Jedi academy walkthrough. Jedi knight: jedi academy guides and walkthroughs. Using two swords

This walkthrough Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy was completed on the jedi knight difficulty level and is more oriented towards the light side.

Yavin 4

You will play as Jedan Kor from Coruscant and train at the Academy, located on the planet Yavin 4. But before your ship has time to land, it will be immediately shot down. Get out of it and run into the jungle. You will have to spend some time there. It is worth noting that this area is teeming with hungry lizards, so be prepared to repel their attacks while waiting for a rescue expedition.

Cross the river with your new friend Roche armed with a blaster and head towards the shuttle. Go out to that piece of land where you will see a stump of a tree. Now use your lightsaber on it and cut it down. Only in this way will Rosh be able to join you again. Once again in the jungle, beware of the lizards, and in case of attack, fight back with a lightsaber. By themselves, these reptiles are not particularly dangerous, but they can make such a sound that in a few seconds will paralyze you and prevent you from getting close to them.

Keep going Star games Wars: Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy and move with your partner in the direction where the lizards came from. After a while, you will be at the door. Stop and let Rosh use the Force on her. After it opens, move on and beware of the attack of the lizard, which will be on the left. Destroy it with the sword and move on.

Come out to the bridge and cross it. Finish off another reptile and go down to the waterfall. A little before reaching it, look around and find first-aid kits. After you pick them up, move to the piece of land where you see a stump. Cut it down and climb up the trunk. Move forward, simultaneously dealing with the next lizard.

Once near the walls of the Academy, hide and look around. Now several Empire stormtroopers will appear on the horizon. Deal with them and run to the slope. Rolling into it, you will see a stranger holding a lightsaber in his hands. Also finish him off and move towards the temple. Once in place, stop and notice the stranger and dark adepts hanging around her.

In the further passage of Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy, this stranger in tattoos will knock you out and steal Skywalker's personal records, and then escape into space. When you open your eyes, you will see the owner of the stolen records and Kyle Katarn. They will interrogate you about what happened, and then they will take you to the academy.

Katarn himself will be your teacher, and Rosh will be your partner. Start your first lesson. After you pass into the ruined temple, the teacher will be asked to take a course of training, which consists in passing rooms in which many traps are placed. Rosh will go through a similar labyrinth, in parallel with you. But I’ll say right away that do not try to overtake him, because this is not provided for by the plot.

Move forward and do not get close to the door that Rosh and Katarn entered. After you pass through the room, listen to Kyle's instructions and go into the room where you will have to fight the bots. Now you will see small rotating mechanical balls in the air, which you need to destroy with a sword, remembering to dodge laser shots and move towards the door to be free.

Move to the next location and cross the bridge. Jump over to where you will see a pile of boulders. Then go to the wall and use the Push Force on it to smash it into small fragments. Move on and stop. Now in the passage of the game Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy, your partner Rosh will set a combat robot armed with a laser sword on you.

It is worth noting that this is not a real droid, so you can get close to it and use a sword. After the victory, approach the stone stele and exit into the room where the door will be closed. Open it with the lever located on the right wall. Once it opens, run down the corridor and turn right. Go through the next door and go down the next corridor.

Once in the room with the bridge, surrounded by walls, x-ray them to notice the illuminated symbols. After you turn off the x-ray, use the Force of Attraction to activate the symbols you see so that stones appear from the wall, along which you can climb the bridge and head to the left.

Continue through the game Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy and go through several corridors. Go outside and move to the room with the column. There you need to turn right and go through open door. Once again you will find yourself in the corridor, go through it and again go out into the street.

Stop and notice two doors in front of you. They will immediately close as soon as you try to get close. In order to pass them, use the Force-speed, which slows down time. Exit to the next room, move forward and go through the doors on the right. This concludes the main workout. After that, Rosh will get it for using a training droid, and Skywalker will notify that an unknown person is trying to bring Ragnos, a powerful monster who died more than five thousand years ago, back to life. And this stranger is walking through space in search of strength to carry out his plans. Now you can start combat missions.

Mercenary Activity - Tatooine

You have to go to Tatooine to clarify the above circumstances. Katarn will go with you. Before proceeding with the passage of this mission in Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy, the character leveling menu will appear on the monitor. Try to concentrate and choose the necessary skills. I can advise you to start pumping Force Heal, with which you can convert the stock of Strength into health.

After you will be moved to the ammunition screen. You need to decide on weapons and grenades, and you will get everything else during fights. For now, it's best to take Tenloss DXR-6 Disruptor Rifle and E-11 Blaster Rifle with you. With the help of the first weapon, you can destroy weak opponents at a long distance, and the second one is very powerful, which will help in battle. Well, take a grenade with you, and then go down to the planet and get ready for the fact that Katarn will go on reconnaissance, and you will have to wait a bit.

After a while, the attack will begin and you will see Chewbacca. He will follow you, keep your eyes open, who knows what's on his mind. Get out into the yard and deal with opponents. Move across the courtyard and approach the door. Go inside and find yourself in the utility room.

Now in the passage of the game Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy, you will be attacked by four more opponents who have taken cover behind the boxes. Kill them and run to another room. Now you need to turn off the power of the force fields in order to be able to get out of here. Move forward and deal with several opponents. Then go to the next room and pick up the armor.

Cross to the other side of the courtyard and go through the door behind the trade shuttles. Go out into the corridor and finish off several merchants. Keeping to the right side, move on and go through the doors. So you will find yourself in the courtyard where your spaceship is located. Walk past it and notice that armed merchants want to enter the courtyard.

While Chewbacca will cover you, run and turn off the power to the force field generator. Then, in the passage of Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy, the enemy will start firing at you from a grenade launcher. Run out into the corridor and finish off two enemies. Go through the doors and go around the laser streamers hanging from the boxes on the left. Also here you need to finish off three merchants.

Exit through the doors and up the stairs, dodging the grenades. Kill the enemy and take away his grenades, which he threw at you. Move on and replenish your armor. After finishing off two more merchants and go outside. Climb onto the balcony and move along it to the next room.

There you will be met by a trio of bandits, finish them off and climb into the elevator, on which you need to climb to the top floor. Once in the room, find the lever and lower it. It is worth noting that using the terminal you can turn off the force field around the Falcon "a. Move to the room opposite to free the spaceship.

Star Wars: Jedi Academy

Introductory Mission 1 - Path to Massassi Temple with Rosh
Location: Yavin 4, jungle.

We were not allowed to fly safely to the Academy. It is not clear by whom the downed ship falls into the jungle, and a certain Rosh Pennin finds himself on a rock, from which, of course, he himself cannot get out. We'll have to save him. We look where he runs, we run there too. We find a low tree on the bank of the river, which can serve as a bridge for us, aim. If the sight is red, hit it with a sword, if not, look for another tree.

After we saved Rosh, we run along the river. We kill a couple of incomprehensible noisy lizards, we reach a stone wall with a door. Further, our satellite is set to work, which, unlike us, has the Force. Again we meet the river, jump over it to the other side. We beat on a single tree with a lightsaber in order to use it to climb a rock. There are two stormtroopers in the clearing, we run out with wild screams, destroy them and meet face to face with our first real enemy in the game - the Jedi enemy. Weakling. We kill him. Let's watch the video.
Introductory Mission 2 - Training Course
Location: Yavin 4, Academy.

We, along with Rosh, are attached to the memorable Kyle Katarn, already familiar to us from the first part, an experienced Jedi. He immediately drags us to the training ground and makes us master the Jedi pride (lightsaber) and the second Jedi pride (Force).

After Master Katarn finishes ranting, he and Rosh run up to one of the doors. And we run to another door. We wait until Kyle finishes telling his story, and we run further. With the help of a lightsaber, we deal with the droids (first press the button to activate the sword). After everyone in turn shouts (), we run to the next door. We run to the bridge, jump through the gap, run to the wall, We destroy it with the Force, we run further. Rosh Pennin makes an attempt on your life by turning on a Jedi robot. With one blow, we disable it, run through the door to which the path leads. We jump onto a pile of stones, by force we pull out steps from the wall, climb them onto the bridge, run to the door on the left. Then the path lies like this: forward (through the bridge), into the only whole door. We reach the door at the end of the corridor, and at the moment when it opens, we turn on the Force and run to the right or left (there is no difference). We are looking for the only passage and go into it. We watch a video, during which it turns out that the robot, which can be killed by a Padawan with one blow, was set to the training mode of the head of the Academy, Luke Skywalker!
Location: Planet Tatooine.

The old mercenary, Kyle Katarn, saw the Millennium Falcon, immediately felt the catch. Therefore, leaving us at the door with an order, he ran away somewhere. It is not known how long Jayden stood there, bored, but suddenly there was a noisy fuss outside the door, shots, wild screams, and flies through the door, shooting back: our old, old, old friend Chewbacca! Then there is a dialogue (more precisely, a monologue - what Chewie says, we do not understand), the situation is not cleared up.

Anyway, the mission begins. I warn you, Chewbacca is vulnerable, and you should not check this, otherwise the mission will start over.

We go down the stairs, run to the airstrip, destroy everyone, run to where the mercenary with the Imperial Heavy Repeater was originally. We run into the door, kill everyone, run forward. And suddenly the vile mercenaries turn on the tractor beams that hold both ships in place. Naturally, we will have to turn them off, because the rest are not known what they are doing. We go forward, clearing the territory until we reach another platform. The door is on the right (more specifically, where there are 2 mercenaries: with a Wookiee Crossbow and a Blaster Rifle). We neutralize everyone, go in the door, take the first aid kit, charge the shield. If you want, you can look at the screens. We leave from there, we go to the largest door (next to which there is a smaller door). We go through a small door. We kill mercenaries, we go in the same door. We see the Raven's Claw, we go around it, we go to the opposite corner, we approach the door. We observe a roundup of mercenaries and Jayden's presumptuous decision. We go forward, we reach the warehouse, we kill everyone, we go in the door, next to which there was a sniper. With fights we break through to the elevator and turn off the rays. We go down, wait for Chewbacca, run through the door from where he ran out, then forward and to the right. We clean the area and watch the video.
Location: Planet Tatooine.

And again, Kyle leaves us, and we must find the droid. The mission promises to be easy, but it wasn't there! Out of nowhere, the Tusken raiders who came from out of nowhere ruined everything. We must neutralize them (as I understand it, it is enough to kill them on the way to the crawler). We run forward and at the stone pillar we take a rifle and cartridges, we run into the tunnel on the left. We reach a fork. On the left is a raider and a dead end. To the right are 10 raiders and exit to the Jawa settlement. We neutralize the Tuskens and go to the other side of the settlement. We kill the raider-sniper, who does not allow us to go to the tunnel. We pass through the tunnel, and again we go out into the white light.

We observe a huge Jawa sandcrawler (wah! This is the same sandcrawler!), We find the entrance to it. But it's closed! We look up and find an incomprehensible caterpillar structure. We influence it with the Force and jump on it. The design helps us climb up, where the raiders are already. With the help of boxes, we jump to the second floor and use the lever. The elevator turns on, but we cannot enter it, as there is a container next to the entrance. We are able to force it back! We take the Force or and act on the container. Hooray! We go into the elevator, go up to the third floor, neutralize the raider who appeared there. We reach the room with lava. And then: Carefully approach backwards to the edge of the site, turn back and, when the flight begins, press sharply forward. If we fall on lava, we quickly jump out of it. We take a first aid kit. We jump onto the pipe, from which water runs in a trickle. We reach the end of it. Next you have to jump. I’ll note right away that Jayden simply won’t fit into the smaller space between the pipe and the wall. First you have to jump onto the lava, and from there (quickly!) To the platform. We pass further, on the right is an impenetrable wall of fire. We go around the cylinder with lava and observe another wall of fire (if you choose the moment, you can jump over it). Having overcome the wall, we neutralize the usurper of the Jawas, and use the switch. The wall of fire disappears, and we pass to the elevator. We find ourselves in some sort of droid disposal warehouse. We pass into another section, where the path is blocked by a container. You can jump over it, or you can use the Force. We clean up the area. The second container, behind which the object of our search is located, will have to be moved aside to let our mechanical friend pass. We turn on the droid, follow him and get outside. We neutralize more raiders from the heels and watch the video.
Location: Planet Bakura.

Without waiting for Kyle, Jayden decides to start the bomb disposal operation on the station himself.

We run to the door, run into the room and look at the screen. Having received the task, we pass through the door next. Crouching, we climb under the stairs, take the cartridges and the shield. After getting out of there, we go up the stairs. From a safe distance, we shoot mine traps and go through the door leading to the area with the bomb. Use the button to remove the detonator from it. We return, we go to the right, we neutralize two imperial officers-invisible. After passing the obstacle course, we neutralize the sentry robot and the officer on the right. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to enter the right door - a key is needed. We will follow him. We go to another door. We jump over the beams of booby traps, go further, kill 2 attack aircraft and an officer who has a security key. Now, when no one is shooting at us, we take the first aid kit (on the boxes) and recharge the shield. But we go even further - we climb the stairs and shoot mines from a safe distance. We go out to the mined area and destroy two officers. We run up to the bomb and pull out the detonator. We return to the door where the key is needed. In the corridor with mines, they are already waiting for us. We kill two more stormtroopers and run into the door, which was opened by our key. We run along the bridge, move to the left, observe the explosion, move on. We take a shield and a first aid kit, kill an attack aircraft behind a machine gun, run into the door. In another building, to which the path leads, we take the shield on the left and run out. We turn left, neutralize three officers, take the key from one of them, pull out the detonator from the bomb. After running straight into the passage between the stone cylinders, we will get into a secret area where there is a first-aid kit and a shield. We return to the machine gun, find the door to which the key fits, open it. Having neutralized the invisible officer, we pass along the bridge path above the stairs (going down it you can find a first-aid kit, a shield and grenades) and go up the elevator. On the second floor we pass through the door, look to the left, get up on the elevator. Having gone down, we recharge the shield, take the first-aid kit, take the cartridges. Let's go to the next section. We destroy the sentry robot and the officer, we pull out the detonator from the bomb. On the elevator we rise upward, we kill the officer, we take away ammunition. After killing everyone, we return back, and then we go to the door in which we have not been yet (the closest to the elevator). Let's get to the platform with transparent pipes. Having eliminated the Imperials interfering with us, we neutralize the last bomb. We return to the fork after the bridge, killing opponents, and run straight (not onto the bridge). We run to the door. Bang bang!!! There is an incomprehensible explosion caused by something. An officer who came running to the explosion (he has a security key) and 3 attack aircraft find us. Let's neutralize them. We run along the corridor, kill the invisible officer and use the found key card. To the left, behind a screen of mine traps, is a medkit, ammo reloader, and blaster rifle ammo. Directly - the room, the exit from which leads to our ship. We fight our way to and fly away from the station with a sense of accomplishment.
Location: Planet Blenjil.

It ends with the fall of the ship and the loss of some of its constituent parts. The task - to collect the pieces scattered across the sand - seems easy to perform. It would have been so if there had not been a large carnivorous sandworm on the planet (one would like to call it Shai-Hulud!). The task becomes more difficult - you need to collect the pieces without running along the sand for a long time. Jayden can only carry one part, so he has to run back and forth 4 times. To get to the first detail (the Energy Cell), you need to jump from rock to rock to get to a strange, orange-colored rock that can be seen ahead (it falls into the sand under the weight of Jayden's body). We jump on it, quickly jump to a higher rock and jump down exactly to the detail. Further, after running a little along the sand, we jump onto a small rolling pin and along the posts (by the way, they also go down), as if on a ladder, we climb up. Then jump onto a fragment of the hull, and from there back to the ship. We pass into the cabin of the aircraft and install it.

Behind the second spare part, the path lies through the wreck of the ship. With the help of the box we climb up and go through the jammed door. The room has two first-aid kits and a part (Energy Converter), which is located under the floor. We return to the ship in the same way and install the part.

We go back to the room with first-aid kits and observe a hole in the wall. We approach her and look outside. By force we attract the wing that has fallen off the ship and jump on it. It will not be possible to ride on it, as it entered the sand. No problem! By jumping we get to the cube, and from there, turning on the Force, we run headlong along the sand to the reddish rock. We jump onto a huge rock and, after waiting for a moment, we make a dash for the third part (Damper). With short dashes across the desert and jumps on the objects of the former pride of the merchant's ship, we get to our ship.

We get to again big cube, but from there we jump not onto the sand, but even higher, trying to climb onto the roof of the ship's hull. Once there, we jump onto the U-shaped structure, from there we move along the remains of the ship to the last detail (Power connection). Grabbing it, we climb up the large rock, from there - to the roof of the first part of the skeleton, and then - to the ship. We install the last part and fly away from the sandy planet.

Note: To move on to the next story mission, it is enough to complete 4 out of 5 tasks. But if we pass the fifth task, we will get an additional point of Strength.

Location: Planet Corellia.

While flying along the Coronet, the freight car at the bottom reports: . A real Jedi can't get past this, and we'll have to find these, disable them, and stop the wagon from exploding.

Approaching the door, we find that it is closed. With the help of a pipe we climb onto the roof of the car. Having reached its end, we jump down and go into the car from the other side. At the end of the room we use the lever, turning off the electricity. We pass through the already harmless pipes to another part of the car and climb onto the roof. We move along the glass roof of some greenhouse. We get down and go into the car. Exit on the other side and go up. We go around part of the car on the side, get to the next platform and go right. We go in the door and run into the elevator, which takes us up. We destroy two red switches (with a luminous circle), climb up the boxes and knock out the glass. We run along the roof and jump down. Next, we reach the room in which the bomb is located. Having neutralized it, we continue to move. Finally we reach the ship control room and use some buttons. Mission completed.

After completing the tasks, Luke Skywalker warns us against the dark side of the Force. At the Academy, Luke Skywalker clarifies the situation: his records of places with Force auras have been stolen, and the Followers of Ragnos are sucking out the Dark aura of these places with a scepter. Therefore, he sends both students and teachers to check some territories, which, perhaps, the Dark Ones have not reached. We are sent to the cold and snowy planet Hoth...

Story Mission

Location: Planet Hoth.

After checking the place for the presence of the Force, Jayden determines that it is not there. So we would have flown away if the sharp-sighted Jayden had not spotted a lantern in the dusk of a snowstorm (obviously, so as not to get lost). Therefore, he decides to check who, and for what purpose, installed this lantern here.

We run along the lanterns, which are scattered here in abundance, and we are surprised to find ... Imperials! So Master Luke was right, and the place really used to be saturated with the Force. The matter becomes more complicated - now it is necessary to infiltrate the base of the Imperials in order to find out what they are up to. Along the path of the lanterns we reach the entrance to the cave, littered with stones. We get in there. We reach the fork and meet Bigfoot. He is aggressive, and therefore you have to kill him. To the right (behind him) is a secret area (mines, 2 first aid kits, shield). To the left is the exit from the tunnel. Running out of the cave, we can sit on animals. To the right of the exit is a dead end. Therefore, we go to the left and continue to walk along the lanterns. We look at the machine gun in the blizzard and destroy the attack aircraft and the robot-walker. We go in the direction where he was, on the lanterns. We jump on the boxes to the right of the entrance, after we jump over the wall. We pass through a large door: on the right - the elevator up, on the left - down. Below is a locked door, and above is a lever that opens it. Once at the top, press all the buttons and levers. We approach the glass and use the Force to break it. Behind him is a secret area. Now let's go down. Further - before going outside - it is impossible to get lost. Going outside, we run to the machine gun and stand behind it, because there will be 8 attack aircraft, no less, and if you fight with them, you can allow undesirable losses in health and shield. Having run through the beacons to the fork, we choose: either we run to the left (we run to the emergency entrance-exit to the base), or to the right (we run to the main entrance-exit, make sure that they are not waiting for us there, we run back). Left or right, no problem. Only:
1. To remove the protective screen, you need to break one of the columns holding it
2. To pass the level, you must boldly jump into a crack in the floor

Once at the Echo base, we pass the level.
Location: Planet Hoth, Echo Imperial Base.

We get through the pipes to some kind of warehouse and go through the only open door (there is a machine gun next to it). Through the system of tunnels we get to the first-aid post. From it we get into a room with an elevator located there. After taking the elevator up to the second floor, we go to the left. We reach the shield and the battery of cartridges. We go down the stairs and reach the next reloaders of cartridges and a shield. We run through the tunnel to the looted communication station and eavesdrop on the negotiations. After that, we kill the Jedi informant and continue moving. We interfere with the yeti to eat quietly and, finally, we find Alora - a Jedi student - who wants to kill us. It is necessary to cool her ardor with a few precise blows of the sword. Having received them, Alora prefers to flee, reassuring us with a phrase.

We return to Yavin and talk about what we saw on Hoth. Luke Skywalker casually names Jayden the top student at the Academy and promotes him to Apprentice. They don't take us to save Roche, so we'll have to try on the costume of the Savior of the Galaxy again...

After the second mission, all the Powers of the Core increase by one point, and we can also choose an additional sword fighting style - fast or heavy.
Episode 2
Episode 2 mission list:

Mission >Black Ops - Krill'Dor>
Story missions

Location: Nar Krita.

A dastardly crime boss is holding the elders hostage. Since he says that no one came to see him, we will have to check the sincerity of his words. Kyle Katarn undertakes to take them to the ship and take them home. And we will have to look for where the crime put the prisoners.

We pass to the end of the pipe and look for a grate; destroying it, we get into the ventilation. We penetrate into the corridor, at the second turn - to the left (to where the green generator is not needed yet). We go around the pillar and go to the elevator. After killing the guard, we are engaged in technology:
1. We look at the screens - we see the cages of prisoners.
2. We look at the map - it will help us not to get lost.
3. Use the lever - it opens the cells and raises the slab, blocking the view to the yard.

We jump out into the yard and run up to the liberated. They mention Ransor, a giant monster. The elders open the door and enter the corridor. After the dialogue, we have a new goal: clear the way to the exit. Now let's go to where the green generator is! We kill the guards and open the door at the end of the corridor with the security key. Ba! We got back! This is an exit for the hostages (the elders will not climb through the ventilation!). And now we go back to the corridor, where the prisoners are waiting for us. A dialogue takes place, and the prisoners run to the gathering place. And we get a key card, with which we will open the door in a room with a pillar and an elevator. We go up the elevator to the bar and kill the guards resting there. We fall into the next corridor, which leads to all the other rooms that will help us free the Hutt hostages.

Let's start with the closest room - the green arrow leads to it. We go up the elevator and get into the room. It has the same set of equipment as in the first. Using it, we jump out, run to the liberated and play the role of a bullfighter - we fool Ransor, and then, when the hostages run away, we get out. When the hostages are rescued, we again go through the bar, but we already meet stiffer resistance and at the end of the corridor we turn left. The rescue of the elders follows the same principle - the torero.

And, finally, in the bar - mines, and at the end of the corridor we turn right. Again we save the hostages and together with them we return to the collection point. Note: More than 12 hostages must survive.
Location: Planet Zonju V.

This mission is a Jedi Academy innovation. The mission is almost arcade - you ride like a motorcycle and beat with a sword all those who bother you. The goal is to contact a person who knows the connection between the Empire and the Followers of Ragnos. He hides in an abandoned outpost. The path is simple - straight. And if you accidentally get lost, an inscription will appear - Wrong way. Just like racing. But the first stage - to the outpost - will be short-lived. Having reached the dead end, it is necessary to overcome the barrier by jumping. Let's watch the video. Now we will drive long and hard: Well, in general, we should not have any difficulties, but:
Remember that getting under the laser path of someone else's machine gun is not a very smart act, and lying down under the enemy's vehicle is at least stupid.
If, God forbid, the worst thing that can happen at this level has happened to you (namely: your motorcycle exploded, and you - God knows where) - do not despair!

There are 2 options to throw adversaries from the devices they operate:
An option for those to whom the result is more important: we lure the enemy towards us and use the Force to help him get out of the saddle.

An option for those who are more interested in the process: we are doing jewelry work with a sword...

Kyle Katarn breaks the news...
Location: Planet Kril'Dor.

The mission is similar to, but here you have to lay radio beacons. A certain General Antiless proposes a daring plan, according to which 1 spaceship and 1 Jedi will be able to completely neutralize the imperial gas station (only this is what it is, I did not understand). We land on the platform in front of the hangar of the imperial troops. First of all, we need to place a beacon on the shield generator. Let's enter the hangar, take the elevator and go out to the anti-aircraft gun. We rise through the pipes to the roof of the hangar. Further, along the only bridge, we pass to the roof of the shield generator, where we install the beacon. Then you have to return to the roof of the hangar and place the beacon there. After that, it is proposed to install another one on the roof of the garrison barracks. We approach the door leading inside this building. But she's locked up! It's not a problem. We jump on it, and then - on the roof of the building. We put a beacon there, and listen to what else needs to be marked. It is necessary to penetrate the roof of the array of communications. We return to the hangar. We use the collapsed ceiling as a ladder and go down. We find the building of an array of communications. But it is prudently locked. We look up and see a bridge that leads to the roof of the building we need. We are looking for the entrance to the building, with the roof of which the roof of the communications array is connected. We rise to its very top and open the window with the button, which turns out to be broken. Very handy. We break it to the end, and jump to the bridge. On the roof of the communications array, we neutralize the rather sluggish resistance and install a beacon. Now our target is the energy generator. Again we go into the building that helped us install the beacon on the roof of the communications array. Now we're just going down. Having gone down once, we leave the building and we see the elevator. This elevator leads to the power generator. That's where we need to be. We go down, set the beacon. The last target left is the command center. We're heading there. Having installed it, we learn that the vile imperials mined the gas tanks, and that if the bombs explode, the operation will be meaningless. Well, this shouldn't be a problem. After the operation, we return to the hangar, to our ship, and fly away from the station.
Location: Planet Coruscant.

A certain Lannik Rakto is engaged in the production of killer robots, which is against the law. Therefore, we are instructed to find and take into custody the criminal. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to get there right away, because Rakto blew up the bridge we were supposed to cross. We'll have to get to his office in a roundabout way.

On the platform on which the ship stands, we find a place from where you can jump. It is located somewhere near the tail of the ship. After running a little, we see a ship in which a sniper is sitting. We jump there, and then - to another. We turn left. We reach the killer droid (carefully! His shield is dangerous for your health), kill him and jump down to the ship. We go inside the building and take the elevator. We pass through the bridge, meet the second killer droid and jump to the platform with two ships. We deal with power shields, destroy the droid and move on. The remains of a bridge are visible in the distance. We get to them. Here we are at the entrance to Lannik's office building. We neutralize the self-taught Jedi and take the elevator to Rakto's office, where he has already prepared a surprise for us - 4 killer droids (it's good that without a shield). Destroying them, we take the criminal with us.
Location: Planet Dosuun.

No matter how good a Jedi Jayden was, he was captured. But the commander of this base offers us a choice: either we run away and are hunted for us, or we die in prison. Of course, we will choose the first.

The sword was taken from us, we will have to fight with weapons that shoot. We jump out of the chamber and run up to the glass. We are waiting for the attack aircraft to come out. After waiting, we run into the room, grab a blaster rifle, and away we go: We run out, neutralize the guards and run to the door to another building. But then the commander of the garrison runs out onto the balcony and starts shooting at us. To make it stop bothering us, it is enough to hit it a couple of times. Well, we go into another building, break the shields, kill the officer, take the key from him and open one of the doors for them. We go up the stairs and use the lever to turn on the elevator, which is also located in this room. We go up the elevator, leave the room and go to the opposite door. Going forward, we see a large beautiful hall, in which the lever we need is located. Having activated it, we leave the hall and go down the elevator. We go to the shooting gallery (one of the three nearby large doors). We turn off the force field, stand behind the machine gun and smash the back wall. We get out and, jumping away from the robot walker, we get to the glass, next to which there are boxes with explosives. We shoot at them, the glass breaks, and we get into the dock. In the same way, we break the glass inside the building. We use both levers located in the room. Both of them open doors. We take the elevator to the second floor, go through the door we opened and go up the stairs. Running away from under the fire of a concussion rifle, we kill the officer, take away from him sniper rifle and, hitting at full power in the head of the commander, we grab a machine gun. We destroy the attack aircraft and continue to move forward. Having run into the corridor, we move to the left, up to two doors. Let's go to any of them. We get into the hangar and find the control room. We use the lever in it. The door in the hangar opens and the door behind the lever. We run through the back door, go down the elevator and run into the big, big door, having previously saved. Now we need to take our lightsaber from the commander. Running away from the shots, we get a sniper rifle and two accurate shots at full power in the head we kill him. Mission completed.

Realizing that all the places mentioned in his journal have already been drained of the Force, Luke begins sending his cadets to the little-known Centers of the Force. We, together with Kyle, are flying to Vyun - to one of Darth Vader's fortresses...

Story Mission

Location: Planet Vyun.

Kyle and I find ourselves in acid rain. We need to get into the castle. Acid rain deals constant damage, so if you don't have Heal or Level 3 Defense (the rain does no damage), you'll have a hard time. Another problem is the guards with concussion rifles. Direct hit - start at the checkpoint. Luckily, they are clumsy, so you can fight them by running around them and hitting them with your sword. Kyle is awesome at fighting them. By the way, if you want to stretch a little, beat him. But not for long, otherwise the mission will fail due to the fact that.

Okay, let's get started. We see a robot ahead. Together with Kyle, we destroy it and run under the roof, where we neutralize another robot (collect weapons, you will need them!). There should be a ladder on the left. We climb it. We run to the door guarded by two RSCVs (Robot with Concussion Rifle), and we run inside, where we meet: imperial stormtroopers! Long time no see! We go down, go through the control room and get into a long corridor, at the other end of which is a Jedi. We kill him and go straight ahead. But where we meet an officer accompanied by two attack aircraft, we turn right (to the stairs). We rise along it and turn right and go outside. We run to the big door and go in it. We calmly walk until we meet the RSCV. We run to another exit and then we move from shed to shed. So we reach the canopy, under which there is a machine gun, behind which is an attack aircraft. We run behind the rock and move to the right, we reach the canopy, from under which 3 RSKV are visible with the naked eye and destroy them. We move to the river and along it, to the right. Having reached the second bridge, we pass along it, and from it we turn left, under the rock. We jump on the rocks and, finally, we see one of the checkpoints of the imperials, and the passage further, to the castle, is covered by TIE bombers. No problem! There is a turbolaser on the roof of the checkpoint. If you turn it on and use it to shoot down ships, the path to the castle will be cleared. We pass through the door, move to the RSCV. Behind him is the backyard of the checkpoint. We rise along the stairs, we move to the left; killing the imperials under the awnings, we run to the door and go in there. We run into the only corridor leading from the room. We kill two more Jedi. We go down the stairs and at the passage we need we kill a whole army of attack aircraft. We run forward. We are almost there! But the door is locked, and Kyle went to open it, asking to be told if he opens it. But even here we were not lucky! Some Jedi doesn't want us to come in. Mind you, this Jedi is not bad. After killing him, we pass to the roof and sit down at the gun. We destroy the TIE bombers, go back and go where the path was covered by them - to the castle. We run to the door and...
Location: Planet Vyun.

We got to the castle. But now we need to get to its upper part. We find a hole and jump there. Unfortunately, Kyle is jumping higher than us, so we'll have to look for another way (to the left of the hole Katarn went into). We get into. We use the lever and go to another door. We move to the left and go into the door in the corner. Ba! Three against one is not fair! We need to help Kyle. We help him and move back. Kyle runs to the locked door, and we run to Kyle. It is not known why, but the door opens. We follow him. All Kyle's manipulations with the technique ended badly. The pipe transmitting electricity came off, and water was underfoot. We need to start all the pumps that are not working (they are highlighted in red). With the help of the Force, turning on the pumps, now we must rise after Kyle. But we will go along an already harmless pipe. Having risen, we go along the corridor to and jump on it. We are trying to get to where Kyle has already got. We reach the reactor with the help of the Force (it is better not to fall under the greenish beam). We see that the beam is fed by some kind of turntable. We jump onto the wing on the side of the beam, and from there - upward, through the door. We meet either two enemy Jedi and Kyle, or a bunch of stormtroopers and Kyle (the rooms are the same). We go up the stairs. After passing through the door, we get into the room of the head of the reactor. Opposite is a room opposite the one we entered. We go up the elevator. We pass through the left or right door (again, there is no difference). We go out to the top of the reactor and jump to the roof of the canopy, under which there is a door (you need to jump to the canopy with boxes). From there we jump up. Here again, you have to work hard. There are 4 plates at the top, 2 beams go from each - one directly to the reactor, the other to an additional plate. We need to overload the reactor (I don’t know why, but we need to), so we force each plate, the beams are combined, the reactor is overloaded, boom-bang, fuck-bang, and: a piece of the reactor with Kyle flies down. But Kyle is alive! From somewhere below, he informs us about this and asks us to go forward without him. Jayden jumps up:
Location: Planet Vyun, Castle Bast.

We got to the top, directly to the castle. We get out of the hole in which we fell and move to the door on the right, along the way fighting off the impeding Imperials. We eavesdrop on the conversation of two sectarians, whose Teacher "will lead them to glory." We kill them and go up the elevator. Another half-educated Jedi is waiting for us at the top, and a bunch of stormtroopers are on the bridge. We neutralize them and go through the door at the other end of the bridge. But here we are met by another Jedi. This is a tougher enemy. But nothing will stop us, so we kill him, attack aircraft, destroy the machine gun on the ceiling and go to the elevator. Upstairs, we neutralize the opponents and look at some photograph next to the bench on which the explosives lie. (What is she doing there?) After passing through the door, we meet a Jedi-in-red - he is the best opponent in the game (except for "bosses"). But he is not a hindrance to us! Then we meet two Jedi near the elevator, which we need to get into. Climbing up to the hangar. We eliminate 4 (!) Jedi and one robot with a repeater. We pass through the door next to the corner, where there is a first-aid kit, shield and ammo rechargers. We destroy two more Jedi (there are a lot of them!) and we are surprised to find that the elevator is jammed! As they say in one kind, kind cartoon, "And we'll go north!". We jump on the boxes, from there to the bridge, from the bridge - to the door. We get into the warehouse of some junk, eliminate the Jedi, move on. We are in a room with four pillars. We press the button in the center, the pillars rise in turn:
1. Small electric droids appear.
2. Bigger droids appear, shoot with a blaster.
3. Killer droids appear, with shields.
4. Jedi droids appear, with swords.

In the end, a secret door opens, we pass there and onto the elevator. Having gone down, we kill the cultists (these, well, at least without swords!) And we pass through the only door. We get into a room with a picturesque view from the window. We need to go upstairs. To do this, go to the left, climb the stairs, go through the door, climb the stairs, exit and go to the opposite door.

After passing a little, we go in the last door and... we meet Rosh in person! Unfortunately, he strayed from the path of Good and Light. But we have to teach him a lesson. Note that when Roche's strength is already running out, two cultists pour energy into him. Therefore, we will have to kill the sectarians first, and then Rosh himself. The most convenient moment is when they are Rosha. At this point, they are defenseless. As soon as we neutralized Rosh, Kyle appears, and behind Kyle: - Tavion! That's it unexpected meeting! After Jayden sacrifices his sword to save himself and Kyle, our hero returns to the Academy.

Luke Skywalker initiates us as Jedi Knights. Now we will carry out missions more difficult. And most importantly, we choose a sword to our liking: either one double, or two, but single. Having chosen the sword and color, do not forget that you can switch to single (turn off one or turn off one side) using the button (style laser sword). With this sword, we will go to the end of the game, so choose carefully! After that, all Core Powers increase by 1.
Episode 3
Episode 3 Mission List:

Story missions

Location: Planet Chandrila.

Luke and Kyle fear that the Disciples of Ragnos might be draining the Force from a Jedi tomb on the planet Chandrila. Jayden is sent there to prevent Tavion's plans from being realized. First, we need to free the passage by pushing the stone out with the Force. After killing the Jedi in red, we approach the right edge of the site and jump down to the column. From there - to two Jedi. We kill them and another weak Jedi. We jump to the platform, where we kill the Jedi without a sword, but with force. We jump to the platform. It collapses, but under it there is another one - safety. From it we jump to another platform, and from it down to the Jedi in blue. We run along the bridge and go to the left passage. Going down, we see who mined the bridge. The bridge has been blown up, but with our ability to cross the chasm, it will not be difficult. We run into a high passage leading to a vast hall. Unfortunately, there are already three Jedi in red on duty. There are 2 scenarios here:
1. For those who want adventure and hardship - pick up all three and kill them in a heap.
2. For those who do NOT want difficulties - we bully them one by one and kill them one by one.

The first option is, of course, more difficult. And then - again we work with the Force. We approach the right door (to the one on the floor in front of which the sign is drawn), turn on the Force and use the Force to open it. We kill the Jedi in blue and go down to the site. We approach the left edge and jump onto the column. From there - to the Jedi in red. We jump again on the column (otherwise we will not jump over) and fly to one weak Jedi and a Jedi with the Force. We also kill and go down to a small platform. We move down, where we meet another pair - an ordinary Jedi and a Jedi with the Force. We run up to the tower, go around it and jump down, where two gates are visible. From there, further down, and so on, until we reach a lighted corridor with columns. We again approach the tower and move to the right along it until we find a platform on which we can jump. Jump over to and kill him. We meet an ordinary Jedi and a Jedi with the Force. We jump up, from there on - even higher. We kill an ordinary Jedi and a Jedi with the Force and go through the bridge, into the tomb itself. We kill the Jedi in red and two Jedi in blue and approach the coffin. We turn on the Force and press the two buttons with the Force, thereby blocking access to the coffin. We run away from the tomb. Mission completed.
Location: Planet Tanaab.

In the beginning, Jayden couldn't believe that there could be cultists in the warehouse. But he was wrong. And I could not even imagine how much. The followers of Ragnos released the mutant Ransor (it is not clear, however, for what purpose). Next, you have to act quickly. We run wherever our eyes look, we don’t really fight with the Jedi (Ransor will gobble them up anyway). We reach the control panel, pull the lever and run to where the container that we lifted was standing. We find a passage there, neutralize an ordinary Jedi and a Jedi without a sword, but with the Force, who are interfering with us. We pass into another department of the warehouse. Where to run, your intuition will tell you. The main thing is from Ransor. You can even keep a little to the side and watch where he goes. We are right there. Be that as it may, we find ourselves in another department of the warehouse, in force majeure conditions we recharge the shield and kill all the Jedi. We run to the lever and jump to where the container was. We run forward, next to the door we use the lever. We lure Ransor onto the conveyor and quickly use the lever in the building (it is located inside - for this you need to climb the stairs). Ransor is dead. Mission completed.
Location: Planet Yalara.

The planet Yalara is inhabited by kind and sweet creatures. Upon discovering the planet, the Jedi scientist determined that the Yalarians were not ready to enter an intergalactic society. Therefore, the scientist installed a device on the planet that did not allow others to detect it. But she was discovered. Our task is to destroy the device so that it does not fall into the wrong hands. But someone has angered the Yalarians, and our meeting with them ends with the fact that we have no other choice but to kill them, due to the fact that they behave aggressively. We go forward until we reach the elevator. We go upstairs and meet the Imperials. We kill everyone and go through the door behind the Imperials. We neutralize the Imperials, go through the door on the right and go down the elevator. We pass to the right, use the lever and go back. The screw has stopped, and now we can freely approach the fan. We jump on it and try to get to the reactor. Once in, we destroy two Jedi and go through the door. Right along the cridor. Behind the door we again see the reactor and, having destroyed two Jedi and a Jedi in red, we again pass through the non-working screw and go upstairs, where we destroy the Imperials and leave the room. We go into the tower and climb up, along the way killing three Jedi in red, one Jedi slalobo and one Jedi with the Force. We leave, we kill two Jedi, go around the turret and go into the elevator. Having risen, we kill everyone, we put four bombs. Mission completed. It turns out that the Yalarians are not Yalarians at all, but Noghri.
Location: Planet Byss.

The asteroid belt where Rosh disappeared. That's where Kyle and I go to find out what happened. But the investigation failed. He was upset by the appearance of the Imperial Dreadnought. He captured us with a tractor beam. Kyle suggests that we turn off the tractor beam while he turns on the ship's self-destruct mode. We pass through the door, which is located to the left of the ship. We run along the corridor to the next door, where we turn right. We kill the officer and take away the security key from him, with which we open the door behind which the elevator. We rise, move forward, on the left we meet two robots with a concussion rifle, on the right - a bunch of attack aircraft (where to move, there is no difference). We get to the beam generator and use the lever to turn it off. Now a new problem appears - in the form of TIE bombers. We return to the elevator and go into the door, which was hitherto closed. We pass along the corridor, we meet two robots with a concussion rifle, we destroy the force shield, we kill the robot with a rocket launcher. We pass through the door, then along the corridor to two robots with a concussion rifle. We go to the elevator. Having risen, we again move along the corridor to the next elevator (next to the control room). We rise, run forward, grab the laser and shoot down the bombers. Now it's time to get away from the Dreadnought. We run back to the ship, in the same way as we arrived. Only now the door to the balcony opens. We clean the area and watch the video.
Location: Planet Ord Mantell.

The mission is simple in words: we arrive, blow up 7 warehouses of old weapons and return. But we are interrupted by Boba Fett (?), who will pester us during the entire mission. Beware: the fire of his jet engines can scorch you. To get rid of the mercenary, you must quickly move from place to place and, when he is within reach, beat him with a sword. It should be noted right away: at this stage, Boba Fett is invulnerable (even when you turn on the Force, you can see his health, but as soon as it approaches zero, he flies away).

First, let's go to the large door where the bow of the ship is directed. Having run into the door, we move to the right, where one of the parts of the warehouse is located behind the door. We put the bomb. Fett immediately runs to the explosion. Fighting back, we move to the fork. Now let's go straight. We go in the first door (it will be on the left). We blow up, we move on. We reach another door, this time on the right. Through a narrow corridor we exit to the bridge, behind it is a building, and in the building there is a weapon. They blew it up, now we return to the ship and go to the large door, to which its tail is directed. We move to the right, we run into the second door on the right, we turn left, we blow up the warehouse, we run out, and then to the right, to the bridge. On it we turn left, go down, destroy the warehouse. We leave from the same door, we go directly. We pass through the nearest door (on the left) and blow up the weapon there. Mission accomplished, time to leave. We run to the ship. But in order to get out, you need to cool the ardor of Boba Fett. You can replenish your Strength and restore your shield in the basement, under the airstrip. And the enemy is also not weak: he knows how to dodge lasers, rifles and rocket launchers. But killing him with the Force and a double sword is very easy. Once chilled, Boba flies away. And so are we.

We return to the Academy, where Luke has already drawn up a plan to neutralize the Followers of Ragnos. But first, we need to save Roche, who sent a signal from the Imperial planet Taspyr III.

Story Mission

Location: Planet Taspir III.

In order to find Roche for sure, Kyle leaves us at one end of the station, while he flies to the other. There are three entrances from the site in total. But only one is protected. So, there is something to protect! We are moving there. After running inside, we pass to the left. The elevator is broken. We'll have to go out and go through another door (to the left of the one we left). We go down, use two levers, go across the bridge to the other side, where we kill the robot with a concussion rifle and use the lever. We see that as a result of this, another bridge moved high, high. We return back to the main building, where the resourceful attack aircraft opened and guards the door, which was previously closed. We rise on the elevator to another floor, where we move to the right door. We meet two Jedi on the bridge, go through the door, kill a couple more. We pass through the section to the elevator, we go up. We pass to the box, standing in the middle of the room, and Force push it to the rest. We climb onto it, from there we get into the ventilation, then - into another section. We go forward until we meet an officer. After killing him, we take away the key with which we will open the door that we ran through. We reach the plate and go down to the rock. We run along it to another building. We enter it, go up the stairs. We go out to the bridge, go through the post office and jump over the hole in the bridge. On the bridge that goes around the rock, we reach another room. We go down, exit the building and go forward and forward, until the exit leading to the bare rocks. Please note that here you will have to meet a lot of robots with a concussion rifle and robots with other weapons. Having dealt with them, we reach the end of the bridge, from there we jump onto a rock, from which we jump onto steel plates. We follow them to the other side. We go in the door, where we resist two Jedi in red. We pass forward, destroy the Jedi on the bridge. We go into the building and reach the elevator. We rise and go around the reactor. We kill DVK and go outside again. Cross the bridge to the next building. There are three doors there. We need to go through the gray door behind which there is an elevator. Having risen, we again bypass the reactor and exit to the bridge. There we meet a VERY good opponent. Having dealt with him, we move forward and penetrate the cult building.
Location: planet Taspyr III, cult building.

Upon entering, we immediately meet ... Alora! But she does not want to fight - obviously, she is afraid. But she certifies that Rosh is here. So it can be found. This is what we'll do. We move to the left, we pass through the gate and go up the elevator. We run into the door and go down the corridor to a small control center. We move to the left door. We pass between the pillars of fire to the door located on the opposite side of the room. We get down, we pass through the room with small pools, we get into the corridor. Where to turn, there is no difference. We leave to the reactor. We jump onto the pipe from above, then onto the stand with tanks. We listen to Alora's comments and find the place where she said all this from. We jump there and move to the right door. We pass along the corridor, we get outside and we pass along the bridge. Again we get into the corridor, at the end of which is the Hall with a large number of stormtroopers. We enter the door on the right. We go straight, then - to the left. After passing along the corridor, we get to the conveyor. We use the device, turn on the Force and run to where the power shield went off. And Alora is already downstairs. Let's chase her! To do this, we run forward until we see a conveyor below, perpendicular to ours. We jump on it. Further - to the balcony, from there - even lower, to the conveyor. We run to the corridor where Alora ran away. We pass through it, go up, get to the balcony. We move to the conveyor, which moves directly in front of us. We jump to the second balcony on the left. We pass along the corridor. We jump on the conveyor. I'm waiting for the box. On the left will be. We must wait for the moment and jump when it just opens its greedy mouth. Otherwise, inevitable death awaits us. Immediately jump to the left or right structure. We are waiting for the box again. When he goes behind the shield, we jump off, turn on the Force and, when the shield disappears, we crawl to another. I'm waiting for the box. We turn it on again and, when the shield disappears, we crawl out. We fly in the door and run along the corridor. We listen to Alora, kill the Jedi in red, jump to the structure on the right and try to get on the walker back and forth. When it reaches the turn, you need to jump to where Alora stood. Let's watch the video. And here we have the most important choice: Darkness or Light, Anger or Forgiveness. Rosh says he has realized his mistake. And believe it or not, it's up to you. To switch to the Light Side, press the button; to switch to Dark - kill Roche. Further events follow as follows:
Light inclination - Jayden calms his anger, stays on the side of light; Alora, angered that Jayden remained a Light One, attacks him, injuring Rosh along the way.
Dark Inclination - Rosh is dead (or seriously injured), Jayden is Dark, but he does not want to serve Tavion: on the contrary, he wants to take away the scepter from her, which should belong to him. Alora, angered that Jayden does not want to serve Tavion, joins the fight.

One way or another, we are going to the planet Korriban, the tomb of many generations of Sith...

Story Mission

The passage differs in the Side of Power, but not significantly. Here I give a walkthrough of the Dark Tendency. The difference in detail will be given below.
Location: Planet Korriban.

Arriving on Korriban, Jayden is stopped by the Light Guard. But Dark Jayden is unstoppable. We sweep away the guards, go around the corner and go into the catacombs. We go down and enter a vast hall. We notice that three of the four statues holding the crystals are not in place. Force them back into place. We jump on the coffin and together with him we go down to the entrance to the Valley of the Sith. Having destroyed all those who interfere with us, we approach the large door, located on a hill. Strength and look at the signs of Strength on the floor and on the buttons. We dial the code, the door opens. We pass inside. We go down to the pillar, to the left of the gate we see steps made of white stone. We pull them out with the Force, climb the pole. From there we jump into one of. We go down, jump into one of the dips. We run into a hole in the wall and move along the tunnel to its end. We move along the crypt to the left. We reach a fork (where to run - it does not matter), and then to the hall. We go around it, we find the descent down and a hole in the wall. We are moving there. We see a large abyss with beams. We go down the beams. We go up and get into another crypt. We move to the left. We pass through another crypt and through the crypt filled with lava. We rise and reach the slab, which is supported by two pillars. We break them down. The Valley of the Sith is now open. We return to the door that we saw in the video (it is located in the hall where the large door we entered is). Let's go ahead. We are in the Valley of the Sith.
Location: Planet Korriban, Valley of the Sith.

Now our task is to get into the tomb of Mark Ragnos. We pass forward and go down to the Jedi, who are fighting with rapture. We kill them. We go down the slope to the sand and move to the left, to the abyss. We jump over it, calm the fighters with two or three accurate blows of the sword, approach the column on the edge of the abyss and use the Force to make a bridge out of it. We pass to the other side and jump to the structure at the bottom of the pit. We jump on the sand and find the beginning of the tunnel in one of the wreckage. We reach its end, jump onto the rock, then onto the plate with the exit. We leave and jump into the arms of stormtroopers (here are the reinforcements!) and. We pass along the row with the ships and enter the tomb with a statue of a horned man. We pass forward, along the bridge, to the hall. In the hall we see Tavion, who is trying to resurrect the Dark Master. We interfere with her, she attacks. Tip: Don't get hit by the scepter's beam and stay away when she hits the ground with it. The scepter is in our hands! Nearly. Kyle is stopping us. But he does not tolerate anyone in his path, now we will have to kill the Teacher. He has no tricks, but he is a good opponent. Jayden beams down the Master and makes a tomb for him. Then he hides in an unknown direction. But we see that he became the captain of the imperial ship, instead of Tavion. Roche dies, Kyle informs Luke of his incompetence.

Now some changes in detail if you have chosen Light inclination:
1. - Your allies.
2. You will have to fight with stormtroopers, there, by the ships.
3. The ending changes - we kill Tavion, but she manages to resurrect the spirit of Mark Ragnos, who inhabits her. She fights with redoubled strength, and Tavion's sword is not light, but metal.
4. The end of the game changes (final video) - Rosh remains alive after the injury inflicted by Alora. Kyle and Luke praise Jayden, and the evil is still far away.

In this game, the abilities of the Jedi are an important factor in determining the outcome of the battle. If in
Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast, we were deprived of lightsaber battles for some time, but here we immediately acquire
with this weapon, and therefore abilities are developed from the very beginning. In this guide, I will introduce you
a description of all the abilities of the light and dark sides, as well as natural skills (by the way, it should be noted that in
this addon does not matter what skills you develop, the choice of ending, unlike Dark Forces II, remains with

Light side abilities:
The usefulness of these abilities is difficult to overestimate; at the proper level, they allow your
the ward to remain practically invulnerable. These are all defensive skills that are relevant as in the destruction
every little thing (like foot soldiers), and for the destruction of more serious opponents (Jedi Sith). Consider
in more detail each of them.

Power Absorption is a very useful skill for a Jedi, given that there are often enemies in the game,
possessing high level forces, but not having weapons, so they should not be neglected.
Level (D) 1 - the Jedi activates a kind of protective field that absorbs all magic directed against him, and
valid for 20 seconds. Thereby main character acquires a small amount of energy.
At 2 - differs from the first level only in that we get the full amount of magic directed against
Main character.
At 3 - similar to level 2, the amount of power received increases.

Healing is the most useful skill in my opinion. which should be developed first. it
will allow you to restore your health even during a fight. This is especially useful during boss fights.
At 1 - the Jedi is slowly healed, standing still. Despite the inefficiency, it continues to be relevant,
although you shouldn't use it during combat.
In 2 - the Jedi is treated at the same speed, but at the same time he can move around (this will already be a big
a nuisance to your opponent).
U 3 - Jedi is treated with high speed, moving freely. It is the most useful skill in the game.

Influence on the mind (zombie) - perhaps this is the most useless ability in the game. Make stupid (
foot soldiers) even dumber - a useless exercise, and it does not work at all on stronger adversaries.
At 1 - the Jedi misleads a weak enemy for 10 seconds. It's stupid, because such enemies are already standing still, and they smear
in the case of 70%, so the fact that they will not shoot at you will not help matters.
At 2 - the Jedi misleads weak enemies for 15 seconds, and distracts those enemies who did not have time to notice him.
In general, the developers joked that the ability affects all enemies. The Sith of course turn on the glare,
but do not rush to rejoice - before you approach them, they will have time to notice you 10 times and prepare for a fight,
so that the strength differs from the first level only in the duration of action.
At 3 - Jedi can win over a weak enemy for 30 seconds or distract (well, of course) more
strong. The ability is still not relevant, the transition to your side of one brainless AI will not help the cause.
But the ability to have mana is not enough, as much as 50 units of strength ...

Protection - in the distant Dark Forces II, this skill was a bonus one, and completely protected the old man Katarn from
all damage.., however, in this addon, such a luxury is not allowed, but the skill is very useful (
perhaps I would put it in 2nd place after health), because protection, albeit not complete, is always appreciated.
At 1 - the Jedi for 10 seconds receives 25% protection from all external influences (except force). Many, using
for the first time this skill is at the first level, they were disappointed in it, and indeed - weak defense, short duration,
which is also cut down by three seconds of activation, but do not jump to conclusions, this skill is still
will justify...
At 2 - the Jedi for 15 seconds receives 50% protection from all external influences (except force). Here at this level
the skill turns from an "ugly duckling" into something worthwhile - there is a real protection from enemies, which sometimes
able to protect against lightsaber strikes. In addition, the activation time is 0, the Jedi "turns on" it on the go.
At 3 - the Jedi for 20 seconds receives 75% protection from all external influences (except force). As I already said -
the second place in terms of usefulness is a small consumption of strength, great protection, a long (relatively) duration of action.
By the way, in the first level on Vyun, we have to chop enemies into cabbage under acid rain, and only "protection"
able to block the damage received from it.

So, we are done with the light side, let's take a closer look at the dark side:
Dark abilities, as usual, are combative, they make it easy to deal with many worthwhile
opponents in a few seconds. Unfortunately, no one will let you combine them with light abilities - with
activating one will deactivate the other, so don't turn on the suction and protection if you're going to use
dark arts.

Lightning - Emperor Palpatine's signature move, deals damage to the enemy, but unfortunately, lightning
turned out to be not as powerful as in the movie, although for the destruction of small opponents, they will fit best.
At 1 - the Jedi releases one bolt of lightning. Weak lightning is not able to kill even the most dead enemy.
At 2 - the Jedi can control the discharge. The case is the same as with the theft of power - it is difficult to hit the enemy, and the energy
consumed at an enviable rate.
At 3 - the Jedi releases a lot of lightning. This is already a very useful skill, though it only affects the weak.
enemies, for Sith with swords, lightning is like a breath of wind, although on narrow bridges they, avoiding lightning, can
jump to the side, thereby falling into the abyss.

Strangulation - this is how Darth Vader punished officers he disliked, but in the game this is a very useful skill,
with which you can destroy even the strongest enemy (with the exception of two bosses), dropping him into the abyss or
breaking his neck.
At 1 - blocks the enemy's actions for 5 seconds. One must always start somewhere, and therefore one must endure this useless
At 2 - the enemy rises above the ground, and damage is inflicted on him. The skill is not far from the first level, although
it is quite possible to kill an ordinary enemy army like that.
At 3 - the Jedi raises the enemy above the ground and can move him, inflicting damage on him. The most useful skill for
killing enemy Jedi, his damage is still low, but now, we can throw the enemy into the abyss, or
break his neck by hitting the ground (for some reason, Sith necks don't break).

Dark rage (anger) is a very controversial skill, on the one hand, invulnerability for a while
is a great help, but this skill devours your health very much, and for the first time after
the end of the reception, the Jedi becomes inhibited.
At 1 - gives 50% protection and immortality for 10 seconds. At the first level, using this skill is pure suicide,
no matter how much health you have, it will drop to 1, and subsequently you will die from any wound.
At 2 - gives protection 75%, acceleration by 33% and immortality for 10 seconds. Similar to the first level, only health
decreases less.
At 3 - gives protection 90%, acceleration by 50% and immortality for 10 seconds. Here the skill is already to some extent useful,
but the slowness of time does not allow it to become useful.

This is where the abilities of the dark side end, there are also natural skills, but on them I
I won’t go into details, but I’ll just briefly talk about them:

Lightsaber wielding: there is nothing complicated here, the levels of defense and attack show your
the ability to break through an enemy block and reflect blows and projectiles in your direction. Sword Throwing - Opportunity
use the sword as a ranged weapon, on the first U it flies in a straight line and returns, on the second you
you can control it for a short time, and on the third you have complete control over the flight of the sword.

Dash and Push: Pretty much the same skills, except that Dash takes away from a weak enemy
weapon, forcing him to capitulate, and the push knocks adversaries against the walls. Depends on the level of impact force and the number

Jump: automatic skill, allows you to jump 2, 8 and 12 times higher than a normal jump.

Sense: allows you to see people and objects through obstacles, useful for finding secret areas, from
level depends on the duration of the action and the range of the feeling.

Speed: Slows down time around the Jedi and makes them move 33%, 100% and 400% faster, useful when fighting

This completes the description of the properties of forces in Jedi Knight 3: Jedi Academy, this is my first work, so do not

So, dear Padawans, welcome to the Jedi Academy, where you will forever be made into a real Djigit Knight, Jedi and other types who are rightfully entitled to a lightsaber. To begin with, you just need to decide what level of cheating you own. If the maximum meanness that you are capable of is killing the boss of the level using firearms well, there are hothouse difficulty levels for you, like padavan and jedi. But if for you the main meaning of life is the generation of problems at a known anatomical point, then the choice of leading losers is jedi knight. Here the enemies will begin to show the rudiments of intelligence, and there will be enough problems just enough to let you know that the life of an ordinary Jedi is hard and dangerous, but everyone else around him generally has a complete absence of this life. Shortly speaking, this passage designed specifically for this level of complexity. As for the peaks of mastery, the last level of difficulty - Jedi Master, this is entertainment for old experienced kamikazes and other hired suicides, because it is, of course, possible to hold out on it, but it will cost you a curvature of the spine, radiculitis of the hand and a couple of decades of life. In a word, the choice of fathers and frank cheaters.
Next, we get to the character generation screen, where an innate sense of xenophobia should tell you that you can play as anyone but ungodly people. Because they are so ugly that it's just fear! There is no difference in races, i.e. all physiological differences like horns and antennae will not help you in any way during the game, nor will they harm you. Do not expect the opportunity to catch the horn around the corner or receive the transmission of enemy radio stations with antennas. This will not happen. Therefore, generate your virtual reflection, based on the level of your own perversion and the degree of lack of a sense of beauty. This does not apply to real aliens among readers. Decide on the color of your pants and other cases and don't be afraid that they won't fit. The number of legs in all races is exactly the same, familiar humanoid.
The final stage of collecting things before sending it to an educational institution. A selection of proletariat weapons, famous lightsabers and other laser staves. We don't take books. This is all for lamers. By default, you will be given the chance to select one single lightsaber. Such wonders of civilization as two swords or a laser staff will be available much later. So put up with the choice of the color of the blade in the five-color scale, not forgetting that the red color is not available to us, since even the embryo knows that the bad Jedi have a red sword, and the good ones have any other. We, according to tradition, have not yet been noticed in anti-social addictions to the dark Force. Next, we select the hilt of the sword, which, again, is full, about a dozen, but in battle they are unlikely to show their futuristic form in any way tangibly. Here, as always, a matter of taste. Our wrestling style is defined as average. Those. the balance of speed-power of punches and combos is in balance. This setting can be changed when we are faced with the choice of a new light democratizer somewhere in the middle of the game. In the meantime, things are collected, and we can safely assume that the first of September has come. Go ahead, go study!

So, a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away... All you need to know is that things are as bad as ever. The prelude to saving the world, this time, will be the modest fact that the Empire once again destroys ships and planets, the Jedi interfere in every possible way with it, Luke Skywalker plows the universe with a lightsaber at the ready and collects talented children from all over the cosmos, the vacuum will tear him up in order to deliver them to their Academy on Yavin 4 with subsequent forced training in the Force and other good things. You are Jadan Korr from Coruscant, that hole, and your lightsaber sets you apart from the rest. On the way to Yavin, the shuttle is treacherously shot down, and it all comes down to the fact that before the rescue expedition arrives, you will have to take a lesson in science and survival in the ancient jungle, one on one with hungry lizards. The newfound friend Roche will brighten up the situation somewhat with the company of his blaster.
First of all, we cross the river, moving towards the shuttle, and after wetting our feet, we climb onto an island where a tree stump grows.

We chop down the tree with a lightsaber, and the unfortunate Rosh will cross it to us. Esthete. Couldn't wade. Immediately wait for the attack of lizards from the jungle. The lizards themselves are not dangerous and are easily shredded with swords, and Rosh can fry them from afar with a blaster, but they have a sonic attack that can paralyze you and keep you at a distance. So, do not allow these creatures to approach you "in many directions." We take Rosh and go in the direction where the lizards came from along the river bank. After a while, you will come across a door, which Rosh will easily open with the help of the Force. We go further, holding the lightsabers at the ready. We immediately destroy the lizard on the left, which begins to howl at our approach. You can throw a sword at her and move on. On the hills we get to the stone bridge, moving straight all the time, and cross it. There we kill another lizard and move along the rocky slope towards the waterfall. Before reaching it, you can profit from first-aid kits and move to a small island, where there is another dead tree. Rosh will offer to cut it down as well, which we will do like a real forester. Climbing up the fallen trunk, we run forward, sending another lizard to the analogue of the heavenly terrarium. Now we are almost at the walls of the Academy. A couple of imperial stormtroopers looms on the horizon, and judging by the reaction of Roche, who sat behind the stones with the face of a uniformed partisan, we will kill them. We make a frontal attack. These attack aircraft are deprived of viability in advance. After killing them, we run forward and slide into a small ravine. Here sits a guy with a lightsaber. This is a simple warrior and killing him is not a problem. With a frontal attack, we press it to the edge of the ravine and chop it into small chips.
Having reached the temple, we notice a suspicious-looking tattooed aunt, pumping out power with the help of some kind of staff. Next to her adherents dark side Forces. After some time, we will be masterfully removed from the post of observer with a targeted blow to the mind. In an unconscious state, unfortunately, not a single female will take advantage of our helplessness, but the same individual steals Skywalker's personal records and hits the road into outer space. Waking up, we will see Skywalker himself and Kyle Katarn, who will figure out what it was for a long time, but then they will simply drag your body to the academy for treatment, teaching and other anatomical nasty things. Katarn himself will be your mentor. On the one hand, it pleases, but on the other hand, Roche will study with you in tandem. Every family has its black sheep. Let's start the first lesson.
You are in a ruined temple, and even in the rain. Katarn invites you to complete a basic training course by overcoming a series of rooms with tricky traps. Rosh will move along a similar labyrinth parallel to you. To overtake him, anyway, there is no chance because of the plot. Therefore, we simply run forward, away from the door where Rosh and Katarn went. After running through the next room and listening to Kyle's lecture on the fact that you will soon comprehend the skills of the dark and light side of the force, we find ourselves in a room where training bots will be released on us. Small mechanical balls will spin in the air, and you can destroy them with a well-aimed sword strike, managing to fend off laser shots along the way and cut through forward to the exit door.
In the next location, we move along the stone bridge and with a long jump we jump over the place where the old stones have long fallen out of their homes. Once on the other side, we run to the wall and apply Force-push on it. Not in a plumbing sense, but in a physical sense. We destroy the wall and move on. Sneaky Rosh will release a combat robot with a laser sword towards us.

This is just a training model, so you can get close to it and cut it into parts. We slowly move towards the stone stele, after which we find ourselves in a small room with a locked door. Rosh will still get his, unfortunate bastard. Open the door by using the Force of Attraction on the lever on the wall to the right. We run along the corridor and turn into the door to the right. Going down another corridor below, we find ourselves in a room where a bridge hangs from above, and stone walls surround it. We use the x-ray vision of the Jedi on the wall near the entrance to the room. We see the burning symbols, turning off the vision, we use the Force of attraction in the place where the symbols shone. Two stones will come out of the wall and along them, as if on steps, we climb the bridge and run to the left.

After passing a series of corridors and running along the street in the pouring rain, we find ourselves in a room with a column, where we turn right and dive into the door that will open. Leaving behind another corridor, we find ourselves again on the street. There are two doors ahead, each of them will close as soon as we approach it. To slip under them, you need to use the Speed-Force to slow down time. In the next room, run forward and go through the door to the right. Basic training is over, Rosh will get brainwashed for using the training robot, and Skywalker will please everyone with the news that someone is trying to resurrect Ragnos, a powerful monster who died 5000 years ago, for which he is gathering the Force throughout the galaxy. Students of all levels are urgently mobilized to assist the Jedi. Let's go on combat missions!

Mercenary Activity - Tatooine

The mystical cult, which is haunted by the fact that the state of Ragnos is stable, by all indications similar to a corpse, is showing some activity on the planet Tatooine, where it is trying to hire Rogue Traders to transport some cargo. Perhaps by getting in touch with the merchants, it will be possible to find out the ultimate goal of cargo transports and discover the base of the cult. You need to go down to Tatooine in the Mos Easley port area and see what's what.
The mission does not look too dangerous, but Katarn will go with us so that the dregs of the commercial society do not try to learn our inner world with the help of improvised blasters. Before the mission, a character leveling screen will appear with a wide variety of skills. It is allowed to pump 4 skills of the Light side and 4 of the Dark side. 8 parameters in the center of the screen - gray, i.e. base, which will be pumped as you progress through the game and, with each new episode, increasing by one single point. Each skill is pumped to a maximum of the third level. You can spend only one point at a time on everything about everything, so choose carefully what you need. I can advise you to pump the Force Heal skill, which allows you to convert the stock of Strength into health. At first, while you still have a rather weak use of a lightsaber, and there are a lot of enemies, the ability to regenerate is the most important thing for survival.
Next, you get to the ammunition screen. Here you will be prompted to choose a couple of weapons for the mission and one type of grenade. The rest of the arsenal will be replenished in the underhand way during the battle. Basically, the lightsaber and blaster are always with you by default, and the rest of the guns are just futuristic junk compared to them. But since such a fight has already begun, I recommend taking Tenloss DXR-6 Disruptor Rifle with you because of the sniper fire mode, which is quite useful at the beginning of the game for destroying weak enemies on the horizon so that they don’t get in the way later, and E-11 Blaster Rifle - the famous weapon of stormtroopers. Then there will be guns and more abruptly, but for the time being, this will be enough for minor acts of vandalism. Finally, we fill our pockets with radio-controlled grenades with a Detonation Packs detonator, and boldly descend to Tatooine, not forgetting a free smile on our face.

Story Mission - Hoth

Luke Skywalker gathered everyone to tell them the sad news: someone has stolen data on places with a high concentration of the Force. He also suggested that the scepter seen at the beginning of the game sucks power from places rich in it. He sent all the Jedi to such places. Jaden traveled to the planet Hoth, where Obi-Wan's spirit appeared to Luke.

Arriving on Hoth, Jayden does not feel anything, but it's still worth checking. To move faster, you can ride the tauntauna.

Detailed walkthrough. Part I

Detailed walkthrough. Part I

Because of the snow, nothing is visible, but a trail of luminous beacons breaks through it, along which you have to go.

Detailed walkthrough. Part I

Detailed walkthrough. Part I

To her surprise, Jayden found Imperial stormtroopers.

Detailed walkthrough. Part I

Detailed walkthrough. Part I

Soon we find ourselves in a cave with a wamp. An animal is easy to kill, you just need to get it to grab you. Although you can do without it. Also in this cave is a secret area.

Detailed walkthrough. Part I

Detailed walkthrough. Part I

Detailed walkthrough. Part I

Detailed walkthrough. Part I

Having got out of the cave, we come across a fork. You need to go to the left, on the right there are only a few enemies.

Detailed walkthrough. Part I

Detailed walkthrough. Part I

Going a little further, we come across an AT-ST walking imperial tank. In order not to die, we climb over the wall. Behind it are several enemies, and some room with two elevators. First we go upstairs - there we need to pull the switch. There is also a secret area there. You can find it if you break the glass with the help of force.

Detailed walkthrough. Part I

Detailed walkthrough. Part I

We return to the room with two elevators and go down the second elevator, now the door is open there. For a while, just run and kill enemies. Going out into the street, turn first to the left and reach the secret zone.

Detailed walkthrough. Part I

Detailed walkthrough. Part I

Then we continue along the beacons, though not for long - we will have the opportunity to shoot from the turret. We stand behind it and shoot about a dozen stormtroopers running out from behind the snow.

Detailed walkthrough. Part I

Detailed walkthrough. Part I

A little further, the road from the beacons is divided into two: if we go straight, we will find the Echo base, but there is no entrance there. To get into it you need to turn left. Behind the platform with the turret is a force field that can be removed by destroying one of the generators. So we get to the echo base. After jumping down a few times, we will move on to the next map.

Detailed walkthrough. Part I

Detailed walkthrough. Part I

After passing through the corridors, we will find ourselves at a fork. If we go to the right, we will find another secret area.

Detailed walkthrough. Part I

Detailed walkthrough. Part I

A little further along the corridor we will come across a turret. In the corridor, we present an easy target for her, but you can get ahead of her - run to her before she turns around. We run further along the corridors and rooms, then we go up the elevator and move on, killing dozens of attack aircraft. There is nowhere to get lost here. After descending the elevator and passing a small corridor, we stumble upon a Dark Jedi talking to a certain Alora.

Detailed walkthrough. Part I

Detailed walkthrough. Part I

The Dark Jedi is the most common, the difficulty is created only by a cramped environment.

Detailed walkthrough. Part I

Detailed walkthrough. Part I

Before the fight with Alora, we will stumble upon another wump. This was most likely done so that we would come to the boss wounded.