Witcher 2 dungeon. Quest: Blood from Blood

If you choose to side with Iorveth and the Scoia'tael, you will start the chapter playing as Stennis, Prince of Aedirn. You are sent to a meeting between King Henselt and Aedirnian nobles who want to sell the country. The King of Kaedwen and his troops will publicly attack you and your allies. As in the case when you played Iorveth, Stennis has all of Geralt's combat skills at his disposal, except for magical signs. Focus your attack on the king while Saskia and the others deal with the troops and mages.

Now you are playing as the Witcher again. You are surrounded by ghosts and draugs. Let Iorveth deal with smaller enemies, and you take on a large enemy with a shield. For protection, use Quen to keep him at a distance - Aard. If you have upgraded the Windmill and Reflection of Pain skills, then this fight will not be difficult.

Now Philippa will lead you across the cursed field, surrounding you and allies with a magical shield and shooting off most (if not all) enemies with lightning. Sometimes spirits and draugs will get in your way. In this situation, it pays to quickly and effectively deal with the spirits that support the spell while your allies fight the draug.

Soon you will reach Vergen where you will be guided by Skalen Bourdon. Follow him to the tavern where he will show you to your room. After that, you can go to the war council to hear about Saskia's plans. Eventually the leader of the resistance will drink from the poisoned cup, and you will need to look for an antidote.


The first ingredient in the antidote is immortelle, which grows deep in the mines of Vergen. Go to the tavern and talk to the dwarves Zoltan and Yarpen. They will want to help you find a cure and will take you to the entrance to the mines. Before entering, stock up on Cat and Swallow elixirs.

Almost pitch darkness reigns in the mines, so the Cat's elixir will greatly facilitate your work. Dwarfs will also be with you, which will greatly facilitate the battle. You will mainly fight regular and large corpse eaters. Keep in mind that they explode before they die, so after killing each of them, quickly roll to the side.

First, go to the corral to the west (according to the map) of the mine, where you will find the corpse of a miner. Search the corpse and you will find the key to upper mines. With this key, go to the northeast part of the mines. Head to the dead end to the north and you'll find another corpse and a key to the middle shafts.

Use this key to open the door in the center of the map. Here you will find a good weapon and a third corpse with a key to the lower mines. Exit the room and follow the corridor a little to the west. This passage leads to the southeast, where immortelle grows.

The grass is heavily guarded by the duckbill and a pack of corpse-eaters. Your allies will serve as a good distraction for the creatures. You, under the influence of Quen, will have to stun, lure into traps and in every possible way beat a healthy duckling. Yrden will help you keep it under control. You can also use bombs to kill corpse eaters around the platypus and thereby damage it with explosions from both dying corpse eaters and bombs.

When the enemies are finished, take the immortelle and other treasures. Like, for example, the recipe for a silver sword made from a red meteorite. When you're ready, get out of the mines, killing enemies that might reappear along the way.

Harpy nest

If you bring the immortelle to Philippa, she will help you find the next ingredient. Find Cecil Bourdon and ask him where to find the magic stone. He will offer to go to the tower, which is located in the forest.

Before you set off, upgrade your weapons from merchants. If you find drawings of a silver sword from a red meteorite in the mines, be sure to use the services of a blacksmith. Go to the back gate of Vergen. You will be attacked by 4 Scoia'tael.

It turns out that not all of Iorveth's followers are loyal. First kill the archers, then the enemy with two weapons, and finally the dwarf with the axe. As long as you use Quen, you will be safe.

Now go along the shallow part of the river and to the right up the hill. If you are attacked by harpies or soldiers, be sure to deal with them, otherwise during the battle you will not be able to jump over the cliff. Jumping from one hill to another, you will eventually reach the tower that Cecil was talking about.

You will be attacked by a flock of harpies led by a harpy keleno. Use Aard to disperse the group and defend with Quen. Defeat the little harpies first and then their leader. After the battle, take the stone in the tower and head back to Vergen.

Talk to Philippa and Cecil and you'll find out that the stone you found isn't powerful enough and you'll have to head to the harpy nest. Persuade Cecil to give you the key and move forward.

As the name suggests, the harpy den is infested with these creatures. Make sure that all your items, elixirs and traps are suitable for fighting these enemies. Because they fly, harpies are virtually immune to some common tactics.

In the lair you will find several crystallized dreams, one of which turns out to be a dragon's dream. There will also be dreams of Iorveth and the peasant. Be sure to search the dead soldier inside. You will find excellent Kaedweni armor on him, which will come in handy for the next battle.

At the end of the lair, you will find a projector that contains Summer's dream. Drink elixirs and set traps before taking sleep. Because then you will be attacked by an army of keleno and the queen of harpies, a total of 8 enemies.

The traps that you set before the fight will help you weaken the pack. Use Aard to control enemies and Quen with Reflect Pain. Due to the limited space in the lair, you will have to run around the column in the center and lead the harpies behind you. It will also give you time to regain energy and health. As with most boss fights, deal with the smaller enemies first and then the queen.

When the harpies are done with, play the crystallized dreams in the projector to find the dragon's dream. Then head back to Vergen and talk to Philippa.

Trolls and Mercenaries

Go to the tavern and talk to the drunken gnome in the bar. He has information about the whereabouts of Triss, but he will only share it if you treat him with a beer. Give him about 20 orens and he will tell you where your girlfriend is. So you will get into the gorges near Vergen.

At the familiar crossroads with the altar, turn right. Here you will meet the troll who looked after Triss. You will have the choice to kill him, but it is much more useful to talk to him and agree to help get his wife back. After talking with the monster, go further deep into the gorges, and in the end you will find the troll's wife, who was attacked by Pangratt and his mercenaries.

You can make a deal with people and kill her, or you can keep your word and help her. In any case, you will have to fight, and you will have one or more allies on your side. As before, use Quen, let your allies take the main hit, and you deal with enemies one at a time with rolls and quick strikes.

Whether you killed the troll or Pangratt escaped, you must return to your husband and report what happened. If you killed his wife, he will attack you. His fighting style will not differ from his wife's. However, if you helped them reunite, they will give you the Triss ribbon and become Vergen's allies.

peasant riot

Upon returning to Philippa with the ribbon of Triss, we learn that the peasants are indignant and want to kill Prince Stennis. The sorceress will remind you that for Saskia's medicine you need royal blood... the blood of Stennis or Henselt.

Go to the prince's chambers, where you can listen to the opinions of nobles, commoners, soldiers, as well as the prince himself. You will only be able to interview 5 people before you are asked to make a judgment.

The prince himself will not tell you much, as well as the peasants who want to deal with him by lynching. However, you can find out a lot of interesting things by talking to the blacksmith who made Saskia's goblet and the servant who poured the wine. But the discovered evidence in any case is not enough to name the perpetrator.

You can choose between lynching and a fair trial of Stennis. In the first case, you will be able to get a king rabbit, in the second case, you will have to take blood from the Kaedweni king. Although this quest is not resolved in any way in the second chapter, in the third you can find out that he is actually guilty.

Kaedwen and Nilfgaard

You will have to go to the other side of the cursed battlefield to find Triss and maybe even get royal blood. First talk to Philippa and she will agree to take you through the fog. Exit Vergen, follow the road down and to the right, into the ghostly fog.

As at the beginning of the chapter, you will need to be within the magical field. Also, since Iorveth is no longer with you, you yourself will have to protect Philippa. As before, when the sorceress's spell is interrupted, quickly deal with the ghosts with powerful blows, rolling from one to another. You don't have to worry about the draug.

You will end up on the other side of the fog. After a short conversation with Roche, you will learn that there are two ways to get into the Nilfgaardian camp: sneak through the Kaedweni camp or bribe the courtesans on the hill.

Bribing requires a considerable amount of orens, so it is recommended to save money and choose the second option. Travel to the coast to the northeast (on the map) and infiltrate the Kaedweni camp.

You will need to move very carefully, because if you are noticed, then after a while the game will automatically end with your death. First, wait for a group of drunken soldiers to leave the bar. Run behind the tents and move on. A patrol will come out of the gate and head to the center of the camp. When they stop, knock out the lone soldier at the armory and continue west, hiding behind the tents.

Now wait for the guard to relieve himself and return to the fire in the center of the camp. Keep moving forward, the cook will notice you. Quickly run up to him and use the Axii sign on him to convince him that he needs to rest and go to bed. Walk right. A patrol will come out of the gate. Wait for the soldiers to leave and use the same door. Knock out the soldier on the cliff and go down. Walk along the beach and enter the caves.

There are a few corpse eaters waiting for you here - nothing dangerous or new from your adventures in the mines. Move through the caves, and when you get to the Nilfgaardian camp, you will be caught by the guards and taken to Shilard. After the conversation and cutscenes, Roche and Bianca will join you to deal with the remaining enemies.

While your allies are taking the brunt, use Quen and focus on the wizard. Dodge his fire magic, and when he uses protection, switch to weaker enemies. As soon as the magician's defense falls, use Aard and hit him with all your might.

When the wizard is finished, Roche will help you get through the Kaedweni camp. If you let Stennis die, you will have to play along with the fact that you are a prisoner and answer the questions of the guard at the gate. In the first case, select "Game", in the second - "Silence".

If you didn't let Stennis die, you'll have to sneak into Henselt's tent. Hide behind the crates and wait for the soldiers to leave. Here, without leaving the boxes, move to the right along the cliff and behind a large tent with two guards. Use Aard on the barrels, the guards will go to see what happened. Go around the tent in a clockwise direction and go inside.

In the end, you will find yourself outside the camp. Meet Philippa and head back to Vergen to heal Saskia.

Symbol of Death

Now that Saskia is alive and well again, you need to put an end to the curse on the battlefield. You need to get certain relics in order to end Eternal fight. After talking with Sasky and Philippa, you will receive 3 necessary items: Vandergrift's sword, Seltkirk's armor and a magic medallion. The last part of the puzzle is the banner of the Brown Banner in the forest in the catacombs.

Use the upper (on the map) exit from Vergen, cross the familiar lake, pass familiar hills and enter the catacombs. Come on down. Many walls can be broken by Aard, but there is almost nothing of value there.

You need to go down to the lowest level of the crypt. Kill ghosts on your way. And in the end you will meet with the ghost of Eckhart. You can talk to him and convince him that he is right by answering a few questions. First answer that he is wrong, then - Manno Coehoorn, then - Manno was killed near Brenna. The army commanders are Vandergrift and Zeltkirk. And finally, that Bigerhorn took you prisoner.

If you make a mistake with the answers or do not want to talk at all, then you will have to kill the ghost. The Yrden sign helps well against him, which will allow you to go behind your back and deliver powerful blows. Also, do not forget about Quen and rolls. If you pumped Power and you have a strong sword, then you will quickly cope with it. In any case, take the banner from the coffin and return back to Vergen.

If you didn't get the other three relics, talk to Saskia again. Then talk to Philippa one last time to go to the cursed battle.

Eternal fight

You will be possessed by various spirits, during which you will be deprived of witcher abilities, such as magic and elixirs. First, an Aedirnian soldier will take possession of you. While your allies fight the Kaedweni soldiers, concentrate on the standard bearer. Parry and strike quickly, and you can handle it.

Now you will be taken over by a Kaedweni soldier, who needs to run to the commander and report what happened. However, your allies don't know you're coming and won't stop firing arrows. Use barriers to take cover from a volley of fire arrows and quickly run to another cover when the archers are reloading. As a result, you will reach Vandergrift with a report.

Then you will be taken over by the Zeltkirk. There will be many enemies, but, as in any non-Witcher battle, the tactics are the same: parry and counterattack with quick strikes. In the end, you will meet the draug and be able to play as Geralt again. Kill the standard bearer and prepare for a boss fight.

Sabrina will unleash fireballs on the battlefield, while arrows and trebuchet salvos will rain down from Vandergrift. Quen will be enough to block many of these attacks. In a defensive stance, Vandergrift will often counter-attack, so it's best to just wait out this moment before attacking.

With a fully pumped Quen and a lot of energy, you will be able to avoid up to 15 attacks in a row. This is very handy, as every hit from Vandergrift can be fatal. First, focus on breaking the Draug's shield with relentless attacks. If you run out of energy, hide behind the rubble and wait until one or two strips are restored. Use Quen and attack Vandergrift again. Use a combo of three quick hits. Then run away again to restore energy.

It will take a long time before you deal with Vandergrift, but the above tactics are very simple and safe. After the battle, you will play as one last spirit- A Kaedweni priest. Avoid Sabrina's fireballs and exit the fog to end the curse.

Siege of Vergen

Now that the curse is over, Henselt will attack Vergen. At first, his troops will attack from the main gate, but Zoltan has an idea on how to stop the first wave. Use Quen and go up the stairs on the right. There is a lever here, by turning which you will pour boiling oil into the main entrance. While you have Quen, enemies will not be able to interrupt the interactive scene.

After a few cutscenes, you will find yourself on the wall of Vergen with Saskia, Zoltan and a crowd of allied soldiers. The Kaedweni troops will set up ladders and their soldiers will start climbing the wall. Allied troops will damage them with arrows, but when it comes to hand-to-hand combat, everything will depend on you.

Thanks to the huge number of allied troops, we will not have to resort to sophisticated strategies. Enemies will often be distracted and you will be able to backstab and use Igni and Aard. In fact, you will be able to land 6 or more hits on the enemy before they switch to you. By that time, however, the enemy may already be dead and will not be able to fight back.

After two waves of attacking the wall, Saskia will ask you to go with her to the mines. She will guide you, so just follow her. Kaedweni troops have already infiltrated the mines, and you will have to clear several rooms of enemies. They are easily downed by Aard and should die with a couple of heavy sword blows.

In a large hall in the mines, we meet with Detmold and another crowd of soldiers. Use Quen and let Saskia take the main attack. With any luck, she will push them to the edge of the room, giving you time to deal with them one by one. Although Detmold is a big threat in this fight, it is not necessary to kill him. It will be much more practical to dodge his spells and focus on his henchmen. When only two enemies remain, a cutscene will play and the battle will end.

You will return to the wall and clash with another wave of soldiers. The strategy is the same. There are many allies, so there will be no difficulties with enemies. After you deal with the first wave, go after Zoltan and meet up with Iorveth. Cover Zoltan and he will break the gate mechanism. War is over.

After the heroes have negotiated the terms of the peace treaty, explore Philippa's room and talk to Iorveth to end the chapter.

Bad reception

The very beginning of the first chapter. We are being fired upon by "clouds" of arrows, Triss creates a protective field and we are moving towards Flotsam. But things don't go so well and Triss loses a lot of strength. Roche takes her in his arms and we slowly head towards the city. The main advice for this quest is to simply stay within the barrier. All our way to Flotsam, we protect Roche and Triss from the attacks of the Skoya "taels. There should be no problems with this quest. InSTEAM game version (and most likely will be in the Xbox 360 version), there is an achievement in this quest. To receive it, you must never go beyond the protective field.

By the will of the gods and executive fools

As soon as we get to Flotsam, we are immediately told, they say, "Come to the execution of criminals." It will take place on the Market Square. Having gone there, we find out that the "criminals" are people we know well, previously comrades - Dandelion and Zoltan.
We met with them in the first part of the game and had a very sincere time. ^_^ Let's get back to the task. Needless to say, friends need to be rescued. And we're trying to do something.

We have two solutions and they both lead to the same result:
1) Convince the crowd gazing at the execution to protest against such cruelty.
2) Intimidate representatives of the guard.

In any case, after that we will have a fight with the guards. And with an executioner. The duel is easy, there is nothing to describe here. After all this action, Mr. Loredo, the local bigwig, will come to the Market Square. He invites Geralt to his house to discuss some issues. The meeting is scheduled for the evening, or better to say closer to the night. Buttercup and Zoltan are released, but on the condition that they do not leave Flotsam.

Kay run

And so, the great and terrible Keiran. Terrible - because a lot of questions arise during the passage of this boss. In addition to the fight with Kayran itself, there are a lot of secondary actions and small tasks in this quest. To activate this quest, we need to go to the tavern and after talking with our comrades (Rocher, Buttercup, Zoltan, Triss) a frightened man will run into the room shouting “Keiran!” We have no choice but to go and see this Keiran. In general, there are a lot of ads in Flotsam with the words “Be careful” and a “river monster” painted over it. That's right, this monster loves water and lives there, annoying the local population for more than a dozen years. By the way, it gave us a lot of trouble. After all, it was because of him that we had to walk to Flotsam, through the forest. Where the Scoia'tael attacked us.

After leaving the tavern, we find out that the monster has already left Flotsam's pier. But despite this, we meet several people at the scene. One of them -Sheala de Tanserville. An enchantress who came to Flotsam to fulfill a contract for Kayran. Well, at the same time for the ingredients for their alchemical deeds. In addition to her, we meet - a few peasants. They are embittered at Sheala. A little later, we realize that Sheala tried to deal with the Keiran, but somehow prevented the peasants.

And we again have a choice, we can:
1) Enchant the peasants.
2) Intimidate the peasants.
3) Or just solve everything with a conversation and convince people that it was not Sheala who prevented them, but Cairna.

But a new participant enters the conversation,Ludwig Moers. He offers us to take a contract for this same monster and is convinced that Geralt and Sheala the best option to kill the monster.

Sheala and Geralt do not mind. The Enchantress sends the Witcher to negotiate a price and find out details about Kayran. She herself is absent until the battle itself. We run on the "order" of Sheala. Having come running, we learn that when the contract is fulfilled, the Merchant will pay us the money.

We can also agree with him:
1) Demand some amount in advance.
2) Ask for a big reward for completing the task.
3) Bewitch and negotiate.

Having finished discussing the price, the merchant will report that he himself does not know the details about the monster, but he knows who to contact. This someone is Cedric, you can find him after leaving the city. He usually hangs out in the vicinity of Bindyuga (a village between the forest and Flotsam).

Very often people do not understand exactly where Cedric is, so I will show you in the screenshots and in the video where to look for him:


Having gone after Cedric, at the exit from Flotsam, we will meet Triss. She tells us that, against the fact that we are doing business with Sheala. After that, she goes with us to Cedric. After finding and talking with Cedric, we find out that Keiran is very dangerous. He uses a strong poison and for this reason Geralt would do well to study it before the fight. For security. Well, collect it, for the elixir "Mongoose", which will help us survive in contact with the tentacles of Kayran.

Traces of the monster, Cedric saw near the broken ship, which is located in the depths of the forest. Now our task is to study the Keiran's poison. Triss will be waiting for us right at the ship. The ship is here:
Having reached the desired location, we again meet Triss and together we go down to the ship. There we are attacked by a bunch of utopians. Use a silver sword and the fight will be easier and faster. Having dealt with the "wickedness", we study the mucus of Kayran and find out that it is she who is poisonous. Triss states that to create the Mongoose Elixir, we will also need the tenecost plant. On this we say goodbye to Triss and in parting we get the recipe for this very elixir - "Mongoose".

We return to Cedric and talk to him. We learn that Cedric does not have a tenecost, but he knows where to look - in a cave behind a waterfall, in the South. It is not difficult to find it, but for those who cannot do it, I add a screenshot of the map with a mark on this cave:

Once in the cave, a crowd of nakers will attack Geralt, be careful, save more often. Nakers attack in droves, so they are quite difficult to deal with.

After destroying all the nakers, run to the very end of the cave, there, on the wall, there will be a tenecost, it’s very difficult not to notice it, but for those who haven’t noticed, I’ll post a screenshot where the place we need is marked: Now we can create the Mongoose elixir. To do this, we need to click Ctrl - Alchemy - Mongoose.

We return to Flotsam, for Sheala. It is located in the tavern building on the second floor. And the tavern itself is located on the Market Square. After talking with her, Geralt arranges a meeting not far from the wrecked ship.

The next stage is the fight with Keiran.
We follow to the meeting place, where we meet the sorceress. While she was waiting for us, a plan had already formed in her head. Sheala is upstairs and helps us lure Kayran out of the river, and at this moment we are fighting him below.
Before the fight, be sure to use the Mongoose elixir. It is done like this - Ctrl - Elixir - Mongoose . Fight with Kayran

The whole tactic for combat is to set traps with the sign of Yrden, catch tentacles in them and cut them with a silver sword until they are chopped off. In total, Keiran has six tentacles, we need to cut off three. Also, to save health, use the Quen sign, it will help you take the Kayran's blow without losing health. After that, a QTE scene will begin, where you will need to press the keys that are shown on the screen in time. If it is very difficult for you to play and you can't beat Kayran in any way, change the difficulty to "Easy" in the game options. After the QTE ends, you will have to climb the column destroyed by Kayran and finish him off. The whole difficulty is that the monster will constantly knock you down and at the same time take away the lion's share of health. So my advice is to use the Quen sign and climb the pillar. Have you been hit? Again Quen and again on the column. Thanks to this sign, the first hit on you will not take away Geralt's health, which will greatly simplify the task.

After completing this task, be sure to take everything that “falls out” of the Kayran, all this goodness will come in handy for you to create armor from the Kayran shell. Well, now return to Flotsam for the previously promised reward.

You can also help yourself in this quest, having created a trap for his tentacles before the battle with Keiran. True, get rid of everything with the help of it one tentacles, the other three will also have to be cut with a sword. To create a trap, you will need a frame, usually with its extraction, there are difficulties, so I will write where to look and where to go.
Rama can be taken in the quest "Bad Proposal" It is located on the territory of the Loredo mansion.
To be more precise, the frame lies in a chest, in a fenced-off part of the courtyard. (closer to the garrison gate). Even if the doors there are locked, you can jump over the low masonry.
From there, you can, having climbed onto the scaffolding, jump into the outer courtyard, so as not to circle in the opposite direction once again.

To make a trap, you need to buy a blueprint from Cedric.
You can create it at the blacksmith's assistant, in the quarter of non-humans, Berthold Candeleria.

To create a trap you will need:
- Iron frame (you can find it during the passage of the quest "A Vile Proposal", in the backyard of Commandant Loredo)
- Oil - 2 pcs.
- Iron ore- 1 PC.
- Silver ore - 1 pc.

All ingredients, except for the frame, can be bought from vendors.

vile suggestion

Now Geralt is going to visit Commandant Loredo. You can go to him after 21.00, after talking with the guard in advance. The representative of the order will ask you to leave all the weapons with him, for a while. After handing over the weapon, we head to the territory of Loredo, and Roche comes right behind us. Having agreed with the guard, we go into the mansion, already together with Roche. As soon as we enter, Roche notices ballista. He doesn't like her and wants to deal with her. But I will write about this later, a little below. There is a feast in Loredo's courtyard. But that's not what we came here for, and that's why we're heading to Loredo's house. But here, as always, there is a guard, and this time he does not let us inside, the conversation ends with the phrase “Loredo has guests, come back later.” Rocher is interested in who these same guests are and what they are talking about with the commandant. In this regard, he directs us to reconnaissance. Our goal is to go around the house, imperceptibly, and eavesdrop on the conversation - "guests" with Loredo. One piece of advice- be careful with buckets, they often stand in the most inconvenient places and hitting them you will immediately attract the attention of the guards. Look under your feet.
Balista Roche will ask you to break the ballista in order not to be dependent on Loredo. Talk to the prostitute standing aside - Margarita. Ask her to serve the ballista guard. In order for her to agree to perform this service, she needs to pay! Kingslayers
After receiving the reward for killing Kayran and visiting Loredo, we will have a conversation with Triss. She will tell us that there is a ship (Floating Prison) in the harbor with imprisoned Scoia'taels. And one of the prisoners who are there, the "man" of Iorveth. Talking to him may help us learn some details about Iorveth himself and Foltest's killer.
Having gone to the ship, we will meet two guards. If you have previously agreed with Loredo(sq. vile suggestion)we will be let through without further ado. Well, if you did not agree with his proposal, you will have to go differently.

There are several ways to get inside the ship:
1) Convince the guards.
2) Intimidate the guards.
3) Bribe the guards.

From choice different options, the result will not change. Either way, we'll be let through. Next, we head to the lower deck, where we observe the captive Scoia'tael. He is clearly not in the best shape, barely alive. To question him, Triss has to use magic. In order to somehow restore the prisoner, since he is on the verge of death. Having revived the elf for a while, we have to ask him about everything that is sore. After the dialogue, it turns out that Foltest was killed by a certain Leto, and he also attacked Iorvet's detachment. And now they are not friends at all. And even vice versa. After talking with the elf, Geralt turns off, he is visited by a memory of his past life...

Rose of memory

After Geralt's flashbacks, Triss offers to restore our memory by giving us some kind of elixir. According to Cedric, you can make it from a certain “Rose of Memory”, well, in this case, we go after it. And I’ll immediately lay out a map with a mark of the place where we have to reach:
We can choose:
1) Go looking for a rose with Triss.
2) Go searching alone.

1) Having set off with Triss, we need to lead her and ourselves through the very wilderness of the forest. Surely you will meet both nakers and endryags, so be extremely careful. Do not hesitate to take an extra elixir and buy a couple of other bombs and traps before leaving. Speaking of traps, there are a huge number of them in the forest, so look under your feet. And you won't get there...
Approaching closer to the destination, Triss will begin to say that there is very little left. The garden we are heading to is located almost above the waterfall where we collected tenecost. Triss will show us the way up, deftly climbing up ledges and ledges. And here we are in an ancient, very beautiful elven garden. Before our eyes stands a beautiful elven monument of two lovers, and no less beautiful roses of memory bloom around it. What we need. We pluck a flower and then a trio of robbers breaks all the harmony. They came to dismantle the sculpture. Geralt and Triss do not like this and therefore a fight is started. During the battle, the ground under our feet falls through and we do not weakly fall into the room under the monument.

Looking around, we find out what it is elven bath. Get out of here, we can’t get out, everything is blocked. Let's go talk to Triss. Triss drags out a conversation about the future, about plans, desires and more. With this conversation, you can achieve a love scene. But if we talk about third-party affairs and things, this will not work. After the conversation, you can break the wall with peace of mind with the help of the Aard sign and get out. But if you preferred a love scene to a conversation, Roche will come for you, due to your long absence. According to Triss, Zoltan knows some important information about Iorvet. We return to Flotsam.

2) Let's go alone. On the way, we will meet a bunch of monsters and a mountain of traps placed according to the lemma, be careful. Having reached the waterfall, where the tenecost was collected, we climb up the ledges. There we observe a beautiful, elven garden and a magnificent statue of lovers. The whole thing is located almost above the waterfalls, if you find it difficult to find, the map is laid out above. Roses of memory grow near her. We tear off the flower and return to Flotsam. We meet with Triss and learn from her that Zoltan may know interesting information for us, and this information is somehow connected with Iorveth.


Looking for Zoltan. It is located in the Tavern of Flotsam, which is on the Market Square.
We tell Zoltan that we need to meet with Iorvet and find out who this killer of kings is. Our old friend, of course, will help us and take us to meet the elf. We run after Zoltan, Geralt feels that we are being watched. Running to the meeting place, Zoltan says the password. But things don't turn out so rosy. Bows are pointed at Geralt and sent to another place for a meeting. Zoltan realizes that this is a trap and warns the witcher.

So it is, we were sent to the lair of the head-eye. In a fight with him, try to keep your distance, use blocks and rolls, actively use magic, bombs, traps. After a successful victory over the head-eye, a detachment of elves led by Iorveth himself will enter the battlefield.

We talk with the elf, talk about Leto's betrayal and what a bad witcher he is. Iorveth has a plan to deceive Summer. Geralt agrees. Next, we lead Iorveth with his hands tied to meet Leto. Of course, the elves are looking after us, and if anything they are immediately ready to rush into battle. We go again to the monument of the beloved, where they got the rose of memory. Summer is waiting for us there. A conversation with Leto dots the I. And also gives us new information that Leto has assistants in Aedirn. The leader of the elves understands that we did not deceive him and Summer really wants to send Iorveth to another world. A crowd of elves flies out of their hiding places, but then suddenly a whole bunch of soldiers appear - the people of Vernon Roche.

And at this moment a very serious choice: Iorveth asks Geralt to hand over his sword. .
1) We can give the sword , in this case, Iorveth will attack Roche's people and run away from the place of the duel unharmed. However, all non-humans of Flotsam will suffer in the future.
2) We can hit Iorveth thus we will not give up the sword . In this case, the elf will be captured by Roche. And in Flotsam they will hold a feast in honor of the capture of such a wanted elf.

Let's go back to Summer.
Geralt enters into a difficult battle with him. And we fall into the ground, again into the bath! True, this time the company is less pleasant.

Battle with Leto

I will say right away that it will not be possible to defeat Summer. Therefore, do not worry if you see that Geralt has very little health left, and Summer has half. BUT if you die, you won't be able to go any further, so fight and fight again. When Leto's health is about a quarter left, a cutscene will start where Geralt will be thrown to the ground. But more about that later.. In the battle against Leto, protect yourself with the magic sign "Quen". But Summer is also not made with a finger, and most of the battle runs under the protection of the Quen sign. Therefore, wait until the effect of the sign ends and attack Summer with strong blows. Summer is quite slow and in a duel with him, it is very convenient to use rolls, once behind him, throw out a series of strong blows and again break the distance. It is also very useful to "recline" Summer with the help of the "Aard" sign. The enemy is lost and you will have time to deliver a couple of strong blows with the sword.

A couple of tips for those who can't beat Summer at all:

Before going into battle with Leto, level up.
- Run as much as you can. After some time, the video will start. But don't forget to attack Summer sometimes. eight)
- Change the difficulty to an easier one. You can do this right during the game, in the settings.
- Use throwing bombs, knives and more.
- Use Quen, use it all the time. It helps a lot to stay healthy.

The fight ends with our defeat. Geralt falls to the ground, but Summer does not kill him. A says that he is going to Aedirn and wants to teleport with the help of Triss. After that, the kingslayer leaves their baths. As you understand, we have to rescue Triss and get ahead of Summer. Otherwise, it is not known whether we will see her again ...

Where is Triss?

This is where our decisions come into play.
So, if in the Assassins of Kings quest you chose:

1) We can give the sword , in this case, Iorveth will attack Roche's people and run away from the place of the duel unharmed. However, all non-humans of Flotsam will suffer in the future.

Returning to Flotsam, we encounter a guard who does not want to let us into the city. If you previously agreed to work for Loredo (sq. vile suggestion), you will be allowed into the city without hindrance. Otherwise, they won't let you in. Then you will have to act with the old proven methods - to intimidate, bewitch, convince, bribe. Once in the city, we observe complete chaos. War with nonhumans. But we are not up to it, the safety of Triss is at stake.
We head to the tavern. And then we hear the cries of the familiar bard Dandelion, something has obviously happened to him. We hurry to the tavern and observe the picture of how a bunch of people stick to two elves, and Buttercup tries to help them. We can intimidate people or use magic, the sign of Axii. In case of failure, another fight will occur. After all this, we talk with Buttercup. Bard informs us that Triss went to talk to Sheala. Geralt, wasting no time, hurries to Sheala's room, on the second floor. Once in the room, it immediately catches your eye that something has happened here. And not the best. Blood, mess, a hole in the wall. Very suspicious and strange. We are heading to the owner of the brothel, we need to find out what kind of holes are in the wall, who was here, etc. We learn that Triss spoke with a certain Philippa Eilhart, also there was Cedric and apparently his blood.
Well, since Cedric was with Triss, we need to look for Cedric, the first thing that comes to mind of a witcher is to look for him in the wake of blood.
Here I can give advice.- for convenience and easier search for traces of blood, drink an elixir "Cat". The blood on the ground will stand out clearly, so much easier. True, one thing, traces of blood go beyond the city. And there they often lead in different directions. So be careful not to go astray. For greater convenience, I’ll immediately tell you where to go and at the same time post a screenshot:
You need to go to the waterfall, where earlier we collected tenecost. We find Cedric, his condition is terrible. At death's door. With his last strength, the elf tells us that a witcher broke into Sheala's room, forced Triss to teleport him along with her to the vicinity of Vergen. And Cedric himself was not weakly crippled. After that, the elf dies.

Now let's move on to another choice. If you chose this option:

2) We can hit Iorveth , sending him to a light knockdown ^_^, thus we will not give up the sword . In this case, the elf will be captured by Roche. And in Flotsam they will arrange a feast in honor of the capture of such a wanted elf.

Roche will come to the bath for us. He informs us that Iorveth was caught, but still managed to escape from Vernon. After the conversation, we are heading for Flotsam. Once in the city, we observe decorations around, drunken faces, cheerful laughter, in a word - a feast. Loredo is pleased and arranges this holiday in honor of us. But we have no time ... Triss is in danger, so we run to the tavern. There we see Buttercup, he tells us that Triss went to Sheala's room. To the second floor. In Sheala's room, we observe a pogrom, traces of blood and suspicious holes in the wall. Geralt is sure that someone must have noticed people entering or leaving this room. And there is. In the next room we meet the owner of the brothel and the elf.
We learn that they were peeping at Triss in those very holes in the wall. But there was a reason, the noise behind the wall caught their attention. From the conversation, we learn that Triss tried to connect with some sorcerer. Then the sounds of battle rang out and the women went outside, at which point they saw Cedric weaving, bleeding. Well, if Cedric was with Tris, then we'll look for him. On the trail of blood on the ground.
Drinking the elixir "Cat", he will help us to see traces of blood and head to the waterfall. It is there that the wounded Cedric is located. (map just above). Having found the elf, we learn a lot of new, not pleasant information, for example, that some witcher forced Triss to teleport. And they teleported to the vicinity of Vergen, far away.
After the conversation, Cedric dies, he suffered too much in the fight with Summer, there could be no other development of events. Summer is a witcher, and far from weak.

At the crossroads

And this is one of the turning points, this is where the whole non-linearity of The Witcher 2 begins.
Cedric dies practically in our arms. Triss was kidnapped. Everything went wrong. But then our friends Buttercup and Zoltan appear.

Again a choice:
1) Buttercup invites us to help Vernon Roche, who is up to something against Loredo.
2) And Zoltan lures us to the other side, offering to help Iorvet and his people.

Choosing (1) option we stay with Roche and continue our journey with him.
By choosing (2) we will embark on the path of Iorveth and finish Chapter 1 with him. But there is another important point here.

Having made this or that choice, we will still find ourselves in different cities. And even some secondary quests for one side or another will be different. Therefore, I advise all players to go through The Witcher 2 twice. And the second time choose the opposite path. The second chapter will be completely different. By choosing Rocher, we will make a "political" coup, in other words, kill Commandant Loredo. (quest "Death to the traitor!") By choosing Iorvet, we will help the non-humans escape on the prison ship. (quest "Floating prison")

Death to a traitor! (Rocher)

By choosing option (1) in the Crossroads quest. We side with Roche.
Vernon has already come up with a plan, Bianca goes to Loredo undercover as a call girl. And Geralt at this moment should take Loredo by surprise and kill him.
At night we go to work. We run along the marker on the radar, climb the wall along the stairs and carefully make our way to the courtyard to Loredo. There we observe a man chasing a girl. The girl can help us, so we sneak up on the man from behind and stun him. The girl tells us that Bianca was taken to the Loredo estate, to the top floor. We're still on the radar. We climb onto a small platform and dive through the window. We are in the commandant's house. But we can’t go up the stairs, the door is locked. We go down to the basement. There we meet the mother of the commandant, she does not do the most “good” things there - she cooks fisshtekh. Geralt politely asks her for the key, Loredo throws powder into our eyes, grabs a knife and rushes at the witcher. Geralt does not think for a long time and decapitates his mother with a slight movement. We take the key from her body, go up the stairs.
We are shown a scene where Bianca is tied up, and the commandant clearly wants to torture the poor girl. But again the same trouble, we can’t get into Loredo’s room, again we need a key.
Therefore, we head to the floor below the commandant's room. There we see a handful of guards sleeping on the beds. We need to get past them and not wake anyone up. Be careful!If you hit a chair or table, you will create noise and the guards will immediately wake up, in which case you have to fight. But if you passed quietly and unnoticed, go to the chest and take the key.
Now we can run to rescue Bianca. We rise, open the door, we see the bound Bianca. Not having time to enter, we immediately enter into a QTE battle with the commandant. Having defeated Loredo, we free Bianca and go to the next room. There is an elf Moril and she is pregnant. Geralt decides to help her.
We go down and then Moril tells us that she is about to give birth! Suddenly! Bianca will rise with Moril back to Loredo's chambers. We are in search of help, hurry outside. The blue stripes are waiting for us there, Vernon Roche's people. Then we are shown a beautiful video. And we sail safely on a ship to Aedirn.
Congratulations! You have completed the first chapter!

Floating prison (Iorveth)

We complete this quest by taking the side of the elves. Having gone to meet the Scoia'tael, we learn a rough plan.
We have to get into Flotsam and steal the prison ship. Well, already on it we will go to Aedirn. They give us an efa to help us. A task- to get along the coast to Flotsam, one might say behind enemy lines.

But it was not there, the game again gives us the opportunity to make our choice:
1) We can act according to the plan of the elves.
2) We can act according to our plan.

Choosing (1) option, we head to Flotsam along the coast. In the distance we observe the outgoing ship Roche. A little further on, the elf who was "assigned" to us notices the guards. Here we can engage in combat or avoid it safely. The choice is yours. Arriving at the port of Flotsam, we observe a "bunch" of soldiers there. Gotta fight...

Choosing option (2), we head to Flotsam, straight into the open. Iorveth again plays the role of a caught criminal. But then the guards start pestering Geralt. They want to kiss the face of the famous elf in Flotsam. We can allow them to beat the "prisoner", or we may not allow it. Either way, we'll be let through. We're heading to the Floating Prison. And then the fight with the guards begins. After the fight, we are ready to sail, we have the ship. But before our eyes, Loredo sets fire to the tower.

Again a difficult choice:
1) Run to the tower and help everyone still alive, get out of there.
2) Or rush in pursuit of Loerdo.

Choosing (1) path, we run to the tower. We deal with the guards along the way. And we save the elfs who are in trouble. This will be a fairly easy QTE scene. One of these elves will meet us in the second chapter. After that, Geralt jumps into the water. The elves help Geralt get out of the water. And with peace of mind we go to Aedirn, to the second chapter.

If you chose the (2) path, then we are heading for the commandant. Having caught up with him, we have to fight. Use Quen, bombs, traps and everything else. Combat isn't the hardest in the game. Having dealt with Loredo and his people, we return to the port and go by ship to Vergen.
Congratulations on completing the first chapter!

Side quests

Hand Wrestling: Flotsam

Arm wrestling is a quest that will continue until the third chapter.
The essence of this quest is to win the fight according to the rules of "arm wrestling". In the game, it looks like this, a strip appears at the bottom of the screen, and in the middle there is a small area of ​​orange. Your goal is to keep the cursor in this area, the area itself moves and gets smaller and smaller over time. This is where the difficulty lies.

This quest can be picked up at the tavern in Flotsam's Market Square. We just have to talk with Zoltan on this subject, as it turns out that our comrade is himself a rather noble wrestler in his arms.
We start with Zoltan, then we head to the second opponent Janos Zhile, he is in the same tavern. At the same time fighting friend Janos. After that, we confront Fat Mikel, he is still in the same place, in the tavern.
Our next target is Bartholomew Barka. You can find it in Bindyug. It is located on the street near the coast, or in the house, again near the coast.

Having overpowered the strongest fighter Flotsam, we find out that there is such a person - Adam Pangratt, he was able to defeat Bartholomew. And that means that Adam, is suitable for the role of our next opponent. But that's in the second chapter...

One on One: Flotsam

In this quest, we have to wear our fists. Basically it's a fistfight. This task is closely related to the Fight Club quest, but more on that below.

To start this quest, we have to go down to the lower floor in the tavern and find people fighting. This is fistfighting. Having agreed on the rules and our participation in the "tournament", we proceed to the battles. Everything is simple here, we need to press the keys that appear on the screen in time. In a word, a simple QTE scene.
And so throwing opponents to the right and left, we will achieve the title of champion. eight)
After this triumph, a certain King Ziggy will come up to us and offer to participate in more serious battles. The battles will take place on the estates of Commandant Loredo.
By agreeing to Ziggy's proposal, you will have new quest"Fight club". To start this task, you need to go to the tavern after 21.00. Ziggy will be waiting for you there.

Fight club

To activate this task, we need to defeat all opponents in the tavern. Read above(Quest "One on One")everything is written there.

So, we approach the tavern after 21.00. Ziggy is waiting for us there. We run after him to the Loredo mansion.
At the entrance we leave all the weapons, do not forget to take them later! It will be in the chest, near the gate.
Having come running, we see that the rivals here will be stronger, and the commandant Loredo himself is here. We begin to crush opponents, receiving fame and money for this. And here we are fighting with a certain Zhdan, for the “champion title”, but then Loredo calls us to him. He orders us to lose and intimidates Geralt with cheap threats.

Here comes the choice:
1) Agree with Loredo and lose the fight.(if you agree, the quest will fail)
2) Win the fight. Having made a choice, we go to battle.

If you decide to give in and lose to Zhdan (2), then the quest will fail.
In the other case (1), you will leave proud, but later on you will be attacked by a couple of commandant's henchmen.
After the battles, we go to Dandelion to discuss our achievement. Quest completed.

Poker game: Flotsam

When playing poker, we need to place a bet, roll the dice and try to make most of them match, that is, turn over on the same side. Whoever matches more is the winner. Of course, there are some nuances, but you yourself will figure it out.
We will meet this mini-game until the third chapter. Only partners and city names will change in the name of the quest.

So, this quest can be taken in the tavern that stands on the Market Square of Flotsam. All players sit on the lower floor.
It's hard not to notice them. But you won’t go out against the “champion” right away, this is understandable, so we start with weaker opponents. Well, gradually the fame of us is growing.
We win Casimir, then Benedict and only now Zyndrab. All these players are sitting in the same place and at the same table.
However, there are others. They will have to be searched. Einar Gussel, located in the artisans' quarter.

And the last, most serious player of Flotsam is Burnt.
He lives in Bindyug, a village near the walls of Flotsam. Look for him in the house, near the entrance to the village. Having defeated the Burnt One, we can take the winnings - with money, blueprints and the head of a troll. Yes Yes! It's the head.
Why do we need a head? Come in handy!
We will need the head of the troll for the quest"Troll Trouble", although you can complete this quest without a head, but the result will be slightly different.


The quest is easy and not problematic. You can take it only after completing the story quest"Disgusting Proposal". It is taken in the building next to the tavern. Here is the map marked:

Entering the building, we learn that there is a feast in full swing. The blue stripes are resting.
Bianca invites us to compete in knife throwing. Leaving the knives, Geralt is about to relax, but then two peasants fly in. They are not friendly. And all because of the fact that Vernon Rocher defiled the attraction. Vernon does not agree with this and gets into a fight, we can stop him, but in this case there will be a fight between Geralt and Vernon.
After all this action, Bianca offers us a drink, we agree, and here we go, let's go ...
Geralt slowly gets drunk, and in the meantime he makes a bet with one of the soldiers. Whoever wins the arm wrestling gets the reward. From Geralt's side is a barrel of beer. From the side of the soldier - a good sword.
After the fight, Geralt swallows a couple more beers and passes out.

After some time, we wake up on the river bank, in nothing but our underwear. We were awakened by a peasant. We talk with him, find out that only the mistress of the brothel can tell about this situation in more detail.
We run to the tavern, and then we go down to the brothel, which is located on the lower floor. We talk with the hostess, we learn a lot of interesting things. ^_^ Well, let's go to Bianca. We learn all the details about what happened last night from her.
We also find a tattoo of blue stripes on our neck. And our lost things are waiting for us in the same place where we "feasted". In the corner, in the chest.

The tattoo can be reduced with Triss or Sheala. All ingredients can be purchased from merchants.

mystic river

Another "long" quest.You can only finish it in the third chapter. In each chapter, you will have to run over this quest. The Mystic River quest starts at the same place where we defeated the Kayran.
As everyone probably noticed, there was a broken ship. That's where we need to be.
For those who did not find it, I post a screenshot with a map:

Having reached the ship, we find a corpse on it. We take from him the key to the chest. The chest is located here on the ship.
We open it and take all the things. After examining the find, we find out that this is a report. And the captain clearly wanted to send him. After reading the document more carefully, it becomes clear to us that a group of people found a certain Vran artifact in Loc Muinne and that this ship was not the only one. It was a team.

Geralt decides to help the late captain and is about to send a report via royal mail. And as everyone already knows, Ludwig Moers is engaged in these matters, we are heading to him. It is located in one of the houses, on the Market Square of Flotsam.
Find it easily, follow the radar.
Having reached Merce, we speak with him. During the conversation, we use Aksy and Ludwig Merce no longer mind that we put the captain's report we found in the mailbox on his desk.
Report in the box, it's done. It's all in the first chapter.We will see the continuation of this quest in the second chapter..

contract for nakers

The contract for nakers can be found on the notice board, near the tavern, in the Marketplace of Flotsam.

Having taken the contract, we can run to kill nakkers or buy literature and read about them, so to speak, study them. Literature can be bought in a house not far from the blacksmith, it's hard to explain exactly, but I think you will find it. After reading smart books, Geralt learns that the Nakers use a system of underground tunnels to move around, as well as for sorties into the world.
And it is these tunnels that need to be destroyed in order to get rid of their inhabitants.

You can destroy the tunnels with the help of bombs - buckshot.
You can buy buckshot from Cedric in Bindyug.If you can't find Cedric, see the passage of the 1st chapter, a little higher.
There I posted a video and screenshots of where and how to find Cedric.

Buckshot take at least four pieces. Since there are four tunnels.
Now the hardest part is finding them.

Destroying them is extremely easy. Having bought buckshot, run up to the nest(hole in the ground), a button will appear on the screen that you need to press in order for Geralt to throw a bomb into the tunnel.
Five seconds and there is no nest. In this way, destroy all four nests.
After destroying everything, go to Ludwig Merce for a reward.

Contract for Endriag

We approach the tavern and take this quest from the bulletin board.
Again, we can read a book about endryags or learn all about them during the fight. The choice is yours. After we already know something about these creatures, we have to destroy their cocoons. Only there can we deal with the endriags once and for all. To facilitate the search, I post a map with cocoons marked on it:

Cocoons usually have a lot of endriagas.
In combat with them, use the magical signs Yrden and Quen. Yrden will stop the monsters for a while, and Quen will help you keep Geralt's health at the maximum level. Having broken the cocoon, the royal endriaga will crawl out to protect their children.
She is much larger than her offspring and prefers to attack while running. Here again, the magical sign Quen will help you. Thanks to him, in collisions with your mother, your health will remain in perfect order.
Having dealt with the first uterus, go to destroy another endriag cocoon, there again a fight with mother awaits you. Only two cocoons and two royal endryags.(map above)
After a successful "hunt", return to Flotsam, to Ludwig Merce, for a reward.

silver sword

A completely elementary quest, but questions about it are quite common on the forum. To make a silver sword(which is useful to you for killing evil spirits), you need to go to the blacksmith in the area of ​​​​inhumans and ask him to bungle a silver tool for you. That's it, quest completed.

The smell of incense

In the port we can find a man named Wenzel. After talking to him, you will start this quest.

After talking with the man, we get a task to go to the merchant and "get" one suspicious recipe from him.
We go to the Market Square, there we see a crowd of people nearby and trading shop with the seller inside. Coming closer to her, a woman will turn to us for help. She claims that in this shop, they sell not a weak drug, under the guise of a simple incense. From the conversation it turns out that addiction arises from this very incense. And moreover, addiction - be healthy!

We go to deal with the merchant himself.
We have a choice, intimidate or convince him to close this outlet. Or we can tell the incense seller about the task Wenzel asked us to do. In this case, the seller may give us not a real recipe, but a fake one.

Further, we can again go our separate ways, but before that I want to say that by choosing the option “persuade the merchant, close the shop”(previously), we can greatly please the common people and they, with gratitude, will throw us a piece of gold.

So with the recipe(fake or real), we have a small selection:
1) We give Wenzel the real recipe. He, of course, is overjoyed and suggests that we meet later to check the recipe for authenticity. And so we meet with him and head to a certain laboratory. Approaching her, Wenzel will offer Geralt to blindfold so that he does not know where this secret laboratory is located. After waiting a little bit, Wenzel pleases us with the fact that the recipe has passed the test, everything is in order. We receive the promised reward ... That's it, the quest is over.

2) Having given Wenzel not a real recipe, a duel awaits us. Since, of course, this all pops up. A lie, no one loves. We fight, we win, the quest is completed.

3) We can refuse to be blindfolded. Then Wenzel will mark the location of the laboratory on our map and we will go there on our own. What happens next is up to you. Give a fake - there will be a fight, give - the original, everything will end well.

4) Leaving the recipe with you will make Wenzel angry. After that, you will not meet him in the city. But in the forest, it's easier than ever. Upon meeting, he and his servants will attack you. Dealing with him will complete the quest.

5) Leaving the recipe with you will make Wenzel angry. After that, you will not meet him in the city. But in the forest, it's easier than ever. Upon meeting, he and his servants will attack you. If they can defeat you, you will wake up right away in the laboratory. As it turns out already without a prescription and weapons. Grab the sword lying nearby and rush into battle. Defeating the enemies will complete the quest.

Heart of Melitele

A familiar quest. As I wrote above, in addition to the prologue, we also meet this task in the first chapter.

Let's move on to the essence of the quest, if you acquired the mysterious amulet of the Small in the prologue, you can learn more about this magical thing.
Surely you have wondered more than once why Geralt's medallion vibrates in Bindyuga .. It seems to be nothing magical ...
It wasn't there. The sorceress Aneshka lives nearby. And it is she who we need to start the quest "Heart of Melitele". I post a screenshot of the map where to look for Aneshka:

Find Aneshka and talk to her.
We ask about the magic amulet of Small.The sorceress offers to buy it from us. We can agree, but in this case the quest will end.
And we may not agree, then by “putting pressure” on Aneshka, we find out that she knows a lot about this amulet. From the conversation, we learn that this amulet is called the Heart of Melitele and it brings good luck to its owner.
However, a curse has been placed on our amulet, which makes the effect of the amulet the opposite, that is, the magical little thing brings bad luck.
And she wanted to buy it in order to remove the curse and turn our bad luck amlue back into the good old one that brings good luck. Like this.
We can ask Aneshka about the ritual, thereby asking for help.

To begin with, we have to get four ingredients: the essence of death, the eye - the head-eye, the organ of the endriagi and the tongue of the troll.
- Essence of death, can be taken from any ghost.(for example, in the quest "In the Claws of Madness")
- The eye of the head-eye, we can take the defeated head-eye from the body.(in the quest "Killers of Kings", towards the end of chapter 1, after meeting with Iorveth)
- Endriagi oragnes are taken from the body of a dead creature. And you can kill him in the forest, there are a lot of them.
- Troll language. (not a rainbow option, but at least something ... Kill the troll near the destroyed bridge in the forests, yes, the same troll that is present in the quest "Trouble with the troll." Alternatively, use the head of the troll, which can be won from the Burnt One, completing the task " Poker game: Flotsam". Look for the burnt one in Bindyug)

Having collected the ingredients, we run to Aneshka. We agree on a meeting place.
The meeting point will be the altar of Veiopathis, it is located in the forests, not far from the waterfall, where we mined tenecost(in the quest "Kairan: tenecost").Run around there and you will definitely find it, besides, the radar in the left corner of the screen will clearly indicate where you should go .. Therefore, there should be no problems.

At this place, Aneshka is going to conduct a ritual. Having met with her, we take the role of a "guard" and protect Aneshka during the ritual. And it will have to be protected from ghosts, as they will in every possible way interfere with the magical actions of our friend. Having overcome all the phantoms, we observe the completion of the ritual.
Aneshka thanks us for our help and gives Geralt back the Heart of Melitele amulet.
Now he brings us only good luck.


In the vicinity of Flotsam, we meet a captive elf and several guards. According to them, this same elf lured their comrades into a cave, and there she brutally killed them. The guards themselves do not dare to check this version and do not rush into the cave.
Who knows what's in there? But Geralt, the witcher without fears... And in general, he got used to such places. So he agrees without hesitation.

We head to the cave. Once inside, we move deep into the caves, there we find the corpse of a man, a guard.
Judging by the wounds, he was killed by the nakers. So it is, the cave is teeming with these creatures. Well, let's go deeper.

True, some difficulties will arise here, these are crowds of nakers. Fight them with your silver sword and bombs.
Also, don't skimp on magic.
For those who find it very difficult, there is another way. Attack the nakers and run into the corridor you came from.
Nackers won't be able to follow you, not the game's improvement. But those who find it very difficult can take advantage.

Having dealt with the monsters, we explore the cave. In one of the passages we find the corpse of a guard, with a Scoia'tael arrow in the back. Now everything is clear to us. Malena(captured elf)really involved in the murder of the guards.

Leaving the cave, we have to quickly make a choice:
1) Cover Malena by telling the guards that their comrades were killed by nakers.
2) Surrender Malena with all the giblets, proving that it was she who was involved in the loss of the guards.

Choosing option (1), Malena is released. And she invites us to meet her at the waterfall. The waterfall is located here:

We run at full speed to the waterfall. We see Malena, we speak with her.
However, she does not want to talk to us, but prefers to take our lives, saying "you know my secret, die."
Immediately a bunch of elves appear and then it becomes quite obvious that this is a trap.
Attention!If you are earlier in the quest"Killers of Kings"helped Iorveth, the elves will not touch you. And scold Malena. ^_^
But if you didn’t manage to complete the quest earlier or didn’t take the side of Iorevt, then you have to fight. By the end of the battle, when the ranks of the elves begin to thin out, Malena flees.
She runs away to the ruins of the psycho. hospitals. Many are having trouble finding Malena at this stage of the quest.
Therefore, I lay out a map of where you should go:

Having run around in the vicinity of this hospital, you will definitely find Malena.

And again the choice:
1) You can pardon Malena and let her go.
2) You can take her to Commandant Loredo. And he himself decides what to do with it.
3) You can personally kill Malena. Quest completed.

If you chose option (2) after exiting the cave, hand over Malena to the guards, telling about what they saw in the cave, in this case, you can take the life of an elf with your word. Just saying she deserves to die.
Or you can trust her by persuasion. She tries her best to get us to go with her and take a look at something. According to her, after seeing this, we will change our minds.
Okay, let's go. But in vain ... Having passed only a couple of hundred meters, from an ambush, a detachment of elves attacks us.
And again the battle. We defeat everyone and get a reward from the guards. Quest completed.

In the clutches of madness

This quest can be taken from a conversation with Cedric or when completing the quest"Malena". And you can also just stumble upon this place ... Here it is:

Approaching the ruins of the hospital, we will meet Rupert. He asks us for help. His comrade is inside these ruins.
He himself is afraid to go there. Well, Geralt, of course, agrees to look for a lost friend.

After descending into the ruins, we notice a ghost running away, everything around bursts into flames. We have nowhere to go, so we move along the corridor, behind that same ghost. Jumping into the doorway, we find ourselves in a hopeless situation. In the truest sense of the word. All exits are blocked by fire and it will not work to leave here.
Many do not understand at this moment, what to do?And do something here and nothing.Just open your eyes and find a chest standing near the wall. It's hard to see it, but it's there. Search.

Opening it, we take the documents. Ghosts appear, defeat them. The door previously blocked by fire is now open. We run into it.
So we run further, saving and taking elixirs. Along the way, in the corridors of the hospital, we will meet ghosts. We'll have to fight. After running along the corridors, we find Gridlya, Comrade Rupert.
Gridlya is out of his mind and therefore we are unable to carry on a conversation with him.
We need to find a cure. We run along the same corridor and turn right into the room. Chop the ghosts, take the elixir.
We hasten to Gridle and give the elixir to him.

After drinking it, the man comes to his senses. From a conversation with him, we learn about a certain curse and about some kind of ghost that is responsible for everything that is now happening in these ruins.
Looking for a ghost. Found? Well done. We talk to him. He says that he is ready to free this place from himself, but only under certain conditions, namely, if we bring him the eyes and hearts of Rupert and Gridley. We run upstairs to two friends. eight)

We can choose:
1) Fulfill the request of the ghost and bring him what he wants.
2) Bring the ghost the heart and eyes of pigs, which can be bought from the butcher in Flotsam. Then the ghost will not notice the deception and leave the ruins.
3) Or bring the hearts and eyes of the nakers. Then the ghost will notice the deception and we will have to fight it.

When the problem with the ghost is resolved, we will have to think about the fate of the two friends.
1) We can let them go.
2) Deal with them.
3) Give them to Commandant Loredo's mother. But I think it's even worse than option (2). ^_^

Trouble with the troll Additional Content)

This is a task from the category"Additional Content". You can download this DLC .
To get it in the game, go to the notice board, near the tavern and activate it. Having taken the task, we learn that its essence is to kill the troll. But as everyone probably knows, the troll is a rational creature and usually the witchers do not touch them.

We run to Bindyuga. Looking for a man named Horab. He begs us not to touch the poor troll, they say, "He repairs the bridge and, in general, a good fellow." Okay, let's run further, to that very bridge. On the way we meet a man, we protect him from the forest evil spirits and we speak. He tells us that he is frightened by the behavior of the troll. That he became aggressive, does not repair the bridge and drinks, all day long. Let's go to the troll. He's terribly drunk and gets into a fight with us. Having attached him stronger, a couple of times, we finish the fight ahead of schedule. The troll asks to stop beating him.

We have a choice:
1) Kill the troll.
2) Pardon the troll.

By killing the troll (1), we can get a reward for completing the contract.
Having pardoned the troll (2), we learn that he drinks for a reason. He recently lost his wife.
The troll promises us to stop drinking and start repairing the bridge if we find and take revenge on the killers of his wife.

So that you do not waste time talking with Sheala and Zoltan, I will write where you need to go right away - in Bindyug. To the shack to the Burnt One.
Entering the house, we immediately notice the trophy of the Burnt One. The head of a troll hanging on the wall. We speak with a man. He will assure us that he did not touch the troll, but bought the head from a certain Dimitar. According to the Burned One, it is not difficult to find Dimitar's comrades. In the evenings they rub in the tavern.

By the way, we can win the head of the troll from Burnt, in poker. But before that, we must beat all the other players in Flotsam, since Burnt is the local champion. And anyhow with whom, he will not play. We approach the tavern of Flotsam in the evening. We go inside. We observe the punks we are looking for. Let's go to the conversation.
Dimitra's location can be knocked out of them or shaken out with intimidation, it doesn't matter.
As a result, we learn that Dimitar is hanging around the cemetery, near Bindyuga. Let's go there. We meet Dimitra and company, fight and win. After that, we head to the troll, tell him the good news and give the head of the troll, thereby encouraging him to repair the bridge and complete his drinking.
We run to Bindyuga, to Horab, we get a reward. Quest completed.

Despite the fact that Geralt, during the siege and capture of the castle of La Valette, acted as Foltest's personal bodyguard, he is accused of killing the latter and is hidden in the dungeon of the aforementioned castle. Geralt is brought before Vernon Roche for interrogation.

He himself was in the thick of these events, but at some point, he was isolated from the king and Geralt. Rocher, still the commander of the blue stripes, a sort of special forces in the Temerian army. Vernon Roche is interested in the events that took place from the point of view of the witcher. (Answer options will appear.) In order not to get confused in the chronology of the game, it is better to answer them in order.

The developers of the game assured us about the transfer of data from the first part of the game, and yet... Although in the first part of the game, there may be two options for parting with Triss Merigold, here we wake up in her arms. The intimate atmosphere is interrupted by the messenger of King Foltest. Geralt urgently needs to come to the position where the king is waiting for him. While Geralt is getting dressed, in a conversation with Triss, he clarifies a couple of pressing issues. So he learns that the killer who attacked King Foltest a month earlier is also a witcher. Later, in a conversation with Foltest, when asked about what the witcher found out about this, it is not necessary to hide it. If you admit that it was a witcher, then earn even more trust from Foltest. Then follows the military camp to the king.

Following the camp, Geralt meets people who remember him, while Geralt himself does not remember anything about what they are trying to talk to him about. These are the consequences of meeting with " wild hunt". But we know about this from the first part of the game. In a group of people (these are rubies, but Geralt does not remember them) who are preparing to take part in the assault on the fortress, there is one individual who, despite common sense doesn't want to wear armor. His name is Small. He asks Geralt to make sure his decision is correct. Referring to the power of the magical amulet he has. Geralt needs to look at him.

  • You can indicate that the amulet is cursed, then Small will give the amulet to Geralt, and he will put on the armor. Later, he will thank Geralt for being alive.
  • It can be pointed out that the amulet is indeed magical, but it is not known what kind of magic. The small one will put on armor, but will not give up the amulet. Later, he will thank Geralt and give him a present.
  • You can just let Small go as he wants, i.e. without armor. Later pick up the amulet from his corpse. The quest with this amulet will continue in the next chapter.

We find the king next to the ballistae. The king introduces the Witcher to Shilard Fitz-Esterlen, the Nilfgaardian ambassador. After talking with Foltest, Geralt learns that they are going into battle. Foltest and Geralt enter the siege machine and the movement towards the castle walls begins. Foltest explains to Geralt that he must take away his young children, who, at the instigation of his enemies, are hidden from him by his mistress and mistress of this castle, Marie-Louise La Valette.

Temerian soldiers, led by their king, begin the battle with the defenders of the castle. Encountering little resistance, the troops advance, but there is a barricade in front of them. The barricade can be taken down with the ballista in the courtyard. Geralt must go down and use the ballista.

Down there, in addition to the ballista, there will be about a dozen defenders of the castle, and nothing complicated. We deal with the defenders of the castle and prepare the ballista. New wave of defenders. We aim the ballista. Another wave of defenders. Now we're tearing down the barricade. Then we join Foltest and the rest of the attackers.

There is another obstacle ahead, the gate, which is protected by a dozen crossbowmen, led by their leader Arian La Valette, who have taken refuge on the tower, on top of them good position and it's not easy to get to them. To all Foltest's offers to surrender, Arian answers in the negative. The Witcher will have to deal with this.

Under the cover of Foltest's archers, Geralt sneaks up under the walls of the tower and climbs to the top. When we are at the top, we have three options for resolving the problem:

  • The first is to kill everyone and everyone. For the Witcher, a dozen soldiers are not a problem.
  • The second is to challenge Aryan to a duel and kill him.
  • Third - (In my opinion, the most preferable.) Convince to surrender. Many will survive, including Aryan himself.
Any decision will have certain consequences in the future. Especially if you transfer the save to the third part of the game.

King Foltest, Geralt, Tris and Vernon Rocher approach the castle of La Valette, suddenly a dragon appears. And he starts to attack. As planned by the developers, he is invulnerable (for now), so we cannot fight him, but only run away. We run to the gates of the castle hiding under some plank structures. But under them we meet the defenders of the castle, we also have to get rid of them. The first lattice gate, Tris blows up. They follow on.

After another dragon attack, the walls and ceiling of the tower through which they pass begin to collapse. Tris creates a protective dome, but she herself cannot follow with the others. Approaching the gates of the monastery, they encounter another obstacle: another huge wooden gate, which is very problematic to cut through. The king instructs Geralt to find a workaround and open the gate.

Geralt goes down to the residential quarters. In search of a passage to the monastery, Geralt helps Foltest's soldiers get rid of the knights of La Valette. To do this, you do not need to immediately go in search of a passage, just wander around the block. All houses are open, you can enter and explore them. During this research, Geralt can prevent the outrages of marauding soldiers. Subsequently, if Geralt saved the locals from murder, he can meet them in Flotsam, where he will be after escaping from prison. The rescued will thank the witcher.

It is simply impossible not to notice the passage where you need to go, it will be highlighted on the compass. There, having found a well, we go down to the bottom and find ourselves in dilapidated casemates, where utopians are in charge. We follow the corridors through the gates that can be opened. It's very difficult to get lost. Having got out on the surface, we find ourselves not far from the monastery cemetery. On the bank of the river we see skoya "taels and a boat. They are inaccessible to us.

We follow the monastery. On the way we will meet a couple of three defenders. We will once again meet resistance in the inner rooms and the courtyard. At one of the defenders of the courtyard we find the key, from the room with a winch that raises the gate. We take the key and raise the gate. The king and his men enter the monastery.

Having found out the necessary information from the inhabitants of the monastery, the trinity (King Foltest, Geralt and Vernon Roche) goes on. Foltest wants to take his children, who are hidden in the tower. King Foltest, Geralt and Vernon Rocher are walking across the bridge when the dragon attacks them. A fire attack scattered their group. Geralt and the king run away from the dragon together. They reach the goal and take cover behind the walls of the tower. Geralt rushes at the dragon, who is trying to stick his head through the gate of the tower. He plunges his sword into the mouth of the dragon and parted with him. The monster flies away with him, trying to pick out the sword from its mouth.

Foltest finally meets his children. A blind priest standing nearby pushes the children into the arms of their father. Foltest asks Geralt to leave him with the children and let him talk to them. Geralt goes to the window and looks at the scenery. The king asks the eldest of the children, Anais, to help wash his tearful younger brother Busi.

It remains one on one with the priest. And the "blind priest", who is not a priest at all and not even blind at all, inflicts a mortal blow on the king. Geralt simply did not have time to help. The killer jumped out the window, there, at the bottom, on the waves, those same Skoya "taels in the boat were waiting for him.

It is clear that the king's guards, who burst into the noise, seeing how the witcher with a drawn blade stands over the dead king, considered him the murderer. So Geralt gets into the dungeon of the castle of La Valette, where the prison is located. Vernon Roche, devoted to the king to the marrow of his bones, believes the witcher. He takes out a file on the witcher five years ago from the safe, which says that the witcher was killed during the massacre in the city of Rivia, while the sorceress Yennefer, who tried to save the witcher, also dies. Then, under strange circumstances, they are both taken in by an ash-haired girl. Some of the memories return to Geralt. Further, we answer Roche's questions that we will look for and pursue the killer if we manage to avoid the gallows. (You don’t even have to try other options, they are followed by a game restart.) Roche cannot simply let the witcher go. He leaves Geralt the key to the shackles and hints that at dawn, he and his ship will sail on business.

Geralt is returned to the cell. Here we free ourselves from the shackles and start our way to the exit, while blowing the brains out of the jailers. Do not forget to inspect their pockets, there may be keys to the next doors.

If you acted prudently and left Ariana La Valette alive, then we will meet him either in one of the corridors or in the torture chamber, depending on how you go, on top or bottom. Aryan is beaten and very weak, he will ask you to help him get to the oil storage. There he will open a secret passage and we can go free. At the same time, he himself will remain in the dungeons and start a fire.

The second option for getting free is if for some reason you still killed Aryan. Were you faint-hearted or your pride has seized you, as some jerk objects to the witcher ... Now, on the way to the exit, we will meet Aryan's mother, Marie-Louise La Valette. We meet her alone and free her and then we meet the Nilfgaardian ambassador Shilard, or we immediately meet in the company of the Nilfgaardian ambassador Shilard, it depends on how you go, on top or bottom. In both cases, Louise convinces Shilard to help the witcher.

We leave the dungeon, meet Small (the one who had the amulet) or stumble upon his corpse, depending on what you advised him. If he still survived, we ask him to distract the guard and follow the ship. Triss Merigold and Vernon Rocher are already waiting for us there. Having compared all the known facts, we go to Flotsam. (A new chapter begins.)

P.S. If we turn to the book, we will see a discrepancy from the very beginning. King Foltest, half a year before his death, dispersed all the sorcerers, so the very presence of Triss Merigold is already a strange phenomenon. Book Geralt at that time was also far from Foltest, healing his wounds.

You will start the game in a dungeon with Vernon Roche. He will ask you several questions, and the order in which you answer will determine in what order and in what episodes of the story you will play. It is recommended to go through them in turn, otherwise you may find yourself in combat situations for which you will not be ready.

Meeting with the king

During the first episode of Geralt's story, you will be asked to meet King Foltest. The king is watching the battlefield at the ballistas. Approach him and listen to an explanation regarding the operation of this siege weapon. He will soon give you a telescope and ask you to point the target. Already in the aiming mode through the telescope, find the knight with the red feather and give the order to fire. Then follow the king and his men to the siege tower.


The second episode of Geralt's story begins with the landing of the king and his army from the siege tower. Kill La Valetta's soldiers or let the allies deal with them themselves. Ahead will be heavily fortified barricades with archers. Do not try to break through there, jump down into the courtyard and fight the guards. Deal with the unarmored swordsmen first, then the two-handed knights, and finally the shielded soldiers. Either parry the blows of enemies, or use Quen to absorb damage.

After the enemies are finished, follow the steps in the two interactive cutscenes to fire the ballista. If you fail to perform any of the actions, you will have to fight with the guards - up to four people at a time in heavy armor and with shields. Once the barricades are cleared, return to the king and his men. Move forward through the castle and help Foltest's forces in the battles with the soldiers of La Valette. Since the king and four of his soldiers will be with you, you can safely cut everyone right and left without thinking about signs and blocks.

You will then enter a tower where you will have a knight with a huge ax and a few other soldiers on your way. Wait for the king and his guards to attack the enemies harder, and deal with the unarmored foot soldiers yourself. When you deal with weak enemies, help the allies kill the commander. To avoid problems with aiming among so many enemies, use targeting on the desired enemies while they are nearby. But keep in mind that the target setting is reset if you move away or roll very far.

When the opponents are finished, go up the stairs, and soon you will meet with one of the commanders of this rebel army - Arian La Valette. You will have several options for developing a dialogue: 1) agree with him; 2) fight him and his people; 3) or propose a duel. Your choice here will affect the final part of the Prologue, and it is recommended that you spare the young general. However, if you decide to fight him, stick to a convenient method: parry the blow - the enemy will stagger - counterattack with a quick two-hit combo.

After you deal with Aryan, you will be asked to choose the next episode of the story. Choose a dragon attack question.

dragon attack

Making your way further into the depths of the enemy fortifications, you will meet with Foltest, Triss and Roche. Foltest's knights will lower the bridge ahead and you will be able to enter the fortress. But the dragon will attack the location. Quickly hide under the canopy on the left to escape the fire. And although allies will help you in the battle with the soldiers of La Valetta, it is better to take matters into your own hands and kill the enemies yourself.

After the first group of enemies, you might have to run through the dragon's fiery breath and you'll get hurt a lot. Here it is better to switch to defensive tactics using magic, and let your allies fight the remaining enemies while you restore health. Since you're in combat, you can't drink elixirs, so you'll have to rely on health regen and parry. Once the knights of La Valetta are finished, go through the archway on the left to move on to the next part of Geralt's story.

secret entrance

In this episode of Geralt's story, it is better to arm yourself with the Aard sign in order to get rid of the obstacles that you will encounter on the way. The king ordered you to find a way to open the main gate. Go down the stairs and go along the main street of the city. Behind the crowd of people on the right, destroy the wooden wall with the sign of Aard, and soon you will reach a guarded well. Defeat the La Valetta soldiers with the sword and the Yrden sign. Once the fight is over, go down the well and then into the wastewater.

There are monsters here that receive additional damage from a special witcher's silver blade. Inspect the location for useful loot, destroy the wooden doors with Aard. If you stumble upon a locked door, then the key can be taken from one of the bodies in the next room. Soon you will reach a staircase that leads to the basement of the fortress.

On the shore you will see a few elves swimming up, but at this stage you can’t stop them in any way. On the floor above you are waiting for three more guards who will have to be killed. Once you're done, go forward and to the left, through the garden, and into the main hall.

You will be attacked by guards, including heavily armored ones with long swords. Cut them all down with a parry and a defensive spell. Once the enemies are dead, take the key and head back to the small room. Unlock the gate for Foltest and Roche.

Return of the dragon

In this episode of Geralt's story, you will first have to have a little talk with the priest and Count Tiles. From them you will learn that the king's bastard children are alive and well, and they are in a tower on the other side of the bridge. Go through the nearest archway and the dragon will attack you again. This will be followed by several short interactive skits.

First, run straight ahead and press the buttons that appear on the screen to dodge the dragon's attacks. Even when it looks like the interactive scene has already ended, it will actually continue, so be ready to press buttons at any time. Find the king's children and listen to the end of Geralt's story.

The escape

Roche will provide you with a key so that you can escape from the dungeon. Provoke the guards on guard at your cell, and you will enter into fist fight. The fight takes place in the form of an interactive scene, so you will need to press the appropriate buttons to block and beat your opponent. Once the two guards have been dealt with, arm yourself with whatever is nearby and sneak through the corridors. Stealth can be used to keep encounters with guards to a minimum. You'll also make your way easier by putting out torches and sneaking up on unsuspecting guards from behind.

Depending on your previous actions and choices, you will either meet Ariane or Shilard Fitz-Oesterlen, both of whom are ready to help you get out. In any case, you will need to go to the executioner's room and kill him to get the key and other supplies.

If you are with Aryan, then you will need to kill the guards on the floor above in order to clear the way and help the young nobleman get to the secret passage and the explosives. In the case of Shilard, he will distract the guards and clear the hallways so you can just get out.

Regardless of your style of escape - with fireworks or quietly - Roche, Bianca and Triss will be waiting for you on the ship, ready to chase the Scoia'tael.


By the will of the king.

After watching the introductory video with the beating of Geralt by two guards, we go to the interrogation room. After chatting a little with an unfamiliar man, we choose one of the four options for the beginning of the story. It is best to start with the first one, since it is from there that the events of the game start.

Waking up in the same bed with Triss Merigold, we watch a small erotic scene, which will soon be interrupted by one of the soldiers. Bursting into our tent, he will report that King Foltest wants to see Geralt. It is pointless to refuse such a person, so we begin to pack for the road. While the witcher is getting dressed, you can chat with Triss about recent events. Having got out of the tent, we master the controls and go to His Highness. Along the way, you can save a few lives by informing the three bandits that the medallion they stole is unlikely to protect them from swords and arrows. You can also play arm wrestling with a local champion and get rich by as much as two coins.

Having finally reached Foltest, we tell him that the killer trying to take the life of the king was actually a witcher. Surprised by our honesty, he will ask you to indicate the coordinates of the enemy tower with the help of a telescope. Looking through the pipe at the building, we indicate to the arrows the angle at which the ballista should be turned. Unfortunately, our gun will miss, and the king will order to follow him. Having overcome several stairs, you will find yourself in front of a company of soldiers. After giving a speech about how glorious it is to die on the battlefield, Foltest will lead his fighters into the attack.

At the forefront.

Having run out into the opened gate, we kill all the enemies that fell under the arm. In principle, here you don’t have to fight at all, since our comrades-in-arms will perfectly deal with opponents without the help of Geralt. The pleased king will begin to issue instructions to his captains, when suddenly archers will appear on one of the walls of the fortress, shooting anyone who comes close enough to them. And everything would be fine, but Foltest urgently needed to capture this wall. Having come up with a cunning plan, we go down the scaffolding and deal with the soldiers guarding the ballista. Before the fight, it would be nice to find a place of accumulation of power (Z button), as well as drink a couple of elixirs (Swallow is just right). After clearing the area from the enemy, we start setting up the gun using a simple QTE.

Having opened the door for our associates, we head to the stairs, where several soldiers of La Veletta are waiting for us. We deal with them and move on. The king will order us to climb to the top of the tower and neutralize Baron La Velette. Before going into battle, drink a few potions and allocate skill points (for this you need to enter meditation mode). Once at the top, talk to the Baron and offer to surrender. If everything goes well, it will be fashionable to avoid battle, if not, then you will have to fight with more than ten soldiers and La Velette himself to boot. However, there is another way - to accept the offers of the baron to fight him one on one. The main thing here is not to catch one of his retinue, otherwise they will immediately rush to help their master. One way or another, having solved the problem, we return to Foltest.

Trial by fire.

After meeting Vernon Rocher and talking a little, we will be attacked by a dragon. The main thing here is not to linger and quickly run from one shelter to another. Once in a narrow tunnel, we help the king, deal with the rest of the baron's troops. Getting out on Fresh air, Triss will open the gate for us. The explosion will cause shaking and eventually the walls in front of us will collapse. Thank God, in our squad there is an irreplaceable Merigold, who will figure out a passage for us, and she herself will teleport to a safe place. Having crossed the burning bridge, we watch the video. The dragon has flown.

To the monastery.

The king's children remained inside the monastery, and besides, they are guarded by the remnants of the troops. De Veletton. Of course, you can break through inside, but then they will kill the royal offspring, so Foltest asks us to find a passage into the tunnel that runs right under the monastery. Before poking into the well (namely, there is the entrance to the tunnel), you can perform additional task, to protect civilians from the royal army. It is enough for the first rude man to threaten with reprisal, as a result of which he will run away with his tail between his legs. In the second case, the threats will have to be put into practice.

Having descended into the catacombs, we calm down a couple of Drowners (you need to do this with the Witchers' Silver Sword) and go through several flooded corridors. If you have already used the potion (well, or you just feel sorry for it), light the torches on the walls so that if something does not miss the treasured door. Having got out, we deal with the servants of the baron and continue the ascent. Seeing the "squirrels" landed on the shore, we go out into the street through a breach in the wall. After walking a little more, you will finally reach the desired mechanism. True, he is behind bars, which is locked. We leave the room and attack the priest's guard. Among them there will be one knight in armor. This is exactly what we need, because this person has a bunch of keys hanging on his belt. After killing the sir knight and removing the keys from his corpse that has not yet cooled down, we return to the room with the bars. Having unlocked the grate, we twist the mechanism until the gate is fully opened.

Blood from blood.

Having met with the king at the gate, we set off to look for the children. When interrogating the High Priest, we use suggestion, and when Arthur Tails starts to resent, you can refresh him with a blow to the face. Ahead of you is a long bridge, which by no means can be safe. And it's not even about the height and rocks underfoot, but about the bloodthirsty dragon, who came to finish what he started and still have a bite to eat with the royal person. We quickly run forward without stopping for a minute. The faster you get to the shelter, the faster the terrible reptile will get rid of you.

A joyful meeting between the children and their father took place, only it was overshadowed by the fact that the "nanny" actually turned out to be a hired killer. Having cut the throat of the king, “a huge piece of meat” (as Geralt himself called it) jumped into the water. The guards who arrived at the scene of the tragedy found only our witcher at the ready with a bloody sword and the corpse of His Majesty. And then the prison.

The escape.

Having told Roche the whole truth, we thereby earned his trust. Leaving us the key to the shackles, he retires, saying that his humble person will leave the city by boat in just a couple of hours. Returning to the dungeon, we begin to tease the guards, and when one of them comes up to deal with us, we kill. The fight with the second will take place in the form of a QTE, where you need to quickly press the buttons that appear on the screen. Having dealt with the servants of the law, we rummage through their pockets and pick up a heavy club. While crouching down the corridor, put out the fire with the Aard sign and neutralize the unsuspecting guards.

Passing by the prisoners trying to escape, neutralize the guard and remove the keys from his belt, then go into the next room. You will see the Countess de Valette, who is being taken somewhere by the ambassador. Seeing us, he will indicate with a glance to follow him. Do not make me laugh. In another room, the executioner is waiting for you. Killing him will bring you not only moral satisfaction, but also benefits in the form of a couple of new clothes, as well as more than a dozen gold coins. Now you can follow the countess and the ambassador. After talking with them in the interrogation room, we leave with the ambassador and hide behind the barrels while he distracts the guard. When the guard hides, we run out the door.

Heart of Melitele.

Once in the fresh air, we meet "Small". If anyone has forgotten Small - this is the boy from the beginning. Back then, we advised to throw away this stupid amulet and put on normal armor. During the battle, the armor helped him survive, and now he is indebted to us. First of all, ask the boy to take the guards off the post, and when he does, rush to the ship with all your might. On the way, the beauty Triss will meet you, and together you will set off from the shore. It's time to go in search of the "Killers of Kings".

Chapter 1.

Bad reception.

Throwing the anchor, we talk with Triss and Roche. The second one has some guesses about the whereabouts of the killer, only all these guesses lead us straight to the camp of the Scoia'tael, who are not particularly sympathetic to people. Especially Geralt of Rivia, who all this time helped the king to exterminate them. Jumping into the water, we head after the sorceress and our savior. After wandering a little through the forest clearings, you will hear wonderful music, which will lead you to Iorvet. During the conversation, the elf openly admits that the killer of kings is hiding in his camp and, moreover, he is under his protection. Struck by such audacity, Vernon Roche will rush to the leader of the Scoia'tael, which will cause an immediate attack by the archers. Triss will have time to build a protective barrier, and at the same time she will faint. Taking the girl in an armful, Roche will carry her to the nearby town, and Geralt will have to protect them. The main thing is not to go beyond the orange field, otherwise you will catch a few arrows in the gray-haired witcher's head. When the three friends reach the city, Jorwen will retreat with his elves, and the local guards will invite us to attend the execution of a certain bard and spy of nonhumans.

By the will of the gods and executive fools.

After wandering around the streets of the city and selling the accumulated borahlo to local merchants, we go straight to the place of execution. A couple of elves and our old acquaintances, Zoltan and Dandelion, act as convicts here. And if everything is clear with the first one, then what the hell the bard does in the loop is not yet clear. After questioning the guard, we learn about the sentence passed on the old Buttercup. Turns out he courted too many women. Is this just a reason for execution? Convince the crowd of the opposite (the main thing is not to try to pull your friends out by force) and an angry guard will rush at you hand-to-hand. As in the case of the dungeon, you will need to press the appropriate buttons on the keyboard in time. When the exhausted guard falls to the ground, the executioner will take his place. Having dealt with both rude men, we observe the approach of the captain of the guard - Loredo. Having pardoned Zoltan and Buttercup, he will ask Geralt to visit him sometime.

But before you go to the head of the guard, take a look at the tavern, where curious friends are already waiting for you. After telling them about the events that have happened to you over the past month, you will complete the quest.

A vile proposal.

It's time to look to the "venerable" Loredo. After waiting for the night (now you can meditate not only by the fires), go to the commandant's estate. Near the gate you will meet Vernon Roche, who is also not averse to chatting with Loredo. Having made your way inside, you will become a witness of a certain holiday. Prostitutes roam everywhere, and the guards, sitting at the table, relax in a campaign of alcoholic drinks. Seeing the ballista, Roche will become furious and ask Geralt to urgently disable it. The whole trouble is that there is a sentry at the gun, who, apparently, was not invited to the holiday. After wandering around the courtyard, you will stumble upon a prostitute who, for a small fee, will gladly take the sentry into the bushes. If you have money problems, offer a quid pro quo. The girl will ask you to humiliate the two guys of the commandant - Alphonse and Miron. Fighting them surrounded by a dozen of their comrades is a stupid idea so just beat them in arm wrestling. When both rude men are "laid" we return to the woman. Now she will take the guard away from the post, in the meantime you can pull the trigger from the ballista.

We return to Roche. Climbing the stairs, we learn that Loredo is busy talking with a certain high-ranking lady and we will have to wait. We go down under the stairs to discuss the plan. A strange stutterer will come up to us and tell us how he accidentally saw Loredo's soldiers dragging a strange mechanism into the backyard. Need to check. After waiting for Roche to take the first guard away, we hasten to hide behind a huge boulder, and when the second sentry decides to take a walk, we quickly head for the turn. The third guard will have to be stunned, since you can’t just walk past him. Having made our way through the doors, we head to the first marker on the map and examine the chests. It turns out that Loredo has been robbing local merchants for many months in a row, preparing for a war with Iorveth. The second marker will lead us to the window to the commandant's room. Having witnessed a not very pleasant conversation between the sorceress and Loredo, we return to Vernon in order to tell him everything.

When it's your turn, guard Loredo will invite Geralt to enter. Roche, unfortunately, will be given a lapel turn and he will retire with threats of revenge on the bastard commandant. Loredo offers you a deal. If Geralt kills Kayran, Zoltan and Dandelion will be pardoned. And Zoltan and his friends can easily lead us straight to Iorvet. Having discussed all the details, we get out of the commandant's estate, not forgetting to grab our weapons at the exit.


Keiran was last seen at the pier, and that time he hurt a man. It's time to visit this man. He lies, oddly enough, on the same pier, surrounded by friends and the sorceress Sheala de Tanserville, who is trying to heal the young man, while two other guys bother her with questions. After chasing the villagers, talk to the sorceress. She will send you to deal with the merchants who paid her for the massacre of a huge octopus, and if you manage to persuade them to pay double the price, then you will get the money for this contract.

It will not be difficult to chat the merchant (choose a remark with suggestion), and when he tells about the elf Cedric, we go in search of him. Cedric can be found at his post location, which the mini-map kindly indicates to you. After talking with him, you will find out that Keiran was once an ordinary octopus, but apparently having swallowed mutagens, he was transformed into a monster that destroys ships and eats tasty merchants. To begin with, the elf advises to examine the last ship flooded by Keiren. Perhaps there are some traces.

Having split with Triss, we go to complete the remaining additional quests, and also sell unnecessary things to merchants. When there is no business left in the city, we stomp to the marker on the map, where a charming witch is already waiting for us. Having gone down to the destroyed ship, we repulse the attack of the Utopians and examine the mucus on the rocks, after which we talk with Triss. Diagnostics will reveal a serious illness of the monster, but it is not going to die in the next few years, so you will have to help him. Merigold will also report that Kayran is poisonous and Geralt would obviously not hurt Geralt with a poison neutralizing potion. True, for its manufacture you will need a "tenekost". Tenecost is a very rare plant. However, if you are not afraid of difficulties, you can immediately go to Sheala. If you are not going to reboot hundreds of times, trying not to get hit by a giant, then I strongly advise you to visit Cedric, who will tell you where you can find the weed we need so much.

After talking with the elf, we head to the cave under the Scoia'tael sanctuary. At first glance, this is just a waterfall, but in fact, the entrance to the ruins is thus disguised. Having made our way inside, we begin to methodically cut out the crowds of Nakers until we stumble upon a large Rotten (a monster guarding valuable moss). This monster is not so dangerous in life, but after death it explodes, dousing its killer with acid. Scraping the tenecost from the wall, we enter the meditation mode and begin to prepare the elixir. When the jar of antidote is in your pocket, we return to the sorceress in order to go together to the battle with Kayran.

Keiran - Battle.

After meeting with Sheala on the second floor of the tavern, tell her that you are ready to go to battle with the monster. When she teleports you, do not rush to rush into battle, but first drink a few witcher elixirs, giving Special attention the one for which we were looking for a tenecost. Having prepared, go down to the arena.

We will deal with Keiran in two stages. First, lay a trap on the ground using the Yrden sign, and then immediately use Quen. The first will immobilize the tentacle, while the second will mitigate the damage inflicted on the witcher. When the powerful limb of the octopus is pinned to the ground, rush towards it and strike at the red-orange tumor. Now we repeat this trick two more times and when Geralt grabs the remaining whole tentacle, we vigorously press the left mouse button. We won’t last long and, as a result, Keiran will throw the witcher aside, and he will begin to furiously throw stones at us. When control passes into your hands, run to the largest cobblestone and wait until the formidable octopus calms down a little, run to the left and climb a piece of the destroyed bridge. We immediately use the “Quen” sign and go up, using rolls (you can also run, but oddly enough longer). Having reached the end of the wreck, we watch the video and rejoice in the victory over the first boss of the game. It remains only to receive a reward from the merchant, who can be found on the pier.

Kings killer.

Not far from the pier, Triss will meet us and report that Iorveth's right hand, Kiran, is in custody on the prison ship. We go to the ship, the road to which will be blocked by a couple of guards. Having informed them that we are following the order of the commandant Loredo, we go down into the hold. The elf is terribly injured, but Triss can help him. To begin with, we impose “Aksy” on the poor fellow, and then quickly click on the left mouse button. If we try to convince Kieran that we want to help Iorveth, he will report a certain Leto, who, having betrayed Iorveth, took Kieran out of the camp, after which he inflicted several wounds on him. Summer is the very Killer of Kings whom we are hunting for, and since the leader of the opposition knows nothing about betrayal, we need to inform him about it as soon as possible.

Rose of Memory.

During the interrogation of the elf, Geralt will have a new vision. After learning the details, Triss promises to return the witcher's memory, but for this she needs the petals of a magic rose. We set off in search, taking the sorceress with us. When you get to the right bush, pick one rose and give it to Triss, then get ready to fight the local bandits. As a result, you will break through the floor, falling into the godforsaken dungeons of the elves. It remains only to speak with the sorceress and watch a rather frank scene.

Kings killer.

When Roche arrives for us with Triss, we get out and go straight to the Flotzim tavern. We need Zoltan, as he has some contacts with the "squirrels". Having asked him to take us to Iorvet, we follow to the meeting place, listening to the swearing speeches of the dwarf. On the way, we will be met by a detachment of Scoia'tael and will offer to meet with Iorveth in a special clearing. And everything would be fine, only this glade was inhabited by the Glavoglaz. In principle, there is nothing difficult in killing him, no. Use "Irden" more often and attack as quickly as possible. Soon, Iorvet himself will come to this event. Tell him about the betrayal, Leto and the elf will come up with a cunning plan. By tying himself up, he will allow you to take him to the place where the Assassin of Kings often likes to sit. In a conversation with Leto, try not to raise your tone and talk on purely neutral topics, and when the elves get bored of this, they will rush into battle. True, they will be stopped by Roche's soldiers.

And here you will have a choice - whom to choose as allies. Remember whoever you choose will affect the rest of the game. That is, by taking the side of the Scoia'tael, you will get a completely different storyline than for Vernon Roche. You need to decide within a few seconds, otherwise the game will decide everything for you. In any case, the battle with Leto awaits you ahead. He is a rather serious opponent, as he owns all the witcher's wisdom, including signs. When the supply of his vitality is considerably reduced, he will pull off a particularly cunning trick and slam our witcher into the wall. After talking with Vernon or Iorvet (depending on the chosen side), we head to Flotzima in order to save Triss from Leto.

Race against time.

Returning to Flotzima, you will find devastation and chaos. The humans rebelled against the elves and dwarves, beating them up and setting their houses on fire. If you wish, you can help a couple of dwarves get rid of the offenders, if you are not interested, we head to the tavern, where you will meet Buttercup. After asking him about Triss, you will learn that she was seen in Sheala's room on the second floor of the tavern. We go up. Inside, you will find only blood stains and a killed Sheala guard. They just killed him by twisting his neck, which means the blood on the floor is not his. After looking around the room, you will most likely stumble upon a hole in the next room. The prostitute will tell you about how Triss talked to another sorceress named Philippa. She will also mention Cedric, to whom you should go in the first place.

Before leaving the brothel, prepare the "Cat" elixir and immediately drink it. Now Geralt's eyes will better distinguish objects from which heat comes, and since Cedric was wounded before leaving, it will not be difficult to find him by spilled blood. True, they will try to confuse you a couple of times, slipping other corpses, but in the end you will go out to the elf. He dies, but before dying he will tell you that Triss, along with the Killer of Kings, went to the dwarf settlement - Aedirn. He will also inform the witcher that if he calms the souls of the dead in Aedirn, then the memory will return to him. When the elf leaves for the other world, Buttercup will arrive in time for us and report that Vernon and Iorveth are up to something. It's worth talking to both of them.

At the crossroads.

After talking with the participants of both sides, we make a decision - with whom you will continue the battle. With the elf Iorveth or with Vernon Roche. The first invites you to go straight for Summer and save Triss at the same time, and the second wants to deal with the commandant of Flotzima. Further events depend on your choice. If you intend to go through the game again, but for the other side, I advise you to copy the save somewhere.

Floating prison (Way of Iorveth).

Agreeing to the conditions of Iorvet, we return to Flotzim and communicate with a handful of elves. The head of the “squirrel” offers to attack the city by climbing over the wall, but it’s better not to agree to this, since then you will have to kill a lot of enemies. Offer Iorvet another plan - play a scene with his capture and further transportation to the prison barge. After some reasoning, the elf recognizes your plan as fit and will tie his hands. You will also have to bring him to the ship, driving away the guards who blocked your way. When the goal is reached, we take out the sword and begin to cut down the soldiers guarding the barge. You can simply throw them into the water using the "Aard" sign. The scoundrel Loredo gathered the elves in one building, after which he set fire to it, and if the girls are not pulled out of there in time, they will burn. In principle, there is nothing difficult in saving them. We just go up the stairs and untie their hands by frequently pressing the left mouse button. When all three young ladies are saved, we jump into the water and get to Iorvet on the ship. After talking with him, we learn that he released Vernon Rocher after winning the duel.

Chapter 2 (The Way of Iorveth).

Prelude to War.

At the beginning of this episode, we will control Prince Stennis who has arrived to negotiate with King Helselt. Negotiations very quickly develop into a fight, during which the king will sprinkle blood on an ancient altar. As a result, a curse falls on the earth. Ghosts rise everywhere, the sun hides behind black clouds, and a hundred elves, led by Iorveth and Geralt of Rivia, moor to the shore of Aedirn. Having entered into battle with ghosts, we protect Saskia until a magical owl appears on the battlefield. Having formed a no less magical barrier around you, he will lead you to the right place. The main thing here is not to go beyond the circle and occasionally drive away the ghosts from the pichuga. Having reached the city, we communicate with the sorceress and Saskia.

After following the dwarf into your room, distribute skill points between skills and go down to the tavern. If additional quests do not bother you, we get out into the fresh air and rush to the military council organized by Saskia. After listening to the pathetic speeches of the warrior, we raise a glass. The girl is poisoned. Phillipa (the sorceress) can heal her, but she will need very rare ingredients, namely immortelle root, rose of memory, and finally, royal blood. And if you don’t get the first weed, you’ll have to tinker with the rest of the components.

Underground life.

Since we have no idea where to get royal blood, a magical relic and a charming sorceress, let's start searching for a healing herb. But first, it's worth visiting the local tavern, where Zoltan, along with the rest of the gang of dwarves, drinks for health. After asking them about the mine, we learn that it is boarded up, and those fellows who dared to go down into it like that did not return. Having offered them help in pacifying the raging monsters, we arrange a meeting with Zoltan, Yarpen and Sheldon at the doors of the mine at exactly noon. Arriving at the meeting place, we go down into the underground tunnels and drink a few elixirs. Potions such as "Cat" and "Swallow" will be of particular benefit.

The monsters inhabiting the mine turned out to be ordinary "corpse eaters" (analogous to the ghouls from the first part), and the passage to the part we need is locked. Sheldon will report that the chief digger, Balin Fergusson, has been here before us, and he should just have the key we need. Having found the torn corpse of Balin in the next room, we read the diary and find out what he distributed to four of his assistants. Then we just have to follow forward, occasionally turning behind the next key. When the last door is opened, Geralt's medallion will vibrate devilishly, and the Utkovol will turn out of the nearest turn. Despite his formidable appearance, in reality he is a weak and slow opponent. The main thing is not to let him hit himself and use Quen for safety net. Having defeated the giant, we collect the grass and return to Philippa.

Looking for magic.

It's time to find the second component of the healing potion - magical artifact. Philippa herself does not know anything about his whereabouts, but she recommends that we go to the local headman - Sisil. Following her advice, we learn that there is a place in Kaedwen where all the sorcerers and sorceresses who come here are strongly attracted, they say, they draw strength from there. And since we have no other options in vain, we set off for reconnaissance. Having got out of the city through the northern gate, we overcome the picturesque area and, having crossed the ford, we climb up the slope on which stands the mysterious tower. In one of the nests inside this tower sits a huge crystal, from the power of which Geralt's medallion goes crazy. We grab the crystal and prepare for a massive attack of the harpies. They are very cowardly creatures and almost fly away to the tops of the trees from there, naturally we can’t get them. So as soon as you envy this animal, apply the “Aard” sign on it and while it is writhing on the ground, finish it off. Problems can arise only if there are more than two harpies. Then it makes sense to use "Quen" so as not to be torn apart by sharp beaks. When the harpies are dead, we take the artifact to Philippa.

Unfortunately, one crystal was not enough for the sorceress and she needed to get at least a couple more. In a conversation, she will mention that someone's sleepyhead is enclosed in this crystal. Geralt will come up with an idea. Most likely, the harpy that made its nest in the tower was not an ordinary one, but the so-called dream stealer. After talking to the sorceress, we learn that these harpies used to live in an old quarry, but the headman Cecile locked it and does not intend to open it. To great luck, the dream enclosed in our crystal is just his. Let's go to the elder. He will be categorically against it until we tell him about his dream and the crystal, after the threat he will still unlock the gate.

Getting into the lair of the sleep stealers will not be so easy. To begin with, you will have to go down into the gorge, which, judging by the number of birds, is something like their headquarters, and finally reaching the bottom to resist the attack of five large representatives of the species. After defeating the monsters and collecting the ingredients for potions from their bodies, we pass through the large door. Here we will have many fewer harpies, and they will only appear in pairs. So just keep your silver sword and Aard sign ready. And one more thing: if you suddenly met a red, blue, blue or green crystal along the way, this will save you time in the future. Having reached the round altar, we watch the video and be sure to sit down to drink all the elixirs that are at least somewhat useful, after which we save. When you pull out the pink crystal from the altar, you will be attacked by about a dozen ferocious harpies, and if you do not put up protection in the form of the Quen sign in time, you will be torn apart in a few seconds. If you did everything right and you were not killed in the first three seconds, run away into any narrow corridor and start methodically cutting out one harpy at a time. In this case, local grenades help very well, which you can buy from merchants in the city.

When the harpies are dead, we return to the altar and insert the collected crystals into it. If you have not followed my advice and you have not yet had a single dream, go in search. After reviewing four dreams, we return to Philippa.

Where is Triss?

Before Leto kidnapped Triss, we gave her a rose of memory, which is now so necessary for the cure of Saskia. After talking with Philippa about where you can start looking, we go to the tavern. A local patron will give us all the information we need if we treat him to a glass of good beer. The drunk saw a woman and a bald brute fall from the sky. The thug left, but the red-haired woman was grabbed by the troll. Having found out about the whereabouts of that very troll, we go to him for a conversation. The troll actually turns out to be a great guy and even offers Geralt to taste the elves' soup. Tactfully refusing, we ask the monster about the "redhead". It is worth choosing calm replicas and not arguing with the troll, otherwise you will have to fight him. If everything goes well, then the bull will report that his “wife” was jealous of him for the “redhead” and left, taking her scarf with her. Triss herself escaped the next night. Let's go to the troll.

True, in addition to the lovely lady, there will be mercenaries who want to behead her - the lady. Convince them that this is not the best solution and ask the "Old" to return to her husband. In gratitude happy family will give you Triss' handkerchief. You can also kill the troll, and remove the scarf from her uncooled corpse, but this is not the best way, since we lose two powerful allies at once in the future. In any case, having got a rag, we return with it to Philippa. Our conversation with her will be interrupted by the prince's servant, who will report that local peasants accuse Steniss of poisoning Saskia. We urgently need to go investigate.

Royal blood.

Arriving at Steniss's room, we see that the prince is accused of poisoning Saskia. The royal especially locked herself in her modest estates, and the city men demand his blue blood. After talking with Zoltan and Buttercup, we learn about the servant who allegedly heard how Stennis and the now deceased priest discussed how best to get rid of the maiden from Aedirn. A survey of the people only gives us confidence that people will not back down and while we are looking for evidence of the guilt or innocence of Prince Iorvet with his squirrels, he will keep the angry crowd. The first thing to do is talk to the same servant whose hut is located very close by. The guy is clearly nervous, and the fact that he is sitting in his kennel, and not in the forefront of those suffering revenge is also strange. We stomp to the headman of the village. He will show us on the map exactly where the priest lived. After examining his room, we will find a drawing of a special goblet with a cavity for poison. The priest is 100% guilty, but there is no demand from the deceased, but whether Stennis participated in this conspiracy or not, Geralt will have to decide.

Talk to the prince, suggesting to his guards that you and only you can help him (Asky will definitely help you). The prince refuses to give you his blood, but he offers you a lot of money if you brush him off the crowd. We go out into the street and pronounce the verdict. When the servant says that the drink is tested for poison before serving, tell him about the drawing of the goblet, and after the prince's spectacular speech, remind him of the bribery attempt. Next, you will decide the fate of the king's son. Either sentence him to death or let him live until Saskia recovers. Personally, I advise you to kill him, since all the evidence points to his involvement, and if he survives, he will refuse you a drop of blood, which will entail further problems with obtaining the coveted liquid from King Helselt. After collecting the blood in a bottle, we return to Philip.

Where is Triss? (Continuation)

We have almost all the ingredients and it remains only to find Triss with a rose of memory. Philippa is sure the sorceress is in the Helselt camp. But this camp is located on the other side of the ghostly haze, and to pass through it means not to be friends with the head at all. Fortunately, our witcher is just not friendly with his head, and for the sake of his girlfriend, he will go through any darkness. Philippa in the form of an owl will help him in this difficult task. As in the first quest of the second chapter, we need to stay in the circle all the time and occasionally save the sorceress from the attacks of ghosts. Having moved to the other side, we say goodbye to the girl for a while, and we ourselves stomp to the king's camp.

Not far from the place where the task began, you will find a corpse. Having searched it, Geralt will find a figurine of an unknown monarch. We continue the path. Having run into Vernon Roche, we speak with him and ask for help in finding Triss. Despite the offense, he will tell you about a secret passage to the enemy camp, which passes through the old cave. He highly discourages going there, but apparently there is no other way. If your conversation does not work out with Roche, and he leaves, we go to the nearest settlement, the only available building in which there will be a brothel. Having bribed the local "mother" we ask about the passage to the camp and also learn about the cave. True, unlike Vernon's free advice, this one will cost you a thousand coins. Do not have a hundred rubles, as they say.

Getting into the cave is not difficult, but getting out of there is much more problematic. It's all about the stone elemental guarding the tunnels. He is a serious comrade and can easily send Geralt to the forefathers with just one blow. Therefore, when fighting with him, it is worth using a quick style to prevent the giant from coming to his senses. You can also use the Yrden sign to slow down the victim. When the enemy crumbles into many pebbles, we search through his remains and go out into the street. Hell awaits you ahead, namely, hidden penetration to the ambassador. First of all, I advise you to stock up on throwing weapons to quickly neutralize curious guards. Having crept to the large wooden gate, we approach the guard blocking the road and ask him to take us to the ambassador. By binding us, he fulfills our demands. The ambassador will pull out the statuette from our pocket, break it and pull out the contents. After a short dialogue, he will order us to be executed, and he will retire on his way. When Vernon and Bianca arrive to help us, we take on the sorcerer while our two comrades deal with more frail opponents.

Our showdown with Vangemar (the ambassador's sorcerer) made a lot of noise in the camp, and so that you do not have to break through the hordes of Nilfgardians, Vernon offers to portray your capture. Before agreeing to a further path, search the camp. One of the killed soldiers has pretty good armor. Moving towards the wooden gate, avoid patrols, and answer the guard's question that you are taking the witcher for interrogation. After parting with your eternal savior, return to Philippa. Having told her about Triss, we once again overcome the darkness and head to the city. Philip's servant turned out to be a traitor, but fortunately among her things we will find a rose of memory, which she apparently took from Triss.

A matter of life and death.

Having handed over all the ingredients to Philippa, we watch a video with the healing of Saskia and when we are alone with her we ask her about the commander's sword. Having learned all the details, she will hand Geralt her blade and once again thank him for saving him.

Eternal fight.

To remove the curse, we need four items that played a significant role in the battle, the echoes of which we can observe when passing through the ghostly haze. We advise Philip to turn to the mayor of the city, which we actually do. Cecile will tell Geralt how he personally participated in the battle against the famous Brown Banner, whose banner we now need. Having found out the details of that battle from the dwarf, we go to the crypt, where the soldiers killed on the battlefield were buried. If you have a dead end in front of you, and the marker on the map clearly indicates that you need to go behind this wall, use the Aard sign. The banner lies in the sarcophagus, but the ghost will not allow us to take it just like that. Lie to him that you yourself were in the detachment of the Brown Banner. The ghost will naturally not believe us, and the witcher will have to convince him. Answer the first statement of the dead soldier with the replica - "It was not like that", and the answer to the subsequent question is the name "Menno Koehoorn". Asking the third question, the ghost expects us to answer “Menno Coehoorn died under Brenna”, and the answer to the fourth riddle will be the replica “Seltkirk and Vandergrift”. Well, to the final question of the ghost, it is worth telling about the capture of us by the Bigerhorn. If you answered all the questions correctly, the ghost will allow you to take the banner, if not, then get ready for a fight. When we have a symbol of hatred, we return to Philippa.

If you already have Saskia's sword, then we inform the sorceress of our intention to enter the battlefield in a ghostly darkness. She will give us the other two artifacts - the medallion and the armor of the knight Zeltkirk. Having reached the darkness, we move into the Aedirn knight. Our commander ordered us to capture the enemy banner. Having defeated the standard-bearer, we move to the Kaedweni scout, who must inform the authorities about the loss of the banner. Archers need a few seconds to "charge" the bow. We use them to run from one cover to another. After watching a short video, we move into the skin of Zeltkirk and move forward, cutting the throats of the fighters who got in the way. Having met face to face with Vandergrift, we bring the strip of his lives to half and enjoy the victory. True, it will not be possible to rejoice for a long time, because the Dragoon appeared on the battlefield. Persuade Zeltrik not to fight him and leave this job to the witcher.

The battle with a huge demon is perhaps the most difficult task in this entire mission. Thank God that now all witcher skills will be available to us. The enemy not only has a colossal supply of vitality, but is also dressed in durable armor, which will not be easy to break through. Use "Quen" and unleash heavy blows on the thug. When the enemy dies, the sorceress will send a fiery rain onto the battlefield, but we, as a priest, will need to take the "surviving" fighters from the burning field. The curse is lifted, and thousands of warriors finally calmly departed for another world.

Siege of Vergen.

Waking up in the room, Philippa tells her about the events that happened to us in the war and go to Zoltan, who is now the head of the army. He will report the approach of enemy troops to the city. After a few seconds, the first soldiers from the thousands of troops of King Henselt will appear from behind the horizon. First of all, we will be asked to climb the walls and activate the oil supply mechanism, thanks to which Zoltan intends to neutralize the first wave of the enemy. Having risen up, we deal with the soldiers who managed to get over here and through QTE, we start the oil supply.

One of the platoons is destroyed, but reinforcements are already visible on the horizon, and therefore the dwarf general orders to retreat. Stepping back, climb the wall and talk to Saskia. After listening to all her instructions and watching the video, we place traps near the stairs. Thus, opponents who have risen up will receive decent damage even before entering into a fight with us. Having beaten off three oxen in this way, we again communicate with the "Dragon Slayer". The girl sent her scouts to the mine under the city, but they never returned, and now she orders us to go down with her into the underground tunnels and find out what's wrong.

Having followed the girl and dealt with several corpse-eaters, we will stumble upon the Henselt military detachment, headed by Detmold. It will not be difficult to deal with ordinary soldiers, but with a sorcerer, everything is not so simple. When the level of his life energy drops to exactly half, he attacks Geralt with a spell, thereby putting the witcher out of action. Here Saskia's "little" secret will be revealed, which she kept for a very long time and carefully. After talking with her on this topic, we return to Vergen for further defense. At the exit, Zoltan will meet us and report that the remaining royal army is rushing to the city, led by Henselt himself. People are depressed, but Saskia takes matters into her own hands. By delivering an inspiring speech to the people, she will lead us on the attack.

The first step is to destroy the fools climbing the walls of the city. Later it turns out that there are too many enemies and the war can already be ended, but suddenly, out of nowhere, Iorveth appears with a detachment of Scoia'tael archers. Now you need to close the gates to the city and the soldiers of the king will be trapped. Zoltan and the head of the “squirrel” himself will help us do this. You can go down from the wall using the stairs, which is located on the right, if you stand facing the open gate. Once on the "sinking ship" Henselt will order the soldiers to hand over their weapons, and in the meantime he will sign a surrender agreement. The war is over - we won. But Saskia behaved very strangely during the negotiations and Iorveth offers to follow her. The girls leave through the teleport, and the elf and I go to search the sorceress's room. In the back room we find the book "Elixirs and Poisons" and show it to Iorvet. If you don't go after Philippa right now, something terrible could happen.

Chapter 2 (Roche's Way).

Prelude to War: Kaedwen.

If choosing between Iorveth and Roche, you nevertheless chose the second one, then you will set sail from Flotzim on a ship that the emperor of Timeria himself handed over to Vernon. We leave for a city called Vergen, where for many years there has been a fierce battle between Aedirn and Kaedwen. To begin with, we will move into the skin of King Henselt, who in this moment expect negotiations with Saskia - the girl who killed the dragon and part-time ruling Aedirn. The girl's questions should be answered calmly, otherwise you will have a battle with all her warriors. If everything goes well, Saskia will challenge the king to a duel, at the end of which the enraged monarch will kill the priest, thereby sprinkling the altar with blood.

At this very moment, Geralt, in the company of Vernon Rocher and the rest of the blue stripes, will land on the shore. After watching the video, we proceed to the defense of the king from evil spirits. In a few minutes, Detmold will surround our company with a protective field, passing through which the ghosts immediately die. The main thing is not to run out of the circle, as Geralt's vitality will quickly drain there. Having beaten off the attack of ghosts a couple of times, we finally get to the Kaedweni camp. Here we will be rescued by Zyvika, who will give us a tour of the camp. Having seen enough of the local sights, we ask the foreman to take us to Henselt's tent. At the entrance to the tent, the ambassador of Nilfgard will be waiting for you, but after a not entirely friendly conversation, he will leave. We can only talk with the king about the murder of Foltest. Taking Geralt's word for it, the monarch will ask the witcher to remove the curse from the battlefield.

Conspiracy theory (part 1).

Having finished leading, we leave the conversation with the king from his tent. A sorcerer named Detmold will come up to us and ask us to do him a favor. The thing is that rumors are circulating around the camp that some individuals are conspiring against Henselt. There is no concrete evidence, or at least a starting point from which to start looking, but the magician promises Geralt a good reward.

There will be no marks on the map, but I strongly advise you to look into the local canteen, where you need to find a guy named Manfred among other soldiers. Offer him vodka and start a conversation. A drunken soldier will ask you to help his son Sven. In the Kaedweni camp, gladiator fights are taking place, in which, if they don’t kill, then they maim only in this way. Sven has the great honor of fighting the arena champion also known as the Butcher of Cidaris, and since his old man is sure that the boy will lose, he promises to thank us well if we are lucky.

Let's go look for Sven. First, the boy will try to get rid of Geralt, but the witchers are not one of those who just leave, so we use suggestion. As a result, he will agree to fight the "butcher" together, but since two on one - a little unfairly we stomp to Avet (the organizer) and offer him a new type of fight - 2 on 2. The old man will like this idea, so we can safely return to Sven and say that we are ready to go to battle. When the battle starts, we take on the butcher while Sven will take care of the second fighter. The butcher comrade is not so strong, and with the help of Irden, you can easily immobilize him and, at the moment of his weakness, inflict strong blows. You can not worry about the health of your partner, since his father will help us with the conspirators in any case. But if the guy suddenly stays alive, he will do it with a more cheerful face.

Having received a square coin and advice to visit a brothel, we go to the Whistle Zosya. The password to the room of the conspirators will be the phrase - "her smile opened the gates of paradise for us." In the end, you will meet in battle with the same Avet, with whom you discussed the possibility of a 2 vs 2 duel. Having defeated him, we talk with Proxim who has approached. This comrade will offer Geralt to participate in the tournament, but that's a completely different story. Going down a little lower, we will meet another conspirator - a guy named Vinson Trout. Talking to him is useless, so we save time and provoke him into a duel. When the dead body of the conspirators collapses to the floor, we search the corpse of Trout and pick up the legendary armor, which we will need very soon to remove the curse. Also, don't forget to grab a handwriting note from the table that looks too much like Buttercup's handwriting. After talking with a friend, we go to Detmold for a reward.

Blood curse.

Having turned the lair of the conspirators, we return to the king and start a conversation. The monarch will specifically tell how many years ago a sorceress named Sabrina Glevissig cursed him for burning her at the stake. This punishment was more than fair, because she caused on the field, hurting the fiery rain, roasting alive all the soldiers fighting at that time on it. Offer Henselt help (of course not for free) and go in search of Detmold, who can tell us about the curse much more than the king. The magician will tell us about the possibility of removing the curse with the help of a rite, which, however, requires a lot of very rare ingredients. But first, he will advise you to examine the place where Sabrina was burned.

Lost sheep.

On the way to the place of execution of the sorceress, Zyvik will stop us and ask us to find two of his missing fighters. The commander doubts that something serious has happened to them, and therefore advises them to simply scare them. As expected, the soldiers hang around the place we need, and as soon as they see us, they will demand to bring them to the camp. We agree and proceed to inspect the place of execution. Here you will find a letter from a soldier, carnations, a few square coins and suspicious footprints. The soldiers, having learned about our find, will demand a nail from Geralt, to which we, of course, refuse. Then these two will tell us about the cult of Sabrina - a bunch of idiots led by someone named Inspirational. We return to the camp on the way to which we will be met by two Kaedwenians arguing among themselves. Their dispute arose over a relic, which turned out to be a common fake.

After talking with the relic dealer, who can be found in the dining room, we learn about how the unstoppable Yagon pierced Sabrina with a spear in order to end her torment. Also, the merchant will advise you to find the very Inspirational. But first, return to Zyvik for a reward. You will be given a choice of either money or a few minutes in the company of captive Scoia'tael who can tell you some interesting details of the preparations for the assassination of King Foltest. We choose, of course, the second option and listen to the story of the elves.

When the affairs in the camp are over, we go to the gorge in search of the Inspirational.


Having reached the hut of the Inspirational, we fight off a flock of Harpies and go inside. A man will agree to talk with us only for money or for our entry into his cult. The first, of course, is simpler, but I am sure that not everyone will have several thousand gold coins gathering dust in their pockets, and therefore we agree on the second option. The whole catch is that it’s impossible to get into this sect just like that and you need to pass the test - survive the night, while drinking an unknown elixir in the crypt. After waiting for the night, we go to the doors of the crypt that is nearby and uncork a jar of brew. After drinking it, we go inside and prepare for the battle with the corpse eaters (I wonder how many people are in this clan). When morning comes, we return to the Inspirational hut and ask him about the events in which Sabrina was burned. Having learned about Zeltkirk's armor, we go to the relic dealer. By pressing on the merchant with a nail, we will extract the information we need from him. It turns out that he sold the spear of Yagon to one of the soldiers, who later lost it to the commander of the Scoia'tael, Iorvet. He will also mention that Iorveth is now in Vergen - on the other side of the fog. It's time to ask Detmold for help.

Get out, evil spirit!

Having informed Detmold of the unpleasant news about the spear, we ask him for advice on crossing the ghostly haze. The sorcerer will give us an amulet, which in theory (yes, that's what it says) will show us the way to the other side of the battlefield. At the exit from the camp, we will meet an old friend Zoltan, who was fed up with the racist tendencies of the Kaedweni warriors. Inviting him to join us, we go to Vergen.

Fortunately, the amulet really works so quickly and, ignoring the warriors who have risen from the dead, we make our way to the other side of the location. The only ones we will have to fight with are a detachment of dragumirs (ghostly golems), which, if they are not killed, will not allow us to safely reach the transition to the city. When the fog is behind, we go to the outskirts of Vergen. True, on one of the roads we will be stopped by a detachment of "squirrels", which, however, will let us go in peace, having learned about our friendship with Zoltan. They will advise you to contact Yarpen Zigrin, the commander of the local army. Having learned from him about the banner of the Brown Banner, we speak with Zoltan and come to the conclusion that we need to split up and while Geralt will deal with the banner, the dwarf will try to persuade Saskia to give her memorable sword to the witcher.

Symbol of death.

The banner of the Brown Banner is located in the crypt, which in turn is located in the depths of the forest. When you cross a certain line, you will be attacked by a gang of ghosts, so keep your silver sword at the ready, as well as the Quen sign. Having descended to the lower levels and having finally reached the tomb we need, we meet the ghost of a soldier. He refuses to give us the banner, but he can be deceived. But the easiest way is to simply kill him. He is a very weak enemy, and absolutely nothing will change from his “death”. Having dealt with the spirit, we take the banner from the coffin and go to a meeting with Zoltan, which should take place in the red-man mine near Vergen.

Get out, evil spirit!

Before opening the door to the mine, I highly recommend drinking a few elixirs (“Cat”, “Swallow”), as a difficult battle with the Corpse Eaters awaits you ahead. Having found all the keys we need, we make our way to the other side of the mine. Utkovol will meet us here. Utkovol - a huge and clumsy corpse-eater. There is a lot of strength, but the mind is not rich. Having frozen him with the help of the “Irden” sign, we begin to inflict strong blows on him with a silver sword. When his huge carcass collapses dead, search the corpse and exit through the nearest door, behind which Zoltan and Saskia are already waiting for you. Fortunately, the girl will give us the sword without hesitation, because she herself is interested in lifting the curse. In addition, Zoltan will report that Iorvet lost that same spear to a dwarf named Skalen Bourdon.

We return to the outskirts of Vergen and look for this lucky young man, and having found it, we offer him to play dice with us. Having won (if you feel sorry for the money, then I advise you to save before the game) we return to the camp to Henselt. After passing through the fog, you will meet Vernon Rocher. He will tell you how a detachment of Nilfgards attacked his detachment and the young sorceress a couple of hours ago. According to Roche, that sorceress was a student of Philippa Eilhart, whom the mentor sent in search of Triss Merigold. After a little chat with Vernon on topics of interest to you, we continue our way to the royal tent.

Pleased with the good news, the king goes to the place of Sabrina's burning, while we stomp to Detmold for a special powder with which we will draw magical signs on the field. Now we are heading to Sabrina's circle where the king is waiting for us. After talking with us, he will take Geralt away from this haunted place and ask what the witcher will need for the ritual. Ask Henselt to describe in as much detail as possible those terrible events of three years ago, and then hand him the powder received from Detmold. The thing is that the king himself must put signs on the ground, otherwise there will be no effect.

First, ask Henselt to go to the witch circle from where to go to the stone bread. When the king has completed his advance, order him to go to the burnt tree, and from there to the carcass of the raven and the curdled milk. In the end, he will again be at the witch's circle. We set fire to the powder and prepare for the attack of a flock of ghosts. All this time, the spirit of Sabrina will cast a spell, and the protective field around Geralt and the monarch will weaken. When the king pierces the sorceress with a spear, everything will calm down. The curse has been lifted, and another king has appeared in the world, indebted to the witcher.


Henselt, to celebrate, threw a feast to which Geralt was invited as a significant person. After eating the food, we go to talk with the king. True, the guards will not let us in, complaining about the important meeting of His Majesty with the Ambassador of Redania. Let's try again after midnight. This time, the guards guarding the tent will calmly let the witcher inside. Next, watch the video and protect the king from two assassins. Sheala intervening in the battle will defeat one of them, but the second will be able to escape. To extract information from the consciousness of a dead killer, Detmold suggests using necromancy, which, however, is prohibited by the sorcerer's code.

To perform the ritual, you need to prepare and drink a potion called "Rook", the ingredients for which can be bought here in the camp. After that, we return to Detmold and say that we are ready. The magician will begin to conjure, and Geralt will slowly begin to lose strength. Having fainted, the witcher will penetrate the mind of the killer.

Now we are Egan - one of the so-called "Killers of Kings". Together with our "colleague" Zerrit we move along the gorge, trying not to touch the traps placed everywhere. Soon we will be attacked by harpies, which, of course, need to be killed. Having done this, we move towards our leader Leto. After a little chat, we learn about the conspiracy of the witchers of the snake school with Sheala de Tanserville. Summer is no longer needed, which means there is no need for her to live. Having moved to the walls of the Kaedweni camp, we split up with Zerrit and while our comrade will inspect the area from the walls of the city, we will have to make our way to Henselt's tent on the ground. If you make a mistake and the guard sees you, the memory will break off, but our consciousness will return to Geralt. If everything goes well, Egan will soon reach the cave located under the camp where his partner is already waiting for him. After talking again, we move to the upper section of the camp and fight with a dozen kaedwen knights. Blocking doesn't make sense in a two-handed fight, so just shorten until you have a chance to strike from behind. After the victory, you will return to the body of Geralt.

Without waiting for Detmold's instructions, we jump off the bed and rush into the very cave where, being Egan, we saw Leto. True, the bald thug will not be there, but on the other hand, we will find the wounded Zerrit, who, before dying, will tell Geralt that Leto went to Loc Muine. We return with a report to the sorcerer. After listening to our story, he will give us the last relic needed to remove the curse.

Conspiracy theory (2).

Having removed the curse (the method of removing it is absolutely identical to what we used, being on the side of Iorvet), we wake up on the bed in Detmold's room and listen to Dandelion who has come running to us. Several residents of the camp openly expressed dissatisfaction with the king's agreement with Nilfgard, thereby causing the "seething" of the people. The enraged king ordered the execution of several "conspirators" in public, after which he safely left for the assault on Vergen. Well, we will have to reassure both the guards who felt impunity and the peasants frightened to death.

The first step is to go to the hut in which the conspirators settled. On the way we will meet Vernon Rocher. He cannot find his soldiers and asks us for help. Returning to the camp of blue stripes, we stumble upon Kaedweni soldiers. After killing them, we search the tents and, finding only a prostitute in them, we learn from her the reasons for the attack of the soldiers. It turns out that Henselt invited all the soldiers of Rocher to his banquet, after which he mercilessly hanged them. Only Bianca remained alive, who, like Roche, is simply seething from the thirst for revenge that overwhelms them. Forward! To Vergen.

Assault on Vergen.

In the company of Vernon Roche, we go to the caves familiar to us from the quest “Killers of Kings”, after passing through which you will find yourself in a gorge full of bloodthirsty harpies. Having got rid of the annoying birds, we climb up the slope. At the top, a troll will be waiting for us. You can either chat with her or kill her. But it’s better to keep the sword in the scabbard, because in this case the monster will tell us about Leto, who just recently passed by her. Passing through the previously cursed place of the battle between Aedirn and Kaedwen, we will meet another troll, but already a male. Help him get rid of the king's annoying soldiers and send him to his wife.

Having run forward a little, we will meet Zoltan, who will report that Sheala is currently hiding in the house of a sorceress named Philippa Eilhart. He will also tell about Iorvet, who, with his last strength, fights off the swordsmen of the King. You decide. Either we rush to the aid of Iorvet, or we go to kill the sorceress. If you still decide to save the elf, we turn right right at the walls of the city and make our way to the wooden fortification. Here you have to deal with several Kaedweni soldiers. After listening to Iorveth's "thanks" we rush to meet the sorceresses. True, you will not have time quite a bit, because they will hide in the portal, but King Henselt will find you and then order to kill you. Dealing with the soldiers of the king will be a little problematic because the battle will take place in a cramped house. Having dealt with the royal servants, we take on the monarch himself. At the end of the battle, shouting “Let me kill him,” Vernon Rocher will burst into the building. We make the choice of the Lord: live Henselt or die.

Chapter 3 (The Way of Iorveth).

For a great purpose.

Arriving in the snowy Lok Muinn, we go down the slope. The company will be made up of the elf Iorvet, as well as about a dozen hungry harpies. Having dealt with them and finally getting close to the remains of the ancient city, we make our way forward through the ruins. Having met the "Order of the Flaming Rose", you can choose your further path. Either order Iorveth to go through the underground tunnels, and go straight to the knights himself, or go to the dungeon with the elf. It’s worth going to the Order only if you left the save from the first part and Geralt was a friend of Siegfried on them, if not, it makes sense to use the second option. In the caves, the evil Head-Eye is waiting for you (we will kill him under the plaintive sighs of Iorveth) about the meeting with which Geralt will kindly warn the medallion.

Having got out into the fresh air, you will overhear (well, or learn it from Siegfried) a conversation about how a certain sorceress Philippa Eilhart was imprisoned. Two paths lead there (to the dungeon) - the first is simple, the second is also simple, but it is much longer. Annoy the guards (she gets angry at your very appearance) and then just wait until they hang cuffs on Geralt. As a result, we will be dragged to the dungeon, where Philip is already waiting for us. After talking with her, we learn that the lady is aware of the secret of Saskia and wants to use her to strengthen one magical secret society. True, we will not have time to finish the conversation, since someone other than King Radovid will arrive for the sorceress. Having ordered to gouge out the woman's eyes, he will come to us. Of course, no one is going to kill us, but we will have to sit in a dungeon until the end of the council. For Geralt, unfortunately, this is not an affordable luxury, and therefore you need to figure out how to get out of this damp dungeon.

You won’t have to think long, because Ambassador Fitz-Esterlen will appear for our souls, and while he will reveal the details of his insidious plan, we untie the ropes on our hands with the help of Igni. After watching the video, we again speak with the already blind Philippa and make a choice - to save her from the dungeon or leave her to await execution and at this time save Triss.

Where is Triss?

If you decide that Triss is more important for you, take Fitz-Esterlen hostage and go out with him through the secret passage, the path to which the ambassador will show you. Get out, you get out, but that's bad luck - the passage, it turns out, was under the Nilfgard camp, the settlers of which have rather hostile feelings towards the "White Wolf". After killing the ambassador and assigning a huge reward for your head, the head of the "Black" will retire, leaving you to be torn to pieces by their dogs. The “Quen” sign looks most advantageous in such a situation, because if the opponents surround Geralt, they will chop it down in a matter of seconds, but of course we don’t need it. Having dealt with the Nilfgard bastards, we approach the door and find that it is locked. You'll have to go around. Not far from the place of battle there is a ladder by which you can climb the walls of the camp. Along the way, we will have to deal with a couple more soldiers of the emperor, but these battles are nothing compared to what awaits us ahead.

Once you reach the hill, get ready to fight with more than twenty soldiers. And if at first you will only be teased by rare groups of three opponents, then after a few seconds a dozen enemies will be thrown out at once. When the area is empty, we climb the same hill and continue our way to the dungeons. After talking with Renuald aep Matsen, we are preparing for the next influx of Nilfgards. Having dealt with them and listened to compliments from Matsen, we enter into a 1 on 1 battle with the commander. Renuald, in fact, is a very weak fighter and takes only a colossal supply of vital energy. After the enemy with a cry of "For the Emperor" falls dead to the ground, we remove all the keys from his corpse and go down to the dungeon to Triss. You will have a serious conversation with your girlfriend. Having finished talking, we take Miss Merigold out of the Nilfgard camp.

Wizard meeting.

Having got out of the Nilfgard camp, Triss will offer to split up, which we actually agree to (there is no choice). Having bought new weapons from a local blacksmith and cooked a couple of elixirs, we go to the meeting place, where the charming Triss Merigold is waiting for us. After killing two soldiers guarding the entrance, we make our way inside and watch the video. Sheala is sentenced to death for the murder of kings, but before putting shackles on her hands, she calls for help from her pet dragon, who immediately takes her away from the battlefield, abundantly pouring fire on the entire surrounding area. Everyone except Geralt is trapped, and we need to deal with the sorceress, otherwise Saskia will deal with us in dragon form.

And the dragon came.

Climb up the slope and run into the tower. Walk carefully on the stairs, as they can collapse at any moment. Moreover, we will constantly be bothered by the dragon, which will fry Geralt if we hesitate a little. Having reached the top of the building, we watch the video and activate the crystal until the sorceress is torn apart. In gratitude for the rescue, she will tell us that she is not involved in any murder except for King Dimovend, and all these atrocities lie solely on the shoulders of the “serpentine” witcher. Saying goodbye to Sheala, we are preparing for the battle with the dragon.

Even though she looks formidable, but in fact she does not do so much damage, and with proper use of the “Quen” sign, she can be defeated without much harm to health. When the health of a representative of the ancient race drops to a critical level, a QTE scene will start, in which you need to quickly press the left mouse button and as a result, Saskia, in the guise of a dragon, will fall into a tree, piercing himself through. If you saved Triss, and not Philippa, then you can safely leave, you will not help her anymore.

Chapter 3 (Roche's Way).

In the name of Temeria!

Having decided the fate of the king, we will go to Lok Muinn, where Leto, Saskia, Philip and, of course, Sheala have already visited before us. After watching the video, we follow Vernon, who leads us to the city. Having opened the heads of a couple of harpies and having reached the walls of the city, we will meet a detachment of the Order of the Flaming Rose, among which will be our old comrade (unless, of course, you betrayed him in the first part) Siegfried. If you have friendly relations with the order, there should be no problems. It will be a little more difficult for those who in the original decided to go over to the side of the Scoia'tael, however, after a little chat with the knights, Roche will convince them of our innocence.

After passing through the gate, talk to Siegfried while the captain of the blue stripes goes about his business. old friend will talk about what happened to him over the past few months, and also tell about the reasons for his appearance in Loc Muinne. Having talked enough with the new master of the order, we go to the Redan camp for Roche. After wandering around the streets for a bit and buying the necessary things from merchants, visit King Radovid. Once Geralt rescued the king and as a token of gratitude he will not hand over the witcher to the authorities, however, he will demand one more favor for him. The monarch found out about a certain plan for the division of Redania between him and King Henselt, and therefore he urgently needs to put Princess Anais on the throne. The whole problem is that the girl was kidnapped by the sorcerer Detmold. As a reward for saving the princess, he promises to help us with Sheala.

To go on this task alone is a rather stupid idea, and therefore Vernon volunteered to help us with pleasure.

Flesh of flesh.

The sorcerer keeps the girl in the camp where we will have to wade through the sewers. Along the way, we will meet Roche and, already in the company of the "right shoulder", we set off to storm the Kaedweni camp. Having got out into the fresh air, we kill the guards at the gate and discuss with Roche a plan for further action. Vernon went to look for the mechanism that opens the gate, while Geralt will have to fight off the advancing waves of Kaedwenians. Try not to forget about magic signs even if they are not pumped at all. So, for example, "Aard" will help to remove a couple of soldiers from the battle for a few seconds, and "Quen" will reduce the damage done to you. When Roche unlocks the gates, we make our way deep into the camp, simultaneously destroying small detachments of Kaedwen soldiers.

In the end, we will meet in battle with the sorcerer himself. It will be quite difficult to defeat him, since in any danger he will teleport to a certain distance from you. Knock him down with the "Aard" sign and land a few hits. After repeating this algorithm a couple of times, and after watching the scene with the cowardly flight of Detmold, we head to the tower where they hold the princess Anais we need. True, the doors to her dungeon are locked with some special charms, and while Detmold lives, the dungeon will not open. Well. We will solve this problem. Climbing up, we watch the video. Roche has quenched his thirst for revenge, but now the door to the princess's dungeon is available to us.

At the exit from the tower, the knights of the Order of the Flaming Rose will be waiting for us, who demand to give the princess to them. We refuse and if your relationship with Siegfried is friendly, he will allow us to leave. If not, then you have to fight. In any case, having dealt with Siegfried and his company, we return to Radovid or agree with Roche and transfer the girl to the emperor of Timeria.

Wizard meeting.

It's time to visit the amphitheater where negotiations are currently taking place between the rulers of the countries and their advisers. If you did not give Anais to Timeria, then she will be waiting for you at the gate. There is a heated, political conversation going on inside, which will be interrupted by our three heroes. By giving the princess into the hands of the King of Redania, we thereby give him the opportunity to continue to calmly rule his country. The next point of debate will be the decision to form a new sorcerer's council, which will include the hated Sheala. True, the fiery speech of the sorceress will be interrupted by the knights of the order of the flaming rose, who will introduce the killer of kings into the hall. Summer will report that he acted under the influence of Sheala and, believing him, the king will order the sorceress to be handcuffed until the circumstances are clarified. It is then that Sheala's pet dragon appears on the stage. Having dragged her into the tower, he will begin to mercilessly burn the entire surrounding area.

The appearance of the dragon.

Our allies are cut off from us by the flames, so the dragon will have to be dealt with one on one. We rise to the tower along the stairs, occasionally shortening from the tenacious, clawed paws of the dragon. Having reached the room of Sheala de Tanserville, we watch how the woman is trying to hide. Fortunately, someone has replaced one of the teleportation stones, and if the "magic" is not pulled out, it will be torn to pieces. Having dealt with the stone, we enter into a conversation with Sheala. She admits that she really was behind the murder of King Dimovend, but she has nothing to do with the death of Foltest and the attempt on Henselt. Apparently Summer, tasting royal blood, decided to become an errand killer, and he was financed by the empire of Nilfgard. When the sorceress teleports to meet us, a dragon will appear.

Even if he looks formidable, but in fact he does not do so much damage, and with proper use of the “Quen” sign, she can be defeated without much harm to health. When the health of a representative of the ancient race drops to a critical level, a QTE scene will start in which you need to quickly press the left mouse button. As a result, the dragon will collapse to the ground, painfully hitting a tree sticking out of the ground. Here it turns out that the dragon is actually Saskia, who is under the influence of Sheala's insidious spell. Unfortunately, we will not be able to help here, and therefore we turn around and go home.



Upon arrival in the city, Vernon Roche will meet us and inform us that Summer is waiting for Geralt on the market square. Making round eyes, we stomp to the meeting place. Along the way, we will stumble upon marauders who are rummaging through the body of Iorveth. The elf, thank God, is alive, but he urgently needs help. And while Triss (if you saved her, of course) will treat our friend, we continue on our way. Having met with the main opponent face to face, you will again face a choice. Ask the witcher or challenge him to a duel. If you decide that a fight is not the best solution, then drink vodka with your “colleague” and find out about his motives. It turns out that Leto killed only in order to revive the witcher school in which he grew up, and in which he was taught everything he knows. If the witcher's arguments did not seem convincing to you, you can still kill him.

This concludes the events of the second part of The Witcher. Geralt's name has been cleared, the Assassins of Kings are finished, and our witcher sets off for new adventures in the company of either the charming Triss Merigold or the faithful comrade Vernon Roche.