Passing the siphon filter. Passage of game Siphon Filter: Dark Mirror. Neutralize seven snipers

Siphon Filter


Name: Washington D.C. Georgia street.
1. Provide cover for CBDC agents to defuse the bomb.
2. Turn off the electricity from the doors to the subway.
3. Eliminate Kravitch and his computer.
4. Defuse the bomb in the subway.
5. Eliminate Rhoemer.

So, you begin your valiant mission to save humanity in Washington "e. The US capital is in serious danger. Your first task is to help CBDC agents (people in yellow protective suits) defuse a bomb in a city bank. Behind you is a passage between houses: run into it. Be careful: Kravitch's snipers have settled on the roofs, it is better to shoot them with a hit in the head (at this stage of the game, the intelligence of the enemies is zero, so you can safely aim at enemies for a long time without fear that you will be shot). Having reached the bank, get ahead of the terrorist who attacks the CBDC agent (get his support), after entering the bank, approach the bomb. A miner will come running, who will begin to defuse the bomb. It must be covered, shooting back from terrorists running out from everywhere. When the miner is finished, take the cartridges for M16 (full ammunition) in the box, also using the flashlight, pick up the grenades in the dark room. Next, return to the place where you started the game. On the way, do not forget about snipers, it is better to stay away from police cars, as they can be blown up. Running back, you will see a bar to the right of the entrance to which terrorists jump from the wall attacking CBDC agents. Do not be distracted by them (they are endless). Head down the corridor to the window (the terrorist is hiding behind the boxes). Climb out of the window into the street: there is a box on the left near the bars - you can use it to climb onto the balcony. From the balcony, climb over the pipe to the other side: while you are climbing, two terrorists will come running from below - take care of them, take the M79 grenade launcher. Jump down and run to the street, there, under heavy fire, take a bulletproof vest and cartridges for a sniper rifle. Then return to the grate. Shoot the lock at the gate. There is a switch on the wall: press it and the elevator will come. Go down on it. Lian (your signalman) will contact you. Turn on the flashlight: there is a lever on the left in the darkness - cut off the electricity and go upstairs. A terrorist is lurking on top, deal with him. Climb back into the window you came out of. In the bar, after running a few turns along the corridor, contact Lian - she will report Kravich. It is located in the bar area near the counter. With sufficient dexterity, it can be laid down from behind a corner with a sniper rifle, a shot to the head. If not pass option with a rifle (then you will hear your native Russian language), shoot Kravich with a pistol (you will have to run after him). Having dealt with the terrorist, take a shotgun behind the bar. As soon as you open the box, the terrorists, angry with the death of the boss, will come running. Test your new weapons on them. After dealing with the guards, follow the place marked on the map as the Subway entrance. There, if you go down the stairs, there is a bulletproof vest just below the subway, there are more enemies in the subway than on the surface, so be careful. Trains run on both sides - do not fall under them (certain death). To the left on the other side of the platform is a bomb that needs to be defused. Run to a parallel platform - in the tunnel where the train leaves, there is a dark room, inside of which there is an M79, body armor and grenades; to take them, use a flashlight. Run back in a straight line until you see a passage on the right. Go into it. After running along the corridor until dark, turn on the flashlight. Find the switch on the wall, press it and the elevator will come. Ride it down. Kill the guard around the corner and exit to the train. Run across the platform to the end. At the end of the platform is Rhoemer in body armor, next to him is a bomb. Shoot him in the head, then run to the bomb.


Washington DC destroyed subway.

1. Find a box with C4.
2. Blow up the passage for the agent
3. Turn off the gas.

The unfortunate sapper Gabriel Logan miraculously survives after the explosion, and you will again have to lead him to a noble goal. Go right and climb over the platform where there is no fire. A burning terrorist will run at you. If you do not finish off the poor fellow with a well-aimed headshot, then burn with him. Run in a straight line until you turn right. Kill two terrorists and jump into the passage, between the fire and the car. Climb to the top of the wagon, run across it and jump off to the right. Kill three enemies. Keep running along the rails. Almost at the end of the tunnel, use a flashlight to find a box of explosives. Go back to where you killed the three adversaries. There will be a red box nearby - climb up on it. When you get to the top, run in a straight line. You will see a bomb: so that there are no more surprises, like last time, you need to call the CBDC agents. Set the charge C4 on the grate and do your feet. After the explosion, a passage will open, from which CBDC sappers will run out to defuse the bomb. While they are fiddling with the bomb, you must provide cover for them, otherwise the mission is failed. Run to the left: you will see a passage, and Lian will tell you to turn off the gas. To do this, go back to where you climbed up, and with the help of a flashlight, find the valve on the wall on the right. Turn it, and in the place where Lian contacted you, a passage will open. Follow there. After running through the cars and shooting several terrorists, you will be taken to the next level.

Name: Washington DC main subway line.
Goals:eliminate Mara (Maria?) Aramova
small and not very challenging mission. We need to catch up with Aramova, who is running away along the central branch of the Washington subway. Run after her, avoiding trains.
To avoid being hit by a train, constantly run from one line to another. From time to time, terrorists will jump out of nowhere, but we have a short conversation with them. After some time, Mara (Maria) will stop (apparently she will get tired - after all, they have trampled several kilometers). She took good cover to stop, and if you're lucky, you'll shoot her on the run with a headshot.

Name: Washington D.C. Washington park.
1. Defuse four virus bombs.
2. Rescue the hostages.
3. Turn off the communication satellite.
4. Eliminate Marcos.

You have twenty minutes to defuse the Siphon filter virus bombs. This time will be enough. An enemy with a shotgun will immediately attack you, after which a sniper will stand in your way, sitting on the wall. Ahead are four rectangular walls arranged in two rows. In the first row on the left is a shotgun, and on the right is a bulletproof vest. The first bomb is placed in the second row on the left. After placing a beacon on the bomb, a CBDC agent will come running to help you defuse the bomb. While he is busy with the bomb, you should cover him from the terrorists running out from both sides. Having cleared the explosive device, go to the place marked on the map as Statue. V at the foot of the statue lies the second charge with the virus. After installing the beacon, wait for the arrival of the CBDC miners team, and then provide them with reliable cover, as there will be many more enemies. There are two passages near the monument: run into the one to the left. At the end of the passage there is a guard around the corner: shoot him in the head (so that there is less noise and more ammo). Behind the other corner is the second guard - do the same operation with him. On the illuminated area near the wall, a bulletproof vest is neatly hidden - it is better to save it for further operations to destroy the enemy. To the right of the vest is a passage leading to a small forest. In this forest zone you will have to maneuver among a dozen terrorists. Almost every one of them has a sniper rifle with an infrared sight. So you should act quickly enough before they open the hunt for you. Trees will serve as a reliable shelter for you. After shooting vile adversaries, run to two houses (they are marked on the map). Near one of them, another bomb is waiting for you. On the second house (it is located a little further away) there is a box with ammunition for the M16. After taking them, run to defuse the third bomb. Just like before, cover the allied agent - this time all the enemy fire will be directed at the CBDC man so don't yawn. Head to the right passage from the monument. New enemies will appear along the way. If you run along the path, then you will come out just to the place where the last bomb is located. After the last charge is turned off, the timer will turn off and the time limit will be removed. Then continue to move along the path, to the brick tunnel. It's full of hidden snipers. At the end of the tunnel is a tennis court. On it, terrorists are holding CBDC people hostage. One wrong move and they'll be shot. There are two guards on the court: one of them patrols the neighborhood, the other holds the hostages at gunpoint. First of all, remove from the sniper rifle and head along the path to the strange structure, which is surrounded by the enemy. After killing all the guards, climb up the ledges, where you turn off the computer. After jumping down, go to the mini-maze. Inside it is Marcos and several other terrorists. Your main goal is Marcos, but before you kill him, comb the entire maze in search of weapons and ammunition. There is a place on the map marked as Memorial - you should get there. But first neutralize the guards.

Name: Washington D.C. freedom memorial.
Goals: destroy Anton Girdeaux
Walkthrough: The first boss of the game, Anton Girdeaux is a rather dangerous opponent, as he is armed with a flamethrower. From which even your body armor will not save you. When fighting with him, you should be very careful: a bomb is installed on a pedestal in the center of the hall, one hit on it and you are a corpse. Weakness the boss is behind him. By shooting at a cylinder with a flammable liquid, you will blow up Antosha, thereby taking away some of his health. Naturally, he will not stand and watch you deal with him. From its deadly jets of fire, you can hide behind the columns and return fire from there. You should not linger for a long time behind one column, move from place to place endlessly to get out of sight. After hitting the balloon several times, you will see how the poor terrorist will burn in his own flame.

Name: New York City: expo center reception.
1. Follow Phagan.
2. Find all access cards.

First tracking mission. You need to follow a man named Pagan (probably came from a toadstool). On this mission, Gabriel will be dressed in an elegant tuxedo that makes him look like a real gorilla. Watching Pagan, in no case should you open fire from any, and also show yourself in the eyes of numerous guards. If these requirements are not met by you, the mission will be considered failed. Climb up the ledges on the right without Pagan seeing you. Hide behind the pillar and wait for the guard to come down. Shoot him with a silenced pistol. Take the NK-5 from the corpse, but do not use it yet. Next, another guard will appear - kill him too. Approaching the corpse, be careful: there is a third guard around the corner, he is heading in the opposite direction from you, so there is an opportunity to carefully aim. Go to the hall with stones on the floor. The enemy will follow them. If Pagan left the hall, then you can safely kill the guard. Run forward until you turn left, wait for Pagan to turn the corner, and kill the fifth guard. It is better to finish him off with a sniper rifle. When you reach the turn to the right, hide behind the statue. Another security guard will come out from around the corner, who should immediately get a bullet between the eyes. Collect weapons and follow Pagan further. After turning to the right, the last poor fellow will come out: salute him and send him to his comrades. After listening to Nagan's conversation with the traitor Benton and, having figured out what, in fact, is the matter, kill this rat. Benton is a fairly strong opponent, as he is wearing a bulletproof vest, and he is armed with a G18 weapon that is dangerous for you. It is best to shoot Benton in the head, then if he hurts you, you can remove his bulletproof vest. When you deal with him, take the weapon and card from him. Go to the grate and kill the guard (since Pagan made his legs, and you learned everything you wanted, there is no point in hiding anymore and you can start active hostilities). Open the grate with a card, come close to it and kick the door with your foot. After knocking out the door, step aside and get ready for a good shootout. After killing the attackers, climb up the box. Upstairs, at the entrance to the ventilation shaft, shoot the lock. After passing through the ventilation, you will exit into a large hall. First, shoot the enemies attacking from behind the glass opposite the entrance.
Then take out the lunar invaders below. Having gone down to the layout, be on the lookout - after a while they will open fire on you again. Take a card from one of the corpses. Climb up: to the left of the entrance to the ventilation there is a code panel. Insert a card into it and quickly run down to the grate. Try to run faster, after a while it will close. Running behind bars, you will find yourself in a huge room with a rocket. They will open fire on you from below. If you get hurt, there will be a bulletproof vest on the right. Going further, kill a group of enemies. Enter the elevator and look up: there will be a switch - shoot it. The elevator will take you to the second floor. Two more enemies will come running. Run to the end along the corridor, where they will shoot at you, like at a target in a shooting range. After taking the card and the improved shotgun, head back. If you are tired of being a poor little bunny, then douse the evil wolves with whistling buckshot from a shotgun. Get down to the first floor and go out the door. After killing the enemies, you can take the G18 and body armor from two boxes. Going a little further, you will find yourself in a room with a model of Mars. Shoot all the Martians present. Climbing upstairs, stomp to the grate. Enter the hall with the model of the Moon (?). On the left in the crate is K3G4 (save it). Shoot all the remaining guards and climb onto the moon rover. Climb up from it. There is a door on the left - go through it.

Name: New York City: dinorania.
Goals: 1. Find all access cards.
2. Prevent the murder of Pagan and take Aramova alive
As soon as the mission begins, quickly sit down next to the table and take out the K3G4. Enemy units will try to take you by storm. Enemies will start attacking from different directions, so it will be very difficult not to damage the armor. After eliminating all the terrorists, take the bulletproof vest and K3G4 in the lockers. After leaving the open door, head to the other door. In the room where you find yourself, you need to cling to the crossbar and climb over to the middle of the room. Letting go of your hands, you best traditions James Bond, you will break through the glass dome with your mortal body and with a whistle, like a sack of potatoes, you will collapse down. Once at the bottom, quickly dive under the canopy - it was not enough for you to be killed by some ordinary watchmen after such a heroic flight. Having removed all the guards from your dugout, head under another shed, where you also kill all the enemies. When the shots stop, take a card from one of the guards. Come in the closed door. After entering the dinosaur room, get ready to face the terrorists. You will be attacked by two people in front and one from behind. After shooting them, open the lock and quickly slip under the bars. Run around the corner, deal with the two guards in front, quickly turn around and take out two more enemies. After crossing the aquarium, you will find yourself near a large dinosaur. Upstairs, Aramova deals with Pagan, and if you do not help the old man, he will die from a shot in the head. To prevent the grandfather's death without harming the girl, you need to hit Aramova with an electric shock, or shoot her gun. As soon as you neutralize Aramova, the nimble Pagan will quickly wash off again. Climb onto the dinosaur by its tail. Two more guards will run out. Climb onto the iron bar (watch out, don't break your neck). The guards will come running again, send them to the same place where they sent the previous ones. Climb down and collect weapons with ammo. Rise to Aramova.

Name: Rozovka, Kazakhstan: base escape.
1. Mine five tanks.
2. Turn off the electricity from the motion sensors.
3. Eliminate Gabrek.
4. Infiltrate the missile storage.

The most unpatriotic mission in the game. You will have to mine the Russian military base in Kazakhstan. In this mission, in no case should you give yourself away, because after raising the alarm, crowds of guards will come running to you. When the guard goes behind his own truck and starts a conversation with a colleague, go to the booth. Take gas grenades there. Throw a grenade at the feet of the soldiers, then take the weapon from them. There is another guard on the bridge ahead. It's better to take it from a distance. A searchlight is installed on the bridge: for unknown reasons, even in the absence of guards, falling under its beam, you will raise the alarm. So it's better to break it. When you reach the bridge, turn right. There is a soldier at the top: shoot him. A second searchlight will be installed near the killed soldier. After going a little forward, wait for the enemy submachine gunner to come out from behind the turn. Then finish him off. Above, where he came out, there is another spotlight: put it out with a well-aimed shot from a pistol. Approach the tank and plant explosives under it. To the right of the cistern, a guard walks. There is another one on the left. After shooting them both, go forward a little, where you kill the third one. Head towards the last corpse. Go to the satellite dish, shooting the guards you meet along the way. Near the plate on the right, behind the fence, a soldier walks. Remove it and shoot the lock from the gate. You will be taken to a power plant (on the Power plant map). The power plant is guarded by only two guards (you already killed one), so there shouldn't be any problems. The second gunner is located just at the switch. After killing him, turn off the electricity. After leaving the territory of the power plant, turn right and set the C4 charge to pop the second tank. Then there are two ways to proceed. Both of them are almost the same both in time and complexity. The first way is to run back to the first tank and cross the bridge to the other side. There, deal with three guards (gas grenades can be useful) and run into the tunnel. Take in it sniper rifle with an infrared sight and gas grenades. After running through the tunnel, be careful: there are two snipers at the top. Quickly remove them from the rifle and smash all the spotlights. Take the improved shotgun near the truck, then move to the tank on the left. Install an explosive package on it. Kill the guard and go to the window located next to the cistern. Shoot the soldier through the window. Run into the tunnel. At the end of the tunnel to the left behind the barrels are two guards - treat them with a gas grenade. Shoot down the searchlight and run to the right to the cistern. Minify her. Run further. After running a few turns, hide in the opening of the houses. After a while, a convoy consisting of two soldiers and Gabrek "a will pass by you. Throw a gas grenade under their feet. Wait until the gas dissipates, take a weapon and a card from the corpses. Install explosives on the last tank. Move further more carefully - there is a guard on the left, after killing which, open the grate. Second passage. From the second tank, run forward to the end. On the right you will see a grate, next to which there will be a ledge. After climbing over the wall, kill the guard who stands in the opening of the house on the right. A little further is the convoy with Gabrek" ohm. Defeat him with a gas grenade and take the card. Place a charge on the nearest tanker. Go forward to the grate, shoot the guard behind it. Look up: there is a searchlight on the left - break it. Approaching the passage leading further, be extremely careful and accurate. There will be two guards on the right. Quickly run to the cistern located diagonally from this place. There is a guard outside the window - shoot him. Mine the cistern. Run further through the tunnel: the last tank will be on the right. After running through the next tunnel, neutralize the enemy with a gas grenade. Ahead, remove the machine gunner in the opening of the house. Taking from the box a sniper rifle with an infrared sight and gas grenades, go upstairs. Cross the bridge and head towards the grate. Further passages converge. Once at the grate, lay down the two soldiers standing behind it. Open the grate with an access card by collecting weapons and destroying the spotlight. A guard walks around the corner: to remove him, climb onto the roof of the bunker. Get him out of there with a headshot. On the right will be the last two submachine gunners. Throw them a gas grenade.

Name:Roiovka, Kazakhstan: base bunker.
1. Disarm missiles.
2. Climb to the roof.

In the bunker, you are tasked with neutralizing ten missiles, which are located in three sectors. There will be two guards on the right after the turn. After killing them, shoot the switch behind the force field. It will disappear and you can move on. Run to the end of the corridor, knock down another switch there. After opening the terminal with the green switch, kill the guard near the missiles (in no case open fire on the missiles). Inside the terminal, disable two missiles. Open the door opposite the one you entered. Quickly shoot the soldier. Turn off the beam switch on the left. Head down the corridor until you turn right. Shoot around the corner at the switch on the wall. The alarmed guards will come running. After shooting the soldiers, head to the passage to the right of them. Run forward and get your weapons ready. Two guards will run towards you. Having reached the end of the passage, neutralize two machine gunners. On the right, turn off the beams and move into the tunnel. In it, turn off another force field. In the dark, you can find a bulletproof vest. Run to the next terminal, shoot the machine gunner along the way. Inside it will be two soldiers. By pressing the button of the mechanism, raise the rockets up and neutralize them. After turning off the rockets, head to the fork (not the one you came from). There are guards on the right and left, having dealt with them, head to the last terminal. There are four more missiles. As soon as you enter the terminal, turn around and quickly shoot the guards. After turning off the rockets, go out the door. There will be two submachine gunners on the way. Head into the tunnel. Be careful in it, as the guards are wearing bulletproof vests. Come to the computer and open the doors to the weapons store. In the warehouse, do not hesitate for a second: one of the enemies is armed with grenades. If you manage to kill all the guards, then the warehouse will be at your complete disposal. Loaded to capacity with weapons, go to the elevator. Climb up to the roof.

Name: Roiovka, Kazakhstan: base tower.
Goals: 1 Disable radar.
2. Destroy the helicopter.

On the roof you will see a large antenna. Come and turn it off. Having done this, you will find out that Lian has been kidnapped, and a Lan combat helicopter is heading towards you (just like in metal gear). The principle of passing is as follows: while the helicopter will shoot at you, run around the area around the radar all the time. As soon as he re-circles and is above you, shoot him. It is best to use RK-102. When the helicopter catches fire, several soldiers will run out onto the roof. Without stopping, shoot them. After the support group, a very strong heavy fire will fall on you. It is best to hide from endless machine gun bursts behind the radar. Make a couple more volleys from the RK-102 at the helicopter, after which it will calmly go down.

Name: Rozovka, Kazakhstan: base escape.
Goals: Leave the base within three minutes.
You have three minutes to get your feet off the Russian base. The guards will now be just the sea. I do not advise you to engage in battle - it is better to quickly run to the exit and shoot the guards on the go. A shotgun is very useful. Having reached the exit from the base, you will finish this level, which is easy in complexity.

Name: Uzhhorod, Ukraine: Rhoemer's stronghold
1. Eliminate ten scientists.
3. Find all access cards.
4. Go down to the catacombs.

You are dropped off on the roof of the monastery. You can go down on small bridges: one is in front, the other is behind you. There is no difference on which bridge to go down - all the same, two monks will attack you. One will shoot from below, and the other will pop out from behind the stained glass window. Climb into the window where the monk ran out. To the left along the corridor, there is a crate with a sniper rifle. When you take it, a doctor will come running to you, who should be shot. Do not succumb to his persuasion and cold-bloodedly shoot him in the head (so as not to spoil the bulletproof vest). Run further along the corridor to the laboratory. Inside it are two poor fellows who tested the virus. Give them the vaccine with the antigen. Behind the laboratory is a passage. Go into it: a monk is on duty around the turn near the door - remove him from around the corner. The door where the monk was standing is closed: you need an access card to open it. Turn the corner - there will be a guard and a scientist. Above them hangs a large chandelier, shooting at which, you will kill two birds with one stone. Ahead of you is a dark room. Use a flashlight to find the bulletproof vest in it. After leaving the room, head to the next lab (on the Labs map). Enter the experimental person serum and go back. Head to the corridor on the left, carefully remove the guard along the way. Enter the next lab. Do not get close to the tables with reagents, as the guard in the laboratory can hit them. Get rid of the suffering of another person infected with Siphon, then take a bunch of grenades. In the next laboratory, there are as many as three scientists behind the glass. Aim well and throw a gas grenade at their feet. If you didn’t hit the scientists with a grenade, you will have to follow them run around. Take an access card from the corpse of one of them. Follow the door that was previously closed. Guards reappeared near it. Having dealt with the guards, go through the door, climb over the boxes (do this very quickly, as the monk will shoot at you ). Exit to the balcony. After a long firefight, climb out the window on the left (where the monk was). Outside the window, shoot the scientist stunned by your visit. Run to the end of the balcony. Break the stained glass window and climb through the window into the room. Get K3G4 from the box. Exit back to the balcony and climb through the window in the middle.In the corridor you will see a guard and a scientist.Cover both of them with a chandelier.Go through the same corridor into the laboratory. stand up and quickly open fire on the two monks. Give an injection to a patient infected with the virus. At the end of the corridor stands a doctor guarded by two monks. As before, cover the confident company with a chandelier. Take the access card from the doctor. Open the door next to it with a card. You will enter the library. Inside it you have to endure a serious test. Having managed to deal with numerous enemies, go upstairs and go out into the street through the window. You will immediately be attacked by a guard with a shotgun. After finishing with him, approach the stained glass window and shoot another one. Climb out the next window (beware of the guards). In the laboratory, shoot the reagent so that the monk standing next to the table suffocates. Administer the antigen vaccine to the last patient. Run down two flights. To the left behind the boxes is a scientist with a machine gun. After killing him, take the access card and climb over the boxes. Two monks will immediately jump down behind you. Having overcome a couple more boxes, you will stumble upon the last scientist. To the left of him there will be a dark room where you can find K3G4. When you try to take the ammo, you will be attacked from behind by a guard. After leaving the dark room, head to the green hall. You will be attacked by three guards: it is better to deal with them with the help of K3G4, as they are wearing bulletproof vests. After destroying the guards, go downstairs and open the door with a card. Behind the door on the right, kill the monk, break the stained glass window. Jump onto the bridge and use it to get to another building. Kill two enemies. Take the gas grenades on the left and get into the elevator.

Name: Uzhhorod, Ukraine: stronghold lower level.
1. Eliminate fanning scientists.
2. Administer serum to infected patients.
3. Find all access cards.
4. Find the entrance to the catacombs.

After going down, wait until the monk comes out from behind the box, then shoot him. There is a patient in the room on the left. As soon as you approach him, they will open fire on you from above. Having dealt with the attacker, enter the antidote to the patient. On the way out you will be attacked by another guard. To the right of the exit there will be a descent. Climb down it. Ahead, a monk will come out from behind a pillar. Try to remove it without noise. Climb up to the balcony and kill the doctor. In sniper mode, take out the guard on the other side of the balcony. Get down and run to the fork. Turn left at the fork. At the end of the corridor, help the poor test subject and shoot the two monks standing at the top. After entering the laboratory, you will see a doctor. He will run around the lab like crazy. Shooting at the professor is not recommended, as he is wearing a bulletproof vest, and he has a colt in his hands. It is best to bait the unfortunate warrior with gas or shoot him in the head with a sniper rifle. There are crates in the room you fired from. Climb up on them and go to the next laboratory. At the bottom, give an infected patient an injection of antigen. Run into the hall, where the boxes climb onto the balcony. On the balcony, take the box of ammo for the Colt. Go into the passage in the wall (it's better not to go upstairs). At the end of a long corridor is a large hall. Monks will open fire on you from above. In the corner of the hall, climb over the boxes. A sick man staggers around the corner: as soon as you give him the vaccine, a monk will attack you. When you kill him, head to the end along the corridor. On the way you will meet guards, use boxes as cover. After going down, climb onto a small tower of boxes. From it move to the balcony. After shooting several enemies, go through the corridor to the balcony, located on the other side of the building. From the second balcony, cross the crossbar to the other side. Shoot the scientist and take the access card from him. Come back to the other side along the crossbar. Get outside. There will be a balcony on your right. Climbing onto the balcony, take a bulletproof vest from the box and climb into the window, Neutralize another scientist. After opening the door with an access card, remove the two monks standing on the right. Around the left, there is a doctor. After killing him, go to the room, appearance reminiscent of a laboratory. At the very end of this room, deal with the scientist. Taking the access card from him, quickly shoot the monk who came running before he threw a grenade. Follow the closed door. There are several monks in the hall outside the door, all of them wearing bulletproof vests. If you are not a sniper, then it is better to use K3G4. In the corner of the hall is a passage that will lead you to a huge stained glass window. After breaking it, get ready to get involved in big shootout. Entering the hole in the wall, stomp along the corridors and shoot the guards until you come across the last doctor. After running a few more rooms, you will finish this level.

Name: Uzhorod, Ukraine: stronghold catacombs.
1. Find Pagan.
2. Find Lian.

At first glance, this mission may seem very complicated and confusing. But in fact it is very simple. After the start of the level, you will see a scientist who will slowly head into the depths of the catacombs. Your task is to follow him and wait for him to open the door. This level can be completed in two ways: killing and not killing the guards. All the guards on this level are placed so that you can carefully sneak past them. Therefore, it is not necessary to kill them, especially since when you remove the guard, you can attract the doctor's attention. Sometimes, even if you don't kill the guard, the doctor may notice your presence. Then he will yell at you all over the level to infinity, passing by the cherished goal. When, nevertheless, the doctor opens the door, Logan will shoot him (what a pity that this bastard cannot be shot personally), and you will have to accompany Pagan to the exit. Along the way, you will meet dozens of guards: you must shoot them very quickly. After a while, Pagan will be killed, and Lian will join you. She has a gun, so the next section of the path will be easier with her.

Name: Almaty, Kazakhstan: pharcom warehouses.
1. Find and ask for Erickson.
2. Turn off the electricity.
3. Find containers with virus corpses.
4. Walk along the sklapa.

Welcome to the war! Yes, yes, for a real war. The guys from Studio 989 did a good job of making the players who play this campaign really feel like they are at war. Two factions are at war: blue and red. Unfortunately, it is impossible to replenish the ranks of one of them. And so you will have to act immediately against everyone. Run out from behind the boxes and immediately take down a couple of foot soldiers. There is a building to your right. Erickson dug in inside. Conduct an interrogation, then take the scanner in the corner of the room. Look at the map: you need to run to the warehouse at number 13. There is a liberator sitting there, barricaded with barrels of fuel, shooting at which you will send the warrior to a very peaceful place. Climb into the warehouse on the boxes located below. Behind the pipe you will find M79. Jump out the window. Down below, the blue fighters occupied not big house hic, in which you can take grenades. Until a new batch of militants has come running, fly with a bullet to the warehouse at number 23. Biz-2 is located inside it. After running out of the warehouse, head back to 13. Near it is a building with a poster on the wall. You need to get on it. The room contains the first container with a corpse. Put a beacon on it. Go outside through the window to the right of the container. While there is a fierce firefight between the opposing sides, quickly run to the warehouse. Climb inside through the window. Use the scanner to find the corpse in the container. In order not to climb back through the window, blow up the barrels at the entrance. Head to the warehouse, indicated on the map by number 36. Inside it, in the corner, there are barrels. By blowing them up, you will open a passage down. Head along the underground passage to the street, destroying enemies along the way. There will be a row of containers on the street on the left. Get on them. There is a pipe above the containers that you can use to climb over to the ledge where you can turn off the electricity. It is best to climb onto the ledge at the moment when the blue and grays start a firefight, then they will not care about you. After cutting off the electricity, move to warehouse 69. Place the beacon on the last container with the corpse. Get down into the underground tunnel, run to the fork. Turn right. Once outside, climb into the building on the left.

Name: Almaty, Kazakhstan: pharma elite guards.
Goals: 1. Find containers with virus corpses.
2. Get to warehouse 76.

You start this level in the building where you finished the previous one. Take the bulletproof vest in the room and jump into the hatch. After running along the corridor, go outside. After killing the enemies on the street, head to the warehouse. Inside you will find a passage that will take you to the other side of the street. On the right, shoot the soldier and climb up the boxes. Throw a grenade through the window to two enemies and climb through the window. The room in which you find yourself is warehouse 82. One of the containers contains a corpse infected with a virus. Exit the warehouse and head left. After running a fairly decent distance, you will get to another warehouse. Place the beacon on the second container and get ready for a small firefight. There are boxes to the left of the warehouse, climb them onto the frame of the house and crawl along it to the left. After jumping down, shoot the two guards. Take the M79 behind the crates. Go back along the frame. There is a house in the middle of the street. Kill the guard inside it and crawl out onto the roof through the boxes. Shoot the soldiers and climb over the crossbar to another roof. Going downstairs, deal with the guards. Use the scanner to find the corpse and run into the tunnel. Run through the tunnel (it's quite long and has a lot of sneaky enemies). After running out of the tunnel, without stopping, run into warehouse 76.

Name: Almaty, Kazakhstan: warehouse 76.
Goals: get to the elevator.
During the elevator ride, an explosion occurs and Gabriel miraculously survives (how many times?). This level is not very difficult, and it makes no sense to talk about it in detail. The only puzzle (if I may say so) in this level is the elevator call at the end of the level. To summon him, shoot the switch. That, in fact, is all.

Name: Almaty, Kazakhstan; sib access tunnels.
Goals: find launcher.
At the very beginning of the level, three soldiers will attack you. Hiding behind the boxes, shoot the attackers. Run forward. Having reached the iron bridge, kill two enemies on the other side (be careful: one of them has a grenade in his hands). After crossing the bridge, you will see laser beams. To the right of them will be a passage. Come into it. Run to the end of the cave until you run into laser beams. Take a flashlight and light it up dark side: there lies K3G4. Go back to the very first bridge in this cave. There are boxes under it, jump on them. Once at the bottom, run through the tunnel, shooting enemy units. When you see a pyramid of boxes, hide behind it. From above, grenades will be thrown at you. To deal with such a vile adversary, it is best to sacrifice one cartridge from the M79. Climb up the boxes. They will open fire on you from below. On the right side of the wall is a bulletproof vest. Run across the bridge. After running into the hall, look to the left: there will be an elevator call button. But to turn it on, you must first find an electric generator. To the right of the wall is a mountain of boxes. Climb up it to the very top, where you run into the red corridor. After running along it to the end, turn on the generator. Go back to the elevator activation panel. New enemies have appeared below. After turning on the elevator, you can go down, or you can take cartridges for the M79. In order to take the cartridges, climb the boxes next to the elevator upstairs. After going down the elevator, run forward through the cave, destroying enemies along the way. Call the elevator and go up. There will be a bridge to your left, after crossing it, head through the tunnel. At the end, go to the control room. Inside it you need to press three buttons. By doing this, you will complete the level.

Name: Almaty, Kazakhstan: tunnel blackout
Goals: find launcher.
This level is completely linear. There are no branches and puzzles in it, so there is no need to give any recommendations for its passage.

Name: Almaty, Kazakhstan: missile silo.
1. Stop rocket takeoff.
2. Turn off the computer.
3. Destroy Rhoemer "a.

The last level of the game. Your first task is to stop the rocket launch with the virus. Get down on the elevator. There are ceilings near the rocket. Climb up them. There is a button on the body of the rocket that will stop the rocket launch. When you press it, Markinson will come to you, who, after a short conversation, will be shot dead. The rocket will start to take off, and you have only a few seconds left to get out of the mine. Once in "safety", run to the control room - only there you can now turn off the ill-fated rocket. Having cut down the computer, you go into the big passage. In the hall with various equipment you will meet the last boss of the game. Rhoemer is armed with an M79 grenade launcher, and has armor that cannot be penetrated by any weapon. To kill this reptile, you "only" need to climb into a niche located under the ceiling, kill the soldiers and take gas grenades. Then throw one gas grenade at Rhoemer "a. Although he is protected by the most durable armor, even she will not save the poor fellow from poison gas. HAPPY END?

At the time of the translation of the passage, I went through only the first three episodes, according to which the translation is more or less correct. Then I translate myself, I don’t know what, if I made a mistake, I apologize. Dmitry Novozhenov.

Episode 1, Part 1

You start by hiding behind a pillar. Switch to the MB-150 immediately and select the EDT darts. Shoot at the enemy talking on the radio, but don't activate it yet. Wait until the radio talks end, then activate the dart. Find the sniper and kill him with another EDT. Walk over the just killed enemy and pick up the Specter. Don't use yet. Look for the tech's body to find the card. Load the MB-150 with 6mm rounds and shoot the barrel on the right behind the net. This will create a passage in the grid.

Go into the passage and, hiding behind the boxes, kill two guards with the Mark 23. Pick up Specter ammo from the bodies. Climb up the ladder on the side of the building to the left of the crates you were hiding behind. Climb up to the top platform and use the RTL to get to the catwalk. Jump down and use the card. Turn on NVGs and enter a dark room. Take the first aid kit on the wall on the left and the M67 grenades from the table. Check the books on the table and find the first hidden folder. Go to the weapon rack and grab the M1 Super 90.

When you leave the room, you will be attacked by two guards, kill them with the M1 Super 90. Go back the way you came to the technician's body. Follow the illuminated path and use the columns on the left for cover. Stay crouched to improve your shooting accuracy. You can shoot barrels to burn enemies nearby. At the end of the path, turn on the EDSU goggles and switch to EDT to open the lock on the gate. Turn off your goggles and switch to automatic. Go down the stairs and kill the guard when he runs past you. Climb up the stairs at the other end of the basement. When you go around the basement, a guard will run out of the door, kill him and climb up the stairs. The guard on the ground behind the bridge will try to shoot you, switch to the Specter and kill him, then to the MB-150 and take out the guard that is visible on the bridge above. Reload your weapon before climbing. As you go up, you will see a cutscene. When it's over, keep climbing up and pull the lever on the tower wall. After the video, change the assault rifle to the Dragunov SVD dropped by the sniper. Shoot the guard shooting at Lian. Before you tell her to advance, get some ammo for the SVD from the crate on the left. Press SQUARE to instruct Lian to advance when ready. Lian will be attacked by many enemies, shoot them. Before using the AZL, switch to the assault rifle and fill up with ammo if needed. Use AZL to meet Lian and finish the part.

Episode 1, Part 2

Switch to the MB-150 and shoot down the fuel truck without moving. This will destroy the guard at the machine gun. Shoot the guard standing on the balcony above the flames. Use RTL to move to the opposite balcony. If a guard appears, shoot him with another RTL with the Specter. Check the board ahead for a hidden folder. Also, if needed, there is a first aid kit. Follow the RTL to the opposite balcony. Run forward with the M1 Super 90 at the ready and shoot the guard coming around the corner. Squat down and slowly open the door. Use the Mark 23 to shoot one guard in the head, then switch to the knife and stab the second. Use EDSU to find the switch on the wall and use the computer. Run to the table and push it forward. Switch to the M1 Super 90 and kill the two guards. Grab a bulletproof vest and a first aid kit if needed. On the balcony outside, take the MB-150 and shoot the sniper on the balcony opposite. Go down the stairs, take out the Specter and, hiding around the corner, shoot the guards who will try to kill you. After the fight is over, collect the ammo for the Specter before pressing the elevator button.

After the cutscene, take out the Specter and run away from Red Jack while continuing to shoot. Red Jack will die from the explosion of his satchel. After his death, the part will end.

Episode 1, Part 3

Stay crouched and take out the knife. Knife an enemy working near the shield. when he dies, use RTL to bypass the flames. At the end, jump down and use the EDT to unlock the ventilation grate. Turn on the NVGs and crawl into the ventilation. at the end of the path, use the EDT to turn on the big switch and turn off the flames. Jump down and look in the box for a hidden folder. Take body armor. Get into the top vent. Use the EDT to turn on the switches through whichever fan is not spinning. This will reopen the path for you. When you get to the exit, turn off the NVGs and exit the vent. Get close to the enemy and hit him with a knife. Pick up ammo for the Specter. Stay crouched and use the wall as cover. Look around the corner and you will see the head of the enemy. Use Mark 23 to shoot him, then get out from behind the corner, and, remaining on your haunches, move forward. Go around the fittings and stab the guard who is spinning the big TV screen. check the couch for hidden clues. Switch to Mark 23 and shoot the guard in the lobby. Take the key to the elevator from him. Look in the last locker in the first row for a first aid kit. Look in the last locker in the last row for a bulletproof vest. Enter the elevator and press the button.

Episode 1, Part 4

When the elevator opens, shoot the guard in front of you. In the next area, shoot the switch to burn the nearby guard. Shoot again to turn off the flame. Hide under windows. From the machine gun, shoot the guard descending the rope, from the MB-150, shoot the guard on the upper platform. take cover, and shoot the guards on the opposite balcony with a machine gun. Go back to the elevator for the body armor. Use RTL to get across the gap between the balconies. Change the assault rifle to Galil AR which is used by the local guards. Take the body armor from the box hidden in the passage. Search the technician's body for hidden evidence. Climb up the stairs. Use Mark 23, shoot two enemies and climb into the office. Enable NVGs and switch to AR. Shoot the two enemies coming up the stairs. Two more will knock down the door in the room below. Shoot them with the Specter as they enter. Reload your weapon and pick up ammo for the Specter. Open the vent at the bottom of the stairs with the EDT, but don't go through it yet. Squat down and move through the two doors. In this room, use the EDT to open the ventilation grate. Climb down the stairs and keep the AR at the ready. Open the door and use the wall on the right as cover. Look around the corner and shoot the guard holding the technician hostage. After the cutscene, use the EDT and complete all three circuits. Grab the lever and wait for the technician to count down. Pull the lever at the same time. Finishing this part will give you the TEK-9 Silenced in mission mode.

Episode 1, Part 5

First, use the radio to fool the guards upstairs. Tell the tech to hide, crouch down and move up the stairs. Crawl into the ventilation and get the MB-150. Use the X34 dart to silently eliminate the two guards in the room. Enter the room and order the guard to follow you. When he appears, tell him to use the lock with the palm scanner. Climb the stairs and return to Freeman's office. Enter the code to the safe, which the technician will tell you. Take the body armor, go down the stairs and use the palm scanner. Squat down and move to the next area. Silently finish off two enemies in the server room with EDT darts. Sign in and use your computer. The technician will tell Gabe that he can reconnect the wires manually. Get him up and turn on the IR goggles. Keep an eye on his heat spot and hit the switches he indicates. After the third, two guards will attack the technician, shoot them and the technician will go down into the room. Use your computer and watch the video. Arm yourself with grenades and tell the technician to open the door. Throw a grenade at the guards and hide. Enter the room and close the valve. Look behind the cars for a crate of ammo. Get all the ammo you can. Tell the technician to use the palm scanner. It will help you climb into the overhead vent.

Episode 2, Part 1

You are playing this mission as Lian Xing. The mission starts between the rocks. Get out of cover and shoot the guards with your TEK-9. Collect TEK-9 ammo. After you shoot everyone, turn on the EDSU to find the glowing boxes. Climb on them and look inside. With each box, two guards will run out to you. If necessary, there is a group of boxes and a container with body armor and a first aid kit. After you find the third drive, watch the cutscene. When it ends, switch the rifle to explosive darts. Shoot a dart at an enemy wearing a helmet and immediately detonate it. Take the Galil AR and a card. Use explosive darts and clear the rear of the plane, switch to Galil AR and pick up ammo from the bodies. Take USAS-12 from the counter opposite the terminal. Use the terminal and watch the cutscene.

After the cutscene, turn on the IR and shoot the guard at the top of the stairs. Switch to Galil and go up the stairs. When you climb up, the enemies will try to follow you up the stairs. Kill them, but ignore those in the distance until they get close. Go to the tail of the plane and plant C4. Turn on the EDSU and open the flaps on both wings to find hidden clues. Go down the stairs and switch to USAS-12. Use the crates as cover and shoot the enemies entering the plane. When you're done, switch to SVD. Take the first aid kit and body armor. Take out the enemy behind the machine gun on the Snowcat, then switch to the TEK-9 and run towards it. Kill only those who stand in the way. When you get to the snowmobile, climb into the back and shoot everyone. When everyone is dead, Lian will destroy the plane.

Episode 2, Part 2

Switch to Specter and open the door. Use the space under the railing as cover. Turn on the EDSU and shoot the glowing pipe, this will kill both guards and cause the mine to detonate. Close valve. Open the next door and defuse the mine opposite. Jump on the snow and use the crates as cover. After the alarm Climb onto the box and kill the guards. Hidden folder on the topmost drawer. Go around the boxes on the right and climb into the large broken window. Go to the hall and you will see a bunch of stairs and a switch. Aim with the MB-150 and shoot the mine that the guard places at the bottom of the stairs, then close the valve. Go down the stairs, close another valve and collect ammo. Get into the ventilation and turn on the NVGs. When you hear the voice, turn left and switch to Mark 23. Shoot the switch to open the road. Move on to the exit. Reload your Mark 23, turn off your goggles, equip your Galil and climb out of the vent. Shoot the two guards and run into the passage where they came out for the first aid kit. Use RTL to cross the opening. Turn on the EDSU and shoot the mine between the enemies to take them down quickly. Check the passage for body armor. Go down the stairs. Use the car as cover and use the Specter to shoot the three guards who attack you. Check the passage for an ammo crate. Gather ammo for Galil and Specter. Before using the RTL, turn on the EDSU and detonate the laser mine on the road. On the other side, shoot the mine to quickly finish off the two guards. Arm yourself with Galil and go down the stairs. Shoot the mine and fry some of the guards. Control the passage. When the guards stop running out, go up the stairs and defuse the bomb.

Episode 2, Part 3

Use the EDT to open the vent in front of you and climb into the vent. Jump into the room. Use the EDT to open the 4 vents on the ceiling. Press the button and turn off the gas. Look behind the stairs and find a carcass. Take the key and body armor. Climb up and talk to Kreisler. Use the panels as cover and get the Mark 23. Shoot the guards who come running to see who turned off the gas. Search the bodies for a card. Go down the stairs and go through the door closed by the card. Use the column on the left as cover. First, shoot the enemy running at you, then switch to EDSU and shoot the laser mine. Shoot the enemy in the distance when he peeks out of cover. Go around the corner and you will see three enemies heading towards you. Hide, switch to Galil and kill them. Use the MB-150 and EDSU to detonate the mine in front of the elevator. Enter the elevator and use the panel. As soon as you see the next floor, jump down and take cover on the left. Shoot a couple of enemies, enter the door on the right and turn off the flame. Take the hidden folder from the panel behind the big computer. Take a first aid kit if needed. Ignore the ammo box for now. Take Galil and exit the room. You will see a soldier with a flamethrower, reminiscent of Red Jack. Shoot him with the Galil, go back to the room with the switch and change the Galil yf M4 Carbine. Go to the door where the flamethrower was. Take a bulletproof vest and a first aid kit, knock out the door and hide behind the wall. Shoot the guard in the passage. Look to the left and see stairs and a laser mine. Defuse the mine and replace it with a grenade. After that, immediately return the mine to the wall. Now this is YOUR mine, so if the enemies try to outflank you in the next fight, they will fry. Grab the grenades, duck down and head into the big room. Shoot those who attack you. Keep an eye on enemies approaching you. Cross the hall and go down the stairs. Try using the palm scanner. After the failure, take cover under the trees and fight a little. Don't move anywhere as there are a lot of laser mines around. When everyone is dead, the door will open. Before approaching the computer, collect cartridges. Hide under the wall and shoot everyone slowly. Take care of your ammo. Shoot everyone, the mission will end.

Episode 2, Part 4

Ask Lian to cover, use RTL and cross the opening. Take cover while Lian reloads, then ask for cover again while crossing the balcony and down the stairs. Take cover behind the red car and take out the enemies. Enter the dark passage and turn on the IR, and you will see a disturbing picture. Go to the wall with the message and find the hidden folder. If needed, there is a first aid kit nearby. Follow the cars to the other side of the level. Hide behind the red car. A couple of enemies will go up the stairs, the third one will come when you kill one of them. When you're done with them, go downstairs, take cover behind the loading dock and deal with three more guards. Near the first aid kit and body armor. Move through the hall until you reach a closed gate. Turn on EDSU and use EDT to open the gate. Switch to Specter and shoot the enemies running up to you. Get into the ventilation and kill the guards in the trench. Change the M4 to the Galil used by the local guards. Get some ammo and head down the aisle. Avoid laser mines and shoot enemies as they appear. When you're done, detonate the three mines in the main hall. Look to the left and shoot the mine there as well to reach a hidden folder and body armor in a dark corner. Gather ammo for Galil and go up the stairs. Open the door and watch the cutscene.

Ask Lian to distract Black King while you clear the mines. Don't kill Black King as this will cause the mines to explode. When disarmed - defuse Galil at Black King. This will quickly kill him. Well, after this video, as always =)))

Episode 3, Part 1

You start around the corner, seeing a guard on the balcony above you. Remove it from Mark 23 and reload. Hide behind the buildings behind you. You will see a guard standing outside. Hide behind the broken cabinet and shoot the soldier in the back of the head with the Mark 23. Climb onto the cabinet, then onto the roof. Crouch down and climb to the very top. Switch to MB-150 and gas darts. Slowly move forward and you will see a guard behind the turret. Quietly remove it with gas. Climb up the pipe and move around the building. Turn around, around the corner, and use the EDT to open the vent cover. Switch to Mark 23 and enable NVG before entering. Get out of the ventilation when you hear Ortega beating up a woman. Look around the corner and shoot him. Approach his body to find a hidden folder. Exit through the ventilation and go to the roof from which you came. Jump into the alley and take the fire extinguisher from the wall. Grab the Uzi and some ammo, but stick to the Mark 23 for now. Halfway down the street, take cover behind a pile of crates and a guard will pass in front of you. Kill him with the Mark 23 and take the Uzi ammo. Grab some Mark 23 ammo from the crate on the left at the end of the street. Go through the building on the right and watch the cutscene. Switch to MB-150 and X34 and kill the guard on the balcony ahead. When you approach the boxes near the balcony, a guard will appear with a desire to bang you, Mark 23 will help. Switch to Uzi, squat down and open the door. Kill the guard in front of you. Well, watch the video.

After the video, pick up the ammo for the Uzi and take the first aid kit from the wall. Get out and kill the three guards that will appear on the street. Sign back. Change Mark 23 to Jerico-41, one of the local pistols. Pick up ammo and follow Hargrove. Use boxes and pillars as cover for your next fight. Keep an eye on the balcony in front of the turret, a sniper will appear there. When you're done, pick up the Uzi, ammo, and body armor. Climb onto the burning balcony from Hargrove, get the fire extinguisher and put out the flames. Your video =)))

Translator's note: I went through a couple of paragraphs above differently, just stupidly followed the markers. A little shooting and the result is the same =)))

Move the closet and climb into the ventilation. Switch to EDT darts and shoot the fighter. After the cutscene, you will have to cover Hargrove. If she gets hurt, heal. Don't forget the propane tank, lots of people will love it. After it, jump down and shoot. Shooting guards is quite simple, move, move and move again. Don't forget to collect the maximum ammo before the end of the mission.

Episode 3, Part 2

The mission will start at the machine gun. Cover Hargrove gathering plants. Pay attention to the fuel barrels, quickly and efficiently. You can use Zoom, but then the turret will move much slower. Hargrove is only threatened when enemies are close, so just keep them out of the way. Having finished with the plants, Hargrove will run to the field office for documents. Cover her too. Don't forget to release "fire" between targets so that the machine gun doesn't overheat. If one of the fighters slips into the office, kill him through the window. When she's done, you can leave the turret. If needed, first aid kit at the back. Go down the stairs, take the fire extinguisher from the wall and the hidden folder from the body. Change body armor and go to Hargrove.

After the cutscene, switch to exploding darts and shoot the leg. Shoot the fighters in the yard with the Uzi. Take care and collect ammo, there are not enough of them in this place. Hold on, there are three waves of attackers ahead. After shooting one, go to Hargrove for the second =)))

When everyone is dead, Hargrove will climb the stairs to the lookout tower. Follow her. At the top, take out a pistol and bang three fighters rushing towards you. While they are on the stairs, it is more convenient. Hargrove will use the rope, follow her to the balcony and switch to Uzi. There will be three ahead. Blow them down and follow Hargrove. She will stop half way and snipers will appear. MB-150. Follow Hargrove to her bedroom and help her open the closet. You may need to heal Hargrove first.

Episode 4, Part 1

Shoot the tormentor with the Mark 23. After the cutscene, run forward and hide behind the crate. Pay Special attention to the fact that in every battle one should definitely command Janzen to hide. Otherwise, they kill him and GameOver comes. There are also uranium containers scattered throughout the episode. They help a lot in battles, and if you destroy them all, you will get extra. weapons as a bonus. After shooting two fighters, run forward and to the right. Climb on the boxes, there is an RTL at the top. Move to the other side of the room. After the cutscene, eliminate the attackers. Turn back, turn on the EDSU and shoot the explosives on the floor. Turn around and see the papers on the drawer. Climb to it and pick up hidden evidence. Get down and go to the passage opened by the explosion. Turn on NVG and climb into the ventilation. Without leaving the ventilation, shoot at the container with which one of the fighters is working, this will destroy all the containers in the room and finish off the enemies. Take the first aid kit and change the Mark 23 to one of the local pistols. Janzen will ask you to help him roll back the pipe, agree, there is nowhere to go.

Command Janzen to fall down and shoot at everything that moves. The confirmation of the end of the enemies is when Gabe says "Hostiles eliminated". Collect ammo from the box behind the body of the UN sergeant. Climb up the crate in front of the green crap, grab onto the ledge in the wall, and climb over the toxic waste. The guard in the window and a group of fighters getting out and holes in the wall on the left wall will not let you get bored. Having finished with them, climb onto the container and out the window. Watch out, there's a laser mine nearby. Take the first aid kit and pick up the hidden folder from the floor. Tell Janzen to install a frequency hopper on the radio.

Episode 4, Part 2

Command Janzen to take cover, hide behind the corner and shoot at the enemies. Turn on NVG and navigate the waste across the board. One more enemy and it's done. In this part, you will have to shine a flashlight so that Janzen can go to you. Up the stairs and along the plank to the right. Enter the radio room, shoot the guards, go back and shine Janzen. Gather the FAMAS and ammo and order Janzen to set up the hopper. Switch to NVG and jump down into the gap Janzen fell into. You will hear a conversation between two guards. Kill them, pick up a first aid kit, open the ventilation hatch and go. Shoot the fighter in the next room and his partner outside the door. Command Janzen to pull up and change FAMAS to AK thrown by the locals. Crash the third fighter behind the door, switch to EDT and smash the pieces of wood blocking the passage. To the left of the door in the alcove, behind the trash can is a carcass and a hidden folder. Pick up a first aid kit, turn the corner and ask Janzen to give you a lift. As soon as he pulls you up, command him to take cover. Climb up, squat down and turn on EDSU. Shoot the projectile on the floor to destroy the enemies and open the way further. Turn left, shoot the guards in the hall below and Gabe will say "Hostiles eliminated". Jump down and command Janzen to follow you. Go to the hall with NVG and shoot the enemies. Run forward and into the ventilation. Janzen take with you. Use the taser, crack open the clogged door and with the brother and help Janzen throw the board through the opening.

After the cutscene, run to the box with the stairs and take cover to deal with the enemies. Grab the AK-47 ammo from the crate and up the stairs. Use the metal sheets as cover and shoot the enemies on the opposite balcony. Walk along the balconies, destroying enemies, and get over the rope to the barrel. After the cutscene, cover Janzen's path to the rope. When he gets there, checkpoint and the last wave of enemies. After that, go downstairs and pick up ammo in the box, first aid kit and body armor, and climb up the stairs to the right of the tent. Enter the dark room and command Janzen to install the frequency hopper. Go down the stairs and enter the code that Teresa will announce on the radio. Don't hear it, press START and look in NOTES.

Episode 4, Part 3

Go down the hall, go through the door, down the stairs and through the door again. Go left and follow the path through the room. You will meet a couple of guards, a knife or a gun will help. When you get to the stairs at the end of the room, you will see a guard at the top of the stairs. Kill and climb up. A couple more will appear, agree to the medical cabinet, but do not open it yet. Take a first aid kit and body armor, collect all the cartridges and then open the closet. After the cutscene, fire the AK-47. Notice the couple on the right. When you bang everyone, be sure to replenish the ammo, health and body armor. Just fight your way back, it's fun =))) After the cutscene, take the MDS A3 and go to the big room. Crouch down and shoot the lads above you. Climb over the blockage and to the left to the fallen bridge. Run forward and hit everyone from MDS A3. When you get beaten, pick up the ammo, body armor, and first aid kit from the crate before moving on. Knock down the door and run to a healthy box with a green tarpaulin. Hide behind him and destroy the attackers. Slammed? Move on to the next box. After everyone, go back and collect ammo. Switch to AK-47 and climb up the stairs. Hide behind the metal sheets near the railing and fight for your life. The path is quite simple and clear, just do not forget about the fighters. When you reach the corner, take the MB-150 and take out the guard, whose head is barely visible. Climb onto the box, grab the ledge, go around the corner. Go through the double doors, stock up on health, ammo and body armor, go through the hall and down the stairs.

Episode 4, Part 4

Stay in cover and deal with the enemies attacking you. Pay attention to two guys with bazookas on the roofs on the left and right. Kress will attack you, take AK and do it. This is not difficult.

After the video there will be a tank. In the pauses between shots, run into the truck and take the bazooka. Turn on ESDU and hit three weak points on the tank. Feel the rhythm of the shooting and you won't get hurt. The end of the tank - the end of the level.

Episode 5, Part 1

Once the mission starts, grab the MB-150 and the X34 Darts and take out the two fighters in front of you. Wait for them to turn away from each other and immediately shoot and detonate, otherwise one will disappear from view. After that, get the Mark 23 and destroy the searchlight. Climb up the ladder in the corner of the yard and hack Lian's shield. Go down and pick up the UNP .45s dropped by the guards. In another corner of the courtyard, find a half-frozen body and a hidden folder. On the other side of the yard there is another staircase. Climb up it, then up the ivy to the ledge. Climb up the flower garden. Grab the pipe and get over to the balcony. Squat down and enter the room. Take the fingerprint from the lamp on the night table to the left of the door. Take the first aid kit and switch to the MB-150 and EDT darts. When the guard walks past the door, shoot and activate the dart. Soon his body will be found. Use the doorway as cover and take out the guards running from the lower hall. Do not stick your head down, there is a laser mine at the base of the statue. When you're done, switch to MB-150 and 6mm and detonate the mine if it hasn't already exploded. Climb down and switch to Mark 23. Open the door, enter and duck down. Controlling the exit to the balcony, move to the other side of the wardrobe and take the Shot Defender. Arm yourself with it, run to the balcony and kill the Chief of Security and his bodyguards. Reload your weapon and go from the balcony to the next room. Take the first aid kit, body armor and a card from the wardrobe. Exit the room and go down the hall. Before the last door, switch to UNP .45, go and defeat them all. Go down the stairs and use the combination lock.

Episode 5, Part 2

The level starts with a shootout. Hit the nearest with a machine gun, the far ones with UNP or MB-150. Go down the hall and turn on EDSU. Take cover around the corner, take out two enemies and detonate laser mines. Walk forward until you see a security room and Viktor Yavlinsky on the right. Use MB-150 and exploding darts. So kill him. Swap the assault rifle for his AU300 H-BAR. Take the first aid kit, open the door and go to the table for a hidden folder. Go down the hall and the guards will trample on you on the left. Go right to the wardrobe. Shoot for fun, switch to EDSU. Check the coat, one of them has a hidden folder. In the next room, use AU300, UNP, and MB-150. Save more effective weapons for later. Turn on IR, find the enemies on the second floor. Climb the stairs, three fighters will attack you, you know what you are doing with them. Scan your palm and enter the security room. Take the first aid kit and listening device from the table. Go back down the stairs. Turn on the EDSU and take all three eavesdroppers from the bar, the card table, and the base of the statue. Go back to where you killed Yavlinsky and use the computer. After the cutscene, stay in cover and switch to the MB-150. Use the two remaining explosive darts and take out the two enemies in front of you. Take their bulletproof vests. Switch to EDT darts and hit the enemy in the walkway to the wardrobe. The fourth enemy will be waiting for you in the wardrobe. Hit him with the second dart, take the ammo for the AU300. Climb over the counter, turn on the IR and shoot everyone. After clearing the floor, go to the exit and leave the building.

Episode 6, Part 1

As soon as you start, hide around the corner and zoom in on the building that was in front of you at the beginning. There is a sniper. Turn on the IR and look behind you at the wall, there is a thermal trace. Know where to shoot. Go down the stairs and turn on the EDSU. Shoot the castle and open the gate. Climb up the ladder and take cover around the corner of the wall. Use MB-150 and exploding darts. Pick up the Sweeper 12-gauge and take cover around the corner near the stairs. Use the Sweeper to eliminate the fighters on the right. Run out of ammo - use EDT darts. Then switch to 6mm MB-150 and turn on IR. Kill the sniper on the far left. Look at the wall behind which they were hiding, there will be a thermal imprint at the top. This is the last sniper. Gather all the goodies from the killed enemies. Ignore the fighters shooting at you, go up the stairs and return to where they shot at the gate lock. Two will try to ambush you, but they won't succeed. duck down and drop down to the ledge behind the gate. Hide behind the railing and use the MB-150 to take out the enemies attacking you from the stairs. Aim for the head, everyone in bulletproof vests. When you're done, move forward while you can. Move around the corner and hang on the ledge. Move on and you will find a card and body armor on the killed vehicle. Arm yourself with the Sweeper and go down the stairs. A couple of fighters with Sweeper will appear, shoot them quickly. Go to the door with two black doors and a first aid kit. Slam the two around the corner and pick up the flak jacket and SSP90 ammo. Run to the marker. After the cutscene, take the MB-150 and shoot the enemy in the head. Use the card, open the code lock and the level will end.

Episode 6, Part 2

Switch not MB-150 and EDT darts and bang the fighter heading towards you and another one with his back to you. The third will return from the hall. Turn on the EDSU and fire 6mm at the mines on the side of the flower bed he hid behind. Go to the wall where the fighter stood with his back to you. Shoot the enemy on the lower level. After it, move away from the corner and kill the enemy hiding in the room behind the wall. Move a little to the hall and kill the sniper on the upper level. If a mine remains, detonate. Hide behind the second flower garden and kill the enemies shooting at you from around the corner. Go through the door, hide behind the wall and kill some more enemies. Ignore the hostage. Go down the hall with the Mark 23 at the ready. The elevator doors will be kicked out. Run to the bottom of the stairs and grab onto the ledge. Pull up and go down the stairs. Turn around and turn on EDSU. Shoot from SOCOM and over the top of the elevator to the ground. Switch to Sweeper and take out the four in the aisle. Open the brown door on the left, there is a bathroom, it contains a first aid kit, grenades and a hidden folder. A couple of fighters will appear from the door opposite the bathroom, get out of Sweeper and switch to P90 for the next room. Kill everyone, go to the next one and start shooting. Don't forget to collect body armor and P90 ammo. At the end of the hall, take the bulletproof vest, first aid kit and collect all the ammo for the P90. Open the door to the next area when you're ready. Take cover behind the wall to the left of the brown door. Shoot the Touchstone when it fires its MB-150 at you, but when it makes a sound like "ahh!" In the middle of the fight, enemies with Sweepers will spawn in the center of the room. Spit on them until they start to seriously threaten you and concentrate on the Touchstone. He will return to the room, having received serious damage, wait for him to appear. Follow this pattern until you win. End of battle, end of level.

Episode 7, Part 1

Follow Lian. Get on the truck and give her a boost. After the cutscene, destroy the spotlight and switch to the MB-150. Turn on the IR and quickly kill the Lian on the rooftop with your darts. When you run out of darts, shoot 6mm. When they run out, collect P90 ammo thrown by enemies. Take the card from the carcass near the marker. Use the card on the panel in the security booth. Take the M67 grenades from the table and hit the big switch. Climb to the top of the truck. Command Lian to lower the crane. Jump onto the crate and use RTL. Drop down to the hatch on the roof. After the cutscene, instead of opening the hatch, go down to the roof. Headshot the fighter behind the truck with the Mark 23 and the fighter in the yard with the MB-150. Arm yourself with a P90 and drop down. The last target will appear from the alley. Shoot and pick up ammo and body armor. This will give you Sweeper. Climb up the stairs in the alley and hide behind the wooden crate. A patrol will appear in front of you. Sweeper. Kick down the only door on the roof. Sweeper. Turn on EDSU and take EDT. Shoot the fan to stop it. Get inside and take cover behind the wall. P90 will help with the switch on the wall downstairs and anyone else that doesn't get electrocuted. When you're done with them, shoot the switch again to turn off the power. Gather ammo and body armor and make sure the P90 is fully equipped. Open the next two doors and follow the AZL down to the ground. Arm yourself with EDT and ask Lian to cover you. Drop the commander and hold until the EDT stops. This will destroy his defense. Quickly switch to Sweeper and kill him. If you run out of Sweeper ammo, repeat the process and use the P90.

Episode 7, Part 2

Stay crouched and wait for the three fighters to finish talking. Then kill all three with a knife. Exit the room and go through the passage. When you get to the left turn, switch VSS-DU to X34. When both fighters stop, hit both with darts. Switch to exploding and grab a TEK-9 before moving on. After the cutscene, switch to VSS and shoot the three below you. Switch to TEK-9 and run across the walkways to the platform in front of you. But be ready to shoot the fuel canister when a couple of enemies appear on the platform. Climb onto the platform, grab the first aid kit and use the AZL. There is a bulletproof vest in the box in the office. Use RTL on the platform, but keep your sights on the passage in front of you, the enemy will run out from there. From the platform, bang the two below you and go down. Ignore everyone but those standing in your way, run to the back of the pool and turn off the two valves to stop the countdown. Free Blake and watch the cutscene.

After the cutscene, stay in cover and take out the enemies running towards you. Climb onto the pedestal and use the TEK-9 as directed. If you feel a lack of health, hide behind the pieces of iron and bring down the enemies when they run up closer. Body armor in the pool, first aid kit on the platform. When you're ready, run through the passage to the next area. Take the TEK-9 ammo from the crate and the EMP grenade from the crate on the other side. Throw EMP and shoot at the target in special defense. Take cover and hit normal enemies. Collect RPKs dropped by protected enemies. Collect ammo in the lobby and with the EDT at the ready, run further. After the cutscene, kill the computer and take the first aid kit from the column on the left. Arm yourself with a TEK-9 and shoot anyone who enters the room. Once you've slapped everyone, go back to the top level and drop all the EMP to destroy the computers. Three fighters and a noble commander (in defense) will come to visit you. EDT for defense, RPK for commander. Finish - destroy the remaining computers.

Episode 7, Part 3

Squat down and against the wall on the right. Move along the wall until you see the target in the window. Command Lian to advance and bang him. She will open the door for you. In the hall, take cover behind the pro-column and remove the attackers. Gather their body armor and P90 ammo. Further into the hall; take cover on the left when the attack starts. Get down and shoot. Finish - further into the hall and into the elevator. Press the button, watch the cutscene, stay crouched and switch to melee. Push it to the center of the room. Take cover from the centrifuge in the niches. After entering the passage, hide behind the left pillar and use P90. Collect ammo. Arm yourself with the MB-150 and forward to the control center. When a fighter appears holding Blake hostage, free Blake with an accurate headshot. Fighter, not Blake =)))

After the video, turn on EDSU and point Blake to the console. Use the console that the wire is connected to, then repeat with the others. After using both sets of consoles, take the M82 BFG sniper rifle from the crate in the corner of the room. Use the EDT to break the glass window, switch to the M82 and use the console. From here, cover Lian as she sets the charges. Kill the fighters closest to her, they cause more damage to her. Shoot when the enemy stops in front of her to shoot, don't shoot while they are moving. When Lian leaves the explosion area, use the console and turn on the centrifuge. Detonate the bombs when the centrifuge passes the door that needs to be broken. Roller and checkpoint.

Go to the blown up door and take the EMP from the crate on the left. Throw the EMP down and concentrate fire on the P90 fighter. When you're done with him, shove another EDT and shoot with the P90 while the defense is off. Grenades in the box, ammo from the enemies. Enjoy =))) After the battle, pick up a card and open the electronic lock. End of level.

Episode 7, Part 4

Hide behind the post until the train passes, climb over the truck to the middle platform. Hide behind the bulletin board. Throw a grenade at the Singularity platform, switch to the M82 and shoot it. This will bring him down. You will be able to shoot him at least twice while his defense regenerates. It will take about 3 EMP to finish him off. If you need more grenades, they are in a crate on the platform you came from. If these are not enough, you will have to go to close combat with Singularity. There are more grenades in the ammo box on the central platform, but it's not very a good idea because you will be completely open to the Singularity. End of the Singularity, end of the level, end Story Mode.

Episode Bonus Narbonne

In this mission, you play as Gary Stoneman. Your task is to kill Mara Aramov and Elsa Weissenger. Whether you kill Elsa or not, while Mara is talking to her, she will die anyway, Mara will kill her. Either way, Mara will run outside and try to shoot you. Remember, the ammo, body armor and first aid kit are in behind you.

Episode Bonus, Kemsynth Tower

In this mission, you will have to hold back the attacks of the enemies. Try to shoot in the head with the MB-150. Fighters will appear around you. In order for the second wave to go, you need to deal with all the fighters of the first.

Episode Bonus Sana Yemen

Your task is to finish off all the snipers before they finish you off. Each hit will inflict serious damage on you, so aim and shoot quickly and accurately. The mission is similar to Sana, Yemen from Siphon Filter: The Omega Strain.

Episode Bonus Bangkok Part 1

In this mission, your task is to destroy all enemies on the map, then find and destroy all infected birds. Use IR to locate and hit targets on rooftops (some are really high up) and find birds. You will have to look for one of the birds with the RTL, behind the last building, when you get to the end of the RTL.

Episode Bonus Bangkok Part 2

The goal of this mission is to destroy all Zhou people and save Lian from him. When you kill all the regular guards in the lobby, "captain" will appear. just run at him in circles and shoot him quickly. After that, open Zhou's door and kill him.

Disc #1
Mission #1 Colorado Mountains.
Goal #1: Find Chance's agent and transponder.

You go down on a parachute. Glide onto the rock behind the GI agents (use the joystick d-pad to control the parachute). Once on the rock, take the H-11 assault rifle from the box and jump down. Talk to the GI group. Switch to sniper mode (L1 button) and look around. In the distance you will see another agent. Move towards him. After talking with the GI, take the M16 rifle lying nearby and head towards the cave. Follow allies. Having reached the end of the tunnel, turn left and go forward a little. Pick up a shotgun and run to the entrance to the cave, near which lies a flare (red light). Go forward. You will meet two more GIs who will tell you where Chance is. After leaving the cave, you will meet Chance, who will give you a transponder.

Goal #2: Install the transponder
Immediately after the transmission of the transponder, enemy units will attack you. Ignoring them, head back to the GIs in the tunnel. One of the enemy soldiers fired a grenade launcher and a collapse began. To avoid death, quickly run forward. Once safe, return to the collapse. The agent will inform you that one of ours failed. Head to the place where you picked up the shotgun, getting rid of the most annoying enemies along the way. Find a passage between the rocks, next to which lies a flare. Walk a little forward and shoot four soldiers. Climb the highest rock and place a transponder on top.

Objective #3: Find C-4 and clear the blockage.
Follow to the beginning of the level. Kill the guards and find the dead GI. Take C-4 from the corpse. Run to the rubble. Place C-4 on the boulders and run away so that you are not hit by the explosion.

Goal #4: Destroy the snipers.
After clearing the passage, move forward. After leaving the cave, first of all, neutralize the soldier with grenades, who is standing on the ledge on the right. Walk to the edge of the waterfall and hang on your hands. You will see a passage below where you can take the H-11. Jump over the waterfall and go forward. After running through the tunnel, you will see how the GI group shoots back from the snipers. Use somersaults to reach allies. Then run to the right and climb up the mountain. Kill the first sniper and take the grenades from the crate. Throw a grenade at the second sniper.

Goal #5: Protect the GI agents.
Run forward. Several soldiers will attack the GI. Kill them all, then head into the gorge.
Mission #2: McKenzie Airbase Exterior.

Goal #1: Find an adrenaline stimulant.
In this mission you play as agent Lian Xing. She's been infected with a virus, and you only have two minutes to administer an injection that will temporarily stop it from working. Head towards the exit from the room. Wait for the guard to walk past you, then exit into the corridor. Go to the passage to the right of the chamber. Walking forward a little, you will see two doctors. After they leave, go into the room from which the woman came out. Go to the bookcase and inject an injection (adrenaline shot).

Objective #2: Find equipment.
Exit the room and run into the corridor on the left. Having reached the end of the corridor, quietly (button (X)) sneak past the guards into room A6. A short video will follow. Click on the switch (Switch) to the right of the window. The glass will slide back and you will be able to get into the next room. Exit through the black door and follow the corridor opposite. When you reach the Exit sign, stop and wait for the guard to leave. Carefully sneak past the window and turn right. Enter room B1 and take the Combat Gear from the crate.

Goal #3: Escape.
Under no circumstances should you use firearms in this area. Neutralize with the help of electric shock (Hand Taser) the guard standing near the window. Click on the switch next to the window. A door will open in the hallway. Run quickly into it. Once in the next corridor, hide in the niche near the door. When a soldier walks past you, use an electric shock. Move forward. Around the corner you will see another guard. Wait for the right moment and knock him out. Follow to the end of the corridor.

Mission #3: Colorado Interstate 70
Goal #1: Obtain a weapon.

First of all, help Chance'y deal with the attackers. There are only three of them. Kill the first one (closest to you) with a knife and take M16. Hit the second in the head (Head shot). Spend the remaining ammo on the third one (it's best to use auto-aim). Having finished with the enemies, pick up ammunition and run into the tunnel.

Goal #2: Find the S-130 Crash Site
Having reached the green door, open it and go inside. Go left. In a small room you can find Binoculars. Head back to Chance. Move forward along the tunnel. After reaching the truck, take a full 9mm ammo from the back. Keep running straight. When you reach the fuel truck, enemy soldiers will attack you. Use the tanker's hose to fry them (be careful, the enemies attack from both sides). Pick up the ammunition left after the enemies and exit the tunnel.
Then there are two ways. First: use firearms and kill all opponents, thereby raising the alarm. Second: quietly and imperceptibly make your way forward, carefully neutralizing sentries with a knife. One way or another, you will find yourself in the next tunnel. Perebeyte security and remember the door that leads to the generator. Approach Chance. He will offer you a kind of plan.

Goal #3: De-energize the tunnel.
Chance will surrender and divert the attention of the soldiers, and you will be required to de-energize the tunnel. Make your way along the curb to the truck and take grenades from the back (Grenades). Run to the generator. Blow it up with grenades, then return to Chance. Shoot the enemies and head to the end of the tunnel.

Mission #4: 1-70 Mountain Bridge.
Goal #1: Eliminate the commander (a man in a white uniform) before he gives the order to blow up the bridge.
Our main task is to clear the bridge, but first we need to eliminate the commander who is in charge of the demolition work. Carefully approach the edge of the bridge and hang on your hands. Climb right to the truck. Climb onto the bridge and take a shotgun, a sniper rifle and gas grenades from the back (do everything very quickly, as a patrol walks next to the truck). Return to the commander and throw a gas grenade at him. He will suffocate, and you can start clearing the bridge.

Objective #2: Disarm four bombs.
The bombs are located under the bridge and are marked with a blue dot on the radar. Each of them is assigned a sentry, which, in case of alarm, will produce an explosion. Get down and very carefully remove the sentries, and then clear the bombs. When the last of them is neutralized, go up to the bridge and shoot the guards.

Objective #3: Free the captured GI agents.
Run into the tunnel. You will come across GI agents and two guards. Using a sniper rifle, aim at the head of a standing enemy and wait for the second soldier to catch up with him. Fire a shot. You will kill two guards at the same time and free the GI. After the agents pick up weapons, you have to accompany them. Run forward through the tunnel. You will be blocked by enemy trucks. Shoot at the gas tanks to neutralize the soldiers that are nearby. After shooting three cars with guards, you will be able to finish this level.

Mission: #5: McKenzie Airbase Exterior
Goal #1: Obtain a weapon with a silencer.

Walk a little forward, you will see two guards talking. After a while, one of them will leave. Sneak up on what's left and neutralize it with electroshock. Run after the second guard. After reaching the trucks, wait for the soldier to pass, and as soon as he turns his back on you, stun him. Take the sniper rifle from the back of the car.

Goal #2: Eliminate the pilot and damage the plane.
Go left from the truck. Eliminate the guard and go into the passage between the buildings.
Use the stone block to climb onto the roof. Approach the opposite edge of the roof and jump down. A guard will come running to the noise. Hide behind the car, and when a soldier appears, knock him out. Enter the building and use the green boxes to go around the sentry. Follow straight down the corridor. You will run into Morgan and Falkan. After talking for a while, they leave. Standing around the corner, get rid of the guard. Go outside and head to the hangar on the right. Use the switch to open the door and go inside. After walking a little along the corridor, you will see a plane. Find a spot where you can see the ramp and shoot the pilot with your sniper rifle. Go under the plane and use the access panel (F-22 Access panel).

Goal #3: Get information from Holman.
A guard will enter the hangar, and you need to neutralize him before he sees the body of the pilot. Exit the hangar and go in the direction that Morgan and Falcon went.
Sneak past the two guards. Break the spotlight with the sniper rifle. Go behind the barrier and go straight ahead. Next, you will need to hang on the back of a passing car in order to pass the sentries. Jump down near the entrance to the building and go inside. Run straight down the corridor. At the end of the passage you will see a guard. Wait until he leaves, then go outside. At the end of the cutscene, follow Holman. Wait for the moment when the guard moves away from him, and with a quiet step, sneak up on the informant.

Goal #4: Activate the transponder.
After interrogating Holman, knock out the sentry with the help of Taser, and then go outside. Go around the truck on the left and enter the next hangar. In the corridor, neutralize another guard and run into the right narrow passage. Take out the sniper rifle and shoot at the searchlight located on the tower. Come back and go outside. Knock out the soldier standing next to the crates. Go to the truck. Start it (Truck ignition) and quickly hide behind the building. The truck will attract the attention of the guards, and you can safely get inside the tower. When you reach the elevator, go upstairs. Run around the elevator car on the right to quietly neutralize the guard at the map. Now stun the soldier near the control room. Press the switch on the wall that controls the transponder (Get Transponder Frequency).

Goal #5: Kill the agent and steal.
Get down on the elevator and run straight down the corridor. You will see Falkan talking to a soldier. Stun the guard and shoot Falkan with the sniper rifle. Get in the helicopter.

Mission #6: Colorado Train Ride.
Goal #1: Stop the train.

Your goal is to run from one end of the train to the other. At the beginning of the level, a helicopter will fly in and drop troops. Perebeyte attackers and run forward on structure. In the first half of the train, there will be standard-type enemies, they are quite easy to kill. But towards the end, you will have to fight with the enemy's elite units, which have grenades and body armor in their arsenal. To easily destroy a soldier with grenades, you need to get close to him, then he will use only a standard pistol. Fighters in bulletproof vests should be hit in the head with M16.

Mission #7: Colorado Train Race
Goal #1: Stop the train.

This mission is a continuation of the previous one, only this time you have a time limit. Against you are all the same soldiers, except that here they are a little better equipped. Run straight all the time, shooting enemies along the way.

Mission #8: C-130 Wreck site.
Goal #1: Get the data disks back.

As soon as you land, Archer's soldiers will immediately open fire on you. Perebeyte all that are around you, and run to the wreckage of the plane. Another group of terrorists will attack you. Be careful: one of the enemies has grenades. After destroying the group, go forward a little. Take the sniper rifle from the box under the wreckage. Move forward, shooting enemies along the way. After reaching the wreckage of the tail section, you will find a chest with data disks.

Objective #2: Retrieve data disks from Archer.
Immediately after you take the disks, Archer will appear and his snipers will open fire on you. Use somersaults to get to cover. Destroy the snipers with your sniper rifle and run to the beginning of the level, but be careful: new enemies will appear on your way.

Goal #3: Eliminate Archer.
Archer tries to escape by clinging to the helicopter. You only have a few seconds to shoot him. There are two ways to do this. First, you pull out your sniper rifle and headshot Archer with a well-aimed shot. Second, you use M16 and fill his body with lead. Insert disc #2.

Disc #2.
Mission #9: Pharcom Expo Center.

Get a pistol with a silencer and shoot the two agents at the door. Run into the passage. After running through the corridor, you will find yourself in a large hall. Here you will be attacked by five guards, two of them are armed with a sniper rifle. Shoot at the enemies from behind the box, trying to hit the head. Having dealt with the operatives, collect weapons and climb up the stairs. There will be a ventilation grill on the left in the corridor. Break it and climb inside. Crawl through the mine.

Checkpoint #1.
You will find yourself in the next part of the building. Turn right and go forward, shooting enemy agents along the way. If necessary, you can take a bulletproof vest from the box. After reaching the hall with the model of the moon, kill a few guards and use the boxes to climb up the stairs. Find another ventilation shaft and crawl forward along it.

Checkpoint #2.
Crawl to the grate, from which the guard is visible, and neutralize him with the crossbow (Crossbow). Head to the next grate (on the left) to climb out. Two guards will come running to the noise. Hide and wait until one of them leaves. Climb up and knock out the guard sitting next to the body of a comrade. Run after the second soldier. Stun him before he raises the alarm. Return to the hall and, using the boxes, go around the sentry. Shock him and open the door.

Checkpoint #3.
Move straight down the corridor. When you reach the locker room, you will see two soldiers. After the conversation, one of them will leave. Sneak up on the one next to the lockers and neutralize it. Enter the next room to stun the second soldier. Run into the passage to the left of the lockers. You will enter a room with missiles. Climb onto the boxes and use the crossbow to knock out the guard at the top. Jump from the rocket to the second floor. Find the entrance to the ventilation shaft and crawl forward. Get out in a room with fans on the floor. Walk forward a little.

Checkpoint #4.
After a radio message from Teresa, an agent with grenades will come running to you. Quickly shoot him and run forward. Kill another enemy. Take grenades from the box and climb into the mine. Once on the other side of the ventilation pipe, go left. Using the crossbow, take out the two soldiers below. Go straight ahead and shoot the agents on the pyramid. Climb down carefully using the boxes. Head to the passage to the left of the pyramid, destroying opponents along the way.

Checkpoint #5.
Install on the partition between the pillars explosives (Plant decoy).

Goal #1: Find an ancient Chinese exhibit.
Find the entrance to the ventilation shaft in the room you are in. Get into it. Crawl to the end and drop a grenade on the agents' heads. Jump down. Climb into the next hatch. Crawl very fast this time, as the operatives standing outside are throwing grenades at you. Once in the room with fans, run forward. Neutralize two soldiers (one above, one below) using electric shock. Follow the hall on the left. Stun the guards and find the ventilation shaft. When moving along it, be careful not to run into the fans. Once in the dark hall, cut down the soldier standing in the passage on the left, and run straight down the corridor. Three agents in body armor will attack you - shoot them. Climb onto the boulders and jump to the ventilation grille. Get into the mine.

Mission #10: Morgan.
Objective #1: Defuse four bombs.

Jump down and head to the stairs. Shoot the agent. Run into the passage. After reaching the bomb, wait until Teresa appears. She will begin to defuse the bomb, and you will need to cover her. Enemies run from two sides, so be vigilant and try to hit them in the head. After Teresa defuses the first bomb, run after her and clear three more.

Goal #2: Eliminate Morgan.
When your partner starts fiddling with the last explosive device, you will have to run to the main hall and distract Morgan, who is armed with an M-79 grenade launcher. You can’t shoot at him until a minute and a half has passed ... After the allotted time limit, kill Morgan with a sniper rifle with a headshot.

Mission #11: Moscow Club 32.
Goal #1: Clean up the disco.

Here we are in the capital of our country. First of all, shoot the guard running along the iron bridge in the head. Move forward. You will be attacked by three enemies from below. Get rid of them, and then go down. Collect weapons and run into the passage.

Checkpoint #1.
Take out the shotgun and follow straight down the corridor, shooting opponents along the way. When entering the bar, be careful: the local enemies aim at your head, so actively use somersaults. Go down the stairs. Shoot the thug with the shotgun and climb into the ventilation shaft. At the end of the pipe you will see two guards talking. Kill them before one of them has time to throw a grenade at you. Run left. Provide fire support to the police detachment (in no case do not shoot at them). After killing the enemies, go behind the bar and press the switch to open the secret door. Head into it.

Checkpoint #2.
Move forward, destroying numerous bandits along the way. Arriving at the blue double-leaf door, open it with a kick and go inside.

Checkpoint #3.
Shoot the guards and use the speakers to go upstairs. Run down the corridor to the toilet. Two policemen sat down near the entrance - run past them. Going into the toilet, kill the enemy and break the glass at the top. Using the lockers, climb out the window.

Mission #12: Moscow Streets.
Goal #1: Find the gas gun.

If your body armor is damaged, you can take a new one from the patrol car. Go outside and wait until two policemen are killed (that's bastards!). Run into the tunnel, shooting the bandits along the way. After passing through the tunnel, turn right at the crossroads. Head towards the police car. Take the Tear Gas Launcher from it. Return to the crossroads and go left. Remove the snipers from the houses and follow the police detachment. Use the gas cannon on the law enforcement officers.

Goal #2: Follow Grigoriev.
Run into the passage that was blocked. Grigoriev will attack you. Take cover from his shots in the doorway on the left. When he runs, follow him. In the alley, a car will try to hit you. To prevent this from happening, jump into the niche near the door. The car will drive past and crash into the wall. Climb up to the building. Chase Grigoriev across the rooftops. Once in the next alley, you will again have to avoid a collision with a car. To do this, hook on the beam between the houses. Run forward while dodging the shots. When you run out into the street, be careful, as they shoot at you from the roof from the M-79. After leaving the shelling zone, you have to follow Grigoriev along a busy city highway. When you reach the city park, you will finish this level.

Mission #13: Volkov Park.
Goal #1: Follow Grigoriev.

Shoot two enemies who have come running to the parking lot, and move forward, hiding behind the monument with the inscription: “one from Moscow” (they have such a sense of humor ...), and you need to get closer to him. Once he runs away, follow him. Shoot the four thugs and keep running forward. Near the bust of one of the leaders (guess who it is), kill three more bandits. Head into the passage on the right. You will enter the unlit part of the park. Perebeyte all enemies and iditol into the passage. Near the torn off arm of the “Worker” (you can go nuts), you will overtake Grigoriev, who will again try to hide. Don't allow it. After running through a small forest with snipers, you will find yourself at the bridge. Destroy the enemy squad and head to the gate.

Mission #14: Gregorov
Goal #1: Capture Grigoriev.

You need to capture Grigoriev. It is quite difficult to do this. First, use the sniper rifle to shoot him in the legs. It is not necessary to do this, but this will make Grigoriev slower, and you will have more time. Now, hiding behind the monument to Yuri Dolgoruky, break four lanterns. In the dark, Grigoriev will lose his orientation in space, and you can safely knock him out with an electric shock.

Mission #15: Aljir Prison Break-in
Goal #1: Release the Prisoner

Once in the prison shower room, go forward. After entering the corridor, wait until the guard is called away. Follow him and then turn right. Go to the guards' room and run through it into the next corridor. You will see a woman beating a prisoner. Use the Taser to neutralize the guard closest to you and head back to the passage you came from. After going around the guards, cut down another enemy and hide around the corner. The woman who beat the prisoner will come to the noise, and you will need to stun her.

Goal #2: Release the second prisoner.
Head into the passage on the left (the only one you haven't been in yet). Having reached the first door, wait until the guard comes out of it. Neutralize it and move along the cells, keeping away from the railing. There will be an overseer around the corner. As soon as he goes to the prisoner, take out the crossbow and shoot the enemy who walks along the bridge. Knock out the guard in the cell and keep going forward. There will be four guards around the next corner. After a while, two of them will leave. Go to the place where the railing ends and hang down on your hands. Climb to the left, past two enemies. Climb up and run into the corridor on the left. Two guards will run out of the passage. Stun them.

Goal #3: Turn off the power
Follow the passage from which the guards ran out. Enemies will rise on the elevator, wait until they pass by you. Get into the elevator and go down. As soon as the elevator rises back up, jump into the shaft and hide from the patrol there. Climb up and head straight down the corridor, ignoring the guard standing in the passage. Once at the closed gate, hide behind the right pillar and wait a bit. The guard will come out. Neutralize him and quickly run through the gate. Knock out the woman in charge of the control panel and open the right gate. The overseer will run into the room - stun him. Go forward. When you reach a small doorway, carefully look into it. You will see the enemy. As soon as he turns his back to you, shoot him with a crossbow. Move along the cameras. Go into the passage and shock another guard. There will be a room at the end of the corridor. Enter it.

Mission #16: Aljir Prison Escape.
Goal #1: Find Grigoriev.

Crouch down and draw your gun. Wait for a guard to run into your room and shoot him in the head. Kill three more enemies from cover. Collect ammo and go to the left passage. When you reach the cells, you will be attacked by several enemies from above and below. After dealing with them, head to the next door. After running along the corridor, go down the stairs and turn left. Open the red door and go outside. Be careful: there are two enemies with automatic weapons on the roof. Climb up the stairs. Shoot the two opponents who ran out of the building and go inside. Follow straight along the corridors, destroying the guards along the way. In one of the rooms you will find Grigoriev.

Goal #2: Protect Grigoriev.
Grigoriev is wounded, so you should cover him. Kill the three guards who ran into the room and head to the next corridor. Then run straight down the corridor, destroying the enemies. Having reached the Checkpoint, open the door and go forward a little. As soon as Yuri shouts to you that snipers have settled on the roof, go back. Grigoriev will throw a smoke bomb, and you can run further. You will stop near the door on the bridge. Shoot the lock to open it. Yuri will head for the bridge, and you run straight ahead. Take a gas gun from one of the guards and return to Grigoriev. Follow him straight down the corridor. Once in the shower room, take out the gas gun and fire it at the prisoners. Move forward. Eliminate a group of overseers, and then return for Yuri. Together with him, head to the passage where you killed the enemies. Get outside.

Goal #3: Escape.
Remove the sentry on the roof and break the searchlight. Sneak forward along the right wall of the building. Walk around the two guards and turn the corner. Pick a moment to slip past the spotlight unnoticed. Enter the building with the lift and climb to the top. Use electroshock to neutralize two enemies. Calmly run forward, ignoring the shooting guards.

Mission #17: Agency Bio-Lab.
Goal #1: Get access to the security system.

Exit the room you are in and go right down the corridor. When you reach the end of the passage, you will see a doctor. Follow him while avoiding the guards. After climbing up, follow the right. Hide behind the boxes and wait until an agent walks past you. Move on. Another operative will stand in your way. Use the boxes to go around it. Enter door A1. Take a quiet step to the left along the corridor. Take the knife from the cart and go right. Go through door A1, you will see a guard. When he comes to the door, kill him and go inside. Work with the computer (Security Net), you will get a plan of the building.

Objective #2: Find equipment.
Run back through passage A1. Go through the door, next to which two yellow stripes are drawn on the floor. Go through the chemical treatment procedure and exit through the next door. There will be a guard on the left. Kill him and go forward a little. You will see that one of the GIs is sitting in the cell on the first floor. Walk back and go through the door. Kill the lab assistant. Work with the computer (Elevator Control) and take equipment from the box (Combat Gear).

Goal #3: Get into Gershon's office.
Exit the room and turn right. Take out your sniper rifle and shoot the agents from above and below. Once downstairs after a short cutscene, talk to Ramirez. Climb up and go into the only open door. Disable the security camera (red light) using the Scrambler. Climb down and run to the end of the corridor. Go through door A3 and turn right. Once at the Exit sign, go left. Neutralize two agents. Approach the second security camera and turn it off. Move forward, kill the guard along the way. At the end of the corridor there will be an entrance to the ventilation shaft. Crawl through it into Gershon's office.

Goal #4: Rescue Chance.
Talk to the scientist, then follow him. Having reached the laboratory assistant, kill him before he has time to notice you. When you get to the secret laboratory, kill Gershon. Go to the control panel (Data Uplink) and press (Up). A group of enemies will attack you. Many of them are wearing body armor. Find cover and fire from there. Having dealt with the agents, go upstairs and exit the laboratory. Return to the room with the detention cells (where Ramirez is sitting). Go through the opened door on the second floor. Run forward a little. Turn left and enter the next room. Shoot the labs. Get down. Sneak past the room with the scientist and go up the stairs. Click on the switch near the glass to kill the lab assistant. Chance will call you.

Goal #5: Get a cure for Lian.
Go through the door to the left of the room where you killed the scientist. Shoot the guard and run forward. After the cutscene, go downstairs and shoot the laboratory assistant. Head straight down the corridor. Climb into the ventilation shaft and crawl along it into the next room. Kill the scientist and go through the door.

Mission #18: Agency Bio-Lab Escape
Goal #1: Run, save yourself!!!

An armored agent will enter the room, which cannot be killed with conventional weapons. Shoot the flasks of chemicals on the table. Unit 1 will explode. Come into the next room. Climb into the ventilation shaft on the left and crawl along it into the corridor. Very quickly run to the room where you started past mission. Inside it, find the ventilation pipe and crawl into the morgue. Climb into the next air tunnel. Be careful: there is a rotating fan inside it. Once in one of the rooms of the complex, go to the locker and take the M79 (Combat Gear). Climb into the shaft next to the table and move along it into another corridor. Hide around the corner to shoot two enemies at the same time with the M79. Run straight down the corridor. After a while, you will come across another armored agent. Blow it up and move on. Find another ventilation shaft and crawl along it into the room with the detention cells. Approach the dead Ramirez. Grab the M79 ammo from the crate and go up the stairs, blowing up the agents along the way. Walk forward a little. In the room with the computer, be extremely careful not to damage it. After working with the computer, quickly run to the elevator.

Mission #19: New York Slums.
Run forward along the street, shooting all the terrorists you meet. Find a door with a barn lock. Shoot him with any weapon and go inside the building. Follow straight down the corridor. After reaching the room with the M16, take it and exit through the doorway.

Checkpoint #1.
Shoot the enemy on the balcony (be careful: he is armed with grenades). Use the dumpster to climb onto the roof. Kill a few more mercenaries and keep climbing. Once at the ledge, hang on your hands and jump down. You will see a SWAT officer. Do not, under any circumstances, shoot at him. Find the entrance to the basement in one of the houses. Going downstairs, be careful, as the entire basement is engulfed in fire. Run to the washing machines and you will find a place where the floor will fall under you. Activate the fire safety system (long-range firepower), and then climb back up.

Checkpoint #2.
Head into the passage that was previously engulfed in flames. Destroy all enemies in the rooms (including snipers). Enter the room with the overturned table and climb up to the next floor. Here also shoot all the mercenaries, but be careful not to shoot the SWAT officer. After killing the last sniper, jump down and follow into the alley.

Checkpoint #3.
Having stumbled upon a policeman, wait until he is hit by a car, then kill several thugs. Run to the garage. Deal with the guard and move straight down the corridor, taking the G-18 with you along the way. On the street you will meet a SWAT officer (near the police car). Help her deal with two snipers. Follow the girl. After entering the hotel, go up to the second floor and shoot the remaining snipers.

Mission #20: New York Sewer
Going down into the sewer, you will have only a standard pistol in your arsenal. Take care of your ammo and try to hit the enemies in the head. Run after Teresa, shooting agents along the way. When she turns left, ignore it and run on. Find a passage at the end of the tunnel and enter it. Kill a bunch of enemies.

Checkpoint #1.
Find the room where the mechanism that drains the sewer is located and start it (Sewer Drain Control). Return to Teresa.

Checkpoint #2.
At the end of the passage, go down and enter the next tunnel. Run to the big room. Shoot the guards and hook on the pipe. Crawl along it to the other side of the room. Opponents will open fire on you. To deal with them, use auto-aim. Jump down and follow Teresa. Rise upward. You will find yourself in a garage.

Checkpoint #3.
Kill the mercenaries and go up to the next level of the car park. A car will try to hit you. Try to avoid it in time. Give Teresa fire support. When all enemies are destroyed, approach your partner. She will throw a gas grenade at the door, and agents will run out from there, whom you need to shoot (be careful: they are armed with M79).

Checkpoint #4.
Run upstairs, destroying the guards along the way. When you reach the door, exit to the parking lot. Shoot Stevens.

Mission #21: Finale.
The last battle... You need to kill the traitor Chance'a. To do this is not so easy. The fact is that Chance is wearing armor that cannot be pierced with conventional weapons. Follow the helicopter, dodging the shots. Take from the drawer UAS-12. This assault rifle, although it won’t penetrate Chance’s armor, is capable of pushing the boss back. Run around the helicopter and stand a little further from its tail. Once Chance is in line with you, open fire and push him into the helicopter's propeller.

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Mission: Hotel Fukushima
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Operative: Gabrielle Logan
Parameters: Unacceptable civilian casualties

Find room 413 and get equipment

Once Gabe will enter to the hotel, Lian will contact him by radio. She will tell you where the equipment is. In the lobby, go to the concierge and take the key to room 413 from him. After taking the key, head to the elevators. Climb up and go left. At the end of the corridor, on the right, there will be room 413. Enter it. In the bathroom you can find your gear.

Eliminate Shi-Hao and his officers

Once in position, listen to Lian's instructions. Your main target is General Shi-Hao. It is located in the opposite building. Before you shoot him, first neutralize the sniper who sat on the roof. Use a silenced sniper rifle for this. When the general is killed, deal with the remaining officers (enemies in uniform).

Free high-ranking hostage

After completing the task, go out into the corridor. Shooting the Shi-Hao guards, break through to the elevator hall. As soon as you are in place, Lian will contact you, who will inform you that the elevators are blocked by the general's henchmen. Another escape route must be found. Run to the opposite wing of the building. On the way in one of the rooms you can find a bulletproof vest. Exit through the emergency exit to the stairs and run down, killing the enemies. On the first floor, proceed forward through the utility room, along the way (if necessary) grabbing a bulletproof vest. At the end of the path, you will see several scumbags who have captured the poor girl. Shoot them (be careful not to hook the hostage).

Take a high-ranking hostage to safety

After freeing the girl, run forward with her, destroying numerous adversaries along the way. After bringing the former hostage to a safe place, talk on the radio with your partner.

Meet Lian outside the hotel.

Exit to the lobby. Get rid of the guards and head to the exit.

Mission: Costa Rica Plantation

Operative: Gabrielle Logan
Options: Protect Lian

Meet Ellis

After talking on the radio with your partner, shoot the two soldiers patrolling this part of the forest. Run forward (down the slope). After meeting with Lian, you will stumble upon an automatic firing point. Your companion will destroy it with a well-aimed grenade throw. Neutralize the enemies who come running to the sound of the explosion (be careful: one of them has grenades). Follow Lian. Blow up two enemy firing points with grenades. Arriving at the camp, you will find the body of Ellis.

Transfer plantation coordinates to headquarters for airstrike

Take the grenades from the box at the entrance and continue to follow Lian. Blow up another firing point and kill all the soldiers in the village. Enter the largest house (the one on the right). Inside you can find a computer. Using it, transfer the coordinates of the plantation to the headquarters.

Disable an enemy helicopter

Take the M16 automatic rifle in the corner of the room and go out into the corridor. Go left. You will run into an enemy helicopter. Neutralize the soldiers guarding him and approach the nose of the vehicle. Turn off the engine by pressing the "Use" button.

Find plant samples in a package

Now run to the opposite house, shooting the newly appeared soldiers along the way (be careful: many of them are sitting in ambush). In one of the rooms, find a box of plant samples on a table.

Collect three plant samples

Free two slaves

In the same room, behind the boxes, find the Mine Detector, which you will need a little later. Get outside. Your task is to find three samples of plants that grow on mini-plantations (green bushes covered with a camouflage net). To find them, run along the road that runs through the entire level. After finding two samples, you will stumble upon a soldier who is torturing two slaves. Shoot the scoundrel and free the captives.

Get into the tunnel

All tasks at this level are completed. Now it remains only to get to the exit. Follow the road leading from the village to the beginning of the level. Climb up the slope and you will find yourself at the entrance to the tunnel. He's mined. Using the radar with the mine detector, avoiding the mine, proceed into the tunnel.

Mission: C-5 Galaxy Transport
Location: Transport aircraft, Costa Rica
Operative: Gabrielle Logan
Options: Don't kill the pilot

Stop Rhoemer "a

Once on the plane, shoot the two soldiers and approach the ABS Armor Helmet lying on the crate. After receiving the radio message, go to the next part of the plane. You will run into Rhoemer, who will run into the cargo hold. Take body armor and UAS-12 from the boxes on the floor. Climb into the cockpit.

Shoot one of the pilots (on the right) who resisted. By pressing the switch, open the door in the cargo compartment. Pick up the UAS-12 and head to the beginning of the level. There you will meet Rhoemer "a. He cannot be killed, since he is wearing an armored suit. Therefore, it is necessary to push the enemy overboard with the help of the ultra-lethal UAS-12.

Mission: Pugari Gold Mine

Operative: Mujari
Options: Protect Workers

Pick up explosives near the landing site

Mujari parachute down to the mines. While controlling the parachute with the joystick d-pad, land on the tower crane. After running along the arrow, jump onto the cliff. Shoot the guards and take the explosive from the box (Explosive).

free the slaves

Escort slaves to safety before planting charges

Having dealt with the guards at the entrance, collect weapons and proceed into the depths of the mine (to the left of the entrance is a box with a bulletproof vest). Inside, overcome the obstacle in the form of wooden boxes and run forward. The mine is full of guards, which you can get rid of by exploding barrels of fuel. Having run to the mine where the slaves work, free them. Now you need to take the workers to a safe place. Go into the room on the left. You will see trolleys standing on rails. Head into the passage to their right. Having reached the gorge, neutralize the enemies who have settled on both sides of the bridge. Cross the bridge.

Save Dejesus

When the slaves are freed, go down into the cave. After running along it, you will see a bridge along which the guard leads Dejesus to be shot. Without delay for a second, get a sniper rifle. Shoot the escort, as well as the guards who come running from all sides.

Blow up mine 411

Return to the mine where the slaves were, destroying the enemies along the way. Place an explosive charge in the center of the room.

Mission: Pugari Complex
Location: Mpumalanga, South Africa
Operative: Mujari
Options: Do no harm to workers and resistance members

Leave mine 411

After the explosion, which, due to the fault of enemy soldiers, occurred a little earlier than planned, the mine began to collapse. Quickly run to the carts. Click on the lever to launch them. When the composition moves from its place, bend down, otherwise you will be hooked on the beam from above.

Ask the dispatcher about the disease of the slaves

After evacuating to a safe zone, shoot the soldier who blew up the trolley. Follow the control room and talk to Jones. There is a little secret in this place. You must have noticed a truck parked in front of the control room. If you kill the dispatcher, the truck will crash into the building, after which a lot of enemies will come running. Dealing with them; you will be able to find a bulletproof vest in the place where the car used to be.

Activate the transmitter on the tower

Proceed to the structure that looks like a fort. Neutralize the guards and go through the substation. Having received new instructions on the radio, go into the building (to the right of the entrance you can take a bulletproof vest). Talk to a party member named Smith, who will tell you that the tower is out of power. Go outside and go to the substation. Turn on the power supply and return to Smith. The poor thing is being killed right in front of your eyes. Having avenged the enemies for the death of a comrade, go upstairs and turn on the transmitter. Soldiers will appear on the roof of the opposite building, killing them you will meet another member of the group. Walk with him to the elevator. Shoot the three guards (shoot them in the head as they are wearing bulletproof vests) and get into the elevator.

Mission: Shirpur District

Operative: Lian Xing
Options: No

Neutralize seven snipers

Destroy the weapon

Help Logan

Obtain Gregorov's unit movement map

Once in Kabul, run forward to the end of the street. Enter the ruined house and shoot the first sniper sitting on the second floor. Go to the next room (straight and left). There is a huge boulder in the corner. Climb up it to the second floor. Kill the second sniper and go down. Exit through the archway. On the left there will be another shooter walking around the broken bus. After killing him, climb over the bus and run to the right. Enter the ruins on the left. Find a hole to the second floor, where you will meet the fourth sniper. Having dealt with the adversary, go down the collapsed stairs to the basement. Walk forward a little. Once at the fork, shoot the soldier with the shotgun and go right. Set the explosives on the weapon boxes and quickly get out to the surface.

After the explosion, return to the fork and move straight ahead. Turn right at the next fork. Arriving in a small room, take a picture of the map hanging on the wall. Now go outside through the passage you entered. Follow left. At the end of the street, find a chest of body armor. Go right through the archway and eliminate the three snipers who have settled on nearby buildings.

Capture a prototype Russian weapon

After completing the task, find a building with a canopy. Behind it, there will immediately be another structure that you can climb onto. Find the experimental weapon AU300 in the crate and go downstairs.

Proceed to the evacuation zone

Return to the broken bus. Climbing on it, you will receive a radio message.

Clear Landing Area

In order for the helicopter to land, it is necessary to destroy the soldiers armed with rocket launchers. Their location is marked on the radar with green dots.

Mission: S.S. Lorelei

Operative: Gabrielle Logan
Options: do not climb upper deck before charging

Place explosives in the ship's cargo hold

Neutralize the worker sitting in the crane cabin. Get down. Shoot another enemy and plant explosives in the corner. After that, exit into the corridor. Run to the left, destroying the guards along the way. Having reached the worker standing near the stairs, go into the passage opposite him. Place another explosive charge in the corner under the stairs. Continue to move forward along the compartments of the ship. Once at the fork, turn left. In the next room, you need to lay the last charge.

Place an explosive decoy

After completing the previous task, go out into the corridor and move to the left. On the right, there will be a barely noticeable passage. Come into it. Get on the elevator and go upstairs. Approach the stairs and place the bait on it.

Infiltrate the captain's quarters

Rise upward. Go to the galley and enter the captain's cabin through a hole in the wall (on the way, take the weapon lying in the box).

Steal the ship's log

Once in the captain's cabin, go to the table and take the ship's log lying on it.

Kill the captain

Go out into the corridor and shoot the captain along with his guards.

Steal videotape

Take grenades from the box and go down. After shooting the guards, go into the conference room. Go to the film projector and remove the videotape from it.

leave the ship

Return to the beginning of the level, simultaneously destroying crowds of enemies and collecting useful items.

Protect Maggie while she lowers the crane.

Using a sniper rifle, neutralize all agents trying to attack the crane cabin.

Mission: Aztec Ruins
Location: Rainforest, Costa Rica
Operative: Lian Xing
Options: Protect Scientists

Download the computer model of the virus

After the start of the mission, run into the passage on the right. After jumping over the cliff in which the poor soldier sits, you will find yourself at a fork. Follow left. Cling to the ledge, climb up. When you get out of the well, shoot the two enemies. Pick up their weapons and move on. After the second Checkpoints, go down the stairs. Go left. After reaching the boxes, climb them to the upper level and jump down. If necessary, take ammo for UAS-12 from the box. In the next building, you will meet a group of soldiers. To get rid of them, blow up the barrels of fuel. After the explosion, a passage will form in the wall, in which you can take a bulletproof vest. Go to the room with the scientist. Go to the computer in the middle of the room and download the virus model.

Destroy seven computers

Free six scientists

Find explosives

Free Dr. Weisinger

Capture a virus sample

After downloading the model, destroy the computer and free the scientist. Exit the room and go left. Free another scientist and blow up the second computer. Through the passage in the rock, go to the next part of the level. Take H11 from the stone rise and move on. Going out into the open space, shoot all the opponents and go into the ancient structure. Inside it, you will find scientists sitting in cells. To free them, you will need explosives. Remember this place - you will return here a little later. In the meantime, take the gas gun in the next room and follow on. A little ahead, you will see Dr. Weisinger, who is being held hostage. Shoot the guards and free them. Through the gap in the stone wall, go to an area that has not yet been explored. Run forward past the cells with scientists, destroying them along the way. manpower enemy. Having reached the room with three computers, destroy them and continue to move on. In one of the rooms you can find explosives. After going into the next room, destroy the last computer and take a sample of the virus.

Capture the Artifact

After talking with the scientist who will tell you about the artifact, jump into the hole. Below you will find an artifact lying on a fallen column. Climb up and head to free the scientists.

Mission: Dockyards
Location: Dublin, Ireland
Operative: Gabrielle Logan
Options: Protect Maggie, don't harm the MIS agents

Destroy four trucks

Escape the locked warehouse

Steal secret IRA documents from the safe

Neutralize the two guards roaming the dock and move towards Maggie. Together with your partner, run forward, ignoring the sniper sitting on the tower. Having reached the first truck, climb onto its roof and plant explosives. After blowing up the truck, proceed to the nearest building. Destroy the fuel barrels to clear the passage (don't forget about Maggie). Get outside. Help the MIS agents deal with the attackers, then blow up the second truck. Move to the warehouse, inside which Maggie and Russell the bear cub sat down (find the MIL-15 lying to the right of the entrance). Maggie will ask you to escort Russell to a nearby building (you can find a couple of boxes of bulletproof vests along the way). While your ward is picking the lock, protect him from enemy attacks. After obtaining the documents, blow up the fuel barrels to unlock the exit to the street. Follow to the left and destroy the third truck. Then run straight down the road to the next truck. Destroying it will complete this mission.

Mission: Upper Dockyards
Location: Dublin, Ireland
Operative: Gabrielle Logan
Options: Find Nigel

Shoot the two attackers and run forward. Take if necessary from the boxes H11 and body armor. Head to the aid of Agent Nigel, who is not far from you.

Provide cover for Nigel

After talking with agent Nigel, run after him; shooting enemies. When you run to a safe place, you will be unpleasantly surprised; since Nigel will go over to the side of the enemy.

Stop Niguel

Follow the road ahead. Once at the truck, shoot the traitor.

Destroy the mortars in the fortress

Destroy the enemy soldiers attacking the truck. Take the M16 rifle to the left of the ruins and follow the truck. You will come under fire from mortars. They must be destroyed urgently, otherwise you will lose the truck. To the left of the road, find the underground passage leading to the fortress. After passing through it, shoot the mortars.

Mission: Convoy
Location: Desert, Afghanistan
Operative: Gabrielle Logan
Parameters: Ellis must survive, the truck must survive

Destroy the barricades

Return to the truck, neutralizing the enemy infantry along the way. Move on. Once at the checkpoint, neutralize the guards. Ellis will plant explosives on the first barricade. Move away so that you are not hurt by the shock wave. When the obstacle is removed, approach the second barricade and destroy it.

Eliminate the sniper on the bridge

When the convoy reaches the bridge, it will be attacked by a sniper. Get down and run to the left. As soon as the sniper is in sight, kill him.

Defuse the explosives under the bridge

Run under the bridge. Shoot the sentry and climb onto the big boulder, and from it climb onto the beam. Disable the mechanism of the infernal machine.

Cover Ellis while he defuses the mine.

After crossing the bridge, you will come across a mine. Ellis will undertake to neutralize it, and you will need to cover it from enemy attacks.

Kill the snipers at the end of the valley

Once in the valley, shoot the two snipers attacking the convoy.

Break through the valley

This is the most difficult place on this level. It is necessary to destroy the enemy soldiers who attack you from all sides. Pick up PK102 and divert all the fire on yourself so as not to lose Ellis and the truck.

Destroy the barricades at the entrance to Kabul

As you pass the valley, the last obstacle will stand in your way before entering the city. Shoot the soldiers who have settled on the fortification, and then blow up the barricade.

Mission: The Beast.
Location: Kabul, Afghanistan
Operative: Gabrielle Logan
Parameters: The convoy must survive

Find explosives in the rebel garrison

Leaving the convoy at the entrance to the city, shoot down the soldiers hindering your further advance. Head to the city square and clear it of enemy infantry (if necessary, take M16 and body armor from the boxes). Take the plastic explosive inside the house and hide behind the ruins.

Destroy the tank before it destroys the convoy

After a while, a tank will appear, moving towards the convoy. You will have to approach the tank and install explosives on its hull. When the car is mined, run away and use the remote control to blow it up.

Mission: Australian Outback
Location: Tanami Desert, Australia
Operative: Lian Xing
Options: Get in touch with Dr. Basinger after completing the primary objectives. Protect Dr. Weisinger

Get pictures that prove Aboriginal genocide

Before starting the mission, neutralize all soldiers in the vicinity. In your hands is an experimental AU300 rifle with a built-in scanner and the ability to shoot through walls. Therefore, there is no need to make direct contact with the enemy. When the clearing is completed, collect numerous trophies and move to the left along the enemy structures. After going to the burial places of the natives, accept the radio message. After receiving new instructions, take a picture of the burial ground.

Destroy a satellite dish

Turn your back on the cemetery (to get your bearings) and run forward. On the left you will find a communication antenna. Approach it and click on the "Use" button.

Eliminate the four soldiers guarding Dr. Basinger

Now that the main goals are met; it's time to release Dr. Weisinger. Turn around to face the place where the Aboriginal burials are located and go straight and to the right. Once at the tent where the doctor is, hide behind one of the containers. Use the AU300 to take down the four sentries. Three of them are on the street and one in the house.

Save Dr. Weisinger

Find three test tubes

After neutralizing the guards, go into the house and free the doctor. After talking to her, you will see three fat dots on the radar. These are the places where the test tubes are located. Collect them and return to the barracks to Basinger. Neutralize the oncoming soldiers and follow the doctor, covering her from enemy attacks. After reaching the helipad, climb into the rotorcraft.

Mission: George Australia
Location: Aboriginal Village, Australia
Operative: Lian Xing
Options: Protect the natives

Eliminate Commander Silvers

Give antidote to six natives

In this mission, you must not betray your presence. Therefore, move very carefully, without making too much noise. If necessary, take the bulletproof vest from the box and sneak forward. When you reach the truck, climb onto its cab. Use a sniper rifle or other silent weapon to remove the sentry from the tower. Get rid of two more soldiers and go into the semicircular house. Inside you will meet the first sick native. Use the antidote on him. Exit the hut and move on. Near the freshly dug graves you will see Silvers, who at any second is ready to send the native tribe to the other world. With a well-aimed shot, hit the commander in the head so that he does not have time to give the order to be shot. Enter the antidote to the captives and go to look for their fellow tribesmen, who are kept in different parts of the village. To make your search easier, use the AU300 scanner.

Steal a truck and return to the drop zone

When all natives are cured, return to the truck at the beginning of the level. Get into it. Arriving at the helicopter, destroy the enemy infantry that is preventing the takeoff.

Mission: Paradise Ridge

Operative: Teresa
Options: Don't kill federal agents or unarmed cops. Don't kill police officers

Eliminate two police snipers

After talking to the agents, go forward a little and take cover behind a large boulder. Using the sniper rifle, take out the sentries standing on the watchtowers.

Find and rescue Agent DeMarco

Install a beacon on a power line

Continue to move deeper into the snowy forest. Having stumbled upon the FBI agents escorting the arrested policemen, talk to them. Approach the high-voltage line and install a beacon on one of the pillars (which will be a landmark for the bombardment).

Get to the crash site and report it

Once the beacon is set, you will be attacked by two police officers. Kill them and follow to the crash site. There you will meet two agents, cold-bloodedly shooting an unarmed policeman. It appears that the FBI agents are not who they say they are. From now on, you can safely kill them. But now you have no right to touch the police, who are still against you.

Remove beacon from power line

Return to the power line. Eliminate the agents guarding it and remove the previously installed beacon from the post.

Reach the Dactons residence

Now your task is to get alive and unharmed to the residence of the Dakton family. It will not be easy to do this, as you are opposed by heavily armed police officers, who, in addition to everything, cannot be shot at. Use rolls and side shifts to get out of the way of enemy fire.

Mission: Militia Compound
Location: Western Montana
Operative: Teresa
Parameters: Don't kill police officers, support ATF agents

Place a beacon on Colonel Silvers

Having penetrated the territory of the residence, run forward, destroying enemy agents. Get inside the red building and go down. In a secret place behind the boxes against the wall, you can find a powerful K3G4 assault rifle. Jump into the hatch on the second floor and shoot the two enemies who are torturing the policeman. Take away their body armor, and then go down into the underground passage. Run through it and get to the surface. Around the corner, kill two agents questioning the captured policemen and move on. Talk to the rescued warriors. They will tell you about Agent Kelly.

Kick open the door and enter the warehouse. Here it is necessary to act very quietly so that the colonel standing on the second floor does not hear you. Shoot the guard with a silenced pistol and climb the containers to the second floor. Sneak up to Silvers unnoticed and attach a beacon to his clothes (very cruel joke). Then just as imperceptibly go down.

Find Agent Kelly

Climb up the stairs and go outside. There you will meet Agent Kelly. Untie it and deal with the running agents. Get down into the well. After running through the tunnel, you will stumble upon policemen. To prevent them from opening fire on you, crouch in the place indicated by the cursor. After talking with the police, follow them. Help the would-be warriors to cope with the attackers, and then continue on your way. Having met two more police officers (not far from this place lies the M79), talk to them and neutralize the three snipers located nearby. Together with your new acquaintances, break into the house and destroy the guards. Approach the mattress lying on the floor. Below it is a secret entrance to the bunker.

Mission: Underground Bunker
Location: Western Montana
Operative: Teresa
Options: Protect Dacton Family

Talk to Debbie Duckton

After going down to the bunker, you will meet Dusty. Taking the bulletproof vest from the box if necessary, follow the younger Dacton. Running into the tunnel and seeing the agents, the guy will hide behind a boulder. Neutralize them and move on. After a while, your companion will stop again. Walk a little forward and shoot all the enemies who decide to ambush. Then continue on your way. Once in complete darkness, stop and wait for Dusty to bring you a night vision device. Then move carefully so as not to fall into the abyss (on the left you can find a box with M79J. Once in the bunker, destroy the soldiers and run forward - into the room where the pregnant Mrs. Duckton is located.

Get a first aid kit

Prevent Debbie's baby from being born prematurely

After talking with Debbie, who urgently needs help, go out into the corridor and head into the passage on the left. Find a first aid kit in the warehouse and return to the Dactons.

Get F.I.S.T backup files

Dusty will go to the next room to mess with the computer, and in the meantime you guard his mother.

Get the Dacton family out of the caves

Head along with the Dactons to the elevator (it is located near the warehouse). After going down, follow through the cave, destroying the enemies along the way (don't go far from Debbie).

Mission: Senate Building
Location: Washington
Operative: Gabrielle Logan
Options: Do no harm to federal agents

Find the cancel code to defuse the bombs

Run straight down the corridor. Then turn left and go into the women's restroom. After breaking the ventilation grate, climb into the mine. Crawl along it to the senator's office. Find the cancellation code in the desk drawer and give it to Mujari.

Release captured agents

After shooting the guards who burst into the office, head to the men's room. Using the ventilation system, get into the control room. Pick up K3G4 and click on the panel

Control the button to open the gate. Exit to the corridor. Go left and go through the opened passage. Once in the large hall, shoot the mercenaries.

Go down the subway

After freeing the agents, run to the elevator. It is located to the left of the toilets. Going down the subway, you will see your sworn enemy Maru Aramova. She tries to escape on the train. Without wasting a second, get on the train.

Mission: DC Subway
Location: Washington
Operative: Gabrielle Logan
Options: Rescue all civilians

Free three hostages

The last mission of the game. Run to the head car of the train, shooting mercenaries along the way and freeing civilians.

Kill Lieutenant Mara

In one of the wagons you will find the AU300 (this rifle is required to complete the game). Shoot Mara's assistant and take the explosives from the box.

Blow up the door leading to the engine room

Set the explosives on the door and follow the next car, so as not to be destroyed by the blast.

Kill Mara Aramova

Mara took a hostage and hid behind bulletproof glass. If you enter the room, she will kill the woman. Climb onto the roof of the car and pick up the AU300. Using the scanner, end Aramova. HAPPY END postponed indefinitely...

After beating the game, the Cheats menu will open in the options, in which you can select any mission and turn on the Super Agent mode.

Magazine "Official PlayStation Magazine: Russia", 2001.

From the translator

At the time of the translation of the passage, I went through only the first three episodes, according to which the translation is more or less correct. Then I translate myself, I don’t know what, if I made a mistake, I apologize. Dmitry Novozhenov.

Episode 1, Part 1

You start by hiding behind a pillar. Switch to the MB-150 immediately and select the EDT darts. Shoot at the enemy talking on the radio, but don't activate it yet. Wait until the radio talks end, then activate the dart. Find the sniper and kill him with another EDT. Walk over the just killed enemy and pick up the Specter. Don't use yet. Look for the tech's body to find the card. Load the MB-150 with 6mm rounds and shoot the barrel on the right behind the net. This will create a passage in the grid.

Go into the passage and, hiding behind the boxes, kill two guards with the Mark 23. Pick up Specter ammo from the bodies. Climb up the ladder on the side of the building to the left of the crates you were hiding behind. Climb up to the top platform and use the RTL to get to the catwalk. Jump down and use the card. Turn on NVGs and enter a dark room. Take the first aid kit on the wall on the left and the M67 grenades from the table. Check the books on the table and find the first hidden folder. Go to the weapon rack and grab the M1 Super 90.

When you leave the room, you will be attacked by two guards, kill them with the M1 Super 90. Go back the way you came to the technician's body. Follow the illuminated path and use the columns on the left for cover. Stay crouched to improve your shooting accuracy. You can shoot barrels to burn enemies nearby. At the end of the path, turn on the EDSU goggles and switch to EDT to open the lock on the gate. Turn off your goggles and switch to automatic. Go down the stairs and kill the guard when he runs past you. Climb up the stairs at the other end of the basement. When you go around the basement, a guard will run out of the door, kill him and climb up the stairs. The guard on the ground behind the bridge will try to shoot you, switch to the Specter and kill him, then to the MB-150 and take out the guard that is visible on the bridge above. Reload your weapon before climbing. As you go up, you will see a cutscene. When it's over, keep climbing up and pull the lever on the tower wall. After the video, change the assault rifle to the Dragunov SVD dropped by the sniper. Shoot the guard shooting at Lian. Before you tell her to advance, get some ammo for the SVD from the crate on the left. Press SQUARE to instruct Lian to advance when ready. Lian will be attacked by many enemies, shoot them. Before using the AZL, switch to the assault rifle and fill up with ammo if needed. Use AZL to meet Lian and finish the part.

Episode 1, Part 2

Switch to the MB-150 and shoot down the fuel truck without moving. This will destroy the guard at the machine gun. Shoot the guard standing on the balcony above the flames. Use RTL to move to the opposite balcony. If a guard appears, shoot him with another RTL with the Specter. Check the board ahead for a hidden folder. Also, if needed, there is a first aid kit. Follow the RTL to the opposite balcony. Run forward with the M1 Super 90 at the ready and shoot the guard coming around the corner. Squat down and slowly open the door. Use the Mark 23 to shoot one guard in the head, then switch to the knife and stab the second. Use EDSU to find the switch on the wall and use the computer. Run to the table and push it forward. Switch to the M1 Super 90 and kill the two guards. Grab a bulletproof vest and a first aid kit if needed. On the balcony outside, take the MB-150 and shoot the sniper on the balcony opposite. Go down the stairs, take out the Specter and, hiding around the corner, shoot the guards who will try to kill you. After the fight is over, collect the ammo for the Specter before pressing the elevator button.

After the cutscene, take out the Specter and run away from Red Jack while continuing to shoot. Red Jack will die from the explosion of his satchel. After his death, the part will end.

Episode 1, Part 3

Stay crouched and take out the knife. Knife an enemy working near the shield. when he dies, use RTL to bypass the flames. At the end, jump down and use the EDT to unlock the ventilation grate. Turn on the NVGs and crawl into the ventilation. at the end of the path, use the EDT to turn on the big switch and turn off the flames. Jump down and look in the box for a hidden folder. Take body armor. Get into the top vent. Use the EDT to turn on the switches through whichever fan is not spinning. This will reopen the path for you. When you get to the exit, turn off the NVGs and exit the vent. Get close to the enemy and hit him with a knife. Pick up ammo for the Specter. Stay crouched and use the wall as cover. Look around the corner and you will see the head of the enemy. Use Mark 23 to shoot him, then get out from behind the corner, and, remaining on your haunches, move forward. Go around the fittings and stab the guard who is spinning the big TV screen. check the couch for hidden clues. Switch to Mark 23 and shoot the guard in the lobby. Take the key to the elevator from him. Look in the last locker in the first row for a first aid kit. Look in the last locker in the last row for a bulletproof vest. Enter the elevator and press the button.

Episode 1, Part 4

When the elevator opens, shoot the guard in front of you. In the next area, shoot the switch to burn the nearby guard. Shoot again to turn off the flame. Hide under windows. From the machine gun, shoot the guard descending the rope, from the MB-150, shoot the guard on the upper platform. take cover, and shoot the guards on the opposite balcony with a machine gun. Go back to the elevator for the body armor. Use RTL to get across the gap between the balconies. Change the assault rifle to Galil AR which is used by the local guards. Take the body armor from the box hidden in the passage. Search the technician's body for hidden evidence. Climb up the stairs. Use Mark 23, shoot two enemies and climb into the office. Enable NVGs and switch to AR. Shoot the two enemies coming up the stairs. Two more will knock down the door in the room below. Shoot them with the Specter as they enter. Reload your weapon and pick up ammo for the Specter. Open the vent at the bottom of the stairs with the EDT, but don't go through it yet. Squat down and move through the two doors. In this room, use the EDT to open the ventilation grate. Climb down the stairs and keep the AR at the ready. Open the door and use the wall on the right as cover. Look around the corner and shoot the guard holding the technician hostage. After the cutscene, use the EDT and complete all three circuits. Grab the lever and wait for the technician to count down. Pull the lever at the same time. Finishing this part will give you the TEK-9 Silenced in mission mode.

Episode 1, Part 5

First, use the radio to fool the guards upstairs. Tell the tech to hide, crouch down and move up the stairs. Crawl into the ventilation and get the MB-150. Use the X34 dart to silently eliminate the two guards in the room. Enter the room and order the guard to follow you. When he appears, tell him to use the lock with the palm scanner. Climb the stairs and return to Freeman's office. Enter the code to the safe, which the technician will tell you. Take the body armor, go down the stairs and use the palm scanner. Squat down and move to the next area. Silently finish off two enemies in the server room with EDT darts. Sign in and use your computer. The technician will tell Gabe that he can reconnect the wires manually. Get him up and turn on the IR goggles. Keep an eye on his heat spot and hit the switches he indicates. After the third, two guards will attack the technician, shoot them and the technician will go down into the room. Use your computer and watch the video. Arm yourself with grenades and tell the technician to open the door. Throw a grenade at the guards and hide. Enter the room and close the valve. Look behind the cars for a crate of ammo. Get all the ammo you can. Tell the technician to use the palm scanner. It will help you climb into the overhead vent.

Episode 2, Part 1

You are playing this mission as Lian Xing. The mission starts between the rocks. Get out of cover and shoot the guards with your TEK-9. Collect TEK-9 ammo. After you shoot everyone, turn on the EDSU to find the glowing boxes. Climb on them and look inside. With each box, two guards will run out to you. If necessary, there is a group of boxes and a container with body armor and a first aid kit. After you find the third drive, watch the cutscene. When it ends, switch the rifle to explosive darts. Shoot a dart at an enemy wearing a helmet and immediately detonate it. Take the Galil AR and a card. Use explosive darts and clear the rear of the plane, switch to Galil AR and pick up ammo from the bodies. Take USAS-12 from the counter opposite the terminal. Use the terminal and watch the cutscene.

After the cutscene, turn on the IR and shoot the guard at the top of the stairs. Switch to Galil and go up the stairs. When you climb up, the enemies will try to follow you up the stairs. Kill them, but ignore those in the distance until they get close. Go to the tail of the plane and plant C4. Turn on the EDSU and open the flaps on both wings to find hidden clues. Go down the stairs and switch to USAS-12. Use the crates as cover and shoot the enemies entering the plane. When you're done, switch to SVD. Take the first aid kit and body armor. Take out the enemy behind the machine gun on the Snowcat, then switch to the TEK-9 and run towards it. Kill only those who stand in the way. When you get to the snowmobile, climb into the back and shoot everyone. When everyone is dead, Lian will destroy the plane.

Episode 2, Part 2

Switch to Specter and open the door. Use the space under the railing as cover. Turn on the EDSU and shoot the glowing pipe, this will kill both guards and cause the mine to detonate. Close valve. Open the next door and defuse the mine opposite. Jump on the snow and use the crates as cover. After the alarm Climb onto the box and kill the guards. Hidden folder on the topmost drawer. Go around the boxes on the right and climb into the large broken window. Go to the hall and you will see a bunch of stairs and a switch. Aim with the MB-150 and shoot the mine that the guard places at the bottom of the stairs, then close the valve. Go down the stairs, close another valve and collect ammo. Get into the ventilation and turn on the NVGs. When you hear the voice, turn left and switch to Mark 23. Shoot the switch to open the road. Move on to the exit. Reload your Mark 23, turn off your goggles, equip your Galil and climb out of the vent. Shoot the two guards and run into the passage where they came out for the first aid kit. Use RTL to cross the opening. Turn on the EDSU and shoot the mine between the enemies to take them down quickly. Check the passage for body armor. Go down the stairs. Use the car as cover and use the Specter to shoot the three guards who attack you. Check the passage for an ammo crate. Gather ammo for Galil and Specter. Before using the RTL, turn on the EDSU and detonate the laser mine on the road. On the other side, shoot the mine to quickly finish off the two guards. Arm yourself with Galil and go down the stairs. Shoot the mine and fry some of the guards. Control the passage. When the guards stop running out, go up the stairs and defuse the bomb.

Episode 2, Part 3

Use the EDT to open the vent in front of you and climb into the vent. Jump into the room. Use the EDT to open the 4 vents on the ceiling. Press the button and turn off the gas. Look behind the stairs and find a carcass. Take the key and body armor. Climb up and talk to Kreisler. Use the panels as cover and get the Mark 23. Shoot the guards who come running to see who turned off the gas. Search the bodies for a card. Go down the stairs and go through the door closed by the card. Use the column on the left as cover. First, shoot the enemy running at you, then switch to EDSU and shoot the laser mine. Shoot the enemy in the distance when he peeks out of cover. Go around the corner and you will see three enemies heading towards you. Hide, switch to Galil and kill them. Use the MB-150 and EDSU to detonate the mine in front of the elevator. Enter the elevator and use the panel. As soon as you see the next floor, jump down and take cover on the left. Shoot a couple of enemies, enter the door on the right and turn off the flame. Take the hidden folder from the panel behind the big computer. Take a first aid kit if needed. Ignore the ammo box for now. Take Galil and exit the room. You will see a soldier with a flamethrower, reminiscent of Red Jack. Shoot him with the Galil, go back to the room with the switch and change the Galil yf M4 Carbine. Go to the door where the flamethrower was. Take a bulletproof vest and a first aid kit, knock out the door and hide behind the wall. Shoot the guard in the passage. Look to the left and see stairs and a laser mine. Defuse the mine and replace it with a grenade. After that, immediately return the mine to the wall. Now this is YOUR mine, so if the enemies try to outflank you in the next fight, they will fry. Grab the grenades, duck down and head into the big room. Shoot those who attack you. Keep an eye on enemies approaching you. Cross the hall and go down the stairs. Try using the palm scanner. After the failure, take cover under the trees and fight a little. Don't move anywhere as there are a lot of laser mines around. When everyone is dead, the door will open. Before approaching the computer, collect cartridges. Hide under the wall and shoot everyone slowly. Take care of your ammo. Shoot everyone, the mission will end.

Episode 2, Part 4

Ask Lian to cover, use RTL and cross the opening. Take cover while Lian reloads, then ask for cover again while crossing the balcony and down the stairs. Take cover behind the red car and take out the enemies. Enter the dark passage and turn on the IR, and you will see a disturbing picture. Go to the wall with the message and find the hidden folder. If needed, there is a first aid kit nearby. Follow the cars to the other side of the level. Hide behind the red car. A couple of enemies will go up the stairs, the third one will come when you kill one of them. When you're done with them, go downstairs, take cover behind the loading dock and deal with three more guards. Near the first aid kit and body armor. Move through the hall until you reach a closed gate. Turn on EDSU and use EDT to open the gate. Switch to Specter and shoot the enemies running up to you. Get into the ventilation and kill the guards in the trench. Change the M4 to the Galil used by the local guards. Get some ammo and head down the aisle. Avoid laser mines and shoot enemies as they appear. When you're done, detonate the three mines in the main hall. Look to the left and shoot the mine there as well to reach a hidden folder and body armor in a dark corner. Gather ammo for Galil and go up the stairs. Open the door and watch the cutscene.

Ask Lian to distract Black King while you clear the mines. Don't kill Black King as this will cause the mines to explode. When disarmed - defuse Galil at Black King. This will quickly kill him. Well, after this video, as always =)))

Episode 3, Part 1

You start around the corner, seeing a guard on the balcony above you. Remove it from Mark 23 and reload. Hide behind the buildings behind you. You will see a guard standing outside. Hide behind the broken cabinet and shoot the soldier in the back of the head with the Mark 23. Climb onto the cabinet, then onto the roof. Crouch down and climb to the very top. Switch to MB-150 and gas darts. Slowly move forward and you will see a guard behind the turret. Quietly remove it with gas. Climb up the pipe and move around the building. Turn around, around the corner, and use the EDT to open the vent cover. Switch to Mark 23 and enable NVG before entering. Get out of the ventilation when you hear Ortega beating up a woman. Look around the corner and shoot him. Approach his body to find a hidden folder. Exit through the ventilation and go to the roof from which you came. Jump into the alley and take the fire extinguisher from the wall. Grab the Uzi and some ammo, but stick to the Mark 23 for now. Halfway down the street, take cover behind a pile of crates and a guard will pass in front of you. Kill him with the Mark 23 and take the Uzi ammo. Grab some Mark 23 ammo from the crate on the left at the end of the street. Go through the building on the right and watch the cutscene. Switch to MB-150 and X34 and kill the guard on the balcony ahead. When you approach the boxes near the balcony, a guard will appear with a desire to bang you, Mark 23 will help. Switch to Uzi, squat down and open the door. Kill the guard in front of you. Well, watch the video.

After the video, pick up the ammo for the Uzi and take the first aid kit from the wall. Get out and kill the three guards that will appear on the street. Sign back. Change Mark 23 to Jerico-41, one of the local pistols. Pick up ammo and follow Hargrove. Use boxes and pillars as cover for your next fight. Keep an eye on the balcony in front of the turret, a sniper will appear there. When you're done, pick up the Uzi, ammo, and body armor. Climb onto the burning balcony from Hargrove, get the fire extinguisher and put out the flames. Your video =)))

Translator's note: I went through a couple of paragraphs above differently, just stupidly followed the markers. A little shooting and the result is the same =)))

Move the closet and climb into the ventilation. Switch to EDT darts and shoot the fighter. After the cutscene, you will have to cover Hargrove. If she gets hurt, heal. Don't forget the propane tank, lots of people will love it. After it, jump down and shoot. Shooting guards is quite simple, move, move and move again. Don't forget to collect the maximum ammo before the end of the mission.

Episode 3, Part 2

The mission will start at the machine gun. Cover Hargrove gathering plants. Pay attention to the fuel barrels, quickly and efficiently. You can use Zoom, but then the turret will move much slower. Hargrove is only threatened when enemies are close, so just keep them out of the way. Having finished with the plants, Hargrove will run to the field office for documents. Cover her too. Don't forget to release "fire" between targets so that the machine gun doesn't overheat. If one of the fighters slips into the office, kill him through the window. When she's done, you can leave the turret. If needed, first aid kit at the back. Go down the stairs, take the fire extinguisher from the wall and the hidden folder from the body. Change body armor and go to Hargrove.

After the cutscene, switch to exploding darts and shoot the leg. Shoot the fighters in the yard with the Uzi. Take care and collect ammo, there are not enough of them in this place. Hold on, there are three waves of attackers ahead. After shooting one, go to Hargrove for the second =)))

When everyone is dead, Hargrove will climb the stairs to the lookout tower. Follow her. At the top, take out a pistol and bang three fighters rushing towards you. While they are on the stairs, it is more convenient. Hargrove will use the rope, follow her to the balcony and switch to Uzi. There will be three ahead. Blow them down and follow Hargrove. She will stop half way and snipers will appear. MB-150. Follow Hargrove to her bedroom and help her open the closet. You may need to heal Hargrove first.

Episode 4, Part 1

Shoot the tormentor with the Mark 23. After the cutscene, run forward and hide behind the crate. Pay special attention to the fact that in each battle it is imperative to command Janzen to hide. Otherwise, they kill him and GameOver comes. There are also uranium containers scattered throughout the episode. They help a lot in battles, and if you destroy them all, you will get extra. weapons as a bonus. After shooting two fighters, run forward and to the right. Climb on the boxes, there is an RTL at the top. Move to the other side of the room. After the cutscene, eliminate the attackers. Turn back, turn on the EDSU and shoot the explosives on the floor. Turn around and see the papers on the drawer. Climb to it and pick up hidden evidence. Get down and go to the passage opened by the explosion. Turn on NVG and climb into the ventilation. Without leaving the ventilation, shoot at the container with which one of the fighters is working, this will destroy all the containers in the room and finish off the enemies. Take the first aid kit and change the Mark 23 to one of the local pistols. Janzen will ask you to help him roll back the pipe, agree, there is nowhere to go.

Command Janzen to fall down and shoot at everything that moves. The confirmation of the end of the enemies is when Gabe says "Hostiles eliminated". Collect ammo from the box behind the body of the UN sergeant. Climb up the crate in front of the green crap, grab onto the ledge in the wall, and climb over the toxic waste. The guard in the window and a group of fighters getting out and holes in the wall on the left wall will not let you get bored. Having finished with them, climb onto the container and out the window. Watch out, there's a laser mine nearby. Take the first aid kit and pick up the hidden folder from the floor. Tell Janzen to install a frequency hopper on the radio.

Episode 4, Part 2

Command Janzen to take cover, hide behind the corner and shoot at the enemies. Turn on NVG and navigate the waste across the board. One more enemy and it's done. In this part, you will have to shine a flashlight so that Janzen can go to you. Up the stairs and along the plank to the right. Enter the radio room, shoot the guards, go back and shine Janzen. Gather the FAMAS and ammo and order Janzen to set up the hopper. Switch to NVG and jump down into the gap Janzen fell into. You will hear a conversation between two guards. Kill them, pick up a first aid kit, open the ventilation hatch and go. Shoot the fighter in the next room and his partner outside the door. Command Janzen to pull up and change FAMAS to AK thrown by the locals. Crash the third fighter behind the door, switch to EDT and smash the pieces of wood blocking the passage. To the left of the door in the alcove, behind the trash can is a carcass and a hidden folder. Pick up a first aid kit, turn the corner and ask Janzen to give you a lift. As soon as he pulls you up, command him to take cover. Climb up, squat down and turn on EDSU. Shoot the projectile on the floor to destroy the enemies and open the way further. Turn left, shoot the guards in the hall below and Gabe will say "Hostiles eliminated". Jump down and command Janzen to follow you. Go to the hall with NVG and shoot the enemies. Run forward and into the ventilation. Janzen take with you. Use the taser, crack open the clogged door and with the brother and help Janzen throw the board through the opening.

After the cutscene, run to the box with the stairs and take cover to deal with the enemies. Grab the AK-47 ammo from the crate and up the stairs. Use the metal sheets as cover and shoot the enemies on the opposite balcony. Walk along the balconies, destroying enemies, and get over the rope to the barrel. After the cutscene, cover Janzen's path to the rope. When he gets there, checkpoint and the last wave of enemies. After that, go downstairs and pick up ammo in the box, first aid kit and body armor, and climb up the stairs to the right of the tent. Enter the dark room and command Janzen to install the frequency hopper. Go down the stairs and enter the code that Teresa will announce on the radio. Don't hear it, press START and look in NOTES.

Episode 4, Part 3

Go down the hall, go through the door, down the stairs and through the door again. Go left and follow the path through the room. You will meet a couple of guards, a knife or a gun will help. When you get to the stairs at the end of the room, you will see a guard at the top of the stairs. Kill and climb up. A couple more will appear, agree to the medical cabinet, but do not open it yet. Take a first aid kit and body armor, collect all the cartridges and then open the closet. After the cutscene, fire the AK-47. Notice the couple on the right. When you bang everyone, be sure to replenish the ammo, health and body armor. Just fight your way back, it's fun =))) After the cutscene, take the MDS A3 and go to the big room. Crouch down and shoot the lads above you. Climb over the blockage and to the left to the fallen bridge. Run forward and hit everyone from MDS A3. When you get beaten, pick up the ammo, body armor, and first aid kit from the crate before moving on. Knock down the door and run to a healthy box with a green tarpaulin. Hide behind him and destroy the attackers. Slammed? Move on to the next box. After everyone, go back and collect ammo. Switch to AK-47 and climb up the stairs. Hide behind the metal sheets near the railing and fight for your life. The path is quite simple and clear, just do not forget about the fighters. When you reach the corner, take the MB-150 and take out the guard, whose head is barely visible. Climb onto the box, grab the ledge, go around the corner. Go through the double doors, stock up on health, ammo and body armor, go through the hall and down the stairs.

Episode 4, Part 4

Stay in cover and deal with the enemies attacking you. Pay attention to two guys with bazookas on the roofs on the left and right. Kress will attack you, take AK and do it. This is not difficult.

After the video there will be a tank. In the pauses between shots, run into the truck and take the bazooka. Turn on ESDU and hit three weak points on the tank. Feel the rhythm of the shooting and you won't get hurt. The end of the tank - the end of the level.

Episode 5, Part 1

Once the mission starts, grab the MB-150 and the X34 Darts and take out the two fighters in front of you. Wait for them to turn away from each other and immediately shoot and detonate, otherwise one will disappear from view. After that, get the Mark 23 and destroy the searchlight. Climb up the ladder in the corner of the yard and hack Lian's shield. Go down and pick up the UNP .45s dropped by the guards. In another corner of the courtyard, find a half-frozen body and a hidden folder. On the other side of the yard there is another staircase. Climb up it, then up the ivy to the ledge. Climb up the flower garden. Grab the pipe and get over to the balcony. Squat down and enter the room. Take the fingerprint from the lamp on the night table to the left of the door. Take the first aid kit and switch to the MB-150 and EDT darts. When the guard walks past the door, shoot and activate the dart. Soon his body will be found. Use the doorway as cover and take out the guards running from the lower hall. Do not stick your head down, there is a laser mine at the base of the statue. When you're done, switch to MB-150 and 6mm and detonate the mine if it hasn't already exploded. Climb down and switch to Mark 23. Open the door, enter and duck down. Controlling the exit to the balcony, move to the other side of the wardrobe and take the Shot Defender. Arm yourself with it, run to the balcony and kill the Chief of Security and his bodyguards. Reload your weapon and go from the balcony to the next room. Take the first aid kit, body armor and a card from the wardrobe. Exit the room and go down the hall. Before the last door, switch to UNP .45, go and defeat them all. Go down the stairs and use the combination lock.

Episode 5, Part 2

The level starts with a shootout. Hit the nearest with a machine gun, the far ones with UNP or MB-150. Go down the hall and turn on EDSU. Take cover around the corner, take out two enemies and detonate laser mines. Walk forward until you see a security room and Viktor Yavlinsky on the right. Use MB-150 and exploding darts. So kill him. Swap the assault rifle for his AU300 H-BAR. Take the first aid kit, open the door and go to the table for a hidden folder. Go down the hall and the guards will trample on you on the left. Go right to the wardrobe. Shoot for fun, switch to EDSU. Check the coat, one of them has a hidden folder. In the next room, use AU300, UNP, and MB-150. Save more effective weapons for later. Turn on IR, find the enemies on the second floor. Climb the stairs, three fighters will attack you, you know what you are doing with them. Scan your palm and enter the security room. Take the first aid kit and listening device from the table. Go back down the stairs. Turn on the EDSU and take all three eavesdroppers from the bar, the card table, and the base of the statue. Go back to where you killed Yavlinsky and use the computer. After the cutscene, stay in cover and switch to the MB-150. Use the two remaining explosive darts and take out the two enemies in front of you. Take their bulletproof vests. Switch to EDT darts and hit the enemy in the walkway to the wardrobe. The fourth enemy will be waiting for you in the wardrobe. Hit him with the second dart, take the ammo for the AU300. Climb over the counter, turn on the IR and shoot everyone. After clearing the floor, go to the exit and leave the building.

Episode 6, Part 1

As soon as you start, hide around the corner and zoom in on the building that was in front of you at the beginning. There is a sniper. Turn on the IR and look behind you at the wall, there is a thermal trace. Know where to shoot. Go down the stairs and turn on the EDSU. Shoot the castle and open the gate. Climb up the ladder and take cover around the corner of the wall. Use MB-150 and exploding darts. Pick up the Sweeper 12-gauge and take cover around the corner near the stairs. Use the Sweeper to eliminate the fighters on the right. Run out of ammo - use EDT darts. Then switch to 6mm MB-150 and turn on IR. Kill the sniper on the far left. Look at the wall behind which they were hiding, there will be a thermal imprint at the top. This is the last sniper. Gather all the goodies from the killed enemies. Ignore the fighters shooting at you, go up the stairs and return to where they shot at the gate lock. Two will try to ambush you, but they won't succeed. duck down and drop down to the ledge behind the gate. Hide behind the railing and use the MB-150 to take out the enemies attacking you from the stairs. Aim for the head, everyone in bulletproof vests. When you're done, move forward while you can. Move around the corner and hang on the ledge. Move on and you will find a card and body armor on the killed vehicle. Arm yourself with the Sweeper and go down the stairs. A couple of fighters with Sweeper will appear, shoot them quickly. Go to the door with two black doors and a first aid kit. Slam the two around the corner and pick up the flak jacket and SSP90 ammo. Run to the marker. After the cutscene, take the MB-150 and shoot the enemy in the head. Use the card, open the code lock and the level will end.

Episode 6, Part 2

Switch not MB-150 and EDT darts and bang the fighter heading towards you and another one with his back to you. The third will return from the hall. Turn on the EDSU and fire 6mm at the mines on the side of the flower bed he hid behind. Go to the wall where the fighter stood with his back to you. Shoot the enemy on the lower level. After it, move away from the corner and kill the enemy hiding in the room behind the wall. Move a little to the hall and kill the sniper on the upper level. If a mine remains, detonate. Hide behind the second flower garden and kill the enemies shooting at you from around the corner. Go through the door, hide behind the wall and kill some more enemies. Ignore the hostage. Go down the hall with the Mark 23 at the ready. The elevator doors will be kicked out. Run to the bottom of the stairs and grab onto the ledge. Pull up and go down the stairs. Turn around and turn on EDSU. Shoot from SOCOM and over the top of the elevator to the ground. Switch to Sweeper and take out the four in the aisle. Open the brown door on the left, there is a bathroom, it contains a first aid kit, grenades and a hidden folder. A couple of fighters will appear from the door opposite the bathroom, get out of Sweeper and switch to P90 for the next room. Kill everyone, go to the next one and start shooting. Don't forget to collect body armor and P90 ammo. At the end of the hall, take the bulletproof vest, first aid kit and collect all the ammo for the P90. Open the door to the next area when you're ready. Take cover behind the wall to the left of the brown door. Shoot the Touchstone when it fires its MB-150 at you, but when it makes a sound like "ahh!" In the middle of the fight, enemies with Sweepers will spawn in the center of the room. Spit on them until they start to seriously threaten you and concentrate on the Touchstone. He will return to the room, having received serious damage, wait for him to appear. Follow this pattern until you win. End of battle, end of level.

Episode 7, Part 1

Follow Lian. Get on the truck and give her a boost. After the cutscene, destroy the spotlight and switch to the MB-150. Turn on the IR and quickly kill the Lian on the rooftop with your darts. When you run out of darts, shoot 6mm. When they run out, collect P90 ammo thrown by enemies. Take the card from the carcass near the marker. Use the card on the panel in the security booth. Take the M67 grenades from the table and hit the big switch. Climb to the top of the truck. Command Lian to lower the crane. Jump onto the crate and use RTL. Drop down to the hatch on the roof. After the cutscene, instead of opening the hatch, go down to the roof. Headshot the fighter behind the truck with the Mark 23 and the fighter in the yard with the MB-150. Arm yourself with a P90 and drop down. The last target will appear from the alley. Shoot and pick up ammo and body armor. This will give you Sweeper. Climb up the stairs in the alley and hide behind the wooden crate. A patrol will appear in front of you. Sweeper. Kick down the only door on the roof. Sweeper. Turn on EDSU and take EDT. Shoot the fan to stop it. Get inside and take cover behind the wall. P90 will help with the switch on the wall downstairs and anyone else that doesn't get electrocuted. When you're done with them, shoot the switch again to turn off the power. Gather ammo and body armor and make sure the P90 is fully equipped. Open the next two doors and follow the AZL down to the ground. Arm yourself with EDT and ask Lian to cover you. Drop the commander and hold until the EDT stops. This will destroy his defense. Quickly switch to Sweeper and kill him. If you run out of Sweeper ammo, repeat the process and use the P90.

Episode 7, Part 2

Stay crouched and wait for the three fighters to finish talking. Then kill all three with a knife. Exit the room and go through the passage. When you get to the left turn, switch VSS-DU to X34. When both fighters stop, hit both with darts. Switch to exploding and grab a TEK-9 before moving on. After the cutscene, switch to VSS and shoot the three below you. Switch to TEK-9 and run across the walkways to the platform in front of you. But be ready to shoot the fuel canister when a couple of enemies appear on the platform. Climb onto the platform, grab the first aid kit and use the AZL. There is a bulletproof vest in the box in the office. Use RTL on the platform, but keep your sights on the passage in front of you, the enemy will run out from there. From the platform, bang the two below you and go down. Ignore everyone but those standing in your way, run to the back of the pool and turn off the two valves to stop the countdown. Free Blake and watch the cutscene.

After the cutscene, stay in cover and take out the enemies running towards you. Climb onto the pedestal and use the TEK-9 as directed. If you feel a lack of health, hide behind the pieces of iron and bring down the enemies when they run up closer. Body armor in the pool, first aid kit on the platform. When you're ready, run through the passage to the next area. Take the TEK-9 ammo from the crate and the EMP grenade from the crate on the other side. Throw EMP and shoot at the target in special defense. Take cover and hit normal enemies. Collect RPKs dropped by protected enemies. Collect ammo in the lobby and with the EDT at the ready, run further. After the cutscene, kill the computer and take the first aid kit from the column on the left. Arm yourself with a TEK-9 and shoot anyone who enters the room. Once you've slapped everyone, go back to the top level and drop all the EMP to destroy the computers. Three fighters and a noble commander (in defense) will come to visit you. EDT for defense, RPK for commander. Finish - destroy the remaining computers.

Episode 7, Part 3

Squat down and against the wall on the right. Move along the wall until you see the target in the window. Command Lian to advance and bang him. She will open the door for you. In the hall, take cover behind the pro-column and remove the attackers. Gather their body armor and P90 ammo. Further into the hall; take cover on the left when the attack starts. Get down and shoot. Finish - further into the hall and into the elevator. Press the button, watch the cutscene, stay crouched and switch to melee. Push it to the center of the room. Take cover from the centrifuge in the niches. After entering the passage, hide behind the left pillar and use P90. Collect ammo. Arm yourself with the MB-150 and forward to the control center. When a fighter appears holding Blake hostage, free Blake with an accurate headshot. Fighter, not Blake =)))

After the video, turn on EDSU and point Blake to the console. Use the console that the wire is connected to, then repeat with the others. After using both sets of consoles, take the M82 BFG sniper rifle from the crate in the corner of the room. Use the EDT to break the glass window, switch to the M82 and use the console. From here, cover Lian as she sets the charges. Kill the fighters closest to her, they cause more damage to her. Shoot when the enemy stops in front of her to shoot, don't shoot while they are moving. When Lian leaves the explosion area, use the console and turn on the centrifuge. Detonate the bombs when the centrifuge passes the door that needs to be broken. Roller and checkpoint.

Go to the blown up door and take the EMP from the crate on the left. Throw the EMP down and concentrate fire on the P90 fighter. When you're done with him, shove another EDT and shoot with the P90 while the defense is off. Grenades in the box, ammo from the enemies. Enjoy =))) After the battle, pick up a card and open the electronic lock. End of level.

Episode 7, Part 4

Hide behind the post until the train passes, climb over the truck to the middle platform. Hide behind the bulletin board. Throw a grenade at the Singularity platform, switch to the M82 and shoot it. This will bring him down. You will be able to shoot him at least twice while his defense regenerates. It will take about 3 EMP to finish him off. If you need more grenades, they are in a crate on the platform you came from. If these are not enough, you will have to go to close combat with Singularity. There are also grenades in the ammo box on the center platform, but that's not a good idea since you'll be completely exposed to the Singularity. End of Singularity, end of level, end of Story Mode.

Episode Bonus Narbonne

In this mission, you play as Gary Stoneman. Your task is to kill Mara Aramov and Elsa Weissenger. Whether you kill Elsa or not, while Mara is talking to her, she will die anyway, Mara will kill her. Either way, Mara will run outside and try to shoot you. Remember, the ammo, body armor and first aid kit are in behind you.

Episode Bonus, Kemsynth Tower

In this mission, you will have to hold back the attacks of the enemies. Try to shoot in the head with the MB-150. Fighters will appear around you. In order for the second wave to go, you need to deal with all the fighters of the first.

Episode Bonus Sana Yemen

Your task is to finish off all the snipers before they finish you off. Each hit will inflict serious damage on you, so aim and shoot quickly and accurately. The mission is similar to Sana, Yemen from Siphon Filter: The Omega Strain.

Episode Bonus Bangkok Part 1

In this mission, your task is to destroy all enemies on the map, then find and destroy all infected birds. Use IR to locate and hit targets on rooftops (some are really high up) and find birds. You will have to look for one of the birds with the RTL, behind the last building, when you get to the end of the RTL.

Episode Bonus Bangkok Part 2

The goal of this mission is to destroy all Zhou people and save Lian from him. When you kill all the regular guards in the lobby, "captain" will appear. just run at him in circles and shoot him quickly. After that, open Zhou's door and kill him.