Dragon age 2 walkthrough tips. Dragon Age - Origins - We make up a universal group. Combinations of actions in combat

The majestic arches of Kirkwall shine in the bright sun. Rich people of the Upper City, high estates, casemates, stone sculptures, templars, magicians, slave traders, power, money...

Ahead is a huge world full of friends and enemies, treasures and horrors, tragedies and glorious deeds. We must make our hero worthy of a great life, but this requires not only a craving for adventure, but also knowledge. Yes, the very knowledge that, as you know, is power!

Do you have a plan, Mr Hawke?

To properly raise Hawk, we must know what to expect. By the end of the game, you can reach level 21-25 if you complete all the basic and side quests. That's 20-24 skill points and 60-72 stat points to distribute. In addition, the game gives us chances to "earn extra money" for our development. IN original game found three books that give additional skills. How to get them?

    We look into Hubert's shop in the Upper City in the first chapter.

    After returning from the Deep Roads, we visit a merchant from the Dalish elves.

    We ask for knowledge from the demon in the Shadow in the second chapter.

Now an increase to the characteristics.

    Buying a book at a trinket shop in lower city in the second chapter (+2 stat points).

    We solve the puzzle with the book and barrels in the Shadow in the second chapter (+3).

    We read the first of the "evil books" found in the second chapter (+2).

    We ask for power from the demon in the Shadow in the second chapter (+6).

    We buy a book in the Blades of Korval in the third chapter (+2).

Unfortunately, the demon will not be able to beg for both knowledge and power at once, so you will have to choose: 1 skill or 6 attribute points. The third option (magic) gives us a protective rune.

In total, it turns out 22-27 talents and 69-87 points of characteristics. We will rely on these figures when planning the development of our character.

This is interesting: in the very first days after the release of the game, the developers released the Black Store add-on, where you can purchase several interesting items. Among them there are things that give extra skill points and characteristics, as well as a whistle calling for help war dog mabari.

All skills in dragon age 2 are clearly divided into three types - activated, enabled and passive. Activated ones give a one-time effect that costs a fixed amount of stamina or mana. The toggles give a permanent effect, but require to "reserve" some of our mana or stamina reserves. Passive abilities do not require any costs, and their benefits begin to operate immediately at the time of purchase.

The concept of "interclass interaction" has been introduced into the game. It works like this. Warriors can stun enemies, robbers disorientate, and magicians - to do fragile. The other two classes have abilities that deal additional damage to enemies in one of these states. Thus, the developers are pushing us to use all three specialties - it will be unprofitable to maintain, for example, a warrior and three magicians.

Full list See table for skills. In the meantime, we'll talk about classes, their abilities and specializations.

Interclass interaction


Warrior starts:

hilt strike

repeated concussion

Ripper starts:


The robber continues:

Merciless Strike

The duelist continues:

Family feud

The magician continues:

Paralyzing Dungeon

Chain reaction

The power mage continues:

Shaper's Hammer

The blood mage continues:



Rogue starts:

Disorienting Shot

Exhausting Mist

Shadow starts:

Critically disorienting
striking blow

The warrior continues:


The Ripper continues:


The magician continues:

Golem Fist

spiritual strike

walking bomb


Mage starts:

winter explosion

Deep freeze


The warrior continues:

Crushing Blow


The robber continues:

Crushing Arrow

Piercing Arrow

The killer continues:



Weapon and shield. One of the two basic options for the development of a warrior. Defensive skills prevail. good ability shield Defense, Immunity to critical hits is also interesting. It makes sense to take attacking abilities only together with improvements.

Two-handed weapon. Almost the entire branch is strong. If you develop a warrior with a two-handed weapon, then you should not save skill points here. I would like to highlight the combination whirlwind(with improvement tornado) and passive split.

Vanguard. Various offensive skills. Useful for a warrior with two-handed weapons. We definitely take dissection With claymore(required for interclass interaction) and passive destroyer(reduces enemy damage resistance).

Intercessor. More suitable for a warrior with a shield. Here the skills are not so impressive, if you do not play at the maximum level of difficulty. And on the "nightmare" will be useful and elemental shield(of course with improvement), and stronghold, And firmness.

Warmonger of War. Two activated abilities useful for a warrior who likes to attack (as well as for interclass interaction), and two skills for a regular "tank". And mockery- A very important skill for a warrior with a shield at high difficulty levels.

Combat master. An interesting branch aimed at restoring stamina and mana of the group. Goes well with any development option. Consistency in battle- Mandatory skill for the defender of the group. Support recharges very quickly - it can be used to fully restore stamina. Encouragement quickly restores stamina and mana for the whole group.

Templar. At first glance - not the strongest specialization. Magic Fighters gain +10% damage against casters and Shadow creatures. Also in the arsenal - dispel magic and silence, which not only prohibits the use of magic, but also prevents enemy rogues from becoming invisible. Of the passive skills, it is noteworthy liquidation, granting 50% magic resistance.

Berserk. As you might guess, these skills are aimed at increasing damage. Frenzied Warriors get stamina regeneration bonuses, but that doesn't help much, as berserk abilities are very costly. help out deadly blow(but it cannot be obtained before level 15) and skills support And second wind from the Battle Master branch.

Ripper. Warriors of this specialization spare neither themselves nor their enemies. The first ability blood rage hints that it is harmful to lead a healthy lifestyle. good and passive ardor, but you can't get it before level 13. Voracity And gluttony participate in interclass combinations. Also, for specialization, 5% damage is added to all attacks.

Furious Ripper

Specializations: berserker at level 7, ripper at level 14.

Characteristics: strength up to 41, endurance up to 31, willpower - the rest.

Furious Ripper
mighty blow Adrenalin
Giant's Limit Infinite Berserker Rage
Force Reckless Flurry
Control Wild Rage of the Berserker
Spit blood rage
dissection Deadly Strike
Destroyer slaughter
Split devouring
Rage of the Berserker Sacrificial Fury
Dam Aura of Pain
Claymore ardor

The flying dead are a common sight around Kirkwall.

Yeah, it's pointless to use fire with such a handsome man!

It is important: here and in subsequent tables in italics improvements to previously taken abilities will be highlighted.

The furious warrior was created to bring good, that is, to inflict maximum damage in the minimum time. Under this idea, all skills are selected. Mode berserk consumes stamina very quickly, so you should think about taking skills supports And second wind. The main advantages of the Ripper are - blood rage And ardor. Don't forget to use dam in the midst of a hard battle. Do not seek treatment unless absolutely necessary. Remember - your damage is higher, the less health you have.

But you can develop in a slightly different way. For example, abandon the second specialization and invest skill points in improvements two-handed weapons.


Specializations: ripper at level 7, templar at level 14.

Characteristics: strength and endurance as 2:1.

Crushing Blow Reaper
Giant's Limit Support
Control Second wind
Spit Killing Strike
Force slaughter
dissection cleansing
Vortex Silence
blood rage Long cleansing
Destroyer righteous strike
Claymore Liquidation
Split Cleansing Wave

A warrior's two-handed simple strikes deal damage to multiple enemies.

What does the main character think about when we are not looking at him?

A good warrior, "sharpened" for the fight against magicians and robbers. He interacts well with other team members, in addition to the narrow-profile skills of a templar, he has a set of crushing blows. mighty blow, reaper, split, claymore- try to use all this only for its intended purpose, that is, against fragile targets or for stunning. Support recharges very quickly, use it during short breaks in combat. Considering second wind and potions, you shouldn't have any problems with stamina.

In what sequence to take specializations, it doesn’t matter - from the branch ripper we only need one skill. You can become templar at the seventh level and before to get cleansing And silence or postpone this opportunity and develop Two-handed weapon And avant-garde.


Specializations: templar at level 7.

Characteristics: strength and endurance.

Shield Bash succession
shield defense Scattering
Blade withdrawal shield wall
Storm Elemental Shield
Elemental Shield Unity
Diffusion Fearless coherence
stone wall Heroic Cohesion
Stronghold Support
Encouragement Second wind
Consistency in battle Vigilance
cleansing security
Push Last push

One of options"tank". The defender is immune to flank attacks and critical hits. Encouragement help spread elemental shield on party members and restore mana or stamina. use mode teamwork in combat in combination with gravity ring magician, and you will be securely covered in any battle.

For a rogue, a defender will be the best friend. His shield stuns enemies and diffusion And storm can deal serious damage to disoriented targets. After chaos or exhausting fog better apply spreading, because it affects several goals, but at the same time succession hits harder.


Elements. Fire skills, unfortunately, are not very useful in Dragon Age 2. Slavers are vulnerable to fire, but Qunari, street gangs, mabari, some demons, and all dragons are resistant. With cold, the situation is the opposite: mabari, qunari, templars, street gangs, dragons, demons, golems are vulnerable, and slavers, mercenaries and city guards are resistant. Besides, winter explosion And deep freeze can make the enemy fragile. True, without mastery of the elements the chance is very small. If you have two magicians in the party, then it is desirable for one of them to develop this branch completely.

Spontaneous. Here, unlike the previous branch, we are dealing with the earth and lightning. Darkspawn, qunari, mercenaries and some demons are vulnerable to natural skills, spiders, Dalish elves, golems and the dead are resistant. With electricity, the opposite is true, only the Qunari have stability. Golem Fist, wither And chain reaction participate in interclass combinations. Storm- One of two spells of mass destruction that do not affect team members, even at the "nightmare" level. All in all, a very strong thread.

Entropy. School of weakening and curses. are good torture And spoilage: The former allows your rogue to unhindered critical strikes, while the latter protects against strong enemies. Horror stuns and deals good damage, use it regularly. entropic cloud gives a good effect, but for the last skill of the branch it is rather weak.

Spirit. A collection of miscellaneous spells. spiritual strike cheap and recharges quickly, use it for inter-class interaction. Dispel Magic can help out in some situations. But the most interesting spell - walking bomb. With a certain skill, it can cause huge damage, but at the maximum difficulty level it is of little use - there is a great chance to kill your own group.

Sorcery. Defensive magic prevails here. Magic shield works weaker than stated in the description. Barrier lasts only six seconds, and you are unlikely to be able to turn the tide of battle. Not the most useful school, but you can benefit from it. effects elemental weapons from different magicians add up, and theoretically group members can hit with several types of elemental magic. Shattering Dungeon(upgraded) - The most powerful single-target damage spell, and stunned enemies receive additional damage from it.

Creation. Under this name, buffs, health recovery and runes are combined. Rune of Paralysis works well, but for a very short time, even with the improvement. Heroic Aura And acceleration can seriously increase the combat capability of your team. Well, at least one magician must have treatment.

Mage of strength. A new class that was not in Dragon Age: Origins. A good choice for any mage. Maker's Fist reloads quickly and stacks with martial daze. Passive firmness will protect the magician from trouble with interrupting spells. gravity ring- the best ability in the branch, an excellent defensive spell; use it in combination with acceleration.

Spiritual healer. Classic first aid kit. When playing on hard difficulty, you will need a healer. Of the joining characters, only Anders claims this role, so the specialization under discussion will be popular among players. In the "first aid kit" a standard set: healing aura, group healing, resurrection. Viability - a passive skill that can be of interest to all mages.

Blood Mage. The general concept of "forbidden" magic has not changed since the first part. life force- a mode in which not mana is spent on casting spells, but health. Victim And desecration of graves provide an opportunity for treatment. Bleeding - a very powerful skill that deals massive damage to stunned enemies and does not affect group members (extremely valuable property on the Nightmare difficulty level). Perhaps this is the best "blood" magic.

Force sorcerer

Specializations: strength mage at level 7.

Characteristics: magic and willpower as 2:1.

Force sorcerer
Ice Snap Mastery of the Elements
Fire ball Shaper's Hammer
cone of cold spiritual strike
firestorm Spirit Strike (upgrade)
winter explosion walking bomb
Elemental weapons Caustic Walking Bomb
Shattering Dungeon The attraction of the abyss
Deep freeze edge of the abyss
Maker's Fist Paralyzing Dungeon
telekinetic eruption Infectious Walking Bomb
gravity ring steadfastness
Apocalyptic firestorm

The cone of cold is great at knocking out pressing enemies.

Many opponents in the game are vulnerable to cold. Use it!

Team fire support. The sorcerer interacts wonderfully with both the warrior and the rogue. Mastery of the Elements gives us a good chance of making enemies brittle with our ice skills. spiritual strike Deals additional damage to disoriented targets. A few words about the walking bomb: at the "nightmare" level, you should abandon the improvement that makes the effect infectious. And, you may have to not use this spell at all if you cannot provide one of the allies with high resistance. How can I do that? A templar with liquidation and related equipment. Or any other fighter with an improved elemental shield. In the latter case encouragement will spread the effect of resistance to other members of the squad.

Why is a force mage chosen? He has great control over the battlefield. gravity ring able to protect the entire group in melee, and immediately after the end of the effect, we will apply telekinetic eruption. The attraction of the abyss help to deal with the arrows, besides, you can safely apply firestorm. steadfastness helps to use cones of cold.

Blood Mage

Specializations: strength mage at level 7, blood mage at level 14.

Characteristics: magic and willpower (for items), the remainder is stamina.

Blood Mage
chain lightning Torture damage
stone armor stone fist
Treatment Turning to stone
Horror Wither
Chain reaction Despair
Maker's Fist life force
steadfastness Victim
The attraction of the abyss Terrible sacrifice
gravity ring Bleeding
Barrier Paralyzing bleeding

If the enemies get too close, do not start running. Gather your team together and use the gravity ring.

The mage summons a firestorm that works great on ghosts. Yes, and it looks great!

Blood mages get a unique opportunity to cast spells, paying with their health. All the magic for us becomes 50% cheaper, but this is not the limit! Taking improvement life force, we are bringing the ratio to 1 to 3. In addition, you can find items that give an even greater effect. In the original game, you can bring the ratio up to 7 mana for 1 point of vitality - which means a virtually infinite supply of energy. This is perhaps the main advantage of forbidden witchcraft.

A nice addition would be the release of 50% of the mana (the second half is spent on blood magic). This energy can be spent on toggle abilities - magic shield, stone armor, elemental weapon and so on. should not be discounted and bleeding- A very powerful spell. Of the minuses - the notorious inability to be treated. Due to the special vulnerability of blood mages, it is worth considering defensive skills like barrier.

The presented development option cannot be classified as “clean”. We rely on the use of blood magic mainly in the second half of the game, when the stock of our hero's abilities will correspond to the "infinite" mana.


Specializations: spiritual healer at 7th level.

Characteristics: magic and willpower.

Treatment Group Healing
Heroic Aura Heroic Aura (Upgrade)
spiritual strike rebirth
Big cure Great Acceleration
Elemental weapons unity
Dispel Magic Second chance
transformation Viability
Acceleration Update
healing aura Refusal

The classic version of a regular doctor. Useful in any game, required at high difficulty levels. The priest will heal, and strengthen, and speed up, and can even dispel enemy magic. True, to maintain heroic aura, elemental weapons And healing aura at the same time, 60% of the mana will be required. Therefore, the ability of the healer should be activated only for the application group healing or revival, the passive effect of the mode is not so important in combat.

With this development, you will have a few skill points left, and they can be used at your discretion. I would try to take spells involved in inter-class interaction.


A weapon in each hand. Dual Blades is one of the options for developing a rogue. Explosive Strike Can deal massive damage if used at the right time. Backstab not only hurts, but also allows you to instantly move. double fangs is the third and best offensive skill in this branch. Of the minuses - not a single ability of a robber with daggers gives a disorientation effect.

Archery. An alternative to daggers are bows. Explosive Arrow And pinning shot useful in interclass interaction . Downpour of arrows Deals low damage, good early game or upgraded with slow. Archer's spear is an extremely powerful skill. Standard combination: the magician gathers opponents on himself, uses a cone of cold, and the shooter runs in from the flank and kills the unfortunate with one shot.

Scoundrel. The skills from this branch are moderately useful, but there is nothing from the “mandatory program”. Weakness grants a potential increase in damage on a critical hit. Instigator can be good if you think in advance what to use it for. Develop the branch to the end if you expect to use it in battle harsh chain.

Sabotage. Two of the three ways a rogue can disorient an enemy are chaos And exhausting fog are among the sabotage skills. This is a serious reason not to ignore this thread. Other abilities include jerk - this is a rare opportunity to deal damage to multiple enemies and is useful in the early to mid game.

Specialist. A unique section of skills, almost entirely consisting of toggled abilities. At first glance, the mode accuracy- the best option, but by the middle of the game speed might be more helpful. Especially if you have the opportunity to carry out critical hits with impunity (for example, using ruthless blows the killers). In such a situation, +15% attack speed and quick recovery of talents will be a powerful argument.

Trick. Typical thief skills, strong branch. Stealth used to deal critical hits and can help you survive in a tough situation. WITH residual veil you can carry out two critical hits in a row. The rest of the skills allow the rogue to break away from the pressing enemies and do the main job - dealing damage.

Shadow.Shadow Veil in combination with residual veil allows you to regularly perform two critical hits from invisibility. Accurate hit And predator drastically increase damage, and critical disorientation strike works in interclass interaction. In general, a very strong branch, useful for both the archer and the melee fighter. Pairs well with killer.

Duelist. The main feature is the ability blood feud. Fast movement and a strong strike are what any rogue needs. However, you should be aware that family feud not always better than the original. In combination with marked for death the improved version will inflict less damage. The thing is that the killer's skill gives additional damage, and the duelist's strike ignores all resistance or vulnerability modifiers. Another thing is if you have a warrior and want to beat stunned enemies...

Murderer. The strongest option. All abilities are worthy of attention without exception. Marked for death, aimed strikes, indirect harm make the robber a real killing machine, and assassination attempt- The most powerful blow in the game!


Specializations: assassin at level 7, duelist at level 14.

Characteristics: dexterity and cunning.

Evasion Stealth run
Stealth Disguise
Speed Indirect harm
tactical retreat indelible mark
Marked for death doom mark
Bloodlust excess
Aimed strikes Annihilation
assassination attempt Merciless Strikes
Challenge to a duel Exciting speed
Parry lightning speed
blood feud

Hawk wanted to shout something about Sparta, but then he remembered it was Kirkwall.

Robbers to the rescue! Hawke and Varric compete in the frequency of critical hits.

Note that when developing a sniper, not a single skill was taken from the branch archery. This does not mean that the archer's abilities are useless, it's just that the development system in Dragon Age 2 is quite flexible, and in this case we rely on stealth skills and the mode speed. From the killer we need almost all the skills, and from the duelist only blood feud, which no need improve. The main shock combination will be the following sequence: pitiless blows, mark of death, assassination attempt, blood feud, stealth. This way we can deal massive damage to a single target and remain elusive.

If you plan to reliably protect your shooter and think that he does not need any precautions, then at your service and explosive arrow, And pinning shot, And archer's spear. Interclass interaction in an archer is better developed than in a robber with daggers.

The strongest blow

A curious competition has emerged between fans of Dragon Age 2. The players were wondering who is capable of inflicting the most damage on a single target? The maximum values ​​are constantly updated, but at the time of writing, the palm belongs to the robber with a bow. At the end of the game, he managed to deal a little over 217 thousand points of damage in one hit. The archmage Orsino became the unfortunate victim.

Archmage Orsino should have thought carefully about his behavior, but he did not know what awaited him!

How is this possible, you ask? Fenris has mode activated muscle strength and he used encouragement, thus giving your group +25% critical damage. Also involved new character from the downloadable add-on - archer Sebastian. The "Prince in Exile" has an ability like harsh chain and a finishing shot that grants around 45% damage vulnerability. In addition, the party magician applied to the victim torture damage and with the help of a winter explosion made a goal fragile.

Hawk himself developed as much as possible cunning, drank a +10% damage potion, used on Orsino the mark of death(with improvements) and dealt the most powerful blow - assassination attempt(also fully developed). But the most important: main character was equipped with a bow that deals fire damage. There are enough things in the game that increase the damage done, but if physical damage is increased by 3-6%, then fire damage can be increased by 12-15% with items of the same level. That is, elemental weapons are potentially more powerful than physical ones. In short... you wouldn't want to be in Orsino's shoes at that very moment!

Shadow Assassin

Specializations: assassin at level 7, shadow at level 14.

Characteristics: dexterity and cunning.

Shadow Assassin
Backstab Annihilation
harsh chain Reverse capture
Explosive Strike Indirect harm
Evasion doom mark
Chameleon breath Merciless Strikes
deceit Precise injection
penetration excess
double fangs Critically
disorienting blow
Marked for death Predator
Bloodlust inconspicuousness
Aimed strikes Bait
assassination attempt Shadow Veil

Isabella stabs her blades not only up close, but from a distance. A real pirate!

This icon above the magician means
that he is fragile. Think,
the hint is clear.

Sniper with daggers - these are accurate and extremely painful blows. Each dagger individually deals less damage than a bow, an attack with two daggers in total does more damage. Fully developed skills the killers- there is simply nothing to give up.

Use the same sequence of attacks as the archer, except blood feud. We will not have the duelist skill, but shadows there are other benefits. We disorient enemies with attacks from cover, land critical hits with flank attacks, gain damage bonuses, and create a doppelgänger when we need a distraction. The best option for a robber with daggers.


Specializations: duelist at level 7, shadow at level 14.

Characteristics: dexterity and cunning.

Backstab Harmony
harsh chain Sure blows
Back to back Cunning maneuvers
Explosive Strike Precise injection
Speed Family feud
Accuracy To end
double fangs invisible friend
Merciless Strike Reverse capture
Challenge to a duel Stunning Power
Weakness Bleeding Power
Parry Counter attack
blood feud Deaf defense

Don't miss the opportunity to take a photo
craft as a memento with one of the two peace-loving golems in the game.

Best friend warrior. Fight on the front lines with harsh chain And explosive blow. Merciless Strike And family feud deals additional damage to stunned targets, and the team fighter, in turn, helps the rogue deal additional damage with weak point . Back to back will quickly move you to your partner, after which it will be possible to strike from the back. The specialization of the duelist allows you to strengthen the defense, which is useful for a hero with poor health.

We briefly ran through the variety of options for the development of Hawke. The game provides ample opportunities to create characters, despite the fact that now you can not play either a dwarf or an elf. It depends only on your imagination how effective your champion will be!

So, now we will look at something that can be very useful or very interesting to you. Just a few thoughts that will eventually lead to the fact that you will become more efficient in playing and completing your favorite game. Or laugh with Easter eggs, laid down by the developers

How much do you think you have progressed in Dragon Age 2? Think you've explored every corner of the world? Have you gone through each location? Then, if you are so sure of yourself, the secrets of Dragon Age 2 are of no use to you. But if you allow at least the thought that something was missed - let's dig a little deeper into the game. Maybe you will find something new for yourself. Also, this article will be useful for beginners, as Dragon game Age 2 tips are extremely helpful. Let's start with tips.

So let's talk about character creation first. First, immediately think about who in the game you want to start with and who you can do without. Vague Dragon advice Age 2, right? Then we look in more detail. When choosing a class, keep in mind that you have a warrior brother and a mage sister. Depending on whether you choose a mage or a non-mage, one of your relatives will die. For example, if you take a robber, your brother dies and you stay with your sister. True, she is a very mediocre magician. Therefore, I advise you to just think about what exactly you want. Yes, and you will lose your relative after the first chapter. So don't put your heart and soul into it. Better to rely on strangers.

And so on. The choice is made, you move on. You find yourself in Kirkwall... And there, when you start collecting money for Varrick, they will make you an offer that, allegedly, cannot be refused. But you still try. this is perhaps the most sensible Dragon Age 2 advice anyone can give.

We continue... Now let's talk about the composition of the party. Considering that there can only be four people in a group, we build all tactics from this. First we need a tank. This is the character that takes the most damage and is the best at avoiding it. In the game Dragon Age 2 best tank is Aveline. If you have a brother alive, he is much worse. If you are thinking about Fenris, there will also be an overlay. So there is only one candidate for the role of a tank, unless you are playing a warrior. We also need a doctor. Although dragon secret Age 2 is that it is quite possible to play solo, but this only applies to the easiest level. In other cases, it turns out that you simply do not have enough time and they kill you. Therefore, we still need a doctor. And here we also have only one candidate - Anders. He can cast spells quickly and heals well. And two damage-dealing characters... There's a lot of choice here, so it's up to you. Although, I’ll tell you a secret, you can play the game at the easiest difficulty level with any group composition.

Now let's look at spells and abilities. The spell system has been heavily redesigned compared to the first part. Therefore, keep in mind that you need to develop into a group, and not into a set of characters acting individually. This is also a very important tip in Dragon Age 2. With the new combat system, many skills work much better together. For example, a warrior deals more damage against fragile enemies that have been enchanted by a mage. Or if a warrior knocks down the coordination of opponents, magicians are much better at killing them. Actually, this is what some of the skills in the talent tree of all classes are aimed at.

In the passage of Dragon Age 2, the secrets have already been covered in previous articles. Therefore, let's just see what interesting Dragon Age 2 Easter eggs the developers have in store. First, remember what you dislike the most when watching TV. I think it's an advertisement. Therefore, you should not be surprised that the developers decided to spam a little and at one fine moment send you an advertisement to your in-game mailbox by means of increasing potency. Interesting secret Dragon Age 2 brings us. Personally, this letter surprised me greatly.

Another interesting moment was when someone blurted out "The truth is somewhere nearby." It was then that I remembered secret materials and thought that developers are people too. And it's not worth talking about swearing at all! This is a masterpiece upon a masterpiece. And it is in them that you can see how the developers approached the issue of preparing for the game well. By the way, there are also interesting books in our collection at home. If you pay attention to this secret of Dragon Age 2, you will see a book called "one hundred ways to use a phallus-shaped potato". About connection with previous parts not even worth mentioning.

And it is worth noting one more very interesting point. Remember Frodo with his glowing sword? So, at one point, when Varric once again begins to invent your adventures, the waitress will say something like this: "Varric, I heard somewhere that during your trip to the Trails you picked up very strange pants. They glow when there are monsters nearby "... Well, what can I say? In Dragon Age 2, secrets are laid out quite abundantly. All of them, I think, could not be found and no one will be able to. So just be careful and pay attention to details.

Navigating Dragon Age 2

Walkthroughs Cheat Codes Tactics and Tips

"I'll catch up - I'll kill!"

In the bright hall of the town hall, panting and slipping on turns, a formidable horned humanoid runs between the columns. He brandishes a huge sword, catching up with a puny archer who dodges, trying to get as far as possible from the point.

“Well, what good is that? the fleeing archer thinks grimly. “I, the famous Garrett Hawk, without five minutes the hero of the whole city,” and I’m running from some stupid Qunari. Why didn't I join the military?"

“Garrett shouldn’t have agreed to a duel,” the team standing at a distance laments to itself. “Now I would calmly stand under our cover and beat the horned creature with a bow.”

"I'll catch up - I'll kill," the qunari thinks, makes a dash and again gets hit in the face with a fiery arrow. “I won’t catch up - at least I’ll warm up.”

At the beginning of last year, an amazing event happened: for the first time in the seven years of the existence of the LCI magazine, the game received the highest possible rating. This game was Dragon Age: Origins. She earned a magazine rating of 100% quite deservedly, being almost flawless role play and a real breakthrough in the genre. Making the second part of the role-playing series, bioware decided to take the risk. The developers have greatly changed the role and combat system, interface, dialogues and story canons.

The strange young dwarf is still creepy. Good guy Yes, it hurts unearthly.

And here is a cameo - an elf familiar to us. Over the years, his habits have not changed at all.

The basis of the gameplay remains the same: the hero visits different locations, recruits a team, talks with people and fights with... bad people. But a lot has changed in the details. The names familiar to us are heard only at times, in idle conversations (only a couple of times the characters we know will flash in rare cameos). The action takes place not in Ferelden, but in a completely different country. The plot unwinds already without any participation of evil archdemons. And the wildest thing is that this time no one is saving the world and the scene is one single city.

Strange? Strange. Let's take a look at what BioWare has come up with as a result of bold experiments with Dragon Age 2.

What is the wise dwarf sitting for?

It all starts with the templar prison, where a new prisoner is brought. However, contrary to the canons of the genre, it turns out not to be the main character, but a dubious-looking dwarf with an impudent physiognomy. During the interrogation, the dwarf, for the appearance of breaking down, begins to tell a story. Here it is just about a hero who can really only be of one race - human (alas, we are now unable to choose the origin of the hero and his race).

Dubious appearance is still a mild epithet in relation to this dwarf physiognomy.

“You are the Chosen One. And I just went out for a walk.”

The plot twist is oddly twisted. According to the canons, it is supposed to show the character's life before the forces of evil come. But here the approach is different: as soon as we choose the name, gender, class and appearance of the character, we see the hero running away with his family through the mountains and dales from the creatures of Darkness. One can only guess how he came to such a life, but there is no time, and only from the dialogues do we learn that the woman next to him is his mother, and the other woman (or man) is his sister (or brother).

Jumping around the post-Ostagar Ferelden ends with a meeting with a colorful sorceress, who bluntly calls our hero the Chosen One. According to the logic of things, the sorceress, and even with such bold statements, should be an important character, and not at all a banal episodic "piano". And the gloomy town of Kirkwall, where the Hawks who escaped from Ferelden are washed up by the waves, should be a small staging post on a journey to save the world.

But it is in this city and its environs that the hero Garrett Hawke will spend the next ten years. He will no longer face infernal evil. There is no need to save the world this time. All that is now required of Hawke is to understand the complex relationships between mages, templars, authorities, refugees, elves, dwarves, slavers, bandits, smugglers, demons, warlike horned humanoids ... and, of course, it would be nice to delve into the problems associates too.

Hello Andrassy

The main thing in such cases is to let the defender firmly cling to the monster and not let him go to the magicians.

Of course, in order to resolve political crises, you need to communicate a lot. And here one more unpleasant surprise awaits those wishing to chat: the brilliant dialogue system that everyone liked so much in Dragon Age: Origins is no more. Instead of a list of detailed answers - a choice in style mass effect : summary and a symbol denoting a general mood. No need to choose words - you still can’t guess exactly how the hero will formulate “humorous”, “persistent”, “resolute”, “aggressive” or “peaceful” answers. The awkward situation with the quest to exterminate the rats and the explanation to the guests, described in the review of Origins, is now impossible in principle. All plot-dialogue forks are easily foreseen, so the only trouble that threatens for the wrong answer is the disapproval of our companion.

The dialogue system from Mass Effect is a dubious choice for Dragon Age 2. Thankfully, this is the last of the game's notable shortcomings. Yes, and it is considered a disadvantage only against the background of the original, and in conversations with partners you quickly forget about it. The same companions of the hero are masterfully crafted, in best traditions bioware. A friendly dwarf with a crossbow (the same one from the introduction), an obsessed magician who is better not to be angered, a cynical conqueror of the seas, a conscientious warrior, an ever-embarrassed elf magician...

Previously, spiders sometimes turned into
mingled with beautiful women. Now it's just spiders.

At first it seems, however, that the elf is somehow too reminiscent of Tali, and Jack is visible in the "sea wolf". But the feeling of deja vu dissipates, one has only to get to know the team better. Companions present a lot of surprises. IN key points plot, they make decisions based on their relationship to the main character. It also happens that a character with whom he went into the caves a hundred times on spiders and whom you know as flaky, suddenly intervenes in events, for good or for worse. If you drive the "friendship" indicator to negative, you should not expect that the character will help Hawk in the final battles. Garrett's associates also have their own desires, interests, and carefully guarded secrets.

The relationship of satellites to each other, according to tradition, is revealed in the conversations that they start in nature, behind the back of our hero. These "conversations in the ranks" are never repeated. Sometimes they are funny, sometimes informative - in any case, it can be very interesting to warm up your ears next to your comrades-in-arms, especially if you take a pirate with you: with indiscreet questions, she can make all the other fighting friends and Garrett himself blush.

The most indecent scene in the game is a conversation with an elf in a closed swimsuit.

Personal relationships in Dragon Age 2 are both good and not so good. On the one hand, taking care of companions is easy here. Key phrases in dialogues are marked with a “heart” icon, and rare gifts, for the most part, are not bought, but come across in prey - while the game itself makes a hint, they say, would you show a ring to someone, and a shield to someone. Yes, and the choice is rich - both for supporters of a serious relationship, and for lovers of non-committal relationships in the style of "Shepard vs. Jack". Political correctness has reached new heights: in the team, for example, there will be at least two males who are willing to accept the courtship of a male Hawke (and don't ask me how I knew this).

On the other hand, Dragon Age 2 is just obscenely decent when it comes down to it. Don't expect explicit scenes. Against the backdrop of the love pleasures of Dragon Age: Origins, and even more so Mass Effect, the local novels are, to put it mildly, chaste. This is strange, considering that the age ratings for the games are the same.

We are robots

And when the magician runs out of mana, he intercepts comfortably
staff and...

But love comes and goes, and bandits and all sorts of evil spirits lie in wait around every corner, so the choice of three companions for long trips (that is, to the nearest mountain) is primarily determined by the necessary abilities.

The combat system in Dragon Age 2 has been redesigned almost to the core and has become even more like those used in typical online games. Experience, levels, three points of characteristics - all this is familiar to us. But the specialization within each of the three classes (warrior, mage, robber) is determined by skill points, which characters are given one at a time at each level. These are practically the same talents - they are spent on skills of three types - active, passive and included.

Active are spells and actions, be it fireballs, heals, stuns, fade into invisibility, and everything else. Passive skills are "features" that strengthen the character in some area once and for all. With the skills turned on, it’s more interesting - these are kind of “auras” that give a boost to the hero or the entire squad (for example, magic resistance or increased damage), but at the same time take away part of the mana / energy bar from the hero. Sometimes a hero can turn on two or three different auras at once, but at the same time he will have a scanty stub of mana, so willy-nilly you have to choose priorities.

The protection of the entire squad is one of the supporting “auras” of the mage.

It is better to specialize the hero from the very beginning. A “tank” is a must in the team, and there will be no questions with its development: there are so many skills that enhance defense and attract monsters in the game that there may not even be enough talents for everything. With magicians, there are more options - there are many schools of magic, you can choose any one to your taste. In addition, magicians are relatively easy to create a spellcaster-healer hybrid. From a rogue, you can make a shooter with a bias towards control or a typical Azerothian rogue with invisibility, instant jumps behind a monster and accumulation / discharge of energy from dagger strikes.

Combat in Dragon Age 2 has become faster and more energetic, so the leisurely issuing of orders in pause mode is now a little out of place. Of course, you can do this, but the dynamics of the battle is lost. And here the improved system of "programming" the behavior of the characters will fit into the case.

It is most reliable when the team sticks together. The warrior ran ahead, but the ranged classes left behind
friend is insured.

In Origins, the ability to put into the hero algorithms such as “strong enemy - use a strong skill, health has fallen - heal” turned out to be a great innovation. Bots are the scourge of online worlds, but in Ferelden, the algorithmization of the behavior of partners turned out to be very useful. The only thing that seriously annoyed was the initial restrictions on the number of teams. Luckily, BioWare figured out that tying as many commands as possible to a character's skills looks crazy. In Dragon Age 2, these restrictions have been removed, and the character's companions (though not all and not always) are also programmed automatically, with each newfound skill, which eliminates the fuss.

There are much more options for conditions and actions when they occur. In addition, "behavioral patterns" appeared - that is, the hero can make several "programs" for all occasions. The choice of the program can also be entrusted to the hero - the transition from template to template can be easily made conditional, so that the hero can independently decide which algorithm to use and when! A lot can be forgiven for the increased autonomous intelligence of partners, which removes a lot of trouble from the player with micromanagement.

"Mixing and AOE"

Even a fragile sorceress can send a bad knight on a long flight with a magical kick.

The only problem with heroes left to their own discretion is that mages still sometimes strive to run away from the warrior and die there nicely. Of course, there is a button “everyone stand” in the game, but the button “keep behind the “tank”, a miracle in rags!” is really missing. However, if you don’t take “dagger” thieves into the team, you can pin heroes to one place without any extra reflection and bring enemies to them in batches. At the same time, this solves the problem with deadly traps, into which even robbers fall with enviable constancy.

Pre-positioning heroes in the right places is useful, but it does not always help, especially in tight places (and BioWare game locations have always been like small intestines). It is better to put the magician not behind the warrior, but next to him, so that he can remove the “aggression” in time if the monster appears right in front of the magician.

First phase of the fight. The warrior is programmed not to swear if the magicians inadvertently thwart aggression.

Yes, that happens too. It used to be that monsters and bandits were at least a little bashful and were reborn in the style of "we came up from around the corner." Now they can suddenly hatch from the void right before our eyes. Undead and demons still somehow pretend that they are digging out from under the ground, and spiders - that they are descending from somewhere above, but sometimes the bandits are even too lazy to make a movement "like, I jumped off the roof." From time to time you find that another wave of enemies suddenly jumped out from under the feet of the magicians. So keep enemies close, and mages even closer.

The division into ordinary enemies, bosses and superbosses in the game has remained and even worsened. In battles with especially harmful dragons or elementals, “combat phases” are clearly visible. Anyone who is familiar with World of Warcraft, at least in a cap, will immediately realize that if a dragon takes off without warning and sits on a cliff, you have to wait for fiery spitting and a crowd of small dragons. If in a cave an evil elemental suddenly stopped and began to conjure, it is better not to guess why stalactite columns enter the interior of the cave.

Premonition about "but should we jump behind the column"
we were not deceived.

Someone will say that borrowing from online is bad. Not at all if it means convenience for the player! And playing Dragon Age 2 is really convenient, and just because a lot of good ideas in the series are taken from popular virtual worlds. For example, the concept of "out of combat", removing the need to heal between battles. Or the lack of "friendly fire", without which it is now possible to easily flood enemies with napalm. The shooters are aided by the "run-and-shoot" hunting tactic, with which Garrett still managed to defeat the harmful Qunari from the introduction to the article. And the system of runes that are inserted into the "connectors" on clothes is very much like jewelry from World of Warcraft.

And there are many such examples. "Junk" loot (mostly moth-eaten scarves) is sold to merchants with a single button. Partners do not change their clothes throughout the game - their parameters increase with their growth in level (less hassle with the wardrobe, although in a sense this is a minus). When choosing a weapon or an element of a costume in a duffel bag (of course, a general one), the item is immediately clearly compared with what the hero is wearing. And everywhere - tips, tracking quests, reminders of what the hero is doing, and a detailed breakdown of the character's combat statistics. This is bad? It's comfortable!

How do they get along there?

The elves here are cute, but a little decadent. The print of inbreeding is already visible on the faces.

The world in Dragon Age 2 is still its own - gloomy, far from the typical "high fantasy" and somewhat similar to the universe of "The Witcher" by Sapkowski. What Ferelden, what the Free March - everywhere the same wars, banditry, poverty, refugees, oppressed elves and the complex relationship of magicians with the authorities.

The city of Kirkwall, where the Hawk family has taken, is also not a very pleasant place. With formidable towers over narrow streets, it is not for nothing that it resembles one huge prison. In ancient times, Kirkwall was the capital of slave owners - not only its architecture, but also creepy "sobbing" monuments and bas-reliefs remind of those times. Over all of Kirkwall rises the bulk of the Casemates, a vast prison that has found a useful use - there the templars keep the local Circle of magicians locked up. The knights are vigilantly watching every owner of a magical gift. They have reasons for this: according to the laws of this world, magic attracts the other world, and the saying “an inner demon sits in everyone” is very often justified when it comes to sorcery. So in order to avoid trouble, the templars do not let a single magician out of the Circle. The most unreliable are erased by the barbaric procedure of "pacification".

It is clear that the city sorcerers, seeing such a situation, try not to catch the eye of the templars. Nobody wants to be locked up. Some even go underground, where they turn a blind eye to the most dangerous blood magic. The more worries the knights have.

Qunari fighters are most easily recognized not even by their horns, but by their perpetually sour expressions.

The whole of Kirkwall is a complex tangle of interests and intrigues. Templars protect the common people from demons. Magicians resist persecution. The Church of Andraste is trying to reconcile one with the other. The viceroy is tormented by his unlucky son. city ​​guard knocks himself off his feet, catching smugglers and slave traders. The gnomes are gathering an expedition to suspicious dungeons. In the mountains near the city there is an elven camp, and in the port it is not clear why the militant horned humanoids of the Qunari decided to spend the winter - all with the face of Bruce Willis and with specific ideas about honor.

To resolve conflicts, to unravel conspiracies, to exhort the slow-witted and to expose the scoundrels will be Garrett Hawke. For a small-town adventure in Dragon Age 2, there are enough dilemmas and difficult questions. It's one thing when an army of darkness approaches the world. Another is when evil is hidden in people themselves. And often Hawke will have to make a choice when both sides are right about something and both are very wrong about something, when the law is contrary to morality, when the dimensions of two evils are very difficult to compare ... and then the satellites join in the conversation and also something they want. There are no easy ways here. And this means that everything is as it should be in a good role-playing game.

Yes, Dragon Age 2 almost fell short of the bar set by the first part. The beginning of the game is stupid, the dialogues are truncated, and instead of saving the world, the hero is almost incessantly engaged in urban problems. But someone has to do it. There is only one archdemon, but there are many who want to go into politics - and they are able to do no less trouble. Swarms in one single Kirkwall can echo across the continent. And they will respond, laying the foundation for new times and new stories, and the templars, in search of such a hero that everyone needs, will interrogate his former companion, a gnome with a dubious appearance, for a long time and to no avail.

Whether they find Hawke or not, we will find out in the next Dragon Age.

Graphic arts
Variety of tactics


The best view of this fight is with an arrow on the string of a trusty bow.

For the first playthrough of the game, I traditionally chose the rogue class and made a shooter out of it. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, there is only one shooter among the satellites. Secondly, hunters always best view on the battlefield. Thirdly, this work - do not beat the recumbent: know yourself that you have fallen on the nearest enemies, cover your own and from time to time cover the area with a rain of arrows.

The shooter can, at the very least, fight off the monster, and in especially neglected cases, go into invisibility, if, of course, he takes this ability. Being close to magicians, he can easily protect them. Moving ahead of the whole team, the shooter, being a robber, can be the first to detect and disarm traps. Don't underestimate them - towards the end of the game, falling into a trap can become fatal.

Finally, playing as a robber, you can unlock all the chests you encounter in a row without hesitation.

Detachment recruitment

We have a defender in the team - only one, but excellent! Without it, going into battle is like death! More precisely, without her, because in the role of a "tank" - a female warrior Aveline.

There will be no difficulties with the treatment of the team either. There will also be one or two promising magic healers among the associates. You can't make a doctor out of the elf Merrill alone. The magician Anders will cope best of all with the role of a healer and combat resurrector, although it may be uncomfortable for some people to constantly keep him behind (a demon found refuge in Anders).

What "killer" characters are preferable? I'm leaning towards ranged specializations - namely archer Varric or sorceress Merrill. It's not that the rogue Isabella and the warriors Carver and Fenris are bad... It's just that when the main group stays in one place and doesn't run anywhere, there is more order in the battle. By sticking together, ranged characters support each other. If the enemy inadvertently walks past the "tank" and tries to gnaw on three densely standing heroes, he will get three times more splashes. In addition, keeping the whole team in one place is useful for the implementation of the tactics of "bringing together and hitting the area." Now that there is no "friendly fire" in the game, you can easily make flamethrowers and napalm bombs from mages and shooters without any problems.

For your information: You can turn on "friendly fire" if you wish - for this you need to set the maximum level of difficulty.

Characteristics and parameters

The architecture of Kirkwall is unequivocally
but does not add to the landscape opti-
mysma. Maybe that's why the locals throw themselves at people?

Characteristics of the character in the game six.

Force. It is necessary for warriors, and only for them. Increases weapon damage and the chance to hit an enemy - that is, accuracy, which here is called the strange term "Attack".

Agility. Needed by robbers, and only by them. Increases Rogues' Hit Power, Accuracy ("Attack"), and Critical Hit Chance.

Magic. Necessary for magicians, and only for them. Increases damage and accuracy from spells and from regular "shooting" with a staff. High magic parameters also protect against hostile magic, reducing the duration and damage.

Cunning. Essential for rogues, although it theoretically increases defense (dodge ability) and critical strike damage for all classes. In addition, cunning determines the rogue's ability to disarm traps and open locks. At the beginning of the game, you can get by with 20 points, by the middle you need at least 30. The most difficult castles and traps will require 40 cunning points.

Strength of will. Necessary for all classes, as it increases the supply of mana or energy (the same mana, but for robbers and warriors). The more mana a character has, the longer he will be able to deal damage, heal teammates, and stop monsters. If there is no mana, you will either have to drink an expensive potion (you can drink it again only after a certain “recharge” time), or hit enemies with a default attack.

Endurance. First of all, a tank is needed. In the second place - classes that are in close contact with the enemy (warriors with two-handed weapons and robbers with daggers). Mages and shooters should not forget about endurance either, because even the best defender will not save you from the dragon's spit that has flown in or from the monster that appeared right in front of the frail magician.

Other character parameters are partly determined by characteristics (for example, defense), partly by equipment (armor), power-ups, or learned passive skills.

Damage. The amount of health removed from a “conditional enemy in a vacuum” during a normal attack with a melee weapon, a shot from a bow, crossbow or staff. It is affected by the level of the weapon and the characteristic - strength or dexterity, depending on the class. Real damage is calculated based on the enemy's armor and magic resistance.

Attack. The probability that a blow or shot will hit the target. Depending on the class, "attack" is affected by strength, agility, or magic. In addition, the chance of hitting a strong enemy or "boss" is much lower than a normal enemy.

Protection. Chance to dodge enemy attacks. Protection is not a military parameter, but a robber one, as it depends on cunning. Warriors need little protection, they have their own ways to stay alive, taking on powerful blows.

Armor. Reduces incoming physical damage (and only physical!). The higher the class of the monster, the less the impact absorption effect. Armor is a typical military parameter. And not only because there is a lot of armor on heavy armor and shields, but also because the high level of armor, as in the first part of Dragon Age, determines the high level of threat. That is, the monsters have not left their masochistic habits here either - seeing a rag magician and a warrior clad in armor in front of them, they will attack the warrior.

Damage resistance. Subtracted from any incoming attack, both physical and magical. Usually found on items or in specific "tank" skill trees. Before high level it cannot be developed, but this is not necessary, because besides it, a lot of other things are subtracted from the damage.

Magic resistance. It is subtracted from magical attacks. It turns out the same armor, but already acting against magical incoming damage. Magic resistance also reduces the duration of enemy spells on the hero.

Persistence. Helps the character resist physical and magical effects that can incapacitate him (stun or knock him down) or impose a negative effect (such as ignite).

Elemental Resilience There are five types: resistance to fire, cold, electricity, the forces of nature and the magic of the spirit. Usually it is found on things. There is a benefit from it, because it is quite difficult to develop resistance to magic in general, and things with protection from certain types of magic come across often. For example, if the future is a fight with dragons, it is better to equip the team (or at least the defender) with at least a couple of things that are resistant to fire.

The intricacies of the use of magic should be discussed separately.

Use of magic

Freeze, poor thing.

How not to pose against the background of such a trophy?

There are five types of magic in the game: fiery, icy, electric, natural And spirit magic. All of these are damage types. Curse, Slow, or Stun effects don't deal damage, so they don't technically have a type. Each magic staff has its own type of damage (I remind you that a magician can fire from staffs like magic wands in World of Warcraft - mana is not wasted).

Enemies in the game often have both vulnerability to some types of magic, as well as resistance and even immunity. Therefore, it is worth remembering that:

dragons vulnerable to cold (they wanted to spit on the magic of fire from a high ledge - and they spit, with the same fire).

Spiders vulnerable to electricity.

Darkspawn(they are rare here, but nevertheless) vulnerable to the magic of the spirit and nature.

Demonic Shadows(on the contrary, they meet at every turn) do not like electricity and the magic of nature.

demons of desire(caught less often than we would like) are also afraid of electricity and the magic of nature.

Demons of Wrath, red-hot and dangerous, should be cooled if possible.

Blood Mages tend to hate spirit magic.

stone golems vulnerable to cold and electricity.

Qunari fighters the magic of cold and the magic of nature are very impressive.

In addition, mages can cast spells that inflict physical damage. Armor already saves from spells of this type of enemies, so it is slightly less effective against templars than against mages.

Which spells make sense to distribute to each mage in the team, we will tell a little further, in the section on companions.

Interclass interaction

Inter-class interaction is a new concept in the series that makes combat many times easier if used correctly. Its meaning is that some characters, with the help of specific skills, impose negative effects on enemies that enhance the effectiveness of specific skills of other characters.

“Another mad mage, third in a week. Probably, they are specially grown here somewhere. ”

Synergy of classes: the mage freezes, the shooter breaks.

Simply put, the mage casts an improved frost spell on enemies, and they become fragile for a while, and the warrior uses a skill that acts with a vengeance just on fragile enemies. Or, on the contrary, the warrior bruises the enemy with a shield and leads to a state of stun, and the magician casts a spell that hits with a vengeance or stuns the stunned enemies. Rogue skills impose a disorientation effect, under which there are also spells and warrior skills.

So the fight can be greatly facilitated if the characters are developed taking into account their interaction. This comes in especially handy late in the game when obscenely thick-skinned enemies start to come across.

The good news is that inter-class interaction is very easily hammered into character behavior algorithms. To force, for example, an arrow on the “Enemy is fragile” condition to use the “Use explosive arrow” action, you do not need to understand the commands for a long time.


In this section, we will talk about companions, their role in the team, and how to find an approach to them.


Class: warrior

The ideas of the templars are not always successful. Sometimes even the statues object.

Dossier: Younger brother of Garret (or Marian) Hawk. Initially set to compete with a brother or sister. He loves it when Hawk asks his advice in dialogue. Being a warrior, he strongly opposes magicians and supports the undertakings of the templars. Accordingly, it is easiest to make friends with him if you defiantly take the side of the templars in his presence.

Role: ordinary warrior, one piece. Carver, unlike most companions, does not have a unique skill tree - only five standard ones. You can make a brother both a fighter with two-handed weapons and a defender, but finding a suitable role for him is difficult. In the role of "tank" he will play worse than Aveline. In the role of the Damage Dealer, Fenris will outrun him. It turns out that Carver is a kind of "compensation" for the fragility of the protagonist, the magician.

This is interesting: Carver's and Bethany's appearances change depending on the chosen appearance and skin color of the protagonist or heroine. Brothers and sisters should be like each other!


Class: magician

Dossier: Garrett's younger sister or Marian Hawke, a renegade mage. He is afraid to fall into the Circle of magicians, diligently hides his gift and avoids communication with the templars. Good and simple. Childishly happy when Garrett asks her advice in a conversation. He doesn't like cruelty very much. The easiest way to befriend her is by demonstrating good attitude to magicians and prejudice to templars.

Role: Bethany is worth her brother - she is a standard mage with five regular class skill trees, and she does not have her own. From it you can sculpt something to your liking - for example, a hybrid mage-healer. But she casts spells worse than Merrill, and heals worse than Anders.

For your information: Carver and Bethany will be companions of the hero in the introductory part of the game (escape from Ferelden), but only one of them will go further with the hero. Who exactly - it depends on the class of the protagonist. If Garrett is a magician, Carver will stay with him. If Garrett is a warrior or a rogue, Bethany will remain.


Class: warrior

Dossier: a stern warrior, a resident of Lothering. Joined the Hawk family while fleeing Ferelden. Once in Kirkwall, she decided to use her abilities in the city guard. Direct and honest. He does not know how to cheat and play up, which is why he often suffers.

As a guard, Aveline tries to uphold the law, but won't mind too much if Hawk breaks the letter of the law a little for the sake of justice (for example, to spare justice the hassle of a particularly incorrigible villain). But it is not recommended to break the law left and right in her presence. Especially Aveline does not like extortion. She likes demonstrative modesty in the style of “what are you, no thanks - this dragon would have died someday anyway.”

Role: of course, "tank"! And what else! If you take her with you in this role, then from the very first levels, start investing points in the strengthening skills of the Protector, Weapon and Shield branches. From the Warmonger branch, improved taunt and courage will come in handy. Aveline's own unique branch is called Protector, and it has a lot of goodies in it. Actually, Aveline simply does not have enough skill points to take all the available "tank" skills. Something will have to be sacrificed - it is possible that it is the "Defender" branch.

Taking resistance to magic and to stun or knockdown is highly desirable. These are great passive skills. In general, if in doubt, give preference to passive skills.


Another underground barmaglot welcomes guests to its cozy cave.

Class: robber

Dossier: a red-haired dwarf with a dubious appearance and a hefty chain around his neck. Contrary to the first impression, he is peaceful, outgoing and simple-minded. Likes to joke and laugh at a good joke. Calmly refers to both mages and templars. He will not mind if the main character wants to enrich himself at the expense of his neighbor. In general, it is very difficult to quarrel with Varric, so by the end of the game the hero will probably have a good relationship with him.

Role: By profession, Varric is a marksman with good control abilities. He will always support in battle with his personal weapon - a hefty crossbow nicknamed Bianca. And he is the only companion who does not need to pick up weapons. In addition, it is very easy to choose a skill for a dwarf - develop the Bianca shooting branch and the personal Varric branch "Sharpshooter". Everything else is purely to taste.


Class: magician

Anders is a complex character: he is demon-possessed, slightly violent, and also stares at Hawke.

Dossier: renegade mage. A clear client of the templars, as he is possessed by a demon and from time to time loses control of himself. Hates templars for personal reasons. Hiding from them, but doing it badly, because out of the kindness of his soul he decided to become an underground doctor on a voluntary basis for the poorest residents of Kirkwall.

While being good with mages in general, Anders has a strong dislike for blood mages and demons. You should not try to negotiate with those and with others with him. But it is worth sympathizing with the magicians, as Anders melts.

Some of Anders' personal preferences are very specific.

Role: the perfect doctor. His personal branch "Revenge" is excellent, it should be taken almost entirely. But to delve into the general healing branch of "Creation" hardly makes sense. Take the heal, the aura, the enhanced heal, and roll with it. You can spend the remaining points on the "hybridization" of Anders, making him also a killer magician to your own liking. Personally, I like the Elements branch - there is meaningful damage everywhere and frosty fragility to help partners. But Sorcery also has some interesting stuff: the improved Mind Blast and the ever-fashionable Crushing Dungeon.


Visiting the elven ghetto for the first time, Merrill will be shocked by the lifestyle of her fellow tribesmen.

Class: magician

Dossier: Dalish elf. She left her tribesmen to join Hawke's team. Hobby - the study of dangerous areas of magic. Very inquisitive, loses her will at the sight of ancient artifacts. He does not disdain blood magic and communication with demons, which sometimes shocks Hawke and his companions. Shy, easily embarrassed. She tries to hide her feelings towards Hawk, which, however, she does not succeed well.

Merrill is a mage, and she won't like being treated badly by other mages. It is more difficult to make friends with her than with other members of the squad. Treat her gently, in no case criticize her actions and do not condemn her unusual and risky experiments.

Role: killer mage of the highest class. Her Dalish Outcast branch is questionable in places, but the merits of the Wrath of Elven aura are undeniable. If you don’t go further along the branch, you can make a magician out of Merrill according to your own taste - even fiery-ice, even crushing stone, even entropy.


Class: robber

Dossier: a pirate captain without a ship, a sort of female Jack Sparrow. One of the most prominent (in every sense) characters in the game. Hunts for money and does not hide it. For some unknown reason, he avoids visiting some locations in the port. Sexually liberated. She tends to discuss topics that would make even seasoned Kirkwall brothel employees blush. It definitely makes sense to take her for a walk with the other girls on the team just to listen to their conversations.

Isabella knows how to say "no" to any annoying admirer.

Isabella is intimately familiar with Zevran, the entertaining elf from the first game. Having picked up a quest to search for a dangerous hired killer next to the brothel, be sure to take Isabella with you.

Honor, valor, chivalry - these concepts are little known to Isabella. Most of all she loves money. Brazen extortion for any reason is a good way to earn the respect of a pirate captain. Isabella's cherished dream is to get a new ship and go sailing with a crowd of muscular sailors.

Role: a robber with a pair of daggers and an excellent Brawler branch, in which there are simply no weak skills. But the problem of using Isabella's skills still remains. Rogues do good single-target damage in melee combat, but bosses are much rarer in the game than crowds of bandits or demons. In normal battles, Isabella is no longer so useful. In addition, the melee branches of rogues are not very well algorithmized, since they use combinations, discharges of combinations and fast movements. Only the auxiliary branch of control and weakening “Sabotage” fits well with the algorithm, but ... is it worth it?


Class: warrior

Dossier: former slave of a cruel mage. Subjected to an inhuman treatment of the skin with lyrium. Unable to bear the cruelty and humiliation, he fled from the owner and, pursued by his henchmen, tries to hide in Kirkwall.

Fenris suffers from amnesia and does not remember anything from his former life. Magic processing helped him become an outstanding warrior, but the experience of slavery made him a hater of magicians. In the conflict between sorcerers and templars, Fenris will side with the latter.

As an elf, Fenris has a rather broad outlook on certain aspects of personal relationships.

Role: two-handed fighter: Two-handed weapon branch is required, Vanguard and Warmonger are optional. Fenris' own branch, Tevinter Fugitive, has some interesting passive skills, but it's a little silly - the increased defense and increased damage when biting health don't mix well.

Technically, Carver can also be a tank, but since he isn't available for most of the game in addition to the fact that Aveline, who is acquired very early in the game, is a much stronger candidate for this role, one shouldn't worry too much about shoehorning him into this important role. The Weapon and Shield tree obviously places an emphasis in supplying the frontline warrior with talents that dampen overall damage taken, such as shield defense, which fortifies a warrior's capacity to withstand blows. Other abilities like Shield Bash and pummel are indispensable in a tank"s arsenal of attacks. Passive abilities like perception and Safe guard(required, in our humble opinion) grant the warrior immunity attacks to flanking and backside.

two-handed [edit]

  • Suited For: Fenris, Carver, Hawke

For any warrior looking to develop into an offensive powerhouse, this tree should be filled out. No questions asked.

vanguard [edit]

  • Suited For: Any warrior

Vanguard follows the mindset that overpowering one's opponent with brute force isn't what wins the battle. Control, mastery, and discipline are just as invaluable as a warrior's sword. Cleave is probably the best ability in the tree and, along with Massacre, is a welcome addition to a two-handed warrior"s resume of damage-dealing. Depending on your style of play, Might and control are also pretty handy sustained abilities that cannot be active at the same time. In choosing one, we prefer Might over the latter.

Defender [edit]

  • Suited For: Any warrior

The abilities in Defender reinforce a warrior's ability to withstand enemy attacks and thus, are best suited for tanks already deep in the Weapon and Shield tree. If there are points to spare, however, by all means spend some in Defender, but two -handed DPS warriors should turn their priority elsewhere. Resilience is a fine passive skill for any warrior. Elemental Aegis is an invaluable ability considering a large majority of attacks you"ll encounter in the game derive from some kind of element.

Warmonger [edit]

  • Suited For: Any warrior

A Warmonger is gifted in controlling enemy aggression with abilities like Taunt and Bravery. Putting points in these is mandatory. As for other warriors, it "s not a bad idea to spend points in Pommel Strike, its upgrade Pommel Blow, and Tremor, which all dig deep into the advanced tactics of exploiting cross-class combos (See its titular section in Appendix).

battlemaster [edit]

  • Suited For: Any warrior

This is a tree that trains a warrior for long endurance battles and constantly provides ways with which to replenish stamina. Bolster is a good ability to start with. Rally sounds great on paper and might be handy to have around, but in practice the only ability it works synergistically with is Elemental Aegis.

Templar [edit]

  • Used by: hawke

This is a specialization tree that requires spending a specialization point. The Templar specialization is of great service to the warrior seeking to render the abilities of magic users nearly useless. Abilities like Silence and cleanse seriously hide any mages who lean on casting abilities to maintain a baneful presence. Cleanse is incredibly useful at also removing negative ailments from allies as well. While Righteous Strike itself isn't as useful, it paves the way to the more fantastic Annulment.

Reaver [edit]

  • Used by: hawke

The Reaver is best suited for the daredevil players and is all about dealing more damage as Hawke's health falls. Hawke receives a small boost to damage in all elements. This tree and Two-Handed support each other in a very synergistic way. Abilities like Fervor offers a huge boost to DPS, but is rather deep in the tree. blood frenzy works in conjunction with sacrificial frenzy. Devour is an interesting ability that heals you as it harms enemies and, even better, Staggers the target, opening up a cross-class combo opportunity.

Berserker [edit]

  • Used by: hawke

Berserker's efficacy is directly proportional to Hawke's remaining stamina. For this reason, Battlemaster and Reaver are good trees to complement Berserker, with abilities like Bolster and Second Wind to buttress the Berserker's specialty of harnessing stamina into raw power. In our opinion, most of the abilities in this tree are just not worth dumping points into simply for the poor return on investment.

Guardian [edit]

  • Used by: Aveline

Aveline"s obviously built to be a tank, as suggested by the name of her unique talent tree. However, a few of her abilities -- most notably, Immovable and bodyguard-- are handy only in choice situations. Immovable should be activated manually in anticipation of a devastating attack; otherwise it freezes up Aveline and risks losing the enemy"s focus on her. The usefulness of Bodyguard can definitely be appreciated by the more fragile characters who"ve traded defense for pure damage, like mages and rogues. On the plus side, the other abilities available in the tree can be useful, but only after acquiring other abilities mandatory to the core tank abilities from Weapon and Shield and Defender.

Tevinter [edit]

  • Used by: Fenris

Lyrium Ghost and Deflect are mandatory acquisitions. Spirit Pulse causes a good amount of spirit damage and helps Fenris reduce his threat level (which he would inevitably build).

The theme of character development in Dragon Age: Origins, like in any other game, is deeply individual. Of course have general rules, relying on which you can save time and get a decent result. At one time, he dwelled in some detail on the issue of character development. Richard Psmith, now untimely gone, in an article on Dragon Age: Origins in the magazine "Best computer games"(№11, 2009). After reading the article, the questions will disappear by themselves. I would like to briefly list those characteristics, skills, abilities and spells that need to be developed in a character depending on the chosen class.

For the main character, it is imperative to study skill "Influence"(you need cunning), it will be useful in many cases: the character will be able to easily use authority, convince and extract information from the characters. It is advisable to start developing it from the very beginning, and pump it over as quickly as possible, while trying not to forget about other skills. The third level of influence can be obtained already in Lothering. For warriors priority skills will be "Combat Training" and "Combat Tactics", for robbers- Combat Training, Poison Making, Trap Making and Thief, for magicians- "Herbalist" and "Survival". Developed combat training among magicians reduces the likelihood of a spell breaking when attacking an enemy.

Stat points distribution in Dragon Age: Origins:

  • Warriors must emphasize strength and constitution (approximately 2:1), agility develops only to the minimum values ​​​​of opening skills. For " tank warrior»Maximum development of the skills associated with the shield: the line "Shield Strike", "Shield Defense", "Shield Block". As a specialization, we take a berserker or a ripper. For " warrior-hitoboy"- skills with a two-handed sword: the lines "Strike with a hilt", "Mighty blow", from specializations - a knight or a berserker. Among the useful skills, it is worth noting "Provocation" (switching the attention of opponents to a provocateur), and "Exit the battle" (reducing the hostility of opponents). With their help, you can fight for a long time, passing the baton between the warriors.
  • Rogues should focus on dexterity and cunning, depending on the style, strength is also added. A rogue's main weapon can be a dual weapon or a bow. Bows are easier to develop and work better with traps than poisons. For " robber-hit-boy"We develop skills related to dual weapons, here you can also add skills from the Dirty Fight and Low Blow line, the killer and the duelist are suitable from the specializations. " Rogue Overlord» should focus on the bow, but most of the battles he will be busy singing. Of the skills, we develop the “Melee Shooting” or “Rapid Shooting” lines. As specializations, we choose a bard and a ranger. Rogues must be able to pick locks and be invisible by learning the relevant skills. In addition, after leveling the “Combat Training” skill, you can completely switch to the development of cunning by purchasing the “Lethality” skill from the “Low Blow” line. In this case, cunning will be used to calculate attack damage instead of strength.
  • Magi must actively develop magic and willpower (2:1 or 3:1). There are many spells to choose from that make the character unique and inimitable. You can make a healer out of a magician, or you can focus on combat development. In any case, it is advisable to develop a magician under, which do not require special costs, but multiply the damage done or have special effects. mage healer is a lifesaver, helps save a lot of first-aid kits, poultices and constantly saves in difficult situations, healing and resurrecting the fallen on the battlefield, without it - like without hands. Also worth noting are the useful spells Rune of Paralysis, Rune of Neutralization from the School of Creation, Mass Paralysis from the School of Entropy, Crushing Dungeon from the School of Spirit, and the entire Elemental School.