Warhammer 40000 walkthrough

They don't have heavy punching power. Therefore, the Eldar must play tricky. The builder teleports to a strategic point, creates a gate there. Several guns and infantry units are instantly thrown through the gate. If everything goes well, then invisibility is imposed on all buildings through the gate, and curious enemy heroes are exterminated in advance. If it's bad, the guns are evacuated to their previous positions, and the infantry leaves with the help of transports. As a result, the most important occupation of the Eldar is to secretly breed gun batteries in a secluded corner. To then suddenly throw them on the battlefield to an unsuspecting enemy. If you have to build the gates in the immediate vicinity of the enemy defenses, then you can cover the builder with infantry, which will be thrown behind enemy lines from the transporter.

In the final part of the game, fully armed prophets, reinforced by a seer, look very good. Yes, and the implementation does not hurt ...

War of the Worlds

In addition to the exclusive rules for each race, there is a set of universal rules that apply to anyone. The first of these is to strengthen your observation posts as powerfully as possible. It is not difficult, it is enough to conduct the appropriate research and build a second-level combat tower on them. Then they will shoot more powerfully, and they themselves will last longer.

The second is to consolidate, if possible, in all narrow and difficult-to-pass sections. This is on a wide plateau the enemy will have where to roam and where to attack. And in a narrow passage, many will not be able to converge at once, which will greatly reduce the effectiveness of hand-to-hand fighters.

The third is to use the troops for their intended purpose. Every artificial idiot with a huge broadsword in his hands will most certainly begin to shoot from his stunted pistol as soon as the enemy appears in the distance. And he will not be at all embarrassed by the fact that with his broadsword he will destroy the enemy 5 times faster, but with a pistol he will rather die ingloriously. Stop this initiative and send the villain into close combat. The same is true for shooters. But since the enemy sometimes condescends to properly use his fighters - accompany the shooters with a melee layer that will protect them from enemy grunts.

Never forget about the operational reserve. Let him stand a little further away, and the enemy will get the false impression that we have a weak sector here. For the empire, this is a pair of dreadnoughts and attack aircraft, for orcs - nobs hiding in houses, for the eldar - troops in the gates, for Chaos - paratroopers in a state of invisibility. But when the enemy attacks, he will greatly regret finding our superiority at this point.

Thoroughly mine the rear around your bases and near the guns. The latter is especially effective, since it is detected just at the moment when the enemy is about to crush the guns. It also helps a lot against stealth scouts. After the explosion of the mine, they become visible and turn into easy prey for your warriors. But do not forget about mine protection when playing against a person - mines are visible to officers and sergeants. Here's another benefit from these already helpful guys.

During the game, when the enemy is on the defensive, the scouts help a lot, who in front in an invisible mode highlight where to shoot, and behind the grenade launchers they busily shoot the enemy, whom they would not otherwise see.

Campaign Walkthrough

For some reason, only the fighters of the Empire turned out to be worthy of the campaign, and even then - not the most famous order of the Blood Ravens. Although ... Maybe it is your efforts that he is destined to become famous. One has only to complete all 11 missions and defeat all the enemies that stand in the way. And then even the Ultramarines will have to move on the throne of glory!

Orcs have attacked one of the planets of the Empire and the Imperial Guard is unable to cope with the attack. But the dropships of the Blood Ravens come to the rescue. Of course, with paratroopers on board.

The simplest mission, which plays the role of teaching. Those 2 units of paratroopers that are given to us at the beginning cannot be destroyed by the computer. And it remains only to build a bunch of buildings (according to the list), and then destroy the orc base.

This is interesting: it is not even necessary to save here. After each key moment of the game, an autosave follows.

Orcs continue to destroy human settlements on the planet. But this will not last forever - the space marines are in a hurry to help.

Another easy mission. First, they will try to teach you how to move in secret, giving out scouts who need to get to the pumping station. There, several units of paratroopers will land to help you, and after taking the water pump, builders with several buildings will also land. Now you can clean up everything that is left in the rear, and destroy those orcs that are ahead. Attention - Orc Killakan will be waiting for you near the last base. Therefore, do not hussar and do not try to take the base with a couple of infantry units - the killakan will easily disperse them.

Orcs destroy the city and kill civilians. Of course, the paratroopers will save them.

We have a bunch of unfinished towers and a few infantry units. Finishing fortifications and we begin to systematically liberate the city, capturing strategic points. There is additional task, the solution of which will only help us in the future - to find the lost divisions of technicians. The technicians were lost somewhere in the middle of the right edge of the map. A module landed there, ready to decompose into a machine temple, and a lone dreadnought. After you complete the temple, the dreadnoughts will be ready to join your army in any number. Now you need to capture all the strategic points and liberate the city. And only the fortifications of the orcs outside the city will remain, which the infantry, with the support of the dreadnoughts, is not at all difficult to destroy.

It turns out that the orcs did not appear on their own, but with the support of Chaos. However, Chaos makes his own plans, and the orks are just a distraction for the Space Marines.

At the beginning we have 3 hurricanes and 2 stormtrooper squads. And a territory full of orcs. We shoot orcs from hurricanes, after which we jump over the river and capture everything on the opposite bank. Rebuild the camp, repel the attack of the orcs and clear the territory to the next river. And here the task is more difficult - to destroy the military leader of the orcs. Moreover, the leader is accompanied by a squiggoth. The easiest way to get out of this situation is to have a couple of squads of stormtroopers jump in front of the squigot, distracting him, while paratroopers with rocket launchers and 3-4 dreadnoughts will deal directly with the destruction of the monster. After the death of the squigot and the war chief, all that remains is to clean up the orc coast from all kinds of buildings.

Success is close, but the inquisitor Thoth, who arrived on the planet, orders to leave the planet, because in 3 days a warp storm will pass and the order will fall into a trap on the planet. Even the fact that Chaos fighters were seen on the planet is not convincing - the planet will have to be left. Tartarus is lost to the empire...

You need to deliver senior officers alive and well to the extraction point. The first oncoming orcs themselves are saved from someone. And they are saved from the Eldar. So rebuild the base, create a stronger army - and go ahead. On this mission, it is important for the commander to look into all the nooks and crannies. Many of them hide gates through which the Eldar can throw saboteurs behind you. Otherwise, a strong army will cope with any obstacles.

The evacuation continues. But now the Eldar are standing in the way, who are going to destroy the Space Marines, preventing them from leaving the planet.

First you will have to clear the area for the base. For it is occupied by the Eldar. As soon as you begin to rebuild the base, detachments of imperial guards will come to the rescue. Put them along the top edge of the base, and they will reliably protect it from the orcs.

Now we need to clean the entire center of the map from the gates of the Eldar. The lesson is long and tedious, but it is quite within your power. To do this, you need to allocate a mobile group from a platoon with 4 rocket launchers, 2-3 with heavy bolters and 2-3 dreadnoughts. If the Eldar base in the left corner of the map really interferes, fire at it from hurricanes, and then throw attack aircraft there with the support of scooters. And cleaning the center will immediately become easier.

The final Eldar base (and mission objective) is in the upper corner. Get ready for the fact that there will be a lot of heavy equipment and it will have to be destroyed.

The battles on the planet are still going on, and now, in order to win, the Space Marines need to capture a certain artifact...

Don't try to grab more strategic points. Take advantage of the two that are close to your base, rebuild it and create a small army. But then capture that strategic point, which is below your base. The fact is that the incarnation will come there, with which you will have to fight. It's good that no one will accompany him. At the top point, they will also be waiting for you, so the army will not be superfluous. Next, you need to clear your entire coast and capture 3 relics so that you are allowed to build terminators.

When you capture the bridge, keep in mind that the construction of the Eldar base will begin at this time in the lower corner. If you destroy it right during construction, then no one will bother you on this shore. The bridge must be held for 2 minutes, after which there will be a hard hike along the opposite bank through the hordes of the Eldar to the artifact. And you won’t get it - Chaos will slowly steal it.

So, the orcs are defeated, and they managed to make peace with the eldar. However, the forces of Chaos start a ceremony with the artifact, during which they will become stronger. We need to stop them.

First you need to keep the base, protecting it from destruction. It's not difficult - we strengthen the already fortified points and capture all the strategic points on the hill on which we ended up. Then we pass to the right edge of this hill and jump with attack aircraft to another mountain. There is another base waiting there (so far abandoned), although without barracks. We capture it and rebuild everything that is missing.

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine

Part I. Landing.

We watch the introductory video and proceed to shredding the orcs. Small ones first, then bigger ones. We have at our disposal a bolt pistol with infinite ammo and a steel sword that cuts enemies in no time. To move forward, we shoot at the gas cylinders on the right, usually there are shooting orcs nearby. For a quick replenishment of health, we stun the enemies and, having run up to them, press the corresponding button. After the cut-scene, we begin to break through to the huge turret. It is impossible to delay, otherwise death awaits. You need to constantly move and be at the turret as soon as possible. By pressing the button, we turn it towards the orc ship, destroying it accordingly.

After the video, we move forward to help the team. We strengthen shooting skills by killing cowardly opponents. From the capsule we get the Bolter - an automatic rifle. We destroy two rifle orcs and soon we get to the first member of the squad. We help him fight off enemies. You should not look for trouble, because the opponents have strengthened in the upper positions and, moreover, quite well. Bolter ammo is highlighted in blue. Leander was saved - we go after Sidonius. It is advisable not to waste ammunition on such a powerful cannon as a Bolter on small creatures. Ahead is a trench and a group of guardsmen who need to be rescued. They'll serve as a distraction while we chop up the orcs. We move on, Sidonius reports his location. From the new capsule we take away the chain sword. Thanks to him, we can kill groups of enemies with a few swings. Again, trenches with shooting orcs on the sides, you can just run past them. But don't get carried away with it. A couple of times we will be attacked by some kind of kamikaze, creatures with explosives on their bodies. We get to the bunker and hold the defense. Several waves of various orks will storm us before the appearance of an elite prototype. To destroy it, first let's try to stun. This is done with a combination of three sword strikes + the usual stun. We run up and press the action button. Now quickly perform pressing the buttons shown on the screen (QTE). Most importantly, it’s worth stunning at the moment when he runs at us with a ram. We naturally deviate to the side and do the actions described earlier. There is an easier way: not to waste Bolter ammunition and not to use grenades lying nearby against ordinary orcs, but then to break away well on the elite one, using all our power.

Having dealt with them, we pass into the bunker to meet with the commander of the imperial guard. After the conversation, we pick up from the capsule. It allows you to accumulate rage and use it against enemies. Let's test a new ability in the first battle. We go to the front line to help the guards. Do not forget to use a heavy bolter, presented in the form of a turret. In the building we see a capsule in which there is a bolter. This weapon is something like a sniper rifle. Just it will come in handy for us in large open spaces, where enemies hide behind the walls of tall buildings. We move forward to the gun fortress, dealing with the orcs. Take the jump pack from the capsule. Now we can fly and deliver powerful blows from above. We get to the stone cave, from where we get into the fortress. Ahead is another capsule with a mortar. A good replacement for grenades, although weaker than them. You can shoot five charges, and detonate them at the same time by pressing a separate button. We pass through several doors and pick up the melta charge. We go back, on the way we meet resistance and go down the elevator. There are also no fewer enemies here, if you do everything quickly, their numbers can be reduced by shooting at explosive creatures. In the warehouse of artillery shells there are stronger opponents. We deal with them from a distance and activate the control panel. We attach a melta charge to the projectile and push it into the desired position. We go back to the elevator, from where the opponents appear. Among them is an elite orc, which should not be difficult to destroy. Rising up, we head to the next elevator, killing enemies along the way. We take from the capsule with the ability. When the scale of rage is filled, we use it and destroy enemies with aimed fire. Time slows down at this point. The orcs removed a booby-trapped projectile from the queue. While Leander is busy pushing the projectile into the loading mechanism, we will fight off opponents. It's time to use the new ability. We kill those at the top. Then, when ordinary orcs crawl, we go to the side, so that it would be easier to kill the exploding creatures in time. We kill an elite enemy by running from side to side. Finally, when the projectile is in its place, we leave this zone.

To get to the Titan Manufactory, you need to sit on a ram, which will leave the station very soon. You can’t hesitate, so we quickly run to him until she leaves. It is not necessary to chop everyone in a row, you can just run past a large number of opponents. Being in the train, we begin to break forward, to the turret. From the turret we shoot the transport of the orcs. The main thing is not to constantly be behind the turret, because enemies can attack from behind, and the transport itself shoots in fairly long bursts. We constantly cool the turret in order to increase its efficiency and prevent overheating. There will be three orc landings in total, after which we finish off the enemy ship from the turret and complete the first part of the game.

Part II. Inquisitor.

After the video, we move forward and listen to the messages. We pass inside the building, lower the bridge, after which a skirmish with enemies will begin, among which one is elite. We continue to move to the manufactory through the building. One level up is the control room, infested with orcs. It's time to use rage. We deal with them and stop the orcish attack by dropping some weapons. We are contacted by a corporal who points the way to the manufactory. We get out to the surface, where first riflemen are waiting for us, then small ones and at the end ordinary orcs mixed with riflemen. Entering the next building, the corporal calls the elevator, and while he is approaching, we must defend ourselves. Take the power ax from the capsule. As usual, we hold the defense until the arrival of the elevator. In the manufactory we meet with the corporal and go to the inquisitor. Having met with Inquisitor Drogan, we head to the generator room. Chief Orc, this moment, does not pose a threat to us, so we calmly continue to kill ordinary opponents. Further, we pass through the double doors and go down straight down, behind the plasma pistol. We go back upstairs and get to the elevator. On the way we meet orcs with shields. Various kinds of explosives, such as grenades or mortars, are effective against them. Once in the generator room, we move into the main room. Here we run in circles, in an attempt to destroy two elite enemies, as well as others who are trying to interfere with us. When the time comes, we activate the control panel, and after a few seconds, we take away the energy source.

After the video, we move through the sewers in search of a way out. We were left alone, so we act carefully, because all the attention of the enemies is now directed only at us. We try to activate rage as often as possible, since its downtime is not compensated in any way. In the meantime, we take away the most powerful weapon for short distances Meltagan from the capsule to replace the bolter. We get to the lift, go up and pick up the symbol of purity at the exit. With it, rage will be consumed more slowly, provided that we are actively shredding enemies. Soon, almost out of nowhere, partners appear, and together we go to the inquisitor. But first, let's get to the surface. The orcs themselves opened the way for us to climb up. We go around the abyss through the building on the left. On the square, in a capsule, lies a new weapon - a laser rifle. From it we shoot the grenade launchers who have settled in the building nearby.

Having met with the inquisitor, we move forward. In the distance we see the battle, we go down and help the guards. Those that are above are killed with long-range weapons, hiding behind the ruins, because in open space we are very vulnerable. Drogan is wounded and cannot move on. We warm up with the team, taking with us a source of energy. Going forward a little, we select a thunder hammer and a jump pack from the capsule. Our goal is to get to the evacuation zone. We crush everyone in a row, not disdaining to use the capabilities of the backpack to its fullest.

Part III. Weapon.

We protect the fleet by shooting back from the orcs from the turret. In order for the armor to be replenished, you need to deal with enemies quickly. Soon their ship will appear and, unfortunately, will kill us. Jump straight into enemy territory. We switch to the Meltagan weapon and split everyone who comes at us, and kill the grenade launchers and snipers on the towers from the Hunter. We get to a place where Mira can pick us up. We disembark and meet with allies. Let's deal with the orcs together. The bridge is undermined, so we go through the passage on the right. We kill even more orcs. Another bridge is destroyed, we move along the hill to the right. When crossing the next bridge, we do it carefully, as a huge number of armored and two elite orcs will attack us. There is very little left to the research center, but while Drogan opens the doors, we hold the defense. Nearby lies a thunder hammer, which will help you more effectively deal with opponents. The waves of enemies will be endless, so keep an eye on the doors. As soon as they open, we immediately go inside. This will happen approximately after the appearance of two elite armored orcs. Next, we move through the territory, turning Special attention on explosive creatures. We rise upward, we kill small creatures and through the pipes we penetrate into the complex. Here everything is guarded by protective turrets. They are easiest to destroy by carefully leaning out from behind cover with a powerful weapon. For example, a laser gun. You need to respond to them quickly, as they appear. To turn off all the turrets, you need to get to the control room. There are no orcs here, but only turrets, so there will be no problems. Along the way, we pick up an upgraded version of the Bolter from the capsule, and in the control room itself we select a symbol of purity that increases rage. Disabling the security system, we go to the generator room. This is where ours come in. We deal with them, preferably with the help of Meltagan, which can be picked up in the control room, and insert the energy source into the central core. Something went wrong, so we go to the fire chamber on the elevator.

We kill the orcs and push the console into place. We run up to the control panel. We wait, and we make a shot. After the video, we get to the elevator, destroying the demons of chaos. Although they are few, they can cause serious trouble. It is best to fight them from a distance, as in close combat they are quite strong and deal a lot of damage. The orcs are actively fighting against the demons, and this is only to our advantage. They are naturally weaker than the demons, so we help them deal with the demons and then finish off the orcs. We get out of the complex by opening a huge door.
Part IV. The fading of the world.

We advance along the dilapidated bridge, then we jump into the pipe and go to the manufactory. We collect all the good that comes along the way. Be sure to pick up a thunder hammer, and next to it from the capsule is the Iron Eagle - a kind of shield that enhances armor. We kill everyone in a row, both orcs and demons. We pass forward, kill a few more enemies and go down. The gates open and guards appear. After asking one of them, we continue to move. We pick up the thunder hammer again if we want to clear the entire area. Otherwise, you can run around with a light sword and quickly run to the lift before the enemies pay attention to us. We go down, deal with a huge number of orcs and again go upstairs on another elevator. We run to the aid of the guards to the outpost. On the way we select a plasma rifle. We take an active part in the defense, but do not climb forward. From time to time, kamikaze will appear, which must be quickly destroyed. Next, we get the task - to establish power supply in order to resume the work of defensive turrets. We follow along the cable until we get to the generator. We activate it and penetrate into the manufactory through the opened door.

We are alone again, and ahead of us is a fight with the warboss Evilskull. It is recommended to take a plasma rifle and shoot exclusively powerful charges. Fortunately, there is enough ammunition in the arena and you don’t need to worry about them. Against ordinary orcs, it is desirable to use Meltagan. We clean up quickly so that they cannot distract us from the main enemy. Naturally, as often as possible we do somersaults to the sides. At the end, we approach the warboss and finish him off. On the lift we get out of the arena, together with the team we return to the manufactory.

Next, we go to the titan. It is desirable to have a laser gun, Meltagan (thunder hammer) with you. A meltagun or a thunder hammer will help split small opponents, and a laser gun against snipers and especially strong demons. is about ready to start the battle. It remains only to disable the anchors. But before we get to them, we will deal with dozens of demons. We'll take a laser cannon with us aboard the titan. We destroy flying creatures and one transport. We charge the titanium with an energy source and produce a powerful shot.

Having met with partners, we head to the evacuation zone to meet with Mira. We fall into a serious ambush, and Sidonius manages to escape. We go down to hide from the elite enemies. We destroy them one by one, slowly peeking out from behind the shelter. In the evacuation zone, after the cutscene, proceed as follows. We collect ammunition around and quickly kill the three entities that created the portals. Then we deal with the arriving elite fighters, running around the site. We destroy the remaining and two elite shooting demons.

Part V. Prince of demons.

We collect ammunition and go down on the lift. Our task is to get to the orbital spire. It is not necessary to take Thunder Hammer, only if Meltagan is not available against the accumulation of enemies. As usual, first of all we destroy the entities that create portals, and then all the rest. On the next lift we go up to the bridge.

They come to the rescue and are very successful. They'll handle the demons just fine, even if we're holed up behind cover. We move forward until the Valkyrie takes us directly to the orbital spire. With a thunder hammer and a jump pack, we can easily destroy dozens of demons: we stun them from above and finish them off with a hammer.

Let's take a closer look at the last and decisive battle with Nemeroth. We use the arsenal that is in front, it is advisable to take a mortar.

The first wave: several demons - we kill with a meltagun or a sword (axe).
The second wave: Possessed and elite soldiers - quickly fire a mortar along the aisle and blow it up. The rest we finish with powerful weapons.
The third wave: the demon and the creatures that create the portal - first of all, we kill the creatures, then the demons with the Meltagan or the sword (axe).
Fourth wave: demons and two elite armored soldiers - use a mortar or meltagun. We dodge as often as possible so that the enemies cannot reach us.

Let's go into freefall with Nemeroth. It's going to be a long one. It continues until the scale of rage is filled, after which we make a powerful blow and everything repeats one more time. Watch the final video.

In 2004, Relic came up with a tactical strategy with the fight for control points. Since then, they have only improved their developments. Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts was the pinnacle of their creativity. It seemed pointless to go further - something new had to be invented. And now comes Dawn of War 2. Relic does not hide the fact that they simply developed the ideas of Company of Heroes, but what is it - a step forward or degradation? Have the developers been able to surpass their best game?

Happy Flight

Danger is a hero's best friend. The higher it is, the more noble the hero. If a loser Vasya walks along the eaves of the school, then the excellent student Nastya will kiss him on the cheek and the entire fifth “En” will talk about such a brave and reckless act for several more days. However, even if Vasya runs along the cornice in his arms, he will not become a real hero. One small detail is missing - saving the world. We generally have problems with this, but in the Warhammer universe there are many lovely creatures that allow Vasya there to write their name into history.

This time, the orcs helped. Whether they were bored, or, conversely, too much fun, but they decided to fly to the planet Calderis. Whether by chance, or the orcs still think a little, but Calderis turned out to be the recruiting headquarters of the Order of the Blood Angels. The greenskins, of course, decided to destroy the planet and the "angels". Such a natural desire that even condemning them is somehow hypocritical.

Defeating the orcs is not so difficult... if under your leadership there are not ten frail paratroopers who run to the infirmary because of more or less strong spitting in their direction. Now we will leave history for a while and go to the battlefield. We'll defeat the orcs and return.

Other rules

After the first boot, we immediately find ourselves in the thick of the battle. The orcs are attacking from different sides, somewhere in the distance a machine gun is scribbling, a frantic “Waaagh!” is heard, and we have a hero and a detachment of four soldiers under the leadership. What to do?

Command gets in touch on time. Interference, some unfinished phrases, orders... Rally points appear on the radar, and communication with the headquarters stops - it's time to break through, stop the enemy.

There are a lot of orcs, and we have to hide behind covers, use grenades and heal. You can't rush forward headlong. Short lines from behind a wrecked tank, then dashes to the destroyed stone column. While the Tactical Marines are distracting four squads of grunts, the hero runs into their rear and with the help of the skill knocks the entire group down.

Somehow even unusual. Usually the first missions in any strategy are something like “prove that you are not a fool”, you have to kill submachine gunners with tanks or destroy one with ten squads. Here the enemy has the advantage. There are dozens, if not hundreds of times more of him, and he does not intend to die at all. We obviously did not like the orcs.

But the first mission still remains introductory, and therefore we quickly finish it and get new units. In total, seven types of troops will be available to us in the game. However, only four can be taken on a mission. We should not expect that later, someday, we will finally get a huge army under control. Our maximum is twelve soldiers. They do not need to be ordered in the barracks, they do not appear at the base or open only after collecting a certain amount of resources. Dawn of War 2 has none of that. After the first mission appears before us global map, where three or four sectors are highlighted. We choose one, and our units are dropped there in a capsule. We complete the task and return back.

I want to be full

No matter how cheerful and wonderful the orcs are, it is difficult to fight with them for a long time. Especially for an experienced commander who aims to become heroes. The paratroopers had already almost killed the entire green-skinned tribe, when suddenly other creatures appeared - tyranids. Compared to them, Orcs are a calm and peaceful race who speak Oxford English and drink tea every day at five o'clock sharp.

Against the backdrop of all the madness that was happening on the planet before, the tyranids even look somehow artificial. Orcs (my God, why?!) are trying to steal the relics of the order, the Eldar decided to destroy the whole world. And the tyranids... the tyranids came to devour. They jump from one planet to another, accidentally capture all the important objects for the Space Marines, and we only have time to clear one sector after another.

Heroism? Pardon me, in a few days the glorious commander, who until recently was aiming for heroes, feels like a janitor. Routine work - every day we get up at dawn and fly to clear the next sector from numerous hungry creatures.

New coil

With the advent of the tyranids, the game is no longer a great training mode. We move from one planet to three at once, and the very format of the game is changing. All missions can now be divided into three types.

The third type of missions. We need to keep this building.

The first - story missions. In them, we need to repair generators, help the allies, intercept the enemy, repel the offensive, etc. Usually in such missions there are a lot of scripted scenes and staged fights. So, for example, one day we find ourselves right in the middle of a battle between orcs and tyranids. Even the battles themselves are different here. The enemy comes in from the rear, suddenly hits the flank and uses grenades so that we do not sit in shelters. However, such missions are famous not only for battles, the plot is also interesting in them. The heroes talk to each other, make important decisions, tell something about the history of the order... and from the bushes at any second it can fall out... no, not a piano, but a half-dead enemy hero with a very distinct desire to punch us in the face.

It's just that this rarely happens. Much more often you just have to clean the planet from enemies. This is the second type of mission. We land in the selected sector, and our only task is to kill the boss. He is always in one place - at the other end of the map. We make our way through the crowds of opponents, then long and tediously destroy the leader.

This type of mission could also be interesting if the battles did not take place on the same maps. The sector is being overrun by tyranids - we're clearing it. Then the orcs come there - we fly out to the planet again. The map is the same - the enemy is different. Several days passed, and the tyranids were there again. Cleaned up, took the sector back. The Eldar have arrived...

It happens that you have to play fifteen times on one map. We memorize the most short cut and already along the beaten path we run to the leader... Orcs from the far corners of the map already consider me the god of war, send me the most beautiful gretchin as a tribute, praise power armor. They are not invited to visit.

The third type of missions is also not very diverse. We are ordered to hold the building, which is being stormed by the enemy. We place machine guns and reflect five enemy waves. From time to time, from time to time...

Fighting boredom

An unpleasant picture emerges... What can make a player go through the same missions again and again? As it turned out, the role-playing system.

After each battle, we get a whole bunch of artifacts, weapons and armor, and the soldiers themselves gain experience and grow in levels. Gradually we improve the troops, improve their parameters, give new special abilities. Soon it begins to seem that we are fighting with completely different paratroopers ...

At the beginning of the game, we conduct neat battles from cover. The hero attacks three enemy units and runs under the protection of a machine gun. Invisible scouts destroy enemy defenses with explosives, looking for workarounds. Gradually soldiers get new weapons and levels. The hero's health grows stronger, and the paratroopers gradually master the flamethrower and fry the tyranids to a spicy crisp.

After twenty missions, the gameplay is completely different. Attack aircraft jump into the heart of the enemy camp, the hero, knocking down opponents, rushes to the rescue, and tactical paratroopers throw a grenade, after which they open heavy fire. Only a breathless detachment of machine gunners runs for a long time to the allies, hastily sets up a machine gun, takes aim and ... again catches up with the group. Too quickly, our units kill enemies, and they do not always need support.

The same card is played in different ways. It is especially useful to use a different set of troops. Replace attack aircraft with scouts, give up machine gunners, test the dreadnought. It's nice to try out new weapons. The hero instead of a one-handed ax takes a two-handed hammer, and we have a completely different fighter in front of us.

Toward the end of the game, we are already mesmerized by the very sight of the battle. Hundreds of orcs rush at ten paratroopers at once, the hero takes a hammer and with terrible force (the animation is magnificent) hits the ground - the enemies scatter in different directions. Grenades explode, stormtroopers fall on the heads of enemies, a dreadnought breaks the bodies of still living orcs. Fighting is no longer so difficult, but very, very spectacular. Dawn of War 2 is one of the most beautiful tactical strategy games of our time. So spectacular battles nowhere.

For some, Dawn of War 2 ends at this stage. Not all players will try the network mode, but Relic relies on it. And the rating 90% is largely due to the "multiplayer".

Where does the network start?

Unlike the campaign, network game not only paratroopers are available. In addition to them, there are Orcs, Tyranids and Eldar. So far, there are only four races, but the developers have already promised that two more will appear in the additions. One of them is rumored to be Chaos.

The next step is to choose a hero. Each race has three main fighters. They differ radically from each other. For example, a space marine has doctor(apothecary), which restores health to allies and strengthens them during the battle, attacking hero(commander), whose whole strength is in powerful blows and thick armor, and technician(Techmarine), he builds machine guns, repairs vehicles quickly, and summons a legendary dreadnought. The style of the game, and sometimes the set of troops, depends on the choice of the hero.

It is curious that the races do not copy each other's heroes. Everyone has an attacking fighter, but the other two types are always different. Therefore, it is necessary to study fractions for a long time and painstakingly. It is not so easy to understand what the strength of a particular hero is, even after a dozen battles.

Cut off all unnecessary

When Relic was finalizing the network mode of Company of Heroes, they found a serious flaw in it. Let's remember how the base develops there. We improve the main building - we get the opportunity to build one new building. Engineers came running, built, ran back to capture the points. We are improving the main building again - we can build again one factory. Engineers came running, built, ran away. We improve for the third time, and again everything one building is available.

We put the question point-blank - why do we need construction at all, if the improvement of the main building already implies the creation of a new type of troops, and a clearly defined one at that?.. There is no so-called build order in Company of Heroes. Building there only distracts the player and unnecessarily drags out the game.

In Dawn of War 2, construction was completely abandoned. Now we have one building that we are improving, and in it we order troops. Has it gotten better? Undoubtedly! Now the battles are much more dynamic and faster. And along with the construction of the base, the developers removed its destruction. Theoretically, the enemy can be defeated by destroying his main building, but in practice this does not happen. The main game mode is capturing and holding points.

positional war

We said that there were quite a few troops in the campaign under our leadership. In network mode, they will no longer be. Space Marines often manage four or five squads, Orcs and Eldar only need one group more. The Tyranids play with about seven units at first, but by the middle of the battle they switch to a few strong fighters.

Reductions are not due to the economic crisis, but for the sake of balance. The developers realized that the struggle for control points cannot be massive. The battles here are not the same as in RTS. There we need to destroy the enemy base and protect our own. Here we are not interested in either the base or even the enemy itself. The main thing is to capture key positions and hastily fortify the terrain. Moreover, only two heroes out of twelve can build turrets. So the defense is built from the very same infantry. It's not to fence the base with Tesla's guns, you'll have to think about it.

The fight goes like this. Both players run to the most successful position, collide there, and the winner begins to gain a foothold on the point. The task of the retreating is to regroup and break the enemy defenses. If it works out, the players change places. True, in one-on-one battles, such a principle gave a crack ...

Of the three duel cards, only one allows the player to fortify a position and stay there for the entire game. In other locations, control and resource points are located in such a way that it is impossible to keep them all. This is where the game of catch-up begins. We capture the point with weak soldiers, the enemy comes running and kills them with stronger ones, we drag our best fighters there, the enemy throws a hero at us. As in cartoons - a bigger fish swallows a smaller fish and immediately ends up in the mouth itself.

The trouble is that this happens at all control points. Defense can be built only on one, the rest pass from hand to hand. There can no longer be any talk of positional struggle.

Friends will help

Three-on-three team battles came to the rescue (there are no pair battles in the game). There are three control points on the map, they are usually located on three different sides. Each player - one. There is no need to run after the enemy all over the map, the territory is evenly divided between the players. And in these battles, the defense and assault system works perfectly. Even better than it could be in single battles.

Team tactics are much richer. All races have a lot of unique soldiers. The Eldar, for example, have the most powerful artillery, the Orcs have the most powerful infantry at the third level. Paratroopers can easily suppress machine guns, and tyranids can crush the enemy from different sides.

Well-coordinated teams interact superbly. And most importantly - for this they do not need to mercilessly tap their fingers on the mouse and rotate the camera non-stop. There are few troops, they move slowly, and there is always time to think. They knocked us out of position - we had to retreat, and while the infantry is being replenished and new units are being ordered, you can think carefully about the offensive plan and ask for help from an ally. Let him be the first to approach our point and pretend that he is going to hit on the flank. The enemy will deploy machine guns, and at that time we will attack. It seems like an elementary interaction, but effective.

Dawn of War 2 is unlikely to captivate players with a campaign. One-on-one online mode won't last long either, especially since Company of Heroes offers almost the same thing, only deeper and more interesting. The strength of Dawn of War 2 is three-on-three fights. Before us is the best real-time team tactics to date.



In the first missions, clear the entire map and capture additional buildings. Buildings give artifacts, and dead enemies give experience. Your main task is to get the first seven levels as quickly as possible. Up to this point, fighting, let's say, is sad - any orc that has wandered around can accidentally break the bones of two or three paratroopers.

When the choice arises of who to take on missions, the best composition against tyranids there will be machine gunners, tactical paratroopers and attack aircraft. If a dreadnought appears, it can be taken instead of tactical paratroopers, although I went through the whole game without it. Carnifex is difficult to fight, but otherwise - complete order.

You may want to remove the Heavy from the team when the hero grows up in level, and carrying tyranids under the bolter will become boring. However, without a machine gun, it is very difficult to defeat the boss. Ravagers usually do the most damage to him, so don't kick them out of the group.

Against orcs you can use the same set of troops and tactics. Just be careful in the fight against the commandos. They appear suddenly and quickly kill standing detachments. Sometimes they can be overlooked, especially if the hero is fighting somewhere off to the side.

More orcs on high levels like to use death thread. You can kill him with just one anti-tech grenade.

Eldar require a different approach. It is better to fight them not with tactical paratroopers, but with scouts, just give them sniper rifle and teach some powerful skill. The initial explosive pack is a great thing, but the construction of turrets is pointless. Why do we need to defend the territory when it is necessary to break forward?

It is difficult to use a dreadnought against the Eldar, since the enemy has a lot of "spears of light". They deal good damage, and repairing vehicles is not always easy.

Eldar infantry will also cause a lot of trouble. Rangers are especially unpleasant - they inflict huge damage with one shot and throw the paratrooper several meters back. Therefore, noticing these villains, jump on them with attack aircraft.

Banshees fight against the landing rather weakly, but the spiders are dangerous. They usually teleport to the very center of your army and shoot at weak soldiers. Scouts die without even realizing what is happening.

Role system

Artifacts. Be sure to give the hero a banner. It doesn't matter which one - even if it gives minimal increases. Most importantly, the banner replenishes the health of the hero for several seconds. If we also use the treatment, we will get an immortal warrior. To heighten the effect, get him an ax, and then at 10-12 levels the hero will become indestructible. He alone can kill half the enemies. Further, however, it will become more difficult to play: there will be more opponents, and they will begin to actively use equipment and heavy infantry. Here a flag and an ax are indispensable.

The hero must have medicines especially at the beginning levels. The skill recharges quickly, the health of all units replenishes almost completely. And most importantly - it works instantly.

The hero needs to develop health and melee in parallel. The rest can be left at zero. We will not shoot from the machine gun, there is nothing to waste energy on.

Scouts should improve energy first of all (it is spent on invisibility) and ranged combat. When they become snipers, the Eldar will die from a few shots. It is very difficult for a computer to oppose something to an invisible enemy.

Tactical Marines are good because they can carry any ranged weapon. They burn tyranids with flamethrowers, shoot at eldar with machine guns, and beat orcs with anything. Greenskins die well from any weapon. Unpretentious race...

With the rest of the units, everything is clear. Machine gunners - a machine gun, attack aircraft - a "knife".

Network mode


Orcs are the most fun race in the game. The developers perfectly conveyed the spirit of the greenskins.

When the beta first started, I was actively playing as a space marine. Strict tactics, verified moves; every step is a tactical maneuver, every pebble is an important cover. Then the orcs showed up, and... Atu guys, forward to the enemy! Sweeping away everything on the way, shouting "Waaagh!" non-stop, the axes rush to the enemy's machine gun. Tactics? Excuse me, why do we need her? Fighting is fun. A paddle is when it hits.

Later I realized that I was wrong. The orcs, of course, have tactics, but they still do not fit into the classic types. So, at the first level of development, the greenskins are the strongest race. On the second, they have magnificent destroyers of equipment, an early “tin can” death thread, but it is already quite difficult for them to compete with the enemy. And in the final battle, the orcs are the only ones who use the infantry. Here you can't tell if it's good or bad. They are strange guys.

Greenskins are comfortable to play one-on-one, and in three-on-three mode, thanks to the early appearance of vehicles, they can be the first to break through enemy defenses. Literally in the fifth minute of the game, a “bank” appears and destroys enemy machine guns. Orcs are also good as auxiliary fighters. Since they rarely fight on defense, it is quite difficult for them to hold the points. Here to beat them - it is please. So if possible, help a friend and push the enemy together.


Boss. Standard offensive hero: tenacious, strong, capable of destroying vehicles. Of the weapons at the first levels, he uses either an ax or a machine gun (by the way, it can be improved, then the boss will knock the enemy down). The boss's long-range weapon allows you to suppress machine gunners and destroy retreating heroes.

His special abilities are pretty mediocre. He knows how to inspire allies, scare opponents ... But this is not the main thing for him. Hitting the head with a hammer is a completely different matter.

Poppy. A very curious and not orc capable hero. It is impossible to call him a technician, like a landing party. A Mac can build nothing at all and still be very useful.

Orcs have machine gunners only at the second level. They are often needed first. How to be? Other heroes come up with offensive tactics where defense is out of the question, and Mack simply buys himself a machine gun. But these weapons are only part of Mack's power. Its main feature is that it can teleport. Is the enemy retreating? The hero moves thirty steps forward in an instant and immediately opens fire (after teleporting, Mack does not need time to set up a machine gun). A blow to the rear of the enemy is also not a problem. The machine gun has a lot of applications.

But even in the beta, the damage of the Mac was somewhat reduced. Now he is not so good at destroying opponents, but he is still able to suppress the enemy. Sometimes it's more important.

Mack can also throw mines. They do not consume resources, quickly recharge and, most importantly, slow down the movement of vehicles and soldiers. If the enemy allows you to strengthen the point with mines, then even the technique will no longer break through it. Moreover, Mack can buy a gun that destroys a carnifex in three or four shots.

Commando. A mediocre hero who can throw grenades and disappear. Both are not very attractive, especially since the commando detachment has all these skills, and even demolition men throw grenades.

Slayers. The strongest initial squad. Thanks to him, the orcs in the first minutes of the game are the masters of the battlefield. Only a hero can stop them, but if there are two squads of grunts and they shout: “Waaagh!”, Then the leader will have to run away.

In many tactics, grunts play a key role. Take, for example, initial dominance. After the start, immediately order two squads of grunts and lead them to the rest of the troops. That's it, the enemy can't do anything! Even if he summons his strongest squad at the first level, three squads of grunts will trample him.

After moving to the second level, buy grunts noba. The health of the squad is doubled, but this is not the main thing. The commander allows you to reset the suppression from the squad. As a result, enemy machine guns do not stop your army, besides "Waaagh!" increases movement speed. An attack with three squads and a hero is guaranteed to destroy the machine gunners and their guards.

Should I use a flamethrower? Basically, it's not necessary. It works well against tyranids, even better against machine gunners in buildings. The price only bites, besides the nob is much more important. So it's better not to waste energy, but save it up to build a death dread or tank fights.

Arrows. Much worse rubak. The damage is low, the protection is terrible - they die instantly. They have nothing to do on the front lines, and it’s worth planting in buildings only after you buy them a machine gun. It is expensive, but allows you to press the enemy to the ground. With heavy weapons in the hands of arrows already look good, but the price for them is too high.

Demomen. The entire beta test, this unit was the best among the orcs. He could destroy even the predators of the landing. However, in the release version, the developers changed the grenade damage system. Now any bomb also deals damage to the one who uses it, so the “grenade under your feet” tactic no longer works.

Stormtroopers. The enemy has stormtroopers that cause fear and horror in all races, and ork stormtroopers - only laughter in chickens. They know how to fall on the enemy and scatter his troops. In other words, ideal fighters for suppressing machine guns. However, these are orcs, and nothing happens smoothly with them. Stormtroopers fall on the Heavy, suffer a suppression penalty, and die pinned to the ground. Shine!

They have a special opportunity - kamikaze. One orc smashes to death on the ground, blowing up nearby enemies in the process. It is not yet clear exactly how effective such a waste of soldiers is, but I have never seen (including in the records of the parties) that at least someone uses this skill. And the attack aircraft themselves are only thrown into battle by beginners.

Marauders. Strong players from the top 100 claim that the Marauders are quite a combat-ready squad, but personally I have rarely seen them in action. Orcs are very fond of the attacking style, and therefore it is quite difficult to carry a machine gunner with you. In addition, he does not appear at an early stage, when the machine gun really plays a big role, but only at the second level.

Once upgraded, Marauders become much more useful, especially for non-Mac users. Beam Deathgun perfectly deal with monsters and vehicles (carnifex, dreadnoughts, tanks).

tankboys. Wonder what funny soldiers! At first, it's just nice to watch them fight. Missiles fly in different directions, orcs are scared, walls are crumbling. But, having enjoyed the spectacle, you begin to look at the performance.

Tankboys are not very strong against infantry. The damage is average, it takes a long time to recharge between hits, and they die in half a kick. Against technology, they look more convincing. An Ork "jar" is butchered in a few seconds, a landing dreadnought takes a little longer. For greater efficiency, I advise you to use two such units at once. In this case, tank-boys kill any vehicle very quickly. It is difficult for them to fight against the avatar and carnifex. You have to shoot for a very long time, and if the enemy has regular infantry, they will definitely try to kill tankers.

These beauties also have one great special move - they can cover the enemy with a rain of missiles. At the same time, everyone who gets under fire scatters and takes high damage. A great way to destroy the machine guns and interrupt the capture of the point.

Deathdred. Slow, deals low damage, quickly dies from anti-tank troops. But it is cheap, and therefore appears among the orcs quite quickly.

In one-on-one battles, it can only be used against beginners. Skilled players usually deal with technique quickly. Three by three is different. The war there is positional, the enemy captures points and immediately orders a lot of machine gunners and hand-to-hand troops to protect them. This is where the death thread will help. He destroys machine guns effortlessly, all sorts of anti-personnel detachments and cannot scratch him. Knock out the enemy, put your troops on the point and immediately order anti-tank soldiers. The enemy will no longer be able to repeat your trick.

On a note: grunts are great at repairing vehicles. Going on the attack, order one or two squads to repair the death thread. In many battles, this makes him invincible.

Bronevoz. Able to transport infantry. But there are no maps in the game where you had to run for a very long time to the battlefield.

The good thing is that soldiers are being restored near him. Yes, and a mobile machine gun is a good thing.

Commando squad. The third level of the orcs is generally very strange. The infantry on it is extremely expensive, but I can’t call it very effective. Commandos can move invisible, throw grenades and knock down the enemy, but it's still not impressive. They die quickly, cause little damage, and cost so much that you can’t buy more than two units.

In one-on-one fights, orcs should not allow long battles and transition to the third level. In group battles, Ork infantry makes excellent cover for allies.

Nob Squad. It seems to be the strongest infantry unit in the game, however, the Space Marines have the ability to call terminators that easily kill nobs. In addition, this Orc unit is almost useless to use without upgrades, and with them it costs too much...

What is most offensive, nobs and fight something is by no means great. Once I fought a tyranid. He ordered a carnifex, bought him a cannon and put a hero next to him. I decided to hit them with two squads of fully upgraded nobs and small items. As soon as the tyranids saw my troops, they killed the whole squad with one shot (the hero with the carnifex synchronously spat). It got sad...

Here they may object to me: they say, banshees or stormtroopers are torn to pieces by nobs. I do not argue, the enemies scatter all over the map. But these banshees cost - how many times cheaper, ten?

stubborn tank. Rest - do not rest, but the tank ... is bad. They literally kill him in seconds. What will he do if he doesn't get killed? I'll be honest, I don't know. He is always killed. Whether I use it or another player - the tank dies as soon as it enters the field of view of the enemy. So it's better without him...

Global Abilities

Fortress. Temporarily reduces damage taken by units. The ability is uninteresting and weak. You can use it only in a critical case - for example, if your squad is fighting with the enemy and the health of both disappears equally quickly. Though sometimes it's better to run away and not waste your precious "Waaagh!" to mediocre ability.

Call the guys! Replenishes all units that are near the commander, and also slightly strengthens them. The ability, of course, is wonderful, but it is expensive and, in addition, requires influence. If you don't have enough resources, the guys won't respond.

Hide. Makes one unit temporarily invisible. It is usually necessary to suppress a machine gun. Although the commando, in fact, itself perfectly destroys the defensive points of the enemy. It is absolutely incomprehensible who the orcs should hide and what to do with these invisibles. Covertly distribute kicks to other orcs?

Commando - the most inconspicuous. A commando squad spawns in the selected area. Sometimes helpful, more often not. This is not the detachment that you want to throw somewhere to annoy the enemy ...

The cult of speed. Increases Orcs' firing speed. If only there was someone to shoot, and the skill would become indispensable ...

More Dhaka. The selected unit deals increased damage. Too primitive ability. You can do without it.

Use your hacks! Increases the damage of the selected unit, and also increases the chance to land a special melee strike. Personally, I feel sorry for wasting "Waaagh!" for such an ability. Unless in the final of the battle, when there is too much of it.

Rockfall. Standard for all races, a large boom that hits vehicles and infantry in the area of ​​effect. Enemies hurt, orcs have fun (are they bored?), the landscape is destructive. Almost the best ability of the orcs. Gork and Mork have not yet come up with anything more interesting.

The world of the technogenic "Hammer of War" is rich in original races. Of course, most of them are more than unfriendly to people or, for the time being, mask their hostility by making peace with the Empire. Therefore, there was only one mystery - who? Who will be another force in the expansion? For no one doubted the new race. Imperial guards have entered a new round of all-space war. And it started...

In general, in my opinion, the most interesting innovation of the add-on is that a lot was taken away from the old races compared to the original game. For example, the variety of heavy weapons for the infantry and improvements in technology were sharply limited. Apparently, after the game became one of the gold-bearing in the world championship, the developers seriously started polishing the quality of the multiplayer. And he showed that many things remain unused during speed battles. Therefore, what clearly did not lend itself to fine tuning was cut off by the hand of a ruthless surgeon. But for most types of equipment, life has seriously increased and the price has decreased. The infantry has also undergone changes, so now the troops will live longer on the battlefield. And the victory will go not to the one who throws more troops to death, but to the one who knows how to manage them more flexibly, choosing the most vulnerable enemies and promptly removing / introducing their units into battle. As professionals assure, in management the game has become painfully similar to Starcraft familiar to many.

The rest of the changes are much more predictable - one new type of troops, one new race (though quite original), two campaigns. The latter, although short, are very encouraging. At least by the fact that we are given to fight for all the parties involved in this war (with the exception of the space marines, who have already played their part in the main game). 2 - on the side of "good" and 2 on the side of "evil". Moreover, in the penultimate mission of each of the campaigns, the player must make a choice, and only one will remain alive, like real highlanders. In the campaigns, a unique opportunity to control two armies at once was also used. True, not at the same time - you need to switch from one to the other, which takes some time. And since this is all that can be said about the differences from the main game, we will consider these differences more closely.

Newbies out!

Let's start with the fact that each of the races received their new fighter. But these are the old races, which we know well, which we have been learning to manage for a long time. They created many victories and experienced the bitterness of defeat. Now they have received new opportunities thanks to fresh and previously unknown fighters. But there was also a new race - the imperial guards. But about them a little later, first we will talk about the new features of the "old-timers". Although there will be no detailed descriptions of how the balance has changed. These are, in fact, new tables with the characteristics of troops, which have changed from one to 3-4 parameters. And what do you think, a lot will change if the tank becomes 10% cheaper and has 3 times more life? Here is something! But the best strategists and connoisseurs of the game are on the alert, and the study of tactics in the face of completely changed numbers can await you in the advice section already in this issue.

It is interesting: the new race we received was initially less expected than anyone else. However, it was the guards who came. Which is quite natural, if only because they "lit up" in the main part of the game. Following this logic, the next (if there is another sequel) should be the Necrons. They were also shown to us.


People got a skully commander who prefers to deal with the enemy in splendid isolation. He is proficient with both a mace and a powerful bolter. Priest speeds up the process of restoring life for the troops closest to it. In addition to instilling respect for himself in a purely physical way (for example, with a mace on the head), he has a demoralizing blow that allows you to significantly reduce the morale of an enemy unit, and at the same time slows down the same unit by 25% for 10 seconds. The spell is available initially, and then the priest shows a strong dislike for learning and does not acquire anything new.

Given the firm reluctance to join other units, the acquisition is rather dubious. Moreover, the ability recharges for quite a long time. However, it is never harmful to speed up the restoration of troops, and this guy does not take up space either. Even though more than one can't be used, but let it be...

Another major change has taken place in Predator. Previously, we were forced to change weapons on a tank already released from factories to laser weapons (for anti-tank warfare). If the enemy stubbornly fought with infantry, then he received on the head from unimproved Predators. It is believed that times have changed and now we will have to fight the infantry by other means - our tanks have had lasers from the very beginning.


The Chaos Marines were deemed overly strong troops and were stripped of almost all heavy weapons, leaving only heavy bolters. Well, at least they didn’t forbid hiding ...

Horn's Berserkers it will not be possible to frighten at all - they are absolutely “immoral”. In addition, we got excellent melee (and they also know how to shoot a little), who are not very inferior to the possessed in terms of combat, but are significantly cheaper than them, both in terms of "places" and in terms of direct payment. And given that the Possessed need 2 HQ upgrades, Berserkers have become a pretty nice addition in terms of accelerated attacks. By the way, now the possessed have also become immoral... They can't invite a sergeant to their place, but at least they add an officer.


Orcs got an elite unit - armored nobs. In order not to be too arrogant, it is not allowed to bring more than one such detachment to the battlefield at the same time. Very heavy shock infantry. So heavy that it barely crawls across the battlefield. But if they get there, then it won’t seem enough to the enemy - they will cut it into small pieces. In order for the nobs to have time to get to the enemy, they were given the opportunity to accelerate twice. At the same time, the armor rises. What you have to pay for is that the activated ability beats the unfortunate nobs for 10 points with electricity every second. Be careful not to kill your fighters on your own. They are great at fighting enemy infantry, they are great at destroying buildings. However, they look very bad against enemy vehicles. They look contemptuously at the commanders and do not invite them to their detachment.

Among other things, the orc infantry was seriously limited in their rights, which is no longer given more than one type of heavy weapon. Yes, and the wartrack is now severely limited, removing its anti-personnel version from circulation.


The Eldar have long complained about their lack of decent building destroyers. Here they got fire dragons. Theoretically, they should be pretty good at dealing with technology, but most technology disagrees and is happy to deal with dragons. However, they quite regularly perform their task of destroying enemy buildings, especially if they are quietly carried out behind the backs of enemy fighters and not attracted to destructive activity. Another feature of this unit is that anti-gravity platforms speed up the recovery of a fighter after a knockout. Exarchs are happy to use.

Otherwise, the Eldar are the most unchanged nation, they do not have such cruel corrections as the others.

Imperial Guard

The characteristic features of the imperial guards are as follows: dislike for hand-to-hand combat, both among the infantry (only one hand-to-hand fighters, and then very late), and among the equipment (in general, there is no one); big choice commanders; good opportunities in terms of the use of long-term fortifications. And if you are ready to constantly keep the enemy at a distance of impact, not allowing him to close combat, then this race is for you. Even if you are not a fan of fast attacks, you can always occupy the nearest control points to ensure an influx of resources, and build impenetrable defenses on them until powerful vehicles appear. And with their bunkers and infantry, the guards can do it.


Command post (Field Command). 700R, 150P, 6000OJ. Contrary to popular belief that only Level 1 losers and individual commanders are produced in the command post, the Imperials have a fairly extensive staffing here: tech-priests, guards, commissars, priests, psykers, and assassins. True, the first visit to the command post will not show you all this diversity, most will have to be “opened” first. And some can only be opened after adding new levels to your main building. So, for psykers, you need 100R, 50P, for priests - 50R and the first CP upgrade. The killers will no longer do without the second upgrade and 50R, 25P. Among other things, 3 infantry squads can be pushed here, and they will pour fire on the enemy from cover.

Infantry Command. 125R, 1500OJ. In addition to the fact that this pillbox, like the command post, can accommodate up to three detachments of infantry hiding in it, it also produces troops. True, initially only guards and a command squad, but as soon as you bring the command post to the third level, karskins and ogrins will appear (only first you need to pay for the possibility of their production). Each such building raises the ceiling for infantry units by 6 units.

It is important: you need to buy karskins and ogrins, like all machines in factories, in each production building separately. And if you want troops to be produced anywhere, be prepared to pay for them in each.

Observation post (Listening Post). 100R, 2200OJ. Direct borrowing from the Space Marines. And the technologies are the same - first a flag, and then we develop an installation that will defend our possessions into a powerful cannon. At the same time, one detachment of infantry can be placed here, which will dramatically increase the defense capability of this "pillbox"

Plasma Generator. 165R, 1500OJ. Plasma manufacturers. Very fragile and not very enthusiastic about the fact that something explodes nearby, so they can join the general "fun" company by taking off into the air. The number of generators you receive depends on the total number of command posts you have.

Headquarters (Tactica Control). 175R, 50P, 2500OJ. It should be noted that the love of the infantry among the imperials is great, even with all the small number of this type of troops. Therefore, all 9 improvements go only to foot soldiers - guards, command squad, karskins and ogrins. Moreover, the lion's share, 4 - initially weak guards. It makes sense to spare no resources and make the troops stronger.

Plant (Mechanized Command). 200R, 50P, 2500OJ. Very similar to the command of the infantry. At least the fact that you can shoot back from here (having previously placed up to 3 infantry detachments in the bowels of the building), and the fact that each plant raises the ceiling of possible vehicles for production by 6. In addition, 5 types of combat vehicles are produced here (and only the Chimera can be produced initially, you still have to pay for the rest) and one improvement is made for them (it is also necessary in order to be able to build the last building of the guards).

Headquarters of samples from Mars (Mars Pattern Command). 200R, 50P, 2000OJ. Just produces Poisoned Blades. No more use for him.

Reinforced plasma generator (Thermo Plasma Generator). 250R, 2000OJ. Produces plasma in specially designated "fish" places.

Gun (Heavy Bolter Turret). 150R, 75P, 1200OJ. Just like others. That is, first, an installation that can shoot from two machine guns so that the infantry does not climb. And if tanks attack you, then 50R - and you will get a rocket launcher that successfully fights with equipment. The infantry is basically only thrown back, while damaging a little.

Minefield. 50R, 50P, 1000OJ. The field is the field. And if the enemy does not have sergeants or commanders, then his soldiers will be severely damaged in health by running into mines.


In general, the set of infantry here is quite unique. It will be introduced in the early stages only guards. The command squad does not count, because more than one will not work anyway. But each infantry detachment has the right to a sergeant and commander. That you need to use and supply your fighters with superiors, which, as a rule, dramatically increase the chances of troops to survive.

It is interesting: the abilities of commanders do not need to be studied. They will come to them themselves - it is enough to build the third level of the command post. For a long time? But for free...

Tech-priest. Builder of cities for the guards. He studied at a very prestigious academy, due to which he learned how to repair and break much better than his colleagues. However, the latter is not at all necessary for a technician, but repairing it is very useful.

Guardians. Initial fighters that will have to be used for quite some time. However, don't worry about them. The guards are quite far away, and most importantly, they shoot accurately. Although they are very bad at close combat. In small numbers, they are completely useless, so you must immediately “finish off” them to their full number and supplement them with a sergeant and an officer. Then the guards will be able to keep the enemy at a distance of a shot and will not let him point blank. Moreover, the sergeant adds life and morale to all members of the squad. Guardians have access to up to 3 plasma rifles or grenade launchers (which is effective against enemy infantry). In addition, 2 morale increases, an increase in the range of a shot, a doubling of the power of heavy weapons and an increase in the amount of not very large life are available for them. And how they defend themselves in their pillboxes!

Commissioner. Spiritual leader for your troops. If you attach it to an infantry unit, then the morale of this unit will forever freeze at the highest level (and the same guards treat losses very badly, rapidly losing morale). Yes, and it will be useless to influence this detachment with all sorts of scarecrows. The commissar's special ability is the execution of one of the fighters. But those around him, seeing such a sad end, immediately begin to shoot 2 times more powerfully. Severely... Goes well in the company of the guards.

It is important: Guardians love wealth. Therefore, they can have 3 commissars, psykers and priests each. And this is not counting those who will be included in the command squad!

Psyker. This is more of a support fighter than a team player. His abilities are best used in conjunction with the power of karskins. So, lightning deals damage to an enemy unit and can jump to the next one. Moreover, the larger the detachment, the greater the damage will be. Psychic strike is better to use against specific enemy heroes. Then they will be dealt psychic damage, which can completely kill the target. And so that life does not seem like honey, do not forget that sometimes a psychic blow is reflected back and kills the sender. Follow the safety rules when working with the mind!

Priest. Best friend Ogryns. Although the arrows can help. However, given that it significantly raises morale and life, as well as the damage of the wards, it is best of all that it can help melee fighters. Moreover, he himself owns a large chainsaw quite well. His skill is also suitable - to make the entire squad invulnerable for a while. Then only it will be possible to run away from these animals.

Killer. Lone fighter. Can move in stealth mode. When visible, it fires on its own. Infantry kills with one shot, with heroes it just doesn’t work out that way. Can use an ability that doubles the range of vision, shooting and damage. But due to the long reload, it is better to use it as a gunner for basilisks.

Command Squad. A new invention from the guardians. One fighter is taken, who by himself can only cause shelling of any positions. But that's not all. In his squad, he can call 2 (and after improvement and 4) other commanders, who, having organized such a squad of killers, can easily cut out enemy officers. Unfortunately, if you take 3 priests at once, then they will use their special ability as if there was only one in the squad.

Karskins. Further development guards. In close combat, they still fight rather weakly, but they shoot very far and shoot harder. It is also desirable to strengthen them with a sergeant and an officer. They can get at their disposal up to 4 plasma rifles or grenade launchers, of which the former are much more convenient to use. They can use grenades, which allow them to survive collisions with vehicles and destroy buildings. Karskins can double the damage dealt with heavy weapons, increase the amount of life, increase their movement speed to be unattainable for the rest of the infantry. In fact - a detachment of the second line, which will stand behind the cheap guards.

Ogryns. The only melee fighters. Don't even think about shooting Ogryns - it's a waste of time due to their exceptionally low accuracy. It’s better to use them against vehicles and something big (they won’t hit the infantry at all), and it’s better in close combat. We attach a sergeant and a priest to them, carry out an improvement that increases melee damage, and go ahead, shred the tanks and heavy infantry of the enemy. At the same time, you can cover your own with a wide chest. Ogryns are quite thick and take up 2 spaces in fortifications. For example, even one Ogryn unit cannot be planted in an observation post. So why put them in there? And don't forget that Ogryns are demons. So an opponent with anti-demonic sentiments can do a lot of harm to them. Ogryns are slackers and enjoy ignoring the enemy if he doesn't touch them. So don't leave them as guards.


So, I have already said that the technique of the guards is in no hurry to engage in close combat. But on the other hand, she compensates for this with high firepower when firing from afar. And, most likely, you will not regret what you get at your disposal. Unless, of course, you prefer to hit the enemy in the eye at a distance of the maximum range of his vision.

Chimera. This is such an armored personnel carrier from the guards. Designed to move their mortal bodies for some distance, while making warning shots from his laser machine gun. He shoots very accurately (like a lot of the guards) and at full range of vision of the machine. In principle, the infantry also does not remain idle (and up to 3 squads fit into the body) and lazily shoot from the body. But do not count on a serious increase in firepower - one would expect much more help from 30 barrels. The vehicle is useful in cases where you need to drag infantry along narrow passages (it loves to cling to everything and get stuck) or throw the same infantry inside the enemy base. But do not overestimate its capabilities.

It is interesting: it seems that heavy weapons do not fit through the loopholes of the chimera. Because I have never seen infantry shots from the inside from heavy weapons.

Hourly. A bipedal robot armed with a laser. Shoots slowly, but much more painfully than a chimera. Not bad for shooting enemy light vehicles or buildings. The heavy ones will smash him and will not even ask for his name. Suitable as a "terrorist", who will shoot enemy buildings, while the rest are engaged in infantry. Or as an assistant to the Ogryns who tied the enemy in battle. It is better not to expose him against the infantry, there will still be no sense.

Hell hound. Flamethrower tank, designed primarily for the destruction of enemy infantry and heavy infantry. Strangely, the definition of friendly fire is perfect for him - the hound's friendly fire does not affect its own at all. Ideal in situations where the enemy has a lot of infantry and they are imprudently gathered in one place. Works well in narrow aisles. As soon as vehicles with powerful explosions are actively used in your army, it completely loses its significance. And how to work with "clients" if they are thrown in all directions? It's not profitable to burn one at a time.

Basilisk. A long-range howitzer that can hit the enemy almost across the entire map. It can shoot at a specific point, or it can make a “super shot” when, having spent a couple of hundred resources, 10 seconds after the “order” you will make a “gift” at a specific point. Not a single infantryman can withstand two volleys of a basilisk. Reloading is very fast - in just 5 seconds after the shot, the gun is ready to spend the next portion of your resources. The disadvantage of the machine is that it must be constantly re-targeted, but on its own it shoots too close.

Leman. Standard breakthrough tank with a howitzer and three machine guns. The fire on the area was taken away from the lehman, but his howitzer shoots very far, scattering the enemy infantry when it hits. And machine guns perfectly handle infantry. The most annoying drawback of this tank is that it is difficult to get to it - it takes a lot of resources to make it available for production.

Poisoned blade. Yes, it's expensive. But on the other hand, you will get a killer car that is armed with a howitzer, a main gun, two laser cannons and three machine guns and can even protect its rear. Of course, all this wealth does not shoot at the same time, but at least half of this property can simultaneously fire at one target. Effective against everything except buildings - there is nothing designed for this. Although why do we need this, others will cope with this. But the appearance of this monster in our ranks is almost a victory.


Despite the fact that there are already four who have not been in heavy battles, there are only 2 campaigns. But nothing, everyone will be allowed to participate. There is simply a campaign for "evil" and for "good". Who do we choose?

Order in action

Here you have to speak for the union of the Eldar and the Imperials. Of course, in the fight against chaos and orcs.

Mission #1

The first task is very easy - capture 2 control points from the enemy. A rather large crowd is set aside for this, but the point is to clear out a machine gun at each point. We collect everyone and destroy the enemy. The main thing here is that you don’t have to overfulfill tasks and climb further. After that, we will be offered to rebuild the base (I won’t list what needs to be built and in what order). After you go forward, you will need to break open two gates (just break them with infantry). Behind them will be factories producing cars. You will not be allowed to build, but you will receive something as a reward. Yes, and still need to capture the control point.

And ahead is the next gate, approaching which, you will receive under your control the Eldar. They need to destroy 4 points with generators. We have enough troops - we just attack the enemy and after capturing the generator we go further through the Eldar gates.

The Eldar managed to free the passage, and now nothing prevents them from going further. We drag "sentinels" and destroy enemy guns. Infantry can be additionally armed with plasma cannons.

Mission #2

Now our opponents will be orcs. The main idea of ​​this mission is to capture control points. Who controls them controls all the buildings near the control points. This is especially useful with respect to stationary guns near points.

This mission has many canyons for your troops to traverse. It will be very sure to capture the plant producing "chimeras" on the left just above the starting point. Then the infantry will slip through these canyons, not paying attention to the fire of enemy guns. On the right there will be the same plant for the "watch". As soon as you reach the battery of enemy howitzers, the turn of the Eldar will come. They must again destroy the generators and deal with howitzers. Just don't mess with enemy robots - the Eldar won't be able to do anything with them anyway. After that, all that remains is to destroy the troops of chaos (be sure to pay attention to the defense of your base so that you are not taken by surprise) and go to the space marine ship.

Mission #3

We start this mission as the Eldar. They are trying to hide from the orcs. The tasks here are simple - defend until the next gate is built, after that we transfer the buildings first, then the infantry. At control points, don't try to push your towers to the maximum - the funds will be more useful if you invest them in restoring dead foot soldiers. In order to make it easier to repel enemy attacks, it is advisable to build a couple of units of Eldar guards. And we start again in a new place. After the second such jump, control will pass to the guards.

As the Imperials, you need to quickly capture several control points under your control and place several detachments on the left edge of your positions - orcs will soon arrive from there. Here, control points must be built up quickly and completely, there will be enough resources. When their squigoth crawls out from the enemy positions, quickly look for your poisoned blade where the orcs came from. If you have time, they will just “butt” in a narrow passage. The destruction of this monster will mean that you have given the opportunity for the Eldar to leave.

Mission #4

So the former allies quarreled, people with the Eldar. So all the toys are now apart. To win this mission for the people, you need to bring the convoy to the last gate. If the convoy's tank is lost (everything else can be lost in any quantity), then the mission automatically switches to the Eldar. It is important not to lose troops (to restore them) and to acquire a complete set of officers.

First you need to capture two control points near the first gate and lead the convoy through them. Then you can put the foot soldiers in the "chimera" and send them to the final gate. There they can easily capture the critical point and capture the third and second gates from the rear. If they are in your hands, you will get to the end faster and safer. But if you do not capture them - just make your way along the edge of the map. It takes longer, but the result is the same. The territory is crammed with bunkers of guards, try to hide behind them in order to safely move on.

The Eldar, on the other hand, must make their way along the other side of the map, destroying oncoming people. Before the final gate, they have to destroy 4 generators (already a common thing). This will open the gate and give the Eldar the opportunity to evacuate their buildings and fighters.

Mission #5e

The final mission for the Eldar offers us to deal with the Necrons. We quickly rebuild the base and get a soul stone. We destroy the Necron monolith with a shot from it, after which people will give us access to control points, which will allow us to develop faster. Then summon an avatar and more necrons will fly in. With our mechanics we capture titanic weapons (all 6 in turn) and finish off the remaining monoliths. Fire prisms help a lot in the fight against infantry, so try not to lose them.

Mission #5i

For humans, things are somewhat easier than for the Eldar. We capture several strategic points (the more, the better), we get an influx of resources. We thoroughly strengthen them and proceed to the construction of generators near the titanic weapons. And already from them we shoot monoliths of necrons.

You can put a couple of units of infantry and a repairman on a "chimera" and send them to a lone guard base in the south. If you repair the Martian complex there, then you will immediately receive a “poisoned blade” as a reward. Naturally, it is much easier to defend with him.

Time to bust

But the orcs and chaos do not get along very well with each other. And they often spend their energy on quarrels, and not on destroying the enemy. So after all, we play for the "mess" ...

Mission #1

Orcs, as usual, do not know how to live together. And the next leader must unite the three clans under his heavy hand. We are not engaged in the destruction of troops, but we are destroying totems in the center of clan bases. As a result, you will get new troops, and in some places equipment. Then we gather everyone together and break the gates to the last non-aligned clan (we destroy 9 generators with our long-range artillery), we will also find one more hero there. When the enemy releases 2 squigots on you, wait until they trample the owner, and drive the mad doctor to them. Then those rhinoceroses will come over to your side. And with them, destroying the cultists will be easier than ever.

Mission #2

And in this mission, we will finally be allowed to play for chaos. It is necessary to protect 4 temples from the orcs. If you manage to destroy the war leader of the orcs, then everything will be much easier. We capture control points near the temples and build defenses there. When everything works out, we build equipment and look for an orc base. After that, you need to destroy the orc generator, and even then control will pass to the broken and humiliated orcs.

Meanwhile, the orcs are beating the imperial guard. Under our command we will get everything that the adherents of chaos did not destroy (so try not to destroy everything at all). Fortunately, reinforcements are constantly thrown in to us, so we can live. If you find the unfinished buildings of the orcs, then they will join you and will produce equipment and infantry (they will not let you build anything). To win the mission, it is enough to destroy all the infantry bunkers of the Imperials.

Mission #3

The first task is simple - go through the orcs along a wide street, destroying everything that is on the way. And end it all by killing the enemy general. You can’t build anything, but they help with reinforcements. Therefore, we simply focus all the fire of the troops on one target and try not to go too far ahead. After the death of the general, management will go to chaos.

And the fighters of chaos guard their altar at the other end of the same street. We are completing the defense and for some time we repulse the attacks of people and the Eldar. Next, you need to capture 4 enemy bases. It is advisable to take attack aircraft so that they jump into the base and tie up the enemy in battle while the rest of the troops get to the enemy. Otherwise, the "basilisks" will destroy your troops before they have time to approach. After that, the guards will land troops at the newly cleared points. And we will receive the task to nourish the altar with blood. With the help of our priest, we lure the guards and take them to the altar. 6 squads, and the next task is completed. But now it is necessary to destroy the avatar of the Eldar. We wait until our demon appears, and set it on the enemy's avatar. It remains only to press a special button on the demon.

Mission #4

For adherents of chaos, the task is simple - to destroy the human convoy. We take more equipment and come to grips with the human tank. Well, let your infantry work with the infantry. Only first it will be necessary to break through the defense of people, but it will not be difficult. After the destruction of the convoy, there will be little left - to reach the gate. Usually they turn out to be open (the Eldar, perhaps, hack), so you only need to lead the commander through the gate.

The orcs have a completely different task - to destroy the Eldar base and, if possible, the hero. The base is constantly creeping away further, so you first need to catch up with it. It’s hard to play, because there are always not enough resources, so I don’t recommend switching to chaos. Just after the destruction of the base (it will be easier to go further) try to be the first to slip through the gate. It is not even necessary to destroy the convoy, it is enough to tie the enemy in battle and pass the hero to the desired point.

Mission #5o

First of all, we carry out an additional task and destroy a small base of guards. This will give us a point of control and eliminate trouble from the enemy, who constantly visits. It's time to do the main task - to destroy 3 guns of people. We just swoop in and destroy. After that, the heroes of the orcs and chaos will meet in a duel, in which, of course, the orc will win. When the Necrons land, the Orcs will play the same way - lean in a crowd on the monolith and demolish it. Nobs are very good at this. And after the monolith, only former allies will remain - the fighters of chaos. And destroy them too!

Mission #5s

For chaos, it is desirable to destroy the military factory of the guards from the very beginning so that they do not later come to you on a poisoned blade. Now you can do the main task - to bring 6 squads of guards to the altar. This time we have a degraded version of the priest. He can only capture a panicked enemy, and at the same time, all the surrounding guards must be destroyed at the same time, otherwise they will beat the captured fighter back. Do not destroy the bunkers - new guards must appear from somewhere. In the meantime, Necrons will appear so that life does not seem like honey.

After completing this task, you will be given another priest who can turn on the titanic weapons. Don't forget to control the guns because they don't fire themselves. When you turn on all 6 guns, get an overview of the entire map. It remains only to finish off the Necrons, and the winnings are in your pocket.

But the Necrons didn't come in vain. And this is clearly not their last visit. Monoliths and crowds of guys with metal skulls are coming? We wait!