Tempest where to find 300 bomb cores. Tempest - sea adventures, pirates and rivers of rum. Graphic component of the game

I played a little game Tempest yesterday, I will share some impressions with you. Not a bad indie level project, don't expect Naval Action graphics and the RPG component of the Corsairs here, but despite this, the game looks pretty good. Considering all this, as well as the small installation weight of the game and the available system requirements- you can play on any computer. The Tempest game is in early access (early access), so I really hope that the developers will continue to work on it carefully. Just yesterday, a beta version was released with good changes. Among other things, added open world Now swimming is even more interesting.

In Tempest we have a fictional archipelago with cities from all different factions. The hero has a reputation scale with them, which changes depending on our actions. The game also has quests. True, I was able to take so far only in a pirate settlement. There is even a certain main storyline, but so far it is not impressive. There is simply a search for true friends of our captain.

But naval combat in Tempest is another matter. I don't have any particular complaints. The ship sways on the waves, the ships are damaged, the cannons fire, the steering wheel is spinning. This is perhaps now the strongest side, but after all, the emphasis has been placed on it. Therefore, nothing surprising. I liked the gun guidance system, there is some target fixation, then we are almost always waiting for a successful hit.

The command and hold interface is very well implemented, I really liked it. The experience points gained go towards improving a particular sailor. The distinction between sail-deck-gun levels also seemed very successful. Not without the officers of the team, whom we meet on various quests.
They also say that much attention is paid to mysticism and the appearance of sea monsters does not seem to be something unusual. But I only encountered some kind of kraken when my ship sank. By the way, the game will not end, but it will significantly hit the piastres and expensive ship improvements may disappear. It would be better if they let my vessel sink to the bottom.
What is currently missing in Tempest? A little training, I had to learn by clicking, and these same buttons do not display any text when hovering, so the result is sometimes the exact opposite of what you want.

To work out the world of Tempest in more detail would also not hurt. Because now it is not clear how all the factions live, where the artifacts and sea monsters come from. I would like more acquaintance with the archipelagos, but it is not yet felt. We need atmosphere, soulless shooting already exists in the face of Naval Action.

In conclusion, I will say that I liked the Tempest game. Despite the fact that I was eaten by a kraken and the first boarding ended in failure for me. And if without jokes, then the game has potential, which I hope the developers will be able to reveal.

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Many books and films tell us about full of adventure and romance of the life of pirates. And in the world of mobile gaming, this topic is well-deservedly popular - who would refuse to stand on the deck of a schooner, on the mast of which the Jolly Roger flutters, breathe in the salty wind and feel the spirit of a pirate freemen? And the fresh action-RPG Tempest offers you just that - an open world to explore, distant islands and dangerous missions, trading expeditions and predatory raids, spectacular ship battles and encounters with sea monsters.

All this sounds tempting and is really present in the game, but you should not look for any special romance here. Yes, you are free to choose, you can sail anywhere and fight with anyone, complete missions or just go to free swimming, relying on luck - but all this will require you to do more monotonous work than crazy action. Therefore, as time passes, the life of a pirate will no longer seem so romantic to you, and you won’t be able to become a bloody villain in Tempest - in general, this is a fairly smooth game in which even battles are prudent and measured.

At the start, you find yourself in the thick of a sea battle that ends tragically - your ship and crew are destroyed by a giant sea monster, the Kraken. Miraculously surviving, you start your career as a captain from scratch, with a new, rather modest vessel and not very experienced crew. We should pay tribute to the training level of this game - it is very detailed and will allow even gamers unfamiliar with the mechanics of naval battles to quickly get up to speed.

The on-screen controls are easy to use and intuitive, so learning to control the camera angle, choose the direction of the ship and set the sails is not difficult. The same applies to battles - for a beginner they look intimidating, but, in fact, they take place according to a certain pattern, and are by no means as chaotic as they might seem. It is the battles that are the main, most spectacular and most thoughtful part of the game. In them, as in real sea ​​battle, you will have to skillfully maneuver to direct your side to the enemy ship and strike it with a powerful volley from all guns. By the way, Tempest provides several types of ammunition, each of which is more effective in a certain moment. For example, buckshot is good for destroying the enemy team, and cannonballs are good for damaging the ship's hull.

In case of rapprochement, you can board the enemy ship, this purpose will be served by the boarding team located on your deck, which will engage in battle with the enemy, firing at him with rifles and muskets and throwing poisoned bombs onto the enemy deck. In case of victory, the enemy ship can be dismantled to patch up your own, or delivered to the nearest port. In addition, you can replenish your team, which has thinned after the battle, at the expense of sailors from an enemy ship.

From time to time, missions will lead you not only to collisions with other ships, but also to the shelling of land fortresses or battles with sea monsters. This brings a certain variety to the standard gameplay scheme. But in general, the essence of the game (if you this moment not engaged in combat with someone) comes down to sailing from port to port, equipping the ship and buying supplies (from cannonballs to barrels of rum), hiring a team and completing missions. They can relate to both relatively peaceful trade and helping friends, as well as purely pirate raids aimed at obtaining booty.

Your ship, of course, is subject to upgrades, and the experience of the crew and the captain will grow with each completed mission. Interestingly, you, as the captain, have to choose your skills from 12 possible ones, but keep in mind: the skills block each other. Therefore, by choosing, for example, the Marksmanship skill, you lose the opportunity to get the Trickster skill, and the skill that increases the speed of the ship will no longer allow you to increase its maneuverability.

The in-game currency, gold, you can get by completing tasks and defeating enemies. With this money, you will be engaged in the purchase of weapons and ammunition in the port, as well as repairs and upgrades of the ship at the shipyard. After that, the map and the next task await you again. This scheme is repeated regularly, and given the absence of a pronounced storyline, it may seem a little monotonous.

The result is more of a naval combat game than the open-world adventure we originally hoped for. Therefore, fans of battles at sea with maneuvers, rapprochements and shelling will appreciate it.

Of course, the visual component of Tempest deserves special mention. The graphics in it are definitely on top, especially with regard to the moments of being on the high seas. The voice acting is also not satisfactory - it adds realism to the game both during the battle and during the voyage or stay in the port.

Every child in childhood dreamed of becoming a pirate and often imagined himself as the captain of a huge ship with big guns, plowing the ocean and living his own life. The opportunity to feel like a real captain of a combat sailing ship has nevertheless appeared, we present to your attention another novelty that has replenished the list of games on Steam - this is a long-awaited project called Tempest. What players will have to do here, what battles to participate in and many other questions, we will try to answer in this review. Let's get to know the game a little closer.


Just recently appeared on Steam new game called Tempest. She immediately interested us, because the action takes place on the high seas and you have to manage a small sailing ship, but later, you will be able to purchase a more powerful and dangerous vessel for your enemies in order to conquer all water areas.

To begin with, it should be noted that this is an action of India role-playing game, developed by Lion's Shade, and the publisher is none other than HeroCraft. Note that since December 5, 2015, the game has been in early access and anyone can purchase it and try it out.

Let's start with the main menu. There is nothing remarkable here, you can only notice that there is no multiplayer, that is, you will have to conquer the seas alone, but most likely, in the near future, players will still have the opportunity to fight shoulder to shoulder with their friends. But so far history is silent about this.

Getting into the game menu, you understand that you should not expect anything beyond the graphical component, but after playing for just a couple of minutes, you understand that everything is very well worked out and this style of execution is quite even to your face.

The story begins very tempting, in front of you is a small pirate island and not the most best ship which you have to manage. First of all, you are sent in search of a missing sailor who has sailed to no one knows where, after which you begin to hunt for a huge sea monster "Kraken" and this adventure is just beginning. The game has a plot component and it pleases, but it seems that the developers still forgot a little bit to present all this in a more beautiful way, with some background, small video inserts, etc. Is it really? Perhaps all this will soon appear in the game, because at the moment the early access is still running, you say, but we still think we won’t wait for any of this.

The gameplay component can be said to be divided into three components. First, this rectangular map, allowing you to navigate. Throughout this territory there are several islands and each island is controlled by a certain faction and only a small part of them belongs to pirates.

In order to move around the map, just click on it with the mouse at different points, and if you hold right button mouse, you can even plot a route along which your ship will sail. Very convenient and simple. It should be noted that only the location of the factions that occupied a certain territory is marked on the map, and you will have to engage in battle in a completely random way. As you move around, you will randomly encounter different situations. For example, you may be attacked by pirates, you may stumble upon a trade route, or, for example, you will be asked to storm a fort, etc.

There is also a choice here, if you come face to face with pirates, then you can simply avoid the attack by retreating, or accept the fight. In addition, if you do not want to waste your time, the developers suggest using the function automatic combat, that is, artificial intelligence will play for you. But I want to warn you right away, if you want huge costs, you can use this function, that is, in this case, your ship will always receive more damage, it will spend a lot more shells, which will hit your treasure chest hard.

In map mode, you can also see the current date, and on the right there is a special window on which a ship's rudder is drawn, by clicking on it you can start the time counter. What does this mean and what is all this for? When you move around the map, the bottom line of the month and year will also change in some missions, for example, when you need to catch the Kraken for the first time, you need to wait for spring and in order not to constantly move around the map, you can simply click on the window located on bottom left corner of the map and the time will run automatically.

Secondly, the marina, where you can replenish supplies, provisions, cannonballs, upgrade your vessel or even purchase new ship. On the map you can see various islands, some of them are merchants where you can only buy provisions, others provide an opportunity to repair after long battles, and others allow you to improve your ship: install more powerful guns, sails, take care of armor, etc.

In addition to all this, in each harbor you can get a team for yourself, who from time to time will die after sea battles. On the original ship, the crew will consist of 16 sailors and 9 officers. If you can just buy sailors, then things are a little more complicated with officers. In order to get officers to your team, you need to complete various tasks.

Let's start with the fact that the crew can be improved and there are only 5 levels of development and they are all divided into three teams. Some are responsible for the assault, the second defend the deck, and the third shoot from the cannons. With the officers, everything is the same, for each team there are 3 officers, and if you have them, then you will receive a significant bonus to a particular team, and if you have already got all 9, then the bonus will be significant.

In order to improve ordinary sailors, you need to earn experience points, which can be obtained by participating in naval battles. That is, it is necessary to take into account the factor that if you prefer to play more from afar, then it is better to lower the team into the hold of the ship in order to focus on the guns. If you like close combat, boarding, then of course it is better to pump the top teams. But as practice shows, it is better to find a balance between the one and the other, because the opponents are constantly changing.

In each harbor, you can store your received things and thereby not drag all the cargo with you, because your ship has its own limitations, and if during the next voyage to robbery your hold is filled and exceeds 100%, then the ship simply will not be able to sail further and you have to get rid of some load that is not good.

Thirdly, these are, of course, battles, something for which it is worth playing this game. It is here that all the fun begins, sea battles against pirates, merchants, etc. The developers did their best, because the abundance of weapons in the game is enough to really plunge into this incredible world.

Your ship has 3 health bars: sails, crew and ship. What does all this have to do with it, you ask? The answer is simple, the game has several types of guns and various shells for them. For example, let's take an ordinary long gun. It can load a huge amount of projectiles. If you use knippels, you will damage the sails of the enemy, which will significantly weaken their speed of movement, and if the sails are completely destroyed, then the enemy ship will not be able to move at all and will become easy prey for you. There are cores that are designed to destroy the skin of the ship, thereby inflicting the main damage in order to immediately flood the enemy ship. However, you can sink another ship with other shells, for example, hot cannonballs, which set fire to and thereby destroy the crew, if they all burn out, then the ship will also sink. There are various poisonous cores, cores that restore the energy of artifacts, etc.

Speaking about artifacts, I would like to note that you can install 2 additional weapons for killing on your ship: various artifacts (by killing a kraken you will receive a deep stone that allows you to summon a kraken), a flamethrower, a mortar, that is, you will make some additional upgrade.
Management is quite simple and convenient. With help key W,A, S and D you will direct your ship in one direction or another. The mouse is designed to change shells, use the power of artifacts, or, for example, turn on a flamethrower.
The most interesting begins when shooting. There are cannons on each side of the deck, that is, you can shoot either from the starboard side or from the left side (forward or backward is currently impossible). In the lower right corner you can see 3 markings (sights), by choosing a certain one you either improve the accuracy of shooting, but at the same time increase the reload time, or vice versa. Personally, we preferred to wait longer, but hit more efficiently. In order for a salvo to occur, the enemy ship must fall within the cannon's hit radius (shown by the blue bar) and stay there for several seconds, after which the salvo will occur automatically. If you do not press the keys during the salvo, you can see a small but effective insert, as if from the first person.
Surely you have already understood that the most necessary things in the game are gold coins and cannonballs. Sometimes you have to go into battle and help the pirates so that they destroy merchant ships, and you can get gold to buy cannon shells for yourself and sometimes you have to get out so as not to be left with an empty pocket. In addition to these two components, you will need to stock up on first-aid kits to heal the wounded, otherwise, you will simply lose your combat capability.

Graphic component of the game

Considering that the game itself is not very demanding on PC characteristics, it should be noted that the graphics component in Tempest is quite worthy. Well-designed water surface, even the ships for a minute begin to seem realistic. Excellent rendering of textures, good visual effects, weather phenomena, and most importantly - there are no lags. Let's hope that the developers will soon take care of adding multiplayer to the game, because Tempest, we think, will still show its good side.


Let's sum up the Tempest game. We should pay tribute to the Lion's Shade team and give them a big and fat plus for the fact that they managed to create such interesting game, which takes players to the endless expanses of the water world, where each captain of the ship is responsible only for his team. You can feel like a real pirate, sailing the seas and robbing merchant ships. Great gameplay, pretty good graphics. Of course, there is still work to be done, but generally speaking, Tempest has got a great foundation to create something even more mesmerizing.

The sea adventurer simulator is the cherished dream of many players. To plunder galleons, to raid weakly defended cities, to build ships of your own design, to participate in naval battles, ... eh!

But, for the time being, these were pipe dreams. The obstacles were in the open world, which is difficult to make by the developer, and for some reason, major publishers do not see much interest in the marine genre. But now everything has changed, we are already familiar with a similar project - now let's take a look at a new product called "Storm".

Let's say right away that the game is in early access, but has already received extremely positive feedback from the players, despite small world, in which there are no continents, large islands and even large sea spaces. But become a real sea wolf in Tempest already possible. After all, we are given a real ship at our disposal, which can be adapted to our needs. The player can buy the necessary ship and experiment to their heart's content. For example, he has a large set of ship equipment at his disposal: you can change the hull for speed or protection, you can equip a ship for war or peaceful trade.

The choice is completely up to the player: if you want to have more space for goods, throw out the kernels from the hold. If you want to become a cruel filibuster - install a ram on the nose, and on the sides of the gun. Ornaments are not forgotten: the players big choice all kinds of pennants, flags and interior decorations. Equipping the ship with weapons is also important - various types of firepower are available for certain types of hull. Few cannons can be mounted on faster hulls. Heavier ships are well protected by guns, but are slower and have a number of other vulnerabilities: for example, they are more difficult to control in a storm. Perhaps this was done for the sake of balance.

But any ship will be dead if it does not have a team of inveterate thugs on it. True, this will not be easy to achieve - you will have to go from a beardless cabin boy to a thug tattooed from head to toe, who cannot imagine life without a bottle of rum. The best way to achieve progression of personnel is to complete all kinds of quests or fight sea monsters, among which there will be Krakens and Leviathans. It is also not bad to complete the tasks of the Coastal Brotherhood - to deliver the necessary cargo, accompany the pirate legions, rob rich ships ...

And you can plunge your head into the economic part of the game. So far, it has not been well adapted to the main gameplay and may seem complex and cumbersome. Here you will have to get acquainted with the intricacies of trade - to carry out transactions with remote colonies and embark on adventurous operations, where you can easily get the core on board, instead of the coveted jackpot. The economic system is not yet complete: some branches lead to a dead end, something has not been added yet, something is too primitive. In the future, the economy will be finalized, and maybe completely redesigned.

And, of course, you can only participate in all this alone - online battles and cooperative passage expected in future updates Tempest. But even now it is an interesting, atmospheric game in which you can piracy and fight at sea.

The sea, the wind and the Jolly Roger fluttering over the sails - the life of a pirate has always been famous for romance and attracted people of all generations, from green youths to wealthy men. However, in the overwhelming majority of cases, any attempts to transfer the pirate theme to games ended rather unsuccessfully, and besides Corsairs it's hard to think of any games that would really stick in your memory for years to come. Fortunately, ambitious programmers love complex topics, so the company Lion's Shade decided to make their own called Tempest. The publisher of the project is the company Herocraft. It should be noted that, according to official information, the development Tempest only one person named Andriy Babak is involved, and it is for this reason that the game began to be sold to users in early access. Accordingly, there is much less content in the launch version than it will be in the release, but the developers claim that this is a necessary measure for further development project.

We rob caravans

Setting Tempest almost completely copies the Corsairs long forgotten by everyone, but at the same time the developer decided to introduce some additions from himself, as a result of which, in addition to control, appearance and the ability to dispel the Jolly Roger over your sails practically nothing connects these games.

There is no plot as such in the game. The plot of the story tells us that our native ship was sunk Kraken, and therefore main character wants to find a sea monster and avenge his sunken ship. After completing this main quest, no new tasks are issued, but there are secondary missions that brighten up quite well even in early access. game process and make it quite interesting. The developers explain the absence of a plot by the fact that in the release version they are going to provide a completely open world and a full-fledged multiplayer, that is, the result should be a kind of online game about pirates, but at the same time with the ability to surf the local waters alone in search of profit. Graphically, the game looks passable, but even the old Corsairs outperform it visually. Of course, this can be explained by the difference in funding for both projects, but in reality, if you want to see a beautiful sea and a clearly traced ship, there is no point in buying Tempest, which, in fact, should compete.

The sound in the game is not bad, but here, in principle, there was little that could be spoiled. Cannon shots, screams of monsters, sounds of muskets - this and much more helps to plunge into the atmosphere of a real naval battle.

What is it like to be a corsair without profit?

The gameplay in the game is extremely simple - you are the captain of the ship with complete freedom of action and without any obligations. You decide how exactly you will look in the eyes of others - a pirate, a defender or a pacifist, but at the same time it becomes clear that there is practically no difference in how exactly you will act. After completing the storyline, you have only one thing to do - go through long and often rather boring quests with meager rewards or take part in constant battles that will allow you to earn new funds. Events in the game are completely random. In other words, you just swim around the map from one point to another, and the system announces to you every 5-10 seconds that a trade caravan is passing nearby, pirates are walking or some kind of battle is taking place, and you yourself choose to join the fray or sail on. If we omit realism, then such a system has a lot of drawbacks.

First of all, if you are aiming to complete some kind of quest, during which, for example, you need to explore 10 ports and ask local residents there, then constantly pop-up ads that need to be rejected are very annoying, especially if you have to swim for a really long time. At the same time, if, again, for some quest you need to kill representatives of a certain faction, you will have to swim and wait until the computer makes you an “announcement” with the desired battle. Which factions you will fight during the game, it does not really matter here. Relationships are constantly moving in different directions, but still you are welcomed with pleasure in every port, and the prices remain exactly the same as in the beginning. If in the same Corsairs you automatically became an ally of a friendly faction and an enemy of an aggressive faction in battle, then here, even in the battle of factions with a conditional ratio of +100/-100, you can freely click "Fight for -100 vs +100". The ships are the same for everyone, as are the available equipment, and the only difference between all factions can be seen only in the fact that the ships of the merchants contain more valuables, but even if you mercilessly destroy the trade caravans wherever you see, you are always welcome in port at the Trade faction with low prices.

Periodically occur random events in the form of an attack on you by the Flying Dutchmen. Here, these are peculiar ghostly ships, which actually look exactly the same as the standard ones, only they have a slight green glow around them. Even when entering the boarding it is clear that the ship is equipped with standard musketeers - exactly the same as on any other. No increased stats, no immunity to a certain type of damage - nothing. The only difference between such a battle is that they often take place near the Leviathan's lair, which mercilessly destroys both you and the "Risen" ships. Unfortunately, we are not allowed to fight Leviathan, he just randomly attacks different ships. After any battles, the ship licks its own wounds, and only if you are too lazy to wait for this, you can repair it in the port for a couple of kopecks. Also, after the battle, part of the team may randomly die or be injured, and these losses also need to be restored. Ports, in fact, are also rather poorly implemented, since 90% of them are a standard store, and the rest also have a shipyard where you can change the equipment of your ship. You don’t run around the port, you don’t visit taverns, you don’t admire the surroundings - you see only your moored ship and a small menu in which you can choose where exactly to go. Yes, and the captain himself, as a character, is not in the game, you just control your ship, and the main story line is being conducted on his behalf.

Combat system in the game is made absolutely in its own way and bears little resemblance to any realism. It is possible that in this way the developer tried to move away from those same Corsairs so that he would not be accused of plagiarism, but, in fact, such topics cannot be plagiarism, because everything is one way or another based on historical facts. But not Tempest. Firstly, all ships have only lateral guns, that is, if you are standing bow or stern to the enemy, you cannot fire. The developer also decided to introduce his own guidance technique. You choose how much your gunners will "squint", which determines the accuracy, as well as the aiming time of the gun. After an enemy ship enters the fire zone (which changes depending on the selected accuracy), a countdown begins, during which the percentage of successful hits increases. You can shoot while waiting for maximum accuracy or while it is filling up, and there is also a setting that allows you to automatically shoot when you reach the maximum accuracy, so you can just steer the ship and you don’t need to press anything else.

Also Tempest does not give us the opportunity to independently draw a saber and board an enemy ship. Here, such a battle looks like this: two ships at any angle and at any speed collide with each other's sides, after which teams from both sides begin to shoot at each other with muskets. The one whose team is completely exterminated first loses. No prisoners or ship capture - even if you win, you will receive exactly the same reward that you could pick up after the destruction of the ship without the ability to hire sailors from prisoners or tow the ship to sell it in the nearest port or add it to your own fleet. The power of the guns is really amazing, especially if we are talking about small ships. Even on the most "heavy" difficulty with a single volley with standard shrapnel, you destroy up to 50% of the enemy team, which, when reloading the guns in 10 seconds, almost instantly deprives the ship of the entire team and you can sink it with one click - just swim up to a distance from which you can throw a hook .

By the way, the nuclei here are narrowly focused. Ordinary ones only hit the hull, shrapnel hits on command, and knippels hit the sails. Thus, even if you riddle an enemy ship with 100 guns of knipples, you will only kill his crew, and the ship itself will be intact, and until you get close to it, it is impossible to kill it. All these features of the local combat system artificial intelligence obviously not up to it, because it often acts strangely, but predictably over time, which allows even on the very first ship to freely sink entire fleets of opponents, even if there ships are several classes higher than yours. We keep at a certain distance, do not allow ourselves to be bypassed and freely destroy opponents one by one. An interesting innovation of the developers is the ability to distribute a team that allows you to adjust the efficiency of your vessel. For example, by moving sailors from the hold to the ship, you reduce the effectiveness of the guns, but at the same time increase the effectiveness of the boarding. You can also adjust the number of sailors on the sails, which affects the speed of your sailing.


The success of this game directly depends on which way the developers are going to take it. If this is a standard project for single player, which should compete with the Corsairs, then even with a ten-year head start, Tempest loses significantly in terms of graphics, effects, and gameplay saturation, not to mention realism. Another thing is the MMO, where absolutely no alternative to this game is offered to this day. The developers have already said that they consider multiplayer to be the most important addition in the release version, and if the content that is present in the game in early access is only PvE in a huge open online world, then it will turn out to be very, very interesting. Perhaps in Herocraft going to make a peculiar Seafight in 3D, and they really succeeded, because this project Tempest will make for great competition.

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