Passage of game Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons. Passage of mini-quests "Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons" Brothers tale two sons control

Misfortune never comes alone. The younger brother has not yet had time to recover from the death of his mother. The older brother comes with bad news - the father is seriously ill. We hold down the action buttons of both brothers and move along the path together. Having reached the crossing, we stand on the platform and activate the lever with our older brother. We transfer the wagon to the lift, approach the older brother to the broken stairs on the right and hold down the action button. Then we approach the younger brother and also press the action button. We lower the rope on the right and climb up with the older brother. Together we use the mechanism and simultaneously rotate it to raise the father. The local doctor can't do anything. He gives us the scheme, and informs us about the Tree of Life, from which we can get a healing elixir.

We leave the house and go down. The bully does not allow to pass, so we go even lower to the river. The younger brother does not know how to swim, so we cling to the back of the older brother, holding down the corresponding button. We swim under the bridge and climb up the branches on the shore. We pass to the other side and climb the stones. Grabbing one of them, hold down the forward button, release the action button, and hold it down again after jumping. We pass to the ledge and, having shifted to the left, go around the fence. We learn to rotate the camera and move on, climbing onto large containers. We climb on the grid and one by one we pass along the narrow roof of the arch. Having gone down, the younger brother squeezes between the bars of the lattice on the left side. We rotate the mechanism and let the dog out of the cage. We get to the drawbridge and wake up the guard as a younger brother. Then we show the manuscript to the elder brother and leave the village.

Justice has prevailed.

Chapter 1

We follow the road, open the gate and pass through the thicket of the forest. An angry dog ​​guards the garden, so first we climb a stone hill as an older brother. When the dog is distracted, the younger brother quickly climbs onto a haystack. Alternating the advancement of the brothers, we move to the other side. We cross the waterfall and climb the branches. Help the younger brother to climb up with the older brother. We lower the rope and climb the rock together.

As a younger brother, we stand on a running wheel and move in any direction without stopping. We cross the bridge with the elder brother, pick up the ram, carry it to the wheel and place it inside, having previously freed it from the younger brother. Together we pass further, rise higher and go around on the right side. We meet the saddened troll. He will lead us to his kidnapped beloved. Let's follow the troll so that he throws us upstairs. We continue to accept the help of a friend. When he lifts us to the ledge, hold down the action button and move to the left. We go down lower, wait for the troll and cross the makeshift bridge. Climbing up the branches, we jump to the ledge and wait for the troll again. We move along it to the left. Further, we will be transferred to the other side, we climb up and go around. The three of us jump into the water. With the younger brother, we grab onto the back of the older brother, swim across to the opposite shore and go into the hole.

Chapter 2

We get to the rotating mechanism, cling to it and move to the right side. We jump over small gaps and arrive at the drain. We climb the stairs, make our way between the devices and soon we will find a long part. We lift it from both sides and carry it around on the right side. We install the part across the working gears and thereby disable them. We pass to the left side, we get to the mechanism and grab it from the front side. Push forward, then to either side. We change direction by holding down the "forward" button for the older brother and, accordingly, the "back" button for the younger brother, or vice versa. We put forward the bridge and pass on it further.

Having passed the dips, we throw the younger brother up with the older brother. As a younger brother, we rise even higher, accelerate and grab the chain while holding down the action button. The mechanism is stopped, now the older brother can move to the right side. After climbing the stairs, we pass forward and turn left. We push the mechanism and each of the brothers grab onto different chains. We pass to the other side, we throw the younger brother up, with which we interact with the lever and continuously rotate it. As an older brother, we grab the chain and pass the opening passage. With the younger brother, we continue to move along the upper side and release the passages in time. Having reached the chain, we grab onto it and turn the mechanism clockwise with the older brother. We repeat the previous steps. Together we climb up and use the bungee. We hastily run to the right, until everything collapsed.

The reaction of the brothers to the world around them is strikingly different.

As a younger brother, we pass through the bars and slowly move towards the thug, bypassing the bone heaps. Imperceptibly pick up the key and carry it back. Having unlocked the lock, with the big brother we pull the lever and free the troll. The thug discovered the loss and immediately ran to us. With the older brother we hold the lever, and with the younger brother we enter the cage, lure the enemy into it and get out, passing through the bars. The lever, of course, must be released. The troll did not remain in debt, she found a chain along which we can climb up. We run forward, go down and push the mechanism forward - to the right - forward. To change direction, hold down the "forward" button for the older brother and, accordingly, the "back" button for the younger brother, or vice versa. Having transported the troll, we move the mechanism back - to the left - forward and we ourselves pass along the formed crossing.

The trolls managed to reunite. Meanwhile, the enemy appears and tries to catch us. Not successfully calculating the force, he crashes into one of the mounts. As a younger brother, we go down, stand at the remaining three mounts, provoke the enemy to strike and move away from the dangerous area in time. Having freed the central hatch, with the older brother we pull the lever, and with the younger brother we lure the enemy into the center. Simultaneously we put pressure on his opponent's hands and go upstairs with the help of our friends. We say goodbye to the trolls and continue our way to the Tree of Life.

Chapter 3

The wolves began to gather around the fire. By pressing the action button, we drive away wild animals. Having reached the cemetery, we go down and ring the bell on the left side. The older brother shows the watchman the manuscript. We pass through the opened gate and face another wolf. Jumping into the water, the younger brother grabs onto the older brother. Almost swimming to the waterfall, we shift to the left side. We cross the tree and go down. We move to the left along the branch, cling to the stones and fall down. When the younger brother wakes up, we grab the branch. We rise approximately to the middle so that the creatures above and below cannot reach us. Elder brother, hold down the action button and move to the left side. Then we act according to the situation, i.e. we adjust the height of the younger brother, not allowing him to fall into the tenacious paws of the revived trees.

Having fallen down, we quickly swim to the younger brother, grab him and float to the surface. Waking up, we go forward and stand up mother's hand. She drugged her older brother. We interact with her eye, then with the father lying next to him. Immediately, the older brother flies up from behind and starts beating the younger one ... It was just a dream.

Chapter 4

Waking up, we go further climb up and turn right at the fork. We hold the gallows with the elder brother, and climb the tree with the younger brother and untie the knot at the end of the branch. We turn the camera and go down to the edge behind the tree. We move towards the burnt house, pull ourselves up, pick up the music box and carry it to the surviving owner.

The benches are arranged in such a way that we can see all the beauty in the locations.

We return to the fork and pass on. As a younger brother, we cling to the wing of the mill. As soon as it intersects with the wing of the neighboring mill, we jump over to it by releasing and holding the action button again. With the older brother, we interact with the lever and do not let go of it. At the same time, with the younger brother, we rotate the mechanism and extend half of the bridge. With the older brother, we release the lever, and the drawbridge will grapple with the other half. Having reached the fork, we go down and each of the brothers will saddle the mountain goats. Returning to the fork, turn left, jump over the gap and rush up.

We meet the inventor and get a gear from him. We carry it with our older brother, approach the edge and, facing the other side, release the action button. The throw will only work if the younger brother is on the other side. We insert the gear into the mechanism and with both brothers we rotate the mechanism on the left. We follow the inventor, then we go down to the aircraft. We use it and maneuver in the air to avoid obstacles, moving the brothers from one side to the other.

We climb the branches, cling to the brown details and release the action button of one of the brothers. We swing and cling to the neighboring part. Thus, we shift to the left and, moving to the other side, climb the branches. Climb up the gate and move to the right. We continue to use the buildup, jumping from one statue to another. We climb onto the gate and one of the brothers clings to the upper central insert. With another brother, we swing and cling to the insert on the right. Now we climb to the highest point on this side with it and swing with another brother. Having overtaken the eaves, we pass along the board on the left side. We grab the details between the windows and go upstairs according to the same principle as before. We move along the collapsing floor. Having united the brothers, we climb the stairs and exit the window. We climb the inserts, move along the ledge to the left and use the swing. Once on the bridge, we go inside through the ajar door.

According to the books we climb onto the bed, and then along the window sills we get to the table. As a younger brother, we pass through the cage on the right side, climb up the inserts and, shifting to the right and going down, grab the handle. Without releasing her, we run up with the older brother and pull the little brother down. The freed griffin will lead us out of the tower.

Chapter 5

Having reached the barrier in the form of a warrior's hand, we grab the arrow and move it forward. Having gone down the drain, we quickly cling to the back of our older brother. After swimming to the shore, we throw the younger brother on the right side. By controlling it, we jump up to the branch and move to the left until the older brother can also be hooked. Having passed further, we climb the hill together and synchronously jump onto the arrow. We go down the water and climb up on the right side. We pass along the spear, grab the arrow and long and hard push it forward. Having reached the next warrior, we turn left, go along the branch and climb higher. We go around the rock from the side (if necessary, rotate the camera), pull the arrow back and fire a shot. We go back and move on.

Preparing to rescue the captive.

We go down and pass under the waterfall. We get to the place where the ritual takes place. Having redeemed the brothers in the blood, the elders stand in the center and put the younger one on it. Thus, we became like a creature deified by the tribe. We boldly go to free the girl. When we are declassified, we quickly run after the prisoner.

Chapter 6

We use the boat, get out of the cave and turn left. We swim to the skeleton and jump from one ice floe to another. We continue to follow the girl. We climb the stones and turn left when she stops at the tree. We grab a file in a tree from two sides and achieve the desired result with synchronous movements. We pick up the file and carry it to the girl. We bring down another tree and cross it to the other side.

We get to the drawbridge, climb the slope and push the ballista with both brothers. Big brother hold the lever and release it when the girl is ready to fly. Similarly, we transfer the younger brother. Synchronously with the girl, we rotate the mechanism and lower the bridge. We move parallel to each other, then we transport the older brother to the right side. To do this, we cling to the part in the wall and move along the ledge. Hearing the approach of an invisible monster, we hide the older brother behind the frozen body on the right side and, accordingly, the younger brother on the left side. We cross over to the other side and hide behind the bodies again. We run into the house, and then the monster will find us. We run away along the bridge, which will then fail along with the pursuer.

Chapter 7

Despite the suspicions of the younger brother, we pass into the hole. The cute girl turned out to be a spider. He wraps us in a web. Waking up, we sway from side to side and break down. When the spider grabs the older brother, we accelerate the younger one and crash into it. With a big brother, we approach the enemy and hold down the action button to tear off the leg. We continue to act in a similar way until we tear off the remaining six legs. At the last moment, the spider plunges her sharp paw into her older brother. We pass forward, roll down and find ourselves at the foot of the Tree of Life. The older brother is only getting worse every minute. We go up the winding branch and fill the flask with a healing potion. We go down and try to revive the brother.


After burying my brother, we return to our native village. Now the younger brother can also perform the functions of an older brother. We swim while holding down the big brother's action button. The same goes for the large lever and the height previously inaccessible to one brother. Having delivered the potion to our father, the next morning we go up to him and watch the final video.

With age, the perception of the world changes, and zanchit, the world itself changes. The eyes begin to see everything as it really is, and all the fruits of the imagination are passed through the millstones of logic and common sense.

And the meaning of everything in the world is changing. And it’s impossible to just take it and return the sacrament of magic, because you need to earn money and pay the rent.

Only fairy tales remain. Fairy tales are stimulants that spur the imagination and make you believe in a miracle at least for a few minutes. And it's a great story.

Don't be fooled by typos. Porsto's fingers will tangle with happiness.

It's strange to see this from Starbreeze Studios, the writers of Syndicate and The Chronicles of Riddick, but we love this metamorphosis, to be honest.


After watching the videos, it may seem that Brothers is an ordinary cooperative adventure like, only without shooting, and instead of dark tombs - pastoral natural landscapes. Two brothers, the elder and the younger, successively solve simple riddles, help each other to get over the abysses, pull levers, turn some mechanisms...

But there is one “but”: there is no cooperative here. You control both brothers and you do it simultaneously. The left stick of the joystick is the older brother, the right stick is the younger one. Interaction with the outside world is hung, respectively, on the "triggers".

Thanks to such an unusual control, in general, primitive riddles seem very original, and sometimes even complex.

At first, the brain perceives this as if for some reason you decided to write with both hands - from left to right and from right to left at once. A particularly powerful break in the pattern happens when the older brother is to the right of the younger one - you don’t immediately understand why the inversion suddenly turned on. After three or four hours of playing it is already difficult to do something with two hands - to write without typos, for example. But you will be surprised at what your left hand (or right, if you are left-handed) is capable of.

But here's the beauty: such non-standard management clears the mind of extraneous thoughts. It turns out a funny effect - it's like listening to a beautiful story through an approaching dream. It is as if you are returning to those times when almost any story seemed magical, and no one even doubted the existence of magic.

At other times, it's easy to forget that you're playing alone. Brothers makes such a strong impression.

Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons - a fairy tale a little cruel, a little bloody, like the stories of the Brothers Grimm. Penetratingly sad - like Andersen's. But still kind, sweet and - most importantly! - truly magical.

This world has everything: abandoned castles, and mountain trolls, and giants, and warlike tribes, and creepy monsters... Events and scenery replace each other, and the two brothers keep going and going towards their goal. The father fell mortally ill, there is only one way to help him - to go to distant lands, find the tree of life and bring its healing juice.

This story goes without saying. Although the brothers communicate in an unknown language, this does not interfere with perception at all - here archetypes and motives are completely familiar from European folklore. Both the child and the adult will understand.

Where the monsters live

As in, no one will tell you what to do and where to run - everything is intuitive. On the journey, the brothers will meet other characters who are ready to gladly help in a difficult task. A crazy professor, for example, will share his hang glider invented the other day, and if you solve a simple puzzle and play a huge organ, he will also dance on the table.

There are a lot of small, completely optional details in Brothers, for which no one will give you anything (well, except perhaps an “achievement”), they are a gift in themselves. So, for example, you will often meet benches where you can take a break, admiring the mountains or green hills sparkling in the sun. And for some reason I want to sit on each of them.

It is not entirely clear whether this is an allusion to (there, sitting on a bench, one could save), but the work of Fumito Ueda clearly served as inspiration. ... The ruined castle is evidence of this.

Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons is charmingly beautiful, as a fairy tale should be. Weather conditions change each other; We then fall into the caves, then into dark forest, then we wander through the gorges, then we find ourselves on the battlefield of the giants ... And each - each!- the pebble lies so that it looks beautiful. When I paused to write down this thought, I fell into a picture of amazing beauty: snow-capped mountains in the distance, snow to the horizon, a skinny, snow-capped spruce in the foreground and a majestic northern lights overhead.

When people you don't like say that Crysis 3 is visually perfect, just show them Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons. After all, it's not about the textures. high definition and shaders-shmeiders. It's about the love that people put into their work.

True, Brothers has problems with animation and rare but well-aimed bugs. Nevertheless, it is noticeable that much less money was invested in the game than in the same Journey.

Brothers never stands still, never repeats itself. Repetitions are boring. Every five minutes everything changes, each gameplay find is unique, each puzzle is original.

The brothers, due to their age, have different characteristics: the older one is stronger, which means that he can, for example, carry weights, and the younger one easily crawls through the bars. The elder brother pats the sleeping farmer on the shoulder, and the younger brother, laughing fervently, splashes water in his face. The older one will simply look into a deep well, and the younger one will also spit there.

Sometimes these little scenes look so touching that tears well up. And it is not clear, whether from longing for childhood, or from simple happiness.

The younger brother cannot swim. Moreover, he is afraid of water much more than the most terrible monsters. Once he saw how his mother was drowning, and now in the water - not a foot.

Like any beautiful fairy tale, Brothers is short. It will take you no more than three or four hours, but it will leave impressions - a wagon and a small cart. In terms of the depth of its meanings, it is unlikely to compare with Journey, but it evokes about the same emotions. First sadness, then fun (it's hard not to laugh when the brothers are saddling mountain goats), then heavy fear, heady freedom, fun again, sadness - and so on. One feeling replaces another, not having time to get bored and fade, so we strongly recommend that you complete the game in one sitting. Although it's unlikely you'll be able to interrupt on your own - Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons holds tight.

Flying on a hang glider is reminiscent of riding on the sand shimmering in the sunset from Journey. Emotional peak.

And be sure to try to play the game before going to bed. You will sleep soundly. Like once after my mother's fairy tales.

The game control is sharpened for the joystick, you can also play on the keyboard, but it will be very difficult.

Part 1: Prologue

We watch a video about the story of the death of the mother of two brothers. Then the older brother appears with his sick father lying on the cart. To control the younger brother, use the right stick, for the older brother, use the left. By the way, you will often need simultaneous control to perform various tasks. So, back to the game. We roll the cart along the road to the crossing, to speed up the cart, we control two brothers at once. On the left we see a lever, pull it with the help of an older brother. When we got to the other side, we approach the eldest of the brothers to the ladder on the rock and help the youngest to climb the hill, from there we throw off the rope for the youngest, and by controlling the eldest we climb it to the top. Here we approach the lifting mechanism with two brothers and at the same time begin to turn it. A video insert begins, where the doctor will tell us how to save the father, and what is needed for this.

Part 2

We run down to the bridge, through which the local boy with a stick will not let us through. We go around it, on the right there will be a descent down to the river. Here we learn that the younger brother is afraid of water. With the elder brother we go into the water, with the younger we grab the elder and swim to the hill to our right. We get out of the water, and right in front of us we will see a rock with roots hanging down, and using which you can climb up. They will not let us pass through the gate, the same boy who did not let us pass through the bridge. Further we climb on stones on the rock up. Just run forward, jumping on the ledges. We grab onto the ledge and climb to the left and get into the city. Here we will be given a hint on how to control the camera. Next, we go through three huge barrels and climb up the grid. Passing over the roofs and going down, we will see our villain with a stick, he will close the gate in front of us. To drive him away, we climb between the bars of the grate, and release the puppy on the boy. Frightened, he runs away from the dog, we open the gate, and we can go through. Going a little further, you can see a trembling "villain" climbing onto the barrels, running away from the puppy. You can tease him if you like. Next, we reach the raised bridge, douse the person sleeping next to him with water, show him the manuscript (which the healer gave us at the beginning of the game) and he lowers the bridge.

Part 3

We go forward until there is a fence in front of us, open the gate with the help of our older brother and run to the field with haystacks. Here the dog will interfere with us. To run through the field, bypassing the dog, we distract the dog with one brother, and run across the field with the other, climbing on a hill. And so, distracting the dog in turn, we cross the field. We run forward, climb up the roots, jump over the rocks until we have a ledge in front of us. We throw the elder brother of the younger one up, and the younger one throws off the rope for the elder. Next, we climb the ledges. At the top we will see a farm. We go to the bridge and next to the standing wheel. Here the younger ones will need to climb into the wheel and start running, and the older ones will need to cross the bridge, take the sheep, transfer it to the wheel and put it there instead of the younger brother. So we can cross the bridge together. Then we go to a hill from which we will see a field with a dog. Here we carefully climb the ledge of the rock. We see a crying troll. He will show us the way. Then he will throw us on a rock. We are waiting for the troll to rise to us and help to cling to the roof of the house. We climb on the roof to the left and go down to the ground. And here our kind troll will help us, playing the role of a bridge. We run to the roots and climb up them, when they run out, we jump and, grabbing the ledge, again climb to the left. And again the troll will serve us as a crossing. Here the troll will throw us over again. We climb the roots, cling to the ledge and move to the left. Then we perform the same steps again. Then the troll takes us in his hands and jumps into the abyss. Once in the cave, we go into the water with the older brother, cling to him with the younger brother and, having crossed the lake, we go to the cave, which the troll pointed to.

Part 4

We run in the cave to the lattice door. As a younger brother, we squeeze between the bars and twist the mechanism to open the door for the older brother. We go to the wheel, cling to it and go down. We climb the rocks and see a certain mechanism. We need to stop him. To do this, we go up the stairs, find the pipe, raise it and, bringing it to the mechanism, insert it between the gears. A bridge is formed on the left, using it, we pass to the other side. Next, we will see another mechanism. We move it alternately to two buttons and we see that the bridge has moved forward. We run forward, while jumping from rock to rock. Here we will need the elders to throw the younger upstairs. As a younger brother, we run up the stairs and jump onto the rope hanging in front of us. The wheel has stopped, with the older brother we climb up on it. We move straight, go up the stairs, and see the mechanism. We push it with two brothers to start the mechanism with chains. We cling to the hook and get to another platform. Here we put the younger brother upstairs. With the younger brother we turn the lever, and with the older brother we grab the chain and go to the next platform. We repeat these steps again. While the older brother is riding, grabbing the chain, the younger brother will run forward and grab the hook. With the older brother, we will push the mechanism forward, and the younger one will be on the other side. Here, repeat the steps with the spinning mechanism and chains. When the two brothers are reunited, we run forward to the rings sticking out of the rock. We climb up along them and grab onto the metal structure, along which we move to the left. Once in front of the littered room, we climb along the grate to the ledge. We move along it to the right, jump along the collapsing structure and jump to the first ledge. We run forward and grab the "hanger". Rolling down and running forward, we see a female troll in a cage. Opposite us will be a lattice door. We squeeze through the bars with the younger brother and steal the key to the cell lock from the guard. We open the lock, then we return to the lever and with the older brother we pull the lever, thereby opening the cage. Next, a guard will see us. To get rid of him, we open the cage, and with the help of our younger brother, we lure the guard into the cage and close it. The female troll (hereinafter we will call her “troll”) throws off a chain for us so that we can climb onto the platform along this chain. We run forward until the troll gets on the mobile platform. Here we have to go down and push the mechanism to set the platform in motion. Then we just run forward, and we see how the troll family is reunited. But then an evil orc appears and spoils all this mercy. To get rid of it, you need to embed it into 4 pillars with chains. Then bring him to the center of the room, pull the lever with the elder brother, and throw him into the abyss. After the guard has sunk into the abyss, the troll helps us climb the rock.

Part 5

After a short cutscene, we see the older brother wake up to the howling of the wolves. We take a burning branch from the fire, wake up the younger brother, and, driving away the wolves by waving the torch, we move forward. Then we get into a small settlement, and go down to the house. We knock on the door, an old man comes out to us. We talk to him with our older brother, and a local resident opens the gate for us. After we are outside, a wolf attacks us and forces us to jump into a mountain river.

The younger brother grabs onto the older one and swims after the lanterns. Once on a rocky surface, first with the older brother, and then with the younger one, we pass along the old tree to the opposite side. Run along the path to the tree, and along the branch we move over the waterfall. But here, in any case, one of the brothers will fall down, and you will find yourself in the river. Further, the younger brother will again try to climb over the branch, but it will break and hang. The older brother should pick up this branch and move to the side. Here you have to be very careful, as some mythological creatures in the form of trees will try to grab the younger brother. To prevent this from happening, do not forget to raise and lower the younger brother. AT certain moment, the evil beings will still manage to break the branch, and the younger brother will fall into the water. As an older brother, we must grab the younger one and carry him to land.

Next, we fall into the hallucinations of the younger brother. We run forward, we pass along the huge hand to the other side. Now control is available only for the younger brother. Here we learn that the huge woman is the mother of the brothers. We approach her, interact, she raises her hand, which covered their father. We run up to the father and watch the video.

Waking up, we run along the path, then turn right and see a man who is trying to hang himself. We grab this person with the older brother, and climb the tree with the younger brother and untie the knot. After saving the man, we return back to the path and go to the bridge. As a younger brother, we squeeze through the bars, go up, jump onto the blades of the mill and find ourselves on the other side. With the younger brother we run up to the bridge mechanism, with the older brother we pull the lever, and with the younger brother we turn the mechanism. Thus, we lower the bridge. We run forward, cross the log across the abyss, jump onto the rock and climb the ledge. Next, we see the video insert.

After the video, we run forward, we go down to the paddock with mountain goats. We will saddle two animals, go back to the slope and turn left. During the trip, just jump from stone to stone. Having reached a safe area, our heroes will release the mountain goats. We go forward and see the scientist. He will throw off the gear to us, which will need to be installed in the mechanism, which is located above. We raise the gear with the older brother and run forward. We throw it to the other side of the bridge. We jump over ourselves, pick it up again and go upstairs. With the younger brother, we move along the beam to the other side, and with the older brother we throw the gear into the hands of the younger. We insert the gear into the mechanism and scroll the handles. The platform with the scientist rises, and he starts to run away. We run after the scientist, and then we talk to him. Then we go down to the glider and take off. To tilt our flight vehicle to the right, we move the brothers in this direction; to tilt it to the left, we move it to the left. After the glider lands, we will see a short video. Then, we climb up the roots, jump and cling to the stakes sticking out of the rock. In turn, we swing the brothers and move to the left along the stakes, and then along the beams. Climbing to the surface, we run to the gate, and climb up the grate. At the top we cling to the beam and move to the right. Then you need to swing, grab the elbows of the statues. Having reached the last one, we go down. We run to the wooden gate, climb up the stakes. At the top, we go to the left and, having passed along the beam, again we climb up the stakes. Once in the tower, we begin to walk along the boards, parallel to each other. Then we climb the huge steps upstairs and climb out the window. We climb up the stakes, grab the beam and move to the left until we can climb the bridge. Next we go to the tower. With the help of books, we will be able to get to the bed, from where later, along the wall, we will move to the table. Here we will see a griffin locked in a cage. To free him, we climb onto the shelf with our younger brother, squeeze through the bars, climb up the stakes, cling to the crossbar and move to the left to the chain. We jump and grab the handle of the chain, the weight of the younger brother is not enough, so the older brother grabs the legs of the younger brother and pulls him down. The cage rises, the griffin is released. In gratitude, he will take us on himself. Having delivered us, the exhausted griffin will fall. We run forward and cross the suspension bridge.

Part 6

We move forward along the path and see a dead giant warrior. We run down the path, and then forward. A huge hand will block the way for us, in order to move it away, with two brothers we rest against the arrow and push. We go further, and we fall into the river, where it will be necessary for the younger brother to grab onto the older one. Having got out on land, we run to the ledge, we seat the younger brother upstairs. We climb the branch with the younger brother and move to the left so that it falls, and the older one can grab onto it. We run forward, a giant will lie in front of us to remove it from the path, we jump and grab the arrow. Then we move forward until we see the giants lying in the bloody river. We climb up the ledges and jump over to the other side, then we go along the hand of the ax to the opposite ledge and push the arrow. We run forward until we get to a large crossbow. We pull the string and shoot the giant right in the head. We return a little bit back, and having gone back to that side, we run in the direction in which the arrow from the crossbow flew. We move forward, then we climb along the ledge of the rock through the bloody waterfall.

We run to the bloody altar. Going down to the place of sacrifice, we see two bloody streams, and between them is a drawing of the Deity of the local tribe. We get up under the streams, thereby turning red, climb on the shoulders of the younger brother, and go to the natives. They take us for their God and begin to worship. We approach the girl, free her and run after her to the boat. We are sailing in a boat on the river. There is nothing complicated here, the main thing is not to get caught by a killer whale. We swim to a huge skeleton and go down to land. Now we just run after the girl, jumping on the ice floes. We follow the girl past the turtle. We climb along the ledge of the rock, and then we climb up the stones. We run further, the girl explains to us that we need to cut down the tree. We rise a little higher, there is a saw in the tree, we saw the tree, we take the saw and go down back. We saw the tree that the girl pointed out to us. Falling, it allows us to go to the opposite side. We run after the girl. She leads us to a castle with a raised bridge. We rise to the catapult, push it. The girl climbs instead of the core. To launch the catapult, pull the lever with the older brother. Following the girl, we launch the younger brother, with whom we lower the bridge for the older one. We run to the other end of the castle, where we transfer the older brother to the younger one. On the way, we notice that something invisible and huge is wandering around the castle. Before us will be closed gates. The girl will jump over them and open them to us. Here we will need to disguise ourselves as frozen people in order to hide from an invisible giant. We run further, the girl jumps onto the platform and moves the mechanism to the brothers. We climb on this mechanism and get on the opposite platform. Again we disguise ourselves as frozen people. When the giant leaves, we run after the girl and go into the house. But the invisible giant, seeing us, destroys our shelter. We run across the stone bridge, pursued by the giant. But the old bridge does not withstand the giant and collapses down along with our invisible enemy.

Part 7

We run after the girl to the tunnel, through which we descend into the spider's nest. Inside, the girl turns into a huge spider and wraps us in cobwebs. Swing the ball to get free. While the arachnid is trying to kill the older brother, we take the acceleration of the younger brother and push the spider. She turns over, now, playing for her older brother, we tear off the paws of a vile creature. We repeat these steps a few more times. When we tear off the last paw, the arachnid will pierce the older brother. After killing the spider, we drag the older brother to the exit, but an avalanche occurs and we are thrown down. Next, we watch a video. After him, driving the younger brother, we climb up the tree. Here we see a white liana, along which we climb into the nest. From the nest we will see shining water, we are heading towards it. Having collected a flask of healing water, we go down the hill, inside the tree. Below we will see the deceased elder brother. It's time for a rather sad video. After the video, we drag the body to the grave and bury the brother. Next, we watch the video again.

Part 8: Ending

We just run forward until we see a river in front of us. The younger brother falls into despair, but then the spirit of his mother appears and encourages him. Gaining courage, we enter the water and swim to the wrecked ship. We climb up the ship. Next, we will be a mobile platform, pull the lever and get to the other side. Then we jump onto the ledge and run to the doctor's house. Let's watch a short video. After watching, just run upstairs. We run up to the bridge and see a healed father, grieving at the grave of his wife and son. Watch the final video. Game completed.

We go along the path, open the door and move through the thick of the forest. The evil dog guards the site, which means that first, as an older brother, we climb a petrified mountain. As soon as the dog moves away, as a little brother, we instantly climb onto a stack of hay. We change the movements of the brothers, we pass to the other side. Crossing the waterfall and climbing the branches. As an older brother, we help the youngest to find himself at the top. We throw the rope rope and climb the cliff together.

As a younger brother, we stand on a wheel that spins and, without stopping, we move in any direction. As an older brother, we cross the bridge, pick up the lamb, bring it to the wheel and put it in the middle, first getting rid of it from the younger brother. Collectedly, we move forward, rising up and stepping around on the right side. Along the way, we stumble upon a distressed troll. He us the way to his stolen darling. We follow the creature so that it moves us up. We continue to receive support from a friend. As soon as he begins to lift us to the bulge, hold down the impact key and move to the left. We move down, expect the troll and step over the impromptu bridge. Climbing the branches, we jump to the bulge and again we wait for the creature. After we move to the left side. Then, we will be moved to the other side, climb up and walk around. Let's dive into the water together. As a younger brother, we cling to the back of the older brother, having moved to the shore, which is opposite and we go into the hole.

Chapter 2

We reach the familiar wheel, grab it and move to the right side. We jump through small gaps and drive up to the water. We pass up the stairs, we make our way between the stations and find a long detail. We raise it up from two sides and drag it around on the right side. We place the part opposite the rotating gears and as a result we stop them. We move to the left side, we reach the device and take it from the front side. We push forward, and then in whichever direction you want. We change the course by holding down the "forward" keys for the older brother and, of course, the "back" key for the smaller brother or in reverse order. We stick out the bridge and move forward along it.

Passing landslides, with the older brother we throw up the younger brother. As a little brother, we climb even higher, gain acceleration and cling to the chain, while holding down the action key. The device is terminated, now we, the older brother, can move to the right side.

Climbing up the stairs, we step further and turn left. We kick the mechanism and alternately cling to the various chains as brothers. We pass to the other side, we throw the little brother up, we pull the handle with him and twist him without stopping. As an older brother, we cling to the chain and pass the corridor open to us. As a younger brother, we continuously walk along the higher side and clean the corridors in a timely manner. Having reached the chain, we cling to it and, with an older brother, turn the device clockwise. We copy our actions again. Together we climb up and put the rope into action. We quickly rush to the right until everything collapses.

As a little brother, we walk through the cage and slowly approach the evil giant, bypassing heaps of bones. Inconspicuously we select the key and transfer it back. Having opened the lock, with the older brother we pull the handle and release the troll. The giant notices the disappearance and immediately comes running to us.

With the older brother we hold the handle, and with the other brother we go into the middle of the cage, luring the enemy into it and get out, penetrating through the cage. The handle, of course, needs to be released. The troll, in gratitude, found a chain, along which we climb up. We run further, go down and pull the device forward - to the right - forward. To change the direction, hold down the "forward" key for the older brother and, of course, the "back" button for the younger brother or in reverse order.

Having moved the troll, we move the device back - to the left - forward and we ourselves move along the aisle that has arisen.

The trolls are together again. How at the same moment a giant appears and tries to grab us. Having not safely calculated his efforts, he collides with one of the mounts. As a little brother, we climb down, stop at the surviving three mounts, attract the enemy to a collision and successfully run away from an unreliable place. Having opened the hatch in the center, with the older brother we pull the handle, and with the younger brother we lure the thug into the center. At the same time, we step on the hands of the thugs and with the help of the troll we move up. Saying goodbye to the trolls, we move on to the Tree of Life.

Through the dense taiga, Through the windbreak... MAMMOTHS, MAMMOTHS RUNNING FORWARD! From tourist folklore Bullet hit in the head. The body slowly sank back and, having rolled over the railing, collapsed to the ground. The German sniper worked cleanly. "Damn it" - ru


Guides and Walkthroughs

Through the dense taiga

Through the windbreak...


From tourist folklore

The bullet hit the head. The body slowly sank back and, having rolled over the railing, collapsed to the ground. The German sniper worked cleanly.

“Damn it,” Baker swore (in fact, he spoke much more obscenely).

Baker, wake up! You'll miss the fun. Now the tank will come and kill everyone.

“They will kill again,” I thought, and hid behind the parapet, simultaneously pulling out a rifle. It was the sixth day of the landing of troops in Normandy.

I'll deviate a little from tradition and end the introduction here. And here's the thing. Players have had mixed reactions to the game. Nobody says she's bad. Not at all. Brothers in Arms is good. And even very much. But many were waiting for a tactical action movie, like Rainbow Six. And they got an action movie with elements of tactics, such as the Vietcong. Nobody says it's bad. Only this is a little different.

So play and decide for yourself what she deserves. Better yet, just relax and enjoy. The game deserves it. From myself I will add one thing: Brothers in Arms is the best action about the Second World War.


1911 Semi-Automatic Pistol

The first weapon you get in the game. Thing, to put it mildly, useless. You can shoot from a pistol only by getting close at point-blank range. Which is very unsafe for life. A clip of 7 rounds also does not inspire optimism.

M1 Carbine Semi-Automatic Rifle

The second weapon that you get in the game. Has a clip for 15 rounds. Accurate and powerful rifle. Best used at medium range. Perhaps the best semi-automatic rifle of all presented. I recommend.

M1 Garand Semi-Automatic Rifle

The famous American rifle of the Second World War. It is with her that you will start most missions. Compared to the previous model, the penetration power of the cartridge has been increased. Accuracy and rate of fire did not disappoint.

The only drawback - although it is not so significant for a rifle - is a small clip for 8 rounds. Get ready to recharge often.

M1A1 Submachine Gun

Automatic "Thompson" in person. Rapid fire and powerful. Used for short distances. The best weapon not available for close combat. It is best used for outflanking. In a couple of seconds, you can immediately mow down two or three opponents.

Just remember to keep an eye on your ammo. They have a vile property to end at the most inopportune moment. With 20 rounds, you won't shoot much. Save.

M1903 Bolt-Action Rifle

The most powerful rifle in the game. Equipped with an optical sight and kills with one hit. Given twice per game. After each shot, you have to juggle the shutter, which significantly reduces the rate of fire. Used at long and medium distances when the enemy is out of range for other weapons.

With this rifle, you can destroy the enemy without any detours. Aimed better - and pulled the trigger. A fresh corpse is guaranteed.

M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle

Multipurpose rifle. It can be used to suppress the enemy or in flanking maneuvers. A powerful cartridge deals decent damage, which, combined with a high rate of fire, gives a fantastic result.

The only drawback is a small clip. But the clips themselves can carry up to 10 pieces at a time.

M9A1 Bazooka

“Play” with the bazooka will be given only once per game. An excellent weapon for destroying tanks and infantry in cover. You can carry 9 charges at the same time. The reload time is long, so it's better to hide somewhere between shots.

Possesses less powerful charge than panzerfaust. But you can use it an unlimited number of times. If only there were charges.

Mark II A1 Fragmentation Grenade

Behind this clever name lies a simple grenade. Take good aim before throwing. You need to throw it so that the enemy does not notice it, or at a great distance so that it does not have time to throw it. Otherwise, the grenade will fly back.

Also, grenades can be used against tanks, which is often more effective than any Panzerfaust, Bazooka, Sherman and Stewart. The delay before the explosion is about 3-4 seconds.

Walther P38 Semi-Automatic Pistol

German pistol. Just as useless as the American model. You should not even pick up for the sake of experiment. Let yourself lie where you dropped it.

Mauser K98 Rifle

Very powerful and accurate rifle. After each shot, you need to distort the shutter. In general, an analogue of the M1903 Bolt-Action Rifle. Only without an optical sight.

MP40 Sub Machine Gun

The most common machine among the Germans. Unlike the Thompson, it has a large clip and carries a large number of rounds with it. Which makes it more preferable than the American model.

MP44 Sturmgewehr Assault Rifle

Great-great-grandfather of the MP5 and distant relative of the AK-47. It boasts a large clip and the same rate of fire. Used by the SS paratroopers. Appears in the second half of the game. In general, the Thompson machine wins. You can try. I'm sure you'll like it.

KAR 98k Rifle with Scope

The same Mauser K98 Rifle, only with an optical sight. Regular sniper rifle.

Panzerfaust 60 Rocket Laucher

The famous German panzerfaust. Used to destroy tanks. Not suitable for other purposes. The principle of action - shot and forgot. And he ran for a new panzerfaust. Forcibly issued twice in the game. When there is no other way to knock out a tank.

When shooting, you need to remember that the projectile flies along a gentle trajectory. Therefore, you need to aim a little higher than the target.

Stielhandgranate 24 HE Stick Grenade


Grenade. Just a grenade. Only German. No more differences.



Conscripts recruited from countries invaded by Germany. Or just recruits from the remnants of the reserve. At the end of the war, the government took to the front everyone who could bear arms. Human resources are not endless.

Poorly armed and poorly trained. An easy target for monsters like US Army paratroopers. Meet at the beginning of the game. Then they die out as a class.


The main force of the Wehrmacht. Soldiers of the regular army. Well trained and armed. Morally stable and not so quick to panic. Adequately respond to the current situation (unlike conscripts). They meet in the middle of the game. Subsequently, they are replaced by more trained troops.


Infantry trained to destroy tanks. They love to carry a panzerfaust with them and shoot them at everything that moves on tracks. They won’t be able to fill up the tank, but they will definitely bite painfully. Better deal with them yourself. Very well undermined by a grenade. Apparently, they do not have time to react.


Elite troops of the German army. Fast, vicious and very accurate shoot. The most dangerous enemy. Mostly armed with machine guns.

Very quickly react to what is happening around. With them, and flank attack is not so safe. They turn around and shoot. Appear at the end of the game and all the remaining missions haunt. Serious guys. No fools.

Squad management

The game will have to command the infantry and tanks. Management is very convenient and intuitive. All control is performed by two mouse buttons and two keyboard buttons. To tell the squad where to go - press and hold right button mice. To give the order to follow you - the Z key.

If you want to command “to open fire on the enemy to kill” - press and hold the right mouse button. Then hover over the enemy. It should turn into a red sight. True, there is one subtlety. In order for the fighters to open fire, they need to be taken to positions from where they can see the enemy. Otherwise, you will listen to cries until you are blue in the face: “I do not see the object.”

To order a squad to storm the enemy, press and hold the right mouse button. Then move the cursor over the enemy and click on the left mouse button. The fighters will take off and rush to the attack. Only not everyone can run. Especially if a disadvantageous position and dense fire from the enemy. To switch between squads, press the Shift or 1/2 key. The location of the units is marked on the compass.

For convenience, at your disposal is a three-dimensional map, which shows: the main task, location visible enemies, allies and your units. Using the map, it is convenient to inspect the area, look for workarounds and find out what the opponents are armed with. For example, if you decide to go on the attack with a tank, it would be useful to see if there are a couple of panzerfausts behind the back of “those infantrymen behind the bush”. True, the camera is somehow strange and does not want to rotate 360 ​​degrees. You can't give orders on the map itself. Just watch.

Dealt with management. Let's get back to the teams. Each of them is designed to perform specific tasks.

fire squad. The first unit that you will receive at your disposal. His task is to suppress the enemy with fire. Which they are great at. In some cases, they can make the machine gunner panic too (only he will not stop shooting from this). You can use this detachment for evasive maneuvers - but it's better to do them yourself. Or with the next squad.

Assault Squad. Armed with machine guns and grenades, making it ideal for assaulting enemy positions and flanking maneuvers. Unlike a fire squad, it runs faster, which makes it possible to run under enemy fire with less risk to life.

It can also be used for suppression by fire, but it turns out much worse for them than for a fire squad. It is better to go sideways to the Germans and watch how the guys famously throw grenades at them.

Despite all the developers' assurances that we have tactics in front of us, this is far from being the case. While playing Brother of Arms, you will have to think, and more than once. Frontal attacks almost never work. You have to be cunning, outflank and suppress with fire. But it does not look like a full-fledged tactic at all. Everything is too simple and conditional. But who said it's bad?

Tactics against infantry

The most common technique is bypassing from the flank. One unit fires at the enemy. Once under heavy fire, the Germans begin to shoot worse, lean out less often - and sometimes even jump out under the bullets. If a grenade explodes nearby and a comrade is killed, morale generally falls “below the plinth”. If the fire stops, then over time, morale will rise again.

When the enemy is demoralized by hurricane fire (the red circle above his head will turn into gray), another squad bypasses him from the side and sends everyone to the forefathers. There is almost always a cover where you will be protected - and the enemy is in full view. You need to look at the map carefully. Will definitely be found.

Sometimes you can try to take enemy positions by storm. It's risky. But sometimes the game is worth the candle. Everything here is individual and depends on the specific situation.

Another way is to use tanks (of course, if there are any). "Stuarts" and "Shermans" cannot be damaged from small arms. But they themselves will hurt anyone you want. Here, in general, everything is simple. They noticed the enemy infantry - and gave the command to attack. They will go and roll.

About steel monsters

You will be given command of the tanks four or five times throughout the game. They are controlled in the same way as squads. In general, tanks are a terrible thing and a poor one. The missions where they are given are completed without problems and often on one try.

The tank will pass the infantry without problems. As well as machine gun points. The only ones who can damage him are grenade launchers. In theory. In practice, it turns out that the tank kills them faster than they can fire a shot.

The most formidable opponent for tanks is anti-tank guns. It is useless to try to take them with a frontal attack. Let them go to waste. Try to drive in from the side or (even better) use squads to destroy the artillery crew.

Another tank can be used as a cover. Hid behind the armor - and go forward. Let the lovers of sausages with cabbage try to break through the armor. However, you should not use the tank in the forefront. Few people are waiting around the corner. It's best to explore the area alone first. And then make a decision depending on the situation.

You can also shoot from a machine gun mounted on the tower. To do this, approach the tank from behind and press the F button. Baker will climb onto the armor and stand behind the machine gun. It makes sense to use it when the tank cannot deal with the enemy who has taken cover (for example, there is no way to get through) - and they do not give the infantry a chance to pass. From time to time the Germans stick their heads out anyway - to inspect the area. At the moment when the head of the next Aryan appeared, quickly point the sight at it and hold down the button. It will almost certainly fall off. Not from the first - so from the second time.

That dying is not harmful, but even beneficial

The allies think quickly and know how to respond correctly to the situation. Usually it is. But sometimes they make such feints that you want to cry. Comrades can easily sit in the field under machine-gun fire, although they are ordered to lie down behind the fence. Therefore, sometimes (or often) colleagues begin to die out, like dinosaurs in the ice age.

But a true friend, John, died. What to do? Sob and load a previous save? Not at all. No "Game Over". In the next mission, he will be alive and well. These are the miracles.

Or you can do it even easier. For example, you lost half of the people, you yourself are badly injured and cannot go further. Die. And right now, three times. You will be given a choice - try again with the old composition. Or start from the same save point, with full squads, maximum health and pockets full of ammo. With such forces, you can, without tormenting yourself, rush ahead, like the notorious mammoths from the epigraph.

Of course, it's easier to play this way. And this step is justified to some extent. But the dramatic scenes, when someone from the detachment dies, look at least silly. It is difficult to touch the death of John, when before that he managed to die and resurrect ten times.

About how to beat a German panzer

The simplest and effective method destroy an enemy tank - throw a grenade into the hatch. To do this, run up from behind and press the F button. Baker will climb onto the car and throw a “lemon” inside. After that, it remains to run away and observe a beautiful explosion.

It is not very difficult to get close to the tank from behind. The main thing is not to get under the machine-gun fire. To do this, try to run sideways. If the tanker notices and starts to turn around, run further, deviating to the side. The steel monster is too clumsy and will not have time to turn around. You don't have to be afraid of the main weapon. The shooter will not be able to hit the target from 10 meters. Especially if she's moving. Here is just one "but". There are always few grenades, and at the time of the meeting with the tank, they may simply not be there. Or they will not be given a mission at all.

The second way is to set your tank on him. It is advisable to attack from the side or from behind, where the armor is thinner. One accurate shot can solve everything. In any case, American shooters are clearly more accurate than their German counterparts. And even in a head-on collision, they win 7 out of 10 times.

The third solution to the problem is to use a panzerfaust or bazooka. It's annoying and dangerous. First you need to find them. Then go in from the side or from behind, without getting hit by a machine-gun burst. Now stop, aim and shoot. And a bullet - for a new charge. Because it will take at least three of them to destroy the machine. And this is when hit in the side or in the ass. To break through the frontal armor, you will need an unmeasured number of charges.

Big headache, or how to do away with boring machine gunners

The bad news is that machine guns cannot be suppressed. Even if morale drops, the machine gunner will still scribble. It is best to destroy machine gun nests with a tank. True, it is not always at hand. In this case, divert the attention of the machine gunner with two squads. And slyly crawl closer and throw grenades. Or go to the side. Which also works.


Hill 30

Southeast of Carentin, France

The mission begins in the midst of combat. Bullets whistle around, comrades swearing is heard. Mat Baker slowly regains consciousness because he is being shaken by the shoulder... When you regain your senses, grab your rifle and open fire on the Germans. Focus your fire on the enemies behind the stone.

Comrades will help with fire, so do not twitch - and do your job. Aimed, pulled the trigger, found a new target. In a couple of minutes a German tank will drive up. There is nothing you can do with it, so just wait. When the explosion thunders, Mat will be thrown to the bottom of the trench, and he will again lose consciousness. This will end the mission. Let's go back to the past...

Rendezvous with Destiny

Somewhere in Normandy

The plane was hit by anti-aircraft fire and banked sharply. The paratroopers, in order to escape, quickly jumped out of the burning car. The landing did not go well. Once on the ground, Baker found himself unarmed. And this is in an area teeming with Germans. We urgently need to find ours. Until someone else is found.

After cutting the lines, run where the compass needle points. Soon you will meet Mack. He will be surprised that you are without a weapon, and will give you his pistol. Of course, not so hot, but better than with bare hands. Especially since you are no longer alone.

Follow Mac. When he stops at the wall, freeze and wait. In the courtyard, two Germans examine the corpse of a dead paratrooper. Wait for Mac to yell "now" and open fire on the enemy.

When the Germans are dead (by the way, the captured rifles have mysteriously disappeared somewhere), go into the courtyard and wait - Mack is trying to figure out where you are. The attempt will not succeed, and soon he will order to follow him.

At the mansion you will meet two more comrades. A heated discussion will immediately begin: where are we located. You will get the answer to this question from the woman in the house. The disposition is clear. You can start taking action. Kol will go looking for the rest of the Marines, and the three of you will have to clear the area.


Silence the Guns

Around St. Mere Eglise

As soon as you face the enemy, you will be shown how to use tactical map. See the corresponding chapter for more details. Wait until the comrades suppress the Germans with fire, and go in from their flank. The distance is small, so you can't miss with a pistol.

When you shoot these two, a crowd of Germans will come running. Before this happens, quickly run for the trophy rifle and run with Leggett for the haystack. Because of the shelter (with the help of comrades), send them to the forefathers and move on.

At the house, leave your comrades to shoot with the enemy, and run around the house on the left and go to their side. The next target is an anti-aircraft gun. Get as close as possible. Until you open fire, they won't see you. After shooting them all, lay the explosives and wait for the explosion.

The next house is waiting for another ambush. Hide behind the cart and take out the enemy behind the fence. Then switch to the stable. If the Germans do not want to stick out, then run inside. This is quite dangerous (the enemy can rush into hand-to-hand combat), but there is no other way out. The most interesting thing is that most of the battle your comrades will sit around the corner of the house.

As soon as you deal with the enemy, Legget will open the gate and begin to fire at the Germans at the anti-aircraft gun. Run towards them and hide for cover. Only two groups of Germans. The first at the anti-aircraft gun. The second one is slightly to the left. Let your comrades suppress them with fire, and at this time you slowly come in from their flank.

After the destruction of the anti-aircraft guns, the mission will end.

Ambush at Exit 4

Near Utah Beach, France

The morning of the sixth of June came. The landings have begun, and fierce fighting rages on the beach. Your task is to get to the beach and rendezvous with the 4th Infantry Division. After the conversation ends, you will be taught how to manage the squad. Congratulations, you are now a commander. Let just over one soldier.

Run in the direction of the compass needle. Two Germans are waiting for you in the courtyard of the house. Order Hartsok to suppress them with fire, and run into the house on the right yourself - and shoot them from the side. Further you will meet another group of Germans. Use old tactics. Order Hartsok to suppress them with fire and go around to the right. Next target: mortar crew firing on the beach. The actions are the same: first you force the enemy to hide in shelters, then go in from the side.

At the destroyed stone fence, two groups of Germans are waiting for you. Hide Hartsock against a small stone wall and order him to suppress fire on the group on the right. Run to the cart yourself and shoot the group on the left because of it. Run across the field to the left and take up position at the stone fence. From it, move behind a large rock. From here, shoot down the last group of Germans.

After going a little further, you will meet two comrades. After a short conversation, run after them. After crossing the swamps, take a position behind the machine gun and start shooting the Germans. The machine gun is good because the cartridges in it are endless. You don't have to aim too hard - hold the trigger and wait for the living German to turn into a dead German. It is convenient to navigate by the icons above the heads of opponents. They saw a red circle - and opened heavy fire until it fell off.

If someone survives and hides in cover where they can't be reached by a machine gun, leave the position and go around from the flank. If necessary, use Hartsock to create suppressive fire. When all opponents are dead, run to the beach. When you get to it, the mission will end.


Normandy, France

After a short conversation, the comrades will leave you and Hartsock, leaving the task in parting: to clear the village from the Germans. And it needs to be done together. Really creepy.

Having stumbled upon a detachment of Germans, order Hartsock to take cover behind the fence and fire to suppress. Go around the enemy yourself along the left side of the house. One of the Germans will also run to the left. Shoot him - and remove the remaining two.

Once on the road, you will come under machine-gun fire. Plus, a detachment of Germans will come running. To conduct a shootout with them from the current position is like death. We need to look for a more comfortable place. Cover Hartsock behind the barrels, and run behind the cart yourself. From there, remove the Germans who ran out. Can't get the machine gunner yet.

Run across to the house and call for Hartsock. Having stumbled upon the Germans hiding behind a stone fence, order Hartsock to open fire to suppress. Remove the enemy yourself in the window of the house on the second floor. Then run across to the woodpile and shoot the German from the other side.

Now come in from the flank of the German detachment, hiding behind a stone fence. The machine gunner remained. Run into the house and finish off the German in the room. Look out the window from the side of the road and shoot the machine gunner.

Get out on the road and call Hartsock to you. Hide him behind the crates by the truck. Let him fire at the enemies from there, and move along the fence on the right. Because of it, shoot all the opponents that you can get. Then follow the house. Be careful, Fritz will jump out of the door.

Come into the house. Remove a couple more Fritz from the window. Get out back to the street and go along the house. Eliminate the two remaining Germans from around the corner and call Hartsock.

When you reach the river, run across to the other side. Hide Hartsock behind the fence and order suppressive fire. Wait a couple of seconds. Two more Fritz will appear soon. One of them recklessly decides to get closer. Remove it and move along the fence on the left.

From the side, shoot the remaining three opponents and throw Heartsock over the stone fence. Let him exchange fire with the Germans behind the fence - and you yourself go into their flank, along the fence on the right.

After finishing them, switch to the Germans on the hill. Without attracting attention, bypass them on the right. The area is clean, so you can go into the mansion. Four Germans dine in it. Without going into the room, throw a grenade inside.

Run out from the other side of the mansion. There is already a heated battle going on here. First, remove the Germans in the windows of the house. Then switch to the enemy hiding behind a fence and a truck. When the Fritz start running out of the house, take out the grenades and quickly throw them before the people run away. Most of it will be laid by explosions. Finish off the rest with small arms.

In general, the Germans often change positions, so be guided by the situation. When the last opponent falls dead, talk to your comrades. This will end the mission.

Foucarville Blockade


Tasks at the level are not particularly diverse. We need to clear the city from the Germans. Your squad has replenished with two more fighters. Now there are four of you. Strength, however.

As soon as you go outside, you will immediately fall under a hurricane of fire. Run behind the truck and shoot the German behind the barrels. Call a team to your place and order them to fire on a group of opponents at the other end of the street. Run into the house on the left yourself. There is a German inside. He is not waiting for you, so you have a couple of seconds until you come to your senses.

Exit from the other side of the house and hide behind the wall. Call your team. Order them to open fire on the enemy on the other side of the river. While the Germans are hiding from bullets, go to them from the side. You need to act fast before they see you.

Order the team to return to the truck and open fire on the German detachment. Go around the house yourself and shoot them from around the corner.

Next, you need to go along the road. But she is shot through with two machine guns. It's impossible to break through. You need to find a workaround. Move along the wall of the house and go into the courtyard. Along the way, you will come across two detachments of Germans. The distance will be small, so it will not work to go from the flank. Rely on a sharp eye and a strong hand.

Through the yards you will come out to the machine-gun crew. Remove the Germans and run for the sandbags. Order the team to take cover around the corner. Let them distract the second machine gunner. While he is trying to get them, throw a grenade at him.

There were two Germans behind the log. Just put a team on them. They will tear like a heating pad. Next, you have to cross the garden in front of the church. Cover the team behind the "hedge". Let them shoot. Go around the "hedge" on the right yourself. So you go to the enemy from the back.

It's time to visit the church. Two detachments of Germans are hiding behind it. As soon as you start a fight with one of them, the second will come running to the rescue. There is no clear sequence of actions. The Germans are constantly moving, and it is impossible to guess where and who will be in a minute. Run between the graves and wait for the right moment.

After dealing with the enemy, run to the road. Next to her are two sandbag shelters. One of them has a machine gun. Sit behind him, and hide the team behind the second shelter. After a couple of seconds, the Germans will run from the side of the field. Quickly track the places where they appear from, and let them go to waste.

When the attack is repulsed, you will receive a new order: destroy two mortar crews. Wait for the explosion to shatter the fence and run across the field to the cover on the right. Call the team and order them to open suppressive fire on the mortar crew. You run across to the shelter on the left and go to them from the side.

Then storm the second mortar crew. It will not be possible to enter from the side, so just order the team to attack. It remains to talk with Mac. This will end the mission.

Rommel's Asparagus

Near Hiesville, France

The long D-Day is drawing to a close, but there is one more goal left. It is necessary to clear the field on which the gliders will land from the pillars dug into it. The mission is quite simple, but there is one “but”: opponents are constantly respawning, it is worth moving away. And this creates certain problems.

Climb down and run along the road. When you approach the field, hide the detachment behind the fence and order them to open fire on the machine gun crew. Run out onto the field yourself and jump into the ditch on the right. On it you will reach the machine gunner.

Shoot down two Germans and get in behind the MG42. Use it to destroy the machine gun crew at the other end of the field and the German behind the logs. Run out into the field and destroy six pillars. There are three more left.

Move the squad into cover next to the machine gun (the one you destroyed with the MG42) and order them to fire on the two Germans behind the logs. While they are hiding from bullets, get out of cover and destroy the remaining three pillars.

This field has been completely cleared. Wait for the glider to break through the fence. Transfer a detachment to him and order him to open suppressive fire on the Germans at the fence. Make a long detour yourself along the right edge of the field. Having approached the Fritz, who have settled in shelters, throw grenades at them. Now, from the back, finish off the two opponents with whom your people are firing. Mine three pillars.

Return to the detachment and transfer them to the ruins on the left. Order to open suppressive fire on the machine-gun crew, while you yourself approach him from the side. Finish off two Germans. Do not pay attention to anti-aircraft guns, but immediately run to mine the pillars. There are six of them.

When the last one is blown up, wait for the glider to land and talk to the pilot.

Action at Vierville

Vierville, France

As usual, the mission will start with chatter. This time your task is to clear the city from enemy forces. But first you need to find an allied tank and talk to the commander. He should help you clean up. In fact, he does most of the work. And you will stand on the sidelines and quietly smoke.

Follow the compass needle. When you go outside, hide the detachment behind the wall - while you yourself continue to sneak forward. As soon as the Germans appear, order the detachment to open fire on them. Come in from the side yourself and finish off the villains.

Talk to the tank commander. Now at your disposal "Stuart". The machine is brutal and polucherskaya. Tears the infantry apart and does not even think about it.

Move where the compass needle points. Soon you will meet a detachment of Germans. The guys are cunning and decided to hide behind the cart. Drive up the tank and order it to strike from the main gun. All lie down. Along the way, scattering arms and legs around the neighborhood. A little further you will meet another Fritz. He is waiting for you around the corner of the house.

Further, the enemy is more serious. Two anti-tank guns. Don't push forward with the tank. Hide it in a secluded place and call the infantry. Order them to open fire on the enemy. The Germans, having fallen under fire, will abandon their guns and hide behind the fence. Now feel free to drive the tank forward and slaughter the unfortunate ones.

After approaching the mansion, leave the tank on the road. Go around the house on the left side and sneak up on the German tank destroyer. Climb onto the armor and throw a grenade into the hatch. Two infantrymen with panzerfausts loom in the distance. Shoot them before they figure out what's wrong.

There are no more obstacles for the tank, so drive it into battle. On the road you will meet a group of infantry. Your steel monster will tear them apart in a couple of seconds.

You need to see the church. But before you go to her, hide the tank behind the "hedge" that is located near the road crossing the highway that leads to the church. It sounds tricky, but when you see where the enemy is coming from, it will become clear.

Now run to the church. When the bell sounds, hide the squad behind the fence and wait for the enemy to show up. Infantry is just a bargaining chip. Let your guys have a shootout with them. It's not worth getting distracted by them.

The only danger is the enemy tank destroyer. Wait for it to drive past the tank and order it to open fire. The armor on the side of the tank destroyer is weak, so one shell should be enough. When the armored vehicle is destroyed, finish off the infantry.

With the death of the last soldier, the mission will end.

Dead Man's Corner

This time your task is to escort the tank to the city. The road is swarming with Germans, and anti-tank guns have been installed in two places.

Send a detachment behind the bushes on the left, and sit on the tank yourself and order it to move forward a little. As soon as you start moving, two Germans will jump out to the right and try to cross the road. Shoot them with a machine gun, and then focus on the enemy behind the bushes on the right. From time to time, the Fritz stick their heads out, so you'll hit. Though not the first time.

Get off the armor and go right. Move along the bushes until you notice the enemy. As soon as you stumble upon the Germans, set the tank on them and wait for him to finish his job.

Keep moving along the road. Approaching the field, turn right and hide behind the logs. An anti-tank gun and a machine-gun point were installed on the field. Call the tank and order to destroy the gun, and then the machine gunners.

Drive the tank to the left and methodically destroy all opponents. Further, the road will be blocked by logs. Order the tank to punch a hole in the rubble. Now there is a jewelry operation. You need to act carefully and without the slightest mistake.

If you go along the road, you will stumble upon an anti-tank gun. What does the end of the war machine mean. On the right, a bunch of Germans sat down, who love to shoot from the MP-40 for how much in vain. The fire is very dense, so it is impossible to break through the infantry.

Run to the right and order the tank to drive as close to the fence as possible. Get on the armor and shoot all the Germans you can reach. Destroy one group for sure. If you're lucky - and the second. In any case, the enemy fire will become weaker.

Call the infantry and order them to fire on the enemy. While the Germans are hiding from the hurricane fire, run to a closer cover - and destroy the enemy. So gradually move forward. When you go to the side of the gun, shoot the gunners and drive the tank. They clean the area from the remnants of the enemy forces. Now no one can resist him.

Move on. After reaching the weapon box, change the rifle to the Thompson assault rifle. Next, an ambush awaits, in which the crew of the tank will ingloriously die. After the end of the script scene, lean out from behind the tank and shoot the Germans trying to cross the road.

Using armor, sneak along the fence and turn right. Around the corner are two Germans. Get them off the machine before they figure out what happened. Now go right and hide behind the boxes. Remove the lone German behind the boxes, and then his comrades behind the fence. Move to the right, and then down, methodically destroying opponents.

With the death of the latter, the mission will end. It's a pity for the tankers. So stupid to die. However, that is what usually happens.

The Crack of Dawn

South of St. Come du Mont, France

Pretty difficult level. You will often have to take risks, crawl under bullets and make dangerous maneuvers. Now you have two groups under your control. And this means that tactical possibilities have increased.

The level will start from the place where the previous one ended. Comrades inspect the burnt tank. However, there is no time for regrets. The war is not over, and you have another task: to clear the road to the village house.

Once outside, place one team behind the overturned cart. Another around the corner of the house. The Germans who are near you can be destroyed from this place. For example, throw grenades. When they are dead, run around the corner of the house to the left of the road.

Place both squads behind a stone wall and order one of them to open fire on the Germans. The second you go from the side and throw grenades. Then, in the same way, destroy the second group of Germans. Get out on the road and shoot down two opponents near the road.

Run to the place where they sat and inspect the bodies of the dead paratroopers. The Fritz had a good time. Go further down the road. As soon as you notice the machine gun crew, turn right and place both teams near the thickets of bushes.

Soon three groups of Germans will appear. One will be located behind a long bush in the middle. The second behind a small bush on the left. Concentrate the fire of both detachments on it, and soon the enemy will throw back his skates.

"I'll knock you!" And he will, you bastard...

Now let one team suppress the enemy who has taken cover behind a long bush. The second run into her side and throw grenades. Finally, deal with the Germans behind the anti-aircraft gun. You can just take them by storm.

We need to get back on the road. But she is shot by a machine gunner in the house. Place one squad near the bush, next to the road, and order to suppress the machine gunner with fire. Throw the second one across the road and hide behind a stone fence.

The Germans will appear soon. Throw grenades at them and run to the bush where they were. Now move along the fence and shoot two opponents from the side, hiding behind the cart on the road. Get close to the house and remove the machine gunner and sentry inside.

Place both teams at the fence next to the house so that they shoot through the field. Climb up to the second floor and sit down behind the machine gun. There are three German attacks to be repelled. Two groups will try to break through the passage that you shoot through. Which is tantamount to suicide.

The third group will go a little to the left, where your comrades will safely use it. Then the commander will appear, and after talking with him, the mission will end.


Fall of St. Come

St. Come du Mont, France

A peaceful conversation in which Leggett and Allen were trying to figure out who is stronger - Batman or Superman, was suddenly interrupted by the appearance of SS soldiers. In addition, they opened fire from a mortar. You need to move your feet faster. Don't last long under fire.

Hide both units behind haystacks and order them to open fire on the enemy. Cross the field yourself and run for cover on the left. I advise you to move quickly. Otherwise, you will get a mine on the head. Shoot the Germans from the side. Then run forward.

Having reached the white house, hide behind the fence and call both teams to you. Now run a little forward, and as soon as the Germans appear around the corner, run back to cover. Brave Fritz will quickly be shot down by your comrades.

Now throw both detachments to the house and order them to suppress the machine-gun point with fire. Be careful when placing fighters. It is very realistic to expose them to mortar fire. Run across the field to the left and hide for cover. From the flank, destroy the machine gunner, and then deal with the mortar crew. If necessary, call one of the units to help.

Run forward. Seeing a low stone wall, hide a detachment behind it and order them to fire at the enemy in the house. They will destroy most of the Germans themselves. You will have to finish off the survivors.

Mack is waiting for you around the next corner. He will report that a German tank has been seen. After that, three groups of SS soldiers will run out. Place both teams in cover. Let them shoot with enemies.

Run around to the right. Suddenly, two Germans jump out from around the corner. Call one of the teams and shoot the impudent ones. Now, together with her, go to where the Fritz jumped out from, and deal with the remaining opponents.

Follow the compass needle. After leaving the courtyard, hide both teams on the veranda. Soon a tank and SS men will appear. Pay no attention to the tank. As long as you're on the veranda, he can't do any harm. Although it will be famously to shoot. Better focus on the soldiers. When the infantry stops attacking (the stock runs out manpower), the tank will move towards your positions.

Let him get closer and run to the weapon boxes (they are located against the wall of the opposite house). Grab a panzerfaust and shoot him in the side or ass. Then raise the second charge and repeat the volley. This should be enough.

In general, after the first shot, the tank may notice you. Then you need to hide where he does not notice you, and wait a bit. To calm down. Then run after panzerfaust. To end the mission, talk to Mac.

Buying the Farm

West of St. Come du Mont, France

In this mission, the fireteam was taken from you. But instead they gave a chic replacement - “Sherman”. This, in fact, says it all. Admire the steel freak. Well, it's enough. It's time to act.

Move the tank forward a little along the road. The Germans will immediately run out. Naive. After them, several more enemy units will come running. Only they will hide not by the road, but in a field overgrown with bushes. Even more naive. They think they won't.

Methodically roll them out with a tank. Then move on. Similarly, destroy all encountered opponents. No one will have time to utter a word.

When you get to the farm, leave the tank and the detachment below, and slide down to reconnaissance yourself. Machine gun point, anti-tank gun and a bunch of infantry. A lot of people - little sense. Order the tank to attack the cannon. Immediately after this, drag the squad. Let them shoot with the Fritz. When the gun is destroyed, finish off the infantry with the tank.

If the cannon manages to shoot down the tank, use a squad to force the gunners to hide. Then set Sherman on her. Also, part of the infantry is armed with panzerfaust. Therefore, there is a possibility that they can get the tank. But, as practice shows, they do not have time to do anything.

The next task is to destroy the mortar crew. Leave the tank and detachment near the farm for a while and run down in proud solitude. It is better to act alone, because the infantry can die from shelling. And the tank can be shot down by a German tank destroyer.

When you reach the field, turn left. The SS men are sitting behind the bushes. Shoot them and move on. You will exit behind the tank. Climb onto the armor and throw a grenade into the hatch. There was a mortar crew left. Send a tank on him. He will put everyone down quickly and without hassle.

The enemies are dead and the mission is nearing completion. Run where the compass needle points. When you meet Legget, you will know that your fireteam has died. All to one. Crap. What a lousy day.

Alternate route

Near the river Douve, France

On the side of the tank. Time to call Sherman. Let's figure it out.

Probably, the level, as planned by the developers, was supposed to be difficult. May be. But, despite the brutal number of Germans, it goes with a bang. The tactics of Mr. Rambo: impudently and chest on the embrasure.

Drive the tank forward and wait for the Germans to appear. Caress them with a projectile. Roll on. You will find a German tank destroyer near the river. Despite the comfortable position, she smears obscenely. The Sherman will break and not out of breath.

Now it is better to leave the tank in place. Let him shoot at the infantry on the other side of the river. Call a squad and hide them behind the graves. Remove the Germans, hiding behind the fence, and run to the greenery on the river bank. Behind her was an anti-tank gun. Throw a grenade to the Fritz to calm down.

Now call the tank and roll to the cars. Enemy infantry will soon appear. Let the Sherman iron the Germans hiding behind the wagons, and let the detachment shoot the Fritz on the other side of the river. See that the tank does not leave behind the wagons. Behind them, a German tank destroyer lurked in the field. Show yourself in front of her and when she turns sideways, call "Sherman". If he fails, help with a grenade. Then, with the help of a tank, deal with the infantry near the house.

At the bridge, you will have to try to break the defense. On the left is an anti-tank gun. On the right is a machine-gun point. It is useless to meddle with infantry. Will have a tank. But this must be done carefully.

Place the tank behind the wagon so that it is not visible to the gunners - and it is as close as possible to the machine gunner. Get behind the machine gun and shoot the German in cover. The enemy machine gun fell silent. Now order the detachment to storm the gun. And run after them. After running up to the cannon, use the detonator to destroy the bridge.

purple heart lane

Northwest of Carentin, France

In this mission, instead of a BAR, you will be given a sniper rifle. You can not cheat with her, playing roundabout maneuvers with the Germans, but simply shoot them from afar. A head appeared - a bullet between the eyes. Move in the direction of the compass needle, taking pictures of sausage lovers along the way.

Having reached the detachment of allies, talk to the commander. He will explain the tasks and order to follow him. To get to the goal, you need to run along the river bank. On the other hand, the Germans are firing. Trying to shoot them is useless. New ones will come anyway.

So run as fast as you can. There will be a small shelter in the middle of the path. Hide both detachments behind him and order them to open fire on the Germans on the other side of the river. Wait for the right moment and move on.

At the gate you will meet Kol. Talk to him and he will give you the last task: to destroy the machine gun point. Order one detachment to fire on the Germans on the opposite bank. The other detachment is to open fire on the machine gunner. Take off the two Germans in the "green" yourself and go to the machine gunner from behind. Then run back to the commander.

Attack aircraft will suddenly fly in and make a bombing strike. Suddenly the world turned upside down - and the eyes went dark.

Cole's Charge

Near Carentan, France

You were more fortunate than your comrades, and you got off with a shell shock. The rest died from the bombing. After regaining consciousness, run to Kol. He will tell you your task: to capture the farm. Machine gun nests cover it, and in order for you to have a chance to break through, Kol will scatter smoke bombs across the field.

When the field is shrouded in smoke, run out of cover and run towards the enemy. Although he does not see, he can accidentally catch a bullet. It is best to make your way along the left side, gradually coming in from the flank and shooting at the opponents.

After clearing the machine gun points, run to the farm and shoot the two Germans in the house. Wait for Kol to come running and talk to him. He will open the gate. Cover one unit behind a stone wall. The second is behind the fence. The Germans will appear soon.

Wait for them to get into position and order one group to open suppressive fire. Send the second around. Thus, clear the entire area.

After leaving to the road, send both units to cover on the field. Let them suppress the machine-gun point with fire. Run along the road yourself. She is shot by another machine gunner. But he is far away and shoots extremely crookedly. Snuggle up to the bushes on the left and it won't hit you.

When you reach the entrance to the field, turn left and remove the machine gunner. Then take cover behind the woodpile. Shoot two Germans in the back behind the bushes and run to the fallen tree. Remove two more Germans from this position.

Now take the detour on the left. Remove the two Germans on the beach from the hill. Then two more on the side in cover. Until they notice you, you can throw a grenade. Go further to the left. You will go to the machine gunner. After shooting him, run to the fence.

He has a Mac waiting for you. Talk to him - and get ready for the next mission.

Ripe Pickings

Near Carentin, France

The mission will start on a farm that you recaptured from the Germans. The first task is to find and rescue Lieutenant Combs, who came under heavy fire. Run in the direction of the compass needle. Crossing the field with the ruins, you will come under mortar fire. Move your legs faster and urge your comrades to avoid getting stuck halfway.

When you reach the house, you will stumble upon a large group of Germans. In addition, a machine gunner is located in the attic, which shoots through most of the terrain. Place your comrades behind some cover, and run to the right yourself.

From around the corner of the barn, take out whoever you can get. Then call a detachment and order to fire at the enemy. Now run to the fence where the surviving enemies have taken cover. Having dealt with them, go into the house and finish off the machine gunner.

Having found the lieutenant, do not rush to run to the rescue. It is under fire from three enemy groups. First you need to deal with them. Move the detachment behind the logs to the left of Combs and order to suppress the left group with fire. From the same position, shoot the Germans in the middle.

Now run up to the lieutenant and talk to him. After the conversation, run to the left for cover and take out a group of Germans on the left. Then get close to the mortars and throw a grenade. The explosion should cover everyone at once. There was a group on the right. Go around it from the side and destroy the enemy.

Talk to the lieutenant again. Time to go back to the farm. Running up to it, you will meet a group of Germans. Hide the squad behind the stone fence. Go up to the second floor of the house yourself and destroy the enemy with a machine gun.

The road will continue without incident. At the farm, talk to Mac. The conversation will be interrupted by the appearance of the Germans. There is little time before the arrival of the first group, so you need to act quickly. Place both units behind the destroyed stone wall on the field. One is on the right, the other is on the left.

The position is close enough to the enemy, but the most advantageous. Yes, and there is no danger. Fritz, obeying the script, will run to the stone wall behind which your fighters are standing, and die ingloriously under bullets. You don't even have to participate. They manage themselves.

After repelling the attack, talk to Mack. It's time to uncork a bottle of good French wine.

Push Into Carentan

Karentin, France

long and challenging mission. Be patient. You won't be able to pass on the first try. The Germans know that the allies will storm a strategically important object, and they are well fortified. Tanks and other joys are provided.

You were again given two commands, and this must be used to the fullest. Place a fireteam at the corner of the fence and order them to fire on the machine gunner. The most interesting thing is that they will independently overwhelm a machine gunner and two infantrymen. For some time.

Lead the assault squad through the alley behind the house. Having reached the corner, order to fire on two German paratroopers. They will not be able to kill them, but they will divert attention. Return to the fire squad yourself and go down the street. All enemies on it should already lie. Go behind the German paratroopers and shoot them in the back.

Walk where the compass needle points. When you run into an enemy, hide one unit behind the long stone wall on the right. There they will be covered on both sides. Sami with the second detachment, run forward and hide behind cover a little further. From there, shoot the Germans behind the sandbags. Then finish off the Germans behind the fence from the flank.

Run back through the alley to the street. Pay no attention to the Germans who come running. You can't get them through the fence anyway. A detachment of German paratroopers is waiting for you outside. Suppress them with fire and go in from the side.

Now you can deal with the Germans that appeared when you crossed the alley. There are a lot of them, and they often change positions, so it makes no sense to describe in detail what needs to be done. You may also do it differently. The general sequence of actions is as follows.

Two squads suppress the enemy. Themselves in splendid isolation go to them from the flanks. When you reach the next save point, get ready for a big challenge. You will need to deal with two tanks. And this is in an almost open area.

Send the fire squad straight to the fence. Let them fire at the enemy infantry. Assault squad to the fence on the right. Run there yourself. By this time the first tank should appear. While he is crawling through the ruins, run up to him and throw a grenade into the hatch.

Now, together with the assault squad, run to the enemy infantry and take them out as quickly as possible. Hide the assault team in some kind of cover. Run to the panzerfaust box yourself. It is located a little to the right of the shelter where the Germans were hiding.

Grab a panzerfaust and wait for a tank to appear from the side of the road. Release a charge on it and run for a new one. After three shots, the steel monster should fall apart. Transfer both units to stone fence next to the road and order to open fire on the Germans. Run over to the truck yourself and take them off the side.

Now hide one detachment behind the truck, the second in the shelter nearby and wait for the Germans to run out of the factory gates. Order both units to open fire on them and wait. When Mack and Leggett show up, they will twitch in their direction and get a bullet in the back of the head.

Talk to the commander and go inside. One unit hide in the room to the right of the entrance. Another detachment is at the wall next to the entrance. Run into the room yourself, clinging to the wall. From the side, shoot the three Germans behind the boxes. Then help finish off two Fritz on the street. Unless, of course, they've already been shot.

Run out into the street and quickly hide behind the truck on the left so as not to get under fire from the machine gunner. Destroy a detachment of Germans at the wall and go to the building where the machine gunner is sitting.

Without going inside, remove the machine gunner and two infantrymen. Then destroy the two German paratroopers opposite the entrance. Go inside and turn left. The heads of two Fritz should stick out from behind the boxes. Let the bullet hit the pumpkin and go outside.

Enter the same building, but from a different exit, and shoot two Germans. Now you need to get past the second machine gunner. Squat down and, clinging to the wall, sneak past. Run into the entrance next to the truck and take out the machine gunner from the passage.

Now call both units and use them to clear the room. After the death of the last enemy, talk to Mack. This will end the mission.

Tom and Jerry

Karentin, France

Obscenely short and easy mission. But one of the most interesting in the game. You are on the roof of the church, which offers a panorama of the city. Suddenly, a sniper shoots one of the paratroopers with a headshot. The Germans began to attack.

Both teams are on the ground and help repel the attack. Your task is to shoot as many Germans as possible from sniper rifle. The enemy advances in four directions. From the ruins to the east, from which smoke rises. By main street. And two in the west. Run around the tower and carefully inspect the surroundings. We noticed red circles - they took out a rifle and fired a couple of shots.

Easy and exciting. By the way, it is desirable to place teams better. As they stand initially - no good. More than half of the people are practically not covered.

When you shoot a certain number of Fritz, Mack will order you to go down to the balcony. Resupply ammo from the weapon crate and run downstairs after it. On the balcony, you have to repeat the same actions: shooting from a sniper rifle at the Germans.

The next wave is much more serious. Tanks joined the infantry. Run in the direction of the arrow and get the gun. A couple of Germans sat on the next balcony. Shoot them and find a box with weapons. Grab your bazooka and wait for the tanks to show up.

They will leave one by one. There are three of them in total. Each car needs 5-7 charges. Infantry will fire at you from below. You don’t need to touch it (although for the sake of order, you can shoot from the bazooka, as long as there are no tanks). All the same, new fighters will arrive. The main target is tanks. The tactics of the battle is as follows: they leaned out from behind the shelter and launched a charge. We hid back and reloaded the bazooka. Then another shot.

When last tank will be destroyed - the mission will end.

No Better Spot to Die

Near Hill 30, France

The last fight is the most boring. There is nothing unusual in the last mission. Yes, it is difficult. But somehow routine. First you need to break through a clearing full of Germans. Hide the fire squad behind the fallen tree. Assault squad - behind the bushes to the right of the tree.

Let the firing squad fire at the Germans in the center, and the assault squad on the right. Go right along the bush yourself and shoot two Fritz from the side. Run across the stones a little further and because of them finish off two more SS soldiers.

Now transfer the assault detachment behind the bushes, from where you removed the two Fritz, and order them to fire on the group of Germans on the right. Hide the fire squad in a shelter opposite the fallen tree. Let them suppress the machine gunner on the left. Run yourself along the bushes on the right and go in from the side of the first detachment, and then the machine gunner.

Then run to the comrades fighting on hill 30. Explosion and darkness in the eyes. After a while you will wake up. You can help shoot the Fritz. And you can not help. Anyway, a tank will arrive at the end, and a new shell shock is guaranteed.

When you wake up, listen to Mack and run to the right. You need to find two Shermans to help repel the attack. The first Fritz will jump out onto the road. Shoot him and move on. Having reached the turn, go a little forward and shoot the Germans behind the tree on the side.

Return to the turn and run all the way to the left. Don't pay attention to shooting and German tanks. After reaching the bridge, hide in cover and wait for the Shermans to drive up. With their help, deal with the machine gun point and roll back to hill 30.

On the way you will meet three German tanks. They drive alone, and two Shermans can handle it without a problem. Having reached the position where the comrades are defending, set the tanks on the Germans and wait until they finish their job. This will end the mission.

Victory in Carentan


Final scene. Soldiers celebrate the end of a difficult operation and rejoice that they survived this massacre. The pastoral picture will be disturbed by an incoming projectile. The detachment jumps to its feet again and goes into battle. Oh, I feel like we can't avoid a sequel. Damn it! This is great.

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