at the very beginning of your journey you will meet the husband of the desired heroine Oghren, who will join your group. Having reached the Karidina crossroads and finished with the opponents, go into the cave, after which you will find yourself in a large hall. The number of opponents in this zone just rolls over, besides, on the bridge, your invincible squad will be cordially greeted by an ogre who has come to the rescue. After passing the hall, go through the tunnel, chopping everyone in your path, you will finally get to Taiga Ortan.

By visiting this location, you will encounter extremely hard-hitting opponents in the form of giant spiders. The only good news is that arachnids attack not only brave heroes, but also supporters dark forces, which you will witness when you reach the large hall. Clean up the remnants of the surviving adversaries and go through the corridor, after which you will fall into the next hall with a new batch of opponents. Also, here you will meet a half-crazy dwarf Rook, with whom you can talk. Come forward like a bulldozer and pretty soon you will meet the mother of all this spider brood. I advise you to use a variety of braking spells in this fight more often in order to reduce the indefatigable jumping ability of the boss. After the victory, read Branca's diary, from which it becomes clear that your further path lies in dead ditches.

When you reach the bridge, you will witness the brave resistance of the gnomes to the forces of darkness. Help them deal with the hordes of adversaries, and then cross the bridge liberated from enemies and run to the gate. Since they are closed, you will have to move around through the side tunnel. By the way, after rummaging around a bit, you will find a set of dead legion armor. After going a little further and ending up in another large hall, you will be subjected to targeted fire from the archers. In addition, their leader has a particularly powerful bow, which will make your next battles a little easier. Nearby in the tomb you will find another piece of armor, then boldly continue your way forward to the hall, which is inhabited by animated skeletons, and one more armor is waiting for you in one of the coffins. After wandering through the corridors, you will meet a crazy woman who will report that Branca has gone further. Blow into the temple of the dead legion, where you will find the last piece of armor and the key to the door leading out of the area of ​​the dead moats. Behind the door, find the medallion lying in the coffin, and destroy the ghosts that have flown in from nowhere. Well, now get ready to fight the new boss! Chop up this overgrown octopus is not easy and not quick. The main thing - do not attack him in the forehead, but rather start by destroying the tentacles. When a miracle-yudo loses limbs, it will be possible (and necessary) to move into close combat. After defeating the boss and going through the following tunnels, you will unexpectedly meet Branca. Now you need to escort her to an artifact called anvil of the wasteland. Your squad will overcome new corridors without any problems until they get into a room filled with gas and inhabited by four golems. First, turn off the gas by activating the valves on the sides, and then deal with the opponents one by one. After passing through the next room, in which golems are also waiting for you, you will find yourself in a hall where you will be attacked by the spirits of the dwarves, animated by a mask on a column. To cope with this sorcery, after each destruction of the spirit, you will have to thresh on the anvil standing right here. After seven or eight repetitions of this exercise, you will be able to proceed to the final (by God, I'm not lying!) fight in this location. Here the game again gives you the choice of which side to take. If you support Branca, then you will have to fight against Caridin and his four companions. Branca herself and 4 more golems will be on your side. In case of sympathy for Karidin, he will have to control his own forces with the support of three golems against Branca and her four stone assistants. Whoever you choose, in the end, you will be given the perfect crown and sent on your way. With the received trophy, you will have a direct path to Orzamar, to perform the coronation of your chosen heir. By the way, no one forbids you to change your previously made decision and put any of the two applicants on the throne. Having restored the monarchy and enlisting the support of the newly-made ruler, it's time to stomp into the Brecilian Forest to free the Dalish from the invasion of werewolves.

Brecilian forest

Upon entering the forest, you will immediately be stopped and escorted for a conversation to the elder Zathrian, who will tell you that werewolves are attacking his fellow tribesmen and therefore the elves are not up to helping you now. Another thing is if your squad, out of the kindness of their soul, will cope with the leader of the werewolves, who lives in the depths of the forest. By agreeing to complete this task, be prepared to exterminate not only werewolves, but also well-known spawn of darkness. True, a little later your squad will meet one of the leaders of the talking wolves, with whom, with a certain amount of eloquence, it will be possible to disperse in peace. Further, making your way to the edge, you will meet with extremely unfriendly Ents. When the enraged trees are turned into sawdust, your party will be able to get to their leader, who is set up quite peacefully. This huge oak tree will ask you to bring him an acorn stolen from him by some crazy person. On the way to the eastern part of the forest, you will meet a dying female werewolf who will ask you to hand over the scarf to her husband. Take it - it can help in passing. The aged kidnapper is located in the hermit's clearing in the northeastern part of the forest. You will have several ways to take the acorn from him. For example, exchange for some other item (a scarf received earlier will do). Although I personally liked the option of killing this forest pest more. We return with prey to the oak and give him the stolen acorn. In return, he will supply you with a magical staff, allowing you to enter a previously closed area of ​​​​the forest, where you will be attacked by the already familiar local werewolf leader. Having dealt with him, go to the ruins in search of the main ghoul.


Get down and systematically exterminate the evil spirits crawling under your feet until you reach the large hall. Here you will have to fight the first serious dragon in the game. Before proceeding with the attack of the fire-breathing lizard, I strongly recommend that you neutralize at least some of the traps, which are found in abundance here. The adversary himself is best harassed with ice spells, keeping mages and archers as far away as possible. In addition to a significant victory reward, your group will be able to go to the second level of the ruins. Here, skeletons also join the spiders, and when you reach the next room, you will encounter the ghost of a child, which, however, is not dangerous. Going out into the corridor and having reached the fork, it is more expedient to turn right. By the way, right there you can find a blue crystal, with which you can get the specialization of a combat Mage in the next room with an altar. Having overcome a couple more rooms stuffed with traps and enemies, your invincible armada will have to fight with a creature called witchcraft horror. He is absolutely nothing terrible, so when you cope with him, bravely dive into the lake and get ready to find yourself in a werewolf lair.

There will be a small battle with shaggy enemies, after which you will be able to achieve an audience with the leader of the werewolves. And again, the game gives you the freedom to choose the side for which you have to fight. Having decided to support the werewolves, you, in the company of a fanged company, will go to the elves' camp and arrange a mass genocide there. If you support the elves, your group will have to seriously reduce the number of shapeshifting wolves. Well, the most profitable solution would be the option of removing the spell from the long-suffering inhabitants of the forest. To do this, you will have to bring Zathrian to the lair and strongly persuade him to do a good deed. After that, return to the elf camp (if you did not cut it on the side of the werewolves) and get a promise from Zathrian's successor Lanae to help you in the final battle, which is already a stone's throw away.

But before you enter it, you have to go to Radcliffe Castle, where Earl Eamon decides to hold a general meeting to select the supreme ruler. However, all the main actions will take place in Denerim, where you will move after a conversation with Lord Radcliffe.


In a conversation with Loghain, I strongly recommend choosing the most loyal and streamlined phrases, and most importantly, you should not mention Alistair in a conversation if you are eager to put him on the throne. Having finished the dialogue, you can safely go to the office of Earl Eamon in which the queen's maid will tell you that her mistress was kidnapped by Earl Howe and is being kept in the mansion against her will. Embark on a rescue expedition to rescue Her Majesty from Earl Denerim's mansion. On the way to the estate, local punks will attack you, so be prepared for such a turn of events. When you reach the house, you will realize that you will not be able to break in through the front doors, so, following the advice of the maid, go around to the back entrance, fighting a group of guards along the way. Further, you can wait until the queen's maid distracts the attention of the guards from the back entrance, or you can brazenly break in there and cut everyone. True, in the mansion, I highly recommend that you walk using disguise. Otherwise, the tour of the estate will be too bloody. Having reached the queen's room, it turns out that a magical seal has been placed on the door, preventing her from leaving. Now go to Howe's room, where you can get hold of interesting documents stored in the chest and try to break into the treasury located nearby. From the office, go down straight to the basement, where you will face the guard nose to nose. However, you do not have to engage in battle, as the agile prisoner will quickly strangle him and change into a trophy uniform. From this moment on, the disguise ceases to operate and you have no choice but to fight with each of the opponents you meet. Also, do not hesitate to release prisoners from captivity along the way. In a little while you will meet with Earl Howe. Howe himself does not pose a serious danger, but with two magicians you will have to tinker a bit. Having dealt with him, return to the queen's room and lead her out. However, Loghain's people will already be waiting for you there, who will offer you to surrender.

If you chose this option for yourself, be prepared for the forced release of the hero from the dungeon (on your own or with the help of loyal associates). In the company of comrades, you will only have to break through the security of the fort and get to the cell in which main character. The reverse is exactly the same. The self-release option is more elegant. First you need to lure the guard to your cell and take possession of the coveted keys there. Next, first get to the chest with your equipment, and then to the mannequin with the uniform of the guard. Now you need to get a password. This is not at all difficult to do if you have the skill of pickpocketing. Just steal the password sheet from the pocket of one of the guards. If you don’t have such talents, then after meeting with the colonel and talking with two recruits, go to the quartermaster and threaten him with problems with the colonel, after which he will give out blades. After talking with the colonel again and answering his question: "Without discipline", go to the exit, where you will find out the password from one of the guards - "Rabbit". Now head to Eamon's mansion.

If you do not want to surrender, you will have to fight Loghain's people, and then go to Eamon's mansion and talk with him and the queen, from whom you can enlist support in the upcoming council.

It's time to visit the Elifian District, but before that, visit the local tavern and talk with the previously released captives.

Elifian District

After learning that the elves are sick with the plague, go to the main square, where you will meet a character named Shianni. From her you will learn about the existence of a dubious hospital, behind the walls of which strange things happen. Having penetrated into this institution from the back door, having previously killed the guard, we examine the premises of the hospital and find a letter there. After that, we choose Fresh air, scattering several opponents there, and again we speak with Shianni. Now she sends you to a house near the hospital. Pass through this building, taking down a small group of soldiers, and then go to warehouses. There you will meet another elf named Devera, who is better to convince that a fight with you is futile. Moving forward with it and killing a small riffraff along the way, you will reach the main villain of the local flood Caladrius. You don’t have to fight him at all, but you can simply agree on a deal in which he will provide you with dirt on Loghain, and you will let him leave. However, by choosing a forceful solution to the issue, you will get what you want anyway, especially since this mini-boss is not very difficult. After leaving the room and talking with Shianni, go to the meeting of the lands.

Assembly of the lands

During the debate, do not let Loghain down and fend off his attacks on you. Also, don't forget to mention the threat posed by the darkspawn. If you have secured the support of the right allies before the council in advance, then you should not have big problems. Realizing that he lost the election, your opponent will become furious and stage a coup attempt. Nip this undertaking in the bud, after which you will have to engage in a one-on-one fight with Loghain. The task is not easy, as your opponent is a skilled fighter with good armor. A magician is best suited for the role of a duelist with him, thanks to his ability to use paralyzing magic. The fighters will have a hard time, but a large number of healing potions will help them. Having requisitioned your opponent, you can choose one of three options - kill him, spare him, or spare him and turn him into the "Gray Guards". Depending on the decision made, the game will provide you with various options for the division of the throne, among which you can choose any you wish. So, the kingdom is united, it's time to enter the final battle!

final battle

To get started, head to the familiar Redcliffe, which has already been attacked by the minions of the Archdemon. All the survivors took refuge in the castle, where you actually need to go. The walk to the estate will be easy, because you will not meet any serious opponents along the way. Unless a lost ogre wanders into the castle courtyard by mistake and this will be his fatal mistake. Having broken into the castle, talk with Eamon and Riordan and learn from them that the Archdemon's army decided to strike the main blow at Denerim, so the whole honest company will have to return back. Riordan will also inform you that only the “Grey Guardian” can overcome the main adversary, and even then at the cost of his life. Do not rush to get upset! In a conversation with Morrigan, you will learn that you have a chance to survive the last battle if you "help" the charming witch get pregnant from you. If you are playing a female character, then Alistair or Loghain will need to be persuaded to this procedure. However, you can refuse this tempting offer. In this case, your hero will die at the end of the game, and the annoyed Morrigan will leave your squad immediately. Having gone to Denerim in the morning and having cut down all the goners in its vicinity, go to talk to Riordan. Here, in addition to the assignment to find and destroy two enemy generals in the company of 3 associates, you will also get access to the forces that you were promised as support in the final battle during the game. Which armies will be available depends on the decisions made earlier. You can use them for one unit on each gaming location, so dispose of them sparingly and profitably.

To begin with, go in search of the first general to the elvenage, where you will meet with Shianna, who will report that the barricades are about to fail. Go to the aid of the defenders of the area and destroy all the small riffraff from behind the barricades, but take care of the general left alone, surrounding him from all sides. For this task, some kind of army specializing in close combat is well suited (Radcliffe's army or werewolves will be just right). Now go to the market square, where, surrounded by devoted ogres, the second gallant general is waiting. The principle of its elimination is exactly the same, so you should not have any problems.

Having dealt with this sweet couple, advance to the palace quarter, where after watching the video it will become clear that your path lies in the Dragon Fort. On the way to it, it makes sense to send another army forward to help deal with detachments of various evil spirits. True, before storming the fort, you will have to repel the wave-like attacks of the enemy from the gates of Denerim. After that, you can safely break into the fort. On its first floor, only a small riffraff is waiting for you, which is easy to exterminate from a distance, but on the second floor you will have to tinker a bit, as there are more serious rivals crowded there. Although, it doesn’t make sense to specifically focus on them - during the game you had to participate in more difficult battles. Finally, head up to the rooftop and take a deep breath as you face the final showdown with the main villain of the game, the dragon Archdemon.


When fighting him, feel free to use your best powers (mages, golems or elves). Watch his movements carefully. As soon as he decides to breathe fire or rises up - try to have time to take your people out of the affected area. When the level of his life drops below 50%, he will call on his minions to help in huge quantities, and with his last breath he will make walking bombs out of them, exploding the unfortunate people close to your allies. Sooner or later, he will still run out of strength, and he will fall dead to the ground.

So you have completed the game and I hope that this description helped you with this.

Task in the game dragon age Origins "Dead Castle" is an impassable test for many players. Some do not know what to do during the adventure, others miss this mission, and still others suffer from a mistake. This article provides comprehensive information on this quest with a description of all the problems and mysteries.

How to take a task

First of all, it should be noted that the task in Dragon Age Origins Castle of the Dead is often overlooked by players, as it can only be picked up at a hidden location in the Deep Roads. This area is called Dead ditches and is notable for the fact that it does not open immediately. The entrance to it becomes available to the player only after Ortan manages to find Branka's diary in the teig. This item can be considered the key to the task, because without it it will not be possible to even try to complete the mission. The reward for completing it will be the Legion of the Dead Full Armor with , which provides good protection. It can be worn on the main character or given to one of the associates.

Quest start

The mission in Dragon Age Origins "Dead Castle" is activated automatically after finding the diary. The player should prepare for the execution, because the hidden location is fraught with a huge number of opponents. To complete the task, the user will have to search for four pieces of Legion of the Dead armor, which will later become a reward. It should be noted that the reward is quite symbolic, because the soldiers of this squad are still fighting the creatures of darkness in the fortress of Bonammar. The first item to look for will be the boots. To obtain them, you will have to help the Legion in the battle with enemies at the entrance to the former stronghold of the dwarves. Then you should go through the tunnel from the gate. Immediately at the exit you can see a large sarcophagus, and inside it will be the first piece of armor. In the fortress, it is recommended to be extremely careful and do not forget to constantly use the save function. In the mission "Dead Castle" in Dragon Age Origins, the passage is fraught with various unpleasant surprises.

Continuation of the search

After obtaining the boots, the player will have to find three more items to complete the Dead Castle quest in Dragon Age Origins. The player can find gloves in the room where there is a statue of a gnome, but it is recommended to move carefully. The statue breathes fire if you step on the slab with the trap activated. The flame takes a lot of health, and therefore it is better to send the strongest ally first. The chest armor is also hidden in the sarcophagus, but in a different location. It is guarded by skeletons and commanded by a hurlock emissary. There should be no problems with clearing the location, because the player will encounter the creatures of darkness many times before this task. The last item will be a helmet, which is the easiest to find. The player just needs to go to the sanctuary of the Legion, go to the altar and pick up the right thing. Nobody guards her, but the difficulties on the assignment do not end there. Four items will open access to a new location, which will be indicated in the personal codex.

boss fight

Guide to the passage of the "Dead Castle" in Dragon Age Origins should prepare the user for the main test. All four parts of the armor were assembled in order to open the way to a closed location in the former dwarven fortress. It is enough for players to reach the center of the tunnel, which leads to the uterus - the main enemy in Bonammar, and then pick up the last piece of the Legion of the Dead armor. It is the Emblem of the caste, you can simply pick it up, deploy it and leave. If you want to test yourself for strength, then you can fight the boss, but first you need to go for the key. He unlocks the gate to the territory where the creature is located. The desired item is located in the southernmost room, not far from the legionnaire's altar. The fight shouldn't be too difficult if all of your comrades are used correctly. For the victory, you can get good items and a small amount of gold, which is never superfluous in the game.

Completion of the task

A full set of Legion of the Dead armor in the Dead Castle quest in Dragon Age Origins is required to complete the quest. The player will have to go again already dressed in new things to the room where the user previously found the helmet. There will be a relic on the altar that can only be activated while wearing armor. The action will lead to the appearance of a mysterious shadow, which you will have to fight. There will be no prizes for winning, but the action is required to complete the task. A corresponding entry about the victory will appear in the codex. After that, you can go to the Diamond Halls. Previously, the player must not forget to give the Emblem of the dead caste to the Guardians. Further in the right wing of the Diamond Halls there will be a memory book that you need to click on. Only then will the task complete and be marked as completed in the log. The path will not be short, but the reward is worth it, plus a journey through the fortress of Bonammar will open new pages in the history of the dwarves.

Possible mistakes

The problem with the Dead Castle quest is far from new for players, many users have encountered it. The error lies in the fact that the last sarcophagus, where the Emblem of the caste of the dead is hidden, is not active after collecting four pieces of armor. If you do not collect the complete set, then you will not be able to pass the tasks. Unfortunately, there is no optimal solution to this problem. As mentioned above, it is better for players in the Dead Moats to save often. Reverting to older files may help in this situation. Initially, you should try to exit the location, save and close the game. The next time you enter, you can find that the error has evaporated, and you can interact with the sarcophagus. This method is the most effective, but if nothing happened, then you should not be upset. The full set of the Legion of the Dead can be obtained in the Awekening add-on.

A child does not need a good father. He needs a good teacher. And to a man - good friend. And a woman is a loved one. And in general, let's talk better about stitches-tracks.

Arkady and Boris Strugatsky, "Distant Rainbow"

The peace of Ferelden is threatened by more than just the Blight. Hundreds of scum of all stripes raised their heads, waiting for the end of the world. We can both join them and punish the scoundrels. To make sure you don't miss a single opportunity, we've put together a list of additional tasks which have not yet been dealt with on our pages.

  • Ostagar and the wildlands - the beginning of the story
  • Lothering - living dead city
  • The circle of magicians - magical secrets
  • Redcliffe - universal appeal
  • Shelter - Classic Easter egg
  • Brecilian Forest - traces of corruption
  • Orzammar - thieves and their prey
  • Denerim Quest Series
  • Guilds - Find All
  • Sheila - raw beauty

Let's start with the backstories of our heroes. In each case, we will be able to complete several additional tasks, but they are not difficult - training. You can even skip them and rush straight to Ostagar. However, painstaking exploration of the initial territories will bring you not only money, experience and some equipment. At the very beginning, when the hero is very young and inexperienced, you can learn a lot of interesting things about the world, which you won’t be able to figure out later. So we advise you to look into all corners, at least at first.

Each backstory will bring you something useful, make your path easier. A noble person will get a dog, a Dolean - a good bow ... in a word, to each his own. But there is one hero who will be much easier than the rest at the start. it noble dwarf he walks off with Duncan, jingling more than twenty gold pieces in his pocket! Well, let's go after them.

Ostagar and the Wildlands

sick dog

Dwarven Politics

Talk to the kennel in the camp, and he will tell you about the sick mabari, who swallowed tainted blood. To cure him, you need a special flower that grows in the wild lands of Korcari. According to the plot, you still have to go there, so feel free to agree. Look in the ruins a couple of meters from the place where you will meet a wounded soldier. The cured dog will join you after the Ostagar battle if you haven't got a pet yet.

Hungry Prisoner

An unfortunate soldier hangs in a cage in the camp. He is not only not released, but also not fed. The poor man will ask you to get him some food. Before giving consent and food, ask the prisoner why he was imprisoned. At the end of the story, you can demand the key to the chest of magicians from the prisoner. Food can be obtained from the guard by convincing or bribing him. And the chest will be opened only after returning from the wild lands, when the pacified one leaves it.


You can trick the messenger Peak into getting a good sword. But first, the boy must be caught - find him with the ash warriors, and then run after him.

Missionary Chest

Not far from the border of the wildlands, you will find the body of the missionary Jogby. From it you can remove a letter with hints - where to find the treasure. Look for the chest in the south of the map.

Chasing tracks

In the west of the wildlands is an abandoned parking lot and a chest containing a magazine. Read it and follow the mark that appears. A chain of such traces will lead you to the treasure.

last will

The dog plays the role of a psychoanalyst

The professor is sleeping - the students are happy

In the middle of the wasteland, you will come across the corpse of Rigby. The will describes where his belongings are hidden: in an abandoned camp to the west of the body. Having dug out the chest, you can either open it or take it to the widow Jetta. She is waiting for you in the church of Radcliffe.

Ash Demon

On the corpse of a soldier, not far from the hurlock emissary, lies a bag of ashes and a sheet with a local legend. The legend is true, and by pouring the ashes onto a pile of rocks northwest of the bridge, you will summon Gazarath, the "orange" demon of wrath. Good trophies await the winners.


Create three Poultices/Traps/Poison Bottles

The tasks are of the same type, they are taken from Miriam, Allison and Barlin, respectively. There is nothing complicated, only the appropriate skills and components are needed, which are bought from Barlin and collected on the map.

Deceased Templar

At the entrance to the location after the battle with the bandits, you will find the corpse of a templar. Things from it should be taken to Ser Donall in the church.

On a note: in the same church, you should reveal to Sir Brian that you are a gray guard and ask for help. He will give you the key to the poultice cabinet.

Preacher's board

If you complete all four tasks from the local preacher's board, you will receive a good sword as a reward.

Circle of Magi


On the first floor of the tower, in the library, you can perform several summoning exercises. To do this, find two halves of the book: in the library and next to the stairs to the next floor. Perform all three rituals and the task will be completed. But that's not all. Repeat all three rituals in a row and activate the fourth summoning flame - it is in the room where the second half of the book was. A creature will appear and quickly disappear. It can be robbed by obtaining a note. But that's not all! On the preacher's board, you can later take a task that talks about disappearing travelers. It turns out that the demon we called decided to profit. We kill him, take away the trophies, inform the preacher and go to fill the pangs of conscience with ale.

The main character with her whole appearance makes it clear how she wants to be gray guard and save the world

Apparently, this is the only way Oghren sees us all...

Guardian of the Limit

What dwelling of magicians does without secrets? We definitely have it in our tower. To unravel, you need to find several student notes: a couple in the student rooms, another in the library, two are next to Owain and the blood magicians, and finally, one will be in the main hall. Now activate the three statues in the large hall - a statue with a bowl, with a raised sword, a lowered sword - and a statue with a spear (it's in another room, in the center of the floor). Go down to the first floor, go to the place where you met Wynn, and try to get into the basement. Kill the guard and pick up a great sword that will help you, for example, defeat Flemeth.

Jenny's Casket

In the office of the main sorcerer, you will find not only Flemeth's grimoire, but also a chest. It can be delivered to a house in the market district of Denerim near the Curiosities of Thedas. Unless, of course, you picked up the note about Red Jenny after meeting Zevran. As a reward, you will receive money, but no information about this mysterious box.

Enchanted Templar

On the fourth floor, you will meet a templar possessed by a demon of desire. If you attack them, you will get some good trophies, but if you let them go, you will most likely not see them again, but there is a small chance to meet them on the map above the mountain of corpses: the demons will satisfy their insatiable hunger. Here they can not avoid reprisals!


Gathering troops

Bann Tegan gives us story mission(with which several additional ones are connected): prepare the village for a siege. To do this, you need to talk with Perth and Murdoch. The first will ask you to bring him amulets. We will receive them from mother in the local church. In addition, in the shop you can find a bunch of barrels of oil. Perth should also be told about them.

Murdoch will ask to bring more warriors and get weapons for them. The ranks of "volunteers" can be replenished by the dwarf Dwinn, if you persuade him well. Several recruits will bring us a local tavern. First of all, this is a suspicious elf at the table. Your robbers will help you discover his spy essence. The innkeeper himself, Lloyd, will go after the elf, he will have to threaten. But it's better to first ask the waitress Bella and the men in the tavern about their lives. You can promise to help the waitress, and for the defenders you can negotiate free ale from Lloyd. Weapons can be begged from the blacksmith, promising him to save his daughter.

Mor came to one noble noble family

Spectacular lighting makes Stan even more convincing

The blacksmith's daughter

You will find it in the castle, in a small storage room on the ground floor.

hidden boy

Caitlin is standing in the church, asking to find her missing brother. He hid in the closet at home. After asking the boy, we learn about the family sword, which can be both appropriated and returned.


If you play as a magician, you are able to independently enter the shadow to free the son of Eamon. The demon will offer a deal. You can get an extra spell point, blood mage specialization, "forbidden pleasure" with a demon... Please note - the choice will affect the ending of the story.


In the village itself, as well as in the temple, there are no additional tasks (except to consider the delivery of scrolls to the church of Denerim as such), but there is an amusing "easter egg", which can already be considered a classic of role-playing games. After the end of the story mission, return to the village and go to the local cemetery. Epitaphs you will surely like. Here are just a few of them:

    Cheryl isn't here. She was cremated.

    "I can do an ax too" - Jim, sword swallower.

    Multiplayer with love.

    Great-great-grandfather Gygax.

In order to play as Sheila, you need to download the separate Stone Guardian module. Let's get to know this dangerous girl better.

Gifts to Sheila
Gift Where to looking for
Magnificent Amethyst Dusty City of Orzammar, Alimar Market
Magnificent Diamond Orzammar Commons, Trader Garin
Magnificent Emerald Orzammar Commons, Figora's Store
Magnificent sapphire Orzammar Commons, Trader Legnar
Magnificent Malachite Circle Tower, Quartermaster
Magnificent Pomegranate Denerim Market District, Wonders of Thedas
Magnificent Ruby Elfinage, Alarita shop
Magnificent jade The cellar of a house in Honnleath
Magnificent Topaz Frost Mountains, Trader Faryn

Sheila is a former gnome who became a golem. She manages to combine femininity (for example, she wants to sew red shoes) and feigned rudeness ("Let's go crush a couple of heads"). In general, jokes about the "hermaphroditism" of the golem are perhaps the most curious in the entire game. By the way, she hates all birds without exception, which she constantly reminds of (“I don’t believe in the Creator. After all, a rational being will never create birds! What was he thinking about ?!”).

In combat, Sheila is a true all-rounder. She can be a hit-boy, a shooter, a controller, and even support. In the last incarnation (a branch of racks), it is most effective. Destroying a group of a golem in a stance, a healer, a magician, and a warrior with a two-handed weapon is almost impossible. There is only one inconvenience: the movement of our talisman takes some time.

As you can see from the table, there are no special gifts for her, but you can easily please her by dressing her in crystals for the first time.

Personal quest associated with memory recovery. Sheila is curious to know who she was before she became a golem. The quest can be obtained after talking with Perfect Karidin, according to the story. To complete it, go to the Kadash teig that appeared on the map of the deep paths. Go through the teig up to the statue of the heroine.

Forest Brecilian

bitten wife

In the Dalish camp, talk to Atras. His wife was bitten by werewolves and everyone says she's dead, but he doesn't believe it. Danaila will be waiting for you near the northern entrance to eastern forest. Save her, unfortunately, will not work.

iron bark

Weaponsmith Varathorn will ask you to bring him rare ironwood bark, which local craftsmen use to create magnificent equipment. The bark can be torn off from a fallen tree near the northern passage to the eastern forest. As a reward, the master can receive a bow, armor (or both, if you insist), or an amulet, if you give up everything.

Elf in love

Last family photo. Very soon, most of them will not be alive - traitors are worse than filth...

Apparently not only female characters copied from popular people ... And Eddie Murphy not only voiced the donkey from Shrek

sick gall

In the camp, the caretaker of the Gaul Elora had a misfortune: one of her wards is sick. You can, using survival, find out what is the reason, or you can convince the caretaker that the animal is incurable.

bitten elf

In the center of the western part of the forest, not far from the ogres, lies a wounded Deygan. It can be taken to the camp, cured, robbed, abandoned or killed. Wealth of choice - isn't this what we want from a good role play?

On a note: if you first rob an elf, and then send him to the camp, then he can return things and restore relations.

death dream

To the south of the Great Oak lies an abandoned, but very cozy camp, in which one is drawn to rest... Waking up, one or more members of your squad will start a fight with a shadow that created the illusion. Defeat the demon and re-examine the "cozy" halt.

It is interesting: after finishing the story mission in the woods, go to the camp and talk to Leliana. She will play you a song from the main menu of the game.


Lost son

The story is over. The hero stands on the road and looks thoughtfully at the sunset... But it's too early for him to rest!

In the Common Halls we will come across Filda. Her son went to the deep paths and did not return. We will find the hand in the teig Ortan, it is connected with the plot - do not miss it.


Burkel wants to open a church in Orzammar. You can help him with this by convincing the chronicler (in the hall of the keepers) to give permission. You will receive a meager reward, but this church will have a decisive influence on the fate of the world. And not the best...

Dwarf Mage

Dagna really wants to get into the circle of magicians. It is possible, by telling her father Jannar about her daughter's plans, to prevent her, or you can help by talking to the first sorcerer, if he, of course, is alive. As a reward, we will get a good rune or lyrium. In addition, Dagna will become an outstanding scientist.

Naga search

All his pets fled from the beater Bemora. Nagas must be searched for in the Common Halls, there are five of them in total. For each beast we get 25 silver coins. And if after that you talk with Leliana, then she admits that she really wants such an animal for herself. You can get it in Dust Town from an idle dwarf for a modest fee. Now this "hedgehog" will live with you in the camp.


After receiving the first task from any of the contenders for the throne and leaving the Diamond Halls, you will see how the local bandits threaten the merchant Figor. If you follow them into the shop, you can help the merchant. If you settle the matter peacefully, he will thank you and stay to trade, and if you kill the robbers, then ... he will scold you and run away.

Fights without rules

In the west of the Halls of Trials, in a small room, there is a gunsmith who will offer to take part in the battles. The reward for each battle is trifling, but the ring that you get after four victories is not bad for blood mages.

unwanted child

In Dusty City, you can find an unfortunate gnome who was kicked out of her family because she gave birth to a son from an untouchable. You can force her to get rid of her son, as her relatives want, or you can convince the latter that they are wrong and restore the family.

dragon in the throne room

This is how you need to put two characters in the throne room to summon a dragon

If the blanks are over, but you need to say something, it turns out like this

The architecture of the gnomes sometimes surprises. After studying the inscriptions on the throne, we will get a note in the codex. Now you need to correctly position the members of the squad: one in the "dressing room" on the square in the center of the hall, and the other two in the throne room itself, in its southwestern part, on the buttons that look like the end of an arrow. We click on the throne again with the last character and get acquainted with the local prisoner.

The thieves

Running past the king's treasury, you will come across a group of thieves who were trying to dig a tunnel. Deal with them and get a well-deserved reward from the guard who came running to the noise.


In one of the chambers for the nobility, you will meet the herbalist Vidron standing by the bed of a dying lady. He will tell you that she was poisoned and ask you to make an antidote. Then he will give you a recipe, which will be the main reward.

stolen book

The chronicler's assistant in the Halls of Keepers wants us to find a valuable book that was recently stolen. Trickster lives in Dust City. Negotiations with the thief will come to a standstill... But the note picked up from the corpse will lead us to the bandits, who are just carrying the tome to the fence in the Halls of Trials. After the battle, the book can be either sold to the same fence or returned to the keepers.

The missing pedigree

Dwarf Orta believes that she comes from a noble house Ortan, but that's bad luck: the family tree records disappeared in the teig of the same name. At least she didn't find them in the Halls of the Guardians, which meant there wasn't anywhere else. The records really lie in the center of the teig, not far from the Ruka cave.

List of golems

In the room with the Anvil of the Void, there is a table that lists all who have become golems. The names can be copied and taken to the chronicler.

Treasure of wanderers

Find four piles of stones in Caridin's Crossing:

    At the western exit to the map.

    Southwest of the bridge.

    Not far from the intersection of three roads.

    East of the Deep Hunter's Cave.

Our pet naga named Shmoplez. They seem to get along well with the dog.

After that, a mark with a vagabond's cache will appear on the map.

Legion Honor

Once we collect all the pieces of the armor dead legion, we will be given the quest "Dead Castle". Now we can get the emblem of the caste of the dead from the sarcophagus (in the room of the legion in the dead ditches) and take it to the chronicler. But before you leave the temple, equip someone in full armor and activate the legion relic.

Earthman Sword

In the deep paths you can get hold of one of the best one-handed swords - Grounder's Honor. First, find the tomb in Ortan teig (southeast corner). Now we are looking for pieces:

    The pommel lies in the Ortan teig in a vase in Ruka Cave.

    Hilt can be removed from the corpse of a genlock emissary at Caridina Crossing (the genlock is waiting for you in the tunnel that goes from west to south).

    The blade is removed from the corpse of an ancient darkspawn in the Dead Ditch (on the bridge in the center of the map).

Once you find everything, return to the tomb.


In the charter shelter, we will get Jammer's diary, which talks about the treasure. We need to find three chests: Jammer himself, Kanky and Pique. From them we get a silver ring for a dress, an iron letter opener and a pomegranate decoration. You can't take anything else! It remains to find a cache near the tamed bronto and open it.

The life of the keeper

To receive the task, touch the wall of memories in the Halls of the Guardians. Now find three runestones:

    Near the head of the miners in the Common Halls.

    In the southeast caves of Caridin's Crossing.

    In the western of the central rooms in the Dead ditches.

We return to the wall of memories for a reward.

Torn Demon

Gnomes are solid guys: if they already destroy the demon, then the pieces are carried over all the lands: what if they grow together? You can collect these pieces on the deep paths.

    Limbs in the northwest of the Aedukani teig.

    The torso and head are at Caridina Crossing, in the southeast and northeast respectively.

We take it to the altar in Ortan teig and revive the demon. We have another choice - to let him go for money or to kill him. This time it's final. What will you choose?


Help the law

Near the house of the blacksmith Wade is Sergeant Keelone. He will complain to the authorities and ask for help to deal with crime. You can act both by force of conviction, and simply by force. If you want a high reward, listen to what the customer prefers.

Dark dealings

Trying to explain the fool
to the dwarf that it is impossible to "fall into the sky." Wynn and I are still trying to get through to consciousness, and Sheila offers ... basically the same thing, but in a much faster way.

Eamon has a great sense of beauty. In all his mansions can be found
real works of art

On the other side of the house, the forge stands the sly Couldry. Only robbers can meet him. He has two task lines: for thieves and for burglars. In both lines, stealth will be extremely useful to you.

It is important: do not forget to leave too noticeable companions in the camp for the duration of the mission.

Before the meeting of the lands, we will be able to perform three thefts and two break-ins. Another theft and two burglaries after. If your stealth is not at the master level, then money, persuasion and fists will help you in some tasks.


In one of the lanes (you will visit there when you destroy the bandits by order of the church) you will find the corpse of Ser Frieden, who died trying to destroy the sect of blood magicians. You can finish this noble deed - go to an abandoned house (a new location on the map of Denerim) and cut out the villains.


Evil has settled in the orphanage in the elfinage, which the templar Otto will tell you about. Gather some clues, including questioning the elf girl sitting on the doorstep. After cleaning the shelter, do not forget to return the amulet to the elf.

Prisoners of Howe

In the cellars of the estate of Earl Howe, you can find several prisoners at once.

    Bann Sieghard's son hangs on a rack in the torture room, who will intercede for you at the meeting as a reward.

    In prison, the templar Irminrik went mad. Take his ring to Banana Alfstanna.

    Veteran Reksel also could not stand the imprisonment. It is necessary to tell the preacher Rosamund about it.

Guild Quests

The tasks of most guilds (preacher boards, Blackstone volunteers, assassins and "interested ones") are mostly completed without problems: fortunately, the targets are marked on the map, or at least their approximate location is described. But there are a few exceptions.

If in the final task volunteers you choose the side of the father, then in order to get to the son, you must not go to Lothering, which will be destroyed by this moment, but simply pass the town. Taoran will come across to you in a "random" encounter.

Love notes that one of interested(tasks are given by the innkeeper in Denerim's Bitten Nobleman), scattered literally all over the world. Finding them is not easy. Here are all the places:

    In the Dalish camp, behind the merchant.

    Near the entrance to the ruins in the Brecilian forest is a secret door on the left.

    AT royal palace Orzammar, in an inconspicuous room in the east of the palace.

    In Orzammar's charter hideout, in the room to the right of the hall where Jarvia fell.

    In another hideout, this time in a village, next to the entrance to a house with a bloody altar.

    In the tavern "Spoiled Princess" near the tower of magicians.

    In the tower itself, on the second floor, in the east room.

    In the windmill of Redcliffe (where there is a secret passage to the castle).

    In the basement of Redcliffe Castle, just before the entrance to the courtyard.

    At Wade's forge in Denerim.

    In the brothel "Pearl" (location in Denerim) in the southeast room.

    In Eamon's manor in Denerim in the northwest room.

In addition to these same faces, they will make you run and mages from the community.

blood marks

We need to bleed four doors in Denerim: two in the Trade District and one each in Dirty and Dark Alleys.

Places of power

We need to activate four places of power.

    A grave in western Brecilian.

    Altar in the teig Ortan.

    A tree in the Denerim alienage.

    Stairs to the second floor of the tower of magicians.

Scrolls of Banastor

You need to find five scrolls at the following addresses.

    The southeast ruined room on the second floor of the mage tower.

    Northwest room on the third floor of the Mage Tower.

    Southeast library in the abandoned temple with the ashes of Andraste.

    Western barracks (entrance from the center) in an abandoned temple with the ashes of Andraste.

    Southeast room in werewolf lair.

The rest of the tasks should not cause difficulties.