Carnival games for grandmothers. What competitions to hold on Maslenitsa? Game "Golden Gate"

Maslenitsa is a special holiday cycle that allows you to fully enjoy a variety of folk entertainment. The number of games, contests and other pastime options can pleasantly surprise you. What options are the most worthy?


Participants should stand in one row and join hands, creating a chain. On the right side, you need to determine the leader, who will run with a change of direction. Other participants must follow the leader. At the same time, only the leader can know the direction of movement. In this regard, the main task is the desire to maintain balance and maintain the chain, but this turns out to be extremely difficult. The following nuance should be noted: it is more difficult for players who are far from the leader to maintain balance, since there is always a risk of unhooking or falling. Despite this, participants who fall are out of the game. The main task is to hold out until the very end.

"Geese and geese".

The game comes into contact with folk customs that have existed for a long time. It is known in almost every country in the world, but it differs in names. The game pleases with simple rules: players must stand in a circle, facing the center. From the side of the back, the leader should approach each participant, touching the back. Then the participants receive their names, namely "goose" or "goose". If a player has been called a goose, he must remain where he is. If the participant was called a goose, he must move away from his place and run around all those gathered, and then take his place. The difficulty lies in the following: the leader runs around the circle in the opposite direction. Free place occupied by the leader or player. He who lost his place must lead game process according to the scheme above.

Competition "Here, damn it."

This competition is closely related to the attributes of Maslenitsa. Each kid must come up with a poem with certain words, namely: pancake, carnival, winter, spring, sun. If the child has some difficulties with this task, you can ask the parents for help. For this reason, parents can also take the opportunity to enjoy the game. The winner must submit the most interesting and unusual verse. At the same time, one should take into account how active the help of adults was.

Surprise game.

Guests should stand or sit in a circle. Then the participants take a large box and start passing it around while listening to the music. The host can stop the music at any time. The guest who had the box must open it and put his thing inside. After the participants have undressed sufficiently, the box should again start in a circle. Now the rules are changing: each stop of the music requires the participant to put on a thing, but you can’t look into the box. The item will need to be worn for the specified time.

Elephant game.

The elephant is a Russian game that has been around for a long time. Participants can be teenagers or even older. It is important to note that the gameplay is aimed at testing strength and endurance, so boys are of the greatest interest. Girls can also participate if they wish. In any case, the teams must be equivalent. It is important to note that the game not only shows the physical strength of the participants, but also allows you to prepare, improve and even learn how to jump over a goat.

At the very beginning, the players are divided into two teams that have the same number of participants and are equal in strength. One team becomes an elephant. The other team should jump on him.

The participant who is the strongest and strongest must stand in front, facing the wall. He leans his hands against the wall, bends and lowers his head. The next player grabs the participant by the belt, hiding his head. All others follow this pattern. They should visually represent an elephant, trying to hold on to each other.

Representatives of the other team will need to take turns running up and jumping onto the back of the depicted elephant. At the same time, you need to try to sit on horseback as far forward as possible, because there should be enough space for the next players. The whole team must remain on the back of the elephant. In this case, you need to stay on your back for 10 seconds.

Now there is an opportunity to switch roles.

Game "Venitsa".

Participants should stand in a round dance, hold hands and begin to slowly move in a circle. Some people can walk inside the circle. Each walker receives his handkerchief, after which he chooses a "victim" of the opposite sex from a round dance. The handkerchief must be spread out in front of the "victim". After that, the participant leaves the round dance, kneels on a scarf. And then there is the kiss. The "victim" receives a handkerchief, and the "walker" must stand in a round dance. For interesting game it takes about 10 - 15 minutes and a few handkerchiefs.

The game "Earth, air, water, fire."

Participants should stand in a circle, in the middle of which will be the leader. The driver must throw the ball to the participants and say the name of one of the four elements. "Earth" means the need to pronounce the name of the animal, "water" - fish, "air" - birds. At the word "fire" all participants must wave their hands. After that, the driver again receives the ball. If the participant did not have time to name the word or made a mistake, you need to “pay” the phantom, after which it becomes possible to continue the game.

Game "Sour cream".

The optimal number of participants is 2-4 people. Players will need 2 plastic cans of sour cream, 2 scarves or ropes, crowd. The competition can be held with the presentation of various prizes. The main goal is to quickly eat sour cream, but at the same time the hands will be kept tied behind. The spectacle promises to be unusual and truly breathtaking!

Competition "Delicious pancakes".

Such a competition is ideally held during the celebration of Maslenitsa. Competitors must make their own pancakes with unusual fillings and present them in a special way on a plate. Other people must guess the prepared stuffing and evaluate the design of the structure. The winner must surprise with their culinary skills and bright, extraordinary design of pancakes.

Competition "3 legs".

Participants should be divided into pairs. Then each pair allows the legs to be tied in the following pattern: the right leg of one person is tied to the left leg of the other person. The couple in this position must run to the turning flag, and then return to the start line.

Bag fight.

For this competition, you need to fence a small area. Then one arm should remain tightly pressed to the lower back. You can only take action with one hand. To win, you need to be able to move and feel what the enemy is doing. The results largely depend on how the opponent's momentum is used.

Snow maze.

On the site, you first need to draw a square or round labyrinth, providing 2 exits, which are recommended to be placed on opposite parts. Snow must be used to lay out the inner parts of the labyrinth, then the walls. In this case, the height of the walls should not exceed a meter. Only in this case, you can easily understand who got lost in the maze. The optimal width of the passages is from 80 to 100 centimeters. If there is a lot of snow, you can create a labyrinth in a different way: you need to remove the snow with a shovel, and then lay it on different sides of the passages. Another option is to trample moves on the territory, trying to confuse the participants. In any case, pastime promises to be interesting and exciting.

Snow range.

You can set targets for throwing snowballs. In the form of targets, it is recommended to use shields measuring 1 * 1 meters with inscribed circles, the diameter of which can be 30, 60 or 90 centimeters. Shields must be installed on dug poles. Targets can be hit with snowballs. Such a shooting gallery also allows you to feel the charms of winter.

Ice pillar.

You can put a tall pole, which you need to douse with cold water. After the pillar becomes ice, you need to hang a few gifts. Players must overcome numerous obstacles in order to get to the very top and get an expensive present.

On Maslenitsa week, I really want to play games and entertainment with children to expand ideas about the traditions of the Russian people. Children love to play with gaming activity they learn the rules, speech develops, and, most importantly, communicate with their peers, negotiate. I think this material will be useful to other educators this week.



Card file of games and fun for Shrovetide week

The main spring holiday in Russia - Maslenitsa - "closes" the winter rituals and festivities. In 2018 Maslenitsa will last from 12 to 18 February.

The traditions of celebrating Maslenitsa came to us from ancient times. And even at a time when many peoples and religious holidays were forgotten, people happily gathered for the solemn “Seeing Off the Russian Winter” and indulged in Maslenitsa pleasures, games and fun.

Pancake week.

Hello my good ones!

Hello my pretty ones!

I'm a carnival!

I came to you for the holiday.

I see how you were waiting for me

I know you missed the heat.

Well, let's have some fun

Songs to sing, play, frolic!

1. Round dance "Sun"

You need to stand in a circle and hold hands, the leader in the center depicts the sun. Children dance and sing:

Burn, sun, brighter -

Summer will be hotter

And the winter is warmer (the circle shrinks,

And spring is sweeter (the circle expands)

Then the host suddenly shouts "I'm burning!".

This is a signal for the children to scatter in different directions, and the leader catches them.

Both girls and boys

We call on the rope.

Ten left, ten right

Only muscles are creaking.

2. Tug of war game (winter team - spring team)

3. "Tossing a bag at a target", or "Hit a target with a snowball."

4. Riddles

lay, lay,

Yes, I ran into the river (snow)

Scattered Lukerya

silver feathers

Twisted, swept

The street became white (blizzard) and many others ...

5. "Snake" walks in front of the players with the words:

I am a snake, snake, snake

I'm crawling, crawling, crawling.

Suitable for one of the players:

Do you want to be my tail?

- Want!

- follow me!

They go together:

I am a snake, snake, snake

I'm crawling, crawling, crawling.

Approach another player:

Do you want to be my tail?

- Want!


The player must crawl between the legs of the "snake" and become its "tail". And so on, until everyone is gathered.

6. Tape carousel. (to the music)

7. The game "Brook"

8. The game "Motors".

A prize is tied exactly in the middle of a long stretched ribbon. The ends of the ribbon are held by two participants. They must wind the ribbon as quickly as possible. The one who reaches it first will win the prize.


Game progress. In the center of the circle is the "sun" (a cap with the image of the sun is put on the child's head). The children say in unison:

Burn, sun, brighter -

Summer will be hotter

And the winter is warmer

And spring is sweeter.

Children go in a round dance. On the 3rd line they come closer to the "sun", narrowing the circle, bow, on the 4th - they move away, expanding the circle. To the word "I'm burning!" - The "sun" catches up with the children.

10. Give a handkerchief of sympathy

A gate with an inclined crossbar is installed on the site, on which colored handkerchiefs are hung on thin threads, at different heights. Competitors need to run up, jump up and rip off one of the handkerchiefs, and then name the girl and give her their torn one.

11. "Petushki". A circle is drawn on the site. There are two players in a circle. Each of the players stands on one leg, bends the other at the knee, supports it by the heel with one hand. The task of the players is to push the opponent out of the circle without using their hands and standing on one leg. (Push each other with shoulders.)

12. "We bake pancakes"

In the hands of a child, a children's frying pan, pancakes on it,

(pancakes can be cut out of thin foam rubber, they run to the table. They put the pancake on a dish, each participant has his own, return. They pass the pan to the next team member, whose team will “bake” more pancakes.

13. Game "Pancakes"

(All participants stand in a circle facing the center. The leader gives a command, the participants carry it out:

1. "Damn lumpy" - everyone bounces.

2. "Pancake with butter" - everyone squats.

3. "Pancake with meat" - everyone gets up, hands on their belts.

4. "Pancake with sour cream" - the boys shout.

5. "Pancake with condensed milk" - the girls shout)

14. Game "Frying Pans"(at the end of the music, quickly take a hoop)

15. "Russian broom".

Comic superiority in throwing a broom at a distance. It is more convenient to take a broom without a shaft.

16. " Who is faster on a broom."

Skittles are placed in a chain on the site. You need to run astride a broom with a snake and not knock down the skittles. The one who knocks them down the least wins.

17. "Malechen-Kalechina". The players choose the driver. Each player picks up a small stick (20-30 cm long). Everyone pronounces these words: Malechena - kalechina, How many hours are left until the evening, Until the winter? After the words "Before the winter?" put the stick on the palm or any finger of the hand. As soon as the sticks are placed, the leader counts: "One, two, three, ... ten." The one who holds the item the longest wins. The host can give different tasks: while holding a stick, the players must walk, squat, turn right, left, around themselves.

18. "Give a handkerchief of sympathy." A gate with an inclined crossbar is installed on the site, on which colored handkerchiefs are hung on thin threads, at different heights. Competitors need to run up, jump up and rip off one of the handkerchiefs, and then name the girl and give her their torn one.

19. Mobile game "Jump over the fire"

Children take turns jumping over the "bonfire"(can be made from paper)trying not to touch the "tongues of flame".

And we expected Maslenitsa,

We met dear guest,

They covered the mountain with pancakes,

Topped with oil.

As from pancakes the mountain is steep,

As from butter the mountain is clear,

And snow falls on the mountain,

And our mothers call us home.

We can't go home

We decided to ride down the mountain.

Oh you, Maslenitsa-wryneck,

Show us well.

Any holiday in kindergarten- a whole event for children, a kind of miracle that they are looking forward to. And such magic in the life of preschoolers should be as much as possible. A wonderful occasion to have fun and imbue with folk traditions is the bright and bright Maslenitsa holiday, or seeing off winter. What games and fun to offer the guys on this day? How to involve parents in entertainment?

Maslenitsa outdoor games

The ancient Slavs believed that if it was boring to spend the whole Shrovetide week, then next year there would be no luck. And having a good time holidays, you can do a good job. That is why in Russia there were so many games and fun dedicated to Maslenitsa. It is imperative to tell preschoolers about this and invite them to arrange a holiday on the eve of spring. You can do it on the street. At the same time, outdoor games will be the predominant entertainment so that the guys do not freeze.

For such a holiday fresh air Parents may also be invited. It’s good to ask them in advance to prepare some holiday attributes for the children: for example, scarves in the Russian folk style for girls, masks or unusual hats for boys. It will be great if the teacher dresses up in an appropriate costume that matches the color of the holiday, for example, transforms into Spring (a green sundress over outerwear, a wreath with flowers and ribbons).

If the teacher wears a costume that matches the color of the holiday, the children will be delighted


Traditionally, the carousel game was arranged at the Maslenitsa festivities. To do this, a high pole was installed on the square, to which multi-colored long ribbons were attached. The kids grabbed onto them and ran around.

Such fun can be arranged in the kindergarten area. A low pole can be held by an adult and rotated. You can also use a hoop (ribbons are tied to it), the teacher again stands in the center and rotates it.

When the children start running, the adult turns the pole in the right direction

The rules of the game can be very different depending on the age of the children. For kids, it will be enough to move at a different pace according to the words of a famous song (adult says):

  • Barely, barely, barely
    The carousels spin
    And then, then, then
    All run, run, run.
    Hush, hush, don't rush
    Stop the carousel
    One-two, one-two
    Here the game is over.

For older kids, the rules can be more complicated. Preschoolers run in a circle to the Russian plus melody (you can take the speakers outside) or to the beat of a tambourine. When the music stops, each child must grab the end of the ribbon (until then they do not touch them). At the same time, there are one fewer ribbons than children: the baby left without a ribbon is eliminated. Then the game continues until there are two participants and one ribbon left (each time one is untied from the pole or hoop).

Video: game "Carousel" in kindergarten "

Such a game with kids can be played both in the hall and on the street. In the latter case, a tambourine can be an accompaniment, and children and adults sing the song in chorus.


Be sure to offer the children traditional Shrovetide burners. At the beginning of the game, the children form a "brook" - they stand in pairs in a column, take hold of the handles and raise them.

Shrovetide burners will amuse children like their peers many centuries ago

The couple standing at the very end runs forward in the "corridor" under the linked handles. When all the couples run in this way, the children sing the song “Burn, burn clearly!” in chorus:

  • Burn, burn clear
    To not go out!
    Look at the sky
    The birds are flying
    The bells are ringing:
    Ding dong, ding dong
    Get out quick!

After that, the couple standing in front scatters to the sides, and the driver (let it be an adult for the first time) tries to catch one of these guys. If the children managed to run to the end of the column and hold hands again, then the next couple will scatter. If one of the participants is caught, then he already becomes the driver (the former takes his place).

The game "Burners" is more suitable for older preschoolers, as it requires a certain dexterity and speed.


On Maslenitsa, you can also play games familiar to children, but they must be given a festive flavor. For example, in the game "Trap" the driver is dressed up as a goat.

Familiar games can be given a Maslenitsa flavor, for example, by dressing the driver as a goat

A goat (or a goat) is a traditional Slavic character of disguise. The costume of this animal (a wooden head with horns, a beard made of straw, a casing turned inside out with wool) was put on for Christmas and Shrovetide detours. This animal was considered a symbol of fertility, a rich harvest. On Maslenitsa, they even sometimes brought a live goat.

Participants turn to the "goat":

  • gray goat,
    tail white,
    We'll get you drunk
    We will feed you
    You do not butt us
    And play Lovishka.

After the last words, the players scatter around the site, and the "goat" tries to catch up with someone.

Shrovetide fights

What a Maslenitsa holiday without fistfights! Only in kindergarten this game needs to be made safer: the participants do not fight with their fists, but use Balloons in the form of sticks (you can even build swords). Participants stand on a bench and strike each other, trying to knock down the enemy.

Traditional fisticuffs should be made safer

Competition "Snowdrops"

Since Shrovetide is also a meeting of spring, you can use the symbol of this season in the game, for example, a snowdrop. It will take quite a lot of artificial flowers (they can be made in advance with the guys in the lesson), or again they can be built from long balloons. Preschoolers are divided into two or three teams. Music sounds, during which an adult scatters snowdrops in the snow. As soon as the melody stops, the teams begin to collect flowers. The winner is the owner of the largest bouquet.

Preparing for the holiday is also a holiday, so older preschoolers will be happy to make snowdrops with their own hands


Children form a long "chain" - they hold each other by the shoulders or waist. The first is the driver, he starts to run around the site in different directions. The task of the players is not to break the "chain" and not fall (the hardest thing is for the children standing at the end). When someone falls, he is out of the game.

Video: fragments of the Maslenitsa holiday in kindergarten on the street

Indoor games and fun

Much more often, the Maslenitsa holiday in kindergarten is arranged in music hall. It also hosts various games and fun, but, of course, they are already calmer than on the street.

There are better acoustics in the room, so they pass more successfully music games- children themselves sing songs (to the accompaniment of a musical director).

round dance games

It is good to conduct various round dance games to the music. After all, the round dance is associated with the sun and pancakes - the main symbols of Maslenitsa. It is necessary to draw the attention of children to this similarity.

The circle dance symbolizes the sun and looks like a pancake - children should definitely learn about it

In the round dance game itself, you must also use the attributes of the holiday, for example, carved pancakes, the sun, a Shrovetide doll, etc.

In a round dance game, you need to use holiday symbols

"Damn golden"

Children form a circle. Together with the teacher and the music director, they sing a song:

  • Oh damn gold! You go around in circles
    You will find a friend for yourself, you will start a round dance!
    Masha, come out into the circle, start dancing,
    And we will clap, and we will stomp!
    Oh, damn golden, dance with me,
    You are blush, you are good, you look like the sun!
    Oh damn gold! You will go around in circles.

Simultaneously with singing, a cardboard pancake is passed around the circle. The child, on which the song ended, goes to the center and performs dance movements to the music. Then he bows, returns to the dance again, and the game is repeated.


A driver is assigned - "Kostroma", he becomes in the center. The rest of the guys move in a round dance, holding hands and talking with "Kostroma" to the musical accompaniment:

  • “Kostroma, Kostroma, my sovereign!
    Kostromushka has jelly with a pie,
    Kostromushka has a cottage cheese pie!”
    Are you healthy Kostroma?
    Kostroma: "Healthy!"
    Children: "Where were you, Kostoroma?"
    Kostroma: "On the river!"
    Children: “What did you see, Kostroma?”
    Kostroma: "Suru duck!"
    Children: What are you doing now?
    Kostroma: "Now I'm catching you!"

After that, the children scatter (the round dance "crumbles"), and "Kostroma" seeks to overpower someone. The caught child himself becomes the driver.

"Round dance with a scarf"

Preschoolers should also be offered the traditional Shrovetide round dance game using a handkerchief. Shrovetide (an adult in the appropriate outfit) becomes in the center of the circle and pronounces the words:

  • And I'm Maslenitsa, I'm not a stepdaughter,
    As I go with a handkerchief, so now I will come to you!
    A handkerchief lies on the shoulder, who will run faster,
    He will take a handkerchief from me and call spring to us!

Children pronounce the call (simultaneously go in a circle):

  • Come spring, come spring! All of us will not sleep!
    Come with joy! Feed us all!

The round dance stops, Maslenitsa stands in front of two kids and points to them with a handkerchief. The guys stand with their backs to each other and, according to the signal, run in a circle in opposite directions. Of these, the one who runs faster and has time to take a handkerchief from Shrovetide will win.

Of course, for the game you need to use a scarf with a Russian national ornament

"We bake pancakes"

You can offer the children a fascinating round dance dramatization. The host offers to bake delicious pancakes:

  1. In order for the stove to become hot, a fire should be made in it - the children depict it with loud applause.
  2. Now I need a frying pan. It is round, so you need to join hands (preschoolers form a round dance). The pan should be heated hotter - the children dance to the sounds of a quadrille (the leader demonstrates the movements).
  3. Pancakes are good with jam. The presenter is interested in what kind of jam the kids love and offers raspberry - the guys again take their hands and run in a circle to the song "Let's go to the forest for raspberries."
  4. Pancakes can also be eaten with caviar. It is necessary to impose it, but more - all participants in the round dance are twisted into one huge lump (in a spiral, an adult goes ahead).
  5. The host reports that the pancakes turned out nice, beautiful, and ruddy. To the music, preschoolers go in a circle, first in one direction, then in the other - depict pancakes.

To heat the pan hotter, the kids dance a mischievous quadrille

After such a dance, it would be ideal for the children to have a tea party with pancakes at the tables.

Shrovetide fun

Fun is not as dynamic as games. These can be improvisation tasks, creative competitions, competitions in reading poetry, guessing riddles. Parents of preschoolers can be actively involved in all this if they are present at the holiday.


For younger preschoolers, the fun "Buffoons" is suitable. Kids put on buffoon hats with bells and perform various tasks: they dance, show how a bear, goose, cockerel, bunny, fox walks, goat butts, the sun rolls across the sky, etc.

Kids put on buffoon hats and perform various tasks - they dance, show how a bear, a goose, etc.


Fun is already appropriate for older preschoolers. You will need a tong and a cast iron (but not heavy). The task of each participant is to carry it along the specified route (for example, a circle) and not drop it. It's not as easy as it seems at first glance.

It turns out that it’s not so easy to carry a cast iron without dropping the lid.


This is fun for kids of all ages. The teacher takes out the Goat, a Russian folk amulet doll, and asks the children what amusement they know about the goat. The guys, of course, begin to tell "There is a horned goat ...". At the end of the nursery rhyme, the adult “butts” the most serious and upset child with a goat.

The goat should amuse the most serious child - "gore" him


Children stand in a row and pass each other a broom decorated with satin ribbons, paper flowers, spikelets, etc. All this happens to a fast melody. When the music stops, the broom is in someone's hands. This child will have to guess a riddle, tell a rhyme or sing a ditty about Maslenitsa.

Whoever has a broom in their hands must complete the task, for example, sing a ditty about Shrovetide


This is a Russian dialogue game that children should learn in advance:

  • Host: Knock knock!
    Children: Who is there?
    Host: Mail!
    Children: Where?
    Host: Out of town!
    Children: What are they doing in the city?
    Host: clap your hands!

After the last words, the guys begin to clap their hands. Then the game starts again, only after the words "What are they doing in the city?" another task is given (they can be very different, very funny, for example, stand on one leg).

"Pancakes - cakes"

This is a fun and perky chants where there are no winners and losers. The guys are divided into two teams: one, on a signal, should shout “pancakes” in unison, the other - “flat cakes” (children always adore this). The proposed text is as follows:

  • The winter was good, we see it off
    And we joyfully meet the warmth of spring.
    We bake pancakes with pripekom (hand sign in the direction of "pancakes") pancakes!
    And delicious (hand sign in the direction of "cakes") cakes!
    And fun, and together we clap our hands (everyone clap).
    The long-awaited oil week has come,
    And no one will count how much we ate.
    We ate (hand sign) pancakes!
    And (hand sign) cakes!
    And now let's spin around ourselves a little (everyone spins).
    Around songs, dances, laughter, noisy festivities,
    Every house appreciated the effort-effort,
    There are (hand sign) pancakes on the table!
    And next to it (hand sign) cakes!
    To get more into us - we jump on the leg (everyone jumps).
    Another circle around you (everyone is spinning)
    And clap your hands (everyone clap)

Fun related to drawing

Maslenitsa symbols can be played with in creative tasks related to drawing. For example, you can use the following options:

  1. "Sun". The sun without rays is drawn on each of the two sheets of drawing paper. Preschoolers are divided into teams, each becomes about 5 meters from their drawing, one yellow marker is issued. On a signal, the guys run to their sheets one by one and draw the rays (each participant depicts one ray). The team that finishes first will win.
  2. "Bake your own pancake." Just creative task without competition. Each preschooler is given a frying pan cut out of black cardboard, to which a yellow circle is glued - the silhouette of a pancake. The child must draw (with pencils or felt-tip pens) his own exclusive pancake. At the end of creativity, all pancakes are hung out for everyone to see.

The sun on the drawing paper needs to be made unusual, funny

"Pancake quiz" for parents

So that parents (if they are present at the holiday) do not get bored, you should involve them in dancing, and also offer a special “pancake quiz”. Each question has 4 possible answers:

  1. What holiday in Russia was called a pancake eater? (Easter, Pancake week, Christmas, New Year) (Its other names: obeduha, fat-eater, obiruha, deception).
  2. do they symbolize pancakes for Shrovetide? ( sun, moon, stars, planets).
  3. From what flour were traditional Russian pancakes baked in the old days? (wheat, rye, buckwheat, rice).
  4. What was the name of pancakes in Russia, in which any products are baked? (with offspring, with soldering, with a hint, with a saying).
  5. What are miniature pancakes called? (donuts, pancakes, dumplings, dumplings).
  6. What kind of pancakes do skillful housewives bake? ( openwork, quilted, embroidered, dimensionless).
  7. Insert the missing word into the Russian proverb: “Damn is not a wedge, ... it will not split” (log, glass, belly, head.), (Damn is not a wedge, the belly will not split).
  8. Who in the fairy tale K.I. Chukovsky "Confusion" extinguished the fire with pies and pancakes? (chanterelles, whale, crocodile, bear).
  9. Which fairy-tale hero put forward a pancake theory of the origin of lunar craters? (Carlson, Znayka, Ivan the Fool, Emelya).
  10. Which athletes have gloves called pancakes? ( Boxers, skiers, fencers, lugers). (These are lightweight training boxing gloves.).
  11. What is the name of a sports equipment with pancakes? (Spear, staff, barbell, hammer). (These are metal discs.)
  12. In what region of Russia will a pancake monument be erected? ( Ulyanovsk, Tambov, Voronezh, Ivanovo).

Video: Maslenitsa holiday in kindergarten (parents are present, a lot of round dance games)

Video: a holiday in the kindergarten "Wide Shrovetide" in the middle group (held in the music room, games, dances, songs and fun are shown)

The bright and cheerful Maslenitsa always warms and unites both children and adults. Kids from kindergarten should be instilled with a good tradition of having fun celebrating this holiday. A variety of games and fun can be offered to children both outdoors and indoors. The main thing is to focus on the national color and the main symbols of Maslenitsa.

Any Orthodox holiday has its own traditions and customs. The traditional celebration of Maslenitsa is one of the most fun and fun days of the year. In addition, Shrove Tuesday includes a variety of rituals and customs that are still customary to perform.

The culmination of this week is Maslenitsa. On this day, it is not customary to do household chores. It is necessary to gather in squares and parks, take part in numerous ordinary contests and games. A fun celebration of seeing off winter can be arranged on your own. To do this, you will need to prepare in advance a variety of games and competitions for Shrovetide for children and adults.

Shrovetide skating

Skating on Maslenitsa is a traditional pastime. They began to arrange even during the reign of Elizabeth. This is not just fun fun and most often the last opportunity to have a good time on the snowy slopes, but also an ancient rite. It is believed that the more times you slide down the mountain, the higher the flax will be.

The mountain for skiing is equipped with unusual turrets, on which flags are set. Unusual statues made of ice and snow are installed as a barrier on both sides. The rides are extremely fun. They can arrange competitions for the most unusual vehicle to go down the hill. On the slides can also be arranged funny contests to the longest chain of people leaving, as well as to the exit for the longest distance.


A popular game at the Shrovetide festivities, in which young girls and marriageable parks take part. All sections are taken by hand, forming a corridor. The task of the site-guy is to take a run and jump as high as possible, and then independently fly as close as possible to the girl you like. If he failed, his comrades can help him get to the chosen one. The main task is to get to the girl and kiss her. If you take too much run-up, you can fly over, so not everyone can succeed the first time.

snow maze

If the weather is snowy and frosty, you can hold Maslenitsa competitions on the street for children and adults using snow. For example, you can build a maze of snow. This will require a fairly large and snowy area, on which, according to the scheme, you can tread paths with the help of shovels and brooms.

The labyrinth can be either rectangular or round shape, and must necessarily have a separate entrance and exit. Snow from the tracks must be applied to those areas that will be the walls of the labyrinth. The height of the walls must be at least one meter. The higher the height of the walls, the more interesting it is to travel through the labyrinth. After building the labyrinth, you can come up with various contests, for example, for the fastest passage through it.

Bag fight

One of the most favorite Shrovetide fun for men and guys. For the fight, the area where the competition will take place is preliminarily fenced off. The fight takes place between two opponents. Each of them becomes legs and a bag, holding it from behind and pressing it to the lower back. Thus, only one free hand is used for combat.

tug of war

Favorite competition, which is traditionally held at various folk festivals. They organize a tug-of-war on Maslenitsa. However, on this holiday, the participants stand with their backs to each other, and it is in this position that they measure their strength.

ice pillar

Traditional Maslenitsa competition. The column is doused with water so that it is covered with a crust of ice. Gifts are hung at the top of the post. In this case, gifts can be hung at various distances from the ground. The higher the gift hangs, the more valuable it should be.

Everyone in turn tries to climb the pole, but climbing on an icy surface is quite difficult. The game continues until all gifts have been obtained. Holding this competition allows participants to receive valuable and pleasant gifts, and for everyone else to laugh heartily and cheer on the participants.

snow shooting range

A great alternative to the regular dash. Wooden boards, barrel lids or other round objects can be used as targets. The target should be about a meter in diameter, but targets of smaller circumference can also be used.

Draw concentric circles on the target. Shields can be attached to a wall, fence or hung on a pole. Everyone can test their accuracy using snowballs. This fun is absolutely safe, so even children can take part in it. The most accurate participant can be given a prize.

Throwing snowstorm

Very cheerful Russian fun, which is also popular on Maslenitsa. The essence of the competition is that you need to take a broom and throw it as far as possible. You should first draw a line beyond which you cannot go and prepare a runway. The participant who threw the broom furthest should be given a prize. Everyone can take part in the competition, including children.

real men competition

On Maslenitsa, young boys and girls looked after themselves for a couple, so that after the end of the post they would get married. Therefore, the girls tried to pick up a new and beautiful outfit for themselves, and the guys tried to show their strength and skill.

Therefore, all competitions in which young guys can show their strength are so popular. One of them is the kettlebell push-up competition with the left and right hand. The winner of the competition is the participant who managed to overcome the total number of times. Before the competition, it is recommended to divide the participants into weight categories, and prepare kettlebells of different weights for each group.

Running on three legs

An excellent competition option for those who are looking for fun Maslenitsa contests. For the competition, those who wish are divided into two teams, and the participants of each team are divided into pairs. Each couple has their legs tied so that the right leg of one participant is tied to the left leg of the other. Thus, it turns out that each pair has all three legs.

A distance is prepared in advance, which is recommended to be marked with flags or other landmarks. A pair on three legs runs to the end of the distance, turns around and comes back. Then the next pair starts to run. The competition is won by the team whose participants finish the run the fastest.

pancake eating competition

If you're looking for pancake contests for Shrovetide on the street, check out the popular pancake eating contest. To conduct it, several participants must be selected in advance. The essence of the competition is to eat as many pancakes as possible in a certain time. It can be done according to the principle of how many pancakes were eaten in a minute, or how long a certain number of pancakes will be eaten. The winner should prepare a funny prize.

Handkerchief for a girlfriend

Another competition that will help girls and young people show their sympathy. It is necessary to install a gate with an inclined crossbar. On them you need to hang multi-colored handkerchiefs at different heights.

The participants of the competition are unmarried guys. They take turns jumping up to the crossbar to rip off the handkerchief. After that, the guy says the name of the girl he likes, she comes up to him to pick up the handkerchief. If the girl did not have the same feelings for the young man, then she did not go out to pick up the handkerchief.

wall to wall

Traditional Shrovetide fun. It consists in the competition of two teams of young people. This is not a fight, but rather bullying and flirting. For an hour, fighters different teams shout out war cries, taunt opponents and emphasize their advantages. After that, the fighters stand opposite each other, and the duel begins. In the old days, after such fights, the guys left in torn shirts, not to mention the presence of bruises and abrasions. The meaning of the fight was not to inflict serious injuries on each other, but to show their superiority over opponents and throw out energy. Traditionally, unmarried girls watched the fun in order to choose the most courageous and strong man for themselves.

Maslenitsa is one of the most beloved holidays of the Russian people. Many people love him for his carefree disposition, for fun entertainment after a cold winter. For parents with young children, this is a fertile time. joint games, exciting fun, communication with your baby. In addition, participation in festive festivities can be used as a means of developing and educating your child. There is a good opportunity to replenish the knowledge of children about folk traditions, to see with their own eyes all the traditional actions, to teach preschool children the rules of communication and behavior in a mass event. In Shrovetide games for children, you can expand your knowledge of folk art: ditties, tongue twisters, nursery rhymes, incantations. If you can’t go to the city festivities with your child and take part in common entertainment, it’s easy to organize such a holiday in the immediate environment: in the family, at the dacha with relatives. However, not all parents know how to properly use the holidays for educational purposes and how to prepare young children for them. Experts, meanwhile, remind you of the need to adhere to special rules.

Rules for preparing preschoolers for the holiday

Important: so that holiday entertainment does not become stressful for preschoolers, psychologists advise preparing for such events in advance.

The experience of kindergarten teachers made it possible to draw up a number of rules that will help parents:

  1. It must be remembered that holidays are not only pleasure and fun, but also vanity, close communication with strangers. All this can be a source of stress for children. Planning your holiday ahead of time will help prevent problems from occurring.
  2. It is best to think in advance how to prepare the child so that a long and noisy walk does not negatively affect his daily routine. Teachers remind that the baby should sleep well, have a hearty breakfast. Before leaving the house, it is undesirable to excite him with an irritated tone, excessive notations. In the evening, you need to prepare warm and comfortable clothes for winter entertainment that do not restrict movement, sleds for skiing down hills and other necessary items.
  3. On the eve of the holiday, it is advisable to discuss all actions with the child, which will create additional interest in the event. With an older preschooler, you can create a joint entertainment program. To a small one - to tell about the rules of behavior on a walk, so as not to get into difficult situation. Preliminary preparation and briefing are important, as they allow you to maintain a good mood throughout the event.
  4. Parents need to understand that their expectations of certain behavior from their child must correspond to his character, psychological characteristics, and age. If the preschooler is calm, do not expect him to have fun on a par with active children. And vice versa, it is impossible to demand from an energetic child that he does not participate in lively events.

What should children be told about Maslenitsa?

In order for the children to be interested and understand the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe holiday in which the family is going to participate, you need to tell in an accessible form about its content. You can read books to preschool children, look at pictures on the Internet. And yet, an emotional accessible story by an adult will help the child better feel the upcoming event. In this case, what can parents tell their children about Maslenitsa?

Maslenitsa is a holiday that symbolizes farewell to the bored winter and a meeting with the long-awaited spring. The tradition of Shrovetide days has always been wild fun and generosity, as our ancestors considered this a guarantee of rich harvests, abundance in the coming year. The holiday lasted for seven days, each day was called and celebrated in a special way. The main treat all week is pancakes, symbolizing the spring sun. A fun decoration of the event was the construction of a straw doll or stuffed animal, named in honor of the Maslenitsa holiday. The scarecrow was placed on the main square, where the festivities took place (you can give a small straw doll to a preschooler). Calling on the sun, they tried to please Shrovetide, shouting out the invocations:

Shrovetide, Shrovetide,
Come visit us
To a wide yard.
ride on the mountains,
Roll in pancakes
Rejoice hearts!

Traditional for the holiday was competitions, round dances. People sang, joked, made fun of Maslenitsa. On the last Maslenitsa day, a straw doll was burned, rejoicing in the upcoming spring days. Unpretentious, but exciting entertainment: sleigh rides, taking snow fortresses - attracted both children and adults.

Entertainment during Maslenitsa holidays

Traditional entertainment will support the interest and desire of children to participate in fun activities.

Important: organizing games for the Shrove Tuesday for children, the main thing is to choose the right game actions according to the age and capabilities of the baby.

Dads and moms will bring great pleasure to the kids, who will also take an active part in fun and competitions. This achieves a great educational effect, the unity of parents and children, which can be difficult to obtain. Therefore, adults should take the opportunity to communicate, play, compete with their children, encourage them for their successes. In folk pedagogy there is exciting games, competitions that can be organized at home, if for some reason the parents do not go with the child to mass entertainment. Preschool children attending kindergarten know and love traditional fun, parents teach home children during family leisure. On holidays like Maslenitsa, it is simply necessary to use the creative potential of the people (chastushkas, nursery rhymes, songs) to expand knowledge about traditions, develop the nursery.

Shrovetide, Shrovetide, we won't praise you,
Come visit us in the wide yard
Play with the kids, ride the slides!

"Pancakes in a frying pan"

Fun for kids of all ages. Adults take an active part in it, the preparation is minimal: draw a round playing field (frying pan). Participants hold hands tightly and try to push each other into a circle so that the pancake player "bakes" in the pan. The winner is the participant who has never been in a circle. At the end of the game, everyone is treated to pancakes.

"Cheerful buffoons"

In this theatrical action, parents prepare hats, learn a song, for example, to a poem by L. Orlova:

I am a cheerful Buffoon!
Look, I'm not bad.
For a penny (preferably five)
I will jump and dance.
I won't let you get bored!
Who is ready to be naughty?

Caps of buffoons are put on the players, you can simply sew bright balls (bells) to the child's cap. To the chorus, children imitate the sprawling habits of a bear at a fair, the important gait of a cockerel, the fight of goats with their foreheads. It is good to use cheerful musical accompaniment.

"Street organ"

With the participation of children different ages. To have fun, an adult needs to dress up as an old organ grinder, pick up a monkey toy or a parrot, a music box like a barrel organ, write notes for children depicting “customers”. The entertainment will be more interesting if souvenirs are prepared for the participants to be hidden in different places. The host sings a song about a barrel organ or reads a nursery rhyme:

I never part with an old hurdy-gurdy,
She gives joy to everyone and drives away sadness!

An adult, imitating an organ grinder, shouts: “Happiness is for sale!”.

Children-"buyers" pull out little notes, the organ grinder reads out their content, for example: "Look for your happiness under the Christmas tree", "Your happiness is behind the bench."

"Ride on the carousel"

A classic outdoor game for preschoolers of any age, well known to children in kindergarten. The leader (adult or senior preschooler) raises a stick with multi-colored ribbons tied to it. Participants choose a ribbon for themselves, the presenter spins in place, depicting a carousel. Players perform rhythmic actions, singing along to the leader:

Barely, barely, barely
The carousels spin.
And then, then, then
Everyone run, run, run!
Hush, hush, don't rush
Stop the carousel.
One-two, one-two
Here the game is over.

"Inflate, Bubble"

Classic old-time entertainment, familiar and loved by all preschoolers. A round dance game is often played in kindergarten. For game action everyone needs to stand in a circle and perform certain movements in accordance with the words:

Blow up, bubble
Big-big, ( participants gradually expand the round dance, the "bubble" inflates)
stay like this
And don't crash!
He flew, he flew, he flew the players hold hands, run in a circle)
And hit a thread.
The thread has fallen everyone stops)
The bubble is gone!
Bach! Burst: sh-sh-sh ( the circle narrows, the bubble "bursts")!

"Old Malanya"

Fun for all the kids, a lot of fun playing. It is good if adults take part, which children can imitate. At first, the parent ("Malanya") is chosen as the parent, then the role can be transferred to the older preschooler. The players stand in a circle, the driver is in the center. Under the words of the nursery rhyme (it can be sung in unison), the leader depicts various fun actions, the rest of the participants reproduce them:

At Malania, at the old woman's
Lived in a small hut
Seven daughters, seven sons
All without eyebrows eyebrows covered with hands).
With such eyes "Malanya" shows funny eyes, playing copy),
With those ears, those noses, the driver builds mischievous faces),
With such a mustache, with such a head, with such a beard.
They didn't eat anything, they sat all day,
They looked at her, did like this ... ( a cheerful pose is depicted, which is copied by all players).

The participant who shows Malanya the most cheerfully wins and receives a prize.


Vintage entertainment will fit perfectly into, create a cheerful mood in adults and children. Maslenitsa is the right time for such old-fashioned amusements. First you need to tell the guys who the dudar is (plays the pipe), what a deck is (a thick cut down tree). The adult first becomes the leader, and then the role is transferred to the children. For entertainment, a large area is required, so they play on the court. Participants walk in a round dance, rhythmically pronounce or sing:

Dudar, dudar, dudarishche, old, old old man.
His under the deck, under the damp, under the rotten.
Dudar, dudar, what hurts?

Dudar plaintively pronounces, pointing to any part of the body, for example: “The finger is sick”, playing with a laugh, grab the neighbor’s finger and move on.

Or: “The hand hurts”, they hold hands, continuing the round dance with the words: “Dudar, blower, what hurts?”

Dudar cries: “The barrel is sick”, the participants grab each other by the sides with laughter, the game continues.

The fun ends with the words of the dudar: “Nothing hurts!”

Everyone scatters, the leader catches them.

"Let's ride horses"

Shrovetide events are impossible without horseback riding. During the festivities, you can ride with children on a horse-drawn sleigh. At home, skating is simulated by the game. An adult ties bells to a beautiful ribbon, offers to make a “team”, putting a ribbon on one child is a “horse”. Children grab the ribbons and shout:

Knock-knock, tra-ta-ta, open the gate!
Open the gate! We're leaving the yard! But!

With these words “the horse is running”, ringing bells, the children run after it. When the guys have played enough, the host says: “Whoa, horse, stop!”.

To diversify the game of "horses", it will be interesting to theatricalize the nursery rhyme "Like thin ice ...":

Like thin ice
A white snow fell.
A white snow fell
Vanechka-friend was driving.
Vanya rode, hurried,
He fell off his horse.
He fell and lies
Nobody runs to Vanya.
Two friends saw
Soon they ran up to Vanya.
Soon they ran up to Vanya,
They put him on a horse.
They put Vanya on a horse,
The path was shown.

Maslenitsa is a traditional time for fun with snow, preschoolers will enjoy playing Snow Fortress, Snow Shooting Range, and King of the Hill with their parents.

Important: in outdoor games with snow, adults should not leave children unattended in order to avoid injury.

The whole family can take part in such Shrovetide games as "Tug of war", "Burn, burn, clear ..." and other similar games. We wish you a merry wide Maslenitsa!