Handbook for games and activities "didactic wall". Interactive wall I-Wall Interactive wall for children on drawing

Creation of a subject-developing environment in modern preschool much attention today. Teachers strive to use innovative approaches and principles for constructing an object-playing space, because the kindergarten group for children is their second home, because here they spend most of the day.

Today the system preschool education is undergoing a period of major renewal: new forms of financing, new system wages, new GEF. Programs, forms of organization of educational activities have changed, the socio-cultural environment in which modern children grow up has changed significantly.



Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten "Alenka"

August conference

Topic: "How to make an interactive wall in a group:

tips for educators"

Prepared by: educators

MBDOU "Kindergarten "Alenka"

Akishina E.V.

Grinko N.A.

Nvumova T.N.

Stroganova N.P.

Tyulgan settlement, 08/24/2018

Theme: How to make an interactive wall in a group: tips for educators.(slide 1)

Target: generalize pedagogical experience in the field of preschool education.(slide 2)


To increase the level of professional competence of teachers, their motivation to use interactive pedagogical technologies in practice.

Transfer of experience through direct and commented display of interactive pedagogical methods and techniques in educational - educational process DOW.

To promote the development of professional and creative activity, the disclosure of the inner potential of each teacher, by creating conditions for individual and collective work.

Expected Result:improving the communicative competencies of teachers, introducing interactive forms of work into the practice of the teachers themselves.

Equipment : multimedia equipment, handout for each small group

Plan of the event:

  1. Entry into the topic. Relevance of the chosen topic.
  2. Introduction to the concept
  3. Features of working with an interactive wall
  4. Practical step-by-step demonstration
  5. Summarizing. Reflection.

I.Main part

Today, much attention is paid to the creation of a subject-developing environment in a modern preschool educational institution. Teachers strive to use innovative approaches and principles for constructing an object-playing space, because the kindergarten group for children is their second home, because here they spend most of the day.

Today, the system of preschool education is undergoing a period of serious renewal: new forms of financing, a new system of remuneration, new GEF. Programs, forms of organization of educational activities have changed, the socio-cultural environment in which modern children grow up has changed significantly.(Slide 3)

We live in an age of rapid development information technologies which make their own adjustments even in such traditional areas as children's play and toys, and therefore, accordingly, in the subject-developing environment. The issue of organizing the subject-developing environment of a preschool educational institution is by far the most relevant, since an important criterion for evaluating the activities of a preschool organization according to the Federal State Educational Standard is the created subject-spatial environment. Therefore, the main task is to combine traditional games, toys with bright visual material and modern technologies in a single developing space. This should be the starting point for work on a whole area - the creation of an interactive educational environment.

What is interactivity?(slide 4)

Interactivity (from English interaction - "interaction") - a concept that reveals the nature and degree of interaction between objects.

The interactive wall allows an adult and a child to jointly participate in the creation environment, which can be changed and easily transformed. An interactive wall is a unique tool that allows you to change the subject-developing environment of a preschool educational institution in a completely unusual way.

Welcome to visit"Magic Kindergarten"where modern technologies are used.(VIDEO).

Since our kindergarten "Alenka" does not have such modern technologies, our teachers use interactive walls made by their own hands in the game and in teaching.(slide 5)

All teachers are preparing groups for the new school year. Pay attention to the empty walls, because they can also be designed and used in working with children. For example, make one of the walls interactive.

The purpose of the interactive wall:Creating conditions for the full development of preschoolers in all educational areas of the Federal State Educational Standard in accordance with the specific features and requirements of the kindergarten educational program

The interactive wall solves important tasks:

Creates conditions for the game, cognitive, creative activity of children;

Allows you to change the subject-spatial environment, taking into account the educational situation;

Develops attention, memory, fine motor skills, speech, visual and auditory perception, imagination, creative thinking of preschoolers;

Provides emotional comfort in the group.

The interactive wall has the function of a kind of guide among a variety of materials, manuals, educational games. Implementing another principle of the Federal State Educational Standard of Education “recognizing the child as a full-fledged subject of educational relations”, the teacher, organizing work with an interactive wall, does not try to lead the child and direct him in the right direction, but on the contrary, respects his interests and individual characteristics of development. He is an observer, not interfering in activities, even for the purpose of encouragement. Offering to complete the task, he does not impose either the pace or the procedure for solving it, he does not evaluate the steps to its implementation. Consequently, the activities of children engaged in problem solving on their own are not regulated from outside by adults.

The system for organizing work with an interactive wall in each group is individual. Each teacher chooses how the work with the interactive wall will be carried out. As a rule, in junior groups, due to age characteristics, tasks are given for one day. In older groups, the system can be designed for a week or even a month.

All games and manuals are an integral part of the interactive wall. The content of games and manuals is determined by the age and individual characteristics of children.

(slide 6) For example, in our kindergarten for younger age(3-4 years old) such an interactive wall was invented, with which you can play the following didactic games: “Count butterflies”, “Give out toys to children”, “Draw the rays of the sun”, “Find an object”, “Our day”, “Find the same figure”, “What does the sun look like” and many others.

(Slide 7) For kids middle age(4-5 years) an interactive ecological wall was developed with a visual change of seasons,which can also serve as a calendar of nature. Working with the wall allows preschoolers to clarify temporal and natural-scientific ideas, develop mental operations, visual and auditory attention and perception, coherent speech, sound and syllabic word analysis skills.With the help of an interactive wall, children play the following games: “Pick up and tell”, “When it happens”, “Guess from the description”, “What season is it”, “It happens or not”, “Who has who”, “Summer or autumn" and many others.

(slide8) In the senior preschool group (5-6 years old), children go fishing with the cat Leopold using the interactive wall. Every day the cat Leopold introduces them to new game tasks(numbers, figures, etc.). With such an interactive wall, children of this age can play the following games: “Pick up by size”, “Arrange from low to highest”, “What is wider, what is narrower”, “Count the fish”, “Which shapes are bigger”, etc.

(slide 9,10) AT preparatory group preschoolers travel on a train that introduces them to new material and with which you can play the following didactic games: “Lay out according to the number”, “More or less”, “Count and write down”.

Multifunctional aids have been developed that can be used for creative activities and for the development of speech. Created for older preschoolers speech games, games with literacy elements: “Guess the fruit from the description”, “What is the first sound in the word”, “Describe the profession”, etc.

Thus, the interactive wall allows you to diversify the equipment of the group, make it attractive to children. The dynamic series, which is shown on the interactive wall, affects the consciousness and imagination of the pupils. With the help of the wall, the teacher and children can create original interactive games and presentations. It can be used in FEMP classes, literacy, speech development, visual activity, – represent each element in a new image. The interactive wall helps the teacher unobtrusively consolidate and expand the experience gained by the children, make educational activities bright and dynamic, while showing pedagogical skills.

II. Practical part

Let's move on to the practical part.. (The game "Tree" is being played, the audience is divided into 3 teams).

1. team: artistic and aesthetic direction;

2. cognitive direction;

3. social - communicative direction.

At the beginning of the school year, we will show our creativity and decorate an empty wall using the material offered to you (pictures, paper, scissors, glue, cards, tape, etc.) and beat it.

III. Reflection

If you learned something new and useful today, decorate your Interactive Wall with bright colors.

And if not, take a dark-colored flower.

projection wall is an interactive device that allows you to revive the interior and turn it into an unusual multimedia world. Once in the room, the user can interact with the image and control it by launching various visual effects (water surface, flames, falling leaves or snowflakes, and much more).

Rented is a set of devices using projection technologies and user movement detection. The main feature of the system is the ability to turn an ordinary floor or wall into a living interactive surface.

Depending on the type and scale of the event, special software applications can be developed tailored to the needs and tasks of your company:

  • presentation of products in the form of an interactive catalog
  • individual entertainment content in the form of games
  • interior decoration (flower wall)
  • reference information and navigation
  • entertainment system for children

System video wall turns an ordinary vertical surface into a large interactive video screen. Interactive projection system iWall will find its application and will not go unnoticed by the visitors of any event. On the interactive wall, visitors control special effects and interact with interactive advertising by playing with hand movements.

The principle of operation of the projection system i wall- the image is projected onto an ordinary wall, the information from the sensors and the camera enters the analyzing unit of the device, and it changes the picture, in accordance with touching the wall or moving near it. Interactive wall projections, as well as floor projections, have different sizes and are accompanied by different effects.

Projection wall system iWall can find its application in places such as:

  • shopping and exhibition centers
  • cinemas, amusement parks, theaters, museums, casinos
  • shops and showrooms
  • hotels, airports, train stations, waiting rooms
  • clubs, restaurants and bars (interactive video menu)
  • fashion shows and presentations

multimedia projection system interactive floor comes with a standard software package including games, popular visual effects, photo gallery and video browser. Our company Soundcrew develops individual content, script and software according to the instructions of the customer, using 3D graphics and animation. Any branding options on the projected surface are possible.

I-Wall projection system:

  • Video projector
  • infrared camera
  • Computer and switching equipment
  • Resolution - 1366x1024
  • Sound equipment
  • Price: 115,000 rubles
  • Rent price: 17 500 rub/day (from 5 days 25% discount, from 10 days 50% discount)

Properly organized subject-developing environment in preschool(in a group) provides each child with equal opportunities for acquiring certain personality traits, opportunities for all-round development. But not every environment can be developing. The space organized for children in an educational institution can be both a powerful stimulus for their development and an obstacle that hinders the manifestation of individual creative abilities.

What is interactivity?

interactivity(from English interaction- "interaction") - a concept that reveals the nature and degree of interaction between objects.

An interactive wall enables an adult and a child to participate together in creating an environment that can change and be easily transformed. An interactive wall is a unique tool that allows you to change the subject-developing environment of a preschool educational institution in a completely unusual way. The interactive wall is an abstract picture divided into several zones:

- zone cognitive development,

- social and communicative zone,

- zone of artistic and aesthetic development.

The main goals and objectives of the interactive wall

Target:Creation of conditions for the full development of preschoolers in all educational areas of the Federal State Educational Standard in accordance with the specific features and requirements of the kindergarten educational program.


Create an atmosphere of emotional comfort.

Create conditions for creative self-expression.

Create conditions for the manifestation of cognitive activity of children.

Create favorable conditions for perception and contemplation, draw children's attention to the beauty of nature, painting, arts and crafts, book illustrations.

The dynamic series shown on the interactive wall interacts directly with the children. In this case, all manipulations occur on a regular wall. The interactive wall opens up endless possibilities for creating unique, original and individual interactive games and presentations. And it doesn't matter if this activityin mathematics, visual arts, literacy, etc.- each element can appear in a new image.With the help of the objects offered by the educator on the interactive wall, the child can receive the necessary information. It depends on the pedagogical skill how unobtrusively and imperceptibly to expand, consolidate the experience gained by the children.

Using an interactive wall helps develop children's attention, memory, fine motor skills, thinking and speech, visual and auditory perception, verbal and logical thinking. Developing classes using the wall become much brighter and more dynamic.

The introduction of an interactive wall made it possible to diversify the material equipment of the group. Children have become more proactive, independent, sociable both in play and in cognitive activities.

Ekaterina STAFUROVA , teacher of kindergarten No. 8 "Cheburashka" urban district of the city of Skopin, Ryazan region, laureate of the All-Russian competition "Educator of the Year of Russia-2015"

Svetlana Vladimirovna Mogilnikova
Interactive wall as an element of the subject-developing environment in a preschool educational institution

In the Federal educational standard of preschool education there are requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the main general educational program of preschool education, including organization and renewal requirements subject-developing environment of a preschool institution. It is important to approach the issue of creating subject-developing environment.

Properly organized the subject-developing environment in the group provides Every child has equal opportunities for acquiring certain personality traits, opportunities for all-round development.

On the eve of each academic year, educators are faced with the task of how to arrange a group room so that it is not only comfortable, but also interesting for children. Since pupils spend most of their time in preschool, it is important that they want to come here again. Every day, children should feel comfortable here and learn a lot of new things. To solve this problem, you can use ready-made gaming equipment and materials, or create elements to decorate the group with your own hands. However, even content-rich Wednesday in the group will not be developing if preschoolers they will not be able to show their creative abilities, cognitive activity, independence in it.

I want to introduce you to interactive wall, which will take on part of the load and will complement subject-developing corners.

What is interactivity?

concept « interactivity» came to us from in English(interaction - "interaction"). It means the ability to interact, to have a conversation, a dialogue with someone.

interactive wall gives an opportunity for an adult and a child to jointly participate in the creation of the environment environments, which can be changed and easily transformed. An interactive wall is a kind of live screen, is an abstract picture, divided into several zones:

zone of cognitive development,

Social and communicative zone,

Zone of artistic and aesthetic development.

Interactive wall presents a picture - a small town on three hills. in the middle a bright rainbow spread out over them. Cheerful little train is carrying something to the children interesting.

Three hills visually separate wall into three zones, which correspond educational areas:

"Town"cognitive development;

"Engine"– social and communicative development;

"Rainbow"- artistic and aesthetic development.

"Town". Pupils of the younger preschool age under the guidance of a teacher, and older children preschool age independently equip this zone. They pick and place elements social infrastructure: buildings, streets, traffic lights, people of different professions. Then they simulate real situations, play them out.

"Engine" and binder element - seasonal trees. According to content educational activity, the educator selects and places the necessary demonstration material in the wagons of the locomotive, with which both the teacher and the pupils work in the future. For example, he puts cards with letters and numbers in trailers and teaches children to read and write.

"Rainbow". On the swing of the rainbow, the teacher places a thematic element: e.g. character forthcoming holiday or themed crafts.

Work with the interactive wall involves constant communication: children with each other, pupils and teacher. The teacher in the process of playing, discussing a topic, asks the children to speak in detail, describe wall elements. So way, the teacher simultaneously solves the problems of another educational areas - speech development.

What tasks does interactive wall

interactive wall solves important tasks:

Creates conditions for the game, cognitive, creative activity of children;

Allows you to change subject-spatial environment, taking into account the educational situation;

Develops attention, memory, fine motor skills, speech, visual and auditory perception, imagination, creative thinking preschoolers;

Provides emotional comfort in the group.

Interactive wall allows you to diversify the equipment of the group, make it attractive to children. Dynamic series, which is shown on interactive wall, affects consciousness and pupils' imagination. Via walls teacher and children can create original interactive games and presentations. It can be used in FEMP classes, literacy, speech development, visual activity, - each element to represent in a new image. interactive wall helps the teacher unobtrusively consolidate and expand the experience gained by the children, make educational activities are bright and dynamic, while showing pedagogical skills.

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Interactive wall in preschool

Interactive wall

Image size on the wall from 1.6 x 2.5m to 4.4 x 7m
Computer processor AMD A6 9500 3.5 GHz.
SSD memory 60 / 4 GB
Windows 10 OS License.
Software 165 games. 2D, 3D and 144 educational games. Updating games when new ones appear, for free.
Projector resolution 1280x800 pix
Viewing angle 178°/178°

Wireless keyboard and mouse included
Detection of the number of movements unlimited, any objects
Assembly on a ceiling bracket, the possibility of changing the wall mount
WiFi remote control, local wireless control
3000-3400lm projector included
USB 3.0 output on the back of the computer
Ceiling mount included, low and with extension
Assembly size L450 x W300 x H200 (mm).
Working ceiling height from 2 to 6 meters
Assembly weight 10 kg
Warranty 1 year
Call for discounts! Prepayment 50%
Cost 237,000 rubles

Mobile kit

Mobile Scammers. Full set

Software 165 games: 2D, 3D and 144 educational games. Updating games when new ones appear, for free.
Body made of chipboard, color optional. Size HxWxD 550x500x600 mm
Unfolded size HxWxD 550x1500x600 mm
Processor Intel i3 3.4 GHz Memory SSD 120 / 4 GB. Win 10 OS License
Short Throw Projector 3000-3400Lm Lm
Resolution 1280x800: Image size MAX 5x3 m from a distance of 4 m
Sound power 20 W (2x10 W) Stereo
IR Camera
Motion detectors
Wireless keyboard and mouse
Power cord 220v length 5m
Wheels with locking mechanisms
Installation description
Technical support
EAC Certificate of Conformity
1 year warranty card
Call for discounts!
Cost 258,000 rubles

Interactive games

Interactive games

Interactive games, reaction to hands and long objects, Coloring

3D Interactive games, reaction to hands and balls. Road. Unknown planet. Space battle. Room. Island of monkeys. City defense. Lock. Tomb with gold. Pirate Attack, Jungle Road

Interactive fairy tales for preschool educational institutions. Three pigs. Goats and wolf

An example of an interactive wall. Reaction to balls

Features of the game balls Throwers:

  • Development of reaction in the movement of the game
  • Wall image details come to life
  • Flexible image options, various types and sizes
  • Excellent visibility
  • Contains a lot of information
  • Reacts to human movements and interacts with him.
  • Hand Gesture and Object Control

Used items for Kidalok

Any soft toys of small diameter, such as balls and other items, can be used to play the game of Throwers. The main thing to consider is the safety of the ball hitting another player, as well as the rebound force of the object from the wall.

Kidalok menu. Simple and clear

Projector wall mount

The system is placed under the ceiling in such a way as to make minimal changes to the appearance of the place. If the location has a false ceiling, then the system is mounted above it. Mounting system, fixed to a rigid base, it is possible to mount the projector to the wall. Standard types of systems interactive wall Kidalka:

Cover for interactive wall:

Important! The system does not like daylight. It is desirable to install the system further from the windows. The color of the wall is almost irrelevant, as most projectors have image color correction. Coating is necessary if the wall is not uniform in color and this degrades the image. In this case, it is recommended to stick a laminated film white color or hang a white banner.

Image size

The image on the wall can be resized.

The image on the wall can be resized in height and width. The main thing is to keep the rectangular image of the game in the final format for correct operation touching objects

Power supply:

It is carried out from an alternating current network with a voltage of 220V + 10% - 10%, with a power of at least 1000W. The system consumes no more than 300W.

order, get more detailed information, and you can also buy an interactive wall by contacting us by phone: 507-62-27, 504-51-92 (Moscow code - 495), or by sending an application.

Every person, regardless of age, wants to do what brings him real satisfaction. This is especially true for children and adolescents. They want to have fun and enjoy life. The famous King Solomon once said that there is nothing better on earth than having fun with friends. But in our time, it can be difficult to find decent entertainment that would help parents get closer to their children.

To provide an opportunity for parents and children to spend time together, an interactive wall "Kidalki" was created. It is a multifunctional system that is controlled by a light touch of the hand. When a small person finds himself in a bright environment of animated images, his heart is filled with joy and happiness. Parents can rest easy - children's interactive wall is a worthy way to spend time wisely.

The secret of the magic device

What child or adult does not like cartoons? And if you are in the center of events and participate in adventures? This happened only in the best dreams 50 years ago. But today the dream has become a reality thanks to the interactive wall of the Kidalki. The image on the wall appears through the interaction of the following electronic devices:


Special sensors capable of responding to movement;


Video equipment.

Such a system not only enlivens the image on the wall, but also allows you to control and directly come into contact with it. For this, cubes or balls are used. The main thing is to follow simple safety precautions so that none of the children are physically injured. In view of this, it is important to take into account the force of impact and rebound from the wall of the objects used.

An interactive wall for children can be useful not only at home, as a means of active entertainment, but also in educational institutions. It is widely used in primary schools and kindergartens to help children develop comprehensively.

Install equipment for a children's interactive wall, most often under the ceiling, using the necessary fasteners. It is desirable to do this so that it harmoniously fits into the interior of the room. The color of the canvas does not play a special role, since the projector is able to correct the image. If the surface of the wall is not uniform in color, it should be sealed with a white film or a banner without an image should be used. As you can see, everything is quite simple.

Unique features of the "Kidalki" wall

Wise parents are concerned about the quality of video games and films that are published for children. Often they contain hints of obscenity and cruelty. Is it possible to consider entertainment in which it is required to kill or deceive someone as harmless fun? Such games develop aggression, greed and emotionally drain. Therefore, it is important to wisely approach the choice of children's entertainment.

Unlike low-brow games, the interactive wall for kids helps develop the following skills:

Ability to make decisions;


Fast reaction to the movement of objects;




So, for example, using a live image with moving forest animals, you can have fun playing ball with them. And although, after hitting the target, they disappear, the constant rebirth of the heroes of the game brings a lot of positive emotions. All this is achieved thanks to the unique feature of the wall - the interaction of modern innovative technologies. A special camera reacts to a person and enlivens the drawn image on such topics:

Incredibly beautiful flowering lawns;

Various types of live fish in the aquarium;

Birds flying in the sky;

Traveling on a spaceship;

Fairy house in the middle of the field.

In addition, the player can independently change the graphic effects of the image, which allows the development of creativity and abstract thinking.

Parents make every effort to help children to have a good rest and gain strength for useful things. They organize leisure using the interactive wall "Kidalki" for spending time together. Both children and adults are interested in hitting moving objects with a ball. The game helps to relax, age boundaries are erased and parents descend to the level of their children. As a result, a warm relationship develops that remains indestructible throughout life. And the secret lies in the simple game "Kidalki" on the interactive wall.

A correspondent of one publication noted that modern children have absolutely no childhood. A serene time and an exciting pastime have become a relic. Toddlers of the 21st century have to withstand a colossal information load. Already at an early age, intellectual pursuits and all kinds of sports clubs fall on their fragile shoulders. Such pressure negatively affects the development, sleep and health of the child.

Child psychologists are trying to find a way out and help educate the younger generation in the right way. Different kinds recreation, good planning, healthy eating and exciting games is the key to a balanced lifestyle. Increasingly, educators are using modern technologies in their work that help touch the hearts of babies. Particularly relevant in our time is an interactive wall in kindergarten. It contributes not only to the discovery of new opportunities and abilities in children, but also to beneficial rest.

Alternative to toys

From an early age, children learn to adapt to new life circumstances. The garden is the perfect place for this. Here they comprehend all the subtleties of the diplomatic craft, since there are always enough conflicts and troubles in such a society.

25 games of a new format will help unite and rally the group. With the help of a special projector, an interactive image is displayed on the wall. When babies see these bright pictures, their fingers reach out to touch the pictures. At this point, the characters come to life and begin to play with them. Such mutual sympathy leads children to delight. Moreover, these entertainments help crumbs:

Recognize difficult situations;

Promptly find solutions to emerging problems;

Take responsibility for your actions;

Set and achieve goals;

Becomes self-confident;

Unleash your full creative potential.

And they do it all without much effort. Everything goes in game form. Moreover, using the interactive wall in the kindergarten, the teacher will help the children to make friends with each other. Dynamic games, vivid impressions and team spirit are just some of the advantages of such a pastime. This technique allows you to work with withdrawn children who are used to "hide" behind gadgets or toys. Attracting them to society in this way, the teacher destroys the barriers that prevent the child from joining the team.

Beneficial and noble

The work of a teacher includes not only the learning process, but also instilling valuable virtues in children. It is not uncommon in our society to find children who are madly in love with themselves. This side of their "I" in the future will play a cruel joke with them. After all, they will grow up completely unprepared for defeats, criticisms and disappointments. As a result, anxiety and depression will become their faithful "companions". That is why the task of educators is to develop in kids such qualities as kindness, sympathy and mutual assistance. When the child grows up, he will surely please his parents.

To achieve the goal, wise educators look for options. What could be better than drawing together drawings that come to life with just one touch? As a result, these fun:

Develop unique abilities in children;

Teach them to react quickly to what is happening;

They require perseverance and certain efforts from the kids.

They will need such skills in order to learn something good in life that deserves respect. If you order an interactive wall for a kindergarten, it will help educators to do their job professionally. At the same time, parents will be very grateful to the employees of institutions for such help in raising their precious children. Among other things, the atmosphere reigning there has a beneficial effect on the mental state of the kids.