Elex task sounds in the dark. First impressions of Elex. It is high time! Files, drivers and libraries

Like any other good RPG, in Elex, in addition to the main story missions, there are side quests, the passage of which allows you to get additional experience, money and valuable items. Therefore, we advise you not to pass by and be sure to fulfill them as far as possible. If you want to know where you can get this or that secondary task and how to complete it, then we advise you to carefully read this article.

If you did not find the quest you need, then it may well relate to joining a faction or increasing its rank in it. We have covered them in another guide.


Missing weapons and dead people

In this mission, you will need to find the weapons of the slain clerics and bring them to the interested party located in Goliet.

How to open: It can be obtained by finding at least one cleric weapon (if you agreed to explore the ruins when traveling with Duras to the city). Alternatively, you can talk to Bertram, Rijka, or Jora in Goliet.

The easiest way to open this quest is when completing the first story mission called Survive. When traveling with Duras, you will come across large ruins and your companion will suggest that you carefully study them. Agree and find 5 corpses of clerics in the ruins. Search the bodies to collect their weapons.

If on initial stage game you missed these ruins, then there is nothing to worry about. Just go back there after talking with one of the above characters. Rijka, by the way, can be found in the ruins of the Goliet Hotel (ask her if she has any job for you). The ruins are located west of the berserk settlement.

Bertram of Goliet will be interested in buying the weapons of the clerics. Negotiate the terms of transferring (illicit) items and then sell them to him for 300 Elexit and 200 XP.

Yora of Goliet will also want to acquire this weapon. When you give these items to this character, he will immediately destroy them. In return, you will receive 100 Elexit and 200 experience points.

Note: Before selling weapons, make sure you talk to Alrik in Goliet. Show him these items and he will offer you a bribe of 50 Elexit for ignoring his attempt to buy illegal weapons. After completing the quest, return to Raika and tell her that you have found the things of the clerics. As an additional reward, you will receive 100 Elixit Fragments.

Provision deliveries

In this mission, you will need to solve the problem with the delivery of food to Goliet. Main character will have to offer his assistance to the leaders of the village clans.

How to unlock: Talk to Sinda in Goliet.

Sinda is a merchant and part-time one of the teachers who can teach the main character new skills. She lives in Goliet and can give you interesting quest. Talk to her to find out about the problems with the food supply in the city, and then offer your help. Next, meet Angrim of the Eizen clan. You will learn that the last delivery of food was attacked by a troll (an additional dialogue option that opens if you have at least 2 points in the Survival skill). Return to Sinda and inform her of what you have learned (200XP).

The girl will ask you to meet with Ragnar (Ragnar) from the Gray Crow clan or Cormag (Cormag) from the Hammer clan. Ragnar will talk to you for this, but Kormag will ask you to bring him a motion detector first. This item can be found in The Pit, located west of the settlement. The main path to this item will be guarded by Argor. You can intimidate him if you have at least 2 points in the Combat skill. However, it will be easier to use the jetpack and jump over the wall. You can also walk up to the edge of the cliff and jump straight into the hole (don't forget to use the satchel near the ground to avoid crashing).

Once you reach the pit with all the forbidden items, find the motion detector shown in the screenshot below (200XP). Then leave this area (you can get past Argor without any problems) and take the device to Cormag (200XP).

Then return to Sinda to complete the quest. You will receive 800 experience points and the opportunity to choose your payment - 300 eleksit, 100 eleksit or leave the choice to Sinda (she will decide to give you 500 eleksit).

There is always something to do!

In this mission, you will need to help Irdor the Cultivator in buying food items needed to protect the World Heart. Completing this quest will allow you to significantly improve relations with the Breserker faction.

How to unlock: Speak to Ragnar in the ruined hotel in Goliet.

While in the ruins of the hotel and talking with Ragnar, ask him about additional task(this will only be possible if you do not tell him that you are the deserter Alb). You will be sent to Irdor, who works near the World Heart, located southwest of Goliet (just follow the main paths, avoiding dangerous monsters).

Irdor will tell you what food supplies he needs. He will be most interested in Cultivator's Loaf - he will need 50 pieces. We are talking about a special mushroom shown in the screenshot above. However, it can take a long time to collect such a large number of mushrooms, so we advise you to simply buy them from Cinda. She will not give them to you for free, however, they are not very expensive - for 1 mushroom you will have to pay 5 eleksit. Of course, she is unlikely to have 50 pieces at a time, so you can just wait a bit, and then return to her again after updating the assortment.

Return to Irdor and give him 50 mushrooms (400 experience points). Then inform Ragnar about the successful completion of the task. He will reward you with 200 Elexit (400 XP).

However, this quest can be completed in another way. Talk to Sinda and ask her about the moldy bread she threw away. She will let you take it for free - take moldy bread from the trash (200 experience points).

Return to Irdor and give him the moldy bread. You will receive 200 Elexit Shards (you can claim more and get 50 more, but your relationship with the character will be worse in this case) and 400 experience points. Then return to Ragnar and tell him about completing the task (650 experience points). However, he will be dissatisfied, as many cultivators have been poisoned after eating this bread.

Finding evidence

In this quest you have to track down a group of separatist Albs. Then you will need to decide what to do with them.

How to unlock: Speak with Hakon in Goliet.

Hakon is in the eastern part of the village - you can talk to him and find out that he can't stand Alb. He will ask you to find and kill the separatists (if you have 2 points in the Combat parameter, you can request a higher reward). Start looking for Alb to the west of the village. There will be 3 places marked on your map where their hideout can be (don't forget to make the quest active to see them). Go to the northernmost marker, where the ruined tunnel is located.

You can kill the separatists by granting Hakon's wish - for this you need to immediately attack the Albs without talking to their leader, whose name is Nezol (Nrzol). Get rid of the normal soldiers first, then take on the leader (700 exp). Return to Hakon and report the successful completion of the task (400 experience points). He will give you 125 Elexit and a sword (a normal one-handed weapon).

If you don't want to kill the separatists, then the first thing you will need to do is talk to Nezol and promise him that you will try to create friendly relations between them and the berserkers. Nezol can also give you the Clearing the Forest quest to kill the Albs who are trying to hunt them down.

Return to Hakon and tell him about the Separatists. Here you will need to choose the correct answer:

  • You can reveal the hideout location to Hakon (400XP and 250 Elexit). Despite his promise, the Separatists will be dead upon revisiting the location. When you return to Hakon, ask him about the reasons for the murder. After that, you can attack him, do nothing, or praise him (200 experience points).
  • You can give him false information about the location of the Albs (400 XP and 250 Elexit). This is the perfect choice to keep the Separatists alive without ruining your relationship with Hakon. Unfortunately, the berserker will soon find out that you lied to him. When you talk to him a second time, he will almost immediately attack you and as a result you will have to kill him (100 experience points).
  • You can also refuse to provide information to him (400 points). This will worsen relations with Hakon and you won't get any Elixit, but the Separatists will still be alive.

Elex for Mana Shrine

In this task, you will need to find the lost supply of Elex. The berserker Kral is responsible for the theft and finding him will be a top priority.

How to unlock: Speak with Caldrim in Goliet.

Caldrim is in the Sanctuary in Goliet. He controls the supply of Elex, which goes to the production of mana. It is from him that you can take this task. According to Caldrim, the last shipment was stolen by a former guard named Kral.

Go to the ruins of the Goliet Hotel and reach the large balcony at the back of the building. Find Kral's diary and read it (100XP). Return to Caldrim, who will tell you the approximate location of Kral.

Kral's hideout is located south of Goliet, near the River Delta. Enter the large abandoned building. Kral is in one of the rooms. If you want to fulfill Kaldrim's request, then immediately attack him without any warning. You will have to defeat not only Kral, but also his mutated brother - Grimar, who attacks and moves much faster. After the fight (200XP) examine Kral's body to find an elex bag (100XP). Return to Kaldrim and give him the shipment (250 XP and 250 Elexit).

Alternatively, you can talk to Kral and find out his story. It turns out he needed Elex to save his brother, Grimar. After talking with him, you can complete the quest in one of the following ways:

  • Convince Kral to return the elex to its rightful owner - you will need the Suggestion skill. Return to Caldrim for 250 XP and 250 Elexit. You can either tell him what really happened (this will worsen your relationship with the character), or say nothing.
  • Buy an Elex Pack for 400 Elexit (100 XP). Return to Kaldrim and give him the shipment (250 XP and 250 Elexit). You can either tell him what really happened (this will worsen your relationship with the character), or say nothing.
  • Leave Kral with a supply of Elex. You will receive 100 XP and 136 Elexit. Return to Caldrim and either tell him the truth (your relationship with him will deteriorate) or trick him by telling him that you killed Kral but didn't find the elex (250 exp and 150 elexit).
  • Attack Kral anyway - the very first option.

Disappeared without a trace

This task will appear after the issuance of an arrest warrant for Stormson (Stormson), when he is accused of working for a hostile faction - the Clerics. The main goal of the mission is to find this character.

How to unlock: Talk to Akira in Goliet.

During your stay in Goliet, you can witness an argument between Akira and her friend Stormson. During one of the next visits to the village, Akira will ask you for help in finding Stormson, who left Goliet under strange circumstances. Go to Angrim and talk to him. He will tell you about the punishment that Stormson received.

Go far north to the place that Angrim indicated. Approaching the destination, you will find dead berserkers - inspect the bodies to conclude that they were killed by clerics (250 experience points). Return to Angrim and tell him about it. He will ask you to kill Stormson (you can refuse, which will anger this character). You can also break the news to Akira.

Stormson can be found in The Hort, the base of the clerics, which is located in the eastern part of the world map. He is engaged in mining. You can deal with it like this:

  • Attack Stormson - you only need to do this when the Wolf is not in the mine (just wait until he leaves from there), otherwise you will have to fight two opponents at once. After killing this character (300 experience points), return to Angrim and get 500 Elexit as a reward. You can also tell Akira about Stormson's death.
  • Leave Stormson alive (500XP). He will ask you to inform Akira about this - you can do it for free or ask him for 80 Elexit. Return to Goliet and inform Angrim that Stormson has joined the Clerics. As a result, relations with this character will deteriorate.

Elex supplies

To complete this task, you will have to visit the Converter in Edana and find machine parts inside. In addition to visiting the Transformer, you can also meet Korin, who received the same mission but was unable to complete it.

How to unlock: Talk to Jora in Goliet.

Yora can be found inside one of Goliet's huts. He can give you a quest, during which you will have to find various machine parts (if you have 2 points in the Crafting skill, you can show him that you also understand the process of extracting elex from old parts).

The destination is the Converter in Edan, located northwest of Goliete. There you will surely meet Albs and incredibly strong monsters, so we do not advise you to start this task without having a hero pumped to at least level 10. You can immediately head to the Transformer or start by talking to the berserker, who was also ordered to bring the details. His name is Korin and he is hiding near the Transformer. Ask him how his mission is progressing. Then agree to return the lost weapon to him in order to perform another side quest"Necessary for Survival".

Start by looking for the entrance to the Transducer - it should be at the bottom of the structure. You will definitely run into two Albs from the main quest "Contact" - kill them or avoid them. There is also a War Colossus roaming near this structure, but you don't have to fight it. Once you enter the building, focus your attention on finding elevators that can take you to the upper floors. In addition, you will have to fight with several mutated boars.

Machine parts can be found on one of the upper floors, and an example of such a place is shown in the screenshot above. Find 3 sets of parts and then exit the Transformer. This quest can be completed in two ways:

  • The first option is to give the spare parts to Korin and let him take them to the village.
  • The second option is to give Yora the parts yourself.

In any case, you will receive 850 experience points and a certain amount of eleksit. The amount of the cash reward will depend on who brought the parts and how much you requested from the quest giver.

The path to distant lands

This quest is directly related to the Berserker faction. Ragnar will ask you to visit others big cities and then report back to him. Completing this quest will bring you closer to being able to join this faction.

How to unlock: Speak to Ragnar in Goliet.

This quest can be unlocked when you first meet Ragnar in the village of Goliet, that is, when he stops the hero near the stairs leading to the upper part of the settlement. You can talk to him about joining a faction and then he will give you this mission, during which you will visit 3 major cities:

  • The fort in Tavar is the base of the Forsworn (located far east of Goliet).
  • Hort in Ignadon - the base of the Clerics (located far northeast of Goliet).
  • The city under the dome in Abessa (located north of Goliet).

You can return to Ragnar after visiting each of these cities, or come to him when you have visited all of them (you won't need to do anything in these settlements, just walk around and meet the most important people). For compiling all 3 reports (only 2 reports are actually needed) you will receive 500 experience points and 1100 eleksit. You can also ask Ragnar if you have completed all the requirements to join the berserkers.

missing person

It is associated with the search for a certain character, whose name is Rock (Rock). You can either convince him to return to the berserkers or help him achieve his dream of joining the Outcasts.

How to open: Talk to Thorgal, who is located near the World Heart in the western part of Edan.

In order to find Torgal, you should go south from the Domed City or north from the Transformer in Edan. However, you have probably already been to this location when completing the Tit for a Tooth companion quest.

Torgal will ask you to find a missing cultivator named Rock. He was sent out for supplies, but he never returned. This character can be found at the Small Farm located north of the World Heart. After talking with him, you will learn that he does not want to return to the berserkers, but wants to get to the Fort in Tavar and join the Forsworn.

This quest can be completed in two possible ways. The first option involves persuading The Rock to return to the World Heart and continue his work as a cultivator (100 experience points). This can be achieved either by physical interaction (beat the kid half to death), or by the power of persuasion. In the latter case, you will need to have at least 2 points in the Charisma parameter. Return to Torgal and tell him that the Rock will soon return to his work. You will receive 400 XP and 123 Elexit.

The second option is more preferable for the Forsworn, as you will need to help The Rock join this faction. To do this, you need to collect supplies necessary for the character to travel to Tavar. You will need to find the following items:

  • 6 servings of dried meat - you can find it in the game world or buy it from merchants.
  • 8 water bottles - you can find them in the game world or buy them from merchants.
  • Weapons - You'll have to steal them from the Forsworn camp located next to the Domed City, north of the farm. The equipment is in the chest shown in the above screenshot. You will need at least 2 points in Lockpick to open it. We advise you to steal at night so as not to be caught (100 experience points).

Bring all the items to the Rock to complete the quest and receive 200 XP and 175 Elexit.

Unjust Exile

During its execution, you will be able to help the exiled woman, whose name is Katta (Katta), return to her village. She was accused of something that she did not commit, and then expelled from the berserk settlement.

How to unlock: Speak with Katta on Berserker Island.

Berserk Island is located on the southern edge of the map (shown in the screenshot above). You will have to swim to it, as there are no bridges connected to it. Once on the island, you will immediately see a small fishing village. Then talk to Katta and find out that she was unfairly expelled from Goliet. You can help her regain her good name.

Head to Goliet and talk to Alric (200XP), who will come up with a plan to help the girl get an acquittal. Thanks to him, you will also be able to uncover the real criminal - Drog. Take 3 claws from Alrik. You can also take keychains from him, but this is not necessary (if you do not feel like asking for a favor, you can simply steal the items you need).

The first part of the plan involves breaking into the chests of Sinda and Born. Sneak into their houses at night (this will allow you to remain unnoticed) and open their chests with the keys you received earlier or pick them with master keys. Take all the valuable items from the chests, and then leave 1 claw in them - this will give you the opportunity to accuse Drog of stealing in the future. To do this, select the second tab, find the claws in the hero's inventory, select one of the items and place it in the previously opened chest.

The second part of the plan involves placing the stolen valuables inside Drog's chest, which should be fairly easy to get to. Put 1 claw in it, as well as Cinda and Born's valuables.

Then go to Alrik and inform him that everything is ready. Drog will be accused of stealing and Katta will be able to return to Goliet (200 experience points). Later, you can meet her near the main entrance to the village. You will receive 1000XP, 114 Elexit Shards, and Katta's Claw (a quest item related to the Claws' hideout in the Domed City).

Lost on the hunt

How to unlock: Chat with Lennart, who can be found south of Goliet.

Lennart is a student of Geron, an experienced hunter who lives near the village to the south (you will need to visit this place when completing Duros's personal quest). Here you will find the building shown in the screenshot above, which is used as a base for hunters.

Chat with Lennart and give him a promise that you will find his bow (if you have one point in the Craft skill, you can simply create a new one). Before you start looking for a bow, you can talk with Geron. He will ask you to give the weapon to him as soon as you find it.

To find the bow, go north. He is in a place guarded by two monsters. The battle with them will be a serious test for low-level heroes. If you feel that you can not cope with these monsters, then try to lure them to the troll standing nearby. Then just finish off the winner. You can also try to run to the bow, pick it up, and then run back (400 experience points).

Go back to the hunters. You can give the weapon to Lennart for 15 Elexit and 3 skins (800XP) or give it to Geron, but in the latter case, you will only get 80 Elexit without experience and materials.

Hunting with Heron

How to open: Chat with Heron, who can be found south of Goliet.

Note: The name of the quest depends on how you complete it.

Heron is a hunter who belongs to the Berserker faction. You can find him south of the village in a dilapidated building that is the habitat of hunters. When talking with this character, you can touch on a topic related to the raptors that live in this area. Say that you don't mind going hunting with him (you need to have at least 3 points in the Fight skill) or that you are ready to deal with the monsters alone. It sounds unusual, but the first option is not a good idea, especially if your character is not strong enough. The fact is that Geron is also a weak fighter and he can easily be surrounded and killed.

However, regardless of your decision, you will need to reach the location where the raptors live. You have to deal with four ordinary monsters and one strong pack leader. If Heron went with you, then attack the same raptor as him to protect him. Otherwise, take a ranged weapon and eliminate the monsters one by one. After dealing with all opponents (1600 experience points), chat with Geron to get 5 claws and 250 experience points.

Everything for survival

How to open: Chat with Korin, who sits near the Transformer in Edan.

The quest giver is Korin. It can be found near the Transformer in Edan, northwest of Goliet (shown in the screenshot). You can find this character both on your own and when completing the secondary quest "Supplies of Elex". He will tell you that he lost his sword while traveling to the Transformer. You can help him get the weapon back.

The necessary thing is located in a very dangerous place - near the huge War Colossus robot, which stands near the entrance to the building (see the screenshot above). Don't even try to fight him unless your hero is at least level 20 and has powerful gear. However, this quest can be completed without fighting the robot. You just need to run up to the weapon, grab it and run away from the enemy as far as possible.

Then return to Korin and give him the sword. Completing this quest will earn you 800 experience points.

clearing the forest

How to open: Chat with Nezol, who can be found in the Valley of the Damned.

This quest can be unlocked by completing another quest called "Search for a Clue", during which you will need to find Alb separatists who are hiding in the tunnels west of the Great Rise. Nezol will ask you to deal with a group of hostile Albs who are looking for separatists in the area nearby.

The necessary opponents can be found north of the place where the separatists are located. Although they have the prefix "weakened" in their name, they are in fact serious enemies, so get ready for a tough fight. The fact is that they are equipped with deadly flamethrowers (hide behind the pillars if you want them to come closer to you). This fight can be greatly facilitated by leading the Albs to the opening from which the Swamp Spiders emerge. As a result, you will receive 90 experience points for each soldier and another 800 experience points for destroying the entire enemy group. After that, return to Nezol and inform him of your success. He will give you 250 Elexit.


How to unlock: Chat with Egil, who can be found in the Exiled camp in the Valley of the Damned.

The Exiled camp is located next to the valley of the damned, to the south of it (western part of Edan). The right place is shown in the screenshot above. Here you will need to talk with Egil and receive a quest from him related to the killing of monsters located nearby. You will need to deal with 5 mutated boars. Try to attack them one by one. For each monster killed, you will receive 125 experience points, and after killing all of them, you will receive another 400 experience points. Then return to Egil to complete the quest.

Sounds in the dark

How to unlock: Chat with Galar, who can be found in the Exiles' camp in the Valley of the Damned.

This quest can be started in the same camp that we talked about in the previous task. Speak with Galar in the Outcast Settlement and agree to check what strange noises are coming from the direction of the lumberjack camp at night. Use one of the beds if you don't want to wait until night falls. Then head to the marked location. Here you will find one robber. Attack him and kill him for 900 experience points. Return to Galar (100XP) and take on a new quest. This time you have to find the bandits and deal with their leader.

Note: If you came to the lumberjack camp at night and did not see a single robber, then just stay here for a while, as the bandit did not have time to reach this place (he is walking from the side of the bridge). As soon as the robber sees you, he will immediately attack.

Head east from the Exiled Settlement. Then go through the wooden bridge and find the passage indicated in the screenshot. Inside, you will encounter several robbers. For killing each of them you will receive 150 experience points. Take advantage jetpack to get to the top ledges. On one of them you will find the leader of the bandits - Bloody Ben. First of all, deal with his henchmen, and only then focus on the leader. For killing Ben, you will receive 3625 experience points.

Return to Galar (before going to him, you can explore the mine, deal with the remaining robbers and find a good ax), and report on success. He will give you 4 fur skins as a reward.


How to open: Chat with Stenn, who is located near the Great Elevator.

The Great Elevator is a unique location with a huge elevator located west of the Berserker base. Once in the right place, talk to Sten, who will tell you about the broken lift. When talking to him, you can use 1-2 skill points in Craft to show him your knowledge of technology (100 experience points).

You will need to find the missing parts. Get closer to the edge of the cliff and jump straight into the abyss. When approaching the ground, use your jetpack to avoid crashing to death. You will need to get to the place with the river. Find the barb shown in the above screenshot (100XP). Go back to the Wall (you can use the teleport). If you already know that Stan damaged the lift, then you can complete the quest in two ways:

  • Promise him that you will keep his secret (400 experience points).
  • Don't make him a promise and then he will attack you and you will have to kill Stan (100 experience points).


Second Guard

How to unlock: Chat with Eldur, who can be found in Goliet.

In the north of Goliet, you can find a cultivator named Eldur. Talk to him and find out that the main gate should be guarded by Alvar, but he disappeared somewhere. Head to the passage to the settlement and chat with another guard, whose name is Drog. He will tell you to check the local tavern and ask the owner, Oran. Next, you have to enter into a dialogue with a friend of the missing person - Argor, guarding the path to the Pit, located in the western part of the settlement. However, he was sent to explore the interior of Ragnar's fortress.

Return to Goliet and head to the ruins of the hotel. Explore the area behind the inn (the southern part of the structure) and use the jetpack to get to the base of the structure. Next, you will need to find the shelter shown in the screenshot. Inside you will find the body of Alvar. Examine the corpse (50 experience points) and pick up the crumpled note (read it in inventory). Next, tell about what you learned about Eldura. Completing this quest will give you 200 Elexit and 700 experience points.

Attack of the Mutants

How to open: it will appear automatically as soon as Goliet is attacked by mutants.

While exploring the northern region of Goliet, you will witness a mutant attack on the settlement. After that, a new task immediately starts. Help the farmers and guards in the battle against 5 monsters and try not to hurt your temporary allies. You will be given 65 experience points for each dead boar and 800 experience points for eliminating the threat. After killing the monsters, chat with Orik.

special thing

How to open: Chat with Alrik, who can be found in the settlement.

Alric usually sits in a tavern located in Goliet. Talk to him and find out which of the items he is looking for is the rarest. After that, he will ask you to steal Eric Eisenfaust's Ancient Sword, lying in Ragnar's chamber. Go to the ruins of the hotel and look for Ragnar's room, located behind throne room on the right side. The hardest thing will be to get rid of the guard standing in front of the door.

However, the guard is constantly moving from one post to another. Wait until he moves to the second post, and then quickly make your way to the ward. Don't forget to use stealth mode. Next, look for the Ancient Sword that hangs on the wall and is shown in the screenshot above (100 experience points). If you do not have time to take the sword in time, then just leave the room and go back there when the guard leaves again. Then take the weapon to Alric for 200 XP and 1000 Elexit.

Note: It is possible to return stolen weapons back to Ragnar. You will earn 200 Elexit and Ragnar's Commendation, but the quest will be cancelled. You can also warn this character about a possible theft, but he will ignore your warning.

old abacus

How to unlock: Chat with Orner, who can be found in Goliet.

You can meet Ornir in the southwest of the settlement, not far from the tavern. He will inform you that he is worried about the Forsworn roaming near the Pit, and therefore he will offer to get rid of them. Leave the village and head to the abandoned oil rig located next to Goliet. Here you will find Bigby.

You can immediately attack Bigby without even entering into a dialogue with him. To do this, shoot at the red container shown in the screenshot, and then finish off the enemy with any weapon (the enemy will defend himself with a crossbow). For killing this character, you will receive 300 experience points. Then return to Orinir and get 100 Elexit (400 XP).

However, killing Bigby is optional. You can talk to him and help him build a mutually beneficial relationship with Ornir again. In this case, you will have to return to the quest giver and convince him to change his mind. You can use the optional dialogue options (you will need the Suggestion skill or 3 points in the Craft skill) or simply bribe the character by giving him 300 Elexit. As a result, you will earn 150 eleksit and 200 experience points after returning to Bigby.

You can even betray Ornir. Talk to Bigby and find out about the trade exchange. Then you should head to Yora, who lives in Goliet. You will earn 600 experience points. Next, head to Angrim. Tell him that Ornir is breaking the law and get 250 Elexit.

Clan issues

How to open: Chat with Cormag, who can be found in Goliet.

This character can be found in one of the structures located near the stairs that lead straight to the ruins of the hotel. He will ask you to solve a problem created by the cultivator Eldur. Talk to him and find out that Oran does not want to serve him and other members of the Hammer clan. Go to the tavern and talk to Oran about the situation. This problem can be solved by the following methods:

  • Use your Charisma (requires at least 3 points in this skill).
  • Intimidate Auran (requires the Suggestion skill).
  • Challenge a character to a duel. Oran is not a very strong opponent, but he is able to attack you both in ranged (uses a bow) and in close combat. When fighting him, try not to hurt other berserkers. However, the battle takes place outside the tavern, so fulfilling this condition will be easy.
  • Pay Oran 500 Elexit.

Regardless of which method you choose to convince this character, you will receive 200 experience points and learn that it was Angrim who asked him not to comply with the requirements of the Hammer clan. Return to Eldur and tell him about everything, for this you will receive 100 Elexit (200 experience points). You can also head to Cormag and tell him about Angrim (you will receive 250 Elexit and 500 XP).

Keep the Law

You can meet Angrim in a booth located north of the hotel. After meeting with him, you can ask him a question about the job. Promise him that you will obey the law of the berserkers and agree to bring him forbidden weapons from Yora, who is in charge of the items dropped into the Pit. Head to Yora and ask her about the weapon. You can then complete the quest in two ways:

  • Remind her that taking items from the Pit is strictly prohibited. You find out that you passed the test of following the law. Go back to Angrim and tell him about passing the test. In addition to improving your relationship with Angrim, you will also receive 100 Elexit.
  • Ask Yora if she can give you the broken weapon inside the cabin directly in front of her (you can also try to take the cannon without asking). After handing over the weapon (100 experience points), you will immediately receive a charge of violating the law of the berserkers. Angrim will be saddened by your decision. But you will be able to restore your honor by completing another quest for this character related to the search for Rogar.

sapling in the forest

How to open: Chat with Angrim, who can be found in Goliet.

Angrim will give you this quest if you pass (or fail) the previous quest, Keep the Law. You will need to find the missing berserker, whose name is Rogar. Travel to the Valley of the Damned, located west of the Great Elevator. You should only go there with a high-level character, as in this location you will face powerful opponents.

When you reach the desired location, you will see 5 Scout Albs. They will be able to attack you from both close and long range (they will use energy rifles and flamethrowers - hide behind big trees if you want them to get as close to your hero as possible). Take advantage of the element of surprise and deal with all enemies. After the fight is over (850XP), find Rogar's dead body shown in the above screenshot. Take a good look at it (800XP) - this will complete the quest, but then we advise you to report back to Angrim for 100 Elexit and 400XP.

Note: If you don't feel like waiting to level up and fight the Albs, you can just run up to the corpse and inspect it. However, you will definitely spend a lot of health, as Albs are good at shooting from afar.

False Teachings

How to open: Chat with Angrim, who can be found in Goliet.

Another mission that opens when talking to Angrim. Now you will need to talk about the Clerics. You will learn that Angrim suspects that a Cleric spy is hiding in the village. You will need to find it. The informer you are looking for is Bertram - he can be found in the center of the settlement (by the way, in one of the quests he will offer you to buy all the swords of the Clerics). During the dialogue with him, select all the answers to find out if he really is spying for another faction. Then go back to Angrim and tell him the truth. He will ask you to kill the traitor.

Find Bertram again. If you want to deal with him, then it is better to do it quietly, without announcing your desire to finish him off. After killing the spy (200 experience points), report to the quest giver about the successful completion of the task (200 experience points and 100 eleksit).

However, this quest has an alternative solution - you can help Bertram get out of Goliet. Go to Rijka, Ragnar's wife. She will help the berserker escape. As a result, you will receive 200 experience points. You should not tell Angrim about this later, as this will worsen relations with him. Later, you will be able to find Bertram in the administrative building of the Clerics in Hort. He will give you 175 Elexit for saving you.

free beer

How to open: Chat with Drog, who can be found in Goliet.

Finding Drog is quite easy, as he is the guardian of the western gate. It is with him that you will talk the first time you leave the village. He will ask you to bring him a beer, which should help him stand for a few more hours. Head to the tavern and talk to Oran, then buy a beer from him for 10 Elexit. For delivering a drink, you will receive 100 experience points. As for the fee, you will receive it if you defeat Drog in a duel (don't worry, he won't die) or convince him (requires at least 1 point in the Combat skill). He will pay you 50 Elexit.

Mysterious Aura

How to open: Chat with Kaldrim, who can be found in Goliet.

Another quest given by Kaldrim, who is constantly in the temple, where elex is processed into mana. You will be able to open it after completing the Elex for the Mana Sanctuary quest. This character will ask you to speak with Orik, who is located in the north of the village.

  • Tell Caldrim about everything, and you will receive 200 Elexit from him.
  • Don't say anything to Caldrim. In this case, you will not receive a reward.

harvest time

How to unlock: Chat with Born, who can be found in Goliet.

During one of the conversations with Bourne, you can get a mission from him related to the delivery of healing roots to the villagers. Before you go looking for plants, you can demonstrate your knowledge of the local flora to Born by having 2 points in the Survival skill (25 experience points).

The necessary roots can be found on a small island located east of the village. However, we do not advise you to go there as a low-level hero, as there you will encounter two dangerous monsters. Although you can just avoid the monsters and quickly collect the necessary plants.

You will need to find 8 healing roots (200 experience points). When exploring this island, you can also stumble upon the well shown in the screenshot above (located in the middle of the island). Jump into it and look in the pit for a unique sword that is stuck right into the stone (53 damage and +20 percent fire damage). Collect all the roots and return to Bourne. He will give you 180 Elexit and 5 Edible Mushrooms (if you have Bestia as your companion, she will make the quest giver pay another 50 Elexit).


Arena / Drug Big Jim

The arena is located to the east of the Fort and in order to participate in the fights on it you will need to chat with Big Jim, who organizes all the battles. After talking with him, you will be able to search for opponents who may agree to fight you in the arena.

Important: Each battle takes place in a one-on-one format, so you will not be able to take a partner with you. So it's not a good idea to duel characters while playing as a low-level hero. By the way, a little later you will be able to call for a duel even Big Jim. This can be done when deciding to join the Outcasts and after taking the quest "In the name of the family" (In Name of the Family), issued by William.

As for opponents, you can challenge the following characters to a duel:

  • Ike (Ike) - he agrees to fight with you at any time of the day. To increase your chances of winning the battle, offer this character a beer (you will need the Suggestion skill or 1 point in the Charisma skill). For defeating Ike, you will receive 300 experience points and 50 eleksit (given by Big Jim).
  • Gunn is another character that can be fought at any time of the day. For defeating this opponent, you will receive 300 experience points and 100 eleksit. You can also talk to him about your upcoming battle with Big Jim. If you pay him 500 Elexit or get an I.O.U. from him, you can learn how to poison a champion. He will give you a bottle of poisoned liquor, which you can give to Jim.

After a certain period of time, William, the leader of the Outcasts, will offer you to fight Big Jim. He wants you to defeat the champion on his behalf. It will be possible to enter into a duel with these opponents only after defeating Ike and Gann.

If you were able to get poisoned alcohol, then give it to Jim. Although he will feel some kind of catch, he will still drink your liquor (100 experience points). After that, challenge the champion to a duel. He deals much more damage than past opponents, as his attacks deal additional damage from radiation. However, the poison will significantly weaken this opponent. Defeat Big Jim for 500 Elexit and 500 XP.

Then return to William and inform him of your victory. You will receive 500 experience points and special award, which will depend on how well you get along with the given character.

Sticky Fingers

This mission is related to Doc, a character that lives in the Fort. During its passage, you have to find a thief stealing medical supplies.

How to open: Talk to Doc, who lives in the Fort, in its central part.

Enter into a dialogue with the desired character and agree to fulfill his request. Then head to the "entertainment" area and look for Cindy, who spends most of her time in the club. Ask her what she knows about the chemicals that were stolen. You can pay her 50 Elexit for information or use the Suggestion skill. As a result, you will find out the name of the alleged thief (100 experience points).

The robber lives in the south of the settlement, in its lower part. The easiest way to get there is to jump down near the marker on your map. Don't forget to use the jetpack when approaching the ground.

When talking with a potential criminal, ask him about the stolen medicines (report that you received information from Cindy) and demand that they be returned. This quest can be completed in several ways:

  • Give advice to the thief not to steal supplies in such a crazy and obvious way for everyone (you need to have at least 8 points in the Survival skill).
  • Try to convince him that he is not a bad person (you need to have at least 10 points in the Charisma skill).
  • Pay the thief 200 Elexit for supplies.
  • Intimidate and then attack the robber - in battle he will use a weapon with poison.
  • Let the thief keep the supplies for himself - the mission will fail.

After receiving the package with chemicals (400 experience points), return to Doc. You will receive 200 experience points and 5 stimpacks. In addition, you will now be able to buy goods from this character.

Scrap Delivery

In this mission, you will need to find out what is causing the delay in new shipments of scrap. As a result of a thorough investigation, you will find yourself in the base of the Clerics and you will have to make a serious choice.

The desired character will sit on a makeshift throne in the Fort. You should not call him crazy or insane if you don't want to deal with new problems later. Ask him about the supplies and take the quest. Then head west from the settlement and look for Ethan. Convince him to tell you the information you need. This can be done in two ways: by beating him well, or by choosing the right options in the dialogue menu. As a result, you will learn that you need to get into one of the Cleric camps.

The nearest base is located in the southwest side of the tower in which you spoke with Ethan. It was created in an abandoned factory building. Talk to the leader of this camp - Volkmar. Next, you can choose one of two solutions to your problem:

  • Attack the clerics. However, we note right away that the battle will be extremely difficult, since you will have to kill a considerable number of dangerous opponents.
  • Let them keep stealing scrap metal and promise to lie to Crazy Bob.

Next, you need to go to the quest giver and tell him that you were able to defeat the clerics (if you chose the first option). He will be delighted, and you will receive 300 Elexit and 400 experience points. If you let the enemies go, then you can say the following to Bob:

  • Lie to him about the clerics (400 experience points). He will pay you 300 experience points and allow you to complete other missions. However, towards the end of the game, he will be able to find out that you lied to him, which will significantly worsen your relationship with him.
  • Tell the truth about the actions of the clerics (400 experience points). Bob will start to think that you work for both factions, but will continue to give quests.

Then head to William to complete the task. If you managed to stop the theft of scrap, then you will receive 200 Elexit as a reward.

Thief's Hiding Place

In this task you have to find huge accumulations of eleksit. To achieve this goal, you will have to deal with several cannibals and carry out a rather unusual ascent.

How to open: Talk to Cindy, who can be found in the Fort.

The girl you need spends most of the day at a local club. When talking to her, you can pay her 100 Elexit for useful information. She will tell you that she knows a thief who has accumulated a large amount of Elexit.

Head south and get to the lighthouse near the edge of the location. You can reach it by using the drawbridge. However, in this case, you will encounter several cannibals led by Hopkins (you will need to deal with him while completing another side quest). You can bypass these opponents by using your jetpack. In addition, you can try to lure enemies one by one.

After dealing with the cannibals, climb to the top of the lighthouse using your jet pack. We advise you to save after reaching the next balcony, because you may well fall down when making a new jump. Climbing up to the top floor of the lighthouse (400 experience points), look for large bags of eleksit.

Tramp Confederacy

It is one of the longest side quests in the game. It starts out pretty banal: you need to help one character, but over time, the quest will become noticeably more difficult and larger. The main hero of this mission will be the Rat, who can be helped to become more powerful and richer.

How to open: First you will need to chat with William, and then talk with Chloe (Chloe) in the base of the Outcasts.

William is considered one of the big names in the Fort. Enter into a dialogue with him and agree to help in collecting debts from Chloe, which she owes the Duke. Head to the bar, which is located near the Fort - it is owned by the girl you need. After talking with her, we learn that her problems began because of the debts of the Rat, so she will immediately direct us to him. You can attack her and beat her, but this will not help the cause in any way - you will only achieve a free beer. The rat can be found next to one of the settlement's bridges. When you first meet him, give him 50 Elexit - the Rat will return this money to you a hundredfold.

Having a good chat with the Rat, you will find out that he does not have any eleksit. But he will offer you to commit a robbery - steal all the jewelry from Chloe. In this case, he will be able to return all your debts. Agree and get the key to Chloe's safe from him.

Go back to the bar and go downstairs. Use the key given to you by the Rat and unlock the safe. Take from there all the valuable things of Chloe (100 experience points). Suddenly, Chloe and the Rat will appear, who will accuse you of stealing. Here you can do the following:

  • Attack Chloe, but be careful, as she is a very dangerous opponent (attacks with a sword-saw).
  • Give Chloe 1000 Elexit.
  • Intimidate the girl. You will need at least 4 points in the Combat skill.
  • Persuade the girl. You will need at least 3 points in the Charisma skill.

Whichever option you choose, you will still be able to earn 200 experience points. If the hostess of the bar remains angry with you, then she will try to take revenge on you in the future. As a result, near the entrance to the Fort, which is guarded by Spike, you will stumble upon 3 bandits who will attack you. You can defeat them yourself (300 experience points) or bring them to dangerous insects. After dealing with them, go to Chloe and talk heart to heart with her again.

Next, return to the Rat. You can hit him hard in the face (100 experience points), but this will not affect the quest in any way. Agree to participate in his next plan (1000 experience points). Sleep somewhere for 2 days or do a couple of other tasks, and then talk to this character again (100 experience points). Then go to Blake's house and steal the list of names (shown above). In the room you can stumble upon one worker. We advise you to steal the necessary item when the worker is not looking in your direction. Otherwise, you have to fight this man (100 experience points).

Return to the Rat and give him the stolen document. Then you will need to deal with Ryan (Tyan), a guard who is located outside the Fort near the southern edge of the location. You can attack him without warning or after a short conversation (200 experience points).

Meet the Rat again, and then go to Blake and tell him about the death of the guard (you can ask him for 50 Elexit). Talk to the Rat again and then go to the Doc (you will get 200 Elexit to cover your expenses). Doc will also tell you to come to him after a couple of hours. Get some sleep and then collect some stimulants from the doctor (100 experience points).

Approach the Rat again. You will learn that he was able to take over Blake's warm spot and pay off all the debts to Chloe (1000 experience points). Talk to him about the reward. If you gave him 50 Elexit at the first meeting, he will give you back 1000 Elexit and the Rat Claw (a quest item that is connected to the Claw hideout located in the Domed City). The rat will also let you leave the chemicals you got from Doc. Go to William and inform him of your success. He will reward you with 200 Elexit.

Heavy Loss

In this mission, you have to help the cleric by returning his cannon to him. To do this, you will have to go to the cannibal camp and kill them all.

How to open: Talk to Volkmar, who can be found in the Old Factory.

So, first of all, you will need to go to the Old Factory, located on a large island located southwest of the Outcasts' base (you could have been there before during the "Junk Delivery" quest). The building is captured by clerics - talk to their leader. During the conversation, it is worth mentioning the missing weapon.

You can find Volkmar's cannon at the lighthouse located on the edge of the location, next to the South Cliffs (go south from the Fort). You will need to cross the bridge and reach the cannibal camp. They will talk to you for a bit, and then immediately attack. Therefore, we advise you to deal with them at a distance even before the conversation.

After the battle with the cannibals (1200 experience points), try to find Jack (Jack), who was kept here as a prisoner. Give him a beer to drink to calm his nerves. Then intimidate or convince him to give you Volkmar's weapon (400 experience points). Return to the quest giver and get 80 Elexit (400 XP) from him.

Note: After receiving the cannon from Jack, listen to his story to earn another 100 experience points.

Lost Unit (A Scattered Unit)

In this mission, you will be able to help Frank get free. To do this, you will have to convince several characters and be well prepared for a conversation with big shots.

How to unlock: First talk to Frank, then find Conrad.

Once in the southwestern area of ​​the Fort (outcast base), you will see a couple of cages, one of which will sit Frank. You can chat with him right away or first ask permission from the guard. Then head to the duke's bunker and go down to the basement where a huge bomb is created. Chat with Konrad and ask him what happened to the detachment, of which the captured cleric was a member.

You can find Frank's group on the east side of the Fort. You can get to the right place with the help of your jetpack. Enter into a dialogue with Hartmut (Hartmut) and do not forget to tell him about Frank (100 experience points). He will ask you to help the imprisoned cleric by giving you 1000 Elexit. This quest can be completed in two ways:

  • Go to Duke Logan, who is in his bunker, and give him the received thousand. Frank will be released immediately. If you get along well with Logan, then he will return your money (100 experience points).
  • If the guard has died (the girl may die during the Life and Death quest given by Cindy), then you can simply approach Frank and report that he is now free as a bird. You will receive 200 experience points and will be able to keep 1000 eleksit.

Then you should return to Hartmut and get 300 Elexit as a reward, thereby completing the task.

The Ambushed Caravan

How to open: Enter into a dialogue with Kid, who can be found near the Converter in Tavar.

Getting this mission is quite simple - you just need to explore the area near the Transformer located in Tavar. Near the main road you will see a battered caravan. Talk to Kid and find out from him that the Albs have set up an ambush. Agree to help him get to the Forsworn settlement (he will start following your hero around until the quest is completed). Explore the area to find 5 boxes of goods (2 of them will be buried in the sand).

There are two ways to get to the Fort: by walking along the highway or through the wilderness (avoid encountering dangerous monsters). Kid, of course, should not die. Enter the settlement through any passage. When you hit him, Kid will thank you for helping him get to the Fort safe and sound, giving you 300 Elexit (400 XP).

You can meet him later in the pleasure house. Upon entering the club, pay attention to two characters arguing with each other. They will be Kid and Hank. The latter will shoot his opponent. Chat with Hank and find out why he killed Kid. Then tell him about the boxes you collected earlier. You will receive 1000 experience points.

Medicine for the Hunters

How to open: Chat with Scrappy, who can be found near the Fort.

To find the character you need, you should go to the garbage dump, which is located next to the southern wall of the settlement. When talking to him, agree to help him. You will receive 10 Stimpacks that Scrappy wants to exchange for food with Rider.

You can find Ryder in a large building, which is also located south of the Fort. In it you will encounter many jackals. Help Ryder defeat the monsters and then chat with him. Give him the medical supplies he received earlier in exchange for 20 pieces of raw meat and 100 eleksit (400 experience points). You can bargain with him, but you still won't be able to get a lot of Elexit. Return to Scrappy and give him the meat. You will receive 400 experience points, 58 eleksit, 3 stims and a crossbow. In addition, you will now be able to trade with this character without any problems.

A Test of Courage

How to unlock: Speak with Roger, who can be found near the Transformer in Tavar.

Northwest of the Forsworn base is a huge structure - the Converter. Near him on one of the tracks you can find a character named Roger. You can get a quest from him related to the search for a mysterious device lying in the Converter.

We note right away that it is worth taking on the passage of this task only if there is a high-level hero, since inside the above building there are Albs and dangerous monsters. Strong enemies will meet you outside the building.

After going inside the Converter, use the elevators to get to the upper floors. You will need to get to the level with locked doors. Hacking requires the appropriate skill. However, you can just enter the correct combination: 3729 .

Go into the room with high level radiation. You shouldn't be in it for too long, so run into it, pick up the energy amplifier from the table on the left side (400 experience points) and immediately run out of the room. Then return to the quest giver and give him the device. You will earn 120 Elexit and 700 XP.

The Converter in Tavar

How to open: it appears automatically as soon as you are near the desired Converter.

We advise you to take on this quest only after talking with Sestak, who is located in the Converter located in South Abess. You will find it when doing story mission associated with the search for separatists. The fact is that only after that you will be able to get access codes with which you can disable any Converter in the game world.

The local Converter is considered the most fortified - you have to fight with many Albs and robots. For this reason, we do not recommend coming here with a weak hero. Once inside the building, use the elevators to reach the top floors. There you will meet a kind of boss - Alb Commander. Try to weaken it at least a little, until the combat robot entered the battle.

After dealing with all the opponents (300 experience points), look for the red console shown in the screenshot above. Interact with her to disable the Transformer (2000XP).

Note: Before you leave this building, go up to the platform located on its roof. On it you will find a lot of useful things, including Elex drinks (they give free experience and skill points).

Meat for Connor

How to open: Talk to Connor, who can be found at the gas station located in the Tavara mountain range.

The desired gas station can be found in the northwestern part of the location, in one of its corners. Here you will meet Connor with a tamed jackal. Talk to him and ask a question about the exchange of goods. Then tell him that you can get him meat. After that, give the character 6 pieces of meat.

This is a rather simple mission, since raw meat is very easy to find - it is obtained from almost any mutant, including the weakest of them. After handing over the meat, Connor will give you 80 Elexit (200 experience points).


Enter the Fort of Tavar

How to unlock: Talk to Cutter or Spike near the entrance to the Fort.

This quest will appear in your journal after you visit the Fort for the first time (200 experience points). It can be done in two ways:

  • When choosing the northern entrance to the settlement, you will encounter Spike, who will only let you into the city if you pay him 200 Elexit. However, you can refuse and fill his face (battle with fists) or use the Suggestion skill. By the way, if you decide to give him the money, he will continue to pester you until you knock him on the head.
  • When choosing the northern entrance to the Fort, you may encounter the Wit Man. He will ask you why you have come here. You can choose any answer option - you do not have to pay an entrance fee. If you continue to talk to him, you can unlock the A Mechanical Guard mission.

Note: You can get to this town in other ways, for example, go through a network of caves or use a jetpack. This will give you the opportunity to avoid unnecessary questions and save your money.

Defensive Measures

How to open: Talk to Bullet, who can be found near the entrance to the Forsworn settlement.

Ignore Spike after reaching the northern passage to the Fort and turn left. You will see Bullet and Lucy there, who will fight with monsters. Help them deal with the mutants, but be careful, as the beasts can easily tear your low-level hero apart. Just distract the monsters to yourself so that the guy and the girl can bludgeon them freely.

Then talk to Bullet. He will say that he needs more fighters to defend the Fort. Go to William and tell him the following:

  • The usual dialogue option - you can get 1st (when choosing the first answer) or 2 (when choosing the last answer) fighters.
  • A unique dialogue option - it will open if you have from 2 to 4 points in the Survival skill. In this case, you can ask William for up to 4 fighters.

Completing this quest will give you 200 experience points.

A Mechanical Guard

How to unlock: Speak with Witty, who can be found next to the entrance to the Fort.

When talking with the right character, agree to help him find a robot that can free him from his work as a sentry. You can immediately choose a unique answer option if you have 10 points in the Craft skill, or get ready for a long search for a "smart" drone.

So, first of all, you have to find the module artificial intelligence. Fortunately, you will know where to look for it - in the southeast of the settlement. Having reached the desired location, immediately attack the drone. Then take the module from him and return to the Wit Man (200 experience points). If you have 10 points in the Craft skill, you can fix this part yourself, otherwise you will have to ask for help from Elmar, who is located next to the duke's bunker and is working on creating a huge bomb (you should definitely ask the Wit for payment in the amount of 80 eleksit) . Elmar will not work for thanks, but will demand 100 eleksit. You can pay him, convince him to work for free (you must have at least 3 points in the Craft skill), or intimidate him. Then again go to the Wit with the already modified module (100 experience points).

This task will not end. You can continue it when you visit Hort, the settlement of the Clerics. Head to the factory and find the drone prototype there. Approach it and integrate the corrected module into it. Then return to the Fort (the drone will follow you everywhere and even teleport along with your hero) and hand over the robot to Wit. After that, the machine will take over the protection of the passage to the settlement (400 experience points). Then talk to Witty again and get 250 Elexit (1000 XP) from him. In addition, you will be able to constantly come to this character and receive your share of the money paid by people for passage to the Fort.

Grenade Delivery

How to unlock: Talk to Blake, who can be found in the Fort.

After talking with Blake, you will receive a mission, for which you need to steal some crates of grenades. Head to the Duke's bunker located in the Fort and reach the turret. Near it you need to find a ladder leading to the basement. Here you will encounter the Camp Master. We advise you not to see him. Find the boxes and take 3 pieces (100 experience points). Find Blake and give him the grenades (200XP). As payment, you can get 200 Elexit or a few grenades.


How to open: Purchase documents from Gunn, who can be found in the Fort.

Although this mission will not appear in your journal, we still decided to describe its passage. Gann can be met in the Fort and during the first conversation with him you can give him 500 Elexit to tell you valuable information. After that, Gann will give you documents with the names of the debtors. You can collect debts yourself or sell documents to other characters. The following NPCs can be found on the list:

  • Cindy - you can close part of her loan yourself or take nothing from her at all.
  • Hank - will give you money without any problems.
  • Ike - you will have to fight him in the arena.
  • Elmar - can be found near the bunker working on a huge bomb.

Technical progress (Technical Advancement)

How to unlock: Talk to Bill, who can be found in the Fort.

During your everyday walk through the Forsworn settlement, you can stumble upon Bill, who will immediately stop you and offer to attack the monsters nearby who are guarding some kind of treasure. The desired location is located north of the Fort. You can fight monsters or just find the body, pick up the necessary thing and run as far as possible from the mutants. You will need to find a technical scheme (700 experience points).

Then return to Bill and give him the found drawings (400 experience points). Bill will head to his hideout to get the money to pay. He can either return with Elexit or be killed along the way by Vance. In the second case, you can talk to Vance to find out why he killed Bill. He will say that this is Mad Bob's order. Go to Bob and find out why he gave such an order.

Life and Death (Life and Death)

How to open: Talk to Cindy, who can be found in the Fort.

You can find the right girl in a nightclub located in the entertainment district. She will say that she has some problems with the iron Madison (Iron Madison) and ask you to kill her (100 experience points). You should ask about payment right away.

You can find the required character next to the cells located near the duke's bunker. This quest can be completed in two ways:

  • Tell Madison about Cindy's desire to kill her. The mission will fail, but the character will remain alive and you will receive 180 Elexit.
  • Attack her by provoking her during a conversation. It is difficult to call her a strong opponent, but when fighting with her, you should not hurt casual spectators. After killing the target (300 experience points), go to Cindy and tell her about the success. Take the money or agree to "thank you".

Note: By killing Madison, you will be able to save Frank, who is sitting in one of the cages, without any problems. However, in this case, you will worsen your relationship with William. However, you will still be able to join the Outcasts after that, but then you should not count on an additional reward from its leader.

The Scrap Baron Always Pays

How to unlock: Talk to Crazy Bob, who can be found in the Fort.

After completing the Scrap Delivery mission, you can take from Mad Bob new quest. You will find out that he owes a lot of money to big people. You will receive from him a package with a gift and 1000 Elexit to pay off your debts. You will need to get to the hut located in the north of the settlement and leave a gift from Crazy Bob on the table (50 experience points).

Then head to the bar and talk to Ace to give him the money. Then return to the quest giver (100 experience points). You will learn that the package contained a bomb (1200 points). You can ask Bob for a reward - he will give you 500 Elexit. In addition, you can now live in a hut that was previously owned by Bob's creditors.

When you visit your new house, you will meet Ace, who will accuse you of being involved in the murder of his brother. Attack him or pay 200 Elexit (300 XP).


Close and not let in (Locked Out)

Completing this quest will grant you permanent access to the Domed City. You will be able to get into this town using one of several methods.

How to unlock: Speak with Gregor near the Domed City.

The guard, whose name is Gregor, belongs to the Clerics and guards the main entrance leading to the Domed City. He will tell you that only those who have an identity card can enter this settlement. To solve this problem, head to the small camp located east of the town.

In it you should find the Hunter (Hunter). It will note that you can use a fake ID. Wick has similar documents. Exit the camp and head north. You need to get to the hunter's hut, standing on a hill, but be careful, as there are a lot of rats around it. Alone, they do not pose a great danger, but a small group may well deal with a high-level character.

After dealing with the rodents, enter the hut. There you will see the dead bodies of hunters. Examine Vic's body and find some fake documents (200XP).

Take the ID cards to Hunter (400XP) and check out his plan to infiltrate the city. You will be given two IDs: one created specifically for you, and the other for one of the residents of the town (his name is Cooper). Next, you should approach Gregor and choose the following dialogue options:

  • Show him the fake documents. Explain to the guard how you managed to get the ID so quickly. Indicate any answer, except those that state that the card is fake. Gregor will allow you to enter the Domed City (700XP).
  • Tell Gregor about how the fake IDs were created and give him the ones you managed to get from Hunter. As a reward, the guard will give you a real card, but now you will not be able to help Cooper.

When choosing the first option, you should then find Cooper and give him the second card. You will be rewarded with 80 Elexit and 300 experience points. Then you should return to Hunter, who will reward you with another 95 Elexit.

Helping Hands

In this mission, you have to deal with the Forsworn, who have set up a camp near the city. This quest has several solutions.

How to open: Talk to Gustav, who can be found near the entrance to the Domed City.

A guard named Gustav belongs to the Clerics and guards the side gate leading to the City under the Dome. He will ask you to deal with the Forsworn, who have built a small camp east of the settlement.

Go to this camp and talk to Hunter. You can help the Clerics and get rid of the Forsworn by immediately attacking them (you can not stand on ceremony with them and attack them even without a preliminary conversation). For killing each enemy, you will receive 100 experience points. After dealing with all the enemies (400 experience points), return to Gustav and inform him of the success (80 eleksit and 200 experience points).

However, there is an alternative way to solve this problem. Talk to Hunter and agree to help him. To do this, return to Gustav and ask him to come with you. Reach the Forsworn camp, and then attack the guard. After killing the guard, inspect his corpse (367 eleksit and 25 experience points) and chat with Hunter. As a reward, he will give you 72 Elexit.

A Strange Mechanism

It is one of the most important side quests you can start in Dome City. The fact is that at the end of it you will be able to get into secret organization, which is called "Claws" and in many ways copies the thieves' guild from Gothic 2. After finding the "Claws" hideout and talking with their leader, you will be able to take on a task related to the theft of valuables.

How to unlock: Talk to Vito in the Dome City.

Vito owns a small bar in the City under the Dome. When you first talk with him, you will surely be able to get the Strange Key, which is necessary to solve one interesting puzzle. Head to the western area of ​​the town and look for a brick with a keyhole inside. Use the previously obtained key to open the hatch that leads to the sewer system (100 experience points).

Go down the stairs and start exploring the underground tunnels. Here you can find the hideout of the organization "Claws". The entrance to it is guarded by Darius. In order to get inside, you can use one of the following methods:

  • Tell Darius that you have solved the puzzle with the mysterious key given to you by Vito.
  • Complete a side mission called "Rogue Confederacy" in the Fort in which you need to help the Rat gain money and power. In the end this quest you will receive a claw from the Rat, which must be shown to Darius.
  • Complete the quest to clear Katta's name, which can be found on Berserker Island. As a reward, she will give you a claw. Show it to Darius.

Note: You can get into the sewer tunnels without talking to Vito. The fact is that not far from the Domed City there is an entrance to the dungeon leading to the sewer. Then you can quickly get to the hideout of the Claws.

Note: The fallback passage will be most useful if you were unable to defend the Dome City from the Albs. As a result, you will be able to get into the sewers without having to fight the Albs.

Next, you should chat with Hector (Hector) and agree to become a member of the "Claws" (you should not mention the Clerks when talking with the claws, otherwise you will be immediately attacked). After that, you will immediately receive a new mission related to the theft of valuable things. As a reward, you will receive 500 experience points, your own claw, a key to work, and access to an item chest.

Note: This shelter contains very valuable items, namely: the Dualskill amulet, which increases Strength and Agility by 5 units, as well as Combat by 2 units; Archon's Might rifle. In addition, you can break open all chests of claws. However, this will require a well-pumped Pickpocketing skill and an excellent reaction in order not to catch the eye of other characters.

On behalf of the Claws (On Behalf of the Claws)

This quest is entirely connected with the mysterious organization "Claws", which is actually an ordinary guild of thieves. You can open it after you join this group. It is mainly associated with the theft of valuable items from various characters.

How to unlock: Speak with Hector, who can be found in the sewers below the Domed City after joining the claws.

Getting new missions

So, in order to start getting tasks to steal various things, you should head to the sewer system located under the Domed City and find the chest in which all the new contracts are. You will need to receive the key to it from Hector after completing the previous task.

Supply Crates from Goliet

Take your first contract from the chest and head to Goliet. There you will need to find a character named Oran, who owns a local tavern. Get close to him unnoticed (we advise you to do this trick when he is outside the inn), and then steal the cellar key using the Pickpocket skill.

Look for one of the two entrances leading to the basement, located under the tavern. Then go to the main room (there are large barrels in it) and look for the hidden lock shown in the screenshot above. Then use Oran's key and go to the hidden room. Take supplies (800 experience points).

Stolen goods can be placed in any of the Claw boxes. One of them is located near Onar's tavern. Return to the hideout and receive congratulations from Hector and Darius (100 experience points).

War Colossus Blueprints

Take it in a chest new contract. You have to go to Hort, the base of the Clerics. After reaching the town, head to the upper level of the factory (use the jetpack or ladder). The scheme you need will lie in the unguarded room indicated in the screenshot above.

Cleric Research

Pick up a new contract from the chest and head to the Cathedral located in Hort. You have to get access to the archive located in the basement of the building. You can wait until Karl leaves his post to say the evening prayer, or simply hack the console to add your name to the list of people with a pass to the desired room (requires at least 3 points in the Craft skill). In addition, you can become a Cleric and receive the title of Acolyte.

Once in the archives, you will need to search for 4 Cleric research documents. Half of them are on archival shelves, and the rest are kept by the characters. You will have to steal them using the Pickpocket skill (200XP). You will then need to place the stolen documents in the Claw boxes and return to your base in Domed City. Now you will be able to take 3 new contracts at once (100 experience points).

Compromising entry

Head to the Fort (residence of the Forsworn) and go to Hank's bar. There you should inspect one of the rooms where outsiders are not allowed to enter. Wait until night falls, then sneak into the desired room and take the hidden recording device. Then quickly run away so as not to catch the eye of one very angry bartender (200 experience points).

Elex for Claws

You have to head west from the Fort and find the hideout located in the magma gorge shown in the above screenshot. Unfortunately, you can't do without a fight - you will need to deal with two ordinary robbers and their leader, Slater (Slater). Proceed with caution, as the leader attacks with a flamethrower. You can throw grenades at him or simply impose melee on him. After dealing with all the opponents (375 experience points), inspect Slater's corpse and take Logan's notes. Examine them to find out the code to the Duke's safe: 8641.

Note: The combination for the safe can also be obtained without a showdown with criminals, since it never changes. Just use the code from our walkthrough.

Next, head to the Duke's bunker, which is located in the Fort and get to the upper level. Here you can kill the guard, but we don't advise you to solve the problem in this way, otherwise your relations with the Forsworn will deteriorate significantly. Better find a crib and wait until dark. The guard will leave his post and you will be able to get into the Duke's chambers without any problems. Use the combination obtained earlier and take 10 natural eleks and 350 eleksit (200 experience points) from the safe. Among other things, you will find a lot of other valuable things in it, including the unique Thunderclap shotgun.

Crazy Bob's Weapon Cache

In this contract, you have to find Crazy Bob and steal something from him. Sneak up on the target character, make sure no one is watching you, and steal the key from them (400 experience points).

Put the stolen items in the Claw box. You will find a message from Hector in it.

Completion of the quest

Head back to the Claw hideout located in Dome City and speak with Hector (100 points) who will inform you that you have completed all the tasks the organization had to offer you. Completing this long quest chain will give you 2000 experience points and Hector's key to a chest that contains quite a bit of eleksit and many other interesting items.

The Abessa Dispute

A rather unusual quest that will automatically appear in your journal about a week after completing all the other main side missions given out in the Dome City ( we are talking about quests in which you have to decide which faction to give your preference to).

How to open: opens automatically when passing the game.

While you were away from the Dome City, very significant events could occur in it, which will determine the fact where you can return: directly to the settlement or to the camp created next to it. The second option will open if you decide to turn off the dome that protects the city. As a result, he will be attacked and captured by the Albs. Regardless of the chosen scenario, you will need to talk to the survivors to find out last news(500 experience points).

  • The main reason leading to the destruction of the city is related to Riley. The city will be captured if you allow him to reprogram the energy regulator. He will inform you that the equipment is faulty, and then he will cut down the dome.
  • The result also depends on which factions you provided assistance in the Domed City. For example, if you help Paige (Paige) and Darrell (Darrell), then the Forsworn will become noticeably stronger and will be able to organize an armed uprising.

Headhunter (A Bounty Hunter)

In this task, you need to find the audio recordings of the bounty hunter. They can be searched in any order.

How to open: starts automatically after finding the first audio recording.

The first audio diary of a Forsworn hunter can be found inside the house located east of the Camp in the Center, which is located in Edan (we are talking about the village of Istok). Use the jetpack to get to the top level. The device lies on a table in one of the rooms.

The next audio recording can be found in one of the houses in the village of Goliet. In this hut, by the way, there is also a broken Elex weapon. Picking up this device is considered theft, so we advise you to do it at night when no one is nearby.

The third audiologist lies in the Fort. Head to the southern area of ​​the fort and look for Claire's bar there. The desired item lies on one of the tables near the entrance to the building.

The fourth audio recording of the bounty hunter is located inside one of the structures in Hort. This building stands near Balder's office. The audiologist lies in a small vault guarded by a robot. Try to lure the guard into another room in order to pick up the little thing you need without any problems.

When you collect all the audio recordings (100 experience points), you will have a new mark. She will appear in the Xakor region, so we do not recommend going there as a low-level character. Your goal is the huge tower shown in the screenshot above (its location is shown in the image below). Go inside and look for the bounty hunter. The quest will end after you listen to the conversation (1100 experience points).

Converter in Northern Abessa

How to open: starts automatically when you reach the desired object.

We advise you to take on this mission after you have met and chatted with Sestak, who is in the South Abess Converter (this will happen during the Separatist Sanctuary main quest). The fact is that only then will you be able to get the access codes that will be needed to deactivate these structures.

We note right away that this Transformer, located in the northeast of the Dome City, is even better guarded than usual. Here you will encounter heavily armed Albs and powerful fighting robots. However, you can try to get into the building without a fight, luring the enemies with your jetpack.

However, inside the Transformer, you will still have to fight a few Albs. Use the elevators to reach the upper levels. Sooner or later, you will reach the top of the building and meet with the commander of the Albs. Deal with him, and then look for a console glowing red. Interact with her to deactivate the structure (1000 experience points).

Devastated by Reavers (Overrun by Reavers)

How to open: Talk to Albert, who is standing near the dam.

This quest can be started when you reach the eastern part of the dam, located near the South Abessa Converter. Approach the local Clerics standing next to the fence and chat with Albert and Egon (Egon). Tell them that you are ready to deal with the robbers who appeared near the dam. At the end of the conversation, it is worth deciding whether you can deal with them alone or if it is better to enlist the support of the Clerics. The second option is preferable for low-level heroes, however, in this case, Albert or Egon may die.

Get to the opposite side of the dam. Bandits are dispersed around an abandoned gas station. You can attack any of them, but you should know that the leader of the criminals is noticeably stronger than his subordinates. In addition, some enemies are able to use ranged weapons. If the Clerics went with you, then we do not recommend using grenades, rocket launchers, flamethrowers and other types of weapons that hit the area, otherwise you can accidentally injure your allies.

After dealing with the robbers, find Albert and talk to him (400 experience points). Don't forget to search the bodies of the opponents, as you can find a plasma blaster and a flamethrower on them. You can also pick up a detonator inside the gas station and give it to Albert, but you will not receive a reward.

dome city

Professional criminal (Professional Thug)

How to unlock: Speak with Riley, who can be found in the Dome City.

Riley works for the Outcasts, and therefore, when talking with him, he will ask you to deal with Brabak, who is a member of the Berserkers. It can be found in the bar. This quest can be solved in two ways:

  • Try to provoke Brabak to attack you first. He can not be called a strong opponent, but you have to fight in a bar, where you need to carefully swing your sword, otherwise you can hurt random spectators. After the fight (300XP) tell Brabak to stop running into the Forsworn (you can also force him to pay you money if he has 20 points in the Fight skill). Then go to Riley and tell him about the success (200 experience points and 80 eleksit).
  • Chat with the berserker and agree to intimidate Riley. Attack the last one and defeat him in a fistfight (200XP). Then return to Brabak for your reward (200 XP and 150 Elexit).

Making Contact

How to unlock: Chat with Darrell in Dome City.

Darrell, like Riley, works for the Outcasts. He will ask you to find out what communication problems the Clerics are having. Head to Lutz, who is working on a force shield on one of the fortress walls, and talk to him. You can tell him that you learned about the problem from the Forsworn, or you can tell him that you have your own hidden sources. Regardless of the chosen answer, you have to fix the relay station. Return to Darrell and inform him of what you have learned. He will give you a bug and tell you to place it directly on the antenna (you don't have to make a choice here yet).

The station you need is located northeast of the city and south of the Converter. You will come across a few Albs, but it is not necessary to fight them at all - just go through them and straight to the station.

Having reached the very top and reaching the console, you have to make a difficult choice:

  • Repair the antenna, but don't plant the bug (400 exp). Go to Domed City and talk to Lutz. He will give you 112 Elexit (200 XP). Thus, you will strengthen the power of the Clerics.
  • Repair the antenna and place a bug on it (400 points). After that, head to Darrell and report the success. He will give you 150 Elexit (200 XP). Then you can approach Lutz to take 112 Elexit from him. By doing so, you will strengthen the power of the Outcasts.

Right to Stay

How to unlock: Chat with Fenk, who can be found in the Dome City.

Fenk is an Alb Separatist who knows Jax. He will ask you to resolve the conflict between him and Caleb, a local berserker who is trying to drive all the separatists out of the Domed City.

  • If you want to help the separatists, you should go to Jorg, who, according to Fenk, is able to "resolve" this situation. You will need to ask Yorg to drop all charges (200 experience points). Then return to Fenk and get 500 Elexit (500 XP) as a reward from him. In addition, the Separatists will remain in the City under the Dome.
  • If you want to help the Berserker faction, you can first chat with Yorg or immediately head to Caleb. Promise him to shut up York in the event that it occurs to him to change his false testimony. Talk to Yorg again (200XP) and remind him to follow Caleb's instructions (200XP). Talk to Caleb again (100XP). As a result, the Separatists will be expelled from Dome City.

Shady Dealings

How to unlock: Speak with Paige in the Dome City.

You can take a quest from Paige, the completion of which can strengthen the position of the Outcasts in the City under the Dome. She will ask you to bring a shipment of weapons to the city. You can either immediately go to the right place, or betray Paige and first talk to Alois, who belongs to the Cleric faction. Alois will also ask you to get this weapon.

Regardless of your decision, you have to head to the camp, which is located in the northeast of this settlement. There you will find a separatist named Radoc. Start a dialogue with him, however your conversation will be interrupted by the Clerics. You can help Radok and kill all the uninvited "guests" (Alois will not know about this if you plan to work with him in the future) or betray him by joining the attackers. After the battle is over (500 points) pick up boxes of explosives (200 experience points and 75 eleksit) and if Radok dies, don't forget to read his report. Then you can complete the quest in two ways:

  • Deliver explosives to Paige to support the Forsworn. You will earn 300 Elexit and 400 XP.
  • Come to Alois and give him boxes of explosives. Inform him also of Radok's death. You will receive 150 Elexit (600 experience points).

Security Measures

How to unlock: Chat with Erich, who can be found in Domed City.

When you try to get into the upper area of ​​the city, you will most likely be stopped by an engineer named Eric (you can demonstrate your knowledge of technology during a conversation with him, thereby earning 25 experience points). He will give you an energy regulator and ask you to give it to Lutz. Thanks to this device, the energy shield protecting the city will continue to work.

Lutz can be found on the city wall, but halfway through, Riley will approach you and ask you to reprogram the equipment. This will allow the Outcasts to knock him out temporarily. If you agree to the reprogramming, you can name your price (the maximum he can give you is 300 eleksit with 4 points in Charisma). Then head to Lutz and give him the device (200 experience points). In the event that Riley worked on the regulator, Lutz will suspect something was wrong. You can lie to him or tell the truth (400 experience points). Then return to Eric and get 150 Elexit (200 experience points) from him.

Note: If you let Riley work on the device, the dome will start to malfunction. As a result, the city will be defenseless against enemies and will soon be captured by the Albs.


How to unlock: Talk to Vivian, who can be found in the Domed City.

Vivian tries to find good technician and you have to help her in choosing. Before going to the candidates, we advise you to carefully listen to the story of the girl in order to get an additional 200 experience points. Technicians can be the following characters:

  • Rorik (Rorok), belonging to the Berserker faction. You find out that he is not qualified for the job offered. However, when talking to Vivian, you can give any reason why she should hire him. You will receive 230 Elexit and 200 XP.
  • Nyra, belonging to the Alb separatists. You will find out that she is an excellent technician, however, she will require 500 Elexit from you. You can pay her this amount right away or ask her to wait. Go back to Vivian and tell her that Nira is the best choice, but she won't want to pay her that much money. However, she will do this if you pay for it yourself. You will end up with 200 XP and 230 Elexit (plus another 270 Elexit if you paid for Nira the first time).
  • Darrell, who belongs to the Forsworn. You find out that he is not qualified for the job offered. However, when talking to Vivian, you can give any reason why she should hire him (lie about his specialization). You will receive 230 Elexit and 200 XP.

Mental Game

How to unlock: Chat with Gottfried, who can be found in Domed City.

A simple quest activated by talking to Gottfried, who you can find on the roof of the main building in the city. When you find yourself in the right place, the character will immediately pay attention to you, distracted from his work. You will need to remind him what he just talked about. The correct option is as follows: 43 degrees, east. You will earn 25 Elexit and 100 XP.


Enter the Hort

In this task, you will need to decide how to get into Hort, the main settlement of the Clerics. You can find several opportunities to get to this location.

How to open: Talk to Xander, who can be found near the entrance to Hort.

Near the entrance to the base of the Clerics, you will see a guard whose name is Xander (look for it on the eastern edge of the map). From him you can find out that not everyone is allowed into Hort. Fortunately, you can use several methods at once to get to this settlement, namely:

  • Obtain a trade permit.
  • Find Rainer, who is walking around Abessa, and chat with him about joining the Cleric faction.
  • Try to bribe Xander. He will give you back 80 Elexit, which you will try to give him, but at the same time he will agree to let you inside if you help him solve one problem. You will have to accuse the person he points to in the Subversive Activities quest. It will be possible not to fulfill his request, but in this case, expect negative consequences.

As for the trade permit, it can be obtained from the trader, whose name is Levin. He sits near one of the Battle Colossi, next to the teleporter and the bridge leading to Hort. You have to complete his mini-quest called "Hunters and Collectors" (Hunters and Collectors), in which you will need to find all the lost goods.

Go west from where you found Levin. Supply boxes will be guarded by high-level monsters, so we advise you not to attack them head-on, but try to lure them out one by one or set them on clerics. True, in the latter case, you will not get experience. After dealing with all the monsters, collect 3 supply boxes (100 experience points) and return them to the merchant. You will earn 400 experience points and will be able to start trading with Levin. In addition, you will be able to choose a reward: a pass to Hort and 100 experience points, a laser rifle and 6 energy cells, or 230 eleksit. We advise you to choose a pass if you want to go to the base of the Clerics.

After obtaining a pass or choosing another way to enter Hort, you will complete the quest and receive 200 experience points.

Final Arrangements

In this mission, you will have to solve several problems related to Eli from the Forsworn faction, who is being held prisoner by the Clerics. You can do this by killing him. You can also help him meet his old friend.

How to unlock: Talk to the Wolf, who can be found in Hort.

The wolf sits in the Hort mine. Talk to him and agree to deal with the prisoner, whose name is Eli. Examine his plan to kill this character. If you have 4 points in the Craft skill, then you can show the Wolf your knowledge and earn 25 experience points. In addition, he will reward you with 2 units of Natural Elex.

  1. The first thing you have to do is to return the weapon to Eli, which is stored in a warehouse near Balder's office (shown in the screenshot above). Unauthorized users cannot enter the warehouse, so it is worth waiting until dusk and then sneaking into the desired location (however, the robot will still be activated, so you will have to deal with it). You can also quickly sneak into the room, grab a weapon, and run out of it without being seen by other characters.
  2. Then you have to find a disguise - head to the merchant, whose name is Ferdinand (Ferdinand) and buy spare clothes from him for 100 Elexit (100 experience points).

Take the weapons and armor to Eli (200 experience points). Next, you will have two ways to complete this quest:

  • Complete the Wolf's task and deal with Eli - head to the entrance to Hort and wait for him there (he will stop near the bridge leading to the city). You can immediately attack him or talk to him first. After the kill (325 experience points), return to the Wolf and get 130 Elexit.
  • Arrange a meeting between Eli and the Wolf - the first one will immediately head to the mine where the Wolf works. When he gets there, he will speak to the person who wants him dead. After a short conversation, they will start fighting each other. Do not attack the Wolf, even if you want to save Eli, as in this case all the clerics of Hort will attack you. Let Eli lose the battle (200 experience points). After that, take 130 Elexit from the Wolf if he is still alive (he can be killed by the War Colossus if he accidentally hits him).

Note: This quest has a peculiar epilogue. When talking with Balder, he can inform you about an escaped prisoner. He will demand 300 Elexit from you. You can give them to him or attack him. In the latter case, you then have to deal with the whole city.

Subversive Elemts

It is one of the longest and most difficult missions in the game. Its passage will allow you to improve relations with the Cleric faction and increase the likelihood of joining this group. You have to find a person who illegally sells Elex.

How to unlock: Speak with Reinhold, who can be found in the Cathedral in Hort.

Reinhold is the leader of the Cleric faction and he can entrust you with an important mission in which you have to find the illegal seller of Elex. He will give you a couple of hints, thanks to which you will know where to start the investigation.

More information can be provided by Dietrich, who can be found in the administration building. He will advise you to visit the Clerics' camp and find a supplier of Elex. You will also receive an official warrant from him.

Next, you should go to the ruins of the castle, located in the western part of Ignadon. On the way to this location, you will surely encounter a considerable number of dangerous monsters, so we advise you to prepare well. It is necessary to approach the entrance, not guarded by strong monsters. In the castle itself, it is worth asking 3 members of the faction.

Gerd can be found near one of the entrances to the ruins. Talk to him and show him your knowledge with 5 points in the Combat skill to earn 25 experience points and 5 plasma cells. Then show him the warrant and find out what he knows.

Dirk is on the top floor of the main building in ruins. Show him the warrant and he will tell you the code for his safe (4979). You can find him in the back room. Examine the contents of the safe - you will not find anything suspicious in it.

Karsten usually walks around the castle. Show him the order to get a combination from him (8195). Find his safe in the camp (shown in the screenshot above) and get a bunch of Forsworn clothes from there (100 experience points). Take these things to Karsten and show them to him. Next, you will have two solutions to the current situation:

  • Agree to cooperate with Karsten. In this case, you will receive 75 eleksit and 200 experience points.
  • Make him attack you. Then defeat the enemy in a one-on-one combat (325 experience points).

Regardless of the chosen solution, head to Dietrich and inform him that Karsten has been killed and the supply of Elex has been cut off. If you chose the first option, then deceive him by saying that you solved the problem with the supplier, and showing him the clothes of the Forsworn. You will earn 50 Elexit and 500 XP.

  • The pit guard will give you the first observation report.
  • The factory guard will give you a second observation report.
  • Xander will give you the third observation report. If you previously went to Hort only thanks to this character, then he will ask you to accuse Siegfried of illegal trade (200 experience points). If you yourself went into the city and do not owe anything to Xander, then you can not fulfill his request.

You can complete this quest almost immediately by simply blaming any character. However, we still advise you to come to Reinhold only after completing all the above steps. You can blame one of three characters: Siegfried, Hagen or Oswald. Point to Siegfried (he is not guilty) in case you owe Xandor. The real culprit is Oswald. Reinhold will believe your every word and you will receive 500 experience points.

Once your "candidate" has been verified, you will be able to speak with Reinhold again. If you point to an innocent, the leader of the Clerics will become very angry, which will make it difficult for you to join this group later. If you immediately accuse Oswald, you will receive 400 Elexit.

Important: If you are Xander's debtor, but did not blame Siegfried, then the guard will try to take revenge on you. He will convince all city merchants to stop working with you. There are two ways to solve this problem: pay Xander 400 Elexit or convince him to change his mind (you need 6 points in the Charisma skill).

Note: There is an additional reward for completing this mission if you point to the correct merchant - 500 Elexit and 3000 XP. It can be obtained automatically after joining the Clerics or by coming to Reinhold a little later and reminding him of the investigation.


How to open: Chat with Dirk, who can be found in the ruins of the fortress of West Ignadon.

Dirk is located in the ruins of an ancient fortress located in the western part of Ignadon. This is where recruitment takes place. These ruins can be found southwest of Hort and you will visit them during the previous quest.

This character will give you a task, during which you have to deliver a report to the base of the Clerics (if you have 6 points in the Survival skill, you can demonstrate to Dirk your knowledge of the local flora and fauna). If you wish, you can read the resulting document in inventory.

Head to Hort and give the report to Balder. As a result, you will earn only 200 experience points.

Neighbor Troubles

How to unlock: Speak with Gerd, who can be found in the ruins of West Ignadon Keep.

Once in the ruins of an ancient castle, enter into a dialogue with Gerd. He will ask you to get rid of the dangerous Chimeras located near the fortress. They are quite powerful monsters, so we do not advise you to attack them with a character under level 20.

The monsters live to the east of the ruins. Try to lure them out one at a time, as you are unlikely to kill them all at once. These monsters do not have ranged attacks, so we advise you to climb some rock and shoot monsters from afar. For each monster killed, you will receive 160 experience points, and for killing all of them you will be given 1400 experience points. Then return to Gerd and get 140 Elexit from him.


Food for the Clerics

How to unlock: Talk to Martha, who can be found in Hort.

In Horta, the dining room is run by a woman named Marta. When you first meet her, she will give you a bowl of soup without charging you a dime. During a conversation with her, you can take a task from her related to the supply of food. You will have to find a good food supplier.

You will need to head to an abandoned base located southwest of Hort. You can get food by choosing one of several ways. The most obvious of these is the conversation with Raudur. He will agree to supply you with food if you pay him 250 Elexit (you can also try to convince him to give you supplies for free with 3 points in Charisma and 6 points in Craft). As a result, you will earn 475 experience points and receive a note with combinations from all the safes in the camp (9981, 1455 and 1758). Open each of them (just use all the codes one by one) and take the survival kits (200 experience points).

However, you can simply steal his notes from Raudur. This will give you the option not to talk to this character and not pay him money. If you have a hard time with pickpocketing, then try to break into the vaults. Of course, for the latter option, you need a well-pumped Lockpick skill.

Question of Faith

How to unlock: Speak with Eva, who can be found in Hort.

Eva can be found near one of the buildings in the Cleric settlement. She herself will enter into a dialogue with the hero as soon as he runs next to her. She will inform you that she needs a very rare book of Arvid, stored in the archive, and will ask you to bring it. Only some members of this faction are allowed into the archive. The passage into the room is guarded by Karl.

To go to the archive, you should wait until nightfall, as at this time Karl leaves his post and goes to prayer. Go into the room and find the book. If you do not want to waste time sleeping, you can try adding your name to the list of people who can go to the archive. To do this, you need to hack the console (3 points in the Craft skill). There is also a completely radical option: join the Cleric faction and rise to the rank of Acolyte, who is allowed to visit the archive without any restrictions.

After taking the book of Arvid (100 experience points), give it to Eve. You will earn 200 experience points and will be able to ask for a reward of 55 Elexit.

Cause and Effect

How to unlock: Talk to Hagen, who can be found in Hort.

A paladin named Hagen can be found in the administration building of the Cleric base. Chat with him and agree to find out the reason for the appearance of a large number of mutants that can threaten the security of the city (you can show your knowledge to the paladin and get 50 experience points if you have 3 points in the Combat skill). We do not recommend that you take on this mission with a low-level character, as you will have to fight very dangerous monsters.

The nest of monsters is located north of Hort. Do not rush and immediately run to the nest, as there are many mutants waiting for you there. We advise you to start luring them out one by one. First, lure out all the small monsters, and then take on the large one (Moloch). You can try to climb some hill and shoot at the monsters from afar, as they do not have ranged attacks. After the battle is over (250 experience points), be sure to inspect the cave. There you will find the corpses of the Clerics (400 experience points). Then return to Hagen and get 200 Elexit from him (800 experience points).

Note: If you are having a hard time fighting, then you can simply run into the cave, stand there for a while until the quest objective is updated, and then return to Hagen. Having learned about the state of affairs outside the city, he will gather a mopping up group and go to beat the monsters.

Hard as Steel

How to unlock: Talk to Godehard, who can be found in Hort.

Godhard can be found at the factory in the Cleric Settlement. When talking with him, you can constantly remain silent or interrupt his monologue. He decides to give you 100 Elexit so that you can use them to buy one spare part he needs. Then wait until evening and go shopping.

The Parts Dealer is named Shorty and you can find him in the trench west of Hort. You will need to take the closed box from him and this can be done in the following ways:

  • Buy a box. When you pay 100 Elexit, Shorty will demand another 100 Shards from you. You can pay him out of your own pocket, threaten the merchant and pay only 50 Elexit (requires 3 points in Combat) or attack him and kill him (100 experience points).
  • Use the Pickpocketing skill and simply steal the necessary item from the merchant.

After receiving the part (100 experience points), return to Godhard and give it to him. You will earn 200 XP and 75 Elexit.

From old to new (From Old to New)

How to unlock: Chat with Anna, who can be found in Hort.

When talking with a girl named Anna, you should agree to get all the chips from faulty machines. Go to the airport, located southeast of the headquarters of the Clerics. You will find several mechanics who fight with robots. Help them and deal with all opponents. The Battle Colossus should be left for last, as it is the strongest opponent.

After the battle (you will earn 25 experience points for each drone you kill and 250 experience points for the Colossus), inspect the remains of the robots and pick up all 5 chips (700 experience points). Return them to the girl (800 experience points). Your reward in Elexit will depend on how quickly you complete the task and whether you behave politely when talking to Anna.


Converter in East Xakore

This is one of two active Transducers in the Region. You will find him to the east of the Ice Palace. Very powerful opponents will roam around him: Battle Colossi, Albs and drones. However, you do not need to deal with all the enemies - you can just immediately run into the tower by finding the entrance in the southwest corner.

After entering the building, use the elevators to climb to the very top of the structure. There you will find a red console with which you can knock out the Converter (3500 experience points).

Converter in West Xakore

How to open: starts automatically when the desired structure is reached.

Another active Transformer in this region. The entrance to it is guarded by a dangerous Battle Colossus. Luckily, you don't have to fight the rest of the enemies. Once in the building, get to its upper level using the elevators and find the red console in the room. Interact with her to cut down this structure (3500 experience points).

Note: Do not leave the tower after turning it off. Better go up to the roof. There you can find quite a few useful items, including Elex drinks.

Task number 1.

Task number 3.

Task number 5.

, unfolding in the Sci-Fi world, the authors of which are the notorious Piranha Bytes. In the spirit of the Gothic series, Elex will offer you a seamless world full of exciting tasks, difficult moral choices and epic achievements that you have to make.

However, among the endless variety, it is easy to get confused, which is why we decided to prepare this walkthrough for you by collecting all the Elex tasks in one article.

Chapter #1

Task No. 1. survive

In the first task, you have to leave the first location in order to eventually reach the first large settlement.

Once near the scientific base and armed with one stick, go explore the surrounding area, as curiosity is encouraged in Elex.

Here you will meet the first enemy - a fat rodent, which must be overcome. After the battle, find an unmanned drone and research it to receive a new assignment.

Before visiting the observatory, take a look at western part the location where the hill is located. Try to bypass the enemy there, if you fail to defeat him, and then take the good equipment - the amulet.

Directly inside the building, a new battle awaits you. Having defeated the rodent, grab the bow and step towards the balcony. There you will receive another quest.

Make your way through the balcony to the elevator and activate it to get into the basement with a jetpack - an extremely useful device that allows you to instantly overcome short distances and abysses. After the ruins, talk to Duras, who will escort you to the city.

By the way, Elex does not forbid you to go your own way, so this NPC can always be bypassed. One way or another, you will find the settlement in the east of the current location.

Advice: Duras, if you accept his service, will offer you to join the berserker faction. There is no other way to get into it.

On the way with Duras, you can look into the ruins, where fighters of a faction opposed to the berserkers were seen. Search this place, as there is gear inside.

After the battle, you will face a dilemma: bypass the ruins and immediately go to the Goliet settlement (because of this, you will lose additional experience and items), or explore the ruins, which, by the way, will be approved by Duras.

Tip: The characters in Elex have their own opinion of you, so every action you take will affect how they feel about you.

In the depths of the ruins, kill animals or set them on Duras, since the NPC is immortal. Examine the bodies of the priests to take equipment, which in the future, when visiting Goliet, can be disposed of on a quest. When the deed is done, report to the berserker and advance to the settlement.

Talk to the guard on the spot to complete the quest. From this moment, the village of Golieta opens before you.

Task No. 2. Stolen equipment

Quest from the "Revenge" section in your diary, according to which you have to finish off a thief named Ray. You will receive the task after meeting Duras.

When talking to Duras, tell him about the stolen items to learn about Ray's whereabouts. The target will be north of the settlement in a place called "Motel".

Once at the point, talk to Ray, who will disappoint you with a statement that all weapons are sold out. But on the other hand, Ray will give you another task, after which you can take him to your team.

Task No. 3. Separatist hideout

Another quest from the category of "revenge on someone", during which you will visit the rebel base, where you will probably meet friends. The task is activated immediately after a conversation with Duras.

You will stumble upon a rebel base in South Abesa Transformer. A group of separatists is led by a certain Sestak, who is at war with the Albs with all his might. Convince him that you don't like them either if you want to get the quest.

Sestak's first assignment involves setting up a special device. Get to the elevator to get to the very top of the building where the control room is located.

Activate the panel to launch the device in the South Abes location. Report on your success, but before leaving, look on the roof of the building where the drinks are located (In Elex, they give bonuses for leveling the hero).

The next assignment is tied to the murder of a couple of Albs. Go on a mission only when you get at least the tenth level. Visit a place called Edan and then defeat the opponents. It remains only to report to the leader.

The third time you can visit Sestak is when you join a faction. After completing all the tasks from the "Revenge" section, you can start the second chapter, which is related to the rebels.

Task No. 4. Home - The Power of the Center

During the quest, you will need to visit the village and get allies. To receive the task, talk to Lloyd at the Center base and ask him about the village. By the way, the base of the Center is located in the mountains on the border between the territories of Abes and Edan. Moreover, Ray can also tell you about the village you are looking for.

When you reach the village, first of all talk to Eckard. Don't insult him if you don't want a fight, but communicate peacefully and ask if he needs help. On the first assignment, find a trio of mercenaries who would agree to defend the village. If you wish, you can assign your friends here.

Tip: Assigning a buddy to a location won't lose the ability to travel with them. The selected character will simply move to the designated point and will be waiting for you there.

After that, talk to Harley, who will give you the task of extracting parts from the wreck. It's going to be a tough battle, so level up first.

Then look for Jonesy to go on a monster slaying mission. If desired, enemies can simply be lured to Jonesy himself, who can easily deal with them.

When all those in need have been helped, visit Lloyd and report back. As a reward, you will receive a lot of experience and a tower in the form of possession. Moreover, in the village you will be revered as the leader.

Task No. 5. Big Bang

A story quest in which you have to prepare a bomb explosion, which was created by the Outcast faction. Talk to Logan or Konrad at the base to activate the quest.

After reaching the point where the outcasts are, ask Conrad about the explosives. After that, go to Logan, who will tell you that his faction wants to use the bomb to gain dominance in the world.

Agree to help them or not - your right. Next, you need to visit Konrad again, who will inform you about the missing elements.

During the search, you will have to visit several locations. The first element is in the military camp, which is to the left of the Motel. To get to the territory, you have to pass a minefield. At the base, visit the building, and then use the jetpack. With the help of the latter, you can climb to the top floor, where the part of the bomb is located.

The second part of the bomb is located higher from the fort - just step forward until you find the dome, destroyed and full of monsters. Kill the enemies or immediately grab the element, then move on.

The third element is to the left of the fort, in the factory. On the spot, you have to defeat the monsters and overcome the barrier in the form of high radiation. To do this, you will need to act quickly and use the jetpack.

When all the elements are in your hands, return to the employer and report success.

The next task of the outcasts involves the search for Conrad. Visit the ruins above the fort and then the familiar dome. On the spot you will have to visit the arena and fight with a huge robot. Be sure that the enemy has a huge supply of HP and strong attacks.

At a certain point in the battle, a small machine will jump out of the robot, which will begin to develop deposits - you need to interfere with it by attacking. You need to dodge the big robot, as it will throw bombs at you.

When the arena is destroyed, the second "round" will begin, during which the enemy will arm himself with a flamethrower. If your armor can't provide good resistance to fire, it's best to stay away from it and use ranged attacks.

Finally, visit Logan to complete the quest. This ends the main faction chain, but if you wish, you can complete a side quest related to killing Conrad. If you are a member of the faction of priests, then it is better not to touch Konrad - just visit him and talk.

Task No. 6. big offensive

Once the Albian Converter is yours, travel to Hort and speak with Ulbricht. During the quest, you have to find a commander who can lead the squad on the offensive.

As you search for the leader, check out Ragnar, Logan, Sestaki, Zard, and Torald. Each of them will respond to you uniquely (so it's better to visit them), but at the same time refuse. Who is suitable for the role of commander is Nastya, for whom you will first have to work. It will be necessary to deal with packs of monsters, and then Nastya will agree.

At about the twentieth level, proceed to the stage of preparing the attack. Otherwise, wait and accumulate more experience otherwise you won't be able to complete the quest.

Visit the fort where Ulbricht and Nasty are already waiting for you. Before the performance, you will need to determine the plan on which the further course of the battle depends.

You can:

- Take Nastya and Ulbricht with you, however, there will be a chance that Ulbricht will die.

- Refuse the help of Ulbricht, complicating his task in battle.

- Send Ulbricht to help Reinhold, which, again, will complicate your front personally.

During the battle, in any case, you will have to reach the converter, which is in Ignadon. Three battles await you: with an army of robots, with three huge colossi and an army of robots, and then with as many more colossi, as well as a division of the Albs led by Jurek.

In all battles, first of all, try to eliminate the colossi, as they can quickly deal with your friends. Stock up on EMP ammo if using electro guns. Of course, do not forget to save your progress right during the battle, if you do not want to start all over again after death.

When the battle is over, you will be able to reconfigure the device in Ignadon. To do this, find the corpse of Yurek and take the card with the password. Inside the building you have to get through the opponents to the last floor and cut down the power.

Task No. 7. Free like a bird

During this quest, you will have to make a difficult decision related to the choice of one of the factions. We have already mentioned each of the three above - we are talking about Berserkers, Priests and Outcasts.

The task itself will appear in your diary immediately after the meeting of one of the leaders of the above factions. However, you cannot immediately join the group, since the first thing you need to do is justify their trust.

You can join the berserkers in Goliet by talking to Ragnar. Don't let him know you've left the Albian faction if you don't want to create tension in the relationship.

To join the outcasts, find William in the Fort. He is not the head of the faction, however, he will give you the initial task.

Reinhold can take you to the priests in Ignadon (on its right side). It is necessary to complete the faction quest chain, which is issued in the city.

Chapter #2

Task No. 1. Old man

During the quest, you must find a location where you can recruit new allies. Go to Sestak, who will show you the location of the new village.

You will reach the place along the eastern road, which leads to the mountains. There you will find the base, where the Zard you are looking for is located.

Task No. 2. Zardom's battle plan

A large assignment that Zardom will give you. It will be necessary to crush the Albian army and finish off one Elexter.

The Albian army is about to attack Abesa, so they need to be preemptively attacked.

You will find the group itself to the left of the village of Zardoma using the converter. Deal with all enemies on the spot, attacking groups individually and luring them away from the rest. By fighting in this way, you will simplify your task and will not repel the attacks of ten opponents at once.

After killing the Albs, go in search of the Elexetor. You will find it on the left in the mountains in the Northern Abessa location. After reaching the elector, talk to him, and then kill him. When the deed is done, report back to Zard on your success.

Chapter #3

Task No. 1. Pilgrim

A short assignment, during which it is necessary to find the wanderer Thorald. First, talk to Zardom, who will send you in search of Torald. The Pilgrim awaits you in the lower left corner of Edan, which can be reached through the Valley of the Damned.

After talking with Torald, you will receive new tasks. In the first, you have to disable the local converter. In the second - to find the father of Jax (father's name is Wardek). In the third - to solve the problem of Zardom. In the latter, find an element for the reactor.

Task No. 2. Machine War

Torald requires you to deal with all the converters in the area, thus hitting the defenses of the Albs. Be sure that each of the points is bristling with cannons, so you will have to fight often and for a long time.

At each point, you need to start the elevator and get to the last floor, where the panel is located. For completing the quest you will receive 4000 experience.

Task No. 3. family meeting

Torald will send you to meet Vardek - your own father. You will find a lost relative at the base of the Albian rebels.

After talking with your father, you will learn about the whereabouts of your brother. Go to the indicated point in the mountains, and then use the jetpack to climb to the top of a tall building. An ambush will be found inside, so if your forces are not enough for a successful fight, immediately run away.

In a conversation with Vardek, ask why you were attacked. He will tell you about a certain village of fishermen, where there will definitely not be any ambushes. Go to the place and get ready to swim.

Task No. 4. Heavy suspicion

In the course of another conversation with Thorald, you will learn that Zardom is not pretending to be what he is trying to seem. You need to bring it to clean water.

Visit the base where you first met Zardom. It won't be there, so look and explore the area. You must find a document that describes the conclusion of an agreement between Ray and Zardom.

It turns out that it was your partner who then shot down the plane. Now go to Ray and give him the information you know. Ray will answer that Zardom forced him to shoot down the plane, kidnapping his brother. By the way, during the quest you can stumble upon a jackal, in which the protagonist will find a friend. Say the magic word in dialogue to disenchant Tom.

Task No. 5. Defective reactor

The desired item lies on the left side of the location. On the way to it, you will often have to fight, as it is dotted with enemies. On the spot, look for an underground tunnel leading to the lower level.

Jump down using the jetpack to survive. Inside, get to the lowest level and examine all the rooms, in one of which the element lies.

Chapter 4

Task No. 1. Through the icy desert

Torald will hand you a document containing the names of the leaders of the rebel army. All of them defend the Ice Palace, so they must be eliminated. In any order.

During battles, first of all, kill the colossi. The leaders themselves will hang around in bunkers, so they can simply be lured out from afar with shots. If you are confident that you can quickly deal huge damage, then immediately attack the leaders and kill them so as not to bother with the rest of the enemies.

Task No. 2. Separatist test

Torald will ask you to come to a meeting with the rebels and talk to Sestak.

During the conversation with the leader of the Albs, decide which side you are on:

- Try to convince Sestak that you have a common goal, so you need to stick together. The Albs will agree with you if you mention the Hybrid you want to destroy. As a result, the Albs will appear during the last battle on your side.

- Tell Sestak what you intend to do. If you mention that you are going to compromise with the Hybrid and put him in charge, the Albs will not only refuse to help you, but will immediately attack. In this case, eliminate Sestak as quickly as possible, as he deals huge damage.

Task No. 3. Elex's voice

In the course of the conversation with Torald, ask him about the experiments that they put on the elex. Thorald will answer that he needs a strong wizard to continue his experiments. You already have a suitable candidate - the mage Kaja.

Find Kaja in the camp and ask her to help Torald. On the spot, when the experience starts, Zardom will attack you, because of which everything will go to dust. After that, talk to Thorald again, and then get to the point in Northern Abessa, where Kaja will be found.

Task No. 4. Who am I?

After a conversation with Thorald, you will learn that Kallax hid in Zardom's hideout, and now there will definitely not be an ambush there.

Inside, you will have to fight anyway, despite the absence of an ambush.

The battle with Callax is quite difficult, so prepare in advance before going. After killing the enemy, find the code with which you can release the Hybrid in the future.

Finally, get to the point where, on the instructions of the same Torald, you were looking for the lost element. There, visit the lower level again and get to the room near the stairs. Here you will find the necessary code that will allow you to unlock the prison in the Ice Palace.

Task No. 5. last flight

The chain during which you repaired the plane ends. Now you can use the vehicles to get to the Ice Palace and crush the protective dome. Before starting the quest, make sure that all other quests are completed.

First, talk to Harley to assess the condition of the aircraft. Here you can convince him that you want to use it.

It turns out that the machine is not working yet. You must find another element, which is located in Xacor. Find the bunker on the spot, killing all the opponents, and then deliver the parts to the mechanic. Now, if you're ready, tell Harley about it.

The final

Tasks No. 1. Battle for Xakor

One of the last tasks involves a large-scale battle between your allied factions and the Albs that defend the Ice Palace. The more friends you managed to find during your journey, the easier the battle will be.

First you will need to get to the palace, after which the attack will begin. First of all, personally, you must find the converter and crush the defenders of the base .

There will be a bunch of enemies on the spot, dozens right, so try to keep your distance and don't let the opponents surround you. Robots should be killed at the very beginning, as they cause huge damage. By the way, if one of your friends dies during the battle, the task will not fail. This time it's all on the line.

Task No. 2. lair of the beast

Find the Hybrid inside the palace and crush the final boss. When the army protecting the Ice Palace falls, go inside. No less opponents await you there, moreover, none of your friends will help you anymore.

By the way, you can avoid fighting robots by simply not attacking them, since they are initially neutral.

Before visiting the Hybrid, find Tarek with whom you can have a peaceful conversation. You can also search for records about the father, and then talk directly to the relative. This mini-quest will shed light on the real purpose of the father.

Talking to the Hybrid in any case will lead to a battle. He will call on robots to help him, which is not worth wasting time on, since after his defeat they will disappear.

The Hybrid's attacks are melee-focused and deal electrical damage, so you'll need the right armor. Even during the battle, try to run and dodge, as the Hybrid will try to shoot you down.

Task No. 3. Future of Magalan

After the final battle, the epilogue will begin, during which you will have to visit all the key heroes of Elex. If you wish, you can visit Ulbricht if he did not die during the last battle. Ragnar, Reinhold, Lloyd and Harley - all these characters in the same way have something to say to you.

You can also find quest givers like Thorald or Sestak if they didn't die after the final battle. In the case of the latter, it is necessary that he participate in the battle, and you have not killed the separatists before.

Video: Elex Walkthrough - Part 1

Like if helpful

It turned out to be a rather demanding game, despite the rather simple graphics. The scale of the game makes itself felt, and therefore, with weak hardware, gamers are unlikely to be able to enjoy the gameplay. In this article, we have collected solutions to the most pressing problems related to the technical component of the game.

We present to your attention the minimum and recommended system requirements that your computer configuration must meet.

ELEX Minimum System Requirements:

  • OS: Windows 7, 8.1, 10 (x64);
  • CPU: 3.4GHz quad-core Intel Core i5 3570 | six-core AMD FX-6350 clocked at 3.9 GHz;
  • RAM: 8 GB;
  • Video card: AMD Radeon HD 7850 with 2GB VRAM | Nvidia GTX 660 with 2 GB VRAM;
  • DirectX version: 11;
  • HDD: 35 GB of free space.
ELEX Recommended System Requirements:
  • OS: Windows 7, 8.1, 10 (x64);
  • CPU: Quad-Core Intel Core i7-4790 @ 3.6GHz | AMD FX-8350 octa-core clocked at 4.0 GHz;
  • RAM: 16 GB;
  • Video card: AMD Radeon RX 480 with 4GB VRAM | Nvidia GTX 1060 with 3 GB VRAM;
  • DirectX version: 11;
  • HDD: 35 GB of free space.
If your hardware meets the minimum requirements, then you have done half the work. Now I need help...

Files, drivers and libraries

Before you start looking for your problem, you need to update your video card driver to the latest version:

A prerequisite for the successful functioning of any game is the availability of the latest drivers for all devices in the system. Download the utility Driver Updater to easily and quickly download the latest drivers and install them with one click:

  • download Driver Updater and run the program;
  • scan the system (usually it takes no more than five minutes);
  • update outdated drivers with one click.
It is possible that you will need to update supporting software such as DirectX, Microsoft . NET Framework and Microsoft Visual C++: Helper DLLs:
  • (Download )
  • (Download )
  • (Download )
  • (Download )
If you have done all this, but the problem remains, then you can look for it in the list below.

ELEX slows down, lags, freezes, low FPS? Decision

Since the game is quite large in terms of open world, it requires a lot of free resources of your computer. Close all external programs to make it easier for the system to handle game data. Try changing your graphics settings. Be sure to update your video card driver, as this can add about 20% to performance on average.

ELEX crashes to desktop? Decision

Typically, crashes can occur in areas of the game where there is a lot of action. This happens due to lack of RAM. Disable everything that can take up RAM: antivirus, browser, downloads, players, etc. Try lowering your graphics settings. Also be sure to enable automatic updates in Steam. Usually developers release fresh patches that solve such problems.

ELEX won't start? Decision

If after installation you double-click on the game's shortcut, but nothing happens, first of all try to run the game from the root folder as an administrator. To do this, click on the label right click mouse and select the appropriate menu. If the game window appears in the taskbar, but the product still does not open, wait a while. Sometimes the game may take about 1-2 minutes to start. If nothing happens, check if the antivirus removed one of the game files during installation. Also verify the integrity of the cache on Steam. If one of the game's files has been deleted, verifying the cache will restore it. Do not forget to close the antivirus beforehand or add the game to the exclusion list.

ELEX black screen? Decision

In 90% of cases, the black screen is due to old version drivers, so be sure to update them. How to do this is indicated at the beginning of the article. After installing the driver, restart your computer and relaunch the game. If you see only a black screen again, minimize the game to windowed mode using the Alt + Enter keys, and then return everything as it was. If nothing happened, check that your video card is working on the example of other games. In addition, often a black screen occurs on older dual-core processors without multithreading. In this case, only replacing the iron can solve the problem.

ELEX won't install? Decision

To reduce the risk of problems in the game, completely close the antivirus before installation. Prepare the required amount of free space on the hard disk (more than 35 GB). Specify the installation path that does not contain Cyrillic characters. After that, feel free to start the installation. If the bar is stuck, don't panic, sometimes the game can take more than one hour to install. In addition, check your Internet connection, perhaps due to a bad connection, the game files are loading too slowly, or they have stopped loading at all.

DLL error in ELEX? Decision

A very common problem is dll error, which points us to the missing file to start the game. Fortunately, the problem is easy to fix. Download, then open the program and start searching for the missing file. When the program completes the search, it will automatically download DLL file and install it in the right place. After that, you can safely start the game, after restarting the computer.

Is there no Russian language in ELEX? Decision

If you want to enjoy the Russian voice acting in ELEX, we hasten to disappoint you, only the text is localized in the game: the interface and subtitles. However, if your text is not translated into Russian, try climbing in the game settings first. If it is not there either, go to the Steam Library and try changing the language through this service. Otherwise, reinstall the game.

ELEX has problems with sound? Decision

Sometimes in the game you can hear various stutters. Don't worry, this is a bug that can be solved by simply restarting the game. If the problem persists, update your video and audio drivers. If this does not help, and everything is fine in other games with sound, make sure that everything is set correctly in the game settings. If the sound was normal before, but the problems started after a certain moment, load your earlier save (when there was no problem). The bug should be gone.

What we saw in the new game from Piranha Bytes.

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Straight text

Lev Levin, editor of Igromania

Editor. Hereditary teacher, on which nature rests. For his 10th birthday, he received a CD with Gothic 2 as a gift, which many years later could only be eclipsed by The Witcher 3. Behind good plot ready to forgive the game for almost everything.

Demo Impressions Elex we have just described. But that's why it's a "demo", that from it you can only get brief information and draw very general (and often not entirely correct) conclusions. Elex is really very similar to the studio's previous projects - " gothic" and Risen, and the developers spoke about it with pride. But a half-hour session in the crowd of visitors to the exhibition is not enough to remember why we actually fell in love with games from Piranha Bytes.

First of all - for the wonderful chamber atmosphere and unexpectedly successful solutions, for the sake of which you can turn a blind eye to uncomfortable gameplay and outdated graphics. And although a full review will be a little later, one fact can be stated right now. Piranha Bytes again did it.

Run fools!

The planet Magalan is an extremely inhospitable place. 99% of living creatures outside the settlements dream of biting, hacking, shooting, spitting poison and flattening you (sometimes at the same time). At the same time, even enemies over which the notorious “shard” does not glow kill you with a couple of blows. The world here is open and seamless, there are almost no nursery locations with low-level monsters. And the melee system for such enemies, to put it mildly, is not adapted.

Jax can combine weak and strong punches. Three to four well-timed attacks allow you to perform a powerful special move and increase your overall damage. And the hero also has ... a strip of endurance, which is enough for only three or four actions, which puts an end to all these ligaments and constant rolls. The most successful melee tactic in Elex is to not engage in it at all. On the other hand, who needs a sword when there is a bow, a firearm (though not immediately) and wonderful grenades? And additional survivability will be provided by one of several partners - these immortals, they can even do hand-to-hand combat.

In order not to get up twice, we list in this paragraph all the other negative impressions from Elex at once. The control layout in the PC version is terribly inconvenient, especially in the PDA menu. Translation of terms and perks in menus and dialogues regularly does not match. The text translation is complete, but terribly clumsy in places. The lighting system ... infuriates! Getting used to the dark after a brightly lit street is great and contributes to immersion in the world. But to go back and get a flash of light in your eyes - very unpleasant. This is the case when excessive realism harms the game.

Well... welcome to a typical Piranha Bytes game!

Good bad evil

Because, as usual, the setting and role system Elex pleasantly surprise and make you forget about the uncomfortable gameplay. In the century and a half that has passed since the catastrophe that brought the element of elex into this world, people have divided into four militant factions. We can only enter three of them again... and here we are in for a wonderful surprise. No faction is perfect.

Berserkers have learned to convert elex into pure mana and cast powerful spells. With their help, they heal the wounds of the planet and successfully fight with more technological factions. On the other hand, these are post-apocalyptic Amish with terribly conservative laws - they hate any electronic equipment and look askance at Jax when he uses a jetpack in front of them or, God forbid, launches a pocket computer sewn under the skin. Only swords and bows, only hardcore.

The clerics want to restore the technological golden age that reigned on Magalan before the comet impact. They use eleks to power and enhance their blasters and other equipment. But that doesn't stop them from being a faction of religious zealots that will force you to accept their god before they let you in on their secrets. They have a small town in the "green" part of the map - the local "Babylon 5", where representatives of all factions live. But their main city is located in a volcanic area near the place where the comet fell. It is not so easy to get to it - the area around is radioactive.

Outcasts are rogues who have settled in the desert part of the map. They are very similar to the bikers from "Mad Max" and heroes Borderlands. These brave guys are not averse to drinking and joking, they have a brothel (this is important!), And they use Elex as a drug - they brew drugs that temporarily give them gains and pleasant hallucinations. What's the catch? They are complete scumbags! So much so that the first thing their leader demands is to help him finish building gigantic a bomb capable of destroying the cities of other factions. What you need in an inter-clan war!

Finally, there is a faction of the Albs whose commander was once Jax. These use pure elex, and it completely deprives them of emotions (and skin pigment), but gives them various superpowers. And they, like the clerics, have combat robots. And this whole company, except for a handful of separatists, dreams, firstly, of taking over the world, and secondly, of killing the main character.

I remember you

Any of your actions and choices in the dialogue matter. The game regularly informs us: the interlocutor will remember this phrase of yours, someone will not like this action, but here, my friend, there was an important plot event, and now you have to live with it. No "+5 to attitude", just the character remembers it, appreciates it, finds it weird, and so on. When you don't think about the numbers, it's much easier to dive into wagering. Probably for the same reason, we do not see what level our enemies are - only pictograms-shards over those who are really dangerous. And if you want even more immersion, you can turn off the entire interface in the settings, from the radar and health bars to displaying the names of the interlocutors.

(Note: joining any faction will cancel the quests taken by everyone else. Therefore, do not rush to join if you want to do the maximum tasks, because a lot of experience drops from them)

Law of the Berserkers: Issued by Ragnar, AI Ruler of the Berserkers and Chieftain of the Silver Wolves clan.

1: Just Punishment

Issued by the healer Akira in Goliet after the berserker Stormson talks to everyone in the city. From her we go to Angrim (the leader of the Iron clan) and find out the fate of the guy. From him again we go to the quest giver, we talk and stomp to the north, where the missing person should be. True, he is not there either, only a dead convoy ... We go back to the city, talk with the girl, then to Angrim, who pronounces a death sentence on Stormson, which will have to be executed. However, that's another story...

2: Way home

On the way to Goliet, when Duras leads us, there will be ruins on the way (the future camp in Edan) and choices: go there and clear them or move on. Need to come in. Most of the dirty work will be done by Duras, and we are required to find the corpses of clerics and collect their weapons. All this can be done later, of course, but it will be faster. Already in Goliet, comrade Bertram comes up to us with a request to sell him guns, but we proudly refuse him (guns are needed for the quest "missing weapons and dead people") and he leaves. We go to Angrim (where would we be without him), we talk, we hand over Bertram with giblets to him and we get an order for him. We go to Bertram and face a choice: fulfill the order or help the guy. What will happen if you fill it up - I don’t know, but most likely the road to the group will be greatly shortened. If you help him, then he sends us to Riyka, Ragnar's wife. She, gritting her teeth, agrees to help. This quest ends, and along the way, we get a new one from Riyka called...

3: ... Missing weapons and dead people

Cannons collected from clerics must be handed over to the Pit. This business is obligatory, therefore it is impossible to sell them to Bertram. Such is the law of the berserkers (and the will of the wife of the chief leader, which is even more serious). We go to Yora, the caretaker of the Pit, hand over the weapons and return to Riyka.

4: Harvest time

Issued by a certain Bourne (not the same one with amnesia, but the field manager and senior worker). We need to collect some ripe healing roots on the island east of Goliet. We go, we collect, we bring, everything is simple. Except for one thing: the owners of the island are an extremely unfriendly gargoyle and a couple of rippers, so you have to run. The gargoyle, however, is well taken out by the flamethrower, if you have already found it.

5: Mutant Attack

Issues all the same Bourne. On the fields, right in the city, the mutants make forays and trample the crops. We must go and kill the pests. We go, we beat and we return, business something ...

6: Mana Shrine Elex

The quest giver - Caldrim, works as a sanctuary caretaker, trades in small things and will later teach us the wisdom of the berserkers. And then one day a certain guard Kral stole eleks to be processed and, of course, disappeared. We need to find both him and Elex. At the place of his duty we find a diary, which indicates where he fled. We talk with Kaldrim, who will tell you where this place is, and go there. I will say right away that the path is not close and unsafe. We talk with the fugitive (his mutant brother is standing next to him, but we don’t swing the ax right away, he doesn’t touch ... for now) and again we have a choice: to soak and rob, redeem elex or show breadth of soul. In any case, Caldrim is told that the suspect is dead, otherwise they will not understand. If we bring Eleks - it's a plus for us, if not, then a minus.

7: Mysterious Aura

The customer is the same, asking to know what is happening with the farmer Orin. We go, talk (it is IMPOSSIBLE to admit that we are from Kaldrim), find out that he drinks pomace from seedlings, return and hand over the violator. For seedlings are above all, and if it is not handed over, then it is not known whether they will let us go further or not. Aldrin can also promise to give the hero sapling juice (perhaps for this you need to join the berserkers, while he did not give it, and was observed if he did not hand it over).

8: Elex Supplies \ Survival Items \ Serious Loss \ Robbery

Yori, Pit's caretaker, says that he needs parts from the Alb Converter, which is located northwest of the city. The place is dangerous, but if you need it, then you need it. Along the way, we meet a certain Korin at the converter itself, who was sent here for the same purpose, only he sowed his club during the execution and asks for the return of the weapon. We go into the converter, two albs are trampling at the entrance, the guys are dangerous and necessary for the "Contact" quest. We remove them from the road, stomp further (we will go into the converter a little later) and under the feet of a hefty fighting colossus we see the desired club. Beating a colossus is a necessary, commendable, but long business, so we act according to the “grab - run” principle, that is, we quickly run up, grab and run back, run into the converter and slyly giggle after the offended enemy, he will not crawl through the door. Next, we go through the premises, clean up, collect useful things and the necessary details, there are three of them. And on the roof, the future companion Falk, the cleric, is waiting for us (and the dunce, for who is hiding on the roof, how to get out of there later). We go to Korin, he has the remaining three parts, we give the baton. He did not give me the details of his own free will, and when threatened to take them away, he ran away, but already with a baton he grew bolder and began to attack himself. We take the parts from the corpse, we return, we get a reward. (You can also sell the parts to Korin, let him drag them to the village, then come to Yora and say that he gave the parts to Korin).

9: Unpaid bills

Issued by Ornir, Pit's worker, hanging around near Yori's hut. He says that he noticed an outcast nearby, he should have been beaten before he robbed Pit. Only, like, from afar, not approaching. Who else, but I became interested and I chatted with this outcast, Bigby. In short, they are business partners with Ornir, he either didn’t pay him, or stopped cooperating, that’s not the point. We return, we convince Ornir to cooperate and it's in the bag.

10: There's always something to do!\ Farmer's Supply\ Not Consumable

Issued by Ragnar himself. In southern Edan, near the Heart of the World, farmers are on duty and you need to go to them, check what is there and how. On the spot we meet Irdor, the senior at the facility. He says that in general, everything is not bad, but there is not enough food and it would be nice to go to the city, find out from Sinda (the teacher of charisma and the head of the supply service) when something will be sent to them. He will also ask you to bring mushrooms called "A farmer's hunk" in the amount of 50 pieces. We go to Sinda, talk and find out that nothing shines for the guys, famine is about to happen in the city, but if it’s really necessary, then moldy bread was thrown out behind her house, it might come in handy. We collect bread, look for mushrooms (you can buy from the same Sinda) and stomp to Irdor. I didn’t offer him bread, I tried, but he was sooooo happy with the mushrooms. You can return to Ragnar for a reward. (Warning: if you still hand them moldy bread, they will eat it and get sick, Ragnar will be angry and the quest will not be considered done!)

11: Way to distant lands

Another task from Ragnar. Stupid intelligence, you just need to go to Abessa, Hort and Rogue Fort. We pass everywhere through the gate and return to Ragnar. In Abessa, you will need a pass along the way, you can get it from a company of outcasts hanging out nearby. At the gate before that, it’s better not to ask about the pass, otherwise the vigilant NPCs will ask a logical question, but what the hell did you ask if you already have a pass? In principle, you can get out by saying that this is a brother’s pass, but it’s not a fact that there is a need for this risk.

12: Albs are Albs \ Negotiator

The quest is given by Hakon, a survival teacher, who says that they saw a group of Albs in the south and they need to be killed so that they don’t do trouble. We find this group and see that it is the Separatists. Their elder is a certain Nezol and he asks us to put in a good word in front of the berserkers. We go to Hakon, who does not believe in "good" Albs, but, like, is ready to talk. He can tell the truth about the whereabouts of the Separatist group, lie, or not tell at all. I honestly admitted where the Albs dug in, so I don’t know what will happen in my case, when I returned to Nezol, I found the corpses of the Albs and two berserkers, who said that they were sent by Hakon with a cleansing order. We go to Hakon, we talk. You can, of course, punish him, but this will affect the plot, so we back down and close the quest. (Sestak, the commander of the separatists, can later say about Nezol, and he doesn’t like Nezol’s corpse at all. If this is the only thing that he doesn’t like, then in principle it will pass, you won’t lose an ally in the fight against the Hybrid. But if not the only thing - then think about other options for solving Hakon's quest).

13: Keep the Law

Well, everything is simple here: we keep our hands in our pockets, we don’t fight, we don’t steal, and so on. The quest will be completed when enrolling in the ranks of the berserkers, if you behave decently.

14: Clan Issues

It is given to us by the leader of the Hammer clan named Kormag, concurrently he is also a combat teacher. A certain Eldur, a farmer, began to buzz, bully the clan of Iron, and the bers do not need disagreements. It is required to find out what is the reason for the discontent of this gentleman and eliminate (the reason, not the master). And the reason is simple, like everything ingenious: he and other members of the Hammer clan ... stopped pouring in the tavern! And the tavern is run by a man named Oran, who belongs to the clan of Iron. Hence the conclusion that it is time to go to the wine-glass.. Oran himself will try to send us out first, but we convince him that he is wrong. After that, the guy admits that this is Angrim's idea (where would it be without him) and he needs to be convinced that the boss is, of course, the boss, but the hard workers still need to pour. You can also go to Angrim, but it will not work. I convinced Oran himself for 500 fragments, but there you can also use skills (it seems charisma, I didn’t remember, I’m sorry). After that, we go in turn to Eldur, then to Kormag and turn in quests (You can tell Kormag about Angrim's plans. He will talk with Ragnar, no terrible consequences have been noticed).

15: Free beer

The quest, I will say right away, is nowhere simpler, but it is important, and even very important. The quest giver, the guard Drog, asks to bring him a bottle of beer. We take and bring. He will try to lubricate on the topic of the reward, but if we have the "combat" skill, we fix this and get 25 fragments and (!) In addition, Drog will put in a good word for us to Ragnar. And although Ragnar does not hurt Drog, he will mention him right away, one has only to ask about our chances of joining. So just a small recommendation right away: do not touch this guard until you enter, otherwise it is not known whether we will have enough recommendations. (If you speak earlier, he will offer to put in a good word to Ragnar for 200 fragments. And then he will still set the quest with beer).

16: Second Guard \ Dead Guard

This task is given by Eldur, he worries about the guard named Alvar. Togo was sent to protect the farmers, but he took it and disappeared. He also says that Drog may have information on this topic. Drog will not be able to tell us anything sensible, but will send us to Oran, the innkeeper, and Oran, in turn, will tell that the comrade we need just now deigned to get drunk with his friend, Argor. The latter will confirm that they really had a good time, so good that Argog woke up under Ragnar's headquarters. He is not talking about the basement, we need to go around the building and go down, there we will find our missing guard, a little dead, though ... We take the note from the pocket of the deceased and return to Eldur (it seems that the quest can still continue if we manage to talk employer, but I failed) and hand over the quest.

17: Waiting/Hunting with Heron

Geron, the berserker hunter and supplier of meat to the city, is located southeast of the city in a small ruined house, along with his lazy apprentice. He gives you the hunting quest. The bottom line is that Heron cannot leave his hiding place, as lizards graze nearby. He himself cannot kill them, and his foolish student sowed his onion. By the way, he sowed it just when they were hunting for these lizards. There are few sensible options here, either we go and clear the territory ourselves, or (if we have survival skills) we go with Heron. One way or another, but the lizards must be beaten, after which Heron thanks us and gives a small reward (and most likely, this will be credited to us by Ragnar). Yes, Heron's student, Lennart, will also please us with a quest called...

18: ... Orphan weapon

A flock of lizards, which is waiting for these unfortunate hunters, was supposed to be another supply of meat to Goliet and at the same time a test of Lennart's strength in hunting. However, the guy missed, the flock went berserk and drove the hunters away, and while they were running away, Lennart lost his bow and asks to return it, but asks the teacher not to talk about it. With the help of the "craft" and "survival" skills, you can try to convince the guy that it's easier to make a new bow, but this is a disastrous business, the dude is still lazy. Who cares, but I immediately went to Geron and leaked a negligent student to him, so that there was justice: the student messed up - you have to answer! Geron, in turn, says that it is necessary to bring the bow, but not to give it to Lennart, it is necessary to Geron himself, but let him make it himself. The bow lies in the gorge north of their camp, but there are a couple of snags: there is a troll halfway to this gorge, extremely unfriendly. And in the gorge itself, two wanderers roam, the same mutants, but they will be stronger. The troll can still be bypassed, but these two will not work. In short, we take the bow in any way that suits our fancy and carry it to the hunters. Whomever they give the bow to, it will not be to the liking of the other, and the quest will close (but it’s better for Heron, he has a bigger reward, and this counts for us).

19: Tit for Tat\ Physical Evidence\ Berserk Warrior\ Bring the Light\ Judgment

Actually, this is the quest of Duras, the first of the companions, but Ragnar entrusted this task to him, so we harness ourselves to help! The story of a detective sense: a berserker, a warrior named Askor, was killed. Killed with a sword. There are five suspects: Berin, Geron, Irdor, Rokk and Torgal. With everyone except Berin, we meet during other quests and everyone can be interrogated between times (and we get experience for each interrogated). Berin is located at the "Elevator" location, I recommend leaving it for last. After interrogating all the suspects, it turns out that none of them killed: either there is no motive, or they don’t wield a sword, or an iron alibi. But Duras has an idea to check Berin, more precisely, his cache, which is also located in the "Elevator" location, only on the other side of the wall. In the cache we find a box, supposedly this is evidence, but upon closer reflection, the killer turns out to be ... Duras himself. A swordsman and a skilled warrior, he rightly suspected some meanness in the murdered Askor (something with the sapling of the Heart of the World), but since the murdered was a careerist, sycophant and ambitious, he could not do anything legally, he had to hack the villain. If Duras does not respect enough, then he will not rush into a fight (and if not enough, then the devil knows how it will all end), let's go to Ragnar with him and face a choice: merge Duras with him, make Berin the last one, or shield everyone in general and say that someone else killed, not berserk. I blamed everything on strangers (Duras is a useful person, he seemed to act according to his conscience, and Berin was not in business at all), for which I received gratitude, a plus in my reputation and some material trifles, as well as Duras's friendship. (It’s also a good option to give Berin what he deserves, because he meanly blackmailed Duras. You can go to Ragnar alone and accuse Berin. Ragnar will say bring him or kill him, go and kill, we don’t need a living witness at all).

20: Supply Drops\ Missing Suppliers\ New Deal\ Energy!

Assignment from Sinda, supply chief (or something like that) and charisma teacher. In a conversation, she will complain that food supplies have recently stopped coming and the city may be in danger of starvation, and something needs to be done about this. Angrim's people were supposed to guard the suppliers, so we go to him with a request to provide more people. And, of course, he refuses us, how could it be otherwise. We return to Sinda, we talk. She says that in addition to Angrim, you can also go to Ragnar and Cormag with the same request. I went to Kormag (as for me, he is the most adequate of the leaders), and he agreed, but on the condition that I bring him a motion detector. Where to get it? In Yama, of course! But no one will give official permission, so quietly, through the wall ... We bring the sensor, get full consent and go to Sinda with good news.

21: (quest name should be here)

But I don’t remember the name of this task, and for some reason it’s not in the chronicle either ... It’s very simple, but with a joke and quite important, since we get it from Angrim himself (although he’s tired of the order, but still the leader , you're not going anywhere). He asks to bring him a cannon from Yori, an object forbidden by the laws, to demonstrate something. The essence of the task is to NOT bring him a gun, which means that the conversation with Yori must be conducted in such a way that he does not give it to us, and even praises us for our wisdom. And in no case should you demand a weapon or arrange a scuffle, all the more you can’t bring anything to Angrim (or take the barrel and tell Anrim that they didn’t give anything), this is the collapse of all hopes at once. The easiest way is to tell Yora that Angrim sent us, and then ask if it's a violation if he gives us the gun.

If you endure all this, endure it and not freak out halfway (perhaps, if you don’t show too much nobility, then half of the list is enough), then Ragnar, listing all the merits, successes and failures, will say that you finally deserve the right to enter join the berserkers!

After that, he will ask if we are ready (of course, yes, otherwise we were sweating for something), and then he will push a long speech, at the end of which he will reward us with a pack of experience, farmer’s armor and give us a choice of combat magic, a fist of fire, ice or poison. That, in fact, is all!

After the ceremony, Ragnar will say that they have excellent career prospects, and for the next promotion, in the war, you must complete one building from the leaders and have level 15.

These are the tasks:

Ragnar: new earth\ Assault\ Missing person\ Return to the roots\ Explosive equipment

He asks to visit the Hearts of Peace planted in other lands, Tavar and Abessa. In Tavar, the berserkers were killed, as we approach, it is clear that the last defending bers and the last attacking Outcast are fighting. Attention, fight to the death, and the death of any character will be reflected in the plot. So it's better to help the berserker, it's in our interests. Everything is better in Abessa, but their best farmer, Rokk, has disappeared, and he must be found. The Lost One fled to a small farm between the Heart of the World and Dome City. There he dreams of going to the Outcasts, he will even ask us to help with weapons and supplies (you can help, but not necessarily, you can get excellent weapons from the outcasts staggering near the domed city), then we convince him to return (charisma skill), after which we go to the Heart, to Torgal, and we say that Rokk will return. The order of visiting the Hearts is not important, as we visit everywhere - we go to Ragnar.

Angrim: For the benefit of society

Simple shadowing, we follow the tax collector Zervas and remember the amount of fees, then we follow him to Angrim and carefully listen to their conversation. And then, with a clear conscience, we hand over the leader of this thief, so that he doesn’t steal from his own again!

Kormag: Solace of Kormag\ Talk to Born\ Farmer's Work\ Stubborn Plant

Kormag sends us to do the direct duties of a farmer, that is, to farms within the city. It is proposed to clarify the task with our friend, Born. The latter complains to us about the weeds, the number of which is 15 and says that they should be removed from the field and dragged into a garbage barrel (the barrel on the map is not immediately determined, only after collecting the weeds and talking with Born it will be shown), which stands at the nearest house to the right of campfire. I recommend that after collecting weeds with Born, DO NOT speak, immediately find a barrel, get rid of the plants, only after that talk with Born, and then go back to Kormag.

Having completed the tasks, thereby enlisting the support of the leaders and gaining level 15, we are transferred to the status of a warrior, giving us one more combat spell (ice or poisonous fist), and they will also allow the local blacksmith-armourer to sell us warrior equipment (alas, it’s no longer free will give). The next step is the paladin! And the same principle: on instructions from the leaders and level 25.

These are the tasks:

Ragnar: Disturbing News\ Repel the Rogues\ Clear out the Rogues' Nest

At the Heart of the World in Abessa, where we have already been, the robbers are preparing an attack. We need to help our own, so we run there and talk with Torgal, after which we beat off the first wave of the enemy, once we talk and beat off the second wave. Then Torgal will say that he knows where the enemy dug in and that this matter should be corrected. We go east, clean the camp (a "flamethrower type B" fell out of the leader's corpse) and return to Torgal, we talk again and go to hand over the task to Ragnar.

Angrim: Battle for the Canyon\ Take no prisoners!

The leader of the Iron Clan wants the berserkers to take back the Path of Blood, the trade route built by the berserkers between Tavar and Edan. To this end, he has already sent a pood detachment and is sending us as reinforcements. The paladin Gardar was appointed senior at the site of the operation, who clearly explains the order: "Wet everything that moves. What does not move, then move and wet it." It's a trifling matter, we quickly run along with the detachment and beat the enemy. It is better to refrain from magic, you can shred your own. When all the Outcasts die, we return to Angrim and receive a reward and his support.

Kormag: Enemy of my enemy

As the most adequate leader, Kormag puzzles us with a simple but important mission: the berserkers need peace with the clerics. He gives us a letter for Guardian Reinhold, the head of the clergy, and orders us to hand it over personally. It is strictly forbidden to open the letter! We deliver mail to the addressee, in return we receive the same envelope with the same note: "Do not open! Personally in hand!" and we carry it to Kormag. That's all, the contract is concluded, we are rewarded and supported in obtaining a new title.

Unfortunately, I still do not reach the level of the paladin rank, but as soon as I get it, I will immediately describe what new things will be available.


Unjust Exile\ Persistent Persuasion
On the island of exiled berserkers, which is in the lower left corner of the map, the woman Katta lives, claiming that she was expelled unjustly. To help, you need to talk to her friend Alrik. He will say that our old acquaintance Drog, who liked to drink at the post at the gate, is to blame. But it is impossible to prove this, except perhaps to rob three people and put the stolen goods in Drog's chest. Don't forget to stick the claws that Alric will give you everywhere. Then he will talk to the leaders himself, and everything is ready, Katta takes a post at the gate, gives us a claw (he will help you to freely get into the thieves' guild of the Claws in the domed city, see the guide for tips and tricks). Also, judging by the dialogue, she has another quest. Drog will be sent to the Valley of the Damned, and if you meet him there and talk, he will recognize us as the surviving commander of the Albs.

Waiting \ Sounds in the Darkness \ Night Visit \ Rogue Leader
These small quests are taken in the Delta. Around the camp of Heron, incomprehensible creatures are prowling, which everyone is very afraid of. We are waiting for midnight and find a robber stealing provisions in the nearest ruins. We kill, we report, we get the task to clean up the mine located nearby from the robbers, and finish off their leader.

Egil is afraid of the critters around the camp, just kill a few bugs.

old steel
Alric can't get his hands on enough. It was not enough for him to substitute Drog, so now this heretic took it into his head to steal an excellent sword. Yes, not just anyone, but the leader Ragnar himself! You can ask Ragnar if the sword is well protected. You can steal it and take it to Alrik. Can be stolen and given to Ragnar. If you decide to steal, fly through the balcony to the leader’s room, through the balcony and get back out, you don’t need to sneak, no one sees anything there.