Finger and gesture games in kindergarten. Gesture games for children, or what to do with the baby on the road

Christina Bykhanova
Finger and gesture games kindergarten.

Finger and gesture games in kindergarten

Finger gymnastics came to us from folk nursery rhymes for the smallest. Target finger gymnastics is that it helps to fight mental fatigue, relieves the tension of the articulatory apparatus, increases the tone of the body, and gives a healing and developing effect.

Finger gymnastics in kindergarten provided by the program. Educators use folklore and the development of their colleagues. For example, E. S. Anischenkova " Finger gymnastics for the development of speech", L. V. Belkina "Adaptation of children to the conditions of preschool educational institutions", works by T. S. Ovchinnikova, N. V. Nishcheeva, G. A. Osmanova, O. V. Uzorova.

Exercises for finger gymnastics proposed in these books correspond to the age characteristics of preschool children. Parents and educators will be able to choose a variety of games for the development of speech and fine motor skills of hands. You can start playing with your baby from 6 months. First, mom herself plays with baby's fingers. Children from one to two years of age perceive finger games performed with one hand. Three-year-olds are already learning games, which are made with two hands, say, one hand makes a house, and the other cat runs into this house. Four, five year old preschoolers prefer games with many events, willingly sing along the texts of rhymes in the right rhythm. Well, the older guys, as a rule, make out games props - small items, houses, plastic balls. Finger gymnastics in middle group becomes more complicated finger performances. Many folk tales with few characters can be staged with the hands. At home, and in kindergarten too, children will enjoy the shadow theater. To make the performance interesting and dynamic, turn on the music. Finger gymnastics to music was described by the famous teacher E. Zheleznova. She prepared whole master classes for educators, parents and kids. However, any finger gymnastics in verse performed to music, the baby will like it. In this case, the child will develop a sense of rhythm and hearing. For older kids preschool age offered finger a game combined with dynamic exercises aimed at developing gross motor skills. Such exercises allow the child to fully relax in the classroom. You can also include finger gymnastics in a set of exercises performed in physical education or during morning exercises. For children of older preschool age, exercises are carried out for hands with different items: balls with spikes, various fillers ( big choice in pet stores, small balls, pencils, natural materials (chestnuts, pebbles, nuts and acorns).


Morning exercise with inclusion finger and gesture games

Physical education at GCD

Finger fairy tale

The game is waiting

Before regime moment

Transition from one activity to another

Awakening gymnastics (gradual)

In the morning the sun rises higher, higher, higher

At night the sun will go down, down, down.

Well, well, the sun lives,

And we all have fun with the sun.

In a golden cradle the sun rose over the river. The sun came out in the morning, woke up the kids. Together with the sun we rise, together with the birds we sing, Good morning, happy new day, we live a lot of fun!

Nose, mouth, head, ears, cheeks, forehead, eyes, Neck, neck, shoulders, chest, don't forget anything. Eyes look, ears listen, hands clap, feet stomp ... Hooray, we woke up.

We go to the forest. Music from the program of A. Burenina "Top clap, kids"

There is a pile of leaves here.

Who rustles the leaves here.

Top, top, top here.

Top, top, top there.

No paths or roads

Rustle along and across.

There is a black nose in a pile of leaves.

The ball is overgrown with needles.

You probably guessed

We met with the hedgehog.

Top, top, top here.

Top, top, top there.

No paths or roads

Rustle along and across.

The hedgehog ran into the forest.

The noise disappeared from the pile of leaves.

The mice came out once

See what time it is.

One, two, three, four.

The mice pulled the weights.

Suddenly there was a terrible sound

The mice ran away.


Two centipedes

They ran along the path.

We ran, we ran

And they met each other.

So they hugged each other

That we barely separated them.

Mice run, rustle,

Looking for little mice.

Mice run and scratch.

In the paws of a cat are not given.

Gray mice.

In our little house

Gray mice have appeared!

So they run around

So they run around

Everything in the kitchen is upside down!

Then they climb into the pantry,

Cheese and lard are eaten there.

Then the mice will climb on the closet,

That is under the chair of the little rascal.

So I want to catch

And they sniffed and behind the bed.

Girls and boys.

Friends in our group

Girls and boys.

We will make friends with you

small fingers.

Now let's go for a walk/play.

Three gnomes.

There is a little gnome

And a little house

And a little red cap.

And a little gnome

He loves his house.

And looks out the window. Like this.

In the nearby meadow

Collects mushrooms,

He puts it in a little basket,

With a small candle takes a shuttle

And he weaves a wonderful carpet for himself.

And sings a song:

Through one, through one

Through one, through one

Through one and through two

Through one, through one.

There is a gnome a little more

And a little more house

There is a little more red cap.

And this gnome

He loves his house.

And looks out the window. Like this.

In the nearby meadow

Collects mushrooms,

Puts a basket in a little more

With a slightly larger candle takes a shuttle

And he weaves a wonderful carpet for himself.

And sings a song:

Through one, through one

Through one, and through two,

Through one, through one.

There is a huge gnome

And the house is huge.

There is a huge red cap.

And the gnome is huge

He loves his house.

And looks out the window. Like this.

Gathers mushrooms in a nearby clearing,

Puts it in a big basket.

With a huge candle takes a shuttle

And weave a wonderful carpet for all of us.

And sings a song:


He will bring us a carpet, unfold it,

And we'll jump on the carpet!

Five brothers.

Here is the track, and here are the legs.

Legs walked, walked, walked.

They came straight to the house.

And five brothers live in the house.

This brother was rich

He wore a caftan to toe.

This brother was happy to work.

He worked all day

And dug a garden.

He planted carrots, he planted cabbage,

And planted dill, and planted parsley,

And then watered everything

And then watered everything

And then I watered everything.

This brother was happy to dress up.

He wore stockings

Shoes with heels.

He wore pants with a belt

And a shirt with a big collar.

He combed his hair with a comb.

Visited on horseback.

This brother was happy to dance.

He danced until morning: tra-la-la, tra-la-la.

Well, this brother was small,

He played the flute:

Tu-ru-ru, tu-ru-ru,

Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo!

Winter's hut in the forest

Carved in all directions.

Two pillars of crystal are dug,

Guard assigned.

Ice windows are hidden

Ice shutters.

On a pillar of ice

Raven walks around.

Strictly looking down down:

Did everyone hold hands?

Pum and Pum.

Pum and Pam are two friends

Two funny gnomes.

They love to walk the paths

Wear bags behind your back.

Get pebbles in bags.

And walk, walk, walk.

And get tired, rest.

The bags are placed under the bush.

And jump and jump Pum and Pam.

pum through pam,

Pam via Pum.

pum through pam,

Pam via Pum.

Pum, pum, pum, pum, pum, pum.

And now they're fooling around

They want to climb on top of each other.

Pum on Pum, Pum on Pum

Pum, pum, pum, pum, pum, pum.

Oh, my God, how high they climbed.

And swing, swing, swing.

Suddenly, bang - bang, there - bang.

Ride over the mountains!

Gnomes and mushrooms

In the morning the gnomes went to the forest. (step in place)

We found a mushroom along the way. (lean forward, straighten up, hands on the belt)

And then one, two, three (torso side to side)

Three more showed up! (hands forward, then to the side)

And while the mushrooms were plucked, (forward bends, hands to the floor)

The gnomes were late for school. (hands to cheeks and shake head from side to side)

Run, rush (run in place)

And the mushrooms all dropped! (sit down)

Once upon a time there was a gnome

Once upon a time there was a little gnome (sit down, stand up)

With big cap (stretched arms up, put palms together)

He was a gnome traveler. (hands on the belt, steps in place)

He rode on a frog: (we jump)

Jump-jump, qua-qua!

And flew on a dragonfly: (we wave our hands)

Wow, high! (stand on toes)

Floated along the stream in a teahouse cup: (we swim in any style)


He rode on a turtle: (hands on the belt, stomp in place)


And, having trodden all the paths,

He swayed in the cobweb, (swing from side to side)

Bye-bye! Bye-bye!

Morning will come (arms up, to the sides, down)

The gnome will go hiking again! (steps in place)

house of the gnomes

Ding dong, ding dong (tilts from side to side, hands on the belt)

The gnomes are building a new house, (banging fist on fist)

Paint the walls, roof, floor, (hands "paint" on the side, above, below)

They take everything around. ("we sweep" with a broom)

We will visit them (steps in place)

And we'll bring gifts. (arms forward, palms up)

On the floor a soft path, (tilt forward, hands "steel" the track)

Spread it to the sill. (step back)

Two pillows on the sofa (put your hands together with your palms, first under one cheek, then under the other)

Linden jug honey. (hands round and stretch out in front of you)

Waking up after sleep (gradual)

1. Song

A ray of sunshine flies from the sky

Tells the little kids to get up

Is it possible to sleep in the sun

Enough to bask, it's time to get up.

2. Gymnastic exercises in bed:

/ Children repeat the movements for the teacher /

Spout, spout, wake up.

Cheeks, cheeks wake up

Hands, hands, wake up.

Left hand - clap, clap, clap,

Right hand - clap, clap, clap.

Legs, legs, wake up.

Left leg - clap, clap, clap,

Right leg - clap, clap, clap.

Handles woke up - stretched up,

The legs woke up, stretched up.

We got on the bike and off we went.

We drove, we drove, we drove, we drove,

On a miracle - the track arrived.

We offer you a series of games for children of school age, aimed at developing communication skills and speech development.

We use facial expressions and gestures every day. The ability to master body language can greatly facilitate communication with others, including friends, family and loved ones.

Body language is important not only in one-on-one communication with a person. So, in a group, people usually don't all talk at the same time. Usually one person speaks and everyone else listens. Therefore, the better your sign language skills are, the more people you can make a good impression on, the easier it will be for you to achieve mutual understanding or even exert pressure.


Most often, people applaud at concerts and meetings. With the help of applause, they express their attitude towards the one who performs at this concert or meeting. Since the attitude towards the speaker can be different, applause is also different. Fake applause, which could be defined as...

Stormy, enthusiastic;

Loud, encouraging;

Restrained, delicate;

lazy, condescending;

Ingratiating, sycophantic.

dating scene

Every person is constantly meeting someone. There are even all sorts of tips on how to get to know each other in order to create a good impression about yourself. But these rules apply only in the usual, everyday conditions. And if you have an incredible acquaintance and you need to overcome the language barrier? How then to behave? Imagine and act out a situation in which they meet ...

Astronauts with aliens;

Hunters with Bigfoot;

New owner of a haunted castle;

A sailor thrown ashore after a shipwreck, with a tribe of cannibals.

Unusual recitation

Recitation is the expressive reading of poetry. But sometimes it is simply impossible to recite poetry beautifully. Try to read the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov's "Sail", but as if ...

You are very cold;

Your leg was crushed;

You have a hot potato in your mouth;

You want to sleep very much;

You are now being shot.

bird dances

There is a period in the life of all birds when they begin to dance. This period is called marriage. Of course, birds dance at this time in different ways: some gracefully and gracefully, others clumsily and funny. Try to picture how they do it. Show dancing...





Vulture vulture.

As dance music, use the piece "The Lark" by the Romanian composer Ramo Romiros, performed by the Paul Mauriat Orchestra. This play is known to everyone as a musical intro to the program "In the Animal World".


Each person has their own individual gait. One has a proud, confident gait, another has a fussy, hasty gait, and a third has an imposing, lazy one. Try to portray the walk of a person ...

Who has just had lunch;

Whose boots are tight;

Who unsuccessfully kicked a brick;

Who had an acute attack of sciatica;

Who ended up in the forest at night.

Emotional legs

Man is a very emotional being. We humans use a huge arsenal of means to express our emotions. Of course, first of all, we demonstrate emotions with facial expressions, but the back, shoulders, fingertips and even ears can be no less expressive. Try only with the help of your legs to demonstrate such emotional states as ...




Resourceful musicians

When a musician plays his instrument, he usually has both hands occupied. What if something happens to him at this time? Try to imagine how the musician will act if the unexpected happens to him during the performance. Stage the situation:

A violinist with a fly crawling on his forehead;

A trumpeter whose trousers are falling off;

A pianist who suddenly has a stomach ache;

An accordion player with chewing gum stuck to his boot;

A guitarist whose back itches terribly.


Many years ago, Leonid Yarmolnik became famous for depicting various inanimate objects. Try to repeat the creative path of the now famous artist and use gestures and facial expressions to depict some household appliances:



Fancy lunch

All people eat several times a day. The main meal of the day is called lunch. And although all people on the planet dine, they do it in different ways. How a person dine depends on his upbringing and on the environment in which the dinner takes place. Show me how to eat...

Sailors on a ship caught in a storm;

Soldiers in the combat sector of the front;

The royal family in the palace;

Polar explorers making the transition on the ice to the North Pole;

Astronauts on the orbital station.

goodbye gesture

When parting, it is customary to say goodbye, that is, to mark the end of the meeting with some special actions.

Somewhere they say goodbye, shaking hands, somewhere they bow to the waist, somewhere they wave after the departing handkerchief. The most interesting farewell gestures are made by representatives of various parties and public organizations. Show how representatives could say goodbye...

Party of cow's milk lovers;

Nocturnal communities;

Herbivorous Dinosaur Revival Foundation;

The movements of especially pot-bellied people;

Union of Winter Swimming Fans.

The pain of creativity

Creating a new work of art is very difficult. Not without reason there is an expression "torments of creation". It means that all masterpieces are born only as a result of the incredible, "painful" efforts of the artist. Try to show the process in a small pantomime etude creative work, or "the pain of creativity" ...






dancing fingers

Dancing is an activity in which the main place is occupied by the legs. But dances can be performed with the help of other parts of the body. For example, you can dance with your fingers. Imagine that the surface of the table is the floor of the disco. Create dance pairs from the middle and index fingers of your hands. And let these couples try to perform on this floor...



Aerobics is rhythmic gymnastics or a set of gymnastic exercises performed to music. Initially, aerobics appeared in the United States, and then quickly spread throughout the world. And as aerobics conquered more and more new countries, exercises characteristic only for Americans began to disappear in it, and movements characteristic of other national cultures began to appear. Gradually, each country has its own school of aerobics. Try to show a set of aerobic exercises, which, by the nature of the movements, could be called ...






Letter game-1

One child draws a word with his finger on the back or the palm of the other player, wound behind the back; the second guesses.

Letter game-2

One participant takes with both hands the straightened arm of a friend standing with eyes closed, and with it writes out in the air the letters of the hidden word. "Zhmurka" must learn the word.

Letter game-3

An adult writes a letter on the board, then invites the children to repeat the drawing of the letter: with a straightened hand, like a barrier; hand from the elbow (the brush is motionless); brush; two hands together; language; left little finger; right shoulder; knee, etc.


The group is divided into pairs. The first numbers are “mirrors”, the second are people in front of a mirror. The game is played in complete silence. Task: to achieve mutual understanding and synchronize actions. Then the guys switch roles.


Children stand in pairs. One closes his eyes and stretches his palms forward. The second silently tries to convey some kind of picture by touching his palms and fingers. For example: autumn, rain, snowfall, lanterns, two on a bench, etc. Then the couples change. The discussion tells who wanted to convey what, how it turned out and why.


The man is in the center. Someone approaches him from behind. Try to determine the gender of the person, and if possible, then the name.

A man with his eyes closed (a variant of the "Sensorics" exercise)

Surrounding in turn put a finger to his forehead. He should try to identify the name of the toucher.


Two triples stand out from the group, who hold hands, stand in a ring and close their eyes. The group passes through the rings in a chain. At some point, the troikas drop their hands sharply - the mousetrap slams shut. Their task is to determine the number of people in the ring without talking or touching with their hands.

Hand stop

The man's eyes are closed. The partner gradually brings his hands closer to him. When it seems to the first that someone else's hand is at a distance of 1 cm from him, you need to say: "Stop."

Option: a partner approaches a person standing with his eyes closed. When he feels the approach, he should say: "Stop."

How many of us?

With your eyes closed (standing still) determine how many people are in the hall and who is where.

Understand me

Two teams are playing. Teams make up words (necessarily nouns) and choose one leader each. The team that comes up with the word first starts the game. The leader of the opponent's team is informed of the hidden word, and he must, using only gestures and facial expressions, show the word so that his team guesses which word was guessed. Then the teams switch roles.

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for discovering this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and goosebumps.
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To make your vacation more fun and exciting, website put together a few for you cool games, which will help you laugh a lot, once again train your convolutions and learn a lot about each other. They do not require special props, so go for it.


All participants come up with ten words, write them on pieces of paper and put them in a hat. And then the fun begins: the players take turns trying to explain, show or draw the words they come across in a limited amount of time, and everyone else tries to guess them. The most successful receive victory points, honor, fame and a medal around the neck.


Everyone sits in a circle, and someone speaks any word in the ear of his neighbor, he must immediately say his first association to this word in the ear of the next one, the second says to the third, and so on, in a chain, until the word returns to the first. If from the "elephant" you get a "stripper" - consider that the game was a success.

get to know me

Several people sit in a row. The leader must, blindfolded, by touch recognize the hidden person in the sitting ones. Moreover, you can guess by different parts of the body - for example, by the arm, legs, hair, depending on how far everyone is ready to go.


A tower is built from even wooden blocks, and the laying direction alternates at each level. Then the players take turns carefully pulling out one block at a time and placing it on top of the tower. All this must be done very carefully, otherwise the tower will collapse. The player, as a result of whose actions the collapse occurred, is considered the loser.


This popular game, in which, with the help of gestures, movements and facial expressions, participants show the hidden word, and other players try to guess it. The driver is forbidden to pronounce any words or make sounds, use or point to surrounding objects, show letters or parts of a word. The lucky one who guesses what in question, in the next round he himself depicts the word, but already different.


One leader is selected, and all the rest become in a very close circle - literally shoulder to shoulder. Players' hands must be behind. The essence of the game is to imperceptibly pass a cucumber behind the backs of the host and, at every opportunity, bite off a piece of it. And the task of the presenter is to guess in whose hands the cucumber is. If the presenter guessed correctly, then the player caught by him takes his place. The game continues until the cucumber is eaten. It is very funny!


The host thinks of a word and calls the rest of the players the first letter of this word. For example, the word "catastrophe" is conceived - the first letter "K". Each of the other players comes up with a word that starts with that letter and tries to explain to the others what exactly they have in mind without naming it. If one of the players understood which word was intended by those who explained, then he says “There is a contact!” and both (the one explaining and responding) begin to count aloud to ten, and then each say his own word. If the word matched, then the leader calls the second letter of the word, and the game continues, only now you need to invent and explain the word with the initial letters already given. If the word did not match, then the players continue to try to come up with and explain a new word.


Good old detective fun. Danetka is a word puzzle, a confusing or strange story, part of which the presenter tells, and the rest must restore the sequence of events. Questions can only be asked that can be answered with "Yes", "No" or "Irrelevant", hence the name of the game.


Good old children's game. The players collect one of any item, which are put into a bag. One player is blindfolded. The leader pulls out things in turn, and the blindfolded player comes up with a task for the pulled out thing, the owner of which must complete it. Tasks can be very different: sing a song, dance or walk the iron.

Tatiana Novikova
Speech games with sounding gestures


T. Tyutyunnikova

T. Borovik

Target: the development of musical - speech creativity of children.


1. Corrective: to develop the articulatory apparatus, the properties of the voice (pitch, tempo, dynamics, rhythm);

2. Wellness: develop muscle feeling (ability to relieve emotional and physical stress);

3. Educational: teach speech, singing skills;

4. Educational: develop attention, memory;

5. Educational: to educate a general musical, speech culture;

Material Description: speech games designed for older children preparatory groups kindergarten, students elementary school and for children involved in music and choir school. This material will be of interest to music directors, educators, teachers primary school, teachers of additional education working in the field of music, parents.

speech games- one of the forms of creative work with children, not only in the development of speech, but also in musical education. It has been proven that musical ear develops together with speech. The means of musical expression - rhythm, tempo, timbre, dynamics, articulation, form - are also characteristic of speech. So the use speech games in music classes allows children from an early age to master the whole complex of expressive means of music.

speech games and exercises are carried out in musical and theatrical classes, in the free independent activity of children, on a walk.


Lena, Katya, Misha, Vova and Ivan

They climbed up on the sofa.

Lyosha and Petya, Natalie and Gleb

They eat fresh white bread.

They eat white bread together.

Begin work on this model by establishing a metric pulse with the simplest ways: together with the children we perform slaps on the knees. Against this background, I begin to expressively and rhythmically recite the text. Then invite the children to repeat the text phrase by phrase, like an echo. With repetitions of the roar games I invite the children to recite the text in differently: loud as a storyteller; quiet as a sneak; squeaky voice; bass it. e. When the text is learned and pronounced by children freely and easily, you can add movements: metric steps around the hall in a scattered way, in a circle with various options for stops, squats, turns, etc.


Katya and Mishenka got up in the morning

They immediately boiled affairs:

Wash the cat and cut the collar,

Katya managed and her brother is a mischievous one.

This model allows children to feel the tripartite pulsation. We start with a simple one - quiet claps. Against their background, we expressively tell a story about naughty people so that the children understand the comic nature of the text. Add a slight wiggle left and right for each beat. Then we perform light steps in a circle, emphasizing the pauses with two claps, without stopping the movement. You can move like a snake, bypassing the set chairs, skittles.


Bells-bells rang daring

Digi-digi, digi-dong, guess where the ringing comes from

To perform this Russian folk rhyme, it is desirable to have small bells, bells. Fun can be imagined as game: choose a driver who sits in the center blindfolded. Children run with bells in a circle and sing the first stanza. Then they stop, perform the end of the nursery rhyme, ringing bells, hiding them behind their backs. At the silent sign of the teacher, one of the children rings his bell, the driver tries to find him by sound.

The mice came out somehow

See what time it is:

One two three four!

The mice pulled the weights.

Suddenly there was a terrible ringing:

Boom, boom, boom, boom!

Run away, run away, run away mice!

The nursery rhyme can be learned immediately with movement as a small theatrical scene. The plot is very simple: mice sneak dark night to the clock, stopping and listening to the rustles (rustles can be depicted with paper, cloth, voice, etc.) The fearless mice boldly pulled the weights... The horror they experienced from the loud ringing of the clock is quite consistent with the speed with which they run away from the scene... After playing this scene several times with the whole group, we turn on the accompaniment. Non-musical ones are suitable for striking clocks. items: frying pan, pot lid, etc.

Don't cry, don't cry

I will buy kalach

Don't howl, don't howl

I will buy another

Do not Cry. Do not Cry,

Buy crackers!

The model makes it possible to work diversified and fruitfully on sounding gestures. Each stanza should be repeated twice. (at first as echo: teacher-children) The teaser can be played in different ways. scenarios: a crybaby sits in a circle and is filled with burning tears. I suggest that children pick up an instrument that will "cry". Another option: children pity the crying.


Focus pocus, trali wali,

A mouse rides on a dump truck

What are you, mouse?

Are you looking down on us?

Shh! Shh! Shh!

Rhyme can be used with children younger age. Plot simple: the mouse drives inside the circle with the steering wheel in its hands and runs away when it is scared. The words "Shoosh, "Shoosh!" voice some instrument, such as a tambourine.


Fini, limo, banakos,

Kiwi, peach, apricot

Tutti-frutti ti-ri-ti-ri-ta, ti-ti!

Tell the children that they have to guess which fruits are hidden in the verses. For games and movement, you can use high chairs, skittles and other items.




Allow children to master all the expressive means of music. Speech playing music is necessary, because musical ear develops in close connection with hearing speech. AT speech games ah T. Borovik and T. Tyutyunnikova the text is sung or rhythmically recited by the choir, solo and duet. To sound added musical instruments sounding gestures, movement, sonorous and coloristic means. In addition, the formation of human speech occurs with the participation of gestures, which can accompany, decorate and even replace words. Plastic contributes to speech music making, pantomime and theatrical possibilities. Usage speech games in music classes effectively affect the development of emotional expressiveness of speech and motor activity.


Rain, rain, rain in the morning.

(claps alternate with slaps on the knees)

The kids are having fun!

(light jumps in place)

Slap through the puddles, slap - slap


Clap your hands, clap - clap.


Rain, don't water us

(threaten finger)

And hurry up!

(running away from the rain)


Like on a hill - snow, snow,

And under the hill - snow, snow.

And on the Christmas tree - snow, snow,

Raise your hands up, two claps.

And under the tree - snow, snow.

Squat down, two slaps on the knees.

A bear sleeps under the snow

Floating, swaying the body from foot to foot.

Hush, hush, don't make noise!

They say in a whisper, index finger to the lips.

Can be used as music voice acting"crunchy snow" use bags filled with starch. When pressed, it produces a sound similar to the crunch of snow. Press loudly at first, then quieter and quieter. Like a person is leaving.

"Rain : cap!

Bird: kar, kar, kar! (wings)

Wind: clap, clap, clap! (clapping hands)

Rain: cap, cap, cap (finger snaps)

Legs: slap, slap, slap! (slap on the knees)

Children: ha ha ha!

(stretch arms forward with palms up)

Mum: Ah, ah, ah!

(shake head holding hands)

Rain: cap, cap, cap! (finger snaps)

Cloud: bang, bang, bang! (stomp feet)


Chi-chi-chi! Chi-chi-chi! Clap

Monkey on the stove. Knee slaps

Chi-chi-chi! Chi-chi-chi! Clap

Gnawing with poppy kalachi. Finger snaps

Choo-choo-choo! Choo-choo-choo! Clap

I want to play with her. tributaries

Choo-choo-choo! Choo-choo-choo! Clap

I laugh and I want! Children laugh merrily.

"To keep your teeth from hurting"

To keep your teeth from hurting

We want to give you advice

(Children make a spring)

These rules are simple

Must be strictly observed.

(clapping hands)

In the morning (arms to shoulders and up) brush your teeth (with your finger we imitate the movement "brush your teeth")

Never forget (movement "negation")

Toothbrush before bed (Palms are folded together near the ear)

Remember every night.

If sharp objects (expose index and middle fingers)

Suddenly caught my eye (circle eyes with index fingers)

That in the teeth, remember strictly

They can't be poked (we threaten with a finger)

If hard nuts (connect the fingers of two hands with the tips, make a ball)

Suddenly you decided to bite (tap fingers together)

That, remember well

You can even break a tooth. (cotton)

If the tea is very hot - (Fold hands "cup")

Don't rush to drink it. (depict smoke from a cup with your right hand)

Everyone knows, by the way,

It's bad for the teeth. (wiggle finger)

All the kids love it (clapping)

Pasta and chocolates. (left hand palm up, right hand up)

If there are too many of them - (raise the right hand up, increasing the distance between the palms.)

All the children will cry (three under the eyes)

Because the guys

Your teeth will hurt right away. (holding cheeks)

These rules are simple

You must fulfill them (clapping, jumping)


Sunshine, sunshine (rhythmic clapping)

Look out the window.

Your children are crying (Stomps)

They jump over the pebbles. (Light jumps with claps)

leaf fall

Autumn, autumn! Falling leaves! (rhythmic clapping)

Forest autumn caulking. (Finger snaps)

rustling red leaves (Rubs palm on palm)

And fly, fly, fly! (Shake hands)

Matryoshkas and Parsley

Here come the funny nesting dolls. Knock Knock!

They brought us painted spoons. Knock Knock!

We played on spoons. Tuki-tuki! Tuki - here!

Our spoons danced.

Tuki-tuki! Knock-Knock!

Here runs our friend Petrushka, Trin - trin.

He brought the children rattles, Trin - trin.

Rattles rang -

Trinity - trinity - trinity!

They sang a song loudly -

Trin - di, trin - di!

Knock, knock, knock, knock

Trin - trin - trin - di - trin!

It will be fun to play

Our orchestra all day long!

Shur - shur - song

In the silence, the rustlers rustle:

Shur-shur, Shur-shur, Shur-shur.

They look like mice.

Shur-shur, Shur-shur, Shur-shur.

Children play on "squeakers"- sultans with paper or polyethylene strips.

And somewhere a purring cat sleeps.

Mur-mur, mur-mur, mur-mur.

In his sleep he sings a song:

Mur-mur, mur-mur, mur-mur.

Children pluck the strings of a zither or harp.

Shur-shur! Purr purr!

Shur-shur, Mur-mur!

Kitchen Orchestra

Our chef Vasily

Came to the kitchen.

He's the boss, he's strong

He is like a conductor!

Just wave a huge ladle -

Dishes orchestra immediately will sing:

The pans are huge - bang-bang!

Bottomless cans - don-don!

Cups for tea - ting-tin!

Big frying pan - ding-ding!

Forks and spoons - there-there!

Plates and bowls - bam-bam, bam-bam.

The orchestra plays with us interesting,

And the borscht turns out - just wonderful!

"Zimushka-winter" T. Borovik

Oh you, Zimushka-winter, Spring with turns, hands on the belt

Was snow-white, Stomping feet in the rhythm of the phrase

She was snow-white, Slaps on the thighs in the rhythm of the phrase

All paths covered. They swing their hands down to the right and left, showing the path

Frosts crackling, Jumping with turns to the right and left, hands beat themselves on the shoulders in the rhythm of the phrase

And the snow is loose, From top to bottom, swing with hands

Blizzard winds, Swinging hands overhead

And the blizzards are friendly. Winder through the top left and right

Game "Crocodile" is able to amuse absolutely any company, regardless of its age and views, it reveals the acting abilities and ingenuity of the players. One has only to start playing, as all the participants have excitement and unprecedented enthusiasm in the eyes. My friends and I have been practicing this game for a very long time, and, nevertheless, it always goes with a bang, and if new people appear in the company, they join it with great pleasure. You can generally make up the entire entertainment program of the party from various variations of this game, and your guests will be very pleased. In addition, the game does not require prior preparation, as well as special equipment and premises, just the desire to play is enough. And now I will tell the beginners the rules of the game and give some tips.

The essence of the game

A word, phrase or phrase is guessed (at the discretion of the facilitator or participants). One of the players must show what was hidden without words, only with gestures, facial expressions, and postures, that is, pantomime.

There are two versions of this game - individual and team.

In the first case, one of the players calls the other a task (a word or phrase), and he tries to explain what was hidden to the rest by means of “pantomime”. The player who is the first to name this word or phrase will, in turn, have to explain the next task in the same way, which the previous driver will give him. You can prepare task cards in advance, and the players will pull them out at random.

At team game All players are divided into two teams. One of them gives a task to a player from the opposing team. For a certain period of time (for example, 3-5 minutes), he must depict the meaning of this task so that his team can guess the given word or phrase. If they did it, they got a point, and now it's the turn of the second team to guess. And so - until you get bored!

Rules of the game "Crocodile"

1. The player shows the word using only facial expressions, gestures, movements. He is forbidden to pronounce words (any, even “yes”, “no”, etc.) and sounds, especially those by which it is easy to guess the word (for example, by the sound “meow” you can easily guess that the cat is guessed).

3. It is forbidden to show the hidden word by letter, i.e. show words, the first letters of which will add up the hidden word!

4. Guessers can: ask the player any questions; ask the player to show synonyms; list any options that appear. Remember that a lot depends on the activity of those who guess, on their ability to ask the most significant questions.

5. A certain time is allotted to display a word or phrase. If the correct answer is not heard before the end of this period, then the word is considered not guessed.

6. If one word is guessed, then it should be a noun in the nominative case and singular (for example, any object or animal).

7. Attention! The word is considered guessed if the word is pronounced exactly as it was guessed (with the same prefixes, suffixes, etc.). For example, the word "sun" was guessed - in this case, "sun" would be the wrong answer.

Special gestures

It is best for players to agree in advance on special gestures denoting certain concepts. For example:

  • first, the player shows on his fingers how many words are in the task, and then begins to depict any word (the team helps the player and asks: “Is this a noun?”, “Is this an adjective?”, etc.)
  • cross with hands - “forget, I show again”
  • the player points his finger at one of the guessers - he named the word closest to the solution
  • circular or rotational movements with the palm - "pick up synonyms", or "close"
  • a large circle of hands in the air - a broader concept or abstraction associated with a hidden word
  • the player claps his hands and makes a wave with one hand - you need to add a suffix to the word named by the team, the root of the word is named correctly (cute - cute, dress - dress)
  • crossed fingers - prefix "not"
  • the player points the finger behind the back - the verb is in the past tense
  • the player claps his hands - “hooray, the word was guessed correctly”, etc.
  • Come up with your own variants of gestures for the concepts of “repeat”, “quite the opposite”, “show in parts”, “close in meaning”, etc.

Tasks for the game

For those who are just learning the game, it is better to start with simple words on any specific topic, then move on to more complex abstraction words (for example, "perfection", "science", etc.). Experienced and artistic players can think of phrases, famous expressions, films (it is advisable to immediately show the number of words on your fingers), or famous personalities and characters.

When tasks are no longer thought out, you can use the available art and philosophical books. Experience shows that guessing phrases from books is much more difficult than those invented on the go.

You can draw whatever you want:

  • Any arbitrary words
  • Words related to a specific topic (any topic can be: circus, office, shop, school, fruits, candy names, animals, clothes, sports, professions, etc.)
  • Emotions, feelings
  • Famous personalities
  • Fairy tale characters
  • Phrases from songs
  • Movies
  • Sayings and proverbs
  • and many many others…

Variants of the game "Crocodile"


Each in turn pulls out a note from the box indicating which of the animals he needs to portray, and the company must guess which one he portrays.

Emotions and feelings

Players take turns pulling out cards on which various emotions and feelings are written (joy, sadness, boredom, surprise, disappointment, etc.). Each participant is given two minutes to portray the emotional state that he got.

catch phrases

Task: on the sheets are written popular expressions from films known to everyone. Players must, without words, only with the help of pantomime, portray these catchphrases to their team. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Silent poet

Task: poems are written on the sheets, the players read them to themselves and, using facial expressions and gestures, retell them to their team so that they can quickly guess.

famous person

Prepare cards with the names of famous personalities in advance, fold them and put them in a hat. The essence of the game: players draw cards from a hat, read the name of a celebrity on it and try to depict this celebrity without words (with gestures, facial expressions). The one who guesses, himself pulls a note from a hat and depicts a celebrity that has fallen out to him. You can award a point for each guess and give the winner a prize at the end of the game.

Picture a song

Print out the lyrics of songs known to everyone in advance, fold them and put them in a bag. Then choose the first driver from all the players. He pulls a song from the bag, reads the text "to himself" and, using pantomime, tries to convey to the players the meaning of each line. The one who guesses the song changes places with the driver and takes the next song out of the bag.

TV show

The task of the players is to portray a TV show: to show its brightest, most distinctive features. The rest must guess what the “TV” is showing.

Guess the item

Prepare in advance various items: keychain, toothpaste, pen, soap, chocolate, balloon, notepad, etc. The names of these items are written on separate pieces of paper, which are then rolled up so that the participants cannot see what is written. Then the participants take apart the papers. Everyone must depict the object that he got, and the rest of the participants must guess what is being depicted. The participant who first names the displayed item receives it as a gift.

Witness testimony

You need to choose one person who will guess. He retires for a while while the company (or host) figures out who the perpetrator will be. You can guess anyone, including the guesser himself. When the player returns, everyone present, without the help of words, but only with gestures and facial expressions, portrays the appearance of the criminal to him. If the player does not guess the criminal after three attempts, he drives again. If he guesses, then he chooses new person, and the game continues until you get bored.