Risen 3 traitor walkthrough. Quest: Lost in the Forbidden Valley

I want to warn you that it is better to go through the islands in turn without interfering with them, since there are errors in the game and in the future bugs will mix with tasks to the heap and lead to a deplorable outcome.
My path is this:
Tacarigua-Quila-Antigua-Calador-Taranis-Skull Island (final)
And so the game begins with learning, here we clearly do everything that is required of us. We wake up, take the key from the table, unlock the chest, get dressed, go to the deck after we find ourselves on the island.
Go in company with Patty to complete the quest « Treasure Hunt» having opened the map “M”, we put a mark in the form of a cross “E” which will show the direction. We go along the path, killing a couple of rats, then we will meet the corpse of a pirate near the stream, search it and get the task « Dead Pirate's Treasure» for its passage we return to the path we go north to the fork there we come across the Biter Dragon we eliminate it and go through the side task « Kill a dangerous predator» next you will see the entrance to the temple, pull the lever to the right of the door, inside we find books and a chest, also not far from the temple, you can find another corpse, examine it and complete the task "The Predator's Diet" to complete the task « Dead Pirate's Treasure» take a shovel and dig the marked area.
We return to the temple and go along the right path, our path is cut off by ditches, we need to cut down a rotten tree
,go ahead and reach the ruins fight with the gorilla and the monkeys after defeating them inspect the destroyed buildings in them you will find the spell "Rain of Fire" get out of the destroyed buildings go to the temple there kill the pirates and thereby complete the quest « Pirates in the ancient temple» then talk to your partners and go look for a workaround to the temple. We move along the path, cross the stream, climb to the top of the building there, kill the enemies, go along the corridor, find another corpse, inspect it, execute it side quest« Dead pirate in an ancient temple» . We go further up the stairs, kill the rats, collect valuables and go to the room with the mask lying on the floor, pick it up, install it in place on the wall, thereby activating the bridge, unite with your partner and go into the hall there, kill a couple more enemies and find the corpse of Captain Rawlings. Talk to Patty, you can get into the room with the sarcophagus if you go along the right corridor there will be one enemy and a spider egg from which a spider will fly at you, killing everyone go to the hall along the way the floor will begin to collapse if you have time to press the space bar you will find yourself in the lower room activate the lever and get out into the hall, then go outside where you have to fight the hounds and thereby complete the quest "Beasts of Hell" go down into the cave from where they crawled out there a demon is waiting for you who will eventually kill
there is no further you, after 3 weeks the shaman will resurrect you and you will distribute skill points, you can also look into the underworld by pressing "Y".

Before you leave this place, grab the legendary item for misty island, the item is located southeast of the landing site behind the wrecked ship in the hut Freddy's shackles(1/30) +10 to premium fame, after you find another item on crab shore, near the place where we were buried, you can see an island at the very top of the hill, find the chest in it Hard shell crab(2/30) +10 impenetrability.

Chapter 2

"New Companions" choose which island you like best before you go, talk to Bons, he will give you a couple of tasks, before landing on the island, talk to him again and he will give you 2 more tasks.

Tacarigua Island

We will start performing tasks with a character named Jack, he will get "Kick ass" the essence of bludgeoning 2 soldiers of the inquisition
who settled on the lighthouse, but before starting the task, turn left there you will meet Pipen and get the task "Bloodsucker" the task is carried out in a cave near the lighthouse, but do not rush there, deal with the soldiers. Near the lighthouse we defeat Tanner, after the defeat he runs to the beach, then we talk with Holtby and get the quest "Thief " to complete it, inspect the lighthouse there you will find a map, his diary, it turns out that you still need to return the missing things that are just in the cave, in the cave we will meet Lindworm who will ask you to kill Pipen, there we will find the things of Pipen and Holtby. We complete all the tasks and go to Jack, now he opens a store where you can sell or buy valuables, after all you can run to the place indicated on the map found in the lighthouse, you can also go to bed in the lighthouse and the first dream will be about hell

Dangerous Shadows
We go to Puerto Sakariko, along the path you will meet a couple of tasks, how to cross the bridge if we turn to the right we will meet a deserter and get this task, the essence of the task is to follow him along the gorge and kill crowds of minions, in the gorge you can find chests and a teleport stone.

News from Puerto Sacariko
Tell Jake about the situation in the city (talk to everyone who goes to the diologist). You can also activate the local teleporter with the stone you found earlier.

Vasco's things
On the way to the island there is a soldier who will ask you to bring his lost bag, which he hastily abandoned in the watchtower. Examine the chest near the fire and start the task by going inside the tower you will find the corpse of the governor and the chest, if you go out to the platform and climb the stairs you will find another teleport -stone.

Rodriguez problem
Before you start the task, look into the workbench there you will find a piece of the sword (the block of the part was sticking out in the governor) then go to Sebastiano’s house, but you can’t get there, name the reason as killing the governor, after finishing the conversation we run to the 2nd floor and take it from the table, which is in center of the order.

Fiery Blade (damage 40-60)
The item is in a chest at the foot of the mountain behind the bridge with monkeys.

Hand over mooring lines and Blue Feather
You will receive the task from the cook, he was expelled from the city, now he lives on a plantation east of the city, there is a side quest nearby « Treasure in the jungle of Tacarigua P we start the task we return to Puerto Sarico, we go to the beach, we swim across the rock in an arc we swim ashore we approach the slope to the liana we find the chest and the book from this place the task begins "Blue Feather" to complete it, read the book, climb the vines to the top, talk to the character, then climb even higher along the visor and find a wallet and a chest. After talking with Hawk, if we convince him to jump, we will get +2 to the soul, we return to the employer, turning into a parrot.

Blazing Eye of Ursegor
The item is located near the fire on the southern beach near the sleeping jaguar. We take a tip on the subject from Mendoza.

Hand over Horace and Death to the deserters
The task must be taken from the commandant to kill Kharos, Vasco and Severin, you can agree with the last 2 and not kill, and lie to the commandant, and you need to find Horos on the beach, you need to talk to him and take him with you, and tell the commandant that he disappeared from islands and get +1 soul

Sharpthorn Blade
The first part is located in the tower, in order to pick it up you will need a trained monkey (you can train it on the island of Kila), and the second part of the blade is located on the island of Kaldor near the lava.

The task is taken in the tower, tell everyone about the murder, all your questions will lead to soldiers and guards, as a result, penetrate the new governor again on the 2nd floor where they stole the order for Sebastiano in the corner of that room there is a chest and evidence there. Accuse the commandant of the murder and complete exercise.

shadow world
Closing the portal on the island Tacarigua, it is not guarded and it will not be difficult for us to close it.

Indescribable wealth
Nearby on a small island we will find a guy who will ask you to help him with one thing, the essence of the task is to drip where the guy asks. And so, having dug out, at his request, a ghost will appear in two places that will kill the guy, and we will be asked a question that will need to be answered - “I myself” after we receive a stone from the ghost.

Drawing (3/30)- located in the commandant's house on the second floor in a chest +5 to agility.

Target(4/30)-to find the item you need to climb into the attic of the commandant's house. To do this, turn into a parrot or climb the vine on the other side of the house. The target is in the right corner of the roof near the hole in the tiles +10 shotguns

Bons' Hideout and the Inquisitor
We talk with Bons about the black heart, he will tell you that the same heart is hidden in the chest and will give the key to it, we met the chest itself already doing the quest "Dangerous Shadows"

If you talk about his first nightmare to Bonsu, he will start talking about Mendoza, his ship was seen near the island Taranis, having gone there, we find a broken ship that is located in the lands of shadows on board, we find a fragment of the soul, we blackmail Mendoza and call him to the team. Mendos will join if we have a large ship; if not, he will wait on the coast of each island.

To find this item, you need a tip, which is located in the house of magicians on the second floor near the stairs in the corner, you will find the item itself along the coastline to the north of the landing near the stick with a flag, we dig along the marker.

Shadow Lord of Madness
The task is taken from Tanner, he is located on the beach where you landed at the beginning, head to the mango groves and kill the lord of madness with firearms upon completion of the quest, get 250 gold and a black heart from the corpse of the lord of shadows.

Kila Island

Experiments with black magic.
And so we sail to the island of Kila. After arrival, we move inland, on the way near the fire we meet the aboriginal Borbor, he is weak and needs to be taken to the village, we get the quest "Unexpected Effect" , we drive our traveler all the way or wait until
he will gain strength. Near the waterfall we meet the native Azali, we will receive a task from her "Sign of friendship “, to complete it, you need to go to the pirate camp.
Having reached the settlement with our traveler, we talk with the leader Hirutu. From him we get a couple of quests "On the Warpath" and "Kiss of the Dead" . After we learn from him that the island has the most powerful shaman Chani, who has gone towards the forbidden lands, and we also learn that the leader Hirutu can purify the black heart, but for this we need a totem of innocence. To make it, you will need the bones of an innocent monkey, they can be bought from merchants. After we eat a black heart, our health reserve will increase.

The sign of the ancients.
We go to the shaman Tenya, she agrees to help us in the manufacture of the scepter, but she will need the following ingredients: A spider's leg, a jade symbol, a shimmering pearl, and a panther's heart. We go around the camp in search of stone tablets after finding all the tablets, all the ingredients will be marked on the map.
Spider leg.
We move south from the pirate camp, there we will find a cave in it, we can get a leg, “taking it away” from a large spider.
Sign of Strength.
We go north from the settlement of the natives there we will find an altar, we go down under the bridge, going along the road among the rocks we will meet the hunter Tadashi from him we will receive two quests "Panther Hunt" and "Big White Hunter" , one of the quests intersects with our task so that if we kill a panther, we perform two tasks at once, and in the second task we need to kill two animals of an alligator and a wild boar ( pre-save, because after completing the quest, if you died from these animals, the marker may not come off).
Jade symbol.
We move to the northeast of the island into a cave, which is located next to a lonely island, the entrance to the cave lies from the sea. Inside it we will find jade.
Seer's eye.
We are moving to the bay, in the east of the island we begin to hiccup large shells (previously saved, since the pearl may not fall out of the shells) . Having found the shell, we open it, we open the shells until the long-awaited pearl falls out from one of them.
After we have collected all the necessary ingredients, we return to the shaman. After we go to the leader Khirut.

Pirate camp
We go to the pirate camp, talk with all its inhabitants in search of additional tasks.

Conflict over water sources and sign of friendship
After talking with the pirate Buddy, we find out that their doctor Cunningham has a golden bowl that Azali asked for, you can buy a bowl, or you can
I am inside a crashed ship at night, through the hatch on the roof, having previously climbed the deck along the canopy or turned into a parrot. Having given the bowl to Azali, we say that we got it in an honest way. After we return to Buddy and finish the quest "Conflict over water sources."

Pirate Buddy can teach us a new ability "Monkey Trainer" we will need it later for the quest "Martyshkin labor"
After talking with the pirate Colby, we will get a duel challenge, if we succumb to the pirate, we will get the quest "Silver plate" , and in the future we will be able to sell him the found silver.

To get a monocle, you need to win Buddy in a knife throwing competition, bet 100 gold after winning, get a monocle +10 to astral vision

You see the darkness is near
After talking with the pirate Hawking, follow him in conversations between stops and choose answers without lying. As a result, we can get glory and complete the quest.

Forbidden fruit and measure seven times
Pirate Harry asks to find a bride for him, the native Miamiti is suitable for this role, if you talked to her before, you received the quest "Measure seven times" we go to Miamiti, waiting for the night, we leave the settlement of the natives with her. Having reached the waterfall, Miamiti leaves her strength, the rest of the way will have to carry her in her arms +1 to sincerity. Then in the pirate camp we talk again with Harry, he asks to find a flower for his chosen one, we get the quest « romantic gift», we go to Dr. Cunningham, find out about the location of the flower, follow the indicated place, pick the flower and return to Harry, after we give the flower to the pirate, the quest is considered completed.

Worn Scabbard(7/30)
To find this item, you need a tip, which is located on the island of Taranis in the house of magicians, on the second floor, you will find the item itself in the north about the landing on the island where your sister is, going up the hill you will see a grave with a cross, dig where it is marked with a marker +10 to swords.

Pirate flag(8/30)
To find the item, a tip is required, which is located on Kaldor Island, in one of the fishing huts on the bedside table, which is located northwest of the landing site, the item itself is located near the native village, guarded by a strong magician after you find the flag +10 to intimidate.

Besotted Booz and Sapiens Bird
After talking to the pirates with Booz, we go to Harry to find out where the ingredients are needed for the quest. We find out that the ingredients are three spider eggs, which are poisonous. We have a question for what they are to him, it can be very easy
To check, finding similar eggs of only another animal moth, moth eggs are located southwest of the pirates' lair. Having found three fire eggs, we go to Harry, then we find Booz and give him the eggs.

Booz started to poison all the pirates in the camp, and he needed the eggs to make rum. We wait until the rum is infused, at this time you can complete a side quest "Birdcus sapiens" we take it from Dr. Cunningham. We move inland to the bridges and, turning into a parrot, we fly to the place marked with a marker, collect the grass and return to the doctor. After we return to Booz, we get the long-awaited rum from him and go to treat the pirates, calling them to sit around the fire. After we talk with Booz and enter into a fight with him, defeating him, we talk with him for the last time.

Delicious meal
We take the task from Izil, the native asks to bring food to Baraka, the guard guarding the gate to the forbidden valley. We give food to Baraka telling him the truth who gave the food, we learn from Baraka that the food was poisoned, we decide to help Baraka bring Izil to clean water, we get an amulet from him. We go to Isil, we say that Barak died and hand him the amulet, then we go after the intriguer and deprive him of his life at the indicated place at the end of the path, we return to Barak.

On the Warpath and Human Sacrifice
And so these two tasks are interconnected. To begin with, we go to Tenya and ask her how to avoid the war and convince the leader Hiruta, from the idea of ​​a war with pirates. The shaman says that she needs Makoto's hair, you can find his hair in the Bahati hut on the bed. We carry the found hair to Tenya, we get the Makoto voodoo doll. Next, we go to Makoto and with the help of a doll we manipulate him, being in his body, we talk with Tenya, then we go to the leader, from the conversation we understand that he needs arguments against the war. We run around the village and interrogate the natives. Soon we will find 3 people who are against the war: Bahati, Tenya and Kamil, we present their arguments to the leader, he refuses his idea. After completing the quest "On the Warpath" we return to our body, we talk with the leader about the captive pirate Slim, we convince him not to kill him, after he releases the pirate we get + 3 soulfulness, then we talk with the rescued pirate and complete the quest "Human Sacrifice".

dead man's kiss
And so after we completed the quest "Sign of Strength" and gave the leader the totem. He asked to be given time to prepare the ritual. Time is up and we go to talk to him, they say we want to become a voodoo pirate ( make a save ). After completing the ritual, we can learn voodoo magic and other new abilities that Hiruta and Tenya can teach us.

Senseless existence
The task is taken from a person who is located on one of the islands on the north side, the essence of the quest is to return to the poor fellow his things that are located in a cave on the water near the island.

Pirate Alliance and Crew Replenishment
And so in order to go through a series of quests and the sister quest again joined us " Find Petty » we need to get a ship more spacious pirate
Saddeq also sets such a condition. Our ship is located in the bay of the island of Kala, near the crashed ship we head there and talk with the new captain, after our death he became Jake, in order to return your ship back you need to prove to the team that you are a captain with a capital letter, for this we will need to reconcile the pirates with natives and become a voodoo pirate. So we get our ship back and replenish the team with two people, Petty and Saddek.

Lost Treasure and Indecent Proposal
We take this task from the native Kamil, who is standing at the entrance to the village, he lost the figurine and in search of it you need to go to the pirate camp, there we talk with Harry, Colby and Cunningham from their words we find out that the fate of the figurine is known to Buddy. Buddy will deny everything for a long time, but in the end he confesses where he hid the figurine, we get a quest from him « obscene proposal«. We run to the marked place and dig up the figurine, after which we decide to whom to return it, if we bring it to Buddy we will get money, and if Camila + 2 to sincerity.

Old Bow(9/30)
The item is located in a cave with spiders, which is located in the south-east if you run from the landing site +10 muskets

We talk with the red pirate Red, after our conversation we lose our memory, after we go to Dr. Cunningham, he will send us to the village of natives to Tenyei. The shaman will teach us the skill "Creating Spells", we will need it to create a voodoo doll. We are looking for Red, he is on the island of Tacarigua. After the conversation, we find out that he told the secret about the voodoo doll to Roquefort. Now our task is to get Roquefort to drink the oblivion potion. To do this, we need to talk to the chef Jose and take his hair. With this hair, we go to any ancient altar and create a Jose voodoo doll. We return to the cook and take control of his body, then we go to Roquefort and treat him to our wine, after which he will forget everything. We go to the red-haired pirate, he refuses to drink our potion, we return to our appearance and talk to him again after we decide what to do with him, kill him or let him hide.

A game of shadows
After talking with a guy sitting on the shore named Cole, we get a task from him, the essence will deal with the creature of darkness in the indicated place after our return, he is very surprised and turns into one of the creatures of darkness who finished with him, we get a lot of useful things.

Sword shadow game (damage 40-80)
Not far from Cole.

Antique Pestle(10/30)
On the southeast beach, after passing through the caves that are located near the lair of the pirates, near the leader of the gorillas you will find an item - an ancient pestle +10 to alchemy.

Black cat paw(11/30)
We move to the northeast from the leader Khuruto, we will come across three gorillas, we run around them and move along the suspension bridge to the other side where we meet the Bahati merchant +10 to the magic of the voodoo doll.

Martyshkin labor
Near the native settlement a little to the north you can meet Pamir Gnume, he has a monkey problem
stole one of his things and he needs to return it. We follow him, he will lead us to a cave into which we cannot climb, neither we nor he. If you already have a trained monkey, we start the task; if not yet, we go to the pirate camp, we find Buddy, who will teach us a new ability "Monkey Training" after which we get our new trained pet, we return to the Pamirs. Further, controlling the monkey, we enter the cave, search it and return the lost thing to the Gnuma creature.

Lost in the Forbidden Valley and Oracle Warriors
We need to go through the gate into the forbidden valley, for this we need to approach the guard and tell him about the quest « ancient knowledge »( Read more about the quest on Kaldor Island). After passing through the gate, we are looking for the shaman Chani, who will give us a couple side quests.

We go to the place marked with a marker on the map, our task is to find the war Damak located in the west of the location, along the way we beware of the crowd of spiders. Arriving at the indicated place, we will see a couple of corpses, among them there will be the same warrior. We return to the shaman, she will ask you to destroy all the remaining spiders and talk with the oracle Monoglot.

Eye of the Kraken (damage 45-110)
The first part is located at the dead end of a narrow alley at the foot of the temple, and the second part is located on the island of Taranis, we go into the cave with the portal, turn into the left tunnel, there will be an abyss on our way and two spiders will overcome the abyss turning into a parrot.

At the entrance to the temple, Mad is attached to us so that he lags behind us, we give him 100 gold + 1 to karma, but if after we gave him gold to beat us, the task “Mad is at an impasse” is credited, there is another way to get rid of the annoying companion, if we bring him to the temple, which is located in the forbidden valley, he will go about his business clearing the rubble in search of wealth +3 to sincerity.

Talk to the Oracle and The Right Place

We move to the pyramid, pre-stock up on medicinal herbs and other useful things, we search the temple, we are looking for two jade statues of monkeys, the first is in the sarcophagus, and the second is outside the door, after installing the first statue. At the end of the path, the boss spider Magolot is waiting for us, having defeated her, she deigns to talk to us.

Glass Eye(12/30)
After talking with the spider, we climb up the web where we will find a chest guarded by a golem.

shadow world
We move to close the portal of shadows, which is located at the other end of the cave, first we kill the lord of the shadow.

Alliance with Pirates
We return to our former ship, we approach the pirate and say that from the shaman, after which he will join our fleet .

Assault in the great seas
Having received new ship when you decide to leave the island, a sea monster will attack you; shoot from weapons using the "Y" and "U" keys, RMB - aimed shot, do not forget to dodge the reefs.

Spies on Kiel
We communicate on the ship with Patty, about getting a quest "Women's charms" the essence of the task is to find the treasure of Captain Rawlings. And so Patty goes to talk with the pirate Colby, which is located on the island of Kila, as a result, she finds out the place of burial of the treasure (Crab Coast, the place is indicated by a marker).

Island Antigua

Escort the guard
Having sailed to the island of Antigua, you will meet the guard Ramon, after talking with him you will receive two tasks " Escort the guard" and " Hellhounds next to the port". The essence of the tasks is clear from the title, we take Ramon to the town and kill a couple of hounds along the way. After we arrive in the town, we activate the teleport, then we talk with the guard again, we get one more task " Guardian Ramon“, then we go to Admiral Alvarez with a report.

Report for Alvarez
After talking with Admiral Alvarez, we get a couple of tasks after they are completed, we will go in search of Captain Morgan in order to create an alliance. Then we sail to the island of Kaldor to the head of the guild, join the ranks of the faction, then return, finish the quests and destroy the portal.

House in the port
After talking with Alvarez, we get the task of destroying all the hellhounds that are in the port city, we killed a few hounds while we got to the city, but most of their clusters remained: Near Emma, ​​in Flynn's warehouse, in front of the forge, on the square and on the western coast. In the course of the passage, you can take the task "Donovan's Killer", after which we return to Alvarez.

Emma's Hell Mix
On the shore to the right of the city, we can meet the lying girl Emma, ​​after the conversation she will ask us to find the ingredients for her medicine (rotten mushrooms and moldy bones). Mushrooms grow nearby near Emma, ​​and for the bones we run to the cemetery north of the port.

Spawn of shadows in the jungle
In the port we meet the demon hunter Edward, he asks to help him kill the Demon soldiers, we run after the hunter into the jungle, cracking down on the way with all the demonic creatures, having completed the task, Edward will want to join our company and ask him to take him to Kaldor Island, where his house is located ancestors.

Guardian Ramon, Magic crystals and Lost Legacy
After talking with the guard, we get a task, the essence of which is to find three crystals, the first one we can beg from Captain Alvarez, the other two are in stock.
And so going to the warehouse, inside we will see the captive Flynn, freeing him, he will give us the quest "Magic crystals in the warehouse", the crystals are on the 3rd floor, the stairs are from the street.
Also if you have taken a preliminary task "Lost Legacy" from the pirate Quinn from the island of Kila, you can complete it here, since Quinn gives us one of the fragments of the sword "Cleaver of Flesh", and the second part is with his brother Flynn, if you own a blacksmith craft, you can combine both parts of the sword into a single one.
After finding all the crystals, we go to Ramon for a reward.

Bone Finger(13/30)
Aiming is optional finger is in the house of Alvarez in the room on the right on the first floor, among the shelves behind the bowl +5 to dexterity

Romanov's hideout
Quest continuation "Women's Charms", we go to the tavern where we meet with Patty. We get one more coordinates of the treasure, this time the treasure belongs to Captain Romanov. We move to the northern part of the island, cracking down on enemies on our way, after being at a crevice in the rock, we will need the help of a tame monkey. On the other side of the hole behind the bushes you will find a long-awaited chest containing Romanov's treasures.

Pirate problems
We move to the northern part of the island where we will meet a sitting man named Griffith by the fire, after talking with him we will get the task, the essence of which is to return it to him:
1. The sword is in the house of one of the robbers
2. Clothes in Flynn's warehouse.
3.Purse in the tavern at the bartender Spencer (you can buy it, steal it or just beg)

Steelbeard Sword (damage 40-60)
Found in a chest (you need the ability to pick locks), which is located in the tavern at the bartender.

Wave Crest (damage 50-80)
The item is also located in the tavern on the second floor in a chest (requires the ability to pick locks).

Broken Breastplate(14/30)
Tip on the item "Broken cuirass" find on the shore of Takarigua, to the east of the landing near two graves, the item itself is found in the northeast, bypassing Griffith, then demonic warriors and hounds, we dig out the chest in the place marked with a marker +10 to indestructibility.

Glass sword(15/30)
the item can be found without aiming, the sword is located east of the landing, under the pier, near the tavern in the water +5 in melee.

Hunting with Zack
On the road that leads from the village, we will meet Zack, he will offer to hunt, support him and set off to destroy the evil dogs.

sea ​​battle with Morgan
Having received news from our crew that Captain Morgan's ship was seen near the island, we receive the quest "Sea battle with Morgan".
We sail to the sea, enter into a naval battle, pirates will begin to drag explosives onto our ship, which will need to be thrown overboard, time is limited to 60 seconds. After you deal with three charges, you will move to an enemy ship where a battle with Captain Morgan himself awaits you, defeating the captain, the task will receive the status completed, and in parallel with it, finish the quest "Alliance with the Traitor Pirates".

shadow world
We move into a cave similar to a skull, inside we will find a portal that we need to destroy, but we won’t be able to do it so easily, since the cave is full of enemies, we’ll wait until the character is pumped better. After the portal is destroyed, we go for a reward to the admiral.

Calador Island

Follow Angus to the fishing village
Arriving on the island of Kalador, we talk with our crew, after which we take the hunter Edward with us. On the shore we will meet the fisherman Angus, from him we will receive the quest "Follow Angus to the fishing village." Arriving in the village, it will be possible to compete with him in throwing knives.

After talking with the fisherman Glen, we get the Seafood quest, the essence of the task is to clear the shore from predatory reptiles in the indicated place. After the shore is cleared, we return to the fisherman as a reward, he will offer us gold or fish, refusing one and the second we will get + to sincerity.

Edward's family history and remnants of the past
After talking with the hunter Edward, we go in search of the ancestral home,
marked on the map, along the way we deal with all the enemies, follow Edward, having arrived at the indicated place instead of the house, we find piles of stones, after the frustrated Edward will ask to take him to the citadel where his grandfather is, we follow him and ask about his grandfather, having arrived at the citadel we talk we mention grandfather Edward in a conversation with Drake, after Drake will bring a map on which the treasure will be baked, we follow the marker, dig up the treasure and give it to Edward to build a new house, this completes the task “Relics of the Past”.

Stubborn Creeper(16/30)
In the northwest of the landing site, near the southern beach behind the fence on the ground, the magician wants to sacrifice the girl Jill, the item is nearby, picking it up will get + 10 to chopping weapons. You can avoid the fight if you climb over the fence on the left or right side, or you can kill the magician Tyrion and free the girl after she returns to the tavern, the quest will end "Dangerous ties"

Forgotten pistol (damage 55)
The item is located in the tower, which is located in the western part of the island, you can climb it by turning into a parrot.

Broken lock pick(17/30)
We move north from the landing site, on a hill with three graves, which are located behind the mill in the hut between the beds on the floor, we will find an item +10 to hack

On the Blade's Edge and Letter to Harry
Having met Kilian in the fishing village, we will receive the quest “Along the Blade of the Knife”, the essence of the task is to stock up on rum and fully listen to the drunken story of the character.
"Letter for Harry" we go to the island of Kila and give the transferred letter to the pirate Harry.

Tuning fork(18/30)
We move to the northeast from the landing site, in the cemetery near the largest grave, in the upper row near the ghost of Hannah we will find an item +5 to the spirit.

Long Trek and Demon Hunter Citadel
We find a man named Neytom in the fishing village, after talking with him we will receive the quest "Long March", the essence is to go next to the demon hunter until he leads us to the citadel, when we reach the citadel we will complete the quest "Citadel of demon hunters", we activate the teleport which is located at the entrance on the right. Inside we talk with the hunter Drake, he gives us the task “Edward’s Birthright”, after which we ask him to look for records about von Dreil, we get another task “The Place Marked with a Cross”.

Accuracy Drink(19/30)
In the citadel on the first floor near the stairs +10 to critical hit

Dull Ritual Knife(20/30)
You can get the item in the citadel in the arm wrestling competition, we are waiting for the hunter Henryk, in the evening he is on the ground floor near the arm wrestling table at this moment, on the pretexts he will fight in a duel after winning, we get the item +10 possession of daggers.

solar crystal
We talk in the shop with Connor, then we read the book "The Power of Crystals", we open the quest "Solar Crystal"

A message to Wilson and an engagement ring

In the building of the citadel in the forge, we will meet the blacksmith Wilson who will ask us about the request the essence of the task to transfer the ring to the bride-blacksmith from the island of Antigua to a girl named Grace. Having given the ring to Grace, we will receive a counter quest, we return from her with a message to the blacksmith Wilson. After that, we can sell iron to a blacksmith and learn blacksmithing from him.

Diamond head or bar (21/30)
To get the item, you must first complete the quests. "Wedding ring" and "Message to Wilson“, then we will receive a reward of +10 to piercing weapons from the blacksmith in the citadel.

Giant danger
The task is identical to the quest “Attack in the Great Seas”, the only difference is that the monster releases green balls at us from which it is better to keep a distance.

sharpened metal
We take the task from the blacksmith Wilson, the essence is to find his missing student Alvito in the cave in the north, but before going on the task, it is worth activating the teleport next to the tavern. After we go inside the building and talk to the girl Yvette, she has an amulet that you can beg, buy or steal it will be useful to us for the quest "Hannah and the Ghosts" . As a result, after the conversation, we learn that the student has gone towards the old iron mine, where we will find his corpse.

Demon Hunters and Crystals are Eternal
After talking with the druid Eldrik, we will receive the task " Demon Hunters, our task is that we must find the remaining demon hunters and ask them to return to the citadel, but before they return to the citadel they must complete their unfinished business, in which we must help them. After completing all their requests, we will complete the quest given by Eldrick, after the druid will teach us how to destroy the crystal portals, thereby destroying them, we will complete the task "Crystals are eternal."

real farmer
We get the task at an abandoned farm, which is to the north of the demon hunter Fenny, the essence of the task is to find the servant of the dead farmers, a girl named Iona is located in the gorge north of the farm, after talking with her, we go to the tavern through a pre-activated teleport after we return to Fenny and say that servant in a safe place, from the words he heard, he will head to the citadel.

Honor the Dead
We get the task from the demon hunter Cyril, he is located on the northern side of the island, the essence is to find five corpses of his colleagues and take their personal belongings, ( make a separate save, since one body can be lost ) after you find all the corpses Cyril will return to the citadel.

The curse of the fathers and the price of life
In the western part of the island, near the ruins of the old castle, you will find the demon hunter Winter at the fire, after talking with him, he will offer to defeat the Shadow Lord of Cowardice, which is located within the walls of that very ruined castle, together. At the entrance to the castle, by activating the teleport, we will meet Idriko, after talking with him, we will receive the task “The Price of Life”, the essence of which is to kill the entire environment of El-Razakh, and then himself.

The night Watch

Near the tavern we will meet the demon hunter Mason, after talking, we follow him and deal with all the creatures in the underworld. After there are no creatures left, go to Mason for a reward.

Curse of love
Also near the tavern we meet another demon hunter Porter. He will ask you to return the stolen medallion from the cemetery, which he gave to his chosen one Yvette (we already received the medallion in the Sharpened Metal task), we take it to the cemetery. After we return to the citadel to Eldrik and complete the quest "Demon Hunters".

Not in stock, not in tune and the situation with the bones
In the citadel on the second floor we will meet an inadequate demon hunter Burke,
after talking with him, we will hear the expression “the sea and Beeyerk”, but in the end we will get the task. We go to the southern coast of the island, where we will find a skeleton nicknamed Burke's Phenomenon. We learn from him that Burke was somehow able to move his soul into a skeleton and now the soul must be returned back to the hunter's body. We take a new acquaintance with us and head with him to the citadel, in the citadel we communicate with all the hunters and learn at least something about Burke's magic formula. As a result, we learn from Drake that he saw an incomprehensible scroll of paper in Connor's hands. We go to Connor's shop and redeem the very scroll for 300 gold, in which our long-awaited formula is written. We give it to the skeleton, after we find Burke and complete this intricate quest.

Hunting with Bronach
By activating teleports on the island near the portal at the "Iron Forests" you will meet the hunter Bronaha, after talking with him you will receive an offer to hunt three bite dragons.

Strong alcohol
We go to the tavern where we will meet Petty, after talking with her we get the quest "Idle chatter on Kalador", after we get another quest "A Matter of Honor" we go to the merchant Kramer, and knock out money from him. Then in the tavern you can compete in strength with a bartender named Travis, the essence of the Strong Drinks competition is to grab bottles of alcohol and drink faster than your opponent.

Legal heir
After talking with Ernesto, we get a quest, the essence of which is to return the candlestick stolen by the goblins. The thieves are located outside the gate, near the lava river. Approaching the gate, we find that they are locked from the inside, we will have to go around the coast and get inside through the slope, which is located to the right of the gate. We punish the goblins and the elemental who stood up for their defense, take the candlestick and take it to the owner.

ancient knowledge
From the druid Eldrik, you can get a couple more quests “Twice as cheap”, and “Ancient Knowledge” is the task to find an ancient grimoire, which is located in the west of the island in the ruins of the castle. We find an altar in the building, on which the "Book of Spells" will lie, after which we return to Eldrik.

Rite of the Spirit
After talking with Eldrik, we find out that Burke's soul can be returned with the help of a spell that is in the ruins near the lava river, and to perform the ceremony we need three sorcerers:
1. Wizard Eldrick
2. Voodoo shaman Chani
3. Wizard Zechariah.
We find these characters and ask for help to hold the ceremony.

magic net
To get to the eastern bank of the lava river, we need to collect all the teleport stones and activate all the portals on Kaldor Island with them, then we return to the citadel to Eldrik, after the conversation he will take us to the eastern part of the location.

Mighty spell
Having crossed over to the other side of the lava, kill all the enemies along with the demon hunters, then we talk with Eldrik. After we go south to the ruined castle to look for a spell, once inside the castle, kill everyone on the first floor who gets in your way on the altar you will find "Book of the Necromancer", taking it back to Eldrik.

Shadowlord of Confusion and the Crystal Portal on Kalador
After we inform the druid that we are going to kill the lord of the shadows of confusion, we follow the rest of the hunters helping them get to the lord of the shadows. Having defeated the lord of shadows, we take away his things (the scepter of shadows and a raw black heart). Then we talk with Eldrik and set off to destroy the crystal portal located in a cave that looks like a skull, deal with all the wickedness and destroy the portal at the end we return to the druid.

Coronation Sword of Calador
The first part of the weapon is in the ruins of the castle in the west after defeating the Shadowlord of Cowardice in the quest "Curse of the Fathers". The second part is located in the place where you were looking for the spell, on the altar of one of the towers, which you can get into by turning into a parrot.

Green Flame and Tower of Shadows
The task can be taken by a guy named Drake, who stands in the stronghold of the demon hunters. After talking with him, we go to the other side located behind the lava river,
and set fire to the lighthouse located on the east coast. Using the teleport, we head to the lighthouse, along the way we will stumble upon a small town where we can take a couple more quests: "Tower in the Shadows" and "Enjoy your meal". Further, a swamp with hostile residents awaits us. Having dealt with them, we collect wood, it will be useful to us for lighting a fire in the lighthouse (the locations of the wood are marked with a marker on the map). Enemies will meet us on the porch of the lighthouse, killing them, we will complete the quest "Tower among the shadows". Having risen to the top of the tower, we light a fire. We return to the employers and hand over the task.

Well lubricated crankshaft(22/30)
In the northeast of the landing site on the eastern side, behind the lava river, in the tower on the table we will find an item +10 to crossbows.

Enjoy your meal
For execution this quest you need to go to the places marked with a marker and pick eight turnips.

Test for the righteous
We take the task from Mason, the essence of the quest is to find a group of people. Entering the room, deal with everyone, then report to the employer.

Witch Hunt - Finding Books
1- book can be found on Kalador, at the grave, but before you find it you need to follow Mick at midnight, he will leave the tavern and lead you to the right place
2- book can be obtained at the Kalador farm, for this you need to talk to the farmer, and after repeating this manipulation with the heroes a couple of times with Logan, we will get a book from Logan.
3-book to be on the island of Antigua, for this you need to agree to help Zack, at night we go on a journey with him where creatures will attack us, having finished with them, having received a book as a token of gratitude.
4- book you can buy it from a beggar by exchanging it for mussels, but first you need to talk to the port chief on the island of Taranis who will send us in the right direction.
5-book we will rest on the island of Taranis. At the entrance to the guild, we need to buy a key from the blacksmith from his chest. After finding the chest and returning to the blacksmith, he will sell us the book as well.
Having found all the books, we take them to the blacksmith who lives in the citadel of Kaldor.

The horror of the deep
Leaving the harbor, we will encounter a sea monster that will attack our ship. Our task is to avoid collision with reefs and attacks of the monster, punishing him with a volley of cannons.

Taranis Island

port thieves
The task can be taken from the storekeeper Romuld. Having entered into a dialogue with him, he will complain about the port thieves and ask them to end them once and for all. After waiting for the night, we go to the port boxes, then we activate the event, after which the thieves will come for their next theft, we deal with them at the crime scene and report to Romuld.

Talk to Baker
On the slope of the hill we will find a guard of magicians, he will offer to walk with him to the citadel, choosing one of the paths and reaching it, we will complete the task.

Paola hears sounds
To get this task, you need to talk with the cook Paola, having entered into a conversation with her, she will complain to us that she hears some sounds near the house. Going out into the street, we find an armadillo, the culprit of all the experiences of the hostess. After killing him, we hand over the task.

One succeeded
After talking with the fisherman in the citadel, we find out that shadows attacked his house, he miraculously managed to escape, leaving his comrades in trouble. We leave for the fisherman's house, where shadows await us. Having dealt with them, we will find the corpse of the girl, after examining it, we will go to the neighboring island, where we will find a survivor who needs to be taken to the fisherman.

Private shop
Having entered into a conversation with Akila, we find out that in the chests of magicians named Lambrock, Nergal and Faruko, you can steal valuable prophetic things.
It will not be difficult to rob the first two, for this you will need to turn into a parrot, (we will find the legendary item in Lambrock's chest "Vague Promises" (23/30) influence +5). But with Fauruko's chest, you will have to tinker, as it is locked. The key is with the dwarf Zakir, but he will deny it and send us to Vetranio. After talking with Vetranio, we understand that the gnome deceived us, we return back to him and squeeze the truth out of him. Having received the key and robbed the last chest, we hand over the task to Akila.

Blue Feather(24/30)
Be northeast of the landing under the bridge connecting the two houses at the end of the path in a broken chest + 10 Speech

Herbs and tinctures
This task can be obtained from the alchemist located in the basement. Having entered into a dialogue with him, he will ask us to find for him a rare grass growing on an island near the water. Having found and picked five rare plants, we take them to the alchemist.

The task can be taken from the magician Lumbrock, walking around on the second floor in the house of magicians. After talking with him, he will ask us to bring him exotic dishes from neighboring islands. The last dish will appear in Zachariah's tent after completing the Reactor quest. After completing the task, we will receive the item "Stone tablet" (25/30) +10 rune magic.

Treasure in the Deadlands of Taranis
In one of the fishing houses we will find a treasure map. After following the marker, we will dig up the treasure of the island of Taranis.

After talking at the southern teleport with a mage guard sitting next to him. We will receive a quest, the essence of which is to find five dark mushrooms. Having collected the required number of mushrooms, we can give them either to the guard or to the alchemist, who is sitting in the basement of the citadel.

Bloodied Rag(26/30)
Located in the southwest of the landing, in one of the caves located on the island +10 resistance.

We can take the quest from the cadet Vetranio, the essence of the task is to find a replacement for him, the one who will clean up the camp. This person will be the friend of the fisherman saved by us from the task “One succeeded”, after talking with him, we will find him a job and complete the task.

gang of thieves
After talking with a demon hunter named Walker, that we will get to be next to one of the fishing huts, we will receive a task from him, the essence of which is to kill all the goblins ravaging his camp. After killing all the creatures, Walker will allow you to take one of the things from his chest as a token of gratitude.

Gilded ball(27/30)
There is a merchant named Agila at the tavern, the item can be bought for 2000 gold, or stunned and stolen +10 to pistol proficiency

Extra large booty
Having dealt with the goblins, Walker will ask you to help him in another matter, this time he is hindered by a swamp golem. Without us, he cannot be defeated, we go with Walker to the swamp, where we kill an aggressive-minded creature.

Small tongs(28/30)
To get the item, you need to defeat Gordon in the drinking contest + 10 pickpocketing.

Forgotten Treasures
In the swamps we will meet a shadow that has not lost its soul. After talking with her, she will ask you to find treasures found in the lands of shadows. Arriving at the place of the treasure, we will be met by shadows with their master. Having dealt with them, we take the bill of sale from the chest.
The bill of sale must be given to Paola, but at the entrance to the citadel, Wells will interrupt our path and offer 1000 gold for the bill of sale. What to do with it is up to you.

The Lost Dwarf
After talking with the main gnome, we get the task of finding the missing worker. The worker is in the tunnels, you can get into it by jumping into the well in the central square.

Solar Crystal(29/30)
Located in Zachary's house at the very top of the tower, in a chest + 10 to crystal magic.

Housing for the homeless
The task can be taken from a homeless person located in the port. After talking with him, he will ask you to clean the cave from animals, where he could settle.

Ornamented Belt(30/30)
The tip is located on the island of Taranis in a cave with a standing Sharp, going into the cave, turn right there, you will find a wagon with a diary. The belt itself is located on the island of Kaldor, you need to unearth the place indicated by the marker at the grave of John + 5 to endurance.

Visiting right
In order to freely pass to the magicians, we need to complete the instructions of Magnus.
In the ore mine, find and bring five crystals instead of the guard.
In the mine outside the city, you need to talk with the chief of the gnomes and complete his tasks.
In one of the mines outside the city, you need to deal with the shadows.
Clear the mine, which is located next to the portal from the goblins.
We hand over tasks to Magnus, we transfer his order to the port gnome Gadi.

Lord of the Shadows of Treason
Having completed the previous tasks, Magnus will ask us to deal with the lord of shadows. We move to the place indicated by the marker and deal with it.
After examining the mines and killing the lord of shadows, we can join the covenant of magicians and complete their tasks to improve armor, and also find prisms and blacksmith Gordon from them.

The task can be taken from the magician Erasmus, the essence is to collect three stones, one of the stones is located at Horos, on the island of Takarigua, the rest of the stones a dwarf named Kasim hid near the city. Having found the stones, we go to the monoliths and insert our finds into it. Having installed the stones in the pillars or the like, we hand over the tasks to the magician.

Convince Zechariah to join
Having joined any covenant and having previously completed Eldrik's quest "A Powerful Spell", go to a conversation with Erasmus, after ending the dialogue, Erasmus will launch the Reactor, from which Zacharias will appear. After that, the shaman will take us to a cave that looks like a skull. Coming out of it, we will be attacked by shadows, we will destroy the portal on the way, sweeping away enemies. Having dealt with them, we start a conversation with Zechariah about the rite of the spirit.


Clear the warehouses
After talking with the demon hunter Drake, we will get the task to clean up the warehouses with weapons, there are only four of them, ridding them of hostile creatures, we hand over the task.

To victory
After talking in the camp with Drake, we get another task, the essence of which is to clean the towers from the creatures of darkness.

Weapons of resistance
We can take this quest from the warehouse keeper, the essence of the task is to clear one of the warehouses from the undead.

Dead zone
At the first warehouse, we will meet a guy sitting by the fire, after talking with him, he will ask us to deal with the lord of shadows.

Crazy Magician
At the second warehouse, we will meet with a soldier nearby, there is a crazy magician, after talking with the second using a conversational skill, ghosts will appear that need to be disposed of.

Immortal danger
At the last warehouse we will meet a native who will inform us about the immortal spirit guarding the warehouse. We head to Drake and ask him about the amulet, with which you can remove immortality. The amulet can be obtained in two ways: to beg or to steal. After acquiring the amulet, we go to the spirit and eradicate it. After listening to the praise from the native, we return the amulet to Drake.

The final
And so, for the further passage of the main quest, we will need to go to the Necrolith and reunite with the soul, but for this we need to find and free the sorcerers.

Zechariah- tied to the bridge, located in the south of the location, we release it, after killing the guards.

Chani— imprisoned in the prison near the tower. To release it, you need to unlock the gate using the lever located at the top. Further, turning into a parrot, we fly to another lever with the help of which we unlock the gate, behind which there is a shaman. We kill the guards and rescue Chani.

Eldirk-located on a small island, in the east of the location, we climb to the very top of the fortress and go down to the basement indicated on the map. Going down, we kill the guards and free the magician.

Having freed everyone, we go to the cave where we will be reunited with our soul and the final battle with the embodiment of death.
Our main task will be to prevent death from sucking out our soul. Fighting off his servants, we do not let death out of our kind, we follow it from portal to portal, we use all the magic and spells to expel it.

Game over!
If you have any questions, write, I will answer.


Designation "*"
"*" - main task
"**" - additional task
"+" - command set

Some time will pass after the burial and the shaman will resurrect you. There are two options. You can immediately dump or search the island for the presence of weed and other goodies. If all things are redone, you can go along with the shaman on a small boat.

*New allies. After arriving in Kalador, you should talk to the locals and take on monster quests. You can find a dude with a book upstairs. The book contains a quest to find a legendary item. You can learn to throw knives perfectly from him.

**Seafood. After the work done, we move to the beach and cut down several sea monsters, while completing the task. After completing this task, we can pick up the treasure map, which is located in the building opposite the talking people.

**Treasure. We will have to go back to the shore after taking the map. Here we find the magician and kill him. Treasures will be buried under the cross. After killing the magician, we free the hostage. She goes about her business, and we close the task.

**Bone situation. The quest is to return the human form for Burke. To do this, we should head to the recess, which is located to the right of the bay. Here we will meet a lot of spiders and a skeleton. You need to talk to the skeleton and drag it to the fortress. In the fortress, on the first floor, there is a merchant who has a formula. It can be stolen or bought. She is able to return to her human form. The task will be closed when Burke has the formula.

**Curse of Love. One of the easy ones was the amulet quest. In the tavern, we take the quest from the soldier and buy the amulet from the girl. The girl is hanging around somewhere. The task is considered closed, after this amulet is taken to the cemetery located near the mill and we give the amulet to the ghost.

**Wedding ring. You should take the quest for the ring from the blacksmith. He hands you the ring of his fiancee, which must be delivered to her. The bride walks in the town of pirates. Finding it won't be difficult. The task will close when you give her the ring.

**Carved candlestick Ernesto. Not an easy task. You will need to find the candlestick that was missing. We can find it by moving north from the cemetery itself along the coins. Two enemies will be waiting for you at the end of the path. After defeating them, put on a candlestick at the threshold. It must be taken to one of the three dudes from whom the quest was taken.

**The night Watch. The task can be completed by walking at night with the port.

**Toll. We will close the task when we beat the bully in the tavern.

**Real farmer. You need to find a girl. We take this task from the type, whose name is Fen. We find it in the north of the location. After the caves in the north we will find a girl. She must be delivered alive to the tavern and collect the reward from Fen.

**Honor the dead. The task is not easy, it must be done with care. There are bugs here. Be sure to save before completing the task. The soldier has a task to find 5 things. You should find five corpses and pull off things from them. The bug is the loss of corpses. Therefore, a save before the mission will help us. We will upload it when a bug appears.

**Iron. Missing apprentice. Blacksmith's task. We go down into the mine and find the body of an apprentice. Then we return for a reward to the blacksmith.

**Curse of the fathers. We should take one guy and go with him to the evil spirits and arrange genocide. After the guy reaches the goal of his journey, the task can be considered closed. We collect trophies from the enemies and keep the way back. In the west we find the dude who gave the quest and take what is due.

**The price of life. In the west we find the magician and accompany him to the goal, we protect him so that he does not die.

**Hunting with Bronach. A hunter in the west wants to go hunting with you. You will collect the reward after the hunt.

*Rite of the Spirit. Here it is - central task, which consists of several small ones. You can get the help of the faction leader himself, if everything is done correctly. On the island, you should talk with the leader of the faction, in a conversation we will learn from him the tasks necessary for the ceremony. The chain involves people from different islands and we will need their help. After closing the task, we will be able to break the portals.

*World of Shadows. The first task of the chain. On each island we destroy portals. We pass storyline each island. Then, after completing the story, you can break the portal. It is best to start from the Crab Coast.
Let's weed Additional tasks before dropping. We drive all the guards into the fortress. After that, you should talk to the boss, who will ask you to activate all the portals. After activation, you need to talk to him again. After the conversation, you will blink (flash or teleport) to the other side of the lava river.
We search the ruins and find a book of wisdom. After a conversation with the boss, we head for an attack of heights. They took the height and closed the portal. We decide with the lich and go back to the boss, give him the book. Quest closed. After all this, the name Guildmaster will disappear from the list of dudes for the ritual. You can leave the island after closing this quest.

**Enjoy your meal. Behind the river of lava in the village is a guest. We carry out a task for him, we drag him a turnip, namely 9 pieces. We are rewarded for our efforts.

**Green flame. Simple. We get over the river with lava, we pick up logs in the swamp, climb to the top of the lighthouse and set fire to them. We take the reward from the guy who gave the task.

**Witch-hunt. The books will be a big task. We collect 5 books and take them to the citadel to the blacksmith. Book Locations:

1. On Calandor on the grave. At night, we follow Mick from the tavern or we fall to the west from the tavern and stumble upon the grave.

2. There is a farmer on the pig farm, we talk with him and Logan until Logan gives us the right book. On Calandor we will find this farm.

3. Let's go to Antigua and find Zach. We come at night and go with him. We kill enemies on our way. We get the book after mochilov.

4. Let's go to Taranis. There is a building to the right of the guild. We talk with the blacksmith. We buy the key from the recognized chest. We find the chest, open it and find one page. We talk with the owner of the chest and buy the whole book from him.

5. The head of the port is in Taranis, we pay him and he assists in the search for kings, he will deceive us. He will direct us to the island, there we will find a shabby dude. We give him mussels to eat, and he gives us a book.

We have collected all the books, now we go to Kalandor and pick up the reward.

At the request of readers.

How to teleport across lava river in Risen 3?

The first step is to approach Eldrik and talk. He will tell us that he can only teleport two people on the condition that all teleports on the island will be activated. Next, we get a quest to activate teleports. Activate and come to Eldrik to hand over the quest. After that, he teleports us to the other side.

This guide will describe my full walkthrough games, with all sorts of tips, brief description all quests, including side quests. I also keep track of the relics found and where you can get them, count the broken legendary weapons, etc. You can also ask any questions regarding the game and the passage.

Other materials on the game:

  • How not to screw up the passage (recommended reading).
  • Guide to the combat system.
  • Walkthrough

completed, but a couple of tasks and relics not found remained unsolved. Therefore, if you can help with advice or recommendations - write in the comments, I will be glad of any help! We kindly ask you not to flood, I will mercilessly clean all off-topic comments. Respect other players who will read all this later.


  1. > - denoted story mission which should be done anyway.
  2. >> - two checkboxes indicate a side task or a nested main task.
  3. <>— denotes a legendary item.
  4. ◊ is a weapon that can be restored.
  5. T - tasks to replenish the crew.

And the last: I played a warrior, with an emphasis on close combat. He played the "good-natured superhero" and tried to collect all the pluses per soul. He entered the service of the fighters with the undead. According to the plot, he did not ruin people unnecessarily. Something like that

Sequence of passage (where I started and how I ended). I passed the islands in turn, wrote down about the same. I recommend cleaning each island separately, without interfering with the story in a bunch.

Calador ⇒ Antigua ⇒ Quila ⇒ Tagarigua ⇒ Taranis ⇒ Skull Island (final only)

Walkthrough Risen 3 titan lords

The game starts with learning, there is nothing difficult here, just do what the game says. After the hero wakes up, take the key from the table and unlock the chest. Get dressed and go on deck. Once on the beach, we wet the rats and stomp forward.

> Encounter with an unknown enemy- Go straight to the ruins and after killing a couple of birds, approach the corpse across the river. He will have a treasure map. "Mark the task in the journal to see the location."

>> Dead Pirate's Treasure- In this task, you need to reach the shore and take a shovel to drip a chest. It is located on the mark in the form of a cross and it is easy to notice it.

After, stomp along the path to the temple and when you stand at a large tree, and your partner asks you to find a way out, push him by the snag on the left and get over to the other side. After entering the village, clear the buildings and be afraid of large groups of enemies, they can trample. After climbing up the stairs, you can jump over with the help of turn into a parrot magic to the chest, behind the human camp.

> K drawbridge over the ancient temple.Next, kill the pirates and go down and climb onto the ledge where the ghost will be. Get into the temple, killing the guards. In the last room, pick up the mask from the floor and insert it into the hole in the wall, the bridge will extend. Inside, kill two more unknowns and search the room and the body.

> Dive into an ancient temple.Before you go straight, you can roll to the right and rummage through an additional room, there is something to profit from. Returning to the main path, defeat the demons from the cave and go inside. Having received a lyuley, you will wake up on the shore.

> Let's get out of here.Now you can unscrew from the location, but first I advise you to clean it. On the island there is a secret legendary item that increases protection and a teleport stone. In other places, there is nothing but monsters and weed. To sail away, swim onto the boat and approach the helm.

<> Drawing(+ agility) - the task is located at the end of the gorge. The passage there can be found if you go to the left of your grave. On the map, the passage will be displayed as a cave. The thing itself is in the governor's house, on the second floor in a chest. Steal her at night.

<> hard shell crab(+10 impenetrability) - located at the top of the original island, swim across to the mini island in the south.

> Shadow World (Break the Crab Bank Portal)- I don’t advise you to immediately beat the lich at the portal, first pump over, and then kill. The task will not go anywhere, you can do it at the very last moment.

Walkthrough for Calador

> New allies.Now you have to choose an island for adventure. I chose Calador. Arriving on the island, start a dialogue with the locals in the village of fishermen and you can get a task from two to kill monsters. Upstairs, there is a guy, he has a quest in his book to find the legendary item "pirate flag", he also teaches you to throw knives, for booze or for gold.

>> Seafood- go ashore and kill a few creatures, and then return to the employer. After completing the quest, you can take the treasure map in the house opposite the chatters.

>> Treasure on the banks of Kalidor- having found a map in the fisherman's house, go along the shore and kill the magician at the point, there will be a cross nearby.

>> Dangerous ties- release the prisoner from the magician, she will go to the tavern, the task will be completed.

<> Dull ritual knife (+10 daggers) - given for winning an arm wrestling match in the citadel.

<> Pirate flag(+ 10 intimidation) - located in KILA, as Captain Finch's treasure. It is difficult to get at the beginning, there is a cursed magician standing there.

<> Broken lock pick(+10 hack) - located on the Kalador farm, in the house. Farm in the north, where there are three more graves on the hill.

>> The bone situation- this quest can be found on the shore on this island, a small recess to the right of the bay. Talk to the skeleton behind the group of spiders and take it with you to the citadel. Talk to the merchant who grazes on the first floor, he has a formula. By ransoming (stealing) it, you can return the human form to Burke. By the way, he himself stands on the second floor, after talking with him, the task will be completed.

>> Curse of love- go to the tavern on the island and get the task from the soldier in the city. You need to get the amulet from the girl that hangs around. Redeem (steal) and take it to the cemetery near the mill and give it to the ghost.

>> Wedding ring- the task is obtained from the blacksmith, you need to take the ring to his bride in a pirate town.

>> Carved candlestick Ernesto- the task is taken in the house near the mill. All three do not know where the candlestick has gone, the guy asks to prove his innocence, the girl is vice versa. Go north along the coins from the cemetery, across the lava river and up. After killing the goblins, you will find a candlestick by the thresholds. Take it to whomever you wish.

>> The night Watch.To the north - you get this task from a sweat in a village with a tavern. Take a walk with him "on patrol". After that, he will leave for the citadel.

<> Troubled times- the task can be obtained by subtracting from the book in the hut next to the mill, only to the left, where the pig farm is.

>> toll- Beat the brawler in the tavern.

<> Black cat paw- this task can be obtained by reading the book on the second floor of the tavern, in the bedrooms.

>> real farmer- You can get the task from Fen, who grazes in the north of the location. Go north through the caves and find the girl, take her to the tavern, then return to the man.

>> Honor the Dead- the task is given by another soldier, near the white trees in the north. You need to collect 5 personal items.ATTENTION!Before completing the task, save yourself separately, because. sometimes the quest is bugged and one body disappears, ruining the entire passage. I have not found a solution yet, I just replayed it from an early save.

>> Iron- The apprentice search task is given by the blacksmith. The apprentice is in the mine. Find his body and return to the blacksmith.

>> The curse of the fathers- the last quest in the west. Follow this person and defeat all the undead along the way. Then collect the loot and stomp into the fortress.

>> The price of life- the task is obtained from the magician in the temple in the west. Escort him to the point without letting him kill and then the rear will be completed.

>> Hunting with armor- go west and find a hunter at the hut. You need to hang out with him.

> Rite of the Spiritis a multi-component task, where on each of the three islands you need to complete a chain of tasks and get help from the faction leader.Careful preparation- talk to the head of the faction in Calador in the citadel and try out all the additional tasks to start the rite. The ceremony will require the support of certain people on each island, but there is no need to rush. It is better to do everything sequentially and in order.

Note: if you complete the main task, then you will be able to break portals. I advise you to fly to the crab island and break the very first one.

> The task is called:shadow worldand each island has one portal to break. It is worth remembering that this is the main task and it is performed every time at the very end. storyline on every island.

Continuing the story. Before you move, you need to perform additional. quests and drive all the guards to the citadel. Precisely tasks with the guards. After that, talk to the chief in the citadel, he will ask you to activate all teleports. Having done this, go back and talk again. After teleporting, you will find yourself on the other side of the lava river. This is the only way through it. First, find the book "with wisdom" in the ruins, then talk to the boss and storm the height.

After the assault, go to the cave and close the portal. As soon as the lich is defeated, go to the main in the citadel and turn in the quest along with the book. You can continue to do more. tasks here, but you can go further in the story. The main thing is that the name of this Guildmaster be crossed out from the list of all people for the ritual. The next target is Admiral Alvarez, who hangs out in Antigua.

>> Tower in the shadows- This quest can be obtained on the other side of the lava river. After you activate all the teleports and the head of the faction will take you to the other side. It turns out a quest from a lady in a single farmhouse.

>> Enjoy your meal- the task is given by one of the guests of the same village behind the lava. Bring him 9 rep.

>> Test for the righteous- Mason gives it, you need to find a few people. After the one standing near the exit escorts you inside, kill everyone.

>> green flame- This quest is taken in the citadel. On assignment, you need to light the beacon. The lighthouse is located behind the lava river, you can get there only after completing the main tasks from the faction leader. Once on the other side, collect 6 logs in the swamp, then set them on fire at the top of the lighthouse. Report the results to your employer.

<> Crankshaft(+10 crossbows) - located in the lighthouse in the east of the island, behind the lava river.

Restoration of the coronation sword Kalodar- obtained after killing the lord of the undead, lying next to the column and bones. The second piece lies in the ruins in the east of the island, you need to fly into the tower with the help of a parrot, that's the only way.

Witch-hunt— book search↓

1. The first book of evil is on Kalador, on the grave. You can find it if you follow Mick from the tavern at midnight. If you are too lazy, then after leaving the tavern to the west, go straight and do not miss, it will be on the grave.

2. Second book - go to the Calador pig farm and talk to the farmer, then to Logan. So a couple more times, then Logan will give the book.

3. The third book will be in Antigua - find Zach, who is wise with experiments and agree to help him (or not), in general, come at night and go after him. Creatures will jump out, kill them and he will give the book.

4. Go to the mages in Taranis. Find the guy sitting in the building to the right of the guild (he is a blacksmith). He will talk about the chest and can sell the key to it. There will be a page inside, then chat with the owner of the chest. He can sell the book.

5. Fifth book - ask the head of the port in Taranis for help, he will look for a book for gold, but will not find the right one. Then he will be sent to the island. On the island, find the homeless mussels and he will give the book.

After collecting all five, return to the citadel of Kalador to the blacksmith


An enemy ship led by an illusory captain named Crow boards our ship. Following the prompts, we make several movements in all directions, after which we jump over the barrier on the left side and, passing forward, dodge the danger by pressing the button shown. We uncover the weapon and enter the fight with the minion. The main thing in battle is to parry attacks in time and, when the enemy moves away, without delay to strike one at a time after another. We go around the mast, shoot from the pistol at the powder kegs near the ship's cannon and deal with the minion. Together with Patty, having moved to the enemy ship, we defeat two more opponents, combining simple and powerful blows. Some enemies, most of them large ones, ignore parry, so you have to dodge. So, during the attacks of the guardian of shadows, we roll from the side to Palestine and do not miss the opportunity to lay a combination of powerful blows. If necessary, we use rum - a drink that instantly stimulates health. The culmination will be the fight with Crowe and the appearance of a huge water monster, after which the awakening will follow.
crab trembled

Patty. Nightmares for the main character have become a common occurrence: for a long time, the ghost captain does not give him peace. Patty smartly brings us back to real world and joyfully announces that we have come to Crab Trembling.
We select the key from the table, show them the chest near the bed and take out all our ammunition. In the inventory, in the "Equipment" tab, put the sword in the left right hand Steel Beard, and in the wrong side - a dueling pistol. Further down the list: on the head - a black cocked hat, on the body - an important tunic, on the legs - black trousers, on the feet - polished boots. We go to the “Supplies” tab and distribute rum and provisions among the cells of active use, so that during the “hot” battle it would not be possible to continuously get into the inventory and be treated by responding objects. Opening the door, we will fly to the trembling.
We begin the passage of the game Risen 3 ...

Chapter 1
Treasure Hunt

The greatest treasure of the South Seas is hidden in the ancient temple. Patty will constantly accompany us and actively help in the battle with the local fauna. For the murder of enemies and the completion of tasks, "Glory" is awarded, which is used to improve the character's demon. Having cleared the trembling from unequal enemies, we return to the path and begin to move deeper into the island.
Looks like we're not the only ones doing the treasure hunt. Patty will point to a soulless pirate. We kill a couple of scavengers, go to another Palestine of the river and search the body of the pirate, having previously hidden the weapon.
Continuing to walk along the path, we rise along the slope and deal with a dangerous predator - a biting dragon. We open the quest log, we get on with the active additional task “The Treasure of the Soulless Pirate!” and, guided by the map, we get to the place where the treasure is buried. We select the shovel located near the broken barrel, dig out the chest and get out of it a great amount of gold. Returning to the fork, we approach a small temple, pull the lever and go inside. We get gold coins and a crystal torch from the chest. We also recite a book lying on a stand against the back wall. Turning to the right, we get to the moat and fall down the tree, clinging to its left root.
Having reached the ruins, we comb the buildings for the presence of healthy objects and gold. In the very last of them, which is located higher than the others, there will be a chest with the spell "Rain of Fire". We return to the place where the path broke off, we go into the house and, having risen up the stairs, we turn to the right. Patty will notice with her big-eyed eyes that there is something entertaining to eat on the roof of the vis-a-vis building. Again, we search the premises and in the most extreme of them we will open the chest with the contents - five spells "Flight of the Parrot". We go back, we determine the spell in the cell of brisk use and with the support of it we turn into a parrot. The flight can continue as long as you like, but over time the bird will decrease and it will take a scarce resource - power - to gain altitude. Having flown to the back building, we interrupt the act of the spell and search the chest inside the room. We take rum, gold and a golden ring, which, when worn, increases some of the characteristics of the character.
Lord of Shadows. The fears were confirmed - the pirates are trying to find the treasure of the ancient temple. Having approached homely, we use the Fire Rain spell and, having entered into a fight, we deal with the enemies. After talking with Patty, we collect wet meat and fry it in a hothouse. We go down to the river along the path to the right of the bridge and climb onto the ledges by pressing the jump button. Having reached the very top, we pass into the sanctuary and deal with two giant rats. We collect throwing daggers, examine the bones of the pirate and move further. We destroy one more rat, we collect throwing daggers and gold. Having reached the control button of the drawbridge, we activate it and unite with Patty again.
We overcome the fighters in the main hall and search the body of Captain Rawlings, lying in the focus of the room. Rawlings was Admiral Alvarez's ramshackle buddy, and it seems his spirit has guided us down the same path all along. Patty didn't bother to report to the admiral that we were going to Crab, trembling, unwilling to share the abundance of the temple. We go through the passage on the left side in the far part of the hall. A long corridor will lead you to the chamber with the sarcophagus. Alternately, we deal with the fighter and the stone spider (if you come to the cocoon in the corner), more using a long-range weapon. From the sarcophagus we get a ritual potion and a great amount of gold. On the way back, the expected collapse of the hollow will happen. By pressing the jump button in time, we will have time to cling to the rim. If they fell down, then we collect a small number of gold and a couple of objects and pull the lever in the corner. We return to the main hall, get out from the other side of the temple and fight on the bridge with hellhounds. Next, we get to the portal inside the cave, from which the Lord of Shadows shows and kills us.
Let's get out of here

Patty still mourned for a long time her blood brother, who was buried on the trembling island. Three weeks later, we were found, dug up, and resurrected by a voodoo pirate named Bones. He drove in that the shadows took away half of our pressure and now it will be in the underworld. Without her, we will soon turn into a minion - a minion of the underworld. A weakened body is poor in restoring lost skills. To gather strength and return the other half of the pressure, we will be supported by powerful magicians - internal community leaders, exiles who have settled on the island of Tyranis and are engaged in the extraction of crystals, the true purpose of which is known only to themselves. Having finished the conversation, we sharpen the features of the character with the accumulated fame.
Looking into the underworld, you can easily show objects. The more exalted the proper skill is, the brighter the objects stand out. We'll talk to Bons again and ask about those who, in addition to the magicians, will help us in returning the Dawi.
Natives - powerful voodoo wizards, united in a tribe, live on the island of Kila.
The druid Eldric, who poses as the leader of the demon hunters and wields a special form of black magic, lives in Calador.
Alvarez.Bons will remind you that somehow we were in the pirate organization Captain's Recommendation of Antigua, headed by Admiral Alvarez, which is now endangered.
Patty went to Tacarigua in search of a salesman who had scammed her with a treasure map. The meeting promises to be fun. Bons' only wingman on Tacarigua is lighthouse keeper Jack.
Study dangerous islands at first it will be possible in the brethren of Bons. The recruitment of crew members, part-time partners, will have to be dealt with independently. Some of the candidates mentioned above are Sister Patty and Jack. Companions are issued with unique abilities and skills. For example, Bons knows how to excite health.

We use the boat in order to rise aboard the ship. Then we interact with the steering wheel, cock the sails and move to Antigua, choosing the appropriate location on the map.
An invincible armada led by the pirate captain Crowe, who returned from the underworld and put together an army of minions, captures all the ships in its path. It remains only to guess why he portrayed us in a dream and what role he will fight in our future fate.

Chapter 2
Report for Admiral Alvarez

We will talk with Bons and find out that the crystal portals knit the world of shadows and the world of the living. Those who have fallen into the underworld liquidly return back. Crystal portals must be limed as soon as possible in order to cut off the flow of the appearance of evil creatures. On the boat we move to the trembling and get to the port city, simultaneously destroying two hellhounds. Enemies in the first place will rush at us, but if only a partner joins the battle, it will be possible to get rid of the attention of one of them. We strictly attack our entire target, without getting involved in the battle of a partner. The longer we hold the strike button, the more damage we inflict. Against quick enemies, we use simple and slightly enhanced blows. Parrying is not effective for a century, and if the hero has weakened his grip, then we quickly dodge with a roll.
The tall house on the reverse side is the headquarters of the Captain's Council of Antigua. Having reached it, we will greet the admiral, who has already been waiting for the report. We will tell you in detail about what we had to face on Crab Shiver and what happened to us after the discovery of the portal.
Chaos in the port
Crowe. Hellhounds have become a major problem in Antigua. These creatures have been terrorizing the local inhabitants for several weeks now. Once a thriving port city in trade, it has become a corner cut off from the world. Someone ran away, and someone stayed, wondering if the situation would improve. Alvarez will tell you that the creatures of the underworld have been seen on the eastern tremble, on Flynn's formation, in the bazaar in front of Grace's forge, on Blood Oath Square and on the western tremble. We make the task the main one so that the marks are displayed on the map. At every point there are two or four hounds, which is why we invariably take a partner with us. In some cases, the local inhabitants will come to their senses for support. It is enough to communicate with them and offer your support in the extermination of uninvited guests. Do not forget about pumping, buying all kinds of healthy objects from merchants and completing side tasks. Careful study of the game world will make it much easier to move along the main storyline.
Returning to Alvarez, we inform him of the work done and receive a reward for every cleared item.
Alliance with Pirates

The admiral is concerned about the march with impunity South Seas ghost captain Crowe and therefore wants to connect with other guilds to confront the universal enemy. Looking for allies and entering into diplomatic alliances with them awaits us from the snout of the Captain's Council of Antigua. It is curious that the helmsman Morgan took the will on the ship of Captain Slane and began to rob everyone who was hit. However, a powerful ship and Morgan's large crew could serve a good purpose.
We continue to go the game Risen 3.

Visiting right

We get to the camp of magicians and on the way to the main building, we will meet General Magnus. He will warn that the entry of foreigners into the great chamber where the magicians are poring is strictly forbidden. Let's talk about our intentions to fight against the shadows, and then offer support or express a desire to join the ranks of the guards. The minions, led by the Shadow Lord of Betrayal, smashed the camp in the western tremble. After some persuasion, the general will charge to check the three mines in which the gnomes are engaged in the extraction of crystals, and receive reports from the foremen.
Impress General Magnus

Let's settle the mess in one of the mines from the "Report from the mines" task, return to Magnus and report on the work done. We receive permission to visit the great chamber of magicians and report this to Downes standing at the entrance.

Mine report
Erasmus. We get to the shortest mine, which will be within the camp, and we hang out with Frink at the entrance. He will ask you to bring bags of crystals from the mine. We pass into the mine and cautiously move along it. There are only four bags and they are all lying on the boxes, so there will be no problems with the search.
We leave for the second most remote mine and enter into a dialogue with Valamir, which will be near the entrance. He, to put it mildly, is frayed by the dwarfs' terrible working capacity. We agree to support and stir them up. We make the task "Gold Mine" active. Entering the mine, turn right at the fork and get to the main gnome - Faris. He's in charge of all the other dwarves and bugs out to sort out their problems. We go down the valley and hang out with Vega. Kefkir stole five crystals from him - you need to return them. We climb the slope, one of the ways we take the crystals from Kefkir and return them to Vega. Back down the valley, talk to Banu. He refuses to work hard because of the hum coming from the bottom level of the mine. We go down there, go through the arch and deal with five voracious stone spiders and one spider. Moving even further, we will meet Rami. We escort him to Faris, then return to Ban and inform him that the rumble has been eliminated. We are looking for the gnome Noeda and make sure that nothing worries him. We return to Faris again and inform him about the elimination of the problems of the gnomes. We leave the mine, report to Valamir about the work done.

A real mess is going on in the third most remote mine. Having delved into the mine, we show the body of the guard. Moving forward, we destroy the encountered enemies: five bones, five hellhounds and two minions. We do this gradually, for one taking on ourselves and a partner no more than two or three enemies. However, it all depends on the level of pumping and the current equipment.
The last fourth mine is seething with goblins. We move through the mine, cracking down on the enemies. Climbing up, we eliminate several termites and climb up the ledges. Having finished with the remaining goblins, we return to Magnus and report on all the mines. Further, Magnus will send us to the dwarf Gadi, who is working hard in the port, so that we can tell him about the newly minted mine. Having done this, we again return to Magnus and complete the task.

The first thing we have to do is to adapt to the game moments in the game. This will be done on the ship. Management is simple. No difficulties with adaptation are expected. We will not delve into the depth of the plot, but will focus only on the main elements of the gameplay.

We start the game from the cabin. We take the key on the table, change clothes. We take a weapon, put it in the slots for quick response. Separately, we put a bottle of rum, which replenishes health. Next, we start the game from the beach. We move forward, we kill rats. Now and in the future, if there are problems with the elimination of enemies, then pull them back to an ally. After he seizes the reins of battle, you can connect to finish off the enemy.

Further, there is a river near the birds, we cross it, we find the corpse of a pirate, we search it, we collect coins nearby. We take new quest treasure hunt. Now we go further, in parallel collecting various herbs, berries and other gifts of nature in the corners. When you get to the site where the lizard is grazing, you first need to kill the lizard, and then open the entrance to the crypt or whatever the building is. Opens by pressing a lever. There will be a chest inside, we search it, and read the book lying opposite. You won't be able to take it with you. Now we go outside, open the map and go to the side where a large tree is marked on the map. We reach the cliff, approach the tree, press "E" and our hero will fill up the tree, making a bridge out of it.

We move on, kill a gorilla, a ghoul hiding in some stone structure, collect the good that surrounds him and move on to a large temple. Three pirates are waiting for us there. There is no need to be afraid of them, the pirates turned out to be very weak. Search everyone, search the chest and you can go down to the left to the river, there will be a hefty crocodile and some kind of lizard. You can defeat them, extra experience will not hurt. Better than enemies pull back to an ally. You can cook food on the fire.

Now go to the right, to where the ghost of a pirate stands. We press the space bar twice, jump up twice, go into the cave, kill two rats, go further, raise the mask, insert it into the hole nearby and thus activate the bridge.